soalan kssr bahasa inggeris tahun 3

1 SECTION A Questions 1 – 4 Circle the best words to fill in the blanks. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik dan isikan tempat kosong. 1 Meng Keong repairs cars and trucks at his workshop. He is a __________. A fireman B plumber C mechanic 2 On Sunday night, I __________ my teeth and go to bed early. A comb B brush C wash 3 My mother chops the __________ to cook some fried vegetables for dinner. A watermelon B broccoli C cabbage 4 Harizah is my uncle’s daughter. She is my __________. A sister B cousin C aunt

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1SECTION AQuestions 1 4Circle the best words to fill in the blanks.Pilih perkataan yang terbaik dan isikan tempat kosong.1 MengKeongrepairs cars andtrucks at his workshop. Heis a__________.A firemanB plumberC mechanic2 n !unda" night# $ __________ m" teeth and go to bed earl".A combB brushC wash% M" mother chops the __________ to cook somefried &egetables for dinner.A watermelonB broccoliC cabbage' Hari(ah is m" uncle)s daughter. !he is m" __________.A sisterB cousinC aunt( 4 marks )2Questions 5 7Choose the best answers to complete the paragraphs.Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan.*his is +ncik ,ashid)s famil". +ncik ,ashid is -./ on the sofa.Hiswife# 0uanMariaissewing. Bothhissonsare-1/ . Hisdaughter# ,ita is -2/ on the floor. +&er"one is bus" in the li&ing room.. A making the newspaperB watching the newspaperC reading the newspaper1 A watching the tele&isionB pla"ing computer gamesC listening to the radio2 A reading a stor"bookB doing her homeworkC painting a picture(marks )3Questions ! 1"3ook at the pictures carefull". Choose the best answers for the pictures.Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk gambar-gambartersebut.4 A *he" are painting the gate together.B Aliff and his sister are greeting their neighbours.C 0uan Aminah is watering the plants. 5 A ,a6u is brushing and cleaning the pail.B +&er" weekend# ,a6u washes his school uniform.C +&er" !aturda"# ,am washes his school shoes.17 A 0uan Hasnah isgrilling the fish.B M" little sister is cooking the fish.C M" mother is cutting the fish.(marks )4SECTION #Questions 11 15Choose the best senten$es to fi8 each picture shown.Pilih ayat yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang ditunjukkan.11 A 9ood morning# A(im.B Hello# A(im.C :ou did well# A(im;12 A 1. A $s this "our racket>B Can "ou pla" badminton>C =ould "ou like to 6oin us>( 5 marks )6SECTION CQuestions 1% &1Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.0ilih 'awa(an )an* terbaik bagi melengkapkan a"at?a"at ini.11 *hese to"s belong to m" sister. *he" are __________.A herB hersC she12 __________ is m" brother)s new school bag.A *hoseB *heseC *his14 *he bo"s are doing ___________ homework in the classroom.A hisB the"C their15 *wo __________ are eating some cheese in the kitchen.A mousesB miceC mouse27 !haron and $ go to the park e&er" e&ening. __________ pla" slides andsee?saw together.A !heB *he"C =e21 :anti __________ her pet rabbit green &egetables and carrots e&er" da".7A feedB feedsC feeding( % marks )Questions && &Choose the words with the $orre$t s(e++in*.0ilih perkataan dengan e'aan )an* betu+.22 0a&een and :ulleh en6o"s pla"ing __________ at the park.A hopscotsh B hopskotchC hopscotch2% A __________ is an endangered animal.A rhinocerosB rhinocerusC rinocheros( & marks )Question &4 &5Choose the sentences with the $orre$t (un$tuation.Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.2' A Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Mala"siaB Mount kinabalu is the highest mountain in Mala"sia.C Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Mala"sia.2. A How man" people are there in Mr. 3im)s famil">B how man" people are there in Mr. 3ims famil">C How man" people are there in Mr. 3im)s famil".( & marks )SECTION ,Question &% "8Choose the best answers to complete the paragraph.Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan.+lise is a friendl" and kind girl. !he likes to -21/ __________ with herneighbours. *oda"# the" are pla"ing -22/ __________. +lise is -24/ __________theshuttlecockto Am".!hanti -25/ __________pla"ingwith Anisaontheother court. *he four girls are good -%7/ __________.21 A pla" 25 A areB pla"s B isC pla"ing C was22 A netball %7 A cousinsB badminton B siblingsC tennis C friends24 A throwingB hittingC taking( 5 marks )Question 1 59,eadthestor"belowcarefull". =riteT-.Eor/A0SEfor eachsentencegi&en.Bacaceritadi bawahdenganteliti. TulisBETULatauSALAHbagi setiapayat.nce upon a time# there li&ed a proud hare. $t was so proud because itcouldrunfaster thanan"other animals. $t went aroundblowingits owntrumpet. neda"#itsawatortoisecrawlingslowl"amongthebushes. @Ha;Ha;A *heharelaughedat thepoortortoise.*he harechallengedthe tortoise.@Hello; Mr. *ortoise# can we ha&e a race>A he asked. n the race da"# the hareo&erslept under a big mango tree. *he tortoise became the winner.%1 Hare could run the fastest. - __________ /%2 Hare was not proud at all. - __________ /%% *ortoise challenged the hare. - __________ /%' Hare o&erslept on the race da". - __________ /%. *ortoise became the champion in the race. - __________ /( 5 marks )Question % 4"10,ead the sentences below carefull". Answer the Buestions gi&en.Baca ayat-ayat di bawah dengan teliti. Jawab soalan yang diberi.!ea turtles are reptiles that li&e in the ocean. Most sea turtles like to swiminwarmoceans.All seaturtlesneedtobreatheair.*he"cannot breatheairunder water# so the" often swim to the surface to reach the air.!ea turtles are like land turtles# e8cept most sea turtles are much biggerand the" ha&e flippers instead of legs. !ome sea turtles are o&er ' feet long andweigh o&er 177 pounds; !ea turtles ha&e been on +arth for o&er 177 million"ears.Most sea turtles spend their whole li&es in the ocean. *he" onl" lea&e thewater to la" their eggs on beaches. *here are se&en different t"pes of sea turtlesaround the world. Cifferent t"pes of sea turtles eat different food. *heirfa&ourite food are seagrass# crabs# shrimps and 6ell"fish.%1 How do sea turtles breathe>A Breathe when neededB Breathe in the waterC !wim to the water surface%2 =hat is the difference between sea turtles and land turtles>A !ea turtles ha&e flippers.B !ea turtles are small.C !ea turtles ha&e legs.%4 =h" do sea turtles lea&e the water to the land>A *o breatheB *o la" eggsC *o find food%5 =hich of the following is not the food for sea turtles>A !ealB CrabsC Dell"fish'7 =hich of the following statement is NOT T-.E>A !ea turtles are big and ha&e flippers.B All t"pes of sea turtles eat the same food.C !ea turtles swim to the surface to breathe.( 5marks )SECTION E11,eadthe informationbelowcarefull". *hen# complete the table using theinformation gi&en. :ou are ad&ised to spend &5 minutes on this Buestion.Baca maklumat di bawah. Kemudian, lengkapkan jadual berikut berpandukanmaklumat yang telah diberikan. nda dinasihatkan supaya mengambil masa 25minit untuk menjawab soalan ini.-A/ Complete the table based on the information gi&en.Lengkapkan jadual di bawah berdasarkan kepada maklumat yang diberi.Mr ,amu Cik Anitaccupation -1/ *eacher3i&e in Kampung !entosa -2/0lace of work -%/ !choolDob Cuts hair -'/*ra&el b" -./ Car( 5 marks )-B/ Complete the paragraph below.Lengkapkan perenggan di bawah.a plumber spanners father12Mr. 9opal is m" -1/ ___________________________.Heis-2/__________________________________. Herepairs-%/ ________________________________________. He alwa"suses -'/ _________________________________inhis work.!ometimes# he also -./ _________________________________.( 5 marks )leaking pipes changes the taps