soares v. brockton credit, 1st cir. (1997)

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  • 7/26/2019 Soares v. Brockton Credit, 1st Cir. (1997)


    USCA1 Opinion




    No. 96-2110






  • 7/26/2019 Soares v. Brockton Credit, 1st Cir. (1997)








    [Hon. Joseph L. Tauro, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Selya, Circuit Judge, _____________

    Aldrich, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________

    and Boudin, Circuit Judge. _____________

  • 7/26/2019 Soares v. Brockton Credit, 1st Cir. (1997)



    Michael P. Cashman for appellant. __________________

    Gary W. Cruickshank for appellee.



    March 10, 1997


    SELYA, Circuit Judge. "[T]he dead tree givesSELYA, Circuit Judge.


  • 7/26/2019 Soares v. Brockton Credit, 1st Cir. (1997)


    shelter." T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land, I, The Burial of the______________ _________________

    (1922). Like a shade tree, the automatic stay which attends

    initiation of bankruptcy proceedings, 11 U.S.C. 362(a) (19

    must be nurtured if it is to retain its vitality. This app

    which pits a Chapter 13 debtor bent on saving his home again

    creditor bent on enforcing its rights under a mortgage, ra

    issues which touch upon the degree of judicial protection

    the automatic stay invites. These issues are whether

    automatic stay precludes a state court from underta

    ministerial acts after a bankruptcy filing; if not, what acts

    exempt under that rubric; whether a bankruptcy court may

    retroactive relief from the automatic stay; and if so, what l

    standard it should apply in prescribing such an anodyne.

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    We begin by retracing the labyrinthine corri

    through which this litigation has passed. In 1990 the deb

    Napoleon G. Soares, purchased a home in Brockton, Massachuse

    He executed a $70,000 promissory note to the Brockton Cr

    Union (BCU) and secured the note by a first mortgage on the

    estate. After sustaining injuries in a motorcycle acci

    Soares lagged in his monthly payments. BCU grew restive

    commenced foreclosure proceedings in the state superior co

    Soares did not file an answer. On March 22, 1995, BCU se

    letter to the clerk of court seeking an order of default a

    judgment authorizing foreclosure. Two days later Soares fil


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    bankruptcy petition, thus triggering the automatic stay.

    immediately gave notice to BCU, but neither party alerte

    state court. On April 10, with the stay still firmly in plac

    judge of that court issued the requested default order. One

    later, she authorized the entry of a foreclosure judgment.

    Soares missed some post-petition mortgage payments.

    June 14, 1995, BCU, without apprising the bankruptcy court of

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    orders previously obtained in the state proceedings, file

    motion seeking relief from the automatic stay. The debt

    then-counsel, Gerard Williamson, neglected to oppose B

    motion. The bankruptcy court granted the unopposed motio

    June 29 (the same day, coincidentally, that Soares, unbekno

    to the judge, paid the post-petition arrearage). The c

    subsequently refused to entertain a belated objection file


    When Soares missed his November payment, BCU acti

    the state court judgment. At the ensuing foreclosure sale,

    on November 29, BCU itself bid in the mortgaged premises and

    approximately $14,200 in overdue municipal taxes to clear

    title. Soares thereafter sought relief in the state court on

    ground that the foreclosure judgment had been issue

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    contravention of the automatic stay. The court denied

    motion, saying that its post-petition actions had

    "ministerial" and that any error was harmless.1


    1Although Soares did not appeal from this ruling, BC

    never urged it as a basis for res judicata or collat

    estoppel. Hence, we deem any such asseveration waived.


    Soares' unsuccessful foray apparently rang war

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    bells for BCU, which asked the bankruptcy court to cla

    whether the June 29 order (lifting the automatic stay) rati

    the earlier state court judgment. BCU served this so-ca

    clarification motion on the attorney, Williamson, but not

    Soares.2 In a margin order entered on February 9, 1996,

    Kenner addressed the question of retroactivity for the first

    and vacated the automatic stay retroactive to March 24, 1

    "such that the [state] judgment and movant's foreclosure s

    not be deemed to have violated the automatic stay."

    Less than three weeks later Soares, through n

    retained counsel, filed a motion to reconsider both the Febr

    9 order and the original grant of relief from the automatic s

    Judge Kenner denied the reconsideration motion on the merits3

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    also denied a companion motion to void the foreclosure sale.

    judge advanced three reasons for having lifted the automatic


    2The title "clarification motion" is a misnomer. Nei

    the June 29 order nor the motion leading up to it mentione

    state court judgment, and the order clearly had not been mean

    ratify the judgment.

    3The judge was wise to reach the merits. The so-ca

    clarification motion had been served in derogation of a stan

    order promulgated by the bankruptcy judges in the District

    Massachusetts, which provides in pertinent part:

    (a) All motions and requests for orders must

    be served on the Chapter 13 trustee, the

    debtor, the debtor's attorney, persons who

    have requested notice, and all creditors . .

    . .

    Joint Procedural Order 13.5 (Sept. 1, 1994). Despite

    order, BCU had not served the motion on the debtor.


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    retroactively on February 9. First, because BCU "had

    everything right," it would be inequitable to upset

    expectations. Second, because the foreclosure had wiped

    junior lienholders, it would be too complicated to "unscra

    the egg." Third, because Soares could not immediately repay

    funds that BCU had expended to clear title to the property,

    economic realities favored ratification of the foreclosure.

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    Soares appealed. The district court temporarily st

    further proceedings (blocking both a planned eviction an

    possible resale of the property). Eventually, however,

    district court although finding that BCU had neglected

    responsibility to apprise the state tribunal of Soa

    bankruptcy (an error which it termed "harmless") deter

    that the retroactive lifting of the automatic stay di

    constitute an abuse of discretion.

    Soares again appealed. We enlarged the earlier sta

    condition that Soares make monthly payments to BCU for use

    occupancy of the premises (to be credited against the mort

    indebtedness, should Soares prevail on appeal).



    To the extent that the threshold inquiries in this

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    involve questions of statutory interpretation, we exer

    plenary review.4 See In re Jarvis, 53 F.3d 416, 419 (1st

    ___ _____________


    4A different standard of review applies to the bankru

    court's discretionary decision to lift the automatic

    retroactively. See Part II(B)(4), infra. We review that ru ___ _____

    for abuse of discretion. See Tringali v. Hathaway Mach. Co.,___ ________ __________________

    F.2d 553, 561 (1st Cir. 1986).


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    1995). From this vantage point we first address the purpo

    exemption for "ministerial acts," as it is only necessary

    reach the retroactivity question if a violation of the auto

    stay in fact occurred.

    A. The Nature of the State Court's Actions. A. The Nature of the State Court's Actions. _______________________________________

    The parties clash head-on in respect to classifica

    of the state court's actions. The debtor claims that the s

    court order and judgment transgressed the automatic stay.

    creditor claims that these entries, though occurring p

    petition, were purely ministerial and, thus, not offensive to

    stay. The debtor has the better argument.

    Section 362(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code provides

    the filing of a bankruptcy petition stays the commencement

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    continuation of all nonbankruptcy judicial proceedings aga

    the debtor.5 Here, the state court default order eventuated

    than two weeks after Soares filed for bankruptcy and_____


    5Leaving to one side exceptions inapplicable to this app

    the statute provides that a filed bankruptcy petition

    operates as a stay, applicable to all

    entities, of

    (1) the commencement or

    continuation, including the

    issuance or employment of process,

    of a judicial, administrative, or

    other action or proceeding against

    the debtor that was or could have

    been commenced before the

    commencement of the case under this

    title, or to recover a claim

    against the debtor that arose

    before the commencement of the case

    under this title; . . . .

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    11 U.S.C. 362(a)(1).


    foreclosure judgment one week later. The issue, then, is whe

    these entries contravened the mandate of section 362(a)(1).

    asserts that they did not because the stay was not in effect

    the creditor requested the state court to act and because

    state court's actions, when taken, constituted ministerial ac

    The creditor's first assertion is mere buzznac

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    The focus here is whether or not the state court's actions,

    effected, transgressed the automatic stay. The date on whic

    creditor asked the state court to act, while material t

    assessment of the creditor's good faith (which is not serio

    questioned here), does not bear on whether the activi

    themselves constituted the forbidden continuation of a judi


    BCU's second assertion is more substant

    Ministerial acts, even if undertaken in a state judi

    proceeding subsequent to a bankruptcy filing, do not fall wi

    the proscription of the automatic stay. See Rexnord Holdi ___ ____________

    Inc. v. Bidermann, 21 F.3d 522, 527 (2d Cir. 1994); Savers

    ____ _________ ______

    Sav. & Loan Ass'n v. McCarthy Constr. Co. (In re Knightsbr

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    __________________ ____________________ ______________

    Dev. Co.), 884 F.2d 145, 148 (4th Cir. 1989). But the s ________

    court's actions in this case cannot properly be characterize


    A ministerial act is one that is essentially cler

    in nature. See Black's Law Dictionary 996 (6th ed. 1990). T ___ ______________________

    when an official's duty is delineated by, say, a law o

    judicial decree with such crystalline clarity that nothin


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    left to the exercise of the official's discretion or judg

    the resultant act is ministerial. See United States ex___ _________________

    McLennan v. Wilbur, 283 U.S. 414, 420 (1931) (indicating t________ ______

    duty is ministerial if "the obligation to act [is] perempt

    and plainly defined"); Neal v. Regan, 587 F. Supp. 1558,____ _____

    (N.D. Ind. 1984) (describing a ministerial act as "one which

    law prescribes and defines . . . with such precision as to l

    nothing to the exercise of discretion or judgment'") (cita

    omitted). Such acts can usefully be visualized as the antit

    of judicial acts, inasmuch as the essence of a judicial ac

    the exercise of discretion or judgment. See Black's

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    ___ _______

    Dictionary, supra, at 846. __________ _____

    Virtually by definition, a judicial proceeding does

    conclude until the judicial function is completed, that is, u

    the judicial decision is made. See, e.g., Bidermann, 21 F.3

    ___ ____ _________

    528 (holding that the judicial function is completed "at

    moment the judge direct[s] entry of judgment"). Frequen

    routine scrivening, such as recordation or entry on the doc

    follows on the heels of a judicial decision. Such actio

    taken in obedience to the judge's peremptory instructions

    otherwise precisely defined and nondiscretionary

    ministerial and, consequently, do not themselves violate

    automatic stay even if undertaken after an affected party f

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    for bankruptcy. See, e.g., Knightsbridge Dev., 884 F.2d at___ ____ __________________

    (suggesting that merely recording a previously decided a

    would be a "clerical act" and therefore would not infract


    automatic stay); In re Capgro Leasing Assocs., 169 B.R. 305,____________________________

    16 (Bankr. E.D.N.Y. 1994) (stating that "entry of a judgment

    constitute a `ministerial act' where the judicial function

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    been completed and the clerk has merely to perform the

    function of entering the judgment upon the court's docket").

    the same token, however, acts undertaken in the course

    carrying out the core judicial function are not ministerial

    if essayed after bankruptcy filing, will be deemed to violate

    automatic stay.

    Bidermann captures this distinction. There,_________

    district judge ruled ora sponte and endorsed the motion pap ___ ______

    The defendant then sought refuge in bankruptcy. The Se

    Circuit held the clerk's subsequent, post-petition entry of

    judgment on the docket to be ministerial (and, theref

    unaffected by the automatic stay). 21 F.3d at 528. Other c

    are to the same effect. See Heikkila v. Carver (In re Car ___ ________ ______ _________

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    828 F.2d 463, 464 (8th Cir. 1987) (holding that a "rou

    certification" by the clerk, entered post-petition, did

    transgress the automatic stay); Capgro Leasing, 169 B.R. at______________

    16 (holding the clerk's entry of judgment on the docket to

    ministerial when, prior to the bankruptcy filing, the court

    ordered summary judgment). A parallel line of cases reinfo

    the notion that the compendium of ministerial acts excludes t

    involving deliberation, discretion, or judicial involve

    See, e.g., Ellis v. Consolidated Diesel Elec. Corp., 894___ ____ _____ _________________________________

    371, 372-73 (10th Cir. 1990) (invalidating a judicial deci


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    that granted summary judgment two weeks after a bankru

    filing); Knightsbridge Dev., 884 F.2d at 148 (voidin___________________

    arbitration award because the bulk of the panel's deliberat

    occurred after the stay arose); Ellison v. Northwest Eng'g_______ _______________

    707 F.2d 1310, 1311 (11th Cir. 1983) (holding that while

    automatic stay was in effect a court could not render a deci

    in a case which had been briefed and argued pre-petition).

    This line of demarcation makes perfectly good se

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    The statutory proviso which gives rise to the automatic stay

    what it means and means what it says. See ICC v. Holmes Tran ___ ___ __________

    Inc., 931 F.2d 984, 987 (1st Cir. 1991). Confining the exemp ____

    for ministerial acts to those actions which are essenti

    clerical, as opposed to judicial, honors this principle bec

    such an interpretation comports precisely with the text

    section 362(a)(1). In the bargain, this interpretation

    facilitates the statute's due administration.

    Silhouetted against this legal landscape, it is rea

    apparent that the state court's actions in ordering a default

    directing the entry of a judgment possess a distinctly judic

    rather than a ministerial, character. The record is tot

    barren of any evidence that the state court judge decide

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    grant BCU's request prior to the date of the bankruptcy fil

    and all visible signs point in the opposite direction. The j

    did not enter the default order until more than two weeks a

    Soares sought the protection of the bankruptcy court and she

    not direct the entry of a judgment authorizing foreclosure u


    another week had elapsed. Moreover, the judge indicated a

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    the fact that she waited to confirm Soares' nonmilitary st

    before directing the entry of judgment. This indic

    deliberativeness and a concomitant willingness to exer


    Nor does the fact that the judge later character

    her entry of the foreclosure judgment as "ministerial" requi

    different result. An appellate court is not bound by a t

    judge's unsupported description, see, e.g., Estate of Sole___ ____ ______________

    Rodriguez, 63 F.3d 45, 47 n.1 (1st Cir. 1995); In re G. _________ ________

    Corp., 938 F.2d 1467, 1473-74 (1st Cir. 1991), and we are a _____

    of no reason why that salutary principle would not apply

    equal vigor to our assessment of a state court's actions when

    underlying question relates to the effect of those actions u

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    federal law. Hence, we decline to adopt the label that the s _______ ___

    court judge chose in hindsight to affix to her activities.

    We summarize succinctly. Because the decision

    animated the entry of the order and judgment occurred after

    stay was in force, those actions continued the state judi

    proceeding within the meaning of section 362(a)

    Consequently, the actions violated the automatic stay.

    this infraction, we now must assess the availability o

    retroactive cure.

    B. The Operation of the Automatic Stay. B. The Operation of the Automatic Stay. ___________________________________

    We subdivide this part of our discussion into

    segments. In each segment, our comments reflect our aware

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    that bankruptcy courts traditionally pay heed to equit

    principles. See Bank of Marin v. England, 385 U.S. 99,___ ______________ _______

    (1966); Jarvis, 53 F.3d at 419. ______

    1. The Nature of the Stay. The automatic sta1. The Nature of the Stay.


    among the most basic of debtor protections under bankruptcy

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    See Midlantic Nat'l Bank v. New Jersey Dep't of En ___ ______________________ __________________________

    Protection, 474 U.S. 494, 503 (1986); see also S. Rep. No.__________ ___ ____

    989, at 54 (1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5787, 5840._________ __

    is intended to give the debtor breathing room by "stop[ping]

    collection efforts, all harassment, and all foreclosure actio

    H.R. Rep. No. 95-595, at 340 (1977), reprinted in_________ __

    U.S.C.C.A.N. 5963, 6296-97; see also Holmes Transp., 931 F.2___ ____ ______________

    987; In re Smith Corset Shops, Inc., 696 F.2d 971, 977 (1st______________________________


    The stay springs into being immediately upon the fi

    of a bankruptcy petition: "[b]ecause the automatic sta

    exactly what the name implies `automatic' it operates wit

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    the necessity for judicial intervention." Sunshine Dev., Inc_________________

    FDIC, 33 F.3d 106, 113 (1st Cir. 1994). It remains in f ____

    until a federal court either disposes of the case, see 11 U. ___

    362(c)(2), or lifts the stay, see id. 362(d)-(f).___ ___

    respite enables debtors to resolve their debts in a more or

    fashion, see In re Siciliano, 13 F.3d 748, 750 (3d Cir. 19 ___ ________________

    and at the same time safeguards their creditors by preven

    "different creditors from bringing different proceedings

    different courts, thereby setting in motion a free-for-al


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    which opposing interests maneuver to capture the lion's share

    the debtor's assets." Sunshine Dev., 33 F.3d at 114;______________

    generally 3 Collier on Bankruptcy 362.03 (15th rev. ed. 199 _________ _____________________

    In order to secure these important protections, co

    must display a certain rigor in reacting to violations of

    automatic stay. See Kalb v. Feuerstein, 308 U.S. 433, 43 ___ ____ __________

    (1940); Holmes Transp., 931 F.2d at 987-88; Smith Corset S ______________ _______________

    696 F.2d at 976. The circuits are split on whether actions t

    in derogation of the automatic stay are merely "voidable"

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    more accurately, "void." Some courts characterize unauthor

    post-petition proceedings as "voidable." See, e.g., Jone

    ___ ____ ___

    Garcia (In re Jones), 63 F.3d 411, 412 & n.3 (5th Cir. 19 ______ ____________

    cert. denied, 116 S. Ct. 1566 (1996); Bronson v. United Sta

    _____ ______ _______ _________

    46 F.3d 1573, 1578-79 (Fed. Cir. 1995); Easley v. Pettibone______ __________

    Corp., 990 F.2d 905, 911 (6th Cir. 1993). Other courts_____

    majority, insofar as we can tell call such actions "void,"

    recognize that equitable considerations may alter some outco

    See, e.g., Siciliano, 13 F.3d at 751; In re Schwartz, 954___ ____ _________ _______________

    569, 571 (9th Cir. 1992); Job v. Calder (In re Calder), 907___ ______ _____________

    953, 956 (10th Cir. 1990) (per curiam); 48th St. Steakhouse,____________________

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    v. Rockefeller Group, Inc. (In re 48th St. Steakhouse, Inc.),_______________________ _______________________________

    F.2d 427, 431 (2d Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 485 U.S. 1035 (19 _____ ______

    Albany Partners Ltd. v. Westbrook (In re Albany Partners, Lt ____________________ _________ _________________________

    749 F.2d 670, 675 (11th Cir. 1984).

    Our earlier opinions which we today reaffirm a

    us with the majority view. See Holmes Transp., 931 F.2d at___ ______________


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    88; Smith Corset Shops, 696 F.2d at 976. This sema ____________________

    difference has practical consequences because

    characterization of an infringing action as "void" or "voida

    influences the burden of going forward. Treating an action t

    in contravention of the automatic stay as void places the bu

    of validating the action after the fact squarely on the shoul

    of the offending creditor. In contrast, treating an action t

    in contravention of the automatic stay as voidable places

    burden of challenging the action on the offended debtor.

    think that the former paradigm, rather than the latter,

    harmonizes with the nature of the automatic stay and

    important purposes that it serves. See generally 3 Collie___ _________ _____

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    Bankruptcy, supra, 362.11[1] & n.1 (observing that most co __________ _____

    hold violations void and terming this the better view).

    2. The Availability of Retroactive Relief. While2. The Availability of Retroactive Relief.


    automatic stay is significant, it is not an immutable articl

    faith. Indeed, the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. 362

    expressly authorizes courts to lift it in particular situati

    Whether this statutory authorization encompasses retroac

    relief is not entirely clear. We previously hinted that a c

    may set aside the automatic stay retroactively in an appropr

    case. See Smith Corset Shops, 696 F.2d at 976-77. We___ ____________________

    confirm Smith's adumbration, holding that 11 U.S.C. 36 _____

    permits bankruptcy courts to lift the automatic

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    retroactively and thereby validate actions which otherwise

    be void.


    Section 362(d) confers upon courts discretionary p

    in certain circumstances to terminate, annul, modify, or p

    conditions upon the automatic stay.6 In drafting the

    Congress chose to include both the power to terminate the

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    and the power to annul it. When construing this language

    must try to give independent meaning to each word. See Un ___ _

    States Dep't of Treasury v. Fabe, 508 U.S. 491, 504 n.6 (19 ________________________ ____

    United States v. Ven-Fuel, Inc., 758 F.2d 741, 751-52 (1st_____________ _______________

    1985). The only plausible distinction between the two verb

    this context is that terminating the stay blunts

    prospectively, from the moment the court's order enters, whe

    annulling the stay erases it retrospectively, as of some

    prior to the entry of the court's order (reaching as far bac

    the date when the debtor filed the bankruptcy petition, if

    court so elects).

    Seen from this perspective, Congress' grant of a p

    of annulment is meaningful only if the court may thereby vali

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    actions taken before the date on which the court rules. On______

    other construction, annulment lacks any independent significa


    6The statute provides in pertinent part:

    On request of a party in interest and after

    notice and a hearing, the court shall grant

    relief from the stay . . ., such as by

    terminating, annulling, modifying, or

    conditioning such stay

    (1) for cause, including the lack

    of adequate protection of an

    interest in property of such party

    in interest; . . . .

    11 U.S.C. 362(d).


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    it merely replicates termination. It follows, therefore,

    section 362(d) authorizes retroactive relief from the auto

    stay. Accord Siciliano, 13 F.3d at 751; Albany Partners,______ _________ _______________

    F.2d at 675; see also Franklin Sav. Ass'n v. Office of T ___ ____ ___________________ ____________

    Supervision, 31 F.3d 1020, 1023 (10th Cir. 1994) (recognizin___________

    authority to annul the stay and thereby grant retroac

    relief); Sikes v. Global Marine, Inc., 881 F.2d 176, 178-79_____ ___________________

    Cir. 1989) (same); see generally 3 Collier on Bankruptcy, su ___ _________ _____________________ _


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    3. The Limiting Principle. Recognizing3. The Limiting Principle.


    discretionary authority of bankruptcy courts to relieve credi

    and other interested parties retroactively from the operatio

    the automatic stay tells us nothing about the yardstick by

    attempts to secure such relief should be measured. We turn

    to this inquiry.

    Once again, the overarching purpose of the auto

    stay informs our analysis. Because the stay is a fundame

    protection for all parties affected by the filing of a peti

    in bankruptcy, it should not be dismantled without good rea

    See, e.g., Little Creek Dev. Co. v. Commonwealth Mortgage C ___ ____ ______________________ ______________________

    (In re Little Creek Dev. Co.), 779 F.2d 1068, 1072 (5th______________________________

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    1986). Undoing the stay retroactively should requir

    measurably greater showing. Congress intended the stay to af

    debtors breathing room and to assure creditors of equit

    distribution. See H.R. Rep. No. 95-595, supra, at 340,___ _____

    U.S.C.C.A.N. at 6296-97. If retroactive relief bec


    commonplace, creditors anticipating post facto validatio____ _____

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    will be tempted to pursue claims against bankrupts heedles

    the stay, leaving debtors with no choice but to defend for

    that post-petition default judgments routinely may


    We believe that Congress created the automatic sta

    ward off scenarios of this sort. Thus, if congressional in

    is to be honored and the integrity of the automatic

    preserved, retroactive relief should be the long-odds except

    not the general rule. In our view, only a strict standard

    ensure the accomplishment of these objectives. See Al

    ___ _

    Partners, 749 F.2d at 675 (explaining that "the impor ________

    congressional policy behind the automatic stay demands

    courts be especially hesitant to validate acts committed du

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    the pendency of the stay"). We conclude, therefore,

    although courts possess a limited discretion to grant retroac

    relief from the automatic stay, instances in which the exer

    of that discretion is justified are likely to be few and


    We do not suggest that we can write a standard

    lends itself to mechanical application. Each case is sui gen

    and must be judged accordingly. But, while it is not pract

    to anticipate and catalogue the varied circumstances in

    retroactive relief from the automatic stay may be warranted,

    examples may be helpful.

    When a creditor inadvertently violates the auto


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    stay in ignorance of a pending bankruptcy, courts sometimes

    afforded retroactive relief. See, e.g., Jones, 63 F.3d at 41 ___ ____ _____

    (affirming retroactive validation of a foreclosure sale where

    mortgagee had no notice of the bankruptcy filing); Mutual Ben _________

    Life Ins. Co. v. Pinetree, Ltd. (In re Pinetree, Ltd.), 876_____________ ______________ ____________________

    34, 37 (5th Cir. 1989) (similar). By like token, debtors who

    in bad faith may create situations that are ripe for retroac

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    relief. See, e.g., Calder, 907 F.2d at 956; Easley, 990 F.2___ ____ ______ ______

    911; Albany Partners, 749 F.2d at 675-76. _______________

    These examples a creditor's lack of notice

    debtor's bad faith clearly do not exhaust the possibilit

    But they illustrate that a rarely dispensed remedy

    retroactive relief from the automatic stay must rest on a se

    facts that is both unusual and unusually compelling. The

    law echoes this conclusion. See Mataya v. Kissinger (I___ ______ _________

    Kissinger), 72 F.3d 107, 109 (9th Cir. 1995) (stating that co


    should indulge retroactive annulment only in ext

    circumstances); In re Pulley, 196 B.R. 502, 504 (Bankr. W.D.____________

    1996) (similar).

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    4. Applying the Standard. Having constructed4. Applying the Standard.


    limiting principle, we now consider whether the bankruptcy c

    erred in validating the foreclosure judgment which had

    obtained in violation of the automatic stay. We conclude tha

    proper predicate existed for doing so and that the bankru

    court therefore abused its discretion in ordering retroac

    relief. See Anderson v. Beatrice Foods Co., 900 F.2d 388,___ ________ __________________


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    (1st Cir.) (equating abuse of discretion with a meaningful e

    in judgment), cert. denied, 498 U.S. 891 (1990). _____ ______

    Contrary to BCU's importunings, it is the credit

    knowledge, not the state court's nescience, that is relevan

    the question at hand. Bankruptcy law forbids creditors

    continuing judicial proceedings against bankrupts, see 11 U. ___

    362(a)(1), and, accordingly, it is the creditor's obligatio

    inform other courts of the situation, see In re Timbs, 178___ ____________

    989, 991 (Bankr. E.D. Tenn. 1989) (collecting cases). Here,

    BCU's knowledge and its failure to act are undisputed; the de

    immediately notified BCU of the bankruptcy filing, but BCU

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    quiet and permitted the superior court to proceed in ignoranc

    the stay. We are reluctant to reward creditors who, des

    notice of a bankruptcy filing, fail for no discernible reaso

    notify courts in which they have initiated proceedings of

    changed circumstances.

    The other facts are no more conducive to the best

    of retroactive relief. The creditor was represented by cou

    throughout and does not claim that it misapprehended the ef

    of the filing. The bankruptcy court made no finding that So

    acted in bad faith, and, at any rate, the record does not con

    any basis for such a finding. The procedural errors committe

    both parties, such as BCU's failure to serve Soares with the

    called clarification motion and Soares' failure to lodge ti

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    objections at various points in the proceedings, seemingly ca

    each other out. And BCU's entreaty that the equities f


    retroactive relief rings unmistakably hollow; though BCU expe

    funds to clear title and maintain the property after foreclos

    this financial hardship is the natural consequence of its

    failure to abide by the terms of the automatic stay. Thus, i

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    unredressable. See K-Mart Corp. v. Oriental Plaza, Inc.,___ _____________ _____________________

    F.2d 907, 916 (1st Cir. 1989) (declining to deny perma

    injunctive relief which would require substantial demolition

    an expensive structure where "appellant's wound, deep as

    appears, was self-inflicted"). In the last analysis, BCU is

    author of its own misfortune.


    To sum up, we hold that the state court's post-peti

    issuance of a foreclosure judgment violated the automatic s

    that bankruptcy courts ordinarily must hold those who defile

    automatic stay to the predictable consequences of their act

    and can grant retroactive relief only sparingly and in compel

    circumstances; and that, because this case involves

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    sufficiently unusual circumstances, the bankruptcy court ab

    its discretion in granting retroactive relief from the auto


    In an abundance of caution, we note that our revie

    confined to the order granting the so-called clarification mo

    and the retroactive relief awarded therein. Although Soares


    7We recognize the difficulties that attend the undoin

    the foreclosure sale and the restoration of the pre-peti

    status quo, but that problem cannot in and of itself jus

    overlooking BCU's unexcused violation of the automatic stay.

    K-Mart, 875 F.2d at 916. ______


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    ask the bankruptcy court to reconsider its decision to lift

    automatic stay, BCU can request a new foreclosure judgment in

    state court unless and until the bankruptcy court reinstates

    stay. For our part, we need go no further.

    Reversed and remanded. Reversed and remanded. _____________________

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