soccer 101. history of soccer soccer began in england in 1863. it came from the sport rugby!

Soccer 101

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Post on 01-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!

Soccer 101

Page 2: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!

History of Soccer

Soccer began in England in 1863.

It came from the sport Rugby!

Page 3: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!


• 11 Players – 1 Goalie-tires to prevent the other team from

scoring– 4 Defense or Defenders- work with the goalie

to stop the ball from being scored– 3 Mid-fielders- their job is to link the defense

and offense by moving and passing the ball– 3 Forwards- responsible for scoring

Page 4: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!










Page 5: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!

Rules• No Hands- if the ball is kicked at your

arms, it is the refs/teachers judgment

• No Fouls – no kicking, tripping, pushing, shoving, swearing, and whining!

• No Obstruction- you can not hold someone back from going after the ball

Page 6: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!

Kicks• Direct Free Kick- is awarded at the spot of

the foul (kicking-pushing) and can be scored off of.

• Indirect free kick- the foul is a non-contact foul and the ball must be touched by another player before being scored.

• Corner Kick –if the defense kicks the ball over the goal line, the offense get to kick the ball from the corner of the field

• Goal Kick- when the attacking team kicks the ball over the goal, the defense gets to kick the ball from anywhere inside the goal area

Page 7: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!

Corner Kicks

Corner Kicks Corner Kicks


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oal Kicks

Page 8: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!


What is a Throw In?When the ball goes out of bounds over the sidelines. A Throw-in is used to bring it back in play.

What is the proper technique?Both feet must be on the ground and both hands are used to throw the ball into play.

Page 9: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!

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Page 10: Soccer 101. History of Soccer Soccer began in England in 1863. It came from the sport Rugby!

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