social dimension

Sustaina ble Developm ent

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Education for Sustainable Development


Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)Its integrative and critical role in sustaining mans capacity for future changes.


The Three Components



Society an understanding of social institutions and their role in charge and development as well as democratic and participatory systems.


Environment an awareness of the resources and fragility of the physical environment and the effects on its human activity and decisions.


Economy sensitivity to the limits and potential of economic growth and their impact on society and on the environment.

Affects Sustainability Plans

Implementation an educated citizenry is vital to implementing informal and sustainable development.

Decision Making good community based decisions which will affect social, economic, and environmental well-being also depend on educated citizens.

Quality of Life education is also central to improving quality of life.

DESD breaks down traditional schemes and promotes:

Interdisciplinary and holistic learning rather than subject based learning.Values-based learning.Critical thinking rather than memorizing.

Multi-method approaches: word, art, drama, debates, etc.Participatory decision making.Locally relevant information, rather than national.

4 key objects:

Facilitating networking, and collaboration stakeholders of ESD.Fostering greater quality of teaching and learning of environmental topics.

Supporting countries in achieving their millennium development goals through ESD efforts.Providing countries with new opportunities and form to reform education.

Major thrust of ESD

Key action themes of ESD

ESD as the right attitude to globalization

Optimist globalists see only the boon of globalizing influences in terms of improved quality of life, higher living standards, and greater social cohesion and understanding.

Pessimist globalists see dark side of globalization with dominant First World Countries imposing their own economic and political agenda on the world.

Traditional globalists take a safe ground feeling indifferent to change, saying the effects of globalization need to be exaggerated.

Transformation globalists who would not stand and wait but take a proactive stand.

4 dimensions of ESD

Guidelines for Effectively Incorporated ESD into the curricula

Decide the theme to ensure programs fit the environmental, social, and economic conditions and goals of their community/region/nation.

Ensure educators/administrators understand the concept of sustainability and are familiar with its principles; that they distinguish between education about sustainable development and ESD as a tool to achieve more sustainable features.

Use the UNESCO design criteria for ESD program evaluation: relevance and appropriateness, based on local needs/ perceptions/conditions, lifelong endeavor, addresses context/ content/pedagogy/local priorities/global issues,

deals with the well-being of realms of sustainability, not imported from another culture/region, not one size fits all, but created to fit local/regional differences.

Guidelines set for teachers

Acknowledge their key role as cornerstones of effective ESD programs and co-developers of the curricula.

Understand the cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary nature of ESD.

Avoid overloading the curriculum and to solely link ESC to one or two disciplines.

Be open to diverse learning strategies.

Appreciate the importance of multi-stakeholders partnerships working together to solve shared problems.

4 modes for ESD teaching-learning process


Why is there a need for Education for Sustainable Development? (ESD)

What is the purpose of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development?

What did the decade come about?

What were initial actions for the decade?

What were the eventual activities at all levels/all sectors of education?

What is sustainable development?

What is the plan of implementation from the worlds summit on ESD?


What is the scope of ESD?

4 Major thrust of ESD

How is ESD related to international educational priorities?

What are the keys themes of ESD?

Key action themes in ESD

How can ESD improve the quality of education?

Thank you very much!!