social ideology of the quran

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  • 8/12/2019 Social Ideology of the Quran


    Social Ideology of the Quran

    It hardly needs emphasizing that man is a social being and that he has to live in the

    society. But as the society grows and expands, there is clash of interests between men,

    with the result that the world turns into a scene of discord and confusion. Serious minds

    feel in such a situation inclination to keep away from it and seek a life of isolation. But this

    is not the solution to the problems facing society.

    What is needed is harmony and balance in social relations. This is only

    achieved when we impose a check on our own self-will and think of our own good in

    terms of the good of one and all. Thus all human societies have developed ways, codes and

    laws of interaction and limitations on the absolute human independence.

    But, the ordinary endorsement of the laws, regulations and code of

    conduct is not a guarantee in itself, unless there is some sanction behind this. The strong

    will always try to have an upper hand and the weak are always oppressed and exploited.

    The primary need for a man is to develop the habit of self-control and a personal concernfor the welfare of others. When a person declares, LA-ILAHA ILLAL-LAH, MUHAMMADUR

    RASUL ALLAH, with all his conviction and sincerity, he confirms to follow this law which

    in the Quranic phraseology means the Will of God.

    We have to live in conformity with the Laws of Allah, has conveyed to

    us in the form of Quran, Al Kitab as the Quran calls itself. This law, a complete Code for

    our life, which is devised to suit our nature, the Deen-e-Fitrat in the form of Quran

    consists of abiding principles of life in all its essential phases. We have to live such a

    regulated and harmonious life, which should lead to our all round development, not only

    of the self but of all humanity. There cannot be any self development which goes against

    the interest of the whole, similarly the society as a whole cannot ignore the interest and

    the development of the individual.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Ideology of the Quran


    The Quran prospers with passage in which man is directed to gain mastery over nature

    and to take it for the benefit of humanity. It urges man to make use of these forces which

    have been harnessed to his service.

    Do ye not notice how God hath pressed to you service all that is in the skies

    (space) and all that there is in the earth and hath been bounteous to you of his

    favors (so as to benefit you, both inwardly and outwardly).

    If we glance through the pages of the Quran, we will find that, it never opposed the

    material progress provided it does not lose its moral and spiritual content.

    O children of Adam, put on your goodly apparel when you go the mosque, eat

    and drink but nothing in excess.

    Say to them who have forbidden the use of goodly apparel, which God has made

    available to His servants and articles of food that are wholesome.

    And everything which you ask Him, giveth He to you and if you reckon upon the

    favors of God, you cannot count them.

    Many more such verses can be quoted from the Quran, which impress upon man that the

    whole universe is created for him and that he should explore and investigate it for the

    benefit of mankind. There is a purpose behind creation and God has not created anything

    in vain here. The Quran points out that:

    In the creation of the heavens and of the earth and in the alteration of the night

    and the day, are signs for those gifted with understanding, who standing, sitting

    or reclining, bear God in mind and mediate on the creation of the heavens and

    the earth Our Lord, say they, All this thou has not created in vain,

    transcendent in purity art thou. Save us from chastisement of fire.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Ideology of the Quran


    God has given man and rendered him with the capacity and capability of acquiring

    knowledge of everything the universe bears: says the Quran:

    And He (God) taught man (Adam) the names of all things.

    And that was why he was declared superior even to the Angels who were asked

    to bow down to man by God.

    Islam provided tremendous incentive to cultural achievements, which constitute one of

    the proudest pages in the history of mankind. It has never been advocated by Islam that

    man should neglect the part he has to play in this world, but has to take an active part in

    the affairs of the society he lives in. The Quranic direction in this connection is:

    Neglect not thy part in this world but be bounteous to others even as God hath

    been to thee and seek not to work mischief in the land. Verily God loveth not the

    mischief makers.

    Mans attitude in life has to be constructive and not destructive. He has to work for the

    unity of mankind and not to cause disunity among people. We have to acquire knowledge

    of the forces of nature, to harness and use them not only for ourselves but for the good of

    the whole mankind. It suggests that the central principle of the world is balance and

    harmony and enjoins upon him to observe this basic principle in his own life too.

    The Sun and the Moon run their appointed courses and the plants and the trees

    bow down in adoration (or are subject to and obedient to the laws ordained by

    Allah) and the heavens He hath raised high and hath set the balance, that in

    using it ye should not transgress. So hold it even and scant not the balance.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Ideology of the Quran


    Respect the ways of God, i.e., live in harmony, with the laws created by Allah, and be kind

    to the Family of God. The Unity of God the corollary of which is nothing but the unity of


    States the Quran,

    Oh mankind, verily we have created you of a male and a female and distributed

    you into tribes and families that ye may recognize on another. Verily, the noblest

    of you, worthy of honor in the sight of God is he who is most upright in

    character. Verily, God is the knowing and the Cognizant.

    Similarly, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has proclaimed in his

    farewell address at the time of his last Haj (pilgrimage) that The Arab is not superior to

    the non-Arab, nor the non-Arab is superior to the Arab, nor the white to the black, nor the

    black to the white, except by the degree of righteousness he displays in his dealings.

    Besides, look at this noble and grand expression of the Prophet (peace and blessing of

    Allah be upon him)O Lord of my life and everything in the Universe, I affirm thatall human

    beings are brothers unto one another.

    To promote this cause of universal brotherhood, the Quran, proclaimed in clear terms

    that the faith ordained by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon

    him) was but the very same faith as has been commended to all the Prophets, gone before

    him, from Adam to Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all and it was incumbent on him, i.e.,

    prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and his followers to

    believe in all of them (the prophets gone before) and to make no distinction in any of


    Since they, i.e., the Prophets, were all of but one order.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Ideology of the Quran


    The Quran, therefore invites the followers of the two leading faiths, (the Jews and

    Christians) to come forward and live together with the Muslims as a single composite


    O people of the Book, come to a word fair between us and you, that we serve

    God only and associate nothing with Him and that none of us shall take another

    for his Lord to the exclusion of God, and if they then turn away, say ye (followers

    of the Prophet) Bear ye witness (O people of the Book) that we are those who

    are resigned to God.

    It calls upon those who believe in God not to wrangle over matters of rituals and the laws

    regulating social relations as prescribed by their religious severally but to vie one with

    another in good deeds.

    To every people have We (God) appointed ceremonial rites (of prayers) which

    they observe, therefore , let them not wrangle over this matter with Thee, but

    bid them to turn to Thy Lord (i.e., God, since that is the main objective of

    religion) Thou indeed are rightly guided.

    To every people have we given a law and a ritual; and if God had so willed, He

    would have surely made of you all but one society; but it was His wish to test you

    by what He path given to each of you. Be emulous then in good deeds (since that

    is the aim of every law of Sharia at one time or another). To God shall ye all

    return and He will make you all realize the evil of wrangling over what were

    mere variations (in Law or Ritual).

    Indeed, the Quran, even calls upon the believers to exercise tolerance and forbearance

    towards those who have no clear view of the unity of God.

  • 8/12/2019 Social Ideology of the Quran


    Revile not those whom they call upon beside God, lest they in their ignorance

    revile Allah by way of a rejoinder. Thus have we made the actions of every

    people seem fair to them. After all, they are to return to their Lord when He will

    declare to them the nature of the deeds they have done (In their present life).

    Further the Quran addressed the Prophet:

    If thy Lord has so pleased, surely all those who dwell on the earth would have

    believed together, (but that is not the way of God, He lets everyone to think out

    things for himself and bear the responsibility of his actions. So if there be

    anyone who do not follow thy advice), will thou then bring pressure on them till

    they believe in what thou sayest.

    It lies down in no ambiguous terms that:

    There shall be no compulsion in religion.

    That was why the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) has declared that

    Wish for others, what you wish for yourself. The culture of Islam is but an expres sion of

    this process and such is the wide interpretation given by Quran to the righteous works

    works that help man to live at peace with his fellow beings and rest of the creation