social media is no longer something relevant just for the area of marketing. but, how do i show it?

Making Marketers And Digital Agencies Lives Easier Social Media Analytics SPECIAL REPORTS SOCIAL MEDIA

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Making Marketers And Digital Agencies Lives Easier

Social Media Analytics


Social Media is no longer something relevant just for the area of Marketing and communication, but it has become a strong tool for decision making at all levels of the company and getting clear, direct and accurate information which is something extremely important.

The analysis of social networks can be a really productive and easy task, but everything will depend on the tools you are making use of and in how it helps you to extract, analyze and present information.

Social Media Analytics making marketer s and digital agencies lives easier

Some metrics and indicators such as the evolution ones for example, need to be always handy, so the identification of any variable behaviour is quick and actionable, so it is essential to have a Dashboard with the following indicators:

Handy clear, direct and accurate information, concentrated on a good dashboard

Learn about the growth and evolution of your potential audience can take you to discover key factors that go well beyond the number that they represent, such as:

Could a peak in growth of your audience be related to any campaign, action or offline post made by yourself?

Could a drop in the growth of your community be associated with any crisis period or some poorly located content?

Could you identify some variable in the growth of your community related to any advertising investment?

The reach of your voice and your competitors can indicate you such as how influential your followers are and the impact of their interactions with your brand, know if reach growth is aligned with the growth of your community and with your communication actions it allows you to know how far is running not only your voice, but the voice of those who interact with you. It will not be useful to have a large audienceif it is not solid and committed, and that commitment will directly contribute in the growth of your reach.

New Fans, New Followers: Reach Evolution:

The first challenge is information to be

consumed and also to be presented in a

simple and tidy way.


The evolution of the level of engagement during certain period of time opens up many possibilities of analysis, such as:

Evolution of the Engagement Rate

New Post Likes, New Comments, New Shares



In the period you had a greater and picks of engagement, did they were organic or paid publications?

The content you shared, did call audience to a conversation?

Do you focus in some sort of particular content? How was their distribution? Do peaks and falls happen on any day of the week in particular? How are they distributed?

If one of your goals is to generate the interaction of your audience with your brand, you must focus with the eyes here: knowing the evolution of interactions, identifying when your brand or your competitors reach more interactions and what factors influence for this increase in interaction,

what could be from a change in the tone of communications an effective call-to-action or a specific content format.

It is quite common to put these 3 metrics in a bag, but each of them has its importance and must be aligned to a communication objective. Put your eyes in your goal, whether to develop your communication your goal was that your audience will interact with your posts or tweets, the more relevant metrics for you might be "New comments", that does not mean that you should not look at other metrics, it just indicates you where you should focus your priority analysis.

Here you will also find a good opportunity to look at your competitors and understand what actions produced by them produce more likes, which generate more comments /replies, which produce more shares/retweets, in which situations they are mentioned, thus nurturing your own strategy.

One of the challenges of brands with global or regional presence is increasing its penetration in some countries and maintains your brand presence in those who are already, a good indicator of the penetration and presence of the brand can be the geographical distribution of your audience on social networks.

That well distributed information in a cute Dashboard will do much more

attractive and interesting your executive presentations!


With a rich Dashboard in hand we will deepen in every perspective of analysis.

Creating content can have many specific purposes as well as the construction of brand experience, however the only way of knowing its effectiveness is measuring.Not always the amount of posts indicate a better performance, to compare the performance of different periods with the volume of posts of these same periods, can designate if you continue with the same rate/rhythm of production of contents or you must aim to improve the amount of content that you produce.

In addition to the volume and quality is important to analyse how is the distribution of content in different formats according to the purpose of each communication and on different days and times.

When you begin to answer these questions through a consistent analysis of your properties of social networks and brands that you look/analyse, you will see that what you are doing may be even more effective.

It is important that the analytical platform that you use allows you to deepen this analysis, and that quickly allows you to know the formats that generate you more likes, shares, retweets, comments and mentions with just a few clicks, providing insight and both global and more granular analysis.

Each post, tweet and campaign you post you or your competition, have a particular feature and will do that audience responds in certain way. Much spoken of the lifecycle of a posts or tweet, do you know the lifecycle of your posts, tweets, and campaigns? This information is essential so that you know the exact time to "back attack", also adding with other indicators that we already saw, will help you refine your communication strategy, better distribution content and reach your audience in right time.

The content and its distribution

Do you follow any schedule of publications or the contents are always on the same days and times published?

Are the formats you use contributing to achieve your communication objectives or your business objectives?

Do you know how formats of content you post are distributed?

How does your competitors and your model brands?

Keep the audience engaged with your fan page or twitter account

requires a good content, distributed in different formats to

reach the ones who you want at the right time, to achieve that you

will need a fine analysis that will allow you to make intelligent



It is not a static indicator and therefore, it´s important to analyses its evolution in order to know their average and compare it to other periods of time.

Once you know the engagement rate it is interesting that you launch to know also its details:

That happens because of some specific factor? We assume that the greater volume of interactions are shares, and the focus of the fan page or twitter account for customer care, might indicate a performance walking out of a stated goal or objective?

The Engagement and commitment of the audience

What sort of interactions contributes the most with the engagement (like shares, retweets, comments)?

Is your calendar of publications taking this fact into consideration?Do you want to make publications on weekends or your audience is often not engaged these days?

Is the engagement proportionally distributed or always focuses on certain days of the week and hours?

The micro video can be a digital trend, but do your audience and your competitors react with this format? A good Social Media Analytics Platform must provide you a quantitative analysis, but which enables you to extract good insights that go beyond the raw numbers, the engagement cannot be regarded only as a calculation but must be deepened in the analysis of the behaviour of the audience. (“Brands that understand that real Engagement Is emotional and Non-transactional will have a Big advantage”, article).

Is there a content format in particular that helps you increase the engagement?

Different than many have imagined, the Engagement is not a metric, but rather an

indicator of performance, which uses a Convention

that considers the number of interactions and relates it to

the volume of audience.


The evolution and growth of your audience

As important as keeping the audience "hooked" is to make it grow, and the analysis of the growth of your audience may be a 'thermometer' that helps you measure the "health" of the account or fan page. To be able to compare this evolution with a previous period, it can be useful and can serve you as a warning to identify how comes your way towards the growth of your audience and reach your goals.

Starting from the point that your audience is made by people, we understand that these people have a behaviour and reaction represented through different ways to each stimulus that you can provide through a post or tweet.Learn more about these people will help you give the correct stimulus at the right time so that your performance is the best.

We have seen that it is important to analyse growth and compare it to other periods, but it will be important to know whether this growth has been healthy or not. The answer is Yes!Not always a large community represents a participatory community, to have the dimension of the percentage of active unique users on your network will help you to understand the true effectiveness of your communication and the level of commitment of your audience.

News fans vs. Unique Users

How is the audience

composed and how does it

behave?What in Marketing is called audience, is actually a set of people with interests in

common, in this case the interest in common is a brand or product

represented by a property of social media.


Currently, major challenges for the community managers are shaping brand ambassadors and to find influencers, but the first step is to detect them!You need to detect users who interact more with your social properties, understand why and how to do so, measure the impact of what they say, know how are distributed geographically and from that to find opportunities.

Top Users

Through what devices are they connected?

In the market there are discussions on the relevance to know the gender of the audience on social networks, but who will dictate if there are relevance or not, only you. Rather than communicating a product of modern marketing is directed to communicate experiences, passions and emotions that people connect to the brands, products, services or other persons, and it is your aim of communication that will tell if you need to take into account this fact or not.In the case of agencies that work with different categories of market and campaigns can be an important tool of market analysis.

Do gender matters? The projection growth of digital media for the next few years is really impressive and most impressive is the growth of internet and even most impressive are social networks through mobile devices.Besides with that growth is the development of APPs for specific campaigns, games. To know the operating system through which people access their twitter accounts can guide creation staff in the choice of the development of an app platform, for example.

In the market there are much content on best days and times for posting onto Facebook or Twitter, but the correct title should be: Best days and times to communicate with people that really interest you.

The audience of a fan page of B2B services surely doesn't behave just like the audience of a brand of chewing gum or candy, so your website must be as accurate as possible. Knowing the days and times that your audience is more active, you can schedule better your communication and if you do not have a solid base for analysis yet, start to look at the audience of your competitors or which you have as a reference.

When are they active?


In addition to verify that the results of the social media marketing contributed in the scope of business objectives, it is the great burden of proving that investing in social media and digital media can be justified through the return on the investment.

This is a very rich theme and it could lead to many valuable discussions and analysis, but we want to give you an introduction and help you begin to perceive the relevance of Social Media to build your revenue and to encourage you to begin to measure it. The results presented by Social Media Analytics only have relevance if they are connected to the business objectives.


It improves in the distribution of products via reviews of showing buying interest, but the lack of product in certain region.An important customer from the food industry was able to identify significantly expressive comments that indicated consumers were satisfied with a new candy the company had launched in the country, but they complained about how difficult it was to find the product at smaller stores.

One of the causes for the low credibility of Social Media Analytics for some executives is the lack of alignment of objectives of digital marketing with the different sectors of the company, according to a recent study of e-marketers just 30 % of marketers claimed to have well aligned Social Media marketing goals to business objectives.

The impact of social media measurement can go farther than native metric of each network and it can be composed of indicators performance. Our customers have made many decisions that impacted directly on the ROI through Social Media Analytics Insights:

Social Media ROI

As we saw, Social Media is not just a social network, but has become a

channel of communication for people and for businesses, and with that role

needs to be part of all the mechanisms that make up the measurement of ROI.



Changes in the script for an advertisement on television by the bad reception that received in social networks.A brand of snacks was able to identify through Social Media Listening that their new TV advertising was poorly received by the audience, who used the words “bizarre” and “ridiculous” to describe the TV commercial. Later, the brand changed the script of the advertising. The most important thing is that they were able to measure that even though the audience was criticizing the ad, this was not affecting the brand’s reputation.

Advertising: Changes in distribution of the budget based on analyzing how different content formats performed.The performance analysis on social media allowed a renowned Brazilian digital agency suggest to its clients a better way of distributing the budget in the production of content, based on analyzing how different content formats performed with different audiences.

Advertising Advertising Marketing


Marketing: Presence of brand and scope of brand (reach, buzz, share of voice)A South American bank decided to change their corporate image by expanding its services previously focused on legal persons also to individuals, and uses social media analytics to measure their “share of voice” within the banking industry of the region. It used “hybrid” actions consisting of online and offline actions and was positioned as the third brand with more “share of voice” in the region’s banking industry.

Measurement of web traffic related to the increase in the volume of leads.Conversion not always starts and finishes with social media. Therefore, it is important to have multiple perspective analysis when discussing conversion measuring. In this case, a global leading software company was able to identify a growth in its engagement level, which was also reflected in a website traffic increase due to referrals from other social media channels.

Social Media Analytics metrics begin to take shape in the context of the calculation of the ROI when they are analysed along with other indicators of digital media, for example web analytics to measure the increase of visits to a web page and from there, generated conversion measurement of "hybrid" campaigns which can start in the offline (magazines, outdoors, coupons) or average traditional media (radio, television) and then to be consolidated in social media through a "call-to-action", hashtag or interactive action.

Monitoring of the performance of actions on social networks aren't just for showcases if your efforts were valuable but that they also contribute in increasing their value over the time.


All information out of context can be misinterpreted, that same logic applies when creating a

strategy in social networks.

Who said that Social Media is just useful to look at


Webinars of evangelization of the social theme is common to hear questions such as: what is the average number of fans who must have a fan page?

What does engagement rate should be?

These are really important questions, and getting the answers may be easier than what you imagined, and it is: "look to the side".

To know how the industry or category of market work in which you belong to, to know the performance of your direct competitors, model brands you follow, brands that work with the same public that you, it will show you the criteria you need to consider, it will help you to set objectives.

Benchmarking can help you save time and effort, to be innovative you don´t need "to create the wheel" it is enough to have the knowledge to use it and then you can give you new ways to use which already makes will become you innovative!

Social Media Benchmarks


Take Way

Good luck with your targets and strategies goals in social networks. Do not try to face all at once or want to achieve all at the same time, use each piece you have at your disposal, involve different areas and make sure you can keep up!

Social Media Analytics

For more information Get the latest Social Media Trends

If you need any help with your social media monitoring please contact us at socialmetrix@socialmetrix


About Socialmetrix

About the Author

Socialmetrix is a pioneer company in social media analytics with large corporate clients in morethan 10 countries. We have been developing and providing technology to harness the power of social business intelligence since 2008. Our mission is to deliver our clients the best social media analytics solutions, as a means of combining product technology, local expertise, and professional services.

Jose Gomes is a Executive of Marketing and Technology with more 8 years of experience in Companies with international recognition: Vivo, Sony Ericsson, Atento, HP, Stefanini, SAP, and actuality is Marketing head at Socialmetrix. Jose have developed Marketing Strategies oriented to market needs and Business interests, contributing to the growth of the company’s image and speech, focused on the KPIs and pain solutions.

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