social media marketing benefits

Social Media in Your Marketing Strategy

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Social Media in Your MarketingStrategy
  2. 2. What is Social Media? Social Media is a collection of websites on theinternet where users can communicate witheach other, providing information about theirlives using a combination of posting pictures,audio, video and/or statements. Examples: Blogs, social networks, image andvideo sharing, etc.
  3. 3. Brief Timeline of Social NetworkingHistory 1997: Blogging Begins 2002: Friendster 2003: MySpace, LinkedIn 2004: Facebook, Flickr 2005: Facebook, YouTube 2006: Twitter
  4. 4. 2013 Social Media Marketing Report 79% of marketers surveyed have integratedsocial media into their normal marketingtechniques 86% of marketers surveyed place high valueon social media marketing in 2013 (up from83% in 2012) 47% of marketers surveyed have been usingsocial media for two or more years
  5. 5. Benefits of Social Media Marketing
  6. 6. Cost Effective Social Networking sites (Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn,etc) are free accounts and easy to maintain You can use paid advertisements on social networkingwebsites as well, however, it isnt necessary 62% of marketers surveyed in 2013 spend only 1 to 10hours a week using social media for marketing You can also still choose to use traditional methods ofmarketing (billboards, TV commercials, magazine ads,etc.) while using social networking sites, but wouldntnecessarily need to budget as much money on thosemethods as you are currently
  7. 7. Increased Exposure and Traffic =Increased Sales 89% of marketers surveyed in 2013 believethe number one benefit of social mediamarketing is increased exposure 67% of internet users are logging on to accesssocial networking sites The other 33% of internet users (even non-internet users as well) can learn about yourservice via word of mouth from those who haveheard about you from social networking websites
  8. 8. Generate Leads and Get Familiar withWhat Your Customers Want Consumers like when companies take theiropinion into consideration. Using social media sites gives you direct access toyour consumers thoughts, ideas, and concerns Convenient way for customers to comment orpost what they want and what they dont likedirectly to your webpage If you know what your customer base has in mind, itseasier to make the product more appealing to them
  9. 9. Summary of Social Media Marketing Almost 90% of marketers who were surveyed in2013 placed a high value on social mediamarketing Increase your exposure, without spending asmuch money on advertising Get familiar with your consumers
  10. 10. Works Cited Stelzner, Michael A., 2013 Social Media Marketing IndustryReport. Social Media Examiner. Social Media Examiner.May 2013. Web. 10 June 2013.. Admin. How Social Media Can Help Your Business. SocialMedia Online. Social Media Online. 7 June 2013. Web. 10June 2013. . "The Brief History of Social Media." The Brief History ofSocial Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 June 2013..
  11. 11. Song Credit DeVotchKa. How it Ends. How it Ends. CiceroRecordings, 2004. CD.