social studies department

SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT PHILOSOPHY Through an examination of the human historical record, students will analyze how past generations confronted and solved questions of political, social, economic, and cultural significance, as well as an analysis of their decisions and choices to resolve human dilemmas . The constant evolution of political, social and economic dynamics world wide demonstrate the rationale underlying and informing the social studies decisions with an informed understanding of choices and consequences . Student's experience in the social studies programs will additionally enable them to write, think and read to become informed and productive members of their society and the world .

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Through an examination of the human historical record, students will analyze how past generations confronted and solved questions of political, social, economic, and cultural significance, as well as an analysis of their decisions and choices to resolve human dilemmas . The constant evolution of political, social and economic dynamics world wide demonstrate the rationale underlying and informing the social studies decisions with an informed understanding of choices and consequences . Student's experience in the social studies programs will additionally enable them to write, think and read to become informed and productive members of their society and the world .


CULTURE Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of culture

and cultural diversity .

TIME, CONTINUITY, & CHANGE Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of the way

human beings view themselves in and over time .

PEOPLE, PLACES, & ENVIRONMENT Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of people,

places, and environments .

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT & IDENTITY Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of

individual development and identity .

INDIVIDUAL, GROUPS, & INSTITUTIONS Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of

interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions

POWER, AUTHORITY, & GOVERNANCE Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of how

people create and change structures of power, authority, and governance .

PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, & CONSUMPTION Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of how

people organize for the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services .

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, & SOCIETY Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of

relationships among science, technology, and society .

GLOBAL CONNECTIONS Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of global

connections and interdependence .

CIVIC IDEALS & PRACTICES Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of the

ideals, principles, and practices of citizenship in a democratic republic .


'ourse Title - United States History

kourse Objectives

Students will examine the economic, political and social factors that led to the transformation of the United States in the 20`h century . Students may have the opportunity to examine significant people and events from 180' and 19'h century American history. Students will investigate the important events, persistent issues as well as those experiences, conflicts and divisions that contributed to the development of modem America.

Skill and content-based quizzes, tests, midterm and final exams . . Homework assignments Individual and group activities Writing assignments Oral and written presentations

interrogate historical data through examination of primary sources and evaluate for bias. Provide supporting data for the thesis regarding the role of geography in the development of American industry . Role-play problems facing urban America past and present . Apply critical thinking skills to examine the literature that predicted the carnage of W WI Role play to support a point of view at the Paris Peace Conference . Interrogate primary source materials to support the 1920's thesis that change causes conflict . Research and role play historical reformers and reform movements and predict their reaction to a contemporary problem . Compare and contrast the effect of the New Deal policies on different groups in the US . Examine conflicting historical views of the US decision to drop the atom bomb. Research and prepare presentations on the events of the

Performance Indicators

The student will demonstrate understanding of: "

The political, social and economic extremes that existed in America history .


American immigration and how new social patterns, conflicts and ideas of national unity developed .


The rise of big business and its impact on American society.


The rise of the labor movement and how political issues reflected social and economic changes .


Progressivism and how they addressed problems of industry, urbanization, and political corruption .


The causes of two world wars, America's decision to intervene and the impact of war at home and abroad .


The change in America after W WI to the eve of the Great Depression.


The causes of the Great Depression, its impact on American society, and how the New Deal addressed the Great Depression and introduced the welfare state.


The Cold War and the Korean and Vietnam conflicts in domestic and international politics . The straggle for racial equality and for the extension of civil liberties . The political, social, and economic events that have shaped our nation in the post-war world The rights and liberties provided to every American based upon historical and contemporary interprtation .

Standards Alignment Culture Time, Continuity and Change Individuals, Groups, Institutions Power, Authority, Governance Science, Technology and Society Civic Ideals and Practices

Technology Standards Alignment

Social, ethical and human issues related to technology Technology productivity tools Technology research tools

United States History

Mission and Student Expectations Alignment

E1, E2, E3, E4, E5. E6, E7, E9

Grade Span Expectations

W 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, 10-10,10-11

R 10-2,10-3,10-4.10-5,10-6,10-7,10-g, 10-15,10-16,10-17

OC 10-1, 10-2

Applied Learning Alignment

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate all Applied Learning indicators :

A1, Alc, A2a, A3 a, A4a, A4c, A5

Common Core of Learning

Communications Read widely and attentively Write persuasively and expressively Speak, listen and converse intelligently

roblem Solving Learn continuously Efficiently solve problems and make effective decisions

Body of Knowledge Know about themselves Know about others now about the natural and designed


Personal and Social Responsibility Accept personal responsibility for the well being of self and society Work responsibility in groups and as an individual Acquire the necessary skills, competencies and personal qualities to succeed in the workplace Show tolerance for human diversity Understanding the importance of family and community Respond to challenges with integrity, honesty, and courage Display strong sense of self-worth and personal competency

Course Title -Sociology

kourse Objectives

To examine the means by which people interact with each other, within groups, social institutions and societies . Students will investigate current societal problems and analyze the impact these issues have upon society as well as the complexity and difficulty in resolving these problems . Students in this course examine culture, socialization, gender roles, deviance, social groups and their organization, family, race and ethnicity, and social class. Students will be responsible for using the scientific research method in studying cw.ent problems in sociology .

Quizzes, tests, and final exam Writing assignments Homework Individual and group activities Project


Research project using the scientific method Read sociology journals and studies. Role-playing activity on deviance and social control . Activity on group dynamics . Guest speakers from the Department of Sociology at the University of Rhode Island . Debates on current topics in sociology.

Performance Indicators

The student will demonstrate understanding of: "

Sociology as a social science based upon the guidelines of scientific research.


The means of interaction and communication between individuals and groups . The role of culture in group identity and bias towards a group.


The process of socialization in an individual's life . "

Gender roles and sexuality in our society . "

The theories associated with deviance and the formal and informal means of social control .


The various organizations and social groups that are members of a society .


The changing family unit in American society . "

Ethnicity and race as characteristics in defining our population.


Of how social class and social mobility strengthen and/or weaken a society. The complexity in solving controversial problems in our society today .

Standards Alignment

Culture Time, Continuity, and Change Individuals, Groups, and Institutions Power, Authority and Governance Science, Technology and Society

Technology Standards Alignment

Social, ethical, and human issues related to technology Technology productivity tools Technology research iools


Mission and Student Expectations Alignment

E l, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E9

Applied Learning Alignment

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate all Applied Learning indicators :

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5

Grade Span Expectations

W 10-1, 10-2,10-3,10-4,10-6,10-9, 10-10 Common Core of Learning

R 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, Communications 10-15,10-16,10-17 Read widely and attentively

Write persuasively and expressively OC 10-1,10-2 Speak, listen and converse intelligently M (N+O) 10-1, 10-4 M(DSP) 10-1, 10-2,10-6 Problem Solving

Learn continuously Efficiently solve problems and make effective decisions

Body of Knowledge Know about themselves Know about others Know about the natural and designed world

Personal and Social Responsibility Accept personal responsibility for the well being of self and society Work responsibility in groups and as an individual Acquire the necessary skills, competencies and personal qualities to succeed in the workplace Show tolerance for human diversity Understanding the importance of family and community Respond to challenges with integrity, honesty, and courage Display strong sense of self-worth and personal competency

World History/ Afro-Asian

` ;ourse Objectives

This course is designed to introduce students to the history, geography, and political, social, and economic structures of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East . It will incorporate current issues and the continuing problems of poverty, disease, overpopulation and constant presence of violence. The course also looks at the role of the United Nations reflectively and presently in these regions of the world. In today's ever-changing global society it is necessary to understand and empathize with the diverse peoples of this world .

This course is also designed to enhance student thinking, writing, reading and communication skills.

Critique/Position Essays Quizzes and Tests Homework Assignments Writing Assignments Group Activities Critical Thinking Exercises Mid-temwFinal Examination

Evaluate the role of government/military in Central American Revolutions of the 1980's Evaluate the role of religion in the present day Middle East conflict with special attention to the revival of fundamentalist organizations Read African fiction International guest lecturers Attend an International festival

Social Studies

Performance Indicators

The student will : "

understand the search for community, stability, and peace in an interdependent world


understand the nature and complexity of Earth's cultural mosaic


understand the forces of cooperation and conflict that shape divisions of the Earth's surface


knows the cause of boundary conflicts and internal disputes between cultural groups


understand the changes that occur in the extent and organization of social, political, and economic entities of the Earth's surface


understand the physical and human characteristics of a place


Examine stereotypes people make of each other to appreciate these do not represent various cultures as a whole


Communicate with people form other nations "

Reconstruct patterns of historical succession and duration in the various cultures studied


Analyze cause-and-effect relationships in global conflicts


Hypothesize the influence of the past, including both the limitations and the opportunities made possible by past decisions


Evaluate the nature, distribution and migration of human populations on the Earth's surface


Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity


Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences

Standards Alignment

Culture Time, Continuity, & Change People, Places, & Environment Individuals, Groups, & Institutions Power, Authority, & Governance Production, Distribution, & Consumption Science, Technology, & Society Global Connections Civic. Tfieata Rr PrArtirAQ

Technology Standards Alignment

Technology productivity tools Technology Communication tools Technology research tools Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools


Mission and Student Expectations Alignment

E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E9

Grade Span Expectations

W 10-1,10-2,10-3,10-6,10-7,10-8,10-9,10-10,10-11

R 10-2,10-3,10-4,10-5,10-6,10-7,10-8,10-9, 10-15,10-16,10-17

OC 10-1, 10-2

Applied Learning Alignment

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate all Applied Learning indicators :

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5

Common Core of Learning

Communications Read widely and attentively Write persuasively and expressively Speak, listen and converse intelligently

Problem Solving Learn continuously Efficiently solve problems and make effective decisions

Body of Knowledge Know about themselves Know about others Know about the natural and designed world

Personal and Social Responsibility Accept personal responsibility for the well being of self and society Work responsibility in groups and as an individual Acquire the necessary skills, competencies and personal qualities to succeed in the workplace Show tolerance for human diversity Understanding the importance of family and community Respond to challenges with integrity, honesty, and courage Display strong sense of self-worth and personal competency


"ourse Title - Western Civilizations

?Course Objectives

This course is designed to introduce students to the history of Europe and European interaction with Asia, Africa, and the Americas. By focusing on this record of human experience students will evaluate how individuals and societies resolved their problems, as well as examine the consequences of the decisions and choices made . In doing so, students can confront today's problems and choices with a deeper understanding of their alternatives and the likely consequences . This course is also designed to enhance student thinking, writing and reading skills .

Student Assessment Skill and content- based quiz, test, semester and final exam . Group activities Writing assignments Critical thinking exercises

Assess the influence of geography on economic, social, and political development. Evaluate the role of religion in society; compare and contrast the role of religion throughout time. Compare and contrast Athenian democracy to American democracy. Compare and contrast medieval responses to the plaque to modern responses to AIDS . Evaluate the influence of Enlightenment political ideas on the United States. Compare the role the Roman Catholic Church played as a religious, social, legal, and economic force in medieval society tivith that of governments in modern societies . EA aluatelanal)ze primary sources for n.caning, bias, and evidence .

Performance Indicators

The students will ; "

Understanding the terminology and concepts basic to the study of history .


Describe, analyze, and evaluate the history of ancient Greece and its impact on western civilization.


Describe, analyze and evaluate the history of ancient Rome from approximately 700 B.C . to 50 A.D., explaining its impact on western civilization. Describe, analyze and evaluate the history of Europe during the Middle Ages.


Analyze the historical developments of the Renaissance . "

Analyze the historical developments of the Reformation . "

Evaluate the rise and impact of European nation-states and the decline of feudalism.


Analyze thetpolitical and economic changes of the 16`s, 17`s, and 18 centuries .


Analyze the impact of European expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia .


Analyze and explain the causes and effects of the French Revolution .


Analyze and explain the effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Chronological Thinking Historical Comprehension Historical Analysis and Interpretation Historical research Capabilities Historical Issues, Analysis and Decision-Making

Technology Standards Alignment

Students will understand the ethical, cultural and societal issues related !o technology. Students will use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity and promote creativity . Students will use technology to locate, evaluate and collect infnrmatinn frnm n variPt,r of cnnrrPc


Mission and Student Expectations Alignment

El, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E9

Grade Span Expectations

w 10-1,10-2,10 31,10-6,10-7,10-8,10-9, 10-10,10-11

R 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, 10-15, 10-16, 10-17

OC 10-1, 10-2

Applied Learning Alignment

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate all Applied Learning indicators :

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5

Common Core of Learning

Communications Read widely and attentively Write persuasively and expressively Speak, listen and converse intelligently

Problem Solving Learn continuously Efficiently solve problems and make effective decisions

Body of Knowledge Know about themselves Know about others Know about the natural and designed world

Personal and Social Responsibility Accept personal responsibility for the well being of self and society Work responsibility in groups and as an individual Acquire the necessary skills, competencies and personal qualities to succeed in the workplace Show tolerance for human diversity Understanding the importance of family and community Respond to challenges with integrity, honesty, and courage Display strong sense of self-worth and personal competency


,ourse Title - The Holocaust

/Course Objectives

Through a historical and sociological study of the Holocaust of Nazi Germany, students will examine prejudice, racism, and anti-Semitism. By tracing the historical roots of the events that led to the Holocaust and other examples of genocide, students will make the connection between history and the moral choices they confront in their lives .

Content-based tests . Group activities. Oral presentations. Small-group and whole-class discussions . Homework assignments . Writing assignments.

Readings from Facing History & Ourselves : The Holocaust & Human Behavior. Students will read the book, I Promised 1 Would Tell . Analysis of primary and secondary sources. Evaluation of oral histories . Class discussion (Whole-class, small-group). Research activity . Evaluation of Holocaust art and poetry . Class presentations . Personal response writing assignments Analysis of videos Interview/discussion with Holocaust survivor(s) .

Performance Indicators

Students will: "

Evaluate the nature of human behavior through examination of obedience, conformity, silence, courage, integrity, martyrdom, empathy, caring, cruelty, collaboration and other positive and negative behaviors in relation to personal relationships .


Evaluate the nature of prejudice and its relationship to genocide .


Evaluate the rise of nazism as a prelude to the Holocaust through an examination of conditions in the world and in Germany ; the reasons for and the impact of the decline of the Weimar Republic ; the appeal of Nazi philosophy to certain aspects of human nature/behavior ; the role of the media and propaganda. Examine the Holocaust from the persecution to mass murder through the examination of how early Nazi policies prepared the foundation for the Holocaust ; the erosion of Jewish rights, and the dehumanization of the Jewish people ; the escalation of Nazi policies ; the operation and conditions of concentration and death camps; review of literature and art of the Holocaust to determine insights, motivations, interpretations of human experience; roles of business/industry, medical, scientific, educational, legal professions, as well as the church ; responses to Nazi persecution policies by Germans and collaborators from other nations; corruption of language and role of mass media and propaganda; reasons why specific groups became victims of the Nazis ; response of the United States; eye-witness accounts .

Standards Alignment

Chronological Thinking Historical Comprehension Historical Analysis and Interpretation Historical Research Capabilities Historical Issues, Analysis and Decision-Making

Technology Standards Alignment

Students will understand the ethical, cultural and societal issues related to technology . Students will use technology tGols to v:LaK:a.:c .cwrrui:b, :+:crec .°+e productivity and promote creativity . Students will use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a variety of sources .

THE HOLOCAUST Applied Learning Alignment

Mission and Student Expectations Students have the opportunity to demonstrate

Alignment all Applied Learning indicators :

E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E9 Al, A2, A3, A4, A5

Grade Span Expectations Common Core of Learning

W 10-1, 10-2,10-3,10-6,10-7,10-8,10-9, 10- 10,10-11

Communications Read widely and attentively Write persuasively and expressively

R 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, 10-15,10-16,10-17

Speak, listen and converse intelligently

OC 10-1, 10-2 Problem Salving Learn continuously Efficiently solve problems and make effective decisions

Body of Knowledge Know about themselves Know about others Know about the natural and designed world

Personal and Social Responsibility Accept personal responsibility for the well being of self and society Work responsibility in groups and as an individual Acquire the necessary skills, competencies and personal qualities to succeed in the workplace Show tolerance for human diversity Understanding the importance of family and community Respond to challenges with integrity, honesty, and courage Display strong sense of self-worth and personal competency


ourse Title - Youth and Law

Pourse Objectives

Provide a practical understanding of law and the legal system that will be of use to students in their everyday lives as informed citizens . Improve understanding of the fundamental principles and values underlying our Constitution, laws, and legal system . Promote awareness of current issues and controversies relating to law and the legal system . Provide concrete contemporary examples of specific legal topics as reinforcement of learned concepts and content. Encourage effective and informed citizen participation in our legal system. Bring about a greater sense of justice, tolerance, and fairness. Develop a willingness and an ability to resolve disputes through both informal and formal mechanisms. Improve basic skills, including listening, critical thinking and reasoning, communication, observation, note-taking and problem solving. Provide exposure to the many vocational opportunities that exist within the legal system.

Content based quizzes, tests, midterm and final exams . Problem solving and reaction/response essays. Cooperative group activities . Critical thinking exercises. Crime scene analysis portfolio . Criminal profiling hand-ins. Mock trial briefs, participation and summation

Student Activities

Text reading Homework assignments Group activities Guided note-taking Opinion polls . Rank order exercises Brainstorming Audioh-isual support Mock trial Guest speakers Demonstrations Field trips Crime scene experiments Forensic analysis activities

Performance Indicators

The student will : "

Compare and contrast moral versus legal issues . "

Understand the concepts of act, intent and motive . "

Understand the differences between federal, state, and local laws . Recognizes, interprets and applies the definition of crimes against the person and crimes against property .


Defines and applies various legal defenses. "

Applies the concept of legal insanity to contemporary criminal issues.


Summarizes and identifies the components of the criminal judicial process .


Understands and applies the various options for sentencing.


Describes the factors involved in sentencing decisions and use of judicial discretion.


Understands the assumptions and philosophies that shape various policies and processes for juvenile justice.


Identifies and applies key concepts, purposes, and terms of tort actions .


Explains the general way in which tort actions are resolved in American society .


Understands and applies the concepts of family law including marriage, separation, divorce and death laws. Understands basic personal rights and applies those beliefs to contemporary legal issues.


Interacts with law-enforcement professionals through auest smakine ensaeements.

Standards Alignment Power, Authority and Governance Civic Ideals and Practices Individuals, Groups and Institutions Individual Development and Identity People, Places and Environment Science, Technology and Society Place of Law in Society

Technology Standards Alignment Social, ethical and human issues related to technology Technology productivity tools Technology research iovis


Mission and Student Expectations Alignment

E l, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E9

Grade Span Expectations

w 10-1,10-2,10-3,10-6,10-7,10-8,10-9,10-10,10-11

R 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, 10-15,10-16;10-17

OC 10-1, 10-2

Applied Learning Alignment

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate all Applied Learning indicators :

Al, A2, A3, A4, A5

Common Core of Learning

Communications Read widely and attentively Write persuasively and expressively Speak, listen and converse intelligently

Problem Solving Learn continuously Efficiently solve problems and make effective decisions

Body of Knowledge Know about themselves Know about others Know about the natural and designed world

Personal and Social Responsibility Accept personal responsibility for the well being of self and society Work responsibility in groups and as an individual Acquire the necessary skills, competencies and personal qualities to succeed in the workplace Show tolerance for human diversity Understanding the importance of family and community Respond to challenges with integrity, honesty, and courage Display strong sense of self-worth and personal competency

purse Title - Psychology

Pourse Objectives

Students will learn a basic knowledge of the goals, topics, theories, ethics and practices associated with the discipline of psychology . Students will explore the wide array of psychological fields of professionals who currently practice in this discipline. Students will gain an appreciation for the social science of human behavior and be introduced to the topics of personality, human development, learning, mental illness and treatment of mental illness .

Student Assessment Quizzes, tests and final exam . Homework. Independent and group activities. Projects. Writing assignments. Oral presentations. Outside reading and research.

Prepare a timeline of biological and cognitive stages of development. Analyze films from the perspectives of appropriate psychological theories . Take notes from lectures and readings . Make an oral presentation and a class activity to demonstrate one's own balance of multiple intelligences. Evaluate one's own personality, intelligence and learning styles . Summarize and critique articles from outside readings . Contact a professional, research background information, and prepare evaluative questions for a guest speaker project . Interview parents regarding childrearing.


Performance Indicators

The student will : "

Define psychology and apply the scientific method to the field of psychology.


Investigate the principles of learning that are associated with human development .


Discuss appropriate ethical conduct for psychological research and practice .


Understand the physical, cognitive, sexual, emotional, and social stages of development.


Debate the issue of heredity versus environment (nature versus nurture) .


Acknowledge the diversity of psychological theories and theorists.


Describe the human emotions and motivations. "

Distinguish between the terms neurosis and psychosis . "

Explain the characteristics and behaviors of various behavior and personality disorders.


Describe characteristics and functions of the various states of human consciousness .


Research recent developments in psychological inquiry and understanding.


Compare nonwestern and nonscientific healing practices to scientific practices of western medicine and psychology . Describe different fields of psychology and the training they require.

Standards Alignment Culture Time, Continuity, and Change People, Places and Environment Individual Development and Identity Individual, Groups and Institutions Science, Technology and Society

Technology Standards Alignment Social, ethical and human issues related to technology Technology productivity tools Technology research tools

PSYCHOLOGY Applied Learning Alignment

Mission and Student Expectations Students have the opportunity to demonstrate

Alignment all Applied Learning indicators :

E l, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E9 Al, A2, A3, A4, A5

Grade Span Expectations Common Core of Learning

W 10-1, 10-2,10-3,10-6,10-7,10-8,10-9, 10- 10,10-11

Communications Read widely and attentively Write persuasively and expressively

R 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, 10-15,10-16,10-17

Speak, listen and converse intelligently

OC 10-1, 10-2 Problem Solving Learn continuously Efficiently solve problems and make effective decisions

Body of Knowledge Know about themselves Know about others Know about the natural and designed world

Personal and Social Responsibility Accept personal responsibility for the well being of self and society Work responsibility in groups and as an individual Acquire the necessary skills, competencies and personal qualities to succeed in the workplace Show tolerance for human diversity Understanding the importance of family and community Respond to challenges with integrity, honesty, and courage Display strong sense of self-worth and personal competency


ourse Objectives

This course is designed to introduce students to the fields of physical and cultural anthropology and archaeology . The scope of this course is very broad spanning over ten million years and covering prehistoric developments on all parts of the earth . It will cover a overview of the biological and cultural evolution of humans during prehistoric times . An emphasis will be placed upon the use of artifacts by archaeologists to uncover various aspects of prehistoric human life. From there, students will gain an understanding of how to use these artifacts to analyze and determine aspects of human life such as government, religion and technology .

This course is also designed to enhance student thinking, writing, reading and communication skills .

Critique/Position Essays Quizzes and Tests Writing Assignments Group Activities Research project Critical Thinking Exercises Mid-term/Final Examination

Social Studies

Performance Indicators

The student will : "

analyze local monuments and memorials as historical evidence


understand that photographs represent primary source material and that photos record details about the past and can be used for interpretive and comparative purposes


infer from archaeological evidence the characteristics of early hunter-gatherer communities, including tool-kits, shelter, diet, and the use of fire.


describe types of evidence and methods of investigation that anthropologists, archaeologists and other scholars have used to reconstruct early human evolution and cultural development analyze current and past theories regarding the emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens and the process by which human ancestors migrated from Africa to other major world regions


assess theories regarding the development of human language and its relationship to the development of culture


analyze possible links between environmental conditions associated with the last Ice Age and changes in the economy, culture, and organization of human communities


analyze differences between hunter-gatherer and agrarian communities in economy, social organization, and quality of living


Students will use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences


Students use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a varietv of sources

Chart the development of mankind Create a unique culture using all the identified elements of culture Evaluatelanalyze primary sources for meaning, bias and evidence Visit local museums Attend lectures by local anthropologists and archaeologists Participate in a mock excavation Research artifacts from prehistoric cultures Compare and contrast prehistoric cultures across the globe

Culture Time, Continuity, & Change People, Places, & Environment Individual Development & Identity Individuals, Groups, & Institutions Power, Authority, & Governance Production, Distribution, & Consumption Science, Technology, & Society cinhal rnnnw-tinnc

Technology Standards Alignment

Technology productivity tools Technology communication tools Technology research tools


Mission and Student Expectations Alignment

E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E9

Grade Span Expectations

w 10-1,10-2,10-3,10-6,10-7,10-8,10-9,10-10,10-11

R 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, 10-15,10-16,10-17

OC 10-1,10-2

Applied Learning Alignment

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate all Applied Learning indicators :

Al, A2, A3, A4, A5

Common Core of Learning

Communications Read widely and attentively Write persuasively and expressively Speak, listen and converse intelligently

Problem Solving Learn continuously Efficiently solve problems and make effective decisions

Body of Knowledge Know about themselves Know about others Know about the natural and designed world

Personal and Social Responsibility Accept personal responsibility for the well being of self and society Work responsibility in groups and as an individual Acquire the necessary skills, competencies and personal qualities to succeed in the workplace Show tolerance for human diversity Understanding the importance of family and community Respond to challenges with integrity, honesty, and courage Display strong sense of self-worth and personal competency