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The system of education in Poland

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The system of education in Poland

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Provisions Constitution of the Republic of Poland guarantee:

• every person has the right to education• education is compulsory until the age of 18• education in public schools is free of charge • parents are free to choose schools other than public for

their children• citizens and institutions have the right to establish primary,

lower secondary, upper secondary and post-secondary schools and higher education institutions as well as childcare centers

The system of education in Poland

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THE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN POLAND252423222120191817161514131211109876543

Compulsory education

* Special education included


Second cycle studies(Master)

Second cycle studies(Master)

The first cycle studies (Bachelor)

General upper secondary school* Specialised upper

secondary school*


Basic vocational school*

Qualifying vocational courses*The first cycle studies

(Bachelor)Technical upper





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Pre-Primary Education (for children 3-6 years)

Kindergartens work around 10 hours a day from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and are open 5 days a week

Two teachers take care of one section (group of children)

The maximum number of children in one section is 25

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Pre-Primary Education Total time should be devoted to





care and organisational matters play

outdoor activities

educational activities

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one fifth of the total time should be devoted to play

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one fifth – to outdoor activities

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one fifth – to educational activities

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Two fifth-to care and organisational matters

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PRIMARY EDUCATIONPrimary Age is 7-13 years (since 2012 from 6 years)

Primary education is based on one year compulsory pre-school preparation.

General education in primary school is divided into two stages:

1) first stage of education including grade 1 to 3 of primary school – early school education

2) second stage of education including grades 4 to 6 of primary school

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Education in grades 1–3 of primary school I stage

Is implemented in a form of integrated teaching provided by a generalist teacher.

The teacher can decide on the length of a lesson (45 minutes are not compulsory)and decide when the break should begin.

Music education, Art education, Physical education, Computer classes and modern foreign language classes can be taught by a specialist teacher .

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Primary School Grades 1–3, Minimum number of teaching hours by subject

in the period of 3 years

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Education in grades 4–6 of primary school II educational stage

Teaching at this stage is arranged by subjects.

1 teaching hour equals 45 minutes. Obligatory subject: Polish language, History

and civics, Modern foreign language, Mathematics, Natural science, Music, Art, Technology, Computer classes, Physical education.

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Primary School Grades 4-6Minimum number of teaching hours by subject

in the period of 3 years

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In class VI students write a test of knowledge and skills. The test is the same for all students. The test does not affect graduation and admission to the lower secondary school.

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In Poland secondary education includes two levels:

• lower secondary school (III educational stage)• upper secondary schools(IV educational stage): 3-year general secondary school 4-year technical secondary school(wchich ends with Matura Exam) 3-year basic vocational school

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Lower secondary school(III educational stage)

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Lower Secondary School grades 1-3Minimum number of teaching hours by subject

in the period of 3 years

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At the end of the secondary school all pupils write compulsory exam tests.

Tests results do not affect the completion of lower secondary school but they have strong bearing on admission to upper secondary schools.

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Upper secondary schoolsIV educational school

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Upper Secondary School Grades 1-3Minimum number of teaching hours by subject

in the period of 3 years

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Tehnical Upper Secondary School Grades 1-4 Minimum number of teaching hours by subject

in the period of 4 years

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Basic Vocational School Grades 1-3 Minimum number of teaching hours by subject

in the period of 3 years

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End of Upper Secondary school

At the end of upper secondary education (except at basic vocational schools) pupils may sit a matriculation exam (MATURA), which is compulsory only for receipt of the matriculation certificate and to gain access to higher education.

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The system of education in Poland

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Special education takes place at primary school,lower and upper secondary school. Its objectiveis to help students with special needs in findinga job in the future.

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In the Polish educational system there are six grades:

Excellent 6 Very good 5 Good 4 Satisfactory3 :/Allowing 2 Unsatisfactory 1

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The system of education in Poland

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Lessons start at 8 a.m. andfinish at 2 or 3 p.m.

Each lesson usually lasts 45 minutes

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Breaks last 5, 10 or 15-20 min( brunch break) and 20-30 min (lunch break)

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SCHOOL YEARThe school year is divided

into two semesters.It lasts minimum 178 days

(max.38 weeks)

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The school year starts on 1st of September andfinishes on the last Friday in June

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Summer holidays last 2 months from July until September

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Winter holidays last 2 weeks and are usually in January or February

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CHRISTMAS BREAK about 7 days

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The system of education in Poland