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  • 7/30/2019 Software multilevel


    Examples from Multilevel Software

    Comparative Reviews

    Douglas BatesR Development Core Team

    [email protected]

    February 2005, with updates up to October 17, 2011


    The Center for Multilevel Modelling at the Institute of Education,

    London maintains a web site of Software reviews of multilevel mod-

    eling packages. The data sets discussed in the reviews are available

    at this web site. We have incorporated these data sets in the mlmRev

    package for R and, in this vignette, provide the results of fitting several

    models to these data sets.

    1 Introduction

    R is an Open Source implementation of John Chambers S language languagefor data analysis and graphics. R was initially developed by Ross Ihaka andRobert Gentleman of the University of Auckland and now is developed andmaintained by an international group of statistical computing experts.

    In addition to being Open Source software, which means that anyone canexamine the source code to see exactly how the computations are being car-ried out, R is freely available from a network of archive sites on the Internet.There are precompiled versions for installation on the Windows operating

    system, Mac OS X and several distributions of the Linux operating system.Because the source code is available those interested in doing so can compiletheir own version if they wish.

    R provides an environment for interactive computing with data and forgraphical display of data. Users and developers can extend the capabilities of


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    R by writing their own functions in the language and by creating packages of

    functions and data sets. Many such packages are available on the archive net-work called CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) for which the parentsite is . One such package called lme4 (alongwith a companion package called Matrix) provides functions to fit and dis-play linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models, which are thestatisticians names for the models called multilevel models or hierarchicallinear models in other disciplines. The lattice package provides functionsto generate several high level graphics plots that help with the visualizationof the types of data to which such models are fit. Finally, the mlmRev packageprovides the data sets used in the Software Reviews of Multilevel ModelingPackages from the Multilevel Modeling Group at the Institute of Educa-

    tion in the UK. This package also contains several other data sets from themultilevel modeling literature.

    The software reviews mentioned above were intended to provide compari-son of the speed and accuracy of many different packages for fitting multilevelmodels. As such, there is a standard set of models that fit to each of thedata sets in each of the packages that were capable of doing the fit. We willfit these models for comparative purposes but we will also do some graphicalexploration of the data and, in some cases, discuss alternative models.

    We follow the general outline of the previous reviews, beginning withsimpler structures and moving to the more complex structures. Because the

    previous reviews were performed on older and considerably slower computersthan the ones on which this vignette will be compiled, the timings producedby the system.time function and shown in the text should not be comparedwith previous timings given on the web site. They are an indication of thetimes required to fit such models to these data sets on recent computers withprocessors running at around 2 GHz or faster.

    2 Two-level normal models

    In the multilevel modeling literature a two-level model is one with two levels

    of random variation; the per-observation noise term and random effects whichare grouped according to the levels of a factor. We call this factor a groupingfactor. If the response is measured on a continuous scale (more or less) ourinitial models are based on a normal distribution for the per-observation noiseand for the random effects. Thus such a model is called a two-level normal

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    model even though it has only one grouping factor for the random effects.

    2.1 The Exam data

    The data set called Exam provides the normalized exam scores attained by4,059 students from 65 schools in inner London. Some of the covariatesavailable with this exam score are the school the student attended, the sexof the student, the school gender (boys, girls, or mixed) and the studentsresult on the Standardised London Reading test.

    The R functions str and summary can be used to examine the structureof a data set (or, in general, any R object) and to provide a summary of anobject.

    > str(Exam)

    ' data .fra me': 4 059 obs. of 10 vari ables :

    $ school : Factor w/ 65 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

    $ normexam: num 0.261 0.134 -1.724 0.968 0.544 ...

    $ schgend : Factor w/ 3 levels "mixed","boys",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

    $ schavg : num 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 ...

    $ v r : F acto r w/ 3 l evel s "b otto m 25 %","m id 5 0%", ..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . ..

    $ intake : Factor w/ 3 levels "bottom 25%","mid 50%",..: 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 ...

    $ standLRT: num 0.619 0.206 -1.365 0.206 0.371 ...

    $ sex : F actor w/ 2 l evels "F","M": 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 . ..

    $ t ype : F acto r w/ 2 l evel s "M xd", "Sng l": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ..

    $ student : Factor w/ 650 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 143 145 142 141 138 155 158 115 117 113 ...

    > summary(Exam)

    school normexam schgend schavg

    14 : 198 Min. :-3.6660720 mixed:2169 Min. :-0.7559617 : 126 1st Qu.:-0.6995050 boys : 513 1st Qu.:-0.14934

    18 : 120 Me dian : 0 .004 3222 g irls :1377 M edia n :- 0.02 020

    49 : 113 Mean :-0.0001138 Mean : 0.00181

    8 : 102 3rd Qu.: 0.6787592 3rd Qu.: 0.21053

    15 : 91 Max. : 3.6660912 Max. : 0.63766


    vr intake standLRT sex type

    bottom 25%: 640 bottom 25%:1176 Min. :-2.93495 F:2436 Mxd :2169

    mid 50% :2263 mid 50% :2344 1st Qu.:-0.62071 M:1623 Sngl:1890

    top 25% :1156 top 25% : 539 Median : 0.04050

    Mean : 0.00181

    3rd Qu.: 0.61906

    Max. : 3.01595


    20 : 3454 : 34

    15 : 33

    22 : 33

    31 : 33

    59 : 33



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    2.2 Model fits and timings

    The first model to fit to the Exam data incorporates fixed-effects terms forthe pretest score, the students sex and the school gender. The only random-effects term is an additive shift associated with the school.

    > (Em1 system.time(lmer(normexam ~ standLRT + sex + schgend + (1|school), Exam))

    user system elapsed

    0.052 0.000 0.052


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    2.3 Interpreting the fit

    As can be seen from the output, the default method of fitting a linear mixedmodel is restricted maximum likelihood (REML). The estimates of the vari-ance components correspond to those reported by other packages as given onthe Multilevel Modelling Groups web site. Note that the estimates of thevariance components are given on the scale of the variance and on the scale ofthe standard deviation. That is, the values in the column headed Std.Dev.are simply the square roots of the corresponding entry in the Variance col-umn. They are not standard errors of the estimate of the variance.

    The estimates of the fixed-effects are different from those quoted on theweb site because the terms for sex and schgend use a different parameteri-

    zation than in the reviews. Here the reference level ofsex is female (F) andthe coefficient labelled sexM represents the difference for males compared tofemales. Similarly the reference level ofschgend is mixed and the two coef-ficients represent the change from mixed to boys only and the change frommixed to girls only. The value of the coefficient labelled Intercept is affectedby both these changes as is the value of the REML criterion.

    To reproduce the results obtained from other packages, we must changethe reference level for each of these factors.> Exam$sex Exam$schgend (Em2

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    The coefficients now correspond to those in the tables on the web site. It

    happens that the REML criterion at the optimum in this fit is the same as inthe previous fit, but you cannot depend on this occuring. In general the valueof the REML criterion at the optimum depends on the parameterization usedfor the fixed effects.

    2.4 Further exploration

    2.4.1 Checking consistency of the data

    It is important to check the consistency of data before trying to fit sophis-ticated models. One should plot the data in many different ways to see if it

    looks reasonableand also check relationships between variables.For example, each observation in these data is associated with a particularstudent. The variable student is not a unique identifier of the student as itonly has 650 unique values. It is intended to be a unique identifier within aschool but it is not. To show this we create a factor that is the interactionof school and student then drop unused levels.> Exam as.character(Exam$ids[wh ich(duplicated(Exam$ids)) ])

    [1] "43:86" "50:39" "52:2" "52:21"

    One of these cases> subset(Exam, ids == '43:86')

    school normexam schgend schavg vr intake standLRT sex type

    2 758 43 - 0.85 26700 m ixed 0.4 3343 22 t op 25 % mi d 50 % 0 .123 1502 M Mxd

    2 759 43 0.82 19882 m ixed 0.4 3343 22 t op 25 % to p 25 % -0 .042 1520 F Mxd

    stud ent id s

    2758 86 43:86

    2759 86 43:86


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    > xtabs(~ sex + school, Exam, subset = school %in% c(43, 50, 52), drop = TRUE)

    schoolsex 43 50 52

    M 1 35 61

    F 60 38 0

    is particularly interesting. Notice that one of the students numbered 86 inschool 43 is the only male student out of 61 students from this school whotook the exam. It is quite likely that this students score was attributedto the wrong school and that the school is in fact a girls-only school, not amixed-sex school.

    The causes of the other three cases of duplicate student numbers withina school are not as clear. It would be necessary to go back to the original

    data records to check these.The cross-tabulation of the students by sex and school for the mixed-sex

    schools> xtabs(~ sex + school, Exam, subset = type == "Mxd", drop = TRUE)


    sex 1 3 4 5 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 22 23 26 28 32 33

    M 45 29 45 16 21 31 23 26 92 47 31 33 21 48 10 44 31 27 44

    F 28 23 34 19 13 19 24 38 106 44 95 22 18 42 18 31 26 15 33


    sex 34 38 42 43 45 46 47 50 51 54 55 56 59 61 62 63

    M 18 31 35 1 5 47 81 35 26 4 26 16 30 35 43 13

    F 8 23 23 60 48 36 1 38 32 4 25 22 17 29 28 17

    shows another anomaly. School 47 is similar to school 43 in that, althoughit is classified as a mixed-sex school, 81 male students and only one femalestudent took the exam. It is likely that the school was misrecorded for thisone female student and the school is a male-only school.

    Another school is worth noting. There were only eight students fromschool 54 who took the exam so any within-school estimates from this schoolwill be unreliable.

    A mosaic plot (Figure1) produced with> ExamMxd

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    1 3 4 5 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 22 23 26 28 32 33 3438 42 43 45 46 47 50 515455 56 59 61 62 63



    Figure 1: A mosaic plot of the sex distribution by school. The areas of therectangles are proportional to the number of students of that sex from that

    school who took the exam. Schools with an unusally large or unusually smallratio or females to males are highlighted.


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    2.4.2 Preliminary graphical displays

    In addition to the pretest score (standLRT), the predictor variables used inthis model are the students sex and the school gender, which is coded ashaving three levels. There is some redundancy in these two variables inthat all the students in a boys-only school must be male. For graphicalexploration we convert from schgend to type, an indicator of whether theschool is a mixed-sex school or a single-sex school, and plot the responseversus the pretest score for each combination of sex and school type.

    This plot is created with the xyplot from the lattice package as (es-sentially)> xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | sex * type, Exam, type = c("g", "p", "smooth"))

    The formula would be read as plot normexam by standLRT given sex by(school) type. A few other arguments were added in the actual call to makethe axis annotations more readable.

    Figure2 shows the even after accounting for a students sex, pretest scoreand school type, there is considerable variation in the response. We mayattribute some of this variation to differences in schools but the fitted modelindicates that most of the variation is unaccounted or residual variation.

    In some ways the high level of residual variation obscures the patternin the data. By removing the data points and overlaying the scatterplotsmoothers we can concentrate on the relationships between the covariates.The call to xyplot is essentially> xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT, Exam, groups = sex:type, type = c("g", "smooth"))

    Figure3 is a remarkable plot in that it shows nearly a perfect maineffects relationship of the response with the three covariates and almost nointeraction. It is rare to see real data follow a simple theoretical relationshipso closely.

    To elaborate, we can see that for each of the four groups the smoothed re-lationship between the exam score and the pretest score is close to a straightline and that the lines are close to being parallel. The only substantial devi-ation is in the smoothed relationship for the males in single-sex schools andthis is the group with the fewest observations and hence the least precision

    in the estimated relationship. The lack of parallelism for this group is mostapparent in the region of extremely low pretest scores where there are fewobservations and a single student who had a low pretest score and a moderatepost-test score can substantially influence the curve. Five or six such pointscan be seen in the upper left panel of Figure2.


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  • 7/30/2019 Software multilevel


    Standardized London Reading Test score






    2 1 0 1 2


    Figure 3: Overlaid scatterplot smoother lines of the normalized test scoresversus the pretest (Standardized London Reading Test) score for female (F)and male (M) students in single-sex (Sngl) and mixed-sex (Mxd) schools.

    We should also notice the ordering of the lines and the spacing betweenthe lines. The smoothed relationships for students in single-sex schools areconsistently above those in the mixed-sex schools and, except for the regionof low pretest scores described above, the relationship for the females in a

    given type of school is consistently above that for the males. Furthermorethe distance between the female and male lines in the single-sex schools is ap-proximately the same as the corresponding distance in the mixed-sex schools.We would summarize this by saying that there is a positive effect for femalesversus males and a positive effect for single-sex versus mixed-sex and noindication of interaction between these factors.

    2.4.3 The effect of schools

    We can check for patterns within and between schools by plotting the re-sponse versus the pretest by school. Because there appear to be differencesin this relationship for single-sex versus mixed-sex schools and for femalesversus males we consider these separately.

    In Figure4 we plot the normalized exam scores versus the pretest scoreby school for female students in single-sex schools. The plot is produced as


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    Standardized London Reading Test score






    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    2 6

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    7 8

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3


    18 21 25 29








    31 35 39 41 48


    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    53 58

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3






    Figure 4: Normalized exam scores versus pretest (Standardized London

    Reading Test) score by school for female students in single-sex schools.


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    > xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam,

    + type = c("g", "p", "r"),

    + subset = sex == "F" & type == "Sngl")

    The "r" in the type argument adds a simple linear regression line to eachpanel.

    The first thing we notice in Figure4 is that school 48 is an anomalybecause only two students in this school took the exam. Because within-school results based on only two students are unreliable, we will excludethis school from further plots (but we do include these data when fittingcomprehensive models).

    Although the regression lines on the panels can help us to look for vari-ation in the schools, the ordering of the panels is, for our purposes, random.

    We recreate this plot in Figure5 using> xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam, type = c("g", "p", "r"),

    + subset = sex == "F" & type == "Sngl" & school != 48,

    + index.cond = function(x, y) coef(lm(y ~ x))[1])

    so that the panels are ordered (from left to right starting at the bottom row)by increasing intercept for the regression line (i.e. by increasing predictedexam score for a student with a pretest score of 0).

    Alternatively, we could order the panels by increasing slope of the within-school regression lines, as in Figure6.

    Although it is informative to plot the within-school regression lines weneed to assess the variability in the estimates of the coefficients before con-cluding if there is significant variability between schools. We can obtainthe individual regression fits with the lmList function> show(ExamFS

  • 7/30/2019 Software multilevel


    Standardized London Reading Test score






    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    16 25

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    65 18

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3


    8 49 30 39








    29 58 41 60 21


    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    2 53

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3





    Figure 5: Normalized exam scores versus pretest (Standardized LondonReading Test) score by school for female students in single-sex schools. School48 where only two students took the exam has been eliminated and the pan-

    els have been ordered by increasing intercept (predicted normalized score fora pretest score of 0) of the regression line.


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    Standardized London Reading Test score






    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    7 58

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    18 35

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3


    31 16 39 41








    25 6 21 8 65


    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    2 30

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3





    Figure 6: Normalized exam scores versus pretest (Standardized LondonReading Test) score by school for female students in single-sex schools. School

    48 has been eliminated and the panels have been ordered by increasing slopeof the within-school regression lines.


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    0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6






































    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0






































    Figure 7: Confidence intervals on the coefficients of the within-school re-

    gression lines for female students in single-sex schools. School 48 has beeneliminated and the schools have been ordered by increasing estimated inter-cept.

    49 0.04747055 0.4845568

    53 0.59370349 1.0769781

    58 0.20707724 0.3557839

    60 0.25196603 0.6378090

    65 -0.17490019 0.5684592

    Degrees of freedom: 1375 total; 1337 residual

    Residual standard error: 0.7329521

    and compare the confidence intervals on these coefficients.> plot(confint(ExamFS, pool = TRUE), order = 1)

    > show(ExamMS

  • 7/30/2019 Software multilevel


    Standardized London Reading Test score








    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    37 44

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    40 36

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3



    3 2 1 0 1 2 3

    57 24

    3 2 1 0 1 2 3









    Figure 8: Normalized exam scores versus pretest (Standardized LondonReading Test) score by school for male students in single-sex schools.


    1.0 0.5 0.0






















    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6






















    Figure 9: Confidence intervals on the coefficients of the within-school re-

    gression lines for female students in single-sex schools. School 48 has beeneliminated and the schools have been ordered by increasing estimated inter-cept.


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    The corresponding plot of the confidence intervals is shown in Figure9.

    For the mixed-sex schools we can consider the effect of the pretest scoreand sex in the plot (Figure10) and in the separate model fits for each school.> show(ExamM

  • 7/30/2019 Software multilevel


    Standardized London Reading Test score






    3 10 1 2 3

    59 28

    3 10 1 2 3

    54 23

    3 10 1 2 3

    22 46

    3 10 1 2 3


    10 15 9 17 14 38








    51 45 34 19 12 62 61

    26 4 33 56 32 42









    3 10 1 2 3

    1 55

    3 10 1 2 3

    3 63

    M F

    Figure 10: Normalized exam scores versus pretest score by school and sex forstudents in mixed-sex schools.


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    1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5






























































    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8






























































    0.5 0.0






























































    Figure 11: Confidence intervals on the coefficients of the within-school re-gression lines for female students in single-sex schools. School 48 has beeneliminated and the schools have been ordered by increasing estimated inter-cept.

    2.5 Multilevel models for the exam data

    We begin with a model that has a random effects for the intercept by school

    plus additive fixed effects for the pretest score, the students sex and theschool type.> (Em3

  • 7/30/2019 Software multilevel


    (Intr) stnLRT sexF

    standLRT 0.023

    sexF -0.291 -0.061typeSngl -0.624 0.005 -0.078

    Our data exploration indicated that the slope with respect to the pretestscore may vary by school. We can fit a model with random effects by schoolfor both the slope and the intercept as> (Em4 anova(Em3, Em4)

    Data: Exam


    Em3: normexam ~ standLRT + sex + type + (1 | school)

    Em4: normexam ~ standLRT + sex + type + (standLRT | school)

    Df AIC BIC logLik Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)

    Em3 6 9337.5 9375.3 -4662.7

    E m4 8 92 97.2 934 7.6 - 4640 .6 4 4.31 6 2 2.3 82e- 10

    There is a strong evidence of a significant random effect for the slope by

    school, whether judged by AIC, BIC or the p-value for the likelihood ratiotest.

    The p-value for the likelihood ratio test is based on a 2 distribution withdegrees of freedom calculated as the difference in the number of parametersin the two models. Because one of the parameters eliminated from the full


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    model in the submodel is at its boundary the usual asymptotics for the

    likelihood ratio test do not apply. However, it can be shown that the p-valuequoted for the test is conservative in the sense that it is an upper bound onthe p-value that would be calculated say from a parametric bootstrap.

    Having an upper bound of 1.9 1010 on the p-value can be regarded ashighly significant evidence of the utility of the random effect for the slopeby school.

    We could also add a random effect for the students sex by school> (Em5 str(Oxboys)

    'data.frame': 234 obs. of 4 variables:

    $ Subject : Factor w/ 26 levels "1","10","11",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 ...

    $ age : num -1 -0.7479 -0.463 -0.1643 -0.0027 ...

    $ height : num 140 143 145 147 148 ...


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    $ Occasion: Factor w/ 9 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 ...

    - attr(*, "ginfo")=List of 7

    ..$ formula :Class 'formula' length 3 height ~ age | Subject

    .. .. ..- attr(*, ".Environment")=

    ..$ order.groups: logi TRUE

    ..$ FUN :function (x)

    .. ..- attr(*, "source")= chr "function (x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE)"

    ..$ outer : NULL

    ..$ inner : NULL

    ..$ labels :List of 2

    .. ..$ age : chr "Centered age"

    .. ..$ height: chr "Height"

    ..$ units :List of 1

    .. ..$ height: chr "(cm)"

    > system.time(mX1 summary(mX1)

    Linear mixed model fit by REML

    Formula: height ~ age + I(age^2) + I(age^3) + I(age^4) + (age + I(age^2) | Subject)

    Data: Oxboys

    AIC BIC logLik deviance REMLdev

    651.9 693.4 -314 625.4 627.9

    Random effects:

    Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr

    Subject (Intercept) 64.03357 8.00210

    age 2.86420 1.69240 0.614

    I(age^2) 0.67430 0.82116 0.215 0.658

    Residual 0.21737 0.46623

    Number of obs: 234, groups: Subject, 26

    Fixed effects:

    Estimate Std. Error t value

    (Intercept) 149.0189 1.5703 94.90

    age 6.1742 0.3565 17.32

    I(age^2) 1.1282 0.3514 3.21

    I(age^3) 0.4539 0.1625 2.79

    I(age^4) -0.3769 0.3002 -1.26

    Correlation of Fixed Effects:

    (Intr) age I(g^2) I(g^3)

    age 0.572

    I(age^2) 0.076 0.264

    I(age^3) -0.001 -0.340 0.025

    I(age^4) 0.021 0.016 -0.857 -0.021

    > system.time(mX2 summary(mX2)


  • 7/30/2019 Software multilevel


    Linear mixed model fit by REML

    Formula: height ~ poly(age, 4) + (age + I(age^2) | Subject)

    Data: OxboysAIC BIC logLik deviance REMLdev

    640. 9 68 2.3 -308. 4 625 .4 616 .9

    Random effects:

    Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr

    Subject (Intercept) 64.03480 8.00217

    age 2.86418 1.69239 0.614

    I(age^2) 0.67429 0.82115 0.215 0.658

    Residual 0.21737 0.46623

    Number of obs: 234, groups: Subject, 26

    Fixed effects:

    Estimate Std. Error t value

    ( Inte rcep t) 149 .5198 1.5 903 94 .02

    poly(age, 4)1 64.5409 3.3279 19.39

    poly(age, 4)2 4.2032 1.0236 4.11

    poly(age, 4)3 1.2908 0.4663 2.77poly(age, 4)4 -0.5855 0.4663 -1.26

    Correlation of Fixed Effects:

    (Intr) p(,4)1 p(,4)2 p(,4)3

    poly(ag,4)1 0.631

    poly(ag,4)2 0.230 0.583

    poly(ag,4)3 0.000 0.000 0.000

    poly(ag,4)4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    4 Cross-classification model> str(ScotsSec)

    ' data .fra me': 3 435 obs. of 6 v aria bles:

    $ verbal : num 11 0 -14 -6 -30 -17 -17 -11 -9 -19 ...$ a ttain : num 10 3 2 3 2 2 4 6 4 2 ...

    $ primary: Factor w/ 148 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

    $ s ex : F actor w / 2 levels " M","F": 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 . ..

    $ s ocial : num 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

    $ second : Factor w/ 19 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 9 9 ...

    > system.time(mS1 summary(mS1)

    Linear mixed model fit by REML

    Formula: attain ~ sex + (1 | primary) + (1 | second)

    Data: ScotsSec

    AIC BIC logLik deviance REMLdev

    17138 17169 -8564 17123 17128Random effects:

    Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.

    primary (Intercept) 1.10962 1.0534

    second (Intercept) 0.36966 0.6080

    Residual 8.05511 2.8382

    Number of obs: 3435, groups: primary, 148; second, 19


  • 7/30/2019 Software multilevel


    Fixed effects:

    Estimate Std. Error t value(Intercept) 5.25515 0.18432 28.511

    sexF 0.49852 0.09825 5.074

    Correlation of Fixed Effects:


    sexF -0.264

    5 Session Info> toLatex(sessionInfo())

    R version 2.14.0 beta (2011-10-17 r57286),



    Base packages: base, datasets, grDevices, graphics, methods, stats,utils

    Other packages: Matrix1.0-1, lattice0.19-33, lme40.999375-42,mlmRev1.0-1

    Loaded via a namespace (and not attached): grid2.14.0,nlme3.1-102, stats42.14.0, tools2.14.0
