soil pollution and effects on economy

Dr. RAM MANOHAR LOHIYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY , LUCKNOW Economics Synopsis Soil Pollution: Causes , Efects and Remedies  SUBMITTED TO Prof. (Dr.) Madhuri Srivastava Visiting Professor (Economics) SUBMITTED BY Anshul Ya dav Roll no. :-22 Section A Semester- !.A. "".!(#ons.)

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SynopsisSoil Pollution: Causes , Efects and



Prof. (Dr.) Madhuri Srivastava

Visiting Professor (Economics)


Anshul Yadav

Roll no. :-22

Section ASemester-

!.A. "".!(#ons.)

8/9/2019 Soil Pollution and Effects on Economy 2/28


!ould li"e to e#tend s$ecial t%an"s and &'atitude to

m( teac%e' P'o)* +D'* Mad%u'i S'i-asta-a !%o &a-e me

t%e &olden o$$o'tunit( to !o'" on t%is !onde')ul

'esea'c% to$ic . Soil Pollution: Causes , Efects and Remedies

/ !%ic% %as %el$ed me &ain a lot o) $e's$ecti-e a0out

t%e e-olution o) $'esent da( en-i'onmental scena'io*

 T%'ou&%out t%e 'esea'c% $e'iod %a-e 0een time and

a&ain &uided m( 0( teac%e' !%ene-e' )aced an(

%u'dles o' !as in a state o) stu$o' not 0ein& a0le to

1&u'e out t%e int'icacies o) t%e su02ect*

!ould li"e to t%an" m( uni-e'sit( D'* Ram Mano%a'

Lo%i(a National La! 3ni-e'sit( )o' &i-in& me t%e c%ance

to 0e a $a't o) a uni4ue 'esea'c% o'iented cu''iculum

!%ic% indeed 0oosts t%e unde'standin& o) t%e su02ect*

!ould also li"e to t%an" m( $a'ents, mento's and !ell

!is%e's !%o %a-e 0een a constant su$$o't and %a-e

time and a&ain 'e-ie!ed m( !o'" and %a-e $'o-ided

t%ei' insi&%ts on t%e matte'*



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  TA!LE O"




O02ecti-es o) stud(55555****


Resea'c% Met%odolo&(*****


nt'oduction to Soil


• Soil



• Soil



Causes o) Soil


Efects o) Soil


Met%ods to Cont'ol Soil


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Soil $ollution is de1ned as t%e 0uild8u$ in soils o)

$e'sistent to#ic com$ounds, c%emicals, salts, 'adioacti-e

mate'ials, o' disease causin& a&ents, !%ic% %a-e ad-e'se

efects on $lant &'o!t% and animal %ealt%*


 T%e $u'$ose o) t%is document is :

=* to $'esent a 0'ie) account o) !%at Soil Pollution/ in

its $u'-ie! is *

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?* to unde'stand t%e causes o) soil $ollution>* to unde'stand its efects +0ot% ecolo&ical and

economical6* and to dema'cate t%e 'emedies*


Resea'c% Met%odolo&( in t%e ma"in& o) t%is P'o2ect !ill

0e Doct'inal Resea'c% Met%odolo&(*

 T%is Met%odolo&( !ill 0e 0est suited )o' t%e To$ic o) t%e

P'o2ect* A detailed stud( o) economic %aHa'ds caused 0(

soil $ollution is done and anal(sis and conclusions %a-e

0een made in o'de' to unde'stand t%e $'o0lem and

de-ise a$$osite solutions to t%e same*



Soil Pollution or Soil Contamination is caused by the

 presence of xenobiotic, i.e., Human made chemicals or

other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is

typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural

chemicals, or improper disposal of waste. Contamination is

correlated with the degree of industrialisation and

intensity of chemical usage. The most common chemicals

involved are petroleum hydrocarbons, polynuclear

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aromatic hydrocarbons such as naphthalene and

ben!oa" pyrene ", solvents, pesticides, lead, and other

heavy metals.# 

Soil is natu'all( 'emo-ed 0( t%e action o) !ate' o' !ind:

suc% I0ac"&'oundI +o' I&eolo&icalI soil e'osion %as 0een

occu''in& )o' some 67@ million (ea's, since t%e 1'st land

$lants )o'med t%e 1'st soil* E-en 0e)o'e t%is, natu'al

$'ocesses mo-ed loose 'oc", o' 'e&olit%, of t%e Ea't%Is

su')ace, 2ust as %as %a$$ened on t%e $lanet Ma's* n

&ene'al, 0ac"&'ound e'osion 'emo-es soil at 'ou&%l( t%e

same 'ate as soil is )o'med* ut Iaccele'atedI soil e'osion

J loss o) soil at a muc% )aste' 'ate t%an it is )o'med J

is a )a' mo'e 'ecent $'o0lem* t is al!a(s a 'esult o)

man"indIs un!ise actions, suc% as o-e'&'aHin& o'

unsuita0le culti-ation $'actices* T%ese lea-e t%e land

un$'otected and -ulne'a0le*

 T%en, du'in& times o) e'osi-e 'ain)all  o' !indsto'ms, soil

ma( 0e detac%ed, t'ans$o'ted, and +$ossi0l( t'a-ellin& a lon&

distance de$osited* Accele'ated soil e'osion 0( !ate' o' !ind

ma( afect 0ot% a&'icultu'al a'eas and t%e natu'al

en-i'onment, and is one o) t%e most !ides$'ead  o)

toda(Is en-i'onmental $'o0lems*

t %as im$acts !%ic% a'e 0ot% on8site +at t%e $lace !%e'e

t%e soil is detac%ed and of8site +!%e'e-e' t%e e'oded soil

ends u$*Mo'e 'ecentl( still, t%e use o) $o!e')ul

a&'icultu'al im$lements %as, in some $a'ts o) t%e !o'ld,

led to dama&in& amounts o) soil mo-in& do!n slo$e

= %tt$:en*!i"i$edia*o'&!i"iSoilcontamination*

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me'el( unde' t%e action o) &'a-it(: t%is is so8called tilla&e

e'osion* Soil e'osion is 2ust one )o'm o) soil de&'adation*

Ot%e' "inds o) soil de&'adation include salinisation,

nut'ient loss and com$action* Soil e'osion is !%en t%e

soil is 0lo!n a!a( 0( t%e !ind o' !as%ed a!a( 0( t%e


Soil e'osion is common in a'eas !it% stee$ slo$es, !%e'e

t'ees %a-e 0een cut do!n, in d'ou&%ts !%en c'o$s and

ot%e' -e&etation &'o!s $oo'l( and in 'u'al a'eas !%ic%

a'e o-e'$o$ulated*? Ne$al, in t%e imala(an Mountains, %as

se-e'e $'o0lems caused 0( inc'eased $o$ulation densit(

and stee$ slo$es* Soil e'osion can 0e 'educed 0(

0uildin& te''aces on %illsides, i''i&ation sc%emes to

o-e'come d'ou&%ts, $lantin& mo'e t'ees to 0ind t%e soil

to&et%e' and ma"e !ind 0'ea"s, and usin& )e'tilise's in

o-e'$o$ulated a'eas to ma"e t%e soil mo'e )e'tile*

t is -e'( im$o'tant t%at t%e )a'min& tec%ni4ues used do

not dama&e t%e st'uctu'e o) t%e soil, as t%is ma"es it

easil( e'oded* Good )a'min& tec%ni4ues include contou'

$lou&%in&, c'o$ 'otation and "ee$in& t%e soil 'ic% in

%umus* An e#am$le o) $oo' tec%ni4ues !as t%e .Dust

o!l. in t%e mid8!este'n states o) t%e 3*S*A* in t%e

=<>@Is* a'me's e#%austed t%e soil 0( monocultu'e and

le)t t%e soil 0a'e a)te' %a'-estin&* Soil e'osion is a

$'o0lem o) t%e de-elo$ed !o'ld as !ell as t%e


? %tt$:!!!*eci)m*'d&*ac*u"e'osion*%tm *

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Soil De&'adation:8

All acti-ities !%ic% in-ol-e dest'uction o' distu'0ance, to

a &'eate' o' lesse' e#tent, o) natu'al and semi8natu'alecos(stems uses land* Almost in-a'ia0l(, %o!e-e' it is

t%ese ecos(stems !%ic% in e4uili0'ium !it% t%ei'

en-i'onment $'o-ide $'otection to t%e soil !%ic% in tu'n

$'o-ides su$$o't to t%em* One o) t%e most ma2o'

conse4uence o) dest'uction and distu'0ance o) t%e

ecos(stem is t%at o) Soil De&'adation* t is de1ned as

decline caused in t%e soil 4ualit( caused t%'ou&% its

misuse 0e it 0( %uman acti-it( o' ot%e' 'easons* Mo'e

s$eci1call( it 'e)e's to t%e decline in soil $'oducti-it(

t%'ou&% ad-e'se c%an&es in nut'ient status, st'uctu'al

sta0ilit(, o'&anic matte' and concent'ations o) elect'ol(tes

and to#ic c%emicals* T%e en-i'onmental $'o0lems

inco'$o'ated 0( de&'adation a'e some%o! all inte''elated,

li"e t%at o) e'osion*

Soil De&'adation is not a ne! $%enomenon* E-idences

&i-en 0( a'c%aeolo&ists su&&est t%at it %as 0een &oin&

e-e' since t%e 1'st a&'icultu'al acti-ities !e'e sta'ted on

t%e ea't%, i*e*, since t%e 0e&innin& o) t%e settled

a&'icultu'e se-e'al t%ousand (ea's a&o* T%e decline o)

se-e'al )amous ci-iliHations li"e t%at o) t%e

Meso$otamians o) t%e Ti&'is, Eu$%'ates -alle(s in 'a4, t%e

a'a$$ans o) ndus alle( in Pa"istan a'e $a't to soil

de&'adation* E-en at t%at time alt%ou&% mino' 0ut

de&'adation o) soil !as &oin& on*

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Goin& !it% t%e stats collected in t%e Glo0al Assessment

o) soil de&'adation $'o2ect, a0out =7 o) t%e &lo0al land

a'ea 0et!een ?   ° N and 7 S is de&'aded* 3nde' t%is

t%e land dist'i0ution is ==> million %a )o' de)o'estation,

;> million %a o) ina$$'o$'iatel( c'o$$ed land and 7

million %a )o' o-e'&'aHin&*

t %as also 0een noted t%at t%e &lo0al 'ate o) soil

$ollution in 'ecent decades %as inc'eased d'amaticall(

and is li"el( to inc'ease e-en mo'e in t%e nea' )utu'e* n

=<<> it !as estimated t%at t%e amount ma( 0e

some!%at a'ound 78 millions %ecta'es and is set to 'ise

0e(ond =@ million %ecta'es 0( t%e (ea' ?@@>*> 

 Ta"in& conside'a0le note to t%e efects o) t%e soil

> Eu&ine, T*, “Environmental Economics”, 'inda Pu0lications, Ne!Del%i, Ed* No*8, ?@@, $&*8=;;*

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de&'adation !e !ill 1nd t%at its efects a'e not 'est'icted

to t%e soil alone, 0ut %a-e a num0e' o) of8site

im$lications* o' e#am$le Soil E'osion is man( times

associated !it% inc'eased incidence o) oodin&, situation

o) 'i-e's, la"es and 'ese'-oi's and de$osition o) mate'ial

in lo! l(in& a'eas* T%e a'eas !%e'e in1lt'ation ca$acit( is

'educed a'e mo'e li"el( to com$'e%end t%is "ind o)



 T%e'e a'e se-e'al )acto's o-e' !%ic% e#tent to !%ic% soilis e'oded de$ends* Man( o) t%ese )acto's a'e

inte''elated , namel( soil c%a'acte'istics, 'elie) climate, land

use and socio economic and $olitical cont'ols a'e

o-e'loo"ed o' not e#amined*

Mana&ement o) soil de&'adation %as 0ecome a %ots$ot

to$ic 0ot% at &lo0al as !ell as 'e&ional and local scale*t is clea'l( a com$le# issue and 'e$'esents one o) ou'

most c%allen&in& en-i'onmental $'o0lems* T%e'e)o'e t%e'e

is a need to $ut em$%asise on sustaina0le use o) land

'at%e' t%an e#$loitati-e land use $'actices* ut t%is calls

)o' a commitment 0( &o-e'nmental a&encies and t%ose

!%o a'e usin& t%ose land to mana&e t%e use o) t%eland )o' lon& te'm ad-anta&e 'at%e' t%an me'el( !astin&

it )o' s%o't te'm e#$ediencies* T%e $'o0lem t%us 'e4ui'es

colla0o'ated and coo'dinated efo'ts o) all en-i'onmentall(

conscious $eo$le*

Soil E'osion:8

Soil e'osion occu's !%en t%e 'ate o) 'emo-al o) soil 0(

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t%e means o) !ate', !ind, etc*, e#ceeds t%e 'ate at !%ic%

soil is 0ein& )o'med* t %as 0een o0se'-ed t%at t%e 'ate

o) soil )o'mation is &ene'all( -e'( lo!* T%e $'o1les

usuall( de-elo$ at a 'ate o) a0out = cm e-e'( =@@86@@

(ea's* T%e'e is also need to unde'stand t%e dife'ence in

t%e e'osion caused natu'all( o' 0ac"!a'd e'osion and t%e

e'osion !%ic% %as 0een accele'ated la'&el( as a 'esult o) 

%uman acti-it(* 3suall(, 0ac"&'ound e'osion 'ates a'e

o)ten simila' to t%at o) soil )o'mation alt%ou&% in

mountainous a'eas t%e( ma( 0e conside'a0l( %i&%* T%e

less $lateau a'eas o) C%ina and t%e imala(an )oot%ills

o) Ne$al a'e t%e $laces !%e'e some o) t%e %i&%est soil

e'osion 'ates %a-e 0een o0se'-ed* E-en in ndia a'ound

;@@ %a* O) land is lost as a 'esult o) &ull( e'osion e-e'(


 T%e soil loses mate'ials )'om it mainl( in )ou' )o'ms

&ases, solutes, $a'ticulate mate'ial and -e&etation

'emo-al* o!e-e', t%e $'ocesses as in t%e case o)

additions can 0e di-ided into su')ace and su0su')ace

cate&o'ies* Su')ace losses &ene'all( include &ases 'eleased

to t%e atmos$%e'e du'in& o'&anic matte' decom$osition

and also solutes !%ic% a'e $'o-ide to t%e -e&etation )o'

nou'is%ment and t%en lost !%en t%e -e&etation is


o' e#am$le, 0( %a'-estin& c'o$s o' 'emo-al o) t'ees,

$a'ticulate mate'ial !%ic% is lost 0( !ate' o' !ind

e'osion, and t%e u$$e' $a'ts o) $'o1les !%ic% ma( 0e

'emo-ed 0( e'osion o' %uman acti-it(*6

 T%e losses o)

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&ases and solutes -ia su')ace de$ends on t%e e#tent to

!%ic% t%e( a'e dissol-ed and lost 0( su0su')ace

d'aina&eQ !%ic% in tu'n de$ends u$on t%e use o) land

and climate*

Remo-al o) $a'ticulate mate'ial 0( !ind is )ound to 0e

most efecti-e in t%e case o) soils !it% a %i&% silt o'

1ne sand content* T%is is 0ecause t%is siHe o) mate'ial is

mo'e easil( ent'ained t%an t%e la'&e' ones and also

)'om t%e %ea-ie' o' small cla( $a'ticles !%ic% 'esist

0ein& ent'ained due to t%ei' &'eate' a&&'e&ation* O'&anic

mate'ial is also )ound to 0e mo'e -ulne'a0le to t%e

e'osion 0( !ind and its lo!e' densit( !%ic% is 'elati-e

to t%e mine'al mate'ials also im$lies t%at7  la'&e'

$a'ticles can 0e mo'e easil( ca''ied*

$ow moisture content, poor aggregation and sparse

vegetation covers will also enhance susceptibility to

erosion. Small particles %&.&'mm in diameter" are

transported by aerial dispersion and may be carried to

elevations of several thousand metres. Particles of

intermediate si!e &.&'(&.' mm" are transported within a

metre or so of the ground surface by the process of

saltation. In contrast, large particles )&.' mm" are moved

along the ground, largely as a result of impacts from

saltating particles, by the process of creep. Saltation is

the most important process of wind erosion in terms of

6 supra note8> at $&* =<@*


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the *uantity of material moved, and it is estimated that

''(+- of wind eroded particles are transported in this

way. In the case of erosion by water, soils with wea

aggregation and low vegetation covers are with wea

aggregation and low vegetation covers are particularly

susceptible because the aggregates can be easily broen

down by direct raindrop impact. This can also result in

surface compaction and sealing to form a crust which

may be several mm in thicness which impedes

in/ltration, therefore, enhancing the loss of material by

surface runo0.1 

 T%ousands o) %ecta'es o) &ood a&'icultu'al land in man(

count'( %a-e 0een dest'o(ed due to e'osion o) land

caused 0( !ind and !ate'* T%e 0est "no!n o) suc%

dest'uction and disaste' is t%e )amous dust 0o!l/ !%ic%

)o'med in $a'ts o) Cent'al 3nited States o) Ame'ica in

t%e =<?@s* T%e !ides$'ead $'actice o) continuousl( and

e#tensi-el( c'o$$in& t%e land !%ic% ea'lie' %ad 0een a

$a't o) &'assland o' )o'est !as t%e main 'eason )o' t%e

de-elo$ment o) t%e dust 0o!l/* Mo'e 'ecentl( , e'osion

%as caused e-en &'eate' casualties !%ic% )ollo!ed u$

$lou&%in& u$ o) &'assland on t%e $lains o) t%e e'st!%ile

3SSR* t is e-en $ointed 0( some $undits t%at t%e

occu''ence o) occasional !ind e'osion on $eat soils and

on some sand lands a'e not%in& 0ut t%e 0e&innin& o)

9 supra note8> at $&* =<@*

 supra note8> at $&* =<=*

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suc% t'ou0les*

E'osion losses can also occu', )o' e#am$le 0( &lacie' ice,

i) t%e'e is some ma2o' c%an&e in en-i'onmental

conditions* T%e'e a'e se-e'al !a(s 0( !%ic% losses o)

mate'ials can 0e caused 0( %uman acti-it(, t%e most

$'ominent 0ein& associated !it% t%e 'emo-al o) to$8soil

)o' use as 'esou'ce o' )o' const'uction !o'"* o'

e#am$le, t%e ca$a0ilities o) t%e soil else!%e'e can 0e

im$'o-ed 0( e#t'actin& o'&anic 'ic% soil )'om it* T%e

const'uction o) 'oads and 0uildin&s o' an( ot%e'

landsca$in& $'o&'ammes is also o)ten associated !it% t%e

'emo-al o) soil*

Su0su')ace loses can occu' in 0ot% solute o' solid )o'm

and can in-ol-e an( o) t%e $'oducts o) addition and

t'ans)o'mation, alon& !it% t%ose mate'ials unde'&oin&

t'ans)e' !%e'e conditions )o' total 'ede$osition !it%in t%e

soil do not occu'*; T%e e#tent o) solute out$uts

$'ominentl( de$ens u$on solu0ilit( o) mate'ial in-ol-ed

alon& !it% tem$e'atu'e, !%ic% cont'ols t%e 'ate at !%ic%

t%e 'eaction occu's*

A$a't )'om t%ese it also de$ends u$on t%e s$eed o)

!ate' mo-ement, !%ic% !ill dete'mine t%e time a-aila0le

)o' 'eaction to occu'* Onl( t%ose mate'ials !ill occu' !it%

an( si&ni1cance in solids containin& la'&e $o'es o' ot%e'

)o'ms o) $assa&e !a(s !%ic% a'e lost in solid

$a'ticulates )o'm* Pa'ticulate losses a'e mostl( associated

!it% soil $i$es !%ic% usuall( 'an&e )'om )e! centimet'es

; d*

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u$to se-e'al met'es, t%ou&% in coa'se8te#tu'ed and

uncom$acted soils, t%e $o'e s$aces a'e )ound to 0e

conside'a0l( la'&e !%ic% ma( allo! t%e soil mate'ial to

mo-e out o) t%e soil into t%e d'aina&e c%annels*

 T%ese a'e usuall( )ound in t%e soils $'one to

e#$e'iencin& c'ac"in&, due to t%e occu''ence o) smectite,

a %i&%l( e#$anda0le cla( mine'al, o' %i&% o'&anic

contents and also !%ic% contain su0su')ace la(e's o)

'est'icted $e'mea0ilit(*

Soil Pi$es allo! la'&e -olumes o) !ate' to $ass 'a$idl(

t%'ou&% t%em !%ic% 'esults in t%e 'emo-al o) 0ot% solid

$a'ticles and dissol-ed mate'ial*

 T%e e#tent to !%ic% soil e'osion %as 0een caused

de$ends u$on se-e'al )acto's* T%e ones !it% $a'ticula'

im$o'tance include e'osi-it( o) t%e e'odin& a&ent,

e'oda0ilit( o) t%e soil, slo$e stee$ness and len&t%, land

use $'actices and conse'-ation st'ate&ies* T%ese )acto's

a'e summa'ised in t%e uni-e'sal soil loss E4uation :

  E R*K*L*S*C*P*

W%e'e E Mean annual soil loss

  R 'ain)all e'osi-it( inde#

  K Slo$e e'oda0ilit(

  L Slo$e len&t%

  S Slo$e stee$ness

  CC'o$$in& )acto'

  P Conse'-ation $'actice )acto'

Alt%ou&% !idel( used, t%is model %as 0een t%e su02ect o) 

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e#tensi-e c'iticism*< o' e#am$le, it assumes t%at a

-e&etation co-e' is al!a(s $'otecti-e )o' t%e soil !%ic%

is not al!a(s im$licit* E'osion on t%at land !%ic% %as a

&'eate' co-e' o) c'o$s $lanted in 'o!s can 0e

conside'a0l( &'eate' as com$a'ed to some ot%e' land

!%ic% is s$a'sel( co-e'ed !it% -e&etation* Anot%e'

c'iticism is t%at it is onl( a$$lica0le to t%e cases o)

!ate' e'osion and t%us cannot 0e used in t%e ot%e'

a'eas li"e t%ose !%ic% a'e afected e#tensi-el( due to

!ind e'osion* ts a$$lica0ilit( uni-e'sall( as to t%e t'o$ical

soils %as also 0een 4uestioned o)ten* E'osi-it( is a

measu'e o) t%e $otential o) t%e e'odin& a&ent to e'ode

and is commonl( e#$'essed in te'ms o) "inetic ene'&(*=@


< supra note8> at $&* =<?*

=@ d*

+' P a & e

8/9/2019 Soil Pollution and Effects on Economy 17/28


Soil $ollution is caused 0( t%e $'esence o) man8made

c%emicals o' ot%e' alte'ation in t%e natu'al soil

en-i'onment* T%is t($e o) contamination t($icall( a'ises

)'om t%e 'u$tu'e o) unde'&'ound sto'a&e lin"s, a$$lication

o) $esticides, $e'colation o) contaminated su')ace !ate'

to su0su')ace st'ata, oil and )uel dum$in&, leac%in& o)

!astes )'om land1lls o' di'ect disc%a'&e o) indust'ial

!astes to t%e soil* T%e most common c%emicals in-ol-ed

a'e $et'oleum %(d'oca'0ons, sol-ents, $esticides, lead and

ot%e' %ea-( metals* T%is occu''ence o) t%is $%enomenon

is co''elated !it% t%e de&'ee o) indust'ialiHation and

intensities o) c%emical usa&e*

A soil $ollutant is an( )acto' !%ic% dete'io'ates t%e

4ualit(, te#tu'e and mine'al content o) t%e soil o' !%ic%

distu'0s t%e 0iolo&ical 0alance o) t%e o'&anisms in t%e

soil* Pollution in soil %as ad-e'se efect on $lant &'o!t%*

Pollution in soil is &ene'all( associated !it% :


ndisc'iminate use o) $esticides, insecticides and


+( P a & e

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ndisc'iminate use o) )e'tiliHe's

Dum$in& o) la'&e 4uantities o) solid !aste


Soil 2rosion occurs when the weathered soil particles are

dislodged and carried away by wind or water.

3eforestation, agricultural development, temperature

extremes, precipitation including acid rain, and human

activities contribute to this erosion. Humans speed up

this process by construction, mining, cutting of timber, over

cropping and overgra!ing. 4orests and grasslands are an

excellent binding material that eeps the soil intact and

healthy. They support many habitats and ecosystems,

which provide innumerable feeding pathways or food

chains to all species. Their loss would threaten food

chains and the survival of many species.## Du'in& t%e

$ast )e! (ea's 4uite a lot o) measu'eless &'een land

%as 0een t'ans)o'med into dese'ts* T%e $'ecious 'ain)o'est

%a0itats o) Sout% Ame'ica, t'o$ical Asia and A)'ica a'e

comin& unde' %ea-iness o) $o$ulation &'o!t% and

enla'&ement +es$eciall( tim0e', const'uction and

a&'icultu'e* Man( scientists 0elie-e t%at a !ealt% o)

cu'ati-e su0stances countin& a cu'e )o' cance' and aids,

==  %tt$:!!!*0c0*u!c*ac*HaEn-)acts)actse'osion*%tm*

+) P a & e

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'ecline in t%ese )o'ests* De)o'estation is slo!l( dest'o(in&

t%e most $'oli1c o'a and )auna a'eas o-e' t%e &lo0e,

!%ic% also )o'm -ast t'acts o) a -e'( $'ecious sin" )o'


ndisc'iminate use o) $esticides, insecticides

and %e'0icides:8

Plants on !%ic% !e de$end )o' c%o! a'e unde' molest

)'om insects, mic'o0es , 'odents and ot%e' animals, and

%a-e to com$ete !it% !eeds )o' nut'ients* To "ill

'edundant $o$ulations li-in& in o' on t%ei' c'o$s, )a'me's

use $esticides* t !as du'in& Wo'ld Wa' t%at t%e( came

into e#tensi-e use*

nsects soon 0ecame 'esistant to DDT and as t%e

c%emical did not c'um0le 'eadil(, it $e'sisted in t%e

en-i'onment* Since it !as solu0le in )at 'at%e' t%an

!ate', it 0ioma&ni1ed u$ t%e )ood c%ain and dis'u$ted

calcium meta0olism in 0i'ds, causin& e&&s%ells to 0e t%in

and )'a&ile*

As a 'esult, la'&e 0i'ds o) $'e( suc% as t%e 0'o!n

$elican, os$'e(s, )alcons and ea&les 0ecame in dan&e' o)

&ettin& e#tincted*

Pesticides not only bring toxic e0ect on human and

animals but also decrease the fertility of the soil. Some

of the pesticides are *uite stable and their bio(

degradation may tae wees and even months.

Pesticide problems such as resistance, resurgence, and

+* P a & e

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heath e0ects have caused scientists to see alternatives.

Pheromones and hormones to attract or repel insects

and using natural enemies or sterili!ation by radiation

have been suggested.#

ndisc'iminate use o) )e'tiliHe's:8

Soil nut'ients a'e -ital )o' $lant &'o!t% and de-elo$ment*

Plants o0tain necessa'( amounts o) ca'0on, %(d'o&en and

o#(&en )'om ai' and !ate'* ut ot%e' necessa'( nut'ients

li"e nit'o&en, $%os$%o'us, $otassium, calcium, ma&nesium,

sul$%u' and mo'e must 0e o0tained )'om t%e soil*

a'me's 0( and la'&e use )e'tiliHe's to co''ect soil

de1ciencies* e'tiliHe's $ollute t%e soil !it% im$u'ities,

!%ic% come )'om t%e unde'done mate'ials used )o' t%ei'

manu)actu'in&* Asso'ted )e'tiliHe's o)ten contain

ammonium nit'ate +N6NO>,$%os$%o'us as P?O7, and

$otassium as K?O*

o' instance, As, P0 and Cd $'esent in t'aces in 'oc"

$%os$%ate mine'al &et t'ans)e''ed to su$e' $%os$%ate

)e'tiliHe'* Since t%e metals a'e not de&'ada0le, t%ei'

acc'ual in t%e soil a0o-e t%ei' to#ic le-els due to

un!a''anted use o) $%os$%ate )e'tiliHe's, 0ecomes an

im$e'is%a0le $oison )o' c'o$s* T%e o-e' use o) NPK

)e'tiliHe's 'educe amount o) -e&eta0les and c'o$s &'o!n8

u$ on soil o-e' t%e (ea's* t also 'educes t%e $'otein

=? supra note ==*

2 P a & e

8/9/2019 Soil Pollution and Effects on Economy 21/28

content o) c'o$s li"e !%eat, maiHe, &'ams, etc*, &'o!n on

t%at soil*

Dum$in& o) solid !astes:8n &ene'al, solid !aste includes &a'0a&e, domestic 'e)use

and disca'ded solid mate'ials suc% as t%ose )'om

comme'cial, indust'ial and a&'icultu'al acti-ities* T%e(

contain inc'easin& amounts o) $a$e', ca'd0oa'ds, $lastics,

&lass, old const'uction mate'ial, $ac"a&in& mate'ial and

no#ious o' ot%e'!ise %aHa'dous su0stances* Since a

note!o't%( amount o) u'0an solid !aste tends to 0e

$a$e' and )ood !aste, t%e ma2o'it( is 'ec(cla0le o'

0iode&'ada0le in land1lls* T%e $o'tion o) solid !aste t%at

is $e'ilous suc% as oils, 0atte'( metals, etc* and o'&anic

sol-ents a'e t%e ones !e %a-e to $a( $a'ticula'

attention to* T%ese can in t%e lon& 'un, &et de$osited to

t%e soils o) t%e su''oundin& a'ea and $ollute t%em 0(

alte'in& t%ei' c%emical and 0iolo&ical $'o$e'ties* Mo'e

t%an <@ o) %aHa'dous !aste is $'oduced 0( c%emical,

$et'oleum and metal8'elated indust'ies and small

0usinesses suc% as d'( cleane's and &as stations

cont'i0ute as !ell*=>

 To#ic c%emicals leac%ed )'om ooHin&sto'a&e d'ums into t%e soil 0eneat% %omes, causin& an

0iHa''el( la'&e num0e' o) 0i't% de)ects, cance's and

'es$i'ato'(, ne'-ous and "idne(8'elated diseases*


=> supra note ==*

2+ P a & e

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8/9/2019 Soil Pollution and Effects on Economy 23/28

 T%e )e'tilit( slo!l( diminis%es, ma"in& land unsuita0le )o'

a&'icultu'e and an( local -e&etation to su'-i-e* T%e soil

$ollution causes la'&e t'acts o) land to 0ecome

%aHa'dous to %ealt%* 3nli"e dese'ts, !%ic% a'e suita0le )o'

its nati-e -e&etation, suc% land cannot su$$o't most

)o'ms o) li)e*

>* Dec'eased Soil e'tilit(:8 T%e to#ic c%emicals $'esent

in t%e soil can dec'ease soil )e'tilit( and t%e'e)o'e

dec'ease in t%e soil (ield* T%e contaminated soil is t%enused to $'oduce )'uits and -e&eta0les !%ic% lac"s 4ualit(

nut'ients and ma( contain some $oisonous su0stance to

cause se'ious %ealt% $'o0lems in $eo$le consumin&


6* To#ic Dust:8 T%e emission o) to#ic and )oul &ases

)'om land1lls $ollutes t%e en-i'onment and causes se'ious

efects on %ealt% o) some $eo$le* T%e un$leasant smell

causes incon-enience to ot%e' $eo$le*

7* C%an&es in Soil St'uctu'e:8 T%e deat% o) man( soil

o'&anisms +e*&* ea't%!o'ms in t%e soil can lead to

alte'ation in soil st'uctu'e* A$a't )'om t%at, it could also)o'ce ot%e' $'edato's to mo-e to ot%e' $laces in sea'c%

o) )ood*

9*  Economic Efects:8 W%en a$$'oac%in& t%e issue o)

soil de&'adation )'om an economic $e's$ecti-e, it is

$uHHlin& !%( )a'me's, as t%e main use's o) soil, !ould

em$lo( $'actices t%at cont'i0ute to soil de&'adation, !%ile

2$ P a & e

8/9/2019 Soil Pollution and Effects on Economy 24/28

t%e( !ill 0e t%e ones !%o sufe' most )'om t%e

conse4uences o) de&'adation* nstead, it s%ould 0e in t%e

economic inte'ests o) )a'me's and ot%e' soil use's to

a-oid soil de&'adation* W%atsoe-e' it ma( 0e 0ut it is

t'ue t%at t%ou&% t%e en-i'onmental $'o0lems a'e mainl(

due to t%e im$e')ect !o'"in& o) t%e ma'"et mec%anism*

It is *uite hard to evaluate many environmental

resources and commodities and thus they can be hardly

charged for through the mechanism of maret price. This

economic bacground seems to shape conditions under

which the present ecological degradation may tae



POLL3TON:Since the population and urbani!ation can be held

responsible for land use con6ict, unless the bleeding

away of land to urbani!ation , deserti/cation policy will

 pro7ect the 2co(System from the devastating e0ects of

deforestation and from conversion of land into deserts.#' 

ut t%is ma( not 0e ade4uate* Re&ulation o) t%e use o)

land is necessa'( to limit t%e inc'easin& u'0an s$'a!l

and t%e unnecessa'( enc'oac%ment on a&'icultu'al land

!%ic% su0se4uentl( 'esults to de&'adation o) t%e soil* t

=6 supra note8> $&*89*

=7 supra note >, $&*8?@9*

2% P a & e

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%as also 0een o0se'-ed t%at most o) t%e conicts

'elated to land use a'e de'i-ed di'ectl( o' indi'ectl( )'om

su08u'0an &'o!t%, t%us it can 0e im$lied t%at onl(

cont'ollin& and limitin& t%e as$ects o) met'o$olitan

&'o!t% !ill %el$ in mode'atin& and 0alancin& t%e

demand )o' land use* Dist'i0utional aims suc% as ma"in&

land a-aila0le to t%e !%ole communit( alon& !it% t%e

su'et( t%at t%e 0ene1ts 'eac%es t%e communit( can onl(

0e cate'ed usin& an eUcient land use $olic(*

 T%e'e can 0e se-e'al met%ods 0( !%ic% t%is de&'adation

and $ollution o) soil can 0e cont'olled li"e:8

En-i'onmental Monito'in& P'o&'ammes:8 T%e 4ualit( and

4uantit( o) t%e $ollutants 'eleased into t%e en-i'onment

can onl( 0e assessed 0( t%e use o) some Monito'in&


Conse'-in& Eco)'iendl( T'aditional P'actices:8 t %as 0een

noted t%at man( a times it is 0ecause o) t%e s%i)t o)

$eo$le )'om a t'aditional occu$ation to a mode'n one

t%at t%e $ollution 'elated $'o0lems a'ise*

o' e#am$le, in ea'lie' da(s t%e t'aditional )a'min&s(stem !as inde$endent o) t%e use o) s(nt%etic

c%emicals, )e'tiliHe's and $esticides* ut toda( a s%i)t can

0e o0se'-ed )'om t%e t'aditional )a'min& $'actices to

mode'n ones !%ic% a'e %el$in& $eo$le to unde'stand t%e

im$o'tance o) t%e t'aditional )a'min& $'actices* T%e( a'e

s%i)tin& )'om c%emical de$endent a&'icultu'e to!a'ds

2& P a & e

8/9/2019 Soil Pollution and Effects on Economy 26/28

o'&anic )a'min&, !%ic% is no dou0t mo'e eco8)'iendl( and

in acco'dance !it% t%e $'inci$les o) sustaina0le

de-elo$ment* ence, 0an"in& on t'aditional "no!led&e and

inno-atin& to ma"e it suit $'esent needs is one !a( o)

$'e-entin& $ollution*

 Tec%nolo&ical Solutions:8 Tec%nolo&( %as al!a(s %el$ed

man to e-ol-e ne! met%ods )o' $ollution cont'ol as !ell

as its $'e-ention* One suc% inno-ation is t%at o)

iotec%nolo&(* t %as si&ni1cantl( %el$ed )o' im$'o-in&

!aste mana&ement met%ods, de&'adation cont'ollin&, etc*

Se-e'al ot%e' tec%nolo&ies li"e STD, Elect'ical Resistance

eatin& +ER, and ET8DSP, etc* %a-e also 0een used*

io'emediation and P%(to'emediation:8 n 0io'emediation,

t%e contaminants a'e 'emo-ed 0( t%e %el$ o) mic'o0ial

di&estion*  Tec%ni4ues used in 0io'emediation include

land)a'min&, 0iostimulation and 0ioau&mentin& soil 0iota

!it% comme'ciall( a-aila0le mic'o o'a* n

$%(to'emediation $lants suc% as !illo! a'e used to

e#t'act %ea-( metals )'om t%e soil*

Ot%e' m$o'tant Measu'es:8 T%e'e a'e se-e'al ot%e'

efecti-e !a(s t%at %a-e 'ecentl( t'ic"led do!n into t%e

$'e-enti-e measu'es li"e e#ca-ation o) soil and dis$osin&

it of a!a( )'om t%e in%a0ited a'eas* A$a't )'om t%is

ae'ation o) soils at contaminated sites, t%e'mal

'emediation 0( int'oduction o) %eat to 'emo-e -olatile

contaminants 0( -a$o' e#t'action, etc* a'e also used*

2' P a & e

8/9/2019 Soil Pollution and Effects on Economy 27/28


t is almost im$licit t%at )o' economic &'o!t% to 0e

accom$lis%ed, t%e 'esou'ces o) t%e natu'e a'e de1nite to

)ace e#$loitation* T%e $o$ulation 0oom ac'oss t%e &lo0e

is $osin& e-en &'eate' t%'eats to t%ese 'esou'ces* T%e

inc'easin& 'ate o) $o$ulation causes unintended inc'eases

in t%e $'oduction costs !%ic% ma( lead to ma'"et

im0alances* Pollution can cause a de-iation in t%e $'i-ate

and social costs o) $'oduction* P'i-ate costs a'e t%e

no'mall( calculated costs !%ile social costs include an(

t%i'd $a't( costs !%ic% ma( a'ise du'in& $'oduction li"e

t%at o) due to t%e $ollution*

 T%e situations a'e e#$ected to &et e-en !o'se 0ecause

o) t%e inc'easin& Heal o) $eo$le to!a'ds t%e $'inci$les o) Dist'i0uti-e Bustice acco'din& to !%ic% e-e'(one %a-e an

e4ual s%a'e in t%e natu'al 'esou'ces* ut, it s%ould 0e

unde'stood t%at t%is is $ossi0le onl( !%en !e use ou'

natu'al 'esou'ces !isel( and in acco'dance !it% t%e

t%eo'( o) Sustaina0le Mana&ement*

 T%us, t%e need o) t%e %ou' is to unde'stand t%at t%e

dist'i0uti-e 2ustice can onl( 0e accom$lis%ed !%en t%e

natu'al 0alance o) t%e 'esou'ces is maintained 0ecause

8The 9ature has got enough for everyone:s need but

*uite less for anyone:s greed.; 

2( P a & e

8/9/2019 Soil Pollution and Effects on Economy 28/28


  !oos Us/0##




NEW DEL, ED* NO*8, ?@@<*

W/ Lins##

+.  %tt$:%ome&uides*s)&ate*com0'ie)8int'oduction8!ate'8soil8

$ollution8<?=@*%tml?* %tt$:!!!*education*national&eo&'a$%ic*co*in>* >*%tt$:en*!i"i$edia*o'&!i"iSoilVC%a'acte'istics

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@6@*%tmVE'osion?@0(?@Wate'=@* %tt$:!!!*oma)'a*&o-*on*caen&lis%en&inee')acts;8

@6@*%tmVE'osion?@0(?@Wind==* %tt$:en*!i"i$edia*o'&!i"iSoile'osion

=?*!!!*uni8 &'aH*at&eo!!!%m'sc$d)s%m'sc6%EA%m6*PD