soille san diego hebrew day school...parshat vayetze 3 the soille scene 4-8 preschool news 9 soille...

In This Issue: Calendar 2 Parshat Vayetze 3 The Soille Scene 4-8 Preschool News 9 Soille Community News 10 3630 Aſton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300 Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool November 20, 2015 Parsha Vayetze 8 Kislev 5776 Light Candles 4:26 pm Enthusiasm for Community Building As our Penny War came to an exciting finish this week, the biggest takeaway is the enjoyment felt by our students knowing they were working to help someone in need, and experiencing the strength of community connection. Unfortunately, it is often only when tragedy strikes that people today feel connected to one another. Through ongoing programs such as Penny War and the daily activities of our Reuben Klamer “Game of Life” Student Leadership Council, every student at Hebrew Day knows what it means to belong, to feel for others, to put into practice Jewish values and learning, and the taste of happiness from knowing that you have the ability to light up a dark place in the world. Please read more on page 4. Have a Thankful Thanksgiving Our Successful Me character and leadership program shapes the learning environment of every child who attends Hebrew Day School. It is rooted in Appreciation: Seeing Hashem’s Blessings. With Thanksgiving next week, we want to encourage every family to enjoy one another. The noted Israeli psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar writes the following: "There are treasures of happiness all around us and within us. The problem is that we only appreciate them when something terrible happens. When we become sick, we appreciate our health. When we lose someone dear to us, we appreciate life. We don't need to wait. If we cultivate the habit of gratitude we can significantly increase our levels of happiness. Research shows that people who keep a gratitude journal, who each night before going to sleep write at least five things for which they are grateful, big things or little things, are happier, more optimistic, more successful, more likely to achieve their goals, physically healthier; it actually strengthens our immune system. We become more generous and benevolent toward others. This is an intervention that takes three minutes a day with significant positive ramifications." Happy Thanksgiving Rabbi Simcha Weiser, Headmaster

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Page 1: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School...Parshat Vayetze 3 The Soille Scene 4-8 Preschool News 9 Soille Community News 10 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300 Soille

In This Issue:

Calendar 2

Parshat Vayetze 3

The Soille Scene 4-8

Preschool News 9

Soille Community

News 10

3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300

Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool

November 20, 2015 Parsha Vayetze 8 Kislev 5776 Light Candles 4:26 pm

Enthusiasm for Community Building

As our Penny War came to an exciting finish this week, the biggest takeaway is the

enjoyment felt by our students knowing they were working to help someone in

need, and experiencing the strength of community connection. Unfortunately, it

is often only when tragedy strikes that people today feel connected to one

another. Through ongoing programs such as Penny War and the daily activities of

our Reuben Klamer “Game of Life” Student Leadership Council, every student at

Hebrew Day knows what it means to belong, to feel for others, to put into

practice Jewish values and learning, and the taste of happiness from knowing that

you have the ability to light up a dark place in the world.

Please read more on page 4.

Have a Thankful Thanksgiving Our Successful Me character and leadership program shapes the learning environment of every child who attends Hebrew Day School. It is rooted in Appreciation: Seeing Hashem’s Blessings. With Thanksgiving next week, we want to encourage every family to enjoy one another. The noted Israeli psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar writes the following: "There are treasures of happiness all around us and within us. The problem is that we only appreciate them when something terrible happens. When we become sick, we appreciate our health. When we lose someone dear to us, we appreciate life. We don't need to wait. If we cultivate the habit of gratitude we can significantly increase our levels of happiness. Research shows that people who keep a gratitude journal, who each night before going to sleep write at least five things for which they are grateful, big things or little things, are happier, more optimistic, more successful, more likely to achieve their goals, physically healthier; it actually strengthens our immune system. We become more generous and benevolent toward others. This is an intervention that takes three minutes a day with significant positive ramifications." Happy Thanksgiving Rabbi Simcha Weiser, Headmaster

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

Calendar of Events

Headmaster: Rabbi Simcha Weiser

[email protected]

Principal: Rabbi Meir Cohen

[email protected]

Director of School Administration:

Estelle Workman

[email protected]

Director of Admissions:

Beth Licha

[email protected]

Dean of Students:

Giovanna Reinking

[email protected]

Preschool Director: Rachel Eden

[email protected]

Business Manager: Klara Lapp

[email protected]

Director of Development:

Joyce Arovas

[email protected]


Geoffrey Berg

Members at Large:

Eilene Cummins Paul Datnow

Moises Eilemberg Iliana Glovinsky

Allen Gruber Gavin Horn

Yonina Kaplan Michael Leeman

Philip Silverman Marilyn Williams

Marcia Wollner Missy Wrotslavsky

Brian Zimmerman

Our Administrative Team: Board of Directors:

November December

November 23, 2015 School Picture Orders due November 24, 2015 Kindergarten Thanksgiving Presentation November 25, 2015 Noon Dismissal November 26-27, 2015 Thanksgiving Break - No School November 30- December 7 Scholastic Book Fair in School Lobby December 1, 2015 Giving Tuedsay

December 2, 2015 12 pm Dismissal No Hot Lunch Parent Teacher Conferences 1 pm - 7 pm December 3, 2015 NO SCHOOL Parent Teacher Conferences 8 am - 4 pm December 4, 2015 Picture Make-Up Day (Preschool:8-10am/Day School 10-12pm) December 9, 2015 Chanukah Extravaganza @ Congregation Beth El December 21-31/Jan. 1, 2016 Winter Break January 4, 2016 School Resumes


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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

Parshat Vayetze OVERVIEW: Parshat VaYetze (Gen. 28:10 – 32:3)

Fleeing from Esav, Jacob leaves Be'er Sheva and sets out for Charan, the home of his mother's family. After a 14 year stint in the Torah Academy of Shem and Ever, he resumes his journey and comes to Mount Moriah, the place where his father Yitzchak was brought as an offering, and the future site of the Beit Hamikdash. He sleeps there and dreams of angels going up and down a ladder between Heaven and earth. G-d promises him the Land of Israel, that he will found a great nation and that he will enjoy Divine protection. Jacob wakes and vows to build an altar there and tithe all that he will receive. Then he travels to Charan and meets his cousin Rachel at the well. He arranges with her father, Lavan, to work seven years for her hand in marriage, but Lavan fools Jacob, substituting Rachel's older sister, Leah. Jacob commits himself to work another seven years in order to also marry Rachel. Leah bears four sons: Reuven, Shimon, Levi and Yehuda, the first Tribes of Israel. Rachel is barren, and in an attempt to give Jacob children, she gives her handmaiden Bilhah to Jacob as a wife. Bilhah bears Dan and Naftali. Leah also gives Jacob her handmaiden Zilpah, who bears Gad and Asher. Leah then bears Yissachar, Zevulun, and a daughter, Dina. Hashem finally blesses Rachel with a son, Yosef. Jacob decides to leave Lavan, but Lavan, aware of the wealth Jacob has made for him, is reluctant to let him go, and concludes a contract of employment with him. Lavan tries to swindle Jacob, but Jacob becomes extremely wealthy. Six years later, Jacob, aware that Lavan has become dangerously resentful of his wealth, flees with his family. Lavan pursues them but is warned by Hashem not to harm them. Jacob and Lavan agree to a covenant and Lavan returns home. Jacob continues on is way to face his brother Esav. (C) 2015 Ohr Somayach International

DRASHA: Rashi comments regarding the opening word of this week’s Torah reading that when a righteous person departs from a community, the loss is noticeable and is damaging to that community. In most instances, the community or even the righteous person’s own family and friends, pay little attention to his or her presence while the person is amongst them. It is only when that person is no longer with them, does their true value and mettle become apparent. And then it is usually a case of too little, too late. Yaakov is a low profile person in his community. It is Eisav who makes the headlines, gives the interviews and media appearances. He is the outside man while Yaakov is quiet, studious, private and not obtrusive. But communities, especially in the Jewish world, are built upon the righteousness…..the quiet Yaakovs and not on the bombast of noisy Eisavs. I have often commented that the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed totally not because of the millions of evildoers who were their inhabitants but rather because there were not ten righteous and good people who lived in their community. Judaism values and prizes the worth of a single individual. It never deals with numbers and majorities alone. It strives to create righteous individuals by whose mere presence alone societies are enhanced and the influence of good prevails. It is therefore sad that the value of such good people is noticed most significantly only by their departure and absence. When Yaakov arrives at the house of Lavan, Lavan is financially impoverished. He is forced to use his daughters as his shepherds – a shameful matter in his place and time. Yaakov’s presence in

Lavan’s home over the next decades will cause him to become rich and powerful. In a rare moment of candor, Lavan admits to Yaakov “that the L-rd has blessed me because of you.” All of history indicates the blessings that have occurred to countries, empires and civilizations simply because the Jewish people resided in their midst. Nevertheless, this realization does not prevent anti-Semitism and violence against Jews from being justified and encouraged. Lavan is the perfect paradigm for this warped behavior. He knows that his success is a result of Yaakov’s presence in his home and yet he pursues Yaakov and hopes to somehow destroy him. This paradoxical type of mindset is abundantly and clearly visible in our current world. We are cursed by others not for our actions but simply because we have the temerity to exist. Good people were not allowed to live in Sodom. Jews are not to be allowed in the Land of Israel. The influence of good is an intolerable idea in a world committed to evil and falsehood. Yet, Spain, Portugal and Poland want the Jews to come back. Europe wants to be free of Jews but somehow to retain the presence and benefits of Jews living in its midst. It is a warped and complicated world that we live in. Like Yaakov, there is little that we can do about it except to continue to soldier on. Shabat shalom. Rabbi Berel Wein © 2015

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

The Soille Scene Penny War Has Ended…

But its effect will be enduring!

(Reuben Klamer “Game of Life” Student

Leadership Council) Penny War is over. But our good work has just begun!

For over three and a half weeks the students of Soille San Diego Hebrew Day

School, Preschool through 8th grade have been working hard, in a very

creative way, to raise money for a worthy cause. Penny War, which has

become an annual school tradition blends the efforts to raise Tzedaka

(charity) with some healthy competition to add extra motivation! Second

through Eighth grades competed to get the most pennies and the most

points! There were faces of joy as students day by day brought in pennies and

placed them in their own boxes. The anxiety on the faces of students, as

other grade level students added nickels, dimes, and quarters to their boxes

was palpable. Who will win? Will we raise enough money to help out Israelis

who have been scarred by war and terror? Will these funds brighten their

Chanukah this year? After a nail biting competition and an amazing staff of

students, the war has been won! Yes, the 8th Grade has won the Penny War!

Yes, the 3rd grade won for most pennies contributed! Yes the 1st grade won

their Tzedaka War with Kindergarten! BUT, all grades are winners! Together

we raised over $1300 in Tzedaka and that money will go toward the ONE

FAMILY FUND in Israel.

So, students and parents of Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School, in essence

we all won the war! By working together to raise an enormous amount of

money for our brothers and sisters in Israel who have been hurt by war and

terror, our school has made a big difference for them during this meaningful

time of year! The best way to give Tzedaka is anonymously and we as a

school can feel proud that we have achieved another year of anonymity and

excellence! Yashar Koach to everyone!

Special thank you goes to the Reuben Klamer “Game of Life” Leadership

Council for all their hard work and effort on behalf of this war. A very special

thanks to Mr. Ray Mills and Mr. Jermaine Dawson, who helped on a daily

basis with the progressively heavier cart loaded with your change that will

soon change the lives of those in Israel! Thank you to Beth Licha and Estelle

Workman for all of their hard work and effort to publicize this worthy cause

to the entire school community and beyond! And lastly, to Jackie Dino for all

of her efforts, exchanging bills for rolls and helping tie up all loose ends!

Your efforts are so appreciated and Student Leadership Council extends

their thanks to all of you!

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

The Soille Scene

Second Graders TAKE A HIKE!

With lots of zest the second graders endured a one mile hike through four ecosystems at Mission Trails

Regional Park on Thursday. They were most excited to locate poison oak on the trail but thankfully did not

get too close! As part of their geology unit the students learned a cute song about the three types of rocks at

the beginning of the morning. Then they followed Rangers Dean and Chris through a trail in which they

could examine a metamorphic rock, laurel sumac and lemonadeberry shrubs with their magnifying glasses.

They collected soil samples along the way and then used magnets to retrieve the minerals from them. They

learned about living, biotic, and non-living, abiotic things found in all ecosystems like water, air, soil and

sunlight. The students were real troopers as they endured warm temperatures and slippery rocks under

their feet! They definitely enjoyed their lunches outdoors after their challenging hike!

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

The Soille Scene

Hebrew Immersion Program in Preschool

The Preschool's revolutionary Hebrew Immersion Program has proved to be an enormous success! Morah Odeya works with a small group of children to build up their conversational Hebrew using tools such as repetition and song. The kids are quick to pick up on their Morah's teaching and have become more autonomous by the day. They sing their welcome and goodbye songs (Shirei Shalom) with no help and jump at the chance to introduce themselves in Hebrew without assistance! This past week, the class' focus has been colors and parts of the body. Through art, music, and games, the children have formed a bond with one another and have become more familiar with Hebrew.

“Bach to the Future: Orchestra Blast-Off” Hebrew Day 5th graders attended a San Diego Symphony concert in conjunction with the Air and Space Museum. This special student performance featured a scientist talking about the moon, stars and Space Station while the orchestra interjected space songs. The students also learned about how the Underground Railroad followed the Big Dipper and North Star to find their way, and they loved learning and singing the song, “Follow the Drinking Gourd.” A highlight of the performance was when the orchestra played the theme to “Star Wars” and a storm trooper came out on stage.

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

The Soille Scene

Fifth Grade Star Weavers Return to Fourth Grade

The fourth graders learned to weave this week for a social studies project to help them learn about Native

Americans. The weaving project is difficult to begin as all the fourth graders need careful instruction all at

once. Mrs. Adams requests parent help for this project every year for that reason and this year all the

fourth grade parents were busy. Star weavers from last year, Lia Ellis and Ella Raz, came to help teach the

project. Not only did Ella and Lia weave beautiful baskets last year, they also proved to be wonderful

teachers. Mrs. Adams was very impressed and grateful.

Fourth Grade Navajo Speaker

The fourth grade entertained a special guest this week to help them understand how some Native Ameri-

cans live modern lives today. “King” visited their classroom. Originally from Four Corners Arizona, where

he grew up on a Navajo reservation, King left the reservation to attend Arizona State University. He began

by introducing himself in Navajo and then kept the fourth graders’ attention for a half an hour while he

talked about growing up on the reservation. He gave details of their prayers, traditional Navajo homes, cer-

emonies, foods, and interesting legends including monsters and demons! He saved ten minutes at the end

of his speech for questions and the fourth graders discovered that we share many values with the Navajo in-

cluding respecting elders, respecting nature and one of the most important values: when speaking, be very

careful of others’ feelings.

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

The Soille Scene

Donors Gather at Headmaster’s Society Event Hebrew Day donors gathered for the kick-off event of the Headmaster’s Society at the home of Jeremy and Joan Berg. Amazing desserts made by the talented and French-trained pastry chef and Hebrew Day parent, Ynessa McElfresh were enjoyed by all. Morah Rachel Shay shared heartfelt remarks about being a Hebrew Day former parent and teacher and now a He-brew Day teacher and grandparent. She spoke about the positive impact Hebrew Day had on her daughter’s life and life-long friends. Rabbi Meir Cohen shared samples of student-created videos—3rd grade States project, 7th grade Digestive System project and 8th grade Yahadut project to showcase the innovative teaching at Hebrew Day. Discussing the theme, “Finding Security in a Threatening World,” Rabbi Simcha Weiser, Headmaster and parent Rabbi Aaron Kleinman spoke about security in the world, G-d’s role and how people must confront and conquer their fears. For information about joining the Headmaster’s Society, contact Joyce Arovas, [email protected].

Soille Parent Association (SPA)JOIN TODAY! Membership Goal: 100% of families Current Membership: 28% of families

Please help us reach our goal by becoming a member of SPA today.

Why should you join SPA? Here are some of the things that SPA does to benefit your child and your child’s teacher: Run the Back to School Bash Provide food, entertainment and programming for

many of the Jewish holidays Provide Hot Lunch Program Provide Challah for Dayschool and Preschool Shabbat

parties and run Challah sales for Shabbat and High Holidays

Sponsor the Chanukah Menorah Contest Fundraise through Box Tops for Education Organize and run the Mishloach Manot for Purim Organize Teacher Appreciation Week Help raise funds for the 8th grade Israel trip Purchase new facility items for the preschool and day


SPA Membership levels: $18 – Basic Membership $54 – Silver Membership $36 – Bronze Membership $72—Gold Membership

Contact [email protected] to become a member today.

Get ready for Giving Tuesday Join Soille Hebrew Day on December 1st and help us raise funds for School Safety and Security What is #GivingTuesday? Giving Tuesday is a 24-hour fundraising campaign. He-brew Day has chosen School Safety and Security as the Giving Tuesday project. Matching Gifts Announced! Generous donors have come together to give $20,000 in matching gifts for the Giving Tuesday campaign. This means that your dollars go even further! Tell your friends, family, members and social media to support your school on December 1st.

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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

Preschool News This week’s rich parsha of Vayeitzei provided ample material for our preschool

children to learn in many ways. The Hummingbird class read about Yaakov’s

marriage to Rachel and children from Leah using puppets and a family tree.

Then, they were offered the chance to reenact the parsha in costume!

Our Dragonfly class introduced Thanksgiving and the importance of expressing

gratitude. They also prepared for Chanukah with music and song.

The Frog class, still busy exploring the creation story, focused on the rainbow’s

colors with Dress-Up Days and interactive projects like making rainbow


Please enjoy the photos from our Kislev celebration and Dr. Brian Keating’s

presentation to the preschoolers about the sun, moon, and stars.

Shabbat Shalom!

At A Glance

In this week’s Torah portion, Vayeitzei, our children learned about the

wedding of Yaakov and Rachel where Lavan deceives Yaakov and switches

Rachel out for Leah as his bride. The children of Yaakov eventually becoming

the twelve tribes was also a highlight.

In Hebrew Immersion, Morah Odeya is using repetition and song to build the

children’s Hebrew skills! The kids jump at the chance to introduce themselves

in Hebrew and are learning parts of the body and colors!


Please RSVP for upcoming extended care days. See our calendar and sign up

form on Please call the preschool office if you have any


Save the Date

Thanksgiving Break: Nov 25 (noon dismissal)

Nov 26 & 27 No School

Parent Teacher Conferences: Dec 2-3

Preschool-wide Chanukah show: Dec 9

Winter Break: Dec 21- Jan 1

Page 10: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School...Parshat Vayetze 3 The Soille Scene 4-8 Preschool News 9 Soille Community News 10 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300 Soille


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu November 20, 2015 - 8 Kislev 5776

Soille Community News

Save the Date: Tuesday, December 1st

Recycle your used ink cartridges by bringing them to Hebrew Day!

Are you looking for Chanukah gifts? Birthday presents? Order Gift Cards through Hebrew Day Perfect for birthday gifts, Chanukah gifts or everyday shopping, order your cards through Hebrew Day. Order by

November 30th and cars will arrive by December 4th—just in time for Chanukah! There a lots of stores to choose

from. See order form at the end of this Kolenu and contact Klara Lapp, [email protected] to order cards.

Parents: Learn to Read Hebrew in 8 weeks! This free course “READ HEBREW AMERICA” WILL BEGIN AT Beth Jacob on Tuesday night and run for 8 consecutive weeks. No cost. Beth Jacob Cong: sign up at

Mazal Tov to…

…Hadassah Bogopulsky (HDS Class of 2010) on her marriage next week to Jeremy Berg , and to proud parents Rabbi Avram and Leah Bogopulsky, and the entire Rosen/Bogopulsky/Kaplan families.

...Diane Manosh (HDS Class of 2007) on her marriage next week to Shimon Packer in Los Angeles, and to proud parents Jennifer Manosh and Yehudah Manosh and families.

...Jacob Horn on becoming Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat and to proud parents Cheryl and Gavin Horn.

...Rabbi Jeffrey (HDS Class of 2004) and Rachel Mally on the birth of a son in Florida, and to proud grand-parents Dr. Martin and Leah Mally and family.

Scholars In Residence Coming Soon:

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz will lecture at Beth Jacob on Sunday, Nov. 29 at 6:15 PM titled “The Squirrel That Stole Yom Kippur.”

Monday, Nov. 30 at 7:00 PM titled “Wedding Crasher – Doing Damage During Wedding Dance.” FMI call 619-287-9890

Rabbi Steven Weil, OU National Director will spend Shabbat at Adat Yeshurun on Dec. 4/5 and speak on “Are we on the Verge of WW III?” and “A look at Marriage in the Orthodox community.” FMI call 858-595-1196.

Hebrew Day Legacy Donors invited to Screening of “Jerusalem”

The Jewish Community Foundation is inviting all Hebrew Day Legacy Donors to attend a screening of the IMAX film, “Jerusalem” on Thursday, Dec. 3rd. Contact Joyce Arovas for details, [email protected].

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Winter Camp @ Soille Hebrew Day

Parents: Are you working during the Winter School Break? Need somewhere safe and fun for your children to go? Want your children to have fun on daily fieldtrips!?

Come have fun with Estelle and Mr. Dawson!!

Mon., Dec. 21st /Dec. 28th 8 am - 3:30 pm Tues., Dec. 22nd/Dec. 29th 8 am - 3:30 pm Wed., Dec. 23rd/Dec. 30th 8 am - 3:30 pm

Thur., Dec. 24th/Dec. 31st 8 am - 1 pm

Offered to Pre-K - 5th grade $35 a day first child/$30 for siblings

Sign up with Estelle Workman in the school office.

Student Name: _______________________________ Grade: _______ Student Name: _______________________________ Grade: _______ Student Name: _______________________________ Grade: _______ Circle the days of care needed:

12/21 12/22 12/23 12/24

12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31 Total Days: ________ X $35 = ___________ Sibling: ________ X $30 = ___________ Total Cost: $_________________________ Make checks out to Soille Hebrew Day School—SSDHDS

Everyday send the following with your child:

2 snacks Lunch Jacket Car Booster (if needed)

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Still have to work even though your child has no school? Paula Tannen Preschool now offers extended care for an additional fee for non-Yom Tovim days.

Cost: $50 a day (8:00 AM – 3:30 PM) Half Day (12:00-4:00PM/1:00 – 5:30 PM) $30 $50 a day (8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Candle Lighting days) Early Start (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM) $10

September � Sept. 22 – Erev Yom Kippur

8:00-2:00 pm � Sept. 30 – Sukkot Break

8:00-3:30 pm October

� Oct. 1 - Sukkot Break 8:00 -3:30 pm

� Oct. 2 - Sukkot Break 8:00-3:30 pm


� Nov. 3 – Faculty Development 1:00-5:30pm

� Nov. 25 - Thanksgiving 12:00-4:00 pm


� Dec. 2 – Parent Teacher Conferences 12:00-4:00 pm

� Dec. 21 – Winter Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Dec. 22 – Winter Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Dec. 23 - Winter Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Dec. 24 - Winter Break 8:00-2:00 pm

� Dec. 28 - Winter Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Dec. 29 – Winter Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Dec. 30 – Winter Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Dec. 31 – Winter Break 8:00-2:00 pm

February � Feb. 3 – Faculty Development

1:00-5:30pm March

� Mar. 24 – Purim 12:00-4:00 pm

� Mar. 25 – 9am Start Before Care 8:00-9:00 am


� Apr. 20 – Pesach Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Apr. 21 – Pesach Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Apr. 22 – Pesach Break 8:00-2:00 pm

� Apr. 25 – Pesach Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Apr. 26 – Pesach Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Apr. 27 – Pesach Break 8:00-3:30 pm

� Apr. 28 – Pesach Break 8:00-2:00 pm


� June 10 – Erev Shavuot 12:00-2:00 pm

� June 14 – After Shavuot Before Care 8:00-9:00 am

� June 17 – Last Day 12:00-2:00 pm

Child’s Name: _________________________________________ Class ____________________________

Emergency Contact Name & #: ______________________________________________________________ Please select the days care is needed from the list of dates above. Children must be pre-paid directly to the preschool office. No child will be admitted without payment. Thank you! __________ # of days x $50 = __________ __________ # of half days x $30 = __________ __________ # of early care days x $10 __________ Total __________

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Accident Waiver and Release of Liability I __________________________________________________(parent/guardian) of the SPORT PARTICIPANT, HEREBY ASSUME ALL RISKS OF THE SPORT PARTICIPANT’S INVOLVEMENT IN THIS ACTIVITY. I CERTIFY THAT THE SPORT PARTICIPANT is physically fit and has not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person. I acknowledge this AWRL form will be used by the Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School and the activity organizers, in which the SPORT PARTICIPANT may participate and that it will govern the SPORT PARTICIPANT’S ACTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AT SAID ACTIVITY. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SPORT PARTICIPANT being permitted to participate in this activity, and on behalf of myself, my executers, administrators, heirs, successors and assigns, I hereby (A) WAIVE, RELEASE AND DISCHARGE FROM LIABILITY the Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School and its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives and agents, for the death, injury or property loss or damage of the SPORT PARTICIPANT or actions of any kind which may accrue to me as a result of SPORT PARTICIPANT’s participation in this activity; and (B) agree to IDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the above mentioned entities or persons from any and all liabilities or claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of any of the SPORT PARTICIPANT’s actions during this activity except for those claims arising from the sole negligent or willful conduct of the Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School or its agents. I hereby consent to the administering of medical treatment to the SPORT PARTICIPANT if deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during this activity. I understand that at this activity or related activities, the SPORT PARTICIPANT may be photographed. I agree to allow the SPORT PARTICIPANT’s photo, video or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by SSDHDS. This AWRL shall be constructed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law. I hereby certify that I have read this document and understand its content. I further certify that I am the parent or guardian of the above-named participant and that I will hold each of the above-named individuals and entities harmless and indemnify each in the event of any loss whatsoever due to a defect in my legal capacity.

SPORT PARTICIPANT’s Parent or Guardian’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date__________________________________

Circle which sport for the 2015-16 Winter Season: Boys Basketball Girls Soccer Sport Participant Name: ____________________________________ Grade: ______ Date of Birth: _________ Parent’s Name: ______________________________ Cell Phone #: ____________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________ Request Financial Assistance: YES NO Emergency Contact & Number: _________________________________________________________________

Announcing the Winter 2015-16 Season

Boys & Girls Grades 5 - 8 Boys Basketball Girls Soccer

Cost: $95 (Cost includes coaching, league fees & uniform)

Please fill out form below and return to Mr. Mahr by November 23rd with a check attached made out to SSDHDS. You can send it in earlier too!

Tryouts: November 16th, 2:45-3:30 November 17th, 2:45-4:15 November 19th, 2:45-4:15 November 23rd, 2:45-3:30

Practices: Monday-2:45-3:30 Tuesday-2:45-4:15 Thursday-2:45-4:15

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Gift Cards for


Name: _______________________________ Phone #:

Company Card Value/ % to School Quantity Total Company

Card Value/ % to School Quantity Total

Ace Hardware $25/$100 Kohl’s $25/$100 $25/$100 Lowe’s $25/$100

AMC Theatres $25 Macy’s $25/$100/

Barnes & Noble $10/$20/$25 Marshalls $25/$100

Baskin Robbins $2 Old Navy $25/

Bed Bath & Beyond $25 Ross $25

Best Buy $25/$100 Sears $25/$100

Big 5 Sporting Goods

$25 Smart & Final $25/$50

Children’s Place $25/ Sprouts Farmers Mkt $25/$50

Coffee Bean $25 Starbucks $10/$25

Crate and Barrel $25/$100 Target $25/$100

CVS $25/$100 Vons $25/$100

Gap $25/ Walgreens $25/$100

Home Depot $25/$100 Walmart $25/$100

JC Penny $25/$100 Whole Foods Market $25/$100

Kmart $25/$50 Williams-Sonoma $25/$100

To order: 1. Contact Klara Lapp, 858-279-3300, ext. 105 and send this form with a check made out to Soille San

Diego Hebrew Day School

Shop now for Chanukah and help Hebrew Day at the same time. Every time you buy a coffee at Coffee Bean or take your kids out for ice cream, our school can benefit at no extra cost to you! Just buy the cards! They have no expiration date or non-activity fees.

Orders placed: Monday, Nov.30th Cards Delivered: Friday, Dec. 4th

Thank you for your support!

Page 15: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School...Parshat Vayetze 3 The Soille Scene 4-8 Preschool News 9 Soille Community News 10 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300 Soille

For 50% OFF registration, use our exclusive

Hebrew Day discount code: RFTHSSDHDS

Beth Licha Soille Hebrew Day School

[email protected]

858-279-3300, ext. 109

San Diego Run for the Hungry 5K & 10K Run/Walk

Thanksgiving Morning Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015

10K @ 7:00am 5K @ 8:15am

November 1, 2015

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Page 17: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School...Parshat Vayetze 3 The Soille Scene 4-8 Preschool News 9 Soille Community News 10 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300 Soille

Play, Eat, Love, Learn