solar-driven water splitting modeling, simulation, and

German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201510463 Solar-Driven Water Splitting International Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201510463 Modeling, Simulation, and Implementation of Solar- Driven Water-Splitting Devices Chengxiang Xiang,* AdamZ. Weber,* Shane Ardo, Alan Berger, YiKai Chen, Robert Coridan, KatherineT. Fountaine, Sophia Haussener, Shu Hu, Rui Liu, Nathan S. Lewis, Miguel A. Modestino, Matthew M. Shaner, Meenesh R. Singh, JohnC. Stevens, Ke Sun, and Karl Walczak A ngewandte Chemi e Keywords: device architecture · hydrogen · modeling · photoelectrochemistry · solar-driven water splitting A ngewandte Chemi e Reviews &&&& # 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 2 – 17 Ü Ü These are not the final page numbers!

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German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201510463Solar-Driven Water SplittingInternational Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201510463

Modeling, Simulation, and Implementation of Solar-Driven Water-Splitting DevicesChengxiang Xiang,* Adam Z. Weber,* Shane Ardo, Alan Berger, YiKai Chen,Robert Coridan, Katherine T. Fountaine, Sophia Haussener, Shu Hu, Rui Liu,Nathan S. Lewis, Miguel A. Modestino, Matthew M. Shaner, Meenesh R. Singh,John C. Stevens, Ke Sun, and Karl Walczak


Keywords:device architecture · hydrogen ·modeling ·photoelectrochemistry ·solar-driven watersplitting


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Page 2: Solar-Driven Water Splitting Modeling, Simulation, and

1. Introduction

One attractive approach to circumvent the intermittentnature of solar irradiation is to store large-scale solar-converted energy in the form of chemical bonds, that is, inan artificial photosynthetic process at an average efficiencythat is significantly higher than that of most crops.[1] Signifi-cant challenges still exist for the capture, conversion, andstorage of solar energy through artificial photosynthesis. Ofall the solar-driven fuel-forming devices, a solar-driven water-splitting cell has the simplest fuel-forming chemical reaction,and has demonstrated the highest efficiency, stability, andscalability.[2] Two distinctive systems—a discrete system inwhich a photovoltaic unit is electrically connected in serieswith an electrolyzer unit (PV-E) and a monolithically inte-grated photoelectrolysis system (PEC)—have demonstratedefficient, unassisted solar-driven water splitting on a labora-tory scale. The PV-E system offers a modular approach thatallows for the optimization of individual components andreduces the incompatibility of the materials between thepower-generating and water-electrolysis units. For example, SiPV minimodules and perovskite-based solar cells have beenused recently in the PV-E design,[3] and numerous demon-strations of commercial PV modules connected to electro-lyzers have been performed at various scales.[4] Recenttechno-economic analyses suggest high levelized hydrogencosts in the PV-E system relative to hydrogen produced bysteam reforming or grid electrolysis (electrolyzer unitsoperating with grid electricity) because of the high balance-of-system cost and the low capacity factor of the system.[5] Theintegrated PEC system, however, leverages a simplistic designthat could provide many potential advantages relative toa PV-E system and offers a unique flexibility of design for thebalance of systems.[2b,5c,6]

An integrated, intrinsically safe, solar-driven water-split-ting device is generally comprised of light absorbers, electro-catalysts, membrane separators, and an electrolyte solution ina given system geometry. The overall solar-to-hydrogen(STH) conversion efficiency of such a system depends onthe performance and materials properties of all the individual

components as well as on the systemdesign. Over the past few years, sig-nificant advances have been made inthe discovery and development ofmaterials for individual componentsas well as in the design and implemen-

An integrated cell for the solar-driven splitting of water consists ofmultiple functional components and couples various photo-electrochemical (PEC) processes at different length and time scales.The overall solar-to-hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency of sucha system depends on the performance and materials properties of theindividual components as well as on the component integration,overall device architecture, and system operating conditions. ThisReview focuses on the modeling- and simulation-guided developmentand implementation of solar-driven water-splitting prototypes froma holistic viewpoint that explores the various interplays between thecomponents. The underlying physics and interactions at the cell level isare reviewed and discussed, followed by an overview of the use of thecell model to provide target properties of materials and guide thedesign of a range of traditional and unique device architectures.

From the Contents

1. Introduction 3

2. Continuum-Level Modeling 4

3. Cell Design andImplementation 10

4. Summary 13

[*] Dr. C. Xiang, Y. Chen, Prof. S. Hu,[+] Dr. R. Liu, Prof. N. S. Lewis,Dr. M. M. Shaner, Dr. K. SunJoint Center for Artificial PhotosynthesisCalifornia Institute of TechnologyPasadena CA 91125 (USA)E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. A. Z. Weber, Prof. M. R. Singh,[#] Dr. J. C. Stevens, Dr. K. WalczakJoint Center for Artificial PhotosynthesisLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBerkeley, CA 94720 (USA)E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. S. ArdoDepartment of Chemistryand Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials ScienceUniversity of California Irvine (USA)

Dr. A. BergerAir Products and Chemicals, Inc.Allentown (USA)

Prof. R. CoridanDepartment of Chemistry and BiochemistryUniversity of Arkansas (USA)

Dr. K. T. FountaineNanophotonics and Plasmonics LaboratoryNorthrop Grumman Aerospace SystemsRedondo Beach (USA)

Prof. S. HaussenerLaboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering, EPFLLausanne (Schweiz)

Prof. N. S. Lewis, Dr. M. M. Shaner, Dr. K. SunDivision of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering210 Noyes Laboratory, 127-72California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (USA)

Dr. M. A. ModestinoSchool of Engineering, EPFL, Lausanne (Schweiz)

[+] Current address:Department of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringYale University (USA)

[#] Current address:Department of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Illinois at Chicago (USA)

The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under


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Page 3: Solar-Driven Water Splitting Modeling, Simulation, and

tation of solar-driven water-splitting devices at the systemlevel. In the development of solar-driven water-splitting cellsat the device level, multidimensional continuum modelingand simulation has played, and continues to play, a significantrole in defining the target properties of the materials,predicting attainable device efficiencies,[7] constraining oper-ating conditions,[8] providing cell dimensions,[9] comparingmaterial and operating tradeoffs, and evaluating novel cellarchitectures and concepts.[10] Through the use of multiphysicsmodeling, one can understand operations and trade-offs atthe device level and virtually integrate the components.Ideally, such modeling is coupled to the development oflaboratory-scale devices, which have also progressed substan-tially over the last few years in terms of efficiency andstability.[2b, 3,11]

The emphasis of solar-powered water splitting as a clean-energy-generation technology, and the recent emergence ofsimulation and prototype design as well as material integrationin this field, makes a review of these topics timely. Althoughthere has been a recent spate of reviews on the topic of solarfuels,[12] the focus of this one is unique in terms of examiningthe underlying multiphysics phenomena and design principles,including their implementation, from an integrated devicepoint of view. This holistic perspective is necessary to move thefield and technology closer towards commercialization;throughout, comments from this viewpoint will be made.

The Review is structured as follows. First, the range ofcoupled chemical and physical phenomena that occur ina PEC system across the various length scales will be describedfrom the basis of a continuum-level model, namely, captureand transport of light in the semiconductor, electrocatalysis forthe oxygen- and hydrogen-evolution reactions (OER andHER), ion transport in the membrane and aqueous electro-lytes, transport of product gas, and coupled multicomponentinteractions between these physicochemical phenomena.Next, simulation outputs and guidance will be explored interms of different prototypical device systems, includingunique ones that modeling has shown to be promising.

2. Continuum-Level Modeling

A functional solar-driven water-splitting cell integratesmultiple (photo)electrochemical components that operate at

different length and time scales. Figure 1 shows a schematicillustration of various photoelectrochemical processes in anintegrated solar-driven water-splitting system. Key electro-chemical processes include the absorption of light andtransport of photoexcited charge in semiconductor materials,transport of interfacial charge and electrocatalysis for theHER and OER, transport of multicomponent ions in electro-lytes, and transport of product gas. During steady-stateoperation of the cell, these processes are fully coupledtogether to produce a single rate of reaction for watersplitting. As a result, modeling a single physical phenomenonor an individual component of a device does not providesufficient insight into the behavior of an integrated device;a coupled multiphysics, multiscale model is required. Forexample, the physical phenomena governing the absorptionand conversion of light into separated electronic chargeswithin semiconductor materials operate at the nanometerscale, and alter the optimal morphology and structure of thephotoelectrochemical assemblies at the micrometer scale,which ultimately influences the cell design and configurationat the centimeter or larger scale. This coupling is not justforward, as device configurations and operation constrain theselection of materials and operating points at the micrometerand nanometer scales.

A model that includes all the critical (photo)electrochem-ical processes in the integrated solar-driven water-splittingdevice can provide important principles to guide the discov-ery of materials, evaluate novel system designs, determine theoperating conditions and constraints, and allow for a predic-tive, quantitative understanding of the system performance.

Chengxiang (“CX”) Xiang is a PrincipleInvestigator and Staff Scientist at the JointCenter for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP)at the California Institute of Technology. Hereceived his PhD in Chemical and MaterialPhysics at the University of California, Irvinein 2009 with Prof. E. M. Penner, and wasa Postdoctoral Scholar for Prof. N. Lewis atthe California Institute of Technology from2009 to 2011. His research interests includethe fabrication of solar-fuel prototypes, opto-electronic catalytic modeling of micro/nano-structured photoelectrochemical systems,and multi-ion transport modeling in solutionand polymer electrolytes.

Adam Z. Weber received his BSc and MScfrom Tufts University in 1999, and his PhDfrom the University of California, Berkeley in2004 with J. Newman. He is now leader ofthe Energy Conversion Group and thrustcoordinator at the Joint Center for ArtificialPhotosynthesis at Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory. His research focuses onelectrochemical technologies, including flowbatteries, fuel cells, and solar-fuel generators.He received a Presidential Early CareerAward for Scientists and Engineers(PECASE) in 2012 and the Charles W.Tobias Young Investigator Award from theElectrochemical Society in 2014.

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of various coupled photoelectrochem-ical processes in an integrated solar-driven water-splitting cell.


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Although individual processes, such as the absorption of lightand transport of carriers in semiconductors or electrocatalystsfor water-splitting reactions, have been extensively modeledand simulated, only a few studies have modeled the wholeoperation of the system, which couples more than twoprocesses.[6a, 7a,b,8b, 10a, 13] For example, the effects that transportof the reaction products have on the absorption of light andtransport of ions are often overlooked and not treatedquantitatively. In addition, the properties of the ion transportacross the membrane will have a strong influence on the pHconditions under which an efficient, safe system can beconstructed. This in turn affects the choice of materials for theelectrocatalysts and light absorbers that are active, stable, andcompatible with such electrolytes and operating conditions.Moreover, most studies have treated the PEC systems as zero-dimensional (analytical) or one-dimensional.[14] Although thisprovides important trends and guidelines for solar-fuelsresearch, the two-dimensional or three-dimensional effectsin a real system play a critical role for understanding theoperation of an actual prototype. For example, the thevariation of current density with position along the photo-electrodes has a strong dependence on the cell dimensionsand directly affects the overall STH conversion efficiency ofthe cell.[6a, 10, 13]

Advanced multiphysics, multidimensional modelingefforts, therefore, are based on detailed component modelsbut require an important additional focus on the accuratedefinition of the boundary conditions and exchange ofinformation between the device components. Conservationequations (e.g. for energy, charge, momentum, and mass) andtransport equations (e.g. for electromagnetic waves andspecies) are solved with the accurate interface conditionsfor the component coupling.[15] A description of an interfacecan simply require continuity in fluxes or can also account forcomplex physical phenomena (e.g. electrochemical reactionsor charge transport at the semiconductor–liquid interface).This coupling introduces an additional layer of complexity,because detailed component models accounting for a subsetof physical phenomena might rely on the solution of anothersubset of equations (e.g. information about temperaturedistribution to provide detailed temperature-dependentmaterial properties).[16] Consequently, coupled modelingefforts require additional external iterative solution steps,which generally increase the computational efforts andrequire special attention to ensure model robustness andconvergence.

In this section, we examine the various underlyingphenomena through the lens of a coupled system model.Such analysis includes not only a discussion about how tomodel, including relevant physics, but also key findings in theliterature. Below, we examine each component and phenom-enon in turn, and comment on the dominant interactions.

2.1. Semiconductors and the Transport of Light

The selection and optoelectronic design of the semi-conductor component of a PEC water-splitting device arecritical to the overall performance of the device. The semi-

conducting component generates the photovoltage and pho-tocurrent required to drive the photoelectrochemical reac-tions through the generation of energized electrons byabsorbing photons with energy greater than its band gap. Incontrast to the design consideration of semiconductors ina photovoltaic device, the optical and electronic interactionsbetween the semiconductors, protective layers, electrocata-lysts layers, solution electrolytes, and product bubbles alsoplay a vital role in optimizing the overall PEC performance.Although a comprehensive modeling and optimization toolthat integrates all of the relevant optical and electronic effectshas yet to be developed, significant advances have been madein determining the optimal band-gap combinations and theoptimal band energetics for semiconductor materials usingnon-iterative models.[7b–d]

The selection of the optimal band-gap combinations ofsemiconductor materials in a solar-hydrogen device hasdifferent guiding principles than for a solid-state photovoltaicdevice. According to the Shockley–Queisser detailed-balancelimit for photovoltaic efficiency, the photovoltage and photo-current vary in opposing trends with the varying band-gapcombinations, which results in an optimal semiconductorband-gap combination that maximizes the efficiency of theconversion of solar energy into electricity. However, ina solar-hydrogen device, the electrochemical potential differ-ence between the HER and OER (i.e. 1.23 V under standardconditions) sets the lower boundary for the required photo-voltage. A photovoltage greater than 1.23 V is required toovercome the various losses in the cell, including kinetics andtransport, as the STH conversion efficiency only depends onthe product of the photocurrent and the electrochemicalpotential of the reaction rather than that of the photocurrentand the photovoltage, as in photovoltaics. Maximum efficien-cies for water splitting are achieved with dual-junction devicesthat combine photovoltages from two semiconductors inseries to generate the photovoltage required for watersplitting. The optimal band-gap combinations for a tandemcell structure in a solar-driven water-splitting cell have beenevaluated.[7b–d,14] For example, as shown in Figure 2, undersimulated solar illumination with an air mass (AM) 1.5 solarspectrum, the optimal top/bottom semiconductor band-gapcombination is 1.60/0.95 eV, which could yield, at thedetailed-balance limit, a STH conversion efficiency of29.7% in a system using planar Pt and RuOx electrocatalystsand an optimized system design that minimizes the solutionresistance (5 Ohm cm�2).[7b] The optimal band-gap combina-tion for the tandem photoabsorber is dependent on theperformance of the electrocatalysts, the transport propertiesof the membrane separators and electrolyte, as well as theintegrated device architecture.[7b,d, 17] The flexibility of theband-gap tuning in a tandem cell that could trade short-circuitphotocurrent for open-circuit voltage can be utilized advan-tageously to compensate for the increase in the necessaryvoltage drops from various components in the system toachieve an optimized device efficiency.[7a,b]

The optical, electrical, and electrochemical interactionsbetween the semiconductors, protective coatings, and electro-catalysts in an integrated PEC system present an additionaldimension to optimization of light management and device


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performance that is non-existent in a PV-E system. Ina discrete PV-E system, light management and the built-inpotential in the PV component are independent of theelectrolysis components. When an incident photon impingeson the surface of the PEC system, instead of being absorbedby the underlying semiconductor materials, the incident lightcould be modulated by the components in the optical pathwaybetween the light source and the light absorber, including theelectrolyte, bubbles, catalysts, protective coatings, and surfacestructures. This modulation could attenuate the light intensityand reduce the efficiency of light absorption by the lightabsorber through the redirection of light back to the lightsource in the form of reflection, including diffuse/backscattering and specular reflection (R in Figure 3a), as wellas through the parasitic absorption by the various components(A in Figure 3a). In fact, such absorption of sunlight by waterhas been found to adversely affect the performance of solar-hydrogen cells, especially those that incorporate high-effi-ciency multijunction photoabsorbers.[7c]

Although the various components scatter or absorb light,this can possibly be used advantageously. When light isredirected forward by various components, this portion oflight, known as deflected or forward-scattered light (S inFigure 3a), can be further absorbed by semiconductorsthrough proper scattering. There are two types of scattering:elastic far-field scattering (Figure 3a) and near-field localizedsurface plasmon resonance (LSPR, Figure 3b).[18] Both scat-tering behaviors are strongly governed by the wavelength ofthe light, particle size/shape/morphology/density, polarizationof the light, refractive index relative to surrounding media,and surface structures.[19] For example, nanoparticles at thefront surface have been shown to enhance the absorption oflight either from far-field scattering or near-field plasmonicresonance mainly on large-band-gap semiconductors (Eg>

2 eV);[19b, 20] this strategy is less effective on small-band-gapsemiconductors (Eg< 2 eV) due to their broader utilization ofthe spectrum. More importantly, the intimate contactbetween the semiconductors and the aqueous solutioncaused by the sparse loading of nanoparticles often causesstability issues. Therefore, various conformal protective coat-ings have been developed (Figure 3c).[21] In this design,properties such as the thickness of the solution layer,[7c]

electrochromism in water-oxidation catalysts, catalyst load-ing, refractive index/thickness of protective coatings,[21c] andsurface affinity to water all strongly affect the opticalabsorption of semiconductors. Thus, depending on the con-figurations of the scattering centers relative to the semi-

Figure 2. a). Contour plot of water-splitting efficiency for a dual-junc-tion photoelectrochemical device as a function of the bottom and topsemiconductor band gap; reproduced from Ref. [7b] with permission.b). Optimal STH conversion efficiency at all band-gap combinations asa function of the total overpotential for water splitting at 10 mAcm�2.The reverse-saturation current densities for the photoabsorbers wereswept from the Shockley–Queisser (S-Q) limit, J0, to 1021 J0.


Figure 3. Schematic illustrations of optical couplings between catalystsand the light absorber. a) Far-field scattering for enhanced lightabsorption (blue arrow: incident light, red arrows: scattered andreflected light, green arrows: absorbed light, orange circle: metallic ordielectric nanoparticles). b) Near-field plasmon resonance forenhanced local energy absorption. c) Optical losses in a protectedphotoelectrode with uniform catalyst loading (A1: absorption loss bywater layer, R: reflection loss at the substrate/solution interface andscattering loss by gas bubbles, A2: absorption loss by active catalysts,and T: total optical absorption by light absorber). d) Size-dependentinhomogeneous Schottky junction with a solution-induced inversionlayer (IL); the green area shows the high potential barrier at thesolution semiconductor interface, the red area shows the low potentialbarrier at the catalyst semiconductor interface.


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conductors, both forward and backward scattering can beutilized to enhance the absorption of light by the semi-conductors, either at the front surface or at the back contact.Trade-offs between catalytic activity and parasitic absorptionare discussed in the next section. Moreover, the evolution ofgas bubbles at the catalyst surface during operation could alsoinfluence the spatial and temporal absorption properties ofthe semiconductors located underneath. Models that accountfor the above-mentioned optical losses and the consequent re-optimization of the band-gap combinations have yet to bedeveloped. To date, only static models have been reported.

The loading of electrocatalysts and/or the incorporation ofprotective coatings not only affect the optical absorption ofthe semiconductors, but also the energetics in the semi-conductors. Beyond the absorption and scattering effects ofthe electrocatalysts, as discussed, they also often reduce theattainable photovoltage of the system because of increasedsurface recombination sites and the low barrier heights at thesemiconductor/catalyst junction as a result of the largethermionic emission-type majority-carrier recombination.The non-uniform barrier heights from a mixture of nanoscalecatalyst/semiconductor and solution/semiconductor junctionsover the photoelectrode surface result in the “pinch-off”effect (Figure 3 d). This has been calculated theoretically anddemonstrated experimentally for Ni nanoparticles coated onan n-type Si surface in a solution with a reversible redoxcouple.[22] However, the ability to exploit the “pinch-off”effect for water-splitting systems has yet to be investigated, asan advanced model that accounts for the variation in theheight of the nanoscale barrier and optical absorptionproperties of the mixed semiconductor/catalyst and semi-conductor/electrolyte system has yet to be developed.

2.2. Electrocatalysts

The electrochemical interfacial charge transfer betweenthe semiconductor and the electrolyte solution (i.e. HER andOER) occurs at the electrocatalysts, which are traditionallysupported on the semiconductor. Two junction types, thesemiconductor/electrolyte junction and the “buried” solid-state junction, are typically modeled or are extensivelyemployed experimentally.[23] The theoretical framework link-ing the semiconductor–liquid junctions, molecular donor–acceptor systems, and heterogeneous semiconductor–metalsystems has long been established.[23c,d] The band energetics,available states in the solution, and the semiconductor andsurface states can each influence the kinetic properties at thesemiconductor electrodes for the HER and OER. The rate ofcharge transfer at the surface is coupled to the rate of carriergeneration and separation in the semiconductor. Surfacecharges are critical in a liquid-junction cell to form thedepletion region that affects charge transport. This character-istic comprises an important distinction from a buried-junc-tion cell with an electrocatalyst on the surface, in which highrates of charge transfer between the absorber–catalyst andcatalyst–electrolyte interfaces have the potential to decouplethe rate of charge transfer from the properties of thesemiconductor–electrolyte junction.

The charge-transfer reactions provide the boundary con-ditions necessary to couple the semiconductor and electrolytedomains. Both the desired electrochemical reaction (e.g.oxidation of H2O to O2 and H+) and many undesired sidereactions (e.g. surface recombination, crossover currents,corrosion of materials, etc.) should be considered whendetermining the device performance. Typically, such reactionsare modeled using Butler–Volmer-type kinetic expres-sions,[15a] although microkinetic or reaction-mechanismmodels can be used, assuming one knows the various reactionsteps and intermediates. Surface roughness and changes incross-sectional area should also be considered, as they alterthe geometric distribution of the current density along thesurface of the electrode. Moreover, in an integrated PECsystem, the catalyst performance is tied to the performance ofthe rest of the system (i.e. photoabsorbers, electrolytes, andmembrane) due to the fact that the current is in series throughthem. In addition, additional layers may be included betweenthe semiconductor and the electrocatalyst to stabilize andmanage current distributions along the electrodes; theselayers are typically modeled as conductive media using Ohm�slaw.

The impact of electrocatalytic properties on the STHconversion efficiency in an integrated cell has been inves-tigated in several models.[7a,d,24] For a given photoabsorbersystem with a certain photodiode characteristic, depending onthe position of the crossing point between the photodiodecurve and the water-splitting load curve, the overall STHconversion efficiency could be extremely sensitive to thecatalyst performance.[24] However, when the band-gap com-bination of the photoabsorbers can be optimized to providethe optimal photodiode characteristic for a series of electro-catalysts with different performances, only a relatively smalldecrease in the optimal STH conversion efficiency is calcu-lated (ca. 1% improvement of the optimally attainable STHconversion efficiency for a reduction of the overpotential at10 mAcm�2 by 100 mV).[7a] Thus, the design and determina-tion of ideal electrocatalysts cannot be uncoupled from that ofphotoabsorbers.

In terms of electrocatalyst placement, when electrocata-lyst films are uniformly coated on the photoabsorber materi-als, the STH conversion efficiency of the device can bestrongly affected by the parasitic absorption of the catalysts,which are either intrinsically optically opaque or electro-chromic under electrolysis.[25] As a result, the optimal loadingof catalysts in terms of thickness in these systems is asultrathin (< 1 nm) films.[25a, 26] Developing transparent andactive catalyst films, such as microstructuring porous Ptfilms[27] or transparent NiOx with suppressed electrochromismunder electrolysis,[21a] is required to improve cell efficiency.Alternatively, catalyst loading in a form of random or regulararrays with very low geometric filling fractions (1–10%) canminimize the sensitivity of the optimal STH conversionefficiency of cells to the detailed optical properties of thecatalyst material.[28] However, the reduced catalytic area inthe patterned catalyst design requires additional catalyticoverpotential and/or additional transparent conductive layers,all of which may result in increased losses as a result ofincreased current flow through the electrocatalysts (i.e. higher


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turnover frequency). Recent studies have shown that the useof low filling fractions and low catalyst loadings providea viable method to lower the utilization of noble metals, suchas Pt, when deployed at the terawatt scale.[28a]

2.3. Electrolytes

The electrolyte is critical component of a PEC device. Itcompletes the electrochemical circuit and thus allows thedevice to operate and reactions to proceed. Mathematicalmodeling of the transport of species in electrolytes hasdifferent governing equations in infinitely dilute (< 0.1m),moderately dilute (0.1 to 1m), and concentrated electrolytes(> 1m).[15a, 29] In an infinitely dilute electrolyte, every speciesmoves independently and species interact only with thesolvent (water). Here, the activity of each species can beapproximated by its concentration. It should be noted that thevast majority of aqueous electrolytes of interest for solar-driven water-splitting cells can be treated by either dilute ormoderately dilute models. There are three primary mecha-nisms by which species are transported: diffusion, migration,and convection, where the driving forces are the concentra-tion gradient, electric field, and velocity field, respectively. Inaddition to the flux equations, equations that conserve mass,charge, momentum, and energy are also needed to model thesystem. For moderately dilute electrolytes, one must includethe respective activity coefficient. For concentrated electro-lytes, such as some membranes, where interactions betweendifferent species become important, advanced flux expres-sions that include friction coefficients and binary diffusioncoefficients for multicomponent electrolytes need to beemployed.[15a] In addition, for a solar-hydrogen cell withspatial and temporal variations in temperature, temperaturegradients can drive mass fluxes (i.e. Soret effect) and mixingin the electrolyte.

The key for modeling and choosing electrolytes is under-standing the interactions and polarization losses that deter-mine the various ion concentrations at the electrocatalystsand the subsequent device performance. These concentra-tions stem from the transport of species (by migration anddiffusion) and the resultant concentration gradients, whichcan be represented as a sum of the ohmic and diffusion lossesor the concentration polarization. The ohmic loss is due to theresistance of the electrolyte, and the diffusion loss originatesfrom the species gradient in the boundary layer near eachelectrode as a result of the electrochemical reactions. Below,we discuss the issues related to losses and interactions forliquid and membrane electrolytes in turn.

2.3.1. Liquid Electrolytes

Liquid electrolytes are ubiquitous for solar-hydrogenPECs, and contain multiple ions. Although their mainfunction is to move protons (or hydroxide ions) between thetwo photoelectrodes, they often contain other species that canhave an impact on the local environment of the electro-catalysts and hence the efficiency. The water-dissociation/

formation reaction [Eq. (1)] needs to be considered to modelthese systems.

H2OÐ Hþ þOH� ð1Þ

In addition, various types of pH buffers, such as acetate,phosphate, borate, and carbonate, are used in solar-drivenwater-splitting systems for operation at neutral or near-neutral pH values. Buffers can readily ionize or bind protonsto balance pH changes in the electrolyte as a result ofconsumption/production of protons at the electrodes. Thedissociation/association reaction of the buffer is given asEquation (2).

HA� Ð Hþ þA2�

This buffer reaction is at thermal equilibrium if the rate ofbuffer dissociation is much faster than the rate of protonformation at the electrode. As the current density increases,the rate of proton formation can become comparable to orhigher than the rate of buffer dissociation. In this case, a layerof electrolyte will form at each electrode, where the concen-trations of buffer species are not in equilibrium with the bulksolution. The transport phenomena yield concentrationgradients of the species that shift the concentrations ofreacting species next to the electrode surfaces (e.g. protons,and hydroxide ions) away from those present in the bulk.These pH changes at the electrodes cause an increase in theequilibrium potential of the HER and OER, which has animpact on the electrocatalyst efficiency and associated kineticoverpotentials.

Three categories of aqueous electrolyte systems havebeen modeled and experimentally evaluated in recent reportson solar-driven water-splitting devices: 1) strongly acidic (i.e.1m H2SO4) or strongly alkaline (i.e. 1m KOH) solutions,2) near-pH-neutral electrolytes without membrane separa-tors, 3) near-pH-neutral electrolytes with membrane separa-tors. In strongly acidic or strongly alkaline solutions, the highconductivity, near unity transference numbers for protons orhydroxide ions, respectively, and small solar-photon-fluxmatched current densities result in minimal electrolytelosses during steady-state operation, even with membraneseparators.

Modeling and simulation studies have shown that, withoptimized system designs that include membranes to attenu-ate product gases crossover (see section 2.3.2), the total loss ofpolarization in the electrolyte and membrane can be< 100 mV at an operating current density > 20 mA cm�2,that is, with STH conversion efficiencies in excess of24%.[6a, 13] However, strongly acidic or strongly basic electro-lytes present significant stability challenges for the materialsof the photoabsorbers and the electrocatalysts because mostof the technologically relevant photoabsorber materials,including GaAs, InP, CdTe, and Si, are not stable, and thereare few electrocatalyst materials that are stable, under suchconditions.[30]

Alternatively, significant efforts have been devoted tosystems that utilize electrolytes with neutral or near-neutralpH values.[3a, 8a, 31] For operation at near-neutral pH values


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without membrane separators, STH conversion efficiency ashigh as 10% has been realized by using a set of discretephotovoltaic cells connected in series with an electrolysiscell.[3a] Simulation has also shown that the bubble-inducedconvective mixing in the cell enables the polarization lossesassociated with the pH gradients developed at the electrodesurfaces to be reduced, and minimal transport loss in theelectrolyte can be realized for efficient solar-driven water-splitting devices.[8b] However, the lack of a membrane sepa-rator presents significant challenges for robust gas separationand collection, especially for operation at elevated temper-atures and pressures with spatial and temporal variations inthe system. For example, a significant cross-over of products(up to 40 % H2 in the O2 chamber) was observed experimen-tally in a monolithically integrated solar-driven water-splittingdevice without a membrane separator.[8a]

Operation at near-neutral pH values with a membraneseparator has also been modeled and evaluated experimen-tally in a range of electrolytes and membrane combinations.[32]

As discussed below, these membrane separators are mostoften ion-conduction polymers that nominally transportcations (i.e. protons) or anions (i.e. hydroxide ions) and,thus, are designed for use in strongly acidic or basicconditions.[8, 32] However, recent modeling and simulationwork has shown that under more neutral pH conditions, suchsystems result in significant concentration polarizationbecause of electrodialysis effects resulting in large pHgradients (> 6 pH units) at the surface of the electrocatalysts,even at low operating current densities (ca. 1 mAcm�2).[8b,32]

Although sustainable photoelectrolysis has not been demon-strated at near-neutral pH operation with membrane separa-tors, certain buffer-membrane systems, for example, imida-zolium/imidazole[32] and bipolar membranes,[33] as well asrecirculation architectures, have been explored.[31a]

2.3.2. Membrane Separator

Membrane electrolytes are key components of PECdevices, as they allow for ionic transport but block cross-over of the gas product. Although they are typically usedalongside liquid electrolytes, vapor-feed devices utilize ion-conducting membranes as the sole electrolyte[10a, 34] (seeSection 3.4). Comprehensive reviews and textbooks havediscussed specific material systems used as separators forwater electrolysis, including proton- and anion-exchangemembranes.[35] Regardless of the pH value of the electrolyte,the material systems can be broadly categorized as micro-porous or ionic. Porous separators are a more maturetechnology, with glass and fiber-based diaphragms beingused in fields such as the chlor-alkali industry. The ionicseparators of interest to solar fuels are typically polymericmembranes because of the need to have high ionic con-ductivity near ambient temperature and to limit cross-overarising from pressure gradients. Various approaches toseparate products without the use of a separator have beenexplored,[31b,36] although these typically result in large voltagedrops because of ohmic losses.[8a]

Ion transport in the separator follows the same multi-component diffusion equations that are used to model bulk

electrolyte transport, except separators may require the use ofequations for a concentrated solution.[15a] Inside the separa-tor, the diffusion coefficients are likely to differ from theirbulk values. In the case of a porous separator, correctionsarising from porosity and tortuosity should be considered.Although porosity is a tunable parameter to some extent,both ions and gases are affected in the same way. Thispresents a fundamental limitation for porous separators:a decrease in gas permeability will have a correspondingdecrease in ionic conductivity. Since gas transport across theseparator is undesirable, as it results typically in a parasiticloss of product and a drop in current efficiency,[37] and sincesmall pressure gradients can cause significant cross-over, thisrequires one to utilize polymer membranes instead of micro-porous ones.[13,38]

In the case of a membrane separator, interactions betweenthe polymer and the species in solution may also have aneffect, yielding different solubilities and diffusivities for ionsand gases. Various transport mechanisms can occur (e.g.vehicular and hopping-like mechanisms, such as the Grotthußmechanism); therefore, the density and chemical nature ofthe functional groups along the polymer backbone can affection transport,[39] and care should be taken to measure orestimate the needed transport properties accurately.[40] Thesetransport properties may also be affected by non-idealbehavior arising from morphological changes when switchingliquid electrolytes or varying the hydration.

Another important consideration is how to handle theinterface between the separator and the bulk solution. Thematerial balance typically ignores any interfacial mass-trans-fer resistance, which means one can equate the electro-chemical potential for each species across the interface asa boundary condition. For polymer membranes, this leads toa discontinuity in the potential (called the Donnan potential)as a result of the charged groups on the polymer, which shouldbe accounted for.[37] Care should be taken when defining thepotential to be used along with the reference states forelectrochemical potentials. In most cases, the Debye length isshort enough that membranes can be modeled using theassumption of electroneutrality, but the Poisson and Nernst–Planck equations can be used if necessary.

Creative strategies are needed to design membranes withideal transport properties for solar-fuel applications. Somestrategies have involved modifying the annealing treatment ofNafion[41] or designing block copolymers with tethered ionic-liquid functional groups.[42] It may also be possible to borrowconcepts from related fields including from fuel-cell research,where past efforts have looked at polymer–compositeblends[43] and manipulation of the chemical composition andchain length.[44] As mentioned above, electrodialysis effectscan have a great impact on device performance at near-neutral pH values and/or with buffers. Near-neutral mem-branes (e.g. imidazolium/imidazole) or the use of bipolarmembranes have shown some promise in reducing theelectrodialysis effect by back diffusion of the neutral bufferspecies in the membrane. Bipolar membranes are interestingin that they allow for sustainable cell reactions at twoelectrolytes with different pH values.[33] Bipolar membraneshave been widely used in the electrodialysis industry for


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producing concentrated acid and base solutions and desali-nating salt water, but solar-hydrogen devices that incorporatebipolar membranes were not modeled and evaluated exper-imentally until very recently.[33, 45] A range of electrolytecombinations with different pH gradients exhibited sustain-able solar-driven water-splitting reactions under steady-stateconditions. A recent study with bipolar membranes has alsoshown that large-area (> 1 cm2) III-V tandem photoabsorbersincorporating only earth-abundant electrocatalysts exhibited> 100 h of device stability at 10 % STH conversion efficiency,with a steady-state pH gradient of pH 9.3/pH 0.[46] However,the resistive loss, as well as the additional kinetic over-potential associated with water dissociation at the cation/anion internal membrane interface in the bipolar membraneconstituted a voltage loss of more than 400 mV in thesystem.[46] Future studies that involve improving the ohmicresistive loss in the bipolar membrane system as well asinvestigations of weak-acid membrane systems and novelmembrane structures and chemical properties could poten-tially offer a more efficient and stable operation of solar-hydrogen cells.

3. Cell Design and Implementation

The performance of integrated solar-driven water-split-ting devices is not only dependent on the properties andperformances of the individual components, as discussed inthe previous sections, but also on component integration,overall device architecture, and the operating conditions ofthe system. Regardless of the various device configurationsand operational conditions, the performance metrics ofintegrated solar-hydrogen devices can be summarized usingthe STH conversion efficiency and device stability, scalability,and safety. The true STH conversion efficiency of a full deviceshould be based on the total amount of H2 and O2 producedand collected as a function of the incoming irradiance. Inpractice, however, this is typically calculated from the photo-current density that is attained under illumination when theanode and cathode are shorted together, assuming a 100%faradaic yield for the generation and collection of H2 and O2.The former method is more rigorous and accurate, especiallyfor fully integrated, wireless devices, and is recommended.The stability of a practical solar-hydrogen cell should beevaluated by measuring the rate of hydrogen productionunder realistic conditions that include a diurnal cycle of solarillumination and varying temperature conditions. As a con-sequence of the small size of typical laboratory-scale photo-active substrates and the lack of long-term stability in fullyintegrated devices, the stability is often characterized bymonitoring the photocurrent density as a function of timewithout any external bias for continuous operation undersimulated solar illumination. The scalability of the device isoften evaluated by the abundance and perceived cost of thechemical elements that are required to construct the cell,while the safety of the device is often evaluated by whetherthe device has a robust mechanism for the separation andcollection of product gas. In this section, a range of devicearchitectures (Figure 4) that could potentially meet all four

performance metrics: efficiency, stability, scalability, andsafety will be reviewed, including nontraditional designs,with a focus on interactions at the cell level and subsequentmodeling and simulation descriptions.

3.1. Planar Design

One class of PEC reactor architectures utilizes macro-scopic planar arrays of photoelectrodes (Figure 4a). Thesephotoelectrodes simultaneously provide functionality for theabsorption of solar irradiation, electron and hole transport, aswell as electrochemical reactions, and are often multicompo-nent arrangements of nano-/microstructured (ultra)thinlayers[11d, 21f, 47] composed of the active photoelectrode,buried photovoltaic cells (traditional heterojunction cells ordye-sensitized solar cells),[48] protection and passivationlayers, electrocatalytic layers, and ohmic or tunnel-junctionlayers. The planar electrodes have to be in contact withelectrolyte to provide the functionality needed for a workingPEC cell. Additionally, a practical design requires a semi-permeable membrane to ensure product separation, max-imum production collection efficiency, and device safety, allwhile enabling rapid ionic conduction.[8a, 21f] Modeling hasbeen key in establishing the design requirements of the planarelectrodes, electrolyte, and separator. For an optimizedmulticomponent photoelectrode, the design guidelines needto ensure optimized absorption of radiation by thephotoelectrode(s) and efficient transport of ionic charge inthe electrolytes and the membrane separators.

The majority of the designs based on planar photoelectr-odes can be categorized as back-to-back (Figure 4a1) andside-by-side (Figure 4a2) designs. The back-to-back PECdesign often contains photoabsorbers with dual-junction ortriple-junction semiconductor materials to provide enoughvoltage to drive net water splitting. Although the back-to-back design could in principle achieve the Shockley–Queisserefficiency limit for a tandem-junction or triple-junction cell,this design has very stringent requirements in terms ofmaterials. The multijunction photoabsorber materials needto have complementary band gaps and similar lattice con-stants for epitaxial cell growth. As a result, the multijunctionphotoabsorber component incorporated in the back-to-backdesign often contains conventional photovoltaic semiconduc-tors (e.g. Si, GaAs, InP, CdTe, CIGS (copper indium galliumselenide)). Metal oxides and other nonconventional photo-absorbers typically present difficulties in multijunction cellarchitectures because of a lack of a lattice-matched semi-conducting partner with a complementary band gap, or theinability to accommodate a transparent tunnel junction, orboth. Alternatively, the side-by-side design significantlyrelaxes the material constraints by the use of two photoactiveelectrodes electrically connected in series, but arranged inparallel with respect to the direction of the incident light. Thelattice-matching constraints and the need for optically trans-parent electrical contacts between the photocathode andphotoanode are not applicable to the side-by-side design.Moreover, the difference in the catalytic overpotential for theHER and OER and the current-matching constraints


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between the photocathode and the photoanode can also beaccommodated by tuning the ratio of the surface areas of thephotoelectrodes. However, the attainable efficiency of theside-by-side design is limited to the theoretical efficiency of

a single-junction absorber unless an effi-cient spectral-splitting method can beimplemented in the cell architecture. Inaddition to the monolithic wirelessdevice design, a variety of laboratory-scale demonstrations contained onlya photoanode[11d, 47a,49] or a photoanode,[50]

wired to a dark counter electrode. Sim-ulations of the differences between thewired and wireless back-to-back designsshowed that the design of the wireddevice ensured shorter paths for ionicconduction compared to the wirelessdesign.[51] When the dimensions of theelectrodes are not well designed, thewireless design can exhibit higher resis-tive losses than the wired design owing tothe order-of-magnitude larger electronicconductivity of wires compared to theionic conductivity in electrolytes.

Multiphysics modeling has enabledcomputed efficiency evaluations of thetwo planar cell architectures. The size ofthe electrodes, the distance between theOER and the HER catalysts, and thedetailed geometry for the membraneseparator and solution channels playsignificant roles in minimizing the trans-port loss in the electrolyte and mem-brane for efficient solar water splitting.Since both the path length for ion trans-port and the conductivity of the electro-lyte can limit the efficiency of a PECdevice, a practical (large-scale) plantcannot be based on large planar mono-lithic photoabsorbers, as often propo-sed,[5b, 52] or as suggested by the experi-ence of scaling photovoltaic devices.Spatially resolved computational mod-els[6a, 13] have suggested that typical elec-trode dimensions should lie in the rangeof millimeters to centimeters for efficientoperation of a PEC device.

3.2. Microwire and MicrostructuredDesigns

The design criteria for microwire andmicrostructured solar-driven water-split-ting devices (Figure 4b) are identical tothose for planar architectures, with thedifference being that the active deviceunit cells are now on the size of micro-meters rather than centimeters. Hence,

the modeling analysis and approaches remain the same.Additionally, the ultimate metric for success—a stable STHconversion efficiency at low cost and safe operation—remainsthe same, irrespective of the architecture of the active

Figure 4. Schematic illustrations of various prototype architectures. a) Macroscopic planardesign. 1. Side-by-side PEC design; reproduced from Ref. [13] with permission. 2. Back-to-backPEC design; reproduced from Ref. [13] with permission. b) Microwire and microstructureddesigns. 1. Core–shell tandem junction microwire design; reproduced from Ref. [55] withpermission. 2. Tandem junction microwire design; reproduced from Ref. [79] with permission.c) Particle-suspension reactors. 1. Type 1 single-vessel reactor, 2. Type 2 dual-vessel reactor.d) Vapor-feed designs. 1. A photoactive MEA design. 2. A membrane-encapsulated PECdesign. 3. A side-by-side microfluidic PEC design. e) Solar-concentrator-coupled PEC design.1. A two-dimensional “trough” design; reproduced from Ref. [10b] with permission. 2. Three-dimensional “bubble wrap” design; reproduced from Ref. [10b] with permission.


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component. Thus, two critical questions are: what is the riskprofile associated with the potential advantages of micro-structured solar-driven water-splitting devices over planarequivalents if everything goes perfectly, and what are thepotential disadvantages given the thermodynamic and engi-neering constraints?

Many potential benefits of microstructured architecturescompared to planar architectures for the production of fuelsfrom solar energy have been enumerated, but no quantitativeadvantage, in terms of economics and/or performance, hasbeen shown in any real system. To date, all microwire andmicrostructured devices that perform unassisted solar-drivenwater splitting have significantly lower STH conversionefficiencies than their planar equivalents. This performancedeficit is not unique to unassisted solar-driven water-splittingdevices; it is also the case for single-junction photovoltaic andPEC devices.

The potential benefits of microstructured designs com-pared to planar ones include lower material usage,[53] lowerrequirements for material purity,[47c] minimized ionic-trans-port distance,[13, 54] robustness against catastrophic devicefailure, and fundamentally different module designs thataffect the balance-of-systems requirements.[55] However,challenges include the increased complexity of epitaxialgrowth on the nontraditional crystallographic surface termi-nations present, as has been used for state-of-the-art planardesigns, and the increased fabrication complexity, in general.

Single-junction photovoltaic demonstrations using Si, InP,GaAs, and CdS microwire arrays have champion arrayefficiencies of 7.9, 13.8, 7.6, and 6%, respectively.[56] Near-complete light absorption above the band gap has beenachieved in Si microwire arrays by introducing scatteringelements into the unoccupied space within the microwirearray.[53] Many, if not all, of these photovoltaic demonstrationsare directly applicable to solar-driven water-splitting devices,as they could constitute one of the two or three junctionsrequired for efficient operation, although a protective coatingis necessary in most cases because of the instability of thesemiconductors under PEC operating conditions, as notedabove. Single-junction PEC applications using microstruc-tured arrays have focused primarily on the HER. Forexample, single-junction pn+-Si devices coated with anelectrocatalyst such as Pt have shown 5.8% efficiency forhydrogen evolution.[11g,i]

Attempts to design and fabricate tandem-junction micro-structured devices have been challenging because of thecomplex nature of the exposed crystal facets on whicha material must be grown. Two routes have been investigated:epitaxial growth of high-performance compound semicon-ductors (GaP, GaInP),[57] and growth of defective, nano-/microcrystalline materials that may provide intrinsic advan-tages in terms of stability over the known higher performancematerials,[11j, 55,58] where a maximum STH conversion effi-ciency of 0.12 % has been reported.[11j] For microstructureddevices to achieve more than just scientific interest, clear,quantitative performance and/or economic advantages overplanar equivalents must be demonstrated including perhapsimpacts on balance-of-systems requirements and costs.

3.3. Particulate Designs

A possible subset of microstructured designs are partic-ulate-suspension designs, which remove the panel motifadopted from photovoltaics and have the potential todecrease balance-of-systems costs significantly.[5c,59] Twotypes of particle-based PEC systems, termed a Type 1 reactorfor a single-vessel reactor (Figure 4c1) and a Type 2 reactorfor a dual-vessel reactor (Figure 4c2), have been proposedconceptually and demonstrated experimentally at differentlevels of device integration. For the Type 1 reactor, singleparticle systems, including In1�xNixTaO4,

[60] (Zn1+xGe)(N2Ox)solid solution,[61] (Ga1�xZnx)(N1�xOx) solid solution,[62] CoO[63]

and C3N4/C-dots,[64] as well as tandem-particle systems,including SrTiO3:Rh//BiVO4

[65] and nitrogen-doped grapheneoxide (NGO)[66] that are electrically connected with a solid-state electron mediator have been investigated. The STHconversion efficiency in the demonstrated and stable Type 1reactor systems is often low (< 2%). This low efficiency,coupled with a lack of a robust product-separation mecha-nism, presents a significant challenge for large-scale imple-mentation of such a device design.

In the Type 2 reactor, two noncontacting particles fora tandem cell are employed with a separator for separation ofthe product gas and redox-mediator transport. The Type 2reactor leverages the tandem design and could achievea theoretical STH conversion efficiency of about 25 % withband-gap combinations of approximately 1.7 eV/1.1 eV asdetermined through modeling.[7b] The redox mediator, such asthose based on iodine,[67] iron,[68] or cobalt,[69] could providethe necessary ionic transport between the two electrochem-ical compartments (i.e. it acts as a molecular or ionic wire).One of the major challenges for the Type 2 reactor design isthe redox selectivity at the respective catalyst sites for theHER and OER. For example, photodriven proton reductionon the HER particle has to be much more selective thanreduction of the redox mediator, despite the fact thatreduction of the redox mediator is often much morethermodynamically favorable. Therefore, strategies thatinvolve the selective transport of protons and H2 throughporous oxides[70] or composite shells[71] have been employedto minimize the reduction of O2 at the catalyst surface. Otherchallenges include large distances for transport of the redoxmediator in the solution and the membrane electrolyte, pHgradients between the two reactor vessels, and uncertaindimensions for the reactor construct; there is still a need forsignificant modeling and simulation studies as well asexperimental validation to optimize these device designs.

3.4. Vapor-Feed Design

As discussed in Section 2.3, ion-conducting polymers canfunction as solid electrolytes in a solar fuel device, therebybypassing the need for liquid electrolyte and resulting ina solid-state hydrogen generator that operates with a water-vapor feed. Operation with vapor has several advantages: theelimination of light management and catalysis limitationsfrom the formation of bubbles at the reaction sites, elimi-


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nation of the use of corrosive liquid electrolytes on a largescale, and an overall simplification of the device design andoperation.[72] These advantages come at the expense ofoperation under dilute water feeds, which reduce the flux ofwater molecules to the (photo)catalytic centers and ulti-mately can limit the device performance. In addition, in theabsence of a liquid electrolyte, ionic transport between thecathode and anode compartment is more challenging. Theserequirements are similar to those encountered in catalystlayers of membrane-electrode assemblies for the electrolysisof water.[35b]

The electrolysis of water using commercially availablemembrane-electrode assemblies with a water-vapor feed hasdemonstrated operating current densities on the order of tensof mAcm�2, which is sufficient for the operation of a broadrange of solar-driven water-splitting devices.[73] Reducedcurrent density and cell failure using vapor feed are oftencaused by limitations in the mass transport of the reactantwater and dehydration of the membrane electrolyte resultingin increased ohmic losses. A light-driven demonstrationsystem was reported that used a membrane-electrode assem-bly with photoactive TiO2 nanoparticles incorporated into themembrane layer (Figure 4d1). Although the achieved opera-tional current density was low in the TiO2-based water-vapordevice, the integrated absorber-in-membrane type designcould lead to low-cost, high-performing systems if the activityof the materials could be improved. Similar absorber-in-membrane architectures that incorporate semiconductingmicrowires have also been proposed, where the electricalconnectivity of the device is achieved through the microwiresthat cross through the membrane.[55, 74]

Recent modeling studies have also provided guidelines forthe design of efficient vapor-fed solar-hydrogen devices,where the ionomer encapsulates the photoelectrochemicalcomponents (Figure 4 d2). Critical device dimensions thatlead to optimal water, hydrogen, and oxygen transport havebeen identified in various cell configurations. To achievea current density of about 10 mAcm�2 in the membrane-encapsulated PEC device, the thickness of the ionomer filmneeds to remain below 5 mm to avoid the formation ofhydrogen or oxygen bubbles at the catalyst/membrane inter-face and the subsequent delamination between the membraneand the electrode.[10a] As a consequence of the required small,thin membrane layer, a small electrode width (< 300 mm) isalso necessary to maintain low ohmic resistive losses in theelectrolyte. Alternatively, incorporation of a structured mem-brane that balances the gas and ionic transport allows themaximum electrode width to be increased to dimensions aslarge as a few millimeters. Furthermore, as water is consumedat the anode, anisotropies in the hydration level of thepolymer electrolyte arise,[34c] which can further increase itsresistance, especially as the ionomer is confined in a thin-filmmorphology that constrains its water uptake.[75] These dehy-dration effects have been recently demonstrated in a micro-fluidic water-vapor electrolyzer (Figure 4d3).[76] As the deviceoperated, the ohmic resistance increased because of the lossof water from the ionomer, which led to lower currentdensities at the steady state. Overall, water-vapor feeds arepromising for solar-fuel generators, assuming that cost metrics

and the correct current-density operating regime are ame-nable.

3.5. Solar-Concentrator-Coupled PEC Design

Cell designs that utilize a low-multiple concentrating solarcollector (Figure 4e), such as a 10 � concentrator, have greatpromise for large-scale, distributed splitting of water by solarenergy. A principal advantage of a sunlight-concentratingdesign is the potential reduction in the amount of materials,thereby resulting in a significant reduction in the systemcost.[5b,c] Typically, these devices use a planar architecture,although any of the above designs could ideally be coupledwith a concentrator. However, the increased insolation couldhave deleterious effects on the stability and efficiency, asa consequence of such issues as increased operating temper-atures and current densities. The operational photocurrentdensity and the open-circuit voltage of the photoabsorbermaterials, the catalytic performance of the electrocatalysts,and ionic transport in the electrolyte all have convolveddependences on the operational temperature and illumina-tion intensity. For example, although increases in the illumi-nation intensity increase the photocurrent density and con-comitantly improve the open-circuit voltage,[77] the resultantincreased current density would also, however, result in anincrease in the ohmic losses of the cell, as well as possibly inthe reaction overpotentials.[29]

As a consequence of the complex interactions, there havebeen attempts to model and build wireless, optically concen-trating solar-driven water-splitting devices.[10b,78] Multiphysicsmodeling of the steady-state operation of trough-like andaxisymmetric 10x solar-driven water-splitting devices foundthat, for a design utilizing planar architecture, the absorberwidths need to be reduced (to a few millimeters) to avoidunacceptable efficiency losses from the ohmic drop in theliquid electrolyte. Despite this, a theoretical STH conversionefficiency in excess of 29 % could be achieved using tandem-junction light absorbers and state-of-the-art electrocatalysts.Beyond just steady-state operation, the daily and location-dependent variation in illumination intensity (which is com-pounded with the finite acceptance angle of the concentratinglens) and subsequent thermal increases could result in safetyor lifetime issues. For example, hot days with no wind couldresult in temperatures above the boiling point of the electro-lyte, or, at night in cold weather, the electrolyte could freeze.To analyze such real-world concerns, not only for concentrat-ing systems but also nonconcentrating ones, a robust model-ing approach that considers the concentration, PEC behavior,local weather and insolation conditions, as well as heatbalances must be implemented; something that would benefitthe field.

4. Summary

Significant advances have been made in recent years inthe modeling- and simulation-guided development of inte-grated solar-driven water-splitting devices. Multidimensional


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multiphysics models that account for various photoelectro-chemical processes have provided design guidelines forsemiconductors, electrocatalysts, and both liquid and mem-brane electrolytes. This Review covered the guiding princi-ples and key findings of these activities, with a focus on theirinteractions. In addition, modeling and simulation have alsorevealed a range of viable device architectures that canaccommodate efficient, stable, scalable, and safe solar-drivenwater-splitting reactions. Although devices are being quanti-tatively designed and implemented, various needs still remainin terms of both capturing more complicated physics (e.g.thermal effects and bubble formation) as well as experimen-tally demonstrating the various trade-offs in operation.


We would like to thank the community of researchers whosework is reflected in this Review, especially those past andpresent at JCAP. This material is based upon work performedat the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP),a DOE Energy Innovation Hub, supported through the Officeof Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under AwardNumber DE-SC0004993. S.A. acknowledges support from theU.S. Department of Energy under Award No. DE-EE0006963.

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Solar-Driven Water Splitting

C. Xiang,* A. Z. Weber,* S. Ardo,A. Berger, Y. Chen, R. Coridan,K. T. Fountaine, S. Haussener, S. Hu,R. Liu, N. S. Lewis, M. A. Modestino,M. M. Shaner, M. R. Singh, J. C. Stevens,K. Sun, K. Walczak &&&&—&&&&

Modeling, Simulation, andImplementation of Solar-Driven Water-Splitting Devices

Catching the sun : Significant advanceshave been made in recent years on themodeling- and simulation-guided devel-opment of integrated solar-driven water-splitting devices. Multidimensional mul-tiphysics models have provided designguidelines for semiconductors, electro-catalysts, as well as liquid and membraneelectrolytes. This Review discusses theguiding principles and key findings ofthese activities.


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