solid waste collection, recycling and disposal services


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July 2012


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 3 2. BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................. 4 3. RFP PROCESS .......................................................................................................................6 4. PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND CONTRACTOR SELECTION PROCESS............................... 8 5. TERM OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL AGREEMENT............................. 11 6. SCOPE OF REQUESTED SERVICES ............................................................................................ 11





7. CITY SPONSORED EVENTS......................................................................................................... 15 8. OTHER COLLECTION SERVICE CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................. 15 9. EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION SERVICES....................................................................................... 16 10. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN................................................................................................. 16 11. CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE MATERIAL DIVERSION................................... 16 12. CUSTOMER RATES ....................................................................................................................... 16 13. METHOD OF RATE ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................. 16 14. PUBLIC EDUCATION .................................................................................................................... 17 15. CUSTOMER SERVICE ................................................................................................................... 18 16. COLLECTION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN.................................................................................. 19 17. OTHER REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................. 19 18. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN.................................................................................................. 20 19. AB 939/SB 1016 FEES..................................................................................................................... 20 20. REPORTS REQUIRED .................................................................................................................... 20 PROPOSAL FORMS ............................................................................................................................... 22 ATTACHMENT A- PROPOSAL COVER SHEET................................................................................... 22 ATTACHMENT B- EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL and/or DRAFT CONTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. 23 ATTACHMENT C- RATE SCHEDULE................................................................................................... 24 ATTACHMENT D-PUBLIC OUTREACH BUDGET AND SCHEDULE ............................................. .28 ATTACHMENT E- CUSTOMER SERVICE OPERATIONS PLAN....................................................... 29 ATTACHMENT F- COLLECTION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN .......................................................... 30 ATTACHMENT G- SERVICE INITIATION/TRANSITION EXPERIENCE AND COLLECTION APPROACH ............................................................................................................................................... 31 ATTACHMENT H- SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN (DISPOSAL CAPACITY AND WASTE PROCESSING CAPACITY)..................................................................................................................... 32 ATTACHMENT I- CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DIVERSION CAPACITY/AB 939/SB 1016 DIVERSION PLAN........................................................................................................................... 33 ATTACHMENT J- COMPANY FACILITIES.......................................................................................... 34 ATTACHMENT K- EMERGENCY/DISASTER RESPONSE PLAN...................................................... 35 ATTACHMENT L- VALUE ADDED PROGRAMS................................................................................ 36 ATTACHMENT M- KEY PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS................................................................ 37 ATTACHMENT N- CONTRACTOR’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................... 38 EXHIBIT 1-SAMPLE CITY SOLID WASTE SERVICES CONTRACT EXHIBIT 2- LIST OF CITY FACILITIES


Introduction This Request for Proposals (the "RFP") is being issued by the City of Livingston, California (the "City"). The City is soliciting Proposals from entities ("Proposer(s)") with demonstrated experience and qualifications in providing Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials and C&D collection, processing, and marketing services such as those required in this RFP.

The RFP is divided into twenty (20) Sections, followed by the accompanying Proposal Form Attachments.


The City of Livingston is seeking proposals from qualified companies to provide collection, disposal, and processing of solid waste, recyclable materials, bulky waste and C &D materials from its residential, multi-family, commercial, and industrial sectors and governmental facilities.

The goal of this Request for Proposal (RFP) process is to obtain cost-effective, quality service for the City residents and businesses. In doing so, the City is looking for a service provider who can deliver efficient service while meeting the recycling and diversion targets set by the City, state, and federal government. The Proposer selection process may result in a new contract for residential single family, multi-family, commercial and industrial collection services.

The City’s goals and objectives for the RFP process and future collection services are as follows:


• Select a Proposer that meets the City’s needs • Enter into a contract with fair terms and conditions • Set high performance standards for:

o Collection quality o Customer service o Diversion from landfill disposal

• Deliver high-quality, cost-effective service to all City sectors


• Cost o Provide cost-effective operations o Minimize the fiscal impact on rate payers

• Service o Emphasize innovative, responsive management o Ensure consistent, reliable quality service

• Conserve and Protect Resources/Assets o Minimize impacts on air, water, and natural resources o Meet or exceed AB 939/SB1016 diversion mandates.

• Provide Community Benefits o Include involvement of local recyclers/reuse facilities o Continue/add cost effective programs and services o Educate and involve the community

2. BACKGROUND The information presented in this section and related Proposal Form Attachments is for information purposes only. Each Proposer should take whatever steps it believes are necessary to determine the actual service requirements of the City and demonstrate that they understand the service conditions in the City when preparing a proposal. The City of Livingston is located in Merced County, just off of Hwy 99 between the town of Atwater and the City of Turlock, California. The population is approximately 13, 266. 2.1 CURRENT COLLECTION SERVICE The City formerly had a contract with Gilton Solid Waste Management, Inc. for all solid waste collection. As the current contract expired on June 30, 2012 an interim services contract has been secured with Sunset Disposal as the City conducts this RFP process. A summary of the services currently provided are outlined as follows:


Residential • Solid Waste Automated Collection Container 90 Gallon and/or 300 Gallon, supplied by

Contractor • Off-Street Service • Alley Service • Residential Bulk Item Collection, two times per year • Annual Christmas Tree Collection

Commercial • Permanent and Temporary Solid Waste Bin Service • Commercial Cardboard Bins if Requested City Services • City Facilities (No Charge) • City-Sponsored Events (i.e. 4th of July)

2.2 CURRENT CITY RATES & ACCOUNTS As of January 1, 2011, the following rates are applied:

Residential For each single-family dwelling, the current monthly fees are one of the following:

Service Level Rate Approximate # of Customer Accounts 1 90-Gallon Container

$18.60 2,854

Extra 90-Gallon Container

$ 3.44 576

Total Residential


Commercial For commercial establishments, including but not limited to office buildings, restaurants, churches, schools, retail outlets, and any service users other than single-family residences and multi-family complexes, the fee per month is based on the frequency of collection and the number of refuse bins assigned to each account as follows: Service Level Rate Approximate # of Customer Accounts 1 YD Bin 1XWeek

Flat Rate $ 35.85

2 YD Bin 1XWeek

Flat Rate $ 71.42 27

2 YD Bin 2XWeek

Flat Rate $141.80 1

3 YD Bin 1XWeek

Flat Rate $105.81 8

3 YD Bin 2XWeek

Flat Rate $200.51 4

4YD Bin 1XWeek

Flat Rate $135.40 15

4 YD Bin 2XWeek

Flat Rate $264.28 6

4 YD Bin Flat Rate $398.90 4


3XWeek 6 YD Bin 1XWeek

Flat Rate $190.27 9

6 YD Bin 2XWeek

Flat Rate $371.50 8

6 YD Bin 3XWeek

Flat Rate $565.45 8

Total Commercial


2.3 TONNAGE The City is committed to fully complying with AB939/SB1016. Further, the City’s goal is to exceed all diversion requirements of AB939/SB1016. Under the new agreement(s) the selected Proposer will be required to divert a sufficient amount to ensure that the City continues to exceed the diversion mandate.

2.4 DIVERSION OF CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE The City does not have an adopted ordinance covering the diversion and disposal of C & D material. However, the City is desirous of diverting this material from the landfills. The City is interested in how the Proposer would handle C & D material, in light of the fact that an adopted ordinance is not in place for this process. An ordinance may be in place in the future, and the Proposer would be required to comply with this ordinance.

Proposers are required to describe any experience in carrying out the requirements for a Construction and Demolition ordinance in Attachment “I”.


3.1 OVERVIEW The City is initiating this RFP process to plan future programs and services and may select a future Contractor or Contractors, depending on the final analysis of proposals received. The selection process will include single-family, multi-family, commercial, industrial collection and City services. The process involves planning, soliciting, and evaluating proposals, and potentially selecting and negotiating with the selected Proposer, and implementation of services in 2013.

If successful, a Proposer may be required to execute a Collection Agreement with the City as prepared by the City Attorney. A sample contract is included in this RFP for reference as Exhibit “B” (however, specific terms will be negotiated as deemed necessary). Collection services under the new Collection Agreement(s) are planned to commence March 12013.

The City of Livingston is interested in receiving proposals from companies that have demonstrated experience in safely providing solid waste, recyclable materials, and C and D materials collection services that are comparable in size and scope to those described in this RFP and Collection Agreement.

3.2 RFP SCHEDULE (*The City of Livingston may modify this schedule as needed.) The key activities and completion dates for the RFP process are outlined below: A. Release RFP for collection services ......................................................................July 2, 2012 B. Deadline to submit written questions..................................................................July 15, 2012 C. Answers to written questions ..........................................................................August 1, 2012


D. Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference .......................................................................August 6, 2012 E. Proposals due 4:00 p.m. on ...........................................................................August 15, 2012

F. Selection Made by ..................................................................................... September 5, 2012 G. Negotiations with selected company by................................................... September 10, 2012 H. City Council Award ...................................................................................... October 2, 2012 I. Prop 218 Public Hearing .............................................................................. October 16, 2012 J. Purchase of Containers from Interim Provider...............................................January 1, 2013 K. Commencement of Services............................................................................January 1, 2013

3.3 SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN QUESTIONS The City directs Proposers to submit all questions and requests for information in writing directly to Jose Antonio Ramirez, City Manager either by fax: (209)394-5550, or email: [email protected]. The questions must be in writing and must be submitted by the deadline indicated above.

RESPONSE TO WRITTEN QUESTIONS The City will respond to written questions and requests via Addendum, by August 1, 2012. MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE Proposers are required to attend a mandatory pre-bid conference on August 6, 2012. The conference will be held at the City of Livingston City Hall at 11:00 am. City Hall is located at 1416 C Street, Livingston Ca. 95334.

3.4 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL Proposers shall submit five (5) bound copies, and one (1) un-bound copy of the complete proposal, for a total of six (6) documents. Proposals must be printed on 8½" x 11" paper. In addition, a computer flash drive containing an electronic copy of all completed proposal and attachment forms, in Microsoft Word and a PDF formatted for a PC, shall be submitted in a sealed package.

All responses must include all required attachments and all pages of each attachment shall be consecutively numbered.

The package that contains a response to this request shall be clearly labeled: PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LIVINGSTON FOR THE PROVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES FROM:

Name of Proposer: Address: Contact Person: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail: The proposal may be mailed or hand delivered to: Deputy City Clerk City of Livingston 1416 C Street Livingston, CA 95301

All proposals must be received by 4:00 p.m. on August 15, 2012. Proposals received after this time and date may be rejected. Postmarks will not be accepted as proof of receipt.


3.5 CLARIFICATION OF PROPOSAL INFORMATION Proposers may be asked to clarify information through written communications, interviews, or during site visits conducted by City staff at each Proposer’s offices, customer service center, corporation yard and maintenance facilities, and disposal, transfer, and processing facilities.

3.6 PRESENTATION OF PROPOSALS If necessary for final selection, one or more Proposers may be invited to a formal presentation/interview by a panel of the City’s staff and its designated representatives. Invitations to the presentation/interview will be based on staff’s evaluation of the proposals. This additional step may impact the RFP Schedule above.

4. PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND CONTRACTOR SELECTION PROCESS This section describes the proposed process for evaluating proposals and selecting the Contractor(s). The City of Livingston reserves the right to modify this process in any way and at any time during the RFP and Contractor selection process. The City will designate an Evaluation Team. The Evaluation Team will conduct a detailed evaluation of the proposals, request additional data, rank proposals, and provide comparative descriptions of the proposals. The City Manager will prepare a report to the City Council for their review, consideration, and formal action.

4.1 EVALUATION TEAM The Evaluation Team may conduct the following tasks:

• Review all proposals received for compliance with this RFP • Prepare a comparative summary of proposals • Rate proposals using a quantitative method based on the criteria presented in this proposal or

other criteria as directed by the Team • Evaluate reasonableness and competitiveness of cost proposals • Request clarification information from the Proposer • Rank proposals • Provide further assistance to the City Manager and City Council as requested • Finalize the proposal scores and rankings and form a recommendation for City Council’s

consideration and action

During the process, Proposer may be required to attend interviews, give presentations as requested to the City of Livingston, and allow site visits.

4.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA Proposals will be evaluated, scored, and ranked using the criteria and weighting described in this section. The scores assigned will reflect the extent to which criteria is fulfilled relative to other proposals. The ranking will be advisory only. The City reserves the right to act in the best interest of its residents and businesses, including the right to reject a proposal that is given the highest quantitative scoring in the evaluation process, if the City determines, in its sole discretion that the proposal is not in the best interest of the City, its residents and businesses.

The evaluation criteria and points attributable to each evaluation criterion are presented below:

Criteria Evaluation Score

• Responsiveness to RFP - Pass/Fail • Company Qualifications & Experience – 30 points max. • Proposal for Collection Services – 25 points max. • Solid Waste Diversion / Disposal Plan – 20 points max. • Cost Proposal – 20 points max. • Exceptions to Contract Language - 5 points max. • Added Value – extra credit – 30 points max.


Primary ratings will be based on, but not limited to, the responses provided in each of the attachments listed at the end of each rating category.

RESPONSIVENESS (PASS/FAIL) Proposers must be fully compliant with the RFP and procurement procedures as demonstrated by submittal of all elements required; full completion of all cost proposal forms and required Attachments.


Collection Experience: Demonstrated experience of company providing the requested or similar services to other jurisdictions. If the Proposer is a joint venture, demonstrated experience of parties working together will be required. Attachment “F”

Service Initiation/Transition Experience: Demonstrated experience of company’s ability to implement new collection services and new franchise agreements and obligations that are similar to the Livingston services in comparable sized communities. Attachment “G”

Customer Service Systems: Demonstrated capabilities of customer services system’s abilities to track and monitor contract compliance, quality of collection service, and call center responsiveness and to report data required by the Collection Agreement. Attachment “E” Key Personnel Qualification: Extent and relevance of the qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for the transition team and ongoing management of the collection operations. Attachment “N”


Collection Approach: Reasonableness and reliability of the proposed collection methods (e.g., technology, equipment, and containers). How you will incorporate the new operation; reasonableness of productivity and operating assumptions (i.e., number of routes, route drivers, route hours, stops per route, and other operating statistics), if applicable; and reasonableness of assumptions. Attachment “F” Diversion Ability: The nature, reliability, and innovation of proposed diversion programs and potential of such programs to divert solid waste from landfill disposal. Attachment “I”

Public Education & Promotion Program: Compatibility of the proposed education program, staffing level, and program ideas with the needs of the City and the requirements of the Collection Agreement; and, the quality of public education samples relative to other Proposers. Attachment “D”

Customer Service: Compatibility of customer service approach and convenience, staffing levels, and training programs and capabilities of the call center and customer service software system with the needs of the City and the Collection Agreement, which will demonstrate customer satisfaction with established service levels. Attachment “E” Facilities for Equipment, Maintenance, and Administration: Compatibility of plan for providing the facilities needed for equipment storage and parking, maintenance, and administration. Level of assurance provided, if any, with regard to site acquisition and timely development of necessary facilities. Attachment”J”


Implementation Plan: Reasonableness of implementation schedule and ability to meet deadlines (e.g., reasonableness of equipment procurement schedules, implementation staffing levels, new corporation or maintenance yard development, and contingency plans). Attachment “G”

Potential Collection Impact: Compatibility of plans for vehicle compliance with State of California Air Resources Board rules; ability to respond to issues identified during the environmental review, compliance, and permitting process associated with the development of new facilities (if any are to be developed); and hauling impacts in terms of total annual miles traveled compared to others. Attachment “J”


Solid Waste Disposal Capacity: Proposer’s demonstrated ability to arrange and guarantee landfill space for the disposal of solid waste originating in Livingston for the term of the Collection Agreement and for subsequent contract amendments and extensions. Attachment “H”

Waste Processing Capacity: Proposer’s demonstrated ability to provide processing capacity for the term of the Collection Agreement. Attachment “H” Construction & Demolition Diversion Capacity: Proposer’s demonstrated ability to comply with the requirements of future Ordinances related to diversion of Construction and Demolition Waste Materials. Attachment “I” AB 939/SB 1016 Diversion Mandates: Proposer’s demonstrated ability to comply with the requirements of AB 939 & SB 1016 diversion mandates and meet or exceed the City’s current diversion mandates. Attachment “I” COST PROPOSAL (20 points)

Reasonableness of Cost Proposals: Logical relationship between proposed costs and operation assumptions. Proposals will be evaluated on total revenue requirement over contract term. Proposals deemed to be below costs of service will be downgraded and may be disqualified. Attachment “C”

Competitiveness of Cost Proposals: Cost competitiveness relative to other proposals. Value provided to the City of Livingston: The level of value provided given the relative cost for that service. Attachment “C” MATERIALITY OF EXCEPTIONS TO DRAFT CONTRACT (5 points) The number and nature of exceptions to the sample Collection Agreement (Addendum “1”) and to the level of service outlined in this RFP will be taken into account in evaluating the proposals. Attachment “B”

ADDED VALUE – EXTRA CREDIT (30 points) This section provides each Proposer an opportunity to offer a level of service over and above the requirements identified in this Request for Proposal. Extra Credit will be given for:

• Financial incentives offered by the PROPOSER, such as

o Corporate sponsorships for City events o Other financial incentives

• Extra or greater levels of service that will enhance services provided to the residents and businesses of Livingston. Attachment “L”


5. TERM OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and expire at the close of business on March 31, 2023 subject to extension as provided herein. Thereafter, the term of this Agreement may be extended for up to three (3) periods of one (1) year each, upon mutual agreement of the parties. Any party wishing to extend the term will give written notice to the other of its desire to extend not less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the 10 year contract or any extension term.

6. SCOPE OF REQUESTED SERVICES This section describes the minimal level of services required by the City. For the purpose of this process, the City will require a certain level of service (Base – Automated) and the Proposer may elect to add additional/optional levels of service that it believes will improve services to our customers. Other optional services that the City may be interested in adding as a service to our customers are suggested in this RFP. Proposers are required to respond to the Base level of service required for our customers and are encouraged to respond to suggested/optional services and to add to the list of services provided.


Weekly, automated collection of one solid waste container:

Automated Solid Waste Collection Weekly automated Recycling Collection

Residential Bulk Item Collection, one time per year Annual Christmas Tree Recycling Collection SOLID WASTE COLLECTION

• PROPOSER will service each RS with automated collection containers currently serviced at each account. The standard service level is a container collected weekly.

• PROPOSER must purchase from the interim service provider the newly purchased containers currently being utilized in the City (planned to be 96 and 30 gallon-Rehrig Pacific containers).

• Additional containers may be added as requested by the customer at an additional charge. • Customers will be required to place the container(s) curbside for collection with some alley

pick-ups. • Solid waste collection service is mandatory for all service locations.


• PROPOSER will service each RS with automated collection 96 gallon containers to be purchased from the interim service provider. The standard service level is one container collected weekly.

• Additional containers may be added as requested by the customer. • Customers will be required to place the container(s) curbside for collection with some alley pick-


CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING COLLECTION Contractor will provide annual collection of Christmas trees for three (3) weeks following Christmas day, December 25th at no additional charge. Residents will be required to place the trees curbside for collection. Trees must be free of ornaments; garland; tinsel and flocking; and stands must be removed. Contractor will be required to collect trees up to six feet in length. Trees may be cut in half to meet the six (6) foot requirement.


ON-CALL BULK ITEM COLLECTION Contractor will provide on-call collection of bulk items to RS accounts scheduling the service with the customer within 48 hours. Subcontractors approved by the City may be retained for the purpose of bulk item removal, recycling or disposal. Contractor will be required to separate and recycle all commodities that can be feasibly recovered.

Customers are entitled to bulk item collection two (2) times per year at no additional charge. Contractor shall not limit a free pick-up to less than items which fit securely in the bed of a compact pickup truck or an area of approximately 4' X 4' X 6'.

Bulk items collected by Contractor may not be disposed of at any landfill unless it cannot be: a. Recycled b. Reused c. Disassembled for reuse or recycling d. Recycled (through participation of charitable organizations)

Proposer will describe how it will encourage reuse and recycling and comply with the Collection Agreement requirement to divert 50% of the tonnage collected through the on-call bulk item service.


Multiple-Family Service Weekly Automated Solid Waste Collection Automated Recycling Collection Residential Bulk Item Collection, one time per year Annual Christmas Tree Recycling Collection

Customers will have the opportunity to subscribe to the appropriate service level based on their needs.

Containers will be made available including 96 gallon. Bins will be made available in sizes including 3, 4, and 6 cubic yards.

Collection frequency will be at least once (1) per week and up to five (5) times per week for bin service. Roll-off box service will also be made available in containers sizes including: 20, 30, and 40 cubic yards.

SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Contractor will provide purchase from the interim service provider existing containers, as well as any bins, roll-off boxes, and compactors for collection of solid waste that the interim service provider has purchased. Customers will have the opportunity to subscribe to the appropriate service level. Contractor will provide additional containers are necessary.

Bin and compactor services will be made available in sizes including 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, cubic yards. Collection frequency will be at least once per week and up to five (5) times per week. Roll-off box service will be made available in container sizes including 20, 30, and 40 cubic yards. Roll-off boxes and Compactors, as provided by Contractor or by customer, shall be serviced at least once per week. Solid waste service is mandatory for all service locations.


RECYCLING MATERIALS COLLECTION Contractor will provide containers, bins, and roll-off boxes for collection of recyclable materials. Recycling collection will be made available at a minimum for the following materials: mixed paper (e.g., ledger, computer, junk mail, magazines, paperback books, cereal boxes, envelopes, paper shopping bags, and non-metallic wrapping paper); corrugated cardboard; newspaper; scrap metal including aluminum cans, and foil; steel, bi-metal and tin cans; glass jars and bottles; plastic types 1-7; plastic bags, plastic tools and toys and other plastic materials (if readily identifiable as being recyclable); juice boxes and milk cartons (aseptic packaging, Tetra Pak); and telephone books. Contractor may purchase recyclable materials from its customers as well.

In order to prevent the contamination of recyclables, the contractor will provide “restricted access” lids for recycling collection containers, as needed.

ON-CALL BULK ITEM COLLECTION Contractor will provide on-call collection of bulk items from MFS customers using a method suitable for the MFS complex and agreed upon customer or property manager.

Contractor will provide on-call collection of bulk items to MFS accounts scheduling the service with the customer or property manager within 48 hours. Subcontractors approved by the City may be retained for the purpose of bulk item removal, recycling or disposal. Contractor will be required to separate and recycle all commodities that can be feasibly recovered.

Third-party contractors may be retained for the purpose of bulk item removal, recycling or disposal upon written consent from the City of Livingston. Contractor will be required to separate and recycle all commodities that can be feasibly recovered. Contractor shall not limit a bulk item pick-up to less than items which fit securely in the bed of a compact pickup truck or an area of approximately 4' X 4' X 6'.

Bulk items collected by Contractor may not be disposed of at any landfill unless it cannot be: a. Recycled b. Reused c. Disassembled for reuse or recycling d. Recycled (through participation of charitable organizations)

Proposer will describe how it will encourage reuse and recycling and comply with the Collection Agreement requirement to divert 50% of the tonnage collected through the on-call bulk item service.

CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING COLLECTION Contractor will provide annual collection of Christmas trees for three (3) weeks following Christmas day, December 25th at no additional charge. Residents will be required to place the trees curbside for collection. Trees must be free of ornaments; garland; tinsel and flocking; and stands must be removed. Contractor will be required to collect trees up to six feet in length. Trees may be cut in half to meet the six (6) foot requirement.

6C. COMMERCIAL COLLECTION SERVICE (CCS) Commercial customers include all businesses, institutions, and industrial operations, except for any business that is operated at a residential property. Contractor will be required to service containers, bins, and roll-off boxes stored in customer’s solid waste enclosure or other locations as requested by customer. Contractor must provide a rate schedule denoting all service levels and all possible frequencies of collection. Solid waste collection is mandatory for all service locations.


Commercial Collection Service Solid Waste Collection Recycling Materials Collection Optional Services SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Contractor will purchase from the interim service provider or purchase as needed bins, roll-off boxes and compactors for collection of solid waste. Customers will have the opportunity to subscribe to the appropriate service level. Bin and compactor services will be made available in sizes including 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 cubic yards. Collection frequency will be at least once per week and up to five (5) times per week. Roll-off box service will be made available in container sizes ranging from 20 to 30 and 40 cubic yards. Roll-off boxes and compactors, as provided by Contractor or by customer, shall be serviced as needed. Customers will designate the collection container location. Locking bins will be made available to those customers requesting one. Additional fees for such service may apply. Solid waste collection service is mandatory for all service locations. RECYCLING MATERIALS COLLECTION Contractor will purchase from the interim service provider and purchase as necessary additional containers, bins, and roll-off boxes for collection of recyclable materials. Recycling collection will be made available at a minimum for the following materials: mixed paper (e.g., ledger, computer, junk mail, magazines, paperback books, cereal boxes, envelopes, paper shopping bags and non-metallic wrapping paper); corrugated cardboard; newspaper; scrap metal including aluminum cans and foil; steel, bi-metal and tin cans; glass jars and bottles; PET plastic; HDPE plastic; plastics types 1-7; plastic bags, shrink wrap, plastic tools and toys and other plastic materials (if readily identifiable as being recyclable); juice boxes and milk cartons (aseptic packaging, Tetra Pak); and telephone books. Contractor may purchase recyclable materials from its customers as well.

In order to prevent the contamination of recyclables, the contractor will provide “restricted

access” lids for recycling collection containers, as needed.

ON-CALL BULK ITEM COLLECTION Contractor will provide on-call collection of bulk items from commercial customers using a method suitable for the commercial premises and agreed upon by the customer or property manager. Commercial generators will pay a bulk item collection fee as approved by the City.

6D. CITY FACILITIES Solid waste collection services will be provided at all City facilities at “no charge”, which includes illegal dumping in the public right-of-way. Collections will be scheduled at a time mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the City. The following is a suggested list of services requested but is not limited to:

• Solid Waste Collection as Required • Recycling Materials Collection as Required • City-Sponsored Events • Construction/Maintenance Debris from City Yard

The cost of these services will be included in the overall rate structure to provide services to the other three sectors (i.e., SFS, MFS, and CCS). However, cost information on City Facilities must be included in response to this RFP. Current City Facilities and service levels are provided in Exhibit “2”.


WEEKLY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Contractor will purchase from the interim service provider and purchase as necessary additional wheeled containers and bins for collection of solid waste. The City will have the opportunity to subscribe to the appropriate service level. Containers will be made available including (3) 96 gallon containers. Bins will be made available in sizes including 1, 2, 3 and 4 cubic yards. Collection frequency for City Facilities will be at least once (1) per week and up to five (5) times per week. Roll-off box service will be made available in container sizes including 20, 30, and 40 cubic yards.

RECYCLING MATERIALS COLLECTION Contractor will provide recycling collection service at City Facilities at no additional charge. Contractor will purchase from the interim service provider and purchase as necessary additional containers, bins, and roll-off boxes for collection of recyclable materials.

7. CITY SPONSORED EVENTS Contractor will purchase from the interim service provider and purchase as necessary additional(at no cost to the City), wheeled containers, bins, and/or roll-off boxes to collect solid waste, recyclables materials, and assist the event organizers with development of recycling plans and reporting data as required by the City. When requested by the City, solid waste and recycling collection service, and special event boxes and liners, will be provided for each venue or event. Automated containers may also be required at each event for use by visitors.

Containers are to be made available in the 96-gallon size. Bins will be made available in sizes including 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 cubic yards. Roll-off box service will be made available in container sizes including 20, 30 and 40 cubic yards. Collection frequency will be provided as required by the City. The City will designate the collection location(s).

The following is a list of events for which services may be provided:

• Sweet Potato Festival • 4th of July Event • Other events as determined by the City

8. OTHER COLLECTION SERVICE CONSIDERATIONS This Section presents service considerations required by the Contractor that are not specified above.


• Assist the City in a collaborative effort to provide public education to residents and businesses. A

detailed description of Contractor’s public education responsibilities must be provided as part of Attachment “D” (Public Education) in this RFP.

• Furnish all labor, supervision, collection vehicles, purchase existing and provide additional necessary collection containers, other equipment, materials, supplies, and all other items and services necessary to perform its obligations.

• Pay all expenses related to the provision of services including, but not limited to, taxes, regulatory fees, utilities, etc.

• Provide all services in a thorough, safe, and professional manner. • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances.


9. EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION SERVICES Contractor will have exclusive rights to collection of residential service/multifamily service solid waste, recyclables, and/or commercial/industrial collection of solid waste from within the City. Contractor’s exclusive rights will not include items such as:

Material hauled by owner, occupant, or its contractor whose removal of materials is incidental and removed at no additional cost with the use of contractor owned vehicles (e.g., roofers, construction and demolition contractors) and donated materials.

10. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN Proposers must include a Solid Waste Disposal Plan that demonstrates the Proposer’s ability to arrange for long-term disposal of solid waste originating in the City of Livingston for the term of the Collection Agreement and beyond. The plan should identify any arrangements with landfills that will benefit the City in maintaining long-term rate stability.

Prior to selection, the successful Proposer(s) will be required to produce proof of all disposal arrangements described in its proposal. Proposers should indicate the per-ton disposal costs and tonnage disposal guarantees they will offer the City. The plan should specify facilities and fees for the processing and disposal of all materials collected in the City including construction and demolition wastes.

11. CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE MATERIAL DIVERSION Contractor will comply with the requirements of any ordinance adopted by the City related to diversion of construction and demolition waste materials, which may require that all construction and demolition waste materials that are generated by covered projects in the City are processed at a facility or facilities that cause not less than 75 percent of those materials to be diverted from landfills.

12. CUSTOMER RATES The Proposer will provide a description of the rates that will apply to all service areas by service provided and at what level. These rates will be included in Attachment “C”.

RESIDENTIAL SERVICE/MULTI - FAMILY SERVICE The City will establish a solid waste rate structure for RS and MFS accounts that includes an integrated fee for collection that covers solid waste and recycling collection. The Contractor will be required to provide the residents with the containers they subscribe to; to service the containers; and properly bill for the level of service provided.

CITY FACILITIES City facilities will be provided all collection services at “no charge”. Current City facilities and service schedules are listed in Exhibit “1”.

13. METHOD OF RATE ADJUSTMENT The rates for service as of the Effective Date (beginning of the contract) through March 31, 2013 are set forth in Attachment “C”. Beginning March 1, 2013 and on each Anniversary thereafter, subject to the requirements, the contract may be renegotiated. Contractor shall submit to the City, not less than 90 days prior to the effective date of the proposed adjustment, information in support of the adjustment. The City Manager shall review the information submitted by Contractor for completeness and accuracy. The City Manager shall refer the proposed adjustment to the City Council for approval, which shall not be withheld unless the City determines the information submitted by Contractor is incomplete or inaccurate. The rate adjustment will be subject to a Prop 218 hearing process prior to approval. Contractor acknowledges that its late submission of the proposed adjustment and supporting information may make it impossible for the City to timely


complete compliance with Proposition 218’s notice and majority protest procedures so as to allow the rate increase to take effect in a timely manner.

14. PUBLIC EDUCATION Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that its customers receive quality education materials regarding all available solid waste and diversion programs. Contractor shall prepare an annual public education plan and meet with the City to review the plan. The City and Contractor shall meet quarterly to discuss all outreach materials and implementation of the outreach strategy. Contractor is responsible for additional public education activities as specified below, and Contractor must disclose all costs associated with the activities in its cost proposal.

CITY RESPONSIBILITIES The City will collaborate with, review and approve the Contractor’s implementation of a public education and outreach program. The Contractor will fund all aspects of the public education program. Development of the public education and outreach strategy implementation schedule will be a collaborative process with the Contractor and City.

CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES Contractor will be required to provide the following services: • Actively collaborate with the City regarding the public education strategy and development of

materials to support rollout of new collection services. • Distribute public education and outreach materials during rollout of the new collection services

program. This will entail distributing program literature describing how existing containers and bins will continue to be used.

• Distribute public education and outreach materials to new customers during the term of the Collection Agreement.

• Provide public education and promotional materials to MFS accounts at inception of the new program and during the term of the Collection Agreement.

• Distribution of public education to residential, commercial, and institutional generators with a broad focus on waste prevention, reuse, recycling, environmental purchasing preferences, hazardous waste, electronic waste, and universal waste management.

• Deliver setout correction notices during the term of the Collection Agreement informing customers of the proper placement of containers for collection.

• Staff a booth at local public events and distribute promotional and educational materials. • Provide samples of public education and outreach materials, which were used in other programs;

particularly those related to single-stream recyclable materials collection programs. • Develop the following public education materials and include a budget (i.e., including all aspects

of production and distribution costs) and detailed description of each: o Annual Christmas tree recycling notice (SFS and MFS solid waste bill insert) o Annual reduce holiday packaging notice (SFS and MFS solid waste bill insert) o Annual source separated recycling notice (SFS and MFS solid waste bill insert)

Proposer must provide its proposed budget and schedule for all of the initial program rollout activities and for annual ongoing public education and outreach materials and activities as Attachment “D”.

STAFFING Contractor will be required to have a management level employee on its staff to serve as the Public Education Manager. Proposer must include the following in its proposal: • The Public Education Manager will serve as a liaison to the City for the planning, coordination,

and review of all public education and outreach materials and efforts.


• The person or persons responsible for developing public education strategies and preparing public education materials (if an outside consultant is to be used, identify the consultant and include a brief description of the consultant’s qualifications and years of experience). A description of Contractor’s experience preparing multilingual public education materials.

MEETING REQUIREMENTS The Public Education Manager is required to meet with City staff to review public outreach activities and present an annual public education budget.

REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Contractor is required to prepare all required reports and provide the City with copies.

15. CUSTOMER SERVICE Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all staff and customer service representatives maintain a professional and courteous demeanor. Contractor shall be responsible for all employee interactions with customers. Contractor is required to ensure that its customers are consistently treated courteously and are presented with timely, responsive, and thorough solutions to problems and requests for information. A log of customer complaints is to be maintained by the Contractor with a description of the resolution.

CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL CENTER Contractor is required to operate a customer service call center that will serve as the primary telephone point of contact and information for all services. The customer service call center hotline is required to be staffed live during regular business hours (i.e., Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

WEBSITE Contractor is required to maintain an up-to-date website that will serve as the primary web-based point of contact and information for all services. Contractor will be required to update the website monthly, and more frequently if necessary. In addition, the website will be required to offer the ability to schedule services such as, but not limited to:

• On-call bulk item collection • Extra solid waste pick-ups • Service changes • Cancellations, etc., • Ability to document and resolve complaints

Proposer must describe how the website will allow customers to submit inquiries or complaints, request new service or changes in service, and request on-call clean-up services. In addition, proposer must explain if it plans to manage the website with in-house staff or if a subcontractor will be used. Proposer must disclose the subcontractor that will be used.

REPORTING Describe how the City will have direct access to the following:

• Customer service logs and reports • Customer service records • Although not required to do so, explain if the Contractor is able to provide a direct interface with

electronic customer service records through “read-only” terminal or website.


Proposer shall provide a description of Contractor’s customer service goals and how customer service goals are measured with regard to the call center’s responsiveness, accuracy of responses, and quality of collection service. Identify specific performance goals or targets that are tracked.

Proposer shall provide a description of the contents of monthly and annual reports related to customer service. Include examples of three (3) reports for each time frame that were submitted to other jurisdictions.

COMMUNICATION Explain how communications will occur between company’s operations with a minimum feedback loop between customer service, collection operations, and recycling staff. Describe how the customer service information system interfaces with routing and billing systems.

RESOLUTION PROCESS Explain the process for resolving complaints, specified time periods for resolving complaints, responsibility for resolving complaints, and final resolution. This description shall explain procedures to satisfactorily respond to, record, and report common customer complaints such as: missed pick-ups (i.e., both individual accounts and multiple accounts on whole blocks or along a section of a street); spills and litter resulting from collection; collection schedule changes; broken or missing containers; improperly prepared set-outs; noise complaints; traffic and sidewalk obstruction during collection; and safety around collection vehicles during operations. 16. COLLECTION IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Proposer shall provide a detailed implementation plan Attachment “F” describing the Contractor’s approach to facilitating a smooth transition for all the collection services. The plan must clearly describe the company’s ability to implement the services in accordance with this Proposal. This description should include, but not be limited to:

• A timeline showing the duration and completion date of major milestone events such as:

o Customer service and billing database development and implementation; administration; public education;

• A plan regarding the participation of City staff. • Expectation of the cooperation with City staff regarding routing, and other factors. (billing is

provided by the City) • Identification of common problems that can occur in service initiation and strategies for

preventing or managing such problems. • Service frequency. • Contingency plans for all aspects of implementation.

17. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Each proposer shall provide the information required in this Section.

17A. SCHEDULES Residential solid waste shall only be collected between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Residential solid waste shall be collected Monday through Thursday, with Friday pickup allowed following a major holiday. Commercial solid waste shall only be collected between 5:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

17B.VEHICLE IMPACTS Describe how the vehicles will comply with current solid waste collection vehicle rules adopted by the California Air Resources Board. Include a description of the specific control measures to be used and the schedule for compliance if City vehicles are not used.


18. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN If the Contractor is prohibited from performing its duties under this program by circumstances within or beyond its control, whether or not foreseeable, including, without limitations, acts of terrorism, acts of God, natural disasters, civil disturbances, strikes, lockouts, or labor disputes, the Contractor will be expected to continue to collect solid waste, and recyclable material as required under this proposal. A detailed plan shall be included as part of the submittal to this proposal in Attachment “K”.

19. AB 939 Fee In support of the City’s outreach and administration of AB 939 programs and to offset the costs the City incurred each year in connection with this program the Contractor shall pay an AB 939 fee in the amount of three thousand five hundred four dollars ($3,504) per year, payable on the original commencement date, and on July 1 of each subsequent year. This fee shall be adjusted annually by the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index from March to March.

20. REPORTS REQUIRED The Contractor shall provide a series of reports to the City Manager, at times and in a manner prescribed by the City Manager.

Quarterly Report Contractor shall submit quarterly reports regarding refuse collection and disposal and recyclables collection, processing and marketing that meet the reporting requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act, and as such Act may from time to time be amended. For the purposes of the quarterly reports, quarters shall be defined as:

• First Quarter consisting of July, August, and September; • Second Quarter consisting of October, November, and December; • Third Quarter consisting of January, February, and March; • Fourth Quarter consisting of April, May, and June.

Contractor shall submit quarterly reports within thirty (30) calendar days after the end of each quarter. The first quarterly report shall be due for the First Quarter of the contract or portion of that quarter. The report shall contain, at a minimum the following information:

The names and titles of all employees used in providing refuse and recyclables collection service for the City.

The total number of single-family accounts, multi-family accounts and commercial accounts served.

Annual Report Contractor shall submit annual reports within thirty (30) calendar days after the end of each one-year period following commencement of services. The report shall contain the following information:

A collected summary of information contained in the quarterly reports, including reconciliation of any adjustment from prior reports.

A discussion of highlights and other noteworthy experiences along with measures taken to resolve problems, increase efficiency, and increase participation.

A citywide bulk item pick-up report including number of tons, recycled, reused, and disposed. Contractor shall include any recommendations, with supporting rationale for changes in the collection program.

Vehicle information required by the City.


• A description of all cases of property damage and personal injury that have occurred while

providing refuse and recyclables collection service for the City in the last three (3) years.

• A description of all traffic citations received within the City limits in the past three (3) years.

• Vehicle overweight citations.

• A complete financial statement of the Contractor.

• Vehicular accident reports and equipment and driver citations.


"A" Proposal Cover Sheet

"B" Exceptions to the Request for Proposal and/or Draft Contract

"C" Rate Schedule

"D" Public Outreach Budget and Schedule

"E" Customer Service Operations Plan

"F" Collection Implementation Plan

"G" Service Initiation/Transition Experience and Collection Approach

"H" Solid Waste Disposal Plan [Capacity and Waste Processing Capacity]

"I" Construction & Demolition Diversion Capacity and AB 939 Diversion Mandates

"J" Company Facilities

"K" Emergency/Disaster Response Plan

"L" Value Added Programs and Services

"M" Key Personnel Qualifications

“N” Contractor’s Acknowledgement


PROPOSAL FORMS Attachment “A” Proposal Cover Sheet In compliance with this request for proposal for SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, RECYCLING, AND DISPOSAL SERVICES, the undersigned hereby agrees to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment to perform the services in the proposed CONTRACT, which is enclosed herewith; and to do so in strict accordance with the provisions of the proposed CONTRACT. The undersigned PROPOSER declares that the only persons or parties interested in this PROPOSAL as principals are those named herein; that the PROPOSAL is made without collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation; that the PROPOSER has carefully examined the locations therein referred to; and the PROPOSER proposes, and agrees if this PROPOSAL is accepted, that the PROPOSER will execute a Contract with the City of Livingston in the form annexed hereto to provide all necessary labor, machinery, tools, and to do all work and provide materials required as specified in the Contract documents according to the requirements of the City of Livingston as set forth; and that the PROPOSER will take as payment at the unit prices described in the Contract documents, as payment in full for the performed scope of work. The undersigned PROPOSER certifies that they are aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (8 USC §§ 1101-1525) and will comply with these requirements, including but not limited to verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants that are included in this CONTRACT. SIGNATURE OF PROPOSER This document is signed by an individual clearly authorized to bind the PROPOSER. PROPOSER: ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________________________________________________________ By: ________________________________________________________________________________

SIGNATURE DATE ___________________________________________________________________________________



Attachment “B” Exceptions to the Request for Proposal and/or Draft Contract Please list and describe any exceptions to the RFP or Draft Contract that your company cannot execute or achieve. (Use additional pages as necessary) If none, please state “none”.


Attachment “C” Rate Schedule Please provide a description of the rates that will apply to each service area and all service levels per area. The following service areas apply:

• Single-Family Residential • Multi-Family Residential • Commercial

(Use additional pages as necessary) Provide annual program costs and monthly rates for each of the Optional Extra Services described belowfor each of the following categories. The costs will be absorbed into each of the proposed rates: Category Annual

Cost Monthly


SFS Bulk Item Pick-ups (for over 2 per year) $ $

Residential Used Oil Collection $ $

Annual Mailer $ $

Compost Bins $ $

Sharps Program $ $

Residential E-Waste Collection at Curb $ $

Battery Drop Off Location Program $ $

Refuse Disposal $ $

Revenue from Recycling $ $



Service Frequency


Diversion Rate (no fee) $ annual AB 939 Fee $ annual Commercial Waste Audit Fee $ annual Sponsorship Events $ annual

SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (A 30 gallon container is assumed to be provided

in the original solid waste fee)

Solid Waste ~ Automated 96-Gallon $ Per month Additional 96-Gallon $ Per month Recycling 96-Gallon (if not included in original solid waste fee)

$ Per month

Additional 96-Gallon $________________ Per month

Delivery/Change in Service Per Container


Per occurrence

Per Bin


Per occurrence

Off Schedule Pickup Per Container $________________

$ Per occurrence

Per Bin Per occurrence

Off Street Service $ Per Container $ Per Month Per Bin Per Month Alley Collection Fee $ Per Container $ Per Month Per Bin Per Month Bulk Item Pickup $ Each Additional Pickup (beyond 2 per year) $ Per load Off Schedule Pickup $ Per load Additional Services $ Temporary Automated Container $ Per month Steam Clean Automated Container $________________ Per

container Repair Container (Lid) $________________ Per

container Repair Container (Other) $________________ Per

container Repair Container (90-Gallon) $________________ Per




Solid Waste ~ Automated 96-Gallon $ Per month Additional 96-Gallon Per month Recycling 96-Gallon (if not included in original solid waste fee)


Per month

Additional 96-Gallon Per month $ Service Frequency $ Additional 96-Gallon Per month Delivery/Change in Service Fee


Per Container $

Per occurrence

Per Bin Per occurrence

Off Schedule Pickup $ Per Container

$ Per occurrence

Per Bin Per occurrence

Off Street Service $ Per Container $ Per Month Per Bin Per

occurrence Bulk Item Pickup On Schedule Per load Off Schedule $ Per load


Solid Waste $ One Bin Emptied One Time Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Two Times Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Three Times Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Four Times Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Five Times Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Six Times Per Week Per Month One Automated Container $ Per Month 4-Yard Compacting Bins $ Per Service 40-Yard Compacting Roll Off $ Per Service Recycling $ One Bin Emptied One Time Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Two Times Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Three Times Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Four Times Per Week Per Month One Bin Emptied Five Times Per Week $ Per Month One Bin Emptied Six Times Per Week Per Month


One Automated Container $ Per Month Roll-Offs Per Ton Up

to tons Off-Street Service $ Per Container $________________ Per Month Per Bin Per

occurrence Bulk Item Pickup $ On Schedule $ Per load Off Schedule $________________ Per load Service Frequency Per Container

$ Per occurrence

Per Bin $

Per occurrence

Off Schedule Pickup $ Per Container

$ Per occurrence

Per Bin $

Per occurrence


Bin (4 cubic yards) $

Per Week/Per Dump

Rental Fee if Kept for Over One Week $

Per Day up to Six Days

Bin Relocation $

Per occurrence

Bin Cancellation within 24 hours of deliver $

Per occurrence

Bin Service Fee if Bin Exceeds Weight Limit $

Per occurrence

Roll Off/Lowboy (40/20 Cubic Yards) $

Per Week/Per Dump

Rental Fee if Kept for Over One Week $

Per Day up to Six Days

Roll Off/Lowboy Relocation $

Per occurrence

Roll-Off Cancellation within 24 hours of delivery $

Per occurrence

Overweight Fees $

Per Ton up to ___tons


Per pound thereafter

Cardboard Trash/Recycling Containers Per container with lid

SPECIAL DIVERSION SERVICES Regular Composting Bins $ Per Bin Worm Composting Bins $ Per Bin


Attachment “D” Public Outreach Budget and Schedule Provide a description of the services proposed along with the annual budget and schedule for initial program rollout activities and for annual ongoing public education and outreach materials. Who will be responsible for this program and coordination with City staff? Please provide examples and material samples of what is proposed for the City of Livingston. What Marketing Research will be brought in with the Contract? How will it be used? How have your programs increased diversion-sustainability in other communities? References are encouraged.


Attachment “E” Customer Service Operations Plan Provide the proposed plan to provide excellent service to Livingston residents and businesses. Customer Service Centers may be visited and a demonstration of the Customer service process may be required to verify the plan.


Attachment “F” Collection Implementation Plan Provide a detailed implementation plan describing your proposed approach to facilitating a smooth transition for all of the collection services. The plan must clearly describe the ability to implement the services in accordance with this Proposal.


Attachment “G” Service Initiation/Transition Experience and Collection Approach Provide a description demonstrating your experience and ability to implement new collection services and new franchise agreements and obligations that are similar to the Livingston services in comparable sized communities and how the Proposer will roll out their program. Provide a description of the collection methods, schedules, and routes that will be used to service Livingston customers and a list of key personnel proposed for the transition team.


Attachment “H” Solid Waste Disposal Plan [Disposal Capacity and Waste Processing Capacity Describe your ability to arrange and guarantee landfill space for the disposal of solid waste originating in Livingston for the term of the Collection Agreement and for subsequent Agreement amendments and extensions; At what rate: Describe rate guarantee: Describe the Proposer’s ability to provide processing capacity for the term of the Collection Agreement, in terms of a long-term rate stabilization plan.


Attachment “I” Construction & Demolition Diversion Capacity and AB 939/SB 1016 Diversion Mandates How would you assist the City in preparation and implementation of such a C&D ordinance? Describe how you will comply with the requirements of:

• Future Ordinances related to diversion of construction and demolition waste materials. • AB 939 to meet or exceed the City’s diversion mandates.

Provide samples of existing diversion programs and describe potential programs to divert solid waste from landfill disposal in Livingston’s program. In addition to a C & D Ordinance, what would you do to improve or change diversion programs with City’s Staff, residents and contractors?


Attachment “J” Company Facilities Describe your plan for providing facilities needed for equipment storage and parking, maintenance, and administration. Provide the name, address and estimated total annual miles traveled to and from the following locations:

• Base facility • Disposal facilities

o Landfill o Recyclables o C & D


Attachment “K” Emergency/Disaster Response Plan Describe your proposed plan for providing this service to the City of Livingston as specified in this proposal.


Attachment “L” Value Added Programs and Services Please describe your proposed creative and innovative programs, ideas/concepts or operational changes, over and above the requirements in this RFP that will enhance services provided to the residents and businesses of Livingston. How will you engage businesses and residents in sustainability efforts? What unique features will be brought to the City to provide excellent customer services? Describe any other special programs that you will provide.


Attachment “ M” Key Personnel Qualifications Please provide a list of key personnel to implement the City contract and resumes for each.


Attachment “N” Contractor’s Acknowledgement I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ ALL THE REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE AGREEMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS TO THE CITY OF LIVINGSTON’S REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, RECYCLING, AND DISPOSAL SERVICES. ___________________________________ Proposer’s Signature ___________________________________ Print Name and Title ___________________________________ Date


EXHIBIT 1 (Separate Document)


Exhibit 2 Account Number



Bin Size

Pick-up Time

Non-Billed Accounts

Trash 821221 Livingston City Sr. Center 420 Main Street 2 yd 1 360061 Livingston City Hall 1416 C Street 3 yd 2 360053 Livingston Community

Center-Little Guys Park 848 Prusso 3 yd 1

360053 Livingston Comm Center 848 Prusso 6 yd 2 828813 Livingston Corp Yard 2238 Walnut 4 yd 1 812476 Livingston Fire Dept. 1430 C Street 2 yd 2 360083 Livingston Parks-Memorial Main & Park 4 yd 2 360083 Livingston Parks-Arkalien F St & Prusso 3 yd 1 360201 Livingston Police Dept 1446 C Street 2 yd 2 360125 Livingston Police Range Bird Road 4 yd 1 360004 Livingston Sewer Plant 14960 Vinewood 2 yd 1 10045906 Livingston Library 1212 Main Street 90 gl 1 N/A Livingston City Downtown 9-cans 1 Recycle 814370 Livingston Corp Yard Walnut 3-6 yds 1 Billed Accounts


Livingston Sewer Plant- D/L Sewer Plant

14960 Vinewood 5-10 yds


Livingston Sewer Plant- Trash Sewer Plant

14960 Vinewood 5-35 yds


420 Industrial Drive Box Rental