solidworks inspection - goengineer inspection will then allow you to load your existing dictionary...

© 2014 Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary do not distribute. 1 SOLIDWORKS INSPECTION WHAT’S NEW 2016

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Horizontal / Vertical Excel Templates ............................................................................................................. 3

Quick Start Tour ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Help Document .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Zoom To Selection ......................................................................................................................................... 6

Export to SOLIDWORKS Inspection Project – OCR Region........................................................................... 7

OCR Dictionary Font ...................................................................................................................................... 7

OCR Tool for Custom Property Fields ............................................................................................................ 8

OCR Editor .................................................................................................................................................... 9

Selective Output for Measurement Results .................................................................................................. 12

Delete Multiple Measurement Results at once ............................................................................................. 13

Quality Improvements .................................................................................................................................. 13

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HORIZONTAL / VERTICAL EXCEL TEMPLATES SOLIDWORKS Inspection automates the creation of inspection reports and ballooned drawings. While

SOLIDWORKS Inspection allows customers to save up to 90% of time creating and generating detailed

inspection sheets, for most of users, it’s critical to get a report that matches exactly their needs.

Inspection reports can be completely customized thanks to the Excel Template Editor provided with the

software. However, in a lot of cases, it requires some complex Excel manipulation or formulas to reach the

desired result.

This is the case with vertical templates. Thankfully, SOLIDWORKS Inspection 2016 now allows users to

quickly create vertical or horizontal Excel reports without having to spend time finding workaround using

Microsoft Excel.

By simply selecting the type of report needed, users have access to a different set of tokens that can help them

create the perfect report.

Example of Vertical Inspection Report

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Example of Horizontal Inspection Report

QUICK START TOUR To help customers get up to speed with both the SOLIDWORKS Inspection Add-in and Standalone application, a comprehensive Quick Start Tour is now included with the software. Along with demo files, this tutorial explains in great details all the steps needed to create and customize a ballooned drawing and inspection report.

In addition, these Quick Start Tour guides were translated in all SOLIDWORKS supported languages.

These changes were introduced in the 2015 release to help our customers get the most out of their SOLIDWORKS Inspection software but were part of the 2016 development cycle.

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HELP DOCUMENT The Help document for both the SOLIDWORKS Inspection Add-in and Standalone application were translated in all SOLIDWORKS supported languages (Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese-Brazilian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish).

These changes were introduced in the 2015 release to help our customers get the most out of their SOLIDWORKS Inspection software but were part of the 2016 development cycle.

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ZOOM TO SELECTION To help users save time, a new “Zoom To Selection” option has been added to the right mouse click menu. Simply select a characteristic in the Characteristic Tree and select “Zoom To Selection” to directly zoom to this particular characteristic without having to constantly zoom in and out on the drawing.

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EXPORT TO SOLIDWORKS INSPECTION PROJECT – OCR REGION The SOLIDWORKS Inspection Add-in option “Export to SOLIDWORKS Inspection Project” allows users to quickly balloon their SOLIDWORKS drawings and then share the *.ixprj file to either make some changes with the Standalone application or to record measurements directly in the project.

The OCR region is now properly imported when opening the project inside the SOLIDWORKS Inspection Standalone application. This means users do not have to resize all the OCR regions manually in order to have a proper color-coding of the characteristics when entering measurements using either Measurements Input or CMM Data Import.

To benefit from this improvement, users will have to re-export the *.ixprj project from the SOLIDWORKS Inspection Add-in.

This enhancement was introduced in the 2015 release to help our customers get the most out of their SOLIDWORKS Inspection software but was part of the 2016 development cycle.

OCR DICTIONARY FONT The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine uses dictionaries to extract and interpret information from a PDF or TIFF files. The 13 new dictionaries added to SOLIDWORKS Inspection will help and allow customer to extract notes written in those languages.

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These new dictionaries were introduced in the 2015 release cycle to help our customers get the most out of their SOLIDWORKS Inspection software but were part of the 2016 development cycle.

OCR TOOL FOR CUSTOM PROPERTY FIELDS Each SOLIDWORKS Inspection project contains project properties such as the Part Name, Part Number, etc… Customers can even add extra project properties if needed.

However, the OCR tool was only available for the detail project properties. This means users had to manually type the custom properties and couldn’t use the OCR extraction tool.

In SOLIDWORKS Inspection 2016, an icon appears when selecting a custom project property and allows user to rapidly extract any information needed.

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OCR EDITOR The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine uses dictionaries to extract and interpret information from a PDF or TIFF files.

While the OCR performs relatively well with good quality drawings created by the majority of the CAD software, the accuracy can drop significantly if the resolution is low, is the font is not recognized, or the document was scanned.

While it would have been easy to provide customers with more dictionaries to address some specific scenarios, the new OCR Editor in SOLIDWORKS Inspection 2016 allows customer to create from scratch and modify OCR dictionaries, thus addressing the majority of the use cases.

The new OCR Editor can be access directly from the main menu or the Project Imaging/OCR options.

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With the new OCR Editor, users can easily open a PDF or TIFF document and manually select some characters to specify the correct value. The user interface, similar to the SOLIDWORKS Inspection Standalone application, regroups familiar commands. Users can add or remove drawings, rotate, zoom in or out, to manually select and define each letter, digit or symbol of the new dictionary.

The Value fields will be highlighted in red until a value is assigned and the captured zone can be precisely adjusted using the controls in the extraction window. Symbols can even be assigned.

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For best results, it’s recommended to capture 3-5 iterations of the same character (digit, letter, etc…). It’s currently not possible to capture characters that are oriented (30 degrees, 45 degrees, etc.) but vertically oriented characters are supported and can be captured.

The Auto-Extract tool can also save a tremendous amount of time by automatically box selecting multiple characters and attempting to recognize them. Incorrect value can always be modified later on.

To open an existing dictionary, simply click Add Drawing and select the PDF or TIFF file you were working on. SOLIDWORKS Inspection will then allow you to load your existing dictionary with the previously captured characters.

Existing dictionary “projects” (*.box) are saved under C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS Inspection 2016 Standalone\TrainableOCR\BoxFiles by default. These files contain the locations of the previous captured characters along with the correct corresponding value.

After proceeding the same way to define more characters or iterations, users can save this as a new OCR dictionary (*.traineddata) and use it for its project or share it with other members of their organization.

A custom dictionary can be added to a project using the Imaging/OCR Project Options. After adding it and selecting it in the OCR Custom Dictionary list, the following checkbox need to be checked: “Use selected custom dictionary”

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The OCR Editor enables users to achieve better results and ultimately save time when creating inspection reports and balloon drawings from PDF and TIFF files.

SELECTIVE OUTPUT FOR MEASUREMENT RESULTS Inspection results can be entered directly within an inspection project in the standalone application. These

results can even be exported to create a full inspection report.

In SOLIDWORKS Inspection 2016, users can select the results they want to export in case they might not

need all of them in the final report.

They can decide to export only the first x results, the last x results or any combination.

For example, 1-5,8,10 will export the results number 1 to 5, 8 and 10 to the final report.

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Multiple measurement results can be selected at once using Ctrl+Select or Shift+Select.

QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS Quality is one of the most important aspects of the product for customers who need accurate, up-to-date and

error-free inspection reports. As part of the 2016 development cycle, close to 200 bugs and localizations

issues were fixed.