solnet - ministry of health: cancer registry solution

New Zealand Cancer Registry, Ministry of Health Peter Meier Software Architect, Solnet Solutions IBM Insight Forum 09 ® Make change work for you

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SolNet - Ministry of Health: Cancer Registry Solution. Presenter: Peter Meier


  • 1. New Zealand Cancer Registry, Ministry of Health Peter Meier Software Architect, Solnet Solutions IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 2. About: Solnet Solutions 2 Systems integrator and Enterprise application solutions provider Capabilities User interaction and collaboration Integration and enterprise services Information management g Infrastructure and operations Enterprise architecture and strategy Local, privately held company; offices in Wellington (HQ) and Auckland, 120+ staff IBM business partner Long standing successful relationship with MoH IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 3. About: New Zealand Cancer Registry 3 National registry for cancer diagnosis information Accurate data for Clinical and epidemiological research Health services planning and funding NZ Cancer Registry started in 1948 Second oldest population-based registry in the world population based NZ legislated Laboratories L b t i required t provide pathology reports i d to id th l t Obligations to WHO International Classification of Di I t ti l Cl ifi ti f Diseases f O for Oncology l IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 4. Business Drivers for Redevelopment 4 Better alignment with business processes Improvement of data quality and accuracy Improvement of usability Increase of productivity IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 5. NZCR Information Flow 5 PDF Pathology reports Cancer OldNZCR HL7 Events Mortality Reference Codetables NMDS NationalHealthIndex IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 6. NZCR Architecture 6 PDF Pathology reports Cancer OldNZCR HL7 Events Mortality Reference Codetables NMDS NationalHealthIndex IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 7. NZCR Architecture 7 NZCR is composite Web services application Business Web services Reference data access Web services Utility Web services Accessed through rich client (based on Eclipse RCP) Follows principles and best practices of SOA Runs on IBM Websphere Application S W b h A li ti Server and d IBM DB2 database server IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 8. Challenges and Solutions 8 Usability Data Quality Performance management Security IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 9. Challenge: Usability 9 IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 10. Challenge: Usability 10 IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 11. Challenge: Data Quality 11 Accuracy and high data quality Rules engine based validation Real-time validation Modified model view controller model-view-controller Controller Business Rules Model View Rules Engine Data validation in UI and Web service IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 12. Challenge: Data Quality 12 IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 13. Challenge: Data Quality 13 Migration of historical data Erroneous data (?!) Warnings Errors Prior errors Dedicated UI for QA search IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 14. Challenge: Performance 14 Load 1Batch Time Dailywindow Nightlywindow Load L d 1 2 3 n nBatches Time Dailywindow Nightlywindow(reserved) Load MicroBatches etch Save Save Save Fe S S Time Batchinterval(typically2hours) IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 15. Challenge: Performance 15 IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 16. Challenge: Security 16 Security aspects Authentication with SSO Security assertion Authorisation Security assertion with role attributes Integrity protection Digital i Di it l signature ( t (message l level) l) Confidentiality protection Encryption ( E ti (message l level) l) IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 17. Authentication (SSO) 17 1 CredentialCache 2 SAML AssertingParty Kerberos WebService Consumer 3 Assertion 5 4 WebService Secure Trust Provider TokenService SAML RelyingParty SAML Authority IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 18. Message Protection 18 Messagesecurity Transport security Client Proxy Server WebService WebService Consumer Provider Servicerequest Serviceresponse signed with p g private key y signed with p g private key y encrypted with public key encrypted with public key IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 19. Summary 19 Success factors Early customer involvement Pain points and business needs addressed Usability, Usability quality assurance integration assurance, Live for almost 1 year stable, stable no patches or new releases since Happy customer The new system has streamlined the collection and coding of cancer information. It dramatically reduces the manual handling of data and allows electronic storage and retrieval of p g pathology reports, and more gy p efficient quality assurance processes. -- Susan Hanna, Cancer Registry Team Leader, Ministry of Health -- IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you
  • 20. 20 Thank you Questions? http://www solnetsolutions co nz [email protected] IBM Insight Forum 09 Make change work for you