solution manager

What is Solution Manager The SAP Solution Manager is a platform that provides the integrated content, tools, and methodologies that you need to implement, support, operate and monitor your enterprise's solutions from SAP. With SAP Solution Manager, companies can minimize risk and increase the reliability of their IT solutions. SAP Solution Manager helps reduce TCO throughout the solution life cycle. SAP Solution Manager helps companies manage their core business processes and link business processes to the underlying IT infrastructure. SAP Solution Manager supports both SAP and non-SAP software and helps companies get more from their existing IT investments. Solution Manager Provides the Following Tools Work Centers Implementation Content Service Desk Business Process Monitoring Service Level Reporting Job Scheduling Management End-To-End Root Cause Analysis End-to-End Integration Testing Maintenance Certificate Maintenance Optimizer Functional Baseline Technically it is used for the following purposes: 1. Maintenance Strategy: SAP Maintenance Strategy is 5-1-2

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Page 1: Solution Manager

What is Solution Manager The SAP Solution Manager is a platform that provides the integrated content,

tools, and methodologies that you need to implement, support, operate and monitor your enterprise's solutions from SAP.

With SAP Solution Manager, companies can minimize risk and increase the reliability of their IT solutions.

SAP Solution Manager helps reduce TCO throughout the solution life cycle. SAP Solution Manager helps companies manage their core business processes and

link business processes to the underlying IT infrastructure. SAP Solution Manager supports both SAP and non-SAP software and helps

companies get more from their existing IT investments.

Solution Manager Provides the Following Tools Work Centers Implementation Content Service Desk Business Process Monitoring Service Level Reporting Job Scheduling Management End-To-End Root Cause Analysis End-to-End Integration Testing Maintenance Certificate Maintenance Optimizer Functional Baseline

Technically it is used for the following purposes:

1. Maintenance Strategy:SAP Maintenance Strategy is 5-1-2 i.e each sap product comes with 5 years enterprise support for a fees of 17% on Total Cost of SAP Software as AMC(Annual Maintenance Contract) or SLA(Service Level Agreement).6th Year Extended Maintenance for 17+2% 7th and 8th Year Additional Maintenance 17+4% After 8th year Customer maintenanceThis Support is referred as STANDARD SUPPORT

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SAP Introduced ENTERPRISE SUPPORT 7-2 who will benefit all the features of Solution Manager by paying 22% for Seven Years and 22%+2 for next two years.

2. Solution Manager Installation Solution Manager 3.0, 3.2, 4.0, 7.0, 7.0 ehp1 are the various versions provided by SAP.Installation is based on OS, DB, 32/64 bit and Unicode.It is similar to other installations based on Netweaver.Post-installation actions are similar a Standard ERP System, but need to activate BC (business Configuration) Sets based on requirement.

3. Generating keys during installation and upgradeSAP Installations and upgrades require the Solution Manager Key. The Installation and Upgrades cannot continue without Solution Manager Key.

Execute SMSY Transaction

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Click on System Landscape other Object

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Click on Generate Installation/Upgrade Key

Specify System ID, System Number and Message ServerClick on Generate Key

This Key is required to Upgrade a System or install a System with hostname WILLSYSERPDEV and instance number 00.

4. Creating Satellite Systems

The SAP Solution Manager is a platform that provides various tools to monitor, implement, upgrade, document, operate and support the systems in the landscape (ERP,SRM,SCM,BI,EP,PI,MDM Landscapes)

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Execute Transaction SMSY

Right Click Systems ->create new systems with assistant

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Specify SID, Short description, SAP Product, Product version

Select ECC Server

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Specify Instance Number and Host Name of the Message Server

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Click on Complete It directs the screen to another wizard

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Select Customizing Distribution and Change Request Management

Two User ID’s are created in the satellite system(NOD) SOLMAN<SID><CLNTNUMBER>(SOLMANNOS001)

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SOL<CHARMS>SID<CLNTNUMBER>(SOLTMWNOS001)These users are used by Solution Manager to connect to satellite System

User ID SOLMAN<SID> is created in Solution Manager to connect to Solman from satellite System

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It can be selected if more then one instance is configured

Assign RFC Connection for System Monitoring which can be assigned manually in RZ21.

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Click on Complete to create RFC’s, Users and user Assignment to RFC,etc.

Request for the userid and password for login to create users and RFC

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Request for the userid and password for login to create users and RFCIt prompts to login to satellite system for three times and one time to solution manager

The System is created in Solution Manager as a satellite System

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Check RFC Connections

Execute RZ21

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5. Assigning Logical Components

Assign a Logical Component for System NOD

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Logical Component is used for Implementation to go to satellite system for Customization.Project Management uses this client for Evaluation PurposesThere are various System Roles used in Solman. it is necessary to specify the satellite any one the below roles.

Evaluation System SAP reference System Training System Demo System Production System Quality System

6. Defining a Solution

Execute Solution_Manager/DSWP to create a Solution

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Click on create to create a new Solution

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Click on Continue

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It displays the SolutionSystem Landscape Maintenance (SMSY)Click on Solution Landscape MaintenanceIt is used to include the systems that can be included in the Solution Landscape for Monitoring

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Click on Change

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Specify a Logical Component and select the solution

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Add evaluation system to put in the solutionClick in Solution Settings TAB

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Click on CCMS (Computing Centre Monitoring Systems)Monitoring of EWA(Early Watch Alerts)

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Select the Monitor and activate

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Upon activation and re visiting the same screen the above activated system is displayed which will be used for monitoring and the information is refreshed for every 300 seconds (5 min)

7. Operations Setup to create the Operations:(System Monitoring)

Click on System Monitoring:Click on Setup System Monitoring:Note: Operation cannot be created with error” not a Number”Cannot convert the “INITIAL” (CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL occurred)

This errors means that the installation number is not available or license is not applied

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Select the check box Active and save to display the monitoring activities

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Select the alerts that need to display in the alert overview.The System Monitors all the selected Activities against threshold values for every 5 minutes and displays them in the alert overview

To display the alerts

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Click on Alert overview

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Example: Front end Response time is expensive which is going beyond 200 milliseconds.

8. Operations Setup: System Administration

Click on Operations Setup: System Administration

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Click on Central System Administration:

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It is similar to check list monitoring but the time stamp for each activity is tracked.

Click on operations –System Administration –to display the Report. This Report can be sent to the Escalation/Management Team using email.

Operations Setup :Service Level Reporting

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These are based on SAP CCMS or ST03 (work Load Analysis Basis)Select the output mode (as table, graphic etc)

SaveTo display the report Select Operations-Service Level ReportingThe report is displayed in the below enclosed format

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9. Operations Setup: Early Watch Alert:

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Click on Early Watch Alert to create Early Watch Alerts for the satellite System.EWA requires certain prerequisites which need to comply to generate EWA. RUN the RTCCTOOL and ensure that the recommendations like add-ons, support packs and Notes are available, if not apply them.

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When EWA is created it triggers SDCCN Service Data Control Centre of the satellite System

Define a Maintenance Package in SDCCN or run the current package to gather the information in the satellite System.The EWA Report can be sent to SAP Using SAPOSS RFC Connection or can be sent to Solution Manager using RFC to

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Solman SM_<SID>CLNT001_BACK to generate EWA Report.

Specify the RFC, Time Period to Execute the EWA etc in maintenance package. Save. The Task is created

The data is collected from satellite and sent back to solution manager for generating EWA report.Start the session immdtly

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Click on the early watch alert report

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Click on Start Service Processing which will schedule a background job SM: EXEC: Services

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Click on ok to start background job

10. Maintenance OptimizerSap restricted the market place access to the customers, but customers are able to apply support packages, notes, add-ons using other ids.

SAP Implemented Maintenance Optimizer, so that users can download patches, support packages, add-ons, kernel upgrade only through (MOPZ),but MOPZ is only used for Approval of Software/Packages and the download is performed using SAP Download Manager.

SAP Implemented Maintenance Certificate from January 2009. it is valid for 3 months only. SAP Solution Manager generates maintenance certificates to all the satellite systems

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which will be valid for three months only and renewed based on Support (Enterprise/Standard).Customers without Maintenance Certificate are not allowed to use SPAM/SAINT and JSPM. (Precisely they are locked)

Note: (All corrective software packages for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 and SAP Business Suite 2005 (and beyond) are only available via Maintenance Optimizer in SAP Solution Manager. Find more details here)

Maintenance Optimizer (MOPZ).It is part of Change Management to compare the current system with the available patches/updates on the sap market place. it is possible to add the software required for the system.


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Use SPRO/SCPR20 to activate MOPZ BC Set (By default it is activated)

Click on Activate (match stick)

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Activation Logs

Main the S User id(S0001234567) in AISUSER Table(with out S000)

It is used to connect to market with the logged in User. MAP SAP User(SU01) to Market Place ID.

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Execute DSWPSelect Solution select OperationsChange ManagementMaintenance Optimizer.

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It is used to down load the patches and display the available patches for your version.

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Display the files available for confirmationselect them confirm

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These Files are added to download basket only.

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We need to download and apply manually .There is no automated process like Microsoft update.

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Note 1082010 for Customer Number Settings11. Service Desk:

It is used to generate the support messages from the satellite systems to solution manager.It is also referred as Helpdesk system, Ticketing system, Issue Management SystemIt provides a feasibility to create a Message/Ticket from the satellite systems which can be monitored in Solution Manager(It is similar to a call handling system)

Ensure that an rfc is defined from Satellite to Solman in SM59 with S_RFC and S_RFCACL Authorization Objects

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Activate Service Desk BC (Business Configuration) SET(by default it is activated) in TCODE “SCPR20” alternatively use TCODE “SPRO”

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Use transaction Sm30 specify table BCOS_CUST-Maitainchange modeprovide the created RFC Destination(servicedesk)

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Specify application as OSS_MSG and w for Work Place along RFC Destination (from satellite to Solution manager)

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Create a Message

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Monitoring the Messages:Execute DSWP—Operations—Service Desk—Transaction Monitor or perform the following:

S_SMC_47000017 or CRM_DNO_Monitor transaction is used to monitor the messages.

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Select the Message to display If the message could not resolved we can search in market


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Specify the error message and search the message, identify the relevant note and transfer the note

AISUSER Transaction code is used to specify the user name mapped to SAP Market Place User ID.

We can edit the message and set the status. We can also perform the following

Display the message Get the details of the backend system Search a relevant Note Transfer the Note Send the Issue to SAP(uses SAP-OSS connection to create

the message Close the Message

We can also create message in notif_create (transaction)

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Or use Notif_create_BSP as an URL in your Internet/Intranet or Portal.******************************************************

12. Implementation: The Solution Manager is used for implementing a project based on ASAP Methodology. Accelerated SAP Methodology contains 5 phases:1) Project preparation2) Business blueprint3) Realization4) Final preparation5) Go –liveSolution Manager it is a tool which supports ITIL Standards in terms of processes and documentation:

13. Road MAP (RMMAIN)it provides a Road Map with detailed ASAP Methodology Steps along with inputs, outputs, deliverables, responsible persons, reference documents etcIt also provides template documents, URL Links for Project Team Reference.

14. Preparation Phase: Creating a Project (SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN)

It is used to create the project

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Define Scope of the Project, specify Team Members, Specify Landscape, Milestones, Involved Organizational Units, Project Standards.It is also used to define a global template which can be rolled out to other projects.Document all the Requirements from the users.(Gathering Requirements)

15. Blue Print Phase(SOLAR01)It is used to finalize the requirements and get sign off by the users.Each Blueprint document is uploaded to Solution ManagerBased on the scenarios that need to be configured/scoped/finalized

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Click on ScenarioAnd select the scenarios

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The scenarios are fetched into the ProjectUpload the sign of Business Blue print Documents based on scenario

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Specify the team members for each blueprint activity along with date and time.

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16. Realization : Configuration(Solar02)

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Configuration is performed based on the assigned roles on the Solution Manager.The Users Navigate to Implementation of the backend System with out any TCode and Authentication

Following T Codes is being used in solman during SAP project implementation.

Menu Path

SAP menu > Tools > SAP Solution Manager

SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN – Project AdministrationSOLMAN_PROJECT – Project OverviewAI_SPS – Project Setup: Quick StartRMMAIN – RoadmapSOLAR01 – Business Blueprint

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SOLAR02 – ConfigurationSOLAR_LEARNING_MAP – SOLAR_LEARNING_MAPSTWB_2 – Test Plan ManagementSOLAR_EVAL – Project AnalysisSOLUTION_MANAGER – Solution OperationSMSY – System Landscape

Some Other Important T Codes

DNOTIFWL – Basic Notifications WorklistCRM_DNO_MONITOR – Transaction MonitorCRMD_ORDER – Transaction ProcessingSBWP – SAP Business WorkplaceSOLAR01C – SAP Solution Manager: ConfigurationSTWB_INFO – Test Workbench Information SystemSTWB_WORK – TestingSCDT_SETUP – Customizing DistributionSCOUT – Customizing Scout

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