some rare combinations in the compendium of rhetorius

A television producer by profession and an astrologer by passion, Muhammad Imran born and brought up in Pakistan , where people rarely espouse Jyotish. In 1994, he first encountered astrology at the age of 16 and later been an active member on various online astrological forums. Imran earned M.Sc. (Statistics) and M.S. (Applied Economics) from Karachi University. Besides astrology, he loves reading literature and philosophy. He can be contacted at [email protected] By M. Imran, Pakistan hetorius the Egyptian was a noted classical astrologer of early Byzantine era, who enlightened us from the lost Treasuries of Antiochus. There exist varied claims about the time of Rhetorius. Famous scholar and translator James Holden in his ‘History of Horoscopic Astrology’ maintains that Rhetorius the Egyptian lived around 505 A.D. Late David Pingree dated Rhetorius to the early 7th century on the basis of a horoscope (February 24, 610 A.D.) found in section 110 of Compendium. However, in the preface of the modern English translation of the Compendium, James Holden refutes Pingree’s claim by stating that said horoscope is hypothetical and merely explains a certain principle. Whatever be the age of Rhetorius, the uncertainty about his time does not shorten the towering height of this genius astrologer. R

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Page 1: Some Rare Combinations in the Compendium of Rhetorius

A television producer by profession and

an astrologer by passion, Muhammad Imran

born and brought up in Pakistan , where

people rarely espouse Jyotish. In 1994, he

first encountered astrology at the age of 16

and later been an active member on various

online astrological forums. Imran earned

M.Sc. (Statistics) and M.S. (Applied

Economics) from Karachi University.

Besides astrology, he loves reading

literature and philosophy. He can be

contacted at [email protected]


M. Imran, Pakistan

hetorius the Egyptian was a

noted classical astrologer of early

Byzantine era, who enlightened

us from the lost Treasuries of Antiochus.

There exist varied claims about the time

of Rhetorius. Famous scholar and

translator James Holden in his ‘History

of Horoscopic Astrology’ maintains that

Rhetorius the Egyptian lived around 505

A.D. Late David Pingree dated Rhetorius

to the early 7th century on the basis of a

horoscope (February 24, 610 A.D.) found

in section 110 of Compendium. However,

in the preface of the modern English

translation of the Compendium, James

Holden refutes Pingree’s claim by stating

that said horoscope is hypothetical and

merely explains a certain principle.

Whatever be the age of Rhetorius, the

uncertainty about his time does not

shorten the towering height of this

genius astrologer.


Page 2: Some Rare Combinations in the Compendium of Rhetorius

The Compendium of Rhetorius is not only a rich source of late Roman and early

Byzantine astrological thinking but also a compilation of the discourses of the earlier

Hellenistic astrologers. Like his contemporaries, Rhetorius penned his Compendium in

Greek despite he was not ethnically Greek. It comprises around 118 sections or articles.

David Pingree first translated the Compendium into modern English, but could not

publish it. Later James Holden rephrased and retranslated his earlier version of 1985. In

2005, under the aegis of American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), Holden’s translation

publically appeared as Astrological Compendium Containing His Explanation and Narration of

the Whole Art of Astrology.

The objective of this write-up is to highlight some unknown rather rare astrological

combinations in Compendium, for, there are many pearls of astrological wisdom that is

found nowhere else. Take for instance the section 82 to section 96 of Compendium that

deals with various kinds of actions and pursuits, in other words, yogas pertaining to

different professions.

1) Architects and Masons

Saturn in conjunction with Mars in Aries or Taurus or Leo, or being in square to Mars,

or being aspected by Mars without any aspect from the natural benefic planets, makes

roofers, or those who walk on walls, or architects, or potters, or lamp makers.

2) Carpenters and Artisans

If Saturn and Venus and Mars are aspecting each other in masculine signs, especially in

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, they indicate carpenters and tanners and those who cut leather

into thongs. And, if Mercury is also in aspect, stone-masons, or quarrymen, or stone

polishers are suggested. And if Jupiter and the Moon are in aspect, they make gem-

engravers or marble workers.

3) Mechanics

Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Moon in angular (kendra) houses or aspecting each other

from angles, make mechanics (those who work with devices or machines).

4) Tailors

Page 3: Some Rare Combinations in the Compendium of Rhetorius

Mars and Venus together or in square, in each other’s Terms make tailors, linen-weavers,

and dealers in linen cloth.

5) Mimes and Conjurers

Mercury and Venus in their signs of fall, in their own Terms, or in those of each other,

make mimes or public performers, especially in Capricorn. Mars and Mercury occupying

the 4th house from ascendant show rope-walkers and conjurers. Mercury, Mars, Venus

and Moon in cadent houses, and aspecting each other, make jugglers.

6) Musicians

Venus in the domicile of the Sun, or in its own domicile, with Mercury, especially in

angular house produces reed-pipe players, guitarists, or musicians.

7) Seamen and Sailors

Saturn in 10th house or ascendant in watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), with Mars

and Sun, or they are in aspect by square or opposition, yield sailors or steersmen or ship

captains. The Moon when about to conjoin Saturn in descendant (7th house) in watery

sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) also produces seamen.

8) Lame Genius

If Saturn and Mercury are in a domicile of Saturn and the Moon chances to be in Taurus,

they make a wise orator, or a mathematician having very refined intellect. But it

simultaneously causes rheumatism in the feet or in the ankles.

9) Astrologer or Diviners

If Mercury chances to be in a good house (i.e. in kendra or kona), and especially in a

domicile of Saturn, without combustion, and aspected by Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, then

this combination makes astrologers, diviners, or priests. And if Saturn chances to be in

Page 4: Some Rare Combinations in the Compendium of Rhetorius

the ascendant in a domicile of Mercury, or if Mercury is in the ascendant, it implies an

expert of astrological calculations.

10) Physicians

Mars and Venus being together or in square or opposition in their climes make

physicians or learned philosopher. Mars and Mercury in the domiciles or Terms of Venus

make physicians.

11) Falconers and Bird-feeders

If Mercury is not combust by Sun, and it is in conjunction with Moon, and they are

aspecting each other’s Dodecatemories (dwadasamsas), and Mars and Saturn chance to be

in opposition to each other in the angles, they make masters of the hounds and hunters.

And if Mercury and the Moon chance to be in the winged signs (i.e. in Virgo and in

Sagittarius) and in the first degrees of Pisces, they signify falconers or bird-feeders.

12) Bath Workers

If Saturn is aspecting the Moon, and Moon’s Dodecatemory (dwadasamsa) is in the Terms

of Saturn then bath workers and bath attendants are born. But if they chance to be in

cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) or in the IC angle (4th house), it makes marble


13) Drunkard and Lewd Persons

Mars and Venus be in conjunction or in opposition, while their Dodecatemories

(dwadasamsas) are without any strong aspect of the others then drunkards, armed

robbers, adulterers, and exiles are the outcome. In addition, if Saturn (especially from

feminine sign) also casts aspect upon (said Venus and Mars) then it shows lewd persons

and lechers.

14) Killers and Criminals

Page 5: Some Rare Combinations in the Compendium of Rhetorius

Mars and Mercury in Leo in angular house, without aspect or association of Jupiter,

Venus and the Sun, make fierce and cruel souls, characteristically those who are thinking

about shedding blood for nothing, or cheats, perjurers, sacrilegious persons, forgers, and

treacherous persons.

15) Removers of Corpses

Saturn in conjunction with Mars and Mercury, and all of them aspecting each other’s

Dodecatemories (dwadasamsa), without any aspect from the benefics, make grave-diggers

or removers of corpses or grave-robbers.

A Note on Dodecatemory and Term

tudents and experts of Indian astrology are well aware of various type of vargas

(divisional charts), and they presume that application of zodiac’s division is

confined to Jyotish only. Some of the Indians mistakenly believe that western

astrology does not weight and utilize divisional charts. But in reality, most of the

classical western canons (especially ancient Greek, Hellenistic, and Medieval Persian

astrological works) heavily rely on certain kind of divisional charts and their rulership.

Term, Decanate, Novenaria and Dodecatemory are off and on referred in delineation of

the astrological combinations. Though, traditional westerns astrologers do not use to

draw separate chart for these zodiacal divisions. They consider the ruler of the division,

their nature, position, aspect and relationship in main birth chart.

Dodecatemory is identical to the Indian Dwadasamsa or the 12th division of a sign. It is

also called Duodecima. Each segment of Dodecatemory consists of 2o30’ and there is no

difference between ruler of Indian Dwadasamsa and western Dodecatemory.

Term (also called Bound or Limit) is the division of each zodiac sign into 5 unequal

segments and ascribed to the 5 non-luminaries (i.e. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and

Mercury). Unlike navamsa, the span and lordship of Term does not follow zodiacal or

any other order. In fact, the size of the Terms was actually based on how many degrees

of the celestial equator rise with a given sign at the certain geographical place. These

portions of celestial equator translated into zodiacal degrees, called Terms.

Conventionally the Egyptian Terms are widely used and referred.


Page 6: Some Rare Combinations in the Compendium of Rhetorius

One of the interesting facts is that most of the Indian astrologers do use Term when

dealing with varshphala (annual charts). However, in Jyotish and Tajik system of annual

return, Term is known as Hadda.

Table of Terms or Hadda

Sign 1st Term

Range &


2nd Term

Range &


3rd Term

Range &


4th Term

Range &


5th Term

Range &


Ari → 00 – 60


60 – 130


130 – 210


210 – 250


250 – 300


Tau → 00 – 80


80 – 140


140 – 220


220 – 270


270 – 300


Gem → 00 – 60


06 – 120


120 – 170


170 – 240


240 – 300


Can → 00 – 70


70 – 130


130 – 190


190 – 260


260 – 300


Leo → 00 – 60


60 – 110


110 – 180


180 – 240


240 – 300


Vir → 00 – 70


70 – 170


170 – 210


210 – 280


280 – 300


Lib → 00 – 60


60 – 140


140 – 210


210 – 280


280 – 300


Sco → 00 – 70


70 – 110


110 – 190


190 – 240


240 – 300


Sag → 00 – 120


120 – 170


170 – 210


210 – 260


260 – 300


Cap → 00 – 70


70 – 140


140 – 220


220 – 260


260 – 300


Aqu → 00 – 70


70 – 130


130 – 200


200 – 250


250 – 300


Pis → 00 – 120


12 – 160


160 – 190


190 – 280


280 – 300
