some things that matter may 2014

Refreshing Daily in God’s Word Emphasis on Some Things That Matter May 2014

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Refreshing Daily

in God’s Word Emphasis on

Some Things That Matter

May 2014

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SalvationMay 1

Bible Reading: I John 5:13-21Key Verse: Verse 13- "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God."Key Words: believe on the name of the Son of God

The most important decision that anyone makes in life is the decision in regard to their eternal destiny. Which raises the question of how can we be saved? The answer is found in God’s Word: I John 5:11-12 says: “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.”

How do we have the Son? One of the most popular verses in the Bible tells us. John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Salvation only comes by believing in Jesus Christ.There is a story I love to tell about Dr. Lee

Roberson. It seems as though one Sunday morning a young boy went down to get saved. That night he was baptized. The next Sunday, here comes the same little fellow down the aisle again, telling Dr. Roberson he needed to get saved. That night after making a profession of faith, he was baptized again. The next Sunday, you guessed it: here he comes again. That night at the baptismal service Dr. Roberson dunked him under the water and held him there. After a few seconds, he brought him up and asked him what he wanted. The little fellow said, “Air, please, air!”

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Dr. Roberson said, “Wrong answer!” and dunked him again. After a few seconds he brought him up and asked again, “What do you want?”

The little fellow cried, “Mother, save me!”To which Dr. Roberson said: “Wrong answer,” and

dunked him again. A few seconds later he brought him up and again said, “What do you want?”

To which he replied, “Dear Jesus, please save me!”

To which Dr. Roberson said, “Now you’ve got it, son. Now you’ve got it!”

Salvation comes by believing in Jesus Christ- nothing else and no other way. That’s it. That is a foundational truth!

What to do: ✞Read and study the following verses: John 3:16, 18, 36; John 5:27; John 1:11-13; Romans 10:9-10; Romans 1:16.


The ResurrectionMay 2

Bible Reading: Acts 26:1-8Key Verse: Verse 8 - "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?" Key Words: that God should raise the dead?

I often ask myself how it is even possible that men should doubt the resurrection from the dead. It is far more incredible that there should be no resurrection. The question of Paul to King Agrippa was, “Why should it be thought a thing incredible

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with you, that God should raise the dead?” If there is no resurrection, this life really has no meaning, it becomes hollow and empty. Then God Who created us is a God of sheer this life all there is? Just a few years of alternating between crying and laughing, mostly crying, and then death? Then we must say with the Apostle Paul, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” But the resurrection should not be incredible to us, for all things around us remind us of the resurrection. The buds on the trees, the flowers in the garden, the emerging of life after a long winter of inactivity, all point to the resurrection.

In an ancient tomb in France, buried under the debris, archaeologists found flower seeds which had been there for 2,000 years! The explorers took the seeds and planted them and to no one’s amazement, they grew. Egyptian garden peas which had been buried for 3,000 years were brought and planted, and you guessed it, within a few days they had germinated and broken ground–buried 3,000 years and then resurrected to life! Why then should it be thought a thing incredible that God should raise the dead? If God can cause a lump of clay to become alive at the creation of man, then again I ask, why can man not believe in the resurrection? To me the most incredible thing would be for Jesus to live the life He lived and then remain dead. Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Up from the grave He arose,With a mighty triumph o’er His foes;

He arose a Victor from the dark domain,And He lives forever with His saints to reign:

He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, Christ arose!

Amen and amen! And because He lives, I too can and will live for eternity. So can you by believing that Jesus is the Christ, your Savior.

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What to do: ✞Believe in the resurrection (Romans 10:9-10).


WisdomMay 3

Bible Reading: Proverb 4:1-13Key Verse: Verse 7 - "Wisdom is the principal thing;therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." Key Words: Wisdom is the principle thingOne of the reasons for some of the fussing,

fuming, and fighting among believers is that matters are handled with little wisdom or no wisdom at all. We demand to have our way…right now!

A new preacher at the local church walked into the auditorium of his new church. He thought it would be best to move the piano from the right side of the stage to the left side of the stage, so he moved it. Soon after he was fired for the disruption caused by the new placement of the piano. Five years later he returned to the same church to visit with the minister who stepped in when he was fired. They walked into the auditorium and there was the piano on the left side of the stage. The once fired preacher asked “How did you get the piano to the left side of the stage? They fired me for moving it.” The reply from the other minister was plain. “I came in every day and moved the piano to the left three inches.”

A little wisdom goes a long way in handling delicate issues.

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What to do: ✞Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get



Caring WaysMay 4

Bible Reading: Nehemiah 1Key Verse: Verse 4 - "And it came to pass,

when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept,

and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed

before the God of heaven,"Key Words: that I sat down and wept

Nehemiah was a great leader. As a matter of fact, each chapter of Nehemiah tells us of Nehemiah’s leadership characteristics. But in chapter one he was a great leader because he cared. He cared about the people of Jerusalem, verse 3. He cared about the condition of the walls at Jerusalem, verse 3; but he also cared about how Israel had offended God.

In chapter one, we see that Nehemiah cared enough to ask, verses 1 and 2. He cared enough to pray, verses 6 through 10. And he cared enough to weep, verse 4. Nehemiah cared!!

Author Leo Buscaglia once told about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest

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was to find the most caring child; the winner was a four-year-old boy. His next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into this gentleman’s yard, climbed into his lap and just sat there. When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, “Nothing. I just helped him cry.” (The Story File).

Tears are a language God understands, and I have found most people understand the language of tears as well.

What to do: ✞Care about people, even those you battle with



Directed WaysMay 5

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:1-8Key Verse: Verse 5 - "O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!"Key Words: my ways were directed

John Phillips in his book on the Psalms writes, “It is clear that the writer of Psalm 119 was a suffering saint who had to endure contempt if not downright ill treatment.”

It is because of this suffering that the Psalmist asks God to direct (firmly establish) his ways.

When going through the trials of life, it is difficult to “stay on track.” We can become easily derailed.

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As a youngster I had a Sunday School teacher who was constantly giving us object lessons. One such lesson occurred on a warm spring day when he took our class out for one of his object lessons. As we all sat in a circle, he had each one of us go one by one and pull up a weed of some kind. Then he put us in teams, had us pull up a large weed, and then he gave us the assignment of pulling up a pine tree which only stood about three feet high but no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t budge that pine tree. He proceeded to tell us that in life we will either be planted in the world or the Word, and the time would come when we would be firmly established, unmovable. He closed by saying, “Make your choices in life prayerfully because the day will come when no one will be able to move you.”

Is that not what the Psalmist is asking for? To be firmly

established in God’s statutes.

What to do: ✞Make your choices carefully because today’s choices are tomorrow’s roots.


My ResponseMay 6

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:25-32Key Verse: Verse 25 - "Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another." Key Words: putting away lying

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When we think of specific sins any number of things can come to mind. Why, there is adultery, fornication, covetousness, stealing, cheating, laziness, worry, gluttony, profanity, idolatry, rebellion. The list goes on and on, but to me the most despicable of all sins is lying. The reason that I believe that lying is so despicable is that of all sins committed against me, lying is the only one which will not bring me sympathy or prayers, but reproach. If I commit adultery, fornication, covetousness, if I steal, if I am lazy, if I worry, if I commit gluttony, profanity, idolatry, or even if I rebel, I deserve reproach–I bring that on myself. Now if someone cheats me, curses me, or steals from me, that usually will bring sympathy from others, but now when someone lies about me, that is usually a different story. When someone lies about you, you are basically defenseless to defend yourself because for some strange, perverted reason, the vast majority of people believe the lies they hear. For example, Jesus was lied about and the masses believed the lies and cried out, “Crucify Him!” Naboth was lied about and, again, the lies were believed. Paul was lied about and even called a pestilent fellow in Acts 24:5.

So what are we to do when people lie about us? Let me suggest four things. #1 - Take the high road. Don’t respond in kind. Two wrongs never equal a right. #2 - Pray for those who are both spreading the lies and for those who are believing them (Matthew 5:11, Luke 6:22, I Peter 4:14). #3 - Rely on your testimony. The greatest of all testimonies is when the lies people are telling about you are unbelievable because of your testimony and integrity. #4 - Always remember there will always be those who believe every lie they hear, don’t focus on the liar or those who believe the lie. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

In life if someone for some reason chooses to lie about you, remember you have no control over

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them, but you can control...1) your response, 2) your attitude, 3) your testimony.

Now, go out and do right and live for God, and God

will take care of all the details of life in the sweet by and by.

What to do: ✞Apply the four principles found in this



Good WordsMay 7

Bible Reading: I Kings 12:1-11Key Verse: Verse 7 - "And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants forever."Key Words: speak good words

We know Rehoboam didn’t speak good words and, as a result, the people rebelled (verse 19).

It’s never wrong to do right. We are told in Galatians 6:10, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

Good is always associated with God. In Genesis chapter 1 after God saw each of His creation, He said it was good.

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In Mark 10:18, Jesus asked the rich man, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.”

We are told in Galatians 5:22 that one of the fruits of the Spirit is goodness.

One of the ways I know that I am walking in the Spirit is that I treat people with goodness, and I speak of them for good. Let me hasten to add, that doesn’t always mean people like what we say or do.

My dad used to say before he would spank me, “Now, this is for your good.” I must admit at the time, I didn’t see it that way; but looking back on it, he, as usual, was right.

Finding good words to say about some people can be a difficult task. Reminds me of a humorous story that illustrates the point: It seems that St. Peter and the Devil had an agreement to share the costs of maintaining the fence between Heaven and Hell. One weekend there was a bit of a brawl in Hell that got out of hand, and part of the fence was smashed. It went unfixed for weeks and St. Peter approached the Devil about mending it. Nothing happened over the period of a month. Finally, in exasperation, St. Peter said he would sue the Devil if he didn’t pay up. “Oh” retorted the Devil, “and where are you going to find a lawyer in heaven?”

So it is with some people…good words are hard to come by.

What to do: ✞Find something good to say about others, and you will find they will change their attitude about you.


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FlexibilityMay 8

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 10:20-33Key Verse: Verse 33 - "Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved." Key Words: Even as I please all men in all things

As you read these verses, you would think that Paul was a compromiser, which is not the case. Paul understood that to offend is to lose. Have you ever been offended by someone? Now, be honest, after they offended you could they reach you for Christ? Not likely! Paul understood that every bridge has some give. We call it flexibility, and he who is not flexible is very breakable.

Years ago, Frank Lloyd Wright was given the impossible task of building the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. No comparable construction job ever before had been undertaken. With patience he laid plans for the immense building in this land of earthquakes and terrible tremors. After carefully reviewing the situation, he found that eight feet below the surface of the ground lay a sixty-foot bed of soft mud. Why not float the great structure on this and in some way make it absorb the shock of an earthquake? After four years of work, amid ridicule and jeers of skeptical onlookers, this most difficult building in the world was completed, and soon arrived the day which tested it completely. The worst earthquake in fifty-two years caused houses and buildings all around to tumble and fall in ruins. But the Imperial Hotel stood, because it was able to adjust itself to the tremors of the earth.

And that is the way Paul was. He did not compromise, but he did not offend either. He knew it

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was a balancing act. It may not be easy to hold to our standards and yet not offend others in the process, but it can be done. Paul did it!

What to do: ✞Be flexible or you will be breakable


AdviceMay 9

Bible Reading: Proverb 13:1-10Key Verse: Verse 10 - "Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom."Key Words: with the well advised is wisdom

We get wisdom in several ways. Wisdom can come from God's Word. It can come from answered prayer. It can also come from sound advice: "With the well advised is wisdom." Who we take our counsel from is, of course, of the utmost importance. If we accept foolish advice, we will not only look foolish but also be a fool.

I am reminded of a story I read in regard to British Vice-Marshall Alexandar Adams. The story went like this:

At the end of the Battle of Britain, British Vice-Marshall Alexandar Adams was driving to a meeting at his headquarters when he came upon a sign: ROAD CLOSED--UNEXPLODED BOMB. Adams called over the policeman on duty, hoping he might be able to suggest an alternate route. "Sorry, you can't go through," said the policeman as he approached the car. "The bomb is likely to go off at

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any minute now." Then he caught sight of Adams's uniform. " I'm very sorry, sir," he said, "I didn't know you were a wing commander. It is quite all right for you to go through." With "advisors" like that, who needs enemies! Although that policeman - who was trained to respect rank - momentarily allowed his deference to a vice-marshal to overcome his good sense, Adams had better sense than to follow his advice.

The moral of the story is clear. Be careful who you take advice from. It could kill you.

What to do: ✞Take advice from others who have proven themselves over time to make wise decisions.


DecisionsMay 10

Bible Reading: Genesis 4:1-10Key Verse: Verse 5 - "But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell."Key Words: But unto Cain and his offering he had not respect

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All of life is full of decisions. We go from one decision to another often giving little thought to the decisions we make. But each decision is important and affects not only our life, but the lives of others.

From our Bible reading for today we see that Cain made a decision to bring an offering of fruit rather than an offering of blood which was a bad decision on his part. One bad decision always leads to another bad decision. Because of Cain’s jealousy of his brother Abel, he slew him. First we make our decision and our decision makes us.

Notice the results of Cain’s decision.Genesis 4:11-14, “And now art thou cursed

from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.”

The words of Eleanor Roosevelt ring true: “Our philosophy is not best expressed in words. It is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.” How true!

What to do: ✞Make wise Godly decisions because first you make your decisions, then your decisions make you.


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What Is A Mother?May 11

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 16:44-54Key Verse: Verse 44 - "Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter."Key Words: As is the mother, so is her daughter

Somewhere between the youthful energy of a teenager and the golden years of a woman’s life, there lives a marvelous and loving person know as “Mother.”

A mother is a curious mixture of patience, kindness, understanding, discipline, industriousness, purity and love.

A mother can be at one and the same time, both “lovelorn counselor” to a heartsick daughter, and “head football coach” to an athletic son.

A mother can sew the tiniest stitch in the material for that dainty prom dress and she is equally experienced in threading through the heaviest traffic with a station wagon.

A mother is the only creature on earth who can cry when she’s happy, laugh when she’s heartbroken, and work when she’s feeling ill.

A mother is as gentle as a lamb and as strong as a giant. Only a mother can appear so weak and helpless and yet be the same one who puts the fruit jar cover on so tightly even dad can’t get it off.

A mother is a picture of helplessness when dad is near, and a marvel of resourcefulness when she’s all alone.

A mother has the angelic voice of a member in the celestial choir as she sings Brahms lullaby to a babe held tight in her arms; yet this same voice can

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dwarf the sound of an amplifier when she calls her boys in for supper.

A mother has the fascinating ability to be almost everywhere at once and she alone can somehow squeeze an enormous amount of living into an average day.

A mother is “old-fashioned” to her teenager; just “mom” to her third-grader; and simply “Mama” to little two-year old sister.

But there is no greater thrill in life, than to point to that wonderful woman and be able to say to all the world, “That’s my mother!” 

-Fred Kruse

What to do: ✞Praise your Mother!


Redeeming The TimeMay 12

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:145-152Key Verse: Verse 148 - "Mine eyes prevent the  night watches, that I might meditate in thy word."Key Words: that I might meditate in thy word

Someone once said:“Long before his bed became a wrack, he

would pray. Lying in bed waiting for sleep to come, he would pray. ‘Mine eyes prevent [anticipate, forestall] the night watches, that I might meditate in Thy word.’ He turned those moments before sleep came into good use. He composed himself for sleep

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by prayerfully turning over the Word of God in his mind. In other words, he had what today we would call a quiet time.

“Surely most of us waste far too much time. Someone has calculated that the average believer, if he lives to be 75 years of age, spends 25 years asleep, 17 years at work, 6 years in traveling, 7 ½ years in dressing, 9 years in watching television, 6 years being sick, and only 4 years in prayer and Bible study. Imagine 4 years out of 75 preparing for eternity, less than half the time spent watching television. Suppose we converted half the travel time, mostly idle time, into praying or memorizing Scripture instead of daydreaming. Suppose we invested most of the time spent dressing engaging our minds in prayer. Suppose we took an hour less sleep at night and devoted the time to concentrated Bible study. Suppose we cut two-thirds of the time spent watching television and devoted that time to reading the Bible, studying the Word, and praying for family, friends, missionaries, and all those hundreds of other things we say we are too busy to pray about. Why, we could increase the time we spend in prayer and Bible study by 19 years. Instead of a paltry 4 years, we would spend 23 years in getting ready for the judgment seat of Christ.”

“F. W. Boreham used to tell the story of a gypsy he knew in his youth. She would come to the village green near where he lived and open her chest of treasures. From that chest she would take all kinds of things, fingering and fondling the items one by one and offering them for sale. She would announce the price, permit no haggling, offer the item, and unless it was purchased at once, back it went into the chest. On no account would she take it out again and give the people standing around a second chance to purchase it. The bargain had to be taken at once or the chance was gone.

“Redeeming the time,” says Paul. God offers each one of us a fleeting moment of time. We can

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seize it and freight it down with something for eternity, or it passes back unredeemed into God’s keeping to be a witness against us at the judgment seat. Life’s golden moments never return. This wise old singer made it his plan to buy up the time.”

What to do: ✞Make sure you’re using your time wisely on things that count for eternity.

Spiritual DiscernmentMay 13

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 2Key Verse: Verse 14 - "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." Key Words: because they are spiritually discerned 

In chapter 2, Paul continues to write about Godly wisdom as compared to human wisdom; but he closes out chapter 2 by telling the people that the natural man, the man who is without Christ - without salvation - that man will never have the ability to discern spiritual things.

It its important to know that discernment is the ability to see and know truth - the ability to look at the big picture. The following story is a great example of discernment.

"A college coach was trying to convert one of his former players into a high school talent scout.

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The coach began talking about the kind of player they wanted. He was describing the kind of guy who gets hit and doesn't get up, when the enthusiastic scout jumped in, 'We don't want him!'

"The coach agreed, and told of the guys who get up after getting hit once but who stay down after the next hit. The prospective scout knew that wasn't the guy they wanted either. Then the coach told about a player who just kept getting up every time he got knocked down.

"The former athlete knew this was the player they wanted so he shouted, 'That's the guy I'll look for!'

"The coach said, 'No, don't you get it? We want the guy who's knocking everybody down!"

Now that is discernment, something the church at Corinth evidently did not have.

What to do: ✞Ask God to give you spiritual discernment...daily!!

Live By The WordMay 14

Bible Reading: Luke 4:1-13Key Verse: Verse 4 - "And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."Key Words: but by every word of God

Have you ever read what others have said about the Word of God and how it impacts life? Note the following:

George Washington said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."

Abraham Lincoln said, "I am profitably engaged in reading the Bible. Take all of this book

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and balance it with faith; and you will live and die a better man."

Woodrow Wilson said, "I have a very simple thing to ask of you. I ask every man and woman to realize that America's destiny lies in their daily perusal of this blessed book."

Captain Eddie Rickenbacher stated, "The Bible is one book for one world. Today I realize that I would not be here had it not been for the spiritual light and the moral power learned from this book, which have carried me through the many crises of my life."

Douglas McArthur said, "Believe me, never a night goes by, be I ever so tired, but I read the Word of God before I go to bed."

Herbert Hoover said, " The whole of the inspiration of our civilization springs from the teachings of Christ. To read the Bible is a necessity for America to live."

Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "To read the Bible is to take a trip to a fair land where the spirit is strengthened and faith renewed."

Surely we must understand that we do not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

What to do: ✞Ask God to reveal to you the real importance of God's Word for you family and for our nation.✞Commit yourself each day, not just to feed the body, but to also feed the soul.


Keep It In ContextMay 15

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Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:1-22Key Verse: Verse 22 - "To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." Key Words: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

Now, if I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times, "Keep the Scripture in context." I often hear people use I Corinthians 9:22b to justify their lack of standards. For example, I have heard some say, "If I need to dress like the world to reach the world, I will so that I might by all means save some." Still others say, "I act the way I act and go to the places I go so I can witness to them. You see, I want to be like Paul that I might by all means save some."

But notice with me what Paul is really saying in I Corinthians 9. Notice verse 12 when Paul says that if he needs to suffer all things, he will, so that he might by all means save some. Notice also verse 15 when Paul says he is even willing to die so that he might by all means save some. What about verses 16-18? Paul says that he places himself under the gospel to live by the gospel so that he might by all means save some. Then there is verse 19 when Paul says he is willing to become a servant so that he might by all means save some. In verses 20-21 Paul says that he is willing to place himself under the strictness of the Jewish law that he might by all means save some. As if that is not enough, Paul is saying that he is willing to lose his health so that he might by all means save some.

But Paul is not saying, "If I need to go to the movies to reach others, I will;" nor is he saying "If I need to go to wordly activities and parties to reach

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my friends, I will." Why, Paul is not saying, "If I need to let my dress standards go to reach others, I will." What Paul is saying is, "If I need to”...

1. suffer,2. die,3. live by the gospel,4. be a servant,5. live under the law, or6. lose my health...

to reach others, I will gladly do so. You see, it is important to keep the Word in context. If not, you will convince yourself to do a wrong thing thinking it is for a good cause. Always remember, it is never right to do wrong.

What to do:

✞Keep God's Word in context. Some suggestions how this can be done: Ask these questions –

1. (To whom is the writer writing?)*2. Why is he writing to them?**3. How does he go about proving his point?


*In I Corinthians chapter 9, Paul is writing to the church at Corinth.**He is writing to them because they question his apostleship (verse 1) and his authority (verses 4-5). They question his receiving pay for his work (verses 9-13), and they question his methods for reaching others (verses 20-22).***He says I will suffer, die, live by the gospel, be a servant, etc.Asking and answering these three questions will help you keep the Word in context.

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The Messiah and The SaviorMay 16

Bible Reading: Matthew 1:18-25Key Verse: Verse 21 - "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."Key Words: save his people from their sins

In the book of Matthew, Jesus is seen as the Messiah, the King of the Jews - the One Who was to deliver the Jewish people from bondage; and Jesus did come to deliver from bondage, not physical bondage, but spiritual bondage. He did that by taking the sins of mankind on Himself and in doing so, made a way of salvation for all men.

Dr. Claude Barlow was a medical missionary to Shaoshing, China, in the early part of the century. During his ministry there, a strange disease began killing people and Dr. Barlow could not find a remedy. In search of a cure, he filled his notebook with observations of the peculiarities he had witnessed in hundreds of cases. Then, with a small vial of germs, he sailed to the United States. Just before he arrived, he injected himself with the deadly disease and then hurried to his alma mater, John Hopkins University Hospital. He had become very sick and now depended on his former professors to find a cure. They were able to save his life and send him back to China with a cure for the dreaded disease. In the process, a multitude of lives were spared - thanks to Dr. Claude Barlow.

In the midst of our epidemic called sin, Jesus went to the cross and injected Himself with our deadly "disease." He then committed Himself to the Father's care. Three days later Jesus arose with the cure. Praise God! Death is no longer our destiny.

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Praise God! Jesus came to save His people from their sins.

What to do: ✞If you have never been born again, ask Jesus to be your Savior. In the words of the songwriter, "He will save you now."✞If you are saved, thank God for the greatest gift anyone could ever receive, the gift of life - eternal life.


Are You Listening?May 17

Bible Reading: James 1:1-22Key Verse: Verse 19 - " Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:" Key Words: swift to hear

Would it surprise you to know that the National Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) in our schools reveal that our children finish very poorly in their listening skills?

The Rand Corporation says that only 2% of everything you say is actually heard. We are very poor listeners. Maybe that is the reason we are told so often by God to hear. Why, five hundred twelve times in God’s Word we are told to “hear.” We do need to sharpen our listening skills.

President Roosevelt (FDR) once grew tired of the smiling superficiality that accompanied many

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White House receptions. One particular evening he decided to see whether or not anyone actually paid attention to what he said. As he shook hands with each guest filing through the line, he would smile really big and say, “I murdered my grandmother this morning.”

No one even noticed. They just gave the usual protocol, “How lovely,” or “Keep up the good work.”

One foreign diplomat was listening and added humor to the night by adding, “I’m sure she had it coming to her.”

A pastor I know asked those who attended the Sunday evening service to write down his three major points from his morning sermon. Of the two hundred in attendance that night who were present in the morning service, only eight people could write down all three points. We are poor listeners. Maybe that is why James said, “Let every man be swift to hear.”

What to do: ✞Pray that God will help you to become a good listener.✞ Work on your listening skills.✞ Require your children to listen -by asking them to repeat what you said or by asking them to review the pastor’s message with you.✞ God gave us one tongue and two ears. Listen twice as much as you talk.


A Faith That Keeps GoingMay 18

Bible Reading: I Kings 4:22-34

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Key Verse: Verse 33 - "And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes."Key Words: the hyssop that springeth out of the wall

Donald Grey Barnhouse writes: "Botanists have not been able to agree on the identification of the plant, hyssop, that is mentioned in the Scriptures. It certainly has no relationship to the plant of the same name that has been domesticated in parts of our country. But a verse in I Kings speaks of the wisdom of Solomon, who studied many things: "the hyssop that springeth out of the wall" (I Kings 4:33). I saw a plant that fulfills this description in Palestine, under interesting conditions. The first time I was in Jerusalem I was taken into the palace of the Grand Mufti and then into the Hall of the Sanhedrin, where few tourists ever penetrate. In this room is a window that looks down upon the wailing wall. At the foot of the wall, beating their heads slowly against it, were groups of Jewish rabbis, mostly from central Europe, and as they bowed forward they wailed - reciting the book of Lamentations over and over again.

Above their heads was the high expanse of the wall, and from it grew the long trailing plant that was identified as the hyssop of the Bible. The remarkable thing about this particular plant is that it has a very short root, drawing its sustenance from the air, from the wind, from the rain when there is any, from bits of dirt that fall from nourishment in the rock itself. From that tiny root the plant flourishes, sometimes twelve to fourteen feet long. What a great plant to grow from such a slender root. Is it any wonder the plant can be such a symbol of faith?

Faith, in itself, is worthless, just as a root is worthless if it is unattached. If one grasps the

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branch and pulls the root away from the rock, the branch will soon die. Faith, to be of any value, must cling to the rock. Faith, nothing in itself, becomes everything when it clings to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages.

What to do: ✞ Make sure your faith is attached to Jesus


TestimonyMay 19

Bible Reading: Philippians 1:1-21Key Verse: Verse 21 - "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."Key Words: to die is gain

Your testimony is not what you say about yourself, but what others say about you. Now a real test of one's testimony is the impact one has for God's glory. Let me explain.

Joseph Tson, the evangelist dissident in Romania, was often summoned before the government officers who would use every tactic to break his faith in Christ. Once while being interrogated in Ploiesti, an officer threatened to kill him.

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"Sir," Tson replied, "let me explain how I see this issue. Your supreme weapon is killing; my supreme weapon is dying. Here is how it works. You know that my sermons are on tape and have spread all around our country. If you kill me, those sermons will be sprinkled with my blood. Everyone will know that Tson died for his preaching. He believed what he said, and everyone who has a tape will pick it up and say, ‘I'd better listen again to what this man had to say because he really meant it. He sealed his message with his life’. So sir, my sermons will speak ten times louder than before. I will actually rejoice in the victory of death for, truly, for me to die would be a gain for the souls of men and women around Romania for Christ's glory."

The officer sent Tson home.Now this raises an interesting question. When

you die, what impact would you like to have for Christ? Will your death be a gain for Christ?

What to do: ✞Remember your life will be recalled in your

death. How do you want to be remembered?✞Remember only what is done for Christ will

last.✞Remember your testimony is not what you think and say about yourself, but what God knows about you.✞Remember the old saying: "I die to live or I live to die. Now the more I live, the more I die, and the more I die, the more I live.”


The Church and Sundays

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May 20

Bible Reading: Revelation 1:1-11Key Verse: Verse 10 - "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,"Key Words: on the Lord’s day

When you hear someone talk about or you read about the Lord’s Day, which day automatically comes to mind? Why, sure – Sunday, of course. Revelation 1:10 says, “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet.” While we do not worship a day, it is a day we have set apart in which to worship God. Acts 20:7, “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.” I Corinthians 16:2, “Upon the first day of the week let everyone of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” This raises the question, are you really ready to worship God when you come to church? Do you see Sundays as being a special day?

Let me suggest some ways to make Sunday special.

Pray all week for the services, for the Pastor, and those who have responsibilities.

Do not stay up late on Saturday night. Be well-rested and ready to hear the Word of God. This also includes not staying out late on Saturday nights. I recommend being in bed by 10:00 or even earlier.

Lay your clothes out and iron them on Saturday afternoon. Go ahead and polish your shoes on Saturday as well. This will help prevent what I call the Sunday morning rush.

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For those who have children this will also assist in teaching them that you believe that Sunday is a special day.

As a church, we do not authorize nor approve any activities beyond 6:00 P.M. on Saturday. If you want Sunday to be special, you must plan on it being special.

I do realize for some this would be a radical change, but it’s a change worth putting into practice. Sunday will only be a special day as you pray, plan, and prepare for it to be.

What to do: ✞Make Sundays a special day. As parents, pray out loud for this day in front of your children. Build up Sundays and never skip church.


The Church and Sundays Part Two

May 21

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 16Key Verse: Verse 2 - "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come."Key Words: Upon the first day of the week

Sunday is the primary day set aside for the assembling together of the church for the purpose of preaching, fellowship, and encouraging one another.

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Now granted, we should be willing to do these things on a daily basis (Acts 2:41-47); but Sunday is our primary day of assembling together because Jesus arose from the dead on the first day of the week (John 20:1). It is the only day ever referred to as the Lord’s day in regard to the church. In Revelation 1:10a John said, “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day.”

Sunday is set aside for a day of worship, praise, and rejoicing in and for the things of God–not a day of rest, that is the Sabbath or Saturday. It is not beach day; it is the Lord’s day. It is not called mountain day; it is the Lord’s day. It’s not called family reunion day; it is the Lord’s day. It is not recreation day, but the Lord’s day. It’s not family day, but the Lord’s day.

The word day means 24 hours. So it is not just the Lord’s day from 10:00 A.M. to noon, or 11:00 A.M. to noon. It is all day.

We are told in I Corinthians 16:2, “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” Two observations from this verse: #1) the first day of the week is Sunday, and #2) how can you give on the first day of the week if you’re not there?

In Acts 20:7 we read, “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.”

Now, we’ve only touched the hem of the garment in regard to “Sunday” and our assembling together. A thorough study of God’s Word is very revealing about God’s desire for us on that day. I trust you will make the assembling of yourselves a priority for you and your family on this special day.

What to do:

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✞ Remember that Sunday is a special day for assembling together with the saints of God.The Church and Church

MembershipMay 22

Bible Reading: Acts 2:41-47Key Verse: Verse 47 - "Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."Key Words: the Lord added to the church daily

Mark the word added in verse 47. The word literally means “to be annexed, to be made a part of.” When these people were saved, they were made a part of the church at Jerusalem. Another way to word this is they became members.

I don’t believe that joining a church will save you, but I do believe that every born-again believer should join (annex) themselves to a sound Bible-believing church. Let me give you a few reasons why.

First of all, it’s God’s plan for being taught the Word of God (Acts 2:42). Secondly, it’s God’s plan for good Christian fellowship (Acts 2:42). Third of all, it’s God’s plan for fulfilling and taking part in the ordinance of communion (Acts 2:41-42). Fourth of all, it’s God’s plan for aiding and assisting others in need (Acts 4:32; 6:1-5). Fifthly, it’s God’s plan for praying one for another (Acts 2:42). Sixthly, it’s God’s plan for giving (I Corinthians 16:1-2). Last of all, it’s God’s plan for having a pastor (I Peter 5:2; I Timothy 3:1-7).

Now, you know as well as I that each of us can accomplish more as a church of believers than we could ever accomplish individually.

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Suppose that in time of war a man says, “I wish to serve my country and to defend her from her enemies.” If he tries to carry out that resolution alone, he can accomplish nothing. He can be effective in that purpose only by standing shoulder to shoulder with others of like mind. It is so with the church. Rooted together the huge redwood trees of California amaze mankind. They are the largest living things on earth and the tallest trees in the world. Some of them are 300 feet high and over 2,500 years old. One would think that trees so large must have a tremendous root system that reaches down hundreds of feet into the earth. But not so! The redwoods have a very shallow root system. The redwoods’ root system all intertwine. They are locked to each other. When the storms come, the winds blow, and the lightning flashes, the redwoods still stand. They are not alone for all the trees support and protect each other. Each tree is important to all the other trees in the grove.

So it is with the church. We lock together as one so that during the storms and trials we can all stand together as one for our good and God’s glory.

What to do: ✞ Find you a good, Bible-believing church and join in with it. Now, it’s not going to be perfect, but it will help you stand during the trials of life.


Get The FactsMay 23

Bible Reading: Acts 11:1-21

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Key Verse: Verse 2 - "And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they that were of the circumcision contended with him,"Key Words: contended with him

The Jews of Judea didn’t care for the fact that Peter had carried the Word of God to the Gentiles. They had reached a decision based on what they had heard without allowing Peter the opportunity to give them the facts.

People have not changed, nor have churches. We are still basing things on what we hear or think we hear and what we see or think we see without having all the facts.

In 2004 the top two commercials for the year ran during the Super Bowl. The commercial that finished second had a man standing in line in a convenience store talking with a friend on his cell phone. When he gets to the counter to pay for his items he says in great shock, “You’re being robbed?” talking to his friend. The clerk looking down at the register thinks he is talking to him and proceeds to grab some pepper spray and spraying it in the man’s eyes, the clerk jumps over the counter and proceeds to beat the man with a baseball bat, and then shoots him with a taser gun. He did all of this because of what he heard or thought he heard. Wrong decision!!

The commercial that finished first had a man preparing a romantic meal for his wife. He was in the kitchen cutting up tomatoes when he steps back and trips over his wife’s white cat. Tomatoes go flying everywhere including leaving tomatoes and tomato stains on the cat. The man picks the cat up to take it to the bathroom to clean it. When his wife sees her husband with her tomato-stained cat in one hand and a knife in the other, she is furious and grabs the lamp and cracks her husband over the

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head…because of what she thought she saw. Wrong decision!!

Moral: Don’t make decisions on what you think you hear or what you think you see…get the facts.

John 7:24, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” Get the facts.

What to do: ✞No judge can make a right decision without all the facts. Get the facts.

EnthusiasmMay 24

Bible Reading: II Kings 10:1-17Key Verse: Verse 16 - "And he said, Come with me, and see my zeal for the LORD. So they made him ride in his chariot." Key Words: Come with me, and see my zeal for the LORD

While you do not find the word enthusiasm in these verses, you certainly find Jehu filled with it!!

The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek words "en" and "Theos" which altogether literally mean to be "in God." In a real sense, the Rotarians, the Lions or the Chamber of Commerce cannot have enthusiasm. Only the church of Jesus Christ can know true enthusiasm, according to its definition.

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When one is filled with God it is like an ever-present artesian well bubbling over in him. Enthusiasm for a child of God is not something that he has worked up. It is something that God has sent down. It is something in his heart. If you find an enthusiastic church, you will find an enthusiastic preacher.

The following statement is said to have been made about David Livingstone: "Without enthusiasm, no battles have been won, no Iliads written, no cathedrals built, no empires founded, no religions propagated. The secret of success is enthusiasm. The men of victory have been the men who kept the fires burning on the altars of enthusiasm when other flames had sunk into cold, gray ashes of despair.”

Would you not agree that the life of David Livingstone is one more monument to the power of enthusiasm?

What to do:✞If it's worth doing, it's worth doing with


EncouragementMay 25

Bible Reading: Exodus 15:20-27Key Verse: Verse 24 - But "And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?" Key Words: And the people murmured

Maybe you remember Naomi. She had her name changed to Marah, because her life had been bitter. If there is one predominant word that would describe the feeling I find among pastors and church

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workers across America, it is the word discouragement. Let's face reality - from time to time, we all need some encouragement.

The following story is taken from Our Daily Bread.

It wasn't like Scott Kregal to give up. He was a battler, a dedicated athlete who spent hour after hour perfecting his free throw and jump shot during the hot summer months of 1987. But just before fall practice, everything changed. A serious car accident left Scott in a coma for several days. When he awoke, a long rehabilitation process lay ahead. Like most patients with closed head injuries, Scott balked at doing the slow, tedious work that was required to get him back to normal - things such as stringing beads. What high school junior would enjoy that? Tom Martin, Scott's basketball coach at the Christian school he attended, had an idea. Coach Martin told Scott that he would reserve a spot on the varsity for him if he would cooperate with his therapist and show progress in the tasks he was asked to do. And Tom's wife, Cindy spent many hours with Scott, encouraging him to keep going. Within two months, Scott was riding off the basketball court on his teammates' shoulders. He had made nine straight free throws to clinch the triple-overtime league victory. It was a remarkable testimony of the power of encouragement.

The moral of the story is this: make sure you encourage others. They may be the ones who can lead you to

victory - not on a basketball court - but in you daily walk with God.

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What to do: ✞Take time to encourage at least one person



Being HonorableMay 26

Bible Reading: I Samuel 9:1-10Key Verse: Verse 6 - "And he said unto him, Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honourable man; all that he saith cometh surely to pass: now let us go thither; peradventure he can shew us our way that we should go."Key Words: he is an honourable man

Samuel was an honorable man. He was honorable for many reasons. One was he was a man of God's Word and he kept His Word. It reminds me of David Livingstone.

After David Livingstone had been in Africa several years, he had a desire to travel from where he was, on the east coast of the continent, over to the west coast through a part of the continent that no other European had ever been before. He didn't have any possibility of doing it on his own; so he went to a local chief and asked for twenty-seven men of the local tribe to go with him. The chief was more than a little bit suspicious. The trip was dangerous, and he'd learned about white men that they were not entirely trustworthy. Livingstone, sensing some of that feeling about him, made him a promise.

"If you give me your sons, I promise to return with them and to deliver them to their homes and families. My life will be a pledge."

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Well, the chief agreed on that basis, and Livingstone set out.

The journey was every bit as dangerous as it was thought to be. There was incredibly difficult terrain; there were hostile tribes; there were all kinds of predatory and dangerous animals; there was sickness and illness. But finally, they made it to the west coast, and they stumbled into the port of Luanda, which had been their target, only to be amazed by finding a British warship there. And that warship had been sent from England for the specific purpose of finding Livingstone and bringing him back, on the orders of Queen Victoria.

The captain came to him and said, "Sir, Queen Victoria has sent me to urge you to return. All England is waiting to honor you." The request, even though it was an order of the Queen, because when the Queen invites, that is a command in most cases, was very tempting. The thought of going home, and the thought of being honored, although tempting, were actually creating a problem for Livingstone. He had made a promise. "Well," they assured him, "the promise of a white man to an African doesn't matter. And the Queen is more important than a chief."

Livingstone had made a commitment, and despite all the urgings of the naval officers who were there, he turned his back and headed back into the jungle. The roundtrip ended 2 1/2 years after he started, with him delivering those people back - to honor a promise.

This was probably why, when Livingstone died, the Africans were very committed to bury his heart in Africa. They were more than willing to listen to a man whose word was something they could trust.

What to do:

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✞ The best way to receive honor is by being honorable.

What God Loves: UsMay 27

Bible Reading: I John 4:8-21Key Verse: Verse 9 - "In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him."Key Words: the love of God toward us

God’s love for us can be seen in several verses; for example, John 3:16 and Romans 5:8. In regard to God’s love someone (author unknown) has written:

How deep is it? Isaiah 38:17, “Thou hast in love to my soul

delivered it from the pit of corruption.” Psalm 40:2, “He brought me up also out of an

horrible pit.”How high is it?

Ephesians 2:6, “And [God] hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”

What is its length and breadth? Ephesians 1:4, “He hath chosen us in him

before the foundation of the world.” Ephesians 2:7, “That in the ages to come he

might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.”

Dr. Harry Ironside wrote in regard to God’s love for us: “I remember, when I was a boy, going to

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a missionary meeting. A missionary was there from Africa, and was showing us a whole lot of curious things, and then he said, ‘Now, boys, I want to tell you the kind of Gospel we preach to the people of Africa. How many good boys have we here?’ A lot of us thought we were good, but our mothers were there, and so not one of us dared hold up his hand. ‘Well,’ said he, ‘not one good boy here; then I have the same message for you that we have for the heathen in Africa; God loves naughty boys.’ ‘My,’ I thought, ‘he is getting all mixed up,’ for you see I had heard people say, ‘If you are good, God will love you.’ But, dear friends, that is not true. God is not waiting for you to be good so He can love you; God loves sinners. ‘God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.’”

God loves us; more personally, God loves you!!

What to do:✞ Remember, when it appears no one loves you, God does.


What God Loves: A Cheerful Giver

May 28

Bible Reading: II Corinthians 9:1-9Key Verse: Verse 7 - "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."Key Words: God loveth a cheerful giver

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The word cheerful in our key verse means hilarious which means giving with merriment. It’s not just that we give that God sees but the attitude in which we give as well. God loves a cheerful giver.

The Sunday School Friend records the following.

A rich business man and a prominent attorney were traveling around the world. They saw many impressive sights, but agreed that something they saw in Korea was most impressive of all.

One morning as they walked along a country road in Korea, they saw a boy pulling a plow which was steered by an old man. It amused the attorney so much that he insisted on taking a picture of the scene with his little pocket camera. Later he showed the picture to a missionary in the next village, remarking about the peculiar spectacle.

"Yes," said the missionary, "it seems a very strange way to plow a field, but I happen to know the boy and old man well. They are very poor. However, when the little church was built here in the village, they wanted to contribute something. They had no money. They had no grain to spare and winter was coming on, so they sold their ox and gave the money to the church building fund, and now, minus the valuable animal, they have to pull the plow themselves."

The men looked at each other for a moment, then the attorney said, "But what a stupendous sacrifice! Why did you allow it?"

"They did not feel that way about it. They regarded it as a great joy that they had an ox to give to the Lord's work.” Is that the way you feel?

What to do:

✞Give, but give with the right attitude: cheerfully.

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What God Loves: Righteousness

May 29

Bible Reading: Psalm 11Key Verse: Verse 7 - "For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright." Key Words: For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness

If you look up the word righteousness in your dictionary it will in all likelihood say “to be right.” My college English professor, Mrs. Bemarkt, would say, “You don’t define a word by using the same word.” I agree, righteousness means to be on the level to be morally and legally just. God loves righteousness, moral and legal justice. In the Beattitudes in Matthew 5:6 we are told, “Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness.”

In the Antarctic summer of 1908-9, Sir Ernest Shackleton and three companions attempted to travel to the South Pole from their winter quarters. They set off with four ponies to help carry the load. Weeks later, their ponies dead, rations all but exhausted, they turned back toward their base, their goal not accomplished.

Altogether, they trekked 127 days. On the return journey, as Shackleton records in The Heart of the Antarctic, the time was spent talking about food—elaborate feasts, gourmet delights, sumptuous menus. As they staggered along, suffering from dysentery, not knowing whether they would survive,

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every waking hour was occupied with thoughts of eating.

Jesus, who also knew the ravages of food deprivation, said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for RIGHTEOUSNESS.” We can understand Shackleton’s obsession with food, which offers a glimpse of the passion Jesus intends for our quest for righteousness.

God loves righteousness – do you?

What to do:✞Love what God loves and hungers and thirsts after: righteousness.


AccountabilityMay 30

Bible Reading: Romans 14:12-23Key Verse: Verse 12 - "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God."Key Words: shall give an account of himself to God

We are accountable for what we do and what we say. In Romans 14, people are bragging about their faith; and because they think their faith is greater than others, they are judging one another so Paul warns them that we are accountable to God.

We must realize that even in our everyday life, we are accountable for our words and actions.

Chuck Swindoll tells how several years ago some of the fellows in his church recognized his car when he ran a red light. As a result he was invited by them to meet them at a coffee shop for breakfast, or

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they said jokingly "face the media." He arrived early with a big sign on his shirt that read "Guilty as charged." When every one had laughed at his sign he turned it over which said, " He who is without sin cast the first stone!" Now he says that every time he is tempted to run a light, the incident comes to haunt him which is one of the many benefits of accountability.

So let me again remind each of us that we are accountable for what we do, and what we say!

What to do: ✞ Live today in light of the fact that you are accountable!


Jesus, the Coming KingMay 31

Bible Reading: Revelation 19:11-16Key Verse: Verse 16 - "And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."Key Words: KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDSIn Revelation, we see Jesus as the coming

King, and in our text we see the scene that will prevail at the Battle of Armageddon. The anti-Christ will be gnawing his tongue and blaspheming God because his pride will be wounded and challenged. The demonic spirits will organize a confederacy of nations that will move against Jerusalem once and for all to solve the "Jewish problem." In the great valley of Jezreel, in the midst of these three mountains, this confederacy will get ready to move against Jerusalem with their tanks, guns, napalm, lasers, and jets, and

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whatever else is in the mind of the insane one, the anti-Christ. It is going to look dark.

Then suddenly, Jesus arrives - the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! He will speak and His Word will be a sword, and the battle is over, the victory is won! To God be the glory!

On the eve of D-Day, General Dwight Eisenhower, closed his address to the troops by saying, "We will accept nothing less than full Victory!...And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking."

In essence, he was saying there is no room for defeat; we must win; we will win!!

Well, I've read the last chapter of the book and I am here to tell you, we win!! To God be the glory for the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!

What to do: ✞ If you are not saved, accept Christ and get on the winning side.✞ Praise God for His goodness.✞ Look up, your redemption draweth nigh.

I deeply appreciate the help of

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Mary Parsons

Glenda Myrick

And my lovely wife, Linda

Without God using these people to help, this

devotional would not have been possible.

Dr. Mike Rouse

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is a ministry of

5568 Chalkville Mountain RoadBirmingham, AL. 35235
