song of the rain q & a

SONG OF THE RAIN Q1. Why is the rain divine? In the poem, the poet personifies the rain and says it is a divine gift from the Gods to nature. Nature accepts this gift as a blessing and uses it to nourish her fields and valleys. He describes the rain as being beautiful pearls that are plucked from the crown of Goddess Isthtar by the daughter of Dawn. The poet also says the rain is the dotted silver thread dropped from the heaven by the Gods. It is the messenger of mercy between the lover’s field and the cloud. It quenches thirst and cures ailments. The rain is like the tears of heaven. Owing to the above reasons, the rain acquires divine qualities. Q2. In this universe, rain performs many functions. What are those? Life on earth depends on the rain. The farmers depend on the rain for their crops to grow. The rain cools down the earth after the intense heat of summer. We human beings get all our water supply for various purposes like drinking, cooking and cleaning from the rain. Rain is important for the vegetation for grow and thrive. The earth becomes greener because of the rain. The rain purifies the atmosphere by bringing down the dust and dirt from the air. It causes rivers, waterfalls and streams to flow. The water cycle depends on the rain. Q3. "When I cry the hills laugh; When I humble myself the flowers rejoice; When I bow, all things are elated. " Cry, humble and bow indicate different intensity with which the rain falls. Explain the three in context. The Rain according to the poet pours down in different intensities. As it pours strongly down in torrents , streams of water gush down the hills. When there is a heavy downpour, the hills are said to laugh with joy. When it falls a little humbly in light showers , the flowers are said to rejoice. The light rain is gentle on delicate flowers. They are able to bloom again and beautify nature. When it bows down in ultimate surrender and drizzles gently, the rain seeps into the soil everything on earth is elated as they all enjoy the mild pitter patter of the rain

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Post on 21-Nov-2015




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K Gibhran


SONG OF THE RAINQ1. Why is the rain divine?In the poem, the poet personifies the rain and says it is a divine gift from the Gods to nature. Nature accepts this gift as a blessing and uses it to nourish her fields and valleys.He describes the rain as being beautiful pearls that are plucked from the crown of Goddess Isthtar by the daughter of Dawn. The poet also says the rain is the dotted silver thread dropped from the heaven by the Gods. It is the messenger of mercy between theloversfield and the cloud. It quenches thirst and cures ailments. The rain is like the tears of heaven. Owing to the above reasons, the rain acquires divine qualities.

Q2. In this universe, rain performs many functions. What are those? Life on earth depends on the rain. The farmers depend on the rain for their crops to grow. The rain cools down the earth after the intense heat of summer. We human beings get all our water supply for various purposes like drinking, cooking and cleaning from the rain. Rain is important for the vegetation for grow and thrive. The earth becomes greener because of the rain. The rain purifies the atmosphere by bringing down the dust and dirt from the air. It causes rivers, waterfalls and streams to flow. The water cycle depends on the rain.

Q3. "When I cry the hills laugh;When I humble myself the flowers rejoice;When I bow, all things are elated. "Cry, humbleandbowindicate different intensity with which the rain falls. Explain the three in context.The Rain according to the poet pours down in different intensities. As it poursstrongly down in torrents, streams of water gush down the hills. When there is a heavy downpour, the hills are said to laugh with joy. When it falls a little humblyin light showers, the flowers are said to rejoice. The light rain is gentle on delicate flowers. They are able to bloom again and beautify nature.When it bows down in ultimate surrender and drizzles gently, the rain seeps into the soil everything on earth is elated as they all enjoy the mild pitter patter of the rain

Q4. How do you think the rain quenches the thirst of the fields and cures clouds ailment?According to the poet, the rain is 'divine' and 'merciful' and is able to relieve the misery and sufferings of everyone on the earth and in the sky. When the rain falls on the dry, parched earth after the hot summer, it is said to quench the thirst of the fields and the life forms on earth. The fields and the trees are waiting to be nourished by the rain and are relieved when drops of rain start soaking into them. Clouds, when filled with rain, look dark and dull, as if they were sick ad need immediate relief. However, after rains, the clouds appear to get lighter in as if they have shed their burden, making the sky bright again with silver lined fleecy white clouds.Q5. Think about million little ways in which the rain embraces the trees. Mention a few of them. All types of vegetation require the embrace of the rain to grow. The roots absorb the rain water from the soil. Rain irrigates the soil in fields for the growth of seeds. Seeds also require water to germinate and grow into new plants. Processes like photosynthesis, the ascent of sap and transpiration require rain water. Flowers and trees look washed and clean after rains. Leaves are cleaned of dust and are free to carry out photosynthesis and respiration. Grass grows greener when it is embraced with drizzle of rain.

Q6. " .... All can hear, but onlyThe sensitive can understand'What does the poet want to convey?According to the poet, when the rain falls gently on the earth, every one hears it and welcomes it.However, not everyone is able to perceive its soothing feel, its affectionate nature and its caring attitude. Only a few like the poet are sensitive to the rain and are inspired by its every mood. The poet, for example, appreciates its beauty and uses expressions like 'the sigh of the sea', 'the laughter of the field' and 'the tears from heaven' to describe the rain. He personifies the rain as a gentle being that cares for the earth. It touches the windows with its soft fingers.To him, its very arrival is like a welcome song. The poet is sensitive enough to look beyond the obvious and value the blessings that the rain bestows on the earth.

Q7. (i)Notice the imagery built around'sigh of thesea','laughter of the field'and'tears of heaven'.Explain the three expressions in context of rain.(ii) How would you express rain as -anagent of floods?-asource of water for dams?(i)The poet has used vivid imagery to bring out the moods and beauty of the rain.Sighs may refer to both joy and sadness. By calling the rain the 'sigh of the sea', the poet implies that the rain brings relief to the sea. It heaves a sigh of relief knowing that it will now have fresh water from the rivers and streams.The 'sighs of the seas' could also mean the water evaporating and leaving the seas. The 'laughter of the field' refers to the joys, greenery and prosperity that the rain brings when it falls on the fields resulting in a good harvest.The rain is also said to be the 'tears that fall from heaven' as the heavens grieve at its departure. Tears always bring memories.Q8. "Iamlike earthly life... "Why does the poet call rain as earthly life?Every living being on the earth has to go through a life cycle. In the poem, the poet personifies the rain and says that like all living things the rain also has to go through a life cycle. The water cycle begins with the sea from where the water evaporates. The evaporated water goes up into the sky and then falls on to the earth where it nourishes all life forms. Like a mortal, its life ends when it flows back into the sea.It is honorable both in its life and in its death as it serves others through its earthly life.Q9. Explain the ending of the song.The poet has ended the poem like a letter.The writer usually ends a letter with closing words like "your friend", "yours faithfully" or "yours sincerely". The poet ends his letter with the words "so, with love-"and it is signed by "sighs", "laughter" and "tears". The sea heaves a sigh of sadness when the water evaporates and it lets out a sigh of relief when the water returns to the sea in the form of rain. The fields are filled with great happiness when the rain falls on the parched land. The heavens shed tears filled with memories as they say goodbye to the rain that has been a part of them for some time. The rain thus represents the sighs of relief and sadness of the sea; the laughter, joy and happiness of the fields; and the tears of the heavens filled with memories.