sophia's final presentation

Game making BY SOPHIA HSIEH Sunday, December 11, 2011

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Sophia's Final Presentation


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Sunday, December 11, 2011

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

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~Client: LS students~Time allowed: 5 week~Design a game that will show then that games are not just a waste of time- that they can actually help you grow intellectually.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

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•Demonstrate that games can be educational•Learn to use a variety of software in order to

create games•Evaluate and justify the choices you’ve made

during your design of the game




Sunday, December 11, 2011

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In these five weeks I am going to create a game for Lower school students which should be interesting for them and educational. To be more easy to make this game I have to

go trough some steps which are: investigation, design, plan, create and evaluate. My clients are all lower school

students. So I think my game should be easy understanding. Which have to be many pictures and less words. To satisfy my client I should also make my game funny, it’s kind of hard to make a game that include so many of things. So I’ll do carefully on my planning and

creating steps.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

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HOW TO MAKE THIS GAMEThe pictures above shows the steps that how to make the game:

# 1. Think about what your game should be like

#2. Download Scratch for Mac

# 3. Using tools to make


#4. When your done, you can play around with your game

#5. Once your happy with your game, you can save it and then

your done

Sunday, December 11, 2011

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CLIENT INTERVIEW≈What kind of game would you like

to play?Dancing Machine; Animation

≈What kind of game do you think can both entertain and educational

Lower School students?Games like Hangman

≈ Do you prefer a animation style or a realistic style?

I prefer a animation will fit lower school Student more.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

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DESIGN 1Introduction:

this game will be a memory game

What will happen:

pictures will appear about ten seconds and then it’ll disappear. The kids have to match the picture with the words.

Good points:

All girls and boys could play this game.This game might be interesting for them.

BAD points:

This game maybe too hard to make.It may be too hard for them.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Page 11: Sophia's Final presentation

DESIGN 2Introduction:

this game will be like pacman

What will happen:

there will be a map and some questions to go through, they have to answer the question correctly to pass

Good points:

All girls and boys can play this game.

It won’t be hard to make.It is educational.

It might be interesting.

Bad points:

It might be hard to answer the questions.They might not be happy if the map is too easy.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

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DESIGN 3Introduction:

the game will be like picture and answer

What will happen:

there will be a picture, then the kid should answer what is in the picture, if they

are correct, they’ll earn a ice cream, they win the game when they get 15 ice cream.

Good points:

This game is really educational.Al girls and boys can play.

Not hard to make.

bad points:

This game might not be really interesting.

It may be hard for them.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

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SUMMARY OF DESIGNSDesign I: this design might be too hard for them and too

hard to make. But the kids might be a little interesting in this game. I like this design and it can train their memory but still

it’s too hard to make.

Design II: the game will be very interesting if the map is big and challenge. This game is for all kids, and it’s easy for me to

make. It is educational. Kids might like this one cause the pacman might be interesting for them.

Design III: this design is very educational but not interesting for kids. All kids could play and it’s the easiest one

to make.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

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FIND DESIGNThis unit we have to make a game which educational

and fun for lower school kids. I think design 2 include

all of them. Design II can make them interesting in

and also can make them understand many things. I

also can trough some math questions, life questions

or things they would learn about SWA. And pacman

is also a famous game, so I’ll be more easy making it

Sunday, December 11, 2011

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

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DESIGNInvestigation: I think I do well on

investigations steps because I think I include all the informations.

Design: I think I do good on my design. I include all the designs that I can think about and able to make them. I think I

found a really good design to make.Sunday, December 11, 2011

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CREATEPlan:I don’t think I did well on planning

stage, cause I didn’t do the gantt cart step. I only include one picture.

Create: I think I do very well, in create stage.I think my game is fun to play for the

lower school kids.

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peer evaluation

Sunday, December 11, 2011