sour straws for the deca cart


Upload: naomi-jenkins

Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart
Page 2: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart

› At $1 each

› At $1 each

› At 50¢ each

A variety of› At 75¢ each

A variety of › At 25¢ each

A variety of › At 25¢ each

A variety of› At 15¢ each or 2/25¢

› At $1 each

Page 3: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart

The current products are ordered and picked up from Sam’s Club (a).

Then brought back to Westover High School-stored in Ms. Daniels classroom. (b)

The sold on the DECA Cart (c).



Page 4: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart

Word of mouth is currently the only form of promotion for the DECA Cart.

Page 5: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart

Strawberry Sour Punch Straws

Page 6: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart

The product would be ordered and picked up from Sam’s Club (a).

Then brought back to Westover High School(b).

And stored in Ms. Daniels classroom.

Then sold on the DECA Cart (c).



Page 7: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart

We would sell the

Strawberry Sour Punch

Straws for $1.

Page 8: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart

The price of Strawberry Sour Punch Straws a box is $9.68 for 24.

To get the profit per Sour Punch Straws pack you would divide 10.75(w/sales tax-the price of the box) by 24(number or packs in a box) and you would get .45(how much each pack costs).

The you would subtract that from the estimated sales price, which is $1.00 and you’d get .55¢(the profit from each pack). So already you are making back half your money back.

To find the profit per box you would first multiply .55 and 24 to get 13.20. You then subtract 10.75 from that to get $2.45(the profit you’d make per box)

$10.75 / 24 = .45¢

$1.00 - .45¢ = .55¢

.55¢ x 24 = $13.20

$13.20 - $10.75 = $2.45

Page 9: Sour Straws for the Deca Cart

For the promotion of our new product and the DECA Cart we would post flyers around the school.