source tes rs l)upont denemoul{s and company

9.0 SOURCE TES rs - l)UPONT DeNEMOUl{S AND COMPANY ~-1 SITE 0VEl·!VIEW Summary feed Dupont, according to Antioch produces the reactions: Freon 11 and 12 from carbon tetrachloride CC1 HF..,...CCl/ + HCl (F-11) 4 + CCl + 2HF .- CCl / c + 2HC1 (F-12) 4 Carbon tetrach 1ori de (CT) is off-1 oaded pri mdrily from bottom emptying ra i 1road rail cars and stored in a tank vented to the atmosphere. Process feed pumps tranport CT into a reactor which is operated in a continuous manner. Reactor output is fed into a distillation column with recycle back to the reactor. Emission sources uf CT are expected to be the storage tank and the fugitive emissions from valves, fl,rnyes and pump seals. Facilities Descriµtions Tank cars containing 20U x 10 3 lbs of CT are off-loaded into a 570 x 3 10 lbs capacity storage tank on the order of 250 times per year~ CT is fed from the tank car by l)ottom un 1 oat.Ii ng and pumped into the storage tank. A feed pump delivers CT to the rectctor wi)ere it is reacted with hydrogen fluoride. Since the HF is nighly corrosive, considerable care is taken to contain all reactants. Material is output to the distillation column and chlorocarbons are recycled to the reactor from the column bottom. Beyond this point there are no enriched CT streams as hydrogen chloride absorbing, caustic scrubbing, d,hi scrubbing and distillation are accomplished. The single CT storage tank has a 3-inch U-leg vent to the atmosphere and thus has no vapor recovery system. Fittings associated with CT flow are inspected for leaks and maintained according to plant practices dnd Bay Area Air ijuality District rules on volatile organic emissions. The total number of fittings .1re li~ss than 100. 127

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~-1 SITE 0VElmiddotVIEW




according to

Antioch produces

the reactions

Freon 11 and 12 from carbon tetrachloride

CC1 HFCCl + HCl (F-11)4 +

CCl + 2HF - CCl c + 2HC1 (F-12)4

Carbon tetrach 1ori de (CT) is off-1 oaded pri mdrily from bottom emptying

ra i 1 road rail cars and stored in a tank vented to the atmosphere Process

feed pumps tranport CT into a reactor which is operated in a continuous

manner Reactor output is fed into a distillation column with recycle back to

the reactor

Emission sources uf CT are expected to be the storage tank and the

fugitive emissions from valves flrnyes and pump seals

Facilities Descrimicrotions

Tank cars containing 20U x 103 lbs of CT are off-loaded into a 570 x 310 lbs capacity storage tank on the order of 250 times per year~ CT is fed

from the tank car by l)ottom un 1oatIi ng and pumped into the storage tank A

feed pump delivers CT to the rectctor wi)ere it is reacted with hydrogen

fluoride Since the HF is nighly corrosive considerable care is taken to

contain all reactants Material is output to the distillation column and

chlorocarbons are recycled to the reactor from the column bottom Beyond this

point there are no enriched CT streams as hydrogen chloride absorbing caustic

scrubbing dhi scrubbing and distillation are accomplished

The single CT storage tank has a 3-inch U-leg vent to the atmosphere

and thus has no vapor recovery system Fittings associated with CT flow are

inspected for leaks and maintained according to plant practices dnd Bay Area Air ijuality District rules on volatile organic emissions The total

number of fittings 1re li~ss than 100


It is folt ttldt the sinSJlt~ 10st ir~portdnt source )f CT emissions is

the storage tdnk Tt1ere are two kinds of e1iission train storage tanks (a)

loss due to tcrnk bredti1in9 and (b) middot1orkin i luss due to tank cleaning and

f i 11 i ng Uupont tias made measurements of head spac~ concentrations of CT

during tank filling and also pertori1ed u1or2ticdl calculations oased on vapor

microressure These compliment one awu1er dd ctre 18800 and C(UUlJ lbsyr

respectively Specifically for me calcu dtions tne vamicroor microressure was

taken dt ~odeg C bulk liquid ternmicroerture ccording to f-P-42 the relationship

betv1een v1orling lJss and vapor p2ssure given Dy

wnere M - molecular weight p true vapor prtSSlffP n bu1k liquid conditions (psia) I( turnover fract1on(annual hrougnput)n

tank capacity I

crude oil fractmiddot1on (=l for CT)

working loss (lb)10 3 gal

Uupont did not microredict tne loss due to normal tank breattling during

the year Vapor is expelled from tJO pri11ary mechanisns (1) thermal

expansion of existing vdpors and (2) vctpomiddot expansion caused by barometric

pressun~ changes The AP-42 emission fori ula (EPA 1Y81) is

M( p )U 68 l) 1 7J HO 51 T )5 F C K

p C


where - Lt) = breathing loss lbday

li moleculltlr wt

p true vapor pressure dt bu Imiddot liyuiu condition (microSid)

D tank diameter (ft)

H = dVerafde vamicroor space tll i ~ llt (ft)

T dverage ambient t111p12gtratunmiddot change liurnal (OF I

F = pctint tc1ctur micro

C Sllld 11 tank ddjust111ent fact( r

l( c rude oi l f d c t o r C


foe rurrnulct 1s etiildtld to 11e within+ lU~ uf actudl measured values

Fuy1t1ve emissions from leak~ in the re1atiJely feJ (approximately 100)

Vdlves fldnges and microummicro fittings are likely to be of secondary importance to

the stora~e tank emissions rnese however vJill be directly111easured in the

field 1110n i tor nId


Top priority is thlmiddot determin1tion of storage tank emissions H1is

Cdn De done for tank workinlJ loss L)_y otdir1ir1q drld drlcil_yLin~ ihnlti smicrodce

Sdrnmicroles duriny tdnk car unloctding lt was proposed to insert a sampling tube

into tanK t1ead space and co 1 Iect a ti me i ntey rated samp1 e over the off - Ioad i ng

period The samp1e would then be transferred to the La Jolla laboratory of

SAI and analyzed directly by gas chromatogrdmicrot1y Normal tank breatning can be

determined sufficiently precisely (_ lC~~) oy utilizing AP-42 with accurate

tank dimensions and meteoroloyy

Since relatively few fuyitive source components exist it unlikely

tndt sucl1 e111issions would be smiddotiynificant ~itn respect to the storage tanks

However it would be cost effectiVt to screen 100 of tne fittings with tt1e

Foxboro OVA since a team would be on site to perform the tank measure111ents

rt1e tugitive screening dmicromicroroacn vwtdltt tol Im- tn~ microrocedure described in

Section 7L

UETtlmiddotMINAT llJN Uf E111SSIUlS

931 Fuyitive Releases

Apmicroroximately llU (lrvice~ were screened and six leaks above the

establisned tt1rest1olltt of LO micropm were recorded Table 9J-1 summarizes tt1e

screeniny ddtd ano 111dss ~mission microrojections Since carbon tetrachloride is

microoorly detected Dy the UVA and TLV instrn1ients fdctors between approximately 5

and 14 ~ere ctpp Ii ed octsed on resiunse t unct i uns to deterrii ne the upper bound

of the leak rate mass emissions Total fuyitive emissions range between S8

and 61U lbyear

93L Storaye Tank tli1issio11s

Head smicroctce sa1i1ples were -caken uuriny tne nearly six t10ur off-loading

interval in order to directly deternine tne CT concentration in the displaced


) )

Table 93-1


OVA SAi Actual Umicroper Bound Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rtte Leak Rate Location (ppm) Factor (ppm) a b Se IRc Function lbyr 1byr


Gate Valve Storage Tank Pump Area

Gate Valve Storage Tank Pump Area







466 009 I i

074 I



D 95

in _ I ~ C~



Gate Valve Feerl Puir~ Exit Area 350 009 3889 300 97 81 5

Gat e Feed Exit

J l e Pump

700 009 7778 320 l

l0 1 t1 n

Gate Valve 600 009 6667 i I I 315 I 100 127

Valve-Reactor Heat Exchanger 200 009 2222 I I I 285 I 93 52

All measurement are for 100 CT streams

1--- w 0

air smicroace Saturation concentratiun at 20degc is amicroproxiriately 12 Measured

values were bY and 74 These values r~sulted from gas chromatographic

dn a I y s e s ot t rd n s t er re c1 sa111 p I e s fr() m t n e 1U U I i t e r Ted l a r b a y t i 11 e i nt e9r a t ed

sample ror tt1e tank car displdcement of 2008 ft 3 the total CT emitted based

on tile ctverctye is LUU8 x 007L = 144 ft 3bull

Tnen for a density of p =PMRT

P = (1)(1gt4) 64 gL = 04lbft 3


Tl1erefore tne displacement weiyl1t of CT microer ()ff-load is equal to 144 ftJ x U4

l b ft J = ~ 7 bull 6 1 b bull F o r 2 5 U off - l o ad i n gs an n u c1 1I y we have 14 400 l b s bull Th i s

compares with UuPont I s rnectsure1nents of 9 3 vapor content arid 18800 lbyr

emissions Saturation vapor pressure concentration emission would yield


l)reathing loss from the tank can be calculated from AP-42 as

Lt3(1bday) = 619 X 10-5 M( p ) 068 D 173 H 051 T 05F CKcmicro 147-P

5 0 68 173 = (619 X 10- )(154( 173 ) bull (155)


(lj) 051 (26) 05 (1)(1)(1)

= S 63 lbday

3where a working range of zuu x 10 o 400 X 103 lbs were used to determine an

average l i quid nei grit Jn nu a 11 y e111 i s s ions would be 2057 lb Therefore

working losses dorrii nate tt1e totil elissions from tne microlant


The upper and lovJer bounos of caroori tetracriloride emission ~vere

determined as Ll467 lbyear (upper bound on fugitives DuPont measurement of

storage tank work i ny erni ss ions nur 1a I tanK oreattli ng) and lbgt 15 loyear

(lower bound on fuyitives s1 111eas--1re111ent of storage tank working emissions

no ri n a I tan k breatt1 i ny ) bull






Stauffer is located in the Carson area of Los Angeles County It is

a manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride from tl1e monomer (VCM) ll11hich is produced

on sit2 Stauffer is the only California producer of ethylene dichloride

(EUC) which is converted to VCM The VCM is regulated by several standards

including Cal OSHA EPA (emission standard) and CARB (ambient)

During Phase I the plant was inspected and possible emission

sources were identified Th~se cans~sted of EDC storage ta11ks fugitive

emissions from valves flanges and pumps process vat2r content gas

incinerator effluents and th~ loading of outbound tankers

Since the completion of Phase I several events have transpired which

a ffectebullj the test program to deterni ne foe i 1i ty emissions These wer2

~ the completion of a vent ~ldS incineration system tied to all significant EDC storage tdnk breathers

$ the completion of a comprehensive study by SAi staff to develop a nationwide material balance for EOC

bull inactivity in EOC importation for the plant and elimination of EDC exportation from the plant

Based 11pon this input and the plant inspection of February 3 1981

it was expected that a plant emission factor for EDC can be determined with

relatively little uncertainty It is further expected that si 1Jnificant

atmospheric release of EOC du~ to plant operation may not occur at the plant

itself but rather offsite These vmuld drise fro11 two sources - the process

water discharge from the plant and severcil off site EDC storaye tanks

Facilities Description

Ethylene dichloride is being produced at Stauffer by two processes

direct chlorination and oxychlorindtion In the former EDC is produced by

d i rec t ch I o r i nd t i on uf et 11y l t~ n e i n the pr 1~senc e of cHl Fe C 1 J crl t d lys t I n th e

latter process EUC is microroduced by the oxychl)rindtion of ethylene with

hydroyen chloride and oxyuen in tne prescrlCe of a cdtdlyst typically Cuc1 bull2


lhe microldrrt fluriti1~s tuC after tne microrimar y reactions by separation and digt ti l I dt i ur1 fgtr-ocJuLL 1 s ctured ctncl umiddot 2d ctS foed for VCM production All

sourclS agre~ tl1dt c1ission of EDC is (f concern in its productionstorage

process stages ctnJ O little importance in VCM production steps (J~B 1980)

At the timt of plant inspection some storage of EOC existed at three

ledsed storage tanks located at tne Port of Los lngeles 1-iaterial has not

been 1-Jithdravm from these tanks during the 1dst year and there had been

discussion to consolidate materictl into a single tank

All microrocess components handling EDC storage are now tied to a closed

ventilation incineration syste11 It is expected that virtually all

chlorinated hydrocarbons includiny EDC will be etfectively destroyed since the

system must demonstrdte VCM concentrations are reduced below 1 ppm Firebox

tempera tu re is aoodegF and residence ti me greater than 1 5 seconds under

heaviest flow conditions Note that by way of comparison combustion perforshy

mance datct for PC8s are 99995 destruction at 1832degF and 1 second residence

time and 9Y9Y9YY4 at 2 seconds dnd 2372degF (N Flynn SAi Personal


Fugitive emissions from valves and flanges are monitored by the

plant according to the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 4661 Pumps and

compressor follow ~ule 466 Emission and control requirements for vinyl

chloride are specified by ~ules 1005 and 10051 EOC concentrations in

wastewater are monitored several times daily in tne primary EDC steam stripper

stream and once daily in the composite plant outflow stream Daily water

disct1arge limits are 2~ ppm wit11 typical montt1ly averages being in the 8 ppm

vicinity The discharge limit is ~mbodied in the discharge permit (number

5061) vJith tt1e Los Angeles County ~anitation District

Tnere are a number of points at which tt1e rnc can be released to the

dtmospnere and they are similar for both dir~ct chlorination and oxychlorinashy

tion These include the following along with their emissions factors for direct chlorination

A chlorinator vent 2xliJ- 5 IOdSS per unit mass EDC produced

I) I ight end column vent -52x lt)

C dist i I I at i un column vent lXlU-5

u storage tank breatning 7xlu- 5


E storaye tankworkiny loss 27x 0-u 5F fugitiv~ emission bxll -

-JLi ildSteJdter l gtX] U

Em~ssion factors are si~~lJ fer oxychlorination processes

Enlission factor vau-5 (~1rbulle Tdilt2~ frcn tne literature (JR13 198U) and

assume 9b iciency for incineration (A-E) It is also assumed above that

EIJC emissions to water are Lf~ uf ~rihsion to citir ard that in wastewater

treatment 100 of EOC discharged tc1 vater is rel easl~d to a i 1middot ~ These emission

factors 1bull1e1middote used to prioritize r-2ieaies iJut were cldrly uude approximations

to tre planL l)ecause of thlt ncine-xt~on system it was anticipated that

fdctors A-E would be ri2dtKcdft 1-middotactor - 1nii~t1t be reduced since a monitoring

program had been in force al20st o~e y2ar Factor G and the off site storage

tanks~ vni~cn are not tied into lt1n ircinerator system rniyht -iominate emissions

Emissmiddotion limits and concomitant regulations embodied in Rule l00S of

the SC-l)MU have necessitctted tlw incinera-cion system Ninety gas chronatograph

probes are located throughout t11e plant including the stack of the primary

incinerator Con cent rations of vc1v1 are reported es sent id I I y be I ow tt1e r~yu la -

tory limit of 10 ppm and in fact below the limit of detection somewhat less

tl1an 01 micropra


Tne objective of tt1e proyram is to determine a pl ant emissions for

EOC It is not accemicrotabl~ to dtmiddotvelop sucll informatmiddot1on basect upon published

indlllstry Jide esti11dtes of plant control efficiencivs Fortunately it was

possible to desiyn a monitoring and calculational progra1n to determine EUC

emissions for tne site and not ctbsorb a disproportionate share of program


Hie re are tnre~ modes ot re I ease from tt12 micro Iant dnd d fourt11


bull Post-Process 1nci11er-dtion

Processes A-E of ecc ion lll 1 dre a 11 1ented into the pl ant

incinerdtio11 syste11 rt1e conceritrcttion of VCfmiddotl contir1uously iectsured in till=

stctck cts SJdS output remicroresents d rectsondble UjJper li11it to diJply tor EDC

con cent rat i ons s i nce i ts ef f i c i ency of i nc i nera t i on 1s d t 1 east c l1 u a I to tr1 at


ot VCibulll Tlerefore knowledge of the system dirflow rnd VCM concentrcttion are

tt1e necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the bounds of EDC

reledse fhe pldnt expn~sse I wi 11 inyne~)s to provide tnese data in order to

support the calculations

bull Fugitive Emisions - Valves Flanges Seals and Other Sources

Fugitive emission from the valves pumps and flanges can be

determined more precisely tnan was anticipated since Stauffer has completed a

comprehensive leak inventory of all such components in compliance with Rule

466 466 1 and 1005 The Inventory delineates all leaks uncovered by their

three man crew throughout tne year and indicates the screening level in ppmv

and component identity In consultation with Stauffer we will be able to

identify the total number of components associated with EDC handling systems

( 700) the distribution ot substance composition streams the distribution

and incidence of leaks by hardware component type and leak rate We will

utilize this information to provide historical data to compliment our Foxboro

OVA sampling at the site dased upon this monitoring we predict an EDC mass

emission rate for the fugitive releases The plant has agreed to provide the

necessary information We propose to meet witt plant personnel prior to the

start of monitoring and finlize the sdmpliny strategy to accomplish 100

coverage of the lines of hiuhest EDC composition The sampling approach and

calculation of mass emission are described in Section 72

bull ~~as tewater

From examination of the emission factors derived from published

literature (see Section 10~) it is clear that EDC release from wastewater to

air is potentially several 11rders of magnitude higher than any other plant

source l1ased upon microl ant ml~a sured concentrcJ ti ons of 8 ppm EDC in water a more

realistic emission factor wgtuld b 24xlo-4 1-iassunit mass EOC produced

Clearly this could still be the dominant source Furthermore the release

point would be expected to middotgte locctted between the plant and the sanitary

district treatment site whi1 his~ kmfrom the plant at 24501 S Figueroa We

believe it is necessary to ndemicroendently confirm the average 24 hour EDC

concentration in the dischar-qe valer by obt1ininy the refrigerated composite

sample We t1ave identified ttie I 1nes of int~rest and received agrt~ement to

sample and analyze for EDC in the stream ~e propose to draw a duplicate

sample from the compositor nd ani1lyze for its rnc content This will be


compared with Stauffers para11eI tnalysis It is not reliable to obtain

direct readings of EDC by survey instrument in the air above the water flow since concentrations at crny single point will be i 1 the near dmbient range

Emissions will be cc1lcJLtecl 1_sing the plants vulumetric daily flm

and ass~m~ng that complete degass40~ of the effluent will eventually occur

This assumption is based umicroon the relative volatility uf EDC and tne distances

involved However it should be noted that no direct experimental or

monitoring data is available with which to confirn this Th2 composition of

the discharge stream is unknomiddotwn since it merges into a larqe multisource flow

Conversation with the LA County Sanitation l)istrict (J f1ilne) reveals the

stream to be both exposed and covered Vents exist where me measurements

could De made to assess gross leaka~e at key points

We will obtain samp1es of several plant process discharge streams in

40 ml bottles witn no head space Transit time fr0m sample collection to

analysis will be minimized and wi l I not exceed 24 nours This time frame is

conservat i v e al though ED C i s a v o l ct ti l e mater i al ar1 ct vJi 11 undergo

concentration degradation and outgdssing lnalysi) will b(~ performed in tt1e

SAI Trace Environmental Chemistry Laborcttory utilizing pur 1Je and trap analysis

FID gas chromatography A trial a11alysmiddotis was conducted and the EOC

characteristic peak was distinctive down to the ppb level Therefore the

analysis should easily confirm concentrations in t1e 8 ppm range

Offsite Storage ranks

Three EOC leased storage tanks are located offsite at the Port

of Los Angeles and are owned by annther firm Annual emissions from the tanks

were very roughly estimated based un AP-42 JRB 1980) as 44 kkgyear

based on preliminary estimates of stored quantites

Considering tne magnitude of this source these storage tanks must

be investigated We will gather information about their configuration and

control i n order to ca I cu l ate their e111 i s s i on s bull


lU3 UEfERM I NAmiddot 10~~ OF MISS IONS

1031 Incinerator

Vinyl chl 11ride co11centration is monitored dt approximately 90

locations throughoul the pl trlt (Lanyner 19Bl) including the incinerator

output Conc~ntrations are reported by Stauffer dS less than 0l ppm at a

flow rate between 10000 ant 12000 SCFM Although no direct monitoring of

EDC is conducted it is posible to conservatively bound the concentration of

EDC at U 1 pp111 Tl1at conce 1ltrat ion is a suitable ci10i ce s i nee it represents a

conservative bound on tile VCM levels measured near the stack output

Furthermore the molar volume will be taken as 224 L rather than the higher

value it would nave because of the sl i~thtly elevated temperature at the

detector location

Using 12000 SCFM one has thE annual emission of EDC as 12 x 103

SCFM x 283 LSCF x 526x105 minyr x lmole x 97gmole x 10-7vv 224L

Therefore incinerator emissions of EOG are thought to be bounded by 773 kg or

170 1byear

10J2 Fugitive Emissions

Seven hundred (7UlJ) sources were surveyed comprising nearly 100 of

EDC service All accessibl~ plant areas with streams containing greater than

1 EUC were screened except for a small number of devices located in areas

11lere active maintenance was being condJCted It is believed unnecessary to

p2rf-gtrm any emission factor adjustment since it is estimated that gredter than

95 of the requisite components were screened

Three leaks above an arbitrary OVA reading threshold of 20 ppm were

detected Table 103-1 sumnarizes thei~ screening valves calculation

parameters and mass emission numbers fhe upper bound leak rate was

determined to be close to twice the nominal leak rate which accounted for the

response fltlctor of amicroproximamiddotely 05 by Radirn for TLV detection of EDC

( 13 rown 1980) bull

Stauffer found and reported approximately 10 leaks in the EDC

service during 9 months previous to the pLrnt testing Assuming no111inal leak


) )

Table 103-1


OVA SAI Actual Upper Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rate Bound Location (ppm) Rae tor (ppm) a b Se I Re Function lbyr lbyr

Gate Valve Unit P1559A

Valve Heavy Ends Column Unit 14439

Compressor Seal EDC Storage Unit Tl062

I-- w co

300 11 273 -035 096 0 17 153 D 6

11 I500 114 439 II 241 C 1

r III II II o-is lUI bull2000 vl 1 1818 A 9~

All emissions 100 EDC (12-Dichloroethane)


values in the nei~hborhood of 2000 lbs~ total could be emitted annually

Therefore it appears ttiat major reductions in the mass emissions were achieved

by the company run inspection prugram and the fugitive emission source has now

become of seconqary importance as a fraction of total plant emissions

lUJJ Wastewater Discharge

Wastewater samples were collected in duplicate from four sites

within the plant for determination of ethylene dichloride (EDC) concentration

The samples were collected in EPP standard 40 ml VOA vials on July 1 1981

Analyses were performed using standard purge and trap techniques coupled with flame ionization detection gas chromatography The results are given in the

table below

Sample description EDC conc~ntration range (microJml)

EDC concentration average ( 1-19ml)

Approximate fl ow ( gpm)

PVC Interceptor Box 82 - 108 95 200

EDC Stripper number Chlorination area C1404


011 - 014 012 25

Final collection site for pH adjustmentP663 349 - 3B2 366 350

Final discharge site sanitary sewer 6 - 254 158 500

The water in the PVC lnterc1~ptor ~ox was warm and represents washings from the

PVC reactor which travels t 1J the Interceptor Box in a concrete drainage ditch

Water from the EDC ctripper was vPry t10t and because of its heat was difficult to collect The ~1eat ot trie wat11 r may in pdrt account for tne

relatively low concentratio11 of ElC here as the EDC would out-gas from the hot

~vater more readily The fir1ctl collection site tor pH adjustment is a large

concrete container middotvith mixers in it located just prior to the final discharge

site Water at the final dischdrg~ site is being constantly aerated due to

the speed that it flows thru~yn the concrete drainage trough This aeration

could account for tne relatively large range in the rnc conotent found here

The average EDC concentraticmiddot1 at tne final discharge site is middotbelow the daily

discharye requirement of 25 19ml EDC


Plant oersonnel indicdted monthly iverage readings are typically on

the order of 8 ppm but daily averages can re 1ch greater than 20 microgml In

addition LA County Sanitation Uistrict staff (J Milne 1981) indicated that

an on-site impoundment pond can become laden with EOC during certain abnormal

operating periods and discharge Vdriances arl requested by Stauffer This

mi 9t1t Jccur on the order of O1c0 aCii ecH c1 1d t1erefore is no-c expected to

signifcantly impact averag~ cnnJJI discharg ~ values lt s not expected at

this t1ime tEit evaporative eriss uns from this pond are significant except

infrequently during upset conditions and spi 11 control operations Program

staff ~~ 1er2 una111Jare of any periods ~h 1~n EDC cimtent in the ponds could be

appreciable and therefore no sampling was performed

Utilizing the average uf the two final discharge concentration

1readinJs (158 micrograrnsm~ 1 and 1G 1Ji gpm fl)W one has 34600 lbyear of EDC

released into the sanitary sEwer For the pJrposes of calculating population

exposures from plant releases it will be assJmed that the EDC is locally

emitted from the wastewater streams Tl1ere ire no monitoring data available

with which to develop a more accurate release profile

However emissions of me fron the plant wastewater discharge can be

calculated according to the method of Mcmiddotckay (197S) as modified by Dilling

(1977) It should be noted that this mLst be considered an estimate since

conditions of fl ow and the presence of other substances will influence

emission rates

Using Uilling (1977) for non~erated flow first recalculate

Henry 1 s law constant (dimensionless-my of chmiddot~mical per liter of air divided by

mg of chemical per liter of water) dS

1604 P M 1 Wl

TS l



H Henrys law constant dimensionlessl

Pi tile compounds pur1~ componen- vapor pressure in mm Hg at T

Mwi the 11olecular weiglt

T tile absol ~te temperature of he wastewater in K

Si tt1e compounds ~uluhility in myliter at T

Then for UJC

(l6u4)(7~)(9Y)H = = U0447 with 1


LIii bullul1Jl)i I 1 1y 1 middot UL i11 wt1Ler yiven -1L L0degC is 8u4JU UHI tile vapl)r pressure

1 4 psi ( 7 2mm) at 7 0 degF bull

Tl1e overall liquid mass-transfer coefficient Kil is given by Dilling (1975)


(2211)(06) in mhr

-f-0-4~ (M _) 12+ 100 Wl-H-



Then from Mackay the percent desorption is given by

c 1 = exp (-Kil tL) where

c 0

c = the concentrd ti on at time t of EOC 1

co = tile initial concentration

L = the Ii quid depth (Ill)

t = tt1e retention time (in hr) of the liquid in the wastewater


Retention time is bc1s~d 11pon a flow velocity range of 3 ftsec as estimated by

the Los Angeles County Sdnitatii)middot1 Dibulltrict (1J Milne) over a middotdistance of

ctmicroprox i 1nate I y S km to the Joi n_t Wdter Po 11 ut ion Contra l Pl ant Sewer fl ow

depth throughout the entire route have been estimated by J Milne as typically

1 foot 030m) to the Davison Pump Plant and 3 feet (09m) to the Joint

Tredtment Plant distances assumed to bt~ 1 mile and 2 miles respectively

Trdnsit tiine l)eco111es between 05 tnd LU hours sequentially Then computing

the net emission reduction as the product of each leg

Therefore 26 of the EOC i erni t ted bdween the pl ant and the Joint Water

Pollution Control Plant Rtgtsfdence ti111e and conditions at the plant account


for additional releases and residudl content is forther emitted between the

plant cnd the ocean discharge poiiit ~-Herever the flow is r2tained aerated

or shallow emissions will be accentuated

Offsite Storage Tank Emissions

There are three storage tanks leased by Stauffer for EDC storage

1ocated at 22nd and Gaffey Sts ~ bull San Pedro These tan ks a ~e used for long

term storage rather than providing feed on a routine basis Therefore

breathing loss rather than v1orkir 1J lass is )f concern An tanks are white

two being 67 ft in diameter while t~2 third is 57 ft All are 40 ft 3 inches

high and have capacities of e~thi l0~10000 (2) or 840000 gallons The

tanks are cone roof type and are not tied into vapor recovery systems The

South Coast Air Quality r1dna~J~ment u~ str4 ct has based their estimate of

emissions on the specification of 12 foot vapor level Using the AP-42

formula for breathing loss with the vapor pressure of EDC at 20degc and an

average diurnal temperature variation of 26degF one hds for each of the two

larger tanks

l) 173 H bull51 T bull 5 LlI = (619 x 10-S) M( _P_ tH F CKcp 147-P

68 173 51 5 = (619 X 10-S) (9119~ 116 bull (67) ( I 5) (26) (1) (1)

14 7-1 16)

Thus for the two larger tanks LB= 472 lbday

For the third tank 0=57 and = 178 lbdayL8 The total emissions become 23724 lbyear ~ince he plant is in the process

of shutdown it is not clear what the liquid levels currently are Note that

if the material in the three tanks were combined into one totamiddot1 -~1nissions

would be reduced markedly Exposure to a population from this site was

determined separately since it is lbullgtcated over six miles fron tl1e plant





A major program goal wa~ to compare emissions from the various

sources and identify and rank any 11 tlot spots in California where the general

population was exposed to elevated concentrations of carcinogens A simple

Gaussian dispersion model was therefore used to obtain order-of-magnitude estimates of exposure of the genermiddotal population surrounding each source

Since this was essentially a screening study use of more sophisticated models

was not appropriate

It cannot be emphcsized too stronyly tnat most California residents

are exposed to emissions of hazardous substances from a variety of natural and

rnanmade sources Urban dwellers dre typically exposed to greater concentrashy

tions than rural residents however all are subjected to so called 11 background 11 levels from multiple sources In order to place stationary

source exposures in perspective the typical ambient levels of each substance

were identified from the literature and compdred with the concentrations due

to the emissions from each ~lant Exposures were thus expressed both as

absolute quantities and as increments above background

Comparison of plants presents a further difficulty in that various

substances are being consict~red No attempt was made to evaluate the relative

importance of exposure to two different substances such as chloroform versus carbon tetrachloride other than by ambient concentration


1121 Meteorologicdl Llata

The dispersion model to be descritgted in Section 113 required input

of annual average wind speed and frequency of occurrence of wind from each

compass direction These data were obtained for most of the sites from the

South Codst Air wuality Management District (SCAQMD) In other cases (Kaiser

Jotms-Manvi l le l)ow and OuPlt)nt) only clai ly cJVerage wind speed and frequency

data were available In al I cases we used data from the meteorological

station nearest the modeled e11issrnn source Table 112-1 summarizes the



Observation Site Data Period of Pldnt (Distdnce Source Observation Remarks

from Plant)

A11 i ed Che11 i Ca 1 Lennox SCA~MD 1Y71-1974 Averaged hourly readings available ~ 1 Segundo (3 111iles)

S ff~r-- Uemical Long l3each SCA()MD 1962-1974 Averaged hourmiddoty leadir19s avai1able offsite Carson (3 miles) storage tanks appruxi1ntL~ly 5 miies from

rneteoro middot1 ogy s I te


-~ Dow Pittsburg Pittsbury lJOVJ 1955-1974 Daily and averacied Ninnd rrJse on1y--no hourly-~

Uu~ont Antiocn (lt5 miles to data uVdilable Antioch)

r~d i ser Stee 1 Fontdnct SCAQMD 1978-1979 Two years of hourlydaily data printout made r - i -- lt3 1niles available (33000 entries) daily averages

estimated as only practical alternative -middot bullA

Jon 1 s 1middot1 an I i 1 l e Stockton NOAA 1941-1970 No hourly data estiamtes based on monthly S-cJc~ton (1 mile) prevalence of directions and speed

R~R City uf Whittier SCAQMD 1969-1973 Averaged hourly readings available lnuustry (4 miles)

1neteoroloyical data 1iase for eden site Wind speed and 1tJind direction

freljuency dcttd us~lti 1r1 Ull~ model are provided in Apmicroendix Li

11LL Populdtion Ddtct

In oroer to assess popu Idt i 011 exposure in tile same way for a 11 the

sources we defined d lLJ-s4u1re mi le impact area arround each ~ant This

size WdS cnosen since it was found in most cdses to include all distances at

whicn incremental ground lev~I concentrations due to plant emissions would

exceed genera I urban ambient Ieve 1s for the microo 11 utant in question In most

cases the plant was placed ltlt the center of the impact area Where winds

were predominantly from one sector or a few adjacent sectors or where an

unpopulated area (ey the Pacific Ucectn) adjoined one side of a plant the

impact drea was defined to li~ imm~didtely downwind of the site

Once the impact areas were defined we obtained Thomas 8rothers maps

of all census tracts within them These maps are provided in Appendix H

Census tract populations were obtained from the 1980 US Census The

population of each tract was assumed to lie dt tne centroid except when tne

tract was large and most of the population was concentrated away from the

centroid in the latter case the best-defined population center was used

fadial and angular distances from the sources to the population centers were

tr1en determined


ln urder tu estiindt~ pomicroulcttiun expusures in the census tracts

surrounding each source a simple Gaussian dispersion model was used Use of

a 1nore sopnisticdtect 111odel ~-1as inamicroproJridte yiven the uncertainty in our

emission rate estir~1ates It is questionable v1hether any real gain in accuracy

would nave resulted

ne -Jell-knovm Gaussian oispersion formula is (Porter 1976)

C = 106 Q

iTUOCT z y


C 9rounct leve1 concentration in (i-igm3)

emission rate (gs)

u average vJi nd speed at the microl1ys i ca I stack nei ght (ms) 0 standard deviation of the vertical concentration distribution z



a standard deviatinn d the noriz1intal conentration _y


H effective stack height (m)

y is the crosswind distance froin the plume centerline to the

receptor point (m)

This e4udtion was assumed to microrov1de no 11r1y average ground level concentrashy

tions (Kanzie1~i 1982) Tle vaiues for the standard demiddot-riations o and 0 are y z functions of the downwind distance x

b iJ dX (113-2)

l d

0 ex (113-3)y

where a b c and d dre constants that fit the function to the empirical

curves presented in Turner (t97C) he v~middotJnd -peed at physical stack height is

given by the equation

u (113-4)


u wind speed at physical stack height (ms)

llJ = measured wind speed (ms)0

h physical stack neight (m)s h the hei gtlt at which tile known wind speed was measured (m) and


p an empirical constant which varit~s with stability class

Lacking data on the heights at which the all known wind speeds were measured

we followed common practice and assumed a value of 10 m for h bull0

Tridl calculations showed the valu~ of tne plume rise for all the

sources except RSR Johns-Manville and the Kdser final cooler cooling tower

to be negligible (ie less than one meter) Plumbull rise formulas developed by

Christiansen (1975) and cited by Porter (1971gt) wer- used for the exceptions

The rise WdS assumed to be momentum-dominated for ltSK Johns-Manville and

Kaiser cooliny tower and bouyrncy-dominated for tne Kaiser coke ovens

As was discussed above the radial and angular distances from a

source to each surroundinlJ census tract were dett~r1ined Wind direction and

See llu s se 1ltJ 7J


smicroe~d data meanwt1ile ~ere obtained for eacr1 of the 16 111ajor compass points

To cr1lculdte tile conu~ntrat1on at a giv n microoirt it was first necessary to

d(termine the co1JpdSS s~ctor in Jhic11 Li1e microui11t ldy Fiyure 113-1 gives an

LXdinmicro le for a census tract at r k1~ from a source and at JU degrees from a

reference ctngle ~~t1ich we defined as north (U deyrees) As seen in the

fi9ure this ~oint lil~S in a sector bouided b the NNE (ZL5 deqrees) and NE

( 1i~ de~JretS) rn111microdss dir1~ct1ons lt1e Cttlculc11ion WdS microertormed once t1)r every

11our of the day since annually averctged values of hourly wind smicroeed were

available The followiny schedule of hourly stability clas was determined to

De cons i stent w i th t ne re I d ti on sh i micros s u mrna r i z ( d by Turner ( 1 7) y i v en the

observed distribution of wind speeds at our meteorologoical measurement

stations The schedule vas m1Jdified slightly at the suggestion of the ARl3

(Ranzieri 198l)

Hour Class Hour Class

0 F 13 B 1 F ltl 8 2 F 11) 8 J F l ~ 13 4 F 1 8 5 F 1 ~ IJN 6 F l J UN 7 DU 20 F 8 d 21 F 9 13 22 8 10 13 iJ 8 11 t1 12 13

Using the aoove equations and adj us tnents the concentration at the

point of interest was then cal cu I at~d as the sum of the concentrations

resulting from plumes naviny middot~ne boimdiny compass directions as centerlines

if the anyular distance to th~ point was conuruent with a compass direction

then only one calculcttion was necessary Let C(Y 1ti) and C(U ti) be the2

concentrations calculctted at 1our i for co111pibull)s directions Y and Y 1 2

resmicroectively 1s d1cusseltJ in Section 11L 1ur 111eteoroloyicdl ddtd in most

cases inc I uded t tie f reyuency ot wind direction for each hour of the day Let

f(Y 1

ti) and f(Q t) oe tne microrobctDilities ot occurrence of wind in the2




Figure 113-1 Determination of Compass Position of Census Tract Centroid


directions Y dnd w2

resp1bullctive1y at hour i rt1en the expected value of the1 cunce11Lrit1rgtrI it UH point iri questiun tt iiour I is

C(t) = f(G t )C(G t) + f(IJ t )C(q1 t) (113-5)

l 1 l 1 1 2 1 l 1

nw average dnnua I exposure wa then ca I cul ated as the average exposure on

this composite day

23 C = (124) E C(ti)


The model was programmed in Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II

microcomputer having 48 K bytes of random access memory and a disk storage

capability The program which is included as Appendix I was compiled with

an Un-Line Systems Inc Expediter II BASIC compiler in order to decrease

running time


1141 Modeling Kesults

Using the modeling parameters listed in Table 114-1 tne

incremental pop~lation exposure due to each of the stationary sources was

computed Tables 114-2 through 114-12 show the modeled annual average

incremental exposure for each census tract Jround each plant Census tract

numbers appear on tne maps in Appendix H) The cumulative population column

specifies the total population exposed to all concentrations equal to or

greater than the corresponding source weighted concentration entry of the

table Figures 114-1 through 114-11 illustrate the cumulative population

exposure versus incremental concentration above ambient background concentrashy

tions Table 114-lJ lists rangemiddot of typicJI urban ambient concentrations for

eacn substance fhese gtJere used middoto assess tne incremental contribution of the

plant emissions Table 114-14 s 1 1mmarizes the incremental population exposure

due to each source These were bctsed upon annuc1l averaye source strengths and

do not reflect transients in emisions or worst case meteorolgoical

conditions Note thdt no attempt was made to assess the potential health

effects or risks to the public dut to the resultant combined exposure


) )

Table 114-1




Initial Source Height(m)

18 3

Plume Rise Domination


Exit Velocity (ms)

17 8

Exit Terngerature

( K) -


11 Stack 11

Radius (m)


Emission Rate (gs)

_LJ 5 bull i x l O ( Jls)

Kaiser -el Cormicro - Coke G-=-nS

- Cuul 11~ 0v1cr










~ - CJ38

012 125 Je23

(PAH) (benzene) (benzene)

IO h 11 S ibullI r l l 2 30 Momentum 11 9 NNa 043 28 x -~ 1

10 - tasbestos)

f- u 0

Dov Chc1--11 31 10 NCb NC NC ~~A 1JJ8 cet)

- 047 (rerc amp carbon

Al l i ed Cr--~11 i cal 10 NC NC NC NC 0-00047 (chloroform) 0053 - U084 (carbon tet) u0L6 - u044 (combin~d)

Uumicroont 10 NC NC NC NC 0024 - 0031 (carbon tet)

Stctuffer _1~1nicctl - Unsitc - ilks - UtiSl l-= -- alKS






U50 U34



arlN = Not ~ecessary for calculation of plume rise

b NC = Pl -1 bull -2 r i s e nut ca 1cul ated bull

ctffectiv2 radius assumed e 4ual to that of a circle having the same horizontal area as the source

Tao l e l l middoti - c



Concentration ourcc- 1~2n SUS Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs ~ei ghted fJopu Idt ion Persons Tract trniss~on Kate Concentration Exposed

( microy rn ) (ng1) LO~ iii g n

4Ub80 0578 UU6o U2~ J532 117268 40740 l)6 0082 035 1533 113736 4069U U6 OOol U3gt 6369 112203 4U67U UIU~ OlHJJ 036 707~ 105834 407 lUl uno UUd4 lJJl 4J~l 98755 4U7~U Ll oLJ UOY U4~ ~44l 943Y8 408601 08ltJ iJ097 u 4~ 7099 889~6 4Ud40l U83c J u~rn 04l 3531 81857 408~Ul 0873 )bull lU 04S 2472 78326 4073U U3 )11 04~ 7au 75854 4U7 l Uc 0965 1111 U49 4547 68634 4UIU U 1103 I l] uS6 8158 64087 4U8llJ2 1110 L 13 U56 2112 55929 407 o 1113 13 u56 8893 53817 4076 lo55 ( bull 2L U94 6267 44 Y24 4072 l87J ia U95 61 38657 4340 l101 U l 5 11 Y 168 32462 4Uo3Ul 215U (1 c5 11 3809 23L94 408502 ll23 ll26 11 6496 19485 4UtU UL 307~ I bull Jb lb 33~6 12 98Y 4083UJ 314~ I J] 16 3893 Y633 4084Ul J984 u47 20 574U 5740


Table d4-3



Census Tract

200 280 230 240 310 220 250

Concentration lor 1 gs 1n-1 ss ~on Rate (micro~1m ) Coo 1 Coke Tower Jven

0162 0162 0721 o 779 u 921 U957 1292 1678 1 496 1 626 L433 1997 2 483 3~155

Wemiddoti gli ~fd Con cent rat middot101

middot~ng ~)

lJ 73 3~J 42 63 6 ~ ) 7 l


Ctnsus Tract PopLil at ion

39423 4404 5698 6058 4890 5773 5945

umulative Persons Exposed

72196 32768 28364 22666

166608 11718 5945



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(micro sim ) (ngm)

20 U162 19 39428 72196 28 o 779 93 4404 32768 23 0957 llS 5698 28364 31 1626 1 4890 226b6 24 1678 201 6058 17776 22 1997 240 5773 11718 25 3155 379 5945 5945




Concentration Soure- Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Wei g11ted Population Persons Tract Emi ss 10n ate Conce~tration Exposed

(microgm) (pgm)

5103 240 230 280

0559 1038 1076 2150

16 29 30 60

~ 435 4909 3816 1747

15907 10472 5563 1747



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(microgm) (ngm) Low High

Dow Pittsburg (carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene)

30600 1511 945 1335 7817 20309 313102 1550 978 1372 1696 12492 30500 1920 1211 1692 5241 10796 307201 2207 1393 2030 2986 5555 307202 2241 1410 2068 2569 2569

DuPont Antioch (carbon tetrachloride)

3020U 2471 590 77 o 7098 7098


Tdble 114-7


Census Tract

650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 01 6205~01 6020oc 6040U 62lJSU2 62Olt3O 602503 6025 01 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 62090l 62U40 602402 6022 0 620901 602301 62010 62000 602302 620302 620303 62020 620301



Concentration S0urc_- CLnsus Tract for 1 ys Wei ghtecl Pcpulation Emission Rate Co11C1cnrt ion (microgm3) ( n-~rr

j )

l 1l 4 6 6276 L6~6 c() 4859

L634 J0780

1650 8 5065 pLb76 ) 6181

J042 r 5716 lUBIJ ~ cWH

(JLYJi 7 0 2 108 lU 6667 2~1~U lU 7074 2~224 10 4612 2 339 11 5886 2359 11 5754 2422 11 7430 2785 13 4983 2816 13 6561 3102 15 5564 3425 16 7453 3~b30 17 3142 4361 ~u 383S 4473 21 52 4 677 2L 4662 6 036 28 2651 6833 32 5494 7 835 37 7482 8899 4l 5210

11547 54 3352 21 15J lt99 6546 22574 106 4250 24521 11j 1185 43 056 202 4044

Cumulative Persons Exposed

161278 155Ul)2 150143 147065 142000 135319 lJO lUJ 1U 21U 120133 113466 106392 101780 95894 90184 82710 77727 71 166 65602 58149 55007 51172 45876 41214 38563 33069 25587 19377 16025 9479 5229 4044


Table 114-J


Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 9s Emi ss ~on ate (microgm )

Weighted Conce~tration (ngm)

Population Persons Exposed

Low High

650002 1174 62 ~9 6276 161278 603702 1626 86 140 4859 155002 600502 1634 87 140 3078 150143 6041 0 1650 87 140 5065 147065 603701 1676 89 140 6181 142000 620501 1842 98 160 5716 135819 602002 1889 100 160 2893 130103 604UO 1932 100 160 7077 127210 620502 2108 110 180 6667 120133 62080 21ltJO 120 180 7074 113466 602503 2224 120 190 4612 106392 602501 2339 120 200 5886 101780 60380 2359 120 200 5754 95894 602101 2422 130 200 7430 90184 602502 2785 150 230 4983 82710 602102 2816 150 240 6561 77727 60390 3102 160 260 5564 71166 602401 3425 180 290 7453 65602 6209 02 3 630 190 300 3142 58149 62040 4 361 230 370 3835 55007 602402 4 47 3 240 380 5296 51172 60220 4677 250 390 4662 45876 620901 6036 320 510 2651 41214 602301 6833 360 570 5494 38563 62010 7835 420 660 7482 33069 62000 8899 470 750 6210 25587 602302 11~47 610 970 3352 19377 620302 21 153 1100 1800 6546 16025 620303 22574 1200 1900 4250 9479 62020 24521 1300 2100 1185 5229 620301 43056 pound 300 3600 4044 4044


Census Tract

650002 6037 Ol 60050 60410 60370i 620501 602002 60400

620502 6108U 602503 6025Ul 6038U 6021 Ul

-602502 602LU2 6039U 602401 620902 6204l) 602402 60220 620901 6Uc3Ul 62010 6200 0 602302 620302 620303 62020 6203Ul

Tdhl J_4-9



(Six montnsy~ar Jsswnea for each feedstocK)

--middot- -middotmiddot-- -middot-- middot------~----

Cori(Entat ion ~o~ r-ct- Census Tract Cumulative for 1 95 Weighted Population Persons Erniss~on Rate Concentration Exposed ( ) ) ) ~ I Ill g 1) )

LO~ Hi 91

1174 Jl 52 6276 161278 L6l6 4Z 72 4859 155002 1634 42 72 3 l078 150143

7-1650 43 ) 5065 147065 1676 ltt4 74 6181 142000 L842 48 81 5716 135819 1 889 L~9 83 2893 130103 L932 so 85 7077 127210 2108 S5 93 6667 12013] 2190 51 7074 113466 2224 58 9B 4612 106392 2339 61 100 5886 101780 2359 61 100 5754 95894 2422 (gt3 llU 74JO 90184 l785 2 120 4983 82710 2816 J 120 6561 77727 3102 n 140 5564 71166 3425 d9 150 7453 65602 3630 1J4 160 3142 58149 4 361 110 190 3835 55007 4473 120 200 5296 51172 4677 lcU no 4662 45876 6036 lbO 270 2651 41214 6833 uo 300 S494 38563 l835 2UO 350 7482 33069 8899 20 390 6210 25587

11 547 300 510 3352 19377 21153 5SO 930 6546 16025 22574 590 990 4250 9479 24 521 640 1100 1135 5229 43U56 l20Ll 1900 4044 4044


Tdble ll4-10



Sou rec- Census Tract Cumulative Census Weighted Population PersonsaTract Concentration Exposed


650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 U 1 620501 602002 60400 620502 62080 602503 6025Ul 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 620902 62040 602402 6022U 6209Ul 602301 62010 6200U 602302 620302 6203UJ 6202U 6203Ul

26 3G 41 37 37 4J 47 4J 49 49 S l Sl 5( 60 6 1 7U 68 75 80

10U 100 11 U 130 150 17U 1~u 250 45L 47C ~o u 91U

a Assuming lU gs emission rate frgtm 0000 to

6276 161278 4859 155002 3078 150143 5065 147065 6181 142000 5716 135819 2893 130103 7077 127210 6667 120133 7074 113466 4612 106392 5886 101780 5754 95894 7430 90184 4983 82710 6561 77727 5564 71166 7453 65602 3142 58149 38J5 55007 5296 51172 4662 45876 2651 41214 5494 38563 7482 33069 6210 25587 3352 19377 6546 16025 425iJ 9479 l185 5229 4044 4044

0600 hours



Tab h 1 L 4- 1 _


Census Triict

57240 54400 5438 01 5727 o 5726 ~ 0 57230 5725 0 543901 5437 03 5438 02 5433 03 5439 02 543702


Concetratiun for 1 gs Emission Kate

L801 2190 5tJ48 5 069 5944 6674 7892

11917 14197 14687 17 27 3 1Y230 20801 23220

Suurcc- ClrlSUS Tract Cumulative v1ei 11irted P( pu lat ion Persons Conce5trat1on Exposed ( igm )

----- -~---middot----middotmiddot--middotmiddot

U90 1153 58821 11 6085 57688 L h 3683 51583 ) L (~ 44~9 47900 3G 4068 43401 JJ 5764 39333 J 9 2892 33569 60 3732 30677 71 3295 26945 7 3 6153 23650 3 6 6578 17497 9 6 3329 10919

ll O 4683 7590 LoO 2907 2907


Tabl~ 114-12



Concentration Sou re(~ - Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Weighted l)opu lat ion Persons Tract Emission fate Conceqtration Exposed


29610 2966 0 29650 29620 29640 60990 29710 29670 29740 29680 ~9 0 2973U 2975 2976 29720

1926 3921 4497 4561 4709 7657 8404 9887

14249 17235 28211 39992 44669

402159 408785

Otgt5 1 J

l~1 lb 16 26 29 34 48 59 96

14U 150

1400 140U

1029 4043 3171 5518 6143 1988 6079 1949 3989 3311 6043 2587 3303 4960 6760

60873 59844 55801 52630 47112 40969 38981 32902 30953 26964 23653 17610 15023 11720 6760



) ) ) ) ) gt

1 middot-middot -bull middot1i_1

11El _

0 --1


10 ~3middot X

Ul U) middot=10(l) bull _j

0 0C 0

+-gt middotr-

r-1ro ~ I -+-I- CCi

u C




11 E1~ u

11u micro

t ~1-bulli 1~C1J ~J -


middot1 U~perVJ micro

4 ~1~0 I+- ii u ~()

(1) 0middot0 Q

w X

~ibull1 C i~ I I L bull

I 0 i bullimiddot-- l-micro bull middotbulltmiddotLi I

(1j middot-~middot ~ower -I bull bull I W ltbull~bull11oJ-c1 I I I bull II lt I 1 ~1 ~=middotbullt_I ~0

I i I0 0 0 i ~~ ~J- _ ou--u~~ i Fbull 4 1~~ gbull~ bull=bull _=bull -bull~ bulli __~ f-i - _ _t--bull~ _1

C 1 ~ bull-J -11 I U _bull~1 Ill bullbull ~ _ ti- r-

Incremental Concentration (ngm3) Figure 114-1 Cumulative Population Exposure to Arsenic from RSR Secondary

Lead Smelter City of Industry (Curves Correspond to Upperand Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

I 7 ~~ ~~MllOlllU~PiiCi(iauQi~~~~~~M~9il~1~

l l



bull tbull

II bulli


j- I~ ~1bullJ________ _______bullr--5L-oamp~gtbullbullbullmiddot-__~---_____________

M 0 -4 X-VI VI (lJ



C 0 +J ro S-+- C (lJ u C

71 0-Jbullbull

F--middot F1bull~s

~ 1-1 _


~ __ u 0)__

O ~ middot1 lA I~ middot-y irbull ro +J V)



+-1 =0~-OJ )

0 0 X


middotbull 11 shyC 0 a +J ra


0 0

l ~J0


~ middot _~~

(1 J ~ -+-+-t-+-t-+--+-+-middot+-1 l1 ~ 4


I ___~ ____ l

-t-middotmiddott--middottu-1--plusmn-+middot-+-+-bull-i--bull-+ - t 111 1~~

Incremental Concentration (microgm3) Figure 114-2 Cumulative Population Exposure to Benzene From Cooling Tower and

Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana

) )

- 0 1_____~----_________~~-ll-1~-fgt4rtclftl-ti~ -LLlbullgtsS

~~i middot-middot M

a -l

gtlt i--i rmiddot~

I t_1 L

Vl V)

CJ _j

~ C l=bull icJ C 0 -micro ro ~ micro C C)

~ [1~ u C C u

-0 u 0) ltlJ 4 lf-bull~ IN micro middot r

micro V)

micro middot


middot3 ti~middot-0 ltlJ middot~bull~ middot1Vl 0 0 l gtlt

w middot ~~1 C ~ bullt1

-C 1 micro bull ~t

- ~

10bullibull bull middotmiddot bull middott ~ c 0

L1 J bullbullfbullbullibullbullltJ ~ J -1L+abull ~bull~~--~sectio-i ~~bullbullbullbull ~~_~ l 1bull~t-j-4Y ) bullbullo ~ _~ bullbulllta-J tbull-1_f - ~l~middot bullf middotCbullbull--~bull -~ Tbull

~ 1~0 ~~~ ~~~ 4~0 Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 114-3 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana


0 -I X-V) V) a _J

s 0

C 0 micro co s micro C a u

l ~


1 --

J- t_bulli

_ C

uw m 0

1 -0 a bullbull micro

microdeg ()

0 micro tbullmiddot C QJ V)




middot4middot~middot C 0 micro rt1

-- - 0 ~ 0


n __ _______bull~ -______ --al_ - ~_

I bull

I I - bull

middot 1


l i l ~l

~ 0 I 1

Li bull I t_~I

i bull -1 _1-J

0fmiddotbullmiddot-middot+-middott-t-r+-t-+-+middotr+-t--+-1--t+ t f-t-J-t--r-+tmiddotmiddot~~bull+-t--1~~bull-+-1 Id middot t 4 E1 (

I ncrementa 1 Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 11 4-4 Cumulative Population Exposure to Asbestos From Johns-Manville Plant Stockton



--~ ~w t _ ---~- ----------~ --____~-=~ M


bull I bull I I I I ii i Q t I i E e- I Ii tl I I I 6 I a I I J I f t t bull I G fl I

a I e 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iii bull bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull bull bull bull 1 1i bull bull 1 1 bull a bull 1 1 r ~ middot u ~ ~ I0

+H~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~-rmiddot-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~~-~t~~~~~-~J C

~1_ c bull 1 t~ bullbull bullabmiddot 11 l bullmiddot II bullbull C- I u~

0 rl

gtlt I I I- 20 () ()

CJ -1 ~_J

J Cbull s

I If I I I I0

C bull I Ii I I I I I I I I0 1E

bull-+l I t I I ro s Lower+l

I I I G I iii I bull

() 14 I I IC

u I0 I I II Iu


1-_~I fi

CJ ~ I-- (j) CJ I G I I p +l

ro +-l I I I1~3~V)

0 +) UDf)Pr u I I 11 I I


Vi I 0 I I It- I a X

0 ~

w I I I I bull

Lower C 0


- 4+)


J Q_

0 bull1

ij a 3- ti I

D d I I I I

I I I bull

II B I t

i ] i amp I

1 ei ~ amp 3 ii


e ft a a I bull G

I I I bull I

I I bull I I t If



I I I-_L~ lI I I f


- I I

j I I II I -

lI ImiddotbullII

l I

l Li

Incremental Concentration gm3)

Figure 114-5 Cumulative Population Exposure to Perchloroethylene and Carbon Tetrachloride From Dow Pittsburg (Solid Lines) and to Carbon Tetrachloride From DuPont Antioch (Xs) Results For Upper Lower Bounds on Emission Estimates Are Shown

__~IUlllWIMWMW ~-a~9a_Q~ 41 ~1bull11 -~Ga1r-uJ1 _a11~--WIIIIIA1IMlilClll-l~maaiampNldmiddot1 middot=0~

M 1E1 13 _0 -I

X-V) Q)


140 _J

~ 0

C - middot1 ~2 ~3~~

+- ro

+- ~

C OJ 1E10u1--

0) C 0(J1 u

a f~1 1Q) +-


ro middot-middot +- V1

0 ~ cE1 O QJ V)

0 I0 4~1X


C 0 +- 2pound1 __ I bull amp I Il0 -- 0 0

0 I ~-~~-lJ___ _~-1lltll-1o

0frac14middotbull+-+~-t--t-+-+~-- I =-+-4 =f-~bull-+--T+-+-1-~~-bullc~

l1 ~i0 8~1 1~E~ 1tE1 2E11d middot 11 ~ E0 10euro1 1-40 1Ea1 22pound1

Incremental Concentratio (ngm3) Figure 114-6 Cumulative Population Exposure to Chloroform From Allied Chemical

El Segundo

) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ~

1 1_bull01)

M 0 160-i X-


V) Q)


s l -- 0 C fC 0


ro s


l ~1 ~1+-gt f---1 C m QJ OI u

C 0


u (1 QJ +J ro


E ~Vi

0 +J





4 ~ju~bull bullQ X

w C 0

+-gt middot le~ro ~1

-~ 0 0

~~~Bt~-lraquoaJC~~~~~Jgt-bull~liiilldll-titi~ ~~~__qi~iSlitUJ_iJ~~~~~t-iMllltl-W~G~ili-l~~bull~t-~aa_=~s

bull1 i


l 1 i

i ~



l i

l_ Upper~r i

middot middotmiddot t-t-~ lL Io ~- a I I a--i-_-~-

Lower bull bull Lbull

i~ t~1_+ ia-~__c111J(~IJ- __middotbull--4IJ1-bull)l1Kila-- l-111- 1~M-~tMildbullri~-t_t 11to Ibull -i rmiddot ~ _

1i-1 - middotbullth~middot t =lttF--i-+-middotr+-r+middot~middoti-middot-~-4-4middoti t -~--is -~middot-rmiddotibull--+ u ~~ i--t4~ t-bull~~311 li-i1middoti- C - JJ _ CL

-- I 1 t middot1 c7 Ibull ) ~ I-middot bulli C bull 1-_ 11 11gt1l11 ~bull -a bull-bullbull t a- II bullbullbull bullI lt_I Iii _- I

Incremehtal Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-7 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo (Curves Corresond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

--- I


16 0amp (V)

0 ~


14~11l 1l QJ _J


1 middot-0

c t1middotmiddotmiddot 0

micro ro

_ c micro ~ 1euro1pound1

0- QJ u-J c 0 u O =-middot ~-= QJ

c_1 micro ro +- V)

0 micro ~ t1 O QJ 1l 0 a 40gtlt w c 0


ro --


20middot l ---a I ~ I a 0


pound1r-t k

Figure 114-8


a I __ I wi~ i awLi--~~ 2 I I

1--+ I ~--if bull =~~--bullJ-+--f-1-----middot+--+middot-middot--r9c- 1 c- J

bull _ bull -~

Incremental Concentration (microgm 3)

Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride and Chlorofonn From Allied Chemical El Segundo Assumingsix-months Operation With Each Feedstock (Curves Correspond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

) ) )) )

1 3 0+--- a- - ---- __________--= ~

M 1 E ~1F40 gtlt




s 0

0-~ C 1 ~2 t1

+-l rj

shy+-gt C Q)

u 1 ~1 ~1 I- C

degco u 0


+-l QJ middot=a~(Cl

+J middot- -0 +-gt 6t1-0 Q) Vl l I bull0 C

w X 4 ~1 ~C 0

t l--+)


20 Il 0 0 a

r--1 plusmn-middot--4-bull+ bullJ - ~-1


bull 17 - ta_



I mvn


-~ bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull l ~-


i u---J--bull-+ i i--+ --4--+-imf-bullbullQ~-+-+-+~bullbull-4 171 i R = Fi middot1 1bull1 r1__ bullltaa ~a

Incre0ental Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-9 Cumualtive Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo During Offloading From Midnight to 6 am middot-middotmiddot------middot--middot

--bull ft ampLA 1111-~lliaIN_WPl1A 1JIU_Mt91 MJ1WWlaquoPI-W1111~ --------__----Et1

M gt~middotI

0 -I


~ t~ bullM

V) middot-middot ~ V)


f 0

0 -

C -4 0middot~middotmicro re f micro C a u

10 Cdeg u 0 3 0middotmiddotmiddotbull~ -0 a

+-gt ro

+J V)

+-gt 0

2E1-0 QJ V)

0 a X


C 0 1pound1--middot+-gt ro

-- Q_ 0 0


~ -~middot bull I -bull-_ bull I

middot lbullgtbull___I I

frac14 llk I

I bull



-1_ I

Ibull II__ JI


(1 f---1-+ bull-r_--f bull middot~-bull +-- bull i -bull 1 -1-+--+bull-+-t-+bull--t1 ~ _ 4middot 6 E 1t1 1middot2

1 3 5 I middot~ _ 11

Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 11 4-10 Cumu1ative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Plant Carson

_~ ~ t M

C X E k1~


- c- 1-1 ~ C middot-middot -_J

I--- -J 4t1middotbullmiddotmiddota


-+-shy --middot liiit1J

r ~


t-1 _ V

0 -+-1

middotr -bull ~1



+- bull1 ~1 atr l -=

~~lll(k~IHmiddot~~-Wa~middot~nL1middot~~~ta KF u n P middot~dE-tveRS ~-tl~~~-u-~~~tmiddot_-~~~~liil-~-~~~ tc r

I bull

bull -r~l-yen--~1l~a l fl __ A4o bullbull bullbullbull ~ 111bull--middotbull

lil---111 1n1 i1--1u -i- -tmiddot11i-bull J--14-bullbullbulllM ~

1 ~ l1

~ t

~ C ~

i31-~~middot-~--~~~-~-middot-~-~~-~~~-~--~~~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~--l 11 2~1 4~1 Ea 8(3 1J11~1 1~r1 14(middot)

Incremental Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 114-11 Cumulative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Off-Site Storage Tanks

Table 114-13


Substance Ambient Reference Concentration Environment


Cad11i um


= ~ 11 1 ~ Ui ch l or i de _ -J _


Carbon Tetrachloride


4-6 nym 3 3

20-YO ngm

33 ng111 lt04 ngm 3

20U-57UU fiber~m 3

20-100 f i bersm

Ji jJjJO

trace 008 011 05lppb

O 1 pmicrob [J iJ~ micromicrob

188 ppb 08 ppb 0 7 pmicrob (ave)

U11 pmicrob

U 13 ppb 595 ppb 022 ppb (ave)

0175 pmicrob (ave)

07 ppb ltO 04 ppb

1 25 ppb 36

General urban Heavy industrial

Typical urban Remote areas

Typical urban Desert

uu111111yuel CA

8 NJ industrial sites Oakland Upland Los Angeles

Urban background rurdl backgrouna CA


8 industrial sites NJ Tuscdloosa AL 3~2rage) Riverside CA

rural background

Los Angeles average Torrance CA Southern California

60 readings) Riverside CA

Los Angeles average Rural background Russe11 1977 Los Angeles averageRiverside CA

Braman 1976 National Research Council 1976

EPA 1977 EPA 1977

Murchi o 1978 Murchi o 1978

tsarber 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Pellizzari 1979

Barber 1977 Holzer 1977

l3arber 1977 Grimrud 1975 Russell lJ77 Pel 1 i zzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Singh 1982

Barber 1977 Russell 1977 Gri mrud 1975 Barber 1977 Pell i zzari 1977

Simmonds 1974 Singh 1982

Barber 197 7 Barber 1977 Grimrud 1975

Sinvnonds 1974 Singh 1982

) ) )



Substance Probient Environment Reference Concentration



-J )

Sen zo (ct) py rene

jjen zo (e) py rene

ben z(ct) a 11 ( nr ii cen e


lndeno 123-cd~pyrene

L 1 ppb 06-34 ppb

42 ppb 16-60 ppb 02-1J ppb 13 ppb 48 ppb 67 ppb 55 ppb 63 ppb 82 ppb 39 pJb

3031-L1 ~gm 046 ng111

090 ngm 3

305-c8 n~111 018 ngm

06U ngin 3

134 nginJ

8 NJ industrial sites 28 samples in industrial areas with benzene consumption facilities Torrance CA Tuscaloosa AL National Forest 1000 sarip Ies-Torontt) Azusa CA El Monte CA Long Beach CA Upland CA Los Angeles CA Riverside CA

Los Angeles 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angel es 1976

Los Ang2l2s 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Pellizzari 1977

RTI 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Ho1 zer 1977 Pilar 1973 EPs 1980a EPA i980a EPA 1980a EPA 1980a Calvert 1976 Singh 1982

Colucci 1971 Gordcrn 1 197(i

Gordon 1976

_ 0 111 CC i 1~ 7 1 Gordon~ 1976

Go r cl on 197 6

Gordon 1976

middot1 ab1e 11 4-14


Site Substance Typical Urban Population Exposed to Background Level 100 50

Increment Over Background

Al lied+




Du Pont





Kaiser Kaiser



Chloroform 01 - 07 ppb (gt497 ngm3) 0 0 Carbon Tetrachloride 015 ppb (942ngm3) lt4044 25587 -


Perchloroethylene 07 ppb (4830 ngm 3) 0 0

Carbon Tetrachloride OlS ppb (942 ngm3) 10796 - 20309


Carbon Tetrachloride 01~ ppb (942 ngm 3) 0 0

Asbestos 1000 fibersm 3

( 313 ngm 3) 0 0

Benzene lOppt) 32500 ngm 3) PAH 5 compounds 35 ngrn3 72196 72196

Cadmium 3 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm 3 0 0

3Ethylene Uichloride 051 ppb (2100 ngm ) 92552 117532

bull Assumes all year operation on either feedstock If plant operates 50 on each feed the population exposed to greater than 50 increment over background goes to 16025 - 19377 and 4044 - 16025 for 100

Ambient concentrations of benzene vdry over one order of magnitude in the literature and therefore make tnis calculation questionable For Kaiser therefore the carcinogenic PAH assessment was used to evaluate incremental population exposure above background

+ The partition of emissions from Oow are 78 carbon tetrachloride and 22 perchloroethylene by weight


1142 Comparison of Incremental and l3ackground Concentratiors

Those sites whicn elevate background concentrations greater than SO~~

to surrounding pomicrouldtion are discussed below

1142 l Stauffer Cnernical

The Stauffer ct1emmiddoticdl ~ant 110s tvJo prinlt ipct1 SOLHCes uf EOC

emissicnsj the off-site storage tanks and the waste water dscharge stream

Ea cn con t r i h u V s about ~qua l 1 _y middott o U1e microon1 l a t i on ex 11o s u re f bull] ure s J s s ho vm i n

Taoles lL3--11 and 1L4-1L Th2 arrbient measurments by Pel~ 1 zzciri (1979) of J

2100 ng1~ 1s tne tos Ange 1es bc1ck9n1nc1 1as used as triie typ-i ca 1 tirban

background Pellizzari notes t11at Uhan readings generally rerici~n under 2SOO

nym3 ir1tri e pmiddotant proximity ccncentrn1011 ravlmiddot been observed as high as

700~000 f)(m 1

Other ambient ~ata noted l)y Plmiddot I 1 i zzari are Birmingham A1 abama

205-400 Phoenix Arizona 157-i870 1Jcbullminguez Calitornia 1Lii814 Calvert

City Kentucky 6600 The latter two are associated wi t11 EOC pl ants Data

taken in senFice s~ations ano lrctffic areas ir various cities range from -~

300-3640 ngm~ As previous~J mentioned the Stauffer plant is discontinuing

operations These two sources should be examined as part of any possible

start--up permitting activity

11422 Kaiser Steel Corporation

The Kaiser steel plant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)

emissions cffmiddotise from the coke oven omicroerations Comfdrison of the cumulative

population exposure Figure 114-3 and Table 114-4 with the specified

background levels for urban areas illustrates the breadth of the exposure

distribution The five known PAH carcinogens that were isolated in the coke

oven emissions were quantified in tile ambient air of Los Angeles by Gordon


Benzo[a~pyrene 046 ngm J

t3enzo~e]pyrene osio Benzaanthracene U lo

Chrysene U60

lndeno Cl23-cd~pyrene 134

Althouyn these concentrations ctr~ low co1npared with 1 number of other cities

cited in the literature and repres2nt a very I imited data base tt1e predicted

concentrations from the Kaiser plant ~enerally exceed these levels by d


significant margin ie greater t11an 30000 are predict2d to be exposed to

4redter than l()-lt t 1tbull 1111tlit~nt background of 3j nqm 3 It ic 1 iklly tlat

lHrllerte exmicroo~urt 11 Ilie drld dre also 11evatPd ovr r11nbient I1owever since

backyround concer1tr1tions of t)enzlmiddotne show large variation no population

calculation was specified

11 4 bull 2 bull 3 Dmv

Carl1on tetrdcnloride releases from Dow constitute approximately 78

of tl1e total CT plus perc emissions in Table 114-6 and were found to elevate

urban background concentrations greater than 50 in five census tracts Emissions are predominately from storage and check tank working and brething remiddot1 eases

1142~4 Allied Chemical

The Al lied plant was modeled several ways since the plant can

operrttt~ wiUl chlorotor111 dr cc1rbon tetrctlt hloridt fo(~d The c1bull-i pr~middot11ntlid in

ldlgtlt~o ll4- drld llil-B represent dflrlUil 01Hrdtion with eitt1er teed Partial

yedr operation with each feed can be scaled from the individual annual modes

and is presented for equal hltllf year operation in Table 114-9 As with the

Du Pont plant carbon tetrachloride emissions arise from feed tank working

loss fable 114-10 illustrates peak exposures predicted to arise during an

off loading cycle As expected concentrations in that six hour period far

~xceed annual average values Insufficient data were available to contrast

levels with backyround transient concentrations




Alternative control approacnes for the most significant emission

sources dinmig ~he various pl1ants n ees fitie(J n the follo11 ric suJsections

EmpiiasVi nas Deen placed in dedlinq ~riU1 Uiose sources of 91reatest absolute

inaynHud2 (lbyr) and those const1 ut 0ing trie largest increm121middot1t middot] bulli~he

bdc kgrnund con cent ration of Hie em~ tted subs tcince i~o ctt tention Wi 11 be ~i ven

to the s~iondc1tY sources witt1middotn cK1 microant or to trlL case of J011ns-Manvi I le

since -UH imiddotajor source is less tran LOO 1byr and is not microrejicted to raise

bctckgro 1wd exposure levels to the ~~ntr21 population Furt12rmore a11

emission sources dt Kaiser Ste 1 1iC(1 v1 1~n directly dedlt -1ith in this

program r1re elltlteci ro t11e cc1lt1bull ovcmiddotr nperatmiddotions These faci 1ities are to be

closed du1rm and all primary reel 11i~ oH~rdtions discontinmiddot 2d Kaiser

forecasters have predicted further deterioration of the plant economics and

the phased closure has been accelerdted for primary steel making operations

Note that this closure is essentially irreversible cince differential

exmicroansion and contraction of the coke oven structur1 occurs in the cooliny

process and it would be improbable that ovens could be reheated without

extensive reuuildiny at major expense


At c1ll four sites emissions from storage tanks constitute either the

primary or near dominant (Stauffer) source of carcinogen release andor

genero1i iJOpulation exposure Curreritly the tanks of interest at each site are

permitted by the local Air Quality IJistricts hJwever they do not require

emission ontrol systems for vdrious reasons Tl1e estimated releases grounds

for exemption and other pertinent information are given in Table 121-1

In order to amicromicroreciate tth~ practicdl dlternatives for emission

controls the provisions of SCAWMU Rile 463 ar~ listed below which specify the

acceptable alternatives for tdnks r4uirin9 controls ie tanks 11aving

capacities greater than 39630 yal with suostances of true vapor pressure


Table 121-1


Stduffer Uff-Site Tanks (J) (Sdn Pedro)

Allied (El Seyunrlo) - KdJ

1bulllctLer1 d I reld iturctjc

-J -J

Dow (Pittsbury)-Product Check Tanks (4)

Uow - microroduct sturag~

DuPont (Antioch) - Raw Materidl Feed Stordge

Approx Capacity~

6lUS x 1g (c) 84 X 10 (1)


18000 each

70000L) 3UUOUO

30000 working 42636 liquid full



Ethylene Uichloride

Carbon Tetrctci1 I Jr i J1

Perchloreshythylene and Carbon Tetrashychloride

CT perc

Carbon Tetracr1 l ori de


Emission Mode

Tank breattli ng

Tank v10rk i ng Tank breatttiny

PERC-~JOrk i ng PERC-b r2a t ~ i ng CT-working CT-breattling

Tank breathing Tank breatt1i ng

Tank workin9 Tank breathing

Vamicroor Pressure

014 at 70 F psi

1 63 psi at 68 F

16d psi at 68 F(CT) UJ9 psi at 68 F(perc)

168 i)Si dt 68 F

Grounds for Exemption

Exempt from control re4uirements to SCAQNJ Rule 463 since vapor microressur-2 dues nut iXC~ec

l~ io at sturdJ~ conditions

txe11pt TlJil fule -+b3 since tank capaL ~J ~ s u~der 39630 gal (lSO 11 )

Exempt from Regulation Rule v~~vu u~~~~~shytank capacity is under 39630 ga 1 andor substances are not classified as organic 1i4uicts

Exempt f ro1n Ru l ~ 85300 because subsLctnce is not classified as dn organic li4uid accordin to Regulation-Rule 8120

exceeding l~ microsi at storage conditions

~ floating roof tanks

~ fixed roof tanks with an internal floating type cover

bull a vapor recovery system with vapor collection and retllrn (or disposal) proce5sinJ lXctbullerlin~ 95 efficiency

ln a cllemicai plant a typical vapor recovery systein (KR Evans

SCAQMU) migm consist of a collection inanifold to d recovery system (suctl as a

vapor sphere) to a compression syst2m dnd subsequently to absorption and

recovery systems The absorpt~on st~n c~nsisting possibly of (rubber

stripper or activated carbon

In dealing with speciti( carcinogenic substances such as vinyl

chloride hiyhly efficient vapor control system perf0rmance has sometimes been

stipulated necessitating incineration systems

Fer th~ cases of corccrn realistic alternltltives are as follows

Stauffer Off-Site TanKs - Tnere are a number of options which can 1~arkedly 3

reduce ei1issicns from these tanks from th~ calculaL~d value of over 20 x 10

lbyr One alternative is to consolidat~ the material in tne three tanks

One of the large tdnks can contain the currently stured material and reduce 3emissions to apmicroroximately 13 0 x 10 lbyr Anotl1er alternative is to

transfer dll E0C to a single floating root tank Various types of such tanks

exist dlld are reviewed in the EPA report Lrganic Cht~mical Manufacturing Volume

J Storage Fugitive dnd Secondary Sources EPA-450J-80-025 eg internal and

external floating roofs and a variety of seal desiyn configurcttions Generalshy

ly such designs would be expected to reduce emissions to the order of

one-fourth to one-fifth the current level Cost of 1nstalliny ct contact

single seal internal floating roof wds estimated by BB Lumquist Pentrex

for EPA as $27770 in 1Y8U dollars for 7U ft diameter tdnk Cost to build an

external floating roof tank was estimated by G Stilt of Pittsburg Oes Moines

for EPA as ~14UUUO for D=67 H=4Uft Anottler com111on approach is to utilize

cdroon ctdsorption This works we11 witn nonpolar hydrocarbons dS VvC is

removed from the vapor phase A basic syte111 consists ot tvo carbon beds and

a regeneration system Regeneration is typically performed with steam or

vacuum Figure 121-1 illustrattS rhe systems (Basd2kis 1~110) Steam raises

tne VOC vctpor microressure The resulting sti~am-VOC mixture is condensed and


AC-TJA~D CA-e0-l


LOW- ffiESiJ~C ~T~H----




COOLIN(a - --------




Fi l 1 1 middot gure middot - Activated-c arbon Adsorption System


rout2d to c ~epordtor decanted and returned to storage In vacuum regenerashy

tion VOC vapor is desorbed by pu1 ling a vact1um on the carbon bed then condens-

ed a1d returned System efficiency ~ ~ est ii1a ted at 96 f(duc middot i m from fixed

roof levels (EPA 4503-80-025)

H~fri 9ctated vent concicr1sers dre une of the most cu1mon emission

reduction prJcesses -for conttol ~ ng hx2-d-- storage tai vUC Figure

12 1-- 2 i l 1ust rates a u n i t ( Er i scmiddot n 19HU ) eff i c i en cy of middot middot~ ~ c middotlt middotmiddot _y i s rate ct

bet1Jee~middoti 60-90 for the vapor pressure range of concern For such a large tank

the capital costs would be high ~igure 121-3 illustrat~s EPA estimates

(EPA l ~~SOb) for the condenser section Condenser sys tern a ea mu l d be in

excess of 1000 ftL

It should be noted t -at Jtc1 uf fer Uiemi cc1 l has arH1ounced the c 1 osu re

of its VCPVC plart PrevfoJsly tt12) had planned to purge tlle off-site tanks

of EUC Since any future po~sible micro1ant stdrt-umicro will necessitate a compreshy

hensive SCAQMD review this ltoument can assist in evaluating proposed control


Allied and DuPont Feed Tanks - In bott1 of these cases the nore significant

quantity of emissions arise from tank workinltJ ie during the off-loading

activity rather than tank breathing Contnl ~easures taken for working

emissions are thus of primary concern Ther~fore no detailed discussion will

be provided on the alternatives for control gtf bredthiny emissions Additionshy

ally both tanks are in the range of 20U00 gallons which is a capacity where

floating roof tanks are almost nonexistent Out of 670 floating roof tanks

surveyd by EPA less then 15 were smaller than 30000 gallons in capacity

Therefore the utilization of any floating roof concept and seal combination

will not be considered

Commmerc i a11 y it is estimated by Ou Pont that carbon tetrachloride

feed costs approximately $017lb (E Taylor personal communication)

Ttierefore less than i2500 is lost to l)uPont annud l ly as a result of working

l eve l em i s s fo ns and 1es s fr om Al l i ed bull Thus i t is u n l i kel y that any

appreciable economic incentive exists to dev1~lop ci vapor recovery system

However a Cdndidate system could be pattern~d after the chloroform

feed-storage unit currently at Allied This is a dedicated vapor balance

system Chloroform is off-lndded from tank cars and stored in a closed

unvented tdnk As the 5tordye tank is filled the c1ir spdce d1spldced is fed














Figure 121-2 Refrigerated Vent Condenser System



iOOOO ----------

-Cl c -0 ~

J~ -C~)O i-r tmiddot~ I

g middots_ I J () 11

-~- l 2 lt1


en b)



a I E OJ u copy 0

10 1-___________J___________________________ 10000

10 100 1000

Condenser System Area ( Ft2


Figure 121-3 Installed Capital Cost vs Condenser Area for Various Materials of Cunstruction for a Complete Condenser Section


back to the tank car Also in this case the storage tank is not vented in its

normal breathing mode and is part of a closed feed system to the reactor

Vapor recovery system alternatives which are particularly effective

in loading and handling include r~frigeration adsorption andor absorption

Control efficienci~- 1re est1mateJ in the rlt1nge of 90-95 (EPA 1980b) and of

course depend on the speci tic su1)Stance and equipment used Carbon adsorpshy

tion systems were discussed above The smallest capacity carbon adsorptionmiddot

system priced by EPA (EPA 1980b) has 2 vertical beds of carbon (900 lbs - 4ft

diameter by 3 ft depth) witl1 an ilstalled cctpital cost of $135000 based on

December 1979 dollars

Dow Tanks - Dow has two pair of p~oduct check tanks which alternately are

filled dnd off-loaded Emhsions from th~sl tanks were calculated based upon

operating cycle (3 day fi 11) satubull-dtion vapor pressure and physicdl

chardcteristics Direct hec1d-spa1e testing was planned however it could not

be accomodated because of r 1stri c ed access due to unscheduled mai ntendnce on

the field test day

Dow has indicated that chey are studying the option of installing a

vapor controlrecovery systt~m in 1hese and their largerproduct storage tanks

The extent of their engi neri ng ind assessment work is unknown as are their

current plans It may be possibk to incorporate a vapor balance design into

the system whereby the disp1aced apor is trdnsferred to another process point

within tl1e system Alterna1ively a vapor r1middotcovery system such as carbon

adsmiddotorption is fedsible Hot-1ever since emissions for t11e check tanks are

primarily due to working loss tht~ use of a conservation vent or an adjustment

of its operational differential p~essure would be ineffective for tr1e

reduction of the bulk of such emissions Furthermore since check tank size

is re1at i ve 1y sma 11 no cons i derctt I on was given to conversion to a fl oat i ng

roof configuration for those tanks Conversion would be possible for

the large storage tanks


Emissions of me throug11 ~-a~)te-1dter discharge are the largest single

source identified at the plctnt sites The discharge limit was set at 25 ppm

by the Los Angeles County Sc1nitation iistrict and was estdblished with the

occupational limit in mind of 50 ppm JVer an 8 hour work shift dt the District


tredtrient center~ T11ere hctd been suine di~cuss1on between pdrti~s of possibly

raisiny tne discharge limit since it is felt by Stauffer that dilution of the

stream is sufficient to d 11 ow it Itmiddot shou Id he noted t10-1ever tna NIUSH has

recommended the permissible exposure limit be reduced to 5 ppm averaged over a

work period of 10 nours microer ddy 40 ours per Ieek witt1 a cei l iny level of 15

pmicroin dVeraged over a 15-mi nute microet~ v(J

It is not certain at 1~hrt rdte me 1rill be reledscd from the

wastewater stream At the microlant discharge points wastewater is both hot and

aerated thus favoring release~ No measurements have been ta~en downstream of

the plant after considerable dilut1on has occured The distance to the water

treatment pa11t is approximately 5 kin at 1i1ic~1 point anerobic diyestion is

conducted lt is presumed that a11 ELlC will be released before final ocean

di scnar~Ji

A possible emi ss i D~ cont ro process for nmiddotduct ion of the EDC in the

effluent is by ~recess adjust~Pnts or additio~s For example process

modifications to the EUC stripping stage coula dramatically reduce discharge

lev~ls A control alternative is the use of octivdted carnon or XA0-2 resin

to recover EOC in tne discharge stream Tests of Gulf South Researd1

Institute on XA0-2 and activated carbon (Coco 1980) show high recovery yields

for nonpolar organic carcinogens unaer a range of concentrations Viable

suggested alternatives oy Srnitn included regeneration of Ue trapping

materials dnu even consideration of burning tt1e concentrate carbon media (at

greater than 1000 pmicrom)

Control approaches to reduce emissions from so called secondary

sources in general and waste water emissions in particular fa 11 into four

categories - waste source control resour(e recovery alternative disposal and

add-on controls Alternative control pro(~esses which were considered but

appear to be inappropriate to this case i11clude chtmiddotmica means eg

neutralization precipitation coagulatior1 and chemical oxidation thermal

destruction of tne unconcentrated ~dste s1ream is ii1practical biological

treatment eg aerdtion and biomass-wasteater contcct ~ienerally relates to

the treatment of soluole degrddable organics in the concentration range

bet~~een U01 and l~~ terminal storagt eg lanctfilliny urface impoundment

and deep well injection dre either indppl 1cable or 1mmicroractical Therefore in

summary the poss i b I e contra l approac ties fur this ca e inc 1ude the improvement



of semicrodration efficiencies in steam stripmicroing tl1e internal recycle of ~aste

stredms ctnd the ddsorption b activdted carbon The design configuration

~fficiency and cost )bviously depend upon numerous microlarit specific factors and

their determination vJOuld rec-Jire detailed analyses

n1e ~~dsrewctter systbull-m of a model cl1emical production plant based

upon the average properties uf a composite of 30 chemicals was evaluated for

EPA by IT Enviroscience (EPA 1980b) Included prominantly among the 30 was

tUC with the hignest uncontrolled secondary emission wastewater release rate

ie ~ percent of tt1e production and 34 perc~nt of the emission Cost and

impact analyses were evaluated for alternative control systems to reduce

secondary voe emissions from wastewater Four systems were considered a

carbon adsorption system (eAS) for recovery of the voe from the wastewater a

cover to reduce secondary VOC emissions from the wastewater clarifier a cover

for the clarifier plus a carbon desorption system and a cover for the

clarifier plus ct eAS system usinu a fume incinerator The scale of the model

system was greatly in excess of the Stauffer plant thus further making

detailed comparison i mpract i cal bull However emission reduction factors ~-1ere 6diven as ~9 and cost effectiveness per 10 g reduction genera1middot1y ranged

between $450 to 1733 These factors would likely grossly underestimate the

system cost if scaled down to the range of the Stauffer plant ie the order

of 34600 lb annual discharge

The alternative approaches of improved steam stripping efficiency

and internal recycling of the stripper iischarge stream with a reduction in

makeup re4uirements could decreas~ net ~DC wastewater content release


Given our findiny of low (16 kgyr) ~missions of arsenic from the

reverberatory furndce at RSR it middotJOuld ippear that the arsenic content of themiddot

lead feedstock is low andor that the microants system for reducing lead

emissions is dlso quite effective for arsenic ~SR it will be recalled from

Section 32 uses a quenchinu cnariber ctnd Dayiwuse filters to remove

pctrticuldte matter and a carbonate scruooer to remove sulfur dioxide

There are no federal new source microertormance standards for lead

eini ssions per se t10wever the Standdrds of Pbullrformance for Secondary Lead

SmeHers (40 CFR 6Ull2) limit total particuLte emission from a blast furnace


or reverberatory furnace to SU mgm 3 According to Augenstein et al (1978)

who reviewed the techno1ogy for control ing lead ~missions from ttwse sources

baghouse filters or wet scrubbers are yenerally used to contro1 particulate

emissions When fabric filters are used to control blast furnace emissions

they are nurma11y preceded by an afterburner which inciner~tes hydrocarbons

that bull~GU Id otnerwi se b 1 ind t ne f o1 ur-i c After-burners a re nor necessary for

reverb2middotmiddotatcry furnace emiss-ion smiddotnce the excess air and temperature are

usually sufficient to oxidize tn2 hydrocarbons

According to Augenstein et ali 11 sr1aker--type baghouse filters are

the 1nost effective means of controlling ead fume emissions from secondary

furnace opErations 11 Collection etficiencies can exceed 99 oercent One

advantage to this control approact is that l~ad oxide dust can be recovered

easily cmd recycled in the smeller Flue gases must be coated to below 300 degF

for dacro~ bags and to below ~00 degF for fiberglass bags (Hi~h et al 1977)

Although wet scrubbers are effecti1e under some circumstances in

controlling lead emissions it is more difficult to recover the lead oxide for

recycling In addition sulfur dioxide presi~nt in the flue gases becomes

oxidized to sulfuric acid and can cause corr1sion problems For this reason

sodium carbonate or other basic reagents ar~ added to the scrubber solution

Although it concerns a yold smelter an approach described by

Marchant dnd Meek (1980) provides an exampli~ of an arsenic control

alternative which might be apmicrolicatgtle to secmdary lead smelters At the

Campbe1 1 Red lake Gold Smelter in Balmerton Ontarion Canada Smelter gases

are first passed throuyh a hot electrostatic precipitator (ESP) The ESP is

heated so that the arsenic (which is principally in the form of As ) remains2o3 gaseous and is not yet collected This exclusion of arsenic allo~~s the ESP to

recover particulate gold rnore easily The ESP exhaust is then quenched with

ambient air to condense the arsenic trioxide Baghouse filters then remove

the arsenic along with other particulate matter


Given the imminent and irreversibli~ cessdtion of coking activities

at Ka 15 er Stee 1 Corpora t i on a rev I e~ o r t e c Imo 1 o gi es for ( on t r o 1 l i ng

~missions from the coke ovens rnd he Clt1ke byproduct recovimiddotry pldnt WdS not

deemed to be necessary Tnis is t1e only primary steel mill in California



Al lf~n Jr Ll~ llJBU1 J 111odel to 1middotstimite hi1drdous (bullmissions from coke oven Juurs pr~pdrelt1 DY 1-kSecircn Tr1dnye7nrffut fur U~ Environmental Protection Agency Uffi ce of Air ~ua 1i ty and Standards fltesearch Tri ang I e Park Nortn Cdrolina KTl17362-UL

Jl len Jr CC 1~8Ub tstination of chdr in(i emissions for by-product coke oven microrepared by fltesedrch Tr1anglt Insc1tute for US nvironmental Protection 1-yency Uf f ice of Air l)ua l i ty and Standards Ke search Triangle Park North Cdrolina RTI17362-0

Allen Jr CC 198Uc 11 Environmeritdl c1ssess1ent of coke by-product recovery plants Proceedings First Symposium on Iron c1nd Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Ctncayo Illrno1s--Tin1ctober - 1 November 1979 EPA-600-9-80-012 pp 7~-dd

Anon 1978 11 Coke quench-tower emissions tests 11 Environ Sci Tech 12(10) llL2-1123

Augenstein ur1 T Cornin et al 1978 Con_trol techniques for lead air emissions prepared by PEDCU Envircnmental Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-4502-77-012-B ( NT IS P88U-197551)

jarber WC 1977 Interim air pcllution a~sessment for eight t1igh-volume industrial organic chemicals 11 US Environin~ntal Protection Agency memorandum to Air and Hazardous Materials Uivision Kegions I III-X and to Uirector Environmental middotPrograms Uivision Region II

t3drrett KE WL Margard et al 1977 Sampling and analysis of coke-oven door emissions Prepared by ~dttelle-Columbus Laboratories for US Env 1 ronmenta I Protection Agen y Industri a I Environmental Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-b002-77-213

t3 a r ret t flt bull r bull and P bull K bull ~~ebb 1Y78 bull 11 E f f e ct i venes s of a wet el e ct r o stat i c precipitator for controlling PUM emissions from coke oven door leakage Presented at 71st Meetiny of the Air Pollution Control Association Houston Texas 25-29 June 1978

l3asdekis HS 1980 Carbon Adsorption Control Uevice Evaluation IT Enviroscience Inc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

8ee fltW et al 1974 Coke oven charging emission control test program Vol I c1nd II US Environmental Protection Jgency EPA-6502-74-062

~eimer RG 1978 Air pollution emission test Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from coke oven effluents Prepared by TRW Uefense and Smicrodce Systems Groumicro for US tnvirorunental Protection Agency Office of Air wuality Planning and Standards Kes~arch Triangle Park North Carolina EMB Kemicroort 8-CKU-12


Braman RS 1976 Application of the arsine evolution methods to environmental analyses presented at the International Conference on Environmental Arsenic Ft Lauderdale Florida 5-8 October

Bratina J E 1979 11 Fabric filter applications on coke oven pushing operations J Air Poll Cont Assoc 29(9) lll6-920

tiuonicore AJ 1980 Environmental assessment of coke quench towers in proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abltlternent Technology Chicago~ Uirnois JO October - f N~vernber 1979 EPA-6009-~1b-62~ pp 112-142

t3usse A D and dR Zimmerrao1 1973 User 1 s guide for tdegh~ Climatological Uisper~ion Model US Environmental Protection Agency Resea~ch Triangle Park Nortl Carolina) EPA-R4--73~0024

California Air Resources 8oard 1976 Coke oven emissions miscellaneous emissions and their control at Kaiser Steel Corporations Fontana Steel making facihty Enforcement l3ranch) S2crcmento California L amp E-76-11

Calvert~ CA 1976 Envir __ Sci_ i( __ Technol 10256

Coco L~i 2t aL~ 1979~ 11 02c10pmert of trec1tment and control technology for 11refractory pet rochemi co was tt=1s r middotl 1d l Report Gu 1f South Research In st it ute

to U S tnv i ronmenta l Protection Agency EPA-ti002- 79-080

Colucci~ LM and CR Begemi 1971 Palynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and other pollutants in Los Angeles air In Proceedings of the International Clean Jir Congress Vol 2 Academic Press pp 28-35

Cooper JA and JG Watson Jr 1980 Receptor oriented methods of air partkulate source apportionment 11 J Air Pollution Control Assoc 30(10) 1116-1125

Coutant R W JS McNulty and RD Grammar 1975 Final report on determi 11at ion of trace elements in a combustion sys tern Prepared by Batte11 e Columbus Laboratories for the Electric Power Research Institute EPRI 122-1

11 11Dilling W 1977 lnterphase transfer processes Envir Sci TechnoL 11 4 pp 405-409

Oow1irgl) MP JO Jeffry and AH Laube 1978 11 Reduction of quench tower emissions Presented at the 71st Air Pollution Conotrol Association Conference Houston Texas 25-30 June APCA No 78-92

EPA 1977 Multimedia Levels Cadmium Environmental Protection Agency 5606-77-032 September 1977

EPA 1980a Review of Criteria for Vapor Phase Hydrocarbons 11 US Environmental Protection Agency ~eport 6008-80-045

EPA 1980b Organic Chemical Manufacturing Volume J Storage Fugitive and Secondary Source EPA report 450J-80-025

EPA 1981 Compilation of Air Pol lutdnt Emission Fdctors (Including Suppleshyments 1-7) Third Edition Suppl1111ent 12 Utfice of ir l)uality Planning dnd Stdndlt1rds AP-42-ED-3-Supp I - lt


Erikson Uli 1~80 11 Control Uevice Evaluation Condensdtion 11 IT Envioscience lnc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

lrtel liL 197Y Quench tower particuldte emissions J Air Poll Cont Assoc 2Y(9) 913-916

Ev a n s K bull P bull 1981 Pe r son a l Commun i cat i on v i th R bull Zi s k i n d bull

Goodwin DR 1980 11 Air pollution emissions standards in Proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Chicago 11 lrno1s 30 October - 1 November 1979 EPA-6009-80-012 pp 37-45

Gordon GE 10 Receptor Models Environ Sci Tech 14(7)792-800

Gordon KJ 1976 11 lJistribution of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons throuyhout Los Angeles Envir Sci Technol 370-373

Great Lakes Cdrbon Corporation 1977 Study of coke side coke-oven emissions~ Vol 1 Source testing of a stationary coke side enclosure EPA-340l-77-014A

lirimsrud EP and HA Rasmussen 1975 Atmos Envir Y 1010

Hartnan MW 1~80 Source test c1t US Steel Clairton Coke Ovens Clairton P~nnsylvania Prepared by rRW Environmental Engrneerrny D1v1s1on for US lnv1ronrnental Protection Agency Emissions Standards and Engineering l)ivision Research Trianyle Pdrk North Carolina EM~ Report 78-CKU-13

Hendriks Ilt V et a I 1Y7Y Urgani c air emissions from coke quench towers 11

Presented at 2nd Arrnual M(etiny ot the ir IJol lution Control Associdtiont Cir1cinndti Utlio June 1~7lJ l-dmicroer NU 9-391

Higt1 MU ME Lukey dnd TA Li Puma llJ77 Inspection manual for secondary lead smelters premicrolt1red b Enyineeriny Science lnc for US lnvironmentdl Protection Ayency Office 0f ~nforc~nent EPA-3401-77-001

Holzer G et al 197 11 Collection amp analyses of trace organic emissions from natura I sources 11 Journal of Cnromatogra flhY 142 pp 755-764

JKt 1~80 11 Materials ljaldnce l2-Uichloroett1ane Level l-Preliminary 11

Science Applications lnc Final lemicroort to US Environmental Protection Agency tPA-560lJ-80-UU2

J bull Mi l n e l lJ 81 Person a I Cornm un i cat i on wi t t1 bull Zi ski nd bull

Kemner WF 1979 Cost tffectiven2ss model for pollution control at coking facilities Premicroarect oy PEDCo Environmental lnc for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Research Tridnyle Park Nortll Carolind EPA-GU02-7l-1U5 (NTS PB 8U-118706)

Kessler T AG Sharkey Jr and kA Friedel 1973 Analysis of trace ele111ents in coal by smicroark-source mass spectrometry US 8ureau of Mines Report ot I n v es t 1 gd t 1on s No bull 77 14 bull


Kolak NP J Hyde and R Forrest~r 19 1 9 Particulate source contributions in tt1e Niltlgara Frontierffi Prepared t)_y Nr2bulll York State IJepartrnent of Env i ronm~ntc i Con serv d ti on for US En vi r inment ct l Protect ion Agency Region 11 EPA-9024-79-006

Mackay U and PJ Leinonen llt175 Hate of Evamicroordcion of low - solubility contaminants from vJater bodies to c1tmospmre 11 Envir Sci Tecnnol 9 13 pp 1178-libU

Magee tiv HJ Hctll and GM Vc~rlt_a Jr 1973 Potential Doimiddotiutants in fossi1 f1Jel Prepared by ESSO fbullt~scarcr middotnd Engineeriny Co tor US Enviromihm~ct Protection Agency Ufl-R2-7 --2l1~L (NTIS Pt3 as u~9)

Marcriant middotG0H ard RL Meek 1~gu Eva uation of technology for control of arsenic tmissfons at the CdlmpJel Hd Lakmiddot G~ld Smelter prepared for the US

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Margler L$ HA Ziskind M8 lcgozen (Ind M Axelrod 1979 11 An inventory of care i nog)n i c substances re i ea sect into ne ambient air of California Vol une I - Scn~enin~ and id2nt~fication o-f r~1rci1ogens of greatest concern Science J- pp 1i ca middott~ L J s In c bull Fi nd l kcmicro~ rt ~ i I - U 6 C) - U- 5 0 4 to U1 e Ca I i ~- o r n i a Ai r kesources 130ard

Milne J 198L Persond1 C~mmunicdtmiddotion middot1itt1 R Ziskind

llurchio JC WrC Cooper and A ue Leo11 1970 Asbestos fibers in ambient air of California 11 Cal Horn i ct Air lesourc2s l3oa rd ARl3 4-0S4- l EHS Report 73-2 (March)

National Academy of Sciences 1Y72 Part1culate polycyclic organic matter Washington~ DC pmicro 4-ll

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Oliver JF and JT Lane 1979 11 Control of visible emissions at CFampl 1 s coke plant-Pueblo Colorado J Air PolL Cont Assoc 29(9) 920-925

Pe I I i z z a r i E bull 0 bull anct J bull E bull l$ u n c h 1s 19 1 nbi en t ai r ca r c i n o gen i c v a po r s Improved samplin~ and analysis tectrnology EPA Contract 68-02-2764

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Porter RA 1976 Uismicroersion ~yuation s lucions Dy calculator I guide for air pollution engineers ctnd sci12nthts S cond edition rexas Air Control tioard ~MT1S P~ 262 lJ~)


fdn1-i1Jri lJ8l fgtersont1I Coinmuni dtion v1ith M~ Royozen

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Rinkus SJ and MS Legator 1979 Chemical characterization of 465 known or suspected carcinogens and their correlation with mutagnic activity in the Salmonella typhimurium system Cancer Research 393289-3318

Koberts R M 1980 11 An inventory of arc i nogen i c substances r~ leased nto the ambient air of California Tasks 11 and IV KVB Final Report KVB 26900-836 to Science Applications Inc

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Rogozen MB DF Hausknecht and RA Ziskind 1976 Methodology for ranking elements in fossil fuels according to their potential health impact Science Applications Inc Final Report 260-77-539 to the Electric Power ~esearch Institute

Russel 1 JW and LA Shadoff The sdmpl ing and determination of halocarbons in ambient air usin~ ~rncentration on porous polymers

Siebert PC CA Craig and Eb Coffey 1978 Prelimary assessment of the sources control and population to airoorne polycyclic organic matter as indicated by benzo(d)pyrene Prepare( by lnergy and Environmental Analyses Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Resedrch Triangle Park North Carolina

Simmonds PG et amiddot1 1974 Distribution of atmospheric halocarbons in the air over Los Angeles basin Atmos Envir Vol 8 pp 209-216

Singh HB LJ Salas and RE Stiles Distribution of Selected Gaseous Oryanic Mutagens and Suspected Carcinoyens in Ambient Air in Proceedings Annual Meeting Air Pollution Controrl Association 82-651 June 20-25 1982 New Url eans

Smith WM 1979 Evaluation of cok oven emissions in Yearbook of the American Iron and Steel Institute pp 163-179

SRI International 1980 Asessment oi human exposures to atmospheric benzene SJ Mara and SS Lee finai report to US Environmental Protection Agency EPA-4503-78-031

Taback HJ 1978 Control uf Hydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources in the California South Codst Air Basir Prepared by KVB Inc for the Cal1fornid Air Resources Bod-rdmiddotKVB No 5804-714


Trenholm J-f dnd LL )eek 1Y78 11 Assessment of t1azardous organic emissions fror1 slot type coke oven Datteries unpublished paper US Environmental l)rotection Ayency Ernssion Standdrds and Engineeriny Jivision

Turner U~ J970 Workbook of atmusphe~ic dispersion estiimiddot1Jt2s IJS Environmental Protection Agency k~sedrch Tri1ngle Park North Carolina

US Bureau of Mines lYl f-inercls yearbook 197U Vol 11 p 4~3

Van Os dE I l U bull iJ bull lL Ma rs l and et ct 1Y7~1 o En i r onmt~ nta I a s s es smen t of co k e Dy-product recovery plants prepareu by ReseMcn Trictngle lnstitute for US Environmental Protection AgerKy 11cJustrial Environ11ental R~search Laboratory Kesearcll Tri2n~e Idrk NorU1 Caroline EPA-6U02-7J-Ul6 (NTfS PB 293-278)

Westbrool( C W 1979a Level l ass~ssment of uncontrolled sinter plant emissions Prepared by fesearch Triangle Institute for US Environmenta1 Protection Agcncy Industria1 tnvirnnmental fltesearc-1 Laboratory kesearch Trianyle Park North Carolind EPA-bOU2-7Y-112

Westbroollt C~~ 197ltJb Level l css~ssment of uncontro1led l)-BOP emissions Prepared by Researcn Triangle institute for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Hesearch Laboratory Research Triangle Park ~Orth Carolina EPA-6002-79-190

Wetherold rLb LP Provost and CD S111ith 198U Assessment of atmospneric emissions from microetroleu111 refinin~ Volume 3 Appendix l3 Radian Corp Fina Report to US tnv i ron111enta I Protection Agency EPA-600 2-80-07 5c

Ziskind RA OF S1ilith JL Hdhn etnd G Smicroivey (1980) Determinants of Cancer and Carctiovasculdr Uisease Mortality in Asbestos Mining counties of California SAi Report 068-dl-514 l May



Rapid Screening and Identification of Airborne Carcinogens of Greatest Concern in California

Lawrence W Margler Michael B Rogozen Richard A Ziskind and Robert Reynolds Science Applications Inc Los Angeles California

This paper describes a method for establishing a priority list of airborne carcinogens within a

state jurisdiction In this case it was necessary to identify from among hundreds of potential

candidates the live to ten materials of greatest potential concern In California as airborne


Because no previous Inventory of carcinogens In California existed published lists rankings

and assessments of national scope were used to Identify candidates By systematic manipulation

and comparison of these data sources 47 materials of some notoriety were chosen for closer

scrutiny This selection was pared to 22 candidates largely by eliminating those which had

very little production and use In California (Substances primarily used as pesticides were

excluded from the scope of this study) The remc1ining candidates were then ranked by additive

and multiplicative algorithms and by a panel of experts The results of these rankings were

combined to produce a single selection of 11 priority candidates In alphabetical order they

mo arsonlc nsbestos bon1ono cadm111m cuhon totrchlorlde chlorol 11rm othylono dllromlde

ethylene dichloride N-nllrosoamlncs perchloroethylene and polycyclk aromatic hydroiarbons

In continuing studies a baseline emissions inventory Is being prepared and a source testing

program is being designed

In recent years concern has grown over su~pected arcinug-ens New Jersey seshythe possibility that certain materials lected ten volatile organic compounds released to the atmosphere through inshy and five htbullavy metals to be examined dustrial and commercial activity may be further and is currently measuring responsible for a significant portion of ambient atmospheric concentrations of the incidence of cancer in the general these substances in a variety of areas In population This concern is manifested the second year of the study the state at the federal level in the National h1s incre1sed the volatile organics Emissiltm Standards for Hazardous Air stt1died to 20 and begun measuring Pollutants (NESHAP) which limit heavier orianics associated with parshyemissions of the known carcinogens asshy ticulatcs2 In California a very different bestos beryllium and vinyl chloride 1 approach-was taken

Only a few states including New Jersey and California have begun efshy Overview of Californias Approach forts to identify airborne carcinogens of concern to the general public for the The California Air Resources Board purpose of setting state emission regushy (( ARB) is sponsoring a three-stage lations for these substances After reshy st 11d~bull of airbornC rmissions of carcinoshyviewing national use data for known and g1middot11s from anthropogenic atlivities The

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

first stage which is the subject of this paper was to identify roughly five to ten materials which of the hundreds of known or suspected airborne carcinoshygens are most likely to be of greatest concern to Californias general populashytion Also of interest were those which in order to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations might be transshyferred from the workplace air to the outside atmosphere The second stage which is now underway includes pinshypointing of emission sources for each of the carcinogens of importance quantishyfiltation of emissions nnd design of source-testing methods A subsequent stage will consist of source testing and measuring public exposures to those substances for which data are unavailshyable The basis for regulatory action if appropriate will include the results of this program and other related reshysearch

Screening of Candidate Carcinogens

The National Institute for Occupashytional Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists 1905 chemicals which have reported neoplastigenic or carcinogenic effects and 510 which have otherwise received attention for their neoplastigenic poshytential1 The need to select five to ten materials from such a large number of potential candidates dictated that we devise a way to rapidly eliminate from further consideration the vast majority of the substances Given the paucity of published data on most of the candidate substances the screening method was designed to make best use of readilymiddot

C1111yrich1 19i9-Air Pullulion Control A~~ociatlon


A- I

----- ---- ----- ---------------------available information The screening process was as follows (1) eight comshyplications of known and suspected carshycinogens were reviewed and those subshystances which were not used in Califorshynia were highly unstable in air or were very doubtfully carcinogenic were eliminated (2) after more detailed inshyformation was obtained for the reshymaining 25 substances candidates were rated by two different analytical methshyods (3) an expert panel was convened to review dossiers on the candidates and to independeitly nmk them (-i) from the eight to deven substances ranked highest by all three approaches eleven were selected for the emission identifishycation and source-testing design stages of the CAHB effort

lnitiI $cre~ng ot Potential Candidate Carcingtgens

65 compnunds middotwe ire selected from 642 industrial ur~nnic air pollutants comshypiled by MrTRE Corporation for the US Envircmnental Protection Agency (USEPA) in U1at study pollutants were scored by multiplying four explicshyitly defined rating factors annual US production fraction of production lost to the environment volaflity and toxshyicity To adapt this york to our pmpose we first selected the 114 substances listed as being carcinogeni 1~ or neoplasshytigenic Then the scores of each of these compounds under the criteria annual US production fraction of producshytion lost volatility and carcinogeshynicity were multiplied together Seshylected for further consideration were those substances which had a product score above 50 Another 15 substances listed as being carcinogenic but lacking information for one of the other rating factors were also selected This list of 65 was then compar~d with seven other lists of corcinogeris1

-middot 11 Materials comshy

mon to the reduced MITRE list and at least one of the other lists were chosen for further consideration Added as candidates were those suhstances which are regulated as occupational carcino-

gens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and certain inorganic carcinogens Finally substances were added which in our judgment should be investigated but had been eliminated at this point Exshyamples of these are bis(chloromethyl)shyether epichlorohydrin and hydrazine

Next the refined list which now contained 47 substances or chemical groups was pared further hy another rapid screening process Eliminated

were all candidates (1) whose production andor use in California was very low (under 10~ lbyr) and wns not thought likely to pose a risk to a localized popushylation (2) which are very unstable in 1ir or CH whilh should not on t lw hnsis of CUtrltbullnL cidlnre liebull considtbullnmiddotd r11rci-


Tahllt I Suh tances n-iewed in letail

Candidate Substances

Arsenic Inorganic lead Ashestos Alkyl lead Benzene Maieic anhydride

Cadmium Nickel Carbon tetrachloride Nitrosamines Chloroform Pcrchloroethylene Chromium Phernl 14-Dioxane Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Epichlorohydrin Propylene oxide Ethylen~ di bromide Trichloroethylcne Ethylimiddoti~ dichloride Vinyl cLlorid-e

Rejected Subslnnces

Proviionolly Rcjertc Sulstcinces

Aciryltbull11 itrile Formidehvde Vinyid e-ne-chbride

Occupatonally ControUibulld Ccroeinnens

2-Acet21niinofluorine 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Benzidine Ethyleneimine 4-Biph~nylzbullntne (-aminodiphenyl) 44 -Me_hyene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) Bi (chtfon~ethyl)ither Cnlorirrethbull1l m~middotthyl tmiddotthmiddotr a-Nnphthvamintbull 3-Nnphthylamine Udrumnchlnrnproprne (I 1BCP) 4-Nitr0iphenyi ir-Dichlorbullbull)middot)_~i-i-tiim 3-Propiolactone

Other Rejected Substances

eelamide Diphenylamine Aniline Hydrazines Auramine lsonicotinic acid hydrazide B~ryllium Nitrobenzene Did11middotl sutfa1c [ imeilhyl sulfate

nogenic The result of the initial the rating under that criterion and the screening was a list of 22 candidate mashy corresponding criterion weight The terials which is presented in Table I overall rating for pollutant i is then the

sum of the scores under all the crishyteriaRanking Candidates by AddiUve ancll

Mulllpllcatlve AigorUhms The additive approach has several virtues the main one being that it forces

Many screening or ranking systems the user to make all assumptions exshyfaH into one oft wo cat~middotgories additive plicit In the process of setting up such and multiplicative Some systems are a a ranking system new insights into the combination of the two while others problem under consideration may be combine nn ol1jective appronc 11 with g1ined Once the system is set up it is suhjlctive cvnluition of the remiddot ults 1l rdatively easy to use Where data for The L2 substances surviving th1middot initial scoring pollutants are unavailable arshyscreening were ranked independtmiddotntly by tificial scales can be constructed to the tvo approaches If the same subshy quantify subjective factors Finally the stance rated high~middot under both systems sensitivity of the results to the systems its importance to California was judged subjective aspects may be measured For to be more likely than if it had scored example one can determine the effect of highly in only one method changing criteria weights upon the final

Additive Approach In the additive pollutant ranking Similarly an appreshyapproach the user identifies one or more ciation may be gained of the significance criteria and rates each alternatiw subshy of the range of uncertainty for a particshystance against each criterion while sishy ular required data element by varying _ multaneously deciding the relative imshy rating factor values portance of the criteria Eq (1) shows its A fundamental problem with the apshymathematical formulation proach is that there is no logical basis for

adding the individual scores assignedRating for pollutant i = f W1 R11 under the criteria other than the asshy

rbullI sumption that this simulates or even

(1) improves upon the users thought proshyEach criterion or rating factor (1 ) is crss A major operational problem is assined a value for each pollutant and that of weighting the criteria A common each rating factor is weighted (b W1 ) practice is to give all critNia equal -icnrding to its importance reht veto wltgtight hut that is in itstbulllf a st1Ubullm1middotnl lhe otlwr rritnia llw sc11rtbull for 1111 aLnut the 1rcl11tive importance of Ow 1n1 1 undmiddotr nitn1 n j is the prod11middott of n1ttria

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



Multiplicative Approach In the multiplicative approach the rating for each alternative is the product of the rat ihgs under each criterion

Hating for pollutant i --- 11Ill

UJ (~) Jbull I

A multiplicative approach can have ~omc altlvrntnges over additive onrs First in some cases the ratings can be physical parameters such as concenshytrations or volatilities there is then no need to weight the criteria and hence less controversy over subjective judgshyments Second multiplication generally provides a wider range of scores than does addition allowing clearer disshycrimination among alternatives Finally this approach provides results which are more intuitively acceptable As an exshyample of this last point suppose that exposure and harmfulness levels for candidate substance are each converted to values on aO to IO scale and that a certain substance is both extremely toxic and extremely rare An additive approach would give the compound a rating ofO + 10 = 10 which is equivalent to that of a moderately prevalent subshystance (rated say at 5) which is modshyerately harmful (rated also at =-) A multiplicative approach on the other hand would rate the first substance at 0 and the second at 25

Criteria The six criteria used in the additive and multiplicative ranking procedures are defined in Table 11 Asshysignment of values to the Rij was based upon data gathered from published litshyerature personal communications and panel discussion and has been fully documented 13

Because the purpose of this exercise was to determine the relative imporshytance of the suspected candidate carshycinogens R 1 was scaled to the most heavily used candidate substance benshyzene whose annual production and use in California is nearly 109 lb Materials with a use under 105 lbyr would be rated zero for R 1 and rejected Howevshyerbefore rejecting a substance by this criterion we considered whether its emissions could in particular circumshystances result in high exposures to a Joshycalized population

R2 takes into account the fact that the chemical industry is in continual change Substances of concern today may be phased out while the use of others may rise dramatically increasing their imshyporta nee asmiddot poll utan ts Information on developments which could likely result in a change in the growth rate was facshytored into the choice of a value for R2- As an example asbestos consumption in California has been stable in recent years However the pending phaseout of asbestos in motor vehicle friction materials will hasten the decline in asshybestos consumption hence we assigned a value of 1 for R2bull

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

Ideally one cou1 1 use pouu1c11u

sion as a criterion However in this case emissions were to l e estimated in detail only for the five t1 ten carcinogens fishynally ~elected Thmiddotrtfor(bull a 11w1st1n of tt II iim pol cint ial vus 1~1middotd 1atbulld llpon

knowledge of the s11bstances manufacshyture and USP for R The higlwst rating went to substanc middots which are v idely used especially in consumer products A slightly lower rating went to subshystances which an~ routinely emitted from industrial processes during proshyduction and use Some materials are employed in such a way that emissions are quite low even though tight emission control may not be required by law Materials in this cntegory were assigned a value of two for H3bull Substances which under federal or st ate regulations may not be discharged to the exterior envishyronment but which could be dischJrged by accident received the lowest rating

Each candidate was evaluated (n the basis of its 1ropen-ity to decompbullgtSe in ambient air Materials with half-lives greater than eight hours were considered moderately to highly stable and rated five for R4 bull Low to moderate stability was assigned to substances with halfshylives between zero and eight hours Compounds known to exist in air for only a few minutes would be rated zero

Ta hie II Dcfinitinns of the criteria used

R1 Prbullbullsent use in California

100 of max (109 lbyr) 5 10 1)f max (108 lbyr) 4

1 of max (107 lbvr) 3 01 of max (106 lbyr) 2

001 of max (105 lbyr) l lt001 of max (lt105 lbyr) O

R2 Growth in California use

+ 20 5 +Oolti to +20 4 Positive growth to 0 3 Stahle or unknown 2 DPcline 1 B1middotin~ phased out 0

R Emision potential

Widespread use in ltonsumer products 5 R1middotlatively p1or con rot over emissions 4 Rdatively good control over emissions 2 Tihtly c1int rolled 1

R4 8tabilit~- in ambient Air4 tvlnderale t1 high st 1bility (l 1 middot2 gt 8 hr) 5 Lw to modmiddotrate s1 bility (t1 l -0-8 hr) 3 Unstahle(t2~febull minutes) 0

R Dispcision Potential

Emitted lar~ely as apor or iine 5 particulnte

Emit led largely as rnarse particulate

Rlt Evidence f Carcinu~enici ty

Known or suspected human carcinogen 5 Known mammalian carcinogtmiddotn 4 ~usptctcd 111ammalan carcino~en or 3

known m mmalin muta~tmiddotn Ames ltmiddotst p sitive 2 Prpoundgtcursor 01 co-car inogen

a t11 is the half-liftmiddot


tion state or anion associations may change in the atmosphere metals do not degrade and were considered stable Asbestos is likewise itahlc Many of the clcc-ompo~ilion rtbullnctions oi orinnic molecules are mediated by light Such substances if released at night would have several hours to disperse in the surrounding area

A rapid way of assessing the relative potential of different substances to spread from a release point is to note their physical state under normal amshybient conditions Accordingly we scored materials emitted as vapors or fine particulates the highest for R5 and coarse particulates the lowest Intershymediate values are possible for varying amounts of fine and coarse particulate emissions from the same source or from different sources

There is as yet no widely agreed upon measure of the relative potenciemiddots of carcinogens although some ranking systems have been proposed14 Extrapshyolating data from in vitro techniques such as the Ames bacterial mutagenicity test and from laboratory animal studies to humans is problematic Therefore a less quantitative measure of the carcishynogenic potential of each candidate substance was used The candidates receiving the highest scores for Rs would be those for which there is strong evishydence of carcinogenesis in humans Exshyamples are asbestos which is implicated in mesothelioma vinyl chloride which has been identified as the agent of liver cancer in exposed workers and bisshy(chloroinethyl)ether shown by epideshymiological studies to cause lung cancer in resin workers The next highest rated substances are those for which human carcinogenicity is unknown but which have produced cancer in one or more mammalian species in laboratory tests Next are those which have not been shown to be carcinogens but which have proven to be mutagenic in test animals Substances for which the only knowlshyedge of carcinogenic potential is a posishytive Ames test (producing mutations in histidine-requiring strains of Salmoshynella) are rated 2 Finally substances which are implicated only as precursors or co-carcinogens would be rated lowest

Substances unequivocally associated with carcinogenesis were considered as carcinogens in this study Conditions of emission and exposure including the presence of co-carcinogens were facshytored into the evaluation of each candishydate where possible Carcinogenic subshystances derived from the metabolism of a precursor were considered as carcinoshygens However ubiquitous substances which have been hypothesized to be precursors (eg secondary amines nishytrous acid and nitric oxide which combine under certain circumstances to


form N-nitrosoamines) were not conshysidered because of uncertainties in the importance of their link to the carcinoshygenic compound and the practical conshysiderations demanded by the scope of the study

It was beyond the scope of this study to jud~e the validity and interpietation of the experimental ad epidemiological evidence upon which the carcinogenicity of candidate substances has been esshytablished We accepted the conclusions about carcinogenicity drawn by the Inshyternational Agency for Research on Cancer or the National Cancer Institute and did not consider dosage or route of administratioll of tested substances However considerations of test validity did enter into the subjective evaluation by the panel of experts

Weight lr1 the sdditive ranking scheme each rating criterion is weighted according to its limportance relative to the other criteria Little precedent exists for assigning these weights In our judgment and as generally agreed by the panel of experts (see below) R 1 RJ and R6 are more important than the other criteria Evidence of carcinogeshynicity was considered to be the most important criterion of aB so W 15 was assigned a valtze of 3 W 1 aid W 3 were set at 2 and W W-i and W5 were set at 1 In order to discern the potential senshysitivity of the rankings to the weight assignments the candidates were also ranked using equaily weighted crishyteria

Ranking Candidates by Panel o~ Experts

Anine-member panel of experienced governmental industrial and academic scientists whose disciplines include~ -organic and physical chemistry indusshytrial hygiene toxicology epidemiology and iegulatory control of toxic sub~ stances was convened to provide addishytional data for our ranking algorithms

to discuss our candidate --ubstanc -sand rejections to suggest pos-ibie ne suushystances for consiceration and Lt rank the candidates indepen11mtly ( f our own ranking Tvo v-ee ilts he fore the meeting pa-d uember-s were jven one-to three-page dossiers on eac I canshydidaie substance

At th~ start of the meeting- before any group discussion the pand was asked to rate each candidate suhtance with a score from Oto 5 Next cmiddotach candidate was discussed at length e provided ~n ovrview and summarized critical issues identifi2d up to that Pbullgtnnt Through materials brought to thtmiddot meetin and their persoril experience panel memshyber Veimiddote able to provide much useful information on the candidates and adshyditional insight in to our ~a ting criteria

At the encl of the two-d1y sc~sion the pa-iel ugain -ated the cai 1didates

Flnal SelediDn

Tabe III show- the highest-scoring substance a~ det(rraine1 by the 1ddishytive and mlltiplictive approaches and by th~ panel in ~e additive approach 21 single r1nking as obuined by avershyaging the two ran kings resulting from using equal and uneguai weights The ran kings ltif most candidi tes were unafshyfected hut carbo11 tetralt hloride chloshyroform chromium and inorganic lead changed more tban thmiddotee positions_ Because uncertainties in the data base predude imputing signifiance to small differences in the Lnal ordering the lists in Table III are prtmiddotsented in alphabetishycal order However it is of interest to point out that benzene consistently ranked hihest

Becausimiddot some cindidates had equal rating scores we ltould nut choose exshyactly ten candidat ~s from the additive and multiplicative rankings Instead the

top nine and eleven were selected from the two exercises respectively We also considered the ten substances scored highest hy the panel at the end of the session The final consensus selection cornsistt-d of the 11 candidate substances appearing on at least two of the three lisL- For the substances included in the cun~ensus ranking a baseline emissions inventory is being conducted and a source testing program is being deshysigned

1ejected Substances

Some comments about certain subshySiF1ces not appearing on the final list are in order inasmuch as they include known carcinogens and compounds which hae received considerable atshyllttion in recent years as occupational c11c111ogens

rouisionally Rejected Substances Appended to the consensus ranking (T1ble III) were vinyl chloride gasoline and engine exhausts tobacco smoke and pesticides No further action by the CRB is recommended at this time for vinyl chloride because it is already subject tu the USEPA emissions stanshydard a CARB ambient air quality strndard and an OSHA standard

Gasoline and tobacco smoke were appcndlmiddotd to this list because each ocshycurs very widely and contains several of the candidate substances reviewed in this study some of which are in the final listing For example gasoline contains benzene ethylene dibromide ethylene dilmiddothloride and alkyl lead compounds the last three being in leaded grades only Both gasoline and diesel combusshytion products include PAHs Tobacco smoke contains among other neoplasshytigenic substances nitrosamines PAHs nickel arsenic cadmium and other heavv metals Manv individuals are inshyvolu~tarily and i~ many situations

Table HI Hi~hest ranked candidates from each rnnkin~ methodbull

Highly ranked but no inventory

l I ighesl consensus recommended Additive Multiplicativ(~ Pan I of eqwrts rnnkmg at this time

Asbestos Benzene

Cadmium Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichlori-rJe

Nitroi1omi111es Perlth loroet hylene Pol~middotcyclic arnmatic hydrocarbons


Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chl11roform Chromium Ethylene dichlornle

Nit rosamimbulls Perchloroet hvle111middot


Ars nic Ash middotstos

Beniene Car1n

h trnchloride Chi roform

Eth- lene Diliromidf Eth lene Dirhloride Nitros11nintmiddot~

Per hloroel hlfne PAii

Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chloroform Ethylene dihromide Eth~middotlcnf dichloride

Nit rosamintmiddots Perch lornPl hy (- n(bull lAH

Vinyl chloride bull Gasoline and engine

exhausts Tobacco smoke Pesticides

1156 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association


lirtualy unavoidably exposed to t11-k1ltco smoke Because the sources of gasoline its combustion products and tobacco smoke emissions are well known no specific action was recomshymended for these materials during the tbullmissions innnlory and -ource testing design stages of the present study It was considered importint ho-vemiddoter to draw attrntion to the general publics exposhysure tot hrse substances PrsticidltS are listed for the same reason thou~h ad(bullmiddot tailed examination of pesticides w1s beyond the scope of this study Many pesticides are widely used and some of them are known to be carcinogenic

Other Rejected Substances Acryshylonitrile and vinylidene chloride were placed in a provisionally rejected group because of the panels suspicion that imports of these compounds to Cnlifornia from Japan may be appreshyciable yet are hard to substantiate Should such imports be verified in the future these two compounds would take on greater importance Formaldehyde was also provisionally rejected because the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is not carcinogenic and that bisshy(chloromethyl)ether is not formed from formaldehyde in appreciable quintities in industrial environments 15 The ocshycupationally controlled carcinogens ethyleneimine and beta-propiolactone were rejected in part because of their reactivity in air At the time of this study DBCP a pesticide was no longer heing middotproduced in California and was therefore rejected from further considshyeration

Occupational Regulations and Community Exposure

A question of interest to the CARB was whether the regulation of acknowlshyedged occupational carcinogens adshyverselv affects the ambient air outside the v~rkplace Our general findings can be illustrated by the example of asshybestos

Asbestos is a very widely used mateshyrial for which no ambient air standard exists Concentrations in the workplace are limited to an eight-hour timtmiddotshyweighted average concentration of two fiberscm=1 of air and a ceiling concenshytration of ten fihcrscm 1bull In meeting this standard exhausting air containin~ asshybestos to the ambient air is not reshystricted except by the USEPAs reshyquirement that there shall he no visible emissions containing asbestos piut ides from s11eh foci lit i1bulls (bullxd11din~ hrak(bull shops 1 Considning that undc-r certain conditions 101 asbestos fiherscm1 could ht Pmitted without being visihl( 11 this standard mamiddot allow considerable asshybestos emissicns It is unlikely however that emissions would actually approach these levels First since the OSHA standard cannot generally be achieved

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

by ventilation n ine the generation or asbestos partid in the workplace must be greatly reltlu ed Second the air is usually filtered 11gt prevent recirculation of asbestos to 1 workplace Asbestos waste must bed 1sposed of in sealed imshypermeable bag~ or containers Thus under current onupational regulations the amhient air 1enerally appCars to be afford(bulld greatn protection than it would without s11ch regulations 1


The screenin and ranilting methodshyology presented in this paper proved to be a feasible approach to establishing a priority list of Jirborne carcinc)gens in California We ftel that it is an efficient means of focu~ing further efforts on emissi()ns inventories source testing and ambient measurement for it not only identifie all the carcinogens of potential concern but it also permits the state regulatory agency to direct its reshysearch resourCtmiddots toward those subshystances of partilmiddotular interest within its jurisdiction

References l National Elllission Standards for Hazshy

ardous Air P llutants A Compilation as of April 1 19 3 PEDCO Environmenshytal Inc for US Environmental Proshytection Ag1middotncy EPA3401-78008 (NTIS No I B 288 205) 19i6

S Gray Ne Jersey Department of Enshyvironmental l 1rotection Trenton NJ private com111unication 1979

1 H E Chrislllsen E J Fairchild and R J Lewis Sr middotmiddotSuspected Carcinogens A Suhfile of th1middot NIOSH Regii-try of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 2nd Ed National Institute for Occupational Safety and HPalth NIOSH i7-149

4 B 8 Fuller J Hushon 1 Kornreich R Ouellette L Thomas and P Valker Scoring of rganic air pollut1nts for US Environrnental Protection Agency Mitre Corpt ration T1middotchnical Report MTR-6248 I 9i6

S F R Lozan11 Toxicants Selected for Priority En- 1ronmental Assessment corresponde11ce with EPA Region VI Administrat r 19i7

1gt Survey of inyl Chloride Levels in the Vicinity of Keysor-Century Saugus California US Environmental Proshytection AJet middoty National Enforcement lnvestiiatim Center Denn-rand San Francisco E A-n02-77-017a 19i8

0 Bardin l middotstimon~middot in Hearings on Helationshi1 Bet wfen Cancer and the Environmei 1 US llltuse of Hepreshysentatives bull th Congress 2nd Session Committee (In Interstate and Foreicn Commerce ~crial No 94-141 1976 pp 7~i0

middot T H Ma11middoth Carcinogens in the workplace lwrE to start d1middotaning up Sc-imiddotrmmiddot l17 1-1110) lfi8 (197)

I CH ar1111 Classif1r11t1on of the Exshyposure Haza d Prtbullstgtnled Ii~middot Thirt~middot-Six Clwmirals 011 I llixllmmiddots lternorandum from Clllm1middot I Offi(middote of thtgt Assmmiddotiate lgt1rector for 1 middotarcinoltnesis Division of Cancer Cau~ l and Prevention lo SushyJwrmiddoti-or~middot ( 0 Auditor Gtmiddotneral Acshycounting Oft lmiddote19ii1

I0 Chemicals ith Sufficient Evidence of ( arcinogenit ty in Experimental Ani-


ma1s Jnlernauona1 Agency 1or 1c-curcn on Cancer IAHC Working Group Reshyport Lyon France 1978

11 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes for 1977 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1977

12 M H Rogozen D 1 Hausknecht and R A Zisk ind 1976 A Methodology for Ranking Trace Elements in Fossil Fuels According to Their Potential Health Impact by Science Applications Inc for Electric Power Research Institute 1976

1t L Margler R Ziskind M Rogozen and M Axelrod An Inventory of Carcinoshygenic Substances Released into the Amshybient Air of California Vol I Final Reshyport Screening and Identification of Carcinogens of Greatest Concern by Science Applications Inc for California Air Resources Board 1979

14 T H Maugh Estimating potency of carcinogens is an inexact science Science 202 (4363) 38(1978)

15 C C Yao and G C Miller Research Study on ais(Chloromethyl)Ether Forshymation and Detection in Selected Work Environments by the Bendix Corposhyration for National Institute for Occushypational Safety and Health Cincinnati Ohio Contract No 210-75-0056 1979

16 Occupational Cancer Control Unit Calshyifornia Department of Industrial Relashytions Los Angeles California private communications with staff members 19i9

This paper was developed while Dr Margler was a Staff SriPntist in the Energy-Environment Systems Division of Science Applications Inc (SAIi 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1205 Los Angeles CA 90067 and Mr Reynolds was a Project Manager with the California Air Reshysources Board Sacramento CA 95812 Dr ltar~ler is currently emshyployed as DirEgtrtnr of Bnvironmental Scitbulllltcs for WinzlN nnd Kelly Conshysultini EnintNi t1 Third Stretbullt EurekH CA 9gtgt01 and Mr Heynolds is Air Pollution Control Diretbulltor for the Lake County Air Pollution Conshytrol District 55 N Forhes Street Lakeport CA 95-13 Dr Rogozpn is a Staff Scientist and Dr Ziskind is Deputy Manager of the Energy-Enshyvironment Systems Division of SAi


Appendix f~

_l)ispobullition of Miscellaneous Sites

Gould Inc Ver_n)_~ St~condary Lead S~_n_elter

The emissions of arsenic from the four large secondary lead smelt~rs

in Cali forni) J1~1 ~ bull~tiilnted in the program This estimate was based upon a

uniform fugitive emission f1cJr nt WPll supported by measurement inforriation

Therefore source monitoring was r2cq11)nded 1nd Gould Inc Vernon being

~he largest was singled out It was however proposed to monitor both Gouli

and RSR Corp (Quemetco) in the City of Industry since analysis of the plants

revealed significant differences in plant equipment and engineering The

latter being more typical of 1 nodern facility

As a r2sult Jf pr-~-middott -iiscussions and plant inspections we became

aware that Gould was actively in the process 1)f constructing a new facility

which would completely replace the existing one We have monitored progress

on the new site and concluded it would he inappropriate to utilize program

resources to conduct field tests at Gould ~rr1issi 1rns from the new Gould

faci 1ity wi 11 be bas~rl 11p11) test results from RSR

PG ampE - Pittsburg PG ampE - Salinas a~d So Cal Edison - Long Beach Oil Fuel Power Plants

It was app ro p ri ate tJ cons i dP r the (~mission of arsenic from power

plants during the initial study stage inc~ imiddotrace quantities in the fuel oil

are known to be ernitted Because of the population distribution in tile

vicinity of three plants and some 11realistically conservative estimat2s of

erlissiJn c-1ctors tht~ facilities appearc~d among the top seventeen stationary

sources of potential c1Jn-r-n HovJ~ver as a result of a reexamination of

emission data it was concluded that an error ~dj ~een made in the material

balance of arsenic - resulting in tn emission factor equivalent of a 300

release ~io lit~rature was found to justify 1reater than a 30 transfer

function Thus we estimated at the outside th~ emission factor should be

reduced from 013 lb per 1000 lb to approximately 0013 lb and resulting

ars9nic 2missions for the entire state w~r~ cJ11servatively estimated to be

1760 lbs (from 17600) divided amongst 311 the states power plants Clearly

then the four secondary lPad smelters estimat~ of S9410 lbs of arsenic(


emissions per year makes consideration of poer pl int ernissio1s if ffsenic a

very low priority

In a literdture review by SAI - Methodokgy __f_or Ranking Trace

Elements in Fossil Fuels Accordi~9__t_~_their Potential Health Iripact (Roqozen

1976) - emissions estimates f0r 15 trac~ substances were researched for c11l

and fuel oil pomiddot1er plant c 1J1v---r-sion Source content combustion pr-)~~

transfer functions and contrcl methodology were co1~idered to develop e~ission

factors The output to input ~atio computed and utilized n -~i-i~ study for

arsenic was 002 to 03 (ie tra1sfer function betw~en 2 11d JO~) reflecti~q

the wide variety of fuels processses and controls nationwiJe The upper end

reflecti1g both high arsenic coals and poor e11iss10n contro 1 devices Clearly

neither of those conditions accurtely apply to th2 thr~~ si~~~ r1nrl thus

substantiate the rlecision not to perform emissions neasur-i-~n~s

Calaveras Asbestos Company - Copperopo l middotis Asbestos Mini n(i and Mi 11 i nq

In the past (late sixties and early seventies) ~h2 ~3laveras

Asbestos Company came under heavy criti-is1 1fter imiddot1sp~ction rieasurements

revealed serious problems However significant reduction of e1nissi0ns have

occured prompted by NESHAP regulation and occupcttional standards SAI

inspected the site in f)~c~1b-2r 1979 under an EPA contract An missions

inventory was published under that work (Ztskind 1980) and the bottom line

conclusion is that currently no significant ernissioi1 are gteing released as a

r~sult of hl-isting which would reach the publ le i 1le 0pen pit is some 900

feet deep with blasting at the bottom 0ver 80 percent of emissions in the

CARB Emission Inventory System were attributej to pit blasting In fact at

its current depth blasted 1aterial does not reach the mine surface with tile

explosive implacement used Additionally the site is more remote than might

be realized The ~ituation is vastly different today than in the past and

currently attention should be paid to the issues of occupational exposure and

breakdown of ventilation syste111 controls in t1e inilling operationsmiddot He

recorrrnended that no furtw~ corsideration be Jiven to this site for the

purposes of tl1is w)JJil ie identification )f silt~middot1ificant releases vhich

might he responsible for causi1J middot1 fmiddot middotgtbullgt middot 1= 1(11 1bull11 tinn Pxposure


Vctri0J5 Refineries

It was est=tblished early in the anrilysis prmiddotJr111 V1at gtenzene

emissions from refinery operations coulrl in th~ 1guregate constitute a

significrnt source Since there ilre a large rrnrnber 0f refineri~s in

California (46 in Los Angeles County itself -it t(~ i 1~ middot)f r-1ltariination) with a

wide variety of types sizes ages etc their eva l uat 11) 1 i =r~sent -3~ i)7

monumental task It was noted immediately t 13t ~~it hi n the total scope of the

study the design and conduct )f c r~f i r1~ y testing program which would develop

a complete benzene emissions in1~ntory for 01e site was impractical let alone

to d1aracteri ze emissions fro111 three ie those listed among the 17 rnost

s i g n if i ca n t potent i a l st a t i on a r y sou r c e em it 1-_ l rs bull

The three refineries were singled out for special attention in the

previol1s phase ~ecause they uriiquely had components which process materials

containing 10 or more per~nt hy middot1-bulli1 11t )-~112~ne (46 FR 1165 Jan 5 1981 pg

1491 ) Est i mates by E P A ( F e d bull r l Rr-~ g i s t ~ r 1q81 ) i n d i cate that 90 p e r cent o r

more of the total benzene fu 1Jitive emissions arise from such components

Therefore attention is appropriately focused on the three henzene production

consumption refineries Chevron (Richmond) Arco (Crson) and Chevron (El

Segundo) SAI staff considered the possibliJ )f -1 testing program at one of

these refineries and cone l url 1middotd it would not 1)e cost-effect i v2 for o number of


California is a minor producer and consumer of benzene with

approximately 15 of the 114 hill ion pounds produced and

consumed nation1lly in 1977 This can 1)e riY1pared with the fact

that California has approximately 10 of th~ ~ations population

Benzene exposur~ to the generil nJmiddot1lation has been partitioned

among the various sources Aproximately 90 of exposure is

estimated (SRI 1978) to be caused hy gasoline distribution

activities and 1ehiclEmiddot emissions in 1 ir~an areas with nearly all

of the balance )Y benene hrndl ing operations (refineries and

chemical plants) In the case middotlf California this percent1g~ Jill

be even JT1ore di middotpruJor-tionate b~cause of its greater s1are of the

population and ~esser share of the henzene ha~dling Furthermore

since the three refin 1bullry cites ire heavily urbanized no new rural

population cegmmiddotnt is beinq exposed


Californias most heavily urbanized Air Quality Management

Di st r i cts have a l ready adopted t en zen e f ugit i v e em i s s i on

staridards comparable and vith S( 1ine features VJr stringent than

the proposed national (bullmission lttandarrl (4f-i FR 1165 Jan 5

1981) Thus the concmiddotlusion rleri1ed above (Le refinery emissions

are secondary cause of exposure to the urb~n microopu~ation) is

further reinforced since H is irojected that re1eases from

components in benzene service (gt10 benzene) will be reduced by

73 by the proposed F~deral Standards T~~ ~istrict rules (eg

South Coast Air Quality Management District 456 and 4fi6l) are

not restricted to berz~ne per senor to only components in

benzene service The rjLs 1lso i-lclude flanges in addition to

the components ca i led uut in the propose nat i 01a l standard

The EPA estimated that if the proposed emission standard were adopted the

1~aximum annual benzene concertr0Vioi1 -~01middot 1 plant would be 36 ppb at a

distance of 0 1 kilomeL~~ avay Cor1paring this ground level concentration

with the general urban background i1 California of 19 ppb shows the latt2r t1

dominate In recognition of the secondary im0ortance of these thr~~ i~~s i~

was decided to utilize program resources to d~velop field data at other sites

1111here little emissions informati1)i1 1as cll-1aila1)le



US tn v 1 ronrnen ta I Protection Agency

middotJc k



1 Applicaoil ity and Principle

11 Apmicroli1ability This rnetnod amicropliltS to tt1e determination of

i nor~an i c d rsen i c ( s) e1n is sions trom non f errou Sm(~ I ters dnd other sources as

smicroecified in the reuulations

12 Principle Particulate and gaseous As emissions are withdrawn

isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass mat filter and in

water The collected As is ther1 analyzed by means of atomic aosorption


2 Apparatus

21 Sa111pliny Train A schematic of tt1e sampling train is shown in

fiyure 421 it is similar to tt1e Method 5 train of 40 CRF 60 Appendix A

Tne sampliny trdin consists of tt1e followiny components

Note H1i s and a11 subse~uent nferences to ottler methods refer to the Methods in 40 CFflt 60 Appendix I


211 Probe Nozzle Probe Liner Pitot Tube~ Differential Pressure

Gauge Filter Holder Filter Heating System r-1etering System Barometer and

Gas Density Determination Equimicroinent Same as Method 5 sections 211 to

216 and 218 to 2110 iespective1y

212 lmpinyers Six fr1pingers connected in sermiddoties llith leak-free

ground-glass fittings or any sim lar leak-free non-contam~1ating fittings

For the firstj third fourth fifth 31d sixth impingers ~~e the

Greenb~rg-Smith design modifiec bY replacing the tip with a i_3-cm-ID (05

in) glass tube extending to about 13 cm (05 in) from the bottom of the

flaskR for the second impinger use the Greenburg-Smith design with the

standard tip~ The tester may us1bull modifications (eg flexible connections

between the impingers materials other than glass or flexible vacuum lines to

connect the filter holder to the condenser) subject to the approval of the


P1ace a thermometer camicroable of measuring temperature to within 1degc (2degF) at the outlet of the sixth impi~ger for monitoring purposes

22 Sample Recovery The following items are needed

221 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes Petri Dishes Graduated

Cylinder andor Balance Plastic Storage Containers Rubber Policeman and

Funnel Same as Method 5 sect inns 221 r1nd 221 to 22g r1~spectivemiddot1y

l2c ~dlh lottl~~- l)olVbullU1ylene (2)

223 Sarnmicrole Storage Containi~rs Chemically resistant polyethylene

or polypropylene for glassware WdShes 500- or 1OOO-ml

23 Ana1ysis The following equipment is needed

231 Spectrophotometer Equipped with an electrodeless discharge

lamp and a background corrector to measure absorbance at 1937 nm For

measuring samples naving less thM 10 119 Asml use a vapor generator


232 Recorder To match the output of the spectrophotometer

233 oeakers 15O-ml

234 Volumetric Flasks Glass 50- 100- 200- 500- and 1OOO-ml

and po Iymicroromicroy 1ene 5O-m l bull

235 Lrlcbulln1t11y1lr Fl1bulllimiddot 11() ml

cJb l-3a1ance To 11H~ds11re wilhin 1S ltJ

237 Volurietric Pimicroetbull 1- 2- J- 5- 8- and 10-ml

238 PARR Acid Digestion rlonb


2JltJ Uven

L 3 lU Hot PI t t~

Unless otnerwise specified us~ ACS redgent grdde (or equivdlent)

c11em1cals tt1rouyr1out

J bull l Sd 111 p I i rt y bull Tl1 e rmiddot i ~ a yen t middot) u s e d i n s a in p I i ny are a s fa l 1ows

J bull 1 1 r i It e r s Si I i ca lie l Cr u s n ed Ic e and Stopco c k Grea s e bull Same

as rmiddotlethod 5 sections J11 J12 314 J15 respectively

J12 Water Ueionized distilled to meet ASTM Specification

u ll9J-74 Type 3 When i1igh concentrc1tions of organic matter are not

expected to be present the analyst may omit the KMn0 test for oxidizable4

organic matter

J13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o~) 10 Percent (WV) Dilute 294 ml of

30 microercent H2o2 to 1 liter with deionized distilled water

32 Sample Recovery 01 rl sodium hydroxide (Na0H) is ret1uired

Dissolve 400 g of NaUH in about 500 ml of d~ionized distilled water in a

1-liter volumetric fldsk Then dilutti to exactly lU liter with deionized

distilled water

33 Analysis Tiie rectgtrnt needtd for analysis are as follows

3 3 1 Water Same as 312

33L Sodium Hydroxide 01 N Same as 32

33J Sodium Borohydridc (NaBH ) 5 Percent (WV) Dissolve 500 g4

of NaBH4 in dbout 5UU 1111 of ul N Na0H in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter ~ith (ll N Na0H

334 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Concentrated

3J5 Potassium Iodide (KI) 30 P~rcent (WV) Dissolve 300 g of KI

in 500 ml of deionized disti I led water in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

d i I u t e to exact Iy 1 0 l i t er v i t n cl e i on i zed d i st i 1 1 e d vate r bull

336 Sodium Hydroxide 10 N Dissolve 4000 g of Na0H in about

500 1nl of deionized distilled ~~at1r ind 1-liter volu11etric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter 1ith lteion1zed clistilled middotlater

J37 Pnenolmicrohtnalein Dissolve uos g of pnenolphthalein in 50 ml of 90 microercent ethanol dnd ~0 ml ot deionizeo distilled water

JJ8 Nitric cid (HN0 ) Concentrated3

33SJ Nitric Acid u8 rt lJi lute J~ ml of concentrated HN0 to3

exactly 1U liter with deionized distilled water

3J10 Nitric Acid 50 Percent (VV) Add 5U ml concentrated HN01 to J

50 111 rJe ion middoti z~ct di st i I ed Wd t er

JJ11 Stock Arsenic Standard l m~ lsml lJissolve l]203 g of

microrimdr_y standard tdrc2de Asi in 2(l r11 of 01 N NaOH lh~utralize with3

concentrdted HN0 bull Dilute to LJ 1ite~middot 11i~th deionized distilhd ~later 3

JJlc Arsenic Workiny Solution LJ microg AsmL Jmiddotipet exactly 10 ril

of stock As standard into an JCid-ceaned dppropriately l1bel~d 1-liter

volumetric flask containing about gt00 ml of deionized distil1ec1 Jater and 5 ml

of concentrated HN0 bull L)ilute to exKtly lU liter vlitt1 dioniZed distilled3


3313 Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrated

3314 Air Suitable quality for atomic absorption analysis

3315 Acetylene Suitab~ quality for atomic ctbsormicrotion analysis

JJ16 Filter )aper fi1ters What1an No 41 or ~4uival(~nt

4 Procedure

41 Sampling ~ecctuse of tne c0111plexity of this 1nethod testers

must be trained and experienced with the test procedures in order to obtain

reliable results

411 Pretest Preparation Fol low the general procedure given in

Method S section 411 except the fi middot1 ter n(~ed not be weighed

4ol2 Preliminary Oetermindtions Fol low the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 Section 412 except sekct tne nozzle size to maintain

isokinetic sampling rates oelm- 28 liters1~in (1U cfrn)

4L3 Premicroarcttion of Collecti(rn Train Follow the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 section 41J except prepdre the impingers as follows

Place 150 ml of deionized distilled water in each of the first two

impmiddotinyers dnd 2UU 111I of tu )Hrcent 1Ui in ttl tt11rd fourr11 dlld fifth

immicroin~Jers lJeiyl1 ctrKI rmiddotbull~tllrd tilt J1~1_111t tgtI ~dtll IIqi11HJlf dr1d liquid lrmiddotinst_rmiddot

ct_gtmicroroximately 200 to JUU y ut iJreveiyhe i silica ycl from its container to the

sixth impinger Set up the train dS shilWn in Figure lUo-1

414 Leak-Check Procedures Fol low the l~ak-ch~ck procedures given

in Mf~thod ~ SE~ctiuns 41-Ll (Pret~st I 1~dk-Cneck) 11ll2 (Ledk-Ct1ecks

Uurrny Sa111ple Kun) drld 414J (Post-TSt Leak-UleCk)

415 Jrsenic Trctin Umicroeration Follm the general procedure given


in [middot1lt~ttrnd () sectic n 1L lJ i~xcei1t 111ainta1n d tllllfH~rdture of 110deg to 135degc

UJo0 to nsdegF) aruunli UH tilter and 1Hintain isokinetic sctmpling flo~ rates

oelov 2J litersmin (lO cfii) 1middotor ectcn run record tile data ret1uired on c1

datd sheet suct1 as the une shown in FiltJure 108-2

416 Ldlculcttion tgtf Percent lsokinetic --c1me cts Method 5 section

4 lb

42 Satple Recovery tieyin proJer cleanup procedure as soon as

the probe is removed from tle sta k at the 2nd of the sampling period

Al low tt1e probe to cool wt1en it cdn be safely handled wipe off al 1

external particulate matter near che tip ot the probe nozzle and place a cap

over it to microrevent loosing er gaining microarticulate matter Do not cap off the

probe tip tightly while the sammicroliny train is cooling because a vacuum would

form in t11e f i I ter ho Ider

~efore moving the sampling train to the cleanumicro site remove the

probe from the sample train wipe off the silicone grease and cap the open

outlet of the probe Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be

present Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter inlet where the probe

was fastened and cap it R~move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and

cap the impinger If a flexible line is used between the first impinger and

the filter t1older disconnect tt1e line at tne filter holder and let any

condensed water or liquid drain into the immicroingers After wiping off the

si I icone yrease Cdfl off tht~ filter t10lder outlet and impinger inlet Use

either ground-ylass middotstomicromicroers plastic caps or serum caps to close these


Trdnsfer tne probe rnd fi lter-impi11ger ass~mbly to a cleanup area

tnat is c I ean and protected from tt1e wind su tnat the chances of contaminating

or I o s i n g the s a n p 1 e i s mi n i li zed bull

Inspect the train before and durin~ disassembly and note any abnormal

con d i t i on s bull Treat t he s dinp I -~ as t o l l ows

4Ll Container Nu~ (Filter) Cdretul ly remove the filter from

the filter nolder and microlace it in its identified petri dish container Use a

pair of tweezers andor cledil disposable surgical gloves to handle tile filter

lf it is necessary to fold tmiddot1e filter fold the particulate cake inside the

fold Carefully transfer to U1e petri ctist1 ctny microarticulate 111atter andor

f i 1 t er f i oe rs that adhere to the tTI t l ho l de r ya s k et by us i n g a dry Ny 1 on

bristle orush andor a snarmicro-edyed bid te Sectl the container

Mention of trade names or microeci fie pmiddotmiddotoctucb does not consitute endorsement

by the Environmentctl Prottbull(~tion Ayen y r-5

42a2 Contdiner No 2 (Probe) fdKiny care that dust on the outside

of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample

yuctntitatively recover microarticuldte matter or any condensate from the probe

nozzle microrobe fitting probe liner and franc half of the filter holder by

vctsl1in~ tt1ese co111microonents witn Ul N NdJH ctnc1 microlctciny tr1e WdSh in a plastic

storage container Measure Jid tCOtd tu U~ nearest 1il u~ tlital volume of

solution in Container No 2 Perform tne rinjiny with 01 N NaUH as follows

Cctrefully remove the probe nozzle aid rinse the inside surface with

Ul N NaOH from a HaS~l bottle~ Brust1 wit11 a Nylon bristle brush and rinse

until the rinse st10ws no visible particles after vmich mallt~ a final rinse of

the inside surface

~rush and rinse the inside oarts of the Swayelok fitting with Ul N

NaUH in a similar way unti1 no visioe parti les remain

Rinse the proble l~11er -iitr iJl N NaOH While squir-ting lll N NaOH

into tl1e upper end of the prnbe tilt and rotate the probe so that all inside

surfctces will be i-ettecl wiU the rinse solution Let the Ul N NaOH drain

from tt1e lower end into tl1e sample container The tester 1ilay use a funnel

(glass or polyethylene) to aid in transferri 19 the liquid washes to the

container Fo1 low tt1e ~Msh witt1 d probe bru )11 Holding the probe in an

inclined position insert 01 NNaUH into the upper end as the microrobe brush is

being moved with a twistiny action through tie probe Hold the sample

container underneath the Iower end of tr1e pr1gtbe and cat01 any liquid and

particulate matter brushed from the probe lun the vash tt1rough the microrobe

three times or more unti I no visible particuiate matter is carried out with

the rinse or until none rernians in the probe liner on visual inspection With

stainless steel or metal probes run the bruh through in the above prescribed

manner at least six times since metal probes have smal1 crevice in which

particulate matter can be entrapped Rinse 1he brush -Ii th O 1 N Na UH and

4uantitcttively collect these washings in the sami)le container After the

brushing make a final rinse of the prone as described above

It is recommended that tvJO peoJle clean the probe to minimize sample

losses 15etween sampling runs keep brJst1es clean dnd protected from


After en s u r i n~ t tId t a I l _j oi rt t s t1 d v e been wi pe d c l e rn of s i I i er n e

~rease brush and rinse witt Ul NN NaOH the inside ut tt1e front half of ttw

fi I ter 11older l)rustl dnd rinse l~dCII surface tt1re~ ti111es 1ff 111ore if needed co


remove visibl~ particulate Mr1ke a findl rinsebull of the brush and filter

holder Carefully brush dnd rinse out the gla~s cyclone also (if

dpplicdble) fter rJll washin1s and particulate matter have been collected in

the sample container tiy~1ten 1he lid so that liquid will not leak out when it

is shipped to the lijbOrdtory Mark the height 1gtf the fluid level to determine

whether leakage occurs during transport Label the container to clearly

identify its contents

Rinse the glassware a final time with deionized distilled water to

remove residual NaOH before reasseMbling Do not save the rinse water

423 Container No 3 Silica Gel) Note the color of the

indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and

make a notation of its condition Transfer the silica gel from the sixth

impinger to i~s original containl~r and seal The tester may use as aids a

funnel to pour tl1e si I icd gel anc1 a rubber pol iceman to remove the si 1ica gel

from the impinger It is not necessary to remove the small amount of

particles tnat mdy adhere to the impinyer wall and are difficult to remove

Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations do not use

any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel If d balance is

available in the field the tester may follow the procedure for Container No

3 in section 45 (Analysis)

424 Container No 4 (Arsenic Sample) Clean each of the first two

impingers and connecting glassware in the following manner

1 Wipe the impinger bal I joints free of silicone grease and cap

the joints

2 Weigh the impinger and liquid to within~ 05 g Record in

the log the weight of liquid along with a notation of any color or film

observed in the impinger catch The weight of i~uid is needed along with the

silica gel data to calculafe the stack gas moisture content

3 Kotate and-agitate each i1npinger using the impinger contents

as a rinse solution

4 Trc1nsfer the liquid to Container No 4 Remove the outlet

ball-joint cap dna drain the contents through this opening Do not separate

the impinger parts (inner and outer tubes) while transferring their contents

to the cylinder

5 (Ncte In steps 1 and 6 bel0w measure and record the total

amount of 01 N NatH used for rining) Pour approximately 30 ml of 01 NaOH



i nto ea ct1 of t tie f i r s t t vJO i 111 pi nge r s and d gi t a t e the i mp i n g e r s bull l) r a i n t he O bull 1

N NaUH through the outlt~t Mm of eacn impinger into Container No 4 Repeat

tnis omicroeration c1 seund time inspect tl1e impingers for ltlny abnorrndl


6 lipe the bdl I joints of the ulasswdre conn2ct-jng the impingers

and the Dack half ot the filter holder free of silicone grease and rinse each

piece of glasstJdrr~ twice 11itn 01 N NaUH trdnsfer U1is rrnse into Container

No~ 4~ (lJo not ~_nse or brus1 ttw glaltf---itted filter su ) Mark the

heignt of tne fluid l~vel tu determine whether leakaye occurs during

transmicroorto Lctbel the container to clearly identify its contents

42 5 Container No 5 (SO Irnpinyer Sample) Because of the large L

quantity of liquid involved the tester may micro1ace the solutions from the

tt1ird fourtr1 dnd fifU1 i11microin9ers in separate containers However the

tester may recomoi ne the1n at tile ti 1ile of ana Iys is in order to reduce the

number of analyses reyuired Ch~cn the impingers according to the six-step

procedure described under Contain~r No 4 using deionized distilled water

instead Ul N NaOH as the rinsing liquid

4L6 Blanks Sdve a purtion of Ute 01 NaOH used tor cleanup as a

bldnk Take 200 ml of this solution directly from the wasn bottle beinlJ used

and pldce it in a plastic Sdmple contctiner labeled NaOH blank Also sdve

samples of tl1e ltieiunized distilled later an 10 percent H o and place in2 2

semicroctrate containers labeled 1 H 0 blank 11 and H u blank 11 respectively2 2 2

4J Arsenic Sammicrole Prepartion

4J1 Container No 1 (Filter) ~ldce the filter and loose

1-3articulate mdtter in a 150-ml beaker Also add the filtered material from

Container No L (see section 433) Add 5U ml of 01 N NaOH Then stir and

warm on a hot pl ate at ow heat ( do not boi I ) for about 15 min Filter the

solution through the Watman No 41 filter pdmicroer Wash with hot water and

catct1 the filtrate in a clean 150-ml beaker Boi I tt1e filtrate and evaporate

to dryness bull Coo I add 5 mi uf gt u p e r v~ 11 t Hru rn d U1 en wa rm and st i r Al Iow3

to cool~ Transfer to a 50-m volumetric flask dilute to volume with

deionized distil led wdter and tnigt wel I

if tl1ere are ltlny solids retained o_y rn~ tilter place the filter in a

PA~R acid di~estion bo11b dnd ddd ( 1~il tgtdCh t 1 r concentrated HNU and HF acids3

ied tne Dornb ctnd nt~dt it in dn 01n at 1sul for S hours


~e11ove ht Lrn111b fro1il tht over dnd dl low it to cool l_Juantltatively

transfer the content of ttH~ oomb to a 50-inl microolypropylene volumetric flask dnd

1J i u I ce to exltlc t l l)J ml vii t_t1 dei lt1ni zelt dist i 11 l~d Wdter

t_J~ Lu11tJifllr No 4 (Arseric Inmicroinyer Sdmmicrole)

~ote Prior to dnalysis check th1 liquid level in Containers NO 2

anu NU 4 confirm as to wt1ether or nlt t l edkaye occurred during trdnsmicroort on

the analysis sheet If a noticedble dmounc of leakage occurred either void

the Sdmple or take steps sLbject to the amicroproval of the Administrator to

ddjust U1e final results

rransfor the conterts ot Container No 4 to a 500-rnl volumetric flask

and dilute to exactly 500 ml with deionized distill~d water Pipet 50 ml of

tile solution into a 150-ml t1eaker Add 10 rnl of concentrated HN0 bring to a3

boil and evaporate to dryn1~ss Allow to cool add 5 ml of 50 percent HN03

and then -ldrm dnd stir Al ow the solution to cool transfer to a 50-ml

volumetric flask dilute to volum8 wit1 dionized distilled water and mix well

4J3 Container N(~ (Probe ~~ash) See note in 432 above

Filter (usiny Whatman No 4) the cont~nts of Container No 2 into a 200-ml

volumetric flask Combine Lhe filtereJ material with the contents of

Container No 1 (Filter)

Uilute the tiltrdt to eltdctl12001111 with dionized distilled water

Tt1en pipet 50 ml into a 15ol-ml b~dker Add 10 ml of concentrated HN03


to a boil dnd evamicroorc1te to dryness 11 ow to coo 1 add 5 ml of 50 percent

HNU and then warm and stir Al I m-1 tt1e so I ut ion to cool transfer to a3

5U--ml I volumetric flak di lute tJ volJme witl1 deionized distilled water and

mix well

434 Filter l3ldnk lJetermi11e a ti Her blank using two filters from

e d c n I o t of f i 1 t e rs u s ed i n t he s mmicro I i 11 g t r a i n bull Cut each filter into strips

and tredt eacr1 filter individual IJ as direct~d in section 431 beginning

wi tt1 tt1e sentence 11 Add 50 1 I of J 1 N Na UH 11

4J5 ul N l~aUH and ~Jater 1-3anks Treat semicroarately 50 ml of 01 N

NaOH and 50 ml deionized distilleJ watr as directed under section 432

bey i n n i n y Ii th t tle sentence 11 Pi p~ t 5 0 mI o t t 11 e so middot1 uti on i n to a 1 S 0-m1


4 4 Spectrophotometer Prepc1 ration Turn on the power set tt1e

vavelengtn slit width and larnp current anu ddjust the background corrector

d s instructed oy the 1ndnufacturer s mdrua I fur the particular atomic



absorption spectrophotometer djust tl~e bLrner and f1arne characteristic as


4a5 Analysis

45l Arsenic Oetermination Prepare standard solutions as directed

under section 51 and measure their absorbances against 08 N HNU bull Then3

determine the absorbances of the t lter blank and each sample using U8 N HN0

as a reference If the sample concentration falls outside the range of tne

calibration curve make an apmicror-oprictte dilution Hith 08 N Hf~O~ so that the )

final concentratmiddotion falls within the range of ttle curve Determine the As

concentration in tt1e filter blank (ie tl1e average of the tvrn blank values

from each lot) Next using the appropriate standard curve determine the As

concentration in each sample fraction

4~~-11 Arsenic DeterminaLion at Low Concentration~ The lower limit

of fla1~ie -atomic absorption spectrophotometry is 10 microg Asm1 If the As

concentration is a lower levt~middot1 use the vapor generator vl1ich is available as

an accessory component Fo 11011-1 the manufacturers instructions in the use of

such equipment Place a sample containing between O and 5 microg of As in the

reaction tube and dilute to 15 ml with deionized distilled water Since there

is some tri a I and error i nvo I ved in this procedure it 1ay be necessary to

screen the samples by conventional atomic absorption until an approximate

concentration is determined After determining the approximate concentration

adjust the volume of the sample accordingly Pipet 15 ml of concentrated HCl

into each tube Add 1 ml of JO percent KI olution Place the reaction tube 0into a U C water bath for 5 min Cool to room temperatun~ Connect the

reaction tube to the vapor yenerdtor assembly When the instrument response

has returned to baseline inject 50 ml of 5 percent NaBH and integrate the4

resulting spectrophotometer siynal over a JU-second time period

4512 Mandatory Check for Matrix Effects on the Arsenic Results

Since the dnalysis for As by at~nic absorption is sensitive to the chemical

composition and to the physical pro~erties (viscosity pH) of the sample

(matrix effects) check (mandatory) at least one sample from each source

using the Method of Additions

Tt1ree acceptable Method Jf Additic)ns procedures are described in

the 61 Genera1 Procedure Section of the P~rkin Elmer Corpordtion Manual

(Ci tat i on 2 i n sect i on 7 ) 1 f tt)e 1es ult s o t t 11e Me trl o d o t Add i t i o II s

procedure on tne source Sd1nple do rwt alt_Jrmiddotee t(J within 5 micro~rcent of tt1e Vdlue


obtctiried oy me routrne dto1nic absorption arictlysis men reanlyze all Sdmpmiddotles

from me source usinq tt12 Method of Additions procedure

1LgtL Co11L1iner 1fo 5 (So lmpi11yer Sample) Observe tne level of2

li4uid in Cuntdiner No 5 and confirm whether any sample was lost during

st1ippiny 1~ote ctny loss of liquid on the dnalytical data sheet If a

noticeable amount of ledkage occurred either void the sample or use methods

s u b j e ct to t he ct ppr o v a I of tt1e Adm i n i st rat o r to adj ust the f i n a 1 res u l t s bull

Transfer the contents of the container(s) No 5 to 1-liter volumetric

flask and dilute to exactly 10 liter witt1 deionized distilled water Pipet

10 ml of tnis solution into a 250-ml trlenmeyer flask and add two to four

drops of phenolphthalein inclicator 1itrate the sample to a faint pink

endpoint using l N NaUH Repeat and verage the titration volumes Run a

blank witn each series of Sdmples

4~J Contdiner lio J (Sili(d Gel) The tester may conduct this

step in the field Weigh the spent silica ~1el or silica gemiddot1 plus impinger)

to tne nedrest 05 y record tnis wei~iht

5 Calibration

Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations

51 Standard Solutions Pipet 1 3 5 8 and 10 ml of the 10-mg

Asml stock solution into s1microarate 101-rnl volumetric flasks each containing 5

ml of concentrated HN0 bull Dilute to tle mark with deioniized distilled ~~ater3

If tr1e lo~~-level procedure is used piJet 1 2 3 and 5 ml of 10 microg Asml

standard solution into the separate fl1sks Then treat them in the same

manner as tile Sdmple (section 434)

Check these absorbances frequ~ntly dgainst U8 N HN0 (reagent blank)3

during the ctnalysis to insure that base-line drift has not occurred Prepare

a standard curve of dbsorbance versus concentration (Note For instruments

equipped with direct concentration readout devices preparation of a standard

curve will not be necessary) In dll cases fol low calibration and

operational procedur~s in tne mandacturers instruction manual

~2 Sampliny Train Calibration Calibrate the sampling train

components accordinSJ to the indicated sections of Method 5 Probe Nozzle

(section ~ l) Pi tot ruoe Ass~1nbl) (section )2) Metering System (section

~J) Probe Heater (section ~-4) Temperature Gauges (section 55) Leak Check

of Metering System (section 56) and Harometer (section 57)


5aJ N Sodium Hydroxide Solution Standardize the NaOH titrant

against 25 ml off standard 10 N Hlso4

6 Caiculations

61 Nomenclature

t$ ~ater in tt1e 9as stream proportion by vo 1ume 0 ws C Concentrathrn uf A as redd fro11 the stdndard curve microgmla s CSUc = Concentration of so

2 perc~nt 01 volume

C Arsenic concentr-1tion in stack ~1as dry basmiddotis converted to s standdrd cor1ditims Jdsc1 (goscf)

i- = Arsenic mdSS emision rate yhr a F d = Di I ut ion factor ( equa Is 1 if th1 sample has not been

di I uted)

I Percent of isokinetic sampling

Mbi Total mass of al I six impingers and contents before

samp l i ng 9

Total mass of al I six impingers dnd contents after

samp l i ng g

M = Total mass of As collected in a specific part of the n

sampling train ig

= Mass of su collected in the sammicroling train g2

= Total mass of A collected in tlw sampling train microgs

= Norma Ii ty of Na OH t itrcrnt me4m I bull

T = Absolute average dry yas m~ter t(mperature (see FigureIll

108-2) degK (degK)

Va = Volume of sample aliquJt titrated riL

V Volume of gas sample a measured Dy the dry gas meterm


V = Volume of gas sample a~ measured by the dry gas meterm(std)

correlated to standard conditions scm(scf)

V Total vo I ume of sol ut iJn in whi u the so is containedsoln 2


v = Volume of so col lectei in the sampling train dscm(dscf)502 2

Vt = Volume of NaUH t trant usec for the sample (average of

repmiddot1 i cate ti trdt 1 ons) ml

Vtb = Volu1ie of NaUH titrant used for the blank ml

Vtot = Volume of gas sanpled _orrected middoto standard conditions

d scm ( d s cf )


V -= Vo I u111 e o t -vJ at er vd microo r cu I I 1 ~ c t l~ d i n t tl e =gt ct rn p I i nltJ tr d i n -I ( =gt td )

corn~ctl~LI to st1ndarltj cont1itions middotscm(scf)

i1H Averdye microressur differential ctcross tr1e orifice rneter (set

Fi yure 1 U o-2 ) 1m HzL) ( i n bull HzU ) bull

b~ Cdl(_ulctte the vol ime of so ycts collected by the sampling2


Eq 108-1


5K = lcUJ x 10- m311e4 for metric units1 3K1

= 4248 x 10-4 ft rndq for English units

6J Calculate the sulfur dioxide concentration in tne stack gas

(dry basis adjusted to standard conditions) lt1s follm-Js

CSU2 = x lUO Eq 108-2


t- V02

64 Calculdte the 1nass of sulfur dioxide collected by the sampling


Eq 108 3

~ here

65 Averctye dry Yd s 1eter t2111perdtures ( T ) and averageIll

pressure dromicro (~H) See ddtct sheet (Fiyure 108-2)




by using Eq

Ory Gas Volume Us i n g dct ta fr om th i s test ca I cu l ate V~ ( t d ) 1 5

5-1 of Method 5 If necesary adjust the volume for leakages

C- 3

Then add v J bull5 2

Eq 108-4

67 Volume of water v~porQ

Eq 108-5


K_) = 0001334 m 3g fo1 metric u11its bullmiddot -~

= 0047Jl2 fty foi Engl~~ urits

68 Moisture content

EL 1U8-6


+ Vw(stc1)middot

6 bull 9


Amount Of


train as

As CO I l eCt ed bull

the amourit of


As col iectld in each part of sampl iny

Eq 108-7

6Y2 Calculate the total

train as fol lows

amount of As c1llected in the sampling


M ( t i It e r s ) + Mn ( p rO be ) middot fvl 11 ( i rn fJ rn g e r s ) t

1( t i I t ~ r DI an k ) - 1n ( Nd l H ) - 1 (H~ O ) Eq 108-8

6lU C11lculdte the As conceritrdtiuri in the stack gas (dry basis

ddjusted to stdnddrd conditions) as follows

Eq 108-9

611 Pollutant Mass Kat~ CalculJte the As mass emission rate

using the following equation

= C Eq 108-10ssd

The volumetric flow rate Qsd should be calculated as indicated in

Method l

6 bull 12 1so k i net i c Vd r i at i on bull Us i n g data fr om th i s test ca Ic u l ate 1

use tq S-ti of r~ettoct S exc 1~pt suost itute Vtot for Vm( std)

6lJ Acceptable ~t~sults Same as Metnod 5 section 612

7 tiibliogramicrohy

1 Same as Citations 1 througn 9 of section 7 of Method 5

2 Perkin El1ner Corpcration Analytical Methods for Atomic

1-bsormicrotion Spectrophotometry Non-1alk Connecticut

September 1976

3 Annual Book of AST11 Stdndarctbull Part 31 Water Atmospheric

Analysis American Society for T~sting and 1-1aterials Philadelphia PA

1974 micromicro 40-4~



~f-~__d_y_ e s f o r Pr o c e s s i ng a n d An a l y s i s of PA H i n

Co~e Oven Emissions from Kaiser Steel

Global Geochemistry Corporation

10 Samples expected

l 1 Connective tubes between section welded to oven port cover and remainder of sampling system - These are to be stainless steel tubing disconnected and capped off for each sample They will be about 10-15 long

1 2 Impingers in series first two water-filled third dry - The center tubes will be removed and wrapped in clean foil and the impingers stoppered as is for shipping One set for each sample Protect from light during shipping

20 Extraction -procedure

Sample fractions are to be covered with foil or in opaque containers with inert gas flush during storage in freezer Solvents used in extraction will be BampJ glass distilled pesticide grade low residue) Working bench area will be screened with amber plastic and light bulbs

2 l Connective tubes will be rinsed with dichloromethane by partial filling capping tilting several times and draining into a beaker This will be repeated until the washings are colorless but at least three times

22 Impinger contents will be transferred to a separatory funnel The impingers and center tubes will be rinsed inlo the funnel using a measured amount of dichloroshymethane in portions The funnel is shaken well and the extract drawn The rinsing and shaking is repeated with two more portions of solvent The extracts and washshyings are combined over Na 2 S0 4 bull

A separate portion of the water used for impingers is extracted in the same way

For each liter of water 100 ml dichloromethane will be used per extraction ie 300 ml total

Internal standard is added to the combined exshytracts at this p0int





Concentration of extracts

Bulk solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator in a water bath at not over 40deg stopp~ng short of dryness The res~dual volume should be just less than the f i n a l v o l ti 11 e o wl1 i ch the s o l uti on i s to be d i l u t e d (accurately) The object is a final solution with roughly five mgml solids concentration in dichloromethane After the vol w1 e ~ s made up to the mar k i n a vol umet r i c flask an aliquot is removed and evaporated on a tared disk in a nitrogen stream and weighed to determine yields The remaining solution is stored in a ial or ampoule sealed with a Teflon-lined septum A split for SAI QA may be made at this point (see Section 43 also)

Gravity column c1eanup chromatogram

4 1 Into a 10 min 1 d column with co2rse sinter and Teflon stopcoc~ 6 g 120 mesh silica gel (activated at 120deg) 1s sluiry packed in pentane cooling the column by evaporation from a tissue wrapped around it and wet with acetone) This minimizes vapor gaps in the column A cap of 3g sodium sulshyfate is added to the top The column must not dry out before the chromatogram is complete

42 A sample of the extract concentrate is taken This is to be based on experience of expected PAH conshytents but initially would be 5-10 mg This is exchanged with pentane by adding 10 ml portions of pentane and evaporating over about 100 mg silica to small volume Three to five portions of pentane are used The final residue is rinsed onto the column with pentane

4 3 The chromatogram is developed with four solvent steps

l 25 ml pentane 2 l 0 ml 2 0 ~~ dichloromethane in pentane

II II ii II3 l 0 ml 50 u II II4 l 0 ml 5 0 ~~ methanol

The column volume is approximately 8 cc This is allowed for while collecting fractions During the first chromatogram the graduated cylinder collector is observed for visible solvent changes and a more precise estimate of the column volume

T h e f o u r f r a c t i o n ~ a r e e v a p o r a t e d i n a n 1 t r o g e n stream at not oveimiddot 40 to l 0 ml then stored under nitrogen in the freezer The principal constituents


of the fractions will be

l Aliphatics 2 Lower molecular weight PAH

11 113 Higher 11

4 Polar materials

Fractions 2 and 3 are to be analyzed by HPLC the others retained for future interest or in case of an incomplete or defective separation Splits for SAI QA may also be made from these fractions

50 HPLC Analysis

5 l The column is a reverse phase partition column C18 bonded to microparticle silica 4 x 250 mm The solvent system is a gradient from 6040 acetonitrile water to 100 acetonitrile initial slope setting l 5min The flow rate is one mlmin the injecshytion sample volume one to ten microl depending on conshycentration Detectors are UV absorbance and fluorescence in series The absorbance is set routinely at 296 nm but may be varied in certain instances to aid in identification of peaks The fluorescence filtars are narrow pass excitation at 360 nm and cut-off emission above ~10 nm Both d e t e c to rs a re rec o rd e d s i 1i ul ta n e o u s l y

52 Reference calibration is based initially on indishyvidual chromatograms of single compounds and roushytinely interspersed chromatograms of multicomponent reference mixtures The proposed calibration stanshydards are the following at minimum

Phenathrene Pyrene Chrysene Perylene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo (ghi)pcrylene I n d e n o ( l 2 ~ c d ) p y r e n e Coronene

The internal standards (added in Section 22) are 910-Dimethylanthracene

9-Phenylanthracene 9 10-Diphenylanthracene

60 Peak Identification

Significant peaks not recognizable as present in the reference standard will be investigated by alternate methods for identification


6 bull I Stopped-flow examination of UV absorbance for maxima

by manual wavelength varmiddotiation allows checking against known reference spectra (published or measured) This is usually sufficient confirm a component already suspected to be present

62 Collection of the fraction contairino the unknown peak allows later determination o~ t~e full absorbance andor the fluorescence spectrum for comparison with reference compounds

63 If not already run on GCMS the sample can be sent to SAI for that purpose possibly allowing the comshyponent to be identified Since the HPLC elution order is not the same as the GC retention sequence it may be necessary in affibiguous cases to collect the HPLC fraction and run it separately by GCMS

The~e may be numerous minor constituents not identified The decision on how many of these to track down and identify will be made in consultation with CARB adv~sors a~d with SAI since at some point the returns ute not worth further expense

_64 IdeAtified peaks are quantified by comparing their areas to the areas of the known concentrations of reference compounds A recovery factor based on the added internal standard nearest in elution order to the sample component is then applied the amount of internal standard originally added to the sample is divided by the amount found in the HPLC analysis This ratio is the multiplier used to correct for losses in concentration and chromatography steps

70 Quality Assurance

71 Transmittal of sample ~plits to SAI provides for external QA This should be done with 15 (or one in seven) of all samples

72 Blank water extracts are carried through the same analytical procedure (10 of total)

73 The cleanup and HPLC analysis are duplicated on 15 (or one in seven) of all extracts

74 The multicomponent reference is run first every day then elution volumes and peak area for each comshyponent are plotted on a control chdrt to pinpoint developing problems At least evetmiddoty tenth chromato-gram will be this standard It wi 11 also be rerun after any service on the instrument~ such as a column change



Gas chromatograph 1mass spcmiddotctromlt~try protocols used by SAI Trace

Organic Chemistry Laborator1

Aliquots of sampl=s received from Global Geochemistry Corporation

were analyzed by combined c11s chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS)

Liquid extracts were spiked with an internal standard compound (deuteriumshy

labeled phenanthrene) priot to analysis by gas chromatography mass spectroshy

metrymiddot A Finnigan model 4( 21 Quadrupole GCMS system including an Incas data

system was used for all analysis Liquid samples (1 microliter) were injected

into a 30-miter x 025-mm ID SE-54 fused silica open tubular 9as chromatoshy

graphy column (JampW Scientific) A programmed GC oven rate of a 4 minute hold

at 30degc followed by a 40degCmin temerature increase to 160degc and a s0 cmin

temperature increase to 270degc was used for sample analysis The detector

system was a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the electron ionization

mode at 70eV The quadrupole mass filter was scanned from 35 to 475 atomic

mass units in 095 seconds A hold time of 005 seconds was used to stabilize

the electronics prior tote next scan Data were continuously acquired using

a Finnigan Incas Data system which writes time intensity mass spectral data

to a magnetic disc The mass spectrometer was operated under computer control

during acquisition Figures 33-7 through 33-9 show the total ionization

chromatograms for each of the three samples that were analyzed

Following analyses the data files were searched for priority

pollutant polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) In addition to the

quantitative data reduction used for priority pollutant PNAs a survey analysis

was performed on all significant GC peaks (ie signal to noise of greater

than 101) The survey analysis was based upon a computerized library search of

individual background subtracted peak maxima scans for qualifying GC peaks

The library used for qualitative identification AJas a combined NIHEPA

National Bureau of Standards library 1hich contains approximately 26000


Tables 33-11 through 3-13 present the results of this survey analysis As expected a series of al~yl Slbstituted PNAs were observed in addition to heterocyc l i c compounds con ta i ni n~ nitrogen iind sulfur moieties Further

investigation of the mass spectre of the nitrogen substituted identifications

confirmed the presence of benzonitrile isoquinoline andor quinoline acridine

carbazole and alkyl substibted ~yridines Ion specific searches for N-nitroso

substituted amines were neg1tive



Detailed Fiber and Mass Concentration Data - Johns Manville



lt QJ ()

J 0

(lJ __c r-- (Y)

-- 0tj-M r- rQ bullbullbullbull

middot1- c) CJIO

gtmiddot CNltS rel I c-=cltv-l

N --_ r--

+ +



- -- + +


Ii II 11 11 lo II 11

_ amp z

E2 ~~~~~yen_ ~~~ti~~


~~~~j~j ~~~~~~ -----~-2 = ~ ______ _--- middot---~ ___ - - - - _ ~


_middot l



ti lt ~~ - --- -


~~ - J -

_ ___

- =- = l 7 = T -- ~ 1C I-- lc L ~ -- J

=-- -i l L - [- - =-- -= f- - =-- -l J middot - -=-

i-- L =-- - ~ ~ L ~ ~ =--shy r---- --

- 7 l -=----7- -- - - - -- =-- - - ~ =-- - 1- -~- l

g~~~~ r_-middot~ ~-i [-- L ~ L Ldeg

middot--~ l - --------=-- r- L r- r-

~~~ =-- -- r- = - -r---

a- - - - - _ - -I~=-- L -- l 7 -~--

gtZlt _

- _(_ -lt lt =- = ZJZ~


__ _

~ -- __ middot- -~ ~~~ = L ~f~ Z ~ C

middot -

__ ~ lt lt =- _~~ijE

gt = z lt gt



SI I HMllLfc J H 1 I OBr I lll-H ANI) NS~ coHcrrrllliTJ ON CUfllllTI VImiddot SIJMMIIY

TIITIL JnI~ SfiNtlEO TOTtl Ill- or FI ITETI TOTI Illlt ~111-11 11 ltllOT FIIACT I Ori 1111 OF ~middotWI MUllllNJbull lOTI 01IIMImiddot 01- JII TOTI FI lilmiddott~ UgtIJH nD

= t nwo 00 so MI CllONH = t I 1JOO SO (M = II 900 SO CM t bull (0000 l1T~

I I JO SO CM 70000 CUil JC Ml-TEHS

= ~lt O V l lWfl~

Manville D-2 Baghouse

723 347 -633


FI 111-11 COllflT ltFIIWll-

ITllClmiddotrir r lllrf


) ( I f S bull1 bullbull

I 0

l ~-Irbullmiddot


fl JI)(~


0 OUU~~


0 OflO


1110 000~~

FI IWII ( ()[IClmiddotNTHT I ON ltI- I mn ll11 ~41 GI OF FI LTEH) (FIBlmiddotn~ ll-11 CIJB f-11bullTl-H OF IH)

I (2fi71bull+0G (aG(l-+05

( gt027 F+04 OfmiddotHH


OOOOOF+00 o uuoul~middotH)O

0 O(OOE+OO o 0000I+oo

J bull f 1)07 E+O( fi r71HE+OG



TcfLI ~~lllllmiddotCE 1lllmiddot lt~O Ctl lFII ~~O UI OF FIiTEi) t q UI 11-11 Cll II fllmiddotTlbullll OF J I H)

I 590)1+07 6 t 90llbull-HH

( HMOE+O 2 40411bull-1 o

0 OIHHlF+OO o 00001+oo

0 OUO(I 1 00 OOOOOJi+00

() 10110~ Ji)

OOOOOE+OO 1 lHHllJ i 00

0 00001middotgt1 00

M ~~~ middotor-ic Irrrn TI or

( PGRAMS 1bull111 ~c UI OF F J LTEH) (PGRAMS 1111 UJI illI Lil ()j Ill)

IUitTII Ml-Ml ltMI tJIOfl~~) ~Tlgt lgtEV

Ml- H Lot c1middoton nr COlmiddotF I II

I) I MWTEll Ml-N ltMI c11or1~~) STI) tHV

MEtl IOC cImiddotor1 r1N CCWF V11

AIt lbullI rt 1bulli I~ (Sil MIC) STIgt 1gt1-V

Ml- N 101 c1-ori r1u COlbulltmiddot V1ll

I 0 I ~if1+07 bull tJf I (11bull-HH

r 1gta 1 1) bull 2 (10()

0 lt700 l 1Hi4~ 2G44

() ~( 1 027B

- l bull 6 I 1bull1middot 0 J l)J 09J~fgt

1a 1071 1~ 09rn

0 2(jlt)fi l ~HVil 4040fi

~ HltF+O~ U (H~61bull+o I

o rooo 0()()00

-0GJOB 0 (000 0 (000

OOfiOO 00000

- )()57

OOGOO 00000

0 0 1)02 00000

- I J 0 0 0 1W 00000

00000 0 ()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 0 (WHO 00000

0()000 0()()()()

0 ()()()) 00000 00000

00000 00000 0000() 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 (WOO 00000 ()0000

( ~1701 l B bullJl~H 0 lt~( I BIJI ~ ~i Ill

o~-~ 0 ~j

- I ult-fc 0 I Hbull)I o bull)abullgt~

12 (1 41 17bullgt7

0 1 l I H) 4 ltmiddotI 1


MFiN ~Tl) 111-V ru-1N 10C Ct-OM MN COE- Vtll

2lHH7 gt HUB

-2 7m 0 060 1)

( IJl)()C)

0 001 00000

-ltj 74a 1gt 0001~ 00000

00000 0()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

ooono 0 1)000 00000 00000 0 ltWOO

2 7 0 1J lJ I J J

-2J+H () ()~(

B 77gtB

lt ~



J c

~ lf



(]j (fJ

J I 0

a1 c r--- l)-- Clltr (Y) r- ro C)(V) gt deg CN C1 (0 I ~ C M

N --- r--

w J

s rJ gt-





~ - -lt-[-bull

0- ~ l L L l~ -18~~

L a- - ~ I-

-I - ---


-- -- -- - - ~l

-1_ - - --

--~--- [-middot-~--- t-- -- [- -_ 3J ~I r-

z g ---



l l c +-shyc

~ Ci - - I

-1--r-middot~- ~

L l- L ~






-= -- - - ---- - _

middot= - middot-= l J l~ - ~ ~ L - ~ L ~ [--






- I

==== lt _ --middot --~ 7 _

- ~~- _

z ~ ~ =lt ~~~ti3


gt =2 lt_

2 z _ lt=lt i~iS

-- z ~ lt


~lt~ =--~~~sect~ _ -- -middotImiddot_

L -_ -


(lJ II) I

~ Or--M

ltlJCsr-M ~ O) bullbullbullbull ~ lCMIO bull- ci gt (= N lC I M ~ 0 N



---r--co - - ~l r-j = ~i

~~ 2-

88 rJ--_-ltI -

lt ~lt


Cl J ~ _ e-l ~~

- ~ middot~ e-- l ~ l~ [- - ~ -~=----~

_ L



-o-~shyc L~ ~ - 0 - Ll-C d o~-

11middot II 11 11 II II II

-_ 0- _


-- lt== ~~ ltZ z-== -~~=E~8C~l~-=rI - lt ~ fJ

ltZ lt---=lt===~~~- _ ltltlt=gt ~~=~~~~~ -

~ ~ lt -=z~ z _ -shy middot--z =-

-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middot-middot -----

r bull bull _

- _ - ~-middot __ _

~ _

middot- - --- middotmiddot


- l

~=~r -~= ==

lt =~~~ti



TOTL iHf- SCNNFD lOTiL Illmiddot OF FILTFTI TOJI Ill- JSlllmiddot~ll I I OIIOT FlltCT [ ON 1111middot OImiddot ~1-M iIHlllllJNE TO 1 1 I ()lIJMImiddot ()I t I H TOTI V 1111-11~ COUNTED

= 1080000 SQ MI~RlozNS = 11 900 SQ CM = 1 l bull )00 SO CM = 1 00000 liHlS

11 IH) so CM 2G70000 CUBIC METfiHS

1 ) fi FI JllIIS

Man vi l1 e D-2 Baghouse

723 0 347 -633


F 11l-ll f()llrlr ( I 1IFH-- l 17 G o 00 00 00 19fi

llmiddot1tur1T TOlfL FI nrrns ll9 71bull4frac34 10 2Glti7 0000frac14 0000~ 00007 100000frac14

middot 11111 corwirrrniTI ON ( I- I I I It~ n11 ~q Ct-I OF FI LTEil) ( 1 I IWII ll11 CIII 111-Ttbulln 01 I ll)

t 11ll0 r+Olt J 427H-H)5

1 bull ioonr+o G OltOGIbull HH

0 00001~+00 000001+00

OOOOOE+OO 0 000lt lbullHJO

0 00001~+00 D o)OOE-HgtO

I 2MWTbull+Ofi 4 1)HOlbullgtHHgt


I en

Tii I ~lllll11middot Illmiddot ( q Ul I lmiddot11 q en OF FI LTF11) (SO UI lFll Clll WllbullIl rn Ill)

bull11u f j j luii ( PGP1MS 1111 ~q ClI OF FI J11-ll) (PGRAt1S 1bull111 CIJI fllmiddotTlmiddotll (JI Ill)

I 7G2H+07 lt ll20(ilbullgtHH

9 0 1441middot+()( a G07 ltgt1bullgt1 O (

l 1 1Hi11--HM 1tllH (H

~ W77 lmiddot+O I I (rilbull-H)I

OOOOOE+OO o 00001+oo

ooooor+oo 0 OOO(H-f-00


0 ()()()()11-()()

0 0000 Ibull 00

IYIH11 ~111 ltMI 1t111i- gt STI) IWV

fl Imiddot H I l H CLllil rlH COIT 1ll

1 I ( 1 f(J

7 B~G I 11 fit middotHO 1 l(I ri

0 (000 oouoo

-o G f Oil 0 (UOO () (l()(J()

00000 00000 00000 00000 (l 0000

00000 00000 OOllOU 00000 00()00

00000 0IJOOO 00()00 0 () ()(JI)

0 ())1)0

10 (400 1 7 211))

I 1 middotl 1 II I I G7lt l 47H

ll 1 iWTI II lt n 1 1 111 1i ~

Ml-1fl ~ ~T 1 p I v rWff rn Clmiddot111 MN CIJlmiddotT ill

0 bull1ltHi 0 ~~+lbull

- f f Hl 1 oIOltil f bull ~ f17

0 I 2iO o o~o

- ~ (l ) ) bull)

o I 2~i 0 2middot1-7

00000 00000 uouoo U0000 00000

00000 00000 oowo 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 it)C ouooo 0 (POO

0 1 ~0(d 0 41 1middot~

- i ~ltltG 0 201 II I ~Ill 0

111 (~I MIC)

~11bulli Ii Sfll IWV ~11-dl I OI Cl-Otl MN lttllmiddotT II

2 JOB w i0lt11

f H17 ll2G7 (1 bull IJ7~~

o~lti11 0 OG( 1J

-I llt70 0 ~jJJJ 0 lmiddotIBI

00000 00000 00000 () ()0()()


0()(100 00000 00000 00000 0 ()()()()

ouooo 00000 0 (J()()()

00000 00000

20 111 tfi 17 211middot1middot

l CJ 1gtii -i ~ 1) iO 1 ltJ17

VOi i 1m (Clill MIC)

rllHl ~rn Ill- ~w rl lOC c1or1 tlN co1middot1 Vill

bulli 1ltJ~ 7ll7lt0

-f ~)1 1)

0 7middot17 I) 71 I(

00077 0 002)

-4 )i J 00071 Oi()OO

0 (1((1()

00000 (l ()()(10

0 OOt)O 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

OODOO 00000 00000 00000 OOllOO

1 Ill (i

7 () ~) i

-J ~bull17lt 11)7()

I (i 1gtbull111(1

--- ~-Jshyr-- ~~ -shy - -- =--- -JL- ~ ~

- middot~ I ~ J ~ ~



=-c i


lt rr

lt Cf

Q) Vl I i or---

Q) r-~

-- ttl M bull- i gt (2 SN ttl I M ~ ON


M (I)







g --

- ~ -+ -+ c

C co

_ co


------___ --0 = - - - --- - - ------------ - _ _

-__ - -- _

- - -- -____ - - - - -_-~--oo

-c~oo--_ - --- -_ - _ - - - - - _ --- _ _ -~ -_ -- - -_

~oo-- - - - - -------------------------- - _ _ _


-- ~

middot1- ~- L -t -

rJ~ t c z r






0-l - c- [ o middotl L T ~-~ -~ -o---l

~ - J - I_



II II II II II 11 11



c=~lt ~~

~~ -~ = - -lt ~ l -middotmiddot - -~ f I

-~~ _ -lt middot- -shy

middotmiddot middot~middot J ~~


-=~ 2 -- - -- ~

V) V) - ~ ~ -ltClt a a ltc- 0 0 ___ -- _

gt =~ lt--2gt

l bull --


C _


Vl ~

QJ 0 _coo

~ ----

C)QV) ltCl

cJ 0r) c

ltc gt C rd



ltrf N



z -

0 J gtshyc [3

1 -middot -- -~ ~ -~ = -- middot = r -bullbullJ - - middot

--~-] ~---middot =-- - ~ -- L middot~ -


C 1- -1--rJ

-1 lt

z -_-~ ~middot =~- - l----_I - - - -__

E l C ~

L ~ L shy= l middot~ =

l- [

c- I~ l-- -Ci

=- -=-- -c-~

z l- t

+ r_ L

L- g~~~~ l middot 7 l--_ - _bull --

i- l middot -=-- middot - ~ - 7 =-~ r- ~ ~ r-- -1 =

11 ii H 1G H h 11


z -- - - - -gt- lt

bull- ~ - - -- ___ gt z lt igt

-- _ L- -

ltlt-~ - =-=- middot- Z

z z~_

~ -s ~~ Z middot1 Z

z lt=-lt =~


z ~_ ~-=


~~~~~~ ----~ ~ lt == ~ ~~

z s~~ ~ -( lt

middot tmiddot_ 0 (_r_ (


------------~lt-_ --- ( l --- c______



L- L cc + + - -- ~-- ~]

c-r- - ~TC- - L~ ~ - J





lt rr

QJ l)

i Ot

QJ o 0 -- 0)0 M -- ro bullbull - m NM gt CN0 lO I

E 0 M N -


2 ( c C rz lt I

z C z

z ~ ~ ~


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MPteorolo(1y Summary Data for Study Sites


) ) )




Weather Bureau

Site Johns Manville-Stockton



Dail y_verage

Wind Speed (mph)

Direction (Percent)















































G) I



---------------- -------------------

Period 1969-197 3 Meteorology Site RSR

Sourece Whittier Station SCAQMD Average Wind Direction X

-- bull-------==--Start C I _ c _ I ~ltC11 l1-1 l1111-1Time

-12~ ___ _ ~l -----middot middotmiddot- -middot-- 4~ 1 4-I Rh f1h --- --middot -------

1 7 c- ~ 4 l 1 1 l c c 1 7 1R hq t q 4() lR

00 7 f- ~ ~ 1

__7 1---~ bull 2 ______ l__bull 7 ___ _ 401 11h hh ~ ~ -1 l lt 1 bull 7 ________ _)02

a~ ~f- lR O

2 I S 1n

~~ q 4 1R ~~ 34 0 ~S03 Q ~A q S S 6 44 11 Aq

____ 7 _ (J__pound_ 1 n 1 A ~ L ~ 1 a 4 ~04 01- 4r _____~---- 1_q______ 1_ -i -7 ______70 ___-_l __ _

____s_~ __ _3_ __ __ _7____1_ _______ c ____ _____ _S ____ -~bull05 no 44 )1 ~ SP 41 47 AS

-R 7 7 1 bullq 1A ~1-- S 9 4n06 J_4c An 4n 34 71 48 17 7S

07 O bull 0 3 bull 7 e i bull J ~ 3 e ) 2middot 3 4 e 7 ___ l micro 2 __ _ _ __l_Ln___________R 1 52______~_5_i _______ 8 c 7 J

_J 1 bull _____ h ~---- ___i_]___1 bull Z ______~_5 _______ ) 9 _r --~bull-5_____ ~_3 ____08 )c7 __JAq 9A 10 ]17 i7 f-S A4

11-n 11R Al f-i3 7) 1 4n i09 )A4 1A l~A 142 ]70 77 4R 70

_LI__l_ ___l 4 bull P 7 bull P A R l n A 4 R 1 n 4 4 ___ 7 A ___ _RA____ 1 A 1A 8 1 SL__ 1 R 5 1 ~ 3 _1] ________ 111~____JJ__) 1 ~---~-~ 4 9 1 ----1___11

A0 1A4 JR 17 lAR A 41 4C 174 A ll~ JnR ll7 9 5 R12

24c 4n~ l9l ~o 11n sg 40 3g __ ) bull 2 C () bull 9 14 ---~--~f 3 1 bull s bull 413

____ 7 4 _____) 4 c _ ___ 1 _ 7 ~ s____ L-i_ __ _ c 7 c ~ o 1_ __middot _____ 1__i-______ l 7 1 c _l___L3__ 1 bull 2 l bull q 714

77 ~ll 1Ac Rt 1 Al 4g lR iin 104 1 177 144 ~n 13 115 c 7 4 7 1 A 1 c c VH~ Q4 5 i 1 9 1

16 _ 1 ~-- bullcmiddot ___ ___ J_ 5 _ 1___ _10__ _ _ ____LS_ ~-- __Lo__i s p ~ 4 1 3 5 1R 2 _ --- __ __S ______2 __ -- --- 3-~ 1-- --- --- __ L3~ 6 7 ____ _7

17 l _ bull ~ 11 e3 ____ __]__]__ ] 5 __2 _________ 2_l__c_-_______ 8_ 1 4 bull 2 L_l_ __ _ _L~ 1 middotn 1 ) l R 5 A R ~ c

18 14 R1 ~~ 15 ~7 R4 4 lA~ llh 77 l~R 15n lA 59 ~0

19 L bull pound_________ _7_ 2__ ___2_E_ A A _2l-_l fL 4 3 e 7 J Q

1 Ji RI _ J_ ________ O _1-f l 4 ___ 4~------ __ 3] __

20 l l 7 5 2__ 3 e ____ 5 7 -- 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 ___ 2- 7 2 3 ____ C7 ______ -_ _____________ 10Q ii Q)44n middot----

21 u1 40 A1 ~4 lR5 5 1 bull

1~h si -- ) 1 1 11n n 41 22 _ q_J--- ______ A____ 1-- J_R ql____A_ P 1 q s

17 c3 ____ l ______ _________JY~ __ 7q ________ lbull4 __________ 4U ______

23 ___7 ~ _A _i_ _ _2 ________ ~ _middotL ___ __1--__1 ______ L~ g _ _ 7 ______ l n ___ _

1176 n



Site RSRMeteoro logPeriod _1969-=1_92]__

Average Wind Oirection_X__

PIIJ t t lt Cr ~Start Time ----

Pl 1_ 1~ 7 () 10s0~---- ---------- ll-i ________ 1n1 1 Jn f- l (- Q 1O 1 114 12 c Abull i ~ol R100 llS P2 171 ~41 2P QO P7 llS

7A 1nA 117 s A01 7 _1=--------------------------LS_0_ ---------------middot__s___~ 7 1 11 l_O l_Al (tr1 p~ 1-7 ql OJ

----- --------- - ---- ---- -- middot-middot --- ---- -- ----middot-- ----middot ----~ 7 c ~ bull n 1 1 2 l 9 -s 1 -i s s ~ c c__ bull A____02 1 1 2 1 r n 1 c 0 r-- l ~ 1 o 1 0 1 t 1 o c- ----~--- -Pl Ol OP lA2 11A 61 c 0 ~ cq03 l 5 4 l 4 4 1 i r 7 -i r) c q 1 deg 1n

qA RO 107 ~_12_7 SA c 7 A04 _l _ s_ _________l 7 l RA____ 7 ______l _o 4 __ l nn_________ 0 _7________ R_l __ o ~ _____ J(__7 11__r ___ _t-__ o ____ ln ___ h_ ______ An____ c-_n __05 ]lA 140 170 7cA __2n1 qc- 7q 1n1

06 RS q_1 lO~A lAwn 12S S9 49 AJ l2R l2R 144 lQO Jq2 114 llS R7

07 R bull 0 Re() q () Ll_3__ ___lJ Q 7 e ] 7 e c e 4

1_ ls 70 R________ 1(1__5 --- ____l~middotA l_J0_____ ll ~- ____ J_Z_ __ 08 7 1 _Lo ___ Si ___ f-~5 __ ____ q1____ A__A _____ 7bull~------~_r ______ _

0 q J A t __ _plusmn2___ l O A A P 12 Q

09 A2 22 G6 41 A7 s1 s1 R0 71 21 23 2q A7 AA f-l lll

10 44 11 ibull4- lR ~z 41 1q 7n 4q 17 lA lA --~-1__ 1q P _1_n7 ___

11 ~ bull 1 ___ 1 bull 1 l bull () ~ ~--1____ ~ q 2 4 l _middot2_____ pound_____7___ _ 41 10 8 0 lf- l() 17 01

12 2S A 5 1 2 22 19 J s7 21 11 7 2A 25 ~l 1n1q

13 ___JJ l 7 4 6 l - A 1 6 0 f- l q _----- _- o 12 ____l 7 1 7 -1____l_l_ _ ---middot

14 J__4_ A bull 7 1_~ l ~l__1____~ _____7_Q_------middot- c__ -- -middot -

--~ l l l 1 c l ] 7 c 1 l

15 J2 2 7 g l 4 11 lA 7 1 li A R 10 20 27 -=tn OR

16 a 4 s ~---- _J_ bull 1 it 7 _J _e_9____~ L _ 1 7 _______ll____ 7 _l middot- - 1deg 21 I= l_ ________ 9~-- ---

17 J bull J_ 7 4 l_ 2_ _ l 2 1 3 ___ c -- - f-_L___ 3 1 q 1q 4 --~~R____l____ ____c_c_____J~l~Z--

18 O middot 1 1 12 1s 4 - ~ () 14 1n 42 12 ~4 71 84 c~ 60 179

19 - 2____b__ __2D_______ ___2_____1-----~ --5__ _ 5 2 3 e 4 4___ l Q n _ 4A _____ 4_q__________50_______ lltbull __ 121 _____31 ______ _ _10 1 12

20 7 0 3 0 -- -middot 3 7 _ 7 1 7 5 __ 5 0 A 5 7 6 --- 5 i 1-- 0 R __l SL -- 1 r p P -- - 1 1 --- -- 1 c 7

21 14 41 51 g_7 04 55 7s q_7 7R Al 122 17A 17R q4 llq lc

22 -~--8__ c n 7 A 11 _n_ ~ c A 7 -2___~~--q 1 _______ l_nR ___ 17______ 7)1 _l__A ____ f-J_7 _ 1_ ]~(

23 c 6 _A _7 ----- 7 Q _ -- __ l l 0 J1 bull _ middot--S 4 ___ ----- 7_ f- --- P l

lAA4 1 911

R t bull I

--- -------

Meteorology Site RSRPeriod 1969-1973

Average Wind Speed XSource Whittier Station SCAQMD

( (~ c II lt II ~ hlltlStart Time

___L_~ 41 rnl~ ~l_ ---~-- --~h_______----middot bull9 bull f- c 1 l bull r 3 00 )

l l c Sl 7 J 8 ~Q AR 4() 4R _ _ _s_________ ~ A ~ 1 2R01 -------

l 1 i _f- _micro middoti 79_ LC 4i A1 bull 4 bull c + ~1 ] 1~ 1n02

Qf--- Lf- 1A Q r (- c r middotn SA 7 4 9 R 7 lR 11 403

a 1h Q S 5 4 4g 11 A9

P __ 3 bull 7 ___2__Y e ] 2 e ( e A 2 e 404 Rf- ------~_5____ 2L _____ _l_t_____~_7__ _3J _________4)____ SL_

bull 7 bull 7_ ________ 2____7______ 2 _1 _____ el_______ L ~ ________2 bull 2 2 bull 2 __05 ____1_n_o 44 31 c cq bull LJ 47

c 2c 7 lR 1 O 406 11 c A 0 4 n 3 4 7 l 4 R ~ 7 7 5

___ ___~ c Z bull A ~R_ ---2_h 2 bull bull 4 e R bull C07 l_ H l_ ri ------- R1 --- c ----------- AQ _middotbull 4_p____ r 7 ___1[_2_ _r--_______ _ A____________ )_3-____ _____ __t 9 ______ ~_____ _3 __ --~___()_______ __I__08 C7 lR9 9A 1n~ ll7 S AS 84 ~Q 33 11 11 1n R 3A 3309 7RJ 1R lA 14-1 17fI 77 4R 7(_

---~- L~ 1 7 -~ 1 7 4 1 l 1 9 S 3 9 C) 4 9 A ~ 9 q10 __ 7 c _ ___ _ 2 RA l A ____J__6_R 1 C 4 7 P C 1 rq I

11 -~L f _ __ -~-- 5 _J__ __4_-_c1 ______4__]____4_ bull 5 c___h ___~_a_J 1Rn ~r- 1 1A 17~ JRR AZ 41 45

sn ss s1 6~ cR 5 c~ s912 46 4n3 91 30 170 sg 4n ~~


5 a _e_______6__Q____ ~_f-__-----6___R f- e C 6 e 7 6 e 1 t__5_j13 7 l _ -i 4 _r _ _____ 13 _ __252_____ -2l3___5 7 3_5_______3_Q_j

1_ __ f-_ 7 ______ __~_E_ ____ L5 _____7 __3__ ___J_ 1_____J__ 5 ________ O_14 _2_c 7 --- ~ l ~--- l A i R t ~ r- 1 LL q J

15 ~c A7 7L 77 7S AP ~q A c7 47 1Al ~t 1nR q3 ~~ Jq

_ ____ Cl ________ 6___ l___ 6 bull 7______]__5 ___ 6 e q 7 e J Abull 2 8 316 2 3 5 19 2 15 6 ---- __ 24-4 --- ---- 3 lt5 _________ l3C _ ____fJ __ ]]__ ~ _ 5 6 ____ s bull3 6 2 __ 5 B ______ 5 Y ___ 7 3 7 _7 ___ _17

__ 1 c ______1 ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~n 13 c 6 P ~ 5 4~q L9 ~ cn 4A ~n ~-4 4118 lP~ llA 77 11A 1cn l~A SQ Q

-----~~a-R___-=4bull2_1 e __ middot-middot middot bulls __ - __ IL 9 1 ~_1_ ___3 7 40__19 1 ~~- gt q6_ (- l Q 144 43 _37 _ A f ---middot ~ bull r bull q ~ 9 IL ~ 1 _0 -~ bull 1 A 3420 l r -- I- I q4 l qo l c c 0

-- -- -- --- - middot-middotmiddot middot----middot - --middot-middot middotmiddot- --middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--middotmiddot

~ bull l =I ~ ~ bull f 7 bull i 1 1S21 l L7 C c~ c 1- 1 Sl l ~()

22 _-~ bull--~middot-_____ z_ __g______2 _____2_ 1 __ ------ 4 h

1 1 c3 3~ --~3 __ 113_ 79 l4

) bull f-- q ~23 2-~

lRgt 11gt 11 75 39 4 5 3 7 1


Period 1969-1973 Meteorology Site RSR

Source Whittier Station SCAQt10 Average Wind Speed

-middot- -------------- -middot----- ---- ----middot-middotmiddotmiddot-middot - ~bullI= r I i- C ci

Start Time -middotmiddotmiddotmiddot

qq lll lA ]h nl 1() Cj 1n1 l -in middot-

~ 7i 2g~ 08 R q 13 2 r00 11c 12 - 170 241 21 q () t---7 1 lS 2 -middot__ -- bull 1 oe 1 ----- _ 2 _ C)_ --- _ 7 R r1

401 121 lQ lRl SO 217 R7 n-- ---- ----- ----middot-- - --- --- - -------- - -- ltJ ---

02 _-7_ 5_ -middotmiddot ____ -~_7___ ---~_ middot--~- 7 7 2_________ 2 _7 --l -i -i l sn l i i~____l_tl_ l u 1 n l H_L____q_c _

bull A 2~ 27 27 27 2A 2~4 _103 15 t 14~ lAs 211 zns 91 q2 102 2 1 1 G___ 2 bull R 2 h bull 7 ____J 2~----7___4-----04 1 1 S _______ 171 ____lPn ____ 27~ __ 1_()4 ____ 1_00_____ 07________ 8J_

-~-~-------~~A _q ___ R_ 7 ____ _7 __ _l_ 1

05 1 3 A l 4 deg 1 7 C c P 1 () ___ q c ____ 7 q 1 0 l 27 27 30 2A 28 29 2~S 2406 12R 12A 144 100 lql 114 115 R7 2~A 2QR ~~~ 3~0 Q 29 ~O 907 l 1 c 7 deg ~rn 1os __1_ c __ _ __U-52____ l 1 A _l q _

08 2 bull 0 2 bull 7 l bull 4 3 bull -~ ___ _2-_L -- -- 3 bull 1 l bull (l 2-~2-q q ~~ ~ AA lOA A R ]O

09 34 14 ~~P ~g ~9 29 3A 31 71 21 23 79 A7 f--A 63 113

10 3q 39 A0 SO 46 34 40 3S 4 9 1 7 1 A __LR_ __h____ l R 4 R 1 n 7

11 4S 45 A4 s9 s1 l l 7 1 _2_ 41 10 R 20 lA Q 17 OJ

12 4~1 4R AR 61 6A S6 ~5 4 21 11 7 g 2A S ~3 101

13 4c cl 00 74 7 A c R _4 4 q t 9 ]

-i o l 2 R l 7 _l_l __ ~ 2 1 l 3 _ 14 _ i____l A bull A A bull ~-- __ A bull4 R 1 7 bull l t 9 Ci A

1deg 11 IS 2l 17 zc 114 15 A7 70 oo A~O 7l ~9 49 ~7

1 ii A R l O 2 n 7 --~ () Q P 16 ____5__0 1 A 6 A 3 A f-- __5__2__ 4 5 c bull R

__ _17 ____ J l ___________ 7________ 1 o______ 1_0 __________ 7L_____ 4____lt1_8__ 17 _ l __ ----~-l- ___ -~ _ 4 4 _ 4_11 A_______ 4___L 4 middot n 1 _g__

32 lA 10 4 l9 cc 11

18 2~1 2A is 47 ~s r- ~s 40 4~ ~2 ~4 73 R4 cc h9 12g

19 7 l ~3--~- __2__A______ _R _ _ 2 1 7 41-- 4P io __1~_____ 12 01 1_n4 _____ l7_ __

20 bull bull 4 bull 0 bull 1 bull ~ bull r 7 bull R___ _ __ bull 4

Sc t- 0 0 7 l c 7 1 c 1______ 0 ~ 1 1 1 c 7

21 S 2A q 11 1 n 77 8 31 7R Pl 1 17A 177 Qh llR 1~c

22 1 in 3~ a 1Q 7 7 7 q 1 l q l 7 7 7 4 ___ l _P J H 7 _1_ 2 2 ---- _1 _Q__

23 2f S ___ _Q____ 1() __ -_~_R 2Y ____2___A A

l AA2 2001 7 11

-------------- -middot-middotmiddot----


Si te f~a 1 i er Steel Period 1978-1979

MeteorologySource SCAQMD


N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSvJ SW WSW w lmW NW mJDaill Averaoe

Wind Speed 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (mph)

Direction (PPrrPnt) 10 8 2 ~ ~ 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 10 10 10 11J

-7) I


Two years data provided Approximately 16000 hourly speed and direction averages not computerized therefore results estimated


1971-1974Period Site Allied

r-ieteoro 1 ogySource lenno~ StatiQ SCAQMD

Average Wind Speed X

Average ~ind Direction

DirectionStart Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s s )iJ SU ~JSvJ tmiddotJ WNW Nt~ WNW

00 23 24 22 23 26 27 38 26 2l 2 4 72S 32 ) 37 33 2 9

01 24 24 2ol 2LJ 2Ll 26 24 22 21 26 25 34 J~ 33 3 0 2 3

02 24 23 21 23 23 26 22 24 24 23 24 34 34 33 2 S 2 9

03 26 22 21 24 22 26 20 l 9 24 22 22 32 33 35 28 25 -

04 28 22 20 24 22 23 2o0 25 22 22 24 28 35 32 31 23

05 23 25 21 23 24 24 21 23 L r)

bull q 22 23 30 37 31 31 27 -

06 24 26 25 26 26 27 2 5 25 24 26 25 33 ~ 3 32 37 30 ~-

~07 29 30 26 28 29 30 28 C) 28 30 30 33 L~ 0 38 40 33 ---~~--- __ _

08 37 31 30 3 J 3 1 3 l 29 31 30 33 35 39 45 39 46 62

09 46 34 30 34 34 36 3 1 35 35 39 42 46 48 48 53 60

JO 45 32 34 32 35 36 40 36 37 44 51 56 56 50 59 75

11 45 36 37 33 35 39 45 42 37 50 57 64 64 58 61 56

12 38 27 45 35 31 38 47 42 4C 55 61 69 71 62 70 95

J3 36 34 52 38 36 36 49 40 4CJ 48 65 71 77 66 86 105

14 50 28 52 43 54 48 55 43 5 1 56 59 72 80 69 92 60

15 54 ND 60 36 50 50 48 49 30 60 63 70 78 68 86 60

16 70 45 45 27 48 50 53 48 3F 47 54 66 73 60 89 60

17 65 NO 58 1 6 50 30 35 5 1 3 1 40 47 61 67 52 69 47

18 80 43 42 37 22 44 33 29 2C 35 43 54 60 48 52 64

-19 54 28 33 32 1 9 26 32 36 2C 33 37 49 52 48 51 39

20 36 21 24 27 22 26 26 34 2 middot 29 33 45 48 40 55 46

I21 40 25 26 22 23 29 26 28 2 o 28 30 40 44 40 47 45

22 35 22 21 24 22 2B 2ll 25 2 ( 25 7 38 4 1 43 36 39

23 2 J)36 25 22 24 22 27 23 __ 2 11 24 27 33 40 39 37 28

35 26 2 r_ 26 27 29 30 30 28 31 40 57 60 44 43 36


Period 1971-1974

Lennox StationSource Meteorology Site A11 i ed

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction X

middot Sta rt Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction----SSE s SSvJ SvJ ~JSvJ w WNW N~ WNW

00 27 71 85 80 92 51 32 29 44 76 68 80 119 60 58 28

01 22 71 95 92 108 60 21 37 i 4 G7 63 62 96 6 1 66 33

02 21 84 95 93 125 62 34 47 42 53 56 52 84 57 66 29

25 66 108 97 129 73 47 41 49 44 48 4 1 84 67 55 2503

24 64 108 109 143 76 55 37 46 44 43 48 61 59 59 2404

22 62 97 115 164 73 55 45 41 38 47 39 60 57 57 2705

18 76 79 126 181 79 46 38 44 43 43 37 58 44 62 2806

18 65 91 129 159 88 50 44 50 43 42 51 70 30 49 2107

1 5 61 94 116 144 80 65 55 59 34 48 72 94 23 26 1308

14 40 69 74 108 63 55 62 71 44 67 119 147 33 24 1109

1 6 26 46 44 66 56 50 57 50 33 80 217 197 30 23 910

9 14 32 25 37 27 38 41 41 23 88 3L3 251 33 22 611

13 7 1 9 1 4 20 17 27 25 23 21 105 346 307 34 20 212

6 5 12 8 11 9 1 5 1 2 13 26 93 392 348 34 15 213

3 4 9 5 7 7 11 9 10 22 61 412 392 34 14 114

4 ND 2 5 9 5 1 2 9 3 20 57 410 416 34 13 115

5 2 2 5 7 3 1 2 8 5 23 44 390 438 44 11 216

6 ND 4 4 5 5 9 7 11 19 55 372 435 50 15 317

9 2 4 2 10 5 1 2 9 10 28 60 346 420 49 29 618

11 3 9 9 6 14 11 14 31 60 73 282 368 50 42 1619

74 239 305 60 36 2220 20 1 7 1 5 1 2 23 16 I 3 1 9 51 76

99 169 234 54 42 2321 20 22 26 29 50 28 26 22 69 87

79 144 175 45 47 2722 24 42 53 40 59 40 34 34 62 98

gtl 68 98 149 48 52 2223 59 86 59 84 40 37 ~o 65 80 t

65 197 221 45 38 161 6 36 52 54 73 41 32 30 39 46


Period 1962-1974

Source Long Beach SCAOMD Meteorology Site Stauffer

Average Wind Speed Average Ji nd Direction X



SSE s SStJ SW 1JSJ i im~ NW WN~

00 78 77 89 11 5 l l 46 35 52 38 1 5 1 3 21 59 129 73 48 ---- ___ __ --bull---middot-middotmiddotmiddot-

01 71 86 96 128 122 45 45 43 38 1 7 1 3 19 49 11 5 60 53

02 82 86 109 132 116 58 4 1 38 31 20 13 15 51 107 50 51

03 80 101 114 13 5 122 59 33 38 34 1 5 11 20 44 92 50 46

_ 04 85 103 11 9 129 122 64 43 35 31 14 13 20 402 86 44 49

05 95 102 111 134 13 2 59 bull 2 35 32 13 1 3 1 7 38 89 45 44 -

06 91 105 112 132 131 59 4 l 37 27 14 1 3 14 38 87 55 42

07 77 96 104 123 13 7 70 43 44 40 1 7 1 6 18 43 77 49 42

08 60 76 83 103 13 l 63 60 61 68 33 20 24 53 86 42 37

09 44 50 57 7 3 11 3 65 5-1 75 11 3 59 39 36 74 80 38 31

_ 10 38 28 33 46 84 54 4 3 77 165 lC6 48 41 80 83 40 29

11 23 15 1 7 LO 51 37 4Z 71 212 14 4 68 55 95 86 38 1 7

12 15 8 11 1 7 31 28 31 57 235 lE6 74 63 114 10 7 32 1 2

13 10 4 8 11 1 8 1 7 23 43 237 168 73 56 142 147 34 8

14 7 6 6 10 18 13 14 34 203 142 56 51 179 211 41 9

1 )15 5 3 3 9 14 10 33 15 0 10 3 48 47 223 274 58 7

16 6 2 4 7 1 5 9 1 30 108 75 30 46 243 338 70 7

17 6 3 6 10 14 10 10 26 77 49 23 39 247 378 92 10

18 1 2 6 8 1 3 l 6 11 15 26 57 33 1 7 32 230 396 10 7 21

19 21 16 18 22 8 1 5 1t) 31 47 24 14 30 182 368 128 39

20 33 32 35 44 37 1 9 2 1 37 38 21 14 30 138 320 128 52

21 50 39 -------middotmiddot ----- --53

- ___ _

hR fi fi --middot middot- --- ---- --middot-

~ I 1 () 35 l 6 1 bull IJ ) 10 ) 24G - - -- - - - middot-- --- -------- middot---middotmiddot----- -middot---- - -l l S 6 )

22 64 52 66 90 86 3 ~ 3 l 46 36 1 7 1 5 26 [3 6 18 1 99 67

23 70 67 81 104 10 1 40 3 ~) 45 41 1 3 11 27 70 144 e2 65

47 48 56 70 76 38 3-1 44 87 54 28 32 11 0 176 66 35



StaufferPeriod 1962-1974 Site

Source Long Beach Meteorology

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction


-ta rt rime N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction SSE s SSH SvJ ~JS-J w WNW NW WNW

00 26 25 23 24 26 30 43 38 35 32 38 29 37 30 25 27

28 24 23 23 24 31 39 38 38 29 29 31 37 29 25 2501

28 26 24 24 25 31 38 35 35 33 31 27 35 29 25 2502

28 27 23 23 25 32 35 37 33 35 28 28 34 29 25 2703

29 27 23 23 26 30 35 37 32 35 22 27 33 28 29 2804

29 26 24 23 27 30 36 34 33 35 26 27 32 30 28 2505

30 26 25 24 27 32 35 35 37 32 33 26 30 32 26 2706

29 28 27 27 28 33 40 38 33 35 41 33 35 33 29 2707

32 30 28 30 31 34 39 38 37 37 35 30 34 37 35 2908

30 32 28 32 33 36 18 43 ~-3 43 J8 32 39 4 1 39 2909

30 32 33 37 36 39 43 46 48 48 42 44 45 46 40 3410

33 33 34 40 42 43 50 49 52 53 53 46 54 52 49 3211

36 35 43 54 53 55 58 52 57 58 57 56 63 63 58 4212

65 75 75 72 4013 40 43 45 58 63 69 61 56 58 60 61

68 88 81 84 5514 42 39 44 62 67 75 61 59 60 59 63

73 89 85 91 5615 50 52 55 70 67 8 1 64 61 58 57 ~-j 8

69 87 81 84 6616 49 44 54 71 66 73 66 58 56 54 57

63 80 73 71 5017 45 58 37 60 60 60 58 52 54 49 47

47 69 62 55 4318 30 28 37 40 48 53 49 51 49 45 39

40 59 52 45 3419 24 24 28 34 33 4B 45 44 41 39 -6

37 51 43 39 29 middot~o 20 20 21 26 29 43 36 41 43 37 31

35 44 37 31 2721 24 2 1 21 24 27 35 4 1 42 4 1 38 28

22 34 41 33 29 2522 22 22 23 27 34 39 42 41 33 30

34 39 31 26 27-~ 1 24 22 23 22 26 32 40 39 37 36 ~8

47 63 54 4428 27 25 27 30 37 42 44 50 51 47 29


Period 1956-1974 Site DOW and DUPONT MeteorologySource DOW



Daily Average

ind Speed (mph) ~8 52 38 47 25 25 35 37 37 47 50 75 9 10 77 77

Direction (Percent) 8 25 13 15 25 26 76 36 20 25 6 10 16 188 128 65

G) I

I---- N


H 1

-- - -

- - - -

---- -

Western Plant Area - Kaiser Steel Fontana



I IT I - - - - - - - - - - --+ - - - -- - - - --- - - middot- - + - - - - - t- - - - - middot- - - -middot

Slrf I I I I

- I FO TJ1 middot I F---- ----------~-_1---------A_V__ I I


j I I I

I 1a ST I II fOIIO 11T I

l I

- - - - - - -- - - - - + -


-----+-middot BLvb


bullco- - - - -R-oute- - -+-






-~ I


AV gt

0 ~ 0 3 z 0 I-I- -middot -- + -middot -- middotmiddotmiddoto IJ



gt lt(

A 100


z 4 z -lt co

A r 6 SF






Cu CA ffl Q f ( J_rHTRAM-~~-LAV_----w_=H_I_TrNT=-li-----1-

- - - -- - ------- ~1__---------r-- ___ s_ --l- -- ----I I I




---------+ -r----- ------- + I


ST 4TH ST_)___ JI ~-----____ ----- ---- - i----~--rt -

I I -1 I bull I I bull






- I_

II ~ - - - -- - - - - - + -----------t----


I ~ I



1 I


I -1



Eastern Plant Area - Kai~er Steel Fontana

ow FS

bull o z 0 ~ J ~



--- A(llIIN



middotI ~ I



--- --t-t---1




+i I I I

gt gt I

~ I

- --~ + - - ci - - - - gt

- - - -- - --- - -- -





middotmiddot------- +--bull I



I - - - - middot+

~ - --+ I I I




Offsite Storage Tanks - Stauffer Chemical Co San Pedro

bull~~ - ~ - ~ te-e_- fl_ bull lt) -iTCRrJ

bull-1- 6bull ~~----Ro i I Pt 5 bull lit~ I I A i~ v I -Jbulltf- ~-l~ dL

tf~l ~ - I _f) 1

ti_LJ ~~J (wt raquomiddot-C ~~lt ___ f_~gt

middot l~ 71 ~ I ~~ c Qj ~(gt l~ HI h-fS ~~c~ ~J(


IT ~ bull1middot~_l -( c-~zmiddot _

I 0 --~ tl)V- ~shy

~ ftrtlI_bullbull-

middot~ _bullff~~gt_~

i~Y1 f~2~

~ g

~i1 ~--

c I ~ q



~ -~_x I I -~--middot ~Imiddotmiddotmiddot~1

- - -t- -shy

l i





bulltor~ r0 t~~-~ I middot~ I

~- - I r I

4 ltAry4


I middot p


cij4A~---- Y t-gt lti


-- --- -





bull11middot1 -~JP4s--- f51 bullgt~~~~~--~~or(~tQy_-bull--middoti bull bull(l ~ --~- middot- -_ _-~


Y4I C O CipI I ---I HARJU I 1 I


Main Plant Site - Stauffer Chemical Co Carson



I bull

~JAoElM t _J1lfH ~~DRIOC JI IH




~ LN 1~~1-bullil L bullU _ -__i( LN

~rJ~ ~ ~~o~~bulli--=~_ l~~Jt~t1 uiCA)C ampbull ~bullbullLit l

IOAI I _bull~r J~t~-~ lN r~rJLbull u~~~~~~ u~__a-ampMII WL 1(11

l ~ -------7--y I deg

f t




I ----- +--

I I ~

I f~


~s~-- middot ~~~ lII ~t--~ -- ~




Plant Site - Allied Chemical El Segundo

middot bull__- --__ - gt J -middotmiddotrt --_ middott 11 ~ - ir-l~ tt I - ~1~_I~ t tmiddot j I

MAFltu~ Lo o -- -middot-z 1 ~ - middotmiddotbulla- J ti - l-J~ i - __ IJ

1 bullmiddot- --middot--r - -~- lgtJ~middot ----~til1~ middoto ~-- bull l f rt1 I - -r 1 _ t fj ---ltf - i ti)- --r ~ middot r ~ -

i I



8Lyen[j middot- l

( --middot I ( =-~ middot--~~-~ -)- --- -- J)L~ middot -middotfrac14tr __ ~ r d1J~

~~ 5 iOAkO Cl( )y Jv -=l~ i middotmiddot- - - I -

1 I I -_~---bull1fJ--------middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--____ 1

-~ middot

bullmiddot -- _middotimiddot~_ i_~- I---~~~-~ (1=-middot t-===tr-1middotmiddot-~-ltt ~~ --Jltgt middotmiddot~~ ~if-- --middot )middot ltfi~ - idegI-- f~ Q)lT-~ _lt l middot XV~1~ middot -~~ ~ --~

I I t

Vl)-l-QOJ d J u

sectJ~ BLVDII EJ SEi~D~ 1 nu tmiddot-middotmiddot-middot J _

tl~ r-middotn ----i J middot--1_ ___ ~1-1

A f gtiff_ ffmiddotc YYt)II ~ r bull Ja------ ijlttQ~QW~

___ ~Q -~imiddotbull1 ~H fl(--middot

-lt) bullbull

1 middot

middot--middot middot-- _

middotmiddot_ u - -_-~~middot_1r

~-- ~ _

~ -middotmiddot bullY

j ~ ~ L ~ ll c_l

~ pf-

111-r ~ (i middot) ~

bI middot_FT )-I Imiddot ~middotmiddot () --

I filfltf) J ~3 ilj-t ~ C _G~ llli_A T1 AN B~ACI


603 middot Alondro Pork

l U (

Goll Coorll

~ htyen 1~J-(_

d n t U Wik c rr 1 i t_y of Indus try



Plant Site - Dow ch em i cal US A Pittsburg

I bullbull middot1 Sfl Wi - bull AUIIUlllJLII+

BELMOr r l -- -- 7iSHOfgt ITHACA lN I




72copy~~~~-0AYTON l

I I+

__ middot

1- - -~ middot


- ----------

Plrint lite - ilu rnnt Antioch

) j



Plant Site - Johns rlanville ctockton

a a



51 )I 51 07




It is folt ttldt the sinSJlt~ 10st ir~portdnt source )f CT emissions is

the storage tdnk Tt1ere are two kinds of e1iission train storage tanks (a)

loss due to tcrnk bredti1in9 and (b) middot1orkin i luss due to tank cleaning and

f i 11 i ng Uupont tias made measurements of head spac~ concentrations of CT

during tank filling and also pertori1ed u1or2ticdl calculations oased on vapor

microressure These compliment one awu1er dd ctre 18800 and C(UUlJ lbsyr

respectively Specifically for me calcu dtions tne vamicroor microressure was

taken dt ~odeg C bulk liquid ternmicroerture ccording to f-P-42 the relationship

betv1een v1orling lJss and vapor p2ssure given Dy

wnere M - molecular weight p true vapor prtSSlffP n bu1k liquid conditions (psia) I( turnover fract1on(annual hrougnput)n

tank capacity I

crude oil fractmiddot1on (=l for CT)

working loss (lb)10 3 gal

Uupont did not microredict tne loss due to normal tank breattling during

the year Vapor is expelled from tJO pri11ary mechanisns (1) thermal

expansion of existing vdpors and (2) vctpomiddot expansion caused by barometric

pressun~ changes The AP-42 emission fori ula (EPA 1Y81) is

M( p )U 68 l) 1 7J HO 51 T )5 F C K

p C


where - Lt) = breathing loss lbday

li moleculltlr wt

p true vapor pressure dt bu Imiddot liyuiu condition (microSid)

D tank diameter (ft)

H = dVerafde vamicroor space tll i ~ llt (ft)

T dverage ambient t111p12gtratunmiddot change liurnal (OF I

F = pctint tc1ctur micro

C Sllld 11 tank ddjust111ent fact( r

l( c rude oi l f d c t o r C


foe rurrnulct 1s etiildtld to 11e within+ lU~ uf actudl measured values

Fuy1t1ve emissions from leak~ in the re1atiJely feJ (approximately 100)

Vdlves fldnges and microummicro fittings are likely to be of secondary importance to

the stora~e tank emissions rnese however vJill be directly111easured in the

field 1110n i tor nId


Top priority is thlmiddot determin1tion of storage tank emissions H1is

Cdn De done for tank workinlJ loss L)_y otdir1ir1q drld drlcil_yLin~ ihnlti smicrodce

Sdrnmicroles duriny tdnk car unloctding lt was proposed to insert a sampling tube

into tanK t1ead space and co 1 Iect a ti me i ntey rated samp1 e over the off - Ioad i ng

period The samp1e would then be transferred to the La Jolla laboratory of

SAI and analyzed directly by gas chromatogrdmicrot1y Normal tank breatning can be

determined sufficiently precisely (_ lC~~) oy utilizing AP-42 with accurate

tank dimensions and meteoroloyy

Since relatively few fuyitive source components exist it unlikely

tndt sucl1 e111issions would be smiddotiynificant ~itn respect to the storage tanks

However it would be cost effectiVt to screen 100 of tne fittings with tt1e

Foxboro OVA since a team would be on site to perform the tank measure111ents

rt1e tugitive screening dmicromicroroacn vwtdltt tol Im- tn~ microrocedure described in

Section 7L

UETtlmiddotMINAT llJN Uf E111SSIUlS

931 Fuyitive Releases

Apmicroroximately llU (lrvice~ were screened and six leaks above the

establisned tt1rest1olltt of LO micropm were recorded Table 9J-1 summarizes tt1e

screeniny ddtd ano 111dss ~mission microrojections Since carbon tetrachloride is

microoorly detected Dy the UVA and TLV instrn1ients fdctors between approximately 5

and 14 ~ere ctpp Ii ed octsed on resiunse t unct i uns to deterrii ne the upper bound

of the leak rate mass emissions Total fuyitive emissions range between S8

and 61U lbyear

93L Storaye Tank tli1issio11s

Head smicroctce sa1i1ples were -caken uuriny tne nearly six t10ur off-loading

interval in order to directly deternine tne CT concentration in the displaced


) )

Table 93-1


OVA SAi Actual Umicroper Bound Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rtte Leak Rate Location (ppm) Factor (ppm) a b Se IRc Function lbyr 1byr


Gate Valve Storage Tank Pump Area

Gate Valve Storage Tank Pump Area







466 009 I i

074 I



D 95

in _ I ~ C~



Gate Valve Feerl Puir~ Exit Area 350 009 3889 300 97 81 5

Gat e Feed Exit

J l e Pump

700 009 7778 320 l

l0 1 t1 n

Gate Valve 600 009 6667 i I I 315 I 100 127

Valve-Reactor Heat Exchanger 200 009 2222 I I I 285 I 93 52

All measurement are for 100 CT streams

1--- w 0

air smicroace Saturation concentratiun at 20degc is amicroproxiriately 12 Measured

values were bY and 74 These values r~sulted from gas chromatographic

dn a I y s e s ot t rd n s t er re c1 sa111 p I e s fr() m t n e 1U U I i t e r Ted l a r b a y t i 11 e i nt e9r a t ed

sample ror tt1e tank car displdcement of 2008 ft 3 the total CT emitted based

on tile ctverctye is LUU8 x 007L = 144 ft 3bull

Tnen for a density of p =PMRT

P = (1)(1gt4) 64 gL = 04lbft 3


Tl1erefore tne displacement weiyl1t of CT microer ()ff-load is equal to 144 ftJ x U4

l b ft J = ~ 7 bull 6 1 b bull F o r 2 5 U off - l o ad i n gs an n u c1 1I y we have 14 400 l b s bull Th i s

compares with UuPont I s rnectsure1nents of 9 3 vapor content arid 18800 lbyr

emissions Saturation vapor pressure concentration emission would yield


l)reathing loss from the tank can be calculated from AP-42 as

Lt3(1bday) = 619 X 10-5 M( p ) 068 D 173 H 051 T 05F CKcmicro 147-P

5 0 68 173 = (619 X 10- )(154( 173 ) bull (155)


(lj) 051 (26) 05 (1)(1)(1)

= S 63 lbday

3where a working range of zuu x 10 o 400 X 103 lbs were used to determine an

average l i quid nei grit Jn nu a 11 y e111 i s s ions would be 2057 lb Therefore

working losses dorrii nate tt1e totil elissions from tne microlant


The upper and lovJer bounos of caroori tetracriloride emission ~vere

determined as Ll467 lbyear (upper bound on fugitives DuPont measurement of

storage tank work i ny erni ss ions nur 1a I tanK oreattli ng) and lbgt 15 loyear

(lower bound on fuyitives s1 111eas--1re111ent of storage tank working emissions

no ri n a I tan k breatt1 i ny ) bull






Stauffer is located in the Carson area of Los Angeles County It is

a manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride from tl1e monomer (VCM) ll11hich is produced

on sit2 Stauffer is the only California producer of ethylene dichloride

(EUC) which is converted to VCM The VCM is regulated by several standards

including Cal OSHA EPA (emission standard) and CARB (ambient)

During Phase I the plant was inspected and possible emission

sources were identified Th~se cans~sted of EDC storage ta11ks fugitive

emissions from valves flanges and pumps process vat2r content gas

incinerator effluents and th~ loading of outbound tankers

Since the completion of Phase I several events have transpired which

a ffectebullj the test program to deterni ne foe i 1i ty emissions These wer2

~ the completion of a vent ~ldS incineration system tied to all significant EDC storage tdnk breathers

$ the completion of a comprehensive study by SAi staff to develop a nationwide material balance for EOC

bull inactivity in EOC importation for the plant and elimination of EDC exportation from the plant

Based 11pon this input and the plant inspection of February 3 1981

it was expected that a plant emission factor for EDC can be determined with

relatively little uncertainty It is further expected that si 1Jnificant

atmospheric release of EOC du~ to plant operation may not occur at the plant

itself but rather offsite These vmuld drise fro11 two sources - the process

water discharge from the plant and severcil off site EDC storaye tanks

Facilities Description

Ethylene dichloride is being produced at Stauffer by two processes

direct chlorination and oxychlorindtion In the former EDC is produced by

d i rec t ch I o r i nd t i on uf et 11y l t~ n e i n the pr 1~senc e of cHl Fe C 1 J crl t d lys t I n th e

latter process EUC is microroduced by the oxychl)rindtion of ethylene with

hydroyen chloride and oxyuen in tne prescrlCe of a cdtdlyst typically Cuc1 bull2


lhe microldrrt fluriti1~s tuC after tne microrimar y reactions by separation and digt ti l I dt i ur1 fgtr-ocJuLL 1 s ctured ctncl umiddot 2d ctS foed for VCM production All

sourclS agre~ tl1dt c1ission of EDC is (f concern in its productionstorage

process stages ctnJ O little importance in VCM production steps (J~B 1980)

At the timt of plant inspection some storage of EOC existed at three

ledsed storage tanks located at tne Port of Los lngeles 1-iaterial has not

been 1-Jithdravm from these tanks during the 1dst year and there had been

discussion to consolidate materictl into a single tank

All microrocess components handling EDC storage are now tied to a closed

ventilation incineration syste11 It is expected that virtually all

chlorinated hydrocarbons includiny EDC will be etfectively destroyed since the

system must demonstrdte VCM concentrations are reduced below 1 ppm Firebox

tempera tu re is aoodegF and residence ti me greater than 1 5 seconds under

heaviest flow conditions Note that by way of comparison combustion perforshy

mance datct for PC8s are 99995 destruction at 1832degF and 1 second residence

time and 9Y9Y9YY4 at 2 seconds dnd 2372degF (N Flynn SAi Personal


Fugitive emissions from valves and flanges are monitored by the

plant according to the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 4661 Pumps and

compressor follow ~ule 466 Emission and control requirements for vinyl

chloride are specified by ~ules 1005 and 10051 EOC concentrations in

wastewater are monitored several times daily in tne primary EDC steam stripper

stream and once daily in the composite plant outflow stream Daily water

disct1arge limits are 2~ ppm wit11 typical montt1ly averages being in the 8 ppm

vicinity The discharge limit is ~mbodied in the discharge permit (number

5061) vJith tt1e Los Angeles County ~anitation District

Tnere are a number of points at which tt1e rnc can be released to the

dtmospnere and they are similar for both dir~ct chlorination and oxychlorinashy

tion These include the following along with their emissions factors for direct chlorination

A chlorinator vent 2xliJ- 5 IOdSS per unit mass EDC produced

I) I ight end column vent -52x lt)

C dist i I I at i un column vent lXlU-5

u storage tank breatning 7xlu- 5


E storaye tankworkiny loss 27x 0-u 5F fugitiv~ emission bxll -

-JLi ildSteJdter l gtX] U

Em~ssion factors are si~~lJ fer oxychlorination processes

Enlission factor vau-5 (~1rbulle Tdilt2~ frcn tne literature (JR13 198U) and

assume 9b iciency for incineration (A-E) It is also assumed above that

EIJC emissions to water are Lf~ uf ~rihsion to citir ard that in wastewater

treatment 100 of EOC discharged tc1 vater is rel easl~d to a i 1middot ~ These emission

factors 1bull1e1middote used to prioritize r-2ieaies iJut were cldrly uude approximations

to tre planL l)ecause of thlt ncine-xt~on system it was anticipated that

fdctors A-E would be ri2dtKcdft 1-middotactor - 1nii~t1t be reduced since a monitoring

program had been in force al20st o~e y2ar Factor G and the off site storage

tanks~ vni~cn are not tied into lt1n ircinerator system rniyht -iominate emissions

Emissmiddotion limits and concomitant regulations embodied in Rule l00S of

the SC-l)MU have necessitctted tlw incinera-cion system Ninety gas chronatograph

probes are located throughout t11e plant including the stack of the primary

incinerator Con cent rations of vc1v1 are reported es sent id I I y be I ow tt1e r~yu la -

tory limit of 10 ppm and in fact below the limit of detection somewhat less

tl1an 01 micropra


Tne objective of tt1e proyram is to determine a pl ant emissions for

EOC It is not accemicrotabl~ to dtmiddotvelop sucll informatmiddot1on basect upon published

indlllstry Jide esti11dtes of plant control efficiencivs Fortunately it was

possible to desiyn a monitoring and calculational progra1n to determine EUC

emissions for tne site and not ctbsorb a disproportionate share of program


Hie re are tnre~ modes ot re I ease from tt12 micro Iant dnd d fourt11


bull Post-Process 1nci11er-dtion

Processes A-E of ecc ion lll 1 dre a 11 1ented into the pl ant

incinerdtio11 syste11 rt1e conceritrcttion of VCfmiddotl contir1uously iectsured in till=

stctck cts SJdS output remicroresents d rectsondble UjJper li11it to diJply tor EDC

con cent rat i ons s i nce i ts ef f i c i ency of i nc i nera t i on 1s d t 1 east c l1 u a I to tr1 at


ot VCibulll Tlerefore knowledge of the system dirflow rnd VCM concentrcttion are

tt1e necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the bounds of EDC

reledse fhe pldnt expn~sse I wi 11 inyne~)s to provide tnese data in order to

support the calculations

bull Fugitive Emisions - Valves Flanges Seals and Other Sources

Fugitive emission from the valves pumps and flanges can be

determined more precisely tnan was anticipated since Stauffer has completed a

comprehensive leak inventory of all such components in compliance with Rule

466 466 1 and 1005 The Inventory delineates all leaks uncovered by their

three man crew throughout tne year and indicates the screening level in ppmv

and component identity In consultation with Stauffer we will be able to

identify the total number of components associated with EDC handling systems

( 700) the distribution ot substance composition streams the distribution

and incidence of leaks by hardware component type and leak rate We will

utilize this information to provide historical data to compliment our Foxboro

OVA sampling at the site dased upon this monitoring we predict an EDC mass

emission rate for the fugitive releases The plant has agreed to provide the

necessary information We propose to meet witt plant personnel prior to the

start of monitoring and finlize the sdmpliny strategy to accomplish 100

coverage of the lines of hiuhest EDC composition The sampling approach and

calculation of mass emission are described in Section 72

bull ~~as tewater

From examination of the emission factors derived from published

literature (see Section 10~) it is clear that EDC release from wastewater to

air is potentially several 11rders of magnitude higher than any other plant

source l1ased upon microl ant ml~a sured concentrcJ ti ons of 8 ppm EDC in water a more

realistic emission factor wgtuld b 24xlo-4 1-iassunit mass EOC produced

Clearly this could still be the dominant source Furthermore the release

point would be expected to middotgte locctted between the plant and the sanitary

district treatment site whi1 his~ kmfrom the plant at 24501 S Figueroa We

believe it is necessary to ndemicroendently confirm the average 24 hour EDC

concentration in the dischar-qe valer by obt1ininy the refrigerated composite

sample We t1ave identified ttie I 1nes of int~rest and received agrt~ement to

sample and analyze for EDC in the stream ~e propose to draw a duplicate

sample from the compositor nd ani1lyze for its rnc content This will be


compared with Stauffers para11eI tnalysis It is not reliable to obtain

direct readings of EDC by survey instrument in the air above the water flow since concentrations at crny single point will be i 1 the near dmbient range

Emissions will be cc1lcJLtecl 1_sing the plants vulumetric daily flm

and ass~m~ng that complete degass40~ of the effluent will eventually occur

This assumption is based umicroon the relative volatility uf EDC and tne distances

involved However it should be noted that no direct experimental or

monitoring data is available with which to confirn this Th2 composition of

the discharge stream is unknomiddotwn since it merges into a larqe multisource flow

Conversation with the LA County Sanitation l)istrict (J f1ilne) reveals the

stream to be both exposed and covered Vents exist where me measurements

could De made to assess gross leaka~e at key points

We will obtain samp1es of several plant process discharge streams in

40 ml bottles witn no head space Transit time fr0m sample collection to

analysis will be minimized and wi l I not exceed 24 nours This time frame is

conservat i v e al though ED C i s a v o l ct ti l e mater i al ar1 ct vJi 11 undergo

concentration degradation and outgdssing lnalysi) will b(~ performed in tt1e

SAI Trace Environmental Chemistry Laborcttory utilizing pur 1Je and trap analysis

FID gas chromatography A trial a11alysmiddotis was conducted and the EOC

characteristic peak was distinctive down to the ppb level Therefore the

analysis should easily confirm concentrations in t1e 8 ppm range

Offsite Storage ranks

Three EOC leased storage tanks are located offsite at the Port

of Los Angeles and are owned by annther firm Annual emissions from the tanks

were very roughly estimated based un AP-42 JRB 1980) as 44 kkgyear

based on preliminary estimates of stored quantites

Considering tne magnitude of this source these storage tanks must

be investigated We will gather information about their configuration and

control i n order to ca I cu l ate their e111 i s s i on s bull


lU3 UEfERM I NAmiddot 10~~ OF MISS IONS

1031 Incinerator

Vinyl chl 11ride co11centration is monitored dt approximately 90

locations throughoul the pl trlt (Lanyner 19Bl) including the incinerator

output Conc~ntrations are reported by Stauffer dS less than 0l ppm at a

flow rate between 10000 ant 12000 SCFM Although no direct monitoring of

EDC is conducted it is posible to conservatively bound the concentration of

EDC at U 1 pp111 Tl1at conce 1ltrat ion is a suitable ci10i ce s i nee it represents a

conservative bound on tile VCM levels measured near the stack output

Furthermore the molar volume will be taken as 224 L rather than the higher

value it would nave because of the sl i~thtly elevated temperature at the

detector location

Using 12000 SCFM one has thE annual emission of EDC as 12 x 103

SCFM x 283 LSCF x 526x105 minyr x lmole x 97gmole x 10-7vv 224L

Therefore incinerator emissions of EOG are thought to be bounded by 773 kg or

170 1byear

10J2 Fugitive Emissions

Seven hundred (7UlJ) sources were surveyed comprising nearly 100 of

EDC service All accessibl~ plant areas with streams containing greater than

1 EUC were screened except for a small number of devices located in areas

11lere active maintenance was being condJCted It is believed unnecessary to

p2rf-gtrm any emission factor adjustment since it is estimated that gredter than

95 of the requisite components were screened

Three leaks above an arbitrary OVA reading threshold of 20 ppm were

detected Table 103-1 sumnarizes thei~ screening valves calculation

parameters and mass emission numbers fhe upper bound leak rate was

determined to be close to twice the nominal leak rate which accounted for the

response fltlctor of amicroproximamiddotely 05 by Radirn for TLV detection of EDC

( 13 rown 1980) bull

Stauffer found and reported approximately 10 leaks in the EDC

service during 9 months previous to the pLrnt testing Assuming no111inal leak


) )

Table 103-1


OVA SAI Actual Upper Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rate Bound Location (ppm) Rae tor (ppm) a b Se I Re Function lbyr lbyr

Gate Valve Unit P1559A

Valve Heavy Ends Column Unit 14439

Compressor Seal EDC Storage Unit Tl062

I-- w co

300 11 273 -035 096 0 17 153 D 6

11 I500 114 439 II 241 C 1

r III II II o-is lUI bull2000 vl 1 1818 A 9~

All emissions 100 EDC (12-Dichloroethane)


values in the nei~hborhood of 2000 lbs~ total could be emitted annually

Therefore it appears ttiat major reductions in the mass emissions were achieved

by the company run inspection prugram and the fugitive emission source has now

become of seconqary importance as a fraction of total plant emissions

lUJJ Wastewater Discharge

Wastewater samples were collected in duplicate from four sites

within the plant for determination of ethylene dichloride (EDC) concentration

The samples were collected in EPP standard 40 ml VOA vials on July 1 1981

Analyses were performed using standard purge and trap techniques coupled with flame ionization detection gas chromatography The results are given in the

table below

Sample description EDC conc~ntration range (microJml)

EDC concentration average ( 1-19ml)

Approximate fl ow ( gpm)

PVC Interceptor Box 82 - 108 95 200

EDC Stripper number Chlorination area C1404


011 - 014 012 25

Final collection site for pH adjustmentP663 349 - 3B2 366 350

Final discharge site sanitary sewer 6 - 254 158 500

The water in the PVC lnterc1~ptor ~ox was warm and represents washings from the

PVC reactor which travels t 1J the Interceptor Box in a concrete drainage ditch

Water from the EDC ctripper was vPry t10t and because of its heat was difficult to collect The ~1eat ot trie wat11 r may in pdrt account for tne

relatively low concentratio11 of ElC here as the EDC would out-gas from the hot

~vater more readily The fir1ctl collection site tor pH adjustment is a large

concrete container middotvith mixers in it located just prior to the final discharge

site Water at the final dischdrg~ site is being constantly aerated due to

the speed that it flows thru~yn the concrete drainage trough This aeration

could account for tne relatively large range in the rnc conotent found here

The average EDC concentraticmiddot1 at tne final discharge site is middotbelow the daily

discharye requirement of 25 19ml EDC


Plant oersonnel indicdted monthly iverage readings are typically on

the order of 8 ppm but daily averages can re 1ch greater than 20 microgml In

addition LA County Sanitation Uistrict staff (J Milne 1981) indicated that

an on-site impoundment pond can become laden with EOC during certain abnormal

operating periods and discharge Vdriances arl requested by Stauffer This

mi 9t1t Jccur on the order of O1c0 aCii ecH c1 1d t1erefore is no-c expected to

signifcantly impact averag~ cnnJJI discharg ~ values lt s not expected at

this t1ime tEit evaporative eriss uns from this pond are significant except

infrequently during upset conditions and spi 11 control operations Program

staff ~~ 1er2 una111Jare of any periods ~h 1~n EDC cimtent in the ponds could be

appreciable and therefore no sampling was performed

Utilizing the average uf the two final discharge concentration

1readinJs (158 micrograrnsm~ 1 and 1G 1Ji gpm fl)W one has 34600 lbyear of EDC

released into the sanitary sEwer For the pJrposes of calculating population

exposures from plant releases it will be assJmed that the EDC is locally

emitted from the wastewater streams Tl1ere ire no monitoring data available

with which to develop a more accurate release profile

However emissions of me fron the plant wastewater discharge can be

calculated according to the method of Mcmiddotckay (197S) as modified by Dilling

(1977) It should be noted that this mLst be considered an estimate since

conditions of fl ow and the presence of other substances will influence

emission rates

Using Uilling (1977) for non~erated flow first recalculate

Henry 1 s law constant (dimensionless-my of chmiddot~mical per liter of air divided by

mg of chemical per liter of water) dS

1604 P M 1 Wl

TS l



H Henrys law constant dimensionlessl

Pi tile compounds pur1~ componen- vapor pressure in mm Hg at T

Mwi the 11olecular weiglt

T tile absol ~te temperature of he wastewater in K

Si tt1e compounds ~uluhility in myliter at T

Then for UJC

(l6u4)(7~)(9Y)H = = U0447 with 1


LIii bullul1Jl)i I 1 1y 1 middot UL i11 wt1Ler yiven -1L L0degC is 8u4JU UHI tile vapl)r pressure

1 4 psi ( 7 2mm) at 7 0 degF bull

Tl1e overall liquid mass-transfer coefficient Kil is given by Dilling (1975)


(2211)(06) in mhr

-f-0-4~ (M _) 12+ 100 Wl-H-



Then from Mackay the percent desorption is given by

c 1 = exp (-Kil tL) where

c 0

c = the concentrd ti on at time t of EOC 1

co = tile initial concentration

L = the Ii quid depth (Ill)

t = tt1e retention time (in hr) of the liquid in the wastewater


Retention time is bc1s~d 11pon a flow velocity range of 3 ftsec as estimated by

the Los Angeles County Sdnitatii)middot1 Dibulltrict (1J Milne) over a middotdistance of

ctmicroprox i 1nate I y S km to the Joi n_t Wdter Po 11 ut ion Contra l Pl ant Sewer fl ow

depth throughout the entire route have been estimated by J Milne as typically

1 foot 030m) to the Davison Pump Plant and 3 feet (09m) to the Joint

Tredtment Plant distances assumed to bt~ 1 mile and 2 miles respectively

Trdnsit tiine l)eco111es between 05 tnd LU hours sequentially Then computing

the net emission reduction as the product of each leg

Therefore 26 of the EOC i erni t ted bdween the pl ant and the Joint Water

Pollution Control Plant Rtgtsfdence ti111e and conditions at the plant account


for additional releases and residudl content is forther emitted between the

plant cnd the ocean discharge poiiit ~-Herever the flow is r2tained aerated

or shallow emissions will be accentuated

Offsite Storage Tank Emissions

There are three storage tanks leased by Stauffer for EDC storage

1ocated at 22nd and Gaffey Sts ~ bull San Pedro These tan ks a ~e used for long

term storage rather than providing feed on a routine basis Therefore

breathing loss rather than v1orkir 1J lass is )f concern An tanks are white

two being 67 ft in diameter while t~2 third is 57 ft All are 40 ft 3 inches

high and have capacities of e~thi l0~10000 (2) or 840000 gallons The

tanks are cone roof type and are not tied into vapor recovery systems The

South Coast Air Quality r1dna~J~ment u~ str4 ct has based their estimate of

emissions on the specification of 12 foot vapor level Using the AP-42

formula for breathing loss with the vapor pressure of EDC at 20degc and an

average diurnal temperature variation of 26degF one hds for each of the two

larger tanks

l) 173 H bull51 T bull 5 LlI = (619 x 10-S) M( _P_ tH F CKcp 147-P

68 173 51 5 = (619 X 10-S) (9119~ 116 bull (67) ( I 5) (26) (1) (1)

14 7-1 16)

Thus for the two larger tanks LB= 472 lbday

For the third tank 0=57 and = 178 lbdayL8 The total emissions become 23724 lbyear ~ince he plant is in the process

of shutdown it is not clear what the liquid levels currently are Note that

if the material in the three tanks were combined into one totamiddot1 -~1nissions

would be reduced markedly Exposure to a population from this site was

determined separately since it is lbullgtcated over six miles fron tl1e plant





A major program goal wa~ to compare emissions from the various

sources and identify and rank any 11 tlot spots in California where the general

population was exposed to elevated concentrations of carcinogens A simple

Gaussian dispersion model was therefore used to obtain order-of-magnitude estimates of exposure of the genermiddotal population surrounding each source

Since this was essentially a screening study use of more sophisticated models

was not appropriate

It cannot be emphcsized too stronyly tnat most California residents

are exposed to emissions of hazardous substances from a variety of natural and

rnanmade sources Urban dwellers dre typically exposed to greater concentrashy

tions than rural residents however all are subjected to so called 11 background 11 levels from multiple sources In order to place stationary

source exposures in perspective the typical ambient levels of each substance

were identified from the literature and compdred with the concentrations due

to the emissions from each ~lant Exposures were thus expressed both as

absolute quantities and as increments above background

Comparison of plants presents a further difficulty in that various

substances are being consict~red No attempt was made to evaluate the relative

importance of exposure to two different substances such as chloroform versus carbon tetrachloride other than by ambient concentration


1121 Meteorologicdl Llata

The dispersion model to be descritgted in Section 113 required input

of annual average wind speed and frequency of occurrence of wind from each

compass direction These data were obtained for most of the sites from the

South Codst Air wuality Management District (SCAQMD) In other cases (Kaiser

Jotms-Manvi l le l)ow and OuPlt)nt) only clai ly cJVerage wind speed and frequency

data were available In al I cases we used data from the meteorological

station nearest the modeled e11issrnn source Table 112-1 summarizes the



Observation Site Data Period of Pldnt (Distdnce Source Observation Remarks

from Plant)

A11 i ed Che11 i Ca 1 Lennox SCA~MD 1Y71-1974 Averaged hourly readings available ~ 1 Segundo (3 111iles)

S ff~r-- Uemical Long l3each SCA()MD 1962-1974 Averaged hourmiddoty leadir19s avai1able offsite Carson (3 miles) storage tanks appruxi1ntL~ly 5 miies from

rneteoro middot1 ogy s I te


-~ Dow Pittsburg Pittsbury lJOVJ 1955-1974 Daily and averacied Ninnd rrJse on1y--no hourly-~

Uu~ont Antiocn (lt5 miles to data uVdilable Antioch)

r~d i ser Stee 1 Fontdnct SCAQMD 1978-1979 Two years of hourlydaily data printout made r - i -- lt3 1niles available (33000 entries) daily averages

estimated as only practical alternative -middot bullA

Jon 1 s 1middot1 an I i 1 l e Stockton NOAA 1941-1970 No hourly data estiamtes based on monthly S-cJc~ton (1 mile) prevalence of directions and speed

R~R City uf Whittier SCAQMD 1969-1973 Averaged hourly readings available lnuustry (4 miles)

1neteoroloyical data 1iase for eden site Wind speed and 1tJind direction

freljuency dcttd us~lti 1r1 Ull~ model are provided in Apmicroendix Li

11LL Populdtion Ddtct

In oroer to assess popu Idt i 011 exposure in tile same way for a 11 the

sources we defined d lLJ-s4u1re mi le impact area arround each ~ant This

size WdS cnosen since it was found in most cdses to include all distances at

whicn incremental ground lev~I concentrations due to plant emissions would

exceed genera I urban ambient Ieve 1s for the microo 11 utant in question In most

cases the plant was placed ltlt the center of the impact area Where winds

were predominantly from one sector or a few adjacent sectors or where an

unpopulated area (ey the Pacific Ucectn) adjoined one side of a plant the

impact drea was defined to li~ imm~didtely downwind of the site

Once the impact areas were defined we obtained Thomas 8rothers maps

of all census tracts within them These maps are provided in Appendix H

Census tract populations were obtained from the 1980 US Census The

population of each tract was assumed to lie dt tne centroid except when tne

tract was large and most of the population was concentrated away from the

centroid in the latter case the best-defined population center was used

fadial and angular distances from the sources to the population centers were

tr1en determined


ln urder tu estiindt~ pomicroulcttiun expusures in the census tracts

surrounding each source a simple Gaussian dispersion model was used Use of

a 1nore sopnisticdtect 111odel ~-1as inamicroproJridte yiven the uncertainty in our

emission rate estir~1ates It is questionable v1hether any real gain in accuracy

would nave resulted

ne -Jell-knovm Gaussian oispersion formula is (Porter 1976)

C = 106 Q

iTUOCT z y


C 9rounct leve1 concentration in (i-igm3)

emission rate (gs)

u average vJi nd speed at the microl1ys i ca I stack nei ght (ms) 0 standard deviation of the vertical concentration distribution z



a standard deviatinn d the noriz1intal conentration _y


H effective stack height (m)

y is the crosswind distance froin the plume centerline to the

receptor point (m)

This e4udtion was assumed to microrov1de no 11r1y average ground level concentrashy

tions (Kanzie1~i 1982) Tle vaiues for the standard demiddot-riations o and 0 are y z functions of the downwind distance x

b iJ dX (113-2)

l d

0 ex (113-3)y

where a b c and d dre constants that fit the function to the empirical

curves presented in Turner (t97C) he v~middotJnd -peed at physical stack height is

given by the equation

u (113-4)


u wind speed at physical stack height (ms)

llJ = measured wind speed (ms)0

h physical stack neight (m)s h the hei gtlt at which tile known wind speed was measured (m) and


p an empirical constant which varit~s with stability class

Lacking data on the heights at which the all known wind speeds were measured

we followed common practice and assumed a value of 10 m for h bull0

Tridl calculations showed the valu~ of tne plume rise for all the

sources except RSR Johns-Manville and the Kdser final cooler cooling tower

to be negligible (ie less than one meter) Plumbull rise formulas developed by

Christiansen (1975) and cited by Porter (1971gt) wer- used for the exceptions

The rise WdS assumed to be momentum-dominated for ltSK Johns-Manville and

Kaiser cooliny tower and bouyrncy-dominated for tne Kaiser coke ovens

As was discussed above the radial and angular distances from a

source to each surroundinlJ census tract were dett~r1ined Wind direction and

See llu s se 1ltJ 7J


smicroe~d data meanwt1ile ~ere obtained for eacr1 of the 16 111ajor compass points

To cr1lculdte tile conu~ntrat1on at a giv n microoirt it was first necessary to

d(termine the co1JpdSS s~ctor in Jhic11 Li1e microui11t ldy Fiyure 113-1 gives an

LXdinmicro le for a census tract at r k1~ from a source and at JU degrees from a

reference ctngle ~~t1ich we defined as north (U deyrees) As seen in the

fi9ure this ~oint lil~S in a sector bouided b the NNE (ZL5 deqrees) and NE

( 1i~ de~JretS) rn111microdss dir1~ct1ons lt1e Cttlculc11ion WdS microertormed once t1)r every

11our of the day since annually averctged values of hourly wind smicroeed were

available The followiny schedule of hourly stability clas was determined to

De cons i stent w i th t ne re I d ti on sh i micros s u mrna r i z ( d by Turner ( 1 7) y i v en the

observed distribution of wind speeds at our meteorologoical measurement

stations The schedule vas m1Jdified slightly at the suggestion of the ARl3

(Ranzieri 198l)

Hour Class Hour Class

0 F 13 B 1 F ltl 8 2 F 11) 8 J F l ~ 13 4 F 1 8 5 F 1 ~ IJN 6 F l J UN 7 DU 20 F 8 d 21 F 9 13 22 8 10 13 iJ 8 11 t1 12 13

Using the aoove equations and adj us tnents the concentration at the

point of interest was then cal cu I at~d as the sum of the concentrations

resulting from plumes naviny middot~ne boimdiny compass directions as centerlines

if the anyular distance to th~ point was conuruent with a compass direction

then only one calculcttion was necessary Let C(Y 1ti) and C(U ti) be the2

concentrations calculctted at 1our i for co111pibull)s directions Y and Y 1 2

resmicroectively 1s d1cusseltJ in Section 11L 1ur 111eteoroloyicdl ddtd in most

cases inc I uded t tie f reyuency ot wind direction for each hour of the day Let

f(Y 1

ti) and f(Q t) oe tne microrobctDilities ot occurrence of wind in the2




Figure 113-1 Determination of Compass Position of Census Tract Centroid


directions Y dnd w2

resp1bullctive1y at hour i rt1en the expected value of the1 cunce11Lrit1rgtrI it UH point iri questiun tt iiour I is

C(t) = f(G t )C(G t) + f(IJ t )C(q1 t) (113-5)

l 1 l 1 1 2 1 l 1

nw average dnnua I exposure wa then ca I cul ated as the average exposure on

this composite day

23 C = (124) E C(ti)


The model was programmed in Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II

microcomputer having 48 K bytes of random access memory and a disk storage

capability The program which is included as Appendix I was compiled with

an Un-Line Systems Inc Expediter II BASIC compiler in order to decrease

running time


1141 Modeling Kesults

Using the modeling parameters listed in Table 114-1 tne

incremental pop~lation exposure due to each of the stationary sources was

computed Tables 114-2 through 114-12 show the modeled annual average

incremental exposure for each census tract Jround each plant Census tract

numbers appear on tne maps in Appendix H) The cumulative population column

specifies the total population exposed to all concentrations equal to or

greater than the corresponding source weighted concentration entry of the

table Figures 114-1 through 114-11 illustrate the cumulative population

exposure versus incremental concentration above ambient background concentrashy

tions Table 114-lJ lists rangemiddot of typicJI urban ambient concentrations for

eacn substance fhese gtJere used middoto assess tne incremental contribution of the

plant emissions Table 114-14 s 1 1mmarizes the incremental population exposure

due to each source These were bctsed upon annuc1l averaye source strengths and

do not reflect transients in emisions or worst case meteorolgoical

conditions Note thdt no attempt was made to assess the potential health

effects or risks to the public dut to the resultant combined exposure


) )

Table 114-1




Initial Source Height(m)

18 3

Plume Rise Domination


Exit Velocity (ms)

17 8

Exit Terngerature

( K) -


11 Stack 11

Radius (m)


Emission Rate (gs)

_LJ 5 bull i x l O ( Jls)

Kaiser -el Cormicro - Coke G-=-nS

- Cuul 11~ 0v1cr










~ - CJ38

012 125 Je23

(PAH) (benzene) (benzene)

IO h 11 S ibullI r l l 2 30 Momentum 11 9 NNa 043 28 x -~ 1

10 - tasbestos)

f- u 0

Dov Chc1--11 31 10 NCb NC NC ~~A 1JJ8 cet)

- 047 (rerc amp carbon

Al l i ed Cr--~11 i cal 10 NC NC NC NC 0-00047 (chloroform) 0053 - U084 (carbon tet) u0L6 - u044 (combin~d)

Uumicroont 10 NC NC NC NC 0024 - 0031 (carbon tet)

Stctuffer _1~1nicctl - Unsitc - ilks - UtiSl l-= -- alKS






U50 U34



arlN = Not ~ecessary for calculation of plume rise

b NC = Pl -1 bull -2 r i s e nut ca 1cul ated bull

ctffectiv2 radius assumed e 4ual to that of a circle having the same horizontal area as the source

Tao l e l l middoti - c



Concentration ourcc- 1~2n SUS Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs ~ei ghted fJopu Idt ion Persons Tract trniss~on Kate Concentration Exposed

( microy rn ) (ng1) LO~ iii g n

4Ub80 0578 UU6o U2~ J532 117268 40740 l)6 0082 035 1533 113736 4069U U6 OOol U3gt 6369 112203 4U67U UIU~ OlHJJ 036 707~ 105834 407 lUl uno UUd4 lJJl 4J~l 98755 4U7~U Ll oLJ UOY U4~ ~44l 943Y8 408601 08ltJ iJ097 u 4~ 7099 889~6 4Ud40l U83c J u~rn 04l 3531 81857 408~Ul 0873 )bull lU 04S 2472 78326 4073U U3 )11 04~ 7au 75854 4U7 l Uc 0965 1111 U49 4547 68634 4UIU U 1103 I l] uS6 8158 64087 4U8llJ2 1110 L 13 U56 2112 55929 407 o 1113 13 u56 8893 53817 4076 lo55 ( bull 2L U94 6267 44 Y24 4072 l87J ia U95 61 38657 4340 l101 U l 5 11 Y 168 32462 4Uo3Ul 215U (1 c5 11 3809 23L94 408502 ll23 ll26 11 6496 19485 4UtU UL 307~ I bull Jb lb 33~6 12 98Y 4083UJ 314~ I J] 16 3893 Y633 4084Ul J984 u47 20 574U 5740


Table d4-3



Census Tract

200 280 230 240 310 220 250

Concentration lor 1 gs 1n-1 ss ~on Rate (micro~1m ) Coo 1 Coke Tower Jven

0162 0162 0721 o 779 u 921 U957 1292 1678 1 496 1 626 L433 1997 2 483 3~155

Wemiddoti gli ~fd Con cent rat middot101

middot~ng ~)

lJ 73 3~J 42 63 6 ~ ) 7 l


Ctnsus Tract PopLil at ion

39423 4404 5698 6058 4890 5773 5945

umulative Persons Exposed

72196 32768 28364 22666

166608 11718 5945



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(micro sim ) (ngm)

20 U162 19 39428 72196 28 o 779 93 4404 32768 23 0957 llS 5698 28364 31 1626 1 4890 226b6 24 1678 201 6058 17776 22 1997 240 5773 11718 25 3155 379 5945 5945




Concentration Soure- Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Wei g11ted Population Persons Tract Emi ss 10n ate Conce~tration Exposed

(microgm) (pgm)

5103 240 230 280

0559 1038 1076 2150

16 29 30 60

~ 435 4909 3816 1747

15907 10472 5563 1747



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(microgm) (ngm) Low High

Dow Pittsburg (carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene)

30600 1511 945 1335 7817 20309 313102 1550 978 1372 1696 12492 30500 1920 1211 1692 5241 10796 307201 2207 1393 2030 2986 5555 307202 2241 1410 2068 2569 2569

DuPont Antioch (carbon tetrachloride)

3020U 2471 590 77 o 7098 7098


Tdble 114-7


Census Tract

650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 01 6205~01 6020oc 6040U 62lJSU2 62Olt3O 602503 6025 01 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 62090l 62U40 602402 6022 0 620901 602301 62010 62000 602302 620302 620303 62020 620301



Concentration S0urc_- CLnsus Tract for 1 ys Wei ghtecl Pcpulation Emission Rate Co11C1cnrt ion (microgm3) ( n-~rr

j )

l 1l 4 6 6276 L6~6 c() 4859

L634 J0780

1650 8 5065 pLb76 ) 6181

J042 r 5716 lUBIJ ~ cWH

(JLYJi 7 0 2 108 lU 6667 2~1~U lU 7074 2~224 10 4612 2 339 11 5886 2359 11 5754 2422 11 7430 2785 13 4983 2816 13 6561 3102 15 5564 3425 16 7453 3~b30 17 3142 4361 ~u 383S 4473 21 52 4 677 2L 4662 6 036 28 2651 6833 32 5494 7 835 37 7482 8899 4l 5210

11547 54 3352 21 15J lt99 6546 22574 106 4250 24521 11j 1185 43 056 202 4044

Cumulative Persons Exposed

161278 155Ul)2 150143 147065 142000 135319 lJO lUJ 1U 21U 120133 113466 106392 101780 95894 90184 82710 77727 71 166 65602 58149 55007 51172 45876 41214 38563 33069 25587 19377 16025 9479 5229 4044


Table 114-J


Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 9s Emi ss ~on ate (microgm )

Weighted Conce~tration (ngm)

Population Persons Exposed

Low High

650002 1174 62 ~9 6276 161278 603702 1626 86 140 4859 155002 600502 1634 87 140 3078 150143 6041 0 1650 87 140 5065 147065 603701 1676 89 140 6181 142000 620501 1842 98 160 5716 135819 602002 1889 100 160 2893 130103 604UO 1932 100 160 7077 127210 620502 2108 110 180 6667 120133 62080 21ltJO 120 180 7074 113466 602503 2224 120 190 4612 106392 602501 2339 120 200 5886 101780 60380 2359 120 200 5754 95894 602101 2422 130 200 7430 90184 602502 2785 150 230 4983 82710 602102 2816 150 240 6561 77727 60390 3102 160 260 5564 71166 602401 3425 180 290 7453 65602 6209 02 3 630 190 300 3142 58149 62040 4 361 230 370 3835 55007 602402 4 47 3 240 380 5296 51172 60220 4677 250 390 4662 45876 620901 6036 320 510 2651 41214 602301 6833 360 570 5494 38563 62010 7835 420 660 7482 33069 62000 8899 470 750 6210 25587 602302 11~47 610 970 3352 19377 620302 21 153 1100 1800 6546 16025 620303 22574 1200 1900 4250 9479 62020 24521 1300 2100 1185 5229 620301 43056 pound 300 3600 4044 4044


Census Tract

650002 6037 Ol 60050 60410 60370i 620501 602002 60400

620502 6108U 602503 6025Ul 6038U 6021 Ul

-602502 602LU2 6039U 602401 620902 6204l) 602402 60220 620901 6Uc3Ul 62010 6200 0 602302 620302 620303 62020 6203Ul

Tdhl J_4-9



(Six montnsy~ar Jsswnea for each feedstocK)

--middot- -middotmiddot-- -middot-- middot------~----

Cori(Entat ion ~o~ r-ct- Census Tract Cumulative for 1 95 Weighted Population Persons Erniss~on Rate Concentration Exposed ( ) ) ) ~ I Ill g 1) )

LO~ Hi 91

1174 Jl 52 6276 161278 L6l6 4Z 72 4859 155002 1634 42 72 3 l078 150143

7-1650 43 ) 5065 147065 1676 ltt4 74 6181 142000 L842 48 81 5716 135819 1 889 L~9 83 2893 130103 L932 so 85 7077 127210 2108 S5 93 6667 12013] 2190 51 7074 113466 2224 58 9B 4612 106392 2339 61 100 5886 101780 2359 61 100 5754 95894 2422 (gt3 llU 74JO 90184 l785 2 120 4983 82710 2816 J 120 6561 77727 3102 n 140 5564 71166 3425 d9 150 7453 65602 3630 1J4 160 3142 58149 4 361 110 190 3835 55007 4473 120 200 5296 51172 4677 lcU no 4662 45876 6036 lbO 270 2651 41214 6833 uo 300 S494 38563 l835 2UO 350 7482 33069 8899 20 390 6210 25587

11 547 300 510 3352 19377 21153 5SO 930 6546 16025 22574 590 990 4250 9479 24 521 640 1100 1135 5229 43U56 l20Ll 1900 4044 4044


Tdble ll4-10



Sou rec- Census Tract Cumulative Census Weighted Population PersonsaTract Concentration Exposed


650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 U 1 620501 602002 60400 620502 62080 602503 6025Ul 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 620902 62040 602402 6022U 6209Ul 602301 62010 6200U 602302 620302 6203UJ 6202U 6203Ul

26 3G 41 37 37 4J 47 4J 49 49 S l Sl 5( 60 6 1 7U 68 75 80

10U 100 11 U 130 150 17U 1~u 250 45L 47C ~o u 91U

a Assuming lU gs emission rate frgtm 0000 to

6276 161278 4859 155002 3078 150143 5065 147065 6181 142000 5716 135819 2893 130103 7077 127210 6667 120133 7074 113466 4612 106392 5886 101780 5754 95894 7430 90184 4983 82710 6561 77727 5564 71166 7453 65602 3142 58149 38J5 55007 5296 51172 4662 45876 2651 41214 5494 38563 7482 33069 6210 25587 3352 19377 6546 16025 425iJ 9479 l185 5229 4044 4044

0600 hours



Tab h 1 L 4- 1 _


Census Triict

57240 54400 5438 01 5727 o 5726 ~ 0 57230 5725 0 543901 5437 03 5438 02 5433 03 5439 02 543702


Concetratiun for 1 gs Emission Kate

L801 2190 5tJ48 5 069 5944 6674 7892

11917 14197 14687 17 27 3 1Y230 20801 23220

Suurcc- ClrlSUS Tract Cumulative v1ei 11irted P( pu lat ion Persons Conce5trat1on Exposed ( igm )

----- -~---middot----middotmiddot--middotmiddot

U90 1153 58821 11 6085 57688 L h 3683 51583 ) L (~ 44~9 47900 3G 4068 43401 JJ 5764 39333 J 9 2892 33569 60 3732 30677 71 3295 26945 7 3 6153 23650 3 6 6578 17497 9 6 3329 10919

ll O 4683 7590 LoO 2907 2907


Tabl~ 114-12



Concentration Sou re(~ - Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Weighted l)opu lat ion Persons Tract Emission fate Conceqtration Exposed


29610 2966 0 29650 29620 29640 60990 29710 29670 29740 29680 ~9 0 2973U 2975 2976 29720

1926 3921 4497 4561 4709 7657 8404 9887

14249 17235 28211 39992 44669

402159 408785

Otgt5 1 J

l~1 lb 16 26 29 34 48 59 96

14U 150

1400 140U

1029 4043 3171 5518 6143 1988 6079 1949 3989 3311 6043 2587 3303 4960 6760

60873 59844 55801 52630 47112 40969 38981 32902 30953 26964 23653 17610 15023 11720 6760



) ) ) ) ) gt

1 middot-middot -bull middot1i_1

11El _

0 --1


10 ~3middot X

Ul U) middot=10(l) bull _j

0 0C 0

+-gt middotr-

r-1ro ~ I -+-I- CCi

u C




11 E1~ u

11u micro

t ~1-bulli 1~C1J ~J -


middot1 U~perVJ micro

4 ~1~0 I+- ii u ~()

(1) 0middot0 Q

w X

~ibull1 C i~ I I L bull

I 0 i bullimiddot-- l-micro bull middotbulltmiddotLi I

(1j middot-~middot ~ower -I bull bull I W ltbull~bull11oJ-c1 I I I bull II lt I 1 ~1 ~=middotbullt_I ~0

I i I0 0 0 i ~~ ~J- _ ou--u~~ i Fbull 4 1~~ gbull~ bull=bull _=bull -bull~ bulli __~ f-i - _ _t--bull~ _1

C 1 ~ bull-J -11 I U _bull~1 Ill bullbull ~ _ ti- r-

Incremental Concentration (ngm3) Figure 114-1 Cumulative Population Exposure to Arsenic from RSR Secondary

Lead Smelter City of Industry (Curves Correspond to Upperand Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

I 7 ~~ ~~MllOlllU~PiiCi(iauQi~~~~~~M~9il~1~

l l



bull tbull

II bulli


j- I~ ~1bullJ________ _______bullr--5L-oamp~gtbullbullbullmiddot-__~---_____________

M 0 -4 X-VI VI (lJ



C 0 +J ro S-+- C (lJ u C

71 0-Jbullbull

F--middot F1bull~s

~ 1-1 _


~ __ u 0)__

O ~ middot1 lA I~ middot-y irbull ro +J V)



+-1 =0~-OJ )

0 0 X


middotbull 11 shyC 0 a +J ra


0 0

l ~J0


~ middot _~~

(1 J ~ -+-+-t-+-t-+--+-+-middot+-1 l1 ~ 4


I ___~ ____ l

-t-middotmiddott--middottu-1--plusmn-+middot-+-+-bull-i--bull-+ - t 111 1~~

Incremental Concentration (microgm3) Figure 114-2 Cumulative Population Exposure to Benzene From Cooling Tower and

Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana

) )

- 0 1_____~----_________~~-ll-1~-fgt4rtclftl-ti~ -LLlbullgtsS

~~i middot-middot M

a -l

gtlt i--i rmiddot~

I t_1 L

Vl V)

CJ _j

~ C l=bull icJ C 0 -micro ro ~ micro C C)

~ [1~ u C C u

-0 u 0) ltlJ 4 lf-bull~ IN micro middot r

micro V)

micro middot


middot3 ti~middot-0 ltlJ middot~bull~ middot1Vl 0 0 l gtlt

w middot ~~1 C ~ bullt1

-C 1 micro bull ~t

- ~

10bullibull bull middotmiddot bull middott ~ c 0

L1 J bullbullfbullbullibullbullltJ ~ J -1L+abull ~bull~~--~sectio-i ~~bullbullbullbull ~~_~ l 1bull~t-j-4Y ) bullbullo ~ _~ bullbulllta-J tbull-1_f - ~l~middot bullf middotCbullbull--~bull -~ Tbull

~ 1~0 ~~~ ~~~ 4~0 Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 114-3 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana


0 -I X-V) V) a _J

s 0

C 0 micro co s micro C a u

l ~


1 --

J- t_bulli

_ C

uw m 0

1 -0 a bullbull micro

microdeg ()

0 micro tbullmiddot C QJ V)




middot4middot~middot C 0 micro rt1

-- - 0 ~ 0


n __ _______bull~ -______ --al_ - ~_

I bull

I I - bull

middot 1


l i l ~l

~ 0 I 1

Li bull I t_~I

i bull -1 _1-J

0fmiddotbullmiddot-middot+-middott-t-r+-t-+-+middotr+-t--+-1--t+ t f-t-J-t--r-+tmiddotmiddot~~bull+-t--1~~bull-+-1 Id middot t 4 E1 (

I ncrementa 1 Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 11 4-4 Cumulative Population Exposure to Asbestos From Johns-Manville Plant Stockton



--~ ~w t _ ---~- ----------~ --____~-=~ M


bull I bull I I I I ii i Q t I i E e- I Ii tl I I I 6 I a I I J I f t t bull I G fl I

a I e 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iii bull bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull bull bull bull 1 1i bull bull 1 1 bull a bull 1 1 r ~ middot u ~ ~ I0

+H~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~-rmiddot-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~~-~t~~~~~-~J C

~1_ c bull 1 t~ bullbull bullabmiddot 11 l bullmiddot II bullbull C- I u~

0 rl

gtlt I I I- 20 () ()

CJ -1 ~_J

J Cbull s

I If I I I I0

C bull I Ii I I I I I I I I0 1E

bull-+l I t I I ro s Lower+l

I I I G I iii I bull

() 14 I I IC

u I0 I I II Iu


1-_~I fi

CJ ~ I-- (j) CJ I G I I p +l

ro +-l I I I1~3~V)

0 +) UDf)Pr u I I 11 I I


Vi I 0 I I It- I a X

0 ~

w I I I I bull

Lower C 0


- 4+)


J Q_

0 bull1

ij a 3- ti I

D d I I I I

I I I bull

II B I t

i ] i amp I

1 ei ~ amp 3 ii


e ft a a I bull G

I I I bull I

I I bull I I t If



I I I-_L~ lI I I f


- I I

j I I II I -

lI ImiddotbullII

l I

l Li

Incremental Concentration gm3)

Figure 114-5 Cumulative Population Exposure to Perchloroethylene and Carbon Tetrachloride From Dow Pittsburg (Solid Lines) and to Carbon Tetrachloride From DuPont Antioch (Xs) Results For Upper Lower Bounds on Emission Estimates Are Shown

__~IUlllWIMWMW ~-a~9a_Q~ 41 ~1bull11 -~Ga1r-uJ1 _a11~--WIIIIIA1IMlilClll-l~maaiampNldmiddot1 middot=0~

M 1E1 13 _0 -I

X-V) Q)


140 _J

~ 0

C - middot1 ~2 ~3~~

+- ro

+- ~

C OJ 1E10u1--

0) C 0(J1 u

a f~1 1Q) +-


ro middot-middot +- V1

0 ~ cE1 O QJ V)

0 I0 4~1X


C 0 +- 2pound1 __ I bull amp I Il0 -- 0 0

0 I ~-~~-lJ___ _~-1lltll-1o

0frac14middotbull+-+~-t--t-+-+~-- I =-+-4 =f-~bull-+--T+-+-1-~~-bullc~

l1 ~i0 8~1 1~E~ 1tE1 2E11d middot 11 ~ E0 10euro1 1-40 1Ea1 22pound1

Incremental Concentratio (ngm3) Figure 114-6 Cumulative Population Exposure to Chloroform From Allied Chemical

El Segundo

) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ~

1 1_bull01)

M 0 160-i X-


V) Q)


s l -- 0 C fC 0


ro s


l ~1 ~1+-gt f---1 C m QJ OI u

C 0


u (1 QJ +J ro


E ~Vi

0 +J





4 ~ju~bull bullQ X

w C 0

+-gt middot le~ro ~1

-~ 0 0

~~~Bt~-lraquoaJC~~~~~Jgt-bull~liiilldll-titi~ ~~~__qi~iSlitUJ_iJ~~~~~t-iMllltl-W~G~ili-l~~bull~t-~aa_=~s

bull1 i


l 1 i

i ~



l i

l_ Upper~r i

middot middotmiddot t-t-~ lL Io ~- a I I a--i-_-~-

Lower bull bull Lbull

i~ t~1_+ ia-~__c111J(~IJ- __middotbull--4IJ1-bull)l1Kila-- l-111- 1~M-~tMildbullri~-t_t 11to Ibull -i rmiddot ~ _

1i-1 - middotbullth~middot t =lttF--i-+-middotr+-r+middot~middoti-middot-~-4-4middoti t -~--is -~middot-rmiddotibull--+ u ~~ i--t4~ t-bull~~311 li-i1middoti- C - JJ _ CL

-- I 1 t middot1 c7 Ibull ) ~ I-middot bulli C bull 1-_ 11 11gt1l11 ~bull -a bull-bullbull t a- II bullbullbull bullI lt_I Iii _- I

Incremehtal Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-7 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo (Curves Corresond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

--- I


16 0amp (V)

0 ~


14~11l 1l QJ _J


1 middot-0

c t1middotmiddotmiddot 0

micro ro

_ c micro ~ 1euro1pound1

0- QJ u-J c 0 u O =-middot ~-= QJ

c_1 micro ro +- V)

0 micro ~ t1 O QJ 1l 0 a 40gtlt w c 0


ro --


20middot l ---a I ~ I a 0


pound1r-t k

Figure 114-8


a I __ I wi~ i awLi--~~ 2 I I

1--+ I ~--if bull =~~--bullJ-+--f-1-----middot+--+middot-middot--r9c- 1 c- J

bull _ bull -~

Incremental Concentration (microgm 3)

Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride and Chlorofonn From Allied Chemical El Segundo Assumingsix-months Operation With Each Feedstock (Curves Correspond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

) ) )) )

1 3 0+--- a- - ---- __________--= ~

M 1 E ~1F40 gtlt




s 0

0-~ C 1 ~2 t1

+-l rj

shy+-gt C Q)

u 1 ~1 ~1 I- C

degco u 0


+-l QJ middot=a~(Cl

+J middot- -0 +-gt 6t1-0 Q) Vl l I bull0 C

w X 4 ~1 ~C 0

t l--+)


20 Il 0 0 a

r--1 plusmn-middot--4-bull+ bullJ - ~-1


bull 17 - ta_



I mvn


-~ bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull l ~-


i u---J--bull-+ i i--+ --4--+-imf-bullbullQ~-+-+-+~bullbull-4 171 i R = Fi middot1 1bull1 r1__ bullltaa ~a

Incre0ental Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-9 Cumualtive Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo During Offloading From Midnight to 6 am middot-middotmiddot------middot--middot

--bull ft ampLA 1111-~lliaIN_WPl1A 1JIU_Mt91 MJ1WWlaquoPI-W1111~ --------__----Et1

M gt~middotI

0 -I


~ t~ bullM

V) middot-middot ~ V)


f 0

0 -

C -4 0middot~middotmicro re f micro C a u

10 Cdeg u 0 3 0middotmiddotmiddotbull~ -0 a

+-gt ro

+J V)

+-gt 0

2E1-0 QJ V)

0 a X


C 0 1pound1--middot+-gt ro

-- Q_ 0 0


~ -~middot bull I -bull-_ bull I

middot lbullgtbull___I I

frac14 llk I

I bull



-1_ I

Ibull II__ JI


(1 f---1-+ bull-r_--f bull middot~-bull +-- bull i -bull 1 -1-+--+bull-+-t-+bull--t1 ~ _ 4middot 6 E 1t1 1middot2

1 3 5 I middot~ _ 11

Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 11 4-10 Cumu1ative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Plant Carson

_~ ~ t M

C X E k1~


- c- 1-1 ~ C middot-middot -_J

I--- -J 4t1middotbullmiddotmiddota


-+-shy --middot liiit1J

r ~


t-1 _ V

0 -+-1

middotr -bull ~1



+- bull1 ~1 atr l -=

~~lll(k~IHmiddot~~-Wa~middot~nL1middot~~~ta KF u n P middot~dE-tveRS ~-tl~~~-u-~~~tmiddot_-~~~~liil-~-~~~ tc r

I bull

bull -r~l-yen--~1l~a l fl __ A4o bullbull bullbullbull ~ 111bull--middotbull

lil---111 1n1 i1--1u -i- -tmiddot11i-bull J--14-bullbullbulllM ~

1 ~ l1

~ t

~ C ~

i31-~~middot-~--~~~-~-middot-~-~~-~~~-~--~~~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~--l 11 2~1 4~1 Ea 8(3 1J11~1 1~r1 14(middot)

Incremental Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 114-11 Cumulative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Off-Site Storage Tanks

Table 114-13


Substance Ambient Reference Concentration Environment


Cad11i um


= ~ 11 1 ~ Ui ch l or i de _ -J _


Carbon Tetrachloride


4-6 nym 3 3

20-YO ngm

33 ng111 lt04 ngm 3

20U-57UU fiber~m 3

20-100 f i bersm

Ji jJjJO

trace 008 011 05lppb

O 1 pmicrob [J iJ~ micromicrob

188 ppb 08 ppb 0 7 pmicrob (ave)

U11 pmicrob

U 13 ppb 595 ppb 022 ppb (ave)

0175 pmicrob (ave)

07 ppb ltO 04 ppb

1 25 ppb 36

General urban Heavy industrial

Typical urban Remote areas

Typical urban Desert

uu111111yuel CA

8 NJ industrial sites Oakland Upland Los Angeles

Urban background rurdl backgrouna CA


8 industrial sites NJ Tuscdloosa AL 3~2rage) Riverside CA

rural background

Los Angeles average Torrance CA Southern California

60 readings) Riverside CA

Los Angeles average Rural background Russe11 1977 Los Angeles averageRiverside CA

Braman 1976 National Research Council 1976

EPA 1977 EPA 1977

Murchi o 1978 Murchi o 1978

tsarber 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Pellizzari 1979

Barber 1977 Holzer 1977

l3arber 1977 Grimrud 1975 Russell lJ77 Pel 1 i zzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Singh 1982

Barber 1977 Russell 1977 Gri mrud 1975 Barber 1977 Pell i zzari 1977

Simmonds 1974 Singh 1982

Barber 197 7 Barber 1977 Grimrud 1975

Sinvnonds 1974 Singh 1982

) ) )



Substance Probient Environment Reference Concentration



-J )

Sen zo (ct) py rene

jjen zo (e) py rene

ben z(ct) a 11 ( nr ii cen e


lndeno 123-cd~pyrene

L 1 ppb 06-34 ppb

42 ppb 16-60 ppb 02-1J ppb 13 ppb 48 ppb 67 ppb 55 ppb 63 ppb 82 ppb 39 pJb

3031-L1 ~gm 046 ng111

090 ngm 3

305-c8 n~111 018 ngm

06U ngin 3

134 nginJ

8 NJ industrial sites 28 samples in industrial areas with benzene consumption facilities Torrance CA Tuscaloosa AL National Forest 1000 sarip Ies-Torontt) Azusa CA El Monte CA Long Beach CA Upland CA Los Angeles CA Riverside CA

Los Angeles 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angel es 1976

Los Ang2l2s 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Pellizzari 1977

RTI 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Ho1 zer 1977 Pilar 1973 EPs 1980a EPA i980a EPA 1980a EPA 1980a Calvert 1976 Singh 1982

Colucci 1971 Gordcrn 1 197(i

Gordon 1976

_ 0 111 CC i 1~ 7 1 Gordon~ 1976

Go r cl on 197 6

Gordon 1976

middot1 ab1e 11 4-14


Site Substance Typical Urban Population Exposed to Background Level 100 50

Increment Over Background

Al lied+




Du Pont





Kaiser Kaiser



Chloroform 01 - 07 ppb (gt497 ngm3) 0 0 Carbon Tetrachloride 015 ppb (942ngm3) lt4044 25587 -


Perchloroethylene 07 ppb (4830 ngm 3) 0 0

Carbon Tetrachloride OlS ppb (942 ngm3) 10796 - 20309


Carbon Tetrachloride 01~ ppb (942 ngm 3) 0 0

Asbestos 1000 fibersm 3

( 313 ngm 3) 0 0

Benzene lOppt) 32500 ngm 3) PAH 5 compounds 35 ngrn3 72196 72196

Cadmium 3 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm 3 0 0

3Ethylene Uichloride 051 ppb (2100 ngm ) 92552 117532

bull Assumes all year operation on either feedstock If plant operates 50 on each feed the population exposed to greater than 50 increment over background goes to 16025 - 19377 and 4044 - 16025 for 100

Ambient concentrations of benzene vdry over one order of magnitude in the literature and therefore make tnis calculation questionable For Kaiser therefore the carcinogenic PAH assessment was used to evaluate incremental population exposure above background

+ The partition of emissions from Oow are 78 carbon tetrachloride and 22 perchloroethylene by weight


1142 Comparison of Incremental and l3ackground Concentratiors

Those sites whicn elevate background concentrations greater than SO~~

to surrounding pomicrouldtion are discussed below

1142 l Stauffer Cnernical

The Stauffer ct1emmiddoticdl ~ant 110s tvJo prinlt ipct1 SOLHCes uf EOC

emissicnsj the off-site storage tanks and the waste water dscharge stream

Ea cn con t r i h u V s about ~qua l 1 _y middott o U1e microon1 l a t i on ex 11o s u re f bull] ure s J s s ho vm i n

Taoles lL3--11 and 1L4-1L Th2 arrbient measurments by Pel~ 1 zzciri (1979) of J

2100 ng1~ 1s tne tos Ange 1es bc1ck9n1nc1 1as used as triie typ-i ca 1 tirban

background Pellizzari notes t11at Uhan readings generally rerici~n under 2SOO

nym3 ir1tri e pmiddotant proximity ccncentrn1011 ravlmiddot been observed as high as

700~000 f)(m 1

Other ambient ~ata noted l)y Plmiddot I 1 i zzari are Birmingham A1 abama

205-400 Phoenix Arizona 157-i870 1Jcbullminguez Calitornia 1Lii814 Calvert

City Kentucky 6600 The latter two are associated wi t11 EOC pl ants Data

taken in senFice s~ations ano lrctffic areas ir various cities range from -~

300-3640 ngm~ As previous~J mentioned the Stauffer plant is discontinuing

operations These two sources should be examined as part of any possible

start--up permitting activity

11422 Kaiser Steel Corporation

The Kaiser steel plant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)

emissions cffmiddotise from the coke oven omicroerations Comfdrison of the cumulative

population exposure Figure 114-3 and Table 114-4 with the specified

background levels for urban areas illustrates the breadth of the exposure

distribution The five known PAH carcinogens that were isolated in the coke

oven emissions were quantified in tile ambient air of Los Angeles by Gordon


Benzo[a~pyrene 046 ngm J

t3enzo~e]pyrene osio Benzaanthracene U lo

Chrysene U60

lndeno Cl23-cd~pyrene 134

Althouyn these concentrations ctr~ low co1npared with 1 number of other cities

cited in the literature and repres2nt a very I imited data base tt1e predicted

concentrations from the Kaiser plant ~enerally exceed these levels by d


significant margin ie greater t11an 30000 are predict2d to be exposed to

4redter than l()-lt t 1tbull 1111tlit~nt background of 3j nqm 3 It ic 1 iklly tlat

lHrllerte exmicroo~urt 11 Ilie drld dre also 11evatPd ovr r11nbient I1owever since

backyround concer1tr1tions of t)enzlmiddotne show large variation no population

calculation was specified

11 4 bull 2 bull 3 Dmv

Carl1on tetrdcnloride releases from Dow constitute approximately 78

of tl1e total CT plus perc emissions in Table 114-6 and were found to elevate

urban background concentrations greater than 50 in five census tracts Emissions are predominately from storage and check tank working and brething remiddot1 eases

1142~4 Allied Chemical

The Al lied plant was modeled several ways since the plant can

operrttt~ wiUl chlorotor111 dr cc1rbon tetrctlt hloridt fo(~d The c1bull-i pr~middot11ntlid in

ldlgtlt~o ll4- drld llil-B represent dflrlUil 01Hrdtion with eitt1er teed Partial

yedr operation with each feed can be scaled from the individual annual modes

and is presented for equal hltllf year operation in Table 114-9 As with the

Du Pont plant carbon tetrachloride emissions arise from feed tank working

loss fable 114-10 illustrates peak exposures predicted to arise during an

off loading cycle As expected concentrations in that six hour period far

~xceed annual average values Insufficient data were available to contrast

levels with backyround transient concentrations




Alternative control approacnes for the most significant emission

sources dinmig ~he various pl1ants n ees fitie(J n the follo11 ric suJsections

EmpiiasVi nas Deen placed in dedlinq ~riU1 Uiose sources of 91reatest absolute

inaynHud2 (lbyr) and those const1 ut 0ing trie largest increm121middot1t middot] bulli~he

bdc kgrnund con cent ration of Hie em~ tted subs tcince i~o ctt tention Wi 11 be ~i ven

to the s~iondc1tY sources witt1middotn cK1 microant or to trlL case of J011ns-Manvi I le

since -UH imiddotajor source is less tran LOO 1byr and is not microrejicted to raise

bctckgro 1wd exposure levels to the ~~ntr21 population Furt12rmore a11

emission sources dt Kaiser Ste 1 1iC(1 v1 1~n directly dedlt -1ith in this

program r1re elltlteci ro t11e cc1lt1bull ovcmiddotr nperatmiddotions These faci 1ities are to be

closed du1rm and all primary reel 11i~ oH~rdtions discontinmiddot 2d Kaiser

forecasters have predicted further deterioration of the plant economics and

the phased closure has been accelerdted for primary steel making operations

Note that this closure is essentially irreversible cince differential

exmicroansion and contraction of the coke oven structur1 occurs in the cooliny

process and it would be improbable that ovens could be reheated without

extensive reuuildiny at major expense


At c1ll four sites emissions from storage tanks constitute either the

primary or near dominant (Stauffer) source of carcinogen release andor

genero1i iJOpulation exposure Curreritly the tanks of interest at each site are

permitted by the local Air Quality IJistricts hJwever they do not require

emission ontrol systems for vdrious reasons Tl1e estimated releases grounds

for exemption and other pertinent information are given in Table 121-1

In order to amicromicroreciate tth~ practicdl dlternatives for emission

controls the provisions of SCAWMU Rile 463 ar~ listed below which specify the

acceptable alternatives for tdnks r4uirin9 controls ie tanks 11aving

capacities greater than 39630 yal with suostances of true vapor pressure


Table 121-1


Stduffer Uff-Site Tanks (J) (Sdn Pedro)

Allied (El Seyunrlo) - KdJ

1bulllctLer1 d I reld iturctjc

-J -J

Dow (Pittsbury)-Product Check Tanks (4)

Uow - microroduct sturag~

DuPont (Antioch) - Raw Materidl Feed Stordge

Approx Capacity~

6lUS x 1g (c) 84 X 10 (1)


18000 each

70000L) 3UUOUO

30000 working 42636 liquid full



Ethylene Uichloride

Carbon Tetrctci1 I Jr i J1

Perchloreshythylene and Carbon Tetrashychloride

CT perc

Carbon Tetracr1 l ori de


Emission Mode

Tank breattli ng

Tank v10rk i ng Tank breatttiny

PERC-~JOrk i ng PERC-b r2a t ~ i ng CT-working CT-breattling

Tank breathing Tank breatt1i ng

Tank workin9 Tank breathing

Vamicroor Pressure

014 at 70 F psi

1 63 psi at 68 F

16d psi at 68 F(CT) UJ9 psi at 68 F(perc)

168 i)Si dt 68 F

Grounds for Exemption

Exempt from control re4uirements to SCAQNJ Rule 463 since vapor microressur-2 dues nut iXC~ec

l~ io at sturdJ~ conditions

txe11pt TlJil fule -+b3 since tank capaL ~J ~ s u~der 39630 gal (lSO 11 )

Exempt from Regulation Rule v~~vu u~~~~~shytank capacity is under 39630 ga 1 andor substances are not classified as organic 1i4uicts

Exempt f ro1n Ru l ~ 85300 because subsLctnce is not classified as dn organic li4uid accordin to Regulation-Rule 8120

exceeding l~ microsi at storage conditions

~ floating roof tanks

~ fixed roof tanks with an internal floating type cover

bull a vapor recovery system with vapor collection and retllrn (or disposal) proce5sinJ lXctbullerlin~ 95 efficiency

ln a cllemicai plant a typical vapor recovery systein (KR Evans

SCAQMU) migm consist of a collection inanifold to d recovery system (suctl as a

vapor sphere) to a compression syst2m dnd subsequently to absorption and

recovery systems The absorpt~on st~n c~nsisting possibly of (rubber

stripper or activated carbon

In dealing with speciti( carcinogenic substances such as vinyl

chloride hiyhly efficient vapor control system perf0rmance has sometimes been

stipulated necessitating incineration systems

Fer th~ cases of corccrn realistic alternltltives are as follows

Stauffer Off-Site TanKs - Tnere are a number of options which can 1~arkedly 3

reduce ei1issicns from these tanks from th~ calculaL~d value of over 20 x 10

lbyr One alternative is to consolidat~ the material in tne three tanks

One of the large tdnks can contain the currently stured material and reduce 3emissions to apmicroroximately 13 0 x 10 lbyr Anotl1er alternative is to

transfer dll E0C to a single floating root tank Various types of such tanks

exist dlld are reviewed in the EPA report Lrganic Cht~mical Manufacturing Volume

J Storage Fugitive dnd Secondary Sources EPA-450J-80-025 eg internal and

external floating roofs and a variety of seal desiyn configurcttions Generalshy

ly such designs would be expected to reduce emissions to the order of

one-fourth to one-fifth the current level Cost of 1nstalliny ct contact

single seal internal floating roof wds estimated by BB Lumquist Pentrex

for EPA as $27770 in 1Y8U dollars for 7U ft diameter tdnk Cost to build an

external floating roof tank was estimated by G Stilt of Pittsburg Oes Moines

for EPA as ~14UUUO for D=67 H=4Uft Anottler com111on approach is to utilize

cdroon ctdsorption This works we11 witn nonpolar hydrocarbons dS VvC is

removed from the vapor phase A basic syte111 consists ot tvo carbon beds and

a regeneration system Regeneration is typically performed with steam or

vacuum Figure 121-1 illustrattS rhe systems (Basd2kis 1~110) Steam raises

tne VOC vctpor microressure The resulting sti~am-VOC mixture is condensed and


AC-TJA~D CA-e0-l


LOW- ffiESiJ~C ~T~H----




COOLIN(a - --------




Fi l 1 1 middot gure middot - Activated-c arbon Adsorption System


rout2d to c ~epordtor decanted and returned to storage In vacuum regenerashy

tion VOC vapor is desorbed by pu1 ling a vact1um on the carbon bed then condens-

ed a1d returned System efficiency ~ ~ est ii1a ted at 96 f(duc middot i m from fixed

roof levels (EPA 4503-80-025)

H~fri 9ctated vent concicr1sers dre une of the most cu1mon emission

reduction prJcesses -for conttol ~ ng hx2-d-- storage tai vUC Figure

12 1-- 2 i l 1ust rates a u n i t ( Er i scmiddot n 19HU ) eff i c i en cy of middot middot~ ~ c middotlt middotmiddot _y i s rate ct

bet1Jee~middoti 60-90 for the vapor pressure range of concern For such a large tank

the capital costs would be high ~igure 121-3 illustrat~s EPA estimates

(EPA l ~~SOb) for the condenser section Condenser sys tern a ea mu l d be in

excess of 1000 ftL

It should be noted t -at Jtc1 uf fer Uiemi cc1 l has arH1ounced the c 1 osu re

of its VCPVC plart PrevfoJsly tt12) had planned to purge tlle off-site tanks

of EUC Since any future po~sible micro1ant stdrt-umicro will necessitate a compreshy

hensive SCAQMD review this ltoument can assist in evaluating proposed control


Allied and DuPont Feed Tanks - In bott1 of these cases the nore significant

quantity of emissions arise from tank workinltJ ie during the off-loading

activity rather than tank breathing Contnl ~easures taken for working

emissions are thus of primary concern Ther~fore no detailed discussion will

be provided on the alternatives for control gtf bredthiny emissions Additionshy

ally both tanks are in the range of 20U00 gallons which is a capacity where

floating roof tanks are almost nonexistent Out of 670 floating roof tanks

surveyd by EPA less then 15 were smaller than 30000 gallons in capacity

Therefore the utilization of any floating roof concept and seal combination

will not be considered

Commmerc i a11 y it is estimated by Ou Pont that carbon tetrachloride

feed costs approximately $017lb (E Taylor personal communication)

Ttierefore less than i2500 is lost to l)uPont annud l ly as a result of working

l eve l em i s s fo ns and 1es s fr om Al l i ed bull Thus i t is u n l i kel y that any

appreciable economic incentive exists to dev1~lop ci vapor recovery system

However a Cdndidate system could be pattern~d after the chloroform

feed-storage unit currently at Allied This is a dedicated vapor balance

system Chloroform is off-lndded from tank cars and stored in a closed

unvented tdnk As the 5tordye tank is filled the c1ir spdce d1spldced is fed














Figure 121-2 Refrigerated Vent Condenser System



iOOOO ----------

-Cl c -0 ~

J~ -C~)O i-r tmiddot~ I

g middots_ I J () 11

-~- l 2 lt1


en b)



a I E OJ u copy 0

10 1-___________J___________________________ 10000

10 100 1000

Condenser System Area ( Ft2


Figure 121-3 Installed Capital Cost vs Condenser Area for Various Materials of Cunstruction for a Complete Condenser Section


back to the tank car Also in this case the storage tank is not vented in its

normal breathing mode and is part of a closed feed system to the reactor

Vapor recovery system alternatives which are particularly effective

in loading and handling include r~frigeration adsorption andor absorption

Control efficienci~- 1re est1mateJ in the rlt1nge of 90-95 (EPA 1980b) and of

course depend on the speci tic su1)Stance and equipment used Carbon adsorpshy

tion systems were discussed above The smallest capacity carbon adsorptionmiddot

system priced by EPA (EPA 1980b) has 2 vertical beds of carbon (900 lbs - 4ft

diameter by 3 ft depth) witl1 an ilstalled cctpital cost of $135000 based on

December 1979 dollars

Dow Tanks - Dow has two pair of p~oduct check tanks which alternately are

filled dnd off-loaded Emhsions from th~sl tanks were calculated based upon

operating cycle (3 day fi 11) satubull-dtion vapor pressure and physicdl

chardcteristics Direct hec1d-spa1e testing was planned however it could not

be accomodated because of r 1stri c ed access due to unscheduled mai ntendnce on

the field test day

Dow has indicated that chey are studying the option of installing a

vapor controlrecovery systt~m in 1hese and their largerproduct storage tanks

The extent of their engi neri ng ind assessment work is unknown as are their

current plans It may be possibk to incorporate a vapor balance design into

the system whereby the disp1aced apor is trdnsferred to another process point

within tl1e system Alterna1ively a vapor r1middotcovery system such as carbon

adsmiddotorption is fedsible Hot-1ever since emissions for t11e check tanks are

primarily due to working loss tht~ use of a conservation vent or an adjustment

of its operational differential p~essure would be ineffective for tr1e

reduction of the bulk of such emissions Furthermore since check tank size

is re1at i ve 1y sma 11 no cons i derctt I on was given to conversion to a fl oat i ng

roof configuration for those tanks Conversion would be possible for

the large storage tanks


Emissions of me throug11 ~-a~)te-1dter discharge are the largest single

source identified at the plctnt sites The discharge limit was set at 25 ppm

by the Los Angeles County Sc1nitation iistrict and was estdblished with the

occupational limit in mind of 50 ppm JVer an 8 hour work shift dt the District


tredtrient center~ T11ere hctd been suine di~cuss1on between pdrti~s of possibly

raisiny tne discharge limit since it is felt by Stauffer that dilution of the

stream is sufficient to d 11 ow it Itmiddot shou Id he noted t10-1ever tna NIUSH has

recommended the permissible exposure limit be reduced to 5 ppm averaged over a

work period of 10 nours microer ddy 40 ours per Ieek witt1 a cei l iny level of 15

pmicroin dVeraged over a 15-mi nute microet~ v(J

It is not certain at 1~hrt rdte me 1rill be reledscd from the

wastewater stream At the microlant discharge points wastewater is both hot and

aerated thus favoring release~ No measurements have been ta~en downstream of

the plant after considerable dilut1on has occured The distance to the water

treatment pa11t is approximately 5 kin at 1i1ic~1 point anerobic diyestion is

conducted lt is presumed that a11 ELlC will be released before final ocean

di scnar~Ji

A possible emi ss i D~ cont ro process for nmiddotduct ion of the EDC in the

effluent is by ~recess adjust~Pnts or additio~s For example process

modifications to the EUC stripping stage coula dramatically reduce discharge

lev~ls A control alternative is the use of octivdted carnon or XA0-2 resin

to recover EOC in tne discharge stream Tests of Gulf South Researd1

Institute on XA0-2 and activated carbon (Coco 1980) show high recovery yields

for nonpolar organic carcinogens unaer a range of concentrations Viable

suggested alternatives oy Srnitn included regeneration of Ue trapping

materials dnu even consideration of burning tt1e concentrate carbon media (at

greater than 1000 pmicrom)

Control approaches to reduce emissions from so called secondary

sources in general and waste water emissions in particular fa 11 into four

categories - waste source control resour(e recovery alternative disposal and

add-on controls Alternative control pro(~esses which were considered but

appear to be inappropriate to this case i11clude chtmiddotmica means eg

neutralization precipitation coagulatior1 and chemical oxidation thermal

destruction of tne unconcentrated ~dste s1ream is ii1practical biological

treatment eg aerdtion and biomass-wasteater contcct ~ienerally relates to

the treatment of soluole degrddable organics in the concentration range

bet~~een U01 and l~~ terminal storagt eg lanctfilliny urface impoundment

and deep well injection dre either indppl 1cable or 1mmicroractical Therefore in

summary the poss i b I e contra l approac ties fur this ca e inc 1ude the improvement



of semicrodration efficiencies in steam stripmicroing tl1e internal recycle of ~aste

stredms ctnd the ddsorption b activdted carbon The design configuration

~fficiency and cost )bviously depend upon numerous microlarit specific factors and

their determination vJOuld rec-Jire detailed analyses

n1e ~~dsrewctter systbull-m of a model cl1emical production plant based

upon the average properties uf a composite of 30 chemicals was evaluated for

EPA by IT Enviroscience (EPA 1980b) Included prominantly among the 30 was

tUC with the hignest uncontrolled secondary emission wastewater release rate

ie ~ percent of tt1e production and 34 perc~nt of the emission Cost and

impact analyses were evaluated for alternative control systems to reduce

secondary voe emissions from wastewater Four systems were considered a

carbon adsorption system (eAS) for recovery of the voe from the wastewater a

cover to reduce secondary VOC emissions from the wastewater clarifier a cover

for the clarifier plus a carbon desorption system and a cover for the

clarifier plus ct eAS system usinu a fume incinerator The scale of the model

system was greatly in excess of the Stauffer plant thus further making

detailed comparison i mpract i cal bull However emission reduction factors ~-1ere 6diven as ~9 and cost effectiveness per 10 g reduction genera1middot1y ranged

between $450 to 1733 These factors would likely grossly underestimate the

system cost if scaled down to the range of the Stauffer plant ie the order

of 34600 lb annual discharge

The alternative approaches of improved steam stripping efficiency

and internal recycling of the stripper iischarge stream with a reduction in

makeup re4uirements could decreas~ net ~DC wastewater content release


Given our findiny of low (16 kgyr) ~missions of arsenic from the

reverberatory furndce at RSR it middotJOuld ippear that the arsenic content of themiddot

lead feedstock is low andor that the microants system for reducing lead

emissions is dlso quite effective for arsenic ~SR it will be recalled from

Section 32 uses a quenchinu cnariber ctnd Dayiwuse filters to remove

pctrticuldte matter and a carbonate scruooer to remove sulfur dioxide

There are no federal new source microertormance standards for lead

eini ssions per se t10wever the Standdrds of Pbullrformance for Secondary Lead

SmeHers (40 CFR 6Ull2) limit total particuLte emission from a blast furnace


or reverberatory furnace to SU mgm 3 According to Augenstein et al (1978)

who reviewed the techno1ogy for control ing lead ~missions from ttwse sources

baghouse filters or wet scrubbers are yenerally used to contro1 particulate

emissions When fabric filters are used to control blast furnace emissions

they are nurma11y preceded by an afterburner which inciner~tes hydrocarbons

that bull~GU Id otnerwi se b 1 ind t ne f o1 ur-i c After-burners a re nor necessary for

reverb2middotmiddotatcry furnace emiss-ion smiddotnce the excess air and temperature are

usually sufficient to oxidize tn2 hydrocarbons

According to Augenstein et ali 11 sr1aker--type baghouse filters are

the 1nost effective means of controlling ead fume emissions from secondary

furnace opErations 11 Collection etficiencies can exceed 99 oercent One

advantage to this control approact is that l~ad oxide dust can be recovered

easily cmd recycled in the smeller Flue gases must be coated to below 300 degF

for dacro~ bags and to below ~00 degF for fiberglass bags (Hi~h et al 1977)

Although wet scrubbers are effecti1e under some circumstances in

controlling lead emissions it is more difficult to recover the lead oxide for

recycling In addition sulfur dioxide presi~nt in the flue gases becomes

oxidized to sulfuric acid and can cause corr1sion problems For this reason

sodium carbonate or other basic reagents ar~ added to the scrubber solution

Although it concerns a yold smelter an approach described by

Marchant dnd Meek (1980) provides an exampli~ of an arsenic control

alternative which might be apmicrolicatgtle to secmdary lead smelters At the

Campbe1 1 Red lake Gold Smelter in Balmerton Ontarion Canada Smelter gases

are first passed throuyh a hot electrostatic precipitator (ESP) The ESP is

heated so that the arsenic (which is principally in the form of As ) remains2o3 gaseous and is not yet collected This exclusion of arsenic allo~~s the ESP to

recover particulate gold rnore easily The ESP exhaust is then quenched with

ambient air to condense the arsenic trioxide Baghouse filters then remove

the arsenic along with other particulate matter


Given the imminent and irreversibli~ cessdtion of coking activities

at Ka 15 er Stee 1 Corpora t i on a rev I e~ o r t e c Imo 1 o gi es for ( on t r o 1 l i ng

~missions from the coke ovens rnd he Clt1ke byproduct recovimiddotry pldnt WdS not

deemed to be necessary Tnis is t1e only primary steel mill in California



Al lf~n Jr Ll~ llJBU1 J 111odel to 1middotstimite hi1drdous (bullmissions from coke oven Juurs pr~pdrelt1 DY 1-kSecircn Tr1dnye7nrffut fur U~ Environmental Protection Agency Uffi ce of Air ~ua 1i ty and Standards fltesearch Tri ang I e Park Nortn Cdrolina KTl17362-UL

Jl len Jr CC 1~8Ub tstination of chdr in(i emissions for by-product coke oven microrepared by fltesedrch Tr1anglt Insc1tute for US nvironmental Protection 1-yency Uf f ice of Air l)ua l i ty and Standards Ke search Triangle Park North Cdrolina RTI17362-0

Allen Jr CC 198Uc 11 Environmeritdl c1ssess1ent of coke by-product recovery plants Proceedings First Symposium on Iron c1nd Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Ctncayo Illrno1s--Tin1ctober - 1 November 1979 EPA-600-9-80-012 pp 7~-dd

Anon 1978 11 Coke quench-tower emissions tests 11 Environ Sci Tech 12(10) llL2-1123

Augenstein ur1 T Cornin et al 1978 Con_trol techniques for lead air emissions prepared by PEDCU Envircnmental Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-4502-77-012-B ( NT IS P88U-197551)

jarber WC 1977 Interim air pcllution a~sessment for eight t1igh-volume industrial organic chemicals 11 US Environin~ntal Protection Agency memorandum to Air and Hazardous Materials Uivision Kegions I III-X and to Uirector Environmental middotPrograms Uivision Region II

t3drrett KE WL Margard et al 1977 Sampling and analysis of coke-oven door emissions Prepared by ~dttelle-Columbus Laboratories for US Env 1 ronmenta I Protection Agen y Industri a I Environmental Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-b002-77-213

t3 a r ret t flt bull r bull and P bull K bull ~~ebb 1Y78 bull 11 E f f e ct i venes s of a wet el e ct r o stat i c precipitator for controlling PUM emissions from coke oven door leakage Presented at 71st Meetiny of the Air Pollution Control Association Houston Texas 25-29 June 1978

l3asdekis HS 1980 Carbon Adsorption Control Uevice Evaluation IT Enviroscience Inc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

8ee fltW et al 1974 Coke oven charging emission control test program Vol I c1nd II US Environmental Protection Jgency EPA-6502-74-062

~eimer RG 1978 Air pollution emission test Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from coke oven effluents Prepared by TRW Uefense and Smicrodce Systems Groumicro for US tnvirorunental Protection Agency Office of Air wuality Planning and Standards Kes~arch Triangle Park North Carolina EMB Kemicroort 8-CKU-12


Braman RS 1976 Application of the arsine evolution methods to environmental analyses presented at the International Conference on Environmental Arsenic Ft Lauderdale Florida 5-8 October

Bratina J E 1979 11 Fabric filter applications on coke oven pushing operations J Air Poll Cont Assoc 29(9) lll6-920

tiuonicore AJ 1980 Environmental assessment of coke quench towers in proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abltlternent Technology Chicago~ Uirnois JO October - f N~vernber 1979 EPA-6009-~1b-62~ pp 112-142

t3usse A D and dR Zimmerrao1 1973 User 1 s guide for tdegh~ Climatological Uisper~ion Model US Environmental Protection Agency Resea~ch Triangle Park Nortl Carolina) EPA-R4--73~0024

California Air Resources 8oard 1976 Coke oven emissions miscellaneous emissions and their control at Kaiser Steel Corporations Fontana Steel making facihty Enforcement l3ranch) S2crcmento California L amp E-76-11

Calvert~ CA 1976 Envir __ Sci_ i( __ Technol 10256

Coco L~i 2t aL~ 1979~ 11 02c10pmert of trec1tment and control technology for 11refractory pet rochemi co was tt=1s r middotl 1d l Report Gu 1f South Research In st it ute

to U S tnv i ronmenta l Protection Agency EPA-ti002- 79-080

Colucci~ LM and CR Begemi 1971 Palynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and other pollutants in Los Angeles air In Proceedings of the International Clean Jir Congress Vol 2 Academic Press pp 28-35

Cooper JA and JG Watson Jr 1980 Receptor oriented methods of air partkulate source apportionment 11 J Air Pollution Control Assoc 30(10) 1116-1125

Coutant R W JS McNulty and RD Grammar 1975 Final report on determi 11at ion of trace elements in a combustion sys tern Prepared by Batte11 e Columbus Laboratories for the Electric Power Research Institute EPRI 122-1

11 11Dilling W 1977 lnterphase transfer processes Envir Sci TechnoL 11 4 pp 405-409

Oow1irgl) MP JO Jeffry and AH Laube 1978 11 Reduction of quench tower emissions Presented at the 71st Air Pollution Conotrol Association Conference Houston Texas 25-30 June APCA No 78-92

EPA 1977 Multimedia Levels Cadmium Environmental Protection Agency 5606-77-032 September 1977

EPA 1980a Review of Criteria for Vapor Phase Hydrocarbons 11 US Environmental Protection Agency ~eport 6008-80-045

EPA 1980b Organic Chemical Manufacturing Volume J Storage Fugitive and Secondary Source EPA report 450J-80-025

EPA 1981 Compilation of Air Pol lutdnt Emission Fdctors (Including Suppleshyments 1-7) Third Edition Suppl1111ent 12 Utfice of ir l)uality Planning dnd Stdndlt1rds AP-42-ED-3-Supp I - lt


Erikson Uli 1~80 11 Control Uevice Evaluation Condensdtion 11 IT Envioscience lnc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

lrtel liL 197Y Quench tower particuldte emissions J Air Poll Cont Assoc 2Y(9) 913-916

Ev a n s K bull P bull 1981 Pe r son a l Commun i cat i on v i th R bull Zi s k i n d bull

Goodwin DR 1980 11 Air pollution emissions standards in Proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Chicago 11 lrno1s 30 October - 1 November 1979 EPA-6009-80-012 pp 37-45

Gordon GE 10 Receptor Models Environ Sci Tech 14(7)792-800

Gordon KJ 1976 11 lJistribution of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons throuyhout Los Angeles Envir Sci Technol 370-373

Great Lakes Cdrbon Corporation 1977 Study of coke side coke-oven emissions~ Vol 1 Source testing of a stationary coke side enclosure EPA-340l-77-014A

lirimsrud EP and HA Rasmussen 1975 Atmos Envir Y 1010

Hartnan MW 1~80 Source test c1t US Steel Clairton Coke Ovens Clairton P~nnsylvania Prepared by rRW Environmental Engrneerrny D1v1s1on for US lnv1ronrnental Protection Agency Emissions Standards and Engineering l)ivision Research Trianyle Pdrk North Carolina EM~ Report 78-CKU-13

Hendriks Ilt V et a I 1Y7Y Urgani c air emissions from coke quench towers 11

Presented at 2nd Arrnual M(etiny ot the ir IJol lution Control Associdtiont Cir1cinndti Utlio June 1~7lJ l-dmicroer NU 9-391

Higt1 MU ME Lukey dnd TA Li Puma llJ77 Inspection manual for secondary lead smelters premicrolt1red b Enyineeriny Science lnc for US lnvironmentdl Protection Ayency Office 0f ~nforc~nent EPA-3401-77-001

Holzer G et al 197 11 Collection amp analyses of trace organic emissions from natura I sources 11 Journal of Cnromatogra flhY 142 pp 755-764

JKt 1~80 11 Materials ljaldnce l2-Uichloroett1ane Level l-Preliminary 11

Science Applications lnc Final lemicroort to US Environmental Protection Agency tPA-560lJ-80-UU2

J bull Mi l n e l lJ 81 Person a I Cornm un i cat i on wi t t1 bull Zi ski nd bull

Kemner WF 1979 Cost tffectiven2ss model for pollution control at coking facilities Premicroarect oy PEDCo Environmental lnc for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Research Tridnyle Park Nortll Carolind EPA-GU02-7l-1U5 (NTS PB 8U-118706)

Kessler T AG Sharkey Jr and kA Friedel 1973 Analysis of trace ele111ents in coal by smicroark-source mass spectrometry US 8ureau of Mines Report ot I n v es t 1 gd t 1on s No bull 77 14 bull


Kolak NP J Hyde and R Forrest~r 19 1 9 Particulate source contributions in tt1e Niltlgara Frontierffi Prepared t)_y Nr2bulll York State IJepartrnent of Env i ronm~ntc i Con serv d ti on for US En vi r inment ct l Protect ion Agency Region 11 EPA-9024-79-006

Mackay U and PJ Leinonen llt175 Hate of Evamicroordcion of low - solubility contaminants from vJater bodies to c1tmospmre 11 Envir Sci Tecnnol 9 13 pp 1178-libU

Magee tiv HJ Hctll and GM Vc~rlt_a Jr 1973 Potential Doimiddotiutants in fossi1 f1Jel Prepared by ESSO fbullt~scarcr middotnd Engineeriny Co tor US Enviromihm~ct Protection Agency Ufl-R2-7 --2l1~L (NTIS Pt3 as u~9)

Marcriant middotG0H ard RL Meek 1~gu Eva uation of technology for control of arsenic tmissfons at the CdlmpJel Hd Lakmiddot G~ld Smelter prepared for the US

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Margler L$ HA Ziskind M8 lcgozen (Ind M Axelrod 1979 11 An inventory of care i nog)n i c substances re i ea sect into ne ambient air of California Vol une I - Scn~enin~ and id2nt~fication o-f r~1rci1ogens of greatest concern Science J- pp 1i ca middott~ L J s In c bull Fi nd l kcmicro~ rt ~ i I - U 6 C) - U- 5 0 4 to U1 e Ca I i ~- o r n i a Ai r kesources 130ard

Milne J 198L Persond1 C~mmunicdtmiddotion middot1itt1 R Ziskind

llurchio JC WrC Cooper and A ue Leo11 1970 Asbestos fibers in ambient air of California 11 Cal Horn i ct Air lesourc2s l3oa rd ARl3 4-0S4- l EHS Report 73-2 (March)

National Academy of Sciences 1Y72 Part1culate polycyclic organic matter Washington~ DC pmicro 4-ll

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Oliver JF and JT Lane 1979 11 Control of visible emissions at CFampl 1 s coke plant-Pueblo Colorado J Air PolL Cont Assoc 29(9) 920-925

Pe I I i z z a r i E bull 0 bull anct J bull E bull l$ u n c h 1s 19 1 nbi en t ai r ca r c i n o gen i c v a po r s Improved samplin~ and analysis tectrnology EPA Contract 68-02-2764

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Porter RA 1976 Uismicroersion ~yuation s lucions Dy calculator I guide for air pollution engineers ctnd sci12nthts S cond edition rexas Air Control tioard ~MT1S P~ 262 lJ~)


fdn1-i1Jri lJ8l fgtersont1I Coinmuni dtion v1ith M~ Royozen

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Rinkus SJ and MS Legator 1979 Chemical characterization of 465 known or suspected carcinogens and their correlation with mutagnic activity in the Salmonella typhimurium system Cancer Research 393289-3318

Koberts R M 1980 11 An inventory of arc i nogen i c substances r~ leased nto the ambient air of California Tasks 11 and IV KVB Final Report KVB 26900-836 to Science Applications Inc

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Rogozen MB DF Hausknecht and RA Ziskind 1976 Methodology for ranking elements in fossil fuels according to their potential health impact Science Applications Inc Final Report 260-77-539 to the Electric Power ~esearch Institute

Russel 1 JW and LA Shadoff The sdmpl ing and determination of halocarbons in ambient air usin~ ~rncentration on porous polymers

Siebert PC CA Craig and Eb Coffey 1978 Prelimary assessment of the sources control and population to airoorne polycyclic organic matter as indicated by benzo(d)pyrene Prepare( by lnergy and Environmental Analyses Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Resedrch Triangle Park North Carolina

Simmonds PG et amiddot1 1974 Distribution of atmospheric halocarbons in the air over Los Angeles basin Atmos Envir Vol 8 pp 209-216

Singh HB LJ Salas and RE Stiles Distribution of Selected Gaseous Oryanic Mutagens and Suspected Carcinoyens in Ambient Air in Proceedings Annual Meeting Air Pollution Controrl Association 82-651 June 20-25 1982 New Url eans

Smith WM 1979 Evaluation of cok oven emissions in Yearbook of the American Iron and Steel Institute pp 163-179

SRI International 1980 Asessment oi human exposures to atmospheric benzene SJ Mara and SS Lee finai report to US Environmental Protection Agency EPA-4503-78-031

Taback HJ 1978 Control uf Hydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources in the California South Codst Air Basir Prepared by KVB Inc for the Cal1fornid Air Resources Bod-rdmiddotKVB No 5804-714


Trenholm J-f dnd LL )eek 1Y78 11 Assessment of t1azardous organic emissions fror1 slot type coke oven Datteries unpublished paper US Environmental l)rotection Ayency Ernssion Standdrds and Engineeriny Jivision

Turner U~ J970 Workbook of atmusphe~ic dispersion estiimiddot1Jt2s IJS Environmental Protection Agency k~sedrch Tri1ngle Park North Carolina

US Bureau of Mines lYl f-inercls yearbook 197U Vol 11 p 4~3

Van Os dE I l U bull iJ bull lL Ma rs l and et ct 1Y7~1 o En i r onmt~ nta I a s s es smen t of co k e Dy-product recovery plants prepareu by ReseMcn Trictngle lnstitute for US Environmental Protection AgerKy 11cJustrial Environ11ental R~search Laboratory Kesearcll Tri2n~e Idrk NorU1 Caroline EPA-6U02-7J-Ul6 (NTfS PB 293-278)

Westbrool( C W 1979a Level l ass~ssment of uncontrolled sinter plant emissions Prepared by fesearch Triangle Institute for US Environmenta1 Protection Agcncy Industria1 tnvirnnmental fltesearc-1 Laboratory kesearch Trianyle Park North Carolind EPA-bOU2-7Y-112

Westbroollt C~~ 197ltJb Level l css~ssment of uncontro1led l)-BOP emissions Prepared by Researcn Triangle institute for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Hesearch Laboratory Research Triangle Park ~Orth Carolina EPA-6002-79-190

Wetherold rLb LP Provost and CD S111ith 198U Assessment of atmospneric emissions from microetroleu111 refinin~ Volume 3 Appendix l3 Radian Corp Fina Report to US tnv i ron111enta I Protection Agency EPA-600 2-80-07 5c

Ziskind RA OF S1ilith JL Hdhn etnd G Smicroivey (1980) Determinants of Cancer and Carctiovasculdr Uisease Mortality in Asbestos Mining counties of California SAi Report 068-dl-514 l May



Rapid Screening and Identification of Airborne Carcinogens of Greatest Concern in California

Lawrence W Margler Michael B Rogozen Richard A Ziskind and Robert Reynolds Science Applications Inc Los Angeles California

This paper describes a method for establishing a priority list of airborne carcinogens within a

state jurisdiction In this case it was necessary to identify from among hundreds of potential

candidates the live to ten materials of greatest potential concern In California as airborne


Because no previous Inventory of carcinogens In California existed published lists rankings

and assessments of national scope were used to Identify candidates By systematic manipulation

and comparison of these data sources 47 materials of some notoriety were chosen for closer

scrutiny This selection was pared to 22 candidates largely by eliminating those which had

very little production and use In California (Substances primarily used as pesticides were

excluded from the scope of this study) The remc1ining candidates were then ranked by additive

and multiplicative algorithms and by a panel of experts The results of these rankings were

combined to produce a single selection of 11 priority candidates In alphabetical order they

mo arsonlc nsbestos bon1ono cadm111m cuhon totrchlorlde chlorol 11rm othylono dllromlde

ethylene dichloride N-nllrosoamlncs perchloroethylene and polycyclk aromatic hydroiarbons

In continuing studies a baseline emissions inventory Is being prepared and a source testing

program is being designed

In recent years concern has grown over su~pected arcinug-ens New Jersey seshythe possibility that certain materials lected ten volatile organic compounds released to the atmosphere through inshy and five htbullavy metals to be examined dustrial and commercial activity may be further and is currently measuring responsible for a significant portion of ambient atmospheric concentrations of the incidence of cancer in the general these substances in a variety of areas In population This concern is manifested the second year of the study the state at the federal level in the National h1s incre1sed the volatile organics Emissiltm Standards for Hazardous Air stt1died to 20 and begun measuring Pollutants (NESHAP) which limit heavier orianics associated with parshyemissions of the known carcinogens asshy ticulatcs2 In California a very different bestos beryllium and vinyl chloride 1 approach-was taken

Only a few states including New Jersey and California have begun efshy Overview of Californias Approach forts to identify airborne carcinogens of concern to the general public for the The California Air Resources Board purpose of setting state emission regushy (( ARB) is sponsoring a three-stage lations for these substances After reshy st 11d~bull of airbornC rmissions of carcinoshyviewing national use data for known and g1middot11s from anthropogenic atlivities The

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

first stage which is the subject of this paper was to identify roughly five to ten materials which of the hundreds of known or suspected airborne carcinoshygens are most likely to be of greatest concern to Californias general populashytion Also of interest were those which in order to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations might be transshyferred from the workplace air to the outside atmosphere The second stage which is now underway includes pinshypointing of emission sources for each of the carcinogens of importance quantishyfiltation of emissions nnd design of source-testing methods A subsequent stage will consist of source testing and measuring public exposures to those substances for which data are unavailshyable The basis for regulatory action if appropriate will include the results of this program and other related reshysearch

Screening of Candidate Carcinogens

The National Institute for Occupashytional Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists 1905 chemicals which have reported neoplastigenic or carcinogenic effects and 510 which have otherwise received attention for their neoplastigenic poshytential1 The need to select five to ten materials from such a large number of potential candidates dictated that we devise a way to rapidly eliminate from further consideration the vast majority of the substances Given the paucity of published data on most of the candidate substances the screening method was designed to make best use of readilymiddot

C1111yrich1 19i9-Air Pullulion Control A~~ociatlon


A- I

----- ---- ----- ---------------------available information The screening process was as follows (1) eight comshyplications of known and suspected carshycinogens were reviewed and those subshystances which were not used in Califorshynia were highly unstable in air or were very doubtfully carcinogenic were eliminated (2) after more detailed inshyformation was obtained for the reshymaining 25 substances candidates were rated by two different analytical methshyods (3) an expert panel was convened to review dossiers on the candidates and to independeitly nmk them (-i) from the eight to deven substances ranked highest by all three approaches eleven were selected for the emission identifishycation and source-testing design stages of the CAHB effort

lnitiI $cre~ng ot Potential Candidate Carcingtgens

65 compnunds middotwe ire selected from 642 industrial ur~nnic air pollutants comshypiled by MrTRE Corporation for the US Envircmnental Protection Agency (USEPA) in U1at study pollutants were scored by multiplying four explicshyitly defined rating factors annual US production fraction of production lost to the environment volaflity and toxshyicity To adapt this york to our pmpose we first selected the 114 substances listed as being carcinogeni 1~ or neoplasshytigenic Then the scores of each of these compounds under the criteria annual US production fraction of producshytion lost volatility and carcinogeshynicity were multiplied together Seshylected for further consideration were those substances which had a product score above 50 Another 15 substances listed as being carcinogenic but lacking information for one of the other rating factors were also selected This list of 65 was then compar~d with seven other lists of corcinogeris1

-middot 11 Materials comshy

mon to the reduced MITRE list and at least one of the other lists were chosen for further consideration Added as candidates were those suhstances which are regulated as occupational carcino-

gens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and certain inorganic carcinogens Finally substances were added which in our judgment should be investigated but had been eliminated at this point Exshyamples of these are bis(chloromethyl)shyether epichlorohydrin and hydrazine

Next the refined list which now contained 47 substances or chemical groups was pared further hy another rapid screening process Eliminated

were all candidates (1) whose production andor use in California was very low (under 10~ lbyr) and wns not thought likely to pose a risk to a localized popushylation (2) which are very unstable in 1ir or CH whilh should not on t lw hnsis of CUtrltbullnL cidlnre liebull considtbullnmiddotd r11rci-


Tahllt I Suh tances n-iewed in letail

Candidate Substances

Arsenic Inorganic lead Ashestos Alkyl lead Benzene Maieic anhydride

Cadmium Nickel Carbon tetrachloride Nitrosamines Chloroform Pcrchloroethylene Chromium Phernl 14-Dioxane Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Epichlorohydrin Propylene oxide Ethylen~ di bromide Trichloroethylcne Ethylimiddoti~ dichloride Vinyl cLlorid-e

Rejected Subslnnces

Proviionolly Rcjertc Sulstcinces

Aciryltbull11 itrile Formidehvde Vinyid e-ne-chbride

Occupatonally ControUibulld Ccroeinnens

2-Acet21niinofluorine 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Benzidine Ethyleneimine 4-Biph~nylzbullntne (-aminodiphenyl) 44 -Me_hyene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) Bi (chtfon~ethyl)ither Cnlorirrethbull1l m~middotthyl tmiddotthmiddotr a-Nnphthvamintbull 3-Nnphthylamine Udrumnchlnrnproprne (I 1BCP) 4-Nitr0iphenyi ir-Dichlorbullbull)middot)_~i-i-tiim 3-Propiolactone

Other Rejected Substances

eelamide Diphenylamine Aniline Hydrazines Auramine lsonicotinic acid hydrazide B~ryllium Nitrobenzene Did11middotl sutfa1c [ imeilhyl sulfate

nogenic The result of the initial the rating under that criterion and the screening was a list of 22 candidate mashy corresponding criterion weight The terials which is presented in Table I overall rating for pollutant i is then the

sum of the scores under all the crishyteriaRanking Candidates by AddiUve ancll

Mulllpllcatlve AigorUhms The additive approach has several virtues the main one being that it forces

Many screening or ranking systems the user to make all assumptions exshyfaH into one oft wo cat~middotgories additive plicit In the process of setting up such and multiplicative Some systems are a a ranking system new insights into the combination of the two while others problem under consideration may be combine nn ol1jective appronc 11 with g1ined Once the system is set up it is suhjlctive cvnluition of the remiddot ults 1l rdatively easy to use Where data for The L2 substances surviving th1middot initial scoring pollutants are unavailable arshyscreening were ranked independtmiddotntly by tificial scales can be constructed to the tvo approaches If the same subshy quantify subjective factors Finally the stance rated high~middot under both systems sensitivity of the results to the systems its importance to California was judged subjective aspects may be measured For to be more likely than if it had scored example one can determine the effect of highly in only one method changing criteria weights upon the final

Additive Approach In the additive pollutant ranking Similarly an appreshyapproach the user identifies one or more ciation may be gained of the significance criteria and rates each alternatiw subshy of the range of uncertainty for a particshystance against each criterion while sishy ular required data element by varying _ multaneously deciding the relative imshy rating factor values portance of the criteria Eq (1) shows its A fundamental problem with the apshymathematical formulation proach is that there is no logical basis for

adding the individual scores assignedRating for pollutant i = f W1 R11 under the criteria other than the asshy

rbullI sumption that this simulates or even

(1) improves upon the users thought proshyEach criterion or rating factor (1 ) is crss A major operational problem is assined a value for each pollutant and that of weighting the criteria A common each rating factor is weighted (b W1 ) practice is to give all critNia equal -icnrding to its importance reht veto wltgtight hut that is in itstbulllf a st1Ubullm1middotnl lhe otlwr rritnia llw sc11rtbull for 1111 aLnut the 1rcl11tive importance of Ow 1n1 1 undmiddotr nitn1 n j is the prod11middott of n1ttria

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



Multiplicative Approach In the multiplicative approach the rating for each alternative is the product of the rat ihgs under each criterion

Hating for pollutant i --- 11Ill

UJ (~) Jbull I

A multiplicative approach can have ~omc altlvrntnges over additive onrs First in some cases the ratings can be physical parameters such as concenshytrations or volatilities there is then no need to weight the criteria and hence less controversy over subjective judgshyments Second multiplication generally provides a wider range of scores than does addition allowing clearer disshycrimination among alternatives Finally this approach provides results which are more intuitively acceptable As an exshyample of this last point suppose that exposure and harmfulness levels for candidate substance are each converted to values on aO to IO scale and that a certain substance is both extremely toxic and extremely rare An additive approach would give the compound a rating ofO + 10 = 10 which is equivalent to that of a moderately prevalent subshystance (rated say at 5) which is modshyerately harmful (rated also at =-) A multiplicative approach on the other hand would rate the first substance at 0 and the second at 25

Criteria The six criteria used in the additive and multiplicative ranking procedures are defined in Table 11 Asshysignment of values to the Rij was based upon data gathered from published litshyerature personal communications and panel discussion and has been fully documented 13

Because the purpose of this exercise was to determine the relative imporshytance of the suspected candidate carshycinogens R 1 was scaled to the most heavily used candidate substance benshyzene whose annual production and use in California is nearly 109 lb Materials with a use under 105 lbyr would be rated zero for R 1 and rejected Howevshyerbefore rejecting a substance by this criterion we considered whether its emissions could in particular circumshystances result in high exposures to a Joshycalized population

R2 takes into account the fact that the chemical industry is in continual change Substances of concern today may be phased out while the use of others may rise dramatically increasing their imshyporta nee asmiddot poll utan ts Information on developments which could likely result in a change in the growth rate was facshytored into the choice of a value for R2- As an example asbestos consumption in California has been stable in recent years However the pending phaseout of asbestos in motor vehicle friction materials will hasten the decline in asshybestos consumption hence we assigned a value of 1 for R2bull

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

Ideally one cou1 1 use pouu1c11u

sion as a criterion However in this case emissions were to l e estimated in detail only for the five t1 ten carcinogens fishynally ~elected Thmiddotrtfor(bull a 11w1st1n of tt II iim pol cint ial vus 1~1middotd 1atbulld llpon

knowledge of the s11bstances manufacshyture and USP for R The higlwst rating went to substanc middots which are v idely used especially in consumer products A slightly lower rating went to subshystances which an~ routinely emitted from industrial processes during proshyduction and use Some materials are employed in such a way that emissions are quite low even though tight emission control may not be required by law Materials in this cntegory were assigned a value of two for H3bull Substances which under federal or st ate regulations may not be discharged to the exterior envishyronment but which could be dischJrged by accident received the lowest rating

Each candidate was evaluated (n the basis of its 1ropen-ity to decompbullgtSe in ambient air Materials with half-lives greater than eight hours were considered moderately to highly stable and rated five for R4 bull Low to moderate stability was assigned to substances with halfshylives between zero and eight hours Compounds known to exist in air for only a few minutes would be rated zero

Ta hie II Dcfinitinns of the criteria used

R1 Prbullbullsent use in California

100 of max (109 lbyr) 5 10 1)f max (108 lbyr) 4

1 of max (107 lbvr) 3 01 of max (106 lbyr) 2

001 of max (105 lbyr) l lt001 of max (lt105 lbyr) O

R2 Growth in California use

+ 20 5 +Oolti to +20 4 Positive growth to 0 3 Stahle or unknown 2 DPcline 1 B1middotin~ phased out 0

R Emision potential

Widespread use in ltonsumer products 5 R1middotlatively p1or con rot over emissions 4 Rdatively good control over emissions 2 Tihtly c1int rolled 1

R4 8tabilit~- in ambient Air4 tvlnderale t1 high st 1bility (l 1 middot2 gt 8 hr) 5 Lw to modmiddotrate s1 bility (t1 l -0-8 hr) 3 Unstahle(t2~febull minutes) 0

R Dispcision Potential

Emitted lar~ely as apor or iine 5 particulnte

Emit led largely as rnarse particulate

Rlt Evidence f Carcinu~enici ty

Known or suspected human carcinogen 5 Known mammalian carcinogtmiddotn 4 ~usptctcd 111ammalan carcino~en or 3

known m mmalin muta~tmiddotn Ames ltmiddotst p sitive 2 Prpoundgtcursor 01 co-car inogen

a t11 is the half-liftmiddot


tion state or anion associations may change in the atmosphere metals do not degrade and were considered stable Asbestos is likewise itahlc Many of the clcc-ompo~ilion rtbullnctions oi orinnic molecules are mediated by light Such substances if released at night would have several hours to disperse in the surrounding area

A rapid way of assessing the relative potential of different substances to spread from a release point is to note their physical state under normal amshybient conditions Accordingly we scored materials emitted as vapors or fine particulates the highest for R5 and coarse particulates the lowest Intershymediate values are possible for varying amounts of fine and coarse particulate emissions from the same source or from different sources

There is as yet no widely agreed upon measure of the relative potenciemiddots of carcinogens although some ranking systems have been proposed14 Extrapshyolating data from in vitro techniques such as the Ames bacterial mutagenicity test and from laboratory animal studies to humans is problematic Therefore a less quantitative measure of the carcishynogenic potential of each candidate substance was used The candidates receiving the highest scores for Rs would be those for which there is strong evishydence of carcinogenesis in humans Exshyamples are asbestos which is implicated in mesothelioma vinyl chloride which has been identified as the agent of liver cancer in exposed workers and bisshy(chloroinethyl)ether shown by epideshymiological studies to cause lung cancer in resin workers The next highest rated substances are those for which human carcinogenicity is unknown but which have produced cancer in one or more mammalian species in laboratory tests Next are those which have not been shown to be carcinogens but which have proven to be mutagenic in test animals Substances for which the only knowlshyedge of carcinogenic potential is a posishytive Ames test (producing mutations in histidine-requiring strains of Salmoshynella) are rated 2 Finally substances which are implicated only as precursors or co-carcinogens would be rated lowest

Substances unequivocally associated with carcinogenesis were considered as carcinogens in this study Conditions of emission and exposure including the presence of co-carcinogens were facshytored into the evaluation of each candishydate where possible Carcinogenic subshystances derived from the metabolism of a precursor were considered as carcinoshygens However ubiquitous substances which have been hypothesized to be precursors (eg secondary amines nishytrous acid and nitric oxide which combine under certain circumstances to


form N-nitrosoamines) were not conshysidered because of uncertainties in the importance of their link to the carcinoshygenic compound and the practical conshysiderations demanded by the scope of the study

It was beyond the scope of this study to jud~e the validity and interpietation of the experimental ad epidemiological evidence upon which the carcinogenicity of candidate substances has been esshytablished We accepted the conclusions about carcinogenicity drawn by the Inshyternational Agency for Research on Cancer or the National Cancer Institute and did not consider dosage or route of administratioll of tested substances However considerations of test validity did enter into the subjective evaluation by the panel of experts

Weight lr1 the sdditive ranking scheme each rating criterion is weighted according to its limportance relative to the other criteria Little precedent exists for assigning these weights In our judgment and as generally agreed by the panel of experts (see below) R 1 RJ and R6 are more important than the other criteria Evidence of carcinogeshynicity was considered to be the most important criterion of aB so W 15 was assigned a valtze of 3 W 1 aid W 3 were set at 2 and W W-i and W5 were set at 1 In order to discern the potential senshysitivity of the rankings to the weight assignments the candidates were also ranked using equaily weighted crishyteria

Ranking Candidates by Panel o~ Experts

Anine-member panel of experienced governmental industrial and academic scientists whose disciplines include~ -organic and physical chemistry indusshytrial hygiene toxicology epidemiology and iegulatory control of toxic sub~ stances was convened to provide addishytional data for our ranking algorithms

to discuss our candidate --ubstanc -sand rejections to suggest pos-ibie ne suushystances for consiceration and Lt rank the candidates indepen11mtly ( f our own ranking Tvo v-ee ilts he fore the meeting pa-d uember-s were jven one-to three-page dossiers on eac I canshydidaie substance

At th~ start of the meeting- before any group discussion the pand was asked to rate each candidate suhtance with a score from Oto 5 Next cmiddotach candidate was discussed at length e provided ~n ovrview and summarized critical issues identifi2d up to that Pbullgtnnt Through materials brought to thtmiddot meetin and their persoril experience panel memshyber Veimiddote able to provide much useful information on the candidates and adshyditional insight in to our ~a ting criteria

At the encl of the two-d1y sc~sion the pa-iel ugain -ated the cai 1didates

Flnal SelediDn

Tabe III show- the highest-scoring substance a~ det(rraine1 by the 1ddishytive and mlltiplictive approaches and by th~ panel in ~e additive approach 21 single r1nking as obuined by avershyaging the two ran kings resulting from using equal and uneguai weights The ran kings ltif most candidi tes were unafshyfected hut carbo11 tetralt hloride chloshyroform chromium and inorganic lead changed more tban thmiddotee positions_ Because uncertainties in the data base predude imputing signifiance to small differences in the Lnal ordering the lists in Table III are prtmiddotsented in alphabetishycal order However it is of interest to point out that benzene consistently ranked hihest

Becausimiddot some cindidates had equal rating scores we ltould nut choose exshyactly ten candidat ~s from the additive and multiplicative rankings Instead the

top nine and eleven were selected from the two exercises respectively We also considered the ten substances scored highest hy the panel at the end of the session The final consensus selection cornsistt-d of the 11 candidate substances appearing on at least two of the three lisL- For the substances included in the cun~ensus ranking a baseline emissions inventory is being conducted and a source testing program is being deshysigned

1ejected Substances

Some comments about certain subshySiF1ces not appearing on the final list are in order inasmuch as they include known carcinogens and compounds which hae received considerable atshyllttion in recent years as occupational c11c111ogens

rouisionally Rejected Substances Appended to the consensus ranking (T1ble III) were vinyl chloride gasoline and engine exhausts tobacco smoke and pesticides No further action by the CRB is recommended at this time for vinyl chloride because it is already subject tu the USEPA emissions stanshydard a CARB ambient air quality strndard and an OSHA standard

Gasoline and tobacco smoke were appcndlmiddotd to this list because each ocshycurs very widely and contains several of the candidate substances reviewed in this study some of which are in the final listing For example gasoline contains benzene ethylene dibromide ethylene dilmiddothloride and alkyl lead compounds the last three being in leaded grades only Both gasoline and diesel combusshytion products include PAHs Tobacco smoke contains among other neoplasshytigenic substances nitrosamines PAHs nickel arsenic cadmium and other heavv metals Manv individuals are inshyvolu~tarily and i~ many situations

Table HI Hi~hest ranked candidates from each rnnkin~ methodbull

Highly ranked but no inventory

l I ighesl consensus recommended Additive Multiplicativ(~ Pan I of eqwrts rnnkmg at this time

Asbestos Benzene

Cadmium Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichlori-rJe

Nitroi1omi111es Perlth loroet hylene Pol~middotcyclic arnmatic hydrocarbons


Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chl11roform Chromium Ethylene dichlornle

Nit rosamimbulls Perchloroet hvle111middot


Ars nic Ash middotstos

Beniene Car1n

h trnchloride Chi roform

Eth- lene Diliromidf Eth lene Dirhloride Nitros11nintmiddot~

Per hloroel hlfne PAii

Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chloroform Ethylene dihromide Eth~middotlcnf dichloride

Nit rosamintmiddots Perch lornPl hy (- n(bull lAH

Vinyl chloride bull Gasoline and engine

exhausts Tobacco smoke Pesticides

1156 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association


lirtualy unavoidably exposed to t11-k1ltco smoke Because the sources of gasoline its combustion products and tobacco smoke emissions are well known no specific action was recomshymended for these materials during the tbullmissions innnlory and -ource testing design stages of the present study It was considered importint ho-vemiddoter to draw attrntion to the general publics exposhysure tot hrse substances PrsticidltS are listed for the same reason thou~h ad(bullmiddot tailed examination of pesticides w1s beyond the scope of this study Many pesticides are widely used and some of them are known to be carcinogenic

Other Rejected Substances Acryshylonitrile and vinylidene chloride were placed in a provisionally rejected group because of the panels suspicion that imports of these compounds to Cnlifornia from Japan may be appreshyciable yet are hard to substantiate Should such imports be verified in the future these two compounds would take on greater importance Formaldehyde was also provisionally rejected because the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is not carcinogenic and that bisshy(chloromethyl)ether is not formed from formaldehyde in appreciable quintities in industrial environments 15 The ocshycupationally controlled carcinogens ethyleneimine and beta-propiolactone were rejected in part because of their reactivity in air At the time of this study DBCP a pesticide was no longer heing middotproduced in California and was therefore rejected from further considshyeration

Occupational Regulations and Community Exposure

A question of interest to the CARB was whether the regulation of acknowlshyedged occupational carcinogens adshyverselv affects the ambient air outside the v~rkplace Our general findings can be illustrated by the example of asshybestos

Asbestos is a very widely used mateshyrial for which no ambient air standard exists Concentrations in the workplace are limited to an eight-hour timtmiddotshyweighted average concentration of two fiberscm=1 of air and a ceiling concenshytration of ten fihcrscm 1bull In meeting this standard exhausting air containin~ asshybestos to the ambient air is not reshystricted except by the USEPAs reshyquirement that there shall he no visible emissions containing asbestos piut ides from s11eh foci lit i1bulls (bullxd11din~ hrak(bull shops 1 Considning that undc-r certain conditions 101 asbestos fiherscm1 could ht Pmitted without being visihl( 11 this standard mamiddot allow considerable asshybestos emissicns It is unlikely however that emissions would actually approach these levels First since the OSHA standard cannot generally be achieved

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

by ventilation n ine the generation or asbestos partid in the workplace must be greatly reltlu ed Second the air is usually filtered 11gt prevent recirculation of asbestos to 1 workplace Asbestos waste must bed 1sposed of in sealed imshypermeable bag~ or containers Thus under current onupational regulations the amhient air 1enerally appCars to be afford(bulld greatn protection than it would without s11ch regulations 1


The screenin and ranilting methodshyology presented in this paper proved to be a feasible approach to establishing a priority list of Jirborne carcinc)gens in California We ftel that it is an efficient means of focu~ing further efforts on emissi()ns inventories source testing and ambient measurement for it not only identifie all the carcinogens of potential concern but it also permits the state regulatory agency to direct its reshysearch resourCtmiddots toward those subshystances of partilmiddotular interest within its jurisdiction

References l National Elllission Standards for Hazshy

ardous Air P llutants A Compilation as of April 1 19 3 PEDCO Environmenshytal Inc for US Environmental Proshytection Ag1middotncy EPA3401-78008 (NTIS No I B 288 205) 19i6

S Gray Ne Jersey Department of Enshyvironmental l 1rotection Trenton NJ private com111unication 1979

1 H E Chrislllsen E J Fairchild and R J Lewis Sr middotmiddotSuspected Carcinogens A Suhfile of th1middot NIOSH Regii-try of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 2nd Ed National Institute for Occupational Safety and HPalth NIOSH i7-149

4 B 8 Fuller J Hushon 1 Kornreich R Ouellette L Thomas and P Valker Scoring of rganic air pollut1nts for US Environrnental Protection Agency Mitre Corpt ration T1middotchnical Report MTR-6248 I 9i6

S F R Lozan11 Toxicants Selected for Priority En- 1ronmental Assessment corresponde11ce with EPA Region VI Administrat r 19i7

1gt Survey of inyl Chloride Levels in the Vicinity of Keysor-Century Saugus California US Environmental Proshytection AJet middoty National Enforcement lnvestiiatim Center Denn-rand San Francisco E A-n02-77-017a 19i8

0 Bardin l middotstimon~middot in Hearings on Helationshi1 Bet wfen Cancer and the Environmei 1 US llltuse of Hepreshysentatives bull th Congress 2nd Session Committee (In Interstate and Foreicn Commerce ~crial No 94-141 1976 pp 7~i0

middot T H Ma11middoth Carcinogens in the workplace lwrE to start d1middotaning up Sc-imiddotrmmiddot l17 1-1110) lfi8 (197)

I CH ar1111 Classif1r11t1on of the Exshyposure Haza d Prtbullstgtnled Ii~middot Thirt~middot-Six Clwmirals 011 I llixllmmiddots lternorandum from Clllm1middot I Offi(middote of thtgt Assmmiddotiate lgt1rector for 1 middotarcinoltnesis Division of Cancer Cau~ l and Prevention lo SushyJwrmiddoti-or~middot ( 0 Auditor Gtmiddotneral Acshycounting Oft lmiddote19ii1

I0 Chemicals ith Sufficient Evidence of ( arcinogenit ty in Experimental Ani-


ma1s Jnlernauona1 Agency 1or 1c-curcn on Cancer IAHC Working Group Reshyport Lyon France 1978

11 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes for 1977 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1977

12 M H Rogozen D 1 Hausknecht and R A Zisk ind 1976 A Methodology for Ranking Trace Elements in Fossil Fuels According to Their Potential Health Impact by Science Applications Inc for Electric Power Research Institute 1976

1t L Margler R Ziskind M Rogozen and M Axelrod An Inventory of Carcinoshygenic Substances Released into the Amshybient Air of California Vol I Final Reshyport Screening and Identification of Carcinogens of Greatest Concern by Science Applications Inc for California Air Resources Board 1979

14 T H Maugh Estimating potency of carcinogens is an inexact science Science 202 (4363) 38(1978)

15 C C Yao and G C Miller Research Study on ais(Chloromethyl)Ether Forshymation and Detection in Selected Work Environments by the Bendix Corposhyration for National Institute for Occushypational Safety and Health Cincinnati Ohio Contract No 210-75-0056 1979

16 Occupational Cancer Control Unit Calshyifornia Department of Industrial Relashytions Los Angeles California private communications with staff members 19i9

This paper was developed while Dr Margler was a Staff SriPntist in the Energy-Environment Systems Division of Science Applications Inc (SAIi 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1205 Los Angeles CA 90067 and Mr Reynolds was a Project Manager with the California Air Reshysources Board Sacramento CA 95812 Dr ltar~ler is currently emshyployed as DirEgtrtnr of Bnvironmental Scitbulllltcs for WinzlN nnd Kelly Conshysultini EnintNi t1 Third Stretbullt EurekH CA 9gtgt01 and Mr Heynolds is Air Pollution Control Diretbulltor for the Lake County Air Pollution Conshytrol District 55 N Forhes Street Lakeport CA 95-13 Dr Rogozpn is a Staff Scientist and Dr Ziskind is Deputy Manager of the Energy-Enshyvironment Systems Division of SAi


Appendix f~

_l)ispobullition of Miscellaneous Sites

Gould Inc Ver_n)_~ St~condary Lead S~_n_elter

The emissions of arsenic from the four large secondary lead smelt~rs

in Cali forni) J1~1 ~ bull~tiilnted in the program This estimate was based upon a

uniform fugitive emission f1cJr nt WPll supported by measurement inforriation

Therefore source monitoring was r2cq11)nded 1nd Gould Inc Vernon being

~he largest was singled out It was however proposed to monitor both Gouli

and RSR Corp (Quemetco) in the City of Industry since analysis of the plants

revealed significant differences in plant equipment and engineering The

latter being more typical of 1 nodern facility

As a r2sult Jf pr-~-middott -iiscussions and plant inspections we became

aware that Gould was actively in the process 1)f constructing a new facility

which would completely replace the existing one We have monitored progress

on the new site and concluded it would he inappropriate to utilize program

resources to conduct field tests at Gould ~rr1issi 1rns from the new Gould

faci 1ity wi 11 be bas~rl 11p11) test results from RSR

PG ampE - Pittsburg PG ampE - Salinas a~d So Cal Edison - Long Beach Oil Fuel Power Plants

It was app ro p ri ate tJ cons i dP r the (~mission of arsenic from power

plants during the initial study stage inc~ imiddotrace quantities in the fuel oil

are known to be ernitted Because of the population distribution in tile

vicinity of three plants and some 11realistically conservative estimat2s of

erlissiJn c-1ctors tht~ facilities appearc~d among the top seventeen stationary

sources of potential c1Jn-r-n HovJ~ver as a result of a reexamination of

emission data it was concluded that an error ~dj ~een made in the material

balance of arsenic - resulting in tn emission factor equivalent of a 300

release ~io lit~rature was found to justify 1reater than a 30 transfer

function Thus we estimated at the outside th~ emission factor should be

reduced from 013 lb per 1000 lb to approximately 0013 lb and resulting

ars9nic 2missions for the entire state w~r~ cJ11servatively estimated to be

1760 lbs (from 17600) divided amongst 311 the states power plants Clearly

then the four secondary lPad smelters estimat~ of S9410 lbs of arsenic(


emissions per year makes consideration of poer pl int ernissio1s if ffsenic a

very low priority

In a literdture review by SAI - Methodokgy __f_or Ranking Trace

Elements in Fossil Fuels Accordi~9__t_~_their Potential Health Iripact (Roqozen

1976) - emissions estimates f0r 15 trac~ substances were researched for c11l

and fuel oil pomiddot1er plant c 1J1v---r-sion Source content combustion pr-)~~

transfer functions and contrcl methodology were co1~idered to develop e~ission

factors The output to input ~atio computed and utilized n -~i-i~ study for

arsenic was 002 to 03 (ie tra1sfer function betw~en 2 11d JO~) reflecti~q

the wide variety of fuels processses and controls nationwiJe The upper end

reflecti1g both high arsenic coals and poor e11iss10n contro 1 devices Clearly

neither of those conditions accurtely apply to th2 thr~~ si~~~ r1nrl thus

substantiate the rlecision not to perform emissions neasur-i-~n~s

Calaveras Asbestos Company - Copperopo l middotis Asbestos Mini n(i and Mi 11 i nq

In the past (late sixties and early seventies) ~h2 ~3laveras

Asbestos Company came under heavy criti-is1 1fter imiddot1sp~ction rieasurements

revealed serious problems However significant reduction of e1nissi0ns have

occured prompted by NESHAP regulation and occupcttional standards SAI

inspected the site in f)~c~1b-2r 1979 under an EPA contract An missions

inventory was published under that work (Ztskind 1980) and the bottom line

conclusion is that currently no significant ernissioi1 are gteing released as a

r~sult of hl-isting which would reach the publ le i 1le 0pen pit is some 900

feet deep with blasting at the bottom 0ver 80 percent of emissions in the

CARB Emission Inventory System were attributej to pit blasting In fact at

its current depth blasted 1aterial does not reach the mine surface with tile

explosive implacement used Additionally the site is more remote than might

be realized The ~ituation is vastly different today than in the past and

currently attention should be paid to the issues of occupational exposure and

breakdown of ventilation syste111 controls in t1e inilling operationsmiddot He

recorrrnended that no furtw~ corsideration be Jiven to this site for the

purposes of tl1is w)JJil ie identification )f silt~middot1ificant releases vhich

might he responsible for causi1J middot1 fmiddot middotgtbullgt middot 1= 1(11 1bull11 tinn Pxposure


Vctri0J5 Refineries

It was est=tblished early in the anrilysis prmiddotJr111 V1at gtenzene

emissions from refinery operations coulrl in th~ 1guregate constitute a

significrnt source Since there ilre a large rrnrnber 0f refineri~s in

California (46 in Los Angeles County itself -it t(~ i 1~ middot)f r-1ltariination) with a

wide variety of types sizes ages etc their eva l uat 11) 1 i =r~sent -3~ i)7

monumental task It was noted immediately t 13t ~~it hi n the total scope of the

study the design and conduct )f c r~f i r1~ y testing program which would develop

a complete benzene emissions in1~ntory for 01e site was impractical let alone

to d1aracteri ze emissions fro111 three ie those listed among the 17 rnost

s i g n if i ca n t potent i a l st a t i on a r y sou r c e em it 1-_ l rs bull

The three refineries were singled out for special attention in the

previol1s phase ~ecause they uriiquely had components which process materials

containing 10 or more per~nt hy middot1-bulli1 11t )-~112~ne (46 FR 1165 Jan 5 1981 pg

1491 ) Est i mates by E P A ( F e d bull r l Rr-~ g i s t ~ r 1q81 ) i n d i cate that 90 p e r cent o r

more of the total benzene fu 1Jitive emissions arise from such components

Therefore attention is appropriately focused on the three henzene production

consumption refineries Chevron (Richmond) Arco (Crson) and Chevron (El

Segundo) SAI staff considered the possibliJ )f -1 testing program at one of

these refineries and cone l url 1middotd it would not 1)e cost-effect i v2 for o number of


California is a minor producer and consumer of benzene with

approximately 15 of the 114 hill ion pounds produced and

consumed nation1lly in 1977 This can 1)e riY1pared with the fact

that California has approximately 10 of th~ ~ations population

Benzene exposur~ to the generil nJmiddot1lation has been partitioned

among the various sources Aproximately 90 of exposure is

estimated (SRI 1978) to be caused hy gasoline distribution

activities and 1ehiclEmiddot emissions in 1 ir~an areas with nearly all

of the balance )Y benene hrndl ing operations (refineries and

chemical plants) In the case middotlf California this percent1g~ Jill

be even JT1ore di middotpruJor-tionate b~cause of its greater s1are of the

population and ~esser share of the henzene ha~dling Furthermore

since the three refin 1bullry cites ire heavily urbanized no new rural

population cegmmiddotnt is beinq exposed


Californias most heavily urbanized Air Quality Management

Di st r i cts have a l ready adopted t en zen e f ugit i v e em i s s i on

staridards comparable and vith S( 1ine features VJr stringent than

the proposed national (bullmission lttandarrl (4f-i FR 1165 Jan 5

1981) Thus the concmiddotlusion rleri1ed above (Le refinery emissions

are secondary cause of exposure to the urb~n microopu~ation) is

further reinforced since H is irojected that re1eases from

components in benzene service (gt10 benzene) will be reduced by

73 by the proposed F~deral Standards T~~ ~istrict rules (eg

South Coast Air Quality Management District 456 and 4fi6l) are

not restricted to berz~ne per senor to only components in

benzene service The rjLs 1lso i-lclude flanges in addition to

the components ca i led uut in the propose nat i 01a l standard

The EPA estimated that if the proposed emission standard were adopted the

1~aximum annual benzene concertr0Vioi1 -~01middot 1 plant would be 36 ppb at a

distance of 0 1 kilomeL~~ avay Cor1paring this ground level concentration

with the general urban background i1 California of 19 ppb shows the latt2r t1

dominate In recognition of the secondary im0ortance of these thr~~ i~~s i~

was decided to utilize program resources to d~velop field data at other sites

1111here little emissions informati1)i1 1as cll-1aila1)le



US tn v 1 ronrnen ta I Protection Agency

middotJc k



1 Applicaoil ity and Principle

11 Apmicroli1ability This rnetnod amicropliltS to tt1e determination of

i nor~an i c d rsen i c ( s) e1n is sions trom non f errou Sm(~ I ters dnd other sources as

smicroecified in the reuulations

12 Principle Particulate and gaseous As emissions are withdrawn

isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass mat filter and in

water The collected As is ther1 analyzed by means of atomic aosorption


2 Apparatus

21 Sa111pliny Train A schematic of tt1e sampling train is shown in

fiyure 421 it is similar to tt1e Method 5 train of 40 CRF 60 Appendix A

Tne sampliny trdin consists of tt1e followiny components

Note H1i s and a11 subse~uent nferences to ottler methods refer to the Methods in 40 CFflt 60 Appendix I


211 Probe Nozzle Probe Liner Pitot Tube~ Differential Pressure

Gauge Filter Holder Filter Heating System r-1etering System Barometer and

Gas Density Determination Equimicroinent Same as Method 5 sections 211 to

216 and 218 to 2110 iespective1y

212 lmpinyers Six fr1pingers connected in sermiddoties llith leak-free

ground-glass fittings or any sim lar leak-free non-contam~1ating fittings

For the firstj third fourth fifth 31d sixth impingers ~~e the

Greenb~rg-Smith design modifiec bY replacing the tip with a i_3-cm-ID (05

in) glass tube extending to about 13 cm (05 in) from the bottom of the

flaskR for the second impinger use the Greenburg-Smith design with the

standard tip~ The tester may us1bull modifications (eg flexible connections

between the impingers materials other than glass or flexible vacuum lines to

connect the filter holder to the condenser) subject to the approval of the


P1ace a thermometer camicroable of measuring temperature to within 1degc (2degF) at the outlet of the sixth impi~ger for monitoring purposes

22 Sample Recovery The following items are needed

221 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes Petri Dishes Graduated

Cylinder andor Balance Plastic Storage Containers Rubber Policeman and

Funnel Same as Method 5 sect inns 221 r1nd 221 to 22g r1~spectivemiddot1y

l2c ~dlh lottl~~- l)olVbullU1ylene (2)

223 Sarnmicrole Storage Containi~rs Chemically resistant polyethylene

or polypropylene for glassware WdShes 500- or 1OOO-ml

23 Ana1ysis The following equipment is needed

231 Spectrophotometer Equipped with an electrodeless discharge

lamp and a background corrector to measure absorbance at 1937 nm For

measuring samples naving less thM 10 119 Asml use a vapor generator


232 Recorder To match the output of the spectrophotometer

233 oeakers 15O-ml

234 Volumetric Flasks Glass 50- 100- 200- 500- and 1OOO-ml

and po Iymicroromicroy 1ene 5O-m l bull

235 Lrlcbulln1t11y1lr Fl1bulllimiddot 11() ml

cJb l-3a1ance To 11H~ds11re wilhin 1S ltJ

237 Volurietric Pimicroetbull 1- 2- J- 5- 8- and 10-ml

238 PARR Acid Digestion rlonb


2JltJ Uven

L 3 lU Hot PI t t~

Unless otnerwise specified us~ ACS redgent grdde (or equivdlent)

c11em1cals tt1rouyr1out

J bull l Sd 111 p I i rt y bull Tl1 e rmiddot i ~ a yen t middot) u s e d i n s a in p I i ny are a s fa l 1ows

J bull 1 1 r i It e r s Si I i ca lie l Cr u s n ed Ic e and Stopco c k Grea s e bull Same

as rmiddotlethod 5 sections J11 J12 314 J15 respectively

J12 Water Ueionized distilled to meet ASTM Specification

u ll9J-74 Type 3 When i1igh concentrc1tions of organic matter are not

expected to be present the analyst may omit the KMn0 test for oxidizable4

organic matter

J13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o~) 10 Percent (WV) Dilute 294 ml of

30 microercent H2o2 to 1 liter with deionized distilled water

32 Sample Recovery 01 rl sodium hydroxide (Na0H) is ret1uired

Dissolve 400 g of NaUH in about 500 ml of d~ionized distilled water in a

1-liter volumetric fldsk Then dilutti to exactly lU liter with deionized

distilled water

33 Analysis Tiie rectgtrnt needtd for analysis are as follows

3 3 1 Water Same as 312

33L Sodium Hydroxide 01 N Same as 32

33J Sodium Borohydridc (NaBH ) 5 Percent (WV) Dissolve 500 g4

of NaBH4 in dbout 5UU 1111 of ul N Na0H in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter ~ith (ll N Na0H

334 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Concentrated

3J5 Potassium Iodide (KI) 30 P~rcent (WV) Dissolve 300 g of KI

in 500 ml of deionized disti I led water in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

d i I u t e to exact Iy 1 0 l i t er v i t n cl e i on i zed d i st i 1 1 e d vate r bull

336 Sodium Hydroxide 10 N Dissolve 4000 g of Na0H in about

500 1nl of deionized distilled ~~at1r ind 1-liter volu11etric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter 1ith lteion1zed clistilled middotlater

J37 Pnenolmicrohtnalein Dissolve uos g of pnenolphthalein in 50 ml of 90 microercent ethanol dnd ~0 ml ot deionizeo distilled water

JJ8 Nitric cid (HN0 ) Concentrated3

33SJ Nitric Acid u8 rt lJi lute J~ ml of concentrated HN0 to3

exactly 1U liter with deionized distilled water

3J10 Nitric Acid 50 Percent (VV) Add 5U ml concentrated HN01 to J

50 111 rJe ion middoti z~ct di st i I ed Wd t er

JJ11 Stock Arsenic Standard l m~ lsml lJissolve l]203 g of

microrimdr_y standard tdrc2de Asi in 2(l r11 of 01 N NaOH lh~utralize with3

concentrdted HN0 bull Dilute to LJ 1ite~middot 11i~th deionized distilhd ~later 3

JJlc Arsenic Workiny Solution LJ microg AsmL Jmiddotipet exactly 10 ril

of stock As standard into an JCid-ceaned dppropriately l1bel~d 1-liter

volumetric flask containing about gt00 ml of deionized distil1ec1 Jater and 5 ml

of concentrated HN0 bull L)ilute to exKtly lU liter vlitt1 dioniZed distilled3


3313 Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrated

3314 Air Suitable quality for atomic absorption analysis

3315 Acetylene Suitab~ quality for atomic ctbsormicrotion analysis

JJ16 Filter )aper fi1ters What1an No 41 or ~4uival(~nt

4 Procedure

41 Sampling ~ecctuse of tne c0111plexity of this 1nethod testers

must be trained and experienced with the test procedures in order to obtain

reliable results

411 Pretest Preparation Fol low the general procedure given in

Method S section 411 except the fi middot1 ter n(~ed not be weighed

4ol2 Preliminary Oetermindtions Fol low the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 Section 412 except sekct tne nozzle size to maintain

isokinetic sampling rates oelm- 28 liters1~in (1U cfrn)

4L3 Premicroarcttion of Collecti(rn Train Follow the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 section 41J except prepdre the impingers as follows

Place 150 ml of deionized distilled water in each of the first two

impmiddotinyers dnd 2UU 111I of tu )Hrcent 1Ui in ttl tt11rd fourr11 dlld fifth

immicroin~Jers lJeiyl1 ctrKI rmiddotbull~tllrd tilt J1~1_111t tgtI ~dtll IIqi11HJlf dr1d liquid lrmiddotinst_rmiddot

ct_gtmicroroximately 200 to JUU y ut iJreveiyhe i silica ycl from its container to the

sixth impinger Set up the train dS shilWn in Figure lUo-1

414 Leak-Check Procedures Fol low the l~ak-ch~ck procedures given

in Mf~thod ~ SE~ctiuns 41-Ll (Pret~st I 1~dk-Cneck) 11ll2 (Ledk-Ct1ecks

Uurrny Sa111ple Kun) drld 414J (Post-TSt Leak-UleCk)

415 Jrsenic Trctin Umicroeration Follm the general procedure given


in [middot1lt~ttrnd () sectic n 1L lJ i~xcei1t 111ainta1n d tllllfH~rdture of 110deg to 135degc

UJo0 to nsdegF) aruunli UH tilter and 1Hintain isokinetic sctmpling flo~ rates

oelov 2J litersmin (lO cfii) 1middotor ectcn run record tile data ret1uired on c1

datd sheet suct1 as the une shown in FiltJure 108-2

416 Ldlculcttion tgtf Percent lsokinetic --c1me cts Method 5 section

4 lb

42 Satple Recovery tieyin proJer cleanup procedure as soon as

the probe is removed from tle sta k at the 2nd of the sampling period

Al low tt1e probe to cool wt1en it cdn be safely handled wipe off al 1

external particulate matter near che tip ot the probe nozzle and place a cap

over it to microrevent loosing er gaining microarticulate matter Do not cap off the

probe tip tightly while the sammicroliny train is cooling because a vacuum would

form in t11e f i I ter ho Ider

~efore moving the sampling train to the cleanumicro site remove the

probe from the sample train wipe off the silicone grease and cap the open

outlet of the probe Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be

present Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter inlet where the probe

was fastened and cap it R~move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and

cap the impinger If a flexible line is used between the first impinger and

the filter t1older disconnect tt1e line at tne filter holder and let any

condensed water or liquid drain into the immicroingers After wiping off the

si I icone yrease Cdfl off tht~ filter t10lder outlet and impinger inlet Use

either ground-ylass middotstomicromicroers plastic caps or serum caps to close these


Trdnsfer tne probe rnd fi lter-impi11ger ass~mbly to a cleanup area

tnat is c I ean and protected from tt1e wind su tnat the chances of contaminating

or I o s i n g the s a n p 1 e i s mi n i li zed bull

Inspect the train before and durin~ disassembly and note any abnormal

con d i t i on s bull Treat t he s dinp I -~ as t o l l ows

4Ll Container Nu~ (Filter) Cdretul ly remove the filter from

the filter nolder and microlace it in its identified petri dish container Use a

pair of tweezers andor cledil disposable surgical gloves to handle tile filter

lf it is necessary to fold tmiddot1e filter fold the particulate cake inside the

fold Carefully transfer to U1e petri ctist1 ctny microarticulate 111atter andor

f i 1 t er f i oe rs that adhere to the tTI t l ho l de r ya s k et by us i n g a dry Ny 1 on

bristle orush andor a snarmicro-edyed bid te Sectl the container

Mention of trade names or microeci fie pmiddotmiddotoctucb does not consitute endorsement

by the Environmentctl Prottbull(~tion Ayen y r-5

42a2 Contdiner No 2 (Probe) fdKiny care that dust on the outside

of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample

yuctntitatively recover microarticuldte matter or any condensate from the probe

nozzle microrobe fitting probe liner and franc half of the filter holder by

vctsl1in~ tt1ese co111microonents witn Ul N NdJH ctnc1 microlctciny tr1e WdSh in a plastic

storage container Measure Jid tCOtd tu U~ nearest 1il u~ tlital volume of

solution in Container No 2 Perform tne rinjiny with 01 N NaUH as follows

Cctrefully remove the probe nozzle aid rinse the inside surface with

Ul N NaOH from a HaS~l bottle~ Brust1 wit11 a Nylon bristle brush and rinse

until the rinse st10ws no visible particles after vmich mallt~ a final rinse of

the inside surface

~rush and rinse the inside oarts of the Swayelok fitting with Ul N

NaUH in a similar way unti1 no visioe parti les remain

Rinse the proble l~11er -iitr iJl N NaOH While squir-ting lll N NaOH

into tl1e upper end of the prnbe tilt and rotate the probe so that all inside

surfctces will be i-ettecl wiU the rinse solution Let the Ul N NaOH drain

from tt1e lower end into tl1e sample container The tester 1ilay use a funnel

(glass or polyethylene) to aid in transferri 19 the liquid washes to the

container Fo1 low tt1e ~Msh witt1 d probe bru )11 Holding the probe in an

inclined position insert 01 NNaUH into the upper end as the microrobe brush is

being moved with a twistiny action through tie probe Hold the sample

container underneath the Iower end of tr1e pr1gtbe and cat01 any liquid and

particulate matter brushed from the probe lun the vash tt1rough the microrobe

three times or more unti I no visible particuiate matter is carried out with

the rinse or until none rernians in the probe liner on visual inspection With

stainless steel or metal probes run the bruh through in the above prescribed

manner at least six times since metal probes have smal1 crevice in which

particulate matter can be entrapped Rinse 1he brush -Ii th O 1 N Na UH and

4uantitcttively collect these washings in the sami)le container After the

brushing make a final rinse of the prone as described above

It is recommended that tvJO peoJle clean the probe to minimize sample

losses 15etween sampling runs keep brJst1es clean dnd protected from


After en s u r i n~ t tId t a I l _j oi rt t s t1 d v e been wi pe d c l e rn of s i I i er n e

~rease brush and rinse witt Ul NN NaOH the inside ut tt1e front half of ttw

fi I ter 11older l)rustl dnd rinse l~dCII surface tt1re~ ti111es 1ff 111ore if needed co


remove visibl~ particulate Mr1ke a findl rinsebull of the brush and filter

holder Carefully brush dnd rinse out the gla~s cyclone also (if

dpplicdble) fter rJll washin1s and particulate matter have been collected in

the sample container tiy~1ten 1he lid so that liquid will not leak out when it

is shipped to the lijbOrdtory Mark the height 1gtf the fluid level to determine

whether leakage occurs during transport Label the container to clearly

identify its contents

Rinse the glassware a final time with deionized distilled water to

remove residual NaOH before reasseMbling Do not save the rinse water

423 Container No 3 Silica Gel) Note the color of the

indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and

make a notation of its condition Transfer the silica gel from the sixth

impinger to i~s original containl~r and seal The tester may use as aids a

funnel to pour tl1e si I icd gel anc1 a rubber pol iceman to remove the si 1ica gel

from the impinger It is not necessary to remove the small amount of

particles tnat mdy adhere to the impinyer wall and are difficult to remove

Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations do not use

any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel If d balance is

available in the field the tester may follow the procedure for Container No

3 in section 45 (Analysis)

424 Container No 4 (Arsenic Sample) Clean each of the first two

impingers and connecting glassware in the following manner

1 Wipe the impinger bal I joints free of silicone grease and cap

the joints

2 Weigh the impinger and liquid to within~ 05 g Record in

the log the weight of liquid along with a notation of any color or film

observed in the impinger catch The weight of i~uid is needed along with the

silica gel data to calculafe the stack gas moisture content

3 Kotate and-agitate each i1npinger using the impinger contents

as a rinse solution

4 Trc1nsfer the liquid to Container No 4 Remove the outlet

ball-joint cap dna drain the contents through this opening Do not separate

the impinger parts (inner and outer tubes) while transferring their contents

to the cylinder

5 (Ncte In steps 1 and 6 bel0w measure and record the total

amount of 01 N NatH used for rining) Pour approximately 30 ml of 01 NaOH



i nto ea ct1 of t tie f i r s t t vJO i 111 pi nge r s and d gi t a t e the i mp i n g e r s bull l) r a i n t he O bull 1

N NaUH through the outlt~t Mm of eacn impinger into Container No 4 Repeat

tnis omicroeration c1 seund time inspect tl1e impingers for ltlny abnorrndl


6 lipe the bdl I joints of the ulasswdre conn2ct-jng the impingers

and the Dack half ot the filter holder free of silicone grease and rinse each

piece of glasstJdrr~ twice 11itn 01 N NaUH trdnsfer U1is rrnse into Container

No~ 4~ (lJo not ~_nse or brus1 ttw glaltf---itted filter su ) Mark the

heignt of tne fluid l~vel tu determine whether leakaye occurs during

transmicroorto Lctbel the container to clearly identify its contents

42 5 Container No 5 (SO Irnpinyer Sample) Because of the large L

quantity of liquid involved the tester may micro1ace the solutions from the

tt1ird fourtr1 dnd fifU1 i11microin9ers in separate containers However the

tester may recomoi ne the1n at tile ti 1ile of ana Iys is in order to reduce the

number of analyses reyuired Ch~cn the impingers according to the six-step

procedure described under Contain~r No 4 using deionized distilled water

instead Ul N NaOH as the rinsing liquid

4L6 Blanks Sdve a purtion of Ute 01 NaOH used tor cleanup as a

bldnk Take 200 ml of this solution directly from the wasn bottle beinlJ used

and pldce it in a plastic Sdmple contctiner labeled NaOH blank Also sdve

samples of tl1e ltieiunized distilled later an 10 percent H o and place in2 2

semicroctrate containers labeled 1 H 0 blank 11 and H u blank 11 respectively2 2 2

4J Arsenic Sammicrole Prepartion

4J1 Container No 1 (Filter) ~ldce the filter and loose

1-3articulate mdtter in a 150-ml beaker Also add the filtered material from

Container No L (see section 433) Add 5U ml of 01 N NaOH Then stir and

warm on a hot pl ate at ow heat ( do not boi I ) for about 15 min Filter the

solution through the Watman No 41 filter pdmicroer Wash with hot water and

catct1 the filtrate in a clean 150-ml beaker Boi I tt1e filtrate and evaporate

to dryness bull Coo I add 5 mi uf gt u p e r v~ 11 t Hru rn d U1 en wa rm and st i r Al Iow3

to cool~ Transfer to a 50-m volumetric flask dilute to volume with

deionized distil led wdter and tnigt wel I

if tl1ere are ltlny solids retained o_y rn~ tilter place the filter in a

PA~R acid di~estion bo11b dnd ddd ( 1~il tgtdCh t 1 r concentrated HNU and HF acids3

ied tne Dornb ctnd nt~dt it in dn 01n at 1sul for S hours


~e11ove ht Lrn111b fro1il tht over dnd dl low it to cool l_Juantltatively

transfer the content of ttH~ oomb to a 50-inl microolypropylene volumetric flask dnd

1J i u I ce to exltlc t l l)J ml vii t_t1 dei lt1ni zelt dist i 11 l~d Wdter

t_J~ Lu11tJifllr No 4 (Arseric Inmicroinyer Sdmmicrole)

~ote Prior to dnalysis check th1 liquid level in Containers NO 2

anu NU 4 confirm as to wt1ether or nlt t l edkaye occurred during trdnsmicroort on

the analysis sheet If a noticedble dmounc of leakage occurred either void

the Sdmple or take steps sLbject to the amicroproval of the Administrator to

ddjust U1e final results

rransfor the conterts ot Container No 4 to a 500-rnl volumetric flask

and dilute to exactly 500 ml with deionized distill~d water Pipet 50 ml of

tile solution into a 150-ml t1eaker Add 10 rnl of concentrated HN0 bring to a3

boil and evaporate to dryn1~ss Allow to cool add 5 ml of 50 percent HN03

and then -ldrm dnd stir Al ow the solution to cool transfer to a 50-ml

volumetric flask dilute to volum8 wit1 dionized distilled water and mix well

4J3 Container N(~ (Probe ~~ash) See note in 432 above

Filter (usiny Whatman No 4) the cont~nts of Container No 2 into a 200-ml

volumetric flask Combine Lhe filtereJ material with the contents of

Container No 1 (Filter)

Uilute the tiltrdt to eltdctl12001111 with dionized distilled water

Tt1en pipet 50 ml into a 15ol-ml b~dker Add 10 ml of concentrated HN03


to a boil dnd evamicroorc1te to dryness 11 ow to coo 1 add 5 ml of 50 percent

HNU and then warm and stir Al I m-1 tt1e so I ut ion to cool transfer to a3

5U--ml I volumetric flak di lute tJ volJme witl1 deionized distilled water and

mix well

434 Filter l3ldnk lJetermi11e a ti Her blank using two filters from

e d c n I o t of f i 1 t e rs u s ed i n t he s mmicro I i 11 g t r a i n bull Cut each filter into strips

and tredt eacr1 filter individual IJ as direct~d in section 431 beginning

wi tt1 tt1e sentence 11 Add 50 1 I of J 1 N Na UH 11

4J5 ul N l~aUH and ~Jater 1-3anks Treat semicroarately 50 ml of 01 N

NaOH and 50 ml deionized distilleJ watr as directed under section 432

bey i n n i n y Ii th t tle sentence 11 Pi p~ t 5 0 mI o t t 11 e so middot1 uti on i n to a 1 S 0-m1


4 4 Spectrophotometer Prepc1 ration Turn on the power set tt1e

vavelengtn slit width and larnp current anu ddjust the background corrector

d s instructed oy the 1ndnufacturer s mdrua I fur the particular atomic



absorption spectrophotometer djust tl~e bLrner and f1arne characteristic as


4a5 Analysis

45l Arsenic Oetermination Prepare standard solutions as directed

under section 51 and measure their absorbances against 08 N HNU bull Then3

determine the absorbances of the t lter blank and each sample using U8 N HN0

as a reference If the sample concentration falls outside the range of tne

calibration curve make an apmicror-oprictte dilution Hith 08 N Hf~O~ so that the )

final concentratmiddotion falls within the range of ttle curve Determine the As

concentration in tt1e filter blank (ie tl1e average of the tvrn blank values

from each lot) Next using the appropriate standard curve determine the As

concentration in each sample fraction

4~~-11 Arsenic DeterminaLion at Low Concentration~ The lower limit

of fla1~ie -atomic absorption spectrophotometry is 10 microg Asm1 If the As

concentration is a lower levt~middot1 use the vapor generator vl1ich is available as

an accessory component Fo 11011-1 the manufacturers instructions in the use of

such equipment Place a sample containing between O and 5 microg of As in the

reaction tube and dilute to 15 ml with deionized distilled water Since there

is some tri a I and error i nvo I ved in this procedure it 1ay be necessary to

screen the samples by conventional atomic absorption until an approximate

concentration is determined After determining the approximate concentration

adjust the volume of the sample accordingly Pipet 15 ml of concentrated HCl

into each tube Add 1 ml of JO percent KI olution Place the reaction tube 0into a U C water bath for 5 min Cool to room temperatun~ Connect the

reaction tube to the vapor yenerdtor assembly When the instrument response

has returned to baseline inject 50 ml of 5 percent NaBH and integrate the4

resulting spectrophotometer siynal over a JU-second time period

4512 Mandatory Check for Matrix Effects on the Arsenic Results

Since the dnalysis for As by at~nic absorption is sensitive to the chemical

composition and to the physical pro~erties (viscosity pH) of the sample

(matrix effects) check (mandatory) at least one sample from each source

using the Method of Additions

Tt1ree acceptable Method Jf Additic)ns procedures are described in

the 61 Genera1 Procedure Section of the P~rkin Elmer Corpordtion Manual

(Ci tat i on 2 i n sect i on 7 ) 1 f tt)e 1es ult s o t t 11e Me trl o d o t Add i t i o II s

procedure on tne source Sd1nple do rwt alt_Jrmiddotee t(J within 5 micro~rcent of tt1e Vdlue


obtctiried oy me routrne dto1nic absorption arictlysis men reanlyze all Sdmpmiddotles

from me source usinq tt12 Method of Additions procedure

1LgtL Co11L1iner 1fo 5 (So lmpi11yer Sample) Observe tne level of2

li4uid in Cuntdiner No 5 and confirm whether any sample was lost during

st1ippiny 1~ote ctny loss of liquid on the dnalytical data sheet If a

noticeable amount of ledkage occurred either void the sample or use methods

s u b j e ct to t he ct ppr o v a I of tt1e Adm i n i st rat o r to adj ust the f i n a 1 res u l t s bull

Transfer the contents of the container(s) No 5 to 1-liter volumetric

flask and dilute to exactly 10 liter witt1 deionized distilled water Pipet

10 ml of tnis solution into a 250-ml trlenmeyer flask and add two to four

drops of phenolphthalein inclicator 1itrate the sample to a faint pink

endpoint using l N NaUH Repeat and verage the titration volumes Run a

blank witn each series of Sdmples

4~J Contdiner lio J (Sili(d Gel) The tester may conduct this

step in the field Weigh the spent silica ~1el or silica gemiddot1 plus impinger)

to tne nedrest 05 y record tnis wei~iht

5 Calibration

Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations

51 Standard Solutions Pipet 1 3 5 8 and 10 ml of the 10-mg

Asml stock solution into s1microarate 101-rnl volumetric flasks each containing 5

ml of concentrated HN0 bull Dilute to tle mark with deioniized distilled ~~ater3

If tr1e lo~~-level procedure is used piJet 1 2 3 and 5 ml of 10 microg Asml

standard solution into the separate fl1sks Then treat them in the same

manner as tile Sdmple (section 434)

Check these absorbances frequ~ntly dgainst U8 N HN0 (reagent blank)3

during the ctnalysis to insure that base-line drift has not occurred Prepare

a standard curve of dbsorbance versus concentration (Note For instruments

equipped with direct concentration readout devices preparation of a standard

curve will not be necessary) In dll cases fol low calibration and

operational procedur~s in tne mandacturers instruction manual

~2 Sampliny Train Calibration Calibrate the sampling train

components accordinSJ to the indicated sections of Method 5 Probe Nozzle

(section ~ l) Pi tot ruoe Ass~1nbl) (section )2) Metering System (section

~J) Probe Heater (section ~-4) Temperature Gauges (section 55) Leak Check

of Metering System (section 56) and Harometer (section 57)


5aJ N Sodium Hydroxide Solution Standardize the NaOH titrant

against 25 ml off standard 10 N Hlso4

6 Caiculations

61 Nomenclature

t$ ~ater in tt1e 9as stream proportion by vo 1ume 0 ws C Concentrathrn uf A as redd fro11 the stdndard curve microgmla s CSUc = Concentration of so

2 perc~nt 01 volume

C Arsenic concentr-1tion in stack ~1as dry basmiddotis converted to s standdrd cor1ditims Jdsc1 (goscf)

i- = Arsenic mdSS emision rate yhr a F d = Di I ut ion factor ( equa Is 1 if th1 sample has not been

di I uted)

I Percent of isokinetic sampling

Mbi Total mass of al I six impingers and contents before

samp l i ng 9

Total mass of al I six impingers dnd contents after

samp l i ng g

M = Total mass of As collected in a specific part of the n

sampling train ig

= Mass of su collected in the sammicroling train g2

= Total mass of A collected in tlw sampling train microgs

= Norma Ii ty of Na OH t itrcrnt me4m I bull

T = Absolute average dry yas m~ter t(mperature (see FigureIll

108-2) degK (degK)

Va = Volume of sample aliquJt titrated riL

V Volume of gas sample a measured Dy the dry gas meterm


V = Volume of gas sample a~ measured by the dry gas meterm(std)

correlated to standard conditions scm(scf)

V Total vo I ume of sol ut iJn in whi u the so is containedsoln 2


v = Volume of so col lectei in the sampling train dscm(dscf)502 2

Vt = Volume of NaUH t trant usec for the sample (average of

repmiddot1 i cate ti trdt 1 ons) ml

Vtb = Volu1ie of NaUH titrant used for the blank ml

Vtot = Volume of gas sanpled _orrected middoto standard conditions

d scm ( d s cf )


V -= Vo I u111 e o t -vJ at er vd microo r cu I I 1 ~ c t l~ d i n t tl e =gt ct rn p I i nltJ tr d i n -I ( =gt td )

corn~ctl~LI to st1ndarltj cont1itions middotscm(scf)

i1H Averdye microressur differential ctcross tr1e orifice rneter (set

Fi yure 1 U o-2 ) 1m HzL) ( i n bull HzU ) bull

b~ Cdl(_ulctte the vol ime of so ycts collected by the sampling2


Eq 108-1


5K = lcUJ x 10- m311e4 for metric units1 3K1

= 4248 x 10-4 ft rndq for English units

6J Calculate the sulfur dioxide concentration in tne stack gas

(dry basis adjusted to standard conditions) lt1s follm-Js

CSU2 = x lUO Eq 108-2


t- V02

64 Calculdte the 1nass of sulfur dioxide collected by the sampling


Eq 108 3

~ here

65 Averctye dry Yd s 1eter t2111perdtures ( T ) and averageIll

pressure dromicro (~H) See ddtct sheet (Fiyure 108-2)




by using Eq

Ory Gas Volume Us i n g dct ta fr om th i s test ca I cu l ate V~ ( t d ) 1 5

5-1 of Method 5 If necesary adjust the volume for leakages

C- 3

Then add v J bull5 2

Eq 108-4

67 Volume of water v~porQ

Eq 108-5


K_) = 0001334 m 3g fo1 metric u11its bullmiddot -~

= 0047Jl2 fty foi Engl~~ urits

68 Moisture content

EL 1U8-6


+ Vw(stc1)middot

6 bull 9


Amount Of


train as

As CO I l eCt ed bull

the amourit of


As col iectld in each part of sampl iny

Eq 108-7

6Y2 Calculate the total

train as fol lows

amount of As c1llected in the sampling


M ( t i It e r s ) + Mn ( p rO be ) middot fvl 11 ( i rn fJ rn g e r s ) t

1( t i I t ~ r DI an k ) - 1n ( Nd l H ) - 1 (H~ O ) Eq 108-8

6lU C11lculdte the As conceritrdtiuri in the stack gas (dry basis

ddjusted to stdnddrd conditions) as follows

Eq 108-9

611 Pollutant Mass Kat~ CalculJte the As mass emission rate

using the following equation

= C Eq 108-10ssd

The volumetric flow rate Qsd should be calculated as indicated in

Method l

6 bull 12 1so k i net i c Vd r i at i on bull Us i n g data fr om th i s test ca Ic u l ate 1

use tq S-ti of r~ettoct S exc 1~pt suost itute Vtot for Vm( std)

6lJ Acceptable ~t~sults Same as Metnod 5 section 612

7 tiibliogramicrohy

1 Same as Citations 1 througn 9 of section 7 of Method 5

2 Perkin El1ner Corpcration Analytical Methods for Atomic

1-bsormicrotion Spectrophotometry Non-1alk Connecticut

September 1976

3 Annual Book of AST11 Stdndarctbull Part 31 Water Atmospheric

Analysis American Society for T~sting and 1-1aterials Philadelphia PA

1974 micromicro 40-4~



~f-~__d_y_ e s f o r Pr o c e s s i ng a n d An a l y s i s of PA H i n

Co~e Oven Emissions from Kaiser Steel

Global Geochemistry Corporation

10 Samples expected

l 1 Connective tubes between section welded to oven port cover and remainder of sampling system - These are to be stainless steel tubing disconnected and capped off for each sample They will be about 10-15 long

1 2 Impingers in series first two water-filled third dry - The center tubes will be removed and wrapped in clean foil and the impingers stoppered as is for shipping One set for each sample Protect from light during shipping

20 Extraction -procedure

Sample fractions are to be covered with foil or in opaque containers with inert gas flush during storage in freezer Solvents used in extraction will be BampJ glass distilled pesticide grade low residue) Working bench area will be screened with amber plastic and light bulbs

2 l Connective tubes will be rinsed with dichloromethane by partial filling capping tilting several times and draining into a beaker This will be repeated until the washings are colorless but at least three times

22 Impinger contents will be transferred to a separatory funnel The impingers and center tubes will be rinsed inlo the funnel using a measured amount of dichloroshymethane in portions The funnel is shaken well and the extract drawn The rinsing and shaking is repeated with two more portions of solvent The extracts and washshyings are combined over Na 2 S0 4 bull

A separate portion of the water used for impingers is extracted in the same way

For each liter of water 100 ml dichloromethane will be used per extraction ie 300 ml total

Internal standard is added to the combined exshytracts at this p0int





Concentration of extracts

Bulk solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator in a water bath at not over 40deg stopp~ng short of dryness The res~dual volume should be just less than the f i n a l v o l ti 11 e o wl1 i ch the s o l uti on i s to be d i l u t e d (accurately) The object is a final solution with roughly five mgml solids concentration in dichloromethane After the vol w1 e ~ s made up to the mar k i n a vol umet r i c flask an aliquot is removed and evaporated on a tared disk in a nitrogen stream and weighed to determine yields The remaining solution is stored in a ial or ampoule sealed with a Teflon-lined septum A split for SAI QA may be made at this point (see Section 43 also)

Gravity column c1eanup chromatogram

4 1 Into a 10 min 1 d column with co2rse sinter and Teflon stopcoc~ 6 g 120 mesh silica gel (activated at 120deg) 1s sluiry packed in pentane cooling the column by evaporation from a tissue wrapped around it and wet with acetone) This minimizes vapor gaps in the column A cap of 3g sodium sulshyfate is added to the top The column must not dry out before the chromatogram is complete

42 A sample of the extract concentrate is taken This is to be based on experience of expected PAH conshytents but initially would be 5-10 mg This is exchanged with pentane by adding 10 ml portions of pentane and evaporating over about 100 mg silica to small volume Three to five portions of pentane are used The final residue is rinsed onto the column with pentane

4 3 The chromatogram is developed with four solvent steps

l 25 ml pentane 2 l 0 ml 2 0 ~~ dichloromethane in pentane

II II ii II3 l 0 ml 50 u II II4 l 0 ml 5 0 ~~ methanol

The column volume is approximately 8 cc This is allowed for while collecting fractions During the first chromatogram the graduated cylinder collector is observed for visible solvent changes and a more precise estimate of the column volume

T h e f o u r f r a c t i o n ~ a r e e v a p o r a t e d i n a n 1 t r o g e n stream at not oveimiddot 40 to l 0 ml then stored under nitrogen in the freezer The principal constituents


of the fractions will be

l Aliphatics 2 Lower molecular weight PAH

11 113 Higher 11

4 Polar materials

Fractions 2 and 3 are to be analyzed by HPLC the others retained for future interest or in case of an incomplete or defective separation Splits for SAI QA may also be made from these fractions

50 HPLC Analysis

5 l The column is a reverse phase partition column C18 bonded to microparticle silica 4 x 250 mm The solvent system is a gradient from 6040 acetonitrile water to 100 acetonitrile initial slope setting l 5min The flow rate is one mlmin the injecshytion sample volume one to ten microl depending on conshycentration Detectors are UV absorbance and fluorescence in series The absorbance is set routinely at 296 nm but may be varied in certain instances to aid in identification of peaks The fluorescence filtars are narrow pass excitation at 360 nm and cut-off emission above ~10 nm Both d e t e c to rs a re rec o rd e d s i 1i ul ta n e o u s l y

52 Reference calibration is based initially on indishyvidual chromatograms of single compounds and roushytinely interspersed chromatograms of multicomponent reference mixtures The proposed calibration stanshydards are the following at minimum

Phenathrene Pyrene Chrysene Perylene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo (ghi)pcrylene I n d e n o ( l 2 ~ c d ) p y r e n e Coronene

The internal standards (added in Section 22) are 910-Dimethylanthracene

9-Phenylanthracene 9 10-Diphenylanthracene

60 Peak Identification

Significant peaks not recognizable as present in the reference standard will be investigated by alternate methods for identification


6 bull I Stopped-flow examination of UV absorbance for maxima

by manual wavelength varmiddotiation allows checking against known reference spectra (published or measured) This is usually sufficient confirm a component already suspected to be present

62 Collection of the fraction contairino the unknown peak allows later determination o~ t~e full absorbance andor the fluorescence spectrum for comparison with reference compounds

63 If not already run on GCMS the sample can be sent to SAI for that purpose possibly allowing the comshyponent to be identified Since the HPLC elution order is not the same as the GC retention sequence it may be necessary in affibiguous cases to collect the HPLC fraction and run it separately by GCMS

The~e may be numerous minor constituents not identified The decision on how many of these to track down and identify will be made in consultation with CARB adv~sors a~d with SAI since at some point the returns ute not worth further expense

_64 IdeAtified peaks are quantified by comparing their areas to the areas of the known concentrations of reference compounds A recovery factor based on the added internal standard nearest in elution order to the sample component is then applied the amount of internal standard originally added to the sample is divided by the amount found in the HPLC analysis This ratio is the multiplier used to correct for losses in concentration and chromatography steps

70 Quality Assurance

71 Transmittal of sample ~plits to SAI provides for external QA This should be done with 15 (or one in seven) of all samples

72 Blank water extracts are carried through the same analytical procedure (10 of total)

73 The cleanup and HPLC analysis are duplicated on 15 (or one in seven) of all extracts

74 The multicomponent reference is run first every day then elution volumes and peak area for each comshyponent are plotted on a control chdrt to pinpoint developing problems At least evetmiddoty tenth chromato-gram will be this standard It wi 11 also be rerun after any service on the instrument~ such as a column change



Gas chromatograph 1mass spcmiddotctromlt~try protocols used by SAI Trace

Organic Chemistry Laborator1

Aliquots of sampl=s received from Global Geochemistry Corporation

were analyzed by combined c11s chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS)

Liquid extracts were spiked with an internal standard compound (deuteriumshy

labeled phenanthrene) priot to analysis by gas chromatography mass spectroshy

metrymiddot A Finnigan model 4( 21 Quadrupole GCMS system including an Incas data

system was used for all analysis Liquid samples (1 microliter) were injected

into a 30-miter x 025-mm ID SE-54 fused silica open tubular 9as chromatoshy

graphy column (JampW Scientific) A programmed GC oven rate of a 4 minute hold

at 30degc followed by a 40degCmin temerature increase to 160degc and a s0 cmin

temperature increase to 270degc was used for sample analysis The detector

system was a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the electron ionization

mode at 70eV The quadrupole mass filter was scanned from 35 to 475 atomic

mass units in 095 seconds A hold time of 005 seconds was used to stabilize

the electronics prior tote next scan Data were continuously acquired using

a Finnigan Incas Data system which writes time intensity mass spectral data

to a magnetic disc The mass spectrometer was operated under computer control

during acquisition Figures 33-7 through 33-9 show the total ionization

chromatograms for each of the three samples that were analyzed

Following analyses the data files were searched for priority

pollutant polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) In addition to the

quantitative data reduction used for priority pollutant PNAs a survey analysis

was performed on all significant GC peaks (ie signal to noise of greater

than 101) The survey analysis was based upon a computerized library search of

individual background subtracted peak maxima scans for qualifying GC peaks

The library used for qualitative identification AJas a combined NIHEPA

National Bureau of Standards library 1hich contains approximately 26000


Tables 33-11 through 3-13 present the results of this survey analysis As expected a series of al~yl Slbstituted PNAs were observed in addition to heterocyc l i c compounds con ta i ni n~ nitrogen iind sulfur moieties Further

investigation of the mass spectre of the nitrogen substituted identifications

confirmed the presence of benzonitrile isoquinoline andor quinoline acridine

carbazole and alkyl substibted ~yridines Ion specific searches for N-nitroso

substituted amines were neg1tive



Detailed Fiber and Mass Concentration Data - Johns Manville



lt QJ ()

J 0

(lJ __c r-- (Y)

-- 0tj-M r- rQ bullbullbullbull

middot1- c) CJIO

gtmiddot CNltS rel I c-=cltv-l

N --_ r--

+ +



- -- + +


Ii II 11 11 lo II 11

_ amp z

E2 ~~~~~yen_ ~~~ti~~


~~~~j~j ~~~~~~ -----~-2 = ~ ______ _--- middot---~ ___ - - - - _ ~


_middot l



ti lt ~~ - --- -


~~ - J -

_ ___

- =- = l 7 = T -- ~ 1C I-- lc L ~ -- J

=-- -i l L - [- - =-- -= f- - =-- -l J middot - -=-

i-- L =-- - ~ ~ L ~ ~ =--shy r---- --

- 7 l -=----7- -- - - - -- =-- - - ~ =-- - 1- -~- l

g~~~~ r_-middot~ ~-i [-- L ~ L Ldeg

middot--~ l - --------=-- r- L r- r-

~~~ =-- -- r- = - -r---

a- - - - - _ - -I~=-- L -- l 7 -~--

gtZlt _

- _(_ -lt lt =- = ZJZ~


__ _

~ -- __ middot- -~ ~~~ = L ~f~ Z ~ C

middot -

__ ~ lt lt =- _~~ijE

gt = z lt gt



SI I HMllLfc J H 1 I OBr I lll-H ANI) NS~ coHcrrrllliTJ ON CUfllllTI VImiddot SIJMMIIY

TIITIL JnI~ SfiNtlEO TOTtl Ill- or FI ITETI TOTI Illlt ~111-11 11 ltllOT FIIACT I Ori 1111 OF ~middotWI MUllllNJbull lOTI 01IIMImiddot 01- JII TOTI FI lilmiddott~ UgtIJH nD

= t nwo 00 so MI CllONH = t I 1JOO SO (M = II 900 SO CM t bull (0000 l1T~

I I JO SO CM 70000 CUil JC Ml-TEHS

= ~lt O V l lWfl~

Manville D-2 Baghouse

723 347 -633


FI 111-11 COllflT ltFIIWll-

ITllClmiddotrir r lllrf


) ( I f S bull1 bullbull

I 0

l ~-Irbullmiddot


fl JI)(~


0 OUU~~


0 OflO


1110 000~~

FI IWII ( ()[IClmiddotNTHT I ON ltI- I mn ll11 ~41 GI OF FI LTEH) (FIBlmiddotn~ ll-11 CIJB f-11bullTl-H OF IH)

I (2fi71bull+0G (aG(l-+05

( gt027 F+04 OfmiddotHH


OOOOOF+00 o uuoul~middotH)O

0 O(OOE+OO o 0000I+oo

J bull f 1)07 E+O( fi r71HE+OG



TcfLI ~~lllllmiddotCE 1lllmiddot lt~O Ctl lFII ~~O UI OF FIiTEi) t q UI 11-11 Cll II fllmiddotTlbullll OF J I H)

I 590)1+07 6 t 90llbull-HH

( HMOE+O 2 40411bull-1 o

0 OIHHlF+OO o 00001+oo

0 OUO(I 1 00 OOOOOJi+00

() 10110~ Ji)

OOOOOE+OO 1 lHHllJ i 00

0 00001middotgt1 00

M ~~~ middotor-ic Irrrn TI or

( PGRAMS 1bull111 ~c UI OF F J LTEH) (PGRAMS 1111 UJI illI Lil ()j Ill)

IUitTII Ml-Ml ltMI tJIOfl~~) ~Tlgt lgtEV

Ml- H Lot c1middoton nr COlmiddotF I II

I) I MWTEll Ml-N ltMI c11or1~~) STI) tHV

MEtl IOC cImiddotor1 r1N CCWF V11

AIt lbullI rt 1bulli I~ (Sil MIC) STIgt 1gt1-V

Ml- N 101 c1-ori r1u COlbulltmiddot V1ll

I 0 I ~if1+07 bull tJf I (11bull-HH

r 1gta 1 1) bull 2 (10()

0 lt700 l 1Hi4~ 2G44

() ~( 1 027B

- l bull 6 I 1bull1middot 0 J l)J 09J~fgt

1a 1071 1~ 09rn

0 2(jlt)fi l ~HVil 4040fi

~ HltF+O~ U (H~61bull+o I

o rooo 0()()00

-0GJOB 0 (000 0 (000

OOfiOO 00000

- )()57

OOGOO 00000

0 0 1)02 00000

- I J 0 0 0 1W 00000

00000 0 ()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 0 (WHO 00000

0()000 0()()()()

0 ()()()) 00000 00000

00000 00000 0000() 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 (WOO 00000 ()0000

( ~1701 l B bullJl~H 0 lt~( I BIJI ~ ~i Ill

o~-~ 0 ~j

- I ult-fc 0 I Hbull)I o bull)abullgt~

12 (1 41 17bullgt7

0 1 l I H) 4 ltmiddotI 1


MFiN ~Tl) 111-V ru-1N 10C Ct-OM MN COE- Vtll

2lHH7 gt HUB

-2 7m 0 060 1)

( IJl)()C)

0 001 00000

-ltj 74a 1gt 0001~ 00000

00000 0()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

ooono 0 1)000 00000 00000 0 ltWOO

2 7 0 1J lJ I J J

-2J+H () ()~(

B 77gtB

lt ~



J c

~ lf



(]j (fJ

J I 0

a1 c r--- l)-- Clltr (Y) r- ro C)(V) gt deg CN C1 (0 I ~ C M

N --- r--

w J

s rJ gt-





~ - -lt-[-bull

0- ~ l L L l~ -18~~

L a- - ~ I-

-I - ---


-- -- -- - - ~l

-1_ - - --

--~--- [-middot-~--- t-- -- [- -_ 3J ~I r-

z g ---



l l c +-shyc

~ Ci - - I

-1--r-middot~- ~

L l- L ~






-= -- - - ---- - _

middot= - middot-= l J l~ - ~ ~ L - ~ L ~ [--






- I

==== lt _ --middot --~ 7 _

- ~~- _

z ~ ~ =lt ~~~ti3


gt =2 lt_

2 z _ lt=lt i~iS

-- z ~ lt


~lt~ =--~~~sect~ _ -- -middotImiddot_

L -_ -


(lJ II) I

~ Or--M

ltlJCsr-M ~ O) bullbullbullbull ~ lCMIO bull- ci gt (= N lC I M ~ 0 N



---r--co - - ~l r-j = ~i

~~ 2-

88 rJ--_-ltI -

lt ~lt


Cl J ~ _ e-l ~~

- ~ middot~ e-- l ~ l~ [- - ~ -~=----~

_ L



-o-~shyc L~ ~ - 0 - Ll-C d o~-

11middot II 11 11 II II II

-_ 0- _


-- lt== ~~ ltZ z-== -~~=E~8C~l~-=rI - lt ~ fJ

ltZ lt---=lt===~~~- _ ltltlt=gt ~~=~~~~~ -

~ ~ lt -=z~ z _ -shy middot--z =-

-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middot-middot -----

r bull bull _

- _ - ~-middot __ _

~ _

middot- - --- middotmiddot


- l

~=~r -~= ==

lt =~~~ti



TOTL iHf- SCNNFD lOTiL Illmiddot OF FILTFTI TOJI Ill- JSlllmiddot~ll I I OIIOT FlltCT [ ON 1111middot OImiddot ~1-M iIHlllllJNE TO 1 1 I ()lIJMImiddot ()I t I H TOTI V 1111-11~ COUNTED

= 1080000 SQ MI~RlozNS = 11 900 SQ CM = 1 l bull )00 SO CM = 1 00000 liHlS

11 IH) so CM 2G70000 CUBIC METfiHS

1 ) fi FI JllIIS

Man vi l1 e D-2 Baghouse

723 0 347 -633


F 11l-ll f()llrlr ( I 1IFH-- l 17 G o 00 00 00 19fi

llmiddot1tur1T TOlfL FI nrrns ll9 71bull4frac34 10 2Glti7 0000frac14 0000~ 00007 100000frac14

middot 11111 corwirrrniTI ON ( I- I I I It~ n11 ~q Ct-I OF FI LTEil) ( 1 I IWII ll11 CIII 111-Ttbulln 01 I ll)

t 11ll0 r+Olt J 427H-H)5

1 bull ioonr+o G OltOGIbull HH

0 00001~+00 000001+00

OOOOOE+OO 0 000lt lbullHJO

0 00001~+00 D o)OOE-HgtO

I 2MWTbull+Ofi 4 1)HOlbullgtHHgt


I en

Tii I ~lllll11middot Illmiddot ( q Ul I lmiddot11 q en OF FI LTF11) (SO UI lFll Clll WllbullIl rn Ill)

bull11u f j j luii ( PGP1MS 1111 ~q ClI OF FI J11-ll) (PGRAt1S 1bull111 CIJI fllmiddotTlmiddotll (JI Ill)

I 7G2H+07 lt ll20(ilbullgtHH

9 0 1441middot+()( a G07 ltgt1bullgt1 O (

l 1 1Hi11--HM 1tllH (H

~ W77 lmiddot+O I I (rilbull-H)I

OOOOOE+OO o 00001+oo

ooooor+oo 0 OOO(H-f-00


0 ()()()()11-()()

0 0000 Ibull 00

IYIH11 ~111 ltMI 1t111i- gt STI) IWV

fl Imiddot H I l H CLllil rlH COIT 1ll

1 I ( 1 f(J

7 B~G I 11 fit middotHO 1 l(I ri

0 (000 oouoo

-o G f Oil 0 (UOO () (l()(J()

00000 00000 00000 00000 (l 0000

00000 00000 OOllOU 00000 00()00

00000 0IJOOO 00()00 0 () ()(JI)

0 ())1)0

10 (400 1 7 211))

I 1 middotl 1 II I I G7lt l 47H

ll 1 iWTI II lt n 1 1 111 1i ~

Ml-1fl ~ ~T 1 p I v rWff rn Clmiddot111 MN CIJlmiddotT ill

0 bull1ltHi 0 ~~+lbull

- f f Hl 1 oIOltil f bull ~ f17

0 I 2iO o o~o

- ~ (l ) ) bull)

o I 2~i 0 2middot1-7

00000 00000 uouoo U0000 00000

00000 00000 oowo 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 it)C ouooo 0 (POO

0 1 ~0(d 0 41 1middot~

- i ~ltltG 0 201 II I ~Ill 0

111 (~I MIC)

~11bulli Ii Sfll IWV ~11-dl I OI Cl-Otl MN lttllmiddotT II

2 JOB w i0lt11

f H17 ll2G7 (1 bull IJ7~~

o~lti11 0 OG( 1J

-I llt70 0 ~jJJJ 0 lmiddotIBI

00000 00000 00000 () ()0()()


0()(100 00000 00000 00000 0 ()()()()

ouooo 00000 0 (J()()()

00000 00000

20 111 tfi 17 211middot1middot

l CJ 1gtii -i ~ 1) iO 1 ltJ17

VOi i 1m (Clill MIC)

rllHl ~rn Ill- ~w rl lOC c1or1 tlN co1middot1 Vill

bulli 1ltJ~ 7ll7lt0

-f ~)1 1)

0 7middot17 I) 71 I(

00077 0 002)

-4 )i J 00071 Oi()OO

0 (1((1()

00000 (l ()()(10

0 OOt)O 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

OODOO 00000 00000 00000 OOllOO

1 Ill (i

7 () ~) i

-J ~bull17lt 11)7()

I (i 1gtbull111(1

--- ~-Jshyr-- ~~ -shy - -- =--- -JL- ~ ~

- middot~ I ~ J ~ ~



=-c i


lt rr

lt Cf

Q) Vl I i or---

Q) r-~

-- ttl M bull- i gt (2 SN ttl I M ~ ON


M (I)







g --

- ~ -+ -+ c

C co

_ co


------___ --0 = - - - --- - - ------------ - _ _

-__ - -- _

- - -- -____ - - - - -_-~--oo

-c~oo--_ - --- -_ - _ - - - - - _ --- _ _ -~ -_ -- - -_

~oo-- - - - - -------------------------- - _ _ _


-- ~

middot1- ~- L -t -

rJ~ t c z r






0-l - c- [ o middotl L T ~-~ -~ -o---l

~ - J - I_



II II II II II 11 11



c=~lt ~~

~~ -~ = - -lt ~ l -middotmiddot - -~ f I

-~~ _ -lt middot- -shy

middotmiddot middot~middot J ~~


-=~ 2 -- - -- ~

V) V) - ~ ~ -ltClt a a ltc- 0 0 ___ -- _

gt =~ lt--2gt

l bull --


C _


Vl ~

QJ 0 _coo

~ ----

C)QV) ltCl

cJ 0r) c

ltc gt C rd



ltrf N



z -

0 J gtshyc [3

1 -middot -- -~ ~ -~ = -- middot = r -bullbullJ - - middot

--~-] ~---middot =-- - ~ -- L middot~ -


C 1- -1--rJ

-1 lt

z -_-~ ~middot =~- - l----_I - - - -__

E l C ~

L ~ L shy= l middot~ =

l- [

c- I~ l-- -Ci

=- -=-- -c-~

z l- t

+ r_ L

L- g~~~~ l middot 7 l--_ - _bull --

i- l middot -=-- middot - ~ - 7 =-~ r- ~ ~ r-- -1 =

11 ii H 1G H h 11


z -- - - - -gt- lt

bull- ~ - - -- ___ gt z lt igt

-- _ L- -

ltlt-~ - =-=- middot- Z

z z~_

~ -s ~~ Z middot1 Z

z lt=-lt =~


z ~_ ~-=


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--~ I bullgt~O O 11 I bullI O bull~o7I

() fiOI( 0 1 1HI

-() II~bull) 0 17 middotV~ I 17 I

001~7 0 0 Ilt)

-) ~117 II IJO)l I I)~~ fi )


MPteorolo(1y Summary Data for Study Sites


) ) )




Weather Bureau

Site Johns Manville-Stockton



Dail y_verage

Wind Speed (mph)

Direction (Percent)















































G) I



---------------- -------------------

Period 1969-197 3 Meteorology Site RSR

Sourece Whittier Station SCAQMD Average Wind Direction X

-- bull-------==--Start C I _ c _ I ~ltC11 l1-1 l1111-1Time

-12~ ___ _ ~l -----middot middotmiddot- -middot-- 4~ 1 4-I Rh f1h --- --middot -------

1 7 c- ~ 4 l 1 1 l c c 1 7 1R hq t q 4() lR

00 7 f- ~ ~ 1

__7 1---~ bull 2 ______ l__bull 7 ___ _ 401 11h hh ~ ~ -1 l lt 1 bull 7 ________ _)02

a~ ~f- lR O

2 I S 1n

~~ q 4 1R ~~ 34 0 ~S03 Q ~A q S S 6 44 11 Aq

____ 7 _ (J__pound_ 1 n 1 A ~ L ~ 1 a 4 ~04 01- 4r _____~---- 1_q______ 1_ -i -7 ______70 ___-_l __ _

____s_~ __ _3_ __ __ _7____1_ _______ c ____ _____ _S ____ -~bull05 no 44 )1 ~ SP 41 47 AS

-R 7 7 1 bullq 1A ~1-- S 9 4n06 J_4c An 4n 34 71 48 17 7S

07 O bull 0 3 bull 7 e i bull J ~ 3 e ) 2middot 3 4 e 7 ___ l micro 2 __ _ _ __l_Ln___________R 1 52______~_5_i _______ 8 c 7 J

_J 1 bull _____ h ~---- ___i_]___1 bull Z ______~_5 _______ ) 9 _r --~bull-5_____ ~_3 ____08 )c7 __JAq 9A 10 ]17 i7 f-S A4

11-n 11R Al f-i3 7) 1 4n i09 )A4 1A l~A 142 ]70 77 4R 70

_LI__l_ ___l 4 bull P 7 bull P A R l n A 4 R 1 n 4 4 ___ 7 A ___ _RA____ 1 A 1A 8 1 SL__ 1 R 5 1 ~ 3 _1] ________ 111~____JJ__) 1 ~---~-~ 4 9 1 ----1___11

A0 1A4 JR 17 lAR A 41 4C 174 A ll~ JnR ll7 9 5 R12

24c 4n~ l9l ~o 11n sg 40 3g __ ) bull 2 C () bull 9 14 ---~--~f 3 1 bull s bull 413

____ 7 4 _____) 4 c _ ___ 1 _ 7 ~ s____ L-i_ __ _ c 7 c ~ o 1_ __middot _____ 1__i-______ l 7 1 c _l___L3__ 1 bull 2 l bull q 714

77 ~ll 1Ac Rt 1 Al 4g lR iin 104 1 177 144 ~n 13 115 c 7 4 7 1 A 1 c c VH~ Q4 5 i 1 9 1

16 _ 1 ~-- bullcmiddot ___ ___ J_ 5 _ 1___ _10__ _ _ ____LS_ ~-- __Lo__i s p ~ 4 1 3 5 1R 2 _ --- __ __S ______2 __ -- --- 3-~ 1-- --- --- __ L3~ 6 7 ____ _7

17 l _ bull ~ 11 e3 ____ __]__]__ ] 5 __2 _________ 2_l__c_-_______ 8_ 1 4 bull 2 L_l_ __ _ _L~ 1 middotn 1 ) l R 5 A R ~ c

18 14 R1 ~~ 15 ~7 R4 4 lA~ llh 77 l~R 15n lA 59 ~0

19 L bull pound_________ _7_ 2__ ___2_E_ A A _2l-_l fL 4 3 e 7 J Q

1 Ji RI _ J_ ________ O _1-f l 4 ___ 4~------ __ 3] __

20 l l 7 5 2__ 3 e ____ 5 7 -- 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 ___ 2- 7 2 3 ____ C7 ______ -_ _____________ 10Q ii Q)44n middot----

21 u1 40 A1 ~4 lR5 5 1 bull

1~h si -- ) 1 1 11n n 41 22 _ q_J--- ______ A____ 1-- J_R ql____A_ P 1 q s

17 c3 ____ l ______ _________JY~ __ 7q ________ lbull4 __________ 4U ______

23 ___7 ~ _A _i_ _ _2 ________ ~ _middotL ___ __1--__1 ______ L~ g _ _ 7 ______ l n ___ _

1176 n



Site RSRMeteoro logPeriod _1969-=1_92]__

Average Wind Oirection_X__

PIIJ t t lt Cr ~Start Time ----

Pl 1_ 1~ 7 () 10s0~---- ---------- ll-i ________ 1n1 1 Jn f- l (- Q 1O 1 114 12 c Abull i ~ol R100 llS P2 171 ~41 2P QO P7 llS

7A 1nA 117 s A01 7 _1=--------------------------LS_0_ ---------------middot__s___~ 7 1 11 l_O l_Al (tr1 p~ 1-7 ql OJ

----- --------- - ---- ---- -- middot-middot --- ---- -- ----middot-- ----middot ----~ 7 c ~ bull n 1 1 2 l 9 -s 1 -i s s ~ c c__ bull A____02 1 1 2 1 r n 1 c 0 r-- l ~ 1 o 1 0 1 t 1 o c- ----~--- -Pl Ol OP lA2 11A 61 c 0 ~ cq03 l 5 4 l 4 4 1 i r 7 -i r) c q 1 deg 1n

qA RO 107 ~_12_7 SA c 7 A04 _l _ s_ _________l 7 l RA____ 7 ______l _o 4 __ l nn_________ 0 _7________ R_l __ o ~ _____ J(__7 11__r ___ _t-__ o ____ ln ___ h_ ______ An____ c-_n __05 ]lA 140 170 7cA __2n1 qc- 7q 1n1

06 RS q_1 lO~A lAwn 12S S9 49 AJ l2R l2R 144 lQO Jq2 114 llS R7

07 R bull 0 Re() q () Ll_3__ ___lJ Q 7 e ] 7 e c e 4

1_ ls 70 R________ 1(1__5 --- ____l~middotA l_J0_____ ll ~- ____ J_Z_ __ 08 7 1 _Lo ___ Si ___ f-~5 __ ____ q1____ A__A _____ 7bull~------~_r ______ _

0 q J A t __ _plusmn2___ l O A A P 12 Q

09 A2 22 G6 41 A7 s1 s1 R0 71 21 23 2q A7 AA f-l lll

10 44 11 ibull4- lR ~z 41 1q 7n 4q 17 lA lA --~-1__ 1q P _1_n7 ___

11 ~ bull 1 ___ 1 bull 1 l bull () ~ ~--1____ ~ q 2 4 l _middot2_____ pound_____7___ _ 41 10 8 0 lf- l() 17 01

12 2S A 5 1 2 22 19 J s7 21 11 7 2A 25 ~l 1n1q

13 ___JJ l 7 4 6 l - A 1 6 0 f- l q _----- _- o 12 ____l 7 1 7 -1____l_l_ _ ---middot

14 J__4_ A bull 7 1_~ l ~l__1____~ _____7_Q_------middot- c__ -- -middot -

--~ l l l 1 c l ] 7 c 1 l

15 J2 2 7 g l 4 11 lA 7 1 li A R 10 20 27 -=tn OR

16 a 4 s ~---- _J_ bull 1 it 7 _J _e_9____~ L _ 1 7 _______ll____ 7 _l middot- - 1deg 21 I= l_ ________ 9~-- ---

17 J bull J_ 7 4 l_ 2_ _ l 2 1 3 ___ c -- - f-_L___ 3 1 q 1q 4 --~~R____l____ ____c_c_____J~l~Z--

18 O middot 1 1 12 1s 4 - ~ () 14 1n 42 12 ~4 71 84 c~ 60 179

19 - 2____b__ __2D_______ ___2_____1-----~ --5__ _ 5 2 3 e 4 4___ l Q n _ 4A _____ 4_q__________50_______ lltbull __ 121 _____31 ______ _ _10 1 12

20 7 0 3 0 -- -middot 3 7 _ 7 1 7 5 __ 5 0 A 5 7 6 --- 5 i 1-- 0 R __l SL -- 1 r p P -- - 1 1 --- -- 1 c 7

21 14 41 51 g_7 04 55 7s q_7 7R Al 122 17A 17R q4 llq lc

22 -~--8__ c n 7 A 11 _n_ ~ c A 7 -2___~~--q 1 _______ l_nR ___ 17______ 7)1 _l__A ____ f-J_7 _ 1_ ]~(

23 c 6 _A _7 ----- 7 Q _ -- __ l l 0 J1 bull _ middot--S 4 ___ ----- 7_ f- --- P l

lAA4 1 911

R t bull I

--- -------

Meteorology Site RSRPeriod 1969-1973

Average Wind Speed XSource Whittier Station SCAQMD

( (~ c II lt II ~ hlltlStart Time

___L_~ 41 rnl~ ~l_ ---~-- --~h_______----middot bull9 bull f- c 1 l bull r 3 00 )

l l c Sl 7 J 8 ~Q AR 4() 4R _ _ _s_________ ~ A ~ 1 2R01 -------

l 1 i _f- _micro middoti 79_ LC 4i A1 bull 4 bull c + ~1 ] 1~ 1n02

Qf--- Lf- 1A Q r (- c r middotn SA 7 4 9 R 7 lR 11 403

a 1h Q S 5 4 4g 11 A9

P __ 3 bull 7 ___2__Y e ] 2 e ( e A 2 e 404 Rf- ------~_5____ 2L _____ _l_t_____~_7__ _3J _________4)____ SL_

bull 7 bull 7_ ________ 2____7______ 2 _1 _____ el_______ L ~ ________2 bull 2 2 bull 2 __05 ____1_n_o 44 31 c cq bull LJ 47

c 2c 7 lR 1 O 406 11 c A 0 4 n 3 4 7 l 4 R ~ 7 7 5

___ ___~ c Z bull A ~R_ ---2_h 2 bull bull 4 e R bull C07 l_ H l_ ri ------- R1 --- c ----------- AQ _middotbull 4_p____ r 7 ___1[_2_ _r--_______ _ A____________ )_3-____ _____ __t 9 ______ ~_____ _3 __ --~___()_______ __I__08 C7 lR9 9A 1n~ ll7 S AS 84 ~Q 33 11 11 1n R 3A 3309 7RJ 1R lA 14-1 17fI 77 4R 7(_

---~- L~ 1 7 -~ 1 7 4 1 l 1 9 S 3 9 C) 4 9 A ~ 9 q10 __ 7 c _ ___ _ 2 RA l A ____J__6_R 1 C 4 7 P C 1 rq I

11 -~L f _ __ -~-- 5 _J__ __4_-_c1 ______4__]____4_ bull 5 c___h ___~_a_J 1Rn ~r- 1 1A 17~ JRR AZ 41 45

sn ss s1 6~ cR 5 c~ s912 46 4n3 91 30 170 sg 4n ~~


5 a _e_______6__Q____ ~_f-__-----6___R f- e C 6 e 7 6 e 1 t__5_j13 7 l _ -i 4 _r _ _____ 13 _ __252_____ -2l3___5 7 3_5_______3_Q_j

1_ __ f-_ 7 ______ __~_E_ ____ L5 _____7 __3__ ___J_ 1_____J__ 5 ________ O_14 _2_c 7 --- ~ l ~--- l A i R t ~ r- 1 LL q J

15 ~c A7 7L 77 7S AP ~q A c7 47 1Al ~t 1nR q3 ~~ Jq

_ ____ Cl ________ 6___ l___ 6 bull 7______]__5 ___ 6 e q 7 e J Abull 2 8 316 2 3 5 19 2 15 6 ---- __ 24-4 --- ---- 3 lt5 _________ l3C _ ____fJ __ ]]__ ~ _ 5 6 ____ s bull3 6 2 __ 5 B ______ 5 Y ___ 7 3 7 _7 ___ _17

__ 1 c ______1 ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~n 13 c 6 P ~ 5 4~q L9 ~ cn 4A ~n ~-4 4118 lP~ llA 77 11A 1cn l~A SQ Q

-----~~a-R___-=4bull2_1 e __ middot-middot middot bulls __ - __ IL 9 1 ~_1_ ___3 7 40__19 1 ~~- gt q6_ (- l Q 144 43 _37 _ A f ---middot ~ bull r bull q ~ 9 IL ~ 1 _0 -~ bull 1 A 3420 l r -- I- I q4 l qo l c c 0

-- -- -- --- - middot-middotmiddot middot----middot - --middot-middot middotmiddot- --middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--middotmiddot

~ bull l =I ~ ~ bull f 7 bull i 1 1S21 l L7 C c~ c 1- 1 Sl l ~()

22 _-~ bull--~middot-_____ z_ __g______2 _____2_ 1 __ ------ 4 h

1 1 c3 3~ --~3 __ 113_ 79 l4

) bull f-- q ~23 2-~

lRgt 11gt 11 75 39 4 5 3 7 1


Period 1969-1973 Meteorology Site RSR

Source Whittier Station SCAQt10 Average Wind Speed

-middot- -------------- -middot----- ---- ----middot-middotmiddotmiddot-middot - ~bullI= r I i- C ci

Start Time -middotmiddotmiddotmiddot

qq lll lA ]h nl 1() Cj 1n1 l -in middot-

~ 7i 2g~ 08 R q 13 2 r00 11c 12 - 170 241 21 q () t---7 1 lS 2 -middot__ -- bull 1 oe 1 ----- _ 2 _ C)_ --- _ 7 R r1

401 121 lQ lRl SO 217 R7 n-- ---- ----- ----middot-- - --- --- - -------- - -- ltJ ---

02 _-7_ 5_ -middotmiddot ____ -~_7___ ---~_ middot--~- 7 7 2_________ 2 _7 --l -i -i l sn l i i~____l_tl_ l u 1 n l H_L____q_c _

bull A 2~ 27 27 27 2A 2~4 _103 15 t 14~ lAs 211 zns 91 q2 102 2 1 1 G___ 2 bull R 2 h bull 7 ____J 2~----7___4-----04 1 1 S _______ 171 ____lPn ____ 27~ __ 1_()4 ____ 1_00_____ 07________ 8J_

-~-~-------~~A _q ___ R_ 7 ____ _7 __ _l_ 1

05 1 3 A l 4 deg 1 7 C c P 1 () ___ q c ____ 7 q 1 0 l 27 27 30 2A 28 29 2~S 2406 12R 12A 144 100 lql 114 115 R7 2~A 2QR ~~~ 3~0 Q 29 ~O 907 l 1 c 7 deg ~rn 1os __1_ c __ _ __U-52____ l 1 A _l q _

08 2 bull 0 2 bull 7 l bull 4 3 bull -~ ___ _2-_L -- -- 3 bull 1 l bull (l 2-~2-q q ~~ ~ AA lOA A R ]O

09 34 14 ~~P ~g ~9 29 3A 31 71 21 23 79 A7 f--A 63 113

10 3q 39 A0 SO 46 34 40 3S 4 9 1 7 1 A __LR_ __h____ l R 4 R 1 n 7

11 4S 45 A4 s9 s1 l l 7 1 _2_ 41 10 R 20 lA Q 17 OJ

12 4~1 4R AR 61 6A S6 ~5 4 21 11 7 g 2A S ~3 101

13 4c cl 00 74 7 A c R _4 4 q t 9 ]

-i o l 2 R l 7 _l_l __ ~ 2 1 l 3 _ 14 _ i____l A bull A A bull ~-- __ A bull4 R 1 7 bull l t 9 Ci A

1deg 11 IS 2l 17 zc 114 15 A7 70 oo A~O 7l ~9 49 ~7

1 ii A R l O 2 n 7 --~ () Q P 16 ____5__0 1 A 6 A 3 A f-- __5__2__ 4 5 c bull R

__ _17 ____ J l ___________ 7________ 1 o______ 1_0 __________ 7L_____ 4____lt1_8__ 17 _ l __ ----~-l- ___ -~ _ 4 4 _ 4_11 A_______ 4___L 4 middot n 1 _g__

32 lA 10 4 l9 cc 11

18 2~1 2A is 47 ~s r- ~s 40 4~ ~2 ~4 73 R4 cc h9 12g

19 7 l ~3--~- __2__A______ _R _ _ 2 1 7 41-- 4P io __1~_____ 12 01 1_n4 _____ l7_ __

20 bull bull 4 bull 0 bull 1 bull ~ bull r 7 bull R___ _ __ bull 4

Sc t- 0 0 7 l c 7 1 c 1______ 0 ~ 1 1 1 c 7

21 S 2A q 11 1 n 77 8 31 7R Pl 1 17A 177 Qh llR 1~c

22 1 in 3~ a 1Q 7 7 7 q 1 l q l 7 7 7 4 ___ l _P J H 7 _1_ 2 2 ---- _1 _Q__

23 2f S ___ _Q____ 1() __ -_~_R 2Y ____2___A A

l AA2 2001 7 11

-------------- -middot-middotmiddot----


Si te f~a 1 i er Steel Period 1978-1979

MeteorologySource SCAQMD


N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSvJ SW WSW w lmW NW mJDaill Averaoe

Wind Speed 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (mph)

Direction (PPrrPnt) 10 8 2 ~ ~ 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 10 10 10 11J

-7) I


Two years data provided Approximately 16000 hourly speed and direction averages not computerized therefore results estimated


1971-1974Period Site Allied

r-ieteoro 1 ogySource lenno~ StatiQ SCAQMD

Average Wind Speed X

Average ~ind Direction

DirectionStart Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s s )iJ SU ~JSvJ tmiddotJ WNW Nt~ WNW

00 23 24 22 23 26 27 38 26 2l 2 4 72S 32 ) 37 33 2 9

01 24 24 2ol 2LJ 2Ll 26 24 22 21 26 25 34 J~ 33 3 0 2 3

02 24 23 21 23 23 26 22 24 24 23 24 34 34 33 2 S 2 9

03 26 22 21 24 22 26 20 l 9 24 22 22 32 33 35 28 25 -

04 28 22 20 24 22 23 2o0 25 22 22 24 28 35 32 31 23

05 23 25 21 23 24 24 21 23 L r)

bull q 22 23 30 37 31 31 27 -

06 24 26 25 26 26 27 2 5 25 24 26 25 33 ~ 3 32 37 30 ~-

~07 29 30 26 28 29 30 28 C) 28 30 30 33 L~ 0 38 40 33 ---~~--- __ _

08 37 31 30 3 J 3 1 3 l 29 31 30 33 35 39 45 39 46 62

09 46 34 30 34 34 36 3 1 35 35 39 42 46 48 48 53 60

JO 45 32 34 32 35 36 40 36 37 44 51 56 56 50 59 75

11 45 36 37 33 35 39 45 42 37 50 57 64 64 58 61 56

12 38 27 45 35 31 38 47 42 4C 55 61 69 71 62 70 95

J3 36 34 52 38 36 36 49 40 4CJ 48 65 71 77 66 86 105

14 50 28 52 43 54 48 55 43 5 1 56 59 72 80 69 92 60

15 54 ND 60 36 50 50 48 49 30 60 63 70 78 68 86 60

16 70 45 45 27 48 50 53 48 3F 47 54 66 73 60 89 60

17 65 NO 58 1 6 50 30 35 5 1 3 1 40 47 61 67 52 69 47

18 80 43 42 37 22 44 33 29 2C 35 43 54 60 48 52 64

-19 54 28 33 32 1 9 26 32 36 2C 33 37 49 52 48 51 39

20 36 21 24 27 22 26 26 34 2 middot 29 33 45 48 40 55 46

I21 40 25 26 22 23 29 26 28 2 o 28 30 40 44 40 47 45

22 35 22 21 24 22 2B 2ll 25 2 ( 25 7 38 4 1 43 36 39

23 2 J)36 25 22 24 22 27 23 __ 2 11 24 27 33 40 39 37 28

35 26 2 r_ 26 27 29 30 30 28 31 40 57 60 44 43 36


Period 1971-1974

Lennox StationSource Meteorology Site A11 i ed

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction X

middot Sta rt Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction----SSE s SSvJ SvJ ~JSvJ w WNW N~ WNW

00 27 71 85 80 92 51 32 29 44 76 68 80 119 60 58 28

01 22 71 95 92 108 60 21 37 i 4 G7 63 62 96 6 1 66 33

02 21 84 95 93 125 62 34 47 42 53 56 52 84 57 66 29

25 66 108 97 129 73 47 41 49 44 48 4 1 84 67 55 2503

24 64 108 109 143 76 55 37 46 44 43 48 61 59 59 2404

22 62 97 115 164 73 55 45 41 38 47 39 60 57 57 2705

18 76 79 126 181 79 46 38 44 43 43 37 58 44 62 2806

18 65 91 129 159 88 50 44 50 43 42 51 70 30 49 2107

1 5 61 94 116 144 80 65 55 59 34 48 72 94 23 26 1308

14 40 69 74 108 63 55 62 71 44 67 119 147 33 24 1109

1 6 26 46 44 66 56 50 57 50 33 80 217 197 30 23 910

9 14 32 25 37 27 38 41 41 23 88 3L3 251 33 22 611

13 7 1 9 1 4 20 17 27 25 23 21 105 346 307 34 20 212

6 5 12 8 11 9 1 5 1 2 13 26 93 392 348 34 15 213

3 4 9 5 7 7 11 9 10 22 61 412 392 34 14 114

4 ND 2 5 9 5 1 2 9 3 20 57 410 416 34 13 115

5 2 2 5 7 3 1 2 8 5 23 44 390 438 44 11 216

6 ND 4 4 5 5 9 7 11 19 55 372 435 50 15 317

9 2 4 2 10 5 1 2 9 10 28 60 346 420 49 29 618

11 3 9 9 6 14 11 14 31 60 73 282 368 50 42 1619

74 239 305 60 36 2220 20 1 7 1 5 1 2 23 16 I 3 1 9 51 76

99 169 234 54 42 2321 20 22 26 29 50 28 26 22 69 87

79 144 175 45 47 2722 24 42 53 40 59 40 34 34 62 98

gtl 68 98 149 48 52 2223 59 86 59 84 40 37 ~o 65 80 t

65 197 221 45 38 161 6 36 52 54 73 41 32 30 39 46


Period 1962-1974

Source Long Beach SCAOMD Meteorology Site Stauffer

Average Wind Speed Average Ji nd Direction X



SSE s SStJ SW 1JSJ i im~ NW WN~

00 78 77 89 11 5 l l 46 35 52 38 1 5 1 3 21 59 129 73 48 ---- ___ __ --bull---middot-middotmiddotmiddot-

01 71 86 96 128 122 45 45 43 38 1 7 1 3 19 49 11 5 60 53

02 82 86 109 132 116 58 4 1 38 31 20 13 15 51 107 50 51

03 80 101 114 13 5 122 59 33 38 34 1 5 11 20 44 92 50 46

_ 04 85 103 11 9 129 122 64 43 35 31 14 13 20 402 86 44 49

05 95 102 111 134 13 2 59 bull 2 35 32 13 1 3 1 7 38 89 45 44 -

06 91 105 112 132 131 59 4 l 37 27 14 1 3 14 38 87 55 42

07 77 96 104 123 13 7 70 43 44 40 1 7 1 6 18 43 77 49 42

08 60 76 83 103 13 l 63 60 61 68 33 20 24 53 86 42 37

09 44 50 57 7 3 11 3 65 5-1 75 11 3 59 39 36 74 80 38 31

_ 10 38 28 33 46 84 54 4 3 77 165 lC6 48 41 80 83 40 29

11 23 15 1 7 LO 51 37 4Z 71 212 14 4 68 55 95 86 38 1 7

12 15 8 11 1 7 31 28 31 57 235 lE6 74 63 114 10 7 32 1 2

13 10 4 8 11 1 8 1 7 23 43 237 168 73 56 142 147 34 8

14 7 6 6 10 18 13 14 34 203 142 56 51 179 211 41 9

1 )15 5 3 3 9 14 10 33 15 0 10 3 48 47 223 274 58 7

16 6 2 4 7 1 5 9 1 30 108 75 30 46 243 338 70 7

17 6 3 6 10 14 10 10 26 77 49 23 39 247 378 92 10

18 1 2 6 8 1 3 l 6 11 15 26 57 33 1 7 32 230 396 10 7 21

19 21 16 18 22 8 1 5 1t) 31 47 24 14 30 182 368 128 39

20 33 32 35 44 37 1 9 2 1 37 38 21 14 30 138 320 128 52

21 50 39 -------middotmiddot ----- --53

- ___ _

hR fi fi --middot middot- --- ---- --middot-

~ I 1 () 35 l 6 1 bull IJ ) 10 ) 24G - - -- - - - middot-- --- -------- middot---middotmiddot----- -middot---- - -l l S 6 )

22 64 52 66 90 86 3 ~ 3 l 46 36 1 7 1 5 26 [3 6 18 1 99 67

23 70 67 81 104 10 1 40 3 ~) 45 41 1 3 11 27 70 144 e2 65

47 48 56 70 76 38 3-1 44 87 54 28 32 11 0 176 66 35



StaufferPeriod 1962-1974 Site

Source Long Beach Meteorology

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction


-ta rt rime N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction SSE s SSH SvJ ~JS-J w WNW NW WNW

00 26 25 23 24 26 30 43 38 35 32 38 29 37 30 25 27

28 24 23 23 24 31 39 38 38 29 29 31 37 29 25 2501

28 26 24 24 25 31 38 35 35 33 31 27 35 29 25 2502

28 27 23 23 25 32 35 37 33 35 28 28 34 29 25 2703

29 27 23 23 26 30 35 37 32 35 22 27 33 28 29 2804

29 26 24 23 27 30 36 34 33 35 26 27 32 30 28 2505

30 26 25 24 27 32 35 35 37 32 33 26 30 32 26 2706

29 28 27 27 28 33 40 38 33 35 41 33 35 33 29 2707

32 30 28 30 31 34 39 38 37 37 35 30 34 37 35 2908

30 32 28 32 33 36 18 43 ~-3 43 J8 32 39 4 1 39 2909

30 32 33 37 36 39 43 46 48 48 42 44 45 46 40 3410

33 33 34 40 42 43 50 49 52 53 53 46 54 52 49 3211

36 35 43 54 53 55 58 52 57 58 57 56 63 63 58 4212

65 75 75 72 4013 40 43 45 58 63 69 61 56 58 60 61

68 88 81 84 5514 42 39 44 62 67 75 61 59 60 59 63

73 89 85 91 5615 50 52 55 70 67 8 1 64 61 58 57 ~-j 8

69 87 81 84 6616 49 44 54 71 66 73 66 58 56 54 57

63 80 73 71 5017 45 58 37 60 60 60 58 52 54 49 47

47 69 62 55 4318 30 28 37 40 48 53 49 51 49 45 39

40 59 52 45 3419 24 24 28 34 33 4B 45 44 41 39 -6

37 51 43 39 29 middot~o 20 20 21 26 29 43 36 41 43 37 31

35 44 37 31 2721 24 2 1 21 24 27 35 4 1 42 4 1 38 28

22 34 41 33 29 2522 22 22 23 27 34 39 42 41 33 30

34 39 31 26 27-~ 1 24 22 23 22 26 32 40 39 37 36 ~8

47 63 54 4428 27 25 27 30 37 42 44 50 51 47 29


Period 1956-1974 Site DOW and DUPONT MeteorologySource DOW



Daily Average

ind Speed (mph) ~8 52 38 47 25 25 35 37 37 47 50 75 9 10 77 77

Direction (Percent) 8 25 13 15 25 26 76 36 20 25 6 10 16 188 128 65

G) I

I---- N


H 1

-- - -

- - - -

---- -

Western Plant Area - Kaiser Steel Fontana



I IT I - - - - - - - - - - --+ - - - -- - - - --- - - middot- - + - - - - - t- - - - - middot- - - -middot

Slrf I I I I

- I FO TJ1 middot I F---- ----------~-_1---------A_V__ I I


j I I I

I 1a ST I II fOIIO 11T I

l I

- - - - - - -- - - - - + -


-----+-middot BLvb


bullco- - - - -R-oute- - -+-






-~ I


AV gt

0 ~ 0 3 z 0 I-I- -middot -- + -middot -- middotmiddotmiddoto IJ



gt lt(

A 100


z 4 z -lt co

A r 6 SF






Cu CA ffl Q f ( J_rHTRAM-~~-LAV_----w_=H_I_TrNT=-li-----1-

- - - -- - ------- ~1__---------r-- ___ s_ --l- -- ----I I I




---------+ -r----- ------- + I


ST 4TH ST_)___ JI ~-----____ ----- ---- - i----~--rt -

I I -1 I bull I I bull






- I_

II ~ - - - -- - - - - - + -----------t----


I ~ I



1 I


I -1



Eastern Plant Area - Kai~er Steel Fontana

ow FS

bull o z 0 ~ J ~



--- A(llIIN



middotI ~ I



--- --t-t---1




+i I I I

gt gt I

~ I

- --~ + - - ci - - - - gt

- - - -- - --- - -- -





middotmiddot------- +--bull I



I - - - - middot+

~ - --+ I I I




Offsite Storage Tanks - Stauffer Chemical Co San Pedro

bull~~ - ~ - ~ te-e_- fl_ bull lt) -iTCRrJ

bull-1- 6bull ~~----Ro i I Pt 5 bull lit~ I I A i~ v I -Jbulltf- ~-l~ dL

tf~l ~ - I _f) 1

ti_LJ ~~J (wt raquomiddot-C ~~lt ___ f_~gt

middot l~ 71 ~ I ~~ c Qj ~(gt l~ HI h-fS ~~c~ ~J(


IT ~ bull1middot~_l -( c-~zmiddot _

I 0 --~ tl)V- ~shy

~ ftrtlI_bullbull-

middot~ _bullff~~gt_~

i~Y1 f~2~

~ g

~i1 ~--

c I ~ q



~ -~_x I I -~--middot ~Imiddotmiddotmiddot~1

- - -t- -shy

l i





bulltor~ r0 t~~-~ I middot~ I

~- - I r I

4 ltAry4


I middot p


cij4A~---- Y t-gt lti


-- --- -





bull11middot1 -~JP4s--- f51 bullgt~~~~~--~~or(~tQy_-bull--middoti bull bull(l ~ --~- middot- -_ _-~


Y4I C O CipI I ---I HARJU I 1 I


Main Plant Site - Stauffer Chemical Co Carson



I bull

~JAoElM t _J1lfH ~~DRIOC JI IH




~ LN 1~~1-bullil L bullU _ -__i( LN

~rJ~ ~ ~~o~~bulli--=~_ l~~Jt~t1 uiCA)C ampbull ~bullbullLit l

IOAI I _bull~r J~t~-~ lN r~rJLbull u~~~~~~ u~__a-ampMII WL 1(11

l ~ -------7--y I deg

f t




I ----- +--

I I ~

I f~


~s~-- middot ~~~ lII ~t--~ -- ~




Plant Site - Allied Chemical El Segundo

middot bull__- --__ - gt J -middotmiddotrt --_ middott 11 ~ - ir-l~ tt I - ~1~_I~ t tmiddot j I

MAFltu~ Lo o -- -middot-z 1 ~ - middotmiddotbulla- J ti - l-J~ i - __ IJ

1 bullmiddot- --middot--r - -~- lgtJ~middot ----~til1~ middoto ~-- bull l f rt1 I - -r 1 _ t fj ---ltf - i ti)- --r ~ middot r ~ -

i I



8Lyen[j middot- l

( --middot I ( =-~ middot--~~-~ -)- --- -- J)L~ middot -middotfrac14tr __ ~ r d1J~

~~ 5 iOAkO Cl( )y Jv -=l~ i middotmiddot- - - I -

1 I I -_~---bull1fJ--------middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--____ 1

-~ middot

bullmiddot -- _middotimiddot~_ i_~- I---~~~-~ (1=-middot t-===tr-1middotmiddot-~-ltt ~~ --Jltgt middotmiddot~~ ~if-- --middot )middot ltfi~ - idegI-- f~ Q)lT-~ _lt l middot XV~1~ middot -~~ ~ --~

I I t

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sectJ~ BLVDII EJ SEi~D~ 1 nu tmiddot-middotmiddot-middot J _

tl~ r-middotn ----i J middot--1_ ___ ~1-1

A f gtiff_ ffmiddotc YYt)II ~ r bull Ja------ ijlttQ~QW~

___ ~Q -~imiddotbull1 ~H fl(--middot

-lt) bullbull

1 middot

middot--middot middot-- _

middotmiddot_ u - -_-~~middot_1r

~-- ~ _

~ -middotmiddot bullY

j ~ ~ L ~ ll c_l

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I filfltf) J ~3 ilj-t ~ C _G~ llli_A T1 AN B~ACI


603 middot Alondro Pork

l U (

Goll Coorll

~ htyen 1~J-(_

d n t U Wik c rr 1 i t_y of Indus try



Plant Site - Dow ch em i cal US A Pittsburg

I bullbull middot1 Sfl Wi - bull AUIIUlllJLII+

BELMOr r l -- -- 7iSHOfgt ITHACA lN I




72copy~~~~-0AYTON l

I I+

__ middot

1- - -~ middot


- ----------

Plrint lite - ilu rnnt Antioch

) j



Plant Site - Johns rlanville ctockton

a a



51 )I 51 07




foe rurrnulct 1s etiildtld to 11e within+ lU~ uf actudl measured values

Fuy1t1ve emissions from leak~ in the re1atiJely feJ (approximately 100)

Vdlves fldnges and microummicro fittings are likely to be of secondary importance to

the stora~e tank emissions rnese however vJill be directly111easured in the

field 1110n i tor nId


Top priority is thlmiddot determin1tion of storage tank emissions H1is

Cdn De done for tank workinlJ loss L)_y otdir1ir1q drld drlcil_yLin~ ihnlti smicrodce

Sdrnmicroles duriny tdnk car unloctding lt was proposed to insert a sampling tube

into tanK t1ead space and co 1 Iect a ti me i ntey rated samp1 e over the off - Ioad i ng

period The samp1e would then be transferred to the La Jolla laboratory of

SAI and analyzed directly by gas chromatogrdmicrot1y Normal tank breatning can be

determined sufficiently precisely (_ lC~~) oy utilizing AP-42 with accurate

tank dimensions and meteoroloyy

Since relatively few fuyitive source components exist it unlikely

tndt sucl1 e111issions would be smiddotiynificant ~itn respect to the storage tanks

However it would be cost effectiVt to screen 100 of tne fittings with tt1e

Foxboro OVA since a team would be on site to perform the tank measure111ents

rt1e tugitive screening dmicromicroroacn vwtdltt tol Im- tn~ microrocedure described in

Section 7L

UETtlmiddotMINAT llJN Uf E111SSIUlS

931 Fuyitive Releases

Apmicroroximately llU (lrvice~ were screened and six leaks above the

establisned tt1rest1olltt of LO micropm were recorded Table 9J-1 summarizes tt1e

screeniny ddtd ano 111dss ~mission microrojections Since carbon tetrachloride is

microoorly detected Dy the UVA and TLV instrn1ients fdctors between approximately 5

and 14 ~ere ctpp Ii ed octsed on resiunse t unct i uns to deterrii ne the upper bound

of the leak rate mass emissions Total fuyitive emissions range between S8

and 61U lbyear

93L Storaye Tank tli1issio11s

Head smicroctce sa1i1ples were -caken uuriny tne nearly six t10ur off-loading

interval in order to directly deternine tne CT concentration in the displaced


) )

Table 93-1


OVA SAi Actual Umicroper Bound Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rtte Leak Rate Location (ppm) Factor (ppm) a b Se IRc Function lbyr 1byr


Gate Valve Storage Tank Pump Area

Gate Valve Storage Tank Pump Area







466 009 I i

074 I



D 95

in _ I ~ C~



Gate Valve Feerl Puir~ Exit Area 350 009 3889 300 97 81 5

Gat e Feed Exit

J l e Pump

700 009 7778 320 l

l0 1 t1 n

Gate Valve 600 009 6667 i I I 315 I 100 127

Valve-Reactor Heat Exchanger 200 009 2222 I I I 285 I 93 52

All measurement are for 100 CT streams

1--- w 0

air smicroace Saturation concentratiun at 20degc is amicroproxiriately 12 Measured

values were bY and 74 These values r~sulted from gas chromatographic

dn a I y s e s ot t rd n s t er re c1 sa111 p I e s fr() m t n e 1U U I i t e r Ted l a r b a y t i 11 e i nt e9r a t ed

sample ror tt1e tank car displdcement of 2008 ft 3 the total CT emitted based

on tile ctverctye is LUU8 x 007L = 144 ft 3bull

Tnen for a density of p =PMRT

P = (1)(1gt4) 64 gL = 04lbft 3


Tl1erefore tne displacement weiyl1t of CT microer ()ff-load is equal to 144 ftJ x U4

l b ft J = ~ 7 bull 6 1 b bull F o r 2 5 U off - l o ad i n gs an n u c1 1I y we have 14 400 l b s bull Th i s

compares with UuPont I s rnectsure1nents of 9 3 vapor content arid 18800 lbyr

emissions Saturation vapor pressure concentration emission would yield


l)reathing loss from the tank can be calculated from AP-42 as

Lt3(1bday) = 619 X 10-5 M( p ) 068 D 173 H 051 T 05F CKcmicro 147-P

5 0 68 173 = (619 X 10- )(154( 173 ) bull (155)


(lj) 051 (26) 05 (1)(1)(1)

= S 63 lbday

3where a working range of zuu x 10 o 400 X 103 lbs were used to determine an

average l i quid nei grit Jn nu a 11 y e111 i s s ions would be 2057 lb Therefore

working losses dorrii nate tt1e totil elissions from tne microlant


The upper and lovJer bounos of caroori tetracriloride emission ~vere

determined as Ll467 lbyear (upper bound on fugitives DuPont measurement of

storage tank work i ny erni ss ions nur 1a I tanK oreattli ng) and lbgt 15 loyear

(lower bound on fuyitives s1 111eas--1re111ent of storage tank working emissions

no ri n a I tan k breatt1 i ny ) bull






Stauffer is located in the Carson area of Los Angeles County It is

a manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride from tl1e monomer (VCM) ll11hich is produced

on sit2 Stauffer is the only California producer of ethylene dichloride

(EUC) which is converted to VCM The VCM is regulated by several standards

including Cal OSHA EPA (emission standard) and CARB (ambient)

During Phase I the plant was inspected and possible emission

sources were identified Th~se cans~sted of EDC storage ta11ks fugitive

emissions from valves flanges and pumps process vat2r content gas

incinerator effluents and th~ loading of outbound tankers

Since the completion of Phase I several events have transpired which

a ffectebullj the test program to deterni ne foe i 1i ty emissions These wer2

~ the completion of a vent ~ldS incineration system tied to all significant EDC storage tdnk breathers

$ the completion of a comprehensive study by SAi staff to develop a nationwide material balance for EOC

bull inactivity in EOC importation for the plant and elimination of EDC exportation from the plant

Based 11pon this input and the plant inspection of February 3 1981

it was expected that a plant emission factor for EDC can be determined with

relatively little uncertainty It is further expected that si 1Jnificant

atmospheric release of EOC du~ to plant operation may not occur at the plant

itself but rather offsite These vmuld drise fro11 two sources - the process

water discharge from the plant and severcil off site EDC storaye tanks

Facilities Description

Ethylene dichloride is being produced at Stauffer by two processes

direct chlorination and oxychlorindtion In the former EDC is produced by

d i rec t ch I o r i nd t i on uf et 11y l t~ n e i n the pr 1~senc e of cHl Fe C 1 J crl t d lys t I n th e

latter process EUC is microroduced by the oxychl)rindtion of ethylene with

hydroyen chloride and oxyuen in tne prescrlCe of a cdtdlyst typically Cuc1 bull2


lhe microldrrt fluriti1~s tuC after tne microrimar y reactions by separation and digt ti l I dt i ur1 fgtr-ocJuLL 1 s ctured ctncl umiddot 2d ctS foed for VCM production All

sourclS agre~ tl1dt c1ission of EDC is (f concern in its productionstorage

process stages ctnJ O little importance in VCM production steps (J~B 1980)

At the timt of plant inspection some storage of EOC existed at three

ledsed storage tanks located at tne Port of Los lngeles 1-iaterial has not

been 1-Jithdravm from these tanks during the 1dst year and there had been

discussion to consolidate materictl into a single tank

All microrocess components handling EDC storage are now tied to a closed

ventilation incineration syste11 It is expected that virtually all

chlorinated hydrocarbons includiny EDC will be etfectively destroyed since the

system must demonstrdte VCM concentrations are reduced below 1 ppm Firebox

tempera tu re is aoodegF and residence ti me greater than 1 5 seconds under

heaviest flow conditions Note that by way of comparison combustion perforshy

mance datct for PC8s are 99995 destruction at 1832degF and 1 second residence

time and 9Y9Y9YY4 at 2 seconds dnd 2372degF (N Flynn SAi Personal


Fugitive emissions from valves and flanges are monitored by the

plant according to the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 4661 Pumps and

compressor follow ~ule 466 Emission and control requirements for vinyl

chloride are specified by ~ules 1005 and 10051 EOC concentrations in

wastewater are monitored several times daily in tne primary EDC steam stripper

stream and once daily in the composite plant outflow stream Daily water

disct1arge limits are 2~ ppm wit11 typical montt1ly averages being in the 8 ppm

vicinity The discharge limit is ~mbodied in the discharge permit (number

5061) vJith tt1e Los Angeles County ~anitation District

Tnere are a number of points at which tt1e rnc can be released to the

dtmospnere and they are similar for both dir~ct chlorination and oxychlorinashy

tion These include the following along with their emissions factors for direct chlorination

A chlorinator vent 2xliJ- 5 IOdSS per unit mass EDC produced

I) I ight end column vent -52x lt)

C dist i I I at i un column vent lXlU-5

u storage tank breatning 7xlu- 5


E storaye tankworkiny loss 27x 0-u 5F fugitiv~ emission bxll -

-JLi ildSteJdter l gtX] U

Em~ssion factors are si~~lJ fer oxychlorination processes

Enlission factor vau-5 (~1rbulle Tdilt2~ frcn tne literature (JR13 198U) and

assume 9b iciency for incineration (A-E) It is also assumed above that

EIJC emissions to water are Lf~ uf ~rihsion to citir ard that in wastewater

treatment 100 of EOC discharged tc1 vater is rel easl~d to a i 1middot ~ These emission

factors 1bull1e1middote used to prioritize r-2ieaies iJut were cldrly uude approximations

to tre planL l)ecause of thlt ncine-xt~on system it was anticipated that

fdctors A-E would be ri2dtKcdft 1-middotactor - 1nii~t1t be reduced since a monitoring

program had been in force al20st o~e y2ar Factor G and the off site storage

tanks~ vni~cn are not tied into lt1n ircinerator system rniyht -iominate emissions

Emissmiddotion limits and concomitant regulations embodied in Rule l00S of

the SC-l)MU have necessitctted tlw incinera-cion system Ninety gas chronatograph

probes are located throughout t11e plant including the stack of the primary

incinerator Con cent rations of vc1v1 are reported es sent id I I y be I ow tt1e r~yu la -

tory limit of 10 ppm and in fact below the limit of detection somewhat less

tl1an 01 micropra


Tne objective of tt1e proyram is to determine a pl ant emissions for

EOC It is not accemicrotabl~ to dtmiddotvelop sucll informatmiddot1on basect upon published

indlllstry Jide esti11dtes of plant control efficiencivs Fortunately it was

possible to desiyn a monitoring and calculational progra1n to determine EUC

emissions for tne site and not ctbsorb a disproportionate share of program


Hie re are tnre~ modes ot re I ease from tt12 micro Iant dnd d fourt11


bull Post-Process 1nci11er-dtion

Processes A-E of ecc ion lll 1 dre a 11 1ented into the pl ant

incinerdtio11 syste11 rt1e conceritrcttion of VCfmiddotl contir1uously iectsured in till=

stctck cts SJdS output remicroresents d rectsondble UjJper li11it to diJply tor EDC

con cent rat i ons s i nce i ts ef f i c i ency of i nc i nera t i on 1s d t 1 east c l1 u a I to tr1 at


ot VCibulll Tlerefore knowledge of the system dirflow rnd VCM concentrcttion are

tt1e necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the bounds of EDC

reledse fhe pldnt expn~sse I wi 11 inyne~)s to provide tnese data in order to

support the calculations

bull Fugitive Emisions - Valves Flanges Seals and Other Sources

Fugitive emission from the valves pumps and flanges can be

determined more precisely tnan was anticipated since Stauffer has completed a

comprehensive leak inventory of all such components in compliance with Rule

466 466 1 and 1005 The Inventory delineates all leaks uncovered by their

three man crew throughout tne year and indicates the screening level in ppmv

and component identity In consultation with Stauffer we will be able to

identify the total number of components associated with EDC handling systems

( 700) the distribution ot substance composition streams the distribution

and incidence of leaks by hardware component type and leak rate We will

utilize this information to provide historical data to compliment our Foxboro

OVA sampling at the site dased upon this monitoring we predict an EDC mass

emission rate for the fugitive releases The plant has agreed to provide the

necessary information We propose to meet witt plant personnel prior to the

start of monitoring and finlize the sdmpliny strategy to accomplish 100

coverage of the lines of hiuhest EDC composition The sampling approach and

calculation of mass emission are described in Section 72

bull ~~as tewater

From examination of the emission factors derived from published

literature (see Section 10~) it is clear that EDC release from wastewater to

air is potentially several 11rders of magnitude higher than any other plant

source l1ased upon microl ant ml~a sured concentrcJ ti ons of 8 ppm EDC in water a more

realistic emission factor wgtuld b 24xlo-4 1-iassunit mass EOC produced

Clearly this could still be the dominant source Furthermore the release

point would be expected to middotgte locctted between the plant and the sanitary

district treatment site whi1 his~ kmfrom the plant at 24501 S Figueroa We

believe it is necessary to ndemicroendently confirm the average 24 hour EDC

concentration in the dischar-qe valer by obt1ininy the refrigerated composite

sample We t1ave identified ttie I 1nes of int~rest and received agrt~ement to

sample and analyze for EDC in the stream ~e propose to draw a duplicate

sample from the compositor nd ani1lyze for its rnc content This will be


compared with Stauffers para11eI tnalysis It is not reliable to obtain

direct readings of EDC by survey instrument in the air above the water flow since concentrations at crny single point will be i 1 the near dmbient range

Emissions will be cc1lcJLtecl 1_sing the plants vulumetric daily flm

and ass~m~ng that complete degass40~ of the effluent will eventually occur

This assumption is based umicroon the relative volatility uf EDC and tne distances

involved However it should be noted that no direct experimental or

monitoring data is available with which to confirn this Th2 composition of

the discharge stream is unknomiddotwn since it merges into a larqe multisource flow

Conversation with the LA County Sanitation l)istrict (J f1ilne) reveals the

stream to be both exposed and covered Vents exist where me measurements

could De made to assess gross leaka~e at key points

We will obtain samp1es of several plant process discharge streams in

40 ml bottles witn no head space Transit time fr0m sample collection to

analysis will be minimized and wi l I not exceed 24 nours This time frame is

conservat i v e al though ED C i s a v o l ct ti l e mater i al ar1 ct vJi 11 undergo

concentration degradation and outgdssing lnalysi) will b(~ performed in tt1e

SAI Trace Environmental Chemistry Laborcttory utilizing pur 1Je and trap analysis

FID gas chromatography A trial a11alysmiddotis was conducted and the EOC

characteristic peak was distinctive down to the ppb level Therefore the

analysis should easily confirm concentrations in t1e 8 ppm range

Offsite Storage ranks

Three EOC leased storage tanks are located offsite at the Port

of Los Angeles and are owned by annther firm Annual emissions from the tanks

were very roughly estimated based un AP-42 JRB 1980) as 44 kkgyear

based on preliminary estimates of stored quantites

Considering tne magnitude of this source these storage tanks must

be investigated We will gather information about their configuration and

control i n order to ca I cu l ate their e111 i s s i on s bull


lU3 UEfERM I NAmiddot 10~~ OF MISS IONS

1031 Incinerator

Vinyl chl 11ride co11centration is monitored dt approximately 90

locations throughoul the pl trlt (Lanyner 19Bl) including the incinerator

output Conc~ntrations are reported by Stauffer dS less than 0l ppm at a

flow rate between 10000 ant 12000 SCFM Although no direct monitoring of

EDC is conducted it is posible to conservatively bound the concentration of

EDC at U 1 pp111 Tl1at conce 1ltrat ion is a suitable ci10i ce s i nee it represents a

conservative bound on tile VCM levels measured near the stack output

Furthermore the molar volume will be taken as 224 L rather than the higher

value it would nave because of the sl i~thtly elevated temperature at the

detector location

Using 12000 SCFM one has thE annual emission of EDC as 12 x 103

SCFM x 283 LSCF x 526x105 minyr x lmole x 97gmole x 10-7vv 224L

Therefore incinerator emissions of EOG are thought to be bounded by 773 kg or

170 1byear

10J2 Fugitive Emissions

Seven hundred (7UlJ) sources were surveyed comprising nearly 100 of

EDC service All accessibl~ plant areas with streams containing greater than

1 EUC were screened except for a small number of devices located in areas

11lere active maintenance was being condJCted It is believed unnecessary to

p2rf-gtrm any emission factor adjustment since it is estimated that gredter than

95 of the requisite components were screened

Three leaks above an arbitrary OVA reading threshold of 20 ppm were

detected Table 103-1 sumnarizes thei~ screening valves calculation

parameters and mass emission numbers fhe upper bound leak rate was

determined to be close to twice the nominal leak rate which accounted for the

response fltlctor of amicroproximamiddotely 05 by Radirn for TLV detection of EDC

( 13 rown 1980) bull

Stauffer found and reported approximately 10 leaks in the EDC

service during 9 months previous to the pLrnt testing Assuming no111inal leak


) )

Table 103-1


OVA SAI Actual Upper Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rate Bound Location (ppm) Rae tor (ppm) a b Se I Re Function lbyr lbyr

Gate Valve Unit P1559A

Valve Heavy Ends Column Unit 14439

Compressor Seal EDC Storage Unit Tl062

I-- w co

300 11 273 -035 096 0 17 153 D 6

11 I500 114 439 II 241 C 1

r III II II o-is lUI bull2000 vl 1 1818 A 9~

All emissions 100 EDC (12-Dichloroethane)


values in the nei~hborhood of 2000 lbs~ total could be emitted annually

Therefore it appears ttiat major reductions in the mass emissions were achieved

by the company run inspection prugram and the fugitive emission source has now

become of seconqary importance as a fraction of total plant emissions

lUJJ Wastewater Discharge

Wastewater samples were collected in duplicate from four sites

within the plant for determination of ethylene dichloride (EDC) concentration

The samples were collected in EPP standard 40 ml VOA vials on July 1 1981

Analyses were performed using standard purge and trap techniques coupled with flame ionization detection gas chromatography The results are given in the

table below

Sample description EDC conc~ntration range (microJml)

EDC concentration average ( 1-19ml)

Approximate fl ow ( gpm)

PVC Interceptor Box 82 - 108 95 200

EDC Stripper number Chlorination area C1404


011 - 014 012 25

Final collection site for pH adjustmentP663 349 - 3B2 366 350

Final discharge site sanitary sewer 6 - 254 158 500

The water in the PVC lnterc1~ptor ~ox was warm and represents washings from the

PVC reactor which travels t 1J the Interceptor Box in a concrete drainage ditch

Water from the EDC ctripper was vPry t10t and because of its heat was difficult to collect The ~1eat ot trie wat11 r may in pdrt account for tne

relatively low concentratio11 of ElC here as the EDC would out-gas from the hot

~vater more readily The fir1ctl collection site tor pH adjustment is a large

concrete container middotvith mixers in it located just prior to the final discharge

site Water at the final dischdrg~ site is being constantly aerated due to

the speed that it flows thru~yn the concrete drainage trough This aeration

could account for tne relatively large range in the rnc conotent found here

The average EDC concentraticmiddot1 at tne final discharge site is middotbelow the daily

discharye requirement of 25 19ml EDC


Plant oersonnel indicdted monthly iverage readings are typically on

the order of 8 ppm but daily averages can re 1ch greater than 20 microgml In

addition LA County Sanitation Uistrict staff (J Milne 1981) indicated that

an on-site impoundment pond can become laden with EOC during certain abnormal

operating periods and discharge Vdriances arl requested by Stauffer This

mi 9t1t Jccur on the order of O1c0 aCii ecH c1 1d t1erefore is no-c expected to

signifcantly impact averag~ cnnJJI discharg ~ values lt s not expected at

this t1ime tEit evaporative eriss uns from this pond are significant except

infrequently during upset conditions and spi 11 control operations Program

staff ~~ 1er2 una111Jare of any periods ~h 1~n EDC cimtent in the ponds could be

appreciable and therefore no sampling was performed

Utilizing the average uf the two final discharge concentration

1readinJs (158 micrograrnsm~ 1 and 1G 1Ji gpm fl)W one has 34600 lbyear of EDC

released into the sanitary sEwer For the pJrposes of calculating population

exposures from plant releases it will be assJmed that the EDC is locally

emitted from the wastewater streams Tl1ere ire no monitoring data available

with which to develop a more accurate release profile

However emissions of me fron the plant wastewater discharge can be

calculated according to the method of Mcmiddotckay (197S) as modified by Dilling

(1977) It should be noted that this mLst be considered an estimate since

conditions of fl ow and the presence of other substances will influence

emission rates

Using Uilling (1977) for non~erated flow first recalculate

Henry 1 s law constant (dimensionless-my of chmiddot~mical per liter of air divided by

mg of chemical per liter of water) dS

1604 P M 1 Wl

TS l



H Henrys law constant dimensionlessl

Pi tile compounds pur1~ componen- vapor pressure in mm Hg at T

Mwi the 11olecular weiglt

T tile absol ~te temperature of he wastewater in K

Si tt1e compounds ~uluhility in myliter at T

Then for UJC

(l6u4)(7~)(9Y)H = = U0447 with 1


LIii bullul1Jl)i I 1 1y 1 middot UL i11 wt1Ler yiven -1L L0degC is 8u4JU UHI tile vapl)r pressure

1 4 psi ( 7 2mm) at 7 0 degF bull

Tl1e overall liquid mass-transfer coefficient Kil is given by Dilling (1975)


(2211)(06) in mhr

-f-0-4~ (M _) 12+ 100 Wl-H-



Then from Mackay the percent desorption is given by

c 1 = exp (-Kil tL) where

c 0

c = the concentrd ti on at time t of EOC 1

co = tile initial concentration

L = the Ii quid depth (Ill)

t = tt1e retention time (in hr) of the liquid in the wastewater


Retention time is bc1s~d 11pon a flow velocity range of 3 ftsec as estimated by

the Los Angeles County Sdnitatii)middot1 Dibulltrict (1J Milne) over a middotdistance of

ctmicroprox i 1nate I y S km to the Joi n_t Wdter Po 11 ut ion Contra l Pl ant Sewer fl ow

depth throughout the entire route have been estimated by J Milne as typically

1 foot 030m) to the Davison Pump Plant and 3 feet (09m) to the Joint

Tredtment Plant distances assumed to bt~ 1 mile and 2 miles respectively

Trdnsit tiine l)eco111es between 05 tnd LU hours sequentially Then computing

the net emission reduction as the product of each leg

Therefore 26 of the EOC i erni t ted bdween the pl ant and the Joint Water

Pollution Control Plant Rtgtsfdence ti111e and conditions at the plant account


for additional releases and residudl content is forther emitted between the

plant cnd the ocean discharge poiiit ~-Herever the flow is r2tained aerated

or shallow emissions will be accentuated

Offsite Storage Tank Emissions

There are three storage tanks leased by Stauffer for EDC storage

1ocated at 22nd and Gaffey Sts ~ bull San Pedro These tan ks a ~e used for long

term storage rather than providing feed on a routine basis Therefore

breathing loss rather than v1orkir 1J lass is )f concern An tanks are white

two being 67 ft in diameter while t~2 third is 57 ft All are 40 ft 3 inches

high and have capacities of e~thi l0~10000 (2) or 840000 gallons The

tanks are cone roof type and are not tied into vapor recovery systems The

South Coast Air Quality r1dna~J~ment u~ str4 ct has based their estimate of

emissions on the specification of 12 foot vapor level Using the AP-42

formula for breathing loss with the vapor pressure of EDC at 20degc and an

average diurnal temperature variation of 26degF one hds for each of the two

larger tanks

l) 173 H bull51 T bull 5 LlI = (619 x 10-S) M( _P_ tH F CKcp 147-P

68 173 51 5 = (619 X 10-S) (9119~ 116 bull (67) ( I 5) (26) (1) (1)

14 7-1 16)

Thus for the two larger tanks LB= 472 lbday

For the third tank 0=57 and = 178 lbdayL8 The total emissions become 23724 lbyear ~ince he plant is in the process

of shutdown it is not clear what the liquid levels currently are Note that

if the material in the three tanks were combined into one totamiddot1 -~1nissions

would be reduced markedly Exposure to a population from this site was

determined separately since it is lbullgtcated over six miles fron tl1e plant





A major program goal wa~ to compare emissions from the various

sources and identify and rank any 11 tlot spots in California where the general

population was exposed to elevated concentrations of carcinogens A simple

Gaussian dispersion model was therefore used to obtain order-of-magnitude estimates of exposure of the genermiddotal population surrounding each source

Since this was essentially a screening study use of more sophisticated models

was not appropriate

It cannot be emphcsized too stronyly tnat most California residents

are exposed to emissions of hazardous substances from a variety of natural and

rnanmade sources Urban dwellers dre typically exposed to greater concentrashy

tions than rural residents however all are subjected to so called 11 background 11 levels from multiple sources In order to place stationary

source exposures in perspective the typical ambient levels of each substance

were identified from the literature and compdred with the concentrations due

to the emissions from each ~lant Exposures were thus expressed both as

absolute quantities and as increments above background

Comparison of plants presents a further difficulty in that various

substances are being consict~red No attempt was made to evaluate the relative

importance of exposure to two different substances such as chloroform versus carbon tetrachloride other than by ambient concentration


1121 Meteorologicdl Llata

The dispersion model to be descritgted in Section 113 required input

of annual average wind speed and frequency of occurrence of wind from each

compass direction These data were obtained for most of the sites from the

South Codst Air wuality Management District (SCAQMD) In other cases (Kaiser

Jotms-Manvi l le l)ow and OuPlt)nt) only clai ly cJVerage wind speed and frequency

data were available In al I cases we used data from the meteorological

station nearest the modeled e11issrnn source Table 112-1 summarizes the



Observation Site Data Period of Pldnt (Distdnce Source Observation Remarks

from Plant)

A11 i ed Che11 i Ca 1 Lennox SCA~MD 1Y71-1974 Averaged hourly readings available ~ 1 Segundo (3 111iles)

S ff~r-- Uemical Long l3each SCA()MD 1962-1974 Averaged hourmiddoty leadir19s avai1able offsite Carson (3 miles) storage tanks appruxi1ntL~ly 5 miies from

rneteoro middot1 ogy s I te


-~ Dow Pittsburg Pittsbury lJOVJ 1955-1974 Daily and averacied Ninnd rrJse on1y--no hourly-~

Uu~ont Antiocn (lt5 miles to data uVdilable Antioch)

r~d i ser Stee 1 Fontdnct SCAQMD 1978-1979 Two years of hourlydaily data printout made r - i -- lt3 1niles available (33000 entries) daily averages

estimated as only practical alternative -middot bullA

Jon 1 s 1middot1 an I i 1 l e Stockton NOAA 1941-1970 No hourly data estiamtes based on monthly S-cJc~ton (1 mile) prevalence of directions and speed

R~R City uf Whittier SCAQMD 1969-1973 Averaged hourly readings available lnuustry (4 miles)

1neteoroloyical data 1iase for eden site Wind speed and 1tJind direction

freljuency dcttd us~lti 1r1 Ull~ model are provided in Apmicroendix Li

11LL Populdtion Ddtct

In oroer to assess popu Idt i 011 exposure in tile same way for a 11 the

sources we defined d lLJ-s4u1re mi le impact area arround each ~ant This

size WdS cnosen since it was found in most cdses to include all distances at

whicn incremental ground lev~I concentrations due to plant emissions would

exceed genera I urban ambient Ieve 1s for the microo 11 utant in question In most

cases the plant was placed ltlt the center of the impact area Where winds

were predominantly from one sector or a few adjacent sectors or where an

unpopulated area (ey the Pacific Ucectn) adjoined one side of a plant the

impact drea was defined to li~ imm~didtely downwind of the site

Once the impact areas were defined we obtained Thomas 8rothers maps

of all census tracts within them These maps are provided in Appendix H

Census tract populations were obtained from the 1980 US Census The

population of each tract was assumed to lie dt tne centroid except when tne

tract was large and most of the population was concentrated away from the

centroid in the latter case the best-defined population center was used

fadial and angular distances from the sources to the population centers were

tr1en determined


ln urder tu estiindt~ pomicroulcttiun expusures in the census tracts

surrounding each source a simple Gaussian dispersion model was used Use of

a 1nore sopnisticdtect 111odel ~-1as inamicroproJridte yiven the uncertainty in our

emission rate estir~1ates It is questionable v1hether any real gain in accuracy

would nave resulted

ne -Jell-knovm Gaussian oispersion formula is (Porter 1976)

C = 106 Q

iTUOCT z y


C 9rounct leve1 concentration in (i-igm3)

emission rate (gs)

u average vJi nd speed at the microl1ys i ca I stack nei ght (ms) 0 standard deviation of the vertical concentration distribution z



a standard deviatinn d the noriz1intal conentration _y


H effective stack height (m)

y is the crosswind distance froin the plume centerline to the

receptor point (m)

This e4udtion was assumed to microrov1de no 11r1y average ground level concentrashy

tions (Kanzie1~i 1982) Tle vaiues for the standard demiddot-riations o and 0 are y z functions of the downwind distance x

b iJ dX (113-2)

l d

0 ex (113-3)y

where a b c and d dre constants that fit the function to the empirical

curves presented in Turner (t97C) he v~middotJnd -peed at physical stack height is

given by the equation

u (113-4)


u wind speed at physical stack height (ms)

llJ = measured wind speed (ms)0

h physical stack neight (m)s h the hei gtlt at which tile known wind speed was measured (m) and


p an empirical constant which varit~s with stability class

Lacking data on the heights at which the all known wind speeds were measured

we followed common practice and assumed a value of 10 m for h bull0

Tridl calculations showed the valu~ of tne plume rise for all the

sources except RSR Johns-Manville and the Kdser final cooler cooling tower

to be negligible (ie less than one meter) Plumbull rise formulas developed by

Christiansen (1975) and cited by Porter (1971gt) wer- used for the exceptions

The rise WdS assumed to be momentum-dominated for ltSK Johns-Manville and

Kaiser cooliny tower and bouyrncy-dominated for tne Kaiser coke ovens

As was discussed above the radial and angular distances from a

source to each surroundinlJ census tract were dett~r1ined Wind direction and

See llu s se 1ltJ 7J


smicroe~d data meanwt1ile ~ere obtained for eacr1 of the 16 111ajor compass points

To cr1lculdte tile conu~ntrat1on at a giv n microoirt it was first necessary to

d(termine the co1JpdSS s~ctor in Jhic11 Li1e microui11t ldy Fiyure 113-1 gives an

LXdinmicro le for a census tract at r k1~ from a source and at JU degrees from a

reference ctngle ~~t1ich we defined as north (U deyrees) As seen in the

fi9ure this ~oint lil~S in a sector bouided b the NNE (ZL5 deqrees) and NE

( 1i~ de~JretS) rn111microdss dir1~ct1ons lt1e Cttlculc11ion WdS microertormed once t1)r every

11our of the day since annually averctged values of hourly wind smicroeed were

available The followiny schedule of hourly stability clas was determined to

De cons i stent w i th t ne re I d ti on sh i micros s u mrna r i z ( d by Turner ( 1 7) y i v en the

observed distribution of wind speeds at our meteorologoical measurement

stations The schedule vas m1Jdified slightly at the suggestion of the ARl3

(Ranzieri 198l)

Hour Class Hour Class

0 F 13 B 1 F ltl 8 2 F 11) 8 J F l ~ 13 4 F 1 8 5 F 1 ~ IJN 6 F l J UN 7 DU 20 F 8 d 21 F 9 13 22 8 10 13 iJ 8 11 t1 12 13

Using the aoove equations and adj us tnents the concentration at the

point of interest was then cal cu I at~d as the sum of the concentrations

resulting from plumes naviny middot~ne boimdiny compass directions as centerlines

if the anyular distance to th~ point was conuruent with a compass direction

then only one calculcttion was necessary Let C(Y 1ti) and C(U ti) be the2

concentrations calculctted at 1our i for co111pibull)s directions Y and Y 1 2

resmicroectively 1s d1cusseltJ in Section 11L 1ur 111eteoroloyicdl ddtd in most

cases inc I uded t tie f reyuency ot wind direction for each hour of the day Let

f(Y 1

ti) and f(Q t) oe tne microrobctDilities ot occurrence of wind in the2




Figure 113-1 Determination of Compass Position of Census Tract Centroid


directions Y dnd w2

resp1bullctive1y at hour i rt1en the expected value of the1 cunce11Lrit1rgtrI it UH point iri questiun tt iiour I is

C(t) = f(G t )C(G t) + f(IJ t )C(q1 t) (113-5)

l 1 l 1 1 2 1 l 1

nw average dnnua I exposure wa then ca I cul ated as the average exposure on

this composite day

23 C = (124) E C(ti)


The model was programmed in Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II

microcomputer having 48 K bytes of random access memory and a disk storage

capability The program which is included as Appendix I was compiled with

an Un-Line Systems Inc Expediter II BASIC compiler in order to decrease

running time


1141 Modeling Kesults

Using the modeling parameters listed in Table 114-1 tne

incremental pop~lation exposure due to each of the stationary sources was

computed Tables 114-2 through 114-12 show the modeled annual average

incremental exposure for each census tract Jround each plant Census tract

numbers appear on tne maps in Appendix H) The cumulative population column

specifies the total population exposed to all concentrations equal to or

greater than the corresponding source weighted concentration entry of the

table Figures 114-1 through 114-11 illustrate the cumulative population

exposure versus incremental concentration above ambient background concentrashy

tions Table 114-lJ lists rangemiddot of typicJI urban ambient concentrations for

eacn substance fhese gtJere used middoto assess tne incremental contribution of the

plant emissions Table 114-14 s 1 1mmarizes the incremental population exposure

due to each source These were bctsed upon annuc1l averaye source strengths and

do not reflect transients in emisions or worst case meteorolgoical

conditions Note thdt no attempt was made to assess the potential health

effects or risks to the public dut to the resultant combined exposure


) )

Table 114-1




Initial Source Height(m)

18 3

Plume Rise Domination


Exit Velocity (ms)

17 8

Exit Terngerature

( K) -


11 Stack 11

Radius (m)


Emission Rate (gs)

_LJ 5 bull i x l O ( Jls)

Kaiser -el Cormicro - Coke G-=-nS

- Cuul 11~ 0v1cr










~ - CJ38

012 125 Je23

(PAH) (benzene) (benzene)

IO h 11 S ibullI r l l 2 30 Momentum 11 9 NNa 043 28 x -~ 1

10 - tasbestos)

f- u 0

Dov Chc1--11 31 10 NCb NC NC ~~A 1JJ8 cet)

- 047 (rerc amp carbon

Al l i ed Cr--~11 i cal 10 NC NC NC NC 0-00047 (chloroform) 0053 - U084 (carbon tet) u0L6 - u044 (combin~d)

Uumicroont 10 NC NC NC NC 0024 - 0031 (carbon tet)

Stctuffer _1~1nicctl - Unsitc - ilks - UtiSl l-= -- alKS






U50 U34



arlN = Not ~ecessary for calculation of plume rise

b NC = Pl -1 bull -2 r i s e nut ca 1cul ated bull

ctffectiv2 radius assumed e 4ual to that of a circle having the same horizontal area as the source

Tao l e l l middoti - c



Concentration ourcc- 1~2n SUS Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs ~ei ghted fJopu Idt ion Persons Tract trniss~on Kate Concentration Exposed

( microy rn ) (ng1) LO~ iii g n

4Ub80 0578 UU6o U2~ J532 117268 40740 l)6 0082 035 1533 113736 4069U U6 OOol U3gt 6369 112203 4U67U UIU~ OlHJJ 036 707~ 105834 407 lUl uno UUd4 lJJl 4J~l 98755 4U7~U Ll oLJ UOY U4~ ~44l 943Y8 408601 08ltJ iJ097 u 4~ 7099 889~6 4Ud40l U83c J u~rn 04l 3531 81857 408~Ul 0873 )bull lU 04S 2472 78326 4073U U3 )11 04~ 7au 75854 4U7 l Uc 0965 1111 U49 4547 68634 4UIU U 1103 I l] uS6 8158 64087 4U8llJ2 1110 L 13 U56 2112 55929 407 o 1113 13 u56 8893 53817 4076 lo55 ( bull 2L U94 6267 44 Y24 4072 l87J ia U95 61 38657 4340 l101 U l 5 11 Y 168 32462 4Uo3Ul 215U (1 c5 11 3809 23L94 408502 ll23 ll26 11 6496 19485 4UtU UL 307~ I bull Jb lb 33~6 12 98Y 4083UJ 314~ I J] 16 3893 Y633 4084Ul J984 u47 20 574U 5740


Table d4-3



Census Tract

200 280 230 240 310 220 250

Concentration lor 1 gs 1n-1 ss ~on Rate (micro~1m ) Coo 1 Coke Tower Jven

0162 0162 0721 o 779 u 921 U957 1292 1678 1 496 1 626 L433 1997 2 483 3~155

Wemiddoti gli ~fd Con cent rat middot101

middot~ng ~)

lJ 73 3~J 42 63 6 ~ ) 7 l


Ctnsus Tract PopLil at ion

39423 4404 5698 6058 4890 5773 5945

umulative Persons Exposed

72196 32768 28364 22666

166608 11718 5945



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(micro sim ) (ngm)

20 U162 19 39428 72196 28 o 779 93 4404 32768 23 0957 llS 5698 28364 31 1626 1 4890 226b6 24 1678 201 6058 17776 22 1997 240 5773 11718 25 3155 379 5945 5945




Concentration Soure- Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Wei g11ted Population Persons Tract Emi ss 10n ate Conce~tration Exposed

(microgm) (pgm)

5103 240 230 280

0559 1038 1076 2150

16 29 30 60

~ 435 4909 3816 1747

15907 10472 5563 1747



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(microgm) (ngm) Low High

Dow Pittsburg (carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene)

30600 1511 945 1335 7817 20309 313102 1550 978 1372 1696 12492 30500 1920 1211 1692 5241 10796 307201 2207 1393 2030 2986 5555 307202 2241 1410 2068 2569 2569

DuPont Antioch (carbon tetrachloride)

3020U 2471 590 77 o 7098 7098


Tdble 114-7


Census Tract

650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 01 6205~01 6020oc 6040U 62lJSU2 62Olt3O 602503 6025 01 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 62090l 62U40 602402 6022 0 620901 602301 62010 62000 602302 620302 620303 62020 620301



Concentration S0urc_- CLnsus Tract for 1 ys Wei ghtecl Pcpulation Emission Rate Co11C1cnrt ion (microgm3) ( n-~rr

j )

l 1l 4 6 6276 L6~6 c() 4859

L634 J0780

1650 8 5065 pLb76 ) 6181

J042 r 5716 lUBIJ ~ cWH

(JLYJi 7 0 2 108 lU 6667 2~1~U lU 7074 2~224 10 4612 2 339 11 5886 2359 11 5754 2422 11 7430 2785 13 4983 2816 13 6561 3102 15 5564 3425 16 7453 3~b30 17 3142 4361 ~u 383S 4473 21 52 4 677 2L 4662 6 036 28 2651 6833 32 5494 7 835 37 7482 8899 4l 5210

11547 54 3352 21 15J lt99 6546 22574 106 4250 24521 11j 1185 43 056 202 4044

Cumulative Persons Exposed

161278 155Ul)2 150143 147065 142000 135319 lJO lUJ 1U 21U 120133 113466 106392 101780 95894 90184 82710 77727 71 166 65602 58149 55007 51172 45876 41214 38563 33069 25587 19377 16025 9479 5229 4044


Table 114-J


Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 9s Emi ss ~on ate (microgm )

Weighted Conce~tration (ngm)

Population Persons Exposed

Low High

650002 1174 62 ~9 6276 161278 603702 1626 86 140 4859 155002 600502 1634 87 140 3078 150143 6041 0 1650 87 140 5065 147065 603701 1676 89 140 6181 142000 620501 1842 98 160 5716 135819 602002 1889 100 160 2893 130103 604UO 1932 100 160 7077 127210 620502 2108 110 180 6667 120133 62080 21ltJO 120 180 7074 113466 602503 2224 120 190 4612 106392 602501 2339 120 200 5886 101780 60380 2359 120 200 5754 95894 602101 2422 130 200 7430 90184 602502 2785 150 230 4983 82710 602102 2816 150 240 6561 77727 60390 3102 160 260 5564 71166 602401 3425 180 290 7453 65602 6209 02 3 630 190 300 3142 58149 62040 4 361 230 370 3835 55007 602402 4 47 3 240 380 5296 51172 60220 4677 250 390 4662 45876 620901 6036 320 510 2651 41214 602301 6833 360 570 5494 38563 62010 7835 420 660 7482 33069 62000 8899 470 750 6210 25587 602302 11~47 610 970 3352 19377 620302 21 153 1100 1800 6546 16025 620303 22574 1200 1900 4250 9479 62020 24521 1300 2100 1185 5229 620301 43056 pound 300 3600 4044 4044


Census Tract

650002 6037 Ol 60050 60410 60370i 620501 602002 60400

620502 6108U 602503 6025Ul 6038U 6021 Ul

-602502 602LU2 6039U 602401 620902 6204l) 602402 60220 620901 6Uc3Ul 62010 6200 0 602302 620302 620303 62020 6203Ul

Tdhl J_4-9



(Six montnsy~ar Jsswnea for each feedstocK)

--middot- -middotmiddot-- -middot-- middot------~----

Cori(Entat ion ~o~ r-ct- Census Tract Cumulative for 1 95 Weighted Population Persons Erniss~on Rate Concentration Exposed ( ) ) ) ~ I Ill g 1) )

LO~ Hi 91

1174 Jl 52 6276 161278 L6l6 4Z 72 4859 155002 1634 42 72 3 l078 150143

7-1650 43 ) 5065 147065 1676 ltt4 74 6181 142000 L842 48 81 5716 135819 1 889 L~9 83 2893 130103 L932 so 85 7077 127210 2108 S5 93 6667 12013] 2190 51 7074 113466 2224 58 9B 4612 106392 2339 61 100 5886 101780 2359 61 100 5754 95894 2422 (gt3 llU 74JO 90184 l785 2 120 4983 82710 2816 J 120 6561 77727 3102 n 140 5564 71166 3425 d9 150 7453 65602 3630 1J4 160 3142 58149 4 361 110 190 3835 55007 4473 120 200 5296 51172 4677 lcU no 4662 45876 6036 lbO 270 2651 41214 6833 uo 300 S494 38563 l835 2UO 350 7482 33069 8899 20 390 6210 25587

11 547 300 510 3352 19377 21153 5SO 930 6546 16025 22574 590 990 4250 9479 24 521 640 1100 1135 5229 43U56 l20Ll 1900 4044 4044


Tdble ll4-10



Sou rec- Census Tract Cumulative Census Weighted Population PersonsaTract Concentration Exposed


650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 U 1 620501 602002 60400 620502 62080 602503 6025Ul 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 620902 62040 602402 6022U 6209Ul 602301 62010 6200U 602302 620302 6203UJ 6202U 6203Ul

26 3G 41 37 37 4J 47 4J 49 49 S l Sl 5( 60 6 1 7U 68 75 80

10U 100 11 U 130 150 17U 1~u 250 45L 47C ~o u 91U

a Assuming lU gs emission rate frgtm 0000 to

6276 161278 4859 155002 3078 150143 5065 147065 6181 142000 5716 135819 2893 130103 7077 127210 6667 120133 7074 113466 4612 106392 5886 101780 5754 95894 7430 90184 4983 82710 6561 77727 5564 71166 7453 65602 3142 58149 38J5 55007 5296 51172 4662 45876 2651 41214 5494 38563 7482 33069 6210 25587 3352 19377 6546 16025 425iJ 9479 l185 5229 4044 4044

0600 hours



Tab h 1 L 4- 1 _


Census Triict

57240 54400 5438 01 5727 o 5726 ~ 0 57230 5725 0 543901 5437 03 5438 02 5433 03 5439 02 543702


Concetratiun for 1 gs Emission Kate

L801 2190 5tJ48 5 069 5944 6674 7892

11917 14197 14687 17 27 3 1Y230 20801 23220

Suurcc- ClrlSUS Tract Cumulative v1ei 11irted P( pu lat ion Persons Conce5trat1on Exposed ( igm )

----- -~---middot----middotmiddot--middotmiddot

U90 1153 58821 11 6085 57688 L h 3683 51583 ) L (~ 44~9 47900 3G 4068 43401 JJ 5764 39333 J 9 2892 33569 60 3732 30677 71 3295 26945 7 3 6153 23650 3 6 6578 17497 9 6 3329 10919

ll O 4683 7590 LoO 2907 2907


Tabl~ 114-12



Concentration Sou re(~ - Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Weighted l)opu lat ion Persons Tract Emission fate Conceqtration Exposed


29610 2966 0 29650 29620 29640 60990 29710 29670 29740 29680 ~9 0 2973U 2975 2976 29720

1926 3921 4497 4561 4709 7657 8404 9887

14249 17235 28211 39992 44669

402159 408785

Otgt5 1 J

l~1 lb 16 26 29 34 48 59 96

14U 150

1400 140U

1029 4043 3171 5518 6143 1988 6079 1949 3989 3311 6043 2587 3303 4960 6760

60873 59844 55801 52630 47112 40969 38981 32902 30953 26964 23653 17610 15023 11720 6760



) ) ) ) ) gt

1 middot-middot -bull middot1i_1

11El _

0 --1


10 ~3middot X

Ul U) middot=10(l) bull _j

0 0C 0

+-gt middotr-

r-1ro ~ I -+-I- CCi

u C




11 E1~ u

11u micro

t ~1-bulli 1~C1J ~J -


middot1 U~perVJ micro

4 ~1~0 I+- ii u ~()

(1) 0middot0 Q

w X

~ibull1 C i~ I I L bull

I 0 i bullimiddot-- l-micro bull middotbulltmiddotLi I

(1j middot-~middot ~ower -I bull bull I W ltbull~bull11oJ-c1 I I I bull II lt I 1 ~1 ~=middotbullt_I ~0

I i I0 0 0 i ~~ ~J- _ ou--u~~ i Fbull 4 1~~ gbull~ bull=bull _=bull -bull~ bulli __~ f-i - _ _t--bull~ _1

C 1 ~ bull-J -11 I U _bull~1 Ill bullbull ~ _ ti- r-

Incremental Concentration (ngm3) Figure 114-1 Cumulative Population Exposure to Arsenic from RSR Secondary

Lead Smelter City of Industry (Curves Correspond to Upperand Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

I 7 ~~ ~~MllOlllU~PiiCi(iauQi~~~~~~M~9il~1~

l l



bull tbull

II bulli


j- I~ ~1bullJ________ _______bullr--5L-oamp~gtbullbullbullmiddot-__~---_____________

M 0 -4 X-VI VI (lJ



C 0 +J ro S-+- C (lJ u C

71 0-Jbullbull

F--middot F1bull~s

~ 1-1 _


~ __ u 0)__

O ~ middot1 lA I~ middot-y irbull ro +J V)



+-1 =0~-OJ )

0 0 X


middotbull 11 shyC 0 a +J ra


0 0

l ~J0


~ middot _~~

(1 J ~ -+-+-t-+-t-+--+-+-middot+-1 l1 ~ 4


I ___~ ____ l

-t-middotmiddott--middottu-1--plusmn-+middot-+-+-bull-i--bull-+ - t 111 1~~

Incremental Concentration (microgm3) Figure 114-2 Cumulative Population Exposure to Benzene From Cooling Tower and

Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana

) )

- 0 1_____~----_________~~-ll-1~-fgt4rtclftl-ti~ -LLlbullgtsS

~~i middot-middot M

a -l

gtlt i--i rmiddot~

I t_1 L

Vl V)

CJ _j

~ C l=bull icJ C 0 -micro ro ~ micro C C)

~ [1~ u C C u

-0 u 0) ltlJ 4 lf-bull~ IN micro middot r

micro V)

micro middot


middot3 ti~middot-0 ltlJ middot~bull~ middot1Vl 0 0 l gtlt

w middot ~~1 C ~ bullt1

-C 1 micro bull ~t

- ~

10bullibull bull middotmiddot bull middott ~ c 0

L1 J bullbullfbullbullibullbullltJ ~ J -1L+abull ~bull~~--~sectio-i ~~bullbullbullbull ~~_~ l 1bull~t-j-4Y ) bullbullo ~ _~ bullbulllta-J tbull-1_f - ~l~middot bullf middotCbullbull--~bull -~ Tbull

~ 1~0 ~~~ ~~~ 4~0 Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 114-3 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana


0 -I X-V) V) a _J

s 0

C 0 micro co s micro C a u

l ~


1 --

J- t_bulli

_ C

uw m 0

1 -0 a bullbull micro

microdeg ()

0 micro tbullmiddot C QJ V)




middot4middot~middot C 0 micro rt1

-- - 0 ~ 0


n __ _______bull~ -______ --al_ - ~_

I bull

I I - bull

middot 1


l i l ~l

~ 0 I 1

Li bull I t_~I

i bull -1 _1-J

0fmiddotbullmiddot-middot+-middott-t-r+-t-+-+middotr+-t--+-1--t+ t f-t-J-t--r-+tmiddotmiddot~~bull+-t--1~~bull-+-1 Id middot t 4 E1 (

I ncrementa 1 Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 11 4-4 Cumulative Population Exposure to Asbestos From Johns-Manville Plant Stockton



--~ ~w t _ ---~- ----------~ --____~-=~ M


bull I bull I I I I ii i Q t I i E e- I Ii tl I I I 6 I a I I J I f t t bull I G fl I

a I e 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iii bull bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull bull bull bull 1 1i bull bull 1 1 bull a bull 1 1 r ~ middot u ~ ~ I0

+H~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~-rmiddot-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~~-~t~~~~~-~J C

~1_ c bull 1 t~ bullbull bullabmiddot 11 l bullmiddot II bullbull C- I u~

0 rl

gtlt I I I- 20 () ()

CJ -1 ~_J

J Cbull s

I If I I I I0

C bull I Ii I I I I I I I I0 1E

bull-+l I t I I ro s Lower+l

I I I G I iii I bull

() 14 I I IC

u I0 I I II Iu


1-_~I fi

CJ ~ I-- (j) CJ I G I I p +l

ro +-l I I I1~3~V)

0 +) UDf)Pr u I I 11 I I


Vi I 0 I I It- I a X

0 ~

w I I I I bull

Lower C 0


- 4+)


J Q_

0 bull1

ij a 3- ti I

D d I I I I

I I I bull

II B I t

i ] i amp I

1 ei ~ amp 3 ii


e ft a a I bull G

I I I bull I

I I bull I I t If



I I I-_L~ lI I I f


- I I

j I I II I -

lI ImiddotbullII

l I

l Li

Incremental Concentration gm3)

Figure 114-5 Cumulative Population Exposure to Perchloroethylene and Carbon Tetrachloride From Dow Pittsburg (Solid Lines) and to Carbon Tetrachloride From DuPont Antioch (Xs) Results For Upper Lower Bounds on Emission Estimates Are Shown

__~IUlllWIMWMW ~-a~9a_Q~ 41 ~1bull11 -~Ga1r-uJ1 _a11~--WIIIIIA1IMlilClll-l~maaiampNldmiddot1 middot=0~

M 1E1 13 _0 -I

X-V) Q)


140 _J

~ 0

C - middot1 ~2 ~3~~

+- ro

+- ~

C OJ 1E10u1--

0) C 0(J1 u

a f~1 1Q) +-


ro middot-middot +- V1

0 ~ cE1 O QJ V)

0 I0 4~1X


C 0 +- 2pound1 __ I bull amp I Il0 -- 0 0

0 I ~-~~-lJ___ _~-1lltll-1o

0frac14middotbull+-+~-t--t-+-+~-- I =-+-4 =f-~bull-+--T+-+-1-~~-bullc~

l1 ~i0 8~1 1~E~ 1tE1 2E11d middot 11 ~ E0 10euro1 1-40 1Ea1 22pound1

Incremental Concentratio (ngm3) Figure 114-6 Cumulative Population Exposure to Chloroform From Allied Chemical

El Segundo

) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ~

1 1_bull01)

M 0 160-i X-


V) Q)


s l -- 0 C fC 0


ro s


l ~1 ~1+-gt f---1 C m QJ OI u

C 0


u (1 QJ +J ro


E ~Vi

0 +J





4 ~ju~bull bullQ X

w C 0

+-gt middot le~ro ~1

-~ 0 0

~~~Bt~-lraquoaJC~~~~~Jgt-bull~liiilldll-titi~ ~~~__qi~iSlitUJ_iJ~~~~~t-iMllltl-W~G~ili-l~~bull~t-~aa_=~s

bull1 i


l 1 i

i ~



l i

l_ Upper~r i

middot middotmiddot t-t-~ lL Io ~- a I I a--i-_-~-

Lower bull bull Lbull

i~ t~1_+ ia-~__c111J(~IJ- __middotbull--4IJ1-bull)l1Kila-- l-111- 1~M-~tMildbullri~-t_t 11to Ibull -i rmiddot ~ _

1i-1 - middotbullth~middot t =lttF--i-+-middotr+-r+middot~middoti-middot-~-4-4middoti t -~--is -~middot-rmiddotibull--+ u ~~ i--t4~ t-bull~~311 li-i1middoti- C - JJ _ CL

-- I 1 t middot1 c7 Ibull ) ~ I-middot bulli C bull 1-_ 11 11gt1l11 ~bull -a bull-bullbull t a- II bullbullbull bullI lt_I Iii _- I

Incremehtal Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-7 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo (Curves Corresond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

--- I


16 0amp (V)

0 ~


14~11l 1l QJ _J


1 middot-0

c t1middotmiddotmiddot 0

micro ro

_ c micro ~ 1euro1pound1

0- QJ u-J c 0 u O =-middot ~-= QJ

c_1 micro ro +- V)

0 micro ~ t1 O QJ 1l 0 a 40gtlt w c 0


ro --


20middot l ---a I ~ I a 0


pound1r-t k

Figure 114-8


a I __ I wi~ i awLi--~~ 2 I I

1--+ I ~--if bull =~~--bullJ-+--f-1-----middot+--+middot-middot--r9c- 1 c- J

bull _ bull -~

Incremental Concentration (microgm 3)

Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride and Chlorofonn From Allied Chemical El Segundo Assumingsix-months Operation With Each Feedstock (Curves Correspond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

) ) )) )

1 3 0+--- a- - ---- __________--= ~

M 1 E ~1F40 gtlt




s 0

0-~ C 1 ~2 t1

+-l rj

shy+-gt C Q)

u 1 ~1 ~1 I- C

degco u 0


+-l QJ middot=a~(Cl

+J middot- -0 +-gt 6t1-0 Q) Vl l I bull0 C

w X 4 ~1 ~C 0

t l--+)


20 Il 0 0 a

r--1 plusmn-middot--4-bull+ bullJ - ~-1


bull 17 - ta_



I mvn


-~ bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull l ~-


i u---J--bull-+ i i--+ --4--+-imf-bullbullQ~-+-+-+~bullbull-4 171 i R = Fi middot1 1bull1 r1__ bullltaa ~a

Incre0ental Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-9 Cumualtive Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo During Offloading From Midnight to 6 am middot-middotmiddot------middot--middot

--bull ft ampLA 1111-~lliaIN_WPl1A 1JIU_Mt91 MJ1WWlaquoPI-W1111~ --------__----Et1

M gt~middotI

0 -I


~ t~ bullM

V) middot-middot ~ V)


f 0

0 -

C -4 0middot~middotmicro re f micro C a u

10 Cdeg u 0 3 0middotmiddotmiddotbull~ -0 a

+-gt ro

+J V)

+-gt 0

2E1-0 QJ V)

0 a X


C 0 1pound1--middot+-gt ro

-- Q_ 0 0


~ -~middot bull I -bull-_ bull I

middot lbullgtbull___I I

frac14 llk I

I bull



-1_ I

Ibull II__ JI


(1 f---1-+ bull-r_--f bull middot~-bull +-- bull i -bull 1 -1-+--+bull-+-t-+bull--t1 ~ _ 4middot 6 E 1t1 1middot2

1 3 5 I middot~ _ 11

Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 11 4-10 Cumu1ative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Plant Carson

_~ ~ t M

C X E k1~


- c- 1-1 ~ C middot-middot -_J

I--- -J 4t1middotbullmiddotmiddota


-+-shy --middot liiit1J

r ~


t-1 _ V

0 -+-1

middotr -bull ~1



+- bull1 ~1 atr l -=

~~lll(k~IHmiddot~~-Wa~middot~nL1middot~~~ta KF u n P middot~dE-tveRS ~-tl~~~-u-~~~tmiddot_-~~~~liil-~-~~~ tc r

I bull

bull -r~l-yen--~1l~a l fl __ A4o bullbull bullbullbull ~ 111bull--middotbull

lil---111 1n1 i1--1u -i- -tmiddot11i-bull J--14-bullbullbulllM ~

1 ~ l1

~ t

~ C ~

i31-~~middot-~--~~~-~-middot-~-~~-~~~-~--~~~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~--l 11 2~1 4~1 Ea 8(3 1J11~1 1~r1 14(middot)

Incremental Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 114-11 Cumulative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Off-Site Storage Tanks

Table 114-13


Substance Ambient Reference Concentration Environment


Cad11i um


= ~ 11 1 ~ Ui ch l or i de _ -J _


Carbon Tetrachloride


4-6 nym 3 3

20-YO ngm

33 ng111 lt04 ngm 3

20U-57UU fiber~m 3

20-100 f i bersm

Ji jJjJO

trace 008 011 05lppb

O 1 pmicrob [J iJ~ micromicrob

188 ppb 08 ppb 0 7 pmicrob (ave)

U11 pmicrob

U 13 ppb 595 ppb 022 ppb (ave)

0175 pmicrob (ave)

07 ppb ltO 04 ppb

1 25 ppb 36

General urban Heavy industrial

Typical urban Remote areas

Typical urban Desert

uu111111yuel CA

8 NJ industrial sites Oakland Upland Los Angeles

Urban background rurdl backgrouna CA


8 industrial sites NJ Tuscdloosa AL 3~2rage) Riverside CA

rural background

Los Angeles average Torrance CA Southern California

60 readings) Riverside CA

Los Angeles average Rural background Russe11 1977 Los Angeles averageRiverside CA

Braman 1976 National Research Council 1976

EPA 1977 EPA 1977

Murchi o 1978 Murchi o 1978

tsarber 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Pellizzari 1979

Barber 1977 Holzer 1977

l3arber 1977 Grimrud 1975 Russell lJ77 Pel 1 i zzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Singh 1982

Barber 1977 Russell 1977 Gri mrud 1975 Barber 1977 Pell i zzari 1977

Simmonds 1974 Singh 1982

Barber 197 7 Barber 1977 Grimrud 1975

Sinvnonds 1974 Singh 1982

) ) )



Substance Probient Environment Reference Concentration



-J )

Sen zo (ct) py rene

jjen zo (e) py rene

ben z(ct) a 11 ( nr ii cen e


lndeno 123-cd~pyrene

L 1 ppb 06-34 ppb

42 ppb 16-60 ppb 02-1J ppb 13 ppb 48 ppb 67 ppb 55 ppb 63 ppb 82 ppb 39 pJb

3031-L1 ~gm 046 ng111

090 ngm 3

305-c8 n~111 018 ngm

06U ngin 3

134 nginJ

8 NJ industrial sites 28 samples in industrial areas with benzene consumption facilities Torrance CA Tuscaloosa AL National Forest 1000 sarip Ies-Torontt) Azusa CA El Monte CA Long Beach CA Upland CA Los Angeles CA Riverside CA

Los Angeles 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angel es 1976

Los Ang2l2s 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Pellizzari 1977

RTI 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Ho1 zer 1977 Pilar 1973 EPs 1980a EPA i980a EPA 1980a EPA 1980a Calvert 1976 Singh 1982

Colucci 1971 Gordcrn 1 197(i

Gordon 1976

_ 0 111 CC i 1~ 7 1 Gordon~ 1976

Go r cl on 197 6

Gordon 1976

middot1 ab1e 11 4-14


Site Substance Typical Urban Population Exposed to Background Level 100 50

Increment Over Background

Al lied+




Du Pont





Kaiser Kaiser



Chloroform 01 - 07 ppb (gt497 ngm3) 0 0 Carbon Tetrachloride 015 ppb (942ngm3) lt4044 25587 -


Perchloroethylene 07 ppb (4830 ngm 3) 0 0

Carbon Tetrachloride OlS ppb (942 ngm3) 10796 - 20309


Carbon Tetrachloride 01~ ppb (942 ngm 3) 0 0

Asbestos 1000 fibersm 3

( 313 ngm 3) 0 0

Benzene lOppt) 32500 ngm 3) PAH 5 compounds 35 ngrn3 72196 72196

Cadmium 3 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm 3 0 0

3Ethylene Uichloride 051 ppb (2100 ngm ) 92552 117532

bull Assumes all year operation on either feedstock If plant operates 50 on each feed the population exposed to greater than 50 increment over background goes to 16025 - 19377 and 4044 - 16025 for 100

Ambient concentrations of benzene vdry over one order of magnitude in the literature and therefore make tnis calculation questionable For Kaiser therefore the carcinogenic PAH assessment was used to evaluate incremental population exposure above background

+ The partition of emissions from Oow are 78 carbon tetrachloride and 22 perchloroethylene by weight


1142 Comparison of Incremental and l3ackground Concentratiors

Those sites whicn elevate background concentrations greater than SO~~

to surrounding pomicrouldtion are discussed below

1142 l Stauffer Cnernical

The Stauffer ct1emmiddoticdl ~ant 110s tvJo prinlt ipct1 SOLHCes uf EOC

emissicnsj the off-site storage tanks and the waste water dscharge stream

Ea cn con t r i h u V s about ~qua l 1 _y middott o U1e microon1 l a t i on ex 11o s u re f bull] ure s J s s ho vm i n

Taoles lL3--11 and 1L4-1L Th2 arrbient measurments by Pel~ 1 zzciri (1979) of J

2100 ng1~ 1s tne tos Ange 1es bc1ck9n1nc1 1as used as triie typ-i ca 1 tirban

background Pellizzari notes t11at Uhan readings generally rerici~n under 2SOO

nym3 ir1tri e pmiddotant proximity ccncentrn1011 ravlmiddot been observed as high as

700~000 f)(m 1

Other ambient ~ata noted l)y Plmiddot I 1 i zzari are Birmingham A1 abama

205-400 Phoenix Arizona 157-i870 1Jcbullminguez Calitornia 1Lii814 Calvert

City Kentucky 6600 The latter two are associated wi t11 EOC pl ants Data

taken in senFice s~ations ano lrctffic areas ir various cities range from -~

300-3640 ngm~ As previous~J mentioned the Stauffer plant is discontinuing

operations These two sources should be examined as part of any possible

start--up permitting activity

11422 Kaiser Steel Corporation

The Kaiser steel plant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)

emissions cffmiddotise from the coke oven omicroerations Comfdrison of the cumulative

population exposure Figure 114-3 and Table 114-4 with the specified

background levels for urban areas illustrates the breadth of the exposure

distribution The five known PAH carcinogens that were isolated in the coke

oven emissions were quantified in tile ambient air of Los Angeles by Gordon


Benzo[a~pyrene 046 ngm J

t3enzo~e]pyrene osio Benzaanthracene U lo

Chrysene U60

lndeno Cl23-cd~pyrene 134

Althouyn these concentrations ctr~ low co1npared with 1 number of other cities

cited in the literature and repres2nt a very I imited data base tt1e predicted

concentrations from the Kaiser plant ~enerally exceed these levels by d


significant margin ie greater t11an 30000 are predict2d to be exposed to

4redter than l()-lt t 1tbull 1111tlit~nt background of 3j nqm 3 It ic 1 iklly tlat

lHrllerte exmicroo~urt 11 Ilie drld dre also 11evatPd ovr r11nbient I1owever since

backyround concer1tr1tions of t)enzlmiddotne show large variation no population

calculation was specified

11 4 bull 2 bull 3 Dmv

Carl1on tetrdcnloride releases from Dow constitute approximately 78

of tl1e total CT plus perc emissions in Table 114-6 and were found to elevate

urban background concentrations greater than 50 in five census tracts Emissions are predominately from storage and check tank working and brething remiddot1 eases

1142~4 Allied Chemical

The Al lied plant was modeled several ways since the plant can

operrttt~ wiUl chlorotor111 dr cc1rbon tetrctlt hloridt fo(~d The c1bull-i pr~middot11ntlid in

ldlgtlt~o ll4- drld llil-B represent dflrlUil 01Hrdtion with eitt1er teed Partial

yedr operation with each feed can be scaled from the individual annual modes

and is presented for equal hltllf year operation in Table 114-9 As with the

Du Pont plant carbon tetrachloride emissions arise from feed tank working

loss fable 114-10 illustrates peak exposures predicted to arise during an

off loading cycle As expected concentrations in that six hour period far

~xceed annual average values Insufficient data were available to contrast

levels with backyround transient concentrations




Alternative control approacnes for the most significant emission

sources dinmig ~he various pl1ants n ees fitie(J n the follo11 ric suJsections

EmpiiasVi nas Deen placed in dedlinq ~riU1 Uiose sources of 91reatest absolute

inaynHud2 (lbyr) and those const1 ut 0ing trie largest increm121middot1t middot] bulli~he

bdc kgrnund con cent ration of Hie em~ tted subs tcince i~o ctt tention Wi 11 be ~i ven

to the s~iondc1tY sources witt1middotn cK1 microant or to trlL case of J011ns-Manvi I le

since -UH imiddotajor source is less tran LOO 1byr and is not microrejicted to raise

bctckgro 1wd exposure levels to the ~~ntr21 population Furt12rmore a11

emission sources dt Kaiser Ste 1 1iC(1 v1 1~n directly dedlt -1ith in this

program r1re elltlteci ro t11e cc1lt1bull ovcmiddotr nperatmiddotions These faci 1ities are to be

closed du1rm and all primary reel 11i~ oH~rdtions discontinmiddot 2d Kaiser

forecasters have predicted further deterioration of the plant economics and

the phased closure has been accelerdted for primary steel making operations

Note that this closure is essentially irreversible cince differential

exmicroansion and contraction of the coke oven structur1 occurs in the cooliny

process and it would be improbable that ovens could be reheated without

extensive reuuildiny at major expense


At c1ll four sites emissions from storage tanks constitute either the

primary or near dominant (Stauffer) source of carcinogen release andor

genero1i iJOpulation exposure Curreritly the tanks of interest at each site are

permitted by the local Air Quality IJistricts hJwever they do not require

emission ontrol systems for vdrious reasons Tl1e estimated releases grounds

for exemption and other pertinent information are given in Table 121-1

In order to amicromicroreciate tth~ practicdl dlternatives for emission

controls the provisions of SCAWMU Rile 463 ar~ listed below which specify the

acceptable alternatives for tdnks r4uirin9 controls ie tanks 11aving

capacities greater than 39630 yal with suostances of true vapor pressure


Table 121-1


Stduffer Uff-Site Tanks (J) (Sdn Pedro)

Allied (El Seyunrlo) - KdJ

1bulllctLer1 d I reld iturctjc

-J -J

Dow (Pittsbury)-Product Check Tanks (4)

Uow - microroduct sturag~

DuPont (Antioch) - Raw Materidl Feed Stordge

Approx Capacity~

6lUS x 1g (c) 84 X 10 (1)


18000 each

70000L) 3UUOUO

30000 working 42636 liquid full



Ethylene Uichloride

Carbon Tetrctci1 I Jr i J1

Perchloreshythylene and Carbon Tetrashychloride

CT perc

Carbon Tetracr1 l ori de


Emission Mode

Tank breattli ng

Tank v10rk i ng Tank breatttiny

PERC-~JOrk i ng PERC-b r2a t ~ i ng CT-working CT-breattling

Tank breathing Tank breatt1i ng

Tank workin9 Tank breathing

Vamicroor Pressure

014 at 70 F psi

1 63 psi at 68 F

16d psi at 68 F(CT) UJ9 psi at 68 F(perc)

168 i)Si dt 68 F

Grounds for Exemption

Exempt from control re4uirements to SCAQNJ Rule 463 since vapor microressur-2 dues nut iXC~ec

l~ io at sturdJ~ conditions

txe11pt TlJil fule -+b3 since tank capaL ~J ~ s u~der 39630 gal (lSO 11 )

Exempt from Regulation Rule v~~vu u~~~~~shytank capacity is under 39630 ga 1 andor substances are not classified as organic 1i4uicts

Exempt f ro1n Ru l ~ 85300 because subsLctnce is not classified as dn organic li4uid accordin to Regulation-Rule 8120

exceeding l~ microsi at storage conditions

~ floating roof tanks

~ fixed roof tanks with an internal floating type cover

bull a vapor recovery system with vapor collection and retllrn (or disposal) proce5sinJ lXctbullerlin~ 95 efficiency

ln a cllemicai plant a typical vapor recovery systein (KR Evans

SCAQMU) migm consist of a collection inanifold to d recovery system (suctl as a

vapor sphere) to a compression syst2m dnd subsequently to absorption and

recovery systems The absorpt~on st~n c~nsisting possibly of (rubber

stripper or activated carbon

In dealing with speciti( carcinogenic substances such as vinyl

chloride hiyhly efficient vapor control system perf0rmance has sometimes been

stipulated necessitating incineration systems

Fer th~ cases of corccrn realistic alternltltives are as follows

Stauffer Off-Site TanKs - Tnere are a number of options which can 1~arkedly 3

reduce ei1issicns from these tanks from th~ calculaL~d value of over 20 x 10

lbyr One alternative is to consolidat~ the material in tne three tanks

One of the large tdnks can contain the currently stured material and reduce 3emissions to apmicroroximately 13 0 x 10 lbyr Anotl1er alternative is to

transfer dll E0C to a single floating root tank Various types of such tanks

exist dlld are reviewed in the EPA report Lrganic Cht~mical Manufacturing Volume

J Storage Fugitive dnd Secondary Sources EPA-450J-80-025 eg internal and

external floating roofs and a variety of seal desiyn configurcttions Generalshy

ly such designs would be expected to reduce emissions to the order of

one-fourth to one-fifth the current level Cost of 1nstalliny ct contact

single seal internal floating roof wds estimated by BB Lumquist Pentrex

for EPA as $27770 in 1Y8U dollars for 7U ft diameter tdnk Cost to build an

external floating roof tank was estimated by G Stilt of Pittsburg Oes Moines

for EPA as ~14UUUO for D=67 H=4Uft Anottler com111on approach is to utilize

cdroon ctdsorption This works we11 witn nonpolar hydrocarbons dS VvC is

removed from the vapor phase A basic syte111 consists ot tvo carbon beds and

a regeneration system Regeneration is typically performed with steam or

vacuum Figure 121-1 illustrattS rhe systems (Basd2kis 1~110) Steam raises

tne VOC vctpor microressure The resulting sti~am-VOC mixture is condensed and


AC-TJA~D CA-e0-l


LOW- ffiESiJ~C ~T~H----




COOLIN(a - --------




Fi l 1 1 middot gure middot - Activated-c arbon Adsorption System


rout2d to c ~epordtor decanted and returned to storage In vacuum regenerashy

tion VOC vapor is desorbed by pu1 ling a vact1um on the carbon bed then condens-

ed a1d returned System efficiency ~ ~ est ii1a ted at 96 f(duc middot i m from fixed

roof levels (EPA 4503-80-025)

H~fri 9ctated vent concicr1sers dre une of the most cu1mon emission

reduction prJcesses -for conttol ~ ng hx2-d-- storage tai vUC Figure

12 1-- 2 i l 1ust rates a u n i t ( Er i scmiddot n 19HU ) eff i c i en cy of middot middot~ ~ c middotlt middotmiddot _y i s rate ct

bet1Jee~middoti 60-90 for the vapor pressure range of concern For such a large tank

the capital costs would be high ~igure 121-3 illustrat~s EPA estimates

(EPA l ~~SOb) for the condenser section Condenser sys tern a ea mu l d be in

excess of 1000 ftL

It should be noted t -at Jtc1 uf fer Uiemi cc1 l has arH1ounced the c 1 osu re

of its VCPVC plart PrevfoJsly tt12) had planned to purge tlle off-site tanks

of EUC Since any future po~sible micro1ant stdrt-umicro will necessitate a compreshy

hensive SCAQMD review this ltoument can assist in evaluating proposed control


Allied and DuPont Feed Tanks - In bott1 of these cases the nore significant

quantity of emissions arise from tank workinltJ ie during the off-loading

activity rather than tank breathing Contnl ~easures taken for working

emissions are thus of primary concern Ther~fore no detailed discussion will

be provided on the alternatives for control gtf bredthiny emissions Additionshy

ally both tanks are in the range of 20U00 gallons which is a capacity where

floating roof tanks are almost nonexistent Out of 670 floating roof tanks

surveyd by EPA less then 15 were smaller than 30000 gallons in capacity

Therefore the utilization of any floating roof concept and seal combination

will not be considered

Commmerc i a11 y it is estimated by Ou Pont that carbon tetrachloride

feed costs approximately $017lb (E Taylor personal communication)

Ttierefore less than i2500 is lost to l)uPont annud l ly as a result of working

l eve l em i s s fo ns and 1es s fr om Al l i ed bull Thus i t is u n l i kel y that any

appreciable economic incentive exists to dev1~lop ci vapor recovery system

However a Cdndidate system could be pattern~d after the chloroform

feed-storage unit currently at Allied This is a dedicated vapor balance

system Chloroform is off-lndded from tank cars and stored in a closed

unvented tdnk As the 5tordye tank is filled the c1ir spdce d1spldced is fed














Figure 121-2 Refrigerated Vent Condenser System



iOOOO ----------

-Cl c -0 ~

J~ -C~)O i-r tmiddot~ I

g middots_ I J () 11

-~- l 2 lt1


en b)



a I E OJ u copy 0

10 1-___________J___________________________ 10000

10 100 1000

Condenser System Area ( Ft2


Figure 121-3 Installed Capital Cost vs Condenser Area for Various Materials of Cunstruction for a Complete Condenser Section


back to the tank car Also in this case the storage tank is not vented in its

normal breathing mode and is part of a closed feed system to the reactor

Vapor recovery system alternatives which are particularly effective

in loading and handling include r~frigeration adsorption andor absorption

Control efficienci~- 1re est1mateJ in the rlt1nge of 90-95 (EPA 1980b) and of

course depend on the speci tic su1)Stance and equipment used Carbon adsorpshy

tion systems were discussed above The smallest capacity carbon adsorptionmiddot

system priced by EPA (EPA 1980b) has 2 vertical beds of carbon (900 lbs - 4ft

diameter by 3 ft depth) witl1 an ilstalled cctpital cost of $135000 based on

December 1979 dollars

Dow Tanks - Dow has two pair of p~oduct check tanks which alternately are

filled dnd off-loaded Emhsions from th~sl tanks were calculated based upon

operating cycle (3 day fi 11) satubull-dtion vapor pressure and physicdl

chardcteristics Direct hec1d-spa1e testing was planned however it could not

be accomodated because of r 1stri c ed access due to unscheduled mai ntendnce on

the field test day

Dow has indicated that chey are studying the option of installing a

vapor controlrecovery systt~m in 1hese and their largerproduct storage tanks

The extent of their engi neri ng ind assessment work is unknown as are their

current plans It may be possibk to incorporate a vapor balance design into

the system whereby the disp1aced apor is trdnsferred to another process point

within tl1e system Alterna1ively a vapor r1middotcovery system such as carbon

adsmiddotorption is fedsible Hot-1ever since emissions for t11e check tanks are

primarily due to working loss tht~ use of a conservation vent or an adjustment

of its operational differential p~essure would be ineffective for tr1e

reduction of the bulk of such emissions Furthermore since check tank size

is re1at i ve 1y sma 11 no cons i derctt I on was given to conversion to a fl oat i ng

roof configuration for those tanks Conversion would be possible for

the large storage tanks


Emissions of me throug11 ~-a~)te-1dter discharge are the largest single

source identified at the plctnt sites The discharge limit was set at 25 ppm

by the Los Angeles County Sc1nitation iistrict and was estdblished with the

occupational limit in mind of 50 ppm JVer an 8 hour work shift dt the District


tredtrient center~ T11ere hctd been suine di~cuss1on between pdrti~s of possibly

raisiny tne discharge limit since it is felt by Stauffer that dilution of the

stream is sufficient to d 11 ow it Itmiddot shou Id he noted t10-1ever tna NIUSH has

recommended the permissible exposure limit be reduced to 5 ppm averaged over a

work period of 10 nours microer ddy 40 ours per Ieek witt1 a cei l iny level of 15

pmicroin dVeraged over a 15-mi nute microet~ v(J

It is not certain at 1~hrt rdte me 1rill be reledscd from the

wastewater stream At the microlant discharge points wastewater is both hot and

aerated thus favoring release~ No measurements have been ta~en downstream of

the plant after considerable dilut1on has occured The distance to the water

treatment pa11t is approximately 5 kin at 1i1ic~1 point anerobic diyestion is

conducted lt is presumed that a11 ELlC will be released before final ocean

di scnar~Ji

A possible emi ss i D~ cont ro process for nmiddotduct ion of the EDC in the

effluent is by ~recess adjust~Pnts or additio~s For example process

modifications to the EUC stripping stage coula dramatically reduce discharge

lev~ls A control alternative is the use of octivdted carnon or XA0-2 resin

to recover EOC in tne discharge stream Tests of Gulf South Researd1

Institute on XA0-2 and activated carbon (Coco 1980) show high recovery yields

for nonpolar organic carcinogens unaer a range of concentrations Viable

suggested alternatives oy Srnitn included regeneration of Ue trapping

materials dnu even consideration of burning tt1e concentrate carbon media (at

greater than 1000 pmicrom)

Control approaches to reduce emissions from so called secondary

sources in general and waste water emissions in particular fa 11 into four

categories - waste source control resour(e recovery alternative disposal and

add-on controls Alternative control pro(~esses which were considered but

appear to be inappropriate to this case i11clude chtmiddotmica means eg

neutralization precipitation coagulatior1 and chemical oxidation thermal

destruction of tne unconcentrated ~dste s1ream is ii1practical biological

treatment eg aerdtion and biomass-wasteater contcct ~ienerally relates to

the treatment of soluole degrddable organics in the concentration range

bet~~een U01 and l~~ terminal storagt eg lanctfilliny urface impoundment

and deep well injection dre either indppl 1cable or 1mmicroractical Therefore in

summary the poss i b I e contra l approac ties fur this ca e inc 1ude the improvement



of semicrodration efficiencies in steam stripmicroing tl1e internal recycle of ~aste

stredms ctnd the ddsorption b activdted carbon The design configuration

~fficiency and cost )bviously depend upon numerous microlarit specific factors and

their determination vJOuld rec-Jire detailed analyses

n1e ~~dsrewctter systbull-m of a model cl1emical production plant based

upon the average properties uf a composite of 30 chemicals was evaluated for

EPA by IT Enviroscience (EPA 1980b) Included prominantly among the 30 was

tUC with the hignest uncontrolled secondary emission wastewater release rate

ie ~ percent of tt1e production and 34 perc~nt of the emission Cost and

impact analyses were evaluated for alternative control systems to reduce

secondary voe emissions from wastewater Four systems were considered a

carbon adsorption system (eAS) for recovery of the voe from the wastewater a

cover to reduce secondary VOC emissions from the wastewater clarifier a cover

for the clarifier plus a carbon desorption system and a cover for the

clarifier plus ct eAS system usinu a fume incinerator The scale of the model

system was greatly in excess of the Stauffer plant thus further making

detailed comparison i mpract i cal bull However emission reduction factors ~-1ere 6diven as ~9 and cost effectiveness per 10 g reduction genera1middot1y ranged

between $450 to 1733 These factors would likely grossly underestimate the

system cost if scaled down to the range of the Stauffer plant ie the order

of 34600 lb annual discharge

The alternative approaches of improved steam stripping efficiency

and internal recycling of the stripper iischarge stream with a reduction in

makeup re4uirements could decreas~ net ~DC wastewater content release


Given our findiny of low (16 kgyr) ~missions of arsenic from the

reverberatory furndce at RSR it middotJOuld ippear that the arsenic content of themiddot

lead feedstock is low andor that the microants system for reducing lead

emissions is dlso quite effective for arsenic ~SR it will be recalled from

Section 32 uses a quenchinu cnariber ctnd Dayiwuse filters to remove

pctrticuldte matter and a carbonate scruooer to remove sulfur dioxide

There are no federal new source microertormance standards for lead

eini ssions per se t10wever the Standdrds of Pbullrformance for Secondary Lead

SmeHers (40 CFR 6Ull2) limit total particuLte emission from a blast furnace


or reverberatory furnace to SU mgm 3 According to Augenstein et al (1978)

who reviewed the techno1ogy for control ing lead ~missions from ttwse sources

baghouse filters or wet scrubbers are yenerally used to contro1 particulate

emissions When fabric filters are used to control blast furnace emissions

they are nurma11y preceded by an afterburner which inciner~tes hydrocarbons

that bull~GU Id otnerwi se b 1 ind t ne f o1 ur-i c After-burners a re nor necessary for

reverb2middotmiddotatcry furnace emiss-ion smiddotnce the excess air and temperature are

usually sufficient to oxidize tn2 hydrocarbons

According to Augenstein et ali 11 sr1aker--type baghouse filters are

the 1nost effective means of controlling ead fume emissions from secondary

furnace opErations 11 Collection etficiencies can exceed 99 oercent One

advantage to this control approact is that l~ad oxide dust can be recovered

easily cmd recycled in the smeller Flue gases must be coated to below 300 degF

for dacro~ bags and to below ~00 degF for fiberglass bags (Hi~h et al 1977)

Although wet scrubbers are effecti1e under some circumstances in

controlling lead emissions it is more difficult to recover the lead oxide for

recycling In addition sulfur dioxide presi~nt in the flue gases becomes

oxidized to sulfuric acid and can cause corr1sion problems For this reason

sodium carbonate or other basic reagents ar~ added to the scrubber solution

Although it concerns a yold smelter an approach described by

Marchant dnd Meek (1980) provides an exampli~ of an arsenic control

alternative which might be apmicrolicatgtle to secmdary lead smelters At the

Campbe1 1 Red lake Gold Smelter in Balmerton Ontarion Canada Smelter gases

are first passed throuyh a hot electrostatic precipitator (ESP) The ESP is

heated so that the arsenic (which is principally in the form of As ) remains2o3 gaseous and is not yet collected This exclusion of arsenic allo~~s the ESP to

recover particulate gold rnore easily The ESP exhaust is then quenched with

ambient air to condense the arsenic trioxide Baghouse filters then remove

the arsenic along with other particulate matter


Given the imminent and irreversibli~ cessdtion of coking activities

at Ka 15 er Stee 1 Corpora t i on a rev I e~ o r t e c Imo 1 o gi es for ( on t r o 1 l i ng

~missions from the coke ovens rnd he Clt1ke byproduct recovimiddotry pldnt WdS not

deemed to be necessary Tnis is t1e only primary steel mill in California



Al lf~n Jr Ll~ llJBU1 J 111odel to 1middotstimite hi1drdous (bullmissions from coke oven Juurs pr~pdrelt1 DY 1-kSecircn Tr1dnye7nrffut fur U~ Environmental Protection Agency Uffi ce of Air ~ua 1i ty and Standards fltesearch Tri ang I e Park Nortn Cdrolina KTl17362-UL

Jl len Jr CC 1~8Ub tstination of chdr in(i emissions for by-product coke oven microrepared by fltesedrch Tr1anglt Insc1tute for US nvironmental Protection 1-yency Uf f ice of Air l)ua l i ty and Standards Ke search Triangle Park North Cdrolina RTI17362-0

Allen Jr CC 198Uc 11 Environmeritdl c1ssess1ent of coke by-product recovery plants Proceedings First Symposium on Iron c1nd Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Ctncayo Illrno1s--Tin1ctober - 1 November 1979 EPA-600-9-80-012 pp 7~-dd

Anon 1978 11 Coke quench-tower emissions tests 11 Environ Sci Tech 12(10) llL2-1123

Augenstein ur1 T Cornin et al 1978 Con_trol techniques for lead air emissions prepared by PEDCU Envircnmental Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-4502-77-012-B ( NT IS P88U-197551)

jarber WC 1977 Interim air pcllution a~sessment for eight t1igh-volume industrial organic chemicals 11 US Environin~ntal Protection Agency memorandum to Air and Hazardous Materials Uivision Kegions I III-X and to Uirector Environmental middotPrograms Uivision Region II

t3drrett KE WL Margard et al 1977 Sampling and analysis of coke-oven door emissions Prepared by ~dttelle-Columbus Laboratories for US Env 1 ronmenta I Protection Agen y Industri a I Environmental Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-b002-77-213

t3 a r ret t flt bull r bull and P bull K bull ~~ebb 1Y78 bull 11 E f f e ct i venes s of a wet el e ct r o stat i c precipitator for controlling PUM emissions from coke oven door leakage Presented at 71st Meetiny of the Air Pollution Control Association Houston Texas 25-29 June 1978

l3asdekis HS 1980 Carbon Adsorption Control Uevice Evaluation IT Enviroscience Inc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

8ee fltW et al 1974 Coke oven charging emission control test program Vol I c1nd II US Environmental Protection Jgency EPA-6502-74-062

~eimer RG 1978 Air pollution emission test Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from coke oven effluents Prepared by TRW Uefense and Smicrodce Systems Groumicro for US tnvirorunental Protection Agency Office of Air wuality Planning and Standards Kes~arch Triangle Park North Carolina EMB Kemicroort 8-CKU-12


Braman RS 1976 Application of the arsine evolution methods to environmental analyses presented at the International Conference on Environmental Arsenic Ft Lauderdale Florida 5-8 October

Bratina J E 1979 11 Fabric filter applications on coke oven pushing operations J Air Poll Cont Assoc 29(9) lll6-920

tiuonicore AJ 1980 Environmental assessment of coke quench towers in proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abltlternent Technology Chicago~ Uirnois JO October - f N~vernber 1979 EPA-6009-~1b-62~ pp 112-142

t3usse A D and dR Zimmerrao1 1973 User 1 s guide for tdegh~ Climatological Uisper~ion Model US Environmental Protection Agency Resea~ch Triangle Park Nortl Carolina) EPA-R4--73~0024

California Air Resources 8oard 1976 Coke oven emissions miscellaneous emissions and their control at Kaiser Steel Corporations Fontana Steel making facihty Enforcement l3ranch) S2crcmento California L amp E-76-11

Calvert~ CA 1976 Envir __ Sci_ i( __ Technol 10256

Coco L~i 2t aL~ 1979~ 11 02c10pmert of trec1tment and control technology for 11refractory pet rochemi co was tt=1s r middotl 1d l Report Gu 1f South Research In st it ute

to U S tnv i ronmenta l Protection Agency EPA-ti002- 79-080

Colucci~ LM and CR Begemi 1971 Palynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and other pollutants in Los Angeles air In Proceedings of the International Clean Jir Congress Vol 2 Academic Press pp 28-35

Cooper JA and JG Watson Jr 1980 Receptor oriented methods of air partkulate source apportionment 11 J Air Pollution Control Assoc 30(10) 1116-1125

Coutant R W JS McNulty and RD Grammar 1975 Final report on determi 11at ion of trace elements in a combustion sys tern Prepared by Batte11 e Columbus Laboratories for the Electric Power Research Institute EPRI 122-1

11 11Dilling W 1977 lnterphase transfer processes Envir Sci TechnoL 11 4 pp 405-409

Oow1irgl) MP JO Jeffry and AH Laube 1978 11 Reduction of quench tower emissions Presented at the 71st Air Pollution Conotrol Association Conference Houston Texas 25-30 June APCA No 78-92

EPA 1977 Multimedia Levels Cadmium Environmental Protection Agency 5606-77-032 September 1977

EPA 1980a Review of Criteria for Vapor Phase Hydrocarbons 11 US Environmental Protection Agency ~eport 6008-80-045

EPA 1980b Organic Chemical Manufacturing Volume J Storage Fugitive and Secondary Source EPA report 450J-80-025

EPA 1981 Compilation of Air Pol lutdnt Emission Fdctors (Including Suppleshyments 1-7) Third Edition Suppl1111ent 12 Utfice of ir l)uality Planning dnd Stdndlt1rds AP-42-ED-3-Supp I - lt


Erikson Uli 1~80 11 Control Uevice Evaluation Condensdtion 11 IT Envioscience lnc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

lrtel liL 197Y Quench tower particuldte emissions J Air Poll Cont Assoc 2Y(9) 913-916

Ev a n s K bull P bull 1981 Pe r son a l Commun i cat i on v i th R bull Zi s k i n d bull

Goodwin DR 1980 11 Air pollution emissions standards in Proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Chicago 11 lrno1s 30 October - 1 November 1979 EPA-6009-80-012 pp 37-45

Gordon GE 10 Receptor Models Environ Sci Tech 14(7)792-800

Gordon KJ 1976 11 lJistribution of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons throuyhout Los Angeles Envir Sci Technol 370-373

Great Lakes Cdrbon Corporation 1977 Study of coke side coke-oven emissions~ Vol 1 Source testing of a stationary coke side enclosure EPA-340l-77-014A

lirimsrud EP and HA Rasmussen 1975 Atmos Envir Y 1010

Hartnan MW 1~80 Source test c1t US Steel Clairton Coke Ovens Clairton P~nnsylvania Prepared by rRW Environmental Engrneerrny D1v1s1on for US lnv1ronrnental Protection Agency Emissions Standards and Engineering l)ivision Research Trianyle Pdrk North Carolina EM~ Report 78-CKU-13

Hendriks Ilt V et a I 1Y7Y Urgani c air emissions from coke quench towers 11

Presented at 2nd Arrnual M(etiny ot the ir IJol lution Control Associdtiont Cir1cinndti Utlio June 1~7lJ l-dmicroer NU 9-391

Higt1 MU ME Lukey dnd TA Li Puma llJ77 Inspection manual for secondary lead smelters premicrolt1red b Enyineeriny Science lnc for US lnvironmentdl Protection Ayency Office 0f ~nforc~nent EPA-3401-77-001

Holzer G et al 197 11 Collection amp analyses of trace organic emissions from natura I sources 11 Journal of Cnromatogra flhY 142 pp 755-764

JKt 1~80 11 Materials ljaldnce l2-Uichloroett1ane Level l-Preliminary 11

Science Applications lnc Final lemicroort to US Environmental Protection Agency tPA-560lJ-80-UU2

J bull Mi l n e l lJ 81 Person a I Cornm un i cat i on wi t t1 bull Zi ski nd bull

Kemner WF 1979 Cost tffectiven2ss model for pollution control at coking facilities Premicroarect oy PEDCo Environmental lnc for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Research Tridnyle Park Nortll Carolind EPA-GU02-7l-1U5 (NTS PB 8U-118706)

Kessler T AG Sharkey Jr and kA Friedel 1973 Analysis of trace ele111ents in coal by smicroark-source mass spectrometry US 8ureau of Mines Report ot I n v es t 1 gd t 1on s No bull 77 14 bull


Kolak NP J Hyde and R Forrest~r 19 1 9 Particulate source contributions in tt1e Niltlgara Frontierffi Prepared t)_y Nr2bulll York State IJepartrnent of Env i ronm~ntc i Con serv d ti on for US En vi r inment ct l Protect ion Agency Region 11 EPA-9024-79-006

Mackay U and PJ Leinonen llt175 Hate of Evamicroordcion of low - solubility contaminants from vJater bodies to c1tmospmre 11 Envir Sci Tecnnol 9 13 pp 1178-libU

Magee tiv HJ Hctll and GM Vc~rlt_a Jr 1973 Potential Doimiddotiutants in fossi1 f1Jel Prepared by ESSO fbullt~scarcr middotnd Engineeriny Co tor US Enviromihm~ct Protection Agency Ufl-R2-7 --2l1~L (NTIS Pt3 as u~9)

Marcriant middotG0H ard RL Meek 1~gu Eva uation of technology for control of arsenic tmissfons at the CdlmpJel Hd Lakmiddot G~ld Smelter prepared for the US

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Margler L$ HA Ziskind M8 lcgozen (Ind M Axelrod 1979 11 An inventory of care i nog)n i c substances re i ea sect into ne ambient air of California Vol une I - Scn~enin~ and id2nt~fication o-f r~1rci1ogens of greatest concern Science J- pp 1i ca middott~ L J s In c bull Fi nd l kcmicro~ rt ~ i I - U 6 C) - U- 5 0 4 to U1 e Ca I i ~- o r n i a Ai r kesources 130ard

Milne J 198L Persond1 C~mmunicdtmiddotion middot1itt1 R Ziskind

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Oliver JF and JT Lane 1979 11 Control of visible emissions at CFampl 1 s coke plant-Pueblo Colorado J Air PolL Cont Assoc 29(9) 920-925

Pe I I i z z a r i E bull 0 bull anct J bull E bull l$ u n c h 1s 19 1 nbi en t ai r ca r c i n o gen i c v a po r s Improved samplin~ and analysis tectrnology EPA Contract 68-02-2764

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Porter RA 1976 Uismicroersion ~yuation s lucions Dy calculator I guide for air pollution engineers ctnd sci12nthts S cond edition rexas Air Control tioard ~MT1S P~ 262 lJ~)


fdn1-i1Jri lJ8l fgtersont1I Coinmuni dtion v1ith M~ Royozen

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Rogozen MB DF Hausknecht and RA Ziskind 1976 Methodology for ranking elements in fossil fuels according to their potential health impact Science Applications Inc Final Report 260-77-539 to the Electric Power ~esearch Institute

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Siebert PC CA Craig and Eb Coffey 1978 Prelimary assessment of the sources control and population to airoorne polycyclic organic matter as indicated by benzo(d)pyrene Prepare( by lnergy and Environmental Analyses Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Resedrch Triangle Park North Carolina

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Singh HB LJ Salas and RE Stiles Distribution of Selected Gaseous Oryanic Mutagens and Suspected Carcinoyens in Ambient Air in Proceedings Annual Meeting Air Pollution Controrl Association 82-651 June 20-25 1982 New Url eans

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Trenholm J-f dnd LL )eek 1Y78 11 Assessment of t1azardous organic emissions fror1 slot type coke oven Datteries unpublished paper US Environmental l)rotection Ayency Ernssion Standdrds and Engineeriny Jivision

Turner U~ J970 Workbook of atmusphe~ic dispersion estiimiddot1Jt2s IJS Environmental Protection Agency k~sedrch Tri1ngle Park North Carolina

US Bureau of Mines lYl f-inercls yearbook 197U Vol 11 p 4~3

Van Os dE I l U bull iJ bull lL Ma rs l and et ct 1Y7~1 o En i r onmt~ nta I a s s es smen t of co k e Dy-product recovery plants prepareu by ReseMcn Trictngle lnstitute for US Environmental Protection AgerKy 11cJustrial Environ11ental R~search Laboratory Kesearcll Tri2n~e Idrk NorU1 Caroline EPA-6U02-7J-Ul6 (NTfS PB 293-278)

Westbrool( C W 1979a Level l ass~ssment of uncontrolled sinter plant emissions Prepared by fesearch Triangle Institute for US Environmenta1 Protection Agcncy Industria1 tnvirnnmental fltesearc-1 Laboratory kesearch Trianyle Park North Carolind EPA-bOU2-7Y-112

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Wetherold rLb LP Provost and CD S111ith 198U Assessment of atmospneric emissions from microetroleu111 refinin~ Volume 3 Appendix l3 Radian Corp Fina Report to US tnv i ron111enta I Protection Agency EPA-600 2-80-07 5c

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Rapid Screening and Identification of Airborne Carcinogens of Greatest Concern in California

Lawrence W Margler Michael B Rogozen Richard A Ziskind and Robert Reynolds Science Applications Inc Los Angeles California

This paper describes a method for establishing a priority list of airborne carcinogens within a

state jurisdiction In this case it was necessary to identify from among hundreds of potential

candidates the live to ten materials of greatest potential concern In California as airborne


Because no previous Inventory of carcinogens In California existed published lists rankings

and assessments of national scope were used to Identify candidates By systematic manipulation

and comparison of these data sources 47 materials of some notoriety were chosen for closer

scrutiny This selection was pared to 22 candidates largely by eliminating those which had

very little production and use In California (Substances primarily used as pesticides were

excluded from the scope of this study) The remc1ining candidates were then ranked by additive

and multiplicative algorithms and by a panel of experts The results of these rankings were

combined to produce a single selection of 11 priority candidates In alphabetical order they

mo arsonlc nsbestos bon1ono cadm111m cuhon totrchlorlde chlorol 11rm othylono dllromlde

ethylene dichloride N-nllrosoamlncs perchloroethylene and polycyclk aromatic hydroiarbons

In continuing studies a baseline emissions inventory Is being prepared and a source testing

program is being designed

In recent years concern has grown over su~pected arcinug-ens New Jersey seshythe possibility that certain materials lected ten volatile organic compounds released to the atmosphere through inshy and five htbullavy metals to be examined dustrial and commercial activity may be further and is currently measuring responsible for a significant portion of ambient atmospheric concentrations of the incidence of cancer in the general these substances in a variety of areas In population This concern is manifested the second year of the study the state at the federal level in the National h1s incre1sed the volatile organics Emissiltm Standards for Hazardous Air stt1died to 20 and begun measuring Pollutants (NESHAP) which limit heavier orianics associated with parshyemissions of the known carcinogens asshy ticulatcs2 In California a very different bestos beryllium and vinyl chloride 1 approach-was taken

Only a few states including New Jersey and California have begun efshy Overview of Californias Approach forts to identify airborne carcinogens of concern to the general public for the The California Air Resources Board purpose of setting state emission regushy (( ARB) is sponsoring a three-stage lations for these substances After reshy st 11d~bull of airbornC rmissions of carcinoshyviewing national use data for known and g1middot11s from anthropogenic atlivities The

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

first stage which is the subject of this paper was to identify roughly five to ten materials which of the hundreds of known or suspected airborne carcinoshygens are most likely to be of greatest concern to Californias general populashytion Also of interest were those which in order to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations might be transshyferred from the workplace air to the outside atmosphere The second stage which is now underway includes pinshypointing of emission sources for each of the carcinogens of importance quantishyfiltation of emissions nnd design of source-testing methods A subsequent stage will consist of source testing and measuring public exposures to those substances for which data are unavailshyable The basis for regulatory action if appropriate will include the results of this program and other related reshysearch

Screening of Candidate Carcinogens

The National Institute for Occupashytional Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists 1905 chemicals which have reported neoplastigenic or carcinogenic effects and 510 which have otherwise received attention for their neoplastigenic poshytential1 The need to select five to ten materials from such a large number of potential candidates dictated that we devise a way to rapidly eliminate from further consideration the vast majority of the substances Given the paucity of published data on most of the candidate substances the screening method was designed to make best use of readilymiddot

C1111yrich1 19i9-Air Pullulion Control A~~ociatlon


A- I

----- ---- ----- ---------------------available information The screening process was as follows (1) eight comshyplications of known and suspected carshycinogens were reviewed and those subshystances which were not used in Califorshynia were highly unstable in air or were very doubtfully carcinogenic were eliminated (2) after more detailed inshyformation was obtained for the reshymaining 25 substances candidates were rated by two different analytical methshyods (3) an expert panel was convened to review dossiers on the candidates and to independeitly nmk them (-i) from the eight to deven substances ranked highest by all three approaches eleven were selected for the emission identifishycation and source-testing design stages of the CAHB effort

lnitiI $cre~ng ot Potential Candidate Carcingtgens

65 compnunds middotwe ire selected from 642 industrial ur~nnic air pollutants comshypiled by MrTRE Corporation for the US Envircmnental Protection Agency (USEPA) in U1at study pollutants were scored by multiplying four explicshyitly defined rating factors annual US production fraction of production lost to the environment volaflity and toxshyicity To adapt this york to our pmpose we first selected the 114 substances listed as being carcinogeni 1~ or neoplasshytigenic Then the scores of each of these compounds under the criteria annual US production fraction of producshytion lost volatility and carcinogeshynicity were multiplied together Seshylected for further consideration were those substances which had a product score above 50 Another 15 substances listed as being carcinogenic but lacking information for one of the other rating factors were also selected This list of 65 was then compar~d with seven other lists of corcinogeris1

-middot 11 Materials comshy

mon to the reduced MITRE list and at least one of the other lists were chosen for further consideration Added as candidates were those suhstances which are regulated as occupational carcino-

gens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and certain inorganic carcinogens Finally substances were added which in our judgment should be investigated but had been eliminated at this point Exshyamples of these are bis(chloromethyl)shyether epichlorohydrin and hydrazine

Next the refined list which now contained 47 substances or chemical groups was pared further hy another rapid screening process Eliminated

were all candidates (1) whose production andor use in California was very low (under 10~ lbyr) and wns not thought likely to pose a risk to a localized popushylation (2) which are very unstable in 1ir or CH whilh should not on t lw hnsis of CUtrltbullnL cidlnre liebull considtbullnmiddotd r11rci-


Tahllt I Suh tances n-iewed in letail

Candidate Substances

Arsenic Inorganic lead Ashestos Alkyl lead Benzene Maieic anhydride

Cadmium Nickel Carbon tetrachloride Nitrosamines Chloroform Pcrchloroethylene Chromium Phernl 14-Dioxane Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Epichlorohydrin Propylene oxide Ethylen~ di bromide Trichloroethylcne Ethylimiddoti~ dichloride Vinyl cLlorid-e

Rejected Subslnnces

Proviionolly Rcjertc Sulstcinces

Aciryltbull11 itrile Formidehvde Vinyid e-ne-chbride

Occupatonally ControUibulld Ccroeinnens

2-Acet21niinofluorine 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Benzidine Ethyleneimine 4-Biph~nylzbullntne (-aminodiphenyl) 44 -Me_hyene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) Bi (chtfon~ethyl)ither Cnlorirrethbull1l m~middotthyl tmiddotthmiddotr a-Nnphthvamintbull 3-Nnphthylamine Udrumnchlnrnproprne (I 1BCP) 4-Nitr0iphenyi ir-Dichlorbullbull)middot)_~i-i-tiim 3-Propiolactone

Other Rejected Substances

eelamide Diphenylamine Aniline Hydrazines Auramine lsonicotinic acid hydrazide B~ryllium Nitrobenzene Did11middotl sutfa1c [ imeilhyl sulfate

nogenic The result of the initial the rating under that criterion and the screening was a list of 22 candidate mashy corresponding criterion weight The terials which is presented in Table I overall rating for pollutant i is then the

sum of the scores under all the crishyteriaRanking Candidates by AddiUve ancll

Mulllpllcatlve AigorUhms The additive approach has several virtues the main one being that it forces

Many screening or ranking systems the user to make all assumptions exshyfaH into one oft wo cat~middotgories additive plicit In the process of setting up such and multiplicative Some systems are a a ranking system new insights into the combination of the two while others problem under consideration may be combine nn ol1jective appronc 11 with g1ined Once the system is set up it is suhjlctive cvnluition of the remiddot ults 1l rdatively easy to use Where data for The L2 substances surviving th1middot initial scoring pollutants are unavailable arshyscreening were ranked independtmiddotntly by tificial scales can be constructed to the tvo approaches If the same subshy quantify subjective factors Finally the stance rated high~middot under both systems sensitivity of the results to the systems its importance to California was judged subjective aspects may be measured For to be more likely than if it had scored example one can determine the effect of highly in only one method changing criteria weights upon the final

Additive Approach In the additive pollutant ranking Similarly an appreshyapproach the user identifies one or more ciation may be gained of the significance criteria and rates each alternatiw subshy of the range of uncertainty for a particshystance against each criterion while sishy ular required data element by varying _ multaneously deciding the relative imshy rating factor values portance of the criteria Eq (1) shows its A fundamental problem with the apshymathematical formulation proach is that there is no logical basis for

adding the individual scores assignedRating for pollutant i = f W1 R11 under the criteria other than the asshy

rbullI sumption that this simulates or even

(1) improves upon the users thought proshyEach criterion or rating factor (1 ) is crss A major operational problem is assined a value for each pollutant and that of weighting the criteria A common each rating factor is weighted (b W1 ) practice is to give all critNia equal -icnrding to its importance reht veto wltgtight hut that is in itstbulllf a st1Ubullm1middotnl lhe otlwr rritnia llw sc11rtbull for 1111 aLnut the 1rcl11tive importance of Ow 1n1 1 undmiddotr nitn1 n j is the prod11middott of n1ttria

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



Multiplicative Approach In the multiplicative approach the rating for each alternative is the product of the rat ihgs under each criterion

Hating for pollutant i --- 11Ill

UJ (~) Jbull I

A multiplicative approach can have ~omc altlvrntnges over additive onrs First in some cases the ratings can be physical parameters such as concenshytrations or volatilities there is then no need to weight the criteria and hence less controversy over subjective judgshyments Second multiplication generally provides a wider range of scores than does addition allowing clearer disshycrimination among alternatives Finally this approach provides results which are more intuitively acceptable As an exshyample of this last point suppose that exposure and harmfulness levels for candidate substance are each converted to values on aO to IO scale and that a certain substance is both extremely toxic and extremely rare An additive approach would give the compound a rating ofO + 10 = 10 which is equivalent to that of a moderately prevalent subshystance (rated say at 5) which is modshyerately harmful (rated also at =-) A multiplicative approach on the other hand would rate the first substance at 0 and the second at 25

Criteria The six criteria used in the additive and multiplicative ranking procedures are defined in Table 11 Asshysignment of values to the Rij was based upon data gathered from published litshyerature personal communications and panel discussion and has been fully documented 13

Because the purpose of this exercise was to determine the relative imporshytance of the suspected candidate carshycinogens R 1 was scaled to the most heavily used candidate substance benshyzene whose annual production and use in California is nearly 109 lb Materials with a use under 105 lbyr would be rated zero for R 1 and rejected Howevshyerbefore rejecting a substance by this criterion we considered whether its emissions could in particular circumshystances result in high exposures to a Joshycalized population

R2 takes into account the fact that the chemical industry is in continual change Substances of concern today may be phased out while the use of others may rise dramatically increasing their imshyporta nee asmiddot poll utan ts Information on developments which could likely result in a change in the growth rate was facshytored into the choice of a value for R2- As an example asbestos consumption in California has been stable in recent years However the pending phaseout of asbestos in motor vehicle friction materials will hasten the decline in asshybestos consumption hence we assigned a value of 1 for R2bull

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

Ideally one cou1 1 use pouu1c11u

sion as a criterion However in this case emissions were to l e estimated in detail only for the five t1 ten carcinogens fishynally ~elected Thmiddotrtfor(bull a 11w1st1n of tt II iim pol cint ial vus 1~1middotd 1atbulld llpon

knowledge of the s11bstances manufacshyture and USP for R The higlwst rating went to substanc middots which are v idely used especially in consumer products A slightly lower rating went to subshystances which an~ routinely emitted from industrial processes during proshyduction and use Some materials are employed in such a way that emissions are quite low even though tight emission control may not be required by law Materials in this cntegory were assigned a value of two for H3bull Substances which under federal or st ate regulations may not be discharged to the exterior envishyronment but which could be dischJrged by accident received the lowest rating

Each candidate was evaluated (n the basis of its 1ropen-ity to decompbullgtSe in ambient air Materials with half-lives greater than eight hours were considered moderately to highly stable and rated five for R4 bull Low to moderate stability was assigned to substances with halfshylives between zero and eight hours Compounds known to exist in air for only a few minutes would be rated zero

Ta hie II Dcfinitinns of the criteria used

R1 Prbullbullsent use in California

100 of max (109 lbyr) 5 10 1)f max (108 lbyr) 4

1 of max (107 lbvr) 3 01 of max (106 lbyr) 2

001 of max (105 lbyr) l lt001 of max (lt105 lbyr) O

R2 Growth in California use

+ 20 5 +Oolti to +20 4 Positive growth to 0 3 Stahle or unknown 2 DPcline 1 B1middotin~ phased out 0

R Emision potential

Widespread use in ltonsumer products 5 R1middotlatively p1or con rot over emissions 4 Rdatively good control over emissions 2 Tihtly c1int rolled 1

R4 8tabilit~- in ambient Air4 tvlnderale t1 high st 1bility (l 1 middot2 gt 8 hr) 5 Lw to modmiddotrate s1 bility (t1 l -0-8 hr) 3 Unstahle(t2~febull minutes) 0

R Dispcision Potential

Emitted lar~ely as apor or iine 5 particulnte

Emit led largely as rnarse particulate

Rlt Evidence f Carcinu~enici ty

Known or suspected human carcinogen 5 Known mammalian carcinogtmiddotn 4 ~usptctcd 111ammalan carcino~en or 3

known m mmalin muta~tmiddotn Ames ltmiddotst p sitive 2 Prpoundgtcursor 01 co-car inogen

a t11 is the half-liftmiddot


tion state or anion associations may change in the atmosphere metals do not degrade and were considered stable Asbestos is likewise itahlc Many of the clcc-ompo~ilion rtbullnctions oi orinnic molecules are mediated by light Such substances if released at night would have several hours to disperse in the surrounding area

A rapid way of assessing the relative potential of different substances to spread from a release point is to note their physical state under normal amshybient conditions Accordingly we scored materials emitted as vapors or fine particulates the highest for R5 and coarse particulates the lowest Intershymediate values are possible for varying amounts of fine and coarse particulate emissions from the same source or from different sources

There is as yet no widely agreed upon measure of the relative potenciemiddots of carcinogens although some ranking systems have been proposed14 Extrapshyolating data from in vitro techniques such as the Ames bacterial mutagenicity test and from laboratory animal studies to humans is problematic Therefore a less quantitative measure of the carcishynogenic potential of each candidate substance was used The candidates receiving the highest scores for Rs would be those for which there is strong evishydence of carcinogenesis in humans Exshyamples are asbestos which is implicated in mesothelioma vinyl chloride which has been identified as the agent of liver cancer in exposed workers and bisshy(chloroinethyl)ether shown by epideshymiological studies to cause lung cancer in resin workers The next highest rated substances are those for which human carcinogenicity is unknown but which have produced cancer in one or more mammalian species in laboratory tests Next are those which have not been shown to be carcinogens but which have proven to be mutagenic in test animals Substances for which the only knowlshyedge of carcinogenic potential is a posishytive Ames test (producing mutations in histidine-requiring strains of Salmoshynella) are rated 2 Finally substances which are implicated only as precursors or co-carcinogens would be rated lowest

Substances unequivocally associated with carcinogenesis were considered as carcinogens in this study Conditions of emission and exposure including the presence of co-carcinogens were facshytored into the evaluation of each candishydate where possible Carcinogenic subshystances derived from the metabolism of a precursor were considered as carcinoshygens However ubiquitous substances which have been hypothesized to be precursors (eg secondary amines nishytrous acid and nitric oxide which combine under certain circumstances to


form N-nitrosoamines) were not conshysidered because of uncertainties in the importance of their link to the carcinoshygenic compound and the practical conshysiderations demanded by the scope of the study

It was beyond the scope of this study to jud~e the validity and interpietation of the experimental ad epidemiological evidence upon which the carcinogenicity of candidate substances has been esshytablished We accepted the conclusions about carcinogenicity drawn by the Inshyternational Agency for Research on Cancer or the National Cancer Institute and did not consider dosage or route of administratioll of tested substances However considerations of test validity did enter into the subjective evaluation by the panel of experts

Weight lr1 the sdditive ranking scheme each rating criterion is weighted according to its limportance relative to the other criteria Little precedent exists for assigning these weights In our judgment and as generally agreed by the panel of experts (see below) R 1 RJ and R6 are more important than the other criteria Evidence of carcinogeshynicity was considered to be the most important criterion of aB so W 15 was assigned a valtze of 3 W 1 aid W 3 were set at 2 and W W-i and W5 were set at 1 In order to discern the potential senshysitivity of the rankings to the weight assignments the candidates were also ranked using equaily weighted crishyteria

Ranking Candidates by Panel o~ Experts

Anine-member panel of experienced governmental industrial and academic scientists whose disciplines include~ -organic and physical chemistry indusshytrial hygiene toxicology epidemiology and iegulatory control of toxic sub~ stances was convened to provide addishytional data for our ranking algorithms

to discuss our candidate --ubstanc -sand rejections to suggest pos-ibie ne suushystances for consiceration and Lt rank the candidates indepen11mtly ( f our own ranking Tvo v-ee ilts he fore the meeting pa-d uember-s were jven one-to three-page dossiers on eac I canshydidaie substance

At th~ start of the meeting- before any group discussion the pand was asked to rate each candidate suhtance with a score from Oto 5 Next cmiddotach candidate was discussed at length e provided ~n ovrview and summarized critical issues identifi2d up to that Pbullgtnnt Through materials brought to thtmiddot meetin and their persoril experience panel memshyber Veimiddote able to provide much useful information on the candidates and adshyditional insight in to our ~a ting criteria

At the encl of the two-d1y sc~sion the pa-iel ugain -ated the cai 1didates

Flnal SelediDn

Tabe III show- the highest-scoring substance a~ det(rraine1 by the 1ddishytive and mlltiplictive approaches and by th~ panel in ~e additive approach 21 single r1nking as obuined by avershyaging the two ran kings resulting from using equal and uneguai weights The ran kings ltif most candidi tes were unafshyfected hut carbo11 tetralt hloride chloshyroform chromium and inorganic lead changed more tban thmiddotee positions_ Because uncertainties in the data base predude imputing signifiance to small differences in the Lnal ordering the lists in Table III are prtmiddotsented in alphabetishycal order However it is of interest to point out that benzene consistently ranked hihest

Becausimiddot some cindidates had equal rating scores we ltould nut choose exshyactly ten candidat ~s from the additive and multiplicative rankings Instead the

top nine and eleven were selected from the two exercises respectively We also considered the ten substances scored highest hy the panel at the end of the session The final consensus selection cornsistt-d of the 11 candidate substances appearing on at least two of the three lisL- For the substances included in the cun~ensus ranking a baseline emissions inventory is being conducted and a source testing program is being deshysigned

1ejected Substances

Some comments about certain subshySiF1ces not appearing on the final list are in order inasmuch as they include known carcinogens and compounds which hae received considerable atshyllttion in recent years as occupational c11c111ogens

rouisionally Rejected Substances Appended to the consensus ranking (T1ble III) were vinyl chloride gasoline and engine exhausts tobacco smoke and pesticides No further action by the CRB is recommended at this time for vinyl chloride because it is already subject tu the USEPA emissions stanshydard a CARB ambient air quality strndard and an OSHA standard

Gasoline and tobacco smoke were appcndlmiddotd to this list because each ocshycurs very widely and contains several of the candidate substances reviewed in this study some of which are in the final listing For example gasoline contains benzene ethylene dibromide ethylene dilmiddothloride and alkyl lead compounds the last three being in leaded grades only Both gasoline and diesel combusshytion products include PAHs Tobacco smoke contains among other neoplasshytigenic substances nitrosamines PAHs nickel arsenic cadmium and other heavv metals Manv individuals are inshyvolu~tarily and i~ many situations

Table HI Hi~hest ranked candidates from each rnnkin~ methodbull

Highly ranked but no inventory

l I ighesl consensus recommended Additive Multiplicativ(~ Pan I of eqwrts rnnkmg at this time

Asbestos Benzene

Cadmium Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichlori-rJe

Nitroi1omi111es Perlth loroet hylene Pol~middotcyclic arnmatic hydrocarbons


Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chl11roform Chromium Ethylene dichlornle

Nit rosamimbulls Perchloroet hvle111middot


Ars nic Ash middotstos

Beniene Car1n

h trnchloride Chi roform

Eth- lene Diliromidf Eth lene Dirhloride Nitros11nintmiddot~

Per hloroel hlfne PAii

Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chloroform Ethylene dihromide Eth~middotlcnf dichloride

Nit rosamintmiddots Perch lornPl hy (- n(bull lAH

Vinyl chloride bull Gasoline and engine

exhausts Tobacco smoke Pesticides

1156 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association


lirtualy unavoidably exposed to t11-k1ltco smoke Because the sources of gasoline its combustion products and tobacco smoke emissions are well known no specific action was recomshymended for these materials during the tbullmissions innnlory and -ource testing design stages of the present study It was considered importint ho-vemiddoter to draw attrntion to the general publics exposhysure tot hrse substances PrsticidltS are listed for the same reason thou~h ad(bullmiddot tailed examination of pesticides w1s beyond the scope of this study Many pesticides are widely used and some of them are known to be carcinogenic

Other Rejected Substances Acryshylonitrile and vinylidene chloride were placed in a provisionally rejected group because of the panels suspicion that imports of these compounds to Cnlifornia from Japan may be appreshyciable yet are hard to substantiate Should such imports be verified in the future these two compounds would take on greater importance Formaldehyde was also provisionally rejected because the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is not carcinogenic and that bisshy(chloromethyl)ether is not formed from formaldehyde in appreciable quintities in industrial environments 15 The ocshycupationally controlled carcinogens ethyleneimine and beta-propiolactone were rejected in part because of their reactivity in air At the time of this study DBCP a pesticide was no longer heing middotproduced in California and was therefore rejected from further considshyeration

Occupational Regulations and Community Exposure

A question of interest to the CARB was whether the regulation of acknowlshyedged occupational carcinogens adshyverselv affects the ambient air outside the v~rkplace Our general findings can be illustrated by the example of asshybestos

Asbestos is a very widely used mateshyrial for which no ambient air standard exists Concentrations in the workplace are limited to an eight-hour timtmiddotshyweighted average concentration of two fiberscm=1 of air and a ceiling concenshytration of ten fihcrscm 1bull In meeting this standard exhausting air containin~ asshybestos to the ambient air is not reshystricted except by the USEPAs reshyquirement that there shall he no visible emissions containing asbestos piut ides from s11eh foci lit i1bulls (bullxd11din~ hrak(bull shops 1 Considning that undc-r certain conditions 101 asbestos fiherscm1 could ht Pmitted without being visihl( 11 this standard mamiddot allow considerable asshybestos emissicns It is unlikely however that emissions would actually approach these levels First since the OSHA standard cannot generally be achieved

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

by ventilation n ine the generation or asbestos partid in the workplace must be greatly reltlu ed Second the air is usually filtered 11gt prevent recirculation of asbestos to 1 workplace Asbestos waste must bed 1sposed of in sealed imshypermeable bag~ or containers Thus under current onupational regulations the amhient air 1enerally appCars to be afford(bulld greatn protection than it would without s11ch regulations 1


The screenin and ranilting methodshyology presented in this paper proved to be a feasible approach to establishing a priority list of Jirborne carcinc)gens in California We ftel that it is an efficient means of focu~ing further efforts on emissi()ns inventories source testing and ambient measurement for it not only identifie all the carcinogens of potential concern but it also permits the state regulatory agency to direct its reshysearch resourCtmiddots toward those subshystances of partilmiddotular interest within its jurisdiction

References l National Elllission Standards for Hazshy

ardous Air P llutants A Compilation as of April 1 19 3 PEDCO Environmenshytal Inc for US Environmental Proshytection Ag1middotncy EPA3401-78008 (NTIS No I B 288 205) 19i6

S Gray Ne Jersey Department of Enshyvironmental l 1rotection Trenton NJ private com111unication 1979

1 H E Chrislllsen E J Fairchild and R J Lewis Sr middotmiddotSuspected Carcinogens A Suhfile of th1middot NIOSH Regii-try of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 2nd Ed National Institute for Occupational Safety and HPalth NIOSH i7-149

4 B 8 Fuller J Hushon 1 Kornreich R Ouellette L Thomas and P Valker Scoring of rganic air pollut1nts for US Environrnental Protection Agency Mitre Corpt ration T1middotchnical Report MTR-6248 I 9i6

S F R Lozan11 Toxicants Selected for Priority En- 1ronmental Assessment corresponde11ce with EPA Region VI Administrat r 19i7

1gt Survey of inyl Chloride Levels in the Vicinity of Keysor-Century Saugus California US Environmental Proshytection AJet middoty National Enforcement lnvestiiatim Center Denn-rand San Francisco E A-n02-77-017a 19i8

0 Bardin l middotstimon~middot in Hearings on Helationshi1 Bet wfen Cancer and the Environmei 1 US llltuse of Hepreshysentatives bull th Congress 2nd Session Committee (In Interstate and Foreicn Commerce ~crial No 94-141 1976 pp 7~i0

middot T H Ma11middoth Carcinogens in the workplace lwrE to start d1middotaning up Sc-imiddotrmmiddot l17 1-1110) lfi8 (197)

I CH ar1111 Classif1r11t1on of the Exshyposure Haza d Prtbullstgtnled Ii~middot Thirt~middot-Six Clwmirals 011 I llixllmmiddots lternorandum from Clllm1middot I Offi(middote of thtgt Assmmiddotiate lgt1rector for 1 middotarcinoltnesis Division of Cancer Cau~ l and Prevention lo SushyJwrmiddoti-or~middot ( 0 Auditor Gtmiddotneral Acshycounting Oft lmiddote19ii1

I0 Chemicals ith Sufficient Evidence of ( arcinogenit ty in Experimental Ani-


ma1s Jnlernauona1 Agency 1or 1c-curcn on Cancer IAHC Working Group Reshyport Lyon France 1978

11 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes for 1977 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1977

12 M H Rogozen D 1 Hausknecht and R A Zisk ind 1976 A Methodology for Ranking Trace Elements in Fossil Fuels According to Their Potential Health Impact by Science Applications Inc for Electric Power Research Institute 1976

1t L Margler R Ziskind M Rogozen and M Axelrod An Inventory of Carcinoshygenic Substances Released into the Amshybient Air of California Vol I Final Reshyport Screening and Identification of Carcinogens of Greatest Concern by Science Applications Inc for California Air Resources Board 1979

14 T H Maugh Estimating potency of carcinogens is an inexact science Science 202 (4363) 38(1978)

15 C C Yao and G C Miller Research Study on ais(Chloromethyl)Ether Forshymation and Detection in Selected Work Environments by the Bendix Corposhyration for National Institute for Occushypational Safety and Health Cincinnati Ohio Contract No 210-75-0056 1979

16 Occupational Cancer Control Unit Calshyifornia Department of Industrial Relashytions Los Angeles California private communications with staff members 19i9

This paper was developed while Dr Margler was a Staff SriPntist in the Energy-Environment Systems Division of Science Applications Inc (SAIi 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1205 Los Angeles CA 90067 and Mr Reynolds was a Project Manager with the California Air Reshysources Board Sacramento CA 95812 Dr ltar~ler is currently emshyployed as DirEgtrtnr of Bnvironmental Scitbulllltcs for WinzlN nnd Kelly Conshysultini EnintNi t1 Third Stretbullt EurekH CA 9gtgt01 and Mr Heynolds is Air Pollution Control Diretbulltor for the Lake County Air Pollution Conshytrol District 55 N Forhes Street Lakeport CA 95-13 Dr Rogozpn is a Staff Scientist and Dr Ziskind is Deputy Manager of the Energy-Enshyvironment Systems Division of SAi


Appendix f~

_l)ispobullition of Miscellaneous Sites

Gould Inc Ver_n)_~ St~condary Lead S~_n_elter

The emissions of arsenic from the four large secondary lead smelt~rs

in Cali forni) J1~1 ~ bull~tiilnted in the program This estimate was based upon a

uniform fugitive emission f1cJr nt WPll supported by measurement inforriation

Therefore source monitoring was r2cq11)nded 1nd Gould Inc Vernon being

~he largest was singled out It was however proposed to monitor both Gouli

and RSR Corp (Quemetco) in the City of Industry since analysis of the plants

revealed significant differences in plant equipment and engineering The

latter being more typical of 1 nodern facility

As a r2sult Jf pr-~-middott -iiscussions and plant inspections we became

aware that Gould was actively in the process 1)f constructing a new facility

which would completely replace the existing one We have monitored progress

on the new site and concluded it would he inappropriate to utilize program

resources to conduct field tests at Gould ~rr1issi 1rns from the new Gould

faci 1ity wi 11 be bas~rl 11p11) test results from RSR

PG ampE - Pittsburg PG ampE - Salinas a~d So Cal Edison - Long Beach Oil Fuel Power Plants

It was app ro p ri ate tJ cons i dP r the (~mission of arsenic from power

plants during the initial study stage inc~ imiddotrace quantities in the fuel oil

are known to be ernitted Because of the population distribution in tile

vicinity of three plants and some 11realistically conservative estimat2s of

erlissiJn c-1ctors tht~ facilities appearc~d among the top seventeen stationary

sources of potential c1Jn-r-n HovJ~ver as a result of a reexamination of

emission data it was concluded that an error ~dj ~een made in the material

balance of arsenic - resulting in tn emission factor equivalent of a 300

release ~io lit~rature was found to justify 1reater than a 30 transfer

function Thus we estimated at the outside th~ emission factor should be

reduced from 013 lb per 1000 lb to approximately 0013 lb and resulting

ars9nic 2missions for the entire state w~r~ cJ11servatively estimated to be

1760 lbs (from 17600) divided amongst 311 the states power plants Clearly

then the four secondary lPad smelters estimat~ of S9410 lbs of arsenic(


emissions per year makes consideration of poer pl int ernissio1s if ffsenic a

very low priority

In a literdture review by SAI - Methodokgy __f_or Ranking Trace

Elements in Fossil Fuels Accordi~9__t_~_their Potential Health Iripact (Roqozen

1976) - emissions estimates f0r 15 trac~ substances were researched for c11l

and fuel oil pomiddot1er plant c 1J1v---r-sion Source content combustion pr-)~~

transfer functions and contrcl methodology were co1~idered to develop e~ission

factors The output to input ~atio computed and utilized n -~i-i~ study for

arsenic was 002 to 03 (ie tra1sfer function betw~en 2 11d JO~) reflecti~q

the wide variety of fuels processses and controls nationwiJe The upper end

reflecti1g both high arsenic coals and poor e11iss10n contro 1 devices Clearly

neither of those conditions accurtely apply to th2 thr~~ si~~~ r1nrl thus

substantiate the rlecision not to perform emissions neasur-i-~n~s

Calaveras Asbestos Company - Copperopo l middotis Asbestos Mini n(i and Mi 11 i nq

In the past (late sixties and early seventies) ~h2 ~3laveras

Asbestos Company came under heavy criti-is1 1fter imiddot1sp~ction rieasurements

revealed serious problems However significant reduction of e1nissi0ns have

occured prompted by NESHAP regulation and occupcttional standards SAI

inspected the site in f)~c~1b-2r 1979 under an EPA contract An missions

inventory was published under that work (Ztskind 1980) and the bottom line

conclusion is that currently no significant ernissioi1 are gteing released as a

r~sult of hl-isting which would reach the publ le i 1le 0pen pit is some 900

feet deep with blasting at the bottom 0ver 80 percent of emissions in the

CARB Emission Inventory System were attributej to pit blasting In fact at

its current depth blasted 1aterial does not reach the mine surface with tile

explosive implacement used Additionally the site is more remote than might

be realized The ~ituation is vastly different today than in the past and

currently attention should be paid to the issues of occupational exposure and

breakdown of ventilation syste111 controls in t1e inilling operationsmiddot He

recorrrnended that no furtw~ corsideration be Jiven to this site for the

purposes of tl1is w)JJil ie identification )f silt~middot1ificant releases vhich

might he responsible for causi1J middot1 fmiddot middotgtbullgt middot 1= 1(11 1bull11 tinn Pxposure


Vctri0J5 Refineries

It was est=tblished early in the anrilysis prmiddotJr111 V1at gtenzene

emissions from refinery operations coulrl in th~ 1guregate constitute a

significrnt source Since there ilre a large rrnrnber 0f refineri~s in

California (46 in Los Angeles County itself -it t(~ i 1~ middot)f r-1ltariination) with a

wide variety of types sizes ages etc their eva l uat 11) 1 i =r~sent -3~ i)7

monumental task It was noted immediately t 13t ~~it hi n the total scope of the

study the design and conduct )f c r~f i r1~ y testing program which would develop

a complete benzene emissions in1~ntory for 01e site was impractical let alone

to d1aracteri ze emissions fro111 three ie those listed among the 17 rnost

s i g n if i ca n t potent i a l st a t i on a r y sou r c e em it 1-_ l rs bull

The three refineries were singled out for special attention in the

previol1s phase ~ecause they uriiquely had components which process materials

containing 10 or more per~nt hy middot1-bulli1 11t )-~112~ne (46 FR 1165 Jan 5 1981 pg

1491 ) Est i mates by E P A ( F e d bull r l Rr-~ g i s t ~ r 1q81 ) i n d i cate that 90 p e r cent o r

more of the total benzene fu 1Jitive emissions arise from such components

Therefore attention is appropriately focused on the three henzene production

consumption refineries Chevron (Richmond) Arco (Crson) and Chevron (El

Segundo) SAI staff considered the possibliJ )f -1 testing program at one of

these refineries and cone l url 1middotd it would not 1)e cost-effect i v2 for o number of


California is a minor producer and consumer of benzene with

approximately 15 of the 114 hill ion pounds produced and

consumed nation1lly in 1977 This can 1)e riY1pared with the fact

that California has approximately 10 of th~ ~ations population

Benzene exposur~ to the generil nJmiddot1lation has been partitioned

among the various sources Aproximately 90 of exposure is

estimated (SRI 1978) to be caused hy gasoline distribution

activities and 1ehiclEmiddot emissions in 1 ir~an areas with nearly all

of the balance )Y benene hrndl ing operations (refineries and

chemical plants) In the case middotlf California this percent1g~ Jill

be even JT1ore di middotpruJor-tionate b~cause of its greater s1are of the

population and ~esser share of the henzene ha~dling Furthermore

since the three refin 1bullry cites ire heavily urbanized no new rural

population cegmmiddotnt is beinq exposed


Californias most heavily urbanized Air Quality Management

Di st r i cts have a l ready adopted t en zen e f ugit i v e em i s s i on

staridards comparable and vith S( 1ine features VJr stringent than

the proposed national (bullmission lttandarrl (4f-i FR 1165 Jan 5

1981) Thus the concmiddotlusion rleri1ed above (Le refinery emissions

are secondary cause of exposure to the urb~n microopu~ation) is

further reinforced since H is irojected that re1eases from

components in benzene service (gt10 benzene) will be reduced by

73 by the proposed F~deral Standards T~~ ~istrict rules (eg

South Coast Air Quality Management District 456 and 4fi6l) are

not restricted to berz~ne per senor to only components in

benzene service The rjLs 1lso i-lclude flanges in addition to

the components ca i led uut in the propose nat i 01a l standard

The EPA estimated that if the proposed emission standard were adopted the

1~aximum annual benzene concertr0Vioi1 -~01middot 1 plant would be 36 ppb at a

distance of 0 1 kilomeL~~ avay Cor1paring this ground level concentration

with the general urban background i1 California of 19 ppb shows the latt2r t1

dominate In recognition of the secondary im0ortance of these thr~~ i~~s i~

was decided to utilize program resources to d~velop field data at other sites

1111here little emissions informati1)i1 1as cll-1aila1)le



US tn v 1 ronrnen ta I Protection Agency

middotJc k



1 Applicaoil ity and Principle

11 Apmicroli1ability This rnetnod amicropliltS to tt1e determination of

i nor~an i c d rsen i c ( s) e1n is sions trom non f errou Sm(~ I ters dnd other sources as

smicroecified in the reuulations

12 Principle Particulate and gaseous As emissions are withdrawn

isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass mat filter and in

water The collected As is ther1 analyzed by means of atomic aosorption


2 Apparatus

21 Sa111pliny Train A schematic of tt1e sampling train is shown in

fiyure 421 it is similar to tt1e Method 5 train of 40 CRF 60 Appendix A

Tne sampliny trdin consists of tt1e followiny components

Note H1i s and a11 subse~uent nferences to ottler methods refer to the Methods in 40 CFflt 60 Appendix I


211 Probe Nozzle Probe Liner Pitot Tube~ Differential Pressure

Gauge Filter Holder Filter Heating System r-1etering System Barometer and

Gas Density Determination Equimicroinent Same as Method 5 sections 211 to

216 and 218 to 2110 iespective1y

212 lmpinyers Six fr1pingers connected in sermiddoties llith leak-free

ground-glass fittings or any sim lar leak-free non-contam~1ating fittings

For the firstj third fourth fifth 31d sixth impingers ~~e the

Greenb~rg-Smith design modifiec bY replacing the tip with a i_3-cm-ID (05

in) glass tube extending to about 13 cm (05 in) from the bottom of the

flaskR for the second impinger use the Greenburg-Smith design with the

standard tip~ The tester may us1bull modifications (eg flexible connections

between the impingers materials other than glass or flexible vacuum lines to

connect the filter holder to the condenser) subject to the approval of the


P1ace a thermometer camicroable of measuring temperature to within 1degc (2degF) at the outlet of the sixth impi~ger for monitoring purposes

22 Sample Recovery The following items are needed

221 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes Petri Dishes Graduated

Cylinder andor Balance Plastic Storage Containers Rubber Policeman and

Funnel Same as Method 5 sect inns 221 r1nd 221 to 22g r1~spectivemiddot1y

l2c ~dlh lottl~~- l)olVbullU1ylene (2)

223 Sarnmicrole Storage Containi~rs Chemically resistant polyethylene

or polypropylene for glassware WdShes 500- or 1OOO-ml

23 Ana1ysis The following equipment is needed

231 Spectrophotometer Equipped with an electrodeless discharge

lamp and a background corrector to measure absorbance at 1937 nm For

measuring samples naving less thM 10 119 Asml use a vapor generator


232 Recorder To match the output of the spectrophotometer

233 oeakers 15O-ml

234 Volumetric Flasks Glass 50- 100- 200- 500- and 1OOO-ml

and po Iymicroromicroy 1ene 5O-m l bull

235 Lrlcbulln1t11y1lr Fl1bulllimiddot 11() ml

cJb l-3a1ance To 11H~ds11re wilhin 1S ltJ

237 Volurietric Pimicroetbull 1- 2- J- 5- 8- and 10-ml

238 PARR Acid Digestion rlonb


2JltJ Uven

L 3 lU Hot PI t t~

Unless otnerwise specified us~ ACS redgent grdde (or equivdlent)

c11em1cals tt1rouyr1out

J bull l Sd 111 p I i rt y bull Tl1 e rmiddot i ~ a yen t middot) u s e d i n s a in p I i ny are a s fa l 1ows

J bull 1 1 r i It e r s Si I i ca lie l Cr u s n ed Ic e and Stopco c k Grea s e bull Same

as rmiddotlethod 5 sections J11 J12 314 J15 respectively

J12 Water Ueionized distilled to meet ASTM Specification

u ll9J-74 Type 3 When i1igh concentrc1tions of organic matter are not

expected to be present the analyst may omit the KMn0 test for oxidizable4

organic matter

J13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o~) 10 Percent (WV) Dilute 294 ml of

30 microercent H2o2 to 1 liter with deionized distilled water

32 Sample Recovery 01 rl sodium hydroxide (Na0H) is ret1uired

Dissolve 400 g of NaUH in about 500 ml of d~ionized distilled water in a

1-liter volumetric fldsk Then dilutti to exactly lU liter with deionized

distilled water

33 Analysis Tiie rectgtrnt needtd for analysis are as follows

3 3 1 Water Same as 312

33L Sodium Hydroxide 01 N Same as 32

33J Sodium Borohydridc (NaBH ) 5 Percent (WV) Dissolve 500 g4

of NaBH4 in dbout 5UU 1111 of ul N Na0H in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter ~ith (ll N Na0H

334 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Concentrated

3J5 Potassium Iodide (KI) 30 P~rcent (WV) Dissolve 300 g of KI

in 500 ml of deionized disti I led water in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

d i I u t e to exact Iy 1 0 l i t er v i t n cl e i on i zed d i st i 1 1 e d vate r bull

336 Sodium Hydroxide 10 N Dissolve 4000 g of Na0H in about

500 1nl of deionized distilled ~~at1r ind 1-liter volu11etric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter 1ith lteion1zed clistilled middotlater

J37 Pnenolmicrohtnalein Dissolve uos g of pnenolphthalein in 50 ml of 90 microercent ethanol dnd ~0 ml ot deionizeo distilled water

JJ8 Nitric cid (HN0 ) Concentrated3

33SJ Nitric Acid u8 rt lJi lute J~ ml of concentrated HN0 to3

exactly 1U liter with deionized distilled water

3J10 Nitric Acid 50 Percent (VV) Add 5U ml concentrated HN01 to J

50 111 rJe ion middoti z~ct di st i I ed Wd t er

JJ11 Stock Arsenic Standard l m~ lsml lJissolve l]203 g of

microrimdr_y standard tdrc2de Asi in 2(l r11 of 01 N NaOH lh~utralize with3

concentrdted HN0 bull Dilute to LJ 1ite~middot 11i~th deionized distilhd ~later 3

JJlc Arsenic Workiny Solution LJ microg AsmL Jmiddotipet exactly 10 ril

of stock As standard into an JCid-ceaned dppropriately l1bel~d 1-liter

volumetric flask containing about gt00 ml of deionized distil1ec1 Jater and 5 ml

of concentrated HN0 bull L)ilute to exKtly lU liter vlitt1 dioniZed distilled3


3313 Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrated

3314 Air Suitable quality for atomic absorption analysis

3315 Acetylene Suitab~ quality for atomic ctbsormicrotion analysis

JJ16 Filter )aper fi1ters What1an No 41 or ~4uival(~nt

4 Procedure

41 Sampling ~ecctuse of tne c0111plexity of this 1nethod testers

must be trained and experienced with the test procedures in order to obtain

reliable results

411 Pretest Preparation Fol low the general procedure given in

Method S section 411 except the fi middot1 ter n(~ed not be weighed

4ol2 Preliminary Oetermindtions Fol low the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 Section 412 except sekct tne nozzle size to maintain

isokinetic sampling rates oelm- 28 liters1~in (1U cfrn)

4L3 Premicroarcttion of Collecti(rn Train Follow the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 section 41J except prepdre the impingers as follows

Place 150 ml of deionized distilled water in each of the first two

impmiddotinyers dnd 2UU 111I of tu )Hrcent 1Ui in ttl tt11rd fourr11 dlld fifth

immicroin~Jers lJeiyl1 ctrKI rmiddotbull~tllrd tilt J1~1_111t tgtI ~dtll IIqi11HJlf dr1d liquid lrmiddotinst_rmiddot

ct_gtmicroroximately 200 to JUU y ut iJreveiyhe i silica ycl from its container to the

sixth impinger Set up the train dS shilWn in Figure lUo-1

414 Leak-Check Procedures Fol low the l~ak-ch~ck procedures given

in Mf~thod ~ SE~ctiuns 41-Ll (Pret~st I 1~dk-Cneck) 11ll2 (Ledk-Ct1ecks

Uurrny Sa111ple Kun) drld 414J (Post-TSt Leak-UleCk)

415 Jrsenic Trctin Umicroeration Follm the general procedure given


in [middot1lt~ttrnd () sectic n 1L lJ i~xcei1t 111ainta1n d tllllfH~rdture of 110deg to 135degc

UJo0 to nsdegF) aruunli UH tilter and 1Hintain isokinetic sctmpling flo~ rates

oelov 2J litersmin (lO cfii) 1middotor ectcn run record tile data ret1uired on c1

datd sheet suct1 as the une shown in FiltJure 108-2

416 Ldlculcttion tgtf Percent lsokinetic --c1me cts Method 5 section

4 lb

42 Satple Recovery tieyin proJer cleanup procedure as soon as

the probe is removed from tle sta k at the 2nd of the sampling period

Al low tt1e probe to cool wt1en it cdn be safely handled wipe off al 1

external particulate matter near che tip ot the probe nozzle and place a cap

over it to microrevent loosing er gaining microarticulate matter Do not cap off the

probe tip tightly while the sammicroliny train is cooling because a vacuum would

form in t11e f i I ter ho Ider

~efore moving the sampling train to the cleanumicro site remove the

probe from the sample train wipe off the silicone grease and cap the open

outlet of the probe Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be

present Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter inlet where the probe

was fastened and cap it R~move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and

cap the impinger If a flexible line is used between the first impinger and

the filter t1older disconnect tt1e line at tne filter holder and let any

condensed water or liquid drain into the immicroingers After wiping off the

si I icone yrease Cdfl off tht~ filter t10lder outlet and impinger inlet Use

either ground-ylass middotstomicromicroers plastic caps or serum caps to close these


Trdnsfer tne probe rnd fi lter-impi11ger ass~mbly to a cleanup area

tnat is c I ean and protected from tt1e wind su tnat the chances of contaminating

or I o s i n g the s a n p 1 e i s mi n i li zed bull

Inspect the train before and durin~ disassembly and note any abnormal

con d i t i on s bull Treat t he s dinp I -~ as t o l l ows

4Ll Container Nu~ (Filter) Cdretul ly remove the filter from

the filter nolder and microlace it in its identified petri dish container Use a

pair of tweezers andor cledil disposable surgical gloves to handle tile filter

lf it is necessary to fold tmiddot1e filter fold the particulate cake inside the

fold Carefully transfer to U1e petri ctist1 ctny microarticulate 111atter andor

f i 1 t er f i oe rs that adhere to the tTI t l ho l de r ya s k et by us i n g a dry Ny 1 on

bristle orush andor a snarmicro-edyed bid te Sectl the container

Mention of trade names or microeci fie pmiddotmiddotoctucb does not consitute endorsement

by the Environmentctl Prottbull(~tion Ayen y r-5

42a2 Contdiner No 2 (Probe) fdKiny care that dust on the outside

of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample

yuctntitatively recover microarticuldte matter or any condensate from the probe

nozzle microrobe fitting probe liner and franc half of the filter holder by

vctsl1in~ tt1ese co111microonents witn Ul N NdJH ctnc1 microlctciny tr1e WdSh in a plastic

storage container Measure Jid tCOtd tu U~ nearest 1il u~ tlital volume of

solution in Container No 2 Perform tne rinjiny with 01 N NaUH as follows

Cctrefully remove the probe nozzle aid rinse the inside surface with

Ul N NaOH from a HaS~l bottle~ Brust1 wit11 a Nylon bristle brush and rinse

until the rinse st10ws no visible particles after vmich mallt~ a final rinse of

the inside surface

~rush and rinse the inside oarts of the Swayelok fitting with Ul N

NaUH in a similar way unti1 no visioe parti les remain

Rinse the proble l~11er -iitr iJl N NaOH While squir-ting lll N NaOH

into tl1e upper end of the prnbe tilt and rotate the probe so that all inside

surfctces will be i-ettecl wiU the rinse solution Let the Ul N NaOH drain

from tt1e lower end into tl1e sample container The tester 1ilay use a funnel

(glass or polyethylene) to aid in transferri 19 the liquid washes to the

container Fo1 low tt1e ~Msh witt1 d probe bru )11 Holding the probe in an

inclined position insert 01 NNaUH into the upper end as the microrobe brush is

being moved with a twistiny action through tie probe Hold the sample

container underneath the Iower end of tr1e pr1gtbe and cat01 any liquid and

particulate matter brushed from the probe lun the vash tt1rough the microrobe

three times or more unti I no visible particuiate matter is carried out with

the rinse or until none rernians in the probe liner on visual inspection With

stainless steel or metal probes run the bruh through in the above prescribed

manner at least six times since metal probes have smal1 crevice in which

particulate matter can be entrapped Rinse 1he brush -Ii th O 1 N Na UH and

4uantitcttively collect these washings in the sami)le container After the

brushing make a final rinse of the prone as described above

It is recommended that tvJO peoJle clean the probe to minimize sample

losses 15etween sampling runs keep brJst1es clean dnd protected from


After en s u r i n~ t tId t a I l _j oi rt t s t1 d v e been wi pe d c l e rn of s i I i er n e

~rease brush and rinse witt Ul NN NaOH the inside ut tt1e front half of ttw

fi I ter 11older l)rustl dnd rinse l~dCII surface tt1re~ ti111es 1ff 111ore if needed co


remove visibl~ particulate Mr1ke a findl rinsebull of the brush and filter

holder Carefully brush dnd rinse out the gla~s cyclone also (if

dpplicdble) fter rJll washin1s and particulate matter have been collected in

the sample container tiy~1ten 1he lid so that liquid will not leak out when it

is shipped to the lijbOrdtory Mark the height 1gtf the fluid level to determine

whether leakage occurs during transport Label the container to clearly

identify its contents

Rinse the glassware a final time with deionized distilled water to

remove residual NaOH before reasseMbling Do not save the rinse water

423 Container No 3 Silica Gel) Note the color of the

indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and

make a notation of its condition Transfer the silica gel from the sixth

impinger to i~s original containl~r and seal The tester may use as aids a

funnel to pour tl1e si I icd gel anc1 a rubber pol iceman to remove the si 1ica gel

from the impinger It is not necessary to remove the small amount of

particles tnat mdy adhere to the impinyer wall and are difficult to remove

Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations do not use

any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel If d balance is

available in the field the tester may follow the procedure for Container No

3 in section 45 (Analysis)

424 Container No 4 (Arsenic Sample) Clean each of the first two

impingers and connecting glassware in the following manner

1 Wipe the impinger bal I joints free of silicone grease and cap

the joints

2 Weigh the impinger and liquid to within~ 05 g Record in

the log the weight of liquid along with a notation of any color or film

observed in the impinger catch The weight of i~uid is needed along with the

silica gel data to calculafe the stack gas moisture content

3 Kotate and-agitate each i1npinger using the impinger contents

as a rinse solution

4 Trc1nsfer the liquid to Container No 4 Remove the outlet

ball-joint cap dna drain the contents through this opening Do not separate

the impinger parts (inner and outer tubes) while transferring their contents

to the cylinder

5 (Ncte In steps 1 and 6 bel0w measure and record the total

amount of 01 N NatH used for rining) Pour approximately 30 ml of 01 NaOH



i nto ea ct1 of t tie f i r s t t vJO i 111 pi nge r s and d gi t a t e the i mp i n g e r s bull l) r a i n t he O bull 1

N NaUH through the outlt~t Mm of eacn impinger into Container No 4 Repeat

tnis omicroeration c1 seund time inspect tl1e impingers for ltlny abnorrndl


6 lipe the bdl I joints of the ulasswdre conn2ct-jng the impingers

and the Dack half ot the filter holder free of silicone grease and rinse each

piece of glasstJdrr~ twice 11itn 01 N NaUH trdnsfer U1is rrnse into Container

No~ 4~ (lJo not ~_nse or brus1 ttw glaltf---itted filter su ) Mark the

heignt of tne fluid l~vel tu determine whether leakaye occurs during

transmicroorto Lctbel the container to clearly identify its contents

42 5 Container No 5 (SO Irnpinyer Sample) Because of the large L

quantity of liquid involved the tester may micro1ace the solutions from the

tt1ird fourtr1 dnd fifU1 i11microin9ers in separate containers However the

tester may recomoi ne the1n at tile ti 1ile of ana Iys is in order to reduce the

number of analyses reyuired Ch~cn the impingers according to the six-step

procedure described under Contain~r No 4 using deionized distilled water

instead Ul N NaOH as the rinsing liquid

4L6 Blanks Sdve a purtion of Ute 01 NaOH used tor cleanup as a

bldnk Take 200 ml of this solution directly from the wasn bottle beinlJ used

and pldce it in a plastic Sdmple contctiner labeled NaOH blank Also sdve

samples of tl1e ltieiunized distilled later an 10 percent H o and place in2 2

semicroctrate containers labeled 1 H 0 blank 11 and H u blank 11 respectively2 2 2

4J Arsenic Sammicrole Prepartion

4J1 Container No 1 (Filter) ~ldce the filter and loose

1-3articulate mdtter in a 150-ml beaker Also add the filtered material from

Container No L (see section 433) Add 5U ml of 01 N NaOH Then stir and

warm on a hot pl ate at ow heat ( do not boi I ) for about 15 min Filter the

solution through the Watman No 41 filter pdmicroer Wash with hot water and

catct1 the filtrate in a clean 150-ml beaker Boi I tt1e filtrate and evaporate

to dryness bull Coo I add 5 mi uf gt u p e r v~ 11 t Hru rn d U1 en wa rm and st i r Al Iow3

to cool~ Transfer to a 50-m volumetric flask dilute to volume with

deionized distil led wdter and tnigt wel I

if tl1ere are ltlny solids retained o_y rn~ tilter place the filter in a

PA~R acid di~estion bo11b dnd ddd ( 1~il tgtdCh t 1 r concentrated HNU and HF acids3

ied tne Dornb ctnd nt~dt it in dn 01n at 1sul for S hours


~e11ove ht Lrn111b fro1il tht over dnd dl low it to cool l_Juantltatively

transfer the content of ttH~ oomb to a 50-inl microolypropylene volumetric flask dnd

1J i u I ce to exltlc t l l)J ml vii t_t1 dei lt1ni zelt dist i 11 l~d Wdter

t_J~ Lu11tJifllr No 4 (Arseric Inmicroinyer Sdmmicrole)

~ote Prior to dnalysis check th1 liquid level in Containers NO 2

anu NU 4 confirm as to wt1ether or nlt t l edkaye occurred during trdnsmicroort on

the analysis sheet If a noticedble dmounc of leakage occurred either void

the Sdmple or take steps sLbject to the amicroproval of the Administrator to

ddjust U1e final results

rransfor the conterts ot Container No 4 to a 500-rnl volumetric flask

and dilute to exactly 500 ml with deionized distill~d water Pipet 50 ml of

tile solution into a 150-ml t1eaker Add 10 rnl of concentrated HN0 bring to a3

boil and evaporate to dryn1~ss Allow to cool add 5 ml of 50 percent HN03

and then -ldrm dnd stir Al ow the solution to cool transfer to a 50-ml

volumetric flask dilute to volum8 wit1 dionized distilled water and mix well

4J3 Container N(~ (Probe ~~ash) See note in 432 above

Filter (usiny Whatman No 4) the cont~nts of Container No 2 into a 200-ml

volumetric flask Combine Lhe filtereJ material with the contents of

Container No 1 (Filter)

Uilute the tiltrdt to eltdctl12001111 with dionized distilled water

Tt1en pipet 50 ml into a 15ol-ml b~dker Add 10 ml of concentrated HN03


to a boil dnd evamicroorc1te to dryness 11 ow to coo 1 add 5 ml of 50 percent

HNU and then warm and stir Al I m-1 tt1e so I ut ion to cool transfer to a3

5U--ml I volumetric flak di lute tJ volJme witl1 deionized distilled water and

mix well

434 Filter l3ldnk lJetermi11e a ti Her blank using two filters from

e d c n I o t of f i 1 t e rs u s ed i n t he s mmicro I i 11 g t r a i n bull Cut each filter into strips

and tredt eacr1 filter individual IJ as direct~d in section 431 beginning

wi tt1 tt1e sentence 11 Add 50 1 I of J 1 N Na UH 11

4J5 ul N l~aUH and ~Jater 1-3anks Treat semicroarately 50 ml of 01 N

NaOH and 50 ml deionized distilleJ watr as directed under section 432

bey i n n i n y Ii th t tle sentence 11 Pi p~ t 5 0 mI o t t 11 e so middot1 uti on i n to a 1 S 0-m1


4 4 Spectrophotometer Prepc1 ration Turn on the power set tt1e

vavelengtn slit width and larnp current anu ddjust the background corrector

d s instructed oy the 1ndnufacturer s mdrua I fur the particular atomic



absorption spectrophotometer djust tl~e bLrner and f1arne characteristic as


4a5 Analysis

45l Arsenic Oetermination Prepare standard solutions as directed

under section 51 and measure their absorbances against 08 N HNU bull Then3

determine the absorbances of the t lter blank and each sample using U8 N HN0

as a reference If the sample concentration falls outside the range of tne

calibration curve make an apmicror-oprictte dilution Hith 08 N Hf~O~ so that the )

final concentratmiddotion falls within the range of ttle curve Determine the As

concentration in tt1e filter blank (ie tl1e average of the tvrn blank values

from each lot) Next using the appropriate standard curve determine the As

concentration in each sample fraction

4~~-11 Arsenic DeterminaLion at Low Concentration~ The lower limit

of fla1~ie -atomic absorption spectrophotometry is 10 microg Asm1 If the As

concentration is a lower levt~middot1 use the vapor generator vl1ich is available as

an accessory component Fo 11011-1 the manufacturers instructions in the use of

such equipment Place a sample containing between O and 5 microg of As in the

reaction tube and dilute to 15 ml with deionized distilled water Since there

is some tri a I and error i nvo I ved in this procedure it 1ay be necessary to

screen the samples by conventional atomic absorption until an approximate

concentration is determined After determining the approximate concentration

adjust the volume of the sample accordingly Pipet 15 ml of concentrated HCl

into each tube Add 1 ml of JO percent KI olution Place the reaction tube 0into a U C water bath for 5 min Cool to room temperatun~ Connect the

reaction tube to the vapor yenerdtor assembly When the instrument response

has returned to baseline inject 50 ml of 5 percent NaBH and integrate the4

resulting spectrophotometer siynal over a JU-second time period

4512 Mandatory Check for Matrix Effects on the Arsenic Results

Since the dnalysis for As by at~nic absorption is sensitive to the chemical

composition and to the physical pro~erties (viscosity pH) of the sample

(matrix effects) check (mandatory) at least one sample from each source

using the Method of Additions

Tt1ree acceptable Method Jf Additic)ns procedures are described in

the 61 Genera1 Procedure Section of the P~rkin Elmer Corpordtion Manual

(Ci tat i on 2 i n sect i on 7 ) 1 f tt)e 1es ult s o t t 11e Me trl o d o t Add i t i o II s

procedure on tne source Sd1nple do rwt alt_Jrmiddotee t(J within 5 micro~rcent of tt1e Vdlue


obtctiried oy me routrne dto1nic absorption arictlysis men reanlyze all Sdmpmiddotles

from me source usinq tt12 Method of Additions procedure

1LgtL Co11L1iner 1fo 5 (So lmpi11yer Sample) Observe tne level of2

li4uid in Cuntdiner No 5 and confirm whether any sample was lost during

st1ippiny 1~ote ctny loss of liquid on the dnalytical data sheet If a

noticeable amount of ledkage occurred either void the sample or use methods

s u b j e ct to t he ct ppr o v a I of tt1e Adm i n i st rat o r to adj ust the f i n a 1 res u l t s bull

Transfer the contents of the container(s) No 5 to 1-liter volumetric

flask and dilute to exactly 10 liter witt1 deionized distilled water Pipet

10 ml of tnis solution into a 250-ml trlenmeyer flask and add two to four

drops of phenolphthalein inclicator 1itrate the sample to a faint pink

endpoint using l N NaUH Repeat and verage the titration volumes Run a

blank witn each series of Sdmples

4~J Contdiner lio J (Sili(d Gel) The tester may conduct this

step in the field Weigh the spent silica ~1el or silica gemiddot1 plus impinger)

to tne nedrest 05 y record tnis wei~iht

5 Calibration

Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations

51 Standard Solutions Pipet 1 3 5 8 and 10 ml of the 10-mg

Asml stock solution into s1microarate 101-rnl volumetric flasks each containing 5

ml of concentrated HN0 bull Dilute to tle mark with deioniized distilled ~~ater3

If tr1e lo~~-level procedure is used piJet 1 2 3 and 5 ml of 10 microg Asml

standard solution into the separate fl1sks Then treat them in the same

manner as tile Sdmple (section 434)

Check these absorbances frequ~ntly dgainst U8 N HN0 (reagent blank)3

during the ctnalysis to insure that base-line drift has not occurred Prepare

a standard curve of dbsorbance versus concentration (Note For instruments

equipped with direct concentration readout devices preparation of a standard

curve will not be necessary) In dll cases fol low calibration and

operational procedur~s in tne mandacturers instruction manual

~2 Sampliny Train Calibration Calibrate the sampling train

components accordinSJ to the indicated sections of Method 5 Probe Nozzle

(section ~ l) Pi tot ruoe Ass~1nbl) (section )2) Metering System (section

~J) Probe Heater (section ~-4) Temperature Gauges (section 55) Leak Check

of Metering System (section 56) and Harometer (section 57)


5aJ N Sodium Hydroxide Solution Standardize the NaOH titrant

against 25 ml off standard 10 N Hlso4

6 Caiculations

61 Nomenclature

t$ ~ater in tt1e 9as stream proportion by vo 1ume 0 ws C Concentrathrn uf A as redd fro11 the stdndard curve microgmla s CSUc = Concentration of so

2 perc~nt 01 volume

C Arsenic concentr-1tion in stack ~1as dry basmiddotis converted to s standdrd cor1ditims Jdsc1 (goscf)

i- = Arsenic mdSS emision rate yhr a F d = Di I ut ion factor ( equa Is 1 if th1 sample has not been

di I uted)

I Percent of isokinetic sampling

Mbi Total mass of al I six impingers and contents before

samp l i ng 9

Total mass of al I six impingers dnd contents after

samp l i ng g

M = Total mass of As collected in a specific part of the n

sampling train ig

= Mass of su collected in the sammicroling train g2

= Total mass of A collected in tlw sampling train microgs

= Norma Ii ty of Na OH t itrcrnt me4m I bull

T = Absolute average dry yas m~ter t(mperature (see FigureIll

108-2) degK (degK)

Va = Volume of sample aliquJt titrated riL

V Volume of gas sample a measured Dy the dry gas meterm


V = Volume of gas sample a~ measured by the dry gas meterm(std)

correlated to standard conditions scm(scf)

V Total vo I ume of sol ut iJn in whi u the so is containedsoln 2


v = Volume of so col lectei in the sampling train dscm(dscf)502 2

Vt = Volume of NaUH t trant usec for the sample (average of

repmiddot1 i cate ti trdt 1 ons) ml

Vtb = Volu1ie of NaUH titrant used for the blank ml

Vtot = Volume of gas sanpled _orrected middoto standard conditions

d scm ( d s cf )


V -= Vo I u111 e o t -vJ at er vd microo r cu I I 1 ~ c t l~ d i n t tl e =gt ct rn p I i nltJ tr d i n -I ( =gt td )

corn~ctl~LI to st1ndarltj cont1itions middotscm(scf)

i1H Averdye microressur differential ctcross tr1e orifice rneter (set

Fi yure 1 U o-2 ) 1m HzL) ( i n bull HzU ) bull

b~ Cdl(_ulctte the vol ime of so ycts collected by the sampling2


Eq 108-1


5K = lcUJ x 10- m311e4 for metric units1 3K1

= 4248 x 10-4 ft rndq for English units

6J Calculate the sulfur dioxide concentration in tne stack gas

(dry basis adjusted to standard conditions) lt1s follm-Js

CSU2 = x lUO Eq 108-2


t- V02

64 Calculdte the 1nass of sulfur dioxide collected by the sampling


Eq 108 3

~ here

65 Averctye dry Yd s 1eter t2111perdtures ( T ) and averageIll

pressure dromicro (~H) See ddtct sheet (Fiyure 108-2)




by using Eq

Ory Gas Volume Us i n g dct ta fr om th i s test ca I cu l ate V~ ( t d ) 1 5

5-1 of Method 5 If necesary adjust the volume for leakages

C- 3

Then add v J bull5 2

Eq 108-4

67 Volume of water v~porQ

Eq 108-5


K_) = 0001334 m 3g fo1 metric u11its bullmiddot -~

= 0047Jl2 fty foi Engl~~ urits

68 Moisture content

EL 1U8-6


+ Vw(stc1)middot

6 bull 9


Amount Of


train as

As CO I l eCt ed bull

the amourit of


As col iectld in each part of sampl iny

Eq 108-7

6Y2 Calculate the total

train as fol lows

amount of As c1llected in the sampling


M ( t i It e r s ) + Mn ( p rO be ) middot fvl 11 ( i rn fJ rn g e r s ) t

1( t i I t ~ r DI an k ) - 1n ( Nd l H ) - 1 (H~ O ) Eq 108-8

6lU C11lculdte the As conceritrdtiuri in the stack gas (dry basis

ddjusted to stdnddrd conditions) as follows

Eq 108-9

611 Pollutant Mass Kat~ CalculJte the As mass emission rate

using the following equation

= C Eq 108-10ssd

The volumetric flow rate Qsd should be calculated as indicated in

Method l

6 bull 12 1so k i net i c Vd r i at i on bull Us i n g data fr om th i s test ca Ic u l ate 1

use tq S-ti of r~ettoct S exc 1~pt suost itute Vtot for Vm( std)

6lJ Acceptable ~t~sults Same as Metnod 5 section 612

7 tiibliogramicrohy

1 Same as Citations 1 througn 9 of section 7 of Method 5

2 Perkin El1ner Corpcration Analytical Methods for Atomic

1-bsormicrotion Spectrophotometry Non-1alk Connecticut

September 1976

3 Annual Book of AST11 Stdndarctbull Part 31 Water Atmospheric

Analysis American Society for T~sting and 1-1aterials Philadelphia PA

1974 micromicro 40-4~



~f-~__d_y_ e s f o r Pr o c e s s i ng a n d An a l y s i s of PA H i n

Co~e Oven Emissions from Kaiser Steel

Global Geochemistry Corporation

10 Samples expected

l 1 Connective tubes between section welded to oven port cover and remainder of sampling system - These are to be stainless steel tubing disconnected and capped off for each sample They will be about 10-15 long

1 2 Impingers in series first two water-filled third dry - The center tubes will be removed and wrapped in clean foil and the impingers stoppered as is for shipping One set for each sample Protect from light during shipping

20 Extraction -procedure

Sample fractions are to be covered with foil or in opaque containers with inert gas flush during storage in freezer Solvents used in extraction will be BampJ glass distilled pesticide grade low residue) Working bench area will be screened with amber plastic and light bulbs

2 l Connective tubes will be rinsed with dichloromethane by partial filling capping tilting several times and draining into a beaker This will be repeated until the washings are colorless but at least three times

22 Impinger contents will be transferred to a separatory funnel The impingers and center tubes will be rinsed inlo the funnel using a measured amount of dichloroshymethane in portions The funnel is shaken well and the extract drawn The rinsing and shaking is repeated with two more portions of solvent The extracts and washshyings are combined over Na 2 S0 4 bull

A separate portion of the water used for impingers is extracted in the same way

For each liter of water 100 ml dichloromethane will be used per extraction ie 300 ml total

Internal standard is added to the combined exshytracts at this p0int





Concentration of extracts

Bulk solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator in a water bath at not over 40deg stopp~ng short of dryness The res~dual volume should be just less than the f i n a l v o l ti 11 e o wl1 i ch the s o l uti on i s to be d i l u t e d (accurately) The object is a final solution with roughly five mgml solids concentration in dichloromethane After the vol w1 e ~ s made up to the mar k i n a vol umet r i c flask an aliquot is removed and evaporated on a tared disk in a nitrogen stream and weighed to determine yields The remaining solution is stored in a ial or ampoule sealed with a Teflon-lined septum A split for SAI QA may be made at this point (see Section 43 also)

Gravity column c1eanup chromatogram

4 1 Into a 10 min 1 d column with co2rse sinter and Teflon stopcoc~ 6 g 120 mesh silica gel (activated at 120deg) 1s sluiry packed in pentane cooling the column by evaporation from a tissue wrapped around it and wet with acetone) This minimizes vapor gaps in the column A cap of 3g sodium sulshyfate is added to the top The column must not dry out before the chromatogram is complete

42 A sample of the extract concentrate is taken This is to be based on experience of expected PAH conshytents but initially would be 5-10 mg This is exchanged with pentane by adding 10 ml portions of pentane and evaporating over about 100 mg silica to small volume Three to five portions of pentane are used The final residue is rinsed onto the column with pentane

4 3 The chromatogram is developed with four solvent steps

l 25 ml pentane 2 l 0 ml 2 0 ~~ dichloromethane in pentane

II II ii II3 l 0 ml 50 u II II4 l 0 ml 5 0 ~~ methanol

The column volume is approximately 8 cc This is allowed for while collecting fractions During the first chromatogram the graduated cylinder collector is observed for visible solvent changes and a more precise estimate of the column volume

T h e f o u r f r a c t i o n ~ a r e e v a p o r a t e d i n a n 1 t r o g e n stream at not oveimiddot 40 to l 0 ml then stored under nitrogen in the freezer The principal constituents


of the fractions will be

l Aliphatics 2 Lower molecular weight PAH

11 113 Higher 11

4 Polar materials

Fractions 2 and 3 are to be analyzed by HPLC the others retained for future interest or in case of an incomplete or defective separation Splits for SAI QA may also be made from these fractions

50 HPLC Analysis

5 l The column is a reverse phase partition column C18 bonded to microparticle silica 4 x 250 mm The solvent system is a gradient from 6040 acetonitrile water to 100 acetonitrile initial slope setting l 5min The flow rate is one mlmin the injecshytion sample volume one to ten microl depending on conshycentration Detectors are UV absorbance and fluorescence in series The absorbance is set routinely at 296 nm but may be varied in certain instances to aid in identification of peaks The fluorescence filtars are narrow pass excitation at 360 nm and cut-off emission above ~10 nm Both d e t e c to rs a re rec o rd e d s i 1i ul ta n e o u s l y

52 Reference calibration is based initially on indishyvidual chromatograms of single compounds and roushytinely interspersed chromatograms of multicomponent reference mixtures The proposed calibration stanshydards are the following at minimum

Phenathrene Pyrene Chrysene Perylene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo (ghi)pcrylene I n d e n o ( l 2 ~ c d ) p y r e n e Coronene

The internal standards (added in Section 22) are 910-Dimethylanthracene

9-Phenylanthracene 9 10-Diphenylanthracene

60 Peak Identification

Significant peaks not recognizable as present in the reference standard will be investigated by alternate methods for identification


6 bull I Stopped-flow examination of UV absorbance for maxima

by manual wavelength varmiddotiation allows checking against known reference spectra (published or measured) This is usually sufficient confirm a component already suspected to be present

62 Collection of the fraction contairino the unknown peak allows later determination o~ t~e full absorbance andor the fluorescence spectrum for comparison with reference compounds

63 If not already run on GCMS the sample can be sent to SAI for that purpose possibly allowing the comshyponent to be identified Since the HPLC elution order is not the same as the GC retention sequence it may be necessary in affibiguous cases to collect the HPLC fraction and run it separately by GCMS

The~e may be numerous minor constituents not identified The decision on how many of these to track down and identify will be made in consultation with CARB adv~sors a~d with SAI since at some point the returns ute not worth further expense

_64 IdeAtified peaks are quantified by comparing their areas to the areas of the known concentrations of reference compounds A recovery factor based on the added internal standard nearest in elution order to the sample component is then applied the amount of internal standard originally added to the sample is divided by the amount found in the HPLC analysis This ratio is the multiplier used to correct for losses in concentration and chromatography steps

70 Quality Assurance

71 Transmittal of sample ~plits to SAI provides for external QA This should be done with 15 (or one in seven) of all samples

72 Blank water extracts are carried through the same analytical procedure (10 of total)

73 The cleanup and HPLC analysis are duplicated on 15 (or one in seven) of all extracts

74 The multicomponent reference is run first every day then elution volumes and peak area for each comshyponent are plotted on a control chdrt to pinpoint developing problems At least evetmiddoty tenth chromato-gram will be this standard It wi 11 also be rerun after any service on the instrument~ such as a column change



Gas chromatograph 1mass spcmiddotctromlt~try protocols used by SAI Trace

Organic Chemistry Laborator1

Aliquots of sampl=s received from Global Geochemistry Corporation

were analyzed by combined c11s chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS)

Liquid extracts were spiked with an internal standard compound (deuteriumshy

labeled phenanthrene) priot to analysis by gas chromatography mass spectroshy

metrymiddot A Finnigan model 4( 21 Quadrupole GCMS system including an Incas data

system was used for all analysis Liquid samples (1 microliter) were injected

into a 30-miter x 025-mm ID SE-54 fused silica open tubular 9as chromatoshy

graphy column (JampW Scientific) A programmed GC oven rate of a 4 minute hold

at 30degc followed by a 40degCmin temerature increase to 160degc and a s0 cmin

temperature increase to 270degc was used for sample analysis The detector

system was a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the electron ionization

mode at 70eV The quadrupole mass filter was scanned from 35 to 475 atomic

mass units in 095 seconds A hold time of 005 seconds was used to stabilize

the electronics prior tote next scan Data were continuously acquired using

a Finnigan Incas Data system which writes time intensity mass spectral data

to a magnetic disc The mass spectrometer was operated under computer control

during acquisition Figures 33-7 through 33-9 show the total ionization

chromatograms for each of the three samples that were analyzed

Following analyses the data files were searched for priority

pollutant polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) In addition to the

quantitative data reduction used for priority pollutant PNAs a survey analysis

was performed on all significant GC peaks (ie signal to noise of greater

than 101) The survey analysis was based upon a computerized library search of

individual background subtracted peak maxima scans for qualifying GC peaks

The library used for qualitative identification AJas a combined NIHEPA

National Bureau of Standards library 1hich contains approximately 26000


Tables 33-11 through 3-13 present the results of this survey analysis As expected a series of al~yl Slbstituted PNAs were observed in addition to heterocyc l i c compounds con ta i ni n~ nitrogen iind sulfur moieties Further

investigation of the mass spectre of the nitrogen substituted identifications

confirmed the presence of benzonitrile isoquinoline andor quinoline acridine

carbazole and alkyl substibted ~yridines Ion specific searches for N-nitroso

substituted amines were neg1tive



Detailed Fiber and Mass Concentration Data - Johns Manville



lt QJ ()

J 0

(lJ __c r-- (Y)

-- 0tj-M r- rQ bullbullbullbull

middot1- c) CJIO

gtmiddot CNltS rel I c-=cltv-l

N --_ r--

+ +



- -- + +


Ii II 11 11 lo II 11

_ amp z

E2 ~~~~~yen_ ~~~ti~~


~~~~j~j ~~~~~~ -----~-2 = ~ ______ _--- middot---~ ___ - - - - _ ~


_middot l



ti lt ~~ - --- -


~~ - J -

_ ___

- =- = l 7 = T -- ~ 1C I-- lc L ~ -- J

=-- -i l L - [- - =-- -= f- - =-- -l J middot - -=-

i-- L =-- - ~ ~ L ~ ~ =--shy r---- --

- 7 l -=----7- -- - - - -- =-- - - ~ =-- - 1- -~- l

g~~~~ r_-middot~ ~-i [-- L ~ L Ldeg

middot--~ l - --------=-- r- L r- r-

~~~ =-- -- r- = - -r---

a- - - - - _ - -I~=-- L -- l 7 -~--

gtZlt _

- _(_ -lt lt =- = ZJZ~


__ _

~ -- __ middot- -~ ~~~ = L ~f~ Z ~ C

middot -

__ ~ lt lt =- _~~ijE

gt = z lt gt



SI I HMllLfc J H 1 I OBr I lll-H ANI) NS~ coHcrrrllliTJ ON CUfllllTI VImiddot SIJMMIIY

TIITIL JnI~ SfiNtlEO TOTtl Ill- or FI ITETI TOTI Illlt ~111-11 11 ltllOT FIIACT I Ori 1111 OF ~middotWI MUllllNJbull lOTI 01IIMImiddot 01- JII TOTI FI lilmiddott~ UgtIJH nD

= t nwo 00 so MI CllONH = t I 1JOO SO (M = II 900 SO CM t bull (0000 l1T~

I I JO SO CM 70000 CUil JC Ml-TEHS

= ~lt O V l lWfl~

Manville D-2 Baghouse

723 347 -633


FI 111-11 COllflT ltFIIWll-

ITllClmiddotrir r lllrf


) ( I f S bull1 bullbull

I 0

l ~-Irbullmiddot


fl JI)(~


0 OUU~~


0 OflO


1110 000~~

FI IWII ( ()[IClmiddotNTHT I ON ltI- I mn ll11 ~41 GI OF FI LTEH) (FIBlmiddotn~ ll-11 CIJB f-11bullTl-H OF IH)

I (2fi71bull+0G (aG(l-+05

( gt027 F+04 OfmiddotHH


OOOOOF+00 o uuoul~middotH)O

0 O(OOE+OO o 0000I+oo

J bull f 1)07 E+O( fi r71HE+OG



TcfLI ~~lllllmiddotCE 1lllmiddot lt~O Ctl lFII ~~O UI OF FIiTEi) t q UI 11-11 Cll II fllmiddotTlbullll OF J I H)

I 590)1+07 6 t 90llbull-HH

( HMOE+O 2 40411bull-1 o

0 OIHHlF+OO o 00001+oo

0 OUO(I 1 00 OOOOOJi+00

() 10110~ Ji)

OOOOOE+OO 1 lHHllJ i 00

0 00001middotgt1 00

M ~~~ middotor-ic Irrrn TI or

( PGRAMS 1bull111 ~c UI OF F J LTEH) (PGRAMS 1111 UJI illI Lil ()j Ill)

IUitTII Ml-Ml ltMI tJIOfl~~) ~Tlgt lgtEV

Ml- H Lot c1middoton nr COlmiddotF I II

I) I MWTEll Ml-N ltMI c11or1~~) STI) tHV

MEtl IOC cImiddotor1 r1N CCWF V11

AIt lbullI rt 1bulli I~ (Sil MIC) STIgt 1gt1-V

Ml- N 101 c1-ori r1u COlbulltmiddot V1ll

I 0 I ~if1+07 bull tJf I (11bull-HH

r 1gta 1 1) bull 2 (10()

0 lt700 l 1Hi4~ 2G44

() ~( 1 027B

- l bull 6 I 1bull1middot 0 J l)J 09J~fgt

1a 1071 1~ 09rn

0 2(jlt)fi l ~HVil 4040fi

~ HltF+O~ U (H~61bull+o I

o rooo 0()()00

-0GJOB 0 (000 0 (000

OOfiOO 00000

- )()57

OOGOO 00000

0 0 1)02 00000

- I J 0 0 0 1W 00000

00000 0 ()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 0 (WHO 00000

0()000 0()()()()

0 ()()()) 00000 00000

00000 00000 0000() 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 (WOO 00000 ()0000

( ~1701 l B bullJl~H 0 lt~( I BIJI ~ ~i Ill

o~-~ 0 ~j

- I ult-fc 0 I Hbull)I o bull)abullgt~

12 (1 41 17bullgt7

0 1 l I H) 4 ltmiddotI 1


MFiN ~Tl) 111-V ru-1N 10C Ct-OM MN COE- Vtll

2lHH7 gt HUB

-2 7m 0 060 1)

( IJl)()C)

0 001 00000

-ltj 74a 1gt 0001~ 00000

00000 0()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

ooono 0 1)000 00000 00000 0 ltWOO

2 7 0 1J lJ I J J

-2J+H () ()~(

B 77gtB

lt ~



J c

~ lf



(]j (fJ

J I 0

a1 c r--- l)-- Clltr (Y) r- ro C)(V) gt deg CN C1 (0 I ~ C M

N --- r--

w J

s rJ gt-





~ - -lt-[-bull

0- ~ l L L l~ -18~~

L a- - ~ I-

-I - ---


-- -- -- - - ~l

-1_ - - --

--~--- [-middot-~--- t-- -- [- -_ 3J ~I r-

z g ---



l l c +-shyc

~ Ci - - I

-1--r-middot~- ~

L l- L ~






-= -- - - ---- - _

middot= - middot-= l J l~ - ~ ~ L - ~ L ~ [--






- I

==== lt _ --middot --~ 7 _

- ~~- _

z ~ ~ =lt ~~~ti3


gt =2 lt_

2 z _ lt=lt i~iS

-- z ~ lt


~lt~ =--~~~sect~ _ -- -middotImiddot_

L -_ -


(lJ II) I

~ Or--M

ltlJCsr-M ~ O) bullbullbullbull ~ lCMIO bull- ci gt (= N lC I M ~ 0 N



---r--co - - ~l r-j = ~i

~~ 2-

88 rJ--_-ltI -

lt ~lt


Cl J ~ _ e-l ~~

- ~ middot~ e-- l ~ l~ [- - ~ -~=----~

_ L



-o-~shyc L~ ~ - 0 - Ll-C d o~-

11middot II 11 11 II II II

-_ 0- _


-- lt== ~~ ltZ z-== -~~=E~8C~l~-=rI - lt ~ fJ

ltZ lt---=lt===~~~- _ ltltlt=gt ~~=~~~~~ -

~ ~ lt -=z~ z _ -shy middot--z =-

-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middot-middot -----

r bull bull _

- _ - ~-middot __ _

~ _

middot- - --- middotmiddot


- l

~=~r -~= ==

lt =~~~ti



TOTL iHf- SCNNFD lOTiL Illmiddot OF FILTFTI TOJI Ill- JSlllmiddot~ll I I OIIOT FlltCT [ ON 1111middot OImiddot ~1-M iIHlllllJNE TO 1 1 I ()lIJMImiddot ()I t I H TOTI V 1111-11~ COUNTED

= 1080000 SQ MI~RlozNS = 11 900 SQ CM = 1 l bull )00 SO CM = 1 00000 liHlS

11 IH) so CM 2G70000 CUBIC METfiHS

1 ) fi FI JllIIS

Man vi l1 e D-2 Baghouse

723 0 347 -633


F 11l-ll f()llrlr ( I 1IFH-- l 17 G o 00 00 00 19fi

llmiddot1tur1T TOlfL FI nrrns ll9 71bull4frac34 10 2Glti7 0000frac14 0000~ 00007 100000frac14

middot 11111 corwirrrniTI ON ( I- I I I It~ n11 ~q Ct-I OF FI LTEil) ( 1 I IWII ll11 CIII 111-Ttbulln 01 I ll)

t 11ll0 r+Olt J 427H-H)5

1 bull ioonr+o G OltOGIbull HH

0 00001~+00 000001+00

OOOOOE+OO 0 000lt lbullHJO

0 00001~+00 D o)OOE-HgtO

I 2MWTbull+Ofi 4 1)HOlbullgtHHgt


I en

Tii I ~lllll11middot Illmiddot ( q Ul I lmiddot11 q en OF FI LTF11) (SO UI lFll Clll WllbullIl rn Ill)

bull11u f j j luii ( PGP1MS 1111 ~q ClI OF FI J11-ll) (PGRAt1S 1bull111 CIJI fllmiddotTlmiddotll (JI Ill)

I 7G2H+07 lt ll20(ilbullgtHH

9 0 1441middot+()( a G07 ltgt1bullgt1 O (

l 1 1Hi11--HM 1tllH (H

~ W77 lmiddot+O I I (rilbull-H)I

OOOOOE+OO o 00001+oo

ooooor+oo 0 OOO(H-f-00


0 ()()()()11-()()

0 0000 Ibull 00

IYIH11 ~111 ltMI 1t111i- gt STI) IWV

fl Imiddot H I l H CLllil rlH COIT 1ll

1 I ( 1 f(J

7 B~G I 11 fit middotHO 1 l(I ri

0 (000 oouoo

-o G f Oil 0 (UOO () (l()(J()

00000 00000 00000 00000 (l 0000

00000 00000 OOllOU 00000 00()00

00000 0IJOOO 00()00 0 () ()(JI)

0 ())1)0

10 (400 1 7 211))

I 1 middotl 1 II I I G7lt l 47H

ll 1 iWTI II lt n 1 1 111 1i ~

Ml-1fl ~ ~T 1 p I v rWff rn Clmiddot111 MN CIJlmiddotT ill

0 bull1ltHi 0 ~~+lbull

- f f Hl 1 oIOltil f bull ~ f17

0 I 2iO o o~o

- ~ (l ) ) bull)

o I 2~i 0 2middot1-7

00000 00000 uouoo U0000 00000

00000 00000 oowo 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 it)C ouooo 0 (POO

0 1 ~0(d 0 41 1middot~

- i ~ltltG 0 201 II I ~Ill 0

111 (~I MIC)

~11bulli Ii Sfll IWV ~11-dl I OI Cl-Otl MN lttllmiddotT II

2 JOB w i0lt11

f H17 ll2G7 (1 bull IJ7~~

o~lti11 0 OG( 1J

-I llt70 0 ~jJJJ 0 lmiddotIBI

00000 00000 00000 () ()0()()


0()(100 00000 00000 00000 0 ()()()()

ouooo 00000 0 (J()()()

00000 00000

20 111 tfi 17 211middot1middot

l CJ 1gtii -i ~ 1) iO 1 ltJ17

VOi i 1m (Clill MIC)

rllHl ~rn Ill- ~w rl lOC c1or1 tlN co1middot1 Vill

bulli 1ltJ~ 7ll7lt0

-f ~)1 1)

0 7middot17 I) 71 I(

00077 0 002)

-4 )i J 00071 Oi()OO

0 (1((1()

00000 (l ()()(10

0 OOt)O 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

OODOO 00000 00000 00000 OOllOO

1 Ill (i

7 () ~) i

-J ~bull17lt 11)7()

I (i 1gtbull111(1

--- ~-Jshyr-- ~~ -shy - -- =--- -JL- ~ ~

- middot~ I ~ J ~ ~



=-c i


lt rr

lt Cf

Q) Vl I i or---

Q) r-~

-- ttl M bull- i gt (2 SN ttl I M ~ ON


M (I)







g --

- ~ -+ -+ c

C co

_ co


------___ --0 = - - - --- - - ------------ - _ _

-__ - -- _

- - -- -____ - - - - -_-~--oo

-c~oo--_ - --- -_ - _ - - - - - _ --- _ _ -~ -_ -- - -_

~oo-- - - - - -------------------------- - _ _ _


-- ~

middot1- ~- L -t -

rJ~ t c z r






0-l - c- [ o middotl L T ~-~ -~ -o---l

~ - J - I_



II II II II II 11 11



c=~lt ~~

~~ -~ = - -lt ~ l -middotmiddot - -~ f I

-~~ _ -lt middot- -shy

middotmiddot middot~middot J ~~


-=~ 2 -- - -- ~

V) V) - ~ ~ -ltClt a a ltc- 0 0 ___ -- _

gt =~ lt--2gt

l bull --


C _


Vl ~

QJ 0 _coo

~ ----

C)QV) ltCl

cJ 0r) c

ltc gt C rd



ltrf N



z -

0 J gtshyc [3

1 -middot -- -~ ~ -~ = -- middot = r -bullbullJ - - middot

--~-] ~---middot =-- - ~ -- L middot~ -


C 1- -1--rJ

-1 lt

z -_-~ ~middot =~- - l----_I - - - -__

E l C ~

L ~ L shy= l middot~ =

l- [

c- I~ l-- -Ci

=- -=-- -c-~

z l- t

+ r_ L

L- g~~~~ l middot 7 l--_ - _bull --

i- l middot -=-- middot - ~ - 7 =-~ r- ~ ~ r-- -1 =

11 ii H 1G H h 11


z -- - - - -gt- lt

bull- ~ - - -- ___ gt z lt igt

-- _ L- -

ltlt-~ - =-=- middot- Z

z z~_

~ -s ~~ Z middot1 Z

z lt=-lt =~


z ~_ ~-=


~~~~~~ ----~ ~ lt == ~ ~~

z s~~ ~ -( lt

middot tmiddot_ 0 (_r_ (


------------~lt-_ --- ( l --- c______



L- L cc + + - -- ~-- ~]

c-r- - ~TC- - L~ ~ - J





lt rr

QJ l)

i Ot

QJ o 0 -- 0)0 M -- ro bullbull - m NM gt CN0 lO I

E 0 M N -


2 ( c C rz lt I

z C z

z ~ ~ ~


0 lZ


e 0


c e



~ - -_ - -__ _

-- -shy-----shy~ - - - --------shy- - -- - _

0_ ---shy _ - ____ _- - - - - C - - - - 0--

------ ~-shy-----______---- ---~---- _ -middot - _----shy--~_ __

- - - - - __ -- __ - - - - -- - - - ------- -----_ --------

--~--_ _ ~ _ ~----- - __------_ _ _ o-=

- - _ _ _ - _ - - - - ------shy- -- -------shy- - ---~__

0 _ ---shy

o~eoo - - - - -__ _ -----~__ _ ~_ ---- - ~ _ -middot _


c - =gtshyz Clt

00 ~ 5 c

c lt



t~ 0

g C

middot- _

C _---shy

- -__ - - -_

-----_ _ _ ~----____

- -_ - - shy

-----__ 000 - - - -__ -_ -----___

~~ c

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lt C

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MPteorolo(1y Summary Data for Study Sites


) ) )




Weather Bureau

Site Johns Manville-Stockton



Dail y_verage

Wind Speed (mph)

Direction (Percent)















































G) I



---------------- -------------------

Period 1969-197 3 Meteorology Site RSR

Sourece Whittier Station SCAQMD Average Wind Direction X

-- bull-------==--Start C I _ c _ I ~ltC11 l1-1 l1111-1Time

-12~ ___ _ ~l -----middot middotmiddot- -middot-- 4~ 1 4-I Rh f1h --- --middot -------

1 7 c- ~ 4 l 1 1 l c c 1 7 1R hq t q 4() lR

00 7 f- ~ ~ 1

__7 1---~ bull 2 ______ l__bull 7 ___ _ 401 11h hh ~ ~ -1 l lt 1 bull 7 ________ _)02

a~ ~f- lR O

2 I S 1n

~~ q 4 1R ~~ 34 0 ~S03 Q ~A q S S 6 44 11 Aq

____ 7 _ (J__pound_ 1 n 1 A ~ L ~ 1 a 4 ~04 01- 4r _____~---- 1_q______ 1_ -i -7 ______70 ___-_l __ _

____s_~ __ _3_ __ __ _7____1_ _______ c ____ _____ _S ____ -~bull05 no 44 )1 ~ SP 41 47 AS

-R 7 7 1 bullq 1A ~1-- S 9 4n06 J_4c An 4n 34 71 48 17 7S

07 O bull 0 3 bull 7 e i bull J ~ 3 e ) 2middot 3 4 e 7 ___ l micro 2 __ _ _ __l_Ln___________R 1 52______~_5_i _______ 8 c 7 J

_J 1 bull _____ h ~---- ___i_]___1 bull Z ______~_5 _______ ) 9 _r --~bull-5_____ ~_3 ____08 )c7 __JAq 9A 10 ]17 i7 f-S A4

11-n 11R Al f-i3 7) 1 4n i09 )A4 1A l~A 142 ]70 77 4R 70

_LI__l_ ___l 4 bull P 7 bull P A R l n A 4 R 1 n 4 4 ___ 7 A ___ _RA____ 1 A 1A 8 1 SL__ 1 R 5 1 ~ 3 _1] ________ 111~____JJ__) 1 ~---~-~ 4 9 1 ----1___11

A0 1A4 JR 17 lAR A 41 4C 174 A ll~ JnR ll7 9 5 R12

24c 4n~ l9l ~o 11n sg 40 3g __ ) bull 2 C () bull 9 14 ---~--~f 3 1 bull s bull 413

____ 7 4 _____) 4 c _ ___ 1 _ 7 ~ s____ L-i_ __ _ c 7 c ~ o 1_ __middot _____ 1__i-______ l 7 1 c _l___L3__ 1 bull 2 l bull q 714

77 ~ll 1Ac Rt 1 Al 4g lR iin 104 1 177 144 ~n 13 115 c 7 4 7 1 A 1 c c VH~ Q4 5 i 1 9 1

16 _ 1 ~-- bullcmiddot ___ ___ J_ 5 _ 1___ _10__ _ _ ____LS_ ~-- __Lo__i s p ~ 4 1 3 5 1R 2 _ --- __ __S ______2 __ -- --- 3-~ 1-- --- --- __ L3~ 6 7 ____ _7

17 l _ bull ~ 11 e3 ____ __]__]__ ] 5 __2 _________ 2_l__c_-_______ 8_ 1 4 bull 2 L_l_ __ _ _L~ 1 middotn 1 ) l R 5 A R ~ c

18 14 R1 ~~ 15 ~7 R4 4 lA~ llh 77 l~R 15n lA 59 ~0

19 L bull pound_________ _7_ 2__ ___2_E_ A A _2l-_l fL 4 3 e 7 J Q

1 Ji RI _ J_ ________ O _1-f l 4 ___ 4~------ __ 3] __

20 l l 7 5 2__ 3 e ____ 5 7 -- 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 ___ 2- 7 2 3 ____ C7 ______ -_ _____________ 10Q ii Q)44n middot----

21 u1 40 A1 ~4 lR5 5 1 bull

1~h si -- ) 1 1 11n n 41 22 _ q_J--- ______ A____ 1-- J_R ql____A_ P 1 q s

17 c3 ____ l ______ _________JY~ __ 7q ________ lbull4 __________ 4U ______

23 ___7 ~ _A _i_ _ _2 ________ ~ _middotL ___ __1--__1 ______ L~ g _ _ 7 ______ l n ___ _

1176 n



Site RSRMeteoro logPeriod _1969-=1_92]__

Average Wind Oirection_X__

PIIJ t t lt Cr ~Start Time ----

Pl 1_ 1~ 7 () 10s0~---- ---------- ll-i ________ 1n1 1 Jn f- l (- Q 1O 1 114 12 c Abull i ~ol R100 llS P2 171 ~41 2P QO P7 llS

7A 1nA 117 s A01 7 _1=--------------------------LS_0_ ---------------middot__s___~ 7 1 11 l_O l_Al (tr1 p~ 1-7 ql OJ

----- --------- - ---- ---- -- middot-middot --- ---- -- ----middot-- ----middot ----~ 7 c ~ bull n 1 1 2 l 9 -s 1 -i s s ~ c c__ bull A____02 1 1 2 1 r n 1 c 0 r-- l ~ 1 o 1 0 1 t 1 o c- ----~--- -Pl Ol OP lA2 11A 61 c 0 ~ cq03 l 5 4 l 4 4 1 i r 7 -i r) c q 1 deg 1n

qA RO 107 ~_12_7 SA c 7 A04 _l _ s_ _________l 7 l RA____ 7 ______l _o 4 __ l nn_________ 0 _7________ R_l __ o ~ _____ J(__7 11__r ___ _t-__ o ____ ln ___ h_ ______ An____ c-_n __05 ]lA 140 170 7cA __2n1 qc- 7q 1n1

06 RS q_1 lO~A lAwn 12S S9 49 AJ l2R l2R 144 lQO Jq2 114 llS R7

07 R bull 0 Re() q () Ll_3__ ___lJ Q 7 e ] 7 e c e 4

1_ ls 70 R________ 1(1__5 --- ____l~middotA l_J0_____ ll ~- ____ J_Z_ __ 08 7 1 _Lo ___ Si ___ f-~5 __ ____ q1____ A__A _____ 7bull~------~_r ______ _

0 q J A t __ _plusmn2___ l O A A P 12 Q

09 A2 22 G6 41 A7 s1 s1 R0 71 21 23 2q A7 AA f-l lll

10 44 11 ibull4- lR ~z 41 1q 7n 4q 17 lA lA --~-1__ 1q P _1_n7 ___

11 ~ bull 1 ___ 1 bull 1 l bull () ~ ~--1____ ~ q 2 4 l _middot2_____ pound_____7___ _ 41 10 8 0 lf- l() 17 01

12 2S A 5 1 2 22 19 J s7 21 11 7 2A 25 ~l 1n1q

13 ___JJ l 7 4 6 l - A 1 6 0 f- l q _----- _- o 12 ____l 7 1 7 -1____l_l_ _ ---middot

14 J__4_ A bull 7 1_~ l ~l__1____~ _____7_Q_------middot- c__ -- -middot -

--~ l l l 1 c l ] 7 c 1 l

15 J2 2 7 g l 4 11 lA 7 1 li A R 10 20 27 -=tn OR

16 a 4 s ~---- _J_ bull 1 it 7 _J _e_9____~ L _ 1 7 _______ll____ 7 _l middot- - 1deg 21 I= l_ ________ 9~-- ---

17 J bull J_ 7 4 l_ 2_ _ l 2 1 3 ___ c -- - f-_L___ 3 1 q 1q 4 --~~R____l____ ____c_c_____J~l~Z--

18 O middot 1 1 12 1s 4 - ~ () 14 1n 42 12 ~4 71 84 c~ 60 179

19 - 2____b__ __2D_______ ___2_____1-----~ --5__ _ 5 2 3 e 4 4___ l Q n _ 4A _____ 4_q__________50_______ lltbull __ 121 _____31 ______ _ _10 1 12

20 7 0 3 0 -- -middot 3 7 _ 7 1 7 5 __ 5 0 A 5 7 6 --- 5 i 1-- 0 R __l SL -- 1 r p P -- - 1 1 --- -- 1 c 7

21 14 41 51 g_7 04 55 7s q_7 7R Al 122 17A 17R q4 llq lc

22 -~--8__ c n 7 A 11 _n_ ~ c A 7 -2___~~--q 1 _______ l_nR ___ 17______ 7)1 _l__A ____ f-J_7 _ 1_ ]~(

23 c 6 _A _7 ----- 7 Q _ -- __ l l 0 J1 bull _ middot--S 4 ___ ----- 7_ f- --- P l

lAA4 1 911

R t bull I

--- -------

Meteorology Site RSRPeriod 1969-1973

Average Wind Speed XSource Whittier Station SCAQMD

( (~ c II lt II ~ hlltlStart Time

___L_~ 41 rnl~ ~l_ ---~-- --~h_______----middot bull9 bull f- c 1 l bull r 3 00 )

l l c Sl 7 J 8 ~Q AR 4() 4R _ _ _s_________ ~ A ~ 1 2R01 -------

l 1 i _f- _micro middoti 79_ LC 4i A1 bull 4 bull c + ~1 ] 1~ 1n02

Qf--- Lf- 1A Q r (- c r middotn SA 7 4 9 R 7 lR 11 403

a 1h Q S 5 4 4g 11 A9

P __ 3 bull 7 ___2__Y e ] 2 e ( e A 2 e 404 Rf- ------~_5____ 2L _____ _l_t_____~_7__ _3J _________4)____ SL_

bull 7 bull 7_ ________ 2____7______ 2 _1 _____ el_______ L ~ ________2 bull 2 2 bull 2 __05 ____1_n_o 44 31 c cq bull LJ 47

c 2c 7 lR 1 O 406 11 c A 0 4 n 3 4 7 l 4 R ~ 7 7 5

___ ___~ c Z bull A ~R_ ---2_h 2 bull bull 4 e R bull C07 l_ H l_ ri ------- R1 --- c ----------- AQ _middotbull 4_p____ r 7 ___1[_2_ _r--_______ _ A____________ )_3-____ _____ __t 9 ______ ~_____ _3 __ --~___()_______ __I__08 C7 lR9 9A 1n~ ll7 S AS 84 ~Q 33 11 11 1n R 3A 3309 7RJ 1R lA 14-1 17fI 77 4R 7(_

---~- L~ 1 7 -~ 1 7 4 1 l 1 9 S 3 9 C) 4 9 A ~ 9 q10 __ 7 c _ ___ _ 2 RA l A ____J__6_R 1 C 4 7 P C 1 rq I

11 -~L f _ __ -~-- 5 _J__ __4_-_c1 ______4__]____4_ bull 5 c___h ___~_a_J 1Rn ~r- 1 1A 17~ JRR AZ 41 45

sn ss s1 6~ cR 5 c~ s912 46 4n3 91 30 170 sg 4n ~~


5 a _e_______6__Q____ ~_f-__-----6___R f- e C 6 e 7 6 e 1 t__5_j13 7 l _ -i 4 _r _ _____ 13 _ __252_____ -2l3___5 7 3_5_______3_Q_j

1_ __ f-_ 7 ______ __~_E_ ____ L5 _____7 __3__ ___J_ 1_____J__ 5 ________ O_14 _2_c 7 --- ~ l ~--- l A i R t ~ r- 1 LL q J

15 ~c A7 7L 77 7S AP ~q A c7 47 1Al ~t 1nR q3 ~~ Jq

_ ____ Cl ________ 6___ l___ 6 bull 7______]__5 ___ 6 e q 7 e J Abull 2 8 316 2 3 5 19 2 15 6 ---- __ 24-4 --- ---- 3 lt5 _________ l3C _ ____fJ __ ]]__ ~ _ 5 6 ____ s bull3 6 2 __ 5 B ______ 5 Y ___ 7 3 7 _7 ___ _17

__ 1 c ______1 ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~n 13 c 6 P ~ 5 4~q L9 ~ cn 4A ~n ~-4 4118 lP~ llA 77 11A 1cn l~A SQ Q

-----~~a-R___-=4bull2_1 e __ middot-middot middot bulls __ - __ IL 9 1 ~_1_ ___3 7 40__19 1 ~~- gt q6_ (- l Q 144 43 _37 _ A f ---middot ~ bull r bull q ~ 9 IL ~ 1 _0 -~ bull 1 A 3420 l r -- I- I q4 l qo l c c 0

-- -- -- --- - middot-middotmiddot middot----middot - --middot-middot middotmiddot- --middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--middotmiddot

~ bull l =I ~ ~ bull f 7 bull i 1 1S21 l L7 C c~ c 1- 1 Sl l ~()

22 _-~ bull--~middot-_____ z_ __g______2 _____2_ 1 __ ------ 4 h

1 1 c3 3~ --~3 __ 113_ 79 l4

) bull f-- q ~23 2-~

lRgt 11gt 11 75 39 4 5 3 7 1


Period 1969-1973 Meteorology Site RSR

Source Whittier Station SCAQt10 Average Wind Speed

-middot- -------------- -middot----- ---- ----middot-middotmiddotmiddot-middot - ~bullI= r I i- C ci

Start Time -middotmiddotmiddotmiddot

qq lll lA ]h nl 1() Cj 1n1 l -in middot-

~ 7i 2g~ 08 R q 13 2 r00 11c 12 - 170 241 21 q () t---7 1 lS 2 -middot__ -- bull 1 oe 1 ----- _ 2 _ C)_ --- _ 7 R r1

401 121 lQ lRl SO 217 R7 n-- ---- ----- ----middot-- - --- --- - -------- - -- ltJ ---

02 _-7_ 5_ -middotmiddot ____ -~_7___ ---~_ middot--~- 7 7 2_________ 2 _7 --l -i -i l sn l i i~____l_tl_ l u 1 n l H_L____q_c _

bull A 2~ 27 27 27 2A 2~4 _103 15 t 14~ lAs 211 zns 91 q2 102 2 1 1 G___ 2 bull R 2 h bull 7 ____J 2~----7___4-----04 1 1 S _______ 171 ____lPn ____ 27~ __ 1_()4 ____ 1_00_____ 07________ 8J_

-~-~-------~~A _q ___ R_ 7 ____ _7 __ _l_ 1

05 1 3 A l 4 deg 1 7 C c P 1 () ___ q c ____ 7 q 1 0 l 27 27 30 2A 28 29 2~S 2406 12R 12A 144 100 lql 114 115 R7 2~A 2QR ~~~ 3~0 Q 29 ~O 907 l 1 c 7 deg ~rn 1os __1_ c __ _ __U-52____ l 1 A _l q _

08 2 bull 0 2 bull 7 l bull 4 3 bull -~ ___ _2-_L -- -- 3 bull 1 l bull (l 2-~2-q q ~~ ~ AA lOA A R ]O

09 34 14 ~~P ~g ~9 29 3A 31 71 21 23 79 A7 f--A 63 113

10 3q 39 A0 SO 46 34 40 3S 4 9 1 7 1 A __LR_ __h____ l R 4 R 1 n 7

11 4S 45 A4 s9 s1 l l 7 1 _2_ 41 10 R 20 lA Q 17 OJ

12 4~1 4R AR 61 6A S6 ~5 4 21 11 7 g 2A S ~3 101

13 4c cl 00 74 7 A c R _4 4 q t 9 ]

-i o l 2 R l 7 _l_l __ ~ 2 1 l 3 _ 14 _ i____l A bull A A bull ~-- __ A bull4 R 1 7 bull l t 9 Ci A

1deg 11 IS 2l 17 zc 114 15 A7 70 oo A~O 7l ~9 49 ~7

1 ii A R l O 2 n 7 --~ () Q P 16 ____5__0 1 A 6 A 3 A f-- __5__2__ 4 5 c bull R

__ _17 ____ J l ___________ 7________ 1 o______ 1_0 __________ 7L_____ 4____lt1_8__ 17 _ l __ ----~-l- ___ -~ _ 4 4 _ 4_11 A_______ 4___L 4 middot n 1 _g__

32 lA 10 4 l9 cc 11

18 2~1 2A is 47 ~s r- ~s 40 4~ ~2 ~4 73 R4 cc h9 12g

19 7 l ~3--~- __2__A______ _R _ _ 2 1 7 41-- 4P io __1~_____ 12 01 1_n4 _____ l7_ __

20 bull bull 4 bull 0 bull 1 bull ~ bull r 7 bull R___ _ __ bull 4

Sc t- 0 0 7 l c 7 1 c 1______ 0 ~ 1 1 1 c 7

21 S 2A q 11 1 n 77 8 31 7R Pl 1 17A 177 Qh llR 1~c

22 1 in 3~ a 1Q 7 7 7 q 1 l q l 7 7 7 4 ___ l _P J H 7 _1_ 2 2 ---- _1 _Q__

23 2f S ___ _Q____ 1() __ -_~_R 2Y ____2___A A

l AA2 2001 7 11

-------------- -middot-middotmiddot----


Si te f~a 1 i er Steel Period 1978-1979

MeteorologySource SCAQMD


N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSvJ SW WSW w lmW NW mJDaill Averaoe

Wind Speed 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (mph)

Direction (PPrrPnt) 10 8 2 ~ ~ 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 10 10 10 11J

-7) I


Two years data provided Approximately 16000 hourly speed and direction averages not computerized therefore results estimated


1971-1974Period Site Allied

r-ieteoro 1 ogySource lenno~ StatiQ SCAQMD

Average Wind Speed X

Average ~ind Direction

DirectionStart Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s s )iJ SU ~JSvJ tmiddotJ WNW Nt~ WNW

00 23 24 22 23 26 27 38 26 2l 2 4 72S 32 ) 37 33 2 9

01 24 24 2ol 2LJ 2Ll 26 24 22 21 26 25 34 J~ 33 3 0 2 3

02 24 23 21 23 23 26 22 24 24 23 24 34 34 33 2 S 2 9

03 26 22 21 24 22 26 20 l 9 24 22 22 32 33 35 28 25 -

04 28 22 20 24 22 23 2o0 25 22 22 24 28 35 32 31 23

05 23 25 21 23 24 24 21 23 L r)

bull q 22 23 30 37 31 31 27 -

06 24 26 25 26 26 27 2 5 25 24 26 25 33 ~ 3 32 37 30 ~-

~07 29 30 26 28 29 30 28 C) 28 30 30 33 L~ 0 38 40 33 ---~~--- __ _

08 37 31 30 3 J 3 1 3 l 29 31 30 33 35 39 45 39 46 62

09 46 34 30 34 34 36 3 1 35 35 39 42 46 48 48 53 60

JO 45 32 34 32 35 36 40 36 37 44 51 56 56 50 59 75

11 45 36 37 33 35 39 45 42 37 50 57 64 64 58 61 56

12 38 27 45 35 31 38 47 42 4C 55 61 69 71 62 70 95

J3 36 34 52 38 36 36 49 40 4CJ 48 65 71 77 66 86 105

14 50 28 52 43 54 48 55 43 5 1 56 59 72 80 69 92 60

15 54 ND 60 36 50 50 48 49 30 60 63 70 78 68 86 60

16 70 45 45 27 48 50 53 48 3F 47 54 66 73 60 89 60

17 65 NO 58 1 6 50 30 35 5 1 3 1 40 47 61 67 52 69 47

18 80 43 42 37 22 44 33 29 2C 35 43 54 60 48 52 64

-19 54 28 33 32 1 9 26 32 36 2C 33 37 49 52 48 51 39

20 36 21 24 27 22 26 26 34 2 middot 29 33 45 48 40 55 46

I21 40 25 26 22 23 29 26 28 2 o 28 30 40 44 40 47 45

22 35 22 21 24 22 2B 2ll 25 2 ( 25 7 38 4 1 43 36 39

23 2 J)36 25 22 24 22 27 23 __ 2 11 24 27 33 40 39 37 28

35 26 2 r_ 26 27 29 30 30 28 31 40 57 60 44 43 36


Period 1971-1974

Lennox StationSource Meteorology Site A11 i ed

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction X

middot Sta rt Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction----SSE s SSvJ SvJ ~JSvJ w WNW N~ WNW

00 27 71 85 80 92 51 32 29 44 76 68 80 119 60 58 28

01 22 71 95 92 108 60 21 37 i 4 G7 63 62 96 6 1 66 33

02 21 84 95 93 125 62 34 47 42 53 56 52 84 57 66 29

25 66 108 97 129 73 47 41 49 44 48 4 1 84 67 55 2503

24 64 108 109 143 76 55 37 46 44 43 48 61 59 59 2404

22 62 97 115 164 73 55 45 41 38 47 39 60 57 57 2705

18 76 79 126 181 79 46 38 44 43 43 37 58 44 62 2806

18 65 91 129 159 88 50 44 50 43 42 51 70 30 49 2107

1 5 61 94 116 144 80 65 55 59 34 48 72 94 23 26 1308

14 40 69 74 108 63 55 62 71 44 67 119 147 33 24 1109

1 6 26 46 44 66 56 50 57 50 33 80 217 197 30 23 910

9 14 32 25 37 27 38 41 41 23 88 3L3 251 33 22 611

13 7 1 9 1 4 20 17 27 25 23 21 105 346 307 34 20 212

6 5 12 8 11 9 1 5 1 2 13 26 93 392 348 34 15 213

3 4 9 5 7 7 11 9 10 22 61 412 392 34 14 114

4 ND 2 5 9 5 1 2 9 3 20 57 410 416 34 13 115

5 2 2 5 7 3 1 2 8 5 23 44 390 438 44 11 216

6 ND 4 4 5 5 9 7 11 19 55 372 435 50 15 317

9 2 4 2 10 5 1 2 9 10 28 60 346 420 49 29 618

11 3 9 9 6 14 11 14 31 60 73 282 368 50 42 1619

74 239 305 60 36 2220 20 1 7 1 5 1 2 23 16 I 3 1 9 51 76

99 169 234 54 42 2321 20 22 26 29 50 28 26 22 69 87

79 144 175 45 47 2722 24 42 53 40 59 40 34 34 62 98

gtl 68 98 149 48 52 2223 59 86 59 84 40 37 ~o 65 80 t

65 197 221 45 38 161 6 36 52 54 73 41 32 30 39 46


Period 1962-1974

Source Long Beach SCAOMD Meteorology Site Stauffer

Average Wind Speed Average Ji nd Direction X



SSE s SStJ SW 1JSJ i im~ NW WN~

00 78 77 89 11 5 l l 46 35 52 38 1 5 1 3 21 59 129 73 48 ---- ___ __ --bull---middot-middotmiddotmiddot-

01 71 86 96 128 122 45 45 43 38 1 7 1 3 19 49 11 5 60 53

02 82 86 109 132 116 58 4 1 38 31 20 13 15 51 107 50 51

03 80 101 114 13 5 122 59 33 38 34 1 5 11 20 44 92 50 46

_ 04 85 103 11 9 129 122 64 43 35 31 14 13 20 402 86 44 49

05 95 102 111 134 13 2 59 bull 2 35 32 13 1 3 1 7 38 89 45 44 -

06 91 105 112 132 131 59 4 l 37 27 14 1 3 14 38 87 55 42

07 77 96 104 123 13 7 70 43 44 40 1 7 1 6 18 43 77 49 42

08 60 76 83 103 13 l 63 60 61 68 33 20 24 53 86 42 37

09 44 50 57 7 3 11 3 65 5-1 75 11 3 59 39 36 74 80 38 31

_ 10 38 28 33 46 84 54 4 3 77 165 lC6 48 41 80 83 40 29

11 23 15 1 7 LO 51 37 4Z 71 212 14 4 68 55 95 86 38 1 7

12 15 8 11 1 7 31 28 31 57 235 lE6 74 63 114 10 7 32 1 2

13 10 4 8 11 1 8 1 7 23 43 237 168 73 56 142 147 34 8

14 7 6 6 10 18 13 14 34 203 142 56 51 179 211 41 9

1 )15 5 3 3 9 14 10 33 15 0 10 3 48 47 223 274 58 7

16 6 2 4 7 1 5 9 1 30 108 75 30 46 243 338 70 7

17 6 3 6 10 14 10 10 26 77 49 23 39 247 378 92 10

18 1 2 6 8 1 3 l 6 11 15 26 57 33 1 7 32 230 396 10 7 21

19 21 16 18 22 8 1 5 1t) 31 47 24 14 30 182 368 128 39

20 33 32 35 44 37 1 9 2 1 37 38 21 14 30 138 320 128 52

21 50 39 -------middotmiddot ----- --53

- ___ _

hR fi fi --middot middot- --- ---- --middot-

~ I 1 () 35 l 6 1 bull IJ ) 10 ) 24G - - -- - - - middot-- --- -------- middot---middotmiddot----- -middot---- - -l l S 6 )

22 64 52 66 90 86 3 ~ 3 l 46 36 1 7 1 5 26 [3 6 18 1 99 67

23 70 67 81 104 10 1 40 3 ~) 45 41 1 3 11 27 70 144 e2 65

47 48 56 70 76 38 3-1 44 87 54 28 32 11 0 176 66 35



StaufferPeriod 1962-1974 Site

Source Long Beach Meteorology

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction


-ta rt rime N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction SSE s SSH SvJ ~JS-J w WNW NW WNW

00 26 25 23 24 26 30 43 38 35 32 38 29 37 30 25 27

28 24 23 23 24 31 39 38 38 29 29 31 37 29 25 2501

28 26 24 24 25 31 38 35 35 33 31 27 35 29 25 2502

28 27 23 23 25 32 35 37 33 35 28 28 34 29 25 2703

29 27 23 23 26 30 35 37 32 35 22 27 33 28 29 2804

29 26 24 23 27 30 36 34 33 35 26 27 32 30 28 2505

30 26 25 24 27 32 35 35 37 32 33 26 30 32 26 2706

29 28 27 27 28 33 40 38 33 35 41 33 35 33 29 2707

32 30 28 30 31 34 39 38 37 37 35 30 34 37 35 2908

30 32 28 32 33 36 18 43 ~-3 43 J8 32 39 4 1 39 2909

30 32 33 37 36 39 43 46 48 48 42 44 45 46 40 3410

33 33 34 40 42 43 50 49 52 53 53 46 54 52 49 3211

36 35 43 54 53 55 58 52 57 58 57 56 63 63 58 4212

65 75 75 72 4013 40 43 45 58 63 69 61 56 58 60 61

68 88 81 84 5514 42 39 44 62 67 75 61 59 60 59 63

73 89 85 91 5615 50 52 55 70 67 8 1 64 61 58 57 ~-j 8

69 87 81 84 6616 49 44 54 71 66 73 66 58 56 54 57

63 80 73 71 5017 45 58 37 60 60 60 58 52 54 49 47

47 69 62 55 4318 30 28 37 40 48 53 49 51 49 45 39

40 59 52 45 3419 24 24 28 34 33 4B 45 44 41 39 -6

37 51 43 39 29 middot~o 20 20 21 26 29 43 36 41 43 37 31

35 44 37 31 2721 24 2 1 21 24 27 35 4 1 42 4 1 38 28

22 34 41 33 29 2522 22 22 23 27 34 39 42 41 33 30

34 39 31 26 27-~ 1 24 22 23 22 26 32 40 39 37 36 ~8

47 63 54 4428 27 25 27 30 37 42 44 50 51 47 29


Period 1956-1974 Site DOW and DUPONT MeteorologySource DOW



Daily Average

ind Speed (mph) ~8 52 38 47 25 25 35 37 37 47 50 75 9 10 77 77

Direction (Percent) 8 25 13 15 25 26 76 36 20 25 6 10 16 188 128 65

G) I

I---- N


H 1

-- - -

- - - -

---- -

Western Plant Area - Kaiser Steel Fontana



I IT I - - - - - - - - - - --+ - - - -- - - - --- - - middot- - + - - - - - t- - - - - middot- - - -middot

Slrf I I I I

- I FO TJ1 middot I F---- ----------~-_1---------A_V__ I I


j I I I

I 1a ST I II fOIIO 11T I

l I

- - - - - - -- - - - - + -


-----+-middot BLvb


bullco- - - - -R-oute- - -+-






-~ I


AV gt

0 ~ 0 3 z 0 I-I- -middot -- + -middot -- middotmiddotmiddoto IJ



gt lt(

A 100


z 4 z -lt co

A r 6 SF






Cu CA ffl Q f ( J_rHTRAM-~~-LAV_----w_=H_I_TrNT=-li-----1-

- - - -- - ------- ~1__---------r-- ___ s_ --l- -- ----I I I




---------+ -r----- ------- + I


ST 4TH ST_)___ JI ~-----____ ----- ---- - i----~--rt -

I I -1 I bull I I bull






- I_

II ~ - - - -- - - - - - + -----------t----


I ~ I



1 I


I -1



Eastern Plant Area - Kai~er Steel Fontana

ow FS

bull o z 0 ~ J ~



--- A(llIIN



middotI ~ I



--- --t-t---1




+i I I I

gt gt I

~ I

- --~ + - - ci - - - - gt

- - - -- - --- - -- -





middotmiddot------- +--bull I



I - - - - middot+

~ - --+ I I I




Offsite Storage Tanks - Stauffer Chemical Co San Pedro

bull~~ - ~ - ~ te-e_- fl_ bull lt) -iTCRrJ

bull-1- 6bull ~~----Ro i I Pt 5 bull lit~ I I A i~ v I -Jbulltf- ~-l~ dL

tf~l ~ - I _f) 1

ti_LJ ~~J (wt raquomiddot-C ~~lt ___ f_~gt

middot l~ 71 ~ I ~~ c Qj ~(gt l~ HI h-fS ~~c~ ~J(


IT ~ bull1middot~_l -( c-~zmiddot _

I 0 --~ tl)V- ~shy

~ ftrtlI_bullbull-

middot~ _bullff~~gt_~

i~Y1 f~2~

~ g

~i1 ~--

c I ~ q



~ -~_x I I -~--middot ~Imiddotmiddotmiddot~1

- - -t- -shy

l i





bulltor~ r0 t~~-~ I middot~ I

~- - I r I

4 ltAry4


I middot p


cij4A~---- Y t-gt lti


-- --- -





bull11middot1 -~JP4s--- f51 bullgt~~~~~--~~or(~tQy_-bull--middoti bull bull(l ~ --~- middot- -_ _-~


Y4I C O CipI I ---I HARJU I 1 I


Main Plant Site - Stauffer Chemical Co Carson



I bull

~JAoElM t _J1lfH ~~DRIOC JI IH




~ LN 1~~1-bullil L bullU _ -__i( LN

~rJ~ ~ ~~o~~bulli--=~_ l~~Jt~t1 uiCA)C ampbull ~bullbullLit l

IOAI I _bull~r J~t~-~ lN r~rJLbull u~~~~~~ u~__a-ampMII WL 1(11

l ~ -------7--y I deg

f t




I ----- +--

I I ~

I f~


~s~-- middot ~~~ lII ~t--~ -- ~




Plant Site - Allied Chemical El Segundo

middot bull__- --__ - gt J -middotmiddotrt --_ middott 11 ~ - ir-l~ tt I - ~1~_I~ t tmiddot j I

MAFltu~ Lo o -- -middot-z 1 ~ - middotmiddotbulla- J ti - l-J~ i - __ IJ

1 bullmiddot- --middot--r - -~- lgtJ~middot ----~til1~ middoto ~-- bull l f rt1 I - -r 1 _ t fj ---ltf - i ti)- --r ~ middot r ~ -

i I



8Lyen[j middot- l

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~~ 5 iOAkO Cl( )y Jv -=l~ i middotmiddot- - - I -

1 I I -_~---bull1fJ--------middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--____ 1

-~ middot

bullmiddot -- _middotimiddot~_ i_~- I---~~~-~ (1=-middot t-===tr-1middotmiddot-~-ltt ~~ --Jltgt middotmiddot~~ ~if-- --middot )middot ltfi~ - idegI-- f~ Q)lT-~ _lt l middot XV~1~ middot -~~ ~ --~

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-lt) bullbull

1 middot

middot--middot middot-- _

middotmiddot_ u - -_-~~middot_1r

~-- ~ _

~ -middotmiddot bullY

j ~ ~ L ~ ll c_l

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I filfltf) J ~3 ilj-t ~ C _G~ llli_A T1 AN B~ACI


603 middot Alondro Pork

l U (

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Plant Site - Dow ch em i cal US A Pittsburg

I bullbull middot1 Sfl Wi - bull AUIIUlllJLII+

BELMOr r l -- -- 7iSHOfgt ITHACA lN I




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1- - -~ middot


- ----------

Plrint lite - ilu rnnt Antioch

) j



Plant Site - Johns rlanville ctockton

a a



51 )I 51 07




) )

Table 93-1


OVA SAi Actual Umicroper Bound Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rtte Leak Rate Location (ppm) Factor (ppm) a b Se IRc Function lbyr 1byr


Gate Valve Storage Tank Pump Area

Gate Valve Storage Tank Pump Area







466 009 I i

074 I



D 95

in _ I ~ C~



Gate Valve Feerl Puir~ Exit Area 350 009 3889 300 97 81 5

Gat e Feed Exit

J l e Pump

700 009 7778 320 l

l0 1 t1 n

Gate Valve 600 009 6667 i I I 315 I 100 127

Valve-Reactor Heat Exchanger 200 009 2222 I I I 285 I 93 52

All measurement are for 100 CT streams

1--- w 0

air smicroace Saturation concentratiun at 20degc is amicroproxiriately 12 Measured

values were bY and 74 These values r~sulted from gas chromatographic

dn a I y s e s ot t rd n s t er re c1 sa111 p I e s fr() m t n e 1U U I i t e r Ted l a r b a y t i 11 e i nt e9r a t ed

sample ror tt1e tank car displdcement of 2008 ft 3 the total CT emitted based

on tile ctverctye is LUU8 x 007L = 144 ft 3bull

Tnen for a density of p =PMRT

P = (1)(1gt4) 64 gL = 04lbft 3


Tl1erefore tne displacement weiyl1t of CT microer ()ff-load is equal to 144 ftJ x U4

l b ft J = ~ 7 bull 6 1 b bull F o r 2 5 U off - l o ad i n gs an n u c1 1I y we have 14 400 l b s bull Th i s

compares with UuPont I s rnectsure1nents of 9 3 vapor content arid 18800 lbyr

emissions Saturation vapor pressure concentration emission would yield


l)reathing loss from the tank can be calculated from AP-42 as

Lt3(1bday) = 619 X 10-5 M( p ) 068 D 173 H 051 T 05F CKcmicro 147-P

5 0 68 173 = (619 X 10- )(154( 173 ) bull (155)


(lj) 051 (26) 05 (1)(1)(1)

= S 63 lbday

3where a working range of zuu x 10 o 400 X 103 lbs were used to determine an

average l i quid nei grit Jn nu a 11 y e111 i s s ions would be 2057 lb Therefore

working losses dorrii nate tt1e totil elissions from tne microlant


The upper and lovJer bounos of caroori tetracriloride emission ~vere

determined as Ll467 lbyear (upper bound on fugitives DuPont measurement of

storage tank work i ny erni ss ions nur 1a I tanK oreattli ng) and lbgt 15 loyear

(lower bound on fuyitives s1 111eas--1re111ent of storage tank working emissions

no ri n a I tan k breatt1 i ny ) bull






Stauffer is located in the Carson area of Los Angeles County It is

a manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride from tl1e monomer (VCM) ll11hich is produced

on sit2 Stauffer is the only California producer of ethylene dichloride

(EUC) which is converted to VCM The VCM is regulated by several standards

including Cal OSHA EPA (emission standard) and CARB (ambient)

During Phase I the plant was inspected and possible emission

sources were identified Th~se cans~sted of EDC storage ta11ks fugitive

emissions from valves flanges and pumps process vat2r content gas

incinerator effluents and th~ loading of outbound tankers

Since the completion of Phase I several events have transpired which

a ffectebullj the test program to deterni ne foe i 1i ty emissions These wer2

~ the completion of a vent ~ldS incineration system tied to all significant EDC storage tdnk breathers

$ the completion of a comprehensive study by SAi staff to develop a nationwide material balance for EOC

bull inactivity in EOC importation for the plant and elimination of EDC exportation from the plant

Based 11pon this input and the plant inspection of February 3 1981

it was expected that a plant emission factor for EDC can be determined with

relatively little uncertainty It is further expected that si 1Jnificant

atmospheric release of EOC du~ to plant operation may not occur at the plant

itself but rather offsite These vmuld drise fro11 two sources - the process

water discharge from the plant and severcil off site EDC storaye tanks

Facilities Description

Ethylene dichloride is being produced at Stauffer by two processes

direct chlorination and oxychlorindtion In the former EDC is produced by

d i rec t ch I o r i nd t i on uf et 11y l t~ n e i n the pr 1~senc e of cHl Fe C 1 J crl t d lys t I n th e

latter process EUC is microroduced by the oxychl)rindtion of ethylene with

hydroyen chloride and oxyuen in tne prescrlCe of a cdtdlyst typically Cuc1 bull2


lhe microldrrt fluriti1~s tuC after tne microrimar y reactions by separation and digt ti l I dt i ur1 fgtr-ocJuLL 1 s ctured ctncl umiddot 2d ctS foed for VCM production All

sourclS agre~ tl1dt c1ission of EDC is (f concern in its productionstorage

process stages ctnJ O little importance in VCM production steps (J~B 1980)

At the timt of plant inspection some storage of EOC existed at three

ledsed storage tanks located at tne Port of Los lngeles 1-iaterial has not

been 1-Jithdravm from these tanks during the 1dst year and there had been

discussion to consolidate materictl into a single tank

All microrocess components handling EDC storage are now tied to a closed

ventilation incineration syste11 It is expected that virtually all

chlorinated hydrocarbons includiny EDC will be etfectively destroyed since the

system must demonstrdte VCM concentrations are reduced below 1 ppm Firebox

tempera tu re is aoodegF and residence ti me greater than 1 5 seconds under

heaviest flow conditions Note that by way of comparison combustion perforshy

mance datct for PC8s are 99995 destruction at 1832degF and 1 second residence

time and 9Y9Y9YY4 at 2 seconds dnd 2372degF (N Flynn SAi Personal


Fugitive emissions from valves and flanges are monitored by the

plant according to the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 4661 Pumps and

compressor follow ~ule 466 Emission and control requirements for vinyl

chloride are specified by ~ules 1005 and 10051 EOC concentrations in

wastewater are monitored several times daily in tne primary EDC steam stripper

stream and once daily in the composite plant outflow stream Daily water

disct1arge limits are 2~ ppm wit11 typical montt1ly averages being in the 8 ppm

vicinity The discharge limit is ~mbodied in the discharge permit (number

5061) vJith tt1e Los Angeles County ~anitation District

Tnere are a number of points at which tt1e rnc can be released to the

dtmospnere and they are similar for both dir~ct chlorination and oxychlorinashy

tion These include the following along with their emissions factors for direct chlorination

A chlorinator vent 2xliJ- 5 IOdSS per unit mass EDC produced

I) I ight end column vent -52x lt)

C dist i I I at i un column vent lXlU-5

u storage tank breatning 7xlu- 5


E storaye tankworkiny loss 27x 0-u 5F fugitiv~ emission bxll -

-JLi ildSteJdter l gtX] U

Em~ssion factors are si~~lJ fer oxychlorination processes

Enlission factor vau-5 (~1rbulle Tdilt2~ frcn tne literature (JR13 198U) and

assume 9b iciency for incineration (A-E) It is also assumed above that

EIJC emissions to water are Lf~ uf ~rihsion to citir ard that in wastewater

treatment 100 of EOC discharged tc1 vater is rel easl~d to a i 1middot ~ These emission

factors 1bull1e1middote used to prioritize r-2ieaies iJut were cldrly uude approximations

to tre planL l)ecause of thlt ncine-xt~on system it was anticipated that

fdctors A-E would be ri2dtKcdft 1-middotactor - 1nii~t1t be reduced since a monitoring

program had been in force al20st o~e y2ar Factor G and the off site storage

tanks~ vni~cn are not tied into lt1n ircinerator system rniyht -iominate emissions

Emissmiddotion limits and concomitant regulations embodied in Rule l00S of

the SC-l)MU have necessitctted tlw incinera-cion system Ninety gas chronatograph

probes are located throughout t11e plant including the stack of the primary

incinerator Con cent rations of vc1v1 are reported es sent id I I y be I ow tt1e r~yu la -

tory limit of 10 ppm and in fact below the limit of detection somewhat less

tl1an 01 micropra


Tne objective of tt1e proyram is to determine a pl ant emissions for

EOC It is not accemicrotabl~ to dtmiddotvelop sucll informatmiddot1on basect upon published

indlllstry Jide esti11dtes of plant control efficiencivs Fortunately it was

possible to desiyn a monitoring and calculational progra1n to determine EUC

emissions for tne site and not ctbsorb a disproportionate share of program


Hie re are tnre~ modes ot re I ease from tt12 micro Iant dnd d fourt11


bull Post-Process 1nci11er-dtion

Processes A-E of ecc ion lll 1 dre a 11 1ented into the pl ant

incinerdtio11 syste11 rt1e conceritrcttion of VCfmiddotl contir1uously iectsured in till=

stctck cts SJdS output remicroresents d rectsondble UjJper li11it to diJply tor EDC

con cent rat i ons s i nce i ts ef f i c i ency of i nc i nera t i on 1s d t 1 east c l1 u a I to tr1 at


ot VCibulll Tlerefore knowledge of the system dirflow rnd VCM concentrcttion are

tt1e necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the bounds of EDC

reledse fhe pldnt expn~sse I wi 11 inyne~)s to provide tnese data in order to

support the calculations

bull Fugitive Emisions - Valves Flanges Seals and Other Sources

Fugitive emission from the valves pumps and flanges can be

determined more precisely tnan was anticipated since Stauffer has completed a

comprehensive leak inventory of all such components in compliance with Rule

466 466 1 and 1005 The Inventory delineates all leaks uncovered by their

three man crew throughout tne year and indicates the screening level in ppmv

and component identity In consultation with Stauffer we will be able to

identify the total number of components associated with EDC handling systems

( 700) the distribution ot substance composition streams the distribution

and incidence of leaks by hardware component type and leak rate We will

utilize this information to provide historical data to compliment our Foxboro

OVA sampling at the site dased upon this monitoring we predict an EDC mass

emission rate for the fugitive releases The plant has agreed to provide the

necessary information We propose to meet witt plant personnel prior to the

start of monitoring and finlize the sdmpliny strategy to accomplish 100

coverage of the lines of hiuhest EDC composition The sampling approach and

calculation of mass emission are described in Section 72

bull ~~as tewater

From examination of the emission factors derived from published

literature (see Section 10~) it is clear that EDC release from wastewater to

air is potentially several 11rders of magnitude higher than any other plant

source l1ased upon microl ant ml~a sured concentrcJ ti ons of 8 ppm EDC in water a more

realistic emission factor wgtuld b 24xlo-4 1-iassunit mass EOC produced

Clearly this could still be the dominant source Furthermore the release

point would be expected to middotgte locctted between the plant and the sanitary

district treatment site whi1 his~ kmfrom the plant at 24501 S Figueroa We

believe it is necessary to ndemicroendently confirm the average 24 hour EDC

concentration in the dischar-qe valer by obt1ininy the refrigerated composite

sample We t1ave identified ttie I 1nes of int~rest and received agrt~ement to

sample and analyze for EDC in the stream ~e propose to draw a duplicate

sample from the compositor nd ani1lyze for its rnc content This will be


compared with Stauffers para11eI tnalysis It is not reliable to obtain

direct readings of EDC by survey instrument in the air above the water flow since concentrations at crny single point will be i 1 the near dmbient range

Emissions will be cc1lcJLtecl 1_sing the plants vulumetric daily flm

and ass~m~ng that complete degass40~ of the effluent will eventually occur

This assumption is based umicroon the relative volatility uf EDC and tne distances

involved However it should be noted that no direct experimental or

monitoring data is available with which to confirn this Th2 composition of

the discharge stream is unknomiddotwn since it merges into a larqe multisource flow

Conversation with the LA County Sanitation l)istrict (J f1ilne) reveals the

stream to be both exposed and covered Vents exist where me measurements

could De made to assess gross leaka~e at key points

We will obtain samp1es of several plant process discharge streams in

40 ml bottles witn no head space Transit time fr0m sample collection to

analysis will be minimized and wi l I not exceed 24 nours This time frame is

conservat i v e al though ED C i s a v o l ct ti l e mater i al ar1 ct vJi 11 undergo

concentration degradation and outgdssing lnalysi) will b(~ performed in tt1e

SAI Trace Environmental Chemistry Laborcttory utilizing pur 1Je and trap analysis

FID gas chromatography A trial a11alysmiddotis was conducted and the EOC

characteristic peak was distinctive down to the ppb level Therefore the

analysis should easily confirm concentrations in t1e 8 ppm range

Offsite Storage ranks

Three EOC leased storage tanks are located offsite at the Port

of Los Angeles and are owned by annther firm Annual emissions from the tanks

were very roughly estimated based un AP-42 JRB 1980) as 44 kkgyear

based on preliminary estimates of stored quantites

Considering tne magnitude of this source these storage tanks must

be investigated We will gather information about their configuration and

control i n order to ca I cu l ate their e111 i s s i on s bull


lU3 UEfERM I NAmiddot 10~~ OF MISS IONS

1031 Incinerator

Vinyl chl 11ride co11centration is monitored dt approximately 90

locations throughoul the pl trlt (Lanyner 19Bl) including the incinerator

output Conc~ntrations are reported by Stauffer dS less than 0l ppm at a

flow rate between 10000 ant 12000 SCFM Although no direct monitoring of

EDC is conducted it is posible to conservatively bound the concentration of

EDC at U 1 pp111 Tl1at conce 1ltrat ion is a suitable ci10i ce s i nee it represents a

conservative bound on tile VCM levels measured near the stack output

Furthermore the molar volume will be taken as 224 L rather than the higher

value it would nave because of the sl i~thtly elevated temperature at the

detector location

Using 12000 SCFM one has thE annual emission of EDC as 12 x 103

SCFM x 283 LSCF x 526x105 minyr x lmole x 97gmole x 10-7vv 224L

Therefore incinerator emissions of EOG are thought to be bounded by 773 kg or

170 1byear

10J2 Fugitive Emissions

Seven hundred (7UlJ) sources were surveyed comprising nearly 100 of

EDC service All accessibl~ plant areas with streams containing greater than

1 EUC were screened except for a small number of devices located in areas

11lere active maintenance was being condJCted It is believed unnecessary to

p2rf-gtrm any emission factor adjustment since it is estimated that gredter than

95 of the requisite components were screened

Three leaks above an arbitrary OVA reading threshold of 20 ppm were

detected Table 103-1 sumnarizes thei~ screening valves calculation

parameters and mass emission numbers fhe upper bound leak rate was

determined to be close to twice the nominal leak rate which accounted for the

response fltlctor of amicroproximamiddotely 05 by Radirn for TLV detection of EDC

( 13 rown 1980) bull

Stauffer found and reported approximately 10 leaks in the EDC

service during 9 months previous to the pLrnt testing Assuming no111inal leak


) )

Table 103-1


OVA SAI Actual Upper Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rate Bound Location (ppm) Rae tor (ppm) a b Se I Re Function lbyr lbyr

Gate Valve Unit P1559A

Valve Heavy Ends Column Unit 14439

Compressor Seal EDC Storage Unit Tl062

I-- w co

300 11 273 -035 096 0 17 153 D 6

11 I500 114 439 II 241 C 1

r III II II o-is lUI bull2000 vl 1 1818 A 9~

All emissions 100 EDC (12-Dichloroethane)


values in the nei~hborhood of 2000 lbs~ total could be emitted annually

Therefore it appears ttiat major reductions in the mass emissions were achieved

by the company run inspection prugram and the fugitive emission source has now

become of seconqary importance as a fraction of total plant emissions

lUJJ Wastewater Discharge

Wastewater samples were collected in duplicate from four sites

within the plant for determination of ethylene dichloride (EDC) concentration

The samples were collected in EPP standard 40 ml VOA vials on July 1 1981

Analyses were performed using standard purge and trap techniques coupled with flame ionization detection gas chromatography The results are given in the

table below

Sample description EDC conc~ntration range (microJml)

EDC concentration average ( 1-19ml)

Approximate fl ow ( gpm)

PVC Interceptor Box 82 - 108 95 200

EDC Stripper number Chlorination area C1404


011 - 014 012 25

Final collection site for pH adjustmentP663 349 - 3B2 366 350

Final discharge site sanitary sewer 6 - 254 158 500

The water in the PVC lnterc1~ptor ~ox was warm and represents washings from the

PVC reactor which travels t 1J the Interceptor Box in a concrete drainage ditch

Water from the EDC ctripper was vPry t10t and because of its heat was difficult to collect The ~1eat ot trie wat11 r may in pdrt account for tne

relatively low concentratio11 of ElC here as the EDC would out-gas from the hot

~vater more readily The fir1ctl collection site tor pH adjustment is a large

concrete container middotvith mixers in it located just prior to the final discharge

site Water at the final dischdrg~ site is being constantly aerated due to

the speed that it flows thru~yn the concrete drainage trough This aeration

could account for tne relatively large range in the rnc conotent found here

The average EDC concentraticmiddot1 at tne final discharge site is middotbelow the daily

discharye requirement of 25 19ml EDC


Plant oersonnel indicdted monthly iverage readings are typically on

the order of 8 ppm but daily averages can re 1ch greater than 20 microgml In

addition LA County Sanitation Uistrict staff (J Milne 1981) indicated that

an on-site impoundment pond can become laden with EOC during certain abnormal

operating periods and discharge Vdriances arl requested by Stauffer This

mi 9t1t Jccur on the order of O1c0 aCii ecH c1 1d t1erefore is no-c expected to

signifcantly impact averag~ cnnJJI discharg ~ values lt s not expected at

this t1ime tEit evaporative eriss uns from this pond are significant except

infrequently during upset conditions and spi 11 control operations Program

staff ~~ 1er2 una111Jare of any periods ~h 1~n EDC cimtent in the ponds could be

appreciable and therefore no sampling was performed

Utilizing the average uf the two final discharge concentration

1readinJs (158 micrograrnsm~ 1 and 1G 1Ji gpm fl)W one has 34600 lbyear of EDC

released into the sanitary sEwer For the pJrposes of calculating population

exposures from plant releases it will be assJmed that the EDC is locally

emitted from the wastewater streams Tl1ere ire no monitoring data available

with which to develop a more accurate release profile

However emissions of me fron the plant wastewater discharge can be

calculated according to the method of Mcmiddotckay (197S) as modified by Dilling

(1977) It should be noted that this mLst be considered an estimate since

conditions of fl ow and the presence of other substances will influence

emission rates

Using Uilling (1977) for non~erated flow first recalculate

Henry 1 s law constant (dimensionless-my of chmiddot~mical per liter of air divided by

mg of chemical per liter of water) dS

1604 P M 1 Wl

TS l



H Henrys law constant dimensionlessl

Pi tile compounds pur1~ componen- vapor pressure in mm Hg at T

Mwi the 11olecular weiglt

T tile absol ~te temperature of he wastewater in K

Si tt1e compounds ~uluhility in myliter at T

Then for UJC

(l6u4)(7~)(9Y)H = = U0447 with 1


LIii bullul1Jl)i I 1 1y 1 middot UL i11 wt1Ler yiven -1L L0degC is 8u4JU UHI tile vapl)r pressure

1 4 psi ( 7 2mm) at 7 0 degF bull

Tl1e overall liquid mass-transfer coefficient Kil is given by Dilling (1975)


(2211)(06) in mhr

-f-0-4~ (M _) 12+ 100 Wl-H-



Then from Mackay the percent desorption is given by

c 1 = exp (-Kil tL) where

c 0

c = the concentrd ti on at time t of EOC 1

co = tile initial concentration

L = the Ii quid depth (Ill)

t = tt1e retention time (in hr) of the liquid in the wastewater


Retention time is bc1s~d 11pon a flow velocity range of 3 ftsec as estimated by

the Los Angeles County Sdnitatii)middot1 Dibulltrict (1J Milne) over a middotdistance of

ctmicroprox i 1nate I y S km to the Joi n_t Wdter Po 11 ut ion Contra l Pl ant Sewer fl ow

depth throughout the entire route have been estimated by J Milne as typically

1 foot 030m) to the Davison Pump Plant and 3 feet (09m) to the Joint

Tredtment Plant distances assumed to bt~ 1 mile and 2 miles respectively

Trdnsit tiine l)eco111es between 05 tnd LU hours sequentially Then computing

the net emission reduction as the product of each leg

Therefore 26 of the EOC i erni t ted bdween the pl ant and the Joint Water

Pollution Control Plant Rtgtsfdence ti111e and conditions at the plant account


for additional releases and residudl content is forther emitted between the

plant cnd the ocean discharge poiiit ~-Herever the flow is r2tained aerated

or shallow emissions will be accentuated

Offsite Storage Tank Emissions

There are three storage tanks leased by Stauffer for EDC storage

1ocated at 22nd and Gaffey Sts ~ bull San Pedro These tan ks a ~e used for long

term storage rather than providing feed on a routine basis Therefore

breathing loss rather than v1orkir 1J lass is )f concern An tanks are white

two being 67 ft in diameter while t~2 third is 57 ft All are 40 ft 3 inches

high and have capacities of e~thi l0~10000 (2) or 840000 gallons The

tanks are cone roof type and are not tied into vapor recovery systems The

South Coast Air Quality r1dna~J~ment u~ str4 ct has based their estimate of

emissions on the specification of 12 foot vapor level Using the AP-42

formula for breathing loss with the vapor pressure of EDC at 20degc and an

average diurnal temperature variation of 26degF one hds for each of the two

larger tanks

l) 173 H bull51 T bull 5 LlI = (619 x 10-S) M( _P_ tH F CKcp 147-P

68 173 51 5 = (619 X 10-S) (9119~ 116 bull (67) ( I 5) (26) (1) (1)

14 7-1 16)

Thus for the two larger tanks LB= 472 lbday

For the third tank 0=57 and = 178 lbdayL8 The total emissions become 23724 lbyear ~ince he plant is in the process

of shutdown it is not clear what the liquid levels currently are Note that

if the material in the three tanks were combined into one totamiddot1 -~1nissions

would be reduced markedly Exposure to a population from this site was

determined separately since it is lbullgtcated over six miles fron tl1e plant





A major program goal wa~ to compare emissions from the various

sources and identify and rank any 11 tlot spots in California where the general

population was exposed to elevated concentrations of carcinogens A simple

Gaussian dispersion model was therefore used to obtain order-of-magnitude estimates of exposure of the genermiddotal population surrounding each source

Since this was essentially a screening study use of more sophisticated models

was not appropriate

It cannot be emphcsized too stronyly tnat most California residents

are exposed to emissions of hazardous substances from a variety of natural and

rnanmade sources Urban dwellers dre typically exposed to greater concentrashy

tions than rural residents however all are subjected to so called 11 background 11 levels from multiple sources In order to place stationary

source exposures in perspective the typical ambient levels of each substance

were identified from the literature and compdred with the concentrations due

to the emissions from each ~lant Exposures were thus expressed both as

absolute quantities and as increments above background

Comparison of plants presents a further difficulty in that various

substances are being consict~red No attempt was made to evaluate the relative

importance of exposure to two different substances such as chloroform versus carbon tetrachloride other than by ambient concentration


1121 Meteorologicdl Llata

The dispersion model to be descritgted in Section 113 required input

of annual average wind speed and frequency of occurrence of wind from each

compass direction These data were obtained for most of the sites from the

South Codst Air wuality Management District (SCAQMD) In other cases (Kaiser

Jotms-Manvi l le l)ow and OuPlt)nt) only clai ly cJVerage wind speed and frequency

data were available In al I cases we used data from the meteorological

station nearest the modeled e11issrnn source Table 112-1 summarizes the



Observation Site Data Period of Pldnt (Distdnce Source Observation Remarks

from Plant)

A11 i ed Che11 i Ca 1 Lennox SCA~MD 1Y71-1974 Averaged hourly readings available ~ 1 Segundo (3 111iles)

S ff~r-- Uemical Long l3each SCA()MD 1962-1974 Averaged hourmiddoty leadir19s avai1able offsite Carson (3 miles) storage tanks appruxi1ntL~ly 5 miies from

rneteoro middot1 ogy s I te


-~ Dow Pittsburg Pittsbury lJOVJ 1955-1974 Daily and averacied Ninnd rrJse on1y--no hourly-~

Uu~ont Antiocn (lt5 miles to data uVdilable Antioch)

r~d i ser Stee 1 Fontdnct SCAQMD 1978-1979 Two years of hourlydaily data printout made r - i -- lt3 1niles available (33000 entries) daily averages

estimated as only practical alternative -middot bullA

Jon 1 s 1middot1 an I i 1 l e Stockton NOAA 1941-1970 No hourly data estiamtes based on monthly S-cJc~ton (1 mile) prevalence of directions and speed

R~R City uf Whittier SCAQMD 1969-1973 Averaged hourly readings available lnuustry (4 miles)

1neteoroloyical data 1iase for eden site Wind speed and 1tJind direction

freljuency dcttd us~lti 1r1 Ull~ model are provided in Apmicroendix Li

11LL Populdtion Ddtct

In oroer to assess popu Idt i 011 exposure in tile same way for a 11 the

sources we defined d lLJ-s4u1re mi le impact area arround each ~ant This

size WdS cnosen since it was found in most cdses to include all distances at

whicn incremental ground lev~I concentrations due to plant emissions would

exceed genera I urban ambient Ieve 1s for the microo 11 utant in question In most

cases the plant was placed ltlt the center of the impact area Where winds

were predominantly from one sector or a few adjacent sectors or where an

unpopulated area (ey the Pacific Ucectn) adjoined one side of a plant the

impact drea was defined to li~ imm~didtely downwind of the site

Once the impact areas were defined we obtained Thomas 8rothers maps

of all census tracts within them These maps are provided in Appendix H

Census tract populations were obtained from the 1980 US Census The

population of each tract was assumed to lie dt tne centroid except when tne

tract was large and most of the population was concentrated away from the

centroid in the latter case the best-defined population center was used

fadial and angular distances from the sources to the population centers were

tr1en determined


ln urder tu estiindt~ pomicroulcttiun expusures in the census tracts

surrounding each source a simple Gaussian dispersion model was used Use of

a 1nore sopnisticdtect 111odel ~-1as inamicroproJridte yiven the uncertainty in our

emission rate estir~1ates It is questionable v1hether any real gain in accuracy

would nave resulted

ne -Jell-knovm Gaussian oispersion formula is (Porter 1976)

C = 106 Q

iTUOCT z y


C 9rounct leve1 concentration in (i-igm3)

emission rate (gs)

u average vJi nd speed at the microl1ys i ca I stack nei ght (ms) 0 standard deviation of the vertical concentration distribution z



a standard deviatinn d the noriz1intal conentration _y


H effective stack height (m)

y is the crosswind distance froin the plume centerline to the

receptor point (m)

This e4udtion was assumed to microrov1de no 11r1y average ground level concentrashy

tions (Kanzie1~i 1982) Tle vaiues for the standard demiddot-riations o and 0 are y z functions of the downwind distance x

b iJ dX (113-2)

l d

0 ex (113-3)y

where a b c and d dre constants that fit the function to the empirical

curves presented in Turner (t97C) he v~middotJnd -peed at physical stack height is

given by the equation

u (113-4)


u wind speed at physical stack height (ms)

llJ = measured wind speed (ms)0

h physical stack neight (m)s h the hei gtlt at which tile known wind speed was measured (m) and


p an empirical constant which varit~s with stability class

Lacking data on the heights at which the all known wind speeds were measured

we followed common practice and assumed a value of 10 m for h bull0

Tridl calculations showed the valu~ of tne plume rise for all the

sources except RSR Johns-Manville and the Kdser final cooler cooling tower

to be negligible (ie less than one meter) Plumbull rise formulas developed by

Christiansen (1975) and cited by Porter (1971gt) wer- used for the exceptions

The rise WdS assumed to be momentum-dominated for ltSK Johns-Manville and

Kaiser cooliny tower and bouyrncy-dominated for tne Kaiser coke ovens

As was discussed above the radial and angular distances from a

source to each surroundinlJ census tract were dett~r1ined Wind direction and

See llu s se 1ltJ 7J


smicroe~d data meanwt1ile ~ere obtained for eacr1 of the 16 111ajor compass points

To cr1lculdte tile conu~ntrat1on at a giv n microoirt it was first necessary to

d(termine the co1JpdSS s~ctor in Jhic11 Li1e microui11t ldy Fiyure 113-1 gives an

LXdinmicro le for a census tract at r k1~ from a source and at JU degrees from a

reference ctngle ~~t1ich we defined as north (U deyrees) As seen in the

fi9ure this ~oint lil~S in a sector bouided b the NNE (ZL5 deqrees) and NE

( 1i~ de~JretS) rn111microdss dir1~ct1ons lt1e Cttlculc11ion WdS microertormed once t1)r every

11our of the day since annually averctged values of hourly wind smicroeed were

available The followiny schedule of hourly stability clas was determined to

De cons i stent w i th t ne re I d ti on sh i micros s u mrna r i z ( d by Turner ( 1 7) y i v en the

observed distribution of wind speeds at our meteorologoical measurement

stations The schedule vas m1Jdified slightly at the suggestion of the ARl3

(Ranzieri 198l)

Hour Class Hour Class

0 F 13 B 1 F ltl 8 2 F 11) 8 J F l ~ 13 4 F 1 8 5 F 1 ~ IJN 6 F l J UN 7 DU 20 F 8 d 21 F 9 13 22 8 10 13 iJ 8 11 t1 12 13

Using the aoove equations and adj us tnents the concentration at the

point of interest was then cal cu I at~d as the sum of the concentrations

resulting from plumes naviny middot~ne boimdiny compass directions as centerlines

if the anyular distance to th~ point was conuruent with a compass direction

then only one calculcttion was necessary Let C(Y 1ti) and C(U ti) be the2

concentrations calculctted at 1our i for co111pibull)s directions Y and Y 1 2

resmicroectively 1s d1cusseltJ in Section 11L 1ur 111eteoroloyicdl ddtd in most

cases inc I uded t tie f reyuency ot wind direction for each hour of the day Let

f(Y 1

ti) and f(Q t) oe tne microrobctDilities ot occurrence of wind in the2




Figure 113-1 Determination of Compass Position of Census Tract Centroid


directions Y dnd w2

resp1bullctive1y at hour i rt1en the expected value of the1 cunce11Lrit1rgtrI it UH point iri questiun tt iiour I is

C(t) = f(G t )C(G t) + f(IJ t )C(q1 t) (113-5)

l 1 l 1 1 2 1 l 1

nw average dnnua I exposure wa then ca I cul ated as the average exposure on

this composite day

23 C = (124) E C(ti)


The model was programmed in Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II

microcomputer having 48 K bytes of random access memory and a disk storage

capability The program which is included as Appendix I was compiled with

an Un-Line Systems Inc Expediter II BASIC compiler in order to decrease

running time


1141 Modeling Kesults

Using the modeling parameters listed in Table 114-1 tne

incremental pop~lation exposure due to each of the stationary sources was

computed Tables 114-2 through 114-12 show the modeled annual average

incremental exposure for each census tract Jround each plant Census tract

numbers appear on tne maps in Appendix H) The cumulative population column

specifies the total population exposed to all concentrations equal to or

greater than the corresponding source weighted concentration entry of the

table Figures 114-1 through 114-11 illustrate the cumulative population

exposure versus incremental concentration above ambient background concentrashy

tions Table 114-lJ lists rangemiddot of typicJI urban ambient concentrations for

eacn substance fhese gtJere used middoto assess tne incremental contribution of the

plant emissions Table 114-14 s 1 1mmarizes the incremental population exposure

due to each source These were bctsed upon annuc1l averaye source strengths and

do not reflect transients in emisions or worst case meteorolgoical

conditions Note thdt no attempt was made to assess the potential health

effects or risks to the public dut to the resultant combined exposure


) )

Table 114-1




Initial Source Height(m)

18 3

Plume Rise Domination


Exit Velocity (ms)

17 8

Exit Terngerature

( K) -


11 Stack 11

Radius (m)


Emission Rate (gs)

_LJ 5 bull i x l O ( Jls)

Kaiser -el Cormicro - Coke G-=-nS

- Cuul 11~ 0v1cr










~ - CJ38

012 125 Je23

(PAH) (benzene) (benzene)

IO h 11 S ibullI r l l 2 30 Momentum 11 9 NNa 043 28 x -~ 1

10 - tasbestos)

f- u 0

Dov Chc1--11 31 10 NCb NC NC ~~A 1JJ8 cet)

- 047 (rerc amp carbon

Al l i ed Cr--~11 i cal 10 NC NC NC NC 0-00047 (chloroform) 0053 - U084 (carbon tet) u0L6 - u044 (combin~d)

Uumicroont 10 NC NC NC NC 0024 - 0031 (carbon tet)

Stctuffer _1~1nicctl - Unsitc - ilks - UtiSl l-= -- alKS






U50 U34



arlN = Not ~ecessary for calculation of plume rise

b NC = Pl -1 bull -2 r i s e nut ca 1cul ated bull

ctffectiv2 radius assumed e 4ual to that of a circle having the same horizontal area as the source

Tao l e l l middoti - c



Concentration ourcc- 1~2n SUS Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs ~ei ghted fJopu Idt ion Persons Tract trniss~on Kate Concentration Exposed

( microy rn ) (ng1) LO~ iii g n

4Ub80 0578 UU6o U2~ J532 117268 40740 l)6 0082 035 1533 113736 4069U U6 OOol U3gt 6369 112203 4U67U UIU~ OlHJJ 036 707~ 105834 407 lUl uno UUd4 lJJl 4J~l 98755 4U7~U Ll oLJ UOY U4~ ~44l 943Y8 408601 08ltJ iJ097 u 4~ 7099 889~6 4Ud40l U83c J u~rn 04l 3531 81857 408~Ul 0873 )bull lU 04S 2472 78326 4073U U3 )11 04~ 7au 75854 4U7 l Uc 0965 1111 U49 4547 68634 4UIU U 1103 I l] uS6 8158 64087 4U8llJ2 1110 L 13 U56 2112 55929 407 o 1113 13 u56 8893 53817 4076 lo55 ( bull 2L U94 6267 44 Y24 4072 l87J ia U95 61 38657 4340 l101 U l 5 11 Y 168 32462 4Uo3Ul 215U (1 c5 11 3809 23L94 408502 ll23 ll26 11 6496 19485 4UtU UL 307~ I bull Jb lb 33~6 12 98Y 4083UJ 314~ I J] 16 3893 Y633 4084Ul J984 u47 20 574U 5740


Table d4-3



Census Tract

200 280 230 240 310 220 250

Concentration lor 1 gs 1n-1 ss ~on Rate (micro~1m ) Coo 1 Coke Tower Jven

0162 0162 0721 o 779 u 921 U957 1292 1678 1 496 1 626 L433 1997 2 483 3~155

Wemiddoti gli ~fd Con cent rat middot101

middot~ng ~)

lJ 73 3~J 42 63 6 ~ ) 7 l


Ctnsus Tract PopLil at ion

39423 4404 5698 6058 4890 5773 5945

umulative Persons Exposed

72196 32768 28364 22666

166608 11718 5945



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(micro sim ) (ngm)

20 U162 19 39428 72196 28 o 779 93 4404 32768 23 0957 llS 5698 28364 31 1626 1 4890 226b6 24 1678 201 6058 17776 22 1997 240 5773 11718 25 3155 379 5945 5945




Concentration Soure- Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Wei g11ted Population Persons Tract Emi ss 10n ate Conce~tration Exposed

(microgm) (pgm)

5103 240 230 280

0559 1038 1076 2150

16 29 30 60

~ 435 4909 3816 1747

15907 10472 5563 1747



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(microgm) (ngm) Low High

Dow Pittsburg (carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene)

30600 1511 945 1335 7817 20309 313102 1550 978 1372 1696 12492 30500 1920 1211 1692 5241 10796 307201 2207 1393 2030 2986 5555 307202 2241 1410 2068 2569 2569

DuPont Antioch (carbon tetrachloride)

3020U 2471 590 77 o 7098 7098


Tdble 114-7


Census Tract

650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 01 6205~01 6020oc 6040U 62lJSU2 62Olt3O 602503 6025 01 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 62090l 62U40 602402 6022 0 620901 602301 62010 62000 602302 620302 620303 62020 620301



Concentration S0urc_- CLnsus Tract for 1 ys Wei ghtecl Pcpulation Emission Rate Co11C1cnrt ion (microgm3) ( n-~rr

j )

l 1l 4 6 6276 L6~6 c() 4859

L634 J0780

1650 8 5065 pLb76 ) 6181

J042 r 5716 lUBIJ ~ cWH

(JLYJi 7 0 2 108 lU 6667 2~1~U lU 7074 2~224 10 4612 2 339 11 5886 2359 11 5754 2422 11 7430 2785 13 4983 2816 13 6561 3102 15 5564 3425 16 7453 3~b30 17 3142 4361 ~u 383S 4473 21 52 4 677 2L 4662 6 036 28 2651 6833 32 5494 7 835 37 7482 8899 4l 5210

11547 54 3352 21 15J lt99 6546 22574 106 4250 24521 11j 1185 43 056 202 4044

Cumulative Persons Exposed

161278 155Ul)2 150143 147065 142000 135319 lJO lUJ 1U 21U 120133 113466 106392 101780 95894 90184 82710 77727 71 166 65602 58149 55007 51172 45876 41214 38563 33069 25587 19377 16025 9479 5229 4044


Table 114-J


Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 9s Emi ss ~on ate (microgm )

Weighted Conce~tration (ngm)

Population Persons Exposed

Low High

650002 1174 62 ~9 6276 161278 603702 1626 86 140 4859 155002 600502 1634 87 140 3078 150143 6041 0 1650 87 140 5065 147065 603701 1676 89 140 6181 142000 620501 1842 98 160 5716 135819 602002 1889 100 160 2893 130103 604UO 1932 100 160 7077 127210 620502 2108 110 180 6667 120133 62080 21ltJO 120 180 7074 113466 602503 2224 120 190 4612 106392 602501 2339 120 200 5886 101780 60380 2359 120 200 5754 95894 602101 2422 130 200 7430 90184 602502 2785 150 230 4983 82710 602102 2816 150 240 6561 77727 60390 3102 160 260 5564 71166 602401 3425 180 290 7453 65602 6209 02 3 630 190 300 3142 58149 62040 4 361 230 370 3835 55007 602402 4 47 3 240 380 5296 51172 60220 4677 250 390 4662 45876 620901 6036 320 510 2651 41214 602301 6833 360 570 5494 38563 62010 7835 420 660 7482 33069 62000 8899 470 750 6210 25587 602302 11~47 610 970 3352 19377 620302 21 153 1100 1800 6546 16025 620303 22574 1200 1900 4250 9479 62020 24521 1300 2100 1185 5229 620301 43056 pound 300 3600 4044 4044


Census Tract

650002 6037 Ol 60050 60410 60370i 620501 602002 60400

620502 6108U 602503 6025Ul 6038U 6021 Ul

-602502 602LU2 6039U 602401 620902 6204l) 602402 60220 620901 6Uc3Ul 62010 6200 0 602302 620302 620303 62020 6203Ul

Tdhl J_4-9



(Six montnsy~ar Jsswnea for each feedstocK)

--middot- -middotmiddot-- -middot-- middot------~----

Cori(Entat ion ~o~ r-ct- Census Tract Cumulative for 1 95 Weighted Population Persons Erniss~on Rate Concentration Exposed ( ) ) ) ~ I Ill g 1) )

LO~ Hi 91

1174 Jl 52 6276 161278 L6l6 4Z 72 4859 155002 1634 42 72 3 l078 150143

7-1650 43 ) 5065 147065 1676 ltt4 74 6181 142000 L842 48 81 5716 135819 1 889 L~9 83 2893 130103 L932 so 85 7077 127210 2108 S5 93 6667 12013] 2190 51 7074 113466 2224 58 9B 4612 106392 2339 61 100 5886 101780 2359 61 100 5754 95894 2422 (gt3 llU 74JO 90184 l785 2 120 4983 82710 2816 J 120 6561 77727 3102 n 140 5564 71166 3425 d9 150 7453 65602 3630 1J4 160 3142 58149 4 361 110 190 3835 55007 4473 120 200 5296 51172 4677 lcU no 4662 45876 6036 lbO 270 2651 41214 6833 uo 300 S494 38563 l835 2UO 350 7482 33069 8899 20 390 6210 25587

11 547 300 510 3352 19377 21153 5SO 930 6546 16025 22574 590 990 4250 9479 24 521 640 1100 1135 5229 43U56 l20Ll 1900 4044 4044


Tdble ll4-10



Sou rec- Census Tract Cumulative Census Weighted Population PersonsaTract Concentration Exposed


650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 U 1 620501 602002 60400 620502 62080 602503 6025Ul 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 620902 62040 602402 6022U 6209Ul 602301 62010 6200U 602302 620302 6203UJ 6202U 6203Ul

26 3G 41 37 37 4J 47 4J 49 49 S l Sl 5( 60 6 1 7U 68 75 80

10U 100 11 U 130 150 17U 1~u 250 45L 47C ~o u 91U

a Assuming lU gs emission rate frgtm 0000 to

6276 161278 4859 155002 3078 150143 5065 147065 6181 142000 5716 135819 2893 130103 7077 127210 6667 120133 7074 113466 4612 106392 5886 101780 5754 95894 7430 90184 4983 82710 6561 77727 5564 71166 7453 65602 3142 58149 38J5 55007 5296 51172 4662 45876 2651 41214 5494 38563 7482 33069 6210 25587 3352 19377 6546 16025 425iJ 9479 l185 5229 4044 4044

0600 hours



Tab h 1 L 4- 1 _


Census Triict

57240 54400 5438 01 5727 o 5726 ~ 0 57230 5725 0 543901 5437 03 5438 02 5433 03 5439 02 543702


Concetratiun for 1 gs Emission Kate

L801 2190 5tJ48 5 069 5944 6674 7892

11917 14197 14687 17 27 3 1Y230 20801 23220

Suurcc- ClrlSUS Tract Cumulative v1ei 11irted P( pu lat ion Persons Conce5trat1on Exposed ( igm )

----- -~---middot----middotmiddot--middotmiddot

U90 1153 58821 11 6085 57688 L h 3683 51583 ) L (~ 44~9 47900 3G 4068 43401 JJ 5764 39333 J 9 2892 33569 60 3732 30677 71 3295 26945 7 3 6153 23650 3 6 6578 17497 9 6 3329 10919

ll O 4683 7590 LoO 2907 2907


Tabl~ 114-12



Concentration Sou re(~ - Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Weighted l)opu lat ion Persons Tract Emission fate Conceqtration Exposed


29610 2966 0 29650 29620 29640 60990 29710 29670 29740 29680 ~9 0 2973U 2975 2976 29720

1926 3921 4497 4561 4709 7657 8404 9887

14249 17235 28211 39992 44669

402159 408785

Otgt5 1 J

l~1 lb 16 26 29 34 48 59 96

14U 150

1400 140U

1029 4043 3171 5518 6143 1988 6079 1949 3989 3311 6043 2587 3303 4960 6760

60873 59844 55801 52630 47112 40969 38981 32902 30953 26964 23653 17610 15023 11720 6760



) ) ) ) ) gt

1 middot-middot -bull middot1i_1

11El _

0 --1


10 ~3middot X

Ul U) middot=10(l) bull _j

0 0C 0

+-gt middotr-

r-1ro ~ I -+-I- CCi

u C




11 E1~ u

11u micro

t ~1-bulli 1~C1J ~J -


middot1 U~perVJ micro

4 ~1~0 I+- ii u ~()

(1) 0middot0 Q

w X

~ibull1 C i~ I I L bull

I 0 i bullimiddot-- l-micro bull middotbulltmiddotLi I

(1j middot-~middot ~ower -I bull bull I W ltbull~bull11oJ-c1 I I I bull II lt I 1 ~1 ~=middotbullt_I ~0

I i I0 0 0 i ~~ ~J- _ ou--u~~ i Fbull 4 1~~ gbull~ bull=bull _=bull -bull~ bulli __~ f-i - _ _t--bull~ _1

C 1 ~ bull-J -11 I U _bull~1 Ill bullbull ~ _ ti- r-

Incremental Concentration (ngm3) Figure 114-1 Cumulative Population Exposure to Arsenic from RSR Secondary

Lead Smelter City of Industry (Curves Correspond to Upperand Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

I 7 ~~ ~~MllOlllU~PiiCi(iauQi~~~~~~M~9il~1~

l l



bull tbull

II bulli


j- I~ ~1bullJ________ _______bullr--5L-oamp~gtbullbullbullmiddot-__~---_____________

M 0 -4 X-VI VI (lJ



C 0 +J ro S-+- C (lJ u C

71 0-Jbullbull

F--middot F1bull~s

~ 1-1 _


~ __ u 0)__

O ~ middot1 lA I~ middot-y irbull ro +J V)



+-1 =0~-OJ )

0 0 X


middotbull 11 shyC 0 a +J ra


0 0

l ~J0


~ middot _~~

(1 J ~ -+-+-t-+-t-+--+-+-middot+-1 l1 ~ 4


I ___~ ____ l

-t-middotmiddott--middottu-1--plusmn-+middot-+-+-bull-i--bull-+ - t 111 1~~

Incremental Concentration (microgm3) Figure 114-2 Cumulative Population Exposure to Benzene From Cooling Tower and

Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana

) )

- 0 1_____~----_________~~-ll-1~-fgt4rtclftl-ti~ -LLlbullgtsS

~~i middot-middot M

a -l

gtlt i--i rmiddot~

I t_1 L

Vl V)

CJ _j

~ C l=bull icJ C 0 -micro ro ~ micro C C)

~ [1~ u C C u

-0 u 0) ltlJ 4 lf-bull~ IN micro middot r

micro V)

micro middot


middot3 ti~middot-0 ltlJ middot~bull~ middot1Vl 0 0 l gtlt

w middot ~~1 C ~ bullt1

-C 1 micro bull ~t

- ~

10bullibull bull middotmiddot bull middott ~ c 0

L1 J bullbullfbullbullibullbullltJ ~ J -1L+abull ~bull~~--~sectio-i ~~bullbullbullbull ~~_~ l 1bull~t-j-4Y ) bullbullo ~ _~ bullbulllta-J tbull-1_f - ~l~middot bullf middotCbullbull--~bull -~ Tbull

~ 1~0 ~~~ ~~~ 4~0 Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 114-3 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana


0 -I X-V) V) a _J

s 0

C 0 micro co s micro C a u

l ~


1 --

J- t_bulli

_ C

uw m 0

1 -0 a bullbull micro

microdeg ()

0 micro tbullmiddot C QJ V)




middot4middot~middot C 0 micro rt1

-- - 0 ~ 0


n __ _______bull~ -______ --al_ - ~_

I bull

I I - bull

middot 1


l i l ~l

~ 0 I 1

Li bull I t_~I

i bull -1 _1-J

0fmiddotbullmiddot-middot+-middott-t-r+-t-+-+middotr+-t--+-1--t+ t f-t-J-t--r-+tmiddotmiddot~~bull+-t--1~~bull-+-1 Id middot t 4 E1 (

I ncrementa 1 Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 11 4-4 Cumulative Population Exposure to Asbestos From Johns-Manville Plant Stockton



--~ ~w t _ ---~- ----------~ --____~-=~ M


bull I bull I I I I ii i Q t I i E e- I Ii tl I I I 6 I a I I J I f t t bull I G fl I

a I e 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iii bull bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull bull bull bull 1 1i bull bull 1 1 bull a bull 1 1 r ~ middot u ~ ~ I0

+H~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~-rmiddot-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~~-~t~~~~~-~J C

~1_ c bull 1 t~ bullbull bullabmiddot 11 l bullmiddot II bullbull C- I u~

0 rl

gtlt I I I- 20 () ()

CJ -1 ~_J

J Cbull s

I If I I I I0

C bull I Ii I I I I I I I I0 1E

bull-+l I t I I ro s Lower+l

I I I G I iii I bull

() 14 I I IC

u I0 I I II Iu


1-_~I fi

CJ ~ I-- (j) CJ I G I I p +l

ro +-l I I I1~3~V)

0 +) UDf)Pr u I I 11 I I


Vi I 0 I I It- I a X

0 ~

w I I I I bull

Lower C 0


- 4+)


J Q_

0 bull1

ij a 3- ti I

D d I I I I

I I I bull

II B I t

i ] i amp I

1 ei ~ amp 3 ii


e ft a a I bull G

I I I bull I

I I bull I I t If



I I I-_L~ lI I I f


- I I

j I I II I -

lI ImiddotbullII

l I

l Li

Incremental Concentration gm3)

Figure 114-5 Cumulative Population Exposure to Perchloroethylene and Carbon Tetrachloride From Dow Pittsburg (Solid Lines) and to Carbon Tetrachloride From DuPont Antioch (Xs) Results For Upper Lower Bounds on Emission Estimates Are Shown

__~IUlllWIMWMW ~-a~9a_Q~ 41 ~1bull11 -~Ga1r-uJ1 _a11~--WIIIIIA1IMlilClll-l~maaiampNldmiddot1 middot=0~

M 1E1 13 _0 -I

X-V) Q)


140 _J

~ 0

C - middot1 ~2 ~3~~

+- ro

+- ~

C OJ 1E10u1--

0) C 0(J1 u

a f~1 1Q) +-


ro middot-middot +- V1

0 ~ cE1 O QJ V)

0 I0 4~1X


C 0 +- 2pound1 __ I bull amp I Il0 -- 0 0

0 I ~-~~-lJ___ _~-1lltll-1o

0frac14middotbull+-+~-t--t-+-+~-- I =-+-4 =f-~bull-+--T+-+-1-~~-bullc~

l1 ~i0 8~1 1~E~ 1tE1 2E11d middot 11 ~ E0 10euro1 1-40 1Ea1 22pound1

Incremental Concentratio (ngm3) Figure 114-6 Cumulative Population Exposure to Chloroform From Allied Chemical

El Segundo

) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ~

1 1_bull01)

M 0 160-i X-


V) Q)


s l -- 0 C fC 0


ro s


l ~1 ~1+-gt f---1 C m QJ OI u

C 0


u (1 QJ +J ro


E ~Vi

0 +J





4 ~ju~bull bullQ X

w C 0

+-gt middot le~ro ~1

-~ 0 0

~~~Bt~-lraquoaJC~~~~~Jgt-bull~liiilldll-titi~ ~~~__qi~iSlitUJ_iJ~~~~~t-iMllltl-W~G~ili-l~~bull~t-~aa_=~s

bull1 i


l 1 i

i ~



l i

l_ Upper~r i

middot middotmiddot t-t-~ lL Io ~- a I I a--i-_-~-

Lower bull bull Lbull

i~ t~1_+ ia-~__c111J(~IJ- __middotbull--4IJ1-bull)l1Kila-- l-111- 1~M-~tMildbullri~-t_t 11to Ibull -i rmiddot ~ _

1i-1 - middotbullth~middot t =lttF--i-+-middotr+-r+middot~middoti-middot-~-4-4middoti t -~--is -~middot-rmiddotibull--+ u ~~ i--t4~ t-bull~~311 li-i1middoti- C - JJ _ CL

-- I 1 t middot1 c7 Ibull ) ~ I-middot bulli C bull 1-_ 11 11gt1l11 ~bull -a bull-bullbull t a- II bullbullbull bullI lt_I Iii _- I

Incremehtal Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-7 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo (Curves Corresond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

--- I


16 0amp (V)

0 ~


14~11l 1l QJ _J


1 middot-0

c t1middotmiddotmiddot 0

micro ro

_ c micro ~ 1euro1pound1

0- QJ u-J c 0 u O =-middot ~-= QJ

c_1 micro ro +- V)

0 micro ~ t1 O QJ 1l 0 a 40gtlt w c 0


ro --


20middot l ---a I ~ I a 0


pound1r-t k

Figure 114-8


a I __ I wi~ i awLi--~~ 2 I I

1--+ I ~--if bull =~~--bullJ-+--f-1-----middot+--+middot-middot--r9c- 1 c- J

bull _ bull -~

Incremental Concentration (microgm 3)

Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride and Chlorofonn From Allied Chemical El Segundo Assumingsix-months Operation With Each Feedstock (Curves Correspond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

) ) )) )

1 3 0+--- a- - ---- __________--= ~

M 1 E ~1F40 gtlt




s 0

0-~ C 1 ~2 t1

+-l rj

shy+-gt C Q)

u 1 ~1 ~1 I- C

degco u 0


+-l QJ middot=a~(Cl

+J middot- -0 +-gt 6t1-0 Q) Vl l I bull0 C

w X 4 ~1 ~C 0

t l--+)


20 Il 0 0 a

r--1 plusmn-middot--4-bull+ bullJ - ~-1


bull 17 - ta_



I mvn


-~ bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull l ~-


i u---J--bull-+ i i--+ --4--+-imf-bullbullQ~-+-+-+~bullbull-4 171 i R = Fi middot1 1bull1 r1__ bullltaa ~a

Incre0ental Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-9 Cumualtive Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo During Offloading From Midnight to 6 am middot-middotmiddot------middot--middot

--bull ft ampLA 1111-~lliaIN_WPl1A 1JIU_Mt91 MJ1WWlaquoPI-W1111~ --------__----Et1

M gt~middotI

0 -I


~ t~ bullM

V) middot-middot ~ V)


f 0

0 -

C -4 0middot~middotmicro re f micro C a u

10 Cdeg u 0 3 0middotmiddotmiddotbull~ -0 a

+-gt ro

+J V)

+-gt 0

2E1-0 QJ V)

0 a X


C 0 1pound1--middot+-gt ro

-- Q_ 0 0


~ -~middot bull I -bull-_ bull I

middot lbullgtbull___I I

frac14 llk I

I bull



-1_ I

Ibull II__ JI


(1 f---1-+ bull-r_--f bull middot~-bull +-- bull i -bull 1 -1-+--+bull-+-t-+bull--t1 ~ _ 4middot 6 E 1t1 1middot2

1 3 5 I middot~ _ 11

Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 11 4-10 Cumu1ative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Plant Carson

_~ ~ t M

C X E k1~


- c- 1-1 ~ C middot-middot -_J

I--- -J 4t1middotbullmiddotmiddota


-+-shy --middot liiit1J

r ~


t-1 _ V

0 -+-1

middotr -bull ~1



+- bull1 ~1 atr l -=

~~lll(k~IHmiddot~~-Wa~middot~nL1middot~~~ta KF u n P middot~dE-tveRS ~-tl~~~-u-~~~tmiddot_-~~~~liil-~-~~~ tc r

I bull

bull -r~l-yen--~1l~a l fl __ A4o bullbull bullbullbull ~ 111bull--middotbull

lil---111 1n1 i1--1u -i- -tmiddot11i-bull J--14-bullbullbulllM ~

1 ~ l1

~ t

~ C ~

i31-~~middot-~--~~~-~-middot-~-~~-~~~-~--~~~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~--l 11 2~1 4~1 Ea 8(3 1J11~1 1~r1 14(middot)

Incremental Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 114-11 Cumulative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Off-Site Storage Tanks

Table 114-13


Substance Ambient Reference Concentration Environment


Cad11i um


= ~ 11 1 ~ Ui ch l or i de _ -J _


Carbon Tetrachloride


4-6 nym 3 3

20-YO ngm

33 ng111 lt04 ngm 3

20U-57UU fiber~m 3

20-100 f i bersm

Ji jJjJO

trace 008 011 05lppb

O 1 pmicrob [J iJ~ micromicrob

188 ppb 08 ppb 0 7 pmicrob (ave)

U11 pmicrob

U 13 ppb 595 ppb 022 ppb (ave)

0175 pmicrob (ave)

07 ppb ltO 04 ppb

1 25 ppb 36

General urban Heavy industrial

Typical urban Remote areas

Typical urban Desert

uu111111yuel CA

8 NJ industrial sites Oakland Upland Los Angeles

Urban background rurdl backgrouna CA


8 industrial sites NJ Tuscdloosa AL 3~2rage) Riverside CA

rural background

Los Angeles average Torrance CA Southern California

60 readings) Riverside CA

Los Angeles average Rural background Russe11 1977 Los Angeles averageRiverside CA

Braman 1976 National Research Council 1976

EPA 1977 EPA 1977

Murchi o 1978 Murchi o 1978

tsarber 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Pellizzari 1979

Barber 1977 Holzer 1977

l3arber 1977 Grimrud 1975 Russell lJ77 Pel 1 i zzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Singh 1982

Barber 1977 Russell 1977 Gri mrud 1975 Barber 1977 Pell i zzari 1977

Simmonds 1974 Singh 1982

Barber 197 7 Barber 1977 Grimrud 1975

Sinvnonds 1974 Singh 1982

) ) )



Substance Probient Environment Reference Concentration



-J )

Sen zo (ct) py rene

jjen zo (e) py rene

ben z(ct) a 11 ( nr ii cen e


lndeno 123-cd~pyrene

L 1 ppb 06-34 ppb

42 ppb 16-60 ppb 02-1J ppb 13 ppb 48 ppb 67 ppb 55 ppb 63 ppb 82 ppb 39 pJb

3031-L1 ~gm 046 ng111

090 ngm 3

305-c8 n~111 018 ngm

06U ngin 3

134 nginJ

8 NJ industrial sites 28 samples in industrial areas with benzene consumption facilities Torrance CA Tuscaloosa AL National Forest 1000 sarip Ies-Torontt) Azusa CA El Monte CA Long Beach CA Upland CA Los Angeles CA Riverside CA

Los Angeles 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angel es 1976

Los Ang2l2s 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Pellizzari 1977

RTI 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Ho1 zer 1977 Pilar 1973 EPs 1980a EPA i980a EPA 1980a EPA 1980a Calvert 1976 Singh 1982

Colucci 1971 Gordcrn 1 197(i

Gordon 1976

_ 0 111 CC i 1~ 7 1 Gordon~ 1976

Go r cl on 197 6

Gordon 1976

middot1 ab1e 11 4-14


Site Substance Typical Urban Population Exposed to Background Level 100 50

Increment Over Background

Al lied+




Du Pont





Kaiser Kaiser



Chloroform 01 - 07 ppb (gt497 ngm3) 0 0 Carbon Tetrachloride 015 ppb (942ngm3) lt4044 25587 -


Perchloroethylene 07 ppb (4830 ngm 3) 0 0

Carbon Tetrachloride OlS ppb (942 ngm3) 10796 - 20309


Carbon Tetrachloride 01~ ppb (942 ngm 3) 0 0

Asbestos 1000 fibersm 3

( 313 ngm 3) 0 0

Benzene lOppt) 32500 ngm 3) PAH 5 compounds 35 ngrn3 72196 72196

Cadmium 3 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm 3 0 0

3Ethylene Uichloride 051 ppb (2100 ngm ) 92552 117532

bull Assumes all year operation on either feedstock If plant operates 50 on each feed the population exposed to greater than 50 increment over background goes to 16025 - 19377 and 4044 - 16025 for 100

Ambient concentrations of benzene vdry over one order of magnitude in the literature and therefore make tnis calculation questionable For Kaiser therefore the carcinogenic PAH assessment was used to evaluate incremental population exposure above background

+ The partition of emissions from Oow are 78 carbon tetrachloride and 22 perchloroethylene by weight


1142 Comparison of Incremental and l3ackground Concentratiors

Those sites whicn elevate background concentrations greater than SO~~

to surrounding pomicrouldtion are discussed below

1142 l Stauffer Cnernical

The Stauffer ct1emmiddoticdl ~ant 110s tvJo prinlt ipct1 SOLHCes uf EOC

emissicnsj the off-site storage tanks and the waste water dscharge stream

Ea cn con t r i h u V s about ~qua l 1 _y middott o U1e microon1 l a t i on ex 11o s u re f bull] ure s J s s ho vm i n

Taoles lL3--11 and 1L4-1L Th2 arrbient measurments by Pel~ 1 zzciri (1979) of J

2100 ng1~ 1s tne tos Ange 1es bc1ck9n1nc1 1as used as triie typ-i ca 1 tirban

background Pellizzari notes t11at Uhan readings generally rerici~n under 2SOO

nym3 ir1tri e pmiddotant proximity ccncentrn1011 ravlmiddot been observed as high as

700~000 f)(m 1

Other ambient ~ata noted l)y Plmiddot I 1 i zzari are Birmingham A1 abama

205-400 Phoenix Arizona 157-i870 1Jcbullminguez Calitornia 1Lii814 Calvert

City Kentucky 6600 The latter two are associated wi t11 EOC pl ants Data

taken in senFice s~ations ano lrctffic areas ir various cities range from -~

300-3640 ngm~ As previous~J mentioned the Stauffer plant is discontinuing

operations These two sources should be examined as part of any possible

start--up permitting activity

11422 Kaiser Steel Corporation

The Kaiser steel plant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)

emissions cffmiddotise from the coke oven omicroerations Comfdrison of the cumulative

population exposure Figure 114-3 and Table 114-4 with the specified

background levels for urban areas illustrates the breadth of the exposure

distribution The five known PAH carcinogens that were isolated in the coke

oven emissions were quantified in tile ambient air of Los Angeles by Gordon


Benzo[a~pyrene 046 ngm J

t3enzo~e]pyrene osio Benzaanthracene U lo

Chrysene U60

lndeno Cl23-cd~pyrene 134

Althouyn these concentrations ctr~ low co1npared with 1 number of other cities

cited in the literature and repres2nt a very I imited data base tt1e predicted

concentrations from the Kaiser plant ~enerally exceed these levels by d


significant margin ie greater t11an 30000 are predict2d to be exposed to

4redter than l()-lt t 1tbull 1111tlit~nt background of 3j nqm 3 It ic 1 iklly tlat

lHrllerte exmicroo~urt 11 Ilie drld dre also 11evatPd ovr r11nbient I1owever since

backyround concer1tr1tions of t)enzlmiddotne show large variation no population

calculation was specified

11 4 bull 2 bull 3 Dmv

Carl1on tetrdcnloride releases from Dow constitute approximately 78

of tl1e total CT plus perc emissions in Table 114-6 and were found to elevate

urban background concentrations greater than 50 in five census tracts Emissions are predominately from storage and check tank working and brething remiddot1 eases

1142~4 Allied Chemical

The Al lied plant was modeled several ways since the plant can

operrttt~ wiUl chlorotor111 dr cc1rbon tetrctlt hloridt fo(~d The c1bull-i pr~middot11ntlid in

ldlgtlt~o ll4- drld llil-B represent dflrlUil 01Hrdtion with eitt1er teed Partial

yedr operation with each feed can be scaled from the individual annual modes

and is presented for equal hltllf year operation in Table 114-9 As with the

Du Pont plant carbon tetrachloride emissions arise from feed tank working

loss fable 114-10 illustrates peak exposures predicted to arise during an

off loading cycle As expected concentrations in that six hour period far

~xceed annual average values Insufficient data were available to contrast

levels with backyround transient concentrations




Alternative control approacnes for the most significant emission

sources dinmig ~he various pl1ants n ees fitie(J n the follo11 ric suJsections

EmpiiasVi nas Deen placed in dedlinq ~riU1 Uiose sources of 91reatest absolute

inaynHud2 (lbyr) and those const1 ut 0ing trie largest increm121middot1t middot] bulli~he

bdc kgrnund con cent ration of Hie em~ tted subs tcince i~o ctt tention Wi 11 be ~i ven

to the s~iondc1tY sources witt1middotn cK1 microant or to trlL case of J011ns-Manvi I le

since -UH imiddotajor source is less tran LOO 1byr and is not microrejicted to raise

bctckgro 1wd exposure levels to the ~~ntr21 population Furt12rmore a11

emission sources dt Kaiser Ste 1 1iC(1 v1 1~n directly dedlt -1ith in this

program r1re elltlteci ro t11e cc1lt1bull ovcmiddotr nperatmiddotions These faci 1ities are to be

closed du1rm and all primary reel 11i~ oH~rdtions discontinmiddot 2d Kaiser

forecasters have predicted further deterioration of the plant economics and

the phased closure has been accelerdted for primary steel making operations

Note that this closure is essentially irreversible cince differential

exmicroansion and contraction of the coke oven structur1 occurs in the cooliny

process and it would be improbable that ovens could be reheated without

extensive reuuildiny at major expense


At c1ll four sites emissions from storage tanks constitute either the

primary or near dominant (Stauffer) source of carcinogen release andor

genero1i iJOpulation exposure Curreritly the tanks of interest at each site are

permitted by the local Air Quality IJistricts hJwever they do not require

emission ontrol systems for vdrious reasons Tl1e estimated releases grounds

for exemption and other pertinent information are given in Table 121-1

In order to amicromicroreciate tth~ practicdl dlternatives for emission

controls the provisions of SCAWMU Rile 463 ar~ listed below which specify the

acceptable alternatives for tdnks r4uirin9 controls ie tanks 11aving

capacities greater than 39630 yal with suostances of true vapor pressure


Table 121-1


Stduffer Uff-Site Tanks (J) (Sdn Pedro)

Allied (El Seyunrlo) - KdJ

1bulllctLer1 d I reld iturctjc

-J -J

Dow (Pittsbury)-Product Check Tanks (4)

Uow - microroduct sturag~

DuPont (Antioch) - Raw Materidl Feed Stordge

Approx Capacity~

6lUS x 1g (c) 84 X 10 (1)


18000 each

70000L) 3UUOUO

30000 working 42636 liquid full



Ethylene Uichloride

Carbon Tetrctci1 I Jr i J1

Perchloreshythylene and Carbon Tetrashychloride

CT perc

Carbon Tetracr1 l ori de


Emission Mode

Tank breattli ng

Tank v10rk i ng Tank breatttiny

PERC-~JOrk i ng PERC-b r2a t ~ i ng CT-working CT-breattling

Tank breathing Tank breatt1i ng

Tank workin9 Tank breathing

Vamicroor Pressure

014 at 70 F psi

1 63 psi at 68 F

16d psi at 68 F(CT) UJ9 psi at 68 F(perc)

168 i)Si dt 68 F

Grounds for Exemption

Exempt from control re4uirements to SCAQNJ Rule 463 since vapor microressur-2 dues nut iXC~ec

l~ io at sturdJ~ conditions

txe11pt TlJil fule -+b3 since tank capaL ~J ~ s u~der 39630 gal (lSO 11 )

Exempt from Regulation Rule v~~vu u~~~~~shytank capacity is under 39630 ga 1 andor substances are not classified as organic 1i4uicts

Exempt f ro1n Ru l ~ 85300 because subsLctnce is not classified as dn organic li4uid accordin to Regulation-Rule 8120

exceeding l~ microsi at storage conditions

~ floating roof tanks

~ fixed roof tanks with an internal floating type cover

bull a vapor recovery system with vapor collection and retllrn (or disposal) proce5sinJ lXctbullerlin~ 95 efficiency

ln a cllemicai plant a typical vapor recovery systein (KR Evans

SCAQMU) migm consist of a collection inanifold to d recovery system (suctl as a

vapor sphere) to a compression syst2m dnd subsequently to absorption and

recovery systems The absorpt~on st~n c~nsisting possibly of (rubber

stripper or activated carbon

In dealing with speciti( carcinogenic substances such as vinyl

chloride hiyhly efficient vapor control system perf0rmance has sometimes been

stipulated necessitating incineration systems

Fer th~ cases of corccrn realistic alternltltives are as follows

Stauffer Off-Site TanKs - Tnere are a number of options which can 1~arkedly 3

reduce ei1issicns from these tanks from th~ calculaL~d value of over 20 x 10

lbyr One alternative is to consolidat~ the material in tne three tanks

One of the large tdnks can contain the currently stured material and reduce 3emissions to apmicroroximately 13 0 x 10 lbyr Anotl1er alternative is to

transfer dll E0C to a single floating root tank Various types of such tanks

exist dlld are reviewed in the EPA report Lrganic Cht~mical Manufacturing Volume

J Storage Fugitive dnd Secondary Sources EPA-450J-80-025 eg internal and

external floating roofs and a variety of seal desiyn configurcttions Generalshy

ly such designs would be expected to reduce emissions to the order of

one-fourth to one-fifth the current level Cost of 1nstalliny ct contact

single seal internal floating roof wds estimated by BB Lumquist Pentrex

for EPA as $27770 in 1Y8U dollars for 7U ft diameter tdnk Cost to build an

external floating roof tank was estimated by G Stilt of Pittsburg Oes Moines

for EPA as ~14UUUO for D=67 H=4Uft Anottler com111on approach is to utilize

cdroon ctdsorption This works we11 witn nonpolar hydrocarbons dS VvC is

removed from the vapor phase A basic syte111 consists ot tvo carbon beds and

a regeneration system Regeneration is typically performed with steam or

vacuum Figure 121-1 illustrattS rhe systems (Basd2kis 1~110) Steam raises

tne VOC vctpor microressure The resulting sti~am-VOC mixture is condensed and


AC-TJA~D CA-e0-l


LOW- ffiESiJ~C ~T~H----




COOLIN(a - --------




Fi l 1 1 middot gure middot - Activated-c arbon Adsorption System


rout2d to c ~epordtor decanted and returned to storage In vacuum regenerashy

tion VOC vapor is desorbed by pu1 ling a vact1um on the carbon bed then condens-

ed a1d returned System efficiency ~ ~ est ii1a ted at 96 f(duc middot i m from fixed

roof levels (EPA 4503-80-025)

H~fri 9ctated vent concicr1sers dre une of the most cu1mon emission

reduction prJcesses -for conttol ~ ng hx2-d-- storage tai vUC Figure

12 1-- 2 i l 1ust rates a u n i t ( Er i scmiddot n 19HU ) eff i c i en cy of middot middot~ ~ c middotlt middotmiddot _y i s rate ct

bet1Jee~middoti 60-90 for the vapor pressure range of concern For such a large tank

the capital costs would be high ~igure 121-3 illustrat~s EPA estimates

(EPA l ~~SOb) for the condenser section Condenser sys tern a ea mu l d be in

excess of 1000 ftL

It should be noted t -at Jtc1 uf fer Uiemi cc1 l has arH1ounced the c 1 osu re

of its VCPVC plart PrevfoJsly tt12) had planned to purge tlle off-site tanks

of EUC Since any future po~sible micro1ant stdrt-umicro will necessitate a compreshy

hensive SCAQMD review this ltoument can assist in evaluating proposed control


Allied and DuPont Feed Tanks - In bott1 of these cases the nore significant

quantity of emissions arise from tank workinltJ ie during the off-loading

activity rather than tank breathing Contnl ~easures taken for working

emissions are thus of primary concern Ther~fore no detailed discussion will

be provided on the alternatives for control gtf bredthiny emissions Additionshy

ally both tanks are in the range of 20U00 gallons which is a capacity where

floating roof tanks are almost nonexistent Out of 670 floating roof tanks

surveyd by EPA less then 15 were smaller than 30000 gallons in capacity

Therefore the utilization of any floating roof concept and seal combination

will not be considered

Commmerc i a11 y it is estimated by Ou Pont that carbon tetrachloride

feed costs approximately $017lb (E Taylor personal communication)

Ttierefore less than i2500 is lost to l)uPont annud l ly as a result of working

l eve l em i s s fo ns and 1es s fr om Al l i ed bull Thus i t is u n l i kel y that any

appreciable economic incentive exists to dev1~lop ci vapor recovery system

However a Cdndidate system could be pattern~d after the chloroform

feed-storage unit currently at Allied This is a dedicated vapor balance

system Chloroform is off-lndded from tank cars and stored in a closed

unvented tdnk As the 5tordye tank is filled the c1ir spdce d1spldced is fed














Figure 121-2 Refrigerated Vent Condenser System



iOOOO ----------

-Cl c -0 ~

J~ -C~)O i-r tmiddot~ I

g middots_ I J () 11

-~- l 2 lt1


en b)



a I E OJ u copy 0

10 1-___________J___________________________ 10000

10 100 1000

Condenser System Area ( Ft2


Figure 121-3 Installed Capital Cost vs Condenser Area for Various Materials of Cunstruction for a Complete Condenser Section


back to the tank car Also in this case the storage tank is not vented in its

normal breathing mode and is part of a closed feed system to the reactor

Vapor recovery system alternatives which are particularly effective

in loading and handling include r~frigeration adsorption andor absorption

Control efficienci~- 1re est1mateJ in the rlt1nge of 90-95 (EPA 1980b) and of

course depend on the speci tic su1)Stance and equipment used Carbon adsorpshy

tion systems were discussed above The smallest capacity carbon adsorptionmiddot

system priced by EPA (EPA 1980b) has 2 vertical beds of carbon (900 lbs - 4ft

diameter by 3 ft depth) witl1 an ilstalled cctpital cost of $135000 based on

December 1979 dollars

Dow Tanks - Dow has two pair of p~oduct check tanks which alternately are

filled dnd off-loaded Emhsions from th~sl tanks were calculated based upon

operating cycle (3 day fi 11) satubull-dtion vapor pressure and physicdl

chardcteristics Direct hec1d-spa1e testing was planned however it could not

be accomodated because of r 1stri c ed access due to unscheduled mai ntendnce on

the field test day

Dow has indicated that chey are studying the option of installing a

vapor controlrecovery systt~m in 1hese and their largerproduct storage tanks

The extent of their engi neri ng ind assessment work is unknown as are their

current plans It may be possibk to incorporate a vapor balance design into

the system whereby the disp1aced apor is trdnsferred to another process point

within tl1e system Alterna1ively a vapor r1middotcovery system such as carbon

adsmiddotorption is fedsible Hot-1ever since emissions for t11e check tanks are

primarily due to working loss tht~ use of a conservation vent or an adjustment

of its operational differential p~essure would be ineffective for tr1e

reduction of the bulk of such emissions Furthermore since check tank size

is re1at i ve 1y sma 11 no cons i derctt I on was given to conversion to a fl oat i ng

roof configuration for those tanks Conversion would be possible for

the large storage tanks


Emissions of me throug11 ~-a~)te-1dter discharge are the largest single

source identified at the plctnt sites The discharge limit was set at 25 ppm

by the Los Angeles County Sc1nitation iistrict and was estdblished with the

occupational limit in mind of 50 ppm JVer an 8 hour work shift dt the District


tredtrient center~ T11ere hctd been suine di~cuss1on between pdrti~s of possibly

raisiny tne discharge limit since it is felt by Stauffer that dilution of the

stream is sufficient to d 11 ow it Itmiddot shou Id he noted t10-1ever tna NIUSH has

recommended the permissible exposure limit be reduced to 5 ppm averaged over a

work period of 10 nours microer ddy 40 ours per Ieek witt1 a cei l iny level of 15

pmicroin dVeraged over a 15-mi nute microet~ v(J

It is not certain at 1~hrt rdte me 1rill be reledscd from the

wastewater stream At the microlant discharge points wastewater is both hot and

aerated thus favoring release~ No measurements have been ta~en downstream of

the plant after considerable dilut1on has occured The distance to the water

treatment pa11t is approximately 5 kin at 1i1ic~1 point anerobic diyestion is

conducted lt is presumed that a11 ELlC will be released before final ocean

di scnar~Ji

A possible emi ss i D~ cont ro process for nmiddotduct ion of the EDC in the

effluent is by ~recess adjust~Pnts or additio~s For example process

modifications to the EUC stripping stage coula dramatically reduce discharge

lev~ls A control alternative is the use of octivdted carnon or XA0-2 resin

to recover EOC in tne discharge stream Tests of Gulf South Researd1

Institute on XA0-2 and activated carbon (Coco 1980) show high recovery yields

for nonpolar organic carcinogens unaer a range of concentrations Viable

suggested alternatives oy Srnitn included regeneration of Ue trapping

materials dnu even consideration of burning tt1e concentrate carbon media (at

greater than 1000 pmicrom)

Control approaches to reduce emissions from so called secondary

sources in general and waste water emissions in particular fa 11 into four

categories - waste source control resour(e recovery alternative disposal and

add-on controls Alternative control pro(~esses which were considered but

appear to be inappropriate to this case i11clude chtmiddotmica means eg

neutralization precipitation coagulatior1 and chemical oxidation thermal

destruction of tne unconcentrated ~dste s1ream is ii1practical biological

treatment eg aerdtion and biomass-wasteater contcct ~ienerally relates to

the treatment of soluole degrddable organics in the concentration range

bet~~een U01 and l~~ terminal storagt eg lanctfilliny urface impoundment

and deep well injection dre either indppl 1cable or 1mmicroractical Therefore in

summary the poss i b I e contra l approac ties fur this ca e inc 1ude the improvement



of semicrodration efficiencies in steam stripmicroing tl1e internal recycle of ~aste

stredms ctnd the ddsorption b activdted carbon The design configuration

~fficiency and cost )bviously depend upon numerous microlarit specific factors and

their determination vJOuld rec-Jire detailed analyses

n1e ~~dsrewctter systbull-m of a model cl1emical production plant based

upon the average properties uf a composite of 30 chemicals was evaluated for

EPA by IT Enviroscience (EPA 1980b) Included prominantly among the 30 was

tUC with the hignest uncontrolled secondary emission wastewater release rate

ie ~ percent of tt1e production and 34 perc~nt of the emission Cost and

impact analyses were evaluated for alternative control systems to reduce

secondary voe emissions from wastewater Four systems were considered a

carbon adsorption system (eAS) for recovery of the voe from the wastewater a

cover to reduce secondary VOC emissions from the wastewater clarifier a cover

for the clarifier plus a carbon desorption system and a cover for the

clarifier plus ct eAS system usinu a fume incinerator The scale of the model

system was greatly in excess of the Stauffer plant thus further making

detailed comparison i mpract i cal bull However emission reduction factors ~-1ere 6diven as ~9 and cost effectiveness per 10 g reduction genera1middot1y ranged

between $450 to 1733 These factors would likely grossly underestimate the

system cost if scaled down to the range of the Stauffer plant ie the order

of 34600 lb annual discharge

The alternative approaches of improved steam stripping efficiency

and internal recycling of the stripper iischarge stream with a reduction in

makeup re4uirements could decreas~ net ~DC wastewater content release


Given our findiny of low (16 kgyr) ~missions of arsenic from the

reverberatory furndce at RSR it middotJOuld ippear that the arsenic content of themiddot

lead feedstock is low andor that the microants system for reducing lead

emissions is dlso quite effective for arsenic ~SR it will be recalled from

Section 32 uses a quenchinu cnariber ctnd Dayiwuse filters to remove

pctrticuldte matter and a carbonate scruooer to remove sulfur dioxide

There are no federal new source microertormance standards for lead

eini ssions per se t10wever the Standdrds of Pbullrformance for Secondary Lead

SmeHers (40 CFR 6Ull2) limit total particuLte emission from a blast furnace


or reverberatory furnace to SU mgm 3 According to Augenstein et al (1978)

who reviewed the techno1ogy for control ing lead ~missions from ttwse sources

baghouse filters or wet scrubbers are yenerally used to contro1 particulate

emissions When fabric filters are used to control blast furnace emissions

they are nurma11y preceded by an afterburner which inciner~tes hydrocarbons

that bull~GU Id otnerwi se b 1 ind t ne f o1 ur-i c After-burners a re nor necessary for

reverb2middotmiddotatcry furnace emiss-ion smiddotnce the excess air and temperature are

usually sufficient to oxidize tn2 hydrocarbons

According to Augenstein et ali 11 sr1aker--type baghouse filters are

the 1nost effective means of controlling ead fume emissions from secondary

furnace opErations 11 Collection etficiencies can exceed 99 oercent One

advantage to this control approact is that l~ad oxide dust can be recovered

easily cmd recycled in the smeller Flue gases must be coated to below 300 degF

for dacro~ bags and to below ~00 degF for fiberglass bags (Hi~h et al 1977)

Although wet scrubbers are effecti1e under some circumstances in

controlling lead emissions it is more difficult to recover the lead oxide for

recycling In addition sulfur dioxide presi~nt in the flue gases becomes

oxidized to sulfuric acid and can cause corr1sion problems For this reason

sodium carbonate or other basic reagents ar~ added to the scrubber solution

Although it concerns a yold smelter an approach described by

Marchant dnd Meek (1980) provides an exampli~ of an arsenic control

alternative which might be apmicrolicatgtle to secmdary lead smelters At the

Campbe1 1 Red lake Gold Smelter in Balmerton Ontarion Canada Smelter gases

are first passed throuyh a hot electrostatic precipitator (ESP) The ESP is

heated so that the arsenic (which is principally in the form of As ) remains2o3 gaseous and is not yet collected This exclusion of arsenic allo~~s the ESP to

recover particulate gold rnore easily The ESP exhaust is then quenched with

ambient air to condense the arsenic trioxide Baghouse filters then remove

the arsenic along with other particulate matter


Given the imminent and irreversibli~ cessdtion of coking activities

at Ka 15 er Stee 1 Corpora t i on a rev I e~ o r t e c Imo 1 o gi es for ( on t r o 1 l i ng

~missions from the coke ovens rnd he Clt1ke byproduct recovimiddotry pldnt WdS not

deemed to be necessary Tnis is t1e only primary steel mill in California



Al lf~n Jr Ll~ llJBU1 J 111odel to 1middotstimite hi1drdous (bullmissions from coke oven Juurs pr~pdrelt1 DY 1-kSecircn Tr1dnye7nrffut fur U~ Environmental Protection Agency Uffi ce of Air ~ua 1i ty and Standards fltesearch Tri ang I e Park Nortn Cdrolina KTl17362-UL

Jl len Jr CC 1~8Ub tstination of chdr in(i emissions for by-product coke oven microrepared by fltesedrch Tr1anglt Insc1tute for US nvironmental Protection 1-yency Uf f ice of Air l)ua l i ty and Standards Ke search Triangle Park North Cdrolina RTI17362-0

Allen Jr CC 198Uc 11 Environmeritdl c1ssess1ent of coke by-product recovery plants Proceedings First Symposium on Iron c1nd Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Ctncayo Illrno1s--Tin1ctober - 1 November 1979 EPA-600-9-80-012 pp 7~-dd

Anon 1978 11 Coke quench-tower emissions tests 11 Environ Sci Tech 12(10) llL2-1123

Augenstein ur1 T Cornin et al 1978 Con_trol techniques for lead air emissions prepared by PEDCU Envircnmental Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-4502-77-012-B ( NT IS P88U-197551)

jarber WC 1977 Interim air pcllution a~sessment for eight t1igh-volume industrial organic chemicals 11 US Environin~ntal Protection Agency memorandum to Air and Hazardous Materials Uivision Kegions I III-X and to Uirector Environmental middotPrograms Uivision Region II

t3drrett KE WL Margard et al 1977 Sampling and analysis of coke-oven door emissions Prepared by ~dttelle-Columbus Laboratories for US Env 1 ronmenta I Protection Agen y Industri a I Environmental Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-b002-77-213

t3 a r ret t flt bull r bull and P bull K bull ~~ebb 1Y78 bull 11 E f f e ct i venes s of a wet el e ct r o stat i c precipitator for controlling PUM emissions from coke oven door leakage Presented at 71st Meetiny of the Air Pollution Control Association Houston Texas 25-29 June 1978

l3asdekis HS 1980 Carbon Adsorption Control Uevice Evaluation IT Enviroscience Inc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

8ee fltW et al 1974 Coke oven charging emission control test program Vol I c1nd II US Environmental Protection Jgency EPA-6502-74-062

~eimer RG 1978 Air pollution emission test Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from coke oven effluents Prepared by TRW Uefense and Smicrodce Systems Groumicro for US tnvirorunental Protection Agency Office of Air wuality Planning and Standards Kes~arch Triangle Park North Carolina EMB Kemicroort 8-CKU-12


Braman RS 1976 Application of the arsine evolution methods to environmental analyses presented at the International Conference on Environmental Arsenic Ft Lauderdale Florida 5-8 October

Bratina J E 1979 11 Fabric filter applications on coke oven pushing operations J Air Poll Cont Assoc 29(9) lll6-920

tiuonicore AJ 1980 Environmental assessment of coke quench towers in proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abltlternent Technology Chicago~ Uirnois JO October - f N~vernber 1979 EPA-6009-~1b-62~ pp 112-142

t3usse A D and dR Zimmerrao1 1973 User 1 s guide for tdegh~ Climatological Uisper~ion Model US Environmental Protection Agency Resea~ch Triangle Park Nortl Carolina) EPA-R4--73~0024

California Air Resources 8oard 1976 Coke oven emissions miscellaneous emissions and their control at Kaiser Steel Corporations Fontana Steel making facihty Enforcement l3ranch) S2crcmento California L amp E-76-11

Calvert~ CA 1976 Envir __ Sci_ i( __ Technol 10256

Coco L~i 2t aL~ 1979~ 11 02c10pmert of trec1tment and control technology for 11refractory pet rochemi co was tt=1s r middotl 1d l Report Gu 1f South Research In st it ute

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Colucci~ LM and CR Begemi 1971 Palynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and other pollutants in Los Angeles air In Proceedings of the International Clean Jir Congress Vol 2 Academic Press pp 28-35

Cooper JA and JG Watson Jr 1980 Receptor oriented methods of air partkulate source apportionment 11 J Air Pollution Control Assoc 30(10) 1116-1125

Coutant R W JS McNulty and RD Grammar 1975 Final report on determi 11at ion of trace elements in a combustion sys tern Prepared by Batte11 e Columbus Laboratories for the Electric Power Research Institute EPRI 122-1

11 11Dilling W 1977 lnterphase transfer processes Envir Sci TechnoL 11 4 pp 405-409

Oow1irgl) MP JO Jeffry and AH Laube 1978 11 Reduction of quench tower emissions Presented at the 71st Air Pollution Conotrol Association Conference Houston Texas 25-30 June APCA No 78-92

EPA 1977 Multimedia Levels Cadmium Environmental Protection Agency 5606-77-032 September 1977

EPA 1980a Review of Criteria for Vapor Phase Hydrocarbons 11 US Environmental Protection Agency ~eport 6008-80-045

EPA 1980b Organic Chemical Manufacturing Volume J Storage Fugitive and Secondary Source EPA report 450J-80-025

EPA 1981 Compilation of Air Pol lutdnt Emission Fdctors (Including Suppleshyments 1-7) Third Edition Suppl1111ent 12 Utfice of ir l)uality Planning dnd Stdndlt1rds AP-42-ED-3-Supp I - lt


Erikson Uli 1~80 11 Control Uevice Evaluation Condensdtion 11 IT Envioscience lnc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

lrtel liL 197Y Quench tower particuldte emissions J Air Poll Cont Assoc 2Y(9) 913-916

Ev a n s K bull P bull 1981 Pe r son a l Commun i cat i on v i th R bull Zi s k i n d bull

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Gordon GE 10 Receptor Models Environ Sci Tech 14(7)792-800

Gordon KJ 1976 11 lJistribution of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons throuyhout Los Angeles Envir Sci Technol 370-373

Great Lakes Cdrbon Corporation 1977 Study of coke side coke-oven emissions~ Vol 1 Source testing of a stationary coke side enclosure EPA-340l-77-014A

lirimsrud EP and HA Rasmussen 1975 Atmos Envir Y 1010

Hartnan MW 1~80 Source test c1t US Steel Clairton Coke Ovens Clairton P~nnsylvania Prepared by rRW Environmental Engrneerrny D1v1s1on for US lnv1ronrnental Protection Agency Emissions Standards and Engineering l)ivision Research Trianyle Pdrk North Carolina EM~ Report 78-CKU-13

Hendriks Ilt V et a I 1Y7Y Urgani c air emissions from coke quench towers 11

Presented at 2nd Arrnual M(etiny ot the ir IJol lution Control Associdtiont Cir1cinndti Utlio June 1~7lJ l-dmicroer NU 9-391

Higt1 MU ME Lukey dnd TA Li Puma llJ77 Inspection manual for secondary lead smelters premicrolt1red b Enyineeriny Science lnc for US lnvironmentdl Protection Ayency Office 0f ~nforc~nent EPA-3401-77-001

Holzer G et al 197 11 Collection amp analyses of trace organic emissions from natura I sources 11 Journal of Cnromatogra flhY 142 pp 755-764

JKt 1~80 11 Materials ljaldnce l2-Uichloroett1ane Level l-Preliminary 11

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J bull Mi l n e l lJ 81 Person a I Cornm un i cat i on wi t t1 bull Zi ski nd bull

Kemner WF 1979 Cost tffectiven2ss model for pollution control at coking facilities Premicroarect oy PEDCo Environmental lnc for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Research Tridnyle Park Nortll Carolind EPA-GU02-7l-1U5 (NTS PB 8U-118706)

Kessler T AG Sharkey Jr and kA Friedel 1973 Analysis of trace ele111ents in coal by smicroark-source mass spectrometry US 8ureau of Mines Report ot I n v es t 1 gd t 1on s No bull 77 14 bull


Kolak NP J Hyde and R Forrest~r 19 1 9 Particulate source contributions in tt1e Niltlgara Frontierffi Prepared t)_y Nr2bulll York State IJepartrnent of Env i ronm~ntc i Con serv d ti on for US En vi r inment ct l Protect ion Agency Region 11 EPA-9024-79-006

Mackay U and PJ Leinonen llt175 Hate of Evamicroordcion of low - solubility contaminants from vJater bodies to c1tmospmre 11 Envir Sci Tecnnol 9 13 pp 1178-libU

Magee tiv HJ Hctll and GM Vc~rlt_a Jr 1973 Potential Doimiddotiutants in fossi1 f1Jel Prepared by ESSO fbullt~scarcr middotnd Engineeriny Co tor US Enviromihm~ct Protection Agency Ufl-R2-7 --2l1~L (NTIS Pt3 as u~9)

Marcriant middotG0H ard RL Meek 1~gu Eva uation of technology for control of arsenic tmissfons at the CdlmpJel Hd Lakmiddot G~ld Smelter prepared for the US

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Margler L$ HA Ziskind M8 lcgozen (Ind M Axelrod 1979 11 An inventory of care i nog)n i c substances re i ea sect into ne ambient air of California Vol une I - Scn~enin~ and id2nt~fication o-f r~1rci1ogens of greatest concern Science J- pp 1i ca middott~ L J s In c bull Fi nd l kcmicro~ rt ~ i I - U 6 C) - U- 5 0 4 to U1 e Ca I i ~- o r n i a Ai r kesources 130ard

Milne J 198L Persond1 C~mmunicdtmiddotion middot1itt1 R Ziskind

llurchio JC WrC Cooper and A ue Leo11 1970 Asbestos fibers in ambient air of California 11 Cal Horn i ct Air lesourc2s l3oa rd ARl3 4-0S4- l EHS Report 73-2 (March)

National Academy of Sciences 1Y72 Part1culate polycyclic organic matter Washington~ DC pmicro 4-ll

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Oliver JF and JT Lane 1979 11 Control of visible emissions at CFampl 1 s coke plant-Pueblo Colorado J Air PolL Cont Assoc 29(9) 920-925

Pe I I i z z a r i E bull 0 bull anct J bull E bull l$ u n c h 1s 19 1 nbi en t ai r ca r c i n o gen i c v a po r s Improved samplin~ and analysis tectrnology EPA Contract 68-02-2764

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Porter RA 1976 Uismicroersion ~yuation s lucions Dy calculator I guide for air pollution engineers ctnd sci12nthts S cond edition rexas Air Control tioard ~MT1S P~ 262 lJ~)


fdn1-i1Jri lJ8l fgtersont1I Coinmuni dtion v1ith M~ Royozen

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Rogozen MB DF Hausknecht and RA Ziskind 1976 Methodology for ranking elements in fossil fuels according to their potential health impact Science Applications Inc Final Report 260-77-539 to the Electric Power ~esearch Institute

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Siebert PC CA Craig and Eb Coffey 1978 Prelimary assessment of the sources control and population to airoorne polycyclic organic matter as indicated by benzo(d)pyrene Prepare( by lnergy and Environmental Analyses Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Resedrch Triangle Park North Carolina

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Singh HB LJ Salas and RE Stiles Distribution of Selected Gaseous Oryanic Mutagens and Suspected Carcinoyens in Ambient Air in Proceedings Annual Meeting Air Pollution Controrl Association 82-651 June 20-25 1982 New Url eans

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Trenholm J-f dnd LL )eek 1Y78 11 Assessment of t1azardous organic emissions fror1 slot type coke oven Datteries unpublished paper US Environmental l)rotection Ayency Ernssion Standdrds and Engineeriny Jivision

Turner U~ J970 Workbook of atmusphe~ic dispersion estiimiddot1Jt2s IJS Environmental Protection Agency k~sedrch Tri1ngle Park North Carolina

US Bureau of Mines lYl f-inercls yearbook 197U Vol 11 p 4~3

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Westbrool( C W 1979a Level l ass~ssment of uncontrolled sinter plant emissions Prepared by fesearch Triangle Institute for US Environmenta1 Protection Agcncy Industria1 tnvirnnmental fltesearc-1 Laboratory kesearch Trianyle Park North Carolind EPA-bOU2-7Y-112

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Rapid Screening and Identification of Airborne Carcinogens of Greatest Concern in California

Lawrence W Margler Michael B Rogozen Richard A Ziskind and Robert Reynolds Science Applications Inc Los Angeles California

This paper describes a method for establishing a priority list of airborne carcinogens within a

state jurisdiction In this case it was necessary to identify from among hundreds of potential

candidates the live to ten materials of greatest potential concern In California as airborne


Because no previous Inventory of carcinogens In California existed published lists rankings

and assessments of national scope were used to Identify candidates By systematic manipulation

and comparison of these data sources 47 materials of some notoriety were chosen for closer

scrutiny This selection was pared to 22 candidates largely by eliminating those which had

very little production and use In California (Substances primarily used as pesticides were

excluded from the scope of this study) The remc1ining candidates were then ranked by additive

and multiplicative algorithms and by a panel of experts The results of these rankings were

combined to produce a single selection of 11 priority candidates In alphabetical order they

mo arsonlc nsbestos bon1ono cadm111m cuhon totrchlorlde chlorol 11rm othylono dllromlde

ethylene dichloride N-nllrosoamlncs perchloroethylene and polycyclk aromatic hydroiarbons

In continuing studies a baseline emissions inventory Is being prepared and a source testing

program is being designed

In recent years concern has grown over su~pected arcinug-ens New Jersey seshythe possibility that certain materials lected ten volatile organic compounds released to the atmosphere through inshy and five htbullavy metals to be examined dustrial and commercial activity may be further and is currently measuring responsible for a significant portion of ambient atmospheric concentrations of the incidence of cancer in the general these substances in a variety of areas In population This concern is manifested the second year of the study the state at the federal level in the National h1s incre1sed the volatile organics Emissiltm Standards for Hazardous Air stt1died to 20 and begun measuring Pollutants (NESHAP) which limit heavier orianics associated with parshyemissions of the known carcinogens asshy ticulatcs2 In California a very different bestos beryllium and vinyl chloride 1 approach-was taken

Only a few states including New Jersey and California have begun efshy Overview of Californias Approach forts to identify airborne carcinogens of concern to the general public for the The California Air Resources Board purpose of setting state emission regushy (( ARB) is sponsoring a three-stage lations for these substances After reshy st 11d~bull of airbornC rmissions of carcinoshyviewing national use data for known and g1middot11s from anthropogenic atlivities The

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

first stage which is the subject of this paper was to identify roughly five to ten materials which of the hundreds of known or suspected airborne carcinoshygens are most likely to be of greatest concern to Californias general populashytion Also of interest were those which in order to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations might be transshyferred from the workplace air to the outside atmosphere The second stage which is now underway includes pinshypointing of emission sources for each of the carcinogens of importance quantishyfiltation of emissions nnd design of source-testing methods A subsequent stage will consist of source testing and measuring public exposures to those substances for which data are unavailshyable The basis for regulatory action if appropriate will include the results of this program and other related reshysearch

Screening of Candidate Carcinogens

The National Institute for Occupashytional Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists 1905 chemicals which have reported neoplastigenic or carcinogenic effects and 510 which have otherwise received attention for their neoplastigenic poshytential1 The need to select five to ten materials from such a large number of potential candidates dictated that we devise a way to rapidly eliminate from further consideration the vast majority of the substances Given the paucity of published data on most of the candidate substances the screening method was designed to make best use of readilymiddot

C1111yrich1 19i9-Air Pullulion Control A~~ociatlon


A- I

----- ---- ----- ---------------------available information The screening process was as follows (1) eight comshyplications of known and suspected carshycinogens were reviewed and those subshystances which were not used in Califorshynia were highly unstable in air or were very doubtfully carcinogenic were eliminated (2) after more detailed inshyformation was obtained for the reshymaining 25 substances candidates were rated by two different analytical methshyods (3) an expert panel was convened to review dossiers on the candidates and to independeitly nmk them (-i) from the eight to deven substances ranked highest by all three approaches eleven were selected for the emission identifishycation and source-testing design stages of the CAHB effort

lnitiI $cre~ng ot Potential Candidate Carcingtgens

65 compnunds middotwe ire selected from 642 industrial ur~nnic air pollutants comshypiled by MrTRE Corporation for the US Envircmnental Protection Agency (USEPA) in U1at study pollutants were scored by multiplying four explicshyitly defined rating factors annual US production fraction of production lost to the environment volaflity and toxshyicity To adapt this york to our pmpose we first selected the 114 substances listed as being carcinogeni 1~ or neoplasshytigenic Then the scores of each of these compounds under the criteria annual US production fraction of producshytion lost volatility and carcinogeshynicity were multiplied together Seshylected for further consideration were those substances which had a product score above 50 Another 15 substances listed as being carcinogenic but lacking information for one of the other rating factors were also selected This list of 65 was then compar~d with seven other lists of corcinogeris1

-middot 11 Materials comshy

mon to the reduced MITRE list and at least one of the other lists were chosen for further consideration Added as candidates were those suhstances which are regulated as occupational carcino-

gens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and certain inorganic carcinogens Finally substances were added which in our judgment should be investigated but had been eliminated at this point Exshyamples of these are bis(chloromethyl)shyether epichlorohydrin and hydrazine

Next the refined list which now contained 47 substances or chemical groups was pared further hy another rapid screening process Eliminated

were all candidates (1) whose production andor use in California was very low (under 10~ lbyr) and wns not thought likely to pose a risk to a localized popushylation (2) which are very unstable in 1ir or CH whilh should not on t lw hnsis of CUtrltbullnL cidlnre liebull considtbullnmiddotd r11rci-


Tahllt I Suh tances n-iewed in letail

Candidate Substances

Arsenic Inorganic lead Ashestos Alkyl lead Benzene Maieic anhydride

Cadmium Nickel Carbon tetrachloride Nitrosamines Chloroform Pcrchloroethylene Chromium Phernl 14-Dioxane Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Epichlorohydrin Propylene oxide Ethylen~ di bromide Trichloroethylcne Ethylimiddoti~ dichloride Vinyl cLlorid-e

Rejected Subslnnces

Proviionolly Rcjertc Sulstcinces

Aciryltbull11 itrile Formidehvde Vinyid e-ne-chbride

Occupatonally ControUibulld Ccroeinnens

2-Acet21niinofluorine 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Benzidine Ethyleneimine 4-Biph~nylzbullntne (-aminodiphenyl) 44 -Me_hyene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) Bi (chtfon~ethyl)ither Cnlorirrethbull1l m~middotthyl tmiddotthmiddotr a-Nnphthvamintbull 3-Nnphthylamine Udrumnchlnrnproprne (I 1BCP) 4-Nitr0iphenyi ir-Dichlorbullbull)middot)_~i-i-tiim 3-Propiolactone

Other Rejected Substances

eelamide Diphenylamine Aniline Hydrazines Auramine lsonicotinic acid hydrazide B~ryllium Nitrobenzene Did11middotl sutfa1c [ imeilhyl sulfate

nogenic The result of the initial the rating under that criterion and the screening was a list of 22 candidate mashy corresponding criterion weight The terials which is presented in Table I overall rating for pollutant i is then the

sum of the scores under all the crishyteriaRanking Candidates by AddiUve ancll

Mulllpllcatlve AigorUhms The additive approach has several virtues the main one being that it forces

Many screening or ranking systems the user to make all assumptions exshyfaH into one oft wo cat~middotgories additive plicit In the process of setting up such and multiplicative Some systems are a a ranking system new insights into the combination of the two while others problem under consideration may be combine nn ol1jective appronc 11 with g1ined Once the system is set up it is suhjlctive cvnluition of the remiddot ults 1l rdatively easy to use Where data for The L2 substances surviving th1middot initial scoring pollutants are unavailable arshyscreening were ranked independtmiddotntly by tificial scales can be constructed to the tvo approaches If the same subshy quantify subjective factors Finally the stance rated high~middot under both systems sensitivity of the results to the systems its importance to California was judged subjective aspects may be measured For to be more likely than if it had scored example one can determine the effect of highly in only one method changing criteria weights upon the final

Additive Approach In the additive pollutant ranking Similarly an appreshyapproach the user identifies one or more ciation may be gained of the significance criteria and rates each alternatiw subshy of the range of uncertainty for a particshystance against each criterion while sishy ular required data element by varying _ multaneously deciding the relative imshy rating factor values portance of the criteria Eq (1) shows its A fundamental problem with the apshymathematical formulation proach is that there is no logical basis for

adding the individual scores assignedRating for pollutant i = f W1 R11 under the criteria other than the asshy

rbullI sumption that this simulates or even

(1) improves upon the users thought proshyEach criterion or rating factor (1 ) is crss A major operational problem is assined a value for each pollutant and that of weighting the criteria A common each rating factor is weighted (b W1 ) practice is to give all critNia equal -icnrding to its importance reht veto wltgtight hut that is in itstbulllf a st1Ubullm1middotnl lhe otlwr rritnia llw sc11rtbull for 1111 aLnut the 1rcl11tive importance of Ow 1n1 1 undmiddotr nitn1 n j is the prod11middott of n1ttria

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



Multiplicative Approach In the multiplicative approach the rating for each alternative is the product of the rat ihgs under each criterion

Hating for pollutant i --- 11Ill

UJ (~) Jbull I

A multiplicative approach can have ~omc altlvrntnges over additive onrs First in some cases the ratings can be physical parameters such as concenshytrations or volatilities there is then no need to weight the criteria and hence less controversy over subjective judgshyments Second multiplication generally provides a wider range of scores than does addition allowing clearer disshycrimination among alternatives Finally this approach provides results which are more intuitively acceptable As an exshyample of this last point suppose that exposure and harmfulness levels for candidate substance are each converted to values on aO to IO scale and that a certain substance is both extremely toxic and extremely rare An additive approach would give the compound a rating ofO + 10 = 10 which is equivalent to that of a moderately prevalent subshystance (rated say at 5) which is modshyerately harmful (rated also at =-) A multiplicative approach on the other hand would rate the first substance at 0 and the second at 25

Criteria The six criteria used in the additive and multiplicative ranking procedures are defined in Table 11 Asshysignment of values to the Rij was based upon data gathered from published litshyerature personal communications and panel discussion and has been fully documented 13

Because the purpose of this exercise was to determine the relative imporshytance of the suspected candidate carshycinogens R 1 was scaled to the most heavily used candidate substance benshyzene whose annual production and use in California is nearly 109 lb Materials with a use under 105 lbyr would be rated zero for R 1 and rejected Howevshyerbefore rejecting a substance by this criterion we considered whether its emissions could in particular circumshystances result in high exposures to a Joshycalized population

R2 takes into account the fact that the chemical industry is in continual change Substances of concern today may be phased out while the use of others may rise dramatically increasing their imshyporta nee asmiddot poll utan ts Information on developments which could likely result in a change in the growth rate was facshytored into the choice of a value for R2- As an example asbestos consumption in California has been stable in recent years However the pending phaseout of asbestos in motor vehicle friction materials will hasten the decline in asshybestos consumption hence we assigned a value of 1 for R2bull

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

Ideally one cou1 1 use pouu1c11u

sion as a criterion However in this case emissions were to l e estimated in detail only for the five t1 ten carcinogens fishynally ~elected Thmiddotrtfor(bull a 11w1st1n of tt II iim pol cint ial vus 1~1middotd 1atbulld llpon

knowledge of the s11bstances manufacshyture and USP for R The higlwst rating went to substanc middots which are v idely used especially in consumer products A slightly lower rating went to subshystances which an~ routinely emitted from industrial processes during proshyduction and use Some materials are employed in such a way that emissions are quite low even though tight emission control may not be required by law Materials in this cntegory were assigned a value of two for H3bull Substances which under federal or st ate regulations may not be discharged to the exterior envishyronment but which could be dischJrged by accident received the lowest rating

Each candidate was evaluated (n the basis of its 1ropen-ity to decompbullgtSe in ambient air Materials with half-lives greater than eight hours were considered moderately to highly stable and rated five for R4 bull Low to moderate stability was assigned to substances with halfshylives between zero and eight hours Compounds known to exist in air for only a few minutes would be rated zero

Ta hie II Dcfinitinns of the criteria used

R1 Prbullbullsent use in California

100 of max (109 lbyr) 5 10 1)f max (108 lbyr) 4

1 of max (107 lbvr) 3 01 of max (106 lbyr) 2

001 of max (105 lbyr) l lt001 of max (lt105 lbyr) O

R2 Growth in California use

+ 20 5 +Oolti to +20 4 Positive growth to 0 3 Stahle or unknown 2 DPcline 1 B1middotin~ phased out 0

R Emision potential

Widespread use in ltonsumer products 5 R1middotlatively p1or con rot over emissions 4 Rdatively good control over emissions 2 Tihtly c1int rolled 1

R4 8tabilit~- in ambient Air4 tvlnderale t1 high st 1bility (l 1 middot2 gt 8 hr) 5 Lw to modmiddotrate s1 bility (t1 l -0-8 hr) 3 Unstahle(t2~febull minutes) 0

R Dispcision Potential

Emitted lar~ely as apor or iine 5 particulnte

Emit led largely as rnarse particulate

Rlt Evidence f Carcinu~enici ty

Known or suspected human carcinogen 5 Known mammalian carcinogtmiddotn 4 ~usptctcd 111ammalan carcino~en or 3

known m mmalin muta~tmiddotn Ames ltmiddotst p sitive 2 Prpoundgtcursor 01 co-car inogen

a t11 is the half-liftmiddot


tion state or anion associations may change in the atmosphere metals do not degrade and were considered stable Asbestos is likewise itahlc Many of the clcc-ompo~ilion rtbullnctions oi orinnic molecules are mediated by light Such substances if released at night would have several hours to disperse in the surrounding area

A rapid way of assessing the relative potential of different substances to spread from a release point is to note their physical state under normal amshybient conditions Accordingly we scored materials emitted as vapors or fine particulates the highest for R5 and coarse particulates the lowest Intershymediate values are possible for varying amounts of fine and coarse particulate emissions from the same source or from different sources

There is as yet no widely agreed upon measure of the relative potenciemiddots of carcinogens although some ranking systems have been proposed14 Extrapshyolating data from in vitro techniques such as the Ames bacterial mutagenicity test and from laboratory animal studies to humans is problematic Therefore a less quantitative measure of the carcishynogenic potential of each candidate substance was used The candidates receiving the highest scores for Rs would be those for which there is strong evishydence of carcinogenesis in humans Exshyamples are asbestos which is implicated in mesothelioma vinyl chloride which has been identified as the agent of liver cancer in exposed workers and bisshy(chloroinethyl)ether shown by epideshymiological studies to cause lung cancer in resin workers The next highest rated substances are those for which human carcinogenicity is unknown but which have produced cancer in one or more mammalian species in laboratory tests Next are those which have not been shown to be carcinogens but which have proven to be mutagenic in test animals Substances for which the only knowlshyedge of carcinogenic potential is a posishytive Ames test (producing mutations in histidine-requiring strains of Salmoshynella) are rated 2 Finally substances which are implicated only as precursors or co-carcinogens would be rated lowest

Substances unequivocally associated with carcinogenesis were considered as carcinogens in this study Conditions of emission and exposure including the presence of co-carcinogens were facshytored into the evaluation of each candishydate where possible Carcinogenic subshystances derived from the metabolism of a precursor were considered as carcinoshygens However ubiquitous substances which have been hypothesized to be precursors (eg secondary amines nishytrous acid and nitric oxide which combine under certain circumstances to


form N-nitrosoamines) were not conshysidered because of uncertainties in the importance of their link to the carcinoshygenic compound and the practical conshysiderations demanded by the scope of the study

It was beyond the scope of this study to jud~e the validity and interpietation of the experimental ad epidemiological evidence upon which the carcinogenicity of candidate substances has been esshytablished We accepted the conclusions about carcinogenicity drawn by the Inshyternational Agency for Research on Cancer or the National Cancer Institute and did not consider dosage or route of administratioll of tested substances However considerations of test validity did enter into the subjective evaluation by the panel of experts

Weight lr1 the sdditive ranking scheme each rating criterion is weighted according to its limportance relative to the other criteria Little precedent exists for assigning these weights In our judgment and as generally agreed by the panel of experts (see below) R 1 RJ and R6 are more important than the other criteria Evidence of carcinogeshynicity was considered to be the most important criterion of aB so W 15 was assigned a valtze of 3 W 1 aid W 3 were set at 2 and W W-i and W5 were set at 1 In order to discern the potential senshysitivity of the rankings to the weight assignments the candidates were also ranked using equaily weighted crishyteria

Ranking Candidates by Panel o~ Experts

Anine-member panel of experienced governmental industrial and academic scientists whose disciplines include~ -organic and physical chemistry indusshytrial hygiene toxicology epidemiology and iegulatory control of toxic sub~ stances was convened to provide addishytional data for our ranking algorithms

to discuss our candidate --ubstanc -sand rejections to suggest pos-ibie ne suushystances for consiceration and Lt rank the candidates indepen11mtly ( f our own ranking Tvo v-ee ilts he fore the meeting pa-d uember-s were jven one-to three-page dossiers on eac I canshydidaie substance

At th~ start of the meeting- before any group discussion the pand was asked to rate each candidate suhtance with a score from Oto 5 Next cmiddotach candidate was discussed at length e provided ~n ovrview and summarized critical issues identifi2d up to that Pbullgtnnt Through materials brought to thtmiddot meetin and their persoril experience panel memshyber Veimiddote able to provide much useful information on the candidates and adshyditional insight in to our ~a ting criteria

At the encl of the two-d1y sc~sion the pa-iel ugain -ated the cai 1didates

Flnal SelediDn

Tabe III show- the highest-scoring substance a~ det(rraine1 by the 1ddishytive and mlltiplictive approaches and by th~ panel in ~e additive approach 21 single r1nking as obuined by avershyaging the two ran kings resulting from using equal and uneguai weights The ran kings ltif most candidi tes were unafshyfected hut carbo11 tetralt hloride chloshyroform chromium and inorganic lead changed more tban thmiddotee positions_ Because uncertainties in the data base predude imputing signifiance to small differences in the Lnal ordering the lists in Table III are prtmiddotsented in alphabetishycal order However it is of interest to point out that benzene consistently ranked hihest

Becausimiddot some cindidates had equal rating scores we ltould nut choose exshyactly ten candidat ~s from the additive and multiplicative rankings Instead the

top nine and eleven were selected from the two exercises respectively We also considered the ten substances scored highest hy the panel at the end of the session The final consensus selection cornsistt-d of the 11 candidate substances appearing on at least two of the three lisL- For the substances included in the cun~ensus ranking a baseline emissions inventory is being conducted and a source testing program is being deshysigned

1ejected Substances

Some comments about certain subshySiF1ces not appearing on the final list are in order inasmuch as they include known carcinogens and compounds which hae received considerable atshyllttion in recent years as occupational c11c111ogens

rouisionally Rejected Substances Appended to the consensus ranking (T1ble III) were vinyl chloride gasoline and engine exhausts tobacco smoke and pesticides No further action by the CRB is recommended at this time for vinyl chloride because it is already subject tu the USEPA emissions stanshydard a CARB ambient air quality strndard and an OSHA standard

Gasoline and tobacco smoke were appcndlmiddotd to this list because each ocshycurs very widely and contains several of the candidate substances reviewed in this study some of which are in the final listing For example gasoline contains benzene ethylene dibromide ethylene dilmiddothloride and alkyl lead compounds the last three being in leaded grades only Both gasoline and diesel combusshytion products include PAHs Tobacco smoke contains among other neoplasshytigenic substances nitrosamines PAHs nickel arsenic cadmium and other heavv metals Manv individuals are inshyvolu~tarily and i~ many situations

Table HI Hi~hest ranked candidates from each rnnkin~ methodbull

Highly ranked but no inventory

l I ighesl consensus recommended Additive Multiplicativ(~ Pan I of eqwrts rnnkmg at this time

Asbestos Benzene

Cadmium Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichlori-rJe

Nitroi1omi111es Perlth loroet hylene Pol~middotcyclic arnmatic hydrocarbons


Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chl11roform Chromium Ethylene dichlornle

Nit rosamimbulls Perchloroet hvle111middot


Ars nic Ash middotstos

Beniene Car1n

h trnchloride Chi roform

Eth- lene Diliromidf Eth lene Dirhloride Nitros11nintmiddot~

Per hloroel hlfne PAii

Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chloroform Ethylene dihromide Eth~middotlcnf dichloride

Nit rosamintmiddots Perch lornPl hy (- n(bull lAH

Vinyl chloride bull Gasoline and engine

exhausts Tobacco smoke Pesticides

1156 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association


lirtualy unavoidably exposed to t11-k1ltco smoke Because the sources of gasoline its combustion products and tobacco smoke emissions are well known no specific action was recomshymended for these materials during the tbullmissions innnlory and -ource testing design stages of the present study It was considered importint ho-vemiddoter to draw attrntion to the general publics exposhysure tot hrse substances PrsticidltS are listed for the same reason thou~h ad(bullmiddot tailed examination of pesticides w1s beyond the scope of this study Many pesticides are widely used and some of them are known to be carcinogenic

Other Rejected Substances Acryshylonitrile and vinylidene chloride were placed in a provisionally rejected group because of the panels suspicion that imports of these compounds to Cnlifornia from Japan may be appreshyciable yet are hard to substantiate Should such imports be verified in the future these two compounds would take on greater importance Formaldehyde was also provisionally rejected because the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is not carcinogenic and that bisshy(chloromethyl)ether is not formed from formaldehyde in appreciable quintities in industrial environments 15 The ocshycupationally controlled carcinogens ethyleneimine and beta-propiolactone were rejected in part because of their reactivity in air At the time of this study DBCP a pesticide was no longer heing middotproduced in California and was therefore rejected from further considshyeration

Occupational Regulations and Community Exposure

A question of interest to the CARB was whether the regulation of acknowlshyedged occupational carcinogens adshyverselv affects the ambient air outside the v~rkplace Our general findings can be illustrated by the example of asshybestos

Asbestos is a very widely used mateshyrial for which no ambient air standard exists Concentrations in the workplace are limited to an eight-hour timtmiddotshyweighted average concentration of two fiberscm=1 of air and a ceiling concenshytration of ten fihcrscm 1bull In meeting this standard exhausting air containin~ asshybestos to the ambient air is not reshystricted except by the USEPAs reshyquirement that there shall he no visible emissions containing asbestos piut ides from s11eh foci lit i1bulls (bullxd11din~ hrak(bull shops 1 Considning that undc-r certain conditions 101 asbestos fiherscm1 could ht Pmitted without being visihl( 11 this standard mamiddot allow considerable asshybestos emissicns It is unlikely however that emissions would actually approach these levels First since the OSHA standard cannot generally be achieved

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

by ventilation n ine the generation or asbestos partid in the workplace must be greatly reltlu ed Second the air is usually filtered 11gt prevent recirculation of asbestos to 1 workplace Asbestos waste must bed 1sposed of in sealed imshypermeable bag~ or containers Thus under current onupational regulations the amhient air 1enerally appCars to be afford(bulld greatn protection than it would without s11ch regulations 1


The screenin and ranilting methodshyology presented in this paper proved to be a feasible approach to establishing a priority list of Jirborne carcinc)gens in California We ftel that it is an efficient means of focu~ing further efforts on emissi()ns inventories source testing and ambient measurement for it not only identifie all the carcinogens of potential concern but it also permits the state regulatory agency to direct its reshysearch resourCtmiddots toward those subshystances of partilmiddotular interest within its jurisdiction

References l National Elllission Standards for Hazshy

ardous Air P llutants A Compilation as of April 1 19 3 PEDCO Environmenshytal Inc for US Environmental Proshytection Ag1middotncy EPA3401-78008 (NTIS No I B 288 205) 19i6

S Gray Ne Jersey Department of Enshyvironmental l 1rotection Trenton NJ private com111unication 1979

1 H E Chrislllsen E J Fairchild and R J Lewis Sr middotmiddotSuspected Carcinogens A Suhfile of th1middot NIOSH Regii-try of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 2nd Ed National Institute for Occupational Safety and HPalth NIOSH i7-149

4 B 8 Fuller J Hushon 1 Kornreich R Ouellette L Thomas and P Valker Scoring of rganic air pollut1nts for US Environrnental Protection Agency Mitre Corpt ration T1middotchnical Report MTR-6248 I 9i6

S F R Lozan11 Toxicants Selected for Priority En- 1ronmental Assessment corresponde11ce with EPA Region VI Administrat r 19i7

1gt Survey of inyl Chloride Levels in the Vicinity of Keysor-Century Saugus California US Environmental Proshytection AJet middoty National Enforcement lnvestiiatim Center Denn-rand San Francisco E A-n02-77-017a 19i8

0 Bardin l middotstimon~middot in Hearings on Helationshi1 Bet wfen Cancer and the Environmei 1 US llltuse of Hepreshysentatives bull th Congress 2nd Session Committee (In Interstate and Foreicn Commerce ~crial No 94-141 1976 pp 7~i0

middot T H Ma11middoth Carcinogens in the workplace lwrE to start d1middotaning up Sc-imiddotrmmiddot l17 1-1110) lfi8 (197)

I CH ar1111 Classif1r11t1on of the Exshyposure Haza d Prtbullstgtnled Ii~middot Thirt~middot-Six Clwmirals 011 I llixllmmiddots lternorandum from Clllm1middot I Offi(middote of thtgt Assmmiddotiate lgt1rector for 1 middotarcinoltnesis Division of Cancer Cau~ l and Prevention lo SushyJwrmiddoti-or~middot ( 0 Auditor Gtmiddotneral Acshycounting Oft lmiddote19ii1

I0 Chemicals ith Sufficient Evidence of ( arcinogenit ty in Experimental Ani-


ma1s Jnlernauona1 Agency 1or 1c-curcn on Cancer IAHC Working Group Reshyport Lyon France 1978

11 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes for 1977 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1977

12 M H Rogozen D 1 Hausknecht and R A Zisk ind 1976 A Methodology for Ranking Trace Elements in Fossil Fuels According to Their Potential Health Impact by Science Applications Inc for Electric Power Research Institute 1976

1t L Margler R Ziskind M Rogozen and M Axelrod An Inventory of Carcinoshygenic Substances Released into the Amshybient Air of California Vol I Final Reshyport Screening and Identification of Carcinogens of Greatest Concern by Science Applications Inc for California Air Resources Board 1979

14 T H Maugh Estimating potency of carcinogens is an inexact science Science 202 (4363) 38(1978)

15 C C Yao and G C Miller Research Study on ais(Chloromethyl)Ether Forshymation and Detection in Selected Work Environments by the Bendix Corposhyration for National Institute for Occushypational Safety and Health Cincinnati Ohio Contract No 210-75-0056 1979

16 Occupational Cancer Control Unit Calshyifornia Department of Industrial Relashytions Los Angeles California private communications with staff members 19i9

This paper was developed while Dr Margler was a Staff SriPntist in the Energy-Environment Systems Division of Science Applications Inc (SAIi 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1205 Los Angeles CA 90067 and Mr Reynolds was a Project Manager with the California Air Reshysources Board Sacramento CA 95812 Dr ltar~ler is currently emshyployed as DirEgtrtnr of Bnvironmental Scitbulllltcs for WinzlN nnd Kelly Conshysultini EnintNi t1 Third Stretbullt EurekH CA 9gtgt01 and Mr Heynolds is Air Pollution Control Diretbulltor for the Lake County Air Pollution Conshytrol District 55 N Forhes Street Lakeport CA 95-13 Dr Rogozpn is a Staff Scientist and Dr Ziskind is Deputy Manager of the Energy-Enshyvironment Systems Division of SAi


Appendix f~

_l)ispobullition of Miscellaneous Sites

Gould Inc Ver_n)_~ St~condary Lead S~_n_elter

The emissions of arsenic from the four large secondary lead smelt~rs

in Cali forni) J1~1 ~ bull~tiilnted in the program This estimate was based upon a

uniform fugitive emission f1cJr nt WPll supported by measurement inforriation

Therefore source monitoring was r2cq11)nded 1nd Gould Inc Vernon being

~he largest was singled out It was however proposed to monitor both Gouli

and RSR Corp (Quemetco) in the City of Industry since analysis of the plants

revealed significant differences in plant equipment and engineering The

latter being more typical of 1 nodern facility

As a r2sult Jf pr-~-middott -iiscussions and plant inspections we became

aware that Gould was actively in the process 1)f constructing a new facility

which would completely replace the existing one We have monitored progress

on the new site and concluded it would he inappropriate to utilize program

resources to conduct field tests at Gould ~rr1issi 1rns from the new Gould

faci 1ity wi 11 be bas~rl 11p11) test results from RSR

PG ampE - Pittsburg PG ampE - Salinas a~d So Cal Edison - Long Beach Oil Fuel Power Plants

It was app ro p ri ate tJ cons i dP r the (~mission of arsenic from power

plants during the initial study stage inc~ imiddotrace quantities in the fuel oil

are known to be ernitted Because of the population distribution in tile

vicinity of three plants and some 11realistically conservative estimat2s of

erlissiJn c-1ctors tht~ facilities appearc~d among the top seventeen stationary

sources of potential c1Jn-r-n HovJ~ver as a result of a reexamination of

emission data it was concluded that an error ~dj ~een made in the material

balance of arsenic - resulting in tn emission factor equivalent of a 300

release ~io lit~rature was found to justify 1reater than a 30 transfer

function Thus we estimated at the outside th~ emission factor should be

reduced from 013 lb per 1000 lb to approximately 0013 lb and resulting

ars9nic 2missions for the entire state w~r~ cJ11servatively estimated to be

1760 lbs (from 17600) divided amongst 311 the states power plants Clearly

then the four secondary lPad smelters estimat~ of S9410 lbs of arsenic(


emissions per year makes consideration of poer pl int ernissio1s if ffsenic a

very low priority

In a literdture review by SAI - Methodokgy __f_or Ranking Trace

Elements in Fossil Fuels Accordi~9__t_~_their Potential Health Iripact (Roqozen

1976) - emissions estimates f0r 15 trac~ substances were researched for c11l

and fuel oil pomiddot1er plant c 1J1v---r-sion Source content combustion pr-)~~

transfer functions and contrcl methodology were co1~idered to develop e~ission

factors The output to input ~atio computed and utilized n -~i-i~ study for

arsenic was 002 to 03 (ie tra1sfer function betw~en 2 11d JO~) reflecti~q

the wide variety of fuels processses and controls nationwiJe The upper end

reflecti1g both high arsenic coals and poor e11iss10n contro 1 devices Clearly

neither of those conditions accurtely apply to th2 thr~~ si~~~ r1nrl thus

substantiate the rlecision not to perform emissions neasur-i-~n~s

Calaveras Asbestos Company - Copperopo l middotis Asbestos Mini n(i and Mi 11 i nq

In the past (late sixties and early seventies) ~h2 ~3laveras

Asbestos Company came under heavy criti-is1 1fter imiddot1sp~ction rieasurements

revealed serious problems However significant reduction of e1nissi0ns have

occured prompted by NESHAP regulation and occupcttional standards SAI

inspected the site in f)~c~1b-2r 1979 under an EPA contract An missions

inventory was published under that work (Ztskind 1980) and the bottom line

conclusion is that currently no significant ernissioi1 are gteing released as a

r~sult of hl-isting which would reach the publ le i 1le 0pen pit is some 900

feet deep with blasting at the bottom 0ver 80 percent of emissions in the

CARB Emission Inventory System were attributej to pit blasting In fact at

its current depth blasted 1aterial does not reach the mine surface with tile

explosive implacement used Additionally the site is more remote than might

be realized The ~ituation is vastly different today than in the past and

currently attention should be paid to the issues of occupational exposure and

breakdown of ventilation syste111 controls in t1e inilling operationsmiddot He

recorrrnended that no furtw~ corsideration be Jiven to this site for the

purposes of tl1is w)JJil ie identification )f silt~middot1ificant releases vhich

might he responsible for causi1J middot1 fmiddot middotgtbullgt middot 1= 1(11 1bull11 tinn Pxposure


Vctri0J5 Refineries

It was est=tblished early in the anrilysis prmiddotJr111 V1at gtenzene

emissions from refinery operations coulrl in th~ 1guregate constitute a

significrnt source Since there ilre a large rrnrnber 0f refineri~s in

California (46 in Los Angeles County itself -it t(~ i 1~ middot)f r-1ltariination) with a

wide variety of types sizes ages etc their eva l uat 11) 1 i =r~sent -3~ i)7

monumental task It was noted immediately t 13t ~~it hi n the total scope of the

study the design and conduct )f c r~f i r1~ y testing program which would develop

a complete benzene emissions in1~ntory for 01e site was impractical let alone

to d1aracteri ze emissions fro111 three ie those listed among the 17 rnost

s i g n if i ca n t potent i a l st a t i on a r y sou r c e em it 1-_ l rs bull

The three refineries were singled out for special attention in the

previol1s phase ~ecause they uriiquely had components which process materials

containing 10 or more per~nt hy middot1-bulli1 11t )-~112~ne (46 FR 1165 Jan 5 1981 pg

1491 ) Est i mates by E P A ( F e d bull r l Rr-~ g i s t ~ r 1q81 ) i n d i cate that 90 p e r cent o r

more of the total benzene fu 1Jitive emissions arise from such components

Therefore attention is appropriately focused on the three henzene production

consumption refineries Chevron (Richmond) Arco (Crson) and Chevron (El

Segundo) SAI staff considered the possibliJ )f -1 testing program at one of

these refineries and cone l url 1middotd it would not 1)e cost-effect i v2 for o number of


California is a minor producer and consumer of benzene with

approximately 15 of the 114 hill ion pounds produced and

consumed nation1lly in 1977 This can 1)e riY1pared with the fact

that California has approximately 10 of th~ ~ations population

Benzene exposur~ to the generil nJmiddot1lation has been partitioned

among the various sources Aproximately 90 of exposure is

estimated (SRI 1978) to be caused hy gasoline distribution

activities and 1ehiclEmiddot emissions in 1 ir~an areas with nearly all

of the balance )Y benene hrndl ing operations (refineries and

chemical plants) In the case middotlf California this percent1g~ Jill

be even JT1ore di middotpruJor-tionate b~cause of its greater s1are of the

population and ~esser share of the henzene ha~dling Furthermore

since the three refin 1bullry cites ire heavily urbanized no new rural

population cegmmiddotnt is beinq exposed


Californias most heavily urbanized Air Quality Management

Di st r i cts have a l ready adopted t en zen e f ugit i v e em i s s i on

staridards comparable and vith S( 1ine features VJr stringent than

the proposed national (bullmission lttandarrl (4f-i FR 1165 Jan 5

1981) Thus the concmiddotlusion rleri1ed above (Le refinery emissions

are secondary cause of exposure to the urb~n microopu~ation) is

further reinforced since H is irojected that re1eases from

components in benzene service (gt10 benzene) will be reduced by

73 by the proposed F~deral Standards T~~ ~istrict rules (eg

South Coast Air Quality Management District 456 and 4fi6l) are

not restricted to berz~ne per senor to only components in

benzene service The rjLs 1lso i-lclude flanges in addition to

the components ca i led uut in the propose nat i 01a l standard

The EPA estimated that if the proposed emission standard were adopted the

1~aximum annual benzene concertr0Vioi1 -~01middot 1 plant would be 36 ppb at a

distance of 0 1 kilomeL~~ avay Cor1paring this ground level concentration

with the general urban background i1 California of 19 ppb shows the latt2r t1

dominate In recognition of the secondary im0ortance of these thr~~ i~~s i~

was decided to utilize program resources to d~velop field data at other sites

1111here little emissions informati1)i1 1as cll-1aila1)le



US tn v 1 ronrnen ta I Protection Agency

middotJc k



1 Applicaoil ity and Principle

11 Apmicroli1ability This rnetnod amicropliltS to tt1e determination of

i nor~an i c d rsen i c ( s) e1n is sions trom non f errou Sm(~ I ters dnd other sources as

smicroecified in the reuulations

12 Principle Particulate and gaseous As emissions are withdrawn

isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass mat filter and in

water The collected As is ther1 analyzed by means of atomic aosorption


2 Apparatus

21 Sa111pliny Train A schematic of tt1e sampling train is shown in

fiyure 421 it is similar to tt1e Method 5 train of 40 CRF 60 Appendix A

Tne sampliny trdin consists of tt1e followiny components

Note H1i s and a11 subse~uent nferences to ottler methods refer to the Methods in 40 CFflt 60 Appendix I


211 Probe Nozzle Probe Liner Pitot Tube~ Differential Pressure

Gauge Filter Holder Filter Heating System r-1etering System Barometer and

Gas Density Determination Equimicroinent Same as Method 5 sections 211 to

216 and 218 to 2110 iespective1y

212 lmpinyers Six fr1pingers connected in sermiddoties llith leak-free

ground-glass fittings or any sim lar leak-free non-contam~1ating fittings

For the firstj third fourth fifth 31d sixth impingers ~~e the

Greenb~rg-Smith design modifiec bY replacing the tip with a i_3-cm-ID (05

in) glass tube extending to about 13 cm (05 in) from the bottom of the

flaskR for the second impinger use the Greenburg-Smith design with the

standard tip~ The tester may us1bull modifications (eg flexible connections

between the impingers materials other than glass or flexible vacuum lines to

connect the filter holder to the condenser) subject to the approval of the


P1ace a thermometer camicroable of measuring temperature to within 1degc (2degF) at the outlet of the sixth impi~ger for monitoring purposes

22 Sample Recovery The following items are needed

221 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes Petri Dishes Graduated

Cylinder andor Balance Plastic Storage Containers Rubber Policeman and

Funnel Same as Method 5 sect inns 221 r1nd 221 to 22g r1~spectivemiddot1y

l2c ~dlh lottl~~- l)olVbullU1ylene (2)

223 Sarnmicrole Storage Containi~rs Chemically resistant polyethylene

or polypropylene for glassware WdShes 500- or 1OOO-ml

23 Ana1ysis The following equipment is needed

231 Spectrophotometer Equipped with an electrodeless discharge

lamp and a background corrector to measure absorbance at 1937 nm For

measuring samples naving less thM 10 119 Asml use a vapor generator


232 Recorder To match the output of the spectrophotometer

233 oeakers 15O-ml

234 Volumetric Flasks Glass 50- 100- 200- 500- and 1OOO-ml

and po Iymicroromicroy 1ene 5O-m l bull

235 Lrlcbulln1t11y1lr Fl1bulllimiddot 11() ml

cJb l-3a1ance To 11H~ds11re wilhin 1S ltJ

237 Volurietric Pimicroetbull 1- 2- J- 5- 8- and 10-ml

238 PARR Acid Digestion rlonb


2JltJ Uven

L 3 lU Hot PI t t~

Unless otnerwise specified us~ ACS redgent grdde (or equivdlent)

c11em1cals tt1rouyr1out

J bull l Sd 111 p I i rt y bull Tl1 e rmiddot i ~ a yen t middot) u s e d i n s a in p I i ny are a s fa l 1ows

J bull 1 1 r i It e r s Si I i ca lie l Cr u s n ed Ic e and Stopco c k Grea s e bull Same

as rmiddotlethod 5 sections J11 J12 314 J15 respectively

J12 Water Ueionized distilled to meet ASTM Specification

u ll9J-74 Type 3 When i1igh concentrc1tions of organic matter are not

expected to be present the analyst may omit the KMn0 test for oxidizable4

organic matter

J13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o~) 10 Percent (WV) Dilute 294 ml of

30 microercent H2o2 to 1 liter with deionized distilled water

32 Sample Recovery 01 rl sodium hydroxide (Na0H) is ret1uired

Dissolve 400 g of NaUH in about 500 ml of d~ionized distilled water in a

1-liter volumetric fldsk Then dilutti to exactly lU liter with deionized

distilled water

33 Analysis Tiie rectgtrnt needtd for analysis are as follows

3 3 1 Water Same as 312

33L Sodium Hydroxide 01 N Same as 32

33J Sodium Borohydridc (NaBH ) 5 Percent (WV) Dissolve 500 g4

of NaBH4 in dbout 5UU 1111 of ul N Na0H in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter ~ith (ll N Na0H

334 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Concentrated

3J5 Potassium Iodide (KI) 30 P~rcent (WV) Dissolve 300 g of KI

in 500 ml of deionized disti I led water in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

d i I u t e to exact Iy 1 0 l i t er v i t n cl e i on i zed d i st i 1 1 e d vate r bull

336 Sodium Hydroxide 10 N Dissolve 4000 g of Na0H in about

500 1nl of deionized distilled ~~at1r ind 1-liter volu11etric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter 1ith lteion1zed clistilled middotlater

J37 Pnenolmicrohtnalein Dissolve uos g of pnenolphthalein in 50 ml of 90 microercent ethanol dnd ~0 ml ot deionizeo distilled water

JJ8 Nitric cid (HN0 ) Concentrated3

33SJ Nitric Acid u8 rt lJi lute J~ ml of concentrated HN0 to3

exactly 1U liter with deionized distilled water

3J10 Nitric Acid 50 Percent (VV) Add 5U ml concentrated HN01 to J

50 111 rJe ion middoti z~ct di st i I ed Wd t er

JJ11 Stock Arsenic Standard l m~ lsml lJissolve l]203 g of

microrimdr_y standard tdrc2de Asi in 2(l r11 of 01 N NaOH lh~utralize with3

concentrdted HN0 bull Dilute to LJ 1ite~middot 11i~th deionized distilhd ~later 3

JJlc Arsenic Workiny Solution LJ microg AsmL Jmiddotipet exactly 10 ril

of stock As standard into an JCid-ceaned dppropriately l1bel~d 1-liter

volumetric flask containing about gt00 ml of deionized distil1ec1 Jater and 5 ml

of concentrated HN0 bull L)ilute to exKtly lU liter vlitt1 dioniZed distilled3


3313 Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrated

3314 Air Suitable quality for atomic absorption analysis

3315 Acetylene Suitab~ quality for atomic ctbsormicrotion analysis

JJ16 Filter )aper fi1ters What1an No 41 or ~4uival(~nt

4 Procedure

41 Sampling ~ecctuse of tne c0111plexity of this 1nethod testers

must be trained and experienced with the test procedures in order to obtain

reliable results

411 Pretest Preparation Fol low the general procedure given in

Method S section 411 except the fi middot1 ter n(~ed not be weighed

4ol2 Preliminary Oetermindtions Fol low the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 Section 412 except sekct tne nozzle size to maintain

isokinetic sampling rates oelm- 28 liters1~in (1U cfrn)

4L3 Premicroarcttion of Collecti(rn Train Follow the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 section 41J except prepdre the impingers as follows

Place 150 ml of deionized distilled water in each of the first two

impmiddotinyers dnd 2UU 111I of tu )Hrcent 1Ui in ttl tt11rd fourr11 dlld fifth

immicroin~Jers lJeiyl1 ctrKI rmiddotbull~tllrd tilt J1~1_111t tgtI ~dtll IIqi11HJlf dr1d liquid lrmiddotinst_rmiddot

ct_gtmicroroximately 200 to JUU y ut iJreveiyhe i silica ycl from its container to the

sixth impinger Set up the train dS shilWn in Figure lUo-1

414 Leak-Check Procedures Fol low the l~ak-ch~ck procedures given

in Mf~thod ~ SE~ctiuns 41-Ll (Pret~st I 1~dk-Cneck) 11ll2 (Ledk-Ct1ecks

Uurrny Sa111ple Kun) drld 414J (Post-TSt Leak-UleCk)

415 Jrsenic Trctin Umicroeration Follm the general procedure given


in [middot1lt~ttrnd () sectic n 1L lJ i~xcei1t 111ainta1n d tllllfH~rdture of 110deg to 135degc

UJo0 to nsdegF) aruunli UH tilter and 1Hintain isokinetic sctmpling flo~ rates

oelov 2J litersmin (lO cfii) 1middotor ectcn run record tile data ret1uired on c1

datd sheet suct1 as the une shown in FiltJure 108-2

416 Ldlculcttion tgtf Percent lsokinetic --c1me cts Method 5 section

4 lb

42 Satple Recovery tieyin proJer cleanup procedure as soon as

the probe is removed from tle sta k at the 2nd of the sampling period

Al low tt1e probe to cool wt1en it cdn be safely handled wipe off al 1

external particulate matter near che tip ot the probe nozzle and place a cap

over it to microrevent loosing er gaining microarticulate matter Do not cap off the

probe tip tightly while the sammicroliny train is cooling because a vacuum would

form in t11e f i I ter ho Ider

~efore moving the sampling train to the cleanumicro site remove the

probe from the sample train wipe off the silicone grease and cap the open

outlet of the probe Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be

present Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter inlet where the probe

was fastened and cap it R~move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and

cap the impinger If a flexible line is used between the first impinger and

the filter t1older disconnect tt1e line at tne filter holder and let any

condensed water or liquid drain into the immicroingers After wiping off the

si I icone yrease Cdfl off tht~ filter t10lder outlet and impinger inlet Use

either ground-ylass middotstomicromicroers plastic caps or serum caps to close these


Trdnsfer tne probe rnd fi lter-impi11ger ass~mbly to a cleanup area

tnat is c I ean and protected from tt1e wind su tnat the chances of contaminating

or I o s i n g the s a n p 1 e i s mi n i li zed bull

Inspect the train before and durin~ disassembly and note any abnormal

con d i t i on s bull Treat t he s dinp I -~ as t o l l ows

4Ll Container Nu~ (Filter) Cdretul ly remove the filter from

the filter nolder and microlace it in its identified petri dish container Use a

pair of tweezers andor cledil disposable surgical gloves to handle tile filter

lf it is necessary to fold tmiddot1e filter fold the particulate cake inside the

fold Carefully transfer to U1e petri ctist1 ctny microarticulate 111atter andor

f i 1 t er f i oe rs that adhere to the tTI t l ho l de r ya s k et by us i n g a dry Ny 1 on

bristle orush andor a snarmicro-edyed bid te Sectl the container

Mention of trade names or microeci fie pmiddotmiddotoctucb does not consitute endorsement

by the Environmentctl Prottbull(~tion Ayen y r-5

42a2 Contdiner No 2 (Probe) fdKiny care that dust on the outside

of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample

yuctntitatively recover microarticuldte matter or any condensate from the probe

nozzle microrobe fitting probe liner and franc half of the filter holder by

vctsl1in~ tt1ese co111microonents witn Ul N NdJH ctnc1 microlctciny tr1e WdSh in a plastic

storage container Measure Jid tCOtd tu U~ nearest 1il u~ tlital volume of

solution in Container No 2 Perform tne rinjiny with 01 N NaUH as follows

Cctrefully remove the probe nozzle aid rinse the inside surface with

Ul N NaOH from a HaS~l bottle~ Brust1 wit11 a Nylon bristle brush and rinse

until the rinse st10ws no visible particles after vmich mallt~ a final rinse of

the inside surface

~rush and rinse the inside oarts of the Swayelok fitting with Ul N

NaUH in a similar way unti1 no visioe parti les remain

Rinse the proble l~11er -iitr iJl N NaOH While squir-ting lll N NaOH

into tl1e upper end of the prnbe tilt and rotate the probe so that all inside

surfctces will be i-ettecl wiU the rinse solution Let the Ul N NaOH drain

from tt1e lower end into tl1e sample container The tester 1ilay use a funnel

(glass or polyethylene) to aid in transferri 19 the liquid washes to the

container Fo1 low tt1e ~Msh witt1 d probe bru )11 Holding the probe in an

inclined position insert 01 NNaUH into the upper end as the microrobe brush is

being moved with a twistiny action through tie probe Hold the sample

container underneath the Iower end of tr1e pr1gtbe and cat01 any liquid and

particulate matter brushed from the probe lun the vash tt1rough the microrobe

three times or more unti I no visible particuiate matter is carried out with

the rinse or until none rernians in the probe liner on visual inspection With

stainless steel or metal probes run the bruh through in the above prescribed

manner at least six times since metal probes have smal1 crevice in which

particulate matter can be entrapped Rinse 1he brush -Ii th O 1 N Na UH and

4uantitcttively collect these washings in the sami)le container After the

brushing make a final rinse of the prone as described above

It is recommended that tvJO peoJle clean the probe to minimize sample

losses 15etween sampling runs keep brJst1es clean dnd protected from


After en s u r i n~ t tId t a I l _j oi rt t s t1 d v e been wi pe d c l e rn of s i I i er n e

~rease brush and rinse witt Ul NN NaOH the inside ut tt1e front half of ttw

fi I ter 11older l)rustl dnd rinse l~dCII surface tt1re~ ti111es 1ff 111ore if needed co


remove visibl~ particulate Mr1ke a findl rinsebull of the brush and filter

holder Carefully brush dnd rinse out the gla~s cyclone also (if

dpplicdble) fter rJll washin1s and particulate matter have been collected in

the sample container tiy~1ten 1he lid so that liquid will not leak out when it

is shipped to the lijbOrdtory Mark the height 1gtf the fluid level to determine

whether leakage occurs during transport Label the container to clearly

identify its contents

Rinse the glassware a final time with deionized distilled water to

remove residual NaOH before reasseMbling Do not save the rinse water

423 Container No 3 Silica Gel) Note the color of the

indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and

make a notation of its condition Transfer the silica gel from the sixth

impinger to i~s original containl~r and seal The tester may use as aids a

funnel to pour tl1e si I icd gel anc1 a rubber pol iceman to remove the si 1ica gel

from the impinger It is not necessary to remove the small amount of

particles tnat mdy adhere to the impinyer wall and are difficult to remove

Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations do not use

any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel If d balance is

available in the field the tester may follow the procedure for Container No

3 in section 45 (Analysis)

424 Container No 4 (Arsenic Sample) Clean each of the first two

impingers and connecting glassware in the following manner

1 Wipe the impinger bal I joints free of silicone grease and cap

the joints

2 Weigh the impinger and liquid to within~ 05 g Record in

the log the weight of liquid along with a notation of any color or film

observed in the impinger catch The weight of i~uid is needed along with the

silica gel data to calculafe the stack gas moisture content

3 Kotate and-agitate each i1npinger using the impinger contents

as a rinse solution

4 Trc1nsfer the liquid to Container No 4 Remove the outlet

ball-joint cap dna drain the contents through this opening Do not separate

the impinger parts (inner and outer tubes) while transferring their contents

to the cylinder

5 (Ncte In steps 1 and 6 bel0w measure and record the total

amount of 01 N NatH used for rining) Pour approximately 30 ml of 01 NaOH



i nto ea ct1 of t tie f i r s t t vJO i 111 pi nge r s and d gi t a t e the i mp i n g e r s bull l) r a i n t he O bull 1

N NaUH through the outlt~t Mm of eacn impinger into Container No 4 Repeat

tnis omicroeration c1 seund time inspect tl1e impingers for ltlny abnorrndl


6 lipe the bdl I joints of the ulasswdre conn2ct-jng the impingers

and the Dack half ot the filter holder free of silicone grease and rinse each

piece of glasstJdrr~ twice 11itn 01 N NaUH trdnsfer U1is rrnse into Container

No~ 4~ (lJo not ~_nse or brus1 ttw glaltf---itted filter su ) Mark the

heignt of tne fluid l~vel tu determine whether leakaye occurs during

transmicroorto Lctbel the container to clearly identify its contents

42 5 Container No 5 (SO Irnpinyer Sample) Because of the large L

quantity of liquid involved the tester may micro1ace the solutions from the

tt1ird fourtr1 dnd fifU1 i11microin9ers in separate containers However the

tester may recomoi ne the1n at tile ti 1ile of ana Iys is in order to reduce the

number of analyses reyuired Ch~cn the impingers according to the six-step

procedure described under Contain~r No 4 using deionized distilled water

instead Ul N NaOH as the rinsing liquid

4L6 Blanks Sdve a purtion of Ute 01 NaOH used tor cleanup as a

bldnk Take 200 ml of this solution directly from the wasn bottle beinlJ used

and pldce it in a plastic Sdmple contctiner labeled NaOH blank Also sdve

samples of tl1e ltieiunized distilled later an 10 percent H o and place in2 2

semicroctrate containers labeled 1 H 0 blank 11 and H u blank 11 respectively2 2 2

4J Arsenic Sammicrole Prepartion

4J1 Container No 1 (Filter) ~ldce the filter and loose

1-3articulate mdtter in a 150-ml beaker Also add the filtered material from

Container No L (see section 433) Add 5U ml of 01 N NaOH Then stir and

warm on a hot pl ate at ow heat ( do not boi I ) for about 15 min Filter the

solution through the Watman No 41 filter pdmicroer Wash with hot water and

catct1 the filtrate in a clean 150-ml beaker Boi I tt1e filtrate and evaporate

to dryness bull Coo I add 5 mi uf gt u p e r v~ 11 t Hru rn d U1 en wa rm and st i r Al Iow3

to cool~ Transfer to a 50-m volumetric flask dilute to volume with

deionized distil led wdter and tnigt wel I

if tl1ere are ltlny solids retained o_y rn~ tilter place the filter in a

PA~R acid di~estion bo11b dnd ddd ( 1~il tgtdCh t 1 r concentrated HNU and HF acids3

ied tne Dornb ctnd nt~dt it in dn 01n at 1sul for S hours


~e11ove ht Lrn111b fro1il tht over dnd dl low it to cool l_Juantltatively

transfer the content of ttH~ oomb to a 50-inl microolypropylene volumetric flask dnd

1J i u I ce to exltlc t l l)J ml vii t_t1 dei lt1ni zelt dist i 11 l~d Wdter

t_J~ Lu11tJifllr No 4 (Arseric Inmicroinyer Sdmmicrole)

~ote Prior to dnalysis check th1 liquid level in Containers NO 2

anu NU 4 confirm as to wt1ether or nlt t l edkaye occurred during trdnsmicroort on

the analysis sheet If a noticedble dmounc of leakage occurred either void

the Sdmple or take steps sLbject to the amicroproval of the Administrator to

ddjust U1e final results

rransfor the conterts ot Container No 4 to a 500-rnl volumetric flask

and dilute to exactly 500 ml with deionized distill~d water Pipet 50 ml of

tile solution into a 150-ml t1eaker Add 10 rnl of concentrated HN0 bring to a3

boil and evaporate to dryn1~ss Allow to cool add 5 ml of 50 percent HN03

and then -ldrm dnd stir Al ow the solution to cool transfer to a 50-ml

volumetric flask dilute to volum8 wit1 dionized distilled water and mix well

4J3 Container N(~ (Probe ~~ash) See note in 432 above

Filter (usiny Whatman No 4) the cont~nts of Container No 2 into a 200-ml

volumetric flask Combine Lhe filtereJ material with the contents of

Container No 1 (Filter)

Uilute the tiltrdt to eltdctl12001111 with dionized distilled water

Tt1en pipet 50 ml into a 15ol-ml b~dker Add 10 ml of concentrated HN03


to a boil dnd evamicroorc1te to dryness 11 ow to coo 1 add 5 ml of 50 percent

HNU and then warm and stir Al I m-1 tt1e so I ut ion to cool transfer to a3

5U--ml I volumetric flak di lute tJ volJme witl1 deionized distilled water and

mix well

434 Filter l3ldnk lJetermi11e a ti Her blank using two filters from

e d c n I o t of f i 1 t e rs u s ed i n t he s mmicro I i 11 g t r a i n bull Cut each filter into strips

and tredt eacr1 filter individual IJ as direct~d in section 431 beginning

wi tt1 tt1e sentence 11 Add 50 1 I of J 1 N Na UH 11

4J5 ul N l~aUH and ~Jater 1-3anks Treat semicroarately 50 ml of 01 N

NaOH and 50 ml deionized distilleJ watr as directed under section 432

bey i n n i n y Ii th t tle sentence 11 Pi p~ t 5 0 mI o t t 11 e so middot1 uti on i n to a 1 S 0-m1


4 4 Spectrophotometer Prepc1 ration Turn on the power set tt1e

vavelengtn slit width and larnp current anu ddjust the background corrector

d s instructed oy the 1ndnufacturer s mdrua I fur the particular atomic



absorption spectrophotometer djust tl~e bLrner and f1arne characteristic as


4a5 Analysis

45l Arsenic Oetermination Prepare standard solutions as directed

under section 51 and measure their absorbances against 08 N HNU bull Then3

determine the absorbances of the t lter blank and each sample using U8 N HN0

as a reference If the sample concentration falls outside the range of tne

calibration curve make an apmicror-oprictte dilution Hith 08 N Hf~O~ so that the )

final concentratmiddotion falls within the range of ttle curve Determine the As

concentration in tt1e filter blank (ie tl1e average of the tvrn blank values

from each lot) Next using the appropriate standard curve determine the As

concentration in each sample fraction

4~~-11 Arsenic DeterminaLion at Low Concentration~ The lower limit

of fla1~ie -atomic absorption spectrophotometry is 10 microg Asm1 If the As

concentration is a lower levt~middot1 use the vapor generator vl1ich is available as

an accessory component Fo 11011-1 the manufacturers instructions in the use of

such equipment Place a sample containing between O and 5 microg of As in the

reaction tube and dilute to 15 ml with deionized distilled water Since there

is some tri a I and error i nvo I ved in this procedure it 1ay be necessary to

screen the samples by conventional atomic absorption until an approximate

concentration is determined After determining the approximate concentration

adjust the volume of the sample accordingly Pipet 15 ml of concentrated HCl

into each tube Add 1 ml of JO percent KI olution Place the reaction tube 0into a U C water bath for 5 min Cool to room temperatun~ Connect the

reaction tube to the vapor yenerdtor assembly When the instrument response

has returned to baseline inject 50 ml of 5 percent NaBH and integrate the4

resulting spectrophotometer siynal over a JU-second time period

4512 Mandatory Check for Matrix Effects on the Arsenic Results

Since the dnalysis for As by at~nic absorption is sensitive to the chemical

composition and to the physical pro~erties (viscosity pH) of the sample

(matrix effects) check (mandatory) at least one sample from each source

using the Method of Additions

Tt1ree acceptable Method Jf Additic)ns procedures are described in

the 61 Genera1 Procedure Section of the P~rkin Elmer Corpordtion Manual

(Ci tat i on 2 i n sect i on 7 ) 1 f tt)e 1es ult s o t t 11e Me trl o d o t Add i t i o II s

procedure on tne source Sd1nple do rwt alt_Jrmiddotee t(J within 5 micro~rcent of tt1e Vdlue


obtctiried oy me routrne dto1nic absorption arictlysis men reanlyze all Sdmpmiddotles

from me source usinq tt12 Method of Additions procedure

1LgtL Co11L1iner 1fo 5 (So lmpi11yer Sample) Observe tne level of2

li4uid in Cuntdiner No 5 and confirm whether any sample was lost during

st1ippiny 1~ote ctny loss of liquid on the dnalytical data sheet If a

noticeable amount of ledkage occurred either void the sample or use methods

s u b j e ct to t he ct ppr o v a I of tt1e Adm i n i st rat o r to adj ust the f i n a 1 res u l t s bull

Transfer the contents of the container(s) No 5 to 1-liter volumetric

flask and dilute to exactly 10 liter witt1 deionized distilled water Pipet

10 ml of tnis solution into a 250-ml trlenmeyer flask and add two to four

drops of phenolphthalein inclicator 1itrate the sample to a faint pink

endpoint using l N NaUH Repeat and verage the titration volumes Run a

blank witn each series of Sdmples

4~J Contdiner lio J (Sili(d Gel) The tester may conduct this

step in the field Weigh the spent silica ~1el or silica gemiddot1 plus impinger)

to tne nedrest 05 y record tnis wei~iht

5 Calibration

Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations

51 Standard Solutions Pipet 1 3 5 8 and 10 ml of the 10-mg

Asml stock solution into s1microarate 101-rnl volumetric flasks each containing 5

ml of concentrated HN0 bull Dilute to tle mark with deioniized distilled ~~ater3

If tr1e lo~~-level procedure is used piJet 1 2 3 and 5 ml of 10 microg Asml

standard solution into the separate fl1sks Then treat them in the same

manner as tile Sdmple (section 434)

Check these absorbances frequ~ntly dgainst U8 N HN0 (reagent blank)3

during the ctnalysis to insure that base-line drift has not occurred Prepare

a standard curve of dbsorbance versus concentration (Note For instruments

equipped with direct concentration readout devices preparation of a standard

curve will not be necessary) In dll cases fol low calibration and

operational procedur~s in tne mandacturers instruction manual

~2 Sampliny Train Calibration Calibrate the sampling train

components accordinSJ to the indicated sections of Method 5 Probe Nozzle

(section ~ l) Pi tot ruoe Ass~1nbl) (section )2) Metering System (section

~J) Probe Heater (section ~-4) Temperature Gauges (section 55) Leak Check

of Metering System (section 56) and Harometer (section 57)


5aJ N Sodium Hydroxide Solution Standardize the NaOH titrant

against 25 ml off standard 10 N Hlso4

6 Caiculations

61 Nomenclature

t$ ~ater in tt1e 9as stream proportion by vo 1ume 0 ws C Concentrathrn uf A as redd fro11 the stdndard curve microgmla s CSUc = Concentration of so

2 perc~nt 01 volume

C Arsenic concentr-1tion in stack ~1as dry basmiddotis converted to s standdrd cor1ditims Jdsc1 (goscf)

i- = Arsenic mdSS emision rate yhr a F d = Di I ut ion factor ( equa Is 1 if th1 sample has not been

di I uted)

I Percent of isokinetic sampling

Mbi Total mass of al I six impingers and contents before

samp l i ng 9

Total mass of al I six impingers dnd contents after

samp l i ng g

M = Total mass of As collected in a specific part of the n

sampling train ig

= Mass of su collected in the sammicroling train g2

= Total mass of A collected in tlw sampling train microgs

= Norma Ii ty of Na OH t itrcrnt me4m I bull

T = Absolute average dry yas m~ter t(mperature (see FigureIll

108-2) degK (degK)

Va = Volume of sample aliquJt titrated riL

V Volume of gas sample a measured Dy the dry gas meterm


V = Volume of gas sample a~ measured by the dry gas meterm(std)

correlated to standard conditions scm(scf)

V Total vo I ume of sol ut iJn in whi u the so is containedsoln 2


v = Volume of so col lectei in the sampling train dscm(dscf)502 2

Vt = Volume of NaUH t trant usec for the sample (average of

repmiddot1 i cate ti trdt 1 ons) ml

Vtb = Volu1ie of NaUH titrant used for the blank ml

Vtot = Volume of gas sanpled _orrected middoto standard conditions

d scm ( d s cf )


V -= Vo I u111 e o t -vJ at er vd microo r cu I I 1 ~ c t l~ d i n t tl e =gt ct rn p I i nltJ tr d i n -I ( =gt td )

corn~ctl~LI to st1ndarltj cont1itions middotscm(scf)

i1H Averdye microressur differential ctcross tr1e orifice rneter (set

Fi yure 1 U o-2 ) 1m HzL) ( i n bull HzU ) bull

b~ Cdl(_ulctte the vol ime of so ycts collected by the sampling2


Eq 108-1


5K = lcUJ x 10- m311e4 for metric units1 3K1

= 4248 x 10-4 ft rndq for English units

6J Calculate the sulfur dioxide concentration in tne stack gas

(dry basis adjusted to standard conditions) lt1s follm-Js

CSU2 = x lUO Eq 108-2


t- V02

64 Calculdte the 1nass of sulfur dioxide collected by the sampling


Eq 108 3

~ here

65 Averctye dry Yd s 1eter t2111perdtures ( T ) and averageIll

pressure dromicro (~H) See ddtct sheet (Fiyure 108-2)




by using Eq

Ory Gas Volume Us i n g dct ta fr om th i s test ca I cu l ate V~ ( t d ) 1 5

5-1 of Method 5 If necesary adjust the volume for leakages

C- 3

Then add v J bull5 2

Eq 108-4

67 Volume of water v~porQ

Eq 108-5


K_) = 0001334 m 3g fo1 metric u11its bullmiddot -~

= 0047Jl2 fty foi Engl~~ urits

68 Moisture content

EL 1U8-6


+ Vw(stc1)middot

6 bull 9


Amount Of


train as

As CO I l eCt ed bull

the amourit of


As col iectld in each part of sampl iny

Eq 108-7

6Y2 Calculate the total

train as fol lows

amount of As c1llected in the sampling


M ( t i It e r s ) + Mn ( p rO be ) middot fvl 11 ( i rn fJ rn g e r s ) t

1( t i I t ~ r DI an k ) - 1n ( Nd l H ) - 1 (H~ O ) Eq 108-8

6lU C11lculdte the As conceritrdtiuri in the stack gas (dry basis

ddjusted to stdnddrd conditions) as follows

Eq 108-9

611 Pollutant Mass Kat~ CalculJte the As mass emission rate

using the following equation

= C Eq 108-10ssd

The volumetric flow rate Qsd should be calculated as indicated in

Method l

6 bull 12 1so k i net i c Vd r i at i on bull Us i n g data fr om th i s test ca Ic u l ate 1

use tq S-ti of r~ettoct S exc 1~pt suost itute Vtot for Vm( std)

6lJ Acceptable ~t~sults Same as Metnod 5 section 612

7 tiibliogramicrohy

1 Same as Citations 1 througn 9 of section 7 of Method 5

2 Perkin El1ner Corpcration Analytical Methods for Atomic

1-bsormicrotion Spectrophotometry Non-1alk Connecticut

September 1976

3 Annual Book of AST11 Stdndarctbull Part 31 Water Atmospheric

Analysis American Society for T~sting and 1-1aterials Philadelphia PA

1974 micromicro 40-4~



~f-~__d_y_ e s f o r Pr o c e s s i ng a n d An a l y s i s of PA H i n

Co~e Oven Emissions from Kaiser Steel

Global Geochemistry Corporation

10 Samples expected

l 1 Connective tubes between section welded to oven port cover and remainder of sampling system - These are to be stainless steel tubing disconnected and capped off for each sample They will be about 10-15 long

1 2 Impingers in series first two water-filled third dry - The center tubes will be removed and wrapped in clean foil and the impingers stoppered as is for shipping One set for each sample Protect from light during shipping

20 Extraction -procedure

Sample fractions are to be covered with foil or in opaque containers with inert gas flush during storage in freezer Solvents used in extraction will be BampJ glass distilled pesticide grade low residue) Working bench area will be screened with amber plastic and light bulbs

2 l Connective tubes will be rinsed with dichloromethane by partial filling capping tilting several times and draining into a beaker This will be repeated until the washings are colorless but at least three times

22 Impinger contents will be transferred to a separatory funnel The impingers and center tubes will be rinsed inlo the funnel using a measured amount of dichloroshymethane in portions The funnel is shaken well and the extract drawn The rinsing and shaking is repeated with two more portions of solvent The extracts and washshyings are combined over Na 2 S0 4 bull

A separate portion of the water used for impingers is extracted in the same way

For each liter of water 100 ml dichloromethane will be used per extraction ie 300 ml total

Internal standard is added to the combined exshytracts at this p0int





Concentration of extracts

Bulk solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator in a water bath at not over 40deg stopp~ng short of dryness The res~dual volume should be just less than the f i n a l v o l ti 11 e o wl1 i ch the s o l uti on i s to be d i l u t e d (accurately) The object is a final solution with roughly five mgml solids concentration in dichloromethane After the vol w1 e ~ s made up to the mar k i n a vol umet r i c flask an aliquot is removed and evaporated on a tared disk in a nitrogen stream and weighed to determine yields The remaining solution is stored in a ial or ampoule sealed with a Teflon-lined septum A split for SAI QA may be made at this point (see Section 43 also)

Gravity column c1eanup chromatogram

4 1 Into a 10 min 1 d column with co2rse sinter and Teflon stopcoc~ 6 g 120 mesh silica gel (activated at 120deg) 1s sluiry packed in pentane cooling the column by evaporation from a tissue wrapped around it and wet with acetone) This minimizes vapor gaps in the column A cap of 3g sodium sulshyfate is added to the top The column must not dry out before the chromatogram is complete

42 A sample of the extract concentrate is taken This is to be based on experience of expected PAH conshytents but initially would be 5-10 mg This is exchanged with pentane by adding 10 ml portions of pentane and evaporating over about 100 mg silica to small volume Three to five portions of pentane are used The final residue is rinsed onto the column with pentane

4 3 The chromatogram is developed with four solvent steps

l 25 ml pentane 2 l 0 ml 2 0 ~~ dichloromethane in pentane

II II ii II3 l 0 ml 50 u II II4 l 0 ml 5 0 ~~ methanol

The column volume is approximately 8 cc This is allowed for while collecting fractions During the first chromatogram the graduated cylinder collector is observed for visible solvent changes and a more precise estimate of the column volume

T h e f o u r f r a c t i o n ~ a r e e v a p o r a t e d i n a n 1 t r o g e n stream at not oveimiddot 40 to l 0 ml then stored under nitrogen in the freezer The principal constituents


of the fractions will be

l Aliphatics 2 Lower molecular weight PAH

11 113 Higher 11

4 Polar materials

Fractions 2 and 3 are to be analyzed by HPLC the others retained for future interest or in case of an incomplete or defective separation Splits for SAI QA may also be made from these fractions

50 HPLC Analysis

5 l The column is a reverse phase partition column C18 bonded to microparticle silica 4 x 250 mm The solvent system is a gradient from 6040 acetonitrile water to 100 acetonitrile initial slope setting l 5min The flow rate is one mlmin the injecshytion sample volume one to ten microl depending on conshycentration Detectors are UV absorbance and fluorescence in series The absorbance is set routinely at 296 nm but may be varied in certain instances to aid in identification of peaks The fluorescence filtars are narrow pass excitation at 360 nm and cut-off emission above ~10 nm Both d e t e c to rs a re rec o rd e d s i 1i ul ta n e o u s l y

52 Reference calibration is based initially on indishyvidual chromatograms of single compounds and roushytinely interspersed chromatograms of multicomponent reference mixtures The proposed calibration stanshydards are the following at minimum

Phenathrene Pyrene Chrysene Perylene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo (ghi)pcrylene I n d e n o ( l 2 ~ c d ) p y r e n e Coronene

The internal standards (added in Section 22) are 910-Dimethylanthracene

9-Phenylanthracene 9 10-Diphenylanthracene

60 Peak Identification

Significant peaks not recognizable as present in the reference standard will be investigated by alternate methods for identification


6 bull I Stopped-flow examination of UV absorbance for maxima

by manual wavelength varmiddotiation allows checking against known reference spectra (published or measured) This is usually sufficient confirm a component already suspected to be present

62 Collection of the fraction contairino the unknown peak allows later determination o~ t~e full absorbance andor the fluorescence spectrum for comparison with reference compounds

63 If not already run on GCMS the sample can be sent to SAI for that purpose possibly allowing the comshyponent to be identified Since the HPLC elution order is not the same as the GC retention sequence it may be necessary in affibiguous cases to collect the HPLC fraction and run it separately by GCMS

The~e may be numerous minor constituents not identified The decision on how many of these to track down and identify will be made in consultation with CARB adv~sors a~d with SAI since at some point the returns ute not worth further expense

_64 IdeAtified peaks are quantified by comparing their areas to the areas of the known concentrations of reference compounds A recovery factor based on the added internal standard nearest in elution order to the sample component is then applied the amount of internal standard originally added to the sample is divided by the amount found in the HPLC analysis This ratio is the multiplier used to correct for losses in concentration and chromatography steps

70 Quality Assurance

71 Transmittal of sample ~plits to SAI provides for external QA This should be done with 15 (or one in seven) of all samples

72 Blank water extracts are carried through the same analytical procedure (10 of total)

73 The cleanup and HPLC analysis are duplicated on 15 (or one in seven) of all extracts

74 The multicomponent reference is run first every day then elution volumes and peak area for each comshyponent are plotted on a control chdrt to pinpoint developing problems At least evetmiddoty tenth chromato-gram will be this standard It wi 11 also be rerun after any service on the instrument~ such as a column change



Gas chromatograph 1mass spcmiddotctromlt~try protocols used by SAI Trace

Organic Chemistry Laborator1

Aliquots of sampl=s received from Global Geochemistry Corporation

were analyzed by combined c11s chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS)

Liquid extracts were spiked with an internal standard compound (deuteriumshy

labeled phenanthrene) priot to analysis by gas chromatography mass spectroshy

metrymiddot A Finnigan model 4( 21 Quadrupole GCMS system including an Incas data

system was used for all analysis Liquid samples (1 microliter) were injected

into a 30-miter x 025-mm ID SE-54 fused silica open tubular 9as chromatoshy

graphy column (JampW Scientific) A programmed GC oven rate of a 4 minute hold

at 30degc followed by a 40degCmin temerature increase to 160degc and a s0 cmin

temperature increase to 270degc was used for sample analysis The detector

system was a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the electron ionization

mode at 70eV The quadrupole mass filter was scanned from 35 to 475 atomic

mass units in 095 seconds A hold time of 005 seconds was used to stabilize

the electronics prior tote next scan Data were continuously acquired using

a Finnigan Incas Data system which writes time intensity mass spectral data

to a magnetic disc The mass spectrometer was operated under computer control

during acquisition Figures 33-7 through 33-9 show the total ionization

chromatograms for each of the three samples that were analyzed

Following analyses the data files were searched for priority

pollutant polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) In addition to the

quantitative data reduction used for priority pollutant PNAs a survey analysis

was performed on all significant GC peaks (ie signal to noise of greater

than 101) The survey analysis was based upon a computerized library search of

individual background subtracted peak maxima scans for qualifying GC peaks

The library used for qualitative identification AJas a combined NIHEPA

National Bureau of Standards library 1hich contains approximately 26000


Tables 33-11 through 3-13 present the results of this survey analysis As expected a series of al~yl Slbstituted PNAs were observed in addition to heterocyc l i c compounds con ta i ni n~ nitrogen iind sulfur moieties Further

investigation of the mass spectre of the nitrogen substituted identifications

confirmed the presence of benzonitrile isoquinoline andor quinoline acridine

carbazole and alkyl substibted ~yridines Ion specific searches for N-nitroso

substituted amines were neg1tive



Detailed Fiber and Mass Concentration Data - Johns Manville



lt QJ ()

J 0

(lJ __c r-- (Y)

-- 0tj-M r- rQ bullbullbullbull

middot1- c) CJIO

gtmiddot CNltS rel I c-=cltv-l

N --_ r--

+ +



- -- + +


Ii II 11 11 lo II 11

_ amp z

E2 ~~~~~yen_ ~~~ti~~


~~~~j~j ~~~~~~ -----~-2 = ~ ______ _--- middot---~ ___ - - - - _ ~


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ti lt ~~ - --- -


~~ - J -

_ ___

- =- = l 7 = T -- ~ 1C I-- lc L ~ -- J

=-- -i l L - [- - =-- -= f- - =-- -l J middot - -=-

i-- L =-- - ~ ~ L ~ ~ =--shy r---- --

- 7 l -=----7- -- - - - -- =-- - - ~ =-- - 1- -~- l

g~~~~ r_-middot~ ~-i [-- L ~ L Ldeg

middot--~ l - --------=-- r- L r- r-

~~~ =-- -- r- = - -r---

a- - - - - _ - -I~=-- L -- l 7 -~--

gtZlt _

- _(_ -lt lt =- = ZJZ~


__ _

~ -- __ middot- -~ ~~~ = L ~f~ Z ~ C

middot -

__ ~ lt lt =- _~~ijE

gt = z lt gt



SI I HMllLfc J H 1 I OBr I lll-H ANI) NS~ coHcrrrllliTJ ON CUfllllTI VImiddot SIJMMIIY

TIITIL JnI~ SfiNtlEO TOTtl Ill- or FI ITETI TOTI Illlt ~111-11 11 ltllOT FIIACT I Ori 1111 OF ~middotWI MUllllNJbull lOTI 01IIMImiddot 01- JII TOTI FI lilmiddott~ UgtIJH nD

= t nwo 00 so MI CllONH = t I 1JOO SO (M = II 900 SO CM t bull (0000 l1T~

I I JO SO CM 70000 CUil JC Ml-TEHS

= ~lt O V l lWfl~

Manville D-2 Baghouse

723 347 -633


FI 111-11 COllflT ltFIIWll-

ITllClmiddotrir r lllrf


) ( I f S bull1 bullbull

I 0

l ~-Irbullmiddot


fl JI)(~


0 OUU~~


0 OflO


1110 000~~

FI IWII ( ()[IClmiddotNTHT I ON ltI- I mn ll11 ~41 GI OF FI LTEH) (FIBlmiddotn~ ll-11 CIJB f-11bullTl-H OF IH)

I (2fi71bull+0G (aG(l-+05

( gt027 F+04 OfmiddotHH


OOOOOF+00 o uuoul~middotH)O

0 O(OOE+OO o 0000I+oo

J bull f 1)07 E+O( fi r71HE+OG



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I 590)1+07 6 t 90llbull-HH

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0 OUO(I 1 00 OOOOOJi+00

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OOOOOE+OO 1 lHHllJ i 00

0 00001middotgt1 00

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I) I MWTEll Ml-N ltMI c11or1~~) STI) tHV

MEtl IOC cImiddotor1 r1N CCWF V11

AIt lbullI rt 1bulli I~ (Sil MIC) STIgt 1gt1-V

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I 0 I ~if1+07 bull tJf I (11bull-HH

r 1gta 1 1) bull 2 (10()

0 lt700 l 1Hi4~ 2G44

() ~( 1 027B

- l bull 6 I 1bull1middot 0 J l)J 09J~fgt

1a 1071 1~ 09rn

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( IJl)()C)

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~ - -lt-[-bull

0- ~ l L L l~ -18~~

L a- - ~ I-

-I - ---


-- -- -- - - ~l

-1_ - - --

--~--- [-middot-~--- t-- -- [- -_ 3J ~I r-

z g ---



l l c +-shyc

~ Ci - - I

-1--r-middot~- ~

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-= -- - - ---- - _

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- I

==== lt _ --middot --~ 7 _

- ~~- _

z ~ ~ =lt ~~~ti3


gt =2 lt_

2 z _ lt=lt i~iS

-- z ~ lt


~lt~ =--~~~sect~ _ -- -middotImiddot_

L -_ -


(lJ II) I

~ Or--M

ltlJCsr-M ~ O) bullbullbullbull ~ lCMIO bull- ci gt (= N lC I M ~ 0 N



---r--co - - ~l r-j = ~i

~~ 2-

88 rJ--_-ltI -

lt ~lt


Cl J ~ _ e-l ~~

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-_ 0- _


-- lt== ~~ ltZ z-== -~~=E~8C~l~-=rI - lt ~ fJ

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~ ~ lt -=z~ z _ -shy middot--z =-

-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middot-middot -----

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- _ - ~-middot __ _

~ _

middot- - --- middotmiddot


- l

~=~r -~= ==

lt =~~~ti



TOTL iHf- SCNNFD lOTiL Illmiddot OF FILTFTI TOJI Ill- JSlllmiddot~ll I I OIIOT FlltCT [ ON 1111middot OImiddot ~1-M iIHlllllJNE TO 1 1 I ()lIJMImiddot ()I t I H TOTI V 1111-11~ COUNTED

= 1080000 SQ MI~RlozNS = 11 900 SQ CM = 1 l bull )00 SO CM = 1 00000 liHlS

11 IH) so CM 2G70000 CUBIC METfiHS

1 ) fi FI JllIIS

Man vi l1 e D-2 Baghouse

723 0 347 -633


F 11l-ll f()llrlr ( I 1IFH-- l 17 G o 00 00 00 19fi

llmiddot1tur1T TOlfL FI nrrns ll9 71bull4frac34 10 2Glti7 0000frac14 0000~ 00007 100000frac14

middot 11111 corwirrrniTI ON ( I- I I I It~ n11 ~q Ct-I OF FI LTEil) ( 1 I IWII ll11 CIII 111-Ttbulln 01 I ll)

t 11ll0 r+Olt J 427H-H)5

1 bull ioonr+o G OltOGIbull HH

0 00001~+00 000001+00

OOOOOE+OO 0 000lt lbullHJO

0 00001~+00 D o)OOE-HgtO

I 2MWTbull+Ofi 4 1)HOlbullgtHHgt


I en

Tii I ~lllll11middot Illmiddot ( q Ul I lmiddot11 q en OF FI LTF11) (SO UI lFll Clll WllbullIl rn Ill)

bull11u f j j luii ( PGP1MS 1111 ~q ClI OF FI J11-ll) (PGRAt1S 1bull111 CIJI fllmiddotTlmiddotll (JI Ill)

I 7G2H+07 lt ll20(ilbullgtHH

9 0 1441middot+()( a G07 ltgt1bullgt1 O (

l 1 1Hi11--HM 1tllH (H

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0 ()()()()11-()()

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1 I ( 1 f(J

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0 (000 oouoo

-o G f Oil 0 (UOO () (l()(J()

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00000 0IJOOO 00()00 0 () ()(JI)

0 ())1)0

10 (400 1 7 211))

I 1 middotl 1 II I I G7lt l 47H

ll 1 iWTI II lt n 1 1 111 1i ~

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0 bull1ltHi 0 ~~+lbull

- f f Hl 1 oIOltil f bull ~ f17

0 I 2iO o o~o

- ~ (l ) ) bull)

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00000 00000 oowo 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 it)C ouooo 0 (POO

0 1 ~0(d 0 41 1middot~

- i ~ltltG 0 201 II I ~Ill 0

111 (~I MIC)

~11bulli Ii Sfll IWV ~11-dl I OI Cl-Otl MN lttllmiddotT II

2 JOB w i0lt11

f H17 ll2G7 (1 bull IJ7~~

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-I llt70 0 ~jJJJ 0 lmiddotIBI

00000 00000 00000 () ()0()()


0()(100 00000 00000 00000 0 ()()()()

ouooo 00000 0 (J()()()

00000 00000

20 111 tfi 17 211middot1middot

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-4 )i J 00071 Oi()OO

0 (1((1()

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00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

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1 Ill (i

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-J ~bull17lt 11)7()

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=-c i


lt rr

lt Cf

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-- ttl M bull- i gt (2 SN ttl I M ~ ON


M (I)







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- ~ -+ -+ c

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_ co


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-c~oo--_ - --- -_ - _ - - - - - _ --- _ _ -~ -_ -- - -_

~oo-- - - - - -------------------------- - _ _ _


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II II II II II 11 11



c=~lt ~~

~~ -~ = - -lt ~ l -middotmiddot - -~ f I

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-=~ 2 -- - -- ~

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z -- - - - -gt- lt

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-- _ L- -

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z ~_ ~-=


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lt rr

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i Ot

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E 0 M N -


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e 0


c e



~ - -_ - -__ _

-- -shy-----shy~ - - - --------shy- - -- - _

0_ ---shy _ - ____ _- - - - - C - - - - 0--

------ ~-shy-----______---- ---~---- _ -middot - _----shy--~_ __

- - - - - __ -- __ - - - - -- - - - ------- -----_ --------

--~--_ _ ~ _ ~----- - __------_ _ _ o-=

- - _ _ _ - _ - - - - ------shy- -- -------shy- - ---~__

0 _ ---shy

o~eoo - - - - -__ _ -----~__ _ ~_ ---- - ~ _ -middot _


c - =gtshyz Clt

00 ~ 5 c

c lt



t~ 0

g C

middot- _

C _---shy

- -__ - - -_

-----_ _ _ ~----____

- -_ - - shy

-----__ 000 - - - -__ -_ -----___

~~ c

~ - c

lt C

- - - - -- - _ _- - - --- _ _ - - _ -_ -_ _

- -- - -

_ - - - _

------_____ -----_____ - - - -____ ~----_ _ _ _ _

-_ -- - -____ - - - -- _ _ _--- --- ---__ --_____

- - _ --~ -- -- _ It -w-


_ rL z -



C ~J - ~I -4l

-~O~l c-r------shy~~~Cdega-~--l

- ) - L i -


z -

~-~ ~

r _

~ -

- -lt~middot ~middot - -- - -~ t middot ==


- ~~ lt lt


~~~ 7 z ~ ~ ~~ lt~ ~~~j3




- middot middot _ -

_ -

~ ~f ~


- -

- -


- L~ - -==-r- ~-- - Ldeg = - ~--= 1 middot-- rshy

tx L t ~ ~ ~i ~ emiddot- r- -

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ltlJ Vl J I 0

ltlJ C 00 - OgtO M - r1j bullbullbullbull bull- a) tJ ) gt CN0 r1j I

Z 0 M N _ -

0 E-~ 2 u- lt I

re C z

z i t= -~ lt ii

0 z





~ 0 C


~ C C

) 00



__ _ - -----shy--- -shy- --- ----__ - --- - ___ _ ------

c---shy____ __----- _ - - ~-- --_ - - - --- - ---- ---

-- --- _ ~~bull _ - -- - - - __ ---

- --- -------middot--- --- -middot --- - __ - - middot- ~ -middotmiddot

____ _0) C 0- - - ---------- -- -- ----------

_____ ------shy-- - - ------- - - _ -- - - - -- --_ - - -----

__ ____ ___

---------shy_ - -middot _------__ _ __ - -- --- -shy

- -- - -------middot- - - - -- - - - -middot----shy-- - - ------- - - - -

- -- ----- - --------- - --- - - --- ---- - - - -middot------


c------c----shyc----shy------- -- _ --------- bull--o o o i- - ----shy- ___- - - - -- - -- __

coooo __ __ _ --_ - - -____ _ - - - ---_ -- -- -- -------- -- --

----------- ------ --- ---------_____ _-- - - ------- - ------------

rr middot-middot r gt ltshyc=-~~ z lt=== ==~ ~

= C


+ +

------- - - -I

l - tshy- 1 - - -7 ~ - -- = 7 ~ L L t-

1 II It 11 11 1 11


~f - -

t z ~ t ---=-c

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MPteorolo(1y Summary Data for Study Sites


) ) )




Weather Bureau

Site Johns Manville-Stockton



Dail y_verage

Wind Speed (mph)

Direction (Percent)















































G) I



---------------- -------------------

Period 1969-197 3 Meteorology Site RSR

Sourece Whittier Station SCAQMD Average Wind Direction X

-- bull-------==--Start C I _ c _ I ~ltC11 l1-1 l1111-1Time

-12~ ___ _ ~l -----middot middotmiddot- -middot-- 4~ 1 4-I Rh f1h --- --middot -------

1 7 c- ~ 4 l 1 1 l c c 1 7 1R hq t q 4() lR

00 7 f- ~ ~ 1

__7 1---~ bull 2 ______ l__bull 7 ___ _ 401 11h hh ~ ~ -1 l lt 1 bull 7 ________ _)02

a~ ~f- lR O

2 I S 1n

~~ q 4 1R ~~ 34 0 ~S03 Q ~A q S S 6 44 11 Aq

____ 7 _ (J__pound_ 1 n 1 A ~ L ~ 1 a 4 ~04 01- 4r _____~---- 1_q______ 1_ -i -7 ______70 ___-_l __ _

____s_~ __ _3_ __ __ _7____1_ _______ c ____ _____ _S ____ -~bull05 no 44 )1 ~ SP 41 47 AS

-R 7 7 1 bullq 1A ~1-- S 9 4n06 J_4c An 4n 34 71 48 17 7S

07 O bull 0 3 bull 7 e i bull J ~ 3 e ) 2middot 3 4 e 7 ___ l micro 2 __ _ _ __l_Ln___________R 1 52______~_5_i _______ 8 c 7 J

_J 1 bull _____ h ~---- ___i_]___1 bull Z ______~_5 _______ ) 9 _r --~bull-5_____ ~_3 ____08 )c7 __JAq 9A 10 ]17 i7 f-S A4

11-n 11R Al f-i3 7) 1 4n i09 )A4 1A l~A 142 ]70 77 4R 70

_LI__l_ ___l 4 bull P 7 bull P A R l n A 4 R 1 n 4 4 ___ 7 A ___ _RA____ 1 A 1A 8 1 SL__ 1 R 5 1 ~ 3 _1] ________ 111~____JJ__) 1 ~---~-~ 4 9 1 ----1___11

A0 1A4 JR 17 lAR A 41 4C 174 A ll~ JnR ll7 9 5 R12

24c 4n~ l9l ~o 11n sg 40 3g __ ) bull 2 C () bull 9 14 ---~--~f 3 1 bull s bull 413

____ 7 4 _____) 4 c _ ___ 1 _ 7 ~ s____ L-i_ __ _ c 7 c ~ o 1_ __middot _____ 1__i-______ l 7 1 c _l___L3__ 1 bull 2 l bull q 714

77 ~ll 1Ac Rt 1 Al 4g lR iin 104 1 177 144 ~n 13 115 c 7 4 7 1 A 1 c c VH~ Q4 5 i 1 9 1

16 _ 1 ~-- bullcmiddot ___ ___ J_ 5 _ 1___ _10__ _ _ ____LS_ ~-- __Lo__i s p ~ 4 1 3 5 1R 2 _ --- __ __S ______2 __ -- --- 3-~ 1-- --- --- __ L3~ 6 7 ____ _7

17 l _ bull ~ 11 e3 ____ __]__]__ ] 5 __2 _________ 2_l__c_-_______ 8_ 1 4 bull 2 L_l_ __ _ _L~ 1 middotn 1 ) l R 5 A R ~ c

18 14 R1 ~~ 15 ~7 R4 4 lA~ llh 77 l~R 15n lA 59 ~0

19 L bull pound_________ _7_ 2__ ___2_E_ A A _2l-_l fL 4 3 e 7 J Q

1 Ji RI _ J_ ________ O _1-f l 4 ___ 4~------ __ 3] __

20 l l 7 5 2__ 3 e ____ 5 7 -- 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 ___ 2- 7 2 3 ____ C7 ______ -_ _____________ 10Q ii Q)44n middot----

21 u1 40 A1 ~4 lR5 5 1 bull

1~h si -- ) 1 1 11n n 41 22 _ q_J--- ______ A____ 1-- J_R ql____A_ P 1 q s

17 c3 ____ l ______ _________JY~ __ 7q ________ lbull4 __________ 4U ______

23 ___7 ~ _A _i_ _ _2 ________ ~ _middotL ___ __1--__1 ______ L~ g _ _ 7 ______ l n ___ _

1176 n



Site RSRMeteoro logPeriod _1969-=1_92]__

Average Wind Oirection_X__

PIIJ t t lt Cr ~Start Time ----

Pl 1_ 1~ 7 () 10s0~---- ---------- ll-i ________ 1n1 1 Jn f- l (- Q 1O 1 114 12 c Abull i ~ol R100 llS P2 171 ~41 2P QO P7 llS

7A 1nA 117 s A01 7 _1=--------------------------LS_0_ ---------------middot__s___~ 7 1 11 l_O l_Al (tr1 p~ 1-7 ql OJ

----- --------- - ---- ---- -- middot-middot --- ---- -- ----middot-- ----middot ----~ 7 c ~ bull n 1 1 2 l 9 -s 1 -i s s ~ c c__ bull A____02 1 1 2 1 r n 1 c 0 r-- l ~ 1 o 1 0 1 t 1 o c- ----~--- -Pl Ol OP lA2 11A 61 c 0 ~ cq03 l 5 4 l 4 4 1 i r 7 -i r) c q 1 deg 1n

qA RO 107 ~_12_7 SA c 7 A04 _l _ s_ _________l 7 l RA____ 7 ______l _o 4 __ l nn_________ 0 _7________ R_l __ o ~ _____ J(__7 11__r ___ _t-__ o ____ ln ___ h_ ______ An____ c-_n __05 ]lA 140 170 7cA __2n1 qc- 7q 1n1

06 RS q_1 lO~A lAwn 12S S9 49 AJ l2R l2R 144 lQO Jq2 114 llS R7

07 R bull 0 Re() q () Ll_3__ ___lJ Q 7 e ] 7 e c e 4

1_ ls 70 R________ 1(1__5 --- ____l~middotA l_J0_____ ll ~- ____ J_Z_ __ 08 7 1 _Lo ___ Si ___ f-~5 __ ____ q1____ A__A _____ 7bull~------~_r ______ _

0 q J A t __ _plusmn2___ l O A A P 12 Q

09 A2 22 G6 41 A7 s1 s1 R0 71 21 23 2q A7 AA f-l lll

10 44 11 ibull4- lR ~z 41 1q 7n 4q 17 lA lA --~-1__ 1q P _1_n7 ___

11 ~ bull 1 ___ 1 bull 1 l bull () ~ ~--1____ ~ q 2 4 l _middot2_____ pound_____7___ _ 41 10 8 0 lf- l() 17 01

12 2S A 5 1 2 22 19 J s7 21 11 7 2A 25 ~l 1n1q

13 ___JJ l 7 4 6 l - A 1 6 0 f- l q _----- _- o 12 ____l 7 1 7 -1____l_l_ _ ---middot

14 J__4_ A bull 7 1_~ l ~l__1____~ _____7_Q_------middot- c__ -- -middot -

--~ l l l 1 c l ] 7 c 1 l

15 J2 2 7 g l 4 11 lA 7 1 li A R 10 20 27 -=tn OR

16 a 4 s ~---- _J_ bull 1 it 7 _J _e_9____~ L _ 1 7 _______ll____ 7 _l middot- - 1deg 21 I= l_ ________ 9~-- ---

17 J bull J_ 7 4 l_ 2_ _ l 2 1 3 ___ c -- - f-_L___ 3 1 q 1q 4 --~~R____l____ ____c_c_____J~l~Z--

18 O middot 1 1 12 1s 4 - ~ () 14 1n 42 12 ~4 71 84 c~ 60 179

19 - 2____b__ __2D_______ ___2_____1-----~ --5__ _ 5 2 3 e 4 4___ l Q n _ 4A _____ 4_q__________50_______ lltbull __ 121 _____31 ______ _ _10 1 12

20 7 0 3 0 -- -middot 3 7 _ 7 1 7 5 __ 5 0 A 5 7 6 --- 5 i 1-- 0 R __l SL -- 1 r p P -- - 1 1 --- -- 1 c 7

21 14 41 51 g_7 04 55 7s q_7 7R Al 122 17A 17R q4 llq lc

22 -~--8__ c n 7 A 11 _n_ ~ c A 7 -2___~~--q 1 _______ l_nR ___ 17______ 7)1 _l__A ____ f-J_7 _ 1_ ]~(

23 c 6 _A _7 ----- 7 Q _ -- __ l l 0 J1 bull _ middot--S 4 ___ ----- 7_ f- --- P l

lAA4 1 911

R t bull I

--- -------

Meteorology Site RSRPeriod 1969-1973

Average Wind Speed XSource Whittier Station SCAQMD

( (~ c II lt II ~ hlltlStart Time

___L_~ 41 rnl~ ~l_ ---~-- --~h_______----middot bull9 bull f- c 1 l bull r 3 00 )

l l c Sl 7 J 8 ~Q AR 4() 4R _ _ _s_________ ~ A ~ 1 2R01 -------

l 1 i _f- _micro middoti 79_ LC 4i A1 bull 4 bull c + ~1 ] 1~ 1n02

Qf--- Lf- 1A Q r (- c r middotn SA 7 4 9 R 7 lR 11 403

a 1h Q S 5 4 4g 11 A9

P __ 3 bull 7 ___2__Y e ] 2 e ( e A 2 e 404 Rf- ------~_5____ 2L _____ _l_t_____~_7__ _3J _________4)____ SL_

bull 7 bull 7_ ________ 2____7______ 2 _1 _____ el_______ L ~ ________2 bull 2 2 bull 2 __05 ____1_n_o 44 31 c cq bull LJ 47

c 2c 7 lR 1 O 406 11 c A 0 4 n 3 4 7 l 4 R ~ 7 7 5

___ ___~ c Z bull A ~R_ ---2_h 2 bull bull 4 e R bull C07 l_ H l_ ri ------- R1 --- c ----------- AQ _middotbull 4_p____ r 7 ___1[_2_ _r--_______ _ A____________ )_3-____ _____ __t 9 ______ ~_____ _3 __ --~___()_______ __I__08 C7 lR9 9A 1n~ ll7 S AS 84 ~Q 33 11 11 1n R 3A 3309 7RJ 1R lA 14-1 17fI 77 4R 7(_

---~- L~ 1 7 -~ 1 7 4 1 l 1 9 S 3 9 C) 4 9 A ~ 9 q10 __ 7 c _ ___ _ 2 RA l A ____J__6_R 1 C 4 7 P C 1 rq I

11 -~L f _ __ -~-- 5 _J__ __4_-_c1 ______4__]____4_ bull 5 c___h ___~_a_J 1Rn ~r- 1 1A 17~ JRR AZ 41 45

sn ss s1 6~ cR 5 c~ s912 46 4n3 91 30 170 sg 4n ~~


5 a _e_______6__Q____ ~_f-__-----6___R f- e C 6 e 7 6 e 1 t__5_j13 7 l _ -i 4 _r _ _____ 13 _ __252_____ -2l3___5 7 3_5_______3_Q_j

1_ __ f-_ 7 ______ __~_E_ ____ L5 _____7 __3__ ___J_ 1_____J__ 5 ________ O_14 _2_c 7 --- ~ l ~--- l A i R t ~ r- 1 LL q J

15 ~c A7 7L 77 7S AP ~q A c7 47 1Al ~t 1nR q3 ~~ Jq

_ ____ Cl ________ 6___ l___ 6 bull 7______]__5 ___ 6 e q 7 e J Abull 2 8 316 2 3 5 19 2 15 6 ---- __ 24-4 --- ---- 3 lt5 _________ l3C _ ____fJ __ ]]__ ~ _ 5 6 ____ s bull3 6 2 __ 5 B ______ 5 Y ___ 7 3 7 _7 ___ _17

__ 1 c ______1 ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~n 13 c 6 P ~ 5 4~q L9 ~ cn 4A ~n ~-4 4118 lP~ llA 77 11A 1cn l~A SQ Q

-----~~a-R___-=4bull2_1 e __ middot-middot middot bulls __ - __ IL 9 1 ~_1_ ___3 7 40__19 1 ~~- gt q6_ (- l Q 144 43 _37 _ A f ---middot ~ bull r bull q ~ 9 IL ~ 1 _0 -~ bull 1 A 3420 l r -- I- I q4 l qo l c c 0

-- -- -- --- - middot-middotmiddot middot----middot - --middot-middot middotmiddot- --middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--middotmiddot

~ bull l =I ~ ~ bull f 7 bull i 1 1S21 l L7 C c~ c 1- 1 Sl l ~()

22 _-~ bull--~middot-_____ z_ __g______2 _____2_ 1 __ ------ 4 h

1 1 c3 3~ --~3 __ 113_ 79 l4

) bull f-- q ~23 2-~

lRgt 11gt 11 75 39 4 5 3 7 1


Period 1969-1973 Meteorology Site RSR

Source Whittier Station SCAQt10 Average Wind Speed

-middot- -------------- -middot----- ---- ----middot-middotmiddotmiddot-middot - ~bullI= r I i- C ci

Start Time -middotmiddotmiddotmiddot

qq lll lA ]h nl 1() Cj 1n1 l -in middot-

~ 7i 2g~ 08 R q 13 2 r00 11c 12 - 170 241 21 q () t---7 1 lS 2 -middot__ -- bull 1 oe 1 ----- _ 2 _ C)_ --- _ 7 R r1

401 121 lQ lRl SO 217 R7 n-- ---- ----- ----middot-- - --- --- - -------- - -- ltJ ---

02 _-7_ 5_ -middotmiddot ____ -~_7___ ---~_ middot--~- 7 7 2_________ 2 _7 --l -i -i l sn l i i~____l_tl_ l u 1 n l H_L____q_c _

bull A 2~ 27 27 27 2A 2~4 _103 15 t 14~ lAs 211 zns 91 q2 102 2 1 1 G___ 2 bull R 2 h bull 7 ____J 2~----7___4-----04 1 1 S _______ 171 ____lPn ____ 27~ __ 1_()4 ____ 1_00_____ 07________ 8J_

-~-~-------~~A _q ___ R_ 7 ____ _7 __ _l_ 1

05 1 3 A l 4 deg 1 7 C c P 1 () ___ q c ____ 7 q 1 0 l 27 27 30 2A 28 29 2~S 2406 12R 12A 144 100 lql 114 115 R7 2~A 2QR ~~~ 3~0 Q 29 ~O 907 l 1 c 7 deg ~rn 1os __1_ c __ _ __U-52____ l 1 A _l q _

08 2 bull 0 2 bull 7 l bull 4 3 bull -~ ___ _2-_L -- -- 3 bull 1 l bull (l 2-~2-q q ~~ ~ AA lOA A R ]O

09 34 14 ~~P ~g ~9 29 3A 31 71 21 23 79 A7 f--A 63 113

10 3q 39 A0 SO 46 34 40 3S 4 9 1 7 1 A __LR_ __h____ l R 4 R 1 n 7

11 4S 45 A4 s9 s1 l l 7 1 _2_ 41 10 R 20 lA Q 17 OJ

12 4~1 4R AR 61 6A S6 ~5 4 21 11 7 g 2A S ~3 101

13 4c cl 00 74 7 A c R _4 4 q t 9 ]

-i o l 2 R l 7 _l_l __ ~ 2 1 l 3 _ 14 _ i____l A bull A A bull ~-- __ A bull4 R 1 7 bull l t 9 Ci A

1deg 11 IS 2l 17 zc 114 15 A7 70 oo A~O 7l ~9 49 ~7

1 ii A R l O 2 n 7 --~ () Q P 16 ____5__0 1 A 6 A 3 A f-- __5__2__ 4 5 c bull R

__ _17 ____ J l ___________ 7________ 1 o______ 1_0 __________ 7L_____ 4____lt1_8__ 17 _ l __ ----~-l- ___ -~ _ 4 4 _ 4_11 A_______ 4___L 4 middot n 1 _g__

32 lA 10 4 l9 cc 11

18 2~1 2A is 47 ~s r- ~s 40 4~ ~2 ~4 73 R4 cc h9 12g

19 7 l ~3--~- __2__A______ _R _ _ 2 1 7 41-- 4P io __1~_____ 12 01 1_n4 _____ l7_ __

20 bull bull 4 bull 0 bull 1 bull ~ bull r 7 bull R___ _ __ bull 4

Sc t- 0 0 7 l c 7 1 c 1______ 0 ~ 1 1 1 c 7

21 S 2A q 11 1 n 77 8 31 7R Pl 1 17A 177 Qh llR 1~c

22 1 in 3~ a 1Q 7 7 7 q 1 l q l 7 7 7 4 ___ l _P J H 7 _1_ 2 2 ---- _1 _Q__

23 2f S ___ _Q____ 1() __ -_~_R 2Y ____2___A A

l AA2 2001 7 11

-------------- -middot-middotmiddot----


Si te f~a 1 i er Steel Period 1978-1979

MeteorologySource SCAQMD


N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSvJ SW WSW w lmW NW mJDaill Averaoe

Wind Speed 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (mph)

Direction (PPrrPnt) 10 8 2 ~ ~ 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 10 10 10 11J

-7) I


Two years data provided Approximately 16000 hourly speed and direction averages not computerized therefore results estimated


1971-1974Period Site Allied

r-ieteoro 1 ogySource lenno~ StatiQ SCAQMD

Average Wind Speed X

Average ~ind Direction

DirectionStart Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s s )iJ SU ~JSvJ tmiddotJ WNW Nt~ WNW

00 23 24 22 23 26 27 38 26 2l 2 4 72S 32 ) 37 33 2 9

01 24 24 2ol 2LJ 2Ll 26 24 22 21 26 25 34 J~ 33 3 0 2 3

02 24 23 21 23 23 26 22 24 24 23 24 34 34 33 2 S 2 9

03 26 22 21 24 22 26 20 l 9 24 22 22 32 33 35 28 25 -

04 28 22 20 24 22 23 2o0 25 22 22 24 28 35 32 31 23

05 23 25 21 23 24 24 21 23 L r)

bull q 22 23 30 37 31 31 27 -

06 24 26 25 26 26 27 2 5 25 24 26 25 33 ~ 3 32 37 30 ~-

~07 29 30 26 28 29 30 28 C) 28 30 30 33 L~ 0 38 40 33 ---~~--- __ _

08 37 31 30 3 J 3 1 3 l 29 31 30 33 35 39 45 39 46 62

09 46 34 30 34 34 36 3 1 35 35 39 42 46 48 48 53 60

JO 45 32 34 32 35 36 40 36 37 44 51 56 56 50 59 75

11 45 36 37 33 35 39 45 42 37 50 57 64 64 58 61 56

12 38 27 45 35 31 38 47 42 4C 55 61 69 71 62 70 95

J3 36 34 52 38 36 36 49 40 4CJ 48 65 71 77 66 86 105

14 50 28 52 43 54 48 55 43 5 1 56 59 72 80 69 92 60

15 54 ND 60 36 50 50 48 49 30 60 63 70 78 68 86 60

16 70 45 45 27 48 50 53 48 3F 47 54 66 73 60 89 60

17 65 NO 58 1 6 50 30 35 5 1 3 1 40 47 61 67 52 69 47

18 80 43 42 37 22 44 33 29 2C 35 43 54 60 48 52 64

-19 54 28 33 32 1 9 26 32 36 2C 33 37 49 52 48 51 39

20 36 21 24 27 22 26 26 34 2 middot 29 33 45 48 40 55 46

I21 40 25 26 22 23 29 26 28 2 o 28 30 40 44 40 47 45

22 35 22 21 24 22 2B 2ll 25 2 ( 25 7 38 4 1 43 36 39

23 2 J)36 25 22 24 22 27 23 __ 2 11 24 27 33 40 39 37 28

35 26 2 r_ 26 27 29 30 30 28 31 40 57 60 44 43 36


Period 1971-1974

Lennox StationSource Meteorology Site A11 i ed

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction X

middot Sta rt Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction----SSE s SSvJ SvJ ~JSvJ w WNW N~ WNW

00 27 71 85 80 92 51 32 29 44 76 68 80 119 60 58 28

01 22 71 95 92 108 60 21 37 i 4 G7 63 62 96 6 1 66 33

02 21 84 95 93 125 62 34 47 42 53 56 52 84 57 66 29

25 66 108 97 129 73 47 41 49 44 48 4 1 84 67 55 2503

24 64 108 109 143 76 55 37 46 44 43 48 61 59 59 2404

22 62 97 115 164 73 55 45 41 38 47 39 60 57 57 2705

18 76 79 126 181 79 46 38 44 43 43 37 58 44 62 2806

18 65 91 129 159 88 50 44 50 43 42 51 70 30 49 2107

1 5 61 94 116 144 80 65 55 59 34 48 72 94 23 26 1308

14 40 69 74 108 63 55 62 71 44 67 119 147 33 24 1109

1 6 26 46 44 66 56 50 57 50 33 80 217 197 30 23 910

9 14 32 25 37 27 38 41 41 23 88 3L3 251 33 22 611

13 7 1 9 1 4 20 17 27 25 23 21 105 346 307 34 20 212

6 5 12 8 11 9 1 5 1 2 13 26 93 392 348 34 15 213

3 4 9 5 7 7 11 9 10 22 61 412 392 34 14 114

4 ND 2 5 9 5 1 2 9 3 20 57 410 416 34 13 115

5 2 2 5 7 3 1 2 8 5 23 44 390 438 44 11 216

6 ND 4 4 5 5 9 7 11 19 55 372 435 50 15 317

9 2 4 2 10 5 1 2 9 10 28 60 346 420 49 29 618

11 3 9 9 6 14 11 14 31 60 73 282 368 50 42 1619

74 239 305 60 36 2220 20 1 7 1 5 1 2 23 16 I 3 1 9 51 76

99 169 234 54 42 2321 20 22 26 29 50 28 26 22 69 87

79 144 175 45 47 2722 24 42 53 40 59 40 34 34 62 98

gtl 68 98 149 48 52 2223 59 86 59 84 40 37 ~o 65 80 t

65 197 221 45 38 161 6 36 52 54 73 41 32 30 39 46


Period 1962-1974

Source Long Beach SCAOMD Meteorology Site Stauffer

Average Wind Speed Average Ji nd Direction X



SSE s SStJ SW 1JSJ i im~ NW WN~

00 78 77 89 11 5 l l 46 35 52 38 1 5 1 3 21 59 129 73 48 ---- ___ __ --bull---middot-middotmiddotmiddot-

01 71 86 96 128 122 45 45 43 38 1 7 1 3 19 49 11 5 60 53

02 82 86 109 132 116 58 4 1 38 31 20 13 15 51 107 50 51

03 80 101 114 13 5 122 59 33 38 34 1 5 11 20 44 92 50 46

_ 04 85 103 11 9 129 122 64 43 35 31 14 13 20 402 86 44 49

05 95 102 111 134 13 2 59 bull 2 35 32 13 1 3 1 7 38 89 45 44 -

06 91 105 112 132 131 59 4 l 37 27 14 1 3 14 38 87 55 42

07 77 96 104 123 13 7 70 43 44 40 1 7 1 6 18 43 77 49 42

08 60 76 83 103 13 l 63 60 61 68 33 20 24 53 86 42 37

09 44 50 57 7 3 11 3 65 5-1 75 11 3 59 39 36 74 80 38 31

_ 10 38 28 33 46 84 54 4 3 77 165 lC6 48 41 80 83 40 29

11 23 15 1 7 LO 51 37 4Z 71 212 14 4 68 55 95 86 38 1 7

12 15 8 11 1 7 31 28 31 57 235 lE6 74 63 114 10 7 32 1 2

13 10 4 8 11 1 8 1 7 23 43 237 168 73 56 142 147 34 8

14 7 6 6 10 18 13 14 34 203 142 56 51 179 211 41 9

1 )15 5 3 3 9 14 10 33 15 0 10 3 48 47 223 274 58 7

16 6 2 4 7 1 5 9 1 30 108 75 30 46 243 338 70 7

17 6 3 6 10 14 10 10 26 77 49 23 39 247 378 92 10

18 1 2 6 8 1 3 l 6 11 15 26 57 33 1 7 32 230 396 10 7 21

19 21 16 18 22 8 1 5 1t) 31 47 24 14 30 182 368 128 39

20 33 32 35 44 37 1 9 2 1 37 38 21 14 30 138 320 128 52

21 50 39 -------middotmiddot ----- --53

- ___ _

hR fi fi --middot middot- --- ---- --middot-

~ I 1 () 35 l 6 1 bull IJ ) 10 ) 24G - - -- - - - middot-- --- -------- middot---middotmiddot----- -middot---- - -l l S 6 )

22 64 52 66 90 86 3 ~ 3 l 46 36 1 7 1 5 26 [3 6 18 1 99 67

23 70 67 81 104 10 1 40 3 ~) 45 41 1 3 11 27 70 144 e2 65

47 48 56 70 76 38 3-1 44 87 54 28 32 11 0 176 66 35



StaufferPeriod 1962-1974 Site

Source Long Beach Meteorology

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction


-ta rt rime N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction SSE s SSH SvJ ~JS-J w WNW NW WNW

00 26 25 23 24 26 30 43 38 35 32 38 29 37 30 25 27

28 24 23 23 24 31 39 38 38 29 29 31 37 29 25 2501

28 26 24 24 25 31 38 35 35 33 31 27 35 29 25 2502

28 27 23 23 25 32 35 37 33 35 28 28 34 29 25 2703

29 27 23 23 26 30 35 37 32 35 22 27 33 28 29 2804

29 26 24 23 27 30 36 34 33 35 26 27 32 30 28 2505

30 26 25 24 27 32 35 35 37 32 33 26 30 32 26 2706

29 28 27 27 28 33 40 38 33 35 41 33 35 33 29 2707

32 30 28 30 31 34 39 38 37 37 35 30 34 37 35 2908

30 32 28 32 33 36 18 43 ~-3 43 J8 32 39 4 1 39 2909

30 32 33 37 36 39 43 46 48 48 42 44 45 46 40 3410

33 33 34 40 42 43 50 49 52 53 53 46 54 52 49 3211

36 35 43 54 53 55 58 52 57 58 57 56 63 63 58 4212

65 75 75 72 4013 40 43 45 58 63 69 61 56 58 60 61

68 88 81 84 5514 42 39 44 62 67 75 61 59 60 59 63

73 89 85 91 5615 50 52 55 70 67 8 1 64 61 58 57 ~-j 8

69 87 81 84 6616 49 44 54 71 66 73 66 58 56 54 57

63 80 73 71 5017 45 58 37 60 60 60 58 52 54 49 47

47 69 62 55 4318 30 28 37 40 48 53 49 51 49 45 39

40 59 52 45 3419 24 24 28 34 33 4B 45 44 41 39 -6

37 51 43 39 29 middot~o 20 20 21 26 29 43 36 41 43 37 31

35 44 37 31 2721 24 2 1 21 24 27 35 4 1 42 4 1 38 28

22 34 41 33 29 2522 22 22 23 27 34 39 42 41 33 30

34 39 31 26 27-~ 1 24 22 23 22 26 32 40 39 37 36 ~8

47 63 54 4428 27 25 27 30 37 42 44 50 51 47 29


Period 1956-1974 Site DOW and DUPONT MeteorologySource DOW



Daily Average

ind Speed (mph) ~8 52 38 47 25 25 35 37 37 47 50 75 9 10 77 77

Direction (Percent) 8 25 13 15 25 26 76 36 20 25 6 10 16 188 128 65

G) I

I---- N


H 1

-- - -

- - - -

---- -

Western Plant Area - Kaiser Steel Fontana



I IT I - - - - - - - - - - --+ - - - -- - - - --- - - middot- - + - - - - - t- - - - - middot- - - -middot

Slrf I I I I

- I FO TJ1 middot I F---- ----------~-_1---------A_V__ I I


j I I I

I 1a ST I II fOIIO 11T I

l I

- - - - - - -- - - - - + -


-----+-middot BLvb


bullco- - - - -R-oute- - -+-






-~ I


AV gt

0 ~ 0 3 z 0 I-I- -middot -- + -middot -- middotmiddotmiddoto IJ



gt lt(

A 100


z 4 z -lt co

A r 6 SF






Cu CA ffl Q f ( J_rHTRAM-~~-LAV_----w_=H_I_TrNT=-li-----1-

- - - -- - ------- ~1__---------r-- ___ s_ --l- -- ----I I I




---------+ -r----- ------- + I


ST 4TH ST_)___ JI ~-----____ ----- ---- - i----~--rt -

I I -1 I bull I I bull






- I_

II ~ - - - -- - - - - - + -----------t----


I ~ I



1 I


I -1



Eastern Plant Area - Kai~er Steel Fontana

ow FS

bull o z 0 ~ J ~



--- A(llIIN



middotI ~ I



--- --t-t---1




+i I I I

gt gt I

~ I

- --~ + - - ci - - - - gt

- - - -- - --- - -- -





middotmiddot------- +--bull I



I - - - - middot+

~ - --+ I I I




Offsite Storage Tanks - Stauffer Chemical Co San Pedro

bull~~ - ~ - ~ te-e_- fl_ bull lt) -iTCRrJ

bull-1- 6bull ~~----Ro i I Pt 5 bull lit~ I I A i~ v I -Jbulltf- ~-l~ dL

tf~l ~ - I _f) 1

ti_LJ ~~J (wt raquomiddot-C ~~lt ___ f_~gt

middot l~ 71 ~ I ~~ c Qj ~(gt l~ HI h-fS ~~c~ ~J(


IT ~ bull1middot~_l -( c-~zmiddot _

I 0 --~ tl)V- ~shy

~ ftrtlI_bullbull-

middot~ _bullff~~gt_~

i~Y1 f~2~

~ g

~i1 ~--

c I ~ q



~ -~_x I I -~--middot ~Imiddotmiddotmiddot~1

- - -t- -shy

l i





bulltor~ r0 t~~-~ I middot~ I

~- - I r I

4 ltAry4


I middot p


cij4A~---- Y t-gt lti


-- --- -





bull11middot1 -~JP4s--- f51 bullgt~~~~~--~~or(~tQy_-bull--middoti bull bull(l ~ --~- middot- -_ _-~


Y4I C O CipI I ---I HARJU I 1 I


Main Plant Site - Stauffer Chemical Co Carson



I bull

~JAoElM t _J1lfH ~~DRIOC JI IH




~ LN 1~~1-bullil L bullU _ -__i( LN

~rJ~ ~ ~~o~~bulli--=~_ l~~Jt~t1 uiCA)C ampbull ~bullbullLit l

IOAI I _bull~r J~t~-~ lN r~rJLbull u~~~~~~ u~__a-ampMII WL 1(11

l ~ -------7--y I deg

f t




I ----- +--

I I ~

I f~


~s~-- middot ~~~ lII ~t--~ -- ~




Plant Site - Allied Chemical El Segundo

middot bull__- --__ - gt J -middotmiddotrt --_ middott 11 ~ - ir-l~ tt I - ~1~_I~ t tmiddot j I

MAFltu~ Lo o -- -middot-z 1 ~ - middotmiddotbulla- J ti - l-J~ i - __ IJ

1 bullmiddot- --middot--r - -~- lgtJ~middot ----~til1~ middoto ~-- bull l f rt1 I - -r 1 _ t fj ---ltf - i ti)- --r ~ middot r ~ -

i I



8Lyen[j middot- l

( --middot I ( =-~ middot--~~-~ -)- --- -- J)L~ middot -middotfrac14tr __ ~ r d1J~

~~ 5 iOAkO Cl( )y Jv -=l~ i middotmiddot- - - I -

1 I I -_~---bull1fJ--------middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--____ 1

-~ middot

bullmiddot -- _middotimiddot~_ i_~- I---~~~-~ (1=-middot t-===tr-1middotmiddot-~-ltt ~~ --Jltgt middotmiddot~~ ~if-- --middot )middot ltfi~ - idegI-- f~ Q)lT-~ _lt l middot XV~1~ middot -~~ ~ --~

I I t

Vl)-l-QOJ d J u

sectJ~ BLVDII EJ SEi~D~ 1 nu tmiddot-middotmiddot-middot J _

tl~ r-middotn ----i J middot--1_ ___ ~1-1

A f gtiff_ ffmiddotc YYt)II ~ r bull Ja------ ijlttQ~QW~

___ ~Q -~imiddotbull1 ~H fl(--middot

-lt) bullbull

1 middot

middot--middot middot-- _

middotmiddot_ u - -_-~~middot_1r

~-- ~ _

~ -middotmiddot bullY

j ~ ~ L ~ ll c_l

~ pf-

111-r ~ (i middot) ~

bI middot_FT )-I Imiddot ~middotmiddot () --

I filfltf) J ~3 ilj-t ~ C _G~ llli_A T1 AN B~ACI


603 middot Alondro Pork

l U (

Goll Coorll

~ htyen 1~J-(_

d n t U Wik c rr 1 i t_y of Indus try



Plant Site - Dow ch em i cal US A Pittsburg

I bullbull middot1 Sfl Wi - bull AUIIUlllJLII+

BELMOr r l -- -- 7iSHOfgt ITHACA lN I




72copy~~~~-0AYTON l

I I+

__ middot

1- - -~ middot


- ----------

Plrint lite - ilu rnnt Antioch

) j



Plant Site - Johns rlanville ctockton

a a



51 )I 51 07




air smicroace Saturation concentratiun at 20degc is amicroproxiriately 12 Measured

values were bY and 74 These values r~sulted from gas chromatographic

dn a I y s e s ot t rd n s t er re c1 sa111 p I e s fr() m t n e 1U U I i t e r Ted l a r b a y t i 11 e i nt e9r a t ed

sample ror tt1e tank car displdcement of 2008 ft 3 the total CT emitted based

on tile ctverctye is LUU8 x 007L = 144 ft 3bull

Tnen for a density of p =PMRT

P = (1)(1gt4) 64 gL = 04lbft 3


Tl1erefore tne displacement weiyl1t of CT microer ()ff-load is equal to 144 ftJ x U4

l b ft J = ~ 7 bull 6 1 b bull F o r 2 5 U off - l o ad i n gs an n u c1 1I y we have 14 400 l b s bull Th i s

compares with UuPont I s rnectsure1nents of 9 3 vapor content arid 18800 lbyr

emissions Saturation vapor pressure concentration emission would yield


l)reathing loss from the tank can be calculated from AP-42 as

Lt3(1bday) = 619 X 10-5 M( p ) 068 D 173 H 051 T 05F CKcmicro 147-P

5 0 68 173 = (619 X 10- )(154( 173 ) bull (155)


(lj) 051 (26) 05 (1)(1)(1)

= S 63 lbday

3where a working range of zuu x 10 o 400 X 103 lbs were used to determine an

average l i quid nei grit Jn nu a 11 y e111 i s s ions would be 2057 lb Therefore

working losses dorrii nate tt1e totil elissions from tne microlant


The upper and lovJer bounos of caroori tetracriloride emission ~vere

determined as Ll467 lbyear (upper bound on fugitives DuPont measurement of

storage tank work i ny erni ss ions nur 1a I tanK oreattli ng) and lbgt 15 loyear

(lower bound on fuyitives s1 111eas--1re111ent of storage tank working emissions

no ri n a I tan k breatt1 i ny ) bull






Stauffer is located in the Carson area of Los Angeles County It is

a manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride from tl1e monomer (VCM) ll11hich is produced

on sit2 Stauffer is the only California producer of ethylene dichloride

(EUC) which is converted to VCM The VCM is regulated by several standards

including Cal OSHA EPA (emission standard) and CARB (ambient)

During Phase I the plant was inspected and possible emission

sources were identified Th~se cans~sted of EDC storage ta11ks fugitive

emissions from valves flanges and pumps process vat2r content gas

incinerator effluents and th~ loading of outbound tankers

Since the completion of Phase I several events have transpired which

a ffectebullj the test program to deterni ne foe i 1i ty emissions These wer2

~ the completion of a vent ~ldS incineration system tied to all significant EDC storage tdnk breathers

$ the completion of a comprehensive study by SAi staff to develop a nationwide material balance for EOC

bull inactivity in EOC importation for the plant and elimination of EDC exportation from the plant

Based 11pon this input and the plant inspection of February 3 1981

it was expected that a plant emission factor for EDC can be determined with

relatively little uncertainty It is further expected that si 1Jnificant

atmospheric release of EOC du~ to plant operation may not occur at the plant

itself but rather offsite These vmuld drise fro11 two sources - the process

water discharge from the plant and severcil off site EDC storaye tanks

Facilities Description

Ethylene dichloride is being produced at Stauffer by two processes

direct chlorination and oxychlorindtion In the former EDC is produced by

d i rec t ch I o r i nd t i on uf et 11y l t~ n e i n the pr 1~senc e of cHl Fe C 1 J crl t d lys t I n th e

latter process EUC is microroduced by the oxychl)rindtion of ethylene with

hydroyen chloride and oxyuen in tne prescrlCe of a cdtdlyst typically Cuc1 bull2


lhe microldrrt fluriti1~s tuC after tne microrimar y reactions by separation and digt ti l I dt i ur1 fgtr-ocJuLL 1 s ctured ctncl umiddot 2d ctS foed for VCM production All

sourclS agre~ tl1dt c1ission of EDC is (f concern in its productionstorage

process stages ctnJ O little importance in VCM production steps (J~B 1980)

At the timt of plant inspection some storage of EOC existed at three

ledsed storage tanks located at tne Port of Los lngeles 1-iaterial has not

been 1-Jithdravm from these tanks during the 1dst year and there had been

discussion to consolidate materictl into a single tank

All microrocess components handling EDC storage are now tied to a closed

ventilation incineration syste11 It is expected that virtually all

chlorinated hydrocarbons includiny EDC will be etfectively destroyed since the

system must demonstrdte VCM concentrations are reduced below 1 ppm Firebox

tempera tu re is aoodegF and residence ti me greater than 1 5 seconds under

heaviest flow conditions Note that by way of comparison combustion perforshy

mance datct for PC8s are 99995 destruction at 1832degF and 1 second residence

time and 9Y9Y9YY4 at 2 seconds dnd 2372degF (N Flynn SAi Personal


Fugitive emissions from valves and flanges are monitored by the

plant according to the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 4661 Pumps and

compressor follow ~ule 466 Emission and control requirements for vinyl

chloride are specified by ~ules 1005 and 10051 EOC concentrations in

wastewater are monitored several times daily in tne primary EDC steam stripper

stream and once daily in the composite plant outflow stream Daily water

disct1arge limits are 2~ ppm wit11 typical montt1ly averages being in the 8 ppm

vicinity The discharge limit is ~mbodied in the discharge permit (number

5061) vJith tt1e Los Angeles County ~anitation District

Tnere are a number of points at which tt1e rnc can be released to the

dtmospnere and they are similar for both dir~ct chlorination and oxychlorinashy

tion These include the following along with their emissions factors for direct chlorination

A chlorinator vent 2xliJ- 5 IOdSS per unit mass EDC produced

I) I ight end column vent -52x lt)

C dist i I I at i un column vent lXlU-5

u storage tank breatning 7xlu- 5


E storaye tankworkiny loss 27x 0-u 5F fugitiv~ emission bxll -

-JLi ildSteJdter l gtX] U

Em~ssion factors are si~~lJ fer oxychlorination processes

Enlission factor vau-5 (~1rbulle Tdilt2~ frcn tne literature (JR13 198U) and

assume 9b iciency for incineration (A-E) It is also assumed above that

EIJC emissions to water are Lf~ uf ~rihsion to citir ard that in wastewater

treatment 100 of EOC discharged tc1 vater is rel easl~d to a i 1middot ~ These emission

factors 1bull1e1middote used to prioritize r-2ieaies iJut were cldrly uude approximations

to tre planL l)ecause of thlt ncine-xt~on system it was anticipated that

fdctors A-E would be ri2dtKcdft 1-middotactor - 1nii~t1t be reduced since a monitoring

program had been in force al20st o~e y2ar Factor G and the off site storage

tanks~ vni~cn are not tied into lt1n ircinerator system rniyht -iominate emissions

Emissmiddotion limits and concomitant regulations embodied in Rule l00S of

the SC-l)MU have necessitctted tlw incinera-cion system Ninety gas chronatograph

probes are located throughout t11e plant including the stack of the primary

incinerator Con cent rations of vc1v1 are reported es sent id I I y be I ow tt1e r~yu la -

tory limit of 10 ppm and in fact below the limit of detection somewhat less

tl1an 01 micropra


Tne objective of tt1e proyram is to determine a pl ant emissions for

EOC It is not accemicrotabl~ to dtmiddotvelop sucll informatmiddot1on basect upon published

indlllstry Jide esti11dtes of plant control efficiencivs Fortunately it was

possible to desiyn a monitoring and calculational progra1n to determine EUC

emissions for tne site and not ctbsorb a disproportionate share of program


Hie re are tnre~ modes ot re I ease from tt12 micro Iant dnd d fourt11


bull Post-Process 1nci11er-dtion

Processes A-E of ecc ion lll 1 dre a 11 1ented into the pl ant

incinerdtio11 syste11 rt1e conceritrcttion of VCfmiddotl contir1uously iectsured in till=

stctck cts SJdS output remicroresents d rectsondble UjJper li11it to diJply tor EDC

con cent rat i ons s i nce i ts ef f i c i ency of i nc i nera t i on 1s d t 1 east c l1 u a I to tr1 at


ot VCibulll Tlerefore knowledge of the system dirflow rnd VCM concentrcttion are

tt1e necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the bounds of EDC

reledse fhe pldnt expn~sse I wi 11 inyne~)s to provide tnese data in order to

support the calculations

bull Fugitive Emisions - Valves Flanges Seals and Other Sources

Fugitive emission from the valves pumps and flanges can be

determined more precisely tnan was anticipated since Stauffer has completed a

comprehensive leak inventory of all such components in compliance with Rule

466 466 1 and 1005 The Inventory delineates all leaks uncovered by their

three man crew throughout tne year and indicates the screening level in ppmv

and component identity In consultation with Stauffer we will be able to

identify the total number of components associated with EDC handling systems

( 700) the distribution ot substance composition streams the distribution

and incidence of leaks by hardware component type and leak rate We will

utilize this information to provide historical data to compliment our Foxboro

OVA sampling at the site dased upon this monitoring we predict an EDC mass

emission rate for the fugitive releases The plant has agreed to provide the

necessary information We propose to meet witt plant personnel prior to the

start of monitoring and finlize the sdmpliny strategy to accomplish 100

coverage of the lines of hiuhest EDC composition The sampling approach and

calculation of mass emission are described in Section 72

bull ~~as tewater

From examination of the emission factors derived from published

literature (see Section 10~) it is clear that EDC release from wastewater to

air is potentially several 11rders of magnitude higher than any other plant

source l1ased upon microl ant ml~a sured concentrcJ ti ons of 8 ppm EDC in water a more

realistic emission factor wgtuld b 24xlo-4 1-iassunit mass EOC produced

Clearly this could still be the dominant source Furthermore the release

point would be expected to middotgte locctted between the plant and the sanitary

district treatment site whi1 his~ kmfrom the plant at 24501 S Figueroa We

believe it is necessary to ndemicroendently confirm the average 24 hour EDC

concentration in the dischar-qe valer by obt1ininy the refrigerated composite

sample We t1ave identified ttie I 1nes of int~rest and received agrt~ement to

sample and analyze for EDC in the stream ~e propose to draw a duplicate

sample from the compositor nd ani1lyze for its rnc content This will be


compared with Stauffers para11eI tnalysis It is not reliable to obtain

direct readings of EDC by survey instrument in the air above the water flow since concentrations at crny single point will be i 1 the near dmbient range

Emissions will be cc1lcJLtecl 1_sing the plants vulumetric daily flm

and ass~m~ng that complete degass40~ of the effluent will eventually occur

This assumption is based umicroon the relative volatility uf EDC and tne distances

involved However it should be noted that no direct experimental or

monitoring data is available with which to confirn this Th2 composition of

the discharge stream is unknomiddotwn since it merges into a larqe multisource flow

Conversation with the LA County Sanitation l)istrict (J f1ilne) reveals the

stream to be both exposed and covered Vents exist where me measurements

could De made to assess gross leaka~e at key points

We will obtain samp1es of several plant process discharge streams in

40 ml bottles witn no head space Transit time fr0m sample collection to

analysis will be minimized and wi l I not exceed 24 nours This time frame is

conservat i v e al though ED C i s a v o l ct ti l e mater i al ar1 ct vJi 11 undergo

concentration degradation and outgdssing lnalysi) will b(~ performed in tt1e

SAI Trace Environmental Chemistry Laborcttory utilizing pur 1Je and trap analysis

FID gas chromatography A trial a11alysmiddotis was conducted and the EOC

characteristic peak was distinctive down to the ppb level Therefore the

analysis should easily confirm concentrations in t1e 8 ppm range

Offsite Storage ranks

Three EOC leased storage tanks are located offsite at the Port

of Los Angeles and are owned by annther firm Annual emissions from the tanks

were very roughly estimated based un AP-42 JRB 1980) as 44 kkgyear

based on preliminary estimates of stored quantites

Considering tne magnitude of this source these storage tanks must

be investigated We will gather information about their configuration and

control i n order to ca I cu l ate their e111 i s s i on s bull


lU3 UEfERM I NAmiddot 10~~ OF MISS IONS

1031 Incinerator

Vinyl chl 11ride co11centration is monitored dt approximately 90

locations throughoul the pl trlt (Lanyner 19Bl) including the incinerator

output Conc~ntrations are reported by Stauffer dS less than 0l ppm at a

flow rate between 10000 ant 12000 SCFM Although no direct monitoring of

EDC is conducted it is posible to conservatively bound the concentration of

EDC at U 1 pp111 Tl1at conce 1ltrat ion is a suitable ci10i ce s i nee it represents a

conservative bound on tile VCM levels measured near the stack output

Furthermore the molar volume will be taken as 224 L rather than the higher

value it would nave because of the sl i~thtly elevated temperature at the

detector location

Using 12000 SCFM one has thE annual emission of EDC as 12 x 103

SCFM x 283 LSCF x 526x105 minyr x lmole x 97gmole x 10-7vv 224L

Therefore incinerator emissions of EOG are thought to be bounded by 773 kg or

170 1byear

10J2 Fugitive Emissions

Seven hundred (7UlJ) sources were surveyed comprising nearly 100 of

EDC service All accessibl~ plant areas with streams containing greater than

1 EUC were screened except for a small number of devices located in areas

11lere active maintenance was being condJCted It is believed unnecessary to

p2rf-gtrm any emission factor adjustment since it is estimated that gredter than

95 of the requisite components were screened

Three leaks above an arbitrary OVA reading threshold of 20 ppm were

detected Table 103-1 sumnarizes thei~ screening valves calculation

parameters and mass emission numbers fhe upper bound leak rate was

determined to be close to twice the nominal leak rate which accounted for the

response fltlctor of amicroproximamiddotely 05 by Radirn for TLV detection of EDC

( 13 rown 1980) bull

Stauffer found and reported approximately 10 leaks in the EDC

service during 9 months previous to the pLrnt testing Assuming no111inal leak


) )

Table 103-1


OVA SAI Actual Upper Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rate Bound Location (ppm) Rae tor (ppm) a b Se I Re Function lbyr lbyr

Gate Valve Unit P1559A

Valve Heavy Ends Column Unit 14439

Compressor Seal EDC Storage Unit Tl062

I-- w co

300 11 273 -035 096 0 17 153 D 6

11 I500 114 439 II 241 C 1

r III II II o-is lUI bull2000 vl 1 1818 A 9~

All emissions 100 EDC (12-Dichloroethane)


values in the nei~hborhood of 2000 lbs~ total could be emitted annually

Therefore it appears ttiat major reductions in the mass emissions were achieved

by the company run inspection prugram and the fugitive emission source has now

become of seconqary importance as a fraction of total plant emissions

lUJJ Wastewater Discharge

Wastewater samples were collected in duplicate from four sites

within the plant for determination of ethylene dichloride (EDC) concentration

The samples were collected in EPP standard 40 ml VOA vials on July 1 1981

Analyses were performed using standard purge and trap techniques coupled with flame ionization detection gas chromatography The results are given in the

table below

Sample description EDC conc~ntration range (microJml)

EDC concentration average ( 1-19ml)

Approximate fl ow ( gpm)

PVC Interceptor Box 82 - 108 95 200

EDC Stripper number Chlorination area C1404


011 - 014 012 25

Final collection site for pH adjustmentP663 349 - 3B2 366 350

Final discharge site sanitary sewer 6 - 254 158 500

The water in the PVC lnterc1~ptor ~ox was warm and represents washings from the

PVC reactor which travels t 1J the Interceptor Box in a concrete drainage ditch

Water from the EDC ctripper was vPry t10t and because of its heat was difficult to collect The ~1eat ot trie wat11 r may in pdrt account for tne

relatively low concentratio11 of ElC here as the EDC would out-gas from the hot

~vater more readily The fir1ctl collection site tor pH adjustment is a large

concrete container middotvith mixers in it located just prior to the final discharge

site Water at the final dischdrg~ site is being constantly aerated due to

the speed that it flows thru~yn the concrete drainage trough This aeration

could account for tne relatively large range in the rnc conotent found here

The average EDC concentraticmiddot1 at tne final discharge site is middotbelow the daily

discharye requirement of 25 19ml EDC


Plant oersonnel indicdted monthly iverage readings are typically on

the order of 8 ppm but daily averages can re 1ch greater than 20 microgml In

addition LA County Sanitation Uistrict staff (J Milne 1981) indicated that

an on-site impoundment pond can become laden with EOC during certain abnormal

operating periods and discharge Vdriances arl requested by Stauffer This

mi 9t1t Jccur on the order of O1c0 aCii ecH c1 1d t1erefore is no-c expected to

signifcantly impact averag~ cnnJJI discharg ~ values lt s not expected at

this t1ime tEit evaporative eriss uns from this pond are significant except

infrequently during upset conditions and spi 11 control operations Program

staff ~~ 1er2 una111Jare of any periods ~h 1~n EDC cimtent in the ponds could be

appreciable and therefore no sampling was performed

Utilizing the average uf the two final discharge concentration

1readinJs (158 micrograrnsm~ 1 and 1G 1Ji gpm fl)W one has 34600 lbyear of EDC

released into the sanitary sEwer For the pJrposes of calculating population

exposures from plant releases it will be assJmed that the EDC is locally

emitted from the wastewater streams Tl1ere ire no monitoring data available

with which to develop a more accurate release profile

However emissions of me fron the plant wastewater discharge can be

calculated according to the method of Mcmiddotckay (197S) as modified by Dilling

(1977) It should be noted that this mLst be considered an estimate since

conditions of fl ow and the presence of other substances will influence

emission rates

Using Uilling (1977) for non~erated flow first recalculate

Henry 1 s law constant (dimensionless-my of chmiddot~mical per liter of air divided by

mg of chemical per liter of water) dS

1604 P M 1 Wl

TS l



H Henrys law constant dimensionlessl

Pi tile compounds pur1~ componen- vapor pressure in mm Hg at T

Mwi the 11olecular weiglt

T tile absol ~te temperature of he wastewater in K

Si tt1e compounds ~uluhility in myliter at T

Then for UJC

(l6u4)(7~)(9Y)H = = U0447 with 1


LIii bullul1Jl)i I 1 1y 1 middot UL i11 wt1Ler yiven -1L L0degC is 8u4JU UHI tile vapl)r pressure

1 4 psi ( 7 2mm) at 7 0 degF bull

Tl1e overall liquid mass-transfer coefficient Kil is given by Dilling (1975)


(2211)(06) in mhr

-f-0-4~ (M _) 12+ 100 Wl-H-



Then from Mackay the percent desorption is given by

c 1 = exp (-Kil tL) where

c 0

c = the concentrd ti on at time t of EOC 1

co = tile initial concentration

L = the Ii quid depth (Ill)

t = tt1e retention time (in hr) of the liquid in the wastewater


Retention time is bc1s~d 11pon a flow velocity range of 3 ftsec as estimated by

the Los Angeles County Sdnitatii)middot1 Dibulltrict (1J Milne) over a middotdistance of

ctmicroprox i 1nate I y S km to the Joi n_t Wdter Po 11 ut ion Contra l Pl ant Sewer fl ow

depth throughout the entire route have been estimated by J Milne as typically

1 foot 030m) to the Davison Pump Plant and 3 feet (09m) to the Joint

Tredtment Plant distances assumed to bt~ 1 mile and 2 miles respectively

Trdnsit tiine l)eco111es between 05 tnd LU hours sequentially Then computing

the net emission reduction as the product of each leg

Therefore 26 of the EOC i erni t ted bdween the pl ant and the Joint Water

Pollution Control Plant Rtgtsfdence ti111e and conditions at the plant account


for additional releases and residudl content is forther emitted between the

plant cnd the ocean discharge poiiit ~-Herever the flow is r2tained aerated

or shallow emissions will be accentuated

Offsite Storage Tank Emissions

There are three storage tanks leased by Stauffer for EDC storage

1ocated at 22nd and Gaffey Sts ~ bull San Pedro These tan ks a ~e used for long

term storage rather than providing feed on a routine basis Therefore

breathing loss rather than v1orkir 1J lass is )f concern An tanks are white

two being 67 ft in diameter while t~2 third is 57 ft All are 40 ft 3 inches

high and have capacities of e~thi l0~10000 (2) or 840000 gallons The

tanks are cone roof type and are not tied into vapor recovery systems The

South Coast Air Quality r1dna~J~ment u~ str4 ct has based their estimate of

emissions on the specification of 12 foot vapor level Using the AP-42

formula for breathing loss with the vapor pressure of EDC at 20degc and an

average diurnal temperature variation of 26degF one hds for each of the two

larger tanks

l) 173 H bull51 T bull 5 LlI = (619 x 10-S) M( _P_ tH F CKcp 147-P

68 173 51 5 = (619 X 10-S) (9119~ 116 bull (67) ( I 5) (26) (1) (1)

14 7-1 16)

Thus for the two larger tanks LB= 472 lbday

For the third tank 0=57 and = 178 lbdayL8 The total emissions become 23724 lbyear ~ince he plant is in the process

of shutdown it is not clear what the liquid levels currently are Note that

if the material in the three tanks were combined into one totamiddot1 -~1nissions

would be reduced markedly Exposure to a population from this site was

determined separately since it is lbullgtcated over six miles fron tl1e plant





A major program goal wa~ to compare emissions from the various

sources and identify and rank any 11 tlot spots in California where the general

population was exposed to elevated concentrations of carcinogens A simple

Gaussian dispersion model was therefore used to obtain order-of-magnitude estimates of exposure of the genermiddotal population surrounding each source

Since this was essentially a screening study use of more sophisticated models

was not appropriate

It cannot be emphcsized too stronyly tnat most California residents

are exposed to emissions of hazardous substances from a variety of natural and

rnanmade sources Urban dwellers dre typically exposed to greater concentrashy

tions than rural residents however all are subjected to so called 11 background 11 levels from multiple sources In order to place stationary

source exposures in perspective the typical ambient levels of each substance

were identified from the literature and compdred with the concentrations due

to the emissions from each ~lant Exposures were thus expressed both as

absolute quantities and as increments above background

Comparison of plants presents a further difficulty in that various

substances are being consict~red No attempt was made to evaluate the relative

importance of exposure to two different substances such as chloroform versus carbon tetrachloride other than by ambient concentration


1121 Meteorologicdl Llata

The dispersion model to be descritgted in Section 113 required input

of annual average wind speed and frequency of occurrence of wind from each

compass direction These data were obtained for most of the sites from the

South Codst Air wuality Management District (SCAQMD) In other cases (Kaiser

Jotms-Manvi l le l)ow and OuPlt)nt) only clai ly cJVerage wind speed and frequency

data were available In al I cases we used data from the meteorological

station nearest the modeled e11issrnn source Table 112-1 summarizes the



Observation Site Data Period of Pldnt (Distdnce Source Observation Remarks

from Plant)

A11 i ed Che11 i Ca 1 Lennox SCA~MD 1Y71-1974 Averaged hourly readings available ~ 1 Segundo (3 111iles)

S ff~r-- Uemical Long l3each SCA()MD 1962-1974 Averaged hourmiddoty leadir19s avai1able offsite Carson (3 miles) storage tanks appruxi1ntL~ly 5 miies from

rneteoro middot1 ogy s I te


-~ Dow Pittsburg Pittsbury lJOVJ 1955-1974 Daily and averacied Ninnd rrJse on1y--no hourly-~

Uu~ont Antiocn (lt5 miles to data uVdilable Antioch)

r~d i ser Stee 1 Fontdnct SCAQMD 1978-1979 Two years of hourlydaily data printout made r - i -- lt3 1niles available (33000 entries) daily averages

estimated as only practical alternative -middot bullA

Jon 1 s 1middot1 an I i 1 l e Stockton NOAA 1941-1970 No hourly data estiamtes based on monthly S-cJc~ton (1 mile) prevalence of directions and speed

R~R City uf Whittier SCAQMD 1969-1973 Averaged hourly readings available lnuustry (4 miles)

1neteoroloyical data 1iase for eden site Wind speed and 1tJind direction

freljuency dcttd us~lti 1r1 Ull~ model are provided in Apmicroendix Li

11LL Populdtion Ddtct

In oroer to assess popu Idt i 011 exposure in tile same way for a 11 the

sources we defined d lLJ-s4u1re mi le impact area arround each ~ant This

size WdS cnosen since it was found in most cdses to include all distances at

whicn incremental ground lev~I concentrations due to plant emissions would

exceed genera I urban ambient Ieve 1s for the microo 11 utant in question In most

cases the plant was placed ltlt the center of the impact area Where winds

were predominantly from one sector or a few adjacent sectors or where an

unpopulated area (ey the Pacific Ucectn) adjoined one side of a plant the

impact drea was defined to li~ imm~didtely downwind of the site

Once the impact areas were defined we obtained Thomas 8rothers maps

of all census tracts within them These maps are provided in Appendix H

Census tract populations were obtained from the 1980 US Census The

population of each tract was assumed to lie dt tne centroid except when tne

tract was large and most of the population was concentrated away from the

centroid in the latter case the best-defined population center was used

fadial and angular distances from the sources to the population centers were

tr1en determined


ln urder tu estiindt~ pomicroulcttiun expusures in the census tracts

surrounding each source a simple Gaussian dispersion model was used Use of

a 1nore sopnisticdtect 111odel ~-1as inamicroproJridte yiven the uncertainty in our

emission rate estir~1ates It is questionable v1hether any real gain in accuracy

would nave resulted

ne -Jell-knovm Gaussian oispersion formula is (Porter 1976)

C = 106 Q

iTUOCT z y


C 9rounct leve1 concentration in (i-igm3)

emission rate (gs)

u average vJi nd speed at the microl1ys i ca I stack nei ght (ms) 0 standard deviation of the vertical concentration distribution z



a standard deviatinn d the noriz1intal conentration _y


H effective stack height (m)

y is the crosswind distance froin the plume centerline to the

receptor point (m)

This e4udtion was assumed to microrov1de no 11r1y average ground level concentrashy

tions (Kanzie1~i 1982) Tle vaiues for the standard demiddot-riations o and 0 are y z functions of the downwind distance x

b iJ dX (113-2)

l d

0 ex (113-3)y

where a b c and d dre constants that fit the function to the empirical

curves presented in Turner (t97C) he v~middotJnd -peed at physical stack height is

given by the equation

u (113-4)


u wind speed at physical stack height (ms)

llJ = measured wind speed (ms)0

h physical stack neight (m)s h the hei gtlt at which tile known wind speed was measured (m) and


p an empirical constant which varit~s with stability class

Lacking data on the heights at which the all known wind speeds were measured

we followed common practice and assumed a value of 10 m for h bull0

Tridl calculations showed the valu~ of tne plume rise for all the

sources except RSR Johns-Manville and the Kdser final cooler cooling tower

to be negligible (ie less than one meter) Plumbull rise formulas developed by

Christiansen (1975) and cited by Porter (1971gt) wer- used for the exceptions

The rise WdS assumed to be momentum-dominated for ltSK Johns-Manville and

Kaiser cooliny tower and bouyrncy-dominated for tne Kaiser coke ovens

As was discussed above the radial and angular distances from a

source to each surroundinlJ census tract were dett~r1ined Wind direction and

See llu s se 1ltJ 7J


smicroe~d data meanwt1ile ~ere obtained for eacr1 of the 16 111ajor compass points

To cr1lculdte tile conu~ntrat1on at a giv n microoirt it was first necessary to

d(termine the co1JpdSS s~ctor in Jhic11 Li1e microui11t ldy Fiyure 113-1 gives an

LXdinmicro le for a census tract at r k1~ from a source and at JU degrees from a

reference ctngle ~~t1ich we defined as north (U deyrees) As seen in the

fi9ure this ~oint lil~S in a sector bouided b the NNE (ZL5 deqrees) and NE

( 1i~ de~JretS) rn111microdss dir1~ct1ons lt1e Cttlculc11ion WdS microertormed once t1)r every

11our of the day since annually averctged values of hourly wind smicroeed were

available The followiny schedule of hourly stability clas was determined to

De cons i stent w i th t ne re I d ti on sh i micros s u mrna r i z ( d by Turner ( 1 7) y i v en the

observed distribution of wind speeds at our meteorologoical measurement

stations The schedule vas m1Jdified slightly at the suggestion of the ARl3

(Ranzieri 198l)

Hour Class Hour Class

0 F 13 B 1 F ltl 8 2 F 11) 8 J F l ~ 13 4 F 1 8 5 F 1 ~ IJN 6 F l J UN 7 DU 20 F 8 d 21 F 9 13 22 8 10 13 iJ 8 11 t1 12 13

Using the aoove equations and adj us tnents the concentration at the

point of interest was then cal cu I at~d as the sum of the concentrations

resulting from plumes naviny middot~ne boimdiny compass directions as centerlines

if the anyular distance to th~ point was conuruent with a compass direction

then only one calculcttion was necessary Let C(Y 1ti) and C(U ti) be the2

concentrations calculctted at 1our i for co111pibull)s directions Y and Y 1 2

resmicroectively 1s d1cusseltJ in Section 11L 1ur 111eteoroloyicdl ddtd in most

cases inc I uded t tie f reyuency ot wind direction for each hour of the day Let

f(Y 1

ti) and f(Q t) oe tne microrobctDilities ot occurrence of wind in the2




Figure 113-1 Determination of Compass Position of Census Tract Centroid


directions Y dnd w2

resp1bullctive1y at hour i rt1en the expected value of the1 cunce11Lrit1rgtrI it UH point iri questiun tt iiour I is

C(t) = f(G t )C(G t) + f(IJ t )C(q1 t) (113-5)

l 1 l 1 1 2 1 l 1

nw average dnnua I exposure wa then ca I cul ated as the average exposure on

this composite day

23 C = (124) E C(ti)


The model was programmed in Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II

microcomputer having 48 K bytes of random access memory and a disk storage

capability The program which is included as Appendix I was compiled with

an Un-Line Systems Inc Expediter II BASIC compiler in order to decrease

running time


1141 Modeling Kesults

Using the modeling parameters listed in Table 114-1 tne

incremental pop~lation exposure due to each of the stationary sources was

computed Tables 114-2 through 114-12 show the modeled annual average

incremental exposure for each census tract Jround each plant Census tract

numbers appear on tne maps in Appendix H) The cumulative population column

specifies the total population exposed to all concentrations equal to or

greater than the corresponding source weighted concentration entry of the

table Figures 114-1 through 114-11 illustrate the cumulative population

exposure versus incremental concentration above ambient background concentrashy

tions Table 114-lJ lists rangemiddot of typicJI urban ambient concentrations for

eacn substance fhese gtJere used middoto assess tne incremental contribution of the

plant emissions Table 114-14 s 1 1mmarizes the incremental population exposure

due to each source These were bctsed upon annuc1l averaye source strengths and

do not reflect transients in emisions or worst case meteorolgoical

conditions Note thdt no attempt was made to assess the potential health

effects or risks to the public dut to the resultant combined exposure


) )

Table 114-1




Initial Source Height(m)

18 3

Plume Rise Domination


Exit Velocity (ms)

17 8

Exit Terngerature

( K) -


11 Stack 11

Radius (m)


Emission Rate (gs)

_LJ 5 bull i x l O ( Jls)

Kaiser -el Cormicro - Coke G-=-nS

- Cuul 11~ 0v1cr










~ - CJ38

012 125 Je23

(PAH) (benzene) (benzene)

IO h 11 S ibullI r l l 2 30 Momentum 11 9 NNa 043 28 x -~ 1

10 - tasbestos)

f- u 0

Dov Chc1--11 31 10 NCb NC NC ~~A 1JJ8 cet)

- 047 (rerc amp carbon

Al l i ed Cr--~11 i cal 10 NC NC NC NC 0-00047 (chloroform) 0053 - U084 (carbon tet) u0L6 - u044 (combin~d)

Uumicroont 10 NC NC NC NC 0024 - 0031 (carbon tet)

Stctuffer _1~1nicctl - Unsitc - ilks - UtiSl l-= -- alKS






U50 U34



arlN = Not ~ecessary for calculation of plume rise

b NC = Pl -1 bull -2 r i s e nut ca 1cul ated bull

ctffectiv2 radius assumed e 4ual to that of a circle having the same horizontal area as the source

Tao l e l l middoti - c



Concentration ourcc- 1~2n SUS Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs ~ei ghted fJopu Idt ion Persons Tract trniss~on Kate Concentration Exposed

( microy rn ) (ng1) LO~ iii g n

4Ub80 0578 UU6o U2~ J532 117268 40740 l)6 0082 035 1533 113736 4069U U6 OOol U3gt 6369 112203 4U67U UIU~ OlHJJ 036 707~ 105834 407 lUl uno UUd4 lJJl 4J~l 98755 4U7~U Ll oLJ UOY U4~ ~44l 943Y8 408601 08ltJ iJ097 u 4~ 7099 889~6 4Ud40l U83c J u~rn 04l 3531 81857 408~Ul 0873 )bull lU 04S 2472 78326 4073U U3 )11 04~ 7au 75854 4U7 l Uc 0965 1111 U49 4547 68634 4UIU U 1103 I l] uS6 8158 64087 4U8llJ2 1110 L 13 U56 2112 55929 407 o 1113 13 u56 8893 53817 4076 lo55 ( bull 2L U94 6267 44 Y24 4072 l87J ia U95 61 38657 4340 l101 U l 5 11 Y 168 32462 4Uo3Ul 215U (1 c5 11 3809 23L94 408502 ll23 ll26 11 6496 19485 4UtU UL 307~ I bull Jb lb 33~6 12 98Y 4083UJ 314~ I J] 16 3893 Y633 4084Ul J984 u47 20 574U 5740


Table d4-3



Census Tract

200 280 230 240 310 220 250

Concentration lor 1 gs 1n-1 ss ~on Rate (micro~1m ) Coo 1 Coke Tower Jven

0162 0162 0721 o 779 u 921 U957 1292 1678 1 496 1 626 L433 1997 2 483 3~155

Wemiddoti gli ~fd Con cent rat middot101

middot~ng ~)

lJ 73 3~J 42 63 6 ~ ) 7 l


Ctnsus Tract PopLil at ion

39423 4404 5698 6058 4890 5773 5945

umulative Persons Exposed

72196 32768 28364 22666

166608 11718 5945



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(micro sim ) (ngm)

20 U162 19 39428 72196 28 o 779 93 4404 32768 23 0957 llS 5698 28364 31 1626 1 4890 226b6 24 1678 201 6058 17776 22 1997 240 5773 11718 25 3155 379 5945 5945




Concentration Soure- Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Wei g11ted Population Persons Tract Emi ss 10n ate Conce~tration Exposed

(microgm) (pgm)

5103 240 230 280

0559 1038 1076 2150

16 29 30 60

~ 435 4909 3816 1747

15907 10472 5563 1747



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(microgm) (ngm) Low High

Dow Pittsburg (carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene)

30600 1511 945 1335 7817 20309 313102 1550 978 1372 1696 12492 30500 1920 1211 1692 5241 10796 307201 2207 1393 2030 2986 5555 307202 2241 1410 2068 2569 2569

DuPont Antioch (carbon tetrachloride)

3020U 2471 590 77 o 7098 7098


Tdble 114-7


Census Tract

650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 01 6205~01 6020oc 6040U 62lJSU2 62Olt3O 602503 6025 01 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 62090l 62U40 602402 6022 0 620901 602301 62010 62000 602302 620302 620303 62020 620301



Concentration S0urc_- CLnsus Tract for 1 ys Wei ghtecl Pcpulation Emission Rate Co11C1cnrt ion (microgm3) ( n-~rr

j )

l 1l 4 6 6276 L6~6 c() 4859

L634 J0780

1650 8 5065 pLb76 ) 6181

J042 r 5716 lUBIJ ~ cWH

(JLYJi 7 0 2 108 lU 6667 2~1~U lU 7074 2~224 10 4612 2 339 11 5886 2359 11 5754 2422 11 7430 2785 13 4983 2816 13 6561 3102 15 5564 3425 16 7453 3~b30 17 3142 4361 ~u 383S 4473 21 52 4 677 2L 4662 6 036 28 2651 6833 32 5494 7 835 37 7482 8899 4l 5210

11547 54 3352 21 15J lt99 6546 22574 106 4250 24521 11j 1185 43 056 202 4044

Cumulative Persons Exposed

161278 155Ul)2 150143 147065 142000 135319 lJO lUJ 1U 21U 120133 113466 106392 101780 95894 90184 82710 77727 71 166 65602 58149 55007 51172 45876 41214 38563 33069 25587 19377 16025 9479 5229 4044


Table 114-J


Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 9s Emi ss ~on ate (microgm )

Weighted Conce~tration (ngm)

Population Persons Exposed

Low High

650002 1174 62 ~9 6276 161278 603702 1626 86 140 4859 155002 600502 1634 87 140 3078 150143 6041 0 1650 87 140 5065 147065 603701 1676 89 140 6181 142000 620501 1842 98 160 5716 135819 602002 1889 100 160 2893 130103 604UO 1932 100 160 7077 127210 620502 2108 110 180 6667 120133 62080 21ltJO 120 180 7074 113466 602503 2224 120 190 4612 106392 602501 2339 120 200 5886 101780 60380 2359 120 200 5754 95894 602101 2422 130 200 7430 90184 602502 2785 150 230 4983 82710 602102 2816 150 240 6561 77727 60390 3102 160 260 5564 71166 602401 3425 180 290 7453 65602 6209 02 3 630 190 300 3142 58149 62040 4 361 230 370 3835 55007 602402 4 47 3 240 380 5296 51172 60220 4677 250 390 4662 45876 620901 6036 320 510 2651 41214 602301 6833 360 570 5494 38563 62010 7835 420 660 7482 33069 62000 8899 470 750 6210 25587 602302 11~47 610 970 3352 19377 620302 21 153 1100 1800 6546 16025 620303 22574 1200 1900 4250 9479 62020 24521 1300 2100 1185 5229 620301 43056 pound 300 3600 4044 4044


Census Tract

650002 6037 Ol 60050 60410 60370i 620501 602002 60400

620502 6108U 602503 6025Ul 6038U 6021 Ul

-602502 602LU2 6039U 602401 620902 6204l) 602402 60220 620901 6Uc3Ul 62010 6200 0 602302 620302 620303 62020 6203Ul

Tdhl J_4-9



(Six montnsy~ar Jsswnea for each feedstocK)

--middot- -middotmiddot-- -middot-- middot------~----

Cori(Entat ion ~o~ r-ct- Census Tract Cumulative for 1 95 Weighted Population Persons Erniss~on Rate Concentration Exposed ( ) ) ) ~ I Ill g 1) )

LO~ Hi 91

1174 Jl 52 6276 161278 L6l6 4Z 72 4859 155002 1634 42 72 3 l078 150143

7-1650 43 ) 5065 147065 1676 ltt4 74 6181 142000 L842 48 81 5716 135819 1 889 L~9 83 2893 130103 L932 so 85 7077 127210 2108 S5 93 6667 12013] 2190 51 7074 113466 2224 58 9B 4612 106392 2339 61 100 5886 101780 2359 61 100 5754 95894 2422 (gt3 llU 74JO 90184 l785 2 120 4983 82710 2816 J 120 6561 77727 3102 n 140 5564 71166 3425 d9 150 7453 65602 3630 1J4 160 3142 58149 4 361 110 190 3835 55007 4473 120 200 5296 51172 4677 lcU no 4662 45876 6036 lbO 270 2651 41214 6833 uo 300 S494 38563 l835 2UO 350 7482 33069 8899 20 390 6210 25587

11 547 300 510 3352 19377 21153 5SO 930 6546 16025 22574 590 990 4250 9479 24 521 640 1100 1135 5229 43U56 l20Ll 1900 4044 4044


Tdble ll4-10



Sou rec- Census Tract Cumulative Census Weighted Population PersonsaTract Concentration Exposed


650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 U 1 620501 602002 60400 620502 62080 602503 6025Ul 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 620902 62040 602402 6022U 6209Ul 602301 62010 6200U 602302 620302 6203UJ 6202U 6203Ul

26 3G 41 37 37 4J 47 4J 49 49 S l Sl 5( 60 6 1 7U 68 75 80

10U 100 11 U 130 150 17U 1~u 250 45L 47C ~o u 91U

a Assuming lU gs emission rate frgtm 0000 to

6276 161278 4859 155002 3078 150143 5065 147065 6181 142000 5716 135819 2893 130103 7077 127210 6667 120133 7074 113466 4612 106392 5886 101780 5754 95894 7430 90184 4983 82710 6561 77727 5564 71166 7453 65602 3142 58149 38J5 55007 5296 51172 4662 45876 2651 41214 5494 38563 7482 33069 6210 25587 3352 19377 6546 16025 425iJ 9479 l185 5229 4044 4044

0600 hours



Tab h 1 L 4- 1 _


Census Triict

57240 54400 5438 01 5727 o 5726 ~ 0 57230 5725 0 543901 5437 03 5438 02 5433 03 5439 02 543702


Concetratiun for 1 gs Emission Kate

L801 2190 5tJ48 5 069 5944 6674 7892

11917 14197 14687 17 27 3 1Y230 20801 23220

Suurcc- ClrlSUS Tract Cumulative v1ei 11irted P( pu lat ion Persons Conce5trat1on Exposed ( igm )

----- -~---middot----middotmiddot--middotmiddot

U90 1153 58821 11 6085 57688 L h 3683 51583 ) L (~ 44~9 47900 3G 4068 43401 JJ 5764 39333 J 9 2892 33569 60 3732 30677 71 3295 26945 7 3 6153 23650 3 6 6578 17497 9 6 3329 10919

ll O 4683 7590 LoO 2907 2907


Tabl~ 114-12



Concentration Sou re(~ - Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Weighted l)opu lat ion Persons Tract Emission fate Conceqtration Exposed


29610 2966 0 29650 29620 29640 60990 29710 29670 29740 29680 ~9 0 2973U 2975 2976 29720

1926 3921 4497 4561 4709 7657 8404 9887

14249 17235 28211 39992 44669

402159 408785

Otgt5 1 J

l~1 lb 16 26 29 34 48 59 96

14U 150

1400 140U

1029 4043 3171 5518 6143 1988 6079 1949 3989 3311 6043 2587 3303 4960 6760

60873 59844 55801 52630 47112 40969 38981 32902 30953 26964 23653 17610 15023 11720 6760



) ) ) ) ) gt

1 middot-middot -bull middot1i_1

11El _

0 --1


10 ~3middot X

Ul U) middot=10(l) bull _j

0 0C 0

+-gt middotr-

r-1ro ~ I -+-I- CCi

u C




11 E1~ u

11u micro

t ~1-bulli 1~C1J ~J -


middot1 U~perVJ micro

4 ~1~0 I+- ii u ~()

(1) 0middot0 Q

w X

~ibull1 C i~ I I L bull

I 0 i bullimiddot-- l-micro bull middotbulltmiddotLi I

(1j middot-~middot ~ower -I bull bull I W ltbull~bull11oJ-c1 I I I bull II lt I 1 ~1 ~=middotbullt_I ~0

I i I0 0 0 i ~~ ~J- _ ou--u~~ i Fbull 4 1~~ gbull~ bull=bull _=bull -bull~ bulli __~ f-i - _ _t--bull~ _1

C 1 ~ bull-J -11 I U _bull~1 Ill bullbull ~ _ ti- r-

Incremental Concentration (ngm3) Figure 114-1 Cumulative Population Exposure to Arsenic from RSR Secondary

Lead Smelter City of Industry (Curves Correspond to Upperand Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

I 7 ~~ ~~MllOlllU~PiiCi(iauQi~~~~~~M~9il~1~

l l



bull tbull

II bulli


j- I~ ~1bullJ________ _______bullr--5L-oamp~gtbullbullbullmiddot-__~---_____________

M 0 -4 X-VI VI (lJ



C 0 +J ro S-+- C (lJ u C

71 0-Jbullbull

F--middot F1bull~s

~ 1-1 _


~ __ u 0)__

O ~ middot1 lA I~ middot-y irbull ro +J V)



+-1 =0~-OJ )

0 0 X


middotbull 11 shyC 0 a +J ra


0 0

l ~J0


~ middot _~~

(1 J ~ -+-+-t-+-t-+--+-+-middot+-1 l1 ~ 4


I ___~ ____ l

-t-middotmiddott--middottu-1--plusmn-+middot-+-+-bull-i--bull-+ - t 111 1~~

Incremental Concentration (microgm3) Figure 114-2 Cumulative Population Exposure to Benzene From Cooling Tower and

Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana

) )

- 0 1_____~----_________~~-ll-1~-fgt4rtclftl-ti~ -LLlbullgtsS

~~i middot-middot M

a -l

gtlt i--i rmiddot~

I t_1 L

Vl V)

CJ _j

~ C l=bull icJ C 0 -micro ro ~ micro C C)

~ [1~ u C C u

-0 u 0) ltlJ 4 lf-bull~ IN micro middot r

micro V)

micro middot


middot3 ti~middot-0 ltlJ middot~bull~ middot1Vl 0 0 l gtlt

w middot ~~1 C ~ bullt1

-C 1 micro bull ~t

- ~

10bullibull bull middotmiddot bull middott ~ c 0

L1 J bullbullfbullbullibullbullltJ ~ J -1L+abull ~bull~~--~sectio-i ~~bullbullbullbull ~~_~ l 1bull~t-j-4Y ) bullbullo ~ _~ bullbulllta-J tbull-1_f - ~l~middot bullf middotCbullbull--~bull -~ Tbull

~ 1~0 ~~~ ~~~ 4~0 Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 114-3 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana


0 -I X-V) V) a _J

s 0

C 0 micro co s micro C a u

l ~


1 --

J- t_bulli

_ C

uw m 0

1 -0 a bullbull micro

microdeg ()

0 micro tbullmiddot C QJ V)




middot4middot~middot C 0 micro rt1

-- - 0 ~ 0


n __ _______bull~ -______ --al_ - ~_

I bull

I I - bull

middot 1


l i l ~l

~ 0 I 1

Li bull I t_~I

i bull -1 _1-J

0fmiddotbullmiddot-middot+-middott-t-r+-t-+-+middotr+-t--+-1--t+ t f-t-J-t--r-+tmiddotmiddot~~bull+-t--1~~bull-+-1 Id middot t 4 E1 (

I ncrementa 1 Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 11 4-4 Cumulative Population Exposure to Asbestos From Johns-Manville Plant Stockton



--~ ~w t _ ---~- ----------~ --____~-=~ M


bull I bull I I I I ii i Q t I i E e- I Ii tl I I I 6 I a I I J I f t t bull I G fl I

a I e 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iii bull bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull bull bull bull 1 1i bull bull 1 1 bull a bull 1 1 r ~ middot u ~ ~ I0

+H~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~-rmiddot-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~~-~t~~~~~-~J C

~1_ c bull 1 t~ bullbull bullabmiddot 11 l bullmiddot II bullbull C- I u~

0 rl

gtlt I I I- 20 () ()

CJ -1 ~_J

J Cbull s

I If I I I I0

C bull I Ii I I I I I I I I0 1E

bull-+l I t I I ro s Lower+l

I I I G I iii I bull

() 14 I I IC

u I0 I I II Iu


1-_~I fi

CJ ~ I-- (j) CJ I G I I p +l

ro +-l I I I1~3~V)

0 +) UDf)Pr u I I 11 I I


Vi I 0 I I It- I a X

0 ~

w I I I I bull

Lower C 0


- 4+)


J Q_

0 bull1

ij a 3- ti I

D d I I I I

I I I bull

II B I t

i ] i amp I

1 ei ~ amp 3 ii


e ft a a I bull G

I I I bull I

I I bull I I t If



I I I-_L~ lI I I f


- I I

j I I II I -

lI ImiddotbullII

l I

l Li

Incremental Concentration gm3)

Figure 114-5 Cumulative Population Exposure to Perchloroethylene and Carbon Tetrachloride From Dow Pittsburg (Solid Lines) and to Carbon Tetrachloride From DuPont Antioch (Xs) Results For Upper Lower Bounds on Emission Estimates Are Shown

__~IUlllWIMWMW ~-a~9a_Q~ 41 ~1bull11 -~Ga1r-uJ1 _a11~--WIIIIIA1IMlilClll-l~maaiampNldmiddot1 middot=0~

M 1E1 13 _0 -I

X-V) Q)


140 _J

~ 0

C - middot1 ~2 ~3~~

+- ro

+- ~

C OJ 1E10u1--

0) C 0(J1 u

a f~1 1Q) +-


ro middot-middot +- V1

0 ~ cE1 O QJ V)

0 I0 4~1X


C 0 +- 2pound1 __ I bull amp I Il0 -- 0 0

0 I ~-~~-lJ___ _~-1lltll-1o

0frac14middotbull+-+~-t--t-+-+~-- I =-+-4 =f-~bull-+--T+-+-1-~~-bullc~

l1 ~i0 8~1 1~E~ 1tE1 2E11d middot 11 ~ E0 10euro1 1-40 1Ea1 22pound1

Incremental Concentratio (ngm3) Figure 114-6 Cumulative Population Exposure to Chloroform From Allied Chemical

El Segundo

) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ~

1 1_bull01)

M 0 160-i X-


V) Q)


s l -- 0 C fC 0


ro s


l ~1 ~1+-gt f---1 C m QJ OI u

C 0


u (1 QJ +J ro


E ~Vi

0 +J





4 ~ju~bull bullQ X

w C 0

+-gt middot le~ro ~1

-~ 0 0

~~~Bt~-lraquoaJC~~~~~Jgt-bull~liiilldll-titi~ ~~~__qi~iSlitUJ_iJ~~~~~t-iMllltl-W~G~ili-l~~bull~t-~aa_=~s

bull1 i


l 1 i

i ~



l i

l_ Upper~r i

middot middotmiddot t-t-~ lL Io ~- a I I a--i-_-~-

Lower bull bull Lbull

i~ t~1_+ ia-~__c111J(~IJ- __middotbull--4IJ1-bull)l1Kila-- l-111- 1~M-~tMildbullri~-t_t 11to Ibull -i rmiddot ~ _

1i-1 - middotbullth~middot t =lttF--i-+-middotr+-r+middot~middoti-middot-~-4-4middoti t -~--is -~middot-rmiddotibull--+ u ~~ i--t4~ t-bull~~311 li-i1middoti- C - JJ _ CL

-- I 1 t middot1 c7 Ibull ) ~ I-middot bulli C bull 1-_ 11 11gt1l11 ~bull -a bull-bullbull t a- II bullbullbull bullI lt_I Iii _- I

Incremehtal Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-7 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo (Curves Corresond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

--- I


16 0amp (V)

0 ~


14~11l 1l QJ _J


1 middot-0

c t1middotmiddotmiddot 0

micro ro

_ c micro ~ 1euro1pound1

0- QJ u-J c 0 u O =-middot ~-= QJ

c_1 micro ro +- V)

0 micro ~ t1 O QJ 1l 0 a 40gtlt w c 0


ro --


20middot l ---a I ~ I a 0


pound1r-t k

Figure 114-8


a I __ I wi~ i awLi--~~ 2 I I

1--+ I ~--if bull =~~--bullJ-+--f-1-----middot+--+middot-middot--r9c- 1 c- J

bull _ bull -~

Incremental Concentration (microgm 3)

Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride and Chlorofonn From Allied Chemical El Segundo Assumingsix-months Operation With Each Feedstock (Curves Correspond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

) ) )) )

1 3 0+--- a- - ---- __________--= ~

M 1 E ~1F40 gtlt




s 0

0-~ C 1 ~2 t1

+-l rj

shy+-gt C Q)

u 1 ~1 ~1 I- C

degco u 0


+-l QJ middot=a~(Cl

+J middot- -0 +-gt 6t1-0 Q) Vl l I bull0 C

w X 4 ~1 ~C 0

t l--+)


20 Il 0 0 a

r--1 plusmn-middot--4-bull+ bullJ - ~-1


bull 17 - ta_



I mvn


-~ bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull l ~-


i u---J--bull-+ i i--+ --4--+-imf-bullbullQ~-+-+-+~bullbull-4 171 i R = Fi middot1 1bull1 r1__ bullltaa ~a

Incre0ental Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-9 Cumualtive Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo During Offloading From Midnight to 6 am middot-middotmiddot------middot--middot

--bull ft ampLA 1111-~lliaIN_WPl1A 1JIU_Mt91 MJ1WWlaquoPI-W1111~ --------__----Et1

M gt~middotI

0 -I


~ t~ bullM

V) middot-middot ~ V)


f 0

0 -

C -4 0middot~middotmicro re f micro C a u

10 Cdeg u 0 3 0middotmiddotmiddotbull~ -0 a

+-gt ro

+J V)

+-gt 0

2E1-0 QJ V)

0 a X


C 0 1pound1--middot+-gt ro

-- Q_ 0 0


~ -~middot bull I -bull-_ bull I

middot lbullgtbull___I I

frac14 llk I

I bull



-1_ I

Ibull II__ JI


(1 f---1-+ bull-r_--f bull middot~-bull +-- bull i -bull 1 -1-+--+bull-+-t-+bull--t1 ~ _ 4middot 6 E 1t1 1middot2

1 3 5 I middot~ _ 11

Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 11 4-10 Cumu1ative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Plant Carson

_~ ~ t M

C X E k1~


- c- 1-1 ~ C middot-middot -_J

I--- -J 4t1middotbullmiddotmiddota


-+-shy --middot liiit1J

r ~


t-1 _ V

0 -+-1

middotr -bull ~1



+- bull1 ~1 atr l -=

~~lll(k~IHmiddot~~-Wa~middot~nL1middot~~~ta KF u n P middot~dE-tveRS ~-tl~~~-u-~~~tmiddot_-~~~~liil-~-~~~ tc r

I bull

bull -r~l-yen--~1l~a l fl __ A4o bullbull bullbullbull ~ 111bull--middotbull

lil---111 1n1 i1--1u -i- -tmiddot11i-bull J--14-bullbullbulllM ~

1 ~ l1

~ t

~ C ~

i31-~~middot-~--~~~-~-middot-~-~~-~~~-~--~~~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~--l 11 2~1 4~1 Ea 8(3 1J11~1 1~r1 14(middot)

Incremental Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 114-11 Cumulative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Off-Site Storage Tanks

Table 114-13


Substance Ambient Reference Concentration Environment


Cad11i um


= ~ 11 1 ~ Ui ch l or i de _ -J _


Carbon Tetrachloride


4-6 nym 3 3

20-YO ngm

33 ng111 lt04 ngm 3

20U-57UU fiber~m 3

20-100 f i bersm

Ji jJjJO

trace 008 011 05lppb

O 1 pmicrob [J iJ~ micromicrob

188 ppb 08 ppb 0 7 pmicrob (ave)

U11 pmicrob

U 13 ppb 595 ppb 022 ppb (ave)

0175 pmicrob (ave)

07 ppb ltO 04 ppb

1 25 ppb 36

General urban Heavy industrial

Typical urban Remote areas

Typical urban Desert

uu111111yuel CA

8 NJ industrial sites Oakland Upland Los Angeles

Urban background rurdl backgrouna CA


8 industrial sites NJ Tuscdloosa AL 3~2rage) Riverside CA

rural background

Los Angeles average Torrance CA Southern California

60 readings) Riverside CA

Los Angeles average Rural background Russe11 1977 Los Angeles averageRiverside CA

Braman 1976 National Research Council 1976

EPA 1977 EPA 1977

Murchi o 1978 Murchi o 1978

tsarber 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Pellizzari 1979

Barber 1977 Holzer 1977

l3arber 1977 Grimrud 1975 Russell lJ77 Pel 1 i zzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Singh 1982

Barber 1977 Russell 1977 Gri mrud 1975 Barber 1977 Pell i zzari 1977

Simmonds 1974 Singh 1982

Barber 197 7 Barber 1977 Grimrud 1975

Sinvnonds 1974 Singh 1982

) ) )



Substance Probient Environment Reference Concentration



-J )

Sen zo (ct) py rene

jjen zo (e) py rene

ben z(ct) a 11 ( nr ii cen e


lndeno 123-cd~pyrene

L 1 ppb 06-34 ppb

42 ppb 16-60 ppb 02-1J ppb 13 ppb 48 ppb 67 ppb 55 ppb 63 ppb 82 ppb 39 pJb

3031-L1 ~gm 046 ng111

090 ngm 3

305-c8 n~111 018 ngm

06U ngin 3

134 nginJ

8 NJ industrial sites 28 samples in industrial areas with benzene consumption facilities Torrance CA Tuscaloosa AL National Forest 1000 sarip Ies-Torontt) Azusa CA El Monte CA Long Beach CA Upland CA Los Angeles CA Riverside CA

Los Angeles 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angel es 1976

Los Ang2l2s 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Pellizzari 1977

RTI 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Ho1 zer 1977 Pilar 1973 EPs 1980a EPA i980a EPA 1980a EPA 1980a Calvert 1976 Singh 1982

Colucci 1971 Gordcrn 1 197(i

Gordon 1976

_ 0 111 CC i 1~ 7 1 Gordon~ 1976

Go r cl on 197 6

Gordon 1976

middot1 ab1e 11 4-14


Site Substance Typical Urban Population Exposed to Background Level 100 50

Increment Over Background

Al lied+




Du Pont





Kaiser Kaiser



Chloroform 01 - 07 ppb (gt497 ngm3) 0 0 Carbon Tetrachloride 015 ppb (942ngm3) lt4044 25587 -


Perchloroethylene 07 ppb (4830 ngm 3) 0 0

Carbon Tetrachloride OlS ppb (942 ngm3) 10796 - 20309


Carbon Tetrachloride 01~ ppb (942 ngm 3) 0 0

Asbestos 1000 fibersm 3

( 313 ngm 3) 0 0

Benzene lOppt) 32500 ngm 3) PAH 5 compounds 35 ngrn3 72196 72196

Cadmium 3 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm 3 0 0

3Ethylene Uichloride 051 ppb (2100 ngm ) 92552 117532

bull Assumes all year operation on either feedstock If plant operates 50 on each feed the population exposed to greater than 50 increment over background goes to 16025 - 19377 and 4044 - 16025 for 100

Ambient concentrations of benzene vdry over one order of magnitude in the literature and therefore make tnis calculation questionable For Kaiser therefore the carcinogenic PAH assessment was used to evaluate incremental population exposure above background

+ The partition of emissions from Oow are 78 carbon tetrachloride and 22 perchloroethylene by weight


1142 Comparison of Incremental and l3ackground Concentratiors

Those sites whicn elevate background concentrations greater than SO~~

to surrounding pomicrouldtion are discussed below

1142 l Stauffer Cnernical

The Stauffer ct1emmiddoticdl ~ant 110s tvJo prinlt ipct1 SOLHCes uf EOC

emissicnsj the off-site storage tanks and the waste water dscharge stream

Ea cn con t r i h u V s about ~qua l 1 _y middott o U1e microon1 l a t i on ex 11o s u re f bull] ure s J s s ho vm i n

Taoles lL3--11 and 1L4-1L Th2 arrbient measurments by Pel~ 1 zzciri (1979) of J

2100 ng1~ 1s tne tos Ange 1es bc1ck9n1nc1 1as used as triie typ-i ca 1 tirban

background Pellizzari notes t11at Uhan readings generally rerici~n under 2SOO

nym3 ir1tri e pmiddotant proximity ccncentrn1011 ravlmiddot been observed as high as

700~000 f)(m 1

Other ambient ~ata noted l)y Plmiddot I 1 i zzari are Birmingham A1 abama

205-400 Phoenix Arizona 157-i870 1Jcbullminguez Calitornia 1Lii814 Calvert

City Kentucky 6600 The latter two are associated wi t11 EOC pl ants Data

taken in senFice s~ations ano lrctffic areas ir various cities range from -~

300-3640 ngm~ As previous~J mentioned the Stauffer plant is discontinuing

operations These two sources should be examined as part of any possible

start--up permitting activity

11422 Kaiser Steel Corporation

The Kaiser steel plant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)

emissions cffmiddotise from the coke oven omicroerations Comfdrison of the cumulative

population exposure Figure 114-3 and Table 114-4 with the specified

background levels for urban areas illustrates the breadth of the exposure

distribution The five known PAH carcinogens that were isolated in the coke

oven emissions were quantified in tile ambient air of Los Angeles by Gordon


Benzo[a~pyrene 046 ngm J

t3enzo~e]pyrene osio Benzaanthracene U lo

Chrysene U60

lndeno Cl23-cd~pyrene 134

Althouyn these concentrations ctr~ low co1npared with 1 number of other cities

cited in the literature and repres2nt a very I imited data base tt1e predicted

concentrations from the Kaiser plant ~enerally exceed these levels by d


significant margin ie greater t11an 30000 are predict2d to be exposed to

4redter than l()-lt t 1tbull 1111tlit~nt background of 3j nqm 3 It ic 1 iklly tlat

lHrllerte exmicroo~urt 11 Ilie drld dre also 11evatPd ovr r11nbient I1owever since

backyround concer1tr1tions of t)enzlmiddotne show large variation no population

calculation was specified

11 4 bull 2 bull 3 Dmv

Carl1on tetrdcnloride releases from Dow constitute approximately 78

of tl1e total CT plus perc emissions in Table 114-6 and were found to elevate

urban background concentrations greater than 50 in five census tracts Emissions are predominately from storage and check tank working and brething remiddot1 eases

1142~4 Allied Chemical

The Al lied plant was modeled several ways since the plant can

operrttt~ wiUl chlorotor111 dr cc1rbon tetrctlt hloridt fo(~d The c1bull-i pr~middot11ntlid in

ldlgtlt~o ll4- drld llil-B represent dflrlUil 01Hrdtion with eitt1er teed Partial

yedr operation with each feed can be scaled from the individual annual modes

and is presented for equal hltllf year operation in Table 114-9 As with the

Du Pont plant carbon tetrachloride emissions arise from feed tank working

loss fable 114-10 illustrates peak exposures predicted to arise during an

off loading cycle As expected concentrations in that six hour period far

~xceed annual average values Insufficient data were available to contrast

levels with backyround transient concentrations




Alternative control approacnes for the most significant emission

sources dinmig ~he various pl1ants n ees fitie(J n the follo11 ric suJsections

EmpiiasVi nas Deen placed in dedlinq ~riU1 Uiose sources of 91reatest absolute

inaynHud2 (lbyr) and those const1 ut 0ing trie largest increm121middot1t middot] bulli~he

bdc kgrnund con cent ration of Hie em~ tted subs tcince i~o ctt tention Wi 11 be ~i ven

to the s~iondc1tY sources witt1middotn cK1 microant or to trlL case of J011ns-Manvi I le

since -UH imiddotajor source is less tran LOO 1byr and is not microrejicted to raise

bctckgro 1wd exposure levels to the ~~ntr21 population Furt12rmore a11

emission sources dt Kaiser Ste 1 1iC(1 v1 1~n directly dedlt -1ith in this

program r1re elltlteci ro t11e cc1lt1bull ovcmiddotr nperatmiddotions These faci 1ities are to be

closed du1rm and all primary reel 11i~ oH~rdtions discontinmiddot 2d Kaiser

forecasters have predicted further deterioration of the plant economics and

the phased closure has been accelerdted for primary steel making operations

Note that this closure is essentially irreversible cince differential

exmicroansion and contraction of the coke oven structur1 occurs in the cooliny

process and it would be improbable that ovens could be reheated without

extensive reuuildiny at major expense


At c1ll four sites emissions from storage tanks constitute either the

primary or near dominant (Stauffer) source of carcinogen release andor

genero1i iJOpulation exposure Curreritly the tanks of interest at each site are

permitted by the local Air Quality IJistricts hJwever they do not require

emission ontrol systems for vdrious reasons Tl1e estimated releases grounds

for exemption and other pertinent information are given in Table 121-1

In order to amicromicroreciate tth~ practicdl dlternatives for emission

controls the provisions of SCAWMU Rile 463 ar~ listed below which specify the

acceptable alternatives for tdnks r4uirin9 controls ie tanks 11aving

capacities greater than 39630 yal with suostances of true vapor pressure


Table 121-1


Stduffer Uff-Site Tanks (J) (Sdn Pedro)

Allied (El Seyunrlo) - KdJ

1bulllctLer1 d I reld iturctjc

-J -J

Dow (Pittsbury)-Product Check Tanks (4)

Uow - microroduct sturag~

DuPont (Antioch) - Raw Materidl Feed Stordge

Approx Capacity~

6lUS x 1g (c) 84 X 10 (1)


18000 each

70000L) 3UUOUO

30000 working 42636 liquid full



Ethylene Uichloride

Carbon Tetrctci1 I Jr i J1

Perchloreshythylene and Carbon Tetrashychloride

CT perc

Carbon Tetracr1 l ori de


Emission Mode

Tank breattli ng

Tank v10rk i ng Tank breatttiny

PERC-~JOrk i ng PERC-b r2a t ~ i ng CT-working CT-breattling

Tank breathing Tank breatt1i ng

Tank workin9 Tank breathing

Vamicroor Pressure

014 at 70 F psi

1 63 psi at 68 F

16d psi at 68 F(CT) UJ9 psi at 68 F(perc)

168 i)Si dt 68 F

Grounds for Exemption

Exempt from control re4uirements to SCAQNJ Rule 463 since vapor microressur-2 dues nut iXC~ec

l~ io at sturdJ~ conditions

txe11pt TlJil fule -+b3 since tank capaL ~J ~ s u~der 39630 gal (lSO 11 )

Exempt from Regulation Rule v~~vu u~~~~~shytank capacity is under 39630 ga 1 andor substances are not classified as organic 1i4uicts

Exempt f ro1n Ru l ~ 85300 because subsLctnce is not classified as dn organic li4uid accordin to Regulation-Rule 8120

exceeding l~ microsi at storage conditions

~ floating roof tanks

~ fixed roof tanks with an internal floating type cover

bull a vapor recovery system with vapor collection and retllrn (or disposal) proce5sinJ lXctbullerlin~ 95 efficiency

ln a cllemicai plant a typical vapor recovery systein (KR Evans

SCAQMU) migm consist of a collection inanifold to d recovery system (suctl as a

vapor sphere) to a compression syst2m dnd subsequently to absorption and

recovery systems The absorpt~on st~n c~nsisting possibly of (rubber

stripper or activated carbon

In dealing with speciti( carcinogenic substances such as vinyl

chloride hiyhly efficient vapor control system perf0rmance has sometimes been

stipulated necessitating incineration systems

Fer th~ cases of corccrn realistic alternltltives are as follows

Stauffer Off-Site TanKs - Tnere are a number of options which can 1~arkedly 3

reduce ei1issicns from these tanks from th~ calculaL~d value of over 20 x 10

lbyr One alternative is to consolidat~ the material in tne three tanks

One of the large tdnks can contain the currently stured material and reduce 3emissions to apmicroroximately 13 0 x 10 lbyr Anotl1er alternative is to

transfer dll E0C to a single floating root tank Various types of such tanks

exist dlld are reviewed in the EPA report Lrganic Cht~mical Manufacturing Volume

J Storage Fugitive dnd Secondary Sources EPA-450J-80-025 eg internal and

external floating roofs and a variety of seal desiyn configurcttions Generalshy

ly such designs would be expected to reduce emissions to the order of

one-fourth to one-fifth the current level Cost of 1nstalliny ct contact

single seal internal floating roof wds estimated by BB Lumquist Pentrex

for EPA as $27770 in 1Y8U dollars for 7U ft diameter tdnk Cost to build an

external floating roof tank was estimated by G Stilt of Pittsburg Oes Moines

for EPA as ~14UUUO for D=67 H=4Uft Anottler com111on approach is to utilize

cdroon ctdsorption This works we11 witn nonpolar hydrocarbons dS VvC is

removed from the vapor phase A basic syte111 consists ot tvo carbon beds and

a regeneration system Regeneration is typically performed with steam or

vacuum Figure 121-1 illustrattS rhe systems (Basd2kis 1~110) Steam raises

tne VOC vctpor microressure The resulting sti~am-VOC mixture is condensed and


AC-TJA~D CA-e0-l


LOW- ffiESiJ~C ~T~H----




COOLIN(a - --------




Fi l 1 1 middot gure middot - Activated-c arbon Adsorption System


rout2d to c ~epordtor decanted and returned to storage In vacuum regenerashy

tion VOC vapor is desorbed by pu1 ling a vact1um on the carbon bed then condens-

ed a1d returned System efficiency ~ ~ est ii1a ted at 96 f(duc middot i m from fixed

roof levels (EPA 4503-80-025)

H~fri 9ctated vent concicr1sers dre une of the most cu1mon emission

reduction prJcesses -for conttol ~ ng hx2-d-- storage tai vUC Figure

12 1-- 2 i l 1ust rates a u n i t ( Er i scmiddot n 19HU ) eff i c i en cy of middot middot~ ~ c middotlt middotmiddot _y i s rate ct

bet1Jee~middoti 60-90 for the vapor pressure range of concern For such a large tank

the capital costs would be high ~igure 121-3 illustrat~s EPA estimates

(EPA l ~~SOb) for the condenser section Condenser sys tern a ea mu l d be in

excess of 1000 ftL

It should be noted t -at Jtc1 uf fer Uiemi cc1 l has arH1ounced the c 1 osu re

of its VCPVC plart PrevfoJsly tt12) had planned to purge tlle off-site tanks

of EUC Since any future po~sible micro1ant stdrt-umicro will necessitate a compreshy

hensive SCAQMD review this ltoument can assist in evaluating proposed control


Allied and DuPont Feed Tanks - In bott1 of these cases the nore significant

quantity of emissions arise from tank workinltJ ie during the off-loading

activity rather than tank breathing Contnl ~easures taken for working

emissions are thus of primary concern Ther~fore no detailed discussion will

be provided on the alternatives for control gtf bredthiny emissions Additionshy

ally both tanks are in the range of 20U00 gallons which is a capacity where

floating roof tanks are almost nonexistent Out of 670 floating roof tanks

surveyd by EPA less then 15 were smaller than 30000 gallons in capacity

Therefore the utilization of any floating roof concept and seal combination

will not be considered

Commmerc i a11 y it is estimated by Ou Pont that carbon tetrachloride

feed costs approximately $017lb (E Taylor personal communication)

Ttierefore less than i2500 is lost to l)uPont annud l ly as a result of working

l eve l em i s s fo ns and 1es s fr om Al l i ed bull Thus i t is u n l i kel y that any

appreciable economic incentive exists to dev1~lop ci vapor recovery system

However a Cdndidate system could be pattern~d after the chloroform

feed-storage unit currently at Allied This is a dedicated vapor balance

system Chloroform is off-lndded from tank cars and stored in a closed

unvented tdnk As the 5tordye tank is filled the c1ir spdce d1spldced is fed














Figure 121-2 Refrigerated Vent Condenser System



iOOOO ----------

-Cl c -0 ~

J~ -C~)O i-r tmiddot~ I

g middots_ I J () 11

-~- l 2 lt1


en b)



a I E OJ u copy 0

10 1-___________J___________________________ 10000

10 100 1000

Condenser System Area ( Ft2


Figure 121-3 Installed Capital Cost vs Condenser Area for Various Materials of Cunstruction for a Complete Condenser Section


back to the tank car Also in this case the storage tank is not vented in its

normal breathing mode and is part of a closed feed system to the reactor

Vapor recovery system alternatives which are particularly effective

in loading and handling include r~frigeration adsorption andor absorption

Control efficienci~- 1re est1mateJ in the rlt1nge of 90-95 (EPA 1980b) and of

course depend on the speci tic su1)Stance and equipment used Carbon adsorpshy

tion systems were discussed above The smallest capacity carbon adsorptionmiddot

system priced by EPA (EPA 1980b) has 2 vertical beds of carbon (900 lbs - 4ft

diameter by 3 ft depth) witl1 an ilstalled cctpital cost of $135000 based on

December 1979 dollars

Dow Tanks - Dow has two pair of p~oduct check tanks which alternately are

filled dnd off-loaded Emhsions from th~sl tanks were calculated based upon

operating cycle (3 day fi 11) satubull-dtion vapor pressure and physicdl

chardcteristics Direct hec1d-spa1e testing was planned however it could not

be accomodated because of r 1stri c ed access due to unscheduled mai ntendnce on

the field test day

Dow has indicated that chey are studying the option of installing a

vapor controlrecovery systt~m in 1hese and their largerproduct storage tanks

The extent of their engi neri ng ind assessment work is unknown as are their

current plans It may be possibk to incorporate a vapor balance design into

the system whereby the disp1aced apor is trdnsferred to another process point

within tl1e system Alterna1ively a vapor r1middotcovery system such as carbon

adsmiddotorption is fedsible Hot-1ever since emissions for t11e check tanks are

primarily due to working loss tht~ use of a conservation vent or an adjustment

of its operational differential p~essure would be ineffective for tr1e

reduction of the bulk of such emissions Furthermore since check tank size

is re1at i ve 1y sma 11 no cons i derctt I on was given to conversion to a fl oat i ng

roof configuration for those tanks Conversion would be possible for

the large storage tanks


Emissions of me throug11 ~-a~)te-1dter discharge are the largest single

source identified at the plctnt sites The discharge limit was set at 25 ppm

by the Los Angeles County Sc1nitation iistrict and was estdblished with the

occupational limit in mind of 50 ppm JVer an 8 hour work shift dt the District


tredtrient center~ T11ere hctd been suine di~cuss1on between pdrti~s of possibly

raisiny tne discharge limit since it is felt by Stauffer that dilution of the

stream is sufficient to d 11 ow it Itmiddot shou Id he noted t10-1ever tna NIUSH has

recommended the permissible exposure limit be reduced to 5 ppm averaged over a

work period of 10 nours microer ddy 40 ours per Ieek witt1 a cei l iny level of 15

pmicroin dVeraged over a 15-mi nute microet~ v(J

It is not certain at 1~hrt rdte me 1rill be reledscd from the

wastewater stream At the microlant discharge points wastewater is both hot and

aerated thus favoring release~ No measurements have been ta~en downstream of

the plant after considerable dilut1on has occured The distance to the water

treatment pa11t is approximately 5 kin at 1i1ic~1 point anerobic diyestion is

conducted lt is presumed that a11 ELlC will be released before final ocean

di scnar~Ji

A possible emi ss i D~ cont ro process for nmiddotduct ion of the EDC in the

effluent is by ~recess adjust~Pnts or additio~s For example process

modifications to the EUC stripping stage coula dramatically reduce discharge

lev~ls A control alternative is the use of octivdted carnon or XA0-2 resin

to recover EOC in tne discharge stream Tests of Gulf South Researd1

Institute on XA0-2 and activated carbon (Coco 1980) show high recovery yields

for nonpolar organic carcinogens unaer a range of concentrations Viable

suggested alternatives oy Srnitn included regeneration of Ue trapping

materials dnu even consideration of burning tt1e concentrate carbon media (at

greater than 1000 pmicrom)

Control approaches to reduce emissions from so called secondary

sources in general and waste water emissions in particular fa 11 into four

categories - waste source control resour(e recovery alternative disposal and

add-on controls Alternative control pro(~esses which were considered but

appear to be inappropriate to this case i11clude chtmiddotmica means eg

neutralization precipitation coagulatior1 and chemical oxidation thermal

destruction of tne unconcentrated ~dste s1ream is ii1practical biological

treatment eg aerdtion and biomass-wasteater contcct ~ienerally relates to

the treatment of soluole degrddable organics in the concentration range

bet~~een U01 and l~~ terminal storagt eg lanctfilliny urface impoundment

and deep well injection dre either indppl 1cable or 1mmicroractical Therefore in

summary the poss i b I e contra l approac ties fur this ca e inc 1ude the improvement



of semicrodration efficiencies in steam stripmicroing tl1e internal recycle of ~aste

stredms ctnd the ddsorption b activdted carbon The design configuration

~fficiency and cost )bviously depend upon numerous microlarit specific factors and

their determination vJOuld rec-Jire detailed analyses

n1e ~~dsrewctter systbull-m of a model cl1emical production plant based

upon the average properties uf a composite of 30 chemicals was evaluated for

EPA by IT Enviroscience (EPA 1980b) Included prominantly among the 30 was

tUC with the hignest uncontrolled secondary emission wastewater release rate

ie ~ percent of tt1e production and 34 perc~nt of the emission Cost and

impact analyses were evaluated for alternative control systems to reduce

secondary voe emissions from wastewater Four systems were considered a

carbon adsorption system (eAS) for recovery of the voe from the wastewater a

cover to reduce secondary VOC emissions from the wastewater clarifier a cover

for the clarifier plus a carbon desorption system and a cover for the

clarifier plus ct eAS system usinu a fume incinerator The scale of the model

system was greatly in excess of the Stauffer plant thus further making

detailed comparison i mpract i cal bull However emission reduction factors ~-1ere 6diven as ~9 and cost effectiveness per 10 g reduction genera1middot1y ranged

between $450 to 1733 These factors would likely grossly underestimate the

system cost if scaled down to the range of the Stauffer plant ie the order

of 34600 lb annual discharge

The alternative approaches of improved steam stripping efficiency

and internal recycling of the stripper iischarge stream with a reduction in

makeup re4uirements could decreas~ net ~DC wastewater content release


Given our findiny of low (16 kgyr) ~missions of arsenic from the

reverberatory furndce at RSR it middotJOuld ippear that the arsenic content of themiddot

lead feedstock is low andor that the microants system for reducing lead

emissions is dlso quite effective for arsenic ~SR it will be recalled from

Section 32 uses a quenchinu cnariber ctnd Dayiwuse filters to remove

pctrticuldte matter and a carbonate scruooer to remove sulfur dioxide

There are no federal new source microertormance standards for lead

eini ssions per se t10wever the Standdrds of Pbullrformance for Secondary Lead

SmeHers (40 CFR 6Ull2) limit total particuLte emission from a blast furnace


or reverberatory furnace to SU mgm 3 According to Augenstein et al (1978)

who reviewed the techno1ogy for control ing lead ~missions from ttwse sources

baghouse filters or wet scrubbers are yenerally used to contro1 particulate

emissions When fabric filters are used to control blast furnace emissions

they are nurma11y preceded by an afterburner which inciner~tes hydrocarbons

that bull~GU Id otnerwi se b 1 ind t ne f o1 ur-i c After-burners a re nor necessary for

reverb2middotmiddotatcry furnace emiss-ion smiddotnce the excess air and temperature are

usually sufficient to oxidize tn2 hydrocarbons

According to Augenstein et ali 11 sr1aker--type baghouse filters are

the 1nost effective means of controlling ead fume emissions from secondary

furnace opErations 11 Collection etficiencies can exceed 99 oercent One

advantage to this control approact is that l~ad oxide dust can be recovered

easily cmd recycled in the smeller Flue gases must be coated to below 300 degF

for dacro~ bags and to below ~00 degF for fiberglass bags (Hi~h et al 1977)

Although wet scrubbers are effecti1e under some circumstances in

controlling lead emissions it is more difficult to recover the lead oxide for

recycling In addition sulfur dioxide presi~nt in the flue gases becomes

oxidized to sulfuric acid and can cause corr1sion problems For this reason

sodium carbonate or other basic reagents ar~ added to the scrubber solution

Although it concerns a yold smelter an approach described by

Marchant dnd Meek (1980) provides an exampli~ of an arsenic control

alternative which might be apmicrolicatgtle to secmdary lead smelters At the

Campbe1 1 Red lake Gold Smelter in Balmerton Ontarion Canada Smelter gases

are first passed throuyh a hot electrostatic precipitator (ESP) The ESP is

heated so that the arsenic (which is principally in the form of As ) remains2o3 gaseous and is not yet collected This exclusion of arsenic allo~~s the ESP to

recover particulate gold rnore easily The ESP exhaust is then quenched with

ambient air to condense the arsenic trioxide Baghouse filters then remove

the arsenic along with other particulate matter


Given the imminent and irreversibli~ cessdtion of coking activities

at Ka 15 er Stee 1 Corpora t i on a rev I e~ o r t e c Imo 1 o gi es for ( on t r o 1 l i ng

~missions from the coke ovens rnd he Clt1ke byproduct recovimiddotry pldnt WdS not

deemed to be necessary Tnis is t1e only primary steel mill in California



Al lf~n Jr Ll~ llJBU1 J 111odel to 1middotstimite hi1drdous (bullmissions from coke oven Juurs pr~pdrelt1 DY 1-kSecircn Tr1dnye7nrffut fur U~ Environmental Protection Agency Uffi ce of Air ~ua 1i ty and Standards fltesearch Tri ang I e Park Nortn Cdrolina KTl17362-UL

Jl len Jr CC 1~8Ub tstination of chdr in(i emissions for by-product coke oven microrepared by fltesedrch Tr1anglt Insc1tute for US nvironmental Protection 1-yency Uf f ice of Air l)ua l i ty and Standards Ke search Triangle Park North Cdrolina RTI17362-0

Allen Jr CC 198Uc 11 Environmeritdl c1ssess1ent of coke by-product recovery plants Proceedings First Symposium on Iron c1nd Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Ctncayo Illrno1s--Tin1ctober - 1 November 1979 EPA-600-9-80-012 pp 7~-dd

Anon 1978 11 Coke quench-tower emissions tests 11 Environ Sci Tech 12(10) llL2-1123

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t3drrett KE WL Margard et al 1977 Sampling and analysis of coke-oven door emissions Prepared by ~dttelle-Columbus Laboratories for US Env 1 ronmenta I Protection Agen y Industri a I Environmental Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-b002-77-213

t3 a r ret t flt bull r bull and P bull K bull ~~ebb 1Y78 bull 11 E f f e ct i venes s of a wet el e ct r o stat i c precipitator for controlling PUM emissions from coke oven door leakage Presented at 71st Meetiny of the Air Pollution Control Association Houston Texas 25-29 June 1978

l3asdekis HS 1980 Carbon Adsorption Control Uevice Evaluation IT Enviroscience Inc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

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~eimer RG 1978 Air pollution emission test Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from coke oven effluents Prepared by TRW Uefense and Smicrodce Systems Groumicro for US tnvirorunental Protection Agency Office of Air wuality Planning and Standards Kes~arch Triangle Park North Carolina EMB Kemicroort 8-CKU-12


Braman RS 1976 Application of the arsine evolution methods to environmental analyses presented at the International Conference on Environmental Arsenic Ft Lauderdale Florida 5-8 October

Bratina J E 1979 11 Fabric filter applications on coke oven pushing operations J Air Poll Cont Assoc 29(9) lll6-920

tiuonicore AJ 1980 Environmental assessment of coke quench towers in proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abltlternent Technology Chicago~ Uirnois JO October - f N~vernber 1979 EPA-6009-~1b-62~ pp 112-142

t3usse A D and dR Zimmerrao1 1973 User 1 s guide for tdegh~ Climatological Uisper~ion Model US Environmental Protection Agency Resea~ch Triangle Park Nortl Carolina) EPA-R4--73~0024

California Air Resources 8oard 1976 Coke oven emissions miscellaneous emissions and their control at Kaiser Steel Corporations Fontana Steel making facihty Enforcement l3ranch) S2crcmento California L amp E-76-11

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Cooper JA and JG Watson Jr 1980 Receptor oriented methods of air partkulate source apportionment 11 J Air Pollution Control Assoc 30(10) 1116-1125

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EPA 1977 Multimedia Levels Cadmium Environmental Protection Agency 5606-77-032 September 1977

EPA 1980a Review of Criteria for Vapor Phase Hydrocarbons 11 US Environmental Protection Agency ~eport 6008-80-045

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EPA 1981 Compilation of Air Pol lutdnt Emission Fdctors (Including Suppleshyments 1-7) Third Edition Suppl1111ent 12 Utfice of ir l)uality Planning dnd Stdndlt1rds AP-42-ED-3-Supp I - lt


Erikson Uli 1~80 11 Control Uevice Evaluation Condensdtion 11 IT Envioscience lnc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

lrtel liL 197Y Quench tower particuldte emissions J Air Poll Cont Assoc 2Y(9) 913-916

Ev a n s K bull P bull 1981 Pe r son a l Commun i cat i on v i th R bull Zi s k i n d bull

Goodwin DR 1980 11 Air pollution emissions standards in Proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Chicago 11 lrno1s 30 October - 1 November 1979 EPA-6009-80-012 pp 37-45

Gordon GE 10 Receptor Models Environ Sci Tech 14(7)792-800

Gordon KJ 1976 11 lJistribution of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons throuyhout Los Angeles Envir Sci Technol 370-373

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lirimsrud EP and HA Rasmussen 1975 Atmos Envir Y 1010

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Higt1 MU ME Lukey dnd TA Li Puma llJ77 Inspection manual for secondary lead smelters premicrolt1red b Enyineeriny Science lnc for US lnvironmentdl Protection Ayency Office 0f ~nforc~nent EPA-3401-77-001

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JKt 1~80 11 Materials ljaldnce l2-Uichloroett1ane Level l-Preliminary 11

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Pe I I i z z a r i E bull 0 bull anct J bull E bull l$ u n c h 1s 19 1 nbi en t ai r ca r c i n o gen i c v a po r s Improved samplin~ and analysis tectrnology EPA Contract 68-02-2764

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Porter RA 1976 Uismicroersion ~yuation s lucions Dy calculator I guide for air pollution engineers ctnd sci12nthts S cond edition rexas Air Control tioard ~MT1S P~ 262 lJ~)


fdn1-i1Jri lJ8l fgtersont1I Coinmuni dtion v1ith M~ Royozen

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Russel 1 JW and LA Shadoff The sdmpl ing and determination of halocarbons in ambient air usin~ ~rncentration on porous polymers

Siebert PC CA Craig and Eb Coffey 1978 Prelimary assessment of the sources control and population to airoorne polycyclic organic matter as indicated by benzo(d)pyrene Prepare( by lnergy and Environmental Analyses Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Resedrch Triangle Park North Carolina

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Trenholm J-f dnd LL )eek 1Y78 11 Assessment of t1azardous organic emissions fror1 slot type coke oven Datteries unpublished paper US Environmental l)rotection Ayency Ernssion Standdrds and Engineeriny Jivision

Turner U~ J970 Workbook of atmusphe~ic dispersion estiimiddot1Jt2s IJS Environmental Protection Agency k~sedrch Tri1ngle Park North Carolina

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Rapid Screening and Identification of Airborne Carcinogens of Greatest Concern in California

Lawrence W Margler Michael B Rogozen Richard A Ziskind and Robert Reynolds Science Applications Inc Los Angeles California

This paper describes a method for establishing a priority list of airborne carcinogens within a

state jurisdiction In this case it was necessary to identify from among hundreds of potential

candidates the live to ten materials of greatest potential concern In California as airborne


Because no previous Inventory of carcinogens In California existed published lists rankings

and assessments of national scope were used to Identify candidates By systematic manipulation

and comparison of these data sources 47 materials of some notoriety were chosen for closer

scrutiny This selection was pared to 22 candidates largely by eliminating those which had

very little production and use In California (Substances primarily used as pesticides were

excluded from the scope of this study) The remc1ining candidates were then ranked by additive

and multiplicative algorithms and by a panel of experts The results of these rankings were

combined to produce a single selection of 11 priority candidates In alphabetical order they

mo arsonlc nsbestos bon1ono cadm111m cuhon totrchlorlde chlorol 11rm othylono dllromlde

ethylene dichloride N-nllrosoamlncs perchloroethylene and polycyclk aromatic hydroiarbons

In continuing studies a baseline emissions inventory Is being prepared and a source testing

program is being designed

In recent years concern has grown over su~pected arcinug-ens New Jersey seshythe possibility that certain materials lected ten volatile organic compounds released to the atmosphere through inshy and five htbullavy metals to be examined dustrial and commercial activity may be further and is currently measuring responsible for a significant portion of ambient atmospheric concentrations of the incidence of cancer in the general these substances in a variety of areas In population This concern is manifested the second year of the study the state at the federal level in the National h1s incre1sed the volatile organics Emissiltm Standards for Hazardous Air stt1died to 20 and begun measuring Pollutants (NESHAP) which limit heavier orianics associated with parshyemissions of the known carcinogens asshy ticulatcs2 In California a very different bestos beryllium and vinyl chloride 1 approach-was taken

Only a few states including New Jersey and California have begun efshy Overview of Californias Approach forts to identify airborne carcinogens of concern to the general public for the The California Air Resources Board purpose of setting state emission regushy (( ARB) is sponsoring a three-stage lations for these substances After reshy st 11d~bull of airbornC rmissions of carcinoshyviewing national use data for known and g1middot11s from anthropogenic atlivities The

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

first stage which is the subject of this paper was to identify roughly five to ten materials which of the hundreds of known or suspected airborne carcinoshygens are most likely to be of greatest concern to Californias general populashytion Also of interest were those which in order to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations might be transshyferred from the workplace air to the outside atmosphere The second stage which is now underway includes pinshypointing of emission sources for each of the carcinogens of importance quantishyfiltation of emissions nnd design of source-testing methods A subsequent stage will consist of source testing and measuring public exposures to those substances for which data are unavailshyable The basis for regulatory action if appropriate will include the results of this program and other related reshysearch

Screening of Candidate Carcinogens

The National Institute for Occupashytional Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists 1905 chemicals which have reported neoplastigenic or carcinogenic effects and 510 which have otherwise received attention for their neoplastigenic poshytential1 The need to select five to ten materials from such a large number of potential candidates dictated that we devise a way to rapidly eliminate from further consideration the vast majority of the substances Given the paucity of published data on most of the candidate substances the screening method was designed to make best use of readilymiddot

C1111yrich1 19i9-Air Pullulion Control A~~ociatlon


A- I

----- ---- ----- ---------------------available information The screening process was as follows (1) eight comshyplications of known and suspected carshycinogens were reviewed and those subshystances which were not used in Califorshynia were highly unstable in air or were very doubtfully carcinogenic were eliminated (2) after more detailed inshyformation was obtained for the reshymaining 25 substances candidates were rated by two different analytical methshyods (3) an expert panel was convened to review dossiers on the candidates and to independeitly nmk them (-i) from the eight to deven substances ranked highest by all three approaches eleven were selected for the emission identifishycation and source-testing design stages of the CAHB effort

lnitiI $cre~ng ot Potential Candidate Carcingtgens

65 compnunds middotwe ire selected from 642 industrial ur~nnic air pollutants comshypiled by MrTRE Corporation for the US Envircmnental Protection Agency (USEPA) in U1at study pollutants were scored by multiplying four explicshyitly defined rating factors annual US production fraction of production lost to the environment volaflity and toxshyicity To adapt this york to our pmpose we first selected the 114 substances listed as being carcinogeni 1~ or neoplasshytigenic Then the scores of each of these compounds under the criteria annual US production fraction of producshytion lost volatility and carcinogeshynicity were multiplied together Seshylected for further consideration were those substances which had a product score above 50 Another 15 substances listed as being carcinogenic but lacking information for one of the other rating factors were also selected This list of 65 was then compar~d with seven other lists of corcinogeris1

-middot 11 Materials comshy

mon to the reduced MITRE list and at least one of the other lists were chosen for further consideration Added as candidates were those suhstances which are regulated as occupational carcino-

gens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and certain inorganic carcinogens Finally substances were added which in our judgment should be investigated but had been eliminated at this point Exshyamples of these are bis(chloromethyl)shyether epichlorohydrin and hydrazine

Next the refined list which now contained 47 substances or chemical groups was pared further hy another rapid screening process Eliminated

were all candidates (1) whose production andor use in California was very low (under 10~ lbyr) and wns not thought likely to pose a risk to a localized popushylation (2) which are very unstable in 1ir or CH whilh should not on t lw hnsis of CUtrltbullnL cidlnre liebull considtbullnmiddotd r11rci-


Tahllt I Suh tances n-iewed in letail

Candidate Substances

Arsenic Inorganic lead Ashestos Alkyl lead Benzene Maieic anhydride

Cadmium Nickel Carbon tetrachloride Nitrosamines Chloroform Pcrchloroethylene Chromium Phernl 14-Dioxane Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Epichlorohydrin Propylene oxide Ethylen~ di bromide Trichloroethylcne Ethylimiddoti~ dichloride Vinyl cLlorid-e

Rejected Subslnnces

Proviionolly Rcjertc Sulstcinces

Aciryltbull11 itrile Formidehvde Vinyid e-ne-chbride

Occupatonally ControUibulld Ccroeinnens

2-Acet21niinofluorine 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Benzidine Ethyleneimine 4-Biph~nylzbullntne (-aminodiphenyl) 44 -Me_hyene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) Bi (chtfon~ethyl)ither Cnlorirrethbull1l m~middotthyl tmiddotthmiddotr a-Nnphthvamintbull 3-Nnphthylamine Udrumnchlnrnproprne (I 1BCP) 4-Nitr0iphenyi ir-Dichlorbullbull)middot)_~i-i-tiim 3-Propiolactone

Other Rejected Substances

eelamide Diphenylamine Aniline Hydrazines Auramine lsonicotinic acid hydrazide B~ryllium Nitrobenzene Did11middotl sutfa1c [ imeilhyl sulfate

nogenic The result of the initial the rating under that criterion and the screening was a list of 22 candidate mashy corresponding criterion weight The terials which is presented in Table I overall rating for pollutant i is then the

sum of the scores under all the crishyteriaRanking Candidates by AddiUve ancll

Mulllpllcatlve AigorUhms The additive approach has several virtues the main one being that it forces

Many screening or ranking systems the user to make all assumptions exshyfaH into one oft wo cat~middotgories additive plicit In the process of setting up such and multiplicative Some systems are a a ranking system new insights into the combination of the two while others problem under consideration may be combine nn ol1jective appronc 11 with g1ined Once the system is set up it is suhjlctive cvnluition of the remiddot ults 1l rdatively easy to use Where data for The L2 substances surviving th1middot initial scoring pollutants are unavailable arshyscreening were ranked independtmiddotntly by tificial scales can be constructed to the tvo approaches If the same subshy quantify subjective factors Finally the stance rated high~middot under both systems sensitivity of the results to the systems its importance to California was judged subjective aspects may be measured For to be more likely than if it had scored example one can determine the effect of highly in only one method changing criteria weights upon the final

Additive Approach In the additive pollutant ranking Similarly an appreshyapproach the user identifies one or more ciation may be gained of the significance criteria and rates each alternatiw subshy of the range of uncertainty for a particshystance against each criterion while sishy ular required data element by varying _ multaneously deciding the relative imshy rating factor values portance of the criteria Eq (1) shows its A fundamental problem with the apshymathematical formulation proach is that there is no logical basis for

adding the individual scores assignedRating for pollutant i = f W1 R11 under the criteria other than the asshy

rbullI sumption that this simulates or even

(1) improves upon the users thought proshyEach criterion or rating factor (1 ) is crss A major operational problem is assined a value for each pollutant and that of weighting the criteria A common each rating factor is weighted (b W1 ) practice is to give all critNia equal -icnrding to its importance reht veto wltgtight hut that is in itstbulllf a st1Ubullm1middotnl lhe otlwr rritnia llw sc11rtbull for 1111 aLnut the 1rcl11tive importance of Ow 1n1 1 undmiddotr nitn1 n j is the prod11middott of n1ttria

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



Multiplicative Approach In the multiplicative approach the rating for each alternative is the product of the rat ihgs under each criterion

Hating for pollutant i --- 11Ill

UJ (~) Jbull I

A multiplicative approach can have ~omc altlvrntnges over additive onrs First in some cases the ratings can be physical parameters such as concenshytrations or volatilities there is then no need to weight the criteria and hence less controversy over subjective judgshyments Second multiplication generally provides a wider range of scores than does addition allowing clearer disshycrimination among alternatives Finally this approach provides results which are more intuitively acceptable As an exshyample of this last point suppose that exposure and harmfulness levels for candidate substance are each converted to values on aO to IO scale and that a certain substance is both extremely toxic and extremely rare An additive approach would give the compound a rating ofO + 10 = 10 which is equivalent to that of a moderately prevalent subshystance (rated say at 5) which is modshyerately harmful (rated also at =-) A multiplicative approach on the other hand would rate the first substance at 0 and the second at 25

Criteria The six criteria used in the additive and multiplicative ranking procedures are defined in Table 11 Asshysignment of values to the Rij was based upon data gathered from published litshyerature personal communications and panel discussion and has been fully documented 13

Because the purpose of this exercise was to determine the relative imporshytance of the suspected candidate carshycinogens R 1 was scaled to the most heavily used candidate substance benshyzene whose annual production and use in California is nearly 109 lb Materials with a use under 105 lbyr would be rated zero for R 1 and rejected Howevshyerbefore rejecting a substance by this criterion we considered whether its emissions could in particular circumshystances result in high exposures to a Joshycalized population

R2 takes into account the fact that the chemical industry is in continual change Substances of concern today may be phased out while the use of others may rise dramatically increasing their imshyporta nee asmiddot poll utan ts Information on developments which could likely result in a change in the growth rate was facshytored into the choice of a value for R2- As an example asbestos consumption in California has been stable in recent years However the pending phaseout of asbestos in motor vehicle friction materials will hasten the decline in asshybestos consumption hence we assigned a value of 1 for R2bull

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

Ideally one cou1 1 use pouu1c11u

sion as a criterion However in this case emissions were to l e estimated in detail only for the five t1 ten carcinogens fishynally ~elected Thmiddotrtfor(bull a 11w1st1n of tt II iim pol cint ial vus 1~1middotd 1atbulld llpon

knowledge of the s11bstances manufacshyture and USP for R The higlwst rating went to substanc middots which are v idely used especially in consumer products A slightly lower rating went to subshystances which an~ routinely emitted from industrial processes during proshyduction and use Some materials are employed in such a way that emissions are quite low even though tight emission control may not be required by law Materials in this cntegory were assigned a value of two for H3bull Substances which under federal or st ate regulations may not be discharged to the exterior envishyronment but which could be dischJrged by accident received the lowest rating

Each candidate was evaluated (n the basis of its 1ropen-ity to decompbullgtSe in ambient air Materials with half-lives greater than eight hours were considered moderately to highly stable and rated five for R4 bull Low to moderate stability was assigned to substances with halfshylives between zero and eight hours Compounds known to exist in air for only a few minutes would be rated zero

Ta hie II Dcfinitinns of the criteria used

R1 Prbullbullsent use in California

100 of max (109 lbyr) 5 10 1)f max (108 lbyr) 4

1 of max (107 lbvr) 3 01 of max (106 lbyr) 2

001 of max (105 lbyr) l lt001 of max (lt105 lbyr) O

R2 Growth in California use

+ 20 5 +Oolti to +20 4 Positive growth to 0 3 Stahle or unknown 2 DPcline 1 B1middotin~ phased out 0

R Emision potential

Widespread use in ltonsumer products 5 R1middotlatively p1or con rot over emissions 4 Rdatively good control over emissions 2 Tihtly c1int rolled 1

R4 8tabilit~- in ambient Air4 tvlnderale t1 high st 1bility (l 1 middot2 gt 8 hr) 5 Lw to modmiddotrate s1 bility (t1 l -0-8 hr) 3 Unstahle(t2~febull minutes) 0

R Dispcision Potential

Emitted lar~ely as apor or iine 5 particulnte

Emit led largely as rnarse particulate

Rlt Evidence f Carcinu~enici ty

Known or suspected human carcinogen 5 Known mammalian carcinogtmiddotn 4 ~usptctcd 111ammalan carcino~en or 3

known m mmalin muta~tmiddotn Ames ltmiddotst p sitive 2 Prpoundgtcursor 01 co-car inogen

a t11 is the half-liftmiddot


tion state or anion associations may change in the atmosphere metals do not degrade and were considered stable Asbestos is likewise itahlc Many of the clcc-ompo~ilion rtbullnctions oi orinnic molecules are mediated by light Such substances if released at night would have several hours to disperse in the surrounding area

A rapid way of assessing the relative potential of different substances to spread from a release point is to note their physical state under normal amshybient conditions Accordingly we scored materials emitted as vapors or fine particulates the highest for R5 and coarse particulates the lowest Intershymediate values are possible for varying amounts of fine and coarse particulate emissions from the same source or from different sources

There is as yet no widely agreed upon measure of the relative potenciemiddots of carcinogens although some ranking systems have been proposed14 Extrapshyolating data from in vitro techniques such as the Ames bacterial mutagenicity test and from laboratory animal studies to humans is problematic Therefore a less quantitative measure of the carcishynogenic potential of each candidate substance was used The candidates receiving the highest scores for Rs would be those for which there is strong evishydence of carcinogenesis in humans Exshyamples are asbestos which is implicated in mesothelioma vinyl chloride which has been identified as the agent of liver cancer in exposed workers and bisshy(chloroinethyl)ether shown by epideshymiological studies to cause lung cancer in resin workers The next highest rated substances are those for which human carcinogenicity is unknown but which have produced cancer in one or more mammalian species in laboratory tests Next are those which have not been shown to be carcinogens but which have proven to be mutagenic in test animals Substances for which the only knowlshyedge of carcinogenic potential is a posishytive Ames test (producing mutations in histidine-requiring strains of Salmoshynella) are rated 2 Finally substances which are implicated only as precursors or co-carcinogens would be rated lowest

Substances unequivocally associated with carcinogenesis were considered as carcinogens in this study Conditions of emission and exposure including the presence of co-carcinogens were facshytored into the evaluation of each candishydate where possible Carcinogenic subshystances derived from the metabolism of a precursor were considered as carcinoshygens However ubiquitous substances which have been hypothesized to be precursors (eg secondary amines nishytrous acid and nitric oxide which combine under certain circumstances to


form N-nitrosoamines) were not conshysidered because of uncertainties in the importance of their link to the carcinoshygenic compound and the practical conshysiderations demanded by the scope of the study

It was beyond the scope of this study to jud~e the validity and interpietation of the experimental ad epidemiological evidence upon which the carcinogenicity of candidate substances has been esshytablished We accepted the conclusions about carcinogenicity drawn by the Inshyternational Agency for Research on Cancer or the National Cancer Institute and did not consider dosage or route of administratioll of tested substances However considerations of test validity did enter into the subjective evaluation by the panel of experts

Weight lr1 the sdditive ranking scheme each rating criterion is weighted according to its limportance relative to the other criteria Little precedent exists for assigning these weights In our judgment and as generally agreed by the panel of experts (see below) R 1 RJ and R6 are more important than the other criteria Evidence of carcinogeshynicity was considered to be the most important criterion of aB so W 15 was assigned a valtze of 3 W 1 aid W 3 were set at 2 and W W-i and W5 were set at 1 In order to discern the potential senshysitivity of the rankings to the weight assignments the candidates were also ranked using equaily weighted crishyteria

Ranking Candidates by Panel o~ Experts

Anine-member panel of experienced governmental industrial and academic scientists whose disciplines include~ -organic and physical chemistry indusshytrial hygiene toxicology epidemiology and iegulatory control of toxic sub~ stances was convened to provide addishytional data for our ranking algorithms

to discuss our candidate --ubstanc -sand rejections to suggest pos-ibie ne suushystances for consiceration and Lt rank the candidates indepen11mtly ( f our own ranking Tvo v-ee ilts he fore the meeting pa-d uember-s were jven one-to three-page dossiers on eac I canshydidaie substance

At th~ start of the meeting- before any group discussion the pand was asked to rate each candidate suhtance with a score from Oto 5 Next cmiddotach candidate was discussed at length e provided ~n ovrview and summarized critical issues identifi2d up to that Pbullgtnnt Through materials brought to thtmiddot meetin and their persoril experience panel memshyber Veimiddote able to provide much useful information on the candidates and adshyditional insight in to our ~a ting criteria

At the encl of the two-d1y sc~sion the pa-iel ugain -ated the cai 1didates

Flnal SelediDn

Tabe III show- the highest-scoring substance a~ det(rraine1 by the 1ddishytive and mlltiplictive approaches and by th~ panel in ~e additive approach 21 single r1nking as obuined by avershyaging the two ran kings resulting from using equal and uneguai weights The ran kings ltif most candidi tes were unafshyfected hut carbo11 tetralt hloride chloshyroform chromium and inorganic lead changed more tban thmiddotee positions_ Because uncertainties in the data base predude imputing signifiance to small differences in the Lnal ordering the lists in Table III are prtmiddotsented in alphabetishycal order However it is of interest to point out that benzene consistently ranked hihest

Becausimiddot some cindidates had equal rating scores we ltould nut choose exshyactly ten candidat ~s from the additive and multiplicative rankings Instead the

top nine and eleven were selected from the two exercises respectively We also considered the ten substances scored highest hy the panel at the end of the session The final consensus selection cornsistt-d of the 11 candidate substances appearing on at least two of the three lisL- For the substances included in the cun~ensus ranking a baseline emissions inventory is being conducted and a source testing program is being deshysigned

1ejected Substances

Some comments about certain subshySiF1ces not appearing on the final list are in order inasmuch as they include known carcinogens and compounds which hae received considerable atshyllttion in recent years as occupational c11c111ogens

rouisionally Rejected Substances Appended to the consensus ranking (T1ble III) were vinyl chloride gasoline and engine exhausts tobacco smoke and pesticides No further action by the CRB is recommended at this time for vinyl chloride because it is already subject tu the USEPA emissions stanshydard a CARB ambient air quality strndard and an OSHA standard

Gasoline and tobacco smoke were appcndlmiddotd to this list because each ocshycurs very widely and contains several of the candidate substances reviewed in this study some of which are in the final listing For example gasoline contains benzene ethylene dibromide ethylene dilmiddothloride and alkyl lead compounds the last three being in leaded grades only Both gasoline and diesel combusshytion products include PAHs Tobacco smoke contains among other neoplasshytigenic substances nitrosamines PAHs nickel arsenic cadmium and other heavv metals Manv individuals are inshyvolu~tarily and i~ many situations

Table HI Hi~hest ranked candidates from each rnnkin~ methodbull

Highly ranked but no inventory

l I ighesl consensus recommended Additive Multiplicativ(~ Pan I of eqwrts rnnkmg at this time

Asbestos Benzene

Cadmium Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichlori-rJe

Nitroi1omi111es Perlth loroet hylene Pol~middotcyclic arnmatic hydrocarbons


Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chl11roform Chromium Ethylene dichlornle

Nit rosamimbulls Perchloroet hvle111middot


Ars nic Ash middotstos

Beniene Car1n

h trnchloride Chi roform

Eth- lene Diliromidf Eth lene Dirhloride Nitros11nintmiddot~

Per hloroel hlfne PAii

Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chloroform Ethylene dihromide Eth~middotlcnf dichloride

Nit rosamintmiddots Perch lornPl hy (- n(bull lAH

Vinyl chloride bull Gasoline and engine

exhausts Tobacco smoke Pesticides

1156 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association


lirtualy unavoidably exposed to t11-k1ltco smoke Because the sources of gasoline its combustion products and tobacco smoke emissions are well known no specific action was recomshymended for these materials during the tbullmissions innnlory and -ource testing design stages of the present study It was considered importint ho-vemiddoter to draw attrntion to the general publics exposhysure tot hrse substances PrsticidltS are listed for the same reason thou~h ad(bullmiddot tailed examination of pesticides w1s beyond the scope of this study Many pesticides are widely used and some of them are known to be carcinogenic

Other Rejected Substances Acryshylonitrile and vinylidene chloride were placed in a provisionally rejected group because of the panels suspicion that imports of these compounds to Cnlifornia from Japan may be appreshyciable yet are hard to substantiate Should such imports be verified in the future these two compounds would take on greater importance Formaldehyde was also provisionally rejected because the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is not carcinogenic and that bisshy(chloromethyl)ether is not formed from formaldehyde in appreciable quintities in industrial environments 15 The ocshycupationally controlled carcinogens ethyleneimine and beta-propiolactone were rejected in part because of their reactivity in air At the time of this study DBCP a pesticide was no longer heing middotproduced in California and was therefore rejected from further considshyeration

Occupational Regulations and Community Exposure

A question of interest to the CARB was whether the regulation of acknowlshyedged occupational carcinogens adshyverselv affects the ambient air outside the v~rkplace Our general findings can be illustrated by the example of asshybestos

Asbestos is a very widely used mateshyrial for which no ambient air standard exists Concentrations in the workplace are limited to an eight-hour timtmiddotshyweighted average concentration of two fiberscm=1 of air and a ceiling concenshytration of ten fihcrscm 1bull In meeting this standard exhausting air containin~ asshybestos to the ambient air is not reshystricted except by the USEPAs reshyquirement that there shall he no visible emissions containing asbestos piut ides from s11eh foci lit i1bulls (bullxd11din~ hrak(bull shops 1 Considning that undc-r certain conditions 101 asbestos fiherscm1 could ht Pmitted without being visihl( 11 this standard mamiddot allow considerable asshybestos emissicns It is unlikely however that emissions would actually approach these levels First since the OSHA standard cannot generally be achieved

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

by ventilation n ine the generation or asbestos partid in the workplace must be greatly reltlu ed Second the air is usually filtered 11gt prevent recirculation of asbestos to 1 workplace Asbestos waste must bed 1sposed of in sealed imshypermeable bag~ or containers Thus under current onupational regulations the amhient air 1enerally appCars to be afford(bulld greatn protection than it would without s11ch regulations 1


The screenin and ranilting methodshyology presented in this paper proved to be a feasible approach to establishing a priority list of Jirborne carcinc)gens in California We ftel that it is an efficient means of focu~ing further efforts on emissi()ns inventories source testing and ambient measurement for it not only identifie all the carcinogens of potential concern but it also permits the state regulatory agency to direct its reshysearch resourCtmiddots toward those subshystances of partilmiddotular interest within its jurisdiction

References l National Elllission Standards for Hazshy

ardous Air P llutants A Compilation as of April 1 19 3 PEDCO Environmenshytal Inc for US Environmental Proshytection Ag1middotncy EPA3401-78008 (NTIS No I B 288 205) 19i6

S Gray Ne Jersey Department of Enshyvironmental l 1rotection Trenton NJ private com111unication 1979

1 H E Chrislllsen E J Fairchild and R J Lewis Sr middotmiddotSuspected Carcinogens A Suhfile of th1middot NIOSH Regii-try of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 2nd Ed National Institute for Occupational Safety and HPalth NIOSH i7-149

4 B 8 Fuller J Hushon 1 Kornreich R Ouellette L Thomas and P Valker Scoring of rganic air pollut1nts for US Environrnental Protection Agency Mitre Corpt ration T1middotchnical Report MTR-6248 I 9i6

S F R Lozan11 Toxicants Selected for Priority En- 1ronmental Assessment corresponde11ce with EPA Region VI Administrat r 19i7

1gt Survey of inyl Chloride Levels in the Vicinity of Keysor-Century Saugus California US Environmental Proshytection AJet middoty National Enforcement lnvestiiatim Center Denn-rand San Francisco E A-n02-77-017a 19i8

0 Bardin l middotstimon~middot in Hearings on Helationshi1 Bet wfen Cancer and the Environmei 1 US llltuse of Hepreshysentatives bull th Congress 2nd Session Committee (In Interstate and Foreicn Commerce ~crial No 94-141 1976 pp 7~i0

middot T H Ma11middoth Carcinogens in the workplace lwrE to start d1middotaning up Sc-imiddotrmmiddot l17 1-1110) lfi8 (197)

I CH ar1111 Classif1r11t1on of the Exshyposure Haza d Prtbullstgtnled Ii~middot Thirt~middot-Six Clwmirals 011 I llixllmmiddots lternorandum from Clllm1middot I Offi(middote of thtgt Assmmiddotiate lgt1rector for 1 middotarcinoltnesis Division of Cancer Cau~ l and Prevention lo SushyJwrmiddoti-or~middot ( 0 Auditor Gtmiddotneral Acshycounting Oft lmiddote19ii1

I0 Chemicals ith Sufficient Evidence of ( arcinogenit ty in Experimental Ani-


ma1s Jnlernauona1 Agency 1or 1c-curcn on Cancer IAHC Working Group Reshyport Lyon France 1978

11 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes for 1977 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1977

12 M H Rogozen D 1 Hausknecht and R A Zisk ind 1976 A Methodology for Ranking Trace Elements in Fossil Fuels According to Their Potential Health Impact by Science Applications Inc for Electric Power Research Institute 1976

1t L Margler R Ziskind M Rogozen and M Axelrod An Inventory of Carcinoshygenic Substances Released into the Amshybient Air of California Vol I Final Reshyport Screening and Identification of Carcinogens of Greatest Concern by Science Applications Inc for California Air Resources Board 1979

14 T H Maugh Estimating potency of carcinogens is an inexact science Science 202 (4363) 38(1978)

15 C C Yao and G C Miller Research Study on ais(Chloromethyl)Ether Forshymation and Detection in Selected Work Environments by the Bendix Corposhyration for National Institute for Occushypational Safety and Health Cincinnati Ohio Contract No 210-75-0056 1979

16 Occupational Cancer Control Unit Calshyifornia Department of Industrial Relashytions Los Angeles California private communications with staff members 19i9

This paper was developed while Dr Margler was a Staff SriPntist in the Energy-Environment Systems Division of Science Applications Inc (SAIi 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1205 Los Angeles CA 90067 and Mr Reynolds was a Project Manager with the California Air Reshysources Board Sacramento CA 95812 Dr ltar~ler is currently emshyployed as DirEgtrtnr of Bnvironmental Scitbulllltcs for WinzlN nnd Kelly Conshysultini EnintNi t1 Third Stretbullt EurekH CA 9gtgt01 and Mr Heynolds is Air Pollution Control Diretbulltor for the Lake County Air Pollution Conshytrol District 55 N Forhes Street Lakeport CA 95-13 Dr Rogozpn is a Staff Scientist and Dr Ziskind is Deputy Manager of the Energy-Enshyvironment Systems Division of SAi


Appendix f~

_l)ispobullition of Miscellaneous Sites

Gould Inc Ver_n)_~ St~condary Lead S~_n_elter

The emissions of arsenic from the four large secondary lead smelt~rs

in Cali forni) J1~1 ~ bull~tiilnted in the program This estimate was based upon a

uniform fugitive emission f1cJr nt WPll supported by measurement inforriation

Therefore source monitoring was r2cq11)nded 1nd Gould Inc Vernon being

~he largest was singled out It was however proposed to monitor both Gouli

and RSR Corp (Quemetco) in the City of Industry since analysis of the plants

revealed significant differences in plant equipment and engineering The

latter being more typical of 1 nodern facility

As a r2sult Jf pr-~-middott -iiscussions and plant inspections we became

aware that Gould was actively in the process 1)f constructing a new facility

which would completely replace the existing one We have monitored progress

on the new site and concluded it would he inappropriate to utilize program

resources to conduct field tests at Gould ~rr1issi 1rns from the new Gould

faci 1ity wi 11 be bas~rl 11p11) test results from RSR

PG ampE - Pittsburg PG ampE - Salinas a~d So Cal Edison - Long Beach Oil Fuel Power Plants

It was app ro p ri ate tJ cons i dP r the (~mission of arsenic from power

plants during the initial study stage inc~ imiddotrace quantities in the fuel oil

are known to be ernitted Because of the population distribution in tile

vicinity of three plants and some 11realistically conservative estimat2s of

erlissiJn c-1ctors tht~ facilities appearc~d among the top seventeen stationary

sources of potential c1Jn-r-n HovJ~ver as a result of a reexamination of

emission data it was concluded that an error ~dj ~een made in the material

balance of arsenic - resulting in tn emission factor equivalent of a 300

release ~io lit~rature was found to justify 1reater than a 30 transfer

function Thus we estimated at the outside th~ emission factor should be

reduced from 013 lb per 1000 lb to approximately 0013 lb and resulting

ars9nic 2missions for the entire state w~r~ cJ11servatively estimated to be

1760 lbs (from 17600) divided amongst 311 the states power plants Clearly

then the four secondary lPad smelters estimat~ of S9410 lbs of arsenic(


emissions per year makes consideration of poer pl int ernissio1s if ffsenic a

very low priority

In a literdture review by SAI - Methodokgy __f_or Ranking Trace

Elements in Fossil Fuels Accordi~9__t_~_their Potential Health Iripact (Roqozen

1976) - emissions estimates f0r 15 trac~ substances were researched for c11l

and fuel oil pomiddot1er plant c 1J1v---r-sion Source content combustion pr-)~~

transfer functions and contrcl methodology were co1~idered to develop e~ission

factors The output to input ~atio computed and utilized n -~i-i~ study for

arsenic was 002 to 03 (ie tra1sfer function betw~en 2 11d JO~) reflecti~q

the wide variety of fuels processses and controls nationwiJe The upper end

reflecti1g both high arsenic coals and poor e11iss10n contro 1 devices Clearly

neither of those conditions accurtely apply to th2 thr~~ si~~~ r1nrl thus

substantiate the rlecision not to perform emissions neasur-i-~n~s

Calaveras Asbestos Company - Copperopo l middotis Asbestos Mini n(i and Mi 11 i nq

In the past (late sixties and early seventies) ~h2 ~3laveras

Asbestos Company came under heavy criti-is1 1fter imiddot1sp~ction rieasurements

revealed serious problems However significant reduction of e1nissi0ns have

occured prompted by NESHAP regulation and occupcttional standards SAI

inspected the site in f)~c~1b-2r 1979 under an EPA contract An missions

inventory was published under that work (Ztskind 1980) and the bottom line

conclusion is that currently no significant ernissioi1 are gteing released as a

r~sult of hl-isting which would reach the publ le i 1le 0pen pit is some 900

feet deep with blasting at the bottom 0ver 80 percent of emissions in the

CARB Emission Inventory System were attributej to pit blasting In fact at

its current depth blasted 1aterial does not reach the mine surface with tile

explosive implacement used Additionally the site is more remote than might

be realized The ~ituation is vastly different today than in the past and

currently attention should be paid to the issues of occupational exposure and

breakdown of ventilation syste111 controls in t1e inilling operationsmiddot He

recorrrnended that no furtw~ corsideration be Jiven to this site for the

purposes of tl1is w)JJil ie identification )f silt~middot1ificant releases vhich

might he responsible for causi1J middot1 fmiddot middotgtbullgt middot 1= 1(11 1bull11 tinn Pxposure


Vctri0J5 Refineries

It was est=tblished early in the anrilysis prmiddotJr111 V1at gtenzene

emissions from refinery operations coulrl in th~ 1guregate constitute a

significrnt source Since there ilre a large rrnrnber 0f refineri~s in

California (46 in Los Angeles County itself -it t(~ i 1~ middot)f r-1ltariination) with a

wide variety of types sizes ages etc their eva l uat 11) 1 i =r~sent -3~ i)7

monumental task It was noted immediately t 13t ~~it hi n the total scope of the

study the design and conduct )f c r~f i r1~ y testing program which would develop

a complete benzene emissions in1~ntory for 01e site was impractical let alone

to d1aracteri ze emissions fro111 three ie those listed among the 17 rnost

s i g n if i ca n t potent i a l st a t i on a r y sou r c e em it 1-_ l rs bull

The three refineries were singled out for special attention in the

previol1s phase ~ecause they uriiquely had components which process materials

containing 10 or more per~nt hy middot1-bulli1 11t )-~112~ne (46 FR 1165 Jan 5 1981 pg

1491 ) Est i mates by E P A ( F e d bull r l Rr-~ g i s t ~ r 1q81 ) i n d i cate that 90 p e r cent o r

more of the total benzene fu 1Jitive emissions arise from such components

Therefore attention is appropriately focused on the three henzene production

consumption refineries Chevron (Richmond) Arco (Crson) and Chevron (El

Segundo) SAI staff considered the possibliJ )f -1 testing program at one of

these refineries and cone l url 1middotd it would not 1)e cost-effect i v2 for o number of


California is a minor producer and consumer of benzene with

approximately 15 of the 114 hill ion pounds produced and

consumed nation1lly in 1977 This can 1)e riY1pared with the fact

that California has approximately 10 of th~ ~ations population

Benzene exposur~ to the generil nJmiddot1lation has been partitioned

among the various sources Aproximately 90 of exposure is

estimated (SRI 1978) to be caused hy gasoline distribution

activities and 1ehiclEmiddot emissions in 1 ir~an areas with nearly all

of the balance )Y benene hrndl ing operations (refineries and

chemical plants) In the case middotlf California this percent1g~ Jill

be even JT1ore di middotpruJor-tionate b~cause of its greater s1are of the

population and ~esser share of the henzene ha~dling Furthermore

since the three refin 1bullry cites ire heavily urbanized no new rural

population cegmmiddotnt is beinq exposed


Californias most heavily urbanized Air Quality Management

Di st r i cts have a l ready adopted t en zen e f ugit i v e em i s s i on

staridards comparable and vith S( 1ine features VJr stringent than

the proposed national (bullmission lttandarrl (4f-i FR 1165 Jan 5

1981) Thus the concmiddotlusion rleri1ed above (Le refinery emissions

are secondary cause of exposure to the urb~n microopu~ation) is

further reinforced since H is irojected that re1eases from

components in benzene service (gt10 benzene) will be reduced by

73 by the proposed F~deral Standards T~~ ~istrict rules (eg

South Coast Air Quality Management District 456 and 4fi6l) are

not restricted to berz~ne per senor to only components in

benzene service The rjLs 1lso i-lclude flanges in addition to

the components ca i led uut in the propose nat i 01a l standard

The EPA estimated that if the proposed emission standard were adopted the

1~aximum annual benzene concertr0Vioi1 -~01middot 1 plant would be 36 ppb at a

distance of 0 1 kilomeL~~ avay Cor1paring this ground level concentration

with the general urban background i1 California of 19 ppb shows the latt2r t1

dominate In recognition of the secondary im0ortance of these thr~~ i~~s i~

was decided to utilize program resources to d~velop field data at other sites

1111here little emissions informati1)i1 1as cll-1aila1)le



US tn v 1 ronrnen ta I Protection Agency

middotJc k



1 Applicaoil ity and Principle

11 Apmicroli1ability This rnetnod amicropliltS to tt1e determination of

i nor~an i c d rsen i c ( s) e1n is sions trom non f errou Sm(~ I ters dnd other sources as

smicroecified in the reuulations

12 Principle Particulate and gaseous As emissions are withdrawn

isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass mat filter and in

water The collected As is ther1 analyzed by means of atomic aosorption


2 Apparatus

21 Sa111pliny Train A schematic of tt1e sampling train is shown in

fiyure 421 it is similar to tt1e Method 5 train of 40 CRF 60 Appendix A

Tne sampliny trdin consists of tt1e followiny components

Note H1i s and a11 subse~uent nferences to ottler methods refer to the Methods in 40 CFflt 60 Appendix I


211 Probe Nozzle Probe Liner Pitot Tube~ Differential Pressure

Gauge Filter Holder Filter Heating System r-1etering System Barometer and

Gas Density Determination Equimicroinent Same as Method 5 sections 211 to

216 and 218 to 2110 iespective1y

212 lmpinyers Six fr1pingers connected in sermiddoties llith leak-free

ground-glass fittings or any sim lar leak-free non-contam~1ating fittings

For the firstj third fourth fifth 31d sixth impingers ~~e the

Greenb~rg-Smith design modifiec bY replacing the tip with a i_3-cm-ID (05

in) glass tube extending to about 13 cm (05 in) from the bottom of the

flaskR for the second impinger use the Greenburg-Smith design with the

standard tip~ The tester may us1bull modifications (eg flexible connections

between the impingers materials other than glass or flexible vacuum lines to

connect the filter holder to the condenser) subject to the approval of the


P1ace a thermometer camicroable of measuring temperature to within 1degc (2degF) at the outlet of the sixth impi~ger for monitoring purposes

22 Sample Recovery The following items are needed

221 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes Petri Dishes Graduated

Cylinder andor Balance Plastic Storage Containers Rubber Policeman and

Funnel Same as Method 5 sect inns 221 r1nd 221 to 22g r1~spectivemiddot1y

l2c ~dlh lottl~~- l)olVbullU1ylene (2)

223 Sarnmicrole Storage Containi~rs Chemically resistant polyethylene

or polypropylene for glassware WdShes 500- or 1OOO-ml

23 Ana1ysis The following equipment is needed

231 Spectrophotometer Equipped with an electrodeless discharge

lamp and a background corrector to measure absorbance at 1937 nm For

measuring samples naving less thM 10 119 Asml use a vapor generator


232 Recorder To match the output of the spectrophotometer

233 oeakers 15O-ml

234 Volumetric Flasks Glass 50- 100- 200- 500- and 1OOO-ml

and po Iymicroromicroy 1ene 5O-m l bull

235 Lrlcbulln1t11y1lr Fl1bulllimiddot 11() ml

cJb l-3a1ance To 11H~ds11re wilhin 1S ltJ

237 Volurietric Pimicroetbull 1- 2- J- 5- 8- and 10-ml

238 PARR Acid Digestion rlonb


2JltJ Uven

L 3 lU Hot PI t t~

Unless otnerwise specified us~ ACS redgent grdde (or equivdlent)

c11em1cals tt1rouyr1out

J bull l Sd 111 p I i rt y bull Tl1 e rmiddot i ~ a yen t middot) u s e d i n s a in p I i ny are a s fa l 1ows

J bull 1 1 r i It e r s Si I i ca lie l Cr u s n ed Ic e and Stopco c k Grea s e bull Same

as rmiddotlethod 5 sections J11 J12 314 J15 respectively

J12 Water Ueionized distilled to meet ASTM Specification

u ll9J-74 Type 3 When i1igh concentrc1tions of organic matter are not

expected to be present the analyst may omit the KMn0 test for oxidizable4

organic matter

J13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o~) 10 Percent (WV) Dilute 294 ml of

30 microercent H2o2 to 1 liter with deionized distilled water

32 Sample Recovery 01 rl sodium hydroxide (Na0H) is ret1uired

Dissolve 400 g of NaUH in about 500 ml of d~ionized distilled water in a

1-liter volumetric fldsk Then dilutti to exactly lU liter with deionized

distilled water

33 Analysis Tiie rectgtrnt needtd for analysis are as follows

3 3 1 Water Same as 312

33L Sodium Hydroxide 01 N Same as 32

33J Sodium Borohydridc (NaBH ) 5 Percent (WV) Dissolve 500 g4

of NaBH4 in dbout 5UU 1111 of ul N Na0H in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter ~ith (ll N Na0H

334 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Concentrated

3J5 Potassium Iodide (KI) 30 P~rcent (WV) Dissolve 300 g of KI

in 500 ml of deionized disti I led water in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

d i I u t e to exact Iy 1 0 l i t er v i t n cl e i on i zed d i st i 1 1 e d vate r bull

336 Sodium Hydroxide 10 N Dissolve 4000 g of Na0H in about

500 1nl of deionized distilled ~~at1r ind 1-liter volu11etric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter 1ith lteion1zed clistilled middotlater

J37 Pnenolmicrohtnalein Dissolve uos g of pnenolphthalein in 50 ml of 90 microercent ethanol dnd ~0 ml ot deionizeo distilled water

JJ8 Nitric cid (HN0 ) Concentrated3

33SJ Nitric Acid u8 rt lJi lute J~ ml of concentrated HN0 to3

exactly 1U liter with deionized distilled water

3J10 Nitric Acid 50 Percent (VV) Add 5U ml concentrated HN01 to J

50 111 rJe ion middoti z~ct di st i I ed Wd t er

JJ11 Stock Arsenic Standard l m~ lsml lJissolve l]203 g of

microrimdr_y standard tdrc2de Asi in 2(l r11 of 01 N NaOH lh~utralize with3

concentrdted HN0 bull Dilute to LJ 1ite~middot 11i~th deionized distilhd ~later 3

JJlc Arsenic Workiny Solution LJ microg AsmL Jmiddotipet exactly 10 ril

of stock As standard into an JCid-ceaned dppropriately l1bel~d 1-liter

volumetric flask containing about gt00 ml of deionized distil1ec1 Jater and 5 ml

of concentrated HN0 bull L)ilute to exKtly lU liter vlitt1 dioniZed distilled3


3313 Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrated

3314 Air Suitable quality for atomic absorption analysis

3315 Acetylene Suitab~ quality for atomic ctbsormicrotion analysis

JJ16 Filter )aper fi1ters What1an No 41 or ~4uival(~nt

4 Procedure

41 Sampling ~ecctuse of tne c0111plexity of this 1nethod testers

must be trained and experienced with the test procedures in order to obtain

reliable results

411 Pretest Preparation Fol low the general procedure given in

Method S section 411 except the fi middot1 ter n(~ed not be weighed

4ol2 Preliminary Oetermindtions Fol low the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 Section 412 except sekct tne nozzle size to maintain

isokinetic sampling rates oelm- 28 liters1~in (1U cfrn)

4L3 Premicroarcttion of Collecti(rn Train Follow the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 section 41J except prepdre the impingers as follows

Place 150 ml of deionized distilled water in each of the first two

impmiddotinyers dnd 2UU 111I of tu )Hrcent 1Ui in ttl tt11rd fourr11 dlld fifth

immicroin~Jers lJeiyl1 ctrKI rmiddotbull~tllrd tilt J1~1_111t tgtI ~dtll IIqi11HJlf dr1d liquid lrmiddotinst_rmiddot

ct_gtmicroroximately 200 to JUU y ut iJreveiyhe i silica ycl from its container to the

sixth impinger Set up the train dS shilWn in Figure lUo-1

414 Leak-Check Procedures Fol low the l~ak-ch~ck procedures given

in Mf~thod ~ SE~ctiuns 41-Ll (Pret~st I 1~dk-Cneck) 11ll2 (Ledk-Ct1ecks

Uurrny Sa111ple Kun) drld 414J (Post-TSt Leak-UleCk)

415 Jrsenic Trctin Umicroeration Follm the general procedure given


in [middot1lt~ttrnd () sectic n 1L lJ i~xcei1t 111ainta1n d tllllfH~rdture of 110deg to 135degc

UJo0 to nsdegF) aruunli UH tilter and 1Hintain isokinetic sctmpling flo~ rates

oelov 2J litersmin (lO cfii) 1middotor ectcn run record tile data ret1uired on c1

datd sheet suct1 as the une shown in FiltJure 108-2

416 Ldlculcttion tgtf Percent lsokinetic --c1me cts Method 5 section

4 lb

42 Satple Recovery tieyin proJer cleanup procedure as soon as

the probe is removed from tle sta k at the 2nd of the sampling period

Al low tt1e probe to cool wt1en it cdn be safely handled wipe off al 1

external particulate matter near che tip ot the probe nozzle and place a cap

over it to microrevent loosing er gaining microarticulate matter Do not cap off the

probe tip tightly while the sammicroliny train is cooling because a vacuum would

form in t11e f i I ter ho Ider

~efore moving the sampling train to the cleanumicro site remove the

probe from the sample train wipe off the silicone grease and cap the open

outlet of the probe Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be

present Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter inlet where the probe

was fastened and cap it R~move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and

cap the impinger If a flexible line is used between the first impinger and

the filter t1older disconnect tt1e line at tne filter holder and let any

condensed water or liquid drain into the immicroingers After wiping off the

si I icone yrease Cdfl off tht~ filter t10lder outlet and impinger inlet Use

either ground-ylass middotstomicromicroers plastic caps or serum caps to close these


Trdnsfer tne probe rnd fi lter-impi11ger ass~mbly to a cleanup area

tnat is c I ean and protected from tt1e wind su tnat the chances of contaminating

or I o s i n g the s a n p 1 e i s mi n i li zed bull

Inspect the train before and durin~ disassembly and note any abnormal

con d i t i on s bull Treat t he s dinp I -~ as t o l l ows

4Ll Container Nu~ (Filter) Cdretul ly remove the filter from

the filter nolder and microlace it in its identified petri dish container Use a

pair of tweezers andor cledil disposable surgical gloves to handle tile filter

lf it is necessary to fold tmiddot1e filter fold the particulate cake inside the

fold Carefully transfer to U1e petri ctist1 ctny microarticulate 111atter andor

f i 1 t er f i oe rs that adhere to the tTI t l ho l de r ya s k et by us i n g a dry Ny 1 on

bristle orush andor a snarmicro-edyed bid te Sectl the container

Mention of trade names or microeci fie pmiddotmiddotoctucb does not consitute endorsement

by the Environmentctl Prottbull(~tion Ayen y r-5

42a2 Contdiner No 2 (Probe) fdKiny care that dust on the outside

of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample

yuctntitatively recover microarticuldte matter or any condensate from the probe

nozzle microrobe fitting probe liner and franc half of the filter holder by

vctsl1in~ tt1ese co111microonents witn Ul N NdJH ctnc1 microlctciny tr1e WdSh in a plastic

storage container Measure Jid tCOtd tu U~ nearest 1il u~ tlital volume of

solution in Container No 2 Perform tne rinjiny with 01 N NaUH as follows

Cctrefully remove the probe nozzle aid rinse the inside surface with

Ul N NaOH from a HaS~l bottle~ Brust1 wit11 a Nylon bristle brush and rinse

until the rinse st10ws no visible particles after vmich mallt~ a final rinse of

the inside surface

~rush and rinse the inside oarts of the Swayelok fitting with Ul N

NaUH in a similar way unti1 no visioe parti les remain

Rinse the proble l~11er -iitr iJl N NaOH While squir-ting lll N NaOH

into tl1e upper end of the prnbe tilt and rotate the probe so that all inside

surfctces will be i-ettecl wiU the rinse solution Let the Ul N NaOH drain

from tt1e lower end into tl1e sample container The tester 1ilay use a funnel

(glass or polyethylene) to aid in transferri 19 the liquid washes to the

container Fo1 low tt1e ~Msh witt1 d probe bru )11 Holding the probe in an

inclined position insert 01 NNaUH into the upper end as the microrobe brush is

being moved with a twistiny action through tie probe Hold the sample

container underneath the Iower end of tr1e pr1gtbe and cat01 any liquid and

particulate matter brushed from the probe lun the vash tt1rough the microrobe

three times or more unti I no visible particuiate matter is carried out with

the rinse or until none rernians in the probe liner on visual inspection With

stainless steel or metal probes run the bruh through in the above prescribed

manner at least six times since metal probes have smal1 crevice in which

particulate matter can be entrapped Rinse 1he brush -Ii th O 1 N Na UH and

4uantitcttively collect these washings in the sami)le container After the

brushing make a final rinse of the prone as described above

It is recommended that tvJO peoJle clean the probe to minimize sample

losses 15etween sampling runs keep brJst1es clean dnd protected from


After en s u r i n~ t tId t a I l _j oi rt t s t1 d v e been wi pe d c l e rn of s i I i er n e

~rease brush and rinse witt Ul NN NaOH the inside ut tt1e front half of ttw

fi I ter 11older l)rustl dnd rinse l~dCII surface tt1re~ ti111es 1ff 111ore if needed co


remove visibl~ particulate Mr1ke a findl rinsebull of the brush and filter

holder Carefully brush dnd rinse out the gla~s cyclone also (if

dpplicdble) fter rJll washin1s and particulate matter have been collected in

the sample container tiy~1ten 1he lid so that liquid will not leak out when it

is shipped to the lijbOrdtory Mark the height 1gtf the fluid level to determine

whether leakage occurs during transport Label the container to clearly

identify its contents

Rinse the glassware a final time with deionized distilled water to

remove residual NaOH before reasseMbling Do not save the rinse water

423 Container No 3 Silica Gel) Note the color of the

indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and

make a notation of its condition Transfer the silica gel from the sixth

impinger to i~s original containl~r and seal The tester may use as aids a

funnel to pour tl1e si I icd gel anc1 a rubber pol iceman to remove the si 1ica gel

from the impinger It is not necessary to remove the small amount of

particles tnat mdy adhere to the impinyer wall and are difficult to remove

Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations do not use

any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel If d balance is

available in the field the tester may follow the procedure for Container No

3 in section 45 (Analysis)

424 Container No 4 (Arsenic Sample) Clean each of the first two

impingers and connecting glassware in the following manner

1 Wipe the impinger bal I joints free of silicone grease and cap

the joints

2 Weigh the impinger and liquid to within~ 05 g Record in

the log the weight of liquid along with a notation of any color or film

observed in the impinger catch The weight of i~uid is needed along with the

silica gel data to calculafe the stack gas moisture content

3 Kotate and-agitate each i1npinger using the impinger contents

as a rinse solution

4 Trc1nsfer the liquid to Container No 4 Remove the outlet

ball-joint cap dna drain the contents through this opening Do not separate

the impinger parts (inner and outer tubes) while transferring their contents

to the cylinder

5 (Ncte In steps 1 and 6 bel0w measure and record the total

amount of 01 N NatH used for rining) Pour approximately 30 ml of 01 NaOH



i nto ea ct1 of t tie f i r s t t vJO i 111 pi nge r s and d gi t a t e the i mp i n g e r s bull l) r a i n t he O bull 1

N NaUH through the outlt~t Mm of eacn impinger into Container No 4 Repeat

tnis omicroeration c1 seund time inspect tl1e impingers for ltlny abnorrndl


6 lipe the bdl I joints of the ulasswdre conn2ct-jng the impingers

and the Dack half ot the filter holder free of silicone grease and rinse each

piece of glasstJdrr~ twice 11itn 01 N NaUH trdnsfer U1is rrnse into Container

No~ 4~ (lJo not ~_nse or brus1 ttw glaltf---itted filter su ) Mark the

heignt of tne fluid l~vel tu determine whether leakaye occurs during

transmicroorto Lctbel the container to clearly identify its contents

42 5 Container No 5 (SO Irnpinyer Sample) Because of the large L

quantity of liquid involved the tester may micro1ace the solutions from the

tt1ird fourtr1 dnd fifU1 i11microin9ers in separate containers However the

tester may recomoi ne the1n at tile ti 1ile of ana Iys is in order to reduce the

number of analyses reyuired Ch~cn the impingers according to the six-step

procedure described under Contain~r No 4 using deionized distilled water

instead Ul N NaOH as the rinsing liquid

4L6 Blanks Sdve a purtion of Ute 01 NaOH used tor cleanup as a

bldnk Take 200 ml of this solution directly from the wasn bottle beinlJ used

and pldce it in a plastic Sdmple contctiner labeled NaOH blank Also sdve

samples of tl1e ltieiunized distilled later an 10 percent H o and place in2 2

semicroctrate containers labeled 1 H 0 blank 11 and H u blank 11 respectively2 2 2

4J Arsenic Sammicrole Prepartion

4J1 Container No 1 (Filter) ~ldce the filter and loose

1-3articulate mdtter in a 150-ml beaker Also add the filtered material from

Container No L (see section 433) Add 5U ml of 01 N NaOH Then stir and

warm on a hot pl ate at ow heat ( do not boi I ) for about 15 min Filter the

solution through the Watman No 41 filter pdmicroer Wash with hot water and

catct1 the filtrate in a clean 150-ml beaker Boi I tt1e filtrate and evaporate

to dryness bull Coo I add 5 mi uf gt u p e r v~ 11 t Hru rn d U1 en wa rm and st i r Al Iow3

to cool~ Transfer to a 50-m volumetric flask dilute to volume with

deionized distil led wdter and tnigt wel I

if tl1ere are ltlny solids retained o_y rn~ tilter place the filter in a

PA~R acid di~estion bo11b dnd ddd ( 1~il tgtdCh t 1 r concentrated HNU and HF acids3

ied tne Dornb ctnd nt~dt it in dn 01n at 1sul for S hours


~e11ove ht Lrn111b fro1il tht over dnd dl low it to cool l_Juantltatively

transfer the content of ttH~ oomb to a 50-inl microolypropylene volumetric flask dnd

1J i u I ce to exltlc t l l)J ml vii t_t1 dei lt1ni zelt dist i 11 l~d Wdter

t_J~ Lu11tJifllr No 4 (Arseric Inmicroinyer Sdmmicrole)

~ote Prior to dnalysis check th1 liquid level in Containers NO 2

anu NU 4 confirm as to wt1ether or nlt t l edkaye occurred during trdnsmicroort on

the analysis sheet If a noticedble dmounc of leakage occurred either void

the Sdmple or take steps sLbject to the amicroproval of the Administrator to

ddjust U1e final results

rransfor the conterts ot Container No 4 to a 500-rnl volumetric flask

and dilute to exactly 500 ml with deionized distill~d water Pipet 50 ml of

tile solution into a 150-ml t1eaker Add 10 rnl of concentrated HN0 bring to a3

boil and evaporate to dryn1~ss Allow to cool add 5 ml of 50 percent HN03

and then -ldrm dnd stir Al ow the solution to cool transfer to a 50-ml

volumetric flask dilute to volum8 wit1 dionized distilled water and mix well

4J3 Container N(~ (Probe ~~ash) See note in 432 above

Filter (usiny Whatman No 4) the cont~nts of Container No 2 into a 200-ml

volumetric flask Combine Lhe filtereJ material with the contents of

Container No 1 (Filter)

Uilute the tiltrdt to eltdctl12001111 with dionized distilled water

Tt1en pipet 50 ml into a 15ol-ml b~dker Add 10 ml of concentrated HN03


to a boil dnd evamicroorc1te to dryness 11 ow to coo 1 add 5 ml of 50 percent

HNU and then warm and stir Al I m-1 tt1e so I ut ion to cool transfer to a3

5U--ml I volumetric flak di lute tJ volJme witl1 deionized distilled water and

mix well

434 Filter l3ldnk lJetermi11e a ti Her blank using two filters from

e d c n I o t of f i 1 t e rs u s ed i n t he s mmicro I i 11 g t r a i n bull Cut each filter into strips

and tredt eacr1 filter individual IJ as direct~d in section 431 beginning

wi tt1 tt1e sentence 11 Add 50 1 I of J 1 N Na UH 11

4J5 ul N l~aUH and ~Jater 1-3anks Treat semicroarately 50 ml of 01 N

NaOH and 50 ml deionized distilleJ watr as directed under section 432

bey i n n i n y Ii th t tle sentence 11 Pi p~ t 5 0 mI o t t 11 e so middot1 uti on i n to a 1 S 0-m1


4 4 Spectrophotometer Prepc1 ration Turn on the power set tt1e

vavelengtn slit width and larnp current anu ddjust the background corrector

d s instructed oy the 1ndnufacturer s mdrua I fur the particular atomic



absorption spectrophotometer djust tl~e bLrner and f1arne characteristic as


4a5 Analysis

45l Arsenic Oetermination Prepare standard solutions as directed

under section 51 and measure their absorbances against 08 N HNU bull Then3

determine the absorbances of the t lter blank and each sample using U8 N HN0

as a reference If the sample concentration falls outside the range of tne

calibration curve make an apmicror-oprictte dilution Hith 08 N Hf~O~ so that the )

final concentratmiddotion falls within the range of ttle curve Determine the As

concentration in tt1e filter blank (ie tl1e average of the tvrn blank values

from each lot) Next using the appropriate standard curve determine the As

concentration in each sample fraction

4~~-11 Arsenic DeterminaLion at Low Concentration~ The lower limit

of fla1~ie -atomic absorption spectrophotometry is 10 microg Asm1 If the As

concentration is a lower levt~middot1 use the vapor generator vl1ich is available as

an accessory component Fo 11011-1 the manufacturers instructions in the use of

such equipment Place a sample containing between O and 5 microg of As in the

reaction tube and dilute to 15 ml with deionized distilled water Since there

is some tri a I and error i nvo I ved in this procedure it 1ay be necessary to

screen the samples by conventional atomic absorption until an approximate

concentration is determined After determining the approximate concentration

adjust the volume of the sample accordingly Pipet 15 ml of concentrated HCl

into each tube Add 1 ml of JO percent KI olution Place the reaction tube 0into a U C water bath for 5 min Cool to room temperatun~ Connect the

reaction tube to the vapor yenerdtor assembly When the instrument response

has returned to baseline inject 50 ml of 5 percent NaBH and integrate the4

resulting spectrophotometer siynal over a JU-second time period

4512 Mandatory Check for Matrix Effects on the Arsenic Results

Since the dnalysis for As by at~nic absorption is sensitive to the chemical

composition and to the physical pro~erties (viscosity pH) of the sample

(matrix effects) check (mandatory) at least one sample from each source

using the Method of Additions

Tt1ree acceptable Method Jf Additic)ns procedures are described in

the 61 Genera1 Procedure Section of the P~rkin Elmer Corpordtion Manual

(Ci tat i on 2 i n sect i on 7 ) 1 f tt)e 1es ult s o t t 11e Me trl o d o t Add i t i o II s

procedure on tne source Sd1nple do rwt alt_Jrmiddotee t(J within 5 micro~rcent of tt1e Vdlue


obtctiried oy me routrne dto1nic absorption arictlysis men reanlyze all Sdmpmiddotles

from me source usinq tt12 Method of Additions procedure

1LgtL Co11L1iner 1fo 5 (So lmpi11yer Sample) Observe tne level of2

li4uid in Cuntdiner No 5 and confirm whether any sample was lost during

st1ippiny 1~ote ctny loss of liquid on the dnalytical data sheet If a

noticeable amount of ledkage occurred either void the sample or use methods

s u b j e ct to t he ct ppr o v a I of tt1e Adm i n i st rat o r to adj ust the f i n a 1 res u l t s bull

Transfer the contents of the container(s) No 5 to 1-liter volumetric

flask and dilute to exactly 10 liter witt1 deionized distilled water Pipet

10 ml of tnis solution into a 250-ml trlenmeyer flask and add two to four

drops of phenolphthalein inclicator 1itrate the sample to a faint pink

endpoint using l N NaUH Repeat and verage the titration volumes Run a

blank witn each series of Sdmples

4~J Contdiner lio J (Sili(d Gel) The tester may conduct this

step in the field Weigh the spent silica ~1el or silica gemiddot1 plus impinger)

to tne nedrest 05 y record tnis wei~iht

5 Calibration

Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations

51 Standard Solutions Pipet 1 3 5 8 and 10 ml of the 10-mg

Asml stock solution into s1microarate 101-rnl volumetric flasks each containing 5

ml of concentrated HN0 bull Dilute to tle mark with deioniized distilled ~~ater3

If tr1e lo~~-level procedure is used piJet 1 2 3 and 5 ml of 10 microg Asml

standard solution into the separate fl1sks Then treat them in the same

manner as tile Sdmple (section 434)

Check these absorbances frequ~ntly dgainst U8 N HN0 (reagent blank)3

during the ctnalysis to insure that base-line drift has not occurred Prepare

a standard curve of dbsorbance versus concentration (Note For instruments

equipped with direct concentration readout devices preparation of a standard

curve will not be necessary) In dll cases fol low calibration and

operational procedur~s in tne mandacturers instruction manual

~2 Sampliny Train Calibration Calibrate the sampling train

components accordinSJ to the indicated sections of Method 5 Probe Nozzle

(section ~ l) Pi tot ruoe Ass~1nbl) (section )2) Metering System (section

~J) Probe Heater (section ~-4) Temperature Gauges (section 55) Leak Check

of Metering System (section 56) and Harometer (section 57)


5aJ N Sodium Hydroxide Solution Standardize the NaOH titrant

against 25 ml off standard 10 N Hlso4

6 Caiculations

61 Nomenclature

t$ ~ater in tt1e 9as stream proportion by vo 1ume 0 ws C Concentrathrn uf A as redd fro11 the stdndard curve microgmla s CSUc = Concentration of so

2 perc~nt 01 volume

C Arsenic concentr-1tion in stack ~1as dry basmiddotis converted to s standdrd cor1ditims Jdsc1 (goscf)

i- = Arsenic mdSS emision rate yhr a F d = Di I ut ion factor ( equa Is 1 if th1 sample has not been

di I uted)

I Percent of isokinetic sampling

Mbi Total mass of al I six impingers and contents before

samp l i ng 9

Total mass of al I six impingers dnd contents after

samp l i ng g

M = Total mass of As collected in a specific part of the n

sampling train ig

= Mass of su collected in the sammicroling train g2

= Total mass of A collected in tlw sampling train microgs

= Norma Ii ty of Na OH t itrcrnt me4m I bull

T = Absolute average dry yas m~ter t(mperature (see FigureIll

108-2) degK (degK)

Va = Volume of sample aliquJt titrated riL

V Volume of gas sample a measured Dy the dry gas meterm


V = Volume of gas sample a~ measured by the dry gas meterm(std)

correlated to standard conditions scm(scf)

V Total vo I ume of sol ut iJn in whi u the so is containedsoln 2


v = Volume of so col lectei in the sampling train dscm(dscf)502 2

Vt = Volume of NaUH t trant usec for the sample (average of

repmiddot1 i cate ti trdt 1 ons) ml

Vtb = Volu1ie of NaUH titrant used for the blank ml

Vtot = Volume of gas sanpled _orrected middoto standard conditions

d scm ( d s cf )


V -= Vo I u111 e o t -vJ at er vd microo r cu I I 1 ~ c t l~ d i n t tl e =gt ct rn p I i nltJ tr d i n -I ( =gt td )

corn~ctl~LI to st1ndarltj cont1itions middotscm(scf)

i1H Averdye microressur differential ctcross tr1e orifice rneter (set

Fi yure 1 U o-2 ) 1m HzL) ( i n bull HzU ) bull

b~ Cdl(_ulctte the vol ime of so ycts collected by the sampling2


Eq 108-1


5K = lcUJ x 10- m311e4 for metric units1 3K1

= 4248 x 10-4 ft rndq for English units

6J Calculate the sulfur dioxide concentration in tne stack gas

(dry basis adjusted to standard conditions) lt1s follm-Js

CSU2 = x lUO Eq 108-2


t- V02

64 Calculdte the 1nass of sulfur dioxide collected by the sampling


Eq 108 3

~ here

65 Averctye dry Yd s 1eter t2111perdtures ( T ) and averageIll

pressure dromicro (~H) See ddtct sheet (Fiyure 108-2)




by using Eq

Ory Gas Volume Us i n g dct ta fr om th i s test ca I cu l ate V~ ( t d ) 1 5

5-1 of Method 5 If necesary adjust the volume for leakages

C- 3

Then add v J bull5 2

Eq 108-4

67 Volume of water v~porQ

Eq 108-5


K_) = 0001334 m 3g fo1 metric u11its bullmiddot -~

= 0047Jl2 fty foi Engl~~ urits

68 Moisture content

EL 1U8-6


+ Vw(stc1)middot

6 bull 9


Amount Of


train as

As CO I l eCt ed bull

the amourit of


As col iectld in each part of sampl iny

Eq 108-7

6Y2 Calculate the total

train as fol lows

amount of As c1llected in the sampling


M ( t i It e r s ) + Mn ( p rO be ) middot fvl 11 ( i rn fJ rn g e r s ) t

1( t i I t ~ r DI an k ) - 1n ( Nd l H ) - 1 (H~ O ) Eq 108-8

6lU C11lculdte the As conceritrdtiuri in the stack gas (dry basis

ddjusted to stdnddrd conditions) as follows

Eq 108-9

611 Pollutant Mass Kat~ CalculJte the As mass emission rate

using the following equation

= C Eq 108-10ssd

The volumetric flow rate Qsd should be calculated as indicated in

Method l

6 bull 12 1so k i net i c Vd r i at i on bull Us i n g data fr om th i s test ca Ic u l ate 1

use tq S-ti of r~ettoct S exc 1~pt suost itute Vtot for Vm( std)

6lJ Acceptable ~t~sults Same as Metnod 5 section 612

7 tiibliogramicrohy

1 Same as Citations 1 througn 9 of section 7 of Method 5

2 Perkin El1ner Corpcration Analytical Methods for Atomic

1-bsormicrotion Spectrophotometry Non-1alk Connecticut

September 1976

3 Annual Book of AST11 Stdndarctbull Part 31 Water Atmospheric

Analysis American Society for T~sting and 1-1aterials Philadelphia PA

1974 micromicro 40-4~



~f-~__d_y_ e s f o r Pr o c e s s i ng a n d An a l y s i s of PA H i n

Co~e Oven Emissions from Kaiser Steel

Global Geochemistry Corporation

10 Samples expected

l 1 Connective tubes between section welded to oven port cover and remainder of sampling system - These are to be stainless steel tubing disconnected and capped off for each sample They will be about 10-15 long

1 2 Impingers in series first two water-filled third dry - The center tubes will be removed and wrapped in clean foil and the impingers stoppered as is for shipping One set for each sample Protect from light during shipping

20 Extraction -procedure

Sample fractions are to be covered with foil or in opaque containers with inert gas flush during storage in freezer Solvents used in extraction will be BampJ glass distilled pesticide grade low residue) Working bench area will be screened with amber plastic and light bulbs

2 l Connective tubes will be rinsed with dichloromethane by partial filling capping tilting several times and draining into a beaker This will be repeated until the washings are colorless but at least three times

22 Impinger contents will be transferred to a separatory funnel The impingers and center tubes will be rinsed inlo the funnel using a measured amount of dichloroshymethane in portions The funnel is shaken well and the extract drawn The rinsing and shaking is repeated with two more portions of solvent The extracts and washshyings are combined over Na 2 S0 4 bull

A separate portion of the water used for impingers is extracted in the same way

For each liter of water 100 ml dichloromethane will be used per extraction ie 300 ml total

Internal standard is added to the combined exshytracts at this p0int





Concentration of extracts

Bulk solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator in a water bath at not over 40deg stopp~ng short of dryness The res~dual volume should be just less than the f i n a l v o l ti 11 e o wl1 i ch the s o l uti on i s to be d i l u t e d (accurately) The object is a final solution with roughly five mgml solids concentration in dichloromethane After the vol w1 e ~ s made up to the mar k i n a vol umet r i c flask an aliquot is removed and evaporated on a tared disk in a nitrogen stream and weighed to determine yields The remaining solution is stored in a ial or ampoule sealed with a Teflon-lined septum A split for SAI QA may be made at this point (see Section 43 also)

Gravity column c1eanup chromatogram

4 1 Into a 10 min 1 d column with co2rse sinter and Teflon stopcoc~ 6 g 120 mesh silica gel (activated at 120deg) 1s sluiry packed in pentane cooling the column by evaporation from a tissue wrapped around it and wet with acetone) This minimizes vapor gaps in the column A cap of 3g sodium sulshyfate is added to the top The column must not dry out before the chromatogram is complete

42 A sample of the extract concentrate is taken This is to be based on experience of expected PAH conshytents but initially would be 5-10 mg This is exchanged with pentane by adding 10 ml portions of pentane and evaporating over about 100 mg silica to small volume Three to five portions of pentane are used The final residue is rinsed onto the column with pentane

4 3 The chromatogram is developed with four solvent steps

l 25 ml pentane 2 l 0 ml 2 0 ~~ dichloromethane in pentane

II II ii II3 l 0 ml 50 u II II4 l 0 ml 5 0 ~~ methanol

The column volume is approximately 8 cc This is allowed for while collecting fractions During the first chromatogram the graduated cylinder collector is observed for visible solvent changes and a more precise estimate of the column volume

T h e f o u r f r a c t i o n ~ a r e e v a p o r a t e d i n a n 1 t r o g e n stream at not oveimiddot 40 to l 0 ml then stored under nitrogen in the freezer The principal constituents


of the fractions will be

l Aliphatics 2 Lower molecular weight PAH

11 113 Higher 11

4 Polar materials

Fractions 2 and 3 are to be analyzed by HPLC the others retained for future interest or in case of an incomplete or defective separation Splits for SAI QA may also be made from these fractions

50 HPLC Analysis

5 l The column is a reverse phase partition column C18 bonded to microparticle silica 4 x 250 mm The solvent system is a gradient from 6040 acetonitrile water to 100 acetonitrile initial slope setting l 5min The flow rate is one mlmin the injecshytion sample volume one to ten microl depending on conshycentration Detectors are UV absorbance and fluorescence in series The absorbance is set routinely at 296 nm but may be varied in certain instances to aid in identification of peaks The fluorescence filtars are narrow pass excitation at 360 nm and cut-off emission above ~10 nm Both d e t e c to rs a re rec o rd e d s i 1i ul ta n e o u s l y

52 Reference calibration is based initially on indishyvidual chromatograms of single compounds and roushytinely interspersed chromatograms of multicomponent reference mixtures The proposed calibration stanshydards are the following at minimum

Phenathrene Pyrene Chrysene Perylene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo (ghi)pcrylene I n d e n o ( l 2 ~ c d ) p y r e n e Coronene

The internal standards (added in Section 22) are 910-Dimethylanthracene

9-Phenylanthracene 9 10-Diphenylanthracene

60 Peak Identification

Significant peaks not recognizable as present in the reference standard will be investigated by alternate methods for identification


6 bull I Stopped-flow examination of UV absorbance for maxima

by manual wavelength varmiddotiation allows checking against known reference spectra (published or measured) This is usually sufficient confirm a component already suspected to be present

62 Collection of the fraction contairino the unknown peak allows later determination o~ t~e full absorbance andor the fluorescence spectrum for comparison with reference compounds

63 If not already run on GCMS the sample can be sent to SAI for that purpose possibly allowing the comshyponent to be identified Since the HPLC elution order is not the same as the GC retention sequence it may be necessary in affibiguous cases to collect the HPLC fraction and run it separately by GCMS

The~e may be numerous minor constituents not identified The decision on how many of these to track down and identify will be made in consultation with CARB adv~sors a~d with SAI since at some point the returns ute not worth further expense

_64 IdeAtified peaks are quantified by comparing their areas to the areas of the known concentrations of reference compounds A recovery factor based on the added internal standard nearest in elution order to the sample component is then applied the amount of internal standard originally added to the sample is divided by the amount found in the HPLC analysis This ratio is the multiplier used to correct for losses in concentration and chromatography steps

70 Quality Assurance

71 Transmittal of sample ~plits to SAI provides for external QA This should be done with 15 (or one in seven) of all samples

72 Blank water extracts are carried through the same analytical procedure (10 of total)

73 The cleanup and HPLC analysis are duplicated on 15 (or one in seven) of all extracts

74 The multicomponent reference is run first every day then elution volumes and peak area for each comshyponent are plotted on a control chdrt to pinpoint developing problems At least evetmiddoty tenth chromato-gram will be this standard It wi 11 also be rerun after any service on the instrument~ such as a column change



Gas chromatograph 1mass spcmiddotctromlt~try protocols used by SAI Trace

Organic Chemistry Laborator1

Aliquots of sampl=s received from Global Geochemistry Corporation

were analyzed by combined c11s chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS)

Liquid extracts were spiked with an internal standard compound (deuteriumshy

labeled phenanthrene) priot to analysis by gas chromatography mass spectroshy

metrymiddot A Finnigan model 4( 21 Quadrupole GCMS system including an Incas data

system was used for all analysis Liquid samples (1 microliter) were injected

into a 30-miter x 025-mm ID SE-54 fused silica open tubular 9as chromatoshy

graphy column (JampW Scientific) A programmed GC oven rate of a 4 minute hold

at 30degc followed by a 40degCmin temerature increase to 160degc and a s0 cmin

temperature increase to 270degc was used for sample analysis The detector

system was a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the electron ionization

mode at 70eV The quadrupole mass filter was scanned from 35 to 475 atomic

mass units in 095 seconds A hold time of 005 seconds was used to stabilize

the electronics prior tote next scan Data were continuously acquired using

a Finnigan Incas Data system which writes time intensity mass spectral data

to a magnetic disc The mass spectrometer was operated under computer control

during acquisition Figures 33-7 through 33-9 show the total ionization

chromatograms for each of the three samples that were analyzed

Following analyses the data files were searched for priority

pollutant polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) In addition to the

quantitative data reduction used for priority pollutant PNAs a survey analysis

was performed on all significant GC peaks (ie signal to noise of greater

than 101) The survey analysis was based upon a computerized library search of

individual background subtracted peak maxima scans for qualifying GC peaks

The library used for qualitative identification AJas a combined NIHEPA

National Bureau of Standards library 1hich contains approximately 26000


Tables 33-11 through 3-13 present the results of this survey analysis As expected a series of al~yl Slbstituted PNAs were observed in addition to heterocyc l i c compounds con ta i ni n~ nitrogen iind sulfur moieties Further

investigation of the mass spectre of the nitrogen substituted identifications

confirmed the presence of benzonitrile isoquinoline andor quinoline acridine

carbazole and alkyl substibted ~yridines Ion specific searches for N-nitroso

substituted amines were neg1tive



Detailed Fiber and Mass Concentration Data - Johns Manville



lt QJ ()

J 0

(lJ __c r-- (Y)

-- 0tj-M r- rQ bullbullbullbull

middot1- c) CJIO

gtmiddot CNltS rel I c-=cltv-l

N --_ r--

+ +



- -- + +


Ii II 11 11 lo II 11

_ amp z

E2 ~~~~~yen_ ~~~ti~~


~~~~j~j ~~~~~~ -----~-2 = ~ ______ _--- middot---~ ___ - - - - _ ~


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ti lt ~~ - --- -


~~ - J -

_ ___

- =- = l 7 = T -- ~ 1C I-- lc L ~ -- J

=-- -i l L - [- - =-- -= f- - =-- -l J middot - -=-

i-- L =-- - ~ ~ L ~ ~ =--shy r---- --

- 7 l -=----7- -- - - - -- =-- - - ~ =-- - 1- -~- l

g~~~~ r_-middot~ ~-i [-- L ~ L Ldeg

middot--~ l - --------=-- r- L r- r-

~~~ =-- -- r- = - -r---

a- - - - - _ - -I~=-- L -- l 7 -~--

gtZlt _

- _(_ -lt lt =- = ZJZ~


__ _

~ -- __ middot- -~ ~~~ = L ~f~ Z ~ C

middot -

__ ~ lt lt =- _~~ijE

gt = z lt gt



SI I HMllLfc J H 1 I OBr I lll-H ANI) NS~ coHcrrrllliTJ ON CUfllllTI VImiddot SIJMMIIY

TIITIL JnI~ SfiNtlEO TOTtl Ill- or FI ITETI TOTI Illlt ~111-11 11 ltllOT FIIACT I Ori 1111 OF ~middotWI MUllllNJbull lOTI 01IIMImiddot 01- JII TOTI FI lilmiddott~ UgtIJH nD

= t nwo 00 so MI CllONH = t I 1JOO SO (M = II 900 SO CM t bull (0000 l1T~

I I JO SO CM 70000 CUil JC Ml-TEHS

= ~lt O V l lWfl~

Manville D-2 Baghouse

723 347 -633


FI 111-11 COllflT ltFIIWll-

ITllClmiddotrir r lllrf


) ( I f S bull1 bullbull

I 0

l ~-Irbullmiddot


fl JI)(~


0 OUU~~


0 OflO


1110 000~~

FI IWII ( ()[IClmiddotNTHT I ON ltI- I mn ll11 ~41 GI OF FI LTEH) (FIBlmiddotn~ ll-11 CIJB f-11bullTl-H OF IH)

I (2fi71bull+0G (aG(l-+05

( gt027 F+04 OfmiddotHH


OOOOOF+00 o uuoul~middotH)O

0 O(OOE+OO o 0000I+oo

J bull f 1)07 E+O( fi r71HE+OG



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I 590)1+07 6 t 90llbull-HH

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0 OUO(I 1 00 OOOOOJi+00

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OOOOOE+OO 1 lHHllJ i 00

0 00001middotgt1 00

M ~~~ middotor-ic Irrrn TI or

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I) I MWTEll Ml-N ltMI c11or1~~) STI) tHV

MEtl IOC cImiddotor1 r1N CCWF V11

AIt lbullI rt 1bulli I~ (Sil MIC) STIgt 1gt1-V

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I 0 I ~if1+07 bull tJf I (11bull-HH

r 1gta 1 1) bull 2 (10()

0 lt700 l 1Hi4~ 2G44

() ~( 1 027B

- l bull 6 I 1bull1middot 0 J l)J 09J~fgt

1a 1071 1~ 09rn

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o rooo 0()()00

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( IJl)()C)

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~ lf



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J I 0

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~ - -lt-[-bull

0- ~ l L L l~ -18~~

L a- - ~ I-

-I - ---


-- -- -- - - ~l

-1_ - - --

--~--- [-middot-~--- t-- -- [- -_ 3J ~I r-

z g ---



l l c +-shyc

~ Ci - - I

-1--r-middot~- ~

L l- L ~






-= -- - - ---- - _

middot= - middot-= l J l~ - ~ ~ L - ~ L ~ [--






- I

==== lt _ --middot --~ 7 _

- ~~- _

z ~ ~ =lt ~~~ti3


gt =2 lt_

2 z _ lt=lt i~iS

-- z ~ lt


~lt~ =--~~~sect~ _ -- -middotImiddot_

L -_ -


(lJ II) I

~ Or--M

ltlJCsr-M ~ O) bullbullbullbull ~ lCMIO bull- ci gt (= N lC I M ~ 0 N



---r--co - - ~l r-j = ~i

~~ 2-

88 rJ--_-ltI -

lt ~lt


Cl J ~ _ e-l ~~

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_ L



-o-~shyc L~ ~ - 0 - Ll-C d o~-

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-_ 0- _


-- lt== ~~ ltZ z-== -~~=E~8C~l~-=rI - lt ~ fJ

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~ ~ lt -=z~ z _ -shy middot--z =-

-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middot-middot -----

r bull bull _

- _ - ~-middot __ _

~ _

middot- - --- middotmiddot


- l

~=~r -~= ==

lt =~~~ti



TOTL iHf- SCNNFD lOTiL Illmiddot OF FILTFTI TOJI Ill- JSlllmiddot~ll I I OIIOT FlltCT [ ON 1111middot OImiddot ~1-M iIHlllllJNE TO 1 1 I ()lIJMImiddot ()I t I H TOTI V 1111-11~ COUNTED

= 1080000 SQ MI~RlozNS = 11 900 SQ CM = 1 l bull )00 SO CM = 1 00000 liHlS

11 IH) so CM 2G70000 CUBIC METfiHS

1 ) fi FI JllIIS

Man vi l1 e D-2 Baghouse

723 0 347 -633


F 11l-ll f()llrlr ( I 1IFH-- l 17 G o 00 00 00 19fi

llmiddot1tur1T TOlfL FI nrrns ll9 71bull4frac34 10 2Glti7 0000frac14 0000~ 00007 100000frac14

middot 11111 corwirrrniTI ON ( I- I I I It~ n11 ~q Ct-I OF FI LTEil) ( 1 I IWII ll11 CIII 111-Ttbulln 01 I ll)

t 11ll0 r+Olt J 427H-H)5

1 bull ioonr+o G OltOGIbull HH

0 00001~+00 000001+00

OOOOOE+OO 0 000lt lbullHJO

0 00001~+00 D o)OOE-HgtO

I 2MWTbull+Ofi 4 1)HOlbullgtHHgt


I en

Tii I ~lllll11middot Illmiddot ( q Ul I lmiddot11 q en OF FI LTF11) (SO UI lFll Clll WllbullIl rn Ill)

bull11u f j j luii ( PGP1MS 1111 ~q ClI OF FI J11-ll) (PGRAt1S 1bull111 CIJI fllmiddotTlmiddotll (JI Ill)

I 7G2H+07 lt ll20(ilbullgtHH

9 0 1441middot+()( a G07 ltgt1bullgt1 O (

l 1 1Hi11--HM 1tllH (H

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0 ()()()()11-()()

0 0000 Ibull 00

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1 I ( 1 f(J

7 B~G I 11 fit middotHO 1 l(I ri

0 (000 oouoo

-o G f Oil 0 (UOO () (l()(J()

00000 00000 00000 00000 (l 0000

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00000 0IJOOO 00()00 0 () ()(JI)

0 ())1)0

10 (400 1 7 211))

I 1 middotl 1 II I I G7lt l 47H

ll 1 iWTI II lt n 1 1 111 1i ~

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0 bull1ltHi 0 ~~+lbull

- f f Hl 1 oIOltil f bull ~ f17

0 I 2iO o o~o

- ~ (l ) ) bull)

o I 2~i 0 2middot1-7

00000 00000 uouoo U0000 00000

00000 00000 oowo 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 it)C ouooo 0 (POO

0 1 ~0(d 0 41 1middot~

- i ~ltltG 0 201 II I ~Ill 0

111 (~I MIC)

~11bulli Ii Sfll IWV ~11-dl I OI Cl-Otl MN lttllmiddotT II

2 JOB w i0lt11

f H17 ll2G7 (1 bull IJ7~~

o~lti11 0 OG( 1J

-I llt70 0 ~jJJJ 0 lmiddotIBI

00000 00000 00000 () ()0()()


0()(100 00000 00000 00000 0 ()()()()

ouooo 00000 0 (J()()()

00000 00000

20 111 tfi 17 211middot1middot

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-4 )i J 00071 Oi()OO

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0 OOt)O 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

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1 Ill (i

7 () ~) i

-J ~bull17lt 11)7()

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=-c i


lt rr

lt Cf

Q) Vl I i or---

Q) r-~

-- ttl M bull- i gt (2 SN ttl I M ~ ON


M (I)







g --

- ~ -+ -+ c

C co

_ co


------___ --0 = - - - --- - - ------------ - _ _

-__ - -- _

- - -- -____ - - - - -_-~--oo

-c~oo--_ - --- -_ - _ - - - - - _ --- _ _ -~ -_ -- - -_

~oo-- - - - - -------------------------- - _ _ _


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0-l - c- [ o middotl L T ~-~ -~ -o---l

~ - J - I_



II II II II II 11 11



c=~lt ~~

~~ -~ = - -lt ~ l -middotmiddot - -~ f I

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middotmiddot middot~middot J ~~


-=~ 2 -- - -- ~

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0 J gtshyc [3

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z -- - - - -gt- lt

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-- _ L- -

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~ -s ~~ Z middot1 Z

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z ~_ ~-=


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lt rr

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i Ot

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E 0 M N -


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z ~ ~ ~


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e 0


c e



~ - -_ - -__ _

-- -shy-----shy~ - - - --------shy- - -- - _

0_ ---shy _ - ____ _- - - - - C - - - - 0--

------ ~-shy-----______---- ---~---- _ -middot - _----shy--~_ __

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--~--_ _ ~ _ ~----- - __------_ _ _ o-=

- - _ _ _ - _ - - - - ------shy- -- -------shy- - ---~__

0 _ ---shy

o~eoo - - - - -__ _ -----~__ _ ~_ ---- - ~ _ -middot _


c - =gtshyz Clt

00 ~ 5 c

c lt



t~ 0

g C

middot- _

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- -__ - - -_

-----_ _ _ ~----____

- -_ - - shy

-----__ 000 - - - -__ -_ -----___

~~ c

~ - c

lt C

- - - - -- - _ _- - - --- _ _ - - _ -_ -_ _

- -- - -

_ - - - _

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-_ -- - -____ - - - -- _ _ _--- --- ---__ --_____

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-~O~l c-r------shy~~~Cdega-~--l

- ) - L i -


z -

~-~ ~

r _

~ -

- -lt~middot ~middot - -- - -~ t middot ==


- ~~ lt lt


~~~ 7 z ~ ~ ~~ lt~ ~~~j3




- middot middot _ -

_ -

~ ~f ~


- -

- -


- L~ - -==-r- ~-- - Ldeg = - ~--= 1 middot-- rshy

tx L t ~ ~ ~i ~ emiddot- r- -

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ltlJ Vl J I 0

ltlJ C 00 - OgtO M - r1j bullbullbullbull bull- a) tJ ) gt CN0 r1j I

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0 E-~ 2 u- lt I

re C z

z i t= -~ lt ii

0 z





~ 0 C


~ C C

) 00



__ _ - -----shy--- -shy- --- ----__ - --- - ___ _ ------

c---shy____ __----- _ - - ~-- --_ - - - --- - ---- ---

-- --- _ ~~bull _ - -- - - - __ ---

- --- -------middot--- --- -middot --- - __ - - middot- ~ -middotmiddot

____ _0) C 0- - - ---------- -- -- ----------

_____ ------shy-- - - ------- - - _ -- - - - -- --_ - - -----

__ ____ ___

---------shy_ - -middot _------__ _ __ - -- --- -shy

- -- - -------middot- - - - -- - - - -middot----shy-- - - ------- - - - -

- -- ----- - --------- - --- - - --- ---- - - - -middot------


c------c----shyc----shy------- -- _ --------- bull--o o o i- - ----shy- ___- - - - -- - -- __

coooo __ __ _ --_ - - -____ _ - - - ---_ -- -- -- -------- -- --

----------- ------ --- ---------_____ _-- - - ------- - ------------

rr middot-middot r gt ltshyc=-~~ z lt=== ==~ ~

= C


+ +

------- - - -I

l - tshy- 1 - - -7 ~ - -- = 7 ~ L L t-

1 II It 11 11 1 11


~f - -

t z ~ t ---=-c

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~ C NG rc I


- r--

i--r- - 1- - 7 ~ middot -- ~ ~ = L L [-

-_ = - - ~ =-~ ~l


-middot-=-shy~~-- L- ~ -~+-

~=~ -- ~-~r-- _oc~~-

L [-L deg J e- L- -t

r- ~

r- L ~

- --~ ~= II II II II II I 1 _ middot-

z ~ ~

=-= ~-=-~ == ~ bull-r~

2 ---- - -middot-F= ~ ~

gtz=lt gt -

-middot - - _ - --- - -- - -

middot1 middot-middot-

~ - - - - _

~~~=~~= E------lt-- _




- _ - _ == ____

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_ -middot---c





c c

lt u-



GJ CQM r- O) bullbullbullbull

r- ro N rY)bull- ~

gt CE CN ro r- ~ON


I= ~

E-0 ((



- lt


[ ~

~ L -- [-

- --

l ~l t ~ ~- - _j_ -middotmiddot ~- L~ L~ 7 = r~ 1- l-

c ~ ~ - - ~ -l ~SJ CJ - = - -

- L --- -Cl 7~l--shyr- ~ =-- 7 ~ -- -1 r--

middot L~ - ~ r--- r- -- - ~ -1-~~f--~ - - --



--------- ~~~r- [SJ L-

-- -_ -- -1 -

~~~~~ - - L- SI



--- ~~ 1-

~ 2 ~-r--=-- r-----

- - - -

l - - ~ J L L- L - [ Ishy-=-=---- - - - ----- --1

~ ~l ~ = - -CJ~ l--I ~ ~ -= middot 0 - L L----




-z~ lt c --t~C

_ -- --

-__ - lt - gt

_ -~~~ --=---=-_

---shy- - -- -~ - =-

i~ij 4-- - - -

- ~ ~ - -- - - -z -r~ z ~

--- -lt-lt=~- --- -~ -- - --- -sssect=i ~ ~

~=-----lt---- =-


-- + +

c2 c~-=~ I- l-l - = _-~ L -- =J - I L middot-= t ~ T=~ L~ t- L-- ~--1r---

C r--

lt J

lt rJ

(lJ I V

ioo ltU O OM

-- c -- O)CJ M bull- re gtai0 C ltl CJ M ~ I CJo _

- - - - -- - - -- -- - -c5~~=- - - - -------------- - - - -------- - - - --------------~~

---------- - - _- -~_ _ -----____ __


---shy------- - - - --~ ~-= = ------_ _ - _

0 oo ----- _____ _ - - II -- - _ - _ _

_ __ _-----_ __-------middot - -- - - - -c

C z


--z lt


-lt ----

c--c - - - - - -- _- -- _ _- -_____ c-------





~ i -

- I ------ --


I l

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MPteorolo(1y Summary Data for Study Sites


) ) )




Weather Bureau

Site Johns Manville-Stockton



Dail y_verage

Wind Speed (mph)

Direction (Percent)















































G) I



---------------- -------------------

Period 1969-197 3 Meteorology Site RSR

Sourece Whittier Station SCAQMD Average Wind Direction X

-- bull-------==--Start C I _ c _ I ~ltC11 l1-1 l1111-1Time

-12~ ___ _ ~l -----middot middotmiddot- -middot-- 4~ 1 4-I Rh f1h --- --middot -------

1 7 c- ~ 4 l 1 1 l c c 1 7 1R hq t q 4() lR

00 7 f- ~ ~ 1

__7 1---~ bull 2 ______ l__bull 7 ___ _ 401 11h hh ~ ~ -1 l lt 1 bull 7 ________ _)02

a~ ~f- lR O

2 I S 1n

~~ q 4 1R ~~ 34 0 ~S03 Q ~A q S S 6 44 11 Aq

____ 7 _ (J__pound_ 1 n 1 A ~ L ~ 1 a 4 ~04 01- 4r _____~---- 1_q______ 1_ -i -7 ______70 ___-_l __ _

____s_~ __ _3_ __ __ _7____1_ _______ c ____ _____ _S ____ -~bull05 no 44 )1 ~ SP 41 47 AS

-R 7 7 1 bullq 1A ~1-- S 9 4n06 J_4c An 4n 34 71 48 17 7S

07 O bull 0 3 bull 7 e i bull J ~ 3 e ) 2middot 3 4 e 7 ___ l micro 2 __ _ _ __l_Ln___________R 1 52______~_5_i _______ 8 c 7 J

_J 1 bull _____ h ~---- ___i_]___1 bull Z ______~_5 _______ ) 9 _r --~bull-5_____ ~_3 ____08 )c7 __JAq 9A 10 ]17 i7 f-S A4

11-n 11R Al f-i3 7) 1 4n i09 )A4 1A l~A 142 ]70 77 4R 70

_LI__l_ ___l 4 bull P 7 bull P A R l n A 4 R 1 n 4 4 ___ 7 A ___ _RA____ 1 A 1A 8 1 SL__ 1 R 5 1 ~ 3 _1] ________ 111~____JJ__) 1 ~---~-~ 4 9 1 ----1___11

A0 1A4 JR 17 lAR A 41 4C 174 A ll~ JnR ll7 9 5 R12

24c 4n~ l9l ~o 11n sg 40 3g __ ) bull 2 C () bull 9 14 ---~--~f 3 1 bull s bull 413

____ 7 4 _____) 4 c _ ___ 1 _ 7 ~ s____ L-i_ __ _ c 7 c ~ o 1_ __middot _____ 1__i-______ l 7 1 c _l___L3__ 1 bull 2 l bull q 714

77 ~ll 1Ac Rt 1 Al 4g lR iin 104 1 177 144 ~n 13 115 c 7 4 7 1 A 1 c c VH~ Q4 5 i 1 9 1

16 _ 1 ~-- bullcmiddot ___ ___ J_ 5 _ 1___ _10__ _ _ ____LS_ ~-- __Lo__i s p ~ 4 1 3 5 1R 2 _ --- __ __S ______2 __ -- --- 3-~ 1-- --- --- __ L3~ 6 7 ____ _7

17 l _ bull ~ 11 e3 ____ __]__]__ ] 5 __2 _________ 2_l__c_-_______ 8_ 1 4 bull 2 L_l_ __ _ _L~ 1 middotn 1 ) l R 5 A R ~ c

18 14 R1 ~~ 15 ~7 R4 4 lA~ llh 77 l~R 15n lA 59 ~0

19 L bull pound_________ _7_ 2__ ___2_E_ A A _2l-_l fL 4 3 e 7 J Q

1 Ji RI _ J_ ________ O _1-f l 4 ___ 4~------ __ 3] __

20 l l 7 5 2__ 3 e ____ 5 7 -- 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 ___ 2- 7 2 3 ____ C7 ______ -_ _____________ 10Q ii Q)44n middot----

21 u1 40 A1 ~4 lR5 5 1 bull

1~h si -- ) 1 1 11n n 41 22 _ q_J--- ______ A____ 1-- J_R ql____A_ P 1 q s

17 c3 ____ l ______ _________JY~ __ 7q ________ lbull4 __________ 4U ______

23 ___7 ~ _A _i_ _ _2 ________ ~ _middotL ___ __1--__1 ______ L~ g _ _ 7 ______ l n ___ _

1176 n



Site RSRMeteoro logPeriod _1969-=1_92]__

Average Wind Oirection_X__

PIIJ t t lt Cr ~Start Time ----

Pl 1_ 1~ 7 () 10s0~---- ---------- ll-i ________ 1n1 1 Jn f- l (- Q 1O 1 114 12 c Abull i ~ol R100 llS P2 171 ~41 2P QO P7 llS

7A 1nA 117 s A01 7 _1=--------------------------LS_0_ ---------------middot__s___~ 7 1 11 l_O l_Al (tr1 p~ 1-7 ql OJ

----- --------- - ---- ---- -- middot-middot --- ---- -- ----middot-- ----middot ----~ 7 c ~ bull n 1 1 2 l 9 -s 1 -i s s ~ c c__ bull A____02 1 1 2 1 r n 1 c 0 r-- l ~ 1 o 1 0 1 t 1 o c- ----~--- -Pl Ol OP lA2 11A 61 c 0 ~ cq03 l 5 4 l 4 4 1 i r 7 -i r) c q 1 deg 1n

qA RO 107 ~_12_7 SA c 7 A04 _l _ s_ _________l 7 l RA____ 7 ______l _o 4 __ l nn_________ 0 _7________ R_l __ o ~ _____ J(__7 11__r ___ _t-__ o ____ ln ___ h_ ______ An____ c-_n __05 ]lA 140 170 7cA __2n1 qc- 7q 1n1

06 RS q_1 lO~A lAwn 12S S9 49 AJ l2R l2R 144 lQO Jq2 114 llS R7

07 R bull 0 Re() q () Ll_3__ ___lJ Q 7 e ] 7 e c e 4

1_ ls 70 R________ 1(1__5 --- ____l~middotA l_J0_____ ll ~- ____ J_Z_ __ 08 7 1 _Lo ___ Si ___ f-~5 __ ____ q1____ A__A _____ 7bull~------~_r ______ _

0 q J A t __ _plusmn2___ l O A A P 12 Q

09 A2 22 G6 41 A7 s1 s1 R0 71 21 23 2q A7 AA f-l lll

10 44 11 ibull4- lR ~z 41 1q 7n 4q 17 lA lA --~-1__ 1q P _1_n7 ___

11 ~ bull 1 ___ 1 bull 1 l bull () ~ ~--1____ ~ q 2 4 l _middot2_____ pound_____7___ _ 41 10 8 0 lf- l() 17 01

12 2S A 5 1 2 22 19 J s7 21 11 7 2A 25 ~l 1n1q

13 ___JJ l 7 4 6 l - A 1 6 0 f- l q _----- _- o 12 ____l 7 1 7 -1____l_l_ _ ---middot

14 J__4_ A bull 7 1_~ l ~l__1____~ _____7_Q_------middot- c__ -- -middot -

--~ l l l 1 c l ] 7 c 1 l

15 J2 2 7 g l 4 11 lA 7 1 li A R 10 20 27 -=tn OR

16 a 4 s ~---- _J_ bull 1 it 7 _J _e_9____~ L _ 1 7 _______ll____ 7 _l middot- - 1deg 21 I= l_ ________ 9~-- ---

17 J bull J_ 7 4 l_ 2_ _ l 2 1 3 ___ c -- - f-_L___ 3 1 q 1q 4 --~~R____l____ ____c_c_____J~l~Z--

18 O middot 1 1 12 1s 4 - ~ () 14 1n 42 12 ~4 71 84 c~ 60 179

19 - 2____b__ __2D_______ ___2_____1-----~ --5__ _ 5 2 3 e 4 4___ l Q n _ 4A _____ 4_q__________50_______ lltbull __ 121 _____31 ______ _ _10 1 12

20 7 0 3 0 -- -middot 3 7 _ 7 1 7 5 __ 5 0 A 5 7 6 --- 5 i 1-- 0 R __l SL -- 1 r p P -- - 1 1 --- -- 1 c 7

21 14 41 51 g_7 04 55 7s q_7 7R Al 122 17A 17R q4 llq lc

22 -~--8__ c n 7 A 11 _n_ ~ c A 7 -2___~~--q 1 _______ l_nR ___ 17______ 7)1 _l__A ____ f-J_7 _ 1_ ]~(

23 c 6 _A _7 ----- 7 Q _ -- __ l l 0 J1 bull _ middot--S 4 ___ ----- 7_ f- --- P l

lAA4 1 911

R t bull I

--- -------

Meteorology Site RSRPeriod 1969-1973

Average Wind Speed XSource Whittier Station SCAQMD

( (~ c II lt II ~ hlltlStart Time

___L_~ 41 rnl~ ~l_ ---~-- --~h_______----middot bull9 bull f- c 1 l bull r 3 00 )

l l c Sl 7 J 8 ~Q AR 4() 4R _ _ _s_________ ~ A ~ 1 2R01 -------

l 1 i _f- _micro middoti 79_ LC 4i A1 bull 4 bull c + ~1 ] 1~ 1n02

Qf--- Lf- 1A Q r (- c r middotn SA 7 4 9 R 7 lR 11 403

a 1h Q S 5 4 4g 11 A9

P __ 3 bull 7 ___2__Y e ] 2 e ( e A 2 e 404 Rf- ------~_5____ 2L _____ _l_t_____~_7__ _3J _________4)____ SL_

bull 7 bull 7_ ________ 2____7______ 2 _1 _____ el_______ L ~ ________2 bull 2 2 bull 2 __05 ____1_n_o 44 31 c cq bull LJ 47

c 2c 7 lR 1 O 406 11 c A 0 4 n 3 4 7 l 4 R ~ 7 7 5

___ ___~ c Z bull A ~R_ ---2_h 2 bull bull 4 e R bull C07 l_ H l_ ri ------- R1 --- c ----------- AQ _middotbull 4_p____ r 7 ___1[_2_ _r--_______ _ A____________ )_3-____ _____ __t 9 ______ ~_____ _3 __ --~___()_______ __I__08 C7 lR9 9A 1n~ ll7 S AS 84 ~Q 33 11 11 1n R 3A 3309 7RJ 1R lA 14-1 17fI 77 4R 7(_

---~- L~ 1 7 -~ 1 7 4 1 l 1 9 S 3 9 C) 4 9 A ~ 9 q10 __ 7 c _ ___ _ 2 RA l A ____J__6_R 1 C 4 7 P C 1 rq I

11 -~L f _ __ -~-- 5 _J__ __4_-_c1 ______4__]____4_ bull 5 c___h ___~_a_J 1Rn ~r- 1 1A 17~ JRR AZ 41 45

sn ss s1 6~ cR 5 c~ s912 46 4n3 91 30 170 sg 4n ~~


5 a _e_______6__Q____ ~_f-__-----6___R f- e C 6 e 7 6 e 1 t__5_j13 7 l _ -i 4 _r _ _____ 13 _ __252_____ -2l3___5 7 3_5_______3_Q_j

1_ __ f-_ 7 ______ __~_E_ ____ L5 _____7 __3__ ___J_ 1_____J__ 5 ________ O_14 _2_c 7 --- ~ l ~--- l A i R t ~ r- 1 LL q J

15 ~c A7 7L 77 7S AP ~q A c7 47 1Al ~t 1nR q3 ~~ Jq

_ ____ Cl ________ 6___ l___ 6 bull 7______]__5 ___ 6 e q 7 e J Abull 2 8 316 2 3 5 19 2 15 6 ---- __ 24-4 --- ---- 3 lt5 _________ l3C _ ____fJ __ ]]__ ~ _ 5 6 ____ s bull3 6 2 __ 5 B ______ 5 Y ___ 7 3 7 _7 ___ _17

__ 1 c ______1 ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~n 13 c 6 P ~ 5 4~q L9 ~ cn 4A ~n ~-4 4118 lP~ llA 77 11A 1cn l~A SQ Q

-----~~a-R___-=4bull2_1 e __ middot-middot middot bulls __ - __ IL 9 1 ~_1_ ___3 7 40__19 1 ~~- gt q6_ (- l Q 144 43 _37 _ A f ---middot ~ bull r bull q ~ 9 IL ~ 1 _0 -~ bull 1 A 3420 l r -- I- I q4 l qo l c c 0

-- -- -- --- - middot-middotmiddot middot----middot - --middot-middot middotmiddot- --middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--middotmiddot

~ bull l =I ~ ~ bull f 7 bull i 1 1S21 l L7 C c~ c 1- 1 Sl l ~()

22 _-~ bull--~middot-_____ z_ __g______2 _____2_ 1 __ ------ 4 h

1 1 c3 3~ --~3 __ 113_ 79 l4

) bull f-- q ~23 2-~

lRgt 11gt 11 75 39 4 5 3 7 1


Period 1969-1973 Meteorology Site RSR

Source Whittier Station SCAQt10 Average Wind Speed

-middot- -------------- -middot----- ---- ----middot-middotmiddotmiddot-middot - ~bullI= r I i- C ci

Start Time -middotmiddotmiddotmiddot

qq lll lA ]h nl 1() Cj 1n1 l -in middot-

~ 7i 2g~ 08 R q 13 2 r00 11c 12 - 170 241 21 q () t---7 1 lS 2 -middot__ -- bull 1 oe 1 ----- _ 2 _ C)_ --- _ 7 R r1

401 121 lQ lRl SO 217 R7 n-- ---- ----- ----middot-- - --- --- - -------- - -- ltJ ---

02 _-7_ 5_ -middotmiddot ____ -~_7___ ---~_ middot--~- 7 7 2_________ 2 _7 --l -i -i l sn l i i~____l_tl_ l u 1 n l H_L____q_c _

bull A 2~ 27 27 27 2A 2~4 _103 15 t 14~ lAs 211 zns 91 q2 102 2 1 1 G___ 2 bull R 2 h bull 7 ____J 2~----7___4-----04 1 1 S _______ 171 ____lPn ____ 27~ __ 1_()4 ____ 1_00_____ 07________ 8J_

-~-~-------~~A _q ___ R_ 7 ____ _7 __ _l_ 1

05 1 3 A l 4 deg 1 7 C c P 1 () ___ q c ____ 7 q 1 0 l 27 27 30 2A 28 29 2~S 2406 12R 12A 144 100 lql 114 115 R7 2~A 2QR ~~~ 3~0 Q 29 ~O 907 l 1 c 7 deg ~rn 1os __1_ c __ _ __U-52____ l 1 A _l q _

08 2 bull 0 2 bull 7 l bull 4 3 bull -~ ___ _2-_L -- -- 3 bull 1 l bull (l 2-~2-q q ~~ ~ AA lOA A R ]O

09 34 14 ~~P ~g ~9 29 3A 31 71 21 23 79 A7 f--A 63 113

10 3q 39 A0 SO 46 34 40 3S 4 9 1 7 1 A __LR_ __h____ l R 4 R 1 n 7

11 4S 45 A4 s9 s1 l l 7 1 _2_ 41 10 R 20 lA Q 17 OJ

12 4~1 4R AR 61 6A S6 ~5 4 21 11 7 g 2A S ~3 101

13 4c cl 00 74 7 A c R _4 4 q t 9 ]

-i o l 2 R l 7 _l_l __ ~ 2 1 l 3 _ 14 _ i____l A bull A A bull ~-- __ A bull4 R 1 7 bull l t 9 Ci A

1deg 11 IS 2l 17 zc 114 15 A7 70 oo A~O 7l ~9 49 ~7

1 ii A R l O 2 n 7 --~ () Q P 16 ____5__0 1 A 6 A 3 A f-- __5__2__ 4 5 c bull R

__ _17 ____ J l ___________ 7________ 1 o______ 1_0 __________ 7L_____ 4____lt1_8__ 17 _ l __ ----~-l- ___ -~ _ 4 4 _ 4_11 A_______ 4___L 4 middot n 1 _g__

32 lA 10 4 l9 cc 11

18 2~1 2A is 47 ~s r- ~s 40 4~ ~2 ~4 73 R4 cc h9 12g

19 7 l ~3--~- __2__A______ _R _ _ 2 1 7 41-- 4P io __1~_____ 12 01 1_n4 _____ l7_ __

20 bull bull 4 bull 0 bull 1 bull ~ bull r 7 bull R___ _ __ bull 4

Sc t- 0 0 7 l c 7 1 c 1______ 0 ~ 1 1 1 c 7

21 S 2A q 11 1 n 77 8 31 7R Pl 1 17A 177 Qh llR 1~c

22 1 in 3~ a 1Q 7 7 7 q 1 l q l 7 7 7 4 ___ l _P J H 7 _1_ 2 2 ---- _1 _Q__

23 2f S ___ _Q____ 1() __ -_~_R 2Y ____2___A A

l AA2 2001 7 11

-------------- -middot-middotmiddot----


Si te f~a 1 i er Steel Period 1978-1979

MeteorologySource SCAQMD


N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSvJ SW WSW w lmW NW mJDaill Averaoe

Wind Speed 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (mph)

Direction (PPrrPnt) 10 8 2 ~ ~ 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 10 10 10 11J

-7) I


Two years data provided Approximately 16000 hourly speed and direction averages not computerized therefore results estimated


1971-1974Period Site Allied

r-ieteoro 1 ogySource lenno~ StatiQ SCAQMD

Average Wind Speed X

Average ~ind Direction

DirectionStart Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s s )iJ SU ~JSvJ tmiddotJ WNW Nt~ WNW

00 23 24 22 23 26 27 38 26 2l 2 4 72S 32 ) 37 33 2 9

01 24 24 2ol 2LJ 2Ll 26 24 22 21 26 25 34 J~ 33 3 0 2 3

02 24 23 21 23 23 26 22 24 24 23 24 34 34 33 2 S 2 9

03 26 22 21 24 22 26 20 l 9 24 22 22 32 33 35 28 25 -

04 28 22 20 24 22 23 2o0 25 22 22 24 28 35 32 31 23

05 23 25 21 23 24 24 21 23 L r)

bull q 22 23 30 37 31 31 27 -

06 24 26 25 26 26 27 2 5 25 24 26 25 33 ~ 3 32 37 30 ~-

~07 29 30 26 28 29 30 28 C) 28 30 30 33 L~ 0 38 40 33 ---~~--- __ _

08 37 31 30 3 J 3 1 3 l 29 31 30 33 35 39 45 39 46 62

09 46 34 30 34 34 36 3 1 35 35 39 42 46 48 48 53 60

JO 45 32 34 32 35 36 40 36 37 44 51 56 56 50 59 75

11 45 36 37 33 35 39 45 42 37 50 57 64 64 58 61 56

12 38 27 45 35 31 38 47 42 4C 55 61 69 71 62 70 95

J3 36 34 52 38 36 36 49 40 4CJ 48 65 71 77 66 86 105

14 50 28 52 43 54 48 55 43 5 1 56 59 72 80 69 92 60

15 54 ND 60 36 50 50 48 49 30 60 63 70 78 68 86 60

16 70 45 45 27 48 50 53 48 3F 47 54 66 73 60 89 60

17 65 NO 58 1 6 50 30 35 5 1 3 1 40 47 61 67 52 69 47

18 80 43 42 37 22 44 33 29 2C 35 43 54 60 48 52 64

-19 54 28 33 32 1 9 26 32 36 2C 33 37 49 52 48 51 39

20 36 21 24 27 22 26 26 34 2 middot 29 33 45 48 40 55 46

I21 40 25 26 22 23 29 26 28 2 o 28 30 40 44 40 47 45

22 35 22 21 24 22 2B 2ll 25 2 ( 25 7 38 4 1 43 36 39

23 2 J)36 25 22 24 22 27 23 __ 2 11 24 27 33 40 39 37 28

35 26 2 r_ 26 27 29 30 30 28 31 40 57 60 44 43 36


Period 1971-1974

Lennox StationSource Meteorology Site A11 i ed

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction X

middot Sta rt Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction----SSE s SSvJ SvJ ~JSvJ w WNW N~ WNW

00 27 71 85 80 92 51 32 29 44 76 68 80 119 60 58 28

01 22 71 95 92 108 60 21 37 i 4 G7 63 62 96 6 1 66 33

02 21 84 95 93 125 62 34 47 42 53 56 52 84 57 66 29

25 66 108 97 129 73 47 41 49 44 48 4 1 84 67 55 2503

24 64 108 109 143 76 55 37 46 44 43 48 61 59 59 2404

22 62 97 115 164 73 55 45 41 38 47 39 60 57 57 2705

18 76 79 126 181 79 46 38 44 43 43 37 58 44 62 2806

18 65 91 129 159 88 50 44 50 43 42 51 70 30 49 2107

1 5 61 94 116 144 80 65 55 59 34 48 72 94 23 26 1308

14 40 69 74 108 63 55 62 71 44 67 119 147 33 24 1109

1 6 26 46 44 66 56 50 57 50 33 80 217 197 30 23 910

9 14 32 25 37 27 38 41 41 23 88 3L3 251 33 22 611

13 7 1 9 1 4 20 17 27 25 23 21 105 346 307 34 20 212

6 5 12 8 11 9 1 5 1 2 13 26 93 392 348 34 15 213

3 4 9 5 7 7 11 9 10 22 61 412 392 34 14 114

4 ND 2 5 9 5 1 2 9 3 20 57 410 416 34 13 115

5 2 2 5 7 3 1 2 8 5 23 44 390 438 44 11 216

6 ND 4 4 5 5 9 7 11 19 55 372 435 50 15 317

9 2 4 2 10 5 1 2 9 10 28 60 346 420 49 29 618

11 3 9 9 6 14 11 14 31 60 73 282 368 50 42 1619

74 239 305 60 36 2220 20 1 7 1 5 1 2 23 16 I 3 1 9 51 76

99 169 234 54 42 2321 20 22 26 29 50 28 26 22 69 87

79 144 175 45 47 2722 24 42 53 40 59 40 34 34 62 98

gtl 68 98 149 48 52 2223 59 86 59 84 40 37 ~o 65 80 t

65 197 221 45 38 161 6 36 52 54 73 41 32 30 39 46


Period 1962-1974

Source Long Beach SCAOMD Meteorology Site Stauffer

Average Wind Speed Average Ji nd Direction X



SSE s SStJ SW 1JSJ i im~ NW WN~

00 78 77 89 11 5 l l 46 35 52 38 1 5 1 3 21 59 129 73 48 ---- ___ __ --bull---middot-middotmiddotmiddot-

01 71 86 96 128 122 45 45 43 38 1 7 1 3 19 49 11 5 60 53

02 82 86 109 132 116 58 4 1 38 31 20 13 15 51 107 50 51

03 80 101 114 13 5 122 59 33 38 34 1 5 11 20 44 92 50 46

_ 04 85 103 11 9 129 122 64 43 35 31 14 13 20 402 86 44 49

05 95 102 111 134 13 2 59 bull 2 35 32 13 1 3 1 7 38 89 45 44 -

06 91 105 112 132 131 59 4 l 37 27 14 1 3 14 38 87 55 42

07 77 96 104 123 13 7 70 43 44 40 1 7 1 6 18 43 77 49 42

08 60 76 83 103 13 l 63 60 61 68 33 20 24 53 86 42 37

09 44 50 57 7 3 11 3 65 5-1 75 11 3 59 39 36 74 80 38 31

_ 10 38 28 33 46 84 54 4 3 77 165 lC6 48 41 80 83 40 29

11 23 15 1 7 LO 51 37 4Z 71 212 14 4 68 55 95 86 38 1 7

12 15 8 11 1 7 31 28 31 57 235 lE6 74 63 114 10 7 32 1 2

13 10 4 8 11 1 8 1 7 23 43 237 168 73 56 142 147 34 8

14 7 6 6 10 18 13 14 34 203 142 56 51 179 211 41 9

1 )15 5 3 3 9 14 10 33 15 0 10 3 48 47 223 274 58 7

16 6 2 4 7 1 5 9 1 30 108 75 30 46 243 338 70 7

17 6 3 6 10 14 10 10 26 77 49 23 39 247 378 92 10

18 1 2 6 8 1 3 l 6 11 15 26 57 33 1 7 32 230 396 10 7 21

19 21 16 18 22 8 1 5 1t) 31 47 24 14 30 182 368 128 39

20 33 32 35 44 37 1 9 2 1 37 38 21 14 30 138 320 128 52

21 50 39 -------middotmiddot ----- --53

- ___ _

hR fi fi --middot middot- --- ---- --middot-

~ I 1 () 35 l 6 1 bull IJ ) 10 ) 24G - - -- - - - middot-- --- -------- middot---middotmiddot----- -middot---- - -l l S 6 )

22 64 52 66 90 86 3 ~ 3 l 46 36 1 7 1 5 26 [3 6 18 1 99 67

23 70 67 81 104 10 1 40 3 ~) 45 41 1 3 11 27 70 144 e2 65

47 48 56 70 76 38 3-1 44 87 54 28 32 11 0 176 66 35



StaufferPeriod 1962-1974 Site

Source Long Beach Meteorology

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction


-ta rt rime N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction SSE s SSH SvJ ~JS-J w WNW NW WNW

00 26 25 23 24 26 30 43 38 35 32 38 29 37 30 25 27

28 24 23 23 24 31 39 38 38 29 29 31 37 29 25 2501

28 26 24 24 25 31 38 35 35 33 31 27 35 29 25 2502

28 27 23 23 25 32 35 37 33 35 28 28 34 29 25 2703

29 27 23 23 26 30 35 37 32 35 22 27 33 28 29 2804

29 26 24 23 27 30 36 34 33 35 26 27 32 30 28 2505

30 26 25 24 27 32 35 35 37 32 33 26 30 32 26 2706

29 28 27 27 28 33 40 38 33 35 41 33 35 33 29 2707

32 30 28 30 31 34 39 38 37 37 35 30 34 37 35 2908

30 32 28 32 33 36 18 43 ~-3 43 J8 32 39 4 1 39 2909

30 32 33 37 36 39 43 46 48 48 42 44 45 46 40 3410

33 33 34 40 42 43 50 49 52 53 53 46 54 52 49 3211

36 35 43 54 53 55 58 52 57 58 57 56 63 63 58 4212

65 75 75 72 4013 40 43 45 58 63 69 61 56 58 60 61

68 88 81 84 5514 42 39 44 62 67 75 61 59 60 59 63

73 89 85 91 5615 50 52 55 70 67 8 1 64 61 58 57 ~-j 8

69 87 81 84 6616 49 44 54 71 66 73 66 58 56 54 57

63 80 73 71 5017 45 58 37 60 60 60 58 52 54 49 47

47 69 62 55 4318 30 28 37 40 48 53 49 51 49 45 39

40 59 52 45 3419 24 24 28 34 33 4B 45 44 41 39 -6

37 51 43 39 29 middot~o 20 20 21 26 29 43 36 41 43 37 31

35 44 37 31 2721 24 2 1 21 24 27 35 4 1 42 4 1 38 28

22 34 41 33 29 2522 22 22 23 27 34 39 42 41 33 30

34 39 31 26 27-~ 1 24 22 23 22 26 32 40 39 37 36 ~8

47 63 54 4428 27 25 27 30 37 42 44 50 51 47 29


Period 1956-1974 Site DOW and DUPONT MeteorologySource DOW



Daily Average

ind Speed (mph) ~8 52 38 47 25 25 35 37 37 47 50 75 9 10 77 77

Direction (Percent) 8 25 13 15 25 26 76 36 20 25 6 10 16 188 128 65

G) I

I---- N


H 1

-- - -

- - - -

---- -

Western Plant Area - Kaiser Steel Fontana



I IT I - - - - - - - - - - --+ - - - -- - - - --- - - middot- - + - - - - - t- - - - - middot- - - -middot

Slrf I I I I

- I FO TJ1 middot I F---- ----------~-_1---------A_V__ I I


j I I I

I 1a ST I II fOIIO 11T I

l I

- - - - - - -- - - - - + -


-----+-middot BLvb


bullco- - - - -R-oute- - -+-






-~ I


AV gt

0 ~ 0 3 z 0 I-I- -middot -- + -middot -- middotmiddotmiddoto IJ



gt lt(

A 100


z 4 z -lt co

A r 6 SF






Cu CA ffl Q f ( J_rHTRAM-~~-LAV_----w_=H_I_TrNT=-li-----1-

- - - -- - ------- ~1__---------r-- ___ s_ --l- -- ----I I I




---------+ -r----- ------- + I


ST 4TH ST_)___ JI ~-----____ ----- ---- - i----~--rt -

I I -1 I bull I I bull






- I_

II ~ - - - -- - - - - - + -----------t----


I ~ I



1 I


I -1



Eastern Plant Area - Kai~er Steel Fontana

ow FS

bull o z 0 ~ J ~



--- A(llIIN



middotI ~ I



--- --t-t---1




+i I I I

gt gt I

~ I

- --~ + - - ci - - - - gt

- - - -- - --- - -- -





middotmiddot------- +--bull I



I - - - - middot+

~ - --+ I I I




Offsite Storage Tanks - Stauffer Chemical Co San Pedro

bull~~ - ~ - ~ te-e_- fl_ bull lt) -iTCRrJ

bull-1- 6bull ~~----Ro i I Pt 5 bull lit~ I I A i~ v I -Jbulltf- ~-l~ dL

tf~l ~ - I _f) 1

ti_LJ ~~J (wt raquomiddot-C ~~lt ___ f_~gt

middot l~ 71 ~ I ~~ c Qj ~(gt l~ HI h-fS ~~c~ ~J(


IT ~ bull1middot~_l -( c-~zmiddot _

I 0 --~ tl)V- ~shy

~ ftrtlI_bullbull-

middot~ _bullff~~gt_~

i~Y1 f~2~

~ g

~i1 ~--

c I ~ q



~ -~_x I I -~--middot ~Imiddotmiddotmiddot~1

- - -t- -shy

l i





bulltor~ r0 t~~-~ I middot~ I

~- - I r I

4 ltAry4


I middot p


cij4A~---- Y t-gt lti


-- --- -





bull11middot1 -~JP4s--- f51 bullgt~~~~~--~~or(~tQy_-bull--middoti bull bull(l ~ --~- middot- -_ _-~


Y4I C O CipI I ---I HARJU I 1 I


Main Plant Site - Stauffer Chemical Co Carson



I bull

~JAoElM t _J1lfH ~~DRIOC JI IH




~ LN 1~~1-bullil L bullU _ -__i( LN

~rJ~ ~ ~~o~~bulli--=~_ l~~Jt~t1 uiCA)C ampbull ~bullbullLit l

IOAI I _bull~r J~t~-~ lN r~rJLbull u~~~~~~ u~__a-ampMII WL 1(11

l ~ -------7--y I deg

f t




I ----- +--

I I ~

I f~


~s~-- middot ~~~ lII ~t--~ -- ~




Plant Site - Allied Chemical El Segundo

middot bull__- --__ - gt J -middotmiddotrt --_ middott 11 ~ - ir-l~ tt I - ~1~_I~ t tmiddot j I

MAFltu~ Lo o -- -middot-z 1 ~ - middotmiddotbulla- J ti - l-J~ i - __ IJ

1 bullmiddot- --middot--r - -~- lgtJ~middot ----~til1~ middoto ~-- bull l f rt1 I - -r 1 _ t fj ---ltf - i ti)- --r ~ middot r ~ -

i I



8Lyen[j middot- l

( --middot I ( =-~ middot--~~-~ -)- --- -- J)L~ middot -middotfrac14tr __ ~ r d1J~

~~ 5 iOAkO Cl( )y Jv -=l~ i middotmiddot- - - I -

1 I I -_~---bull1fJ--------middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--____ 1

-~ middot

bullmiddot -- _middotimiddot~_ i_~- I---~~~-~ (1=-middot t-===tr-1middotmiddot-~-ltt ~~ --Jltgt middotmiddot~~ ~if-- --middot )middot ltfi~ - idegI-- f~ Q)lT-~ _lt l middot XV~1~ middot -~~ ~ --~

I I t

Vl)-l-QOJ d J u

sectJ~ BLVDII EJ SEi~D~ 1 nu tmiddot-middotmiddot-middot J _

tl~ r-middotn ----i J middot--1_ ___ ~1-1

A f gtiff_ ffmiddotc YYt)II ~ r bull Ja------ ijlttQ~QW~

___ ~Q -~imiddotbull1 ~H fl(--middot

-lt) bullbull

1 middot

middot--middot middot-- _

middotmiddot_ u - -_-~~middot_1r

~-- ~ _

~ -middotmiddot bullY

j ~ ~ L ~ ll c_l

~ pf-

111-r ~ (i middot) ~

bI middot_FT )-I Imiddot ~middotmiddot () --

I filfltf) J ~3 ilj-t ~ C _G~ llli_A T1 AN B~ACI


603 middot Alondro Pork

l U (

Goll Coorll

~ htyen 1~J-(_

d n t U Wik c rr 1 i t_y of Indus try



Plant Site - Dow ch em i cal US A Pittsburg

I bullbull middot1 Sfl Wi - bull AUIIUlllJLII+

BELMOr r l -- -- 7iSHOfgt ITHACA lN I




72copy~~~~-0AYTON l

I I+

__ middot

1- - -~ middot


- ----------

Plrint lite - ilu rnnt Antioch

) j



Plant Site - Johns rlanville ctockton

a a



51 )I 51 07








Stauffer is located in the Carson area of Los Angeles County It is

a manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride from tl1e monomer (VCM) ll11hich is produced

on sit2 Stauffer is the only California producer of ethylene dichloride

(EUC) which is converted to VCM The VCM is regulated by several standards

including Cal OSHA EPA (emission standard) and CARB (ambient)

During Phase I the plant was inspected and possible emission

sources were identified Th~se cans~sted of EDC storage ta11ks fugitive

emissions from valves flanges and pumps process vat2r content gas

incinerator effluents and th~ loading of outbound tankers

Since the completion of Phase I several events have transpired which

a ffectebullj the test program to deterni ne foe i 1i ty emissions These wer2

~ the completion of a vent ~ldS incineration system tied to all significant EDC storage tdnk breathers

$ the completion of a comprehensive study by SAi staff to develop a nationwide material balance for EOC

bull inactivity in EOC importation for the plant and elimination of EDC exportation from the plant

Based 11pon this input and the plant inspection of February 3 1981

it was expected that a plant emission factor for EDC can be determined with

relatively little uncertainty It is further expected that si 1Jnificant

atmospheric release of EOC du~ to plant operation may not occur at the plant

itself but rather offsite These vmuld drise fro11 two sources - the process

water discharge from the plant and severcil off site EDC storaye tanks

Facilities Description

Ethylene dichloride is being produced at Stauffer by two processes

direct chlorination and oxychlorindtion In the former EDC is produced by

d i rec t ch I o r i nd t i on uf et 11y l t~ n e i n the pr 1~senc e of cHl Fe C 1 J crl t d lys t I n th e

latter process EUC is microroduced by the oxychl)rindtion of ethylene with

hydroyen chloride and oxyuen in tne prescrlCe of a cdtdlyst typically Cuc1 bull2


lhe microldrrt fluriti1~s tuC after tne microrimar y reactions by separation and digt ti l I dt i ur1 fgtr-ocJuLL 1 s ctured ctncl umiddot 2d ctS foed for VCM production All

sourclS agre~ tl1dt c1ission of EDC is (f concern in its productionstorage

process stages ctnJ O little importance in VCM production steps (J~B 1980)

At the timt of plant inspection some storage of EOC existed at three

ledsed storage tanks located at tne Port of Los lngeles 1-iaterial has not

been 1-Jithdravm from these tanks during the 1dst year and there had been

discussion to consolidate materictl into a single tank

All microrocess components handling EDC storage are now tied to a closed

ventilation incineration syste11 It is expected that virtually all

chlorinated hydrocarbons includiny EDC will be etfectively destroyed since the

system must demonstrdte VCM concentrations are reduced below 1 ppm Firebox

tempera tu re is aoodegF and residence ti me greater than 1 5 seconds under

heaviest flow conditions Note that by way of comparison combustion perforshy

mance datct for PC8s are 99995 destruction at 1832degF and 1 second residence

time and 9Y9Y9YY4 at 2 seconds dnd 2372degF (N Flynn SAi Personal


Fugitive emissions from valves and flanges are monitored by the

plant according to the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 4661 Pumps and

compressor follow ~ule 466 Emission and control requirements for vinyl

chloride are specified by ~ules 1005 and 10051 EOC concentrations in

wastewater are monitored several times daily in tne primary EDC steam stripper

stream and once daily in the composite plant outflow stream Daily water

disct1arge limits are 2~ ppm wit11 typical montt1ly averages being in the 8 ppm

vicinity The discharge limit is ~mbodied in the discharge permit (number

5061) vJith tt1e Los Angeles County ~anitation District

Tnere are a number of points at which tt1e rnc can be released to the

dtmospnere and they are similar for both dir~ct chlorination and oxychlorinashy

tion These include the following along with their emissions factors for direct chlorination

A chlorinator vent 2xliJ- 5 IOdSS per unit mass EDC produced

I) I ight end column vent -52x lt)

C dist i I I at i un column vent lXlU-5

u storage tank breatning 7xlu- 5


E storaye tankworkiny loss 27x 0-u 5F fugitiv~ emission bxll -

-JLi ildSteJdter l gtX] U

Em~ssion factors are si~~lJ fer oxychlorination processes

Enlission factor vau-5 (~1rbulle Tdilt2~ frcn tne literature (JR13 198U) and

assume 9b iciency for incineration (A-E) It is also assumed above that

EIJC emissions to water are Lf~ uf ~rihsion to citir ard that in wastewater

treatment 100 of EOC discharged tc1 vater is rel easl~d to a i 1middot ~ These emission

factors 1bull1e1middote used to prioritize r-2ieaies iJut were cldrly uude approximations

to tre planL l)ecause of thlt ncine-xt~on system it was anticipated that

fdctors A-E would be ri2dtKcdft 1-middotactor - 1nii~t1t be reduced since a monitoring

program had been in force al20st o~e y2ar Factor G and the off site storage

tanks~ vni~cn are not tied into lt1n ircinerator system rniyht -iominate emissions

Emissmiddotion limits and concomitant regulations embodied in Rule l00S of

the SC-l)MU have necessitctted tlw incinera-cion system Ninety gas chronatograph

probes are located throughout t11e plant including the stack of the primary

incinerator Con cent rations of vc1v1 are reported es sent id I I y be I ow tt1e r~yu la -

tory limit of 10 ppm and in fact below the limit of detection somewhat less

tl1an 01 micropra


Tne objective of tt1e proyram is to determine a pl ant emissions for

EOC It is not accemicrotabl~ to dtmiddotvelop sucll informatmiddot1on basect upon published

indlllstry Jide esti11dtes of plant control efficiencivs Fortunately it was

possible to desiyn a monitoring and calculational progra1n to determine EUC

emissions for tne site and not ctbsorb a disproportionate share of program


Hie re are tnre~ modes ot re I ease from tt12 micro Iant dnd d fourt11


bull Post-Process 1nci11er-dtion

Processes A-E of ecc ion lll 1 dre a 11 1ented into the pl ant

incinerdtio11 syste11 rt1e conceritrcttion of VCfmiddotl contir1uously iectsured in till=

stctck cts SJdS output remicroresents d rectsondble UjJper li11it to diJply tor EDC

con cent rat i ons s i nce i ts ef f i c i ency of i nc i nera t i on 1s d t 1 east c l1 u a I to tr1 at


ot VCibulll Tlerefore knowledge of the system dirflow rnd VCM concentrcttion are

tt1e necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the bounds of EDC

reledse fhe pldnt expn~sse I wi 11 inyne~)s to provide tnese data in order to

support the calculations

bull Fugitive Emisions - Valves Flanges Seals and Other Sources

Fugitive emission from the valves pumps and flanges can be

determined more precisely tnan was anticipated since Stauffer has completed a

comprehensive leak inventory of all such components in compliance with Rule

466 466 1 and 1005 The Inventory delineates all leaks uncovered by their

three man crew throughout tne year and indicates the screening level in ppmv

and component identity In consultation with Stauffer we will be able to

identify the total number of components associated with EDC handling systems

( 700) the distribution ot substance composition streams the distribution

and incidence of leaks by hardware component type and leak rate We will

utilize this information to provide historical data to compliment our Foxboro

OVA sampling at the site dased upon this monitoring we predict an EDC mass

emission rate for the fugitive releases The plant has agreed to provide the

necessary information We propose to meet witt plant personnel prior to the

start of monitoring and finlize the sdmpliny strategy to accomplish 100

coverage of the lines of hiuhest EDC composition The sampling approach and

calculation of mass emission are described in Section 72

bull ~~as tewater

From examination of the emission factors derived from published

literature (see Section 10~) it is clear that EDC release from wastewater to

air is potentially several 11rders of magnitude higher than any other plant

source l1ased upon microl ant ml~a sured concentrcJ ti ons of 8 ppm EDC in water a more

realistic emission factor wgtuld b 24xlo-4 1-iassunit mass EOC produced

Clearly this could still be the dominant source Furthermore the release

point would be expected to middotgte locctted between the plant and the sanitary

district treatment site whi1 his~ kmfrom the plant at 24501 S Figueroa We

believe it is necessary to ndemicroendently confirm the average 24 hour EDC

concentration in the dischar-qe valer by obt1ininy the refrigerated composite

sample We t1ave identified ttie I 1nes of int~rest and received agrt~ement to

sample and analyze for EDC in the stream ~e propose to draw a duplicate

sample from the compositor nd ani1lyze for its rnc content This will be


compared with Stauffers para11eI tnalysis It is not reliable to obtain

direct readings of EDC by survey instrument in the air above the water flow since concentrations at crny single point will be i 1 the near dmbient range

Emissions will be cc1lcJLtecl 1_sing the plants vulumetric daily flm

and ass~m~ng that complete degass40~ of the effluent will eventually occur

This assumption is based umicroon the relative volatility uf EDC and tne distances

involved However it should be noted that no direct experimental or

monitoring data is available with which to confirn this Th2 composition of

the discharge stream is unknomiddotwn since it merges into a larqe multisource flow

Conversation with the LA County Sanitation l)istrict (J f1ilne) reveals the

stream to be both exposed and covered Vents exist where me measurements

could De made to assess gross leaka~e at key points

We will obtain samp1es of several plant process discharge streams in

40 ml bottles witn no head space Transit time fr0m sample collection to

analysis will be minimized and wi l I not exceed 24 nours This time frame is

conservat i v e al though ED C i s a v o l ct ti l e mater i al ar1 ct vJi 11 undergo

concentration degradation and outgdssing lnalysi) will b(~ performed in tt1e

SAI Trace Environmental Chemistry Laborcttory utilizing pur 1Je and trap analysis

FID gas chromatography A trial a11alysmiddotis was conducted and the EOC

characteristic peak was distinctive down to the ppb level Therefore the

analysis should easily confirm concentrations in t1e 8 ppm range

Offsite Storage ranks

Three EOC leased storage tanks are located offsite at the Port

of Los Angeles and are owned by annther firm Annual emissions from the tanks

were very roughly estimated based un AP-42 JRB 1980) as 44 kkgyear

based on preliminary estimates of stored quantites

Considering tne magnitude of this source these storage tanks must

be investigated We will gather information about their configuration and

control i n order to ca I cu l ate their e111 i s s i on s bull


lU3 UEfERM I NAmiddot 10~~ OF MISS IONS

1031 Incinerator

Vinyl chl 11ride co11centration is monitored dt approximately 90

locations throughoul the pl trlt (Lanyner 19Bl) including the incinerator

output Conc~ntrations are reported by Stauffer dS less than 0l ppm at a

flow rate between 10000 ant 12000 SCFM Although no direct monitoring of

EDC is conducted it is posible to conservatively bound the concentration of

EDC at U 1 pp111 Tl1at conce 1ltrat ion is a suitable ci10i ce s i nee it represents a

conservative bound on tile VCM levels measured near the stack output

Furthermore the molar volume will be taken as 224 L rather than the higher

value it would nave because of the sl i~thtly elevated temperature at the

detector location

Using 12000 SCFM one has thE annual emission of EDC as 12 x 103

SCFM x 283 LSCF x 526x105 minyr x lmole x 97gmole x 10-7vv 224L

Therefore incinerator emissions of EOG are thought to be bounded by 773 kg or

170 1byear

10J2 Fugitive Emissions

Seven hundred (7UlJ) sources were surveyed comprising nearly 100 of

EDC service All accessibl~ plant areas with streams containing greater than

1 EUC were screened except for a small number of devices located in areas

11lere active maintenance was being condJCted It is believed unnecessary to

p2rf-gtrm any emission factor adjustment since it is estimated that gredter than

95 of the requisite components were screened

Three leaks above an arbitrary OVA reading threshold of 20 ppm were

detected Table 103-1 sumnarizes thei~ screening valves calculation

parameters and mass emission numbers fhe upper bound leak rate was

determined to be close to twice the nominal leak rate which accounted for the

response fltlctor of amicroproximamiddotely 05 by Radirn for TLV detection of EDC

( 13 rown 1980) bull

Stauffer found and reported approximately 10 leaks in the EDC

service during 9 months previous to the pLrnt testing Assuming no111inal leak


) )

Table 103-1


OVA SAI Actual Upper Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rate Bound Location (ppm) Rae tor (ppm) a b Se I Re Function lbyr lbyr

Gate Valve Unit P1559A

Valve Heavy Ends Column Unit 14439

Compressor Seal EDC Storage Unit Tl062

I-- w co

300 11 273 -035 096 0 17 153 D 6

11 I500 114 439 II 241 C 1

r III II II o-is lUI bull2000 vl 1 1818 A 9~

All emissions 100 EDC (12-Dichloroethane)


values in the nei~hborhood of 2000 lbs~ total could be emitted annually

Therefore it appears ttiat major reductions in the mass emissions were achieved

by the company run inspection prugram and the fugitive emission source has now

become of seconqary importance as a fraction of total plant emissions

lUJJ Wastewater Discharge

Wastewater samples were collected in duplicate from four sites

within the plant for determination of ethylene dichloride (EDC) concentration

The samples were collected in EPP standard 40 ml VOA vials on July 1 1981

Analyses were performed using standard purge and trap techniques coupled with flame ionization detection gas chromatography The results are given in the

table below

Sample description EDC conc~ntration range (microJml)

EDC concentration average ( 1-19ml)

Approximate fl ow ( gpm)

PVC Interceptor Box 82 - 108 95 200

EDC Stripper number Chlorination area C1404


011 - 014 012 25

Final collection site for pH adjustmentP663 349 - 3B2 366 350

Final discharge site sanitary sewer 6 - 254 158 500

The water in the PVC lnterc1~ptor ~ox was warm and represents washings from the

PVC reactor which travels t 1J the Interceptor Box in a concrete drainage ditch

Water from the EDC ctripper was vPry t10t and because of its heat was difficult to collect The ~1eat ot trie wat11 r may in pdrt account for tne

relatively low concentratio11 of ElC here as the EDC would out-gas from the hot

~vater more readily The fir1ctl collection site tor pH adjustment is a large

concrete container middotvith mixers in it located just prior to the final discharge

site Water at the final dischdrg~ site is being constantly aerated due to

the speed that it flows thru~yn the concrete drainage trough This aeration

could account for tne relatively large range in the rnc conotent found here

The average EDC concentraticmiddot1 at tne final discharge site is middotbelow the daily

discharye requirement of 25 19ml EDC


Plant oersonnel indicdted monthly iverage readings are typically on

the order of 8 ppm but daily averages can re 1ch greater than 20 microgml In

addition LA County Sanitation Uistrict staff (J Milne 1981) indicated that

an on-site impoundment pond can become laden with EOC during certain abnormal

operating periods and discharge Vdriances arl requested by Stauffer This

mi 9t1t Jccur on the order of O1c0 aCii ecH c1 1d t1erefore is no-c expected to

signifcantly impact averag~ cnnJJI discharg ~ values lt s not expected at

this t1ime tEit evaporative eriss uns from this pond are significant except

infrequently during upset conditions and spi 11 control operations Program

staff ~~ 1er2 una111Jare of any periods ~h 1~n EDC cimtent in the ponds could be

appreciable and therefore no sampling was performed

Utilizing the average uf the two final discharge concentration

1readinJs (158 micrograrnsm~ 1 and 1G 1Ji gpm fl)W one has 34600 lbyear of EDC

released into the sanitary sEwer For the pJrposes of calculating population

exposures from plant releases it will be assJmed that the EDC is locally

emitted from the wastewater streams Tl1ere ire no monitoring data available

with which to develop a more accurate release profile

However emissions of me fron the plant wastewater discharge can be

calculated according to the method of Mcmiddotckay (197S) as modified by Dilling

(1977) It should be noted that this mLst be considered an estimate since

conditions of fl ow and the presence of other substances will influence

emission rates

Using Uilling (1977) for non~erated flow first recalculate

Henry 1 s law constant (dimensionless-my of chmiddot~mical per liter of air divided by

mg of chemical per liter of water) dS

1604 P M 1 Wl

TS l



H Henrys law constant dimensionlessl

Pi tile compounds pur1~ componen- vapor pressure in mm Hg at T

Mwi the 11olecular weiglt

T tile absol ~te temperature of he wastewater in K

Si tt1e compounds ~uluhility in myliter at T

Then for UJC

(l6u4)(7~)(9Y)H = = U0447 with 1


LIii bullul1Jl)i I 1 1y 1 middot UL i11 wt1Ler yiven -1L L0degC is 8u4JU UHI tile vapl)r pressure

1 4 psi ( 7 2mm) at 7 0 degF bull

Tl1e overall liquid mass-transfer coefficient Kil is given by Dilling (1975)


(2211)(06) in mhr

-f-0-4~ (M _) 12+ 100 Wl-H-



Then from Mackay the percent desorption is given by

c 1 = exp (-Kil tL) where

c 0

c = the concentrd ti on at time t of EOC 1

co = tile initial concentration

L = the Ii quid depth (Ill)

t = tt1e retention time (in hr) of the liquid in the wastewater


Retention time is bc1s~d 11pon a flow velocity range of 3 ftsec as estimated by

the Los Angeles County Sdnitatii)middot1 Dibulltrict (1J Milne) over a middotdistance of

ctmicroprox i 1nate I y S km to the Joi n_t Wdter Po 11 ut ion Contra l Pl ant Sewer fl ow

depth throughout the entire route have been estimated by J Milne as typically

1 foot 030m) to the Davison Pump Plant and 3 feet (09m) to the Joint

Tredtment Plant distances assumed to bt~ 1 mile and 2 miles respectively

Trdnsit tiine l)eco111es between 05 tnd LU hours sequentially Then computing

the net emission reduction as the product of each leg

Therefore 26 of the EOC i erni t ted bdween the pl ant and the Joint Water

Pollution Control Plant Rtgtsfdence ti111e and conditions at the plant account


for additional releases and residudl content is forther emitted between the

plant cnd the ocean discharge poiiit ~-Herever the flow is r2tained aerated

or shallow emissions will be accentuated

Offsite Storage Tank Emissions

There are three storage tanks leased by Stauffer for EDC storage

1ocated at 22nd and Gaffey Sts ~ bull San Pedro These tan ks a ~e used for long

term storage rather than providing feed on a routine basis Therefore

breathing loss rather than v1orkir 1J lass is )f concern An tanks are white

two being 67 ft in diameter while t~2 third is 57 ft All are 40 ft 3 inches

high and have capacities of e~thi l0~10000 (2) or 840000 gallons The

tanks are cone roof type and are not tied into vapor recovery systems The

South Coast Air Quality r1dna~J~ment u~ str4 ct has based their estimate of

emissions on the specification of 12 foot vapor level Using the AP-42

formula for breathing loss with the vapor pressure of EDC at 20degc and an

average diurnal temperature variation of 26degF one hds for each of the two

larger tanks

l) 173 H bull51 T bull 5 LlI = (619 x 10-S) M( _P_ tH F CKcp 147-P

68 173 51 5 = (619 X 10-S) (9119~ 116 bull (67) ( I 5) (26) (1) (1)

14 7-1 16)

Thus for the two larger tanks LB= 472 lbday

For the third tank 0=57 and = 178 lbdayL8 The total emissions become 23724 lbyear ~ince he plant is in the process

of shutdown it is not clear what the liquid levels currently are Note that

if the material in the three tanks were combined into one totamiddot1 -~1nissions

would be reduced markedly Exposure to a population from this site was

determined separately since it is lbullgtcated over six miles fron tl1e plant





A major program goal wa~ to compare emissions from the various

sources and identify and rank any 11 tlot spots in California where the general

population was exposed to elevated concentrations of carcinogens A simple

Gaussian dispersion model was therefore used to obtain order-of-magnitude estimates of exposure of the genermiddotal population surrounding each source

Since this was essentially a screening study use of more sophisticated models

was not appropriate

It cannot be emphcsized too stronyly tnat most California residents

are exposed to emissions of hazardous substances from a variety of natural and

rnanmade sources Urban dwellers dre typically exposed to greater concentrashy

tions than rural residents however all are subjected to so called 11 background 11 levels from multiple sources In order to place stationary

source exposures in perspective the typical ambient levels of each substance

were identified from the literature and compdred with the concentrations due

to the emissions from each ~lant Exposures were thus expressed both as

absolute quantities and as increments above background

Comparison of plants presents a further difficulty in that various

substances are being consict~red No attempt was made to evaluate the relative

importance of exposure to two different substances such as chloroform versus carbon tetrachloride other than by ambient concentration


1121 Meteorologicdl Llata

The dispersion model to be descritgted in Section 113 required input

of annual average wind speed and frequency of occurrence of wind from each

compass direction These data were obtained for most of the sites from the

South Codst Air wuality Management District (SCAQMD) In other cases (Kaiser

Jotms-Manvi l le l)ow and OuPlt)nt) only clai ly cJVerage wind speed and frequency

data were available In al I cases we used data from the meteorological

station nearest the modeled e11issrnn source Table 112-1 summarizes the



Observation Site Data Period of Pldnt (Distdnce Source Observation Remarks

from Plant)

A11 i ed Che11 i Ca 1 Lennox SCA~MD 1Y71-1974 Averaged hourly readings available ~ 1 Segundo (3 111iles)

S ff~r-- Uemical Long l3each SCA()MD 1962-1974 Averaged hourmiddoty leadir19s avai1able offsite Carson (3 miles) storage tanks appruxi1ntL~ly 5 miies from

rneteoro middot1 ogy s I te


-~ Dow Pittsburg Pittsbury lJOVJ 1955-1974 Daily and averacied Ninnd rrJse on1y--no hourly-~

Uu~ont Antiocn (lt5 miles to data uVdilable Antioch)

r~d i ser Stee 1 Fontdnct SCAQMD 1978-1979 Two years of hourlydaily data printout made r - i -- lt3 1niles available (33000 entries) daily averages

estimated as only practical alternative -middot bullA

Jon 1 s 1middot1 an I i 1 l e Stockton NOAA 1941-1970 No hourly data estiamtes based on monthly S-cJc~ton (1 mile) prevalence of directions and speed

R~R City uf Whittier SCAQMD 1969-1973 Averaged hourly readings available lnuustry (4 miles)

1neteoroloyical data 1iase for eden site Wind speed and 1tJind direction

freljuency dcttd us~lti 1r1 Ull~ model are provided in Apmicroendix Li

11LL Populdtion Ddtct

In oroer to assess popu Idt i 011 exposure in tile same way for a 11 the

sources we defined d lLJ-s4u1re mi le impact area arround each ~ant This

size WdS cnosen since it was found in most cdses to include all distances at

whicn incremental ground lev~I concentrations due to plant emissions would

exceed genera I urban ambient Ieve 1s for the microo 11 utant in question In most

cases the plant was placed ltlt the center of the impact area Where winds

were predominantly from one sector or a few adjacent sectors or where an

unpopulated area (ey the Pacific Ucectn) adjoined one side of a plant the

impact drea was defined to li~ imm~didtely downwind of the site

Once the impact areas were defined we obtained Thomas 8rothers maps

of all census tracts within them These maps are provided in Appendix H

Census tract populations were obtained from the 1980 US Census The

population of each tract was assumed to lie dt tne centroid except when tne

tract was large and most of the population was concentrated away from the

centroid in the latter case the best-defined population center was used

fadial and angular distances from the sources to the population centers were

tr1en determined


ln urder tu estiindt~ pomicroulcttiun expusures in the census tracts

surrounding each source a simple Gaussian dispersion model was used Use of

a 1nore sopnisticdtect 111odel ~-1as inamicroproJridte yiven the uncertainty in our

emission rate estir~1ates It is questionable v1hether any real gain in accuracy

would nave resulted

ne -Jell-knovm Gaussian oispersion formula is (Porter 1976)

C = 106 Q

iTUOCT z y


C 9rounct leve1 concentration in (i-igm3)

emission rate (gs)

u average vJi nd speed at the microl1ys i ca I stack nei ght (ms) 0 standard deviation of the vertical concentration distribution z



a standard deviatinn d the noriz1intal conentration _y


H effective stack height (m)

y is the crosswind distance froin the plume centerline to the

receptor point (m)

This e4udtion was assumed to microrov1de no 11r1y average ground level concentrashy

tions (Kanzie1~i 1982) Tle vaiues for the standard demiddot-riations o and 0 are y z functions of the downwind distance x

b iJ dX (113-2)

l d

0 ex (113-3)y

where a b c and d dre constants that fit the function to the empirical

curves presented in Turner (t97C) he v~middotJnd -peed at physical stack height is

given by the equation

u (113-4)


u wind speed at physical stack height (ms)

llJ = measured wind speed (ms)0

h physical stack neight (m)s h the hei gtlt at which tile known wind speed was measured (m) and


p an empirical constant which varit~s with stability class

Lacking data on the heights at which the all known wind speeds were measured

we followed common practice and assumed a value of 10 m for h bull0

Tridl calculations showed the valu~ of tne plume rise for all the

sources except RSR Johns-Manville and the Kdser final cooler cooling tower

to be negligible (ie less than one meter) Plumbull rise formulas developed by

Christiansen (1975) and cited by Porter (1971gt) wer- used for the exceptions

The rise WdS assumed to be momentum-dominated for ltSK Johns-Manville and

Kaiser cooliny tower and bouyrncy-dominated for tne Kaiser coke ovens

As was discussed above the radial and angular distances from a

source to each surroundinlJ census tract were dett~r1ined Wind direction and

See llu s se 1ltJ 7J


smicroe~d data meanwt1ile ~ere obtained for eacr1 of the 16 111ajor compass points

To cr1lculdte tile conu~ntrat1on at a giv n microoirt it was first necessary to

d(termine the co1JpdSS s~ctor in Jhic11 Li1e microui11t ldy Fiyure 113-1 gives an

LXdinmicro le for a census tract at r k1~ from a source and at JU degrees from a

reference ctngle ~~t1ich we defined as north (U deyrees) As seen in the

fi9ure this ~oint lil~S in a sector bouided b the NNE (ZL5 deqrees) and NE

( 1i~ de~JretS) rn111microdss dir1~ct1ons lt1e Cttlculc11ion WdS microertormed once t1)r every

11our of the day since annually averctged values of hourly wind smicroeed were

available The followiny schedule of hourly stability clas was determined to

De cons i stent w i th t ne re I d ti on sh i micros s u mrna r i z ( d by Turner ( 1 7) y i v en the

observed distribution of wind speeds at our meteorologoical measurement

stations The schedule vas m1Jdified slightly at the suggestion of the ARl3

(Ranzieri 198l)

Hour Class Hour Class

0 F 13 B 1 F ltl 8 2 F 11) 8 J F l ~ 13 4 F 1 8 5 F 1 ~ IJN 6 F l J UN 7 DU 20 F 8 d 21 F 9 13 22 8 10 13 iJ 8 11 t1 12 13

Using the aoove equations and adj us tnents the concentration at the

point of interest was then cal cu I at~d as the sum of the concentrations

resulting from plumes naviny middot~ne boimdiny compass directions as centerlines

if the anyular distance to th~ point was conuruent with a compass direction

then only one calculcttion was necessary Let C(Y 1ti) and C(U ti) be the2

concentrations calculctted at 1our i for co111pibull)s directions Y and Y 1 2

resmicroectively 1s d1cusseltJ in Section 11L 1ur 111eteoroloyicdl ddtd in most

cases inc I uded t tie f reyuency ot wind direction for each hour of the day Let

f(Y 1

ti) and f(Q t) oe tne microrobctDilities ot occurrence of wind in the2




Figure 113-1 Determination of Compass Position of Census Tract Centroid


directions Y dnd w2

resp1bullctive1y at hour i rt1en the expected value of the1 cunce11Lrit1rgtrI it UH point iri questiun tt iiour I is

C(t) = f(G t )C(G t) + f(IJ t )C(q1 t) (113-5)

l 1 l 1 1 2 1 l 1

nw average dnnua I exposure wa then ca I cul ated as the average exposure on

this composite day

23 C = (124) E C(ti)


The model was programmed in Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II

microcomputer having 48 K bytes of random access memory and a disk storage

capability The program which is included as Appendix I was compiled with

an Un-Line Systems Inc Expediter II BASIC compiler in order to decrease

running time


1141 Modeling Kesults

Using the modeling parameters listed in Table 114-1 tne

incremental pop~lation exposure due to each of the stationary sources was

computed Tables 114-2 through 114-12 show the modeled annual average

incremental exposure for each census tract Jround each plant Census tract

numbers appear on tne maps in Appendix H) The cumulative population column

specifies the total population exposed to all concentrations equal to or

greater than the corresponding source weighted concentration entry of the

table Figures 114-1 through 114-11 illustrate the cumulative population

exposure versus incremental concentration above ambient background concentrashy

tions Table 114-lJ lists rangemiddot of typicJI urban ambient concentrations for

eacn substance fhese gtJere used middoto assess tne incremental contribution of the

plant emissions Table 114-14 s 1 1mmarizes the incremental population exposure

due to each source These were bctsed upon annuc1l averaye source strengths and

do not reflect transients in emisions or worst case meteorolgoical

conditions Note thdt no attempt was made to assess the potential health

effects or risks to the public dut to the resultant combined exposure


) )

Table 114-1




Initial Source Height(m)

18 3

Plume Rise Domination


Exit Velocity (ms)

17 8

Exit Terngerature

( K) -


11 Stack 11

Radius (m)


Emission Rate (gs)

_LJ 5 bull i x l O ( Jls)

Kaiser -el Cormicro - Coke G-=-nS

- Cuul 11~ 0v1cr










~ - CJ38

012 125 Je23

(PAH) (benzene) (benzene)

IO h 11 S ibullI r l l 2 30 Momentum 11 9 NNa 043 28 x -~ 1

10 - tasbestos)

f- u 0

Dov Chc1--11 31 10 NCb NC NC ~~A 1JJ8 cet)

- 047 (rerc amp carbon

Al l i ed Cr--~11 i cal 10 NC NC NC NC 0-00047 (chloroform) 0053 - U084 (carbon tet) u0L6 - u044 (combin~d)

Uumicroont 10 NC NC NC NC 0024 - 0031 (carbon tet)

Stctuffer _1~1nicctl - Unsitc - ilks - UtiSl l-= -- alKS






U50 U34



arlN = Not ~ecessary for calculation of plume rise

b NC = Pl -1 bull -2 r i s e nut ca 1cul ated bull

ctffectiv2 radius assumed e 4ual to that of a circle having the same horizontal area as the source

Tao l e l l middoti - c



Concentration ourcc- 1~2n SUS Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs ~ei ghted fJopu Idt ion Persons Tract trniss~on Kate Concentration Exposed

( microy rn ) (ng1) LO~ iii g n

4Ub80 0578 UU6o U2~ J532 117268 40740 l)6 0082 035 1533 113736 4069U U6 OOol U3gt 6369 112203 4U67U UIU~ OlHJJ 036 707~ 105834 407 lUl uno UUd4 lJJl 4J~l 98755 4U7~U Ll oLJ UOY U4~ ~44l 943Y8 408601 08ltJ iJ097 u 4~ 7099 889~6 4Ud40l U83c J u~rn 04l 3531 81857 408~Ul 0873 )bull lU 04S 2472 78326 4073U U3 )11 04~ 7au 75854 4U7 l Uc 0965 1111 U49 4547 68634 4UIU U 1103 I l] uS6 8158 64087 4U8llJ2 1110 L 13 U56 2112 55929 407 o 1113 13 u56 8893 53817 4076 lo55 ( bull 2L U94 6267 44 Y24 4072 l87J ia U95 61 38657 4340 l101 U l 5 11 Y 168 32462 4Uo3Ul 215U (1 c5 11 3809 23L94 408502 ll23 ll26 11 6496 19485 4UtU UL 307~ I bull Jb lb 33~6 12 98Y 4083UJ 314~ I J] 16 3893 Y633 4084Ul J984 u47 20 574U 5740


Table d4-3



Census Tract

200 280 230 240 310 220 250

Concentration lor 1 gs 1n-1 ss ~on Rate (micro~1m ) Coo 1 Coke Tower Jven

0162 0162 0721 o 779 u 921 U957 1292 1678 1 496 1 626 L433 1997 2 483 3~155

Wemiddoti gli ~fd Con cent rat middot101

middot~ng ~)

lJ 73 3~J 42 63 6 ~ ) 7 l


Ctnsus Tract PopLil at ion

39423 4404 5698 6058 4890 5773 5945

umulative Persons Exposed

72196 32768 28364 22666

166608 11718 5945



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(micro sim ) (ngm)

20 U162 19 39428 72196 28 o 779 93 4404 32768 23 0957 llS 5698 28364 31 1626 1 4890 226b6 24 1678 201 6058 17776 22 1997 240 5773 11718 25 3155 379 5945 5945




Concentration Soure- Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Wei g11ted Population Persons Tract Emi ss 10n ate Conce~tration Exposed

(microgm) (pgm)

5103 240 230 280

0559 1038 1076 2150

16 29 30 60

~ 435 4909 3816 1747

15907 10472 5563 1747



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(microgm) (ngm) Low High

Dow Pittsburg (carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene)

30600 1511 945 1335 7817 20309 313102 1550 978 1372 1696 12492 30500 1920 1211 1692 5241 10796 307201 2207 1393 2030 2986 5555 307202 2241 1410 2068 2569 2569

DuPont Antioch (carbon tetrachloride)

3020U 2471 590 77 o 7098 7098


Tdble 114-7


Census Tract

650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 01 6205~01 6020oc 6040U 62lJSU2 62Olt3O 602503 6025 01 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 62090l 62U40 602402 6022 0 620901 602301 62010 62000 602302 620302 620303 62020 620301



Concentration S0urc_- CLnsus Tract for 1 ys Wei ghtecl Pcpulation Emission Rate Co11C1cnrt ion (microgm3) ( n-~rr

j )

l 1l 4 6 6276 L6~6 c() 4859

L634 J0780

1650 8 5065 pLb76 ) 6181

J042 r 5716 lUBIJ ~ cWH

(JLYJi 7 0 2 108 lU 6667 2~1~U lU 7074 2~224 10 4612 2 339 11 5886 2359 11 5754 2422 11 7430 2785 13 4983 2816 13 6561 3102 15 5564 3425 16 7453 3~b30 17 3142 4361 ~u 383S 4473 21 52 4 677 2L 4662 6 036 28 2651 6833 32 5494 7 835 37 7482 8899 4l 5210

11547 54 3352 21 15J lt99 6546 22574 106 4250 24521 11j 1185 43 056 202 4044

Cumulative Persons Exposed

161278 155Ul)2 150143 147065 142000 135319 lJO lUJ 1U 21U 120133 113466 106392 101780 95894 90184 82710 77727 71 166 65602 58149 55007 51172 45876 41214 38563 33069 25587 19377 16025 9479 5229 4044


Table 114-J


Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 9s Emi ss ~on ate (microgm )

Weighted Conce~tration (ngm)

Population Persons Exposed

Low High

650002 1174 62 ~9 6276 161278 603702 1626 86 140 4859 155002 600502 1634 87 140 3078 150143 6041 0 1650 87 140 5065 147065 603701 1676 89 140 6181 142000 620501 1842 98 160 5716 135819 602002 1889 100 160 2893 130103 604UO 1932 100 160 7077 127210 620502 2108 110 180 6667 120133 62080 21ltJO 120 180 7074 113466 602503 2224 120 190 4612 106392 602501 2339 120 200 5886 101780 60380 2359 120 200 5754 95894 602101 2422 130 200 7430 90184 602502 2785 150 230 4983 82710 602102 2816 150 240 6561 77727 60390 3102 160 260 5564 71166 602401 3425 180 290 7453 65602 6209 02 3 630 190 300 3142 58149 62040 4 361 230 370 3835 55007 602402 4 47 3 240 380 5296 51172 60220 4677 250 390 4662 45876 620901 6036 320 510 2651 41214 602301 6833 360 570 5494 38563 62010 7835 420 660 7482 33069 62000 8899 470 750 6210 25587 602302 11~47 610 970 3352 19377 620302 21 153 1100 1800 6546 16025 620303 22574 1200 1900 4250 9479 62020 24521 1300 2100 1185 5229 620301 43056 pound 300 3600 4044 4044


Census Tract

650002 6037 Ol 60050 60410 60370i 620501 602002 60400

620502 6108U 602503 6025Ul 6038U 6021 Ul

-602502 602LU2 6039U 602401 620902 6204l) 602402 60220 620901 6Uc3Ul 62010 6200 0 602302 620302 620303 62020 6203Ul

Tdhl J_4-9



(Six montnsy~ar Jsswnea for each feedstocK)

--middot- -middotmiddot-- -middot-- middot------~----

Cori(Entat ion ~o~ r-ct- Census Tract Cumulative for 1 95 Weighted Population Persons Erniss~on Rate Concentration Exposed ( ) ) ) ~ I Ill g 1) )

LO~ Hi 91

1174 Jl 52 6276 161278 L6l6 4Z 72 4859 155002 1634 42 72 3 l078 150143

7-1650 43 ) 5065 147065 1676 ltt4 74 6181 142000 L842 48 81 5716 135819 1 889 L~9 83 2893 130103 L932 so 85 7077 127210 2108 S5 93 6667 12013] 2190 51 7074 113466 2224 58 9B 4612 106392 2339 61 100 5886 101780 2359 61 100 5754 95894 2422 (gt3 llU 74JO 90184 l785 2 120 4983 82710 2816 J 120 6561 77727 3102 n 140 5564 71166 3425 d9 150 7453 65602 3630 1J4 160 3142 58149 4 361 110 190 3835 55007 4473 120 200 5296 51172 4677 lcU no 4662 45876 6036 lbO 270 2651 41214 6833 uo 300 S494 38563 l835 2UO 350 7482 33069 8899 20 390 6210 25587

11 547 300 510 3352 19377 21153 5SO 930 6546 16025 22574 590 990 4250 9479 24 521 640 1100 1135 5229 43U56 l20Ll 1900 4044 4044


Tdble ll4-10



Sou rec- Census Tract Cumulative Census Weighted Population PersonsaTract Concentration Exposed


650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 U 1 620501 602002 60400 620502 62080 602503 6025Ul 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 620902 62040 602402 6022U 6209Ul 602301 62010 6200U 602302 620302 6203UJ 6202U 6203Ul

26 3G 41 37 37 4J 47 4J 49 49 S l Sl 5( 60 6 1 7U 68 75 80

10U 100 11 U 130 150 17U 1~u 250 45L 47C ~o u 91U

a Assuming lU gs emission rate frgtm 0000 to

6276 161278 4859 155002 3078 150143 5065 147065 6181 142000 5716 135819 2893 130103 7077 127210 6667 120133 7074 113466 4612 106392 5886 101780 5754 95894 7430 90184 4983 82710 6561 77727 5564 71166 7453 65602 3142 58149 38J5 55007 5296 51172 4662 45876 2651 41214 5494 38563 7482 33069 6210 25587 3352 19377 6546 16025 425iJ 9479 l185 5229 4044 4044

0600 hours



Tab h 1 L 4- 1 _


Census Triict

57240 54400 5438 01 5727 o 5726 ~ 0 57230 5725 0 543901 5437 03 5438 02 5433 03 5439 02 543702


Concetratiun for 1 gs Emission Kate

L801 2190 5tJ48 5 069 5944 6674 7892

11917 14197 14687 17 27 3 1Y230 20801 23220

Suurcc- ClrlSUS Tract Cumulative v1ei 11irted P( pu lat ion Persons Conce5trat1on Exposed ( igm )

----- -~---middot----middotmiddot--middotmiddot

U90 1153 58821 11 6085 57688 L h 3683 51583 ) L (~ 44~9 47900 3G 4068 43401 JJ 5764 39333 J 9 2892 33569 60 3732 30677 71 3295 26945 7 3 6153 23650 3 6 6578 17497 9 6 3329 10919

ll O 4683 7590 LoO 2907 2907


Tabl~ 114-12



Concentration Sou re(~ - Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Weighted l)opu lat ion Persons Tract Emission fate Conceqtration Exposed


29610 2966 0 29650 29620 29640 60990 29710 29670 29740 29680 ~9 0 2973U 2975 2976 29720

1926 3921 4497 4561 4709 7657 8404 9887

14249 17235 28211 39992 44669

402159 408785

Otgt5 1 J

l~1 lb 16 26 29 34 48 59 96

14U 150

1400 140U

1029 4043 3171 5518 6143 1988 6079 1949 3989 3311 6043 2587 3303 4960 6760

60873 59844 55801 52630 47112 40969 38981 32902 30953 26964 23653 17610 15023 11720 6760



) ) ) ) ) gt

1 middot-middot -bull middot1i_1

11El _

0 --1


10 ~3middot X

Ul U) middot=10(l) bull _j

0 0C 0

+-gt middotr-

r-1ro ~ I -+-I- CCi

u C




11 E1~ u

11u micro

t ~1-bulli 1~C1J ~J -


middot1 U~perVJ micro

4 ~1~0 I+- ii u ~()

(1) 0middot0 Q

w X

~ibull1 C i~ I I L bull

I 0 i bullimiddot-- l-micro bull middotbulltmiddotLi I

(1j middot-~middot ~ower -I bull bull I W ltbull~bull11oJ-c1 I I I bull II lt I 1 ~1 ~=middotbullt_I ~0

I i I0 0 0 i ~~ ~J- _ ou--u~~ i Fbull 4 1~~ gbull~ bull=bull _=bull -bull~ bulli __~ f-i - _ _t--bull~ _1

C 1 ~ bull-J -11 I U _bull~1 Ill bullbull ~ _ ti- r-

Incremental Concentration (ngm3) Figure 114-1 Cumulative Population Exposure to Arsenic from RSR Secondary

Lead Smelter City of Industry (Curves Correspond to Upperand Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

I 7 ~~ ~~MllOlllU~PiiCi(iauQi~~~~~~M~9il~1~

l l



bull tbull

II bulli


j- I~ ~1bullJ________ _______bullr--5L-oamp~gtbullbullbullmiddot-__~---_____________

M 0 -4 X-VI VI (lJ



C 0 +J ro S-+- C (lJ u C

71 0-Jbullbull

F--middot F1bull~s

~ 1-1 _


~ __ u 0)__

O ~ middot1 lA I~ middot-y irbull ro +J V)



+-1 =0~-OJ )

0 0 X


middotbull 11 shyC 0 a +J ra


0 0

l ~J0


~ middot _~~

(1 J ~ -+-+-t-+-t-+--+-+-middot+-1 l1 ~ 4


I ___~ ____ l

-t-middotmiddott--middottu-1--plusmn-+middot-+-+-bull-i--bull-+ - t 111 1~~

Incremental Concentration (microgm3) Figure 114-2 Cumulative Population Exposure to Benzene From Cooling Tower and

Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana

) )

- 0 1_____~----_________~~-ll-1~-fgt4rtclftl-ti~ -LLlbullgtsS

~~i middot-middot M

a -l

gtlt i--i rmiddot~

I t_1 L

Vl V)

CJ _j

~ C l=bull icJ C 0 -micro ro ~ micro C C)

~ [1~ u C C u

-0 u 0) ltlJ 4 lf-bull~ IN micro middot r

micro V)

micro middot


middot3 ti~middot-0 ltlJ middot~bull~ middot1Vl 0 0 l gtlt

w middot ~~1 C ~ bullt1

-C 1 micro bull ~t

- ~

10bullibull bull middotmiddot bull middott ~ c 0

L1 J bullbullfbullbullibullbullltJ ~ J -1L+abull ~bull~~--~sectio-i ~~bullbullbullbull ~~_~ l 1bull~t-j-4Y ) bullbullo ~ _~ bullbulllta-J tbull-1_f - ~l~middot bullf middotCbullbull--~bull -~ Tbull

~ 1~0 ~~~ ~~~ 4~0 Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 114-3 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana


0 -I X-V) V) a _J

s 0

C 0 micro co s micro C a u

l ~


1 --

J- t_bulli

_ C

uw m 0

1 -0 a bullbull micro

microdeg ()

0 micro tbullmiddot C QJ V)




middot4middot~middot C 0 micro rt1

-- - 0 ~ 0


n __ _______bull~ -______ --al_ - ~_

I bull

I I - bull

middot 1


l i l ~l

~ 0 I 1

Li bull I t_~I

i bull -1 _1-J

0fmiddotbullmiddot-middot+-middott-t-r+-t-+-+middotr+-t--+-1--t+ t f-t-J-t--r-+tmiddotmiddot~~bull+-t--1~~bull-+-1 Id middot t 4 E1 (

I ncrementa 1 Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 11 4-4 Cumulative Population Exposure to Asbestos From Johns-Manville Plant Stockton



--~ ~w t _ ---~- ----------~ --____~-=~ M


bull I bull I I I I ii i Q t I i E e- I Ii tl I I I 6 I a I I J I f t t bull I G fl I

a I e 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iii bull bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull bull bull bull 1 1i bull bull 1 1 bull a bull 1 1 r ~ middot u ~ ~ I0

+H~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~-rmiddot-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~~-~t~~~~~-~J C

~1_ c bull 1 t~ bullbull bullabmiddot 11 l bullmiddot II bullbull C- I u~

0 rl

gtlt I I I- 20 () ()

CJ -1 ~_J

J Cbull s

I If I I I I0

C bull I Ii I I I I I I I I0 1E

bull-+l I t I I ro s Lower+l

I I I G I iii I bull

() 14 I I IC

u I0 I I II Iu


1-_~I fi

CJ ~ I-- (j) CJ I G I I p +l

ro +-l I I I1~3~V)

0 +) UDf)Pr u I I 11 I I


Vi I 0 I I It- I a X

0 ~

w I I I I bull

Lower C 0


- 4+)


J Q_

0 bull1

ij a 3- ti I

D d I I I I

I I I bull

II B I t

i ] i amp I

1 ei ~ amp 3 ii


e ft a a I bull G

I I I bull I

I I bull I I t If



I I I-_L~ lI I I f


- I I

j I I II I -

lI ImiddotbullII

l I

l Li

Incremental Concentration gm3)

Figure 114-5 Cumulative Population Exposure to Perchloroethylene and Carbon Tetrachloride From Dow Pittsburg (Solid Lines) and to Carbon Tetrachloride From DuPont Antioch (Xs) Results For Upper Lower Bounds on Emission Estimates Are Shown

__~IUlllWIMWMW ~-a~9a_Q~ 41 ~1bull11 -~Ga1r-uJ1 _a11~--WIIIIIA1IMlilClll-l~maaiampNldmiddot1 middot=0~

M 1E1 13 _0 -I

X-V) Q)


140 _J

~ 0

C - middot1 ~2 ~3~~

+- ro

+- ~

C OJ 1E10u1--

0) C 0(J1 u

a f~1 1Q) +-


ro middot-middot +- V1

0 ~ cE1 O QJ V)

0 I0 4~1X


C 0 +- 2pound1 __ I bull amp I Il0 -- 0 0

0 I ~-~~-lJ___ _~-1lltll-1o

0frac14middotbull+-+~-t--t-+-+~-- I =-+-4 =f-~bull-+--T+-+-1-~~-bullc~

l1 ~i0 8~1 1~E~ 1tE1 2E11d middot 11 ~ E0 10euro1 1-40 1Ea1 22pound1

Incremental Concentratio (ngm3) Figure 114-6 Cumulative Population Exposure to Chloroform From Allied Chemical

El Segundo

) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ~

1 1_bull01)

M 0 160-i X-


V) Q)


s l -- 0 C fC 0


ro s


l ~1 ~1+-gt f---1 C m QJ OI u

C 0


u (1 QJ +J ro


E ~Vi

0 +J





4 ~ju~bull bullQ X

w C 0

+-gt middot le~ro ~1

-~ 0 0

~~~Bt~-lraquoaJC~~~~~Jgt-bull~liiilldll-titi~ ~~~__qi~iSlitUJ_iJ~~~~~t-iMllltl-W~G~ili-l~~bull~t-~aa_=~s

bull1 i


l 1 i

i ~



l i

l_ Upper~r i

middot middotmiddot t-t-~ lL Io ~- a I I a--i-_-~-

Lower bull bull Lbull

i~ t~1_+ ia-~__c111J(~IJ- __middotbull--4IJ1-bull)l1Kila-- l-111- 1~M-~tMildbullri~-t_t 11to Ibull -i rmiddot ~ _

1i-1 - middotbullth~middot t =lttF--i-+-middotr+-r+middot~middoti-middot-~-4-4middoti t -~--is -~middot-rmiddotibull--+ u ~~ i--t4~ t-bull~~311 li-i1middoti- C - JJ _ CL

-- I 1 t middot1 c7 Ibull ) ~ I-middot bulli C bull 1-_ 11 11gt1l11 ~bull -a bull-bullbull t a- II bullbullbull bullI lt_I Iii _- I

Incremehtal Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-7 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo (Curves Corresond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

--- I


16 0amp (V)

0 ~


14~11l 1l QJ _J


1 middot-0

c t1middotmiddotmiddot 0

micro ro

_ c micro ~ 1euro1pound1

0- QJ u-J c 0 u O =-middot ~-= QJ

c_1 micro ro +- V)

0 micro ~ t1 O QJ 1l 0 a 40gtlt w c 0


ro --


20middot l ---a I ~ I a 0


pound1r-t k

Figure 114-8


a I __ I wi~ i awLi--~~ 2 I I

1--+ I ~--if bull =~~--bullJ-+--f-1-----middot+--+middot-middot--r9c- 1 c- J

bull _ bull -~

Incremental Concentration (microgm 3)

Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride and Chlorofonn From Allied Chemical El Segundo Assumingsix-months Operation With Each Feedstock (Curves Correspond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

) ) )) )

1 3 0+--- a- - ---- __________--= ~

M 1 E ~1F40 gtlt




s 0

0-~ C 1 ~2 t1

+-l rj

shy+-gt C Q)

u 1 ~1 ~1 I- C

degco u 0


+-l QJ middot=a~(Cl

+J middot- -0 +-gt 6t1-0 Q) Vl l I bull0 C

w X 4 ~1 ~C 0

t l--+)


20 Il 0 0 a

r--1 plusmn-middot--4-bull+ bullJ - ~-1


bull 17 - ta_



I mvn


-~ bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull l ~-


i u---J--bull-+ i i--+ --4--+-imf-bullbullQ~-+-+-+~bullbull-4 171 i R = Fi middot1 1bull1 r1__ bullltaa ~a

Incre0ental Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-9 Cumualtive Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo During Offloading From Midnight to 6 am middot-middotmiddot------middot--middot

--bull ft ampLA 1111-~lliaIN_WPl1A 1JIU_Mt91 MJ1WWlaquoPI-W1111~ --------__----Et1

M gt~middotI

0 -I


~ t~ bullM

V) middot-middot ~ V)


f 0

0 -

C -4 0middot~middotmicro re f micro C a u

10 Cdeg u 0 3 0middotmiddotmiddotbull~ -0 a

+-gt ro

+J V)

+-gt 0

2E1-0 QJ V)

0 a X


C 0 1pound1--middot+-gt ro

-- Q_ 0 0


~ -~middot bull I -bull-_ bull I

middot lbullgtbull___I I

frac14 llk I

I bull



-1_ I

Ibull II__ JI


(1 f---1-+ bull-r_--f bull middot~-bull +-- bull i -bull 1 -1-+--+bull-+-t-+bull--t1 ~ _ 4middot 6 E 1t1 1middot2

1 3 5 I middot~ _ 11

Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 11 4-10 Cumu1ative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Plant Carson

_~ ~ t M

C X E k1~


- c- 1-1 ~ C middot-middot -_J

I--- -J 4t1middotbullmiddotmiddota


-+-shy --middot liiit1J

r ~


t-1 _ V

0 -+-1

middotr -bull ~1



+- bull1 ~1 atr l -=

~~lll(k~IHmiddot~~-Wa~middot~nL1middot~~~ta KF u n P middot~dE-tveRS ~-tl~~~-u-~~~tmiddot_-~~~~liil-~-~~~ tc r

I bull

bull -r~l-yen--~1l~a l fl __ A4o bullbull bullbullbull ~ 111bull--middotbull

lil---111 1n1 i1--1u -i- -tmiddot11i-bull J--14-bullbullbulllM ~

1 ~ l1

~ t

~ C ~

i31-~~middot-~--~~~-~-middot-~-~~-~~~-~--~~~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~--l 11 2~1 4~1 Ea 8(3 1J11~1 1~r1 14(middot)

Incremental Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 114-11 Cumulative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Off-Site Storage Tanks

Table 114-13


Substance Ambient Reference Concentration Environment


Cad11i um


= ~ 11 1 ~ Ui ch l or i de _ -J _


Carbon Tetrachloride


4-6 nym 3 3

20-YO ngm

33 ng111 lt04 ngm 3

20U-57UU fiber~m 3

20-100 f i bersm

Ji jJjJO

trace 008 011 05lppb

O 1 pmicrob [J iJ~ micromicrob

188 ppb 08 ppb 0 7 pmicrob (ave)

U11 pmicrob

U 13 ppb 595 ppb 022 ppb (ave)

0175 pmicrob (ave)

07 ppb ltO 04 ppb

1 25 ppb 36

General urban Heavy industrial

Typical urban Remote areas

Typical urban Desert

uu111111yuel CA

8 NJ industrial sites Oakland Upland Los Angeles

Urban background rurdl backgrouna CA


8 industrial sites NJ Tuscdloosa AL 3~2rage) Riverside CA

rural background

Los Angeles average Torrance CA Southern California

60 readings) Riverside CA

Los Angeles average Rural background Russe11 1977 Los Angeles averageRiverside CA

Braman 1976 National Research Council 1976

EPA 1977 EPA 1977

Murchi o 1978 Murchi o 1978

tsarber 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Pellizzari 1979

Barber 1977 Holzer 1977

l3arber 1977 Grimrud 1975 Russell lJ77 Pel 1 i zzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Singh 1982

Barber 1977 Russell 1977 Gri mrud 1975 Barber 1977 Pell i zzari 1977

Simmonds 1974 Singh 1982

Barber 197 7 Barber 1977 Grimrud 1975

Sinvnonds 1974 Singh 1982

) ) )



Substance Probient Environment Reference Concentration



-J )

Sen zo (ct) py rene

jjen zo (e) py rene

ben z(ct) a 11 ( nr ii cen e


lndeno 123-cd~pyrene

L 1 ppb 06-34 ppb

42 ppb 16-60 ppb 02-1J ppb 13 ppb 48 ppb 67 ppb 55 ppb 63 ppb 82 ppb 39 pJb

3031-L1 ~gm 046 ng111

090 ngm 3

305-c8 n~111 018 ngm

06U ngin 3

134 nginJ

8 NJ industrial sites 28 samples in industrial areas with benzene consumption facilities Torrance CA Tuscaloosa AL National Forest 1000 sarip Ies-Torontt) Azusa CA El Monte CA Long Beach CA Upland CA Los Angeles CA Riverside CA

Los Angeles 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angel es 1976

Los Ang2l2s 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Pellizzari 1977

RTI 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Ho1 zer 1977 Pilar 1973 EPs 1980a EPA i980a EPA 1980a EPA 1980a Calvert 1976 Singh 1982

Colucci 1971 Gordcrn 1 197(i

Gordon 1976

_ 0 111 CC i 1~ 7 1 Gordon~ 1976

Go r cl on 197 6

Gordon 1976

middot1 ab1e 11 4-14


Site Substance Typical Urban Population Exposed to Background Level 100 50

Increment Over Background

Al lied+




Du Pont





Kaiser Kaiser



Chloroform 01 - 07 ppb (gt497 ngm3) 0 0 Carbon Tetrachloride 015 ppb (942ngm3) lt4044 25587 -


Perchloroethylene 07 ppb (4830 ngm 3) 0 0

Carbon Tetrachloride OlS ppb (942 ngm3) 10796 - 20309


Carbon Tetrachloride 01~ ppb (942 ngm 3) 0 0

Asbestos 1000 fibersm 3

( 313 ngm 3) 0 0

Benzene lOppt) 32500 ngm 3) PAH 5 compounds 35 ngrn3 72196 72196

Cadmium 3 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm 3 0 0

3Ethylene Uichloride 051 ppb (2100 ngm ) 92552 117532

bull Assumes all year operation on either feedstock If plant operates 50 on each feed the population exposed to greater than 50 increment over background goes to 16025 - 19377 and 4044 - 16025 for 100

Ambient concentrations of benzene vdry over one order of magnitude in the literature and therefore make tnis calculation questionable For Kaiser therefore the carcinogenic PAH assessment was used to evaluate incremental population exposure above background

+ The partition of emissions from Oow are 78 carbon tetrachloride and 22 perchloroethylene by weight


1142 Comparison of Incremental and l3ackground Concentratiors

Those sites whicn elevate background concentrations greater than SO~~

to surrounding pomicrouldtion are discussed below

1142 l Stauffer Cnernical

The Stauffer ct1emmiddoticdl ~ant 110s tvJo prinlt ipct1 SOLHCes uf EOC

emissicnsj the off-site storage tanks and the waste water dscharge stream

Ea cn con t r i h u V s about ~qua l 1 _y middott o U1e microon1 l a t i on ex 11o s u re f bull] ure s J s s ho vm i n

Taoles lL3--11 and 1L4-1L Th2 arrbient measurments by Pel~ 1 zzciri (1979) of J

2100 ng1~ 1s tne tos Ange 1es bc1ck9n1nc1 1as used as triie typ-i ca 1 tirban

background Pellizzari notes t11at Uhan readings generally rerici~n under 2SOO

nym3 ir1tri e pmiddotant proximity ccncentrn1011 ravlmiddot been observed as high as

700~000 f)(m 1

Other ambient ~ata noted l)y Plmiddot I 1 i zzari are Birmingham A1 abama

205-400 Phoenix Arizona 157-i870 1Jcbullminguez Calitornia 1Lii814 Calvert

City Kentucky 6600 The latter two are associated wi t11 EOC pl ants Data

taken in senFice s~ations ano lrctffic areas ir various cities range from -~

300-3640 ngm~ As previous~J mentioned the Stauffer plant is discontinuing

operations These two sources should be examined as part of any possible

start--up permitting activity

11422 Kaiser Steel Corporation

The Kaiser steel plant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)

emissions cffmiddotise from the coke oven omicroerations Comfdrison of the cumulative

population exposure Figure 114-3 and Table 114-4 with the specified

background levels for urban areas illustrates the breadth of the exposure

distribution The five known PAH carcinogens that were isolated in the coke

oven emissions were quantified in tile ambient air of Los Angeles by Gordon


Benzo[a~pyrene 046 ngm J

t3enzo~e]pyrene osio Benzaanthracene U lo

Chrysene U60

lndeno Cl23-cd~pyrene 134

Althouyn these concentrations ctr~ low co1npared with 1 number of other cities

cited in the literature and repres2nt a very I imited data base tt1e predicted

concentrations from the Kaiser plant ~enerally exceed these levels by d


significant margin ie greater t11an 30000 are predict2d to be exposed to

4redter than l()-lt t 1tbull 1111tlit~nt background of 3j nqm 3 It ic 1 iklly tlat

lHrllerte exmicroo~urt 11 Ilie drld dre also 11evatPd ovr r11nbient I1owever since

backyround concer1tr1tions of t)enzlmiddotne show large variation no population

calculation was specified

11 4 bull 2 bull 3 Dmv

Carl1on tetrdcnloride releases from Dow constitute approximately 78

of tl1e total CT plus perc emissions in Table 114-6 and were found to elevate

urban background concentrations greater than 50 in five census tracts Emissions are predominately from storage and check tank working and brething remiddot1 eases

1142~4 Allied Chemical

The Al lied plant was modeled several ways since the plant can

operrttt~ wiUl chlorotor111 dr cc1rbon tetrctlt hloridt fo(~d The c1bull-i pr~middot11ntlid in

ldlgtlt~o ll4- drld llil-B represent dflrlUil 01Hrdtion with eitt1er teed Partial

yedr operation with each feed can be scaled from the individual annual modes

and is presented for equal hltllf year operation in Table 114-9 As with the

Du Pont plant carbon tetrachloride emissions arise from feed tank working

loss fable 114-10 illustrates peak exposures predicted to arise during an

off loading cycle As expected concentrations in that six hour period far

~xceed annual average values Insufficient data were available to contrast

levels with backyround transient concentrations




Alternative control approacnes for the most significant emission

sources dinmig ~he various pl1ants n ees fitie(J n the follo11 ric suJsections

EmpiiasVi nas Deen placed in dedlinq ~riU1 Uiose sources of 91reatest absolute

inaynHud2 (lbyr) and those const1 ut 0ing trie largest increm121middot1t middot] bulli~he

bdc kgrnund con cent ration of Hie em~ tted subs tcince i~o ctt tention Wi 11 be ~i ven

to the s~iondc1tY sources witt1middotn cK1 microant or to trlL case of J011ns-Manvi I le

since -UH imiddotajor source is less tran LOO 1byr and is not microrejicted to raise

bctckgro 1wd exposure levels to the ~~ntr21 population Furt12rmore a11

emission sources dt Kaiser Ste 1 1iC(1 v1 1~n directly dedlt -1ith in this

program r1re elltlteci ro t11e cc1lt1bull ovcmiddotr nperatmiddotions These faci 1ities are to be

closed du1rm and all primary reel 11i~ oH~rdtions discontinmiddot 2d Kaiser

forecasters have predicted further deterioration of the plant economics and

the phased closure has been accelerdted for primary steel making operations

Note that this closure is essentially irreversible cince differential

exmicroansion and contraction of the coke oven structur1 occurs in the cooliny

process and it would be improbable that ovens could be reheated without

extensive reuuildiny at major expense


At c1ll four sites emissions from storage tanks constitute either the

primary or near dominant (Stauffer) source of carcinogen release andor

genero1i iJOpulation exposure Curreritly the tanks of interest at each site are

permitted by the local Air Quality IJistricts hJwever they do not require

emission ontrol systems for vdrious reasons Tl1e estimated releases grounds

for exemption and other pertinent information are given in Table 121-1

In order to amicromicroreciate tth~ practicdl dlternatives for emission

controls the provisions of SCAWMU Rile 463 ar~ listed below which specify the

acceptable alternatives for tdnks r4uirin9 controls ie tanks 11aving

capacities greater than 39630 yal with suostances of true vapor pressure


Table 121-1


Stduffer Uff-Site Tanks (J) (Sdn Pedro)

Allied (El Seyunrlo) - KdJ

1bulllctLer1 d I reld iturctjc

-J -J

Dow (Pittsbury)-Product Check Tanks (4)

Uow - microroduct sturag~

DuPont (Antioch) - Raw Materidl Feed Stordge

Approx Capacity~

6lUS x 1g (c) 84 X 10 (1)


18000 each

70000L) 3UUOUO

30000 working 42636 liquid full



Ethylene Uichloride

Carbon Tetrctci1 I Jr i J1

Perchloreshythylene and Carbon Tetrashychloride

CT perc

Carbon Tetracr1 l ori de


Emission Mode

Tank breattli ng

Tank v10rk i ng Tank breatttiny

PERC-~JOrk i ng PERC-b r2a t ~ i ng CT-working CT-breattling

Tank breathing Tank breatt1i ng

Tank workin9 Tank breathing

Vamicroor Pressure

014 at 70 F psi

1 63 psi at 68 F

16d psi at 68 F(CT) UJ9 psi at 68 F(perc)

168 i)Si dt 68 F

Grounds for Exemption

Exempt from control re4uirements to SCAQNJ Rule 463 since vapor microressur-2 dues nut iXC~ec

l~ io at sturdJ~ conditions

txe11pt TlJil fule -+b3 since tank capaL ~J ~ s u~der 39630 gal (lSO 11 )

Exempt from Regulation Rule v~~vu u~~~~~shytank capacity is under 39630 ga 1 andor substances are not classified as organic 1i4uicts

Exempt f ro1n Ru l ~ 85300 because subsLctnce is not classified as dn organic li4uid accordin to Regulation-Rule 8120

exceeding l~ microsi at storage conditions

~ floating roof tanks

~ fixed roof tanks with an internal floating type cover

bull a vapor recovery system with vapor collection and retllrn (or disposal) proce5sinJ lXctbullerlin~ 95 efficiency

ln a cllemicai plant a typical vapor recovery systein (KR Evans

SCAQMU) migm consist of a collection inanifold to d recovery system (suctl as a

vapor sphere) to a compression syst2m dnd subsequently to absorption and

recovery systems The absorpt~on st~n c~nsisting possibly of (rubber

stripper or activated carbon

In dealing with speciti( carcinogenic substances such as vinyl

chloride hiyhly efficient vapor control system perf0rmance has sometimes been

stipulated necessitating incineration systems

Fer th~ cases of corccrn realistic alternltltives are as follows

Stauffer Off-Site TanKs - Tnere are a number of options which can 1~arkedly 3

reduce ei1issicns from these tanks from th~ calculaL~d value of over 20 x 10

lbyr One alternative is to consolidat~ the material in tne three tanks

One of the large tdnks can contain the currently stured material and reduce 3emissions to apmicroroximately 13 0 x 10 lbyr Anotl1er alternative is to

transfer dll E0C to a single floating root tank Various types of such tanks

exist dlld are reviewed in the EPA report Lrganic Cht~mical Manufacturing Volume

J Storage Fugitive dnd Secondary Sources EPA-450J-80-025 eg internal and

external floating roofs and a variety of seal desiyn configurcttions Generalshy

ly such designs would be expected to reduce emissions to the order of

one-fourth to one-fifth the current level Cost of 1nstalliny ct contact

single seal internal floating roof wds estimated by BB Lumquist Pentrex

for EPA as $27770 in 1Y8U dollars for 7U ft diameter tdnk Cost to build an

external floating roof tank was estimated by G Stilt of Pittsburg Oes Moines

for EPA as ~14UUUO for D=67 H=4Uft Anottler com111on approach is to utilize

cdroon ctdsorption This works we11 witn nonpolar hydrocarbons dS VvC is

removed from the vapor phase A basic syte111 consists ot tvo carbon beds and

a regeneration system Regeneration is typically performed with steam or

vacuum Figure 121-1 illustrattS rhe systems (Basd2kis 1~110) Steam raises

tne VOC vctpor microressure The resulting sti~am-VOC mixture is condensed and


AC-TJA~D CA-e0-l


LOW- ffiESiJ~C ~T~H----




COOLIN(a - --------




Fi l 1 1 middot gure middot - Activated-c arbon Adsorption System


rout2d to c ~epordtor decanted and returned to storage In vacuum regenerashy

tion VOC vapor is desorbed by pu1 ling a vact1um on the carbon bed then condens-

ed a1d returned System efficiency ~ ~ est ii1a ted at 96 f(duc middot i m from fixed

roof levels (EPA 4503-80-025)

H~fri 9ctated vent concicr1sers dre une of the most cu1mon emission

reduction prJcesses -for conttol ~ ng hx2-d-- storage tai vUC Figure

12 1-- 2 i l 1ust rates a u n i t ( Er i scmiddot n 19HU ) eff i c i en cy of middot middot~ ~ c middotlt middotmiddot _y i s rate ct

bet1Jee~middoti 60-90 for the vapor pressure range of concern For such a large tank

the capital costs would be high ~igure 121-3 illustrat~s EPA estimates

(EPA l ~~SOb) for the condenser section Condenser sys tern a ea mu l d be in

excess of 1000 ftL

It should be noted t -at Jtc1 uf fer Uiemi cc1 l has arH1ounced the c 1 osu re

of its VCPVC plart PrevfoJsly tt12) had planned to purge tlle off-site tanks

of EUC Since any future po~sible micro1ant stdrt-umicro will necessitate a compreshy

hensive SCAQMD review this ltoument can assist in evaluating proposed control


Allied and DuPont Feed Tanks - In bott1 of these cases the nore significant

quantity of emissions arise from tank workinltJ ie during the off-loading

activity rather than tank breathing Contnl ~easures taken for working

emissions are thus of primary concern Ther~fore no detailed discussion will

be provided on the alternatives for control gtf bredthiny emissions Additionshy

ally both tanks are in the range of 20U00 gallons which is a capacity where

floating roof tanks are almost nonexistent Out of 670 floating roof tanks

surveyd by EPA less then 15 were smaller than 30000 gallons in capacity

Therefore the utilization of any floating roof concept and seal combination

will not be considered

Commmerc i a11 y it is estimated by Ou Pont that carbon tetrachloride

feed costs approximately $017lb (E Taylor personal communication)

Ttierefore less than i2500 is lost to l)uPont annud l ly as a result of working

l eve l em i s s fo ns and 1es s fr om Al l i ed bull Thus i t is u n l i kel y that any

appreciable economic incentive exists to dev1~lop ci vapor recovery system

However a Cdndidate system could be pattern~d after the chloroform

feed-storage unit currently at Allied This is a dedicated vapor balance

system Chloroform is off-lndded from tank cars and stored in a closed

unvented tdnk As the 5tordye tank is filled the c1ir spdce d1spldced is fed














Figure 121-2 Refrigerated Vent Condenser System



iOOOO ----------

-Cl c -0 ~

J~ -C~)O i-r tmiddot~ I

g middots_ I J () 11

-~- l 2 lt1


en b)



a I E OJ u copy 0

10 1-___________J___________________________ 10000

10 100 1000

Condenser System Area ( Ft2


Figure 121-3 Installed Capital Cost vs Condenser Area for Various Materials of Cunstruction for a Complete Condenser Section


back to the tank car Also in this case the storage tank is not vented in its

normal breathing mode and is part of a closed feed system to the reactor

Vapor recovery system alternatives which are particularly effective

in loading and handling include r~frigeration adsorption andor absorption

Control efficienci~- 1re est1mateJ in the rlt1nge of 90-95 (EPA 1980b) and of

course depend on the speci tic su1)Stance and equipment used Carbon adsorpshy

tion systems were discussed above The smallest capacity carbon adsorptionmiddot

system priced by EPA (EPA 1980b) has 2 vertical beds of carbon (900 lbs - 4ft

diameter by 3 ft depth) witl1 an ilstalled cctpital cost of $135000 based on

December 1979 dollars

Dow Tanks - Dow has two pair of p~oduct check tanks which alternately are

filled dnd off-loaded Emhsions from th~sl tanks were calculated based upon

operating cycle (3 day fi 11) satubull-dtion vapor pressure and physicdl

chardcteristics Direct hec1d-spa1e testing was planned however it could not

be accomodated because of r 1stri c ed access due to unscheduled mai ntendnce on

the field test day

Dow has indicated that chey are studying the option of installing a

vapor controlrecovery systt~m in 1hese and their largerproduct storage tanks

The extent of their engi neri ng ind assessment work is unknown as are their

current plans It may be possibk to incorporate a vapor balance design into

the system whereby the disp1aced apor is trdnsferred to another process point

within tl1e system Alterna1ively a vapor r1middotcovery system such as carbon

adsmiddotorption is fedsible Hot-1ever since emissions for t11e check tanks are

primarily due to working loss tht~ use of a conservation vent or an adjustment

of its operational differential p~essure would be ineffective for tr1e

reduction of the bulk of such emissions Furthermore since check tank size

is re1at i ve 1y sma 11 no cons i derctt I on was given to conversion to a fl oat i ng

roof configuration for those tanks Conversion would be possible for

the large storage tanks


Emissions of me throug11 ~-a~)te-1dter discharge are the largest single

source identified at the plctnt sites The discharge limit was set at 25 ppm

by the Los Angeles County Sc1nitation iistrict and was estdblished with the

occupational limit in mind of 50 ppm JVer an 8 hour work shift dt the District


tredtrient center~ T11ere hctd been suine di~cuss1on between pdrti~s of possibly

raisiny tne discharge limit since it is felt by Stauffer that dilution of the

stream is sufficient to d 11 ow it Itmiddot shou Id he noted t10-1ever tna NIUSH has

recommended the permissible exposure limit be reduced to 5 ppm averaged over a

work period of 10 nours microer ddy 40 ours per Ieek witt1 a cei l iny level of 15

pmicroin dVeraged over a 15-mi nute microet~ v(J

It is not certain at 1~hrt rdte me 1rill be reledscd from the

wastewater stream At the microlant discharge points wastewater is both hot and

aerated thus favoring release~ No measurements have been ta~en downstream of

the plant after considerable dilut1on has occured The distance to the water

treatment pa11t is approximately 5 kin at 1i1ic~1 point anerobic diyestion is

conducted lt is presumed that a11 ELlC will be released before final ocean

di scnar~Ji

A possible emi ss i D~ cont ro process for nmiddotduct ion of the EDC in the

effluent is by ~recess adjust~Pnts or additio~s For example process

modifications to the EUC stripping stage coula dramatically reduce discharge

lev~ls A control alternative is the use of octivdted carnon or XA0-2 resin

to recover EOC in tne discharge stream Tests of Gulf South Researd1

Institute on XA0-2 and activated carbon (Coco 1980) show high recovery yields

for nonpolar organic carcinogens unaer a range of concentrations Viable

suggested alternatives oy Srnitn included regeneration of Ue trapping

materials dnu even consideration of burning tt1e concentrate carbon media (at

greater than 1000 pmicrom)

Control approaches to reduce emissions from so called secondary

sources in general and waste water emissions in particular fa 11 into four

categories - waste source control resour(e recovery alternative disposal and

add-on controls Alternative control pro(~esses which were considered but

appear to be inappropriate to this case i11clude chtmiddotmica means eg

neutralization precipitation coagulatior1 and chemical oxidation thermal

destruction of tne unconcentrated ~dste s1ream is ii1practical biological

treatment eg aerdtion and biomass-wasteater contcct ~ienerally relates to

the treatment of soluole degrddable organics in the concentration range

bet~~een U01 and l~~ terminal storagt eg lanctfilliny urface impoundment

and deep well injection dre either indppl 1cable or 1mmicroractical Therefore in

summary the poss i b I e contra l approac ties fur this ca e inc 1ude the improvement



of semicrodration efficiencies in steam stripmicroing tl1e internal recycle of ~aste

stredms ctnd the ddsorption b activdted carbon The design configuration

~fficiency and cost )bviously depend upon numerous microlarit specific factors and

their determination vJOuld rec-Jire detailed analyses

n1e ~~dsrewctter systbull-m of a model cl1emical production plant based

upon the average properties uf a composite of 30 chemicals was evaluated for

EPA by IT Enviroscience (EPA 1980b) Included prominantly among the 30 was

tUC with the hignest uncontrolled secondary emission wastewater release rate

ie ~ percent of tt1e production and 34 perc~nt of the emission Cost and

impact analyses were evaluated for alternative control systems to reduce

secondary voe emissions from wastewater Four systems were considered a

carbon adsorption system (eAS) for recovery of the voe from the wastewater a

cover to reduce secondary VOC emissions from the wastewater clarifier a cover

for the clarifier plus a carbon desorption system and a cover for the

clarifier plus ct eAS system usinu a fume incinerator The scale of the model

system was greatly in excess of the Stauffer plant thus further making

detailed comparison i mpract i cal bull However emission reduction factors ~-1ere 6diven as ~9 and cost effectiveness per 10 g reduction genera1middot1y ranged

between $450 to 1733 These factors would likely grossly underestimate the

system cost if scaled down to the range of the Stauffer plant ie the order

of 34600 lb annual discharge

The alternative approaches of improved steam stripping efficiency

and internal recycling of the stripper iischarge stream with a reduction in

makeup re4uirements could decreas~ net ~DC wastewater content release


Given our findiny of low (16 kgyr) ~missions of arsenic from the

reverberatory furndce at RSR it middotJOuld ippear that the arsenic content of themiddot

lead feedstock is low andor that the microants system for reducing lead

emissions is dlso quite effective for arsenic ~SR it will be recalled from

Section 32 uses a quenchinu cnariber ctnd Dayiwuse filters to remove

pctrticuldte matter and a carbonate scruooer to remove sulfur dioxide

There are no federal new source microertormance standards for lead

eini ssions per se t10wever the Standdrds of Pbullrformance for Secondary Lead

SmeHers (40 CFR 6Ull2) limit total particuLte emission from a blast furnace


or reverberatory furnace to SU mgm 3 According to Augenstein et al (1978)

who reviewed the techno1ogy for control ing lead ~missions from ttwse sources

baghouse filters or wet scrubbers are yenerally used to contro1 particulate

emissions When fabric filters are used to control blast furnace emissions

they are nurma11y preceded by an afterburner which inciner~tes hydrocarbons

that bull~GU Id otnerwi se b 1 ind t ne f o1 ur-i c After-burners a re nor necessary for

reverb2middotmiddotatcry furnace emiss-ion smiddotnce the excess air and temperature are

usually sufficient to oxidize tn2 hydrocarbons

According to Augenstein et ali 11 sr1aker--type baghouse filters are

the 1nost effective means of controlling ead fume emissions from secondary

furnace opErations 11 Collection etficiencies can exceed 99 oercent One

advantage to this control approact is that l~ad oxide dust can be recovered

easily cmd recycled in the smeller Flue gases must be coated to below 300 degF

for dacro~ bags and to below ~00 degF for fiberglass bags (Hi~h et al 1977)

Although wet scrubbers are effecti1e under some circumstances in

controlling lead emissions it is more difficult to recover the lead oxide for

recycling In addition sulfur dioxide presi~nt in the flue gases becomes

oxidized to sulfuric acid and can cause corr1sion problems For this reason

sodium carbonate or other basic reagents ar~ added to the scrubber solution

Although it concerns a yold smelter an approach described by

Marchant dnd Meek (1980) provides an exampli~ of an arsenic control

alternative which might be apmicrolicatgtle to secmdary lead smelters At the

Campbe1 1 Red lake Gold Smelter in Balmerton Ontarion Canada Smelter gases

are first passed throuyh a hot electrostatic precipitator (ESP) The ESP is

heated so that the arsenic (which is principally in the form of As ) remains2o3 gaseous and is not yet collected This exclusion of arsenic allo~~s the ESP to

recover particulate gold rnore easily The ESP exhaust is then quenched with

ambient air to condense the arsenic trioxide Baghouse filters then remove

the arsenic along with other particulate matter


Given the imminent and irreversibli~ cessdtion of coking activities

at Ka 15 er Stee 1 Corpora t i on a rev I e~ o r t e c Imo 1 o gi es for ( on t r o 1 l i ng

~missions from the coke ovens rnd he Clt1ke byproduct recovimiddotry pldnt WdS not

deemed to be necessary Tnis is t1e only primary steel mill in California



Al lf~n Jr Ll~ llJBU1 J 111odel to 1middotstimite hi1drdous (bullmissions from coke oven Juurs pr~pdrelt1 DY 1-kSecircn Tr1dnye7nrffut fur U~ Environmental Protection Agency Uffi ce of Air ~ua 1i ty and Standards fltesearch Tri ang I e Park Nortn Cdrolina KTl17362-UL

Jl len Jr CC 1~8Ub tstination of chdr in(i emissions for by-product coke oven microrepared by fltesedrch Tr1anglt Insc1tute for US nvironmental Protection 1-yency Uf f ice of Air l)ua l i ty and Standards Ke search Triangle Park North Cdrolina RTI17362-0

Allen Jr CC 198Uc 11 Environmeritdl c1ssess1ent of coke by-product recovery plants Proceedings First Symposium on Iron c1nd Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Ctncayo Illrno1s--Tin1ctober - 1 November 1979 EPA-600-9-80-012 pp 7~-dd

Anon 1978 11 Coke quench-tower emissions tests 11 Environ Sci Tech 12(10) llL2-1123

Augenstein ur1 T Cornin et al 1978 Con_trol techniques for lead air emissions prepared by PEDCU Envircnmental Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-4502-77-012-B ( NT IS P88U-197551)

jarber WC 1977 Interim air pcllution a~sessment for eight t1igh-volume industrial organic chemicals 11 US Environin~ntal Protection Agency memorandum to Air and Hazardous Materials Uivision Kegions I III-X and to Uirector Environmental middotPrograms Uivision Region II

t3drrett KE WL Margard et al 1977 Sampling and analysis of coke-oven door emissions Prepared by ~dttelle-Columbus Laboratories for US Env 1 ronmenta I Protection Agen y Industri a I Environmental Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-b002-77-213

t3 a r ret t flt bull r bull and P bull K bull ~~ebb 1Y78 bull 11 E f f e ct i venes s of a wet el e ct r o stat i c precipitator for controlling PUM emissions from coke oven door leakage Presented at 71st Meetiny of the Air Pollution Control Association Houston Texas 25-29 June 1978

l3asdekis HS 1980 Carbon Adsorption Control Uevice Evaluation IT Enviroscience Inc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

8ee fltW et al 1974 Coke oven charging emission control test program Vol I c1nd II US Environmental Protection Jgency EPA-6502-74-062

~eimer RG 1978 Air pollution emission test Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from coke oven effluents Prepared by TRW Uefense and Smicrodce Systems Groumicro for US tnvirorunental Protection Agency Office of Air wuality Planning and Standards Kes~arch Triangle Park North Carolina EMB Kemicroort 8-CKU-12


Braman RS 1976 Application of the arsine evolution methods to environmental analyses presented at the International Conference on Environmental Arsenic Ft Lauderdale Florida 5-8 October

Bratina J E 1979 11 Fabric filter applications on coke oven pushing operations J Air Poll Cont Assoc 29(9) lll6-920

tiuonicore AJ 1980 Environmental assessment of coke quench towers in proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abltlternent Technology Chicago~ Uirnois JO October - f N~vernber 1979 EPA-6009-~1b-62~ pp 112-142

t3usse A D and dR Zimmerrao1 1973 User 1 s guide for tdegh~ Climatological Uisper~ion Model US Environmental Protection Agency Resea~ch Triangle Park Nortl Carolina) EPA-R4--73~0024

California Air Resources 8oard 1976 Coke oven emissions miscellaneous emissions and their control at Kaiser Steel Corporations Fontana Steel making facihty Enforcement l3ranch) S2crcmento California L amp E-76-11

Calvert~ CA 1976 Envir __ Sci_ i( __ Technol 10256

Coco L~i 2t aL~ 1979~ 11 02c10pmert of trec1tment and control technology for 11refractory pet rochemi co was tt=1s r middotl 1d l Report Gu 1f South Research In st it ute

to U S tnv i ronmenta l Protection Agency EPA-ti002- 79-080

Colucci~ LM and CR Begemi 1971 Palynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and other pollutants in Los Angeles air In Proceedings of the International Clean Jir Congress Vol 2 Academic Press pp 28-35

Cooper JA and JG Watson Jr 1980 Receptor oriented methods of air partkulate source apportionment 11 J Air Pollution Control Assoc 30(10) 1116-1125

Coutant R W JS McNulty and RD Grammar 1975 Final report on determi 11at ion of trace elements in a combustion sys tern Prepared by Batte11 e Columbus Laboratories for the Electric Power Research Institute EPRI 122-1

11 11Dilling W 1977 lnterphase transfer processes Envir Sci TechnoL 11 4 pp 405-409

Oow1irgl) MP JO Jeffry and AH Laube 1978 11 Reduction of quench tower emissions Presented at the 71st Air Pollution Conotrol Association Conference Houston Texas 25-30 June APCA No 78-92

EPA 1977 Multimedia Levels Cadmium Environmental Protection Agency 5606-77-032 September 1977

EPA 1980a Review of Criteria for Vapor Phase Hydrocarbons 11 US Environmental Protection Agency ~eport 6008-80-045

EPA 1980b Organic Chemical Manufacturing Volume J Storage Fugitive and Secondary Source EPA report 450J-80-025

EPA 1981 Compilation of Air Pol lutdnt Emission Fdctors (Including Suppleshyments 1-7) Third Edition Suppl1111ent 12 Utfice of ir l)uality Planning dnd Stdndlt1rds AP-42-ED-3-Supp I - lt


Erikson Uli 1~80 11 Control Uevice Evaluation Condensdtion 11 IT Envioscience lnc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

lrtel liL 197Y Quench tower particuldte emissions J Air Poll Cont Assoc 2Y(9) 913-916

Ev a n s K bull P bull 1981 Pe r son a l Commun i cat i on v i th R bull Zi s k i n d bull

Goodwin DR 1980 11 Air pollution emissions standards in Proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Chicago 11 lrno1s 30 October - 1 November 1979 EPA-6009-80-012 pp 37-45

Gordon GE 10 Receptor Models Environ Sci Tech 14(7)792-800

Gordon KJ 1976 11 lJistribution of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons throuyhout Los Angeles Envir Sci Technol 370-373

Great Lakes Cdrbon Corporation 1977 Study of coke side coke-oven emissions~ Vol 1 Source testing of a stationary coke side enclosure EPA-340l-77-014A

lirimsrud EP and HA Rasmussen 1975 Atmos Envir Y 1010

Hartnan MW 1~80 Source test c1t US Steel Clairton Coke Ovens Clairton P~nnsylvania Prepared by rRW Environmental Engrneerrny D1v1s1on for US lnv1ronrnental Protection Agency Emissions Standards and Engineering l)ivision Research Trianyle Pdrk North Carolina EM~ Report 78-CKU-13

Hendriks Ilt V et a I 1Y7Y Urgani c air emissions from coke quench towers 11

Presented at 2nd Arrnual M(etiny ot the ir IJol lution Control Associdtiont Cir1cinndti Utlio June 1~7lJ l-dmicroer NU 9-391

Higt1 MU ME Lukey dnd TA Li Puma llJ77 Inspection manual for secondary lead smelters premicrolt1red b Enyineeriny Science lnc for US lnvironmentdl Protection Ayency Office 0f ~nforc~nent EPA-3401-77-001

Holzer G et al 197 11 Collection amp analyses of trace organic emissions from natura I sources 11 Journal of Cnromatogra flhY 142 pp 755-764

JKt 1~80 11 Materials ljaldnce l2-Uichloroett1ane Level l-Preliminary 11

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J bull Mi l n e l lJ 81 Person a I Cornm un i cat i on wi t t1 bull Zi ski nd bull

Kemner WF 1979 Cost tffectiven2ss model for pollution control at coking facilities Premicroarect oy PEDCo Environmental lnc for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Research Tridnyle Park Nortll Carolind EPA-GU02-7l-1U5 (NTS PB 8U-118706)

Kessler T AG Sharkey Jr and kA Friedel 1973 Analysis of trace ele111ents in coal by smicroark-source mass spectrometry US 8ureau of Mines Report ot I n v es t 1 gd t 1on s No bull 77 14 bull


Kolak NP J Hyde and R Forrest~r 19 1 9 Particulate source contributions in tt1e Niltlgara Frontierffi Prepared t)_y Nr2bulll York State IJepartrnent of Env i ronm~ntc i Con serv d ti on for US En vi r inment ct l Protect ion Agency Region 11 EPA-9024-79-006

Mackay U and PJ Leinonen llt175 Hate of Evamicroordcion of low - solubility contaminants from vJater bodies to c1tmospmre 11 Envir Sci Tecnnol 9 13 pp 1178-libU

Magee tiv HJ Hctll and GM Vc~rlt_a Jr 1973 Potential Doimiddotiutants in fossi1 f1Jel Prepared by ESSO fbullt~scarcr middotnd Engineeriny Co tor US Enviromihm~ct Protection Agency Ufl-R2-7 --2l1~L (NTIS Pt3 as u~9)

Marcriant middotG0H ard RL Meek 1~gu Eva uation of technology for control of arsenic tmissfons at the CdlmpJel Hd Lakmiddot G~ld Smelter prepared for the US

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Margler L$ HA Ziskind M8 lcgozen (Ind M Axelrod 1979 11 An inventory of care i nog)n i c substances re i ea sect into ne ambient air of California Vol une I - Scn~enin~ and id2nt~fication o-f r~1rci1ogens of greatest concern Science J- pp 1i ca middott~ L J s In c bull Fi nd l kcmicro~ rt ~ i I - U 6 C) - U- 5 0 4 to U1 e Ca I i ~- o r n i a Ai r kesources 130ard

Milne J 198L Persond1 C~mmunicdtmiddotion middot1itt1 R Ziskind

llurchio JC WrC Cooper and A ue Leo11 1970 Asbestos fibers in ambient air of California 11 Cal Horn i ct Air lesourc2s l3oa rd ARl3 4-0S4- l EHS Report 73-2 (March)

National Academy of Sciences 1Y72 Part1culate polycyclic organic matter Washington~ DC pmicro 4-ll

Nati ona I Kesedrcn Counc i I 197b Arsenic prepi1 red by Subcommittee on Arsenic Co111mittee on 1bull1edical ctnd t)ioloyicai Effects of Environmental Pollutants washin~ton uc

Oliver JF and JT Lane 1979 11 Control of visible emissions at CFampl 1 s coke plant-Pueblo Colorado J Air PolL Cont Assoc 29(9) 920-925

Pe I I i z z a r i E bull 0 bull anct J bull E bull l$ u n c h 1s 19 1 nbi en t ai r ca r c i n o gen i c v a po r s Improved samplin~ and analysis tectrnology EPA Contract 68-02-2764

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Porter RA 1976 Uismicroersion ~yuation s lucions Dy calculator I guide for air pollution engineers ctnd sci12nthts S cond edition rexas Air Control tioard ~MT1S P~ 262 lJ~)


fdn1-i1Jri lJ8l fgtersont1I Coinmuni dtion v1ith M~ Royozen

Redburn T 1980 Kaiser battles aginst l~gacy of woes 11 Los Angeles Timesmiddot (7 Semicroternber irno) Part VI pp 111

Research Triangle lnstittJte 1977 11 Qudntification of benzene in 15D -1bullnoient air samples 11 for US Environmental 11rotection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning a11d Stitndards

Rinkus SJ and MS Legator 1979 Chemical characterization of 465 known or suspected carcinogens and their correlation with mutagnic activity in the Salmonella typhimurium system Cancer Research 393289-3318

Koberts R M 1980 11 An inventory of arc i nogen i c substances r~ leased nto the ambient air of California Tasks 11 and IV KVB Final Report KVB 26900-836 to Science Applications Inc

Rogozen MB LW Margler P Mankiemiddott1icz cind M Axelrod 1978 Water pollution control for coal slurry pipeiines Prepared by Science Appl1cat10ns Inc for US Department of Energy (NTIS SAI-068-79-516

Rogozen MB DF Hausknecht and RA Ziskind 1976 Methodology for ranking elements in fossil fuels according to their potential health impact Science Applications Inc Final Report 260-77-539 to the Electric Power ~esearch Institute

Russel 1 JW and LA Shadoff The sdmpl ing and determination of halocarbons in ambient air usin~ ~rncentration on porous polymers

Siebert PC CA Craig and Eb Coffey 1978 Prelimary assessment of the sources control and population to airoorne polycyclic organic matter as indicated by benzo(d)pyrene Prepare( by lnergy and Environmental Analyses Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Resedrch Triangle Park North Carolina

Simmonds PG et amiddot1 1974 Distribution of atmospheric halocarbons in the air over Los Angeles basin Atmos Envir Vol 8 pp 209-216

Singh HB LJ Salas and RE Stiles Distribution of Selected Gaseous Oryanic Mutagens and Suspected Carcinoyens in Ambient Air in Proceedings Annual Meeting Air Pollution Controrl Association 82-651 June 20-25 1982 New Url eans

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SRI International 1980 Asessment oi human exposures to atmospheric benzene SJ Mara and SS Lee finai report to US Environmental Protection Agency EPA-4503-78-031

Taback HJ 1978 Control uf Hydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources in the California South Codst Air Basir Prepared by KVB Inc for the Cal1fornid Air Resources Bod-rdmiddotKVB No 5804-714


Trenholm J-f dnd LL )eek 1Y78 11 Assessment of t1azardous organic emissions fror1 slot type coke oven Datteries unpublished paper US Environmental l)rotection Ayency Ernssion Standdrds and Engineeriny Jivision

Turner U~ J970 Workbook of atmusphe~ic dispersion estiimiddot1Jt2s IJS Environmental Protection Agency k~sedrch Tri1ngle Park North Carolina

US Bureau of Mines lYl f-inercls yearbook 197U Vol 11 p 4~3

Van Os dE I l U bull iJ bull lL Ma rs l and et ct 1Y7~1 o En i r onmt~ nta I a s s es smen t of co k e Dy-product recovery plants prepareu by ReseMcn Trictngle lnstitute for US Environmental Protection AgerKy 11cJustrial Environ11ental R~search Laboratory Kesearcll Tri2n~e Idrk NorU1 Caroline EPA-6U02-7J-Ul6 (NTfS PB 293-278)

Westbrool( C W 1979a Level l ass~ssment of uncontrolled sinter plant emissions Prepared by fesearch Triangle Institute for US Environmenta1 Protection Agcncy Industria1 tnvirnnmental fltesearc-1 Laboratory kesearch Trianyle Park North Carolind EPA-bOU2-7Y-112

Westbroollt C~~ 197ltJb Level l css~ssment of uncontro1led l)-BOP emissions Prepared by Researcn Triangle institute for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Hesearch Laboratory Research Triangle Park ~Orth Carolina EPA-6002-79-190

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Rapid Screening and Identification of Airborne Carcinogens of Greatest Concern in California

Lawrence W Margler Michael B Rogozen Richard A Ziskind and Robert Reynolds Science Applications Inc Los Angeles California

This paper describes a method for establishing a priority list of airborne carcinogens within a

state jurisdiction In this case it was necessary to identify from among hundreds of potential

candidates the live to ten materials of greatest potential concern In California as airborne


Because no previous Inventory of carcinogens In California existed published lists rankings

and assessments of national scope were used to Identify candidates By systematic manipulation

and comparison of these data sources 47 materials of some notoriety were chosen for closer

scrutiny This selection was pared to 22 candidates largely by eliminating those which had

very little production and use In California (Substances primarily used as pesticides were

excluded from the scope of this study) The remc1ining candidates were then ranked by additive

and multiplicative algorithms and by a panel of experts The results of these rankings were

combined to produce a single selection of 11 priority candidates In alphabetical order they

mo arsonlc nsbestos bon1ono cadm111m cuhon totrchlorlde chlorol 11rm othylono dllromlde

ethylene dichloride N-nllrosoamlncs perchloroethylene and polycyclk aromatic hydroiarbons

In continuing studies a baseline emissions inventory Is being prepared and a source testing

program is being designed

In recent years concern has grown over su~pected arcinug-ens New Jersey seshythe possibility that certain materials lected ten volatile organic compounds released to the atmosphere through inshy and five htbullavy metals to be examined dustrial and commercial activity may be further and is currently measuring responsible for a significant portion of ambient atmospheric concentrations of the incidence of cancer in the general these substances in a variety of areas In population This concern is manifested the second year of the study the state at the federal level in the National h1s incre1sed the volatile organics Emissiltm Standards for Hazardous Air stt1died to 20 and begun measuring Pollutants (NESHAP) which limit heavier orianics associated with parshyemissions of the known carcinogens asshy ticulatcs2 In California a very different bestos beryllium and vinyl chloride 1 approach-was taken

Only a few states including New Jersey and California have begun efshy Overview of Californias Approach forts to identify airborne carcinogens of concern to the general public for the The California Air Resources Board purpose of setting state emission regushy (( ARB) is sponsoring a three-stage lations for these substances After reshy st 11d~bull of airbornC rmissions of carcinoshyviewing national use data for known and g1middot11s from anthropogenic atlivities The

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

first stage which is the subject of this paper was to identify roughly five to ten materials which of the hundreds of known or suspected airborne carcinoshygens are most likely to be of greatest concern to Californias general populashytion Also of interest were those which in order to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations might be transshyferred from the workplace air to the outside atmosphere The second stage which is now underway includes pinshypointing of emission sources for each of the carcinogens of importance quantishyfiltation of emissions nnd design of source-testing methods A subsequent stage will consist of source testing and measuring public exposures to those substances for which data are unavailshyable The basis for regulatory action if appropriate will include the results of this program and other related reshysearch

Screening of Candidate Carcinogens

The National Institute for Occupashytional Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists 1905 chemicals which have reported neoplastigenic or carcinogenic effects and 510 which have otherwise received attention for their neoplastigenic poshytential1 The need to select five to ten materials from such a large number of potential candidates dictated that we devise a way to rapidly eliminate from further consideration the vast majority of the substances Given the paucity of published data on most of the candidate substances the screening method was designed to make best use of readilymiddot

C1111yrich1 19i9-Air Pullulion Control A~~ociatlon


A- I

----- ---- ----- ---------------------available information The screening process was as follows (1) eight comshyplications of known and suspected carshycinogens were reviewed and those subshystances which were not used in Califorshynia were highly unstable in air or were very doubtfully carcinogenic were eliminated (2) after more detailed inshyformation was obtained for the reshymaining 25 substances candidates were rated by two different analytical methshyods (3) an expert panel was convened to review dossiers on the candidates and to independeitly nmk them (-i) from the eight to deven substances ranked highest by all three approaches eleven were selected for the emission identifishycation and source-testing design stages of the CAHB effort

lnitiI $cre~ng ot Potential Candidate Carcingtgens

65 compnunds middotwe ire selected from 642 industrial ur~nnic air pollutants comshypiled by MrTRE Corporation for the US Envircmnental Protection Agency (USEPA) in U1at study pollutants were scored by multiplying four explicshyitly defined rating factors annual US production fraction of production lost to the environment volaflity and toxshyicity To adapt this york to our pmpose we first selected the 114 substances listed as being carcinogeni 1~ or neoplasshytigenic Then the scores of each of these compounds under the criteria annual US production fraction of producshytion lost volatility and carcinogeshynicity were multiplied together Seshylected for further consideration were those substances which had a product score above 50 Another 15 substances listed as being carcinogenic but lacking information for one of the other rating factors were also selected This list of 65 was then compar~d with seven other lists of corcinogeris1

-middot 11 Materials comshy

mon to the reduced MITRE list and at least one of the other lists were chosen for further consideration Added as candidates were those suhstances which are regulated as occupational carcino-

gens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and certain inorganic carcinogens Finally substances were added which in our judgment should be investigated but had been eliminated at this point Exshyamples of these are bis(chloromethyl)shyether epichlorohydrin and hydrazine

Next the refined list which now contained 47 substances or chemical groups was pared further hy another rapid screening process Eliminated

were all candidates (1) whose production andor use in California was very low (under 10~ lbyr) and wns not thought likely to pose a risk to a localized popushylation (2) which are very unstable in 1ir or CH whilh should not on t lw hnsis of CUtrltbullnL cidlnre liebull considtbullnmiddotd r11rci-


Tahllt I Suh tances n-iewed in letail

Candidate Substances

Arsenic Inorganic lead Ashestos Alkyl lead Benzene Maieic anhydride

Cadmium Nickel Carbon tetrachloride Nitrosamines Chloroform Pcrchloroethylene Chromium Phernl 14-Dioxane Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Epichlorohydrin Propylene oxide Ethylen~ di bromide Trichloroethylcne Ethylimiddoti~ dichloride Vinyl cLlorid-e

Rejected Subslnnces

Proviionolly Rcjertc Sulstcinces

Aciryltbull11 itrile Formidehvde Vinyid e-ne-chbride

Occupatonally ControUibulld Ccroeinnens

2-Acet21niinofluorine 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Benzidine Ethyleneimine 4-Biph~nylzbullntne (-aminodiphenyl) 44 -Me_hyene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) Bi (chtfon~ethyl)ither Cnlorirrethbull1l m~middotthyl tmiddotthmiddotr a-Nnphthvamintbull 3-Nnphthylamine Udrumnchlnrnproprne (I 1BCP) 4-Nitr0iphenyi ir-Dichlorbullbull)middot)_~i-i-tiim 3-Propiolactone

Other Rejected Substances

eelamide Diphenylamine Aniline Hydrazines Auramine lsonicotinic acid hydrazide B~ryllium Nitrobenzene Did11middotl sutfa1c [ imeilhyl sulfate

nogenic The result of the initial the rating under that criterion and the screening was a list of 22 candidate mashy corresponding criterion weight The terials which is presented in Table I overall rating for pollutant i is then the

sum of the scores under all the crishyteriaRanking Candidates by AddiUve ancll

Mulllpllcatlve AigorUhms The additive approach has several virtues the main one being that it forces

Many screening or ranking systems the user to make all assumptions exshyfaH into one oft wo cat~middotgories additive plicit In the process of setting up such and multiplicative Some systems are a a ranking system new insights into the combination of the two while others problem under consideration may be combine nn ol1jective appronc 11 with g1ined Once the system is set up it is suhjlctive cvnluition of the remiddot ults 1l rdatively easy to use Where data for The L2 substances surviving th1middot initial scoring pollutants are unavailable arshyscreening were ranked independtmiddotntly by tificial scales can be constructed to the tvo approaches If the same subshy quantify subjective factors Finally the stance rated high~middot under both systems sensitivity of the results to the systems its importance to California was judged subjective aspects may be measured For to be more likely than if it had scored example one can determine the effect of highly in only one method changing criteria weights upon the final

Additive Approach In the additive pollutant ranking Similarly an appreshyapproach the user identifies one or more ciation may be gained of the significance criteria and rates each alternatiw subshy of the range of uncertainty for a particshystance against each criterion while sishy ular required data element by varying _ multaneously deciding the relative imshy rating factor values portance of the criteria Eq (1) shows its A fundamental problem with the apshymathematical formulation proach is that there is no logical basis for

adding the individual scores assignedRating for pollutant i = f W1 R11 under the criteria other than the asshy

rbullI sumption that this simulates or even

(1) improves upon the users thought proshyEach criterion or rating factor (1 ) is crss A major operational problem is assined a value for each pollutant and that of weighting the criteria A common each rating factor is weighted (b W1 ) practice is to give all critNia equal -icnrding to its importance reht veto wltgtight hut that is in itstbulllf a st1Ubullm1middotnl lhe otlwr rritnia llw sc11rtbull for 1111 aLnut the 1rcl11tive importance of Ow 1n1 1 undmiddotr nitn1 n j is the prod11middott of n1ttria

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



Multiplicative Approach In the multiplicative approach the rating for each alternative is the product of the rat ihgs under each criterion

Hating for pollutant i --- 11Ill

UJ (~) Jbull I

A multiplicative approach can have ~omc altlvrntnges over additive onrs First in some cases the ratings can be physical parameters such as concenshytrations or volatilities there is then no need to weight the criteria and hence less controversy over subjective judgshyments Second multiplication generally provides a wider range of scores than does addition allowing clearer disshycrimination among alternatives Finally this approach provides results which are more intuitively acceptable As an exshyample of this last point suppose that exposure and harmfulness levels for candidate substance are each converted to values on aO to IO scale and that a certain substance is both extremely toxic and extremely rare An additive approach would give the compound a rating ofO + 10 = 10 which is equivalent to that of a moderately prevalent subshystance (rated say at 5) which is modshyerately harmful (rated also at =-) A multiplicative approach on the other hand would rate the first substance at 0 and the second at 25

Criteria The six criteria used in the additive and multiplicative ranking procedures are defined in Table 11 Asshysignment of values to the Rij was based upon data gathered from published litshyerature personal communications and panel discussion and has been fully documented 13

Because the purpose of this exercise was to determine the relative imporshytance of the suspected candidate carshycinogens R 1 was scaled to the most heavily used candidate substance benshyzene whose annual production and use in California is nearly 109 lb Materials with a use under 105 lbyr would be rated zero for R 1 and rejected Howevshyerbefore rejecting a substance by this criterion we considered whether its emissions could in particular circumshystances result in high exposures to a Joshycalized population

R2 takes into account the fact that the chemical industry is in continual change Substances of concern today may be phased out while the use of others may rise dramatically increasing their imshyporta nee asmiddot poll utan ts Information on developments which could likely result in a change in the growth rate was facshytored into the choice of a value for R2- As an example asbestos consumption in California has been stable in recent years However the pending phaseout of asbestos in motor vehicle friction materials will hasten the decline in asshybestos consumption hence we assigned a value of 1 for R2bull

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

Ideally one cou1 1 use pouu1c11u

sion as a criterion However in this case emissions were to l e estimated in detail only for the five t1 ten carcinogens fishynally ~elected Thmiddotrtfor(bull a 11w1st1n of tt II iim pol cint ial vus 1~1middotd 1atbulld llpon

knowledge of the s11bstances manufacshyture and USP for R The higlwst rating went to substanc middots which are v idely used especially in consumer products A slightly lower rating went to subshystances which an~ routinely emitted from industrial processes during proshyduction and use Some materials are employed in such a way that emissions are quite low even though tight emission control may not be required by law Materials in this cntegory were assigned a value of two for H3bull Substances which under federal or st ate regulations may not be discharged to the exterior envishyronment but which could be dischJrged by accident received the lowest rating

Each candidate was evaluated (n the basis of its 1ropen-ity to decompbullgtSe in ambient air Materials with half-lives greater than eight hours were considered moderately to highly stable and rated five for R4 bull Low to moderate stability was assigned to substances with halfshylives between zero and eight hours Compounds known to exist in air for only a few minutes would be rated zero

Ta hie II Dcfinitinns of the criteria used

R1 Prbullbullsent use in California

100 of max (109 lbyr) 5 10 1)f max (108 lbyr) 4

1 of max (107 lbvr) 3 01 of max (106 lbyr) 2

001 of max (105 lbyr) l lt001 of max (lt105 lbyr) O

R2 Growth in California use

+ 20 5 +Oolti to +20 4 Positive growth to 0 3 Stahle or unknown 2 DPcline 1 B1middotin~ phased out 0

R Emision potential

Widespread use in ltonsumer products 5 R1middotlatively p1or con rot over emissions 4 Rdatively good control over emissions 2 Tihtly c1int rolled 1

R4 8tabilit~- in ambient Air4 tvlnderale t1 high st 1bility (l 1 middot2 gt 8 hr) 5 Lw to modmiddotrate s1 bility (t1 l -0-8 hr) 3 Unstahle(t2~febull minutes) 0

R Dispcision Potential

Emitted lar~ely as apor or iine 5 particulnte

Emit led largely as rnarse particulate

Rlt Evidence f Carcinu~enici ty

Known or suspected human carcinogen 5 Known mammalian carcinogtmiddotn 4 ~usptctcd 111ammalan carcino~en or 3

known m mmalin muta~tmiddotn Ames ltmiddotst p sitive 2 Prpoundgtcursor 01 co-car inogen

a t11 is the half-liftmiddot


tion state or anion associations may change in the atmosphere metals do not degrade and were considered stable Asbestos is likewise itahlc Many of the clcc-ompo~ilion rtbullnctions oi orinnic molecules are mediated by light Such substances if released at night would have several hours to disperse in the surrounding area

A rapid way of assessing the relative potential of different substances to spread from a release point is to note their physical state under normal amshybient conditions Accordingly we scored materials emitted as vapors or fine particulates the highest for R5 and coarse particulates the lowest Intershymediate values are possible for varying amounts of fine and coarse particulate emissions from the same source or from different sources

There is as yet no widely agreed upon measure of the relative potenciemiddots of carcinogens although some ranking systems have been proposed14 Extrapshyolating data from in vitro techniques such as the Ames bacterial mutagenicity test and from laboratory animal studies to humans is problematic Therefore a less quantitative measure of the carcishynogenic potential of each candidate substance was used The candidates receiving the highest scores for Rs would be those for which there is strong evishydence of carcinogenesis in humans Exshyamples are asbestos which is implicated in mesothelioma vinyl chloride which has been identified as the agent of liver cancer in exposed workers and bisshy(chloroinethyl)ether shown by epideshymiological studies to cause lung cancer in resin workers The next highest rated substances are those for which human carcinogenicity is unknown but which have produced cancer in one or more mammalian species in laboratory tests Next are those which have not been shown to be carcinogens but which have proven to be mutagenic in test animals Substances for which the only knowlshyedge of carcinogenic potential is a posishytive Ames test (producing mutations in histidine-requiring strains of Salmoshynella) are rated 2 Finally substances which are implicated only as precursors or co-carcinogens would be rated lowest

Substances unequivocally associated with carcinogenesis were considered as carcinogens in this study Conditions of emission and exposure including the presence of co-carcinogens were facshytored into the evaluation of each candishydate where possible Carcinogenic subshystances derived from the metabolism of a precursor were considered as carcinoshygens However ubiquitous substances which have been hypothesized to be precursors (eg secondary amines nishytrous acid and nitric oxide which combine under certain circumstances to


form N-nitrosoamines) were not conshysidered because of uncertainties in the importance of their link to the carcinoshygenic compound and the practical conshysiderations demanded by the scope of the study

It was beyond the scope of this study to jud~e the validity and interpietation of the experimental ad epidemiological evidence upon which the carcinogenicity of candidate substances has been esshytablished We accepted the conclusions about carcinogenicity drawn by the Inshyternational Agency for Research on Cancer or the National Cancer Institute and did not consider dosage or route of administratioll of tested substances However considerations of test validity did enter into the subjective evaluation by the panel of experts

Weight lr1 the sdditive ranking scheme each rating criterion is weighted according to its limportance relative to the other criteria Little precedent exists for assigning these weights In our judgment and as generally agreed by the panel of experts (see below) R 1 RJ and R6 are more important than the other criteria Evidence of carcinogeshynicity was considered to be the most important criterion of aB so W 15 was assigned a valtze of 3 W 1 aid W 3 were set at 2 and W W-i and W5 were set at 1 In order to discern the potential senshysitivity of the rankings to the weight assignments the candidates were also ranked using equaily weighted crishyteria

Ranking Candidates by Panel o~ Experts

Anine-member panel of experienced governmental industrial and academic scientists whose disciplines include~ -organic and physical chemistry indusshytrial hygiene toxicology epidemiology and iegulatory control of toxic sub~ stances was convened to provide addishytional data for our ranking algorithms

to discuss our candidate --ubstanc -sand rejections to suggest pos-ibie ne suushystances for consiceration and Lt rank the candidates indepen11mtly ( f our own ranking Tvo v-ee ilts he fore the meeting pa-d uember-s were jven one-to three-page dossiers on eac I canshydidaie substance

At th~ start of the meeting- before any group discussion the pand was asked to rate each candidate suhtance with a score from Oto 5 Next cmiddotach candidate was discussed at length e provided ~n ovrview and summarized critical issues identifi2d up to that Pbullgtnnt Through materials brought to thtmiddot meetin and their persoril experience panel memshyber Veimiddote able to provide much useful information on the candidates and adshyditional insight in to our ~a ting criteria

At the encl of the two-d1y sc~sion the pa-iel ugain -ated the cai 1didates

Flnal SelediDn

Tabe III show- the highest-scoring substance a~ det(rraine1 by the 1ddishytive and mlltiplictive approaches and by th~ panel in ~e additive approach 21 single r1nking as obuined by avershyaging the two ran kings resulting from using equal and uneguai weights The ran kings ltif most candidi tes were unafshyfected hut carbo11 tetralt hloride chloshyroform chromium and inorganic lead changed more tban thmiddotee positions_ Because uncertainties in the data base predude imputing signifiance to small differences in the Lnal ordering the lists in Table III are prtmiddotsented in alphabetishycal order However it is of interest to point out that benzene consistently ranked hihest

Becausimiddot some cindidates had equal rating scores we ltould nut choose exshyactly ten candidat ~s from the additive and multiplicative rankings Instead the

top nine and eleven were selected from the two exercises respectively We also considered the ten substances scored highest hy the panel at the end of the session The final consensus selection cornsistt-d of the 11 candidate substances appearing on at least two of the three lisL- For the substances included in the cun~ensus ranking a baseline emissions inventory is being conducted and a source testing program is being deshysigned

1ejected Substances

Some comments about certain subshySiF1ces not appearing on the final list are in order inasmuch as they include known carcinogens and compounds which hae received considerable atshyllttion in recent years as occupational c11c111ogens

rouisionally Rejected Substances Appended to the consensus ranking (T1ble III) were vinyl chloride gasoline and engine exhausts tobacco smoke and pesticides No further action by the CRB is recommended at this time for vinyl chloride because it is already subject tu the USEPA emissions stanshydard a CARB ambient air quality strndard and an OSHA standard

Gasoline and tobacco smoke were appcndlmiddotd to this list because each ocshycurs very widely and contains several of the candidate substances reviewed in this study some of which are in the final listing For example gasoline contains benzene ethylene dibromide ethylene dilmiddothloride and alkyl lead compounds the last three being in leaded grades only Both gasoline and diesel combusshytion products include PAHs Tobacco smoke contains among other neoplasshytigenic substances nitrosamines PAHs nickel arsenic cadmium and other heavv metals Manv individuals are inshyvolu~tarily and i~ many situations

Table HI Hi~hest ranked candidates from each rnnkin~ methodbull

Highly ranked but no inventory

l I ighesl consensus recommended Additive Multiplicativ(~ Pan I of eqwrts rnnkmg at this time

Asbestos Benzene

Cadmium Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichlori-rJe

Nitroi1omi111es Perlth loroet hylene Pol~middotcyclic arnmatic hydrocarbons


Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chl11roform Chromium Ethylene dichlornle

Nit rosamimbulls Perchloroet hvle111middot


Ars nic Ash middotstos

Beniene Car1n

h trnchloride Chi roform

Eth- lene Diliromidf Eth lene Dirhloride Nitros11nintmiddot~

Per hloroel hlfne PAii

Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chloroform Ethylene dihromide Eth~middotlcnf dichloride

Nit rosamintmiddots Perch lornPl hy (- n(bull lAH

Vinyl chloride bull Gasoline and engine

exhausts Tobacco smoke Pesticides

1156 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association


lirtualy unavoidably exposed to t11-k1ltco smoke Because the sources of gasoline its combustion products and tobacco smoke emissions are well known no specific action was recomshymended for these materials during the tbullmissions innnlory and -ource testing design stages of the present study It was considered importint ho-vemiddoter to draw attrntion to the general publics exposhysure tot hrse substances PrsticidltS are listed for the same reason thou~h ad(bullmiddot tailed examination of pesticides w1s beyond the scope of this study Many pesticides are widely used and some of them are known to be carcinogenic

Other Rejected Substances Acryshylonitrile and vinylidene chloride were placed in a provisionally rejected group because of the panels suspicion that imports of these compounds to Cnlifornia from Japan may be appreshyciable yet are hard to substantiate Should such imports be verified in the future these two compounds would take on greater importance Formaldehyde was also provisionally rejected because the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is not carcinogenic and that bisshy(chloromethyl)ether is not formed from formaldehyde in appreciable quintities in industrial environments 15 The ocshycupationally controlled carcinogens ethyleneimine and beta-propiolactone were rejected in part because of their reactivity in air At the time of this study DBCP a pesticide was no longer heing middotproduced in California and was therefore rejected from further considshyeration

Occupational Regulations and Community Exposure

A question of interest to the CARB was whether the regulation of acknowlshyedged occupational carcinogens adshyverselv affects the ambient air outside the v~rkplace Our general findings can be illustrated by the example of asshybestos

Asbestos is a very widely used mateshyrial for which no ambient air standard exists Concentrations in the workplace are limited to an eight-hour timtmiddotshyweighted average concentration of two fiberscm=1 of air and a ceiling concenshytration of ten fihcrscm 1bull In meeting this standard exhausting air containin~ asshybestos to the ambient air is not reshystricted except by the USEPAs reshyquirement that there shall he no visible emissions containing asbestos piut ides from s11eh foci lit i1bulls (bullxd11din~ hrak(bull shops 1 Considning that undc-r certain conditions 101 asbestos fiherscm1 could ht Pmitted without being visihl( 11 this standard mamiddot allow considerable asshybestos emissicns It is unlikely however that emissions would actually approach these levels First since the OSHA standard cannot generally be achieved

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

by ventilation n ine the generation or asbestos partid in the workplace must be greatly reltlu ed Second the air is usually filtered 11gt prevent recirculation of asbestos to 1 workplace Asbestos waste must bed 1sposed of in sealed imshypermeable bag~ or containers Thus under current onupational regulations the amhient air 1enerally appCars to be afford(bulld greatn protection than it would without s11ch regulations 1


The screenin and ranilting methodshyology presented in this paper proved to be a feasible approach to establishing a priority list of Jirborne carcinc)gens in California We ftel that it is an efficient means of focu~ing further efforts on emissi()ns inventories source testing and ambient measurement for it not only identifie all the carcinogens of potential concern but it also permits the state regulatory agency to direct its reshysearch resourCtmiddots toward those subshystances of partilmiddotular interest within its jurisdiction

References l National Elllission Standards for Hazshy

ardous Air P llutants A Compilation as of April 1 19 3 PEDCO Environmenshytal Inc for US Environmental Proshytection Ag1middotncy EPA3401-78008 (NTIS No I B 288 205) 19i6

S Gray Ne Jersey Department of Enshyvironmental l 1rotection Trenton NJ private com111unication 1979

1 H E Chrislllsen E J Fairchild and R J Lewis Sr middotmiddotSuspected Carcinogens A Suhfile of th1middot NIOSH Regii-try of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 2nd Ed National Institute for Occupational Safety and HPalth NIOSH i7-149

4 B 8 Fuller J Hushon 1 Kornreich R Ouellette L Thomas and P Valker Scoring of rganic air pollut1nts for US Environrnental Protection Agency Mitre Corpt ration T1middotchnical Report MTR-6248 I 9i6

S F R Lozan11 Toxicants Selected for Priority En- 1ronmental Assessment corresponde11ce with EPA Region VI Administrat r 19i7

1gt Survey of inyl Chloride Levels in the Vicinity of Keysor-Century Saugus California US Environmental Proshytection AJet middoty National Enforcement lnvestiiatim Center Denn-rand San Francisco E A-n02-77-017a 19i8

0 Bardin l middotstimon~middot in Hearings on Helationshi1 Bet wfen Cancer and the Environmei 1 US llltuse of Hepreshysentatives bull th Congress 2nd Session Committee (In Interstate and Foreicn Commerce ~crial No 94-141 1976 pp 7~i0

middot T H Ma11middoth Carcinogens in the workplace lwrE to start d1middotaning up Sc-imiddotrmmiddot l17 1-1110) lfi8 (197)

I CH ar1111 Classif1r11t1on of the Exshyposure Haza d Prtbullstgtnled Ii~middot Thirt~middot-Six Clwmirals 011 I llixllmmiddots lternorandum from Clllm1middot I Offi(middote of thtgt Assmmiddotiate lgt1rector for 1 middotarcinoltnesis Division of Cancer Cau~ l and Prevention lo SushyJwrmiddoti-or~middot ( 0 Auditor Gtmiddotneral Acshycounting Oft lmiddote19ii1

I0 Chemicals ith Sufficient Evidence of ( arcinogenit ty in Experimental Ani-


ma1s Jnlernauona1 Agency 1or 1c-curcn on Cancer IAHC Working Group Reshyport Lyon France 1978

11 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes for 1977 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1977

12 M H Rogozen D 1 Hausknecht and R A Zisk ind 1976 A Methodology for Ranking Trace Elements in Fossil Fuels According to Their Potential Health Impact by Science Applications Inc for Electric Power Research Institute 1976

1t L Margler R Ziskind M Rogozen and M Axelrod An Inventory of Carcinoshygenic Substances Released into the Amshybient Air of California Vol I Final Reshyport Screening and Identification of Carcinogens of Greatest Concern by Science Applications Inc for California Air Resources Board 1979

14 T H Maugh Estimating potency of carcinogens is an inexact science Science 202 (4363) 38(1978)

15 C C Yao and G C Miller Research Study on ais(Chloromethyl)Ether Forshymation and Detection in Selected Work Environments by the Bendix Corposhyration for National Institute for Occushypational Safety and Health Cincinnati Ohio Contract No 210-75-0056 1979

16 Occupational Cancer Control Unit Calshyifornia Department of Industrial Relashytions Los Angeles California private communications with staff members 19i9

This paper was developed while Dr Margler was a Staff SriPntist in the Energy-Environment Systems Division of Science Applications Inc (SAIi 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1205 Los Angeles CA 90067 and Mr Reynolds was a Project Manager with the California Air Reshysources Board Sacramento CA 95812 Dr ltar~ler is currently emshyployed as DirEgtrtnr of Bnvironmental Scitbulllltcs for WinzlN nnd Kelly Conshysultini EnintNi t1 Third Stretbullt EurekH CA 9gtgt01 and Mr Heynolds is Air Pollution Control Diretbulltor for the Lake County Air Pollution Conshytrol District 55 N Forhes Street Lakeport CA 95-13 Dr Rogozpn is a Staff Scientist and Dr Ziskind is Deputy Manager of the Energy-Enshyvironment Systems Division of SAi


Appendix f~

_l)ispobullition of Miscellaneous Sites

Gould Inc Ver_n)_~ St~condary Lead S~_n_elter

The emissions of arsenic from the four large secondary lead smelt~rs

in Cali forni) J1~1 ~ bull~tiilnted in the program This estimate was based upon a

uniform fugitive emission f1cJr nt WPll supported by measurement inforriation

Therefore source monitoring was r2cq11)nded 1nd Gould Inc Vernon being

~he largest was singled out It was however proposed to monitor both Gouli

and RSR Corp (Quemetco) in the City of Industry since analysis of the plants

revealed significant differences in plant equipment and engineering The

latter being more typical of 1 nodern facility

As a r2sult Jf pr-~-middott -iiscussions and plant inspections we became

aware that Gould was actively in the process 1)f constructing a new facility

which would completely replace the existing one We have monitored progress

on the new site and concluded it would he inappropriate to utilize program

resources to conduct field tests at Gould ~rr1issi 1rns from the new Gould

faci 1ity wi 11 be bas~rl 11p11) test results from RSR

PG ampE - Pittsburg PG ampE - Salinas a~d So Cal Edison - Long Beach Oil Fuel Power Plants

It was app ro p ri ate tJ cons i dP r the (~mission of arsenic from power

plants during the initial study stage inc~ imiddotrace quantities in the fuel oil

are known to be ernitted Because of the population distribution in tile

vicinity of three plants and some 11realistically conservative estimat2s of

erlissiJn c-1ctors tht~ facilities appearc~d among the top seventeen stationary

sources of potential c1Jn-r-n HovJ~ver as a result of a reexamination of

emission data it was concluded that an error ~dj ~een made in the material

balance of arsenic - resulting in tn emission factor equivalent of a 300

release ~io lit~rature was found to justify 1reater than a 30 transfer

function Thus we estimated at the outside th~ emission factor should be

reduced from 013 lb per 1000 lb to approximately 0013 lb and resulting

ars9nic 2missions for the entire state w~r~ cJ11servatively estimated to be

1760 lbs (from 17600) divided amongst 311 the states power plants Clearly

then the four secondary lPad smelters estimat~ of S9410 lbs of arsenic(


emissions per year makes consideration of poer pl int ernissio1s if ffsenic a

very low priority

In a literdture review by SAI - Methodokgy __f_or Ranking Trace

Elements in Fossil Fuels Accordi~9__t_~_their Potential Health Iripact (Roqozen

1976) - emissions estimates f0r 15 trac~ substances were researched for c11l

and fuel oil pomiddot1er plant c 1J1v---r-sion Source content combustion pr-)~~

transfer functions and contrcl methodology were co1~idered to develop e~ission

factors The output to input ~atio computed and utilized n -~i-i~ study for

arsenic was 002 to 03 (ie tra1sfer function betw~en 2 11d JO~) reflecti~q

the wide variety of fuels processses and controls nationwiJe The upper end

reflecti1g both high arsenic coals and poor e11iss10n contro 1 devices Clearly

neither of those conditions accurtely apply to th2 thr~~ si~~~ r1nrl thus

substantiate the rlecision not to perform emissions neasur-i-~n~s

Calaveras Asbestos Company - Copperopo l middotis Asbestos Mini n(i and Mi 11 i nq

In the past (late sixties and early seventies) ~h2 ~3laveras

Asbestos Company came under heavy criti-is1 1fter imiddot1sp~ction rieasurements

revealed serious problems However significant reduction of e1nissi0ns have

occured prompted by NESHAP regulation and occupcttional standards SAI

inspected the site in f)~c~1b-2r 1979 under an EPA contract An missions

inventory was published under that work (Ztskind 1980) and the bottom line

conclusion is that currently no significant ernissioi1 are gteing released as a

r~sult of hl-isting which would reach the publ le i 1le 0pen pit is some 900

feet deep with blasting at the bottom 0ver 80 percent of emissions in the

CARB Emission Inventory System were attributej to pit blasting In fact at

its current depth blasted 1aterial does not reach the mine surface with tile

explosive implacement used Additionally the site is more remote than might

be realized The ~ituation is vastly different today than in the past and

currently attention should be paid to the issues of occupational exposure and

breakdown of ventilation syste111 controls in t1e inilling operationsmiddot He

recorrrnended that no furtw~ corsideration be Jiven to this site for the

purposes of tl1is w)JJil ie identification )f silt~middot1ificant releases vhich

might he responsible for causi1J middot1 fmiddot middotgtbullgt middot 1= 1(11 1bull11 tinn Pxposure


Vctri0J5 Refineries

It was est=tblished early in the anrilysis prmiddotJr111 V1at gtenzene

emissions from refinery operations coulrl in th~ 1guregate constitute a

significrnt source Since there ilre a large rrnrnber 0f refineri~s in

California (46 in Los Angeles County itself -it t(~ i 1~ middot)f r-1ltariination) with a

wide variety of types sizes ages etc their eva l uat 11) 1 i =r~sent -3~ i)7

monumental task It was noted immediately t 13t ~~it hi n the total scope of the

study the design and conduct )f c r~f i r1~ y testing program which would develop

a complete benzene emissions in1~ntory for 01e site was impractical let alone

to d1aracteri ze emissions fro111 three ie those listed among the 17 rnost

s i g n if i ca n t potent i a l st a t i on a r y sou r c e em it 1-_ l rs bull

The three refineries were singled out for special attention in the

previol1s phase ~ecause they uriiquely had components which process materials

containing 10 or more per~nt hy middot1-bulli1 11t )-~112~ne (46 FR 1165 Jan 5 1981 pg

1491 ) Est i mates by E P A ( F e d bull r l Rr-~ g i s t ~ r 1q81 ) i n d i cate that 90 p e r cent o r

more of the total benzene fu 1Jitive emissions arise from such components

Therefore attention is appropriately focused on the three henzene production

consumption refineries Chevron (Richmond) Arco (Crson) and Chevron (El

Segundo) SAI staff considered the possibliJ )f -1 testing program at one of

these refineries and cone l url 1middotd it would not 1)e cost-effect i v2 for o number of


California is a minor producer and consumer of benzene with

approximately 15 of the 114 hill ion pounds produced and

consumed nation1lly in 1977 This can 1)e riY1pared with the fact

that California has approximately 10 of th~ ~ations population

Benzene exposur~ to the generil nJmiddot1lation has been partitioned

among the various sources Aproximately 90 of exposure is

estimated (SRI 1978) to be caused hy gasoline distribution

activities and 1ehiclEmiddot emissions in 1 ir~an areas with nearly all

of the balance )Y benene hrndl ing operations (refineries and

chemical plants) In the case middotlf California this percent1g~ Jill

be even JT1ore di middotpruJor-tionate b~cause of its greater s1are of the

population and ~esser share of the henzene ha~dling Furthermore

since the three refin 1bullry cites ire heavily urbanized no new rural

population cegmmiddotnt is beinq exposed


Californias most heavily urbanized Air Quality Management

Di st r i cts have a l ready adopted t en zen e f ugit i v e em i s s i on

staridards comparable and vith S( 1ine features VJr stringent than

the proposed national (bullmission lttandarrl (4f-i FR 1165 Jan 5

1981) Thus the concmiddotlusion rleri1ed above (Le refinery emissions

are secondary cause of exposure to the urb~n microopu~ation) is

further reinforced since H is irojected that re1eases from

components in benzene service (gt10 benzene) will be reduced by

73 by the proposed F~deral Standards T~~ ~istrict rules (eg

South Coast Air Quality Management District 456 and 4fi6l) are

not restricted to berz~ne per senor to only components in

benzene service The rjLs 1lso i-lclude flanges in addition to

the components ca i led uut in the propose nat i 01a l standard

The EPA estimated that if the proposed emission standard were adopted the

1~aximum annual benzene concertr0Vioi1 -~01middot 1 plant would be 36 ppb at a

distance of 0 1 kilomeL~~ avay Cor1paring this ground level concentration

with the general urban background i1 California of 19 ppb shows the latt2r t1

dominate In recognition of the secondary im0ortance of these thr~~ i~~s i~

was decided to utilize program resources to d~velop field data at other sites

1111here little emissions informati1)i1 1as cll-1aila1)le



US tn v 1 ronrnen ta I Protection Agency

middotJc k



1 Applicaoil ity and Principle

11 Apmicroli1ability This rnetnod amicropliltS to tt1e determination of

i nor~an i c d rsen i c ( s) e1n is sions trom non f errou Sm(~ I ters dnd other sources as

smicroecified in the reuulations

12 Principle Particulate and gaseous As emissions are withdrawn

isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass mat filter and in

water The collected As is ther1 analyzed by means of atomic aosorption


2 Apparatus

21 Sa111pliny Train A schematic of tt1e sampling train is shown in

fiyure 421 it is similar to tt1e Method 5 train of 40 CRF 60 Appendix A

Tne sampliny trdin consists of tt1e followiny components

Note H1i s and a11 subse~uent nferences to ottler methods refer to the Methods in 40 CFflt 60 Appendix I


211 Probe Nozzle Probe Liner Pitot Tube~ Differential Pressure

Gauge Filter Holder Filter Heating System r-1etering System Barometer and

Gas Density Determination Equimicroinent Same as Method 5 sections 211 to

216 and 218 to 2110 iespective1y

212 lmpinyers Six fr1pingers connected in sermiddoties llith leak-free

ground-glass fittings or any sim lar leak-free non-contam~1ating fittings

For the firstj third fourth fifth 31d sixth impingers ~~e the

Greenb~rg-Smith design modifiec bY replacing the tip with a i_3-cm-ID (05

in) glass tube extending to about 13 cm (05 in) from the bottom of the

flaskR for the second impinger use the Greenburg-Smith design with the

standard tip~ The tester may us1bull modifications (eg flexible connections

between the impingers materials other than glass or flexible vacuum lines to

connect the filter holder to the condenser) subject to the approval of the


P1ace a thermometer camicroable of measuring temperature to within 1degc (2degF) at the outlet of the sixth impi~ger for monitoring purposes

22 Sample Recovery The following items are needed

221 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes Petri Dishes Graduated

Cylinder andor Balance Plastic Storage Containers Rubber Policeman and

Funnel Same as Method 5 sect inns 221 r1nd 221 to 22g r1~spectivemiddot1y

l2c ~dlh lottl~~- l)olVbullU1ylene (2)

223 Sarnmicrole Storage Containi~rs Chemically resistant polyethylene

or polypropylene for glassware WdShes 500- or 1OOO-ml

23 Ana1ysis The following equipment is needed

231 Spectrophotometer Equipped with an electrodeless discharge

lamp and a background corrector to measure absorbance at 1937 nm For

measuring samples naving less thM 10 119 Asml use a vapor generator


232 Recorder To match the output of the spectrophotometer

233 oeakers 15O-ml

234 Volumetric Flasks Glass 50- 100- 200- 500- and 1OOO-ml

and po Iymicroromicroy 1ene 5O-m l bull

235 Lrlcbulln1t11y1lr Fl1bulllimiddot 11() ml

cJb l-3a1ance To 11H~ds11re wilhin 1S ltJ

237 Volurietric Pimicroetbull 1- 2- J- 5- 8- and 10-ml

238 PARR Acid Digestion rlonb


2JltJ Uven

L 3 lU Hot PI t t~

Unless otnerwise specified us~ ACS redgent grdde (or equivdlent)

c11em1cals tt1rouyr1out

J bull l Sd 111 p I i rt y bull Tl1 e rmiddot i ~ a yen t middot) u s e d i n s a in p I i ny are a s fa l 1ows

J bull 1 1 r i It e r s Si I i ca lie l Cr u s n ed Ic e and Stopco c k Grea s e bull Same

as rmiddotlethod 5 sections J11 J12 314 J15 respectively

J12 Water Ueionized distilled to meet ASTM Specification

u ll9J-74 Type 3 When i1igh concentrc1tions of organic matter are not

expected to be present the analyst may omit the KMn0 test for oxidizable4

organic matter

J13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o~) 10 Percent (WV) Dilute 294 ml of

30 microercent H2o2 to 1 liter with deionized distilled water

32 Sample Recovery 01 rl sodium hydroxide (Na0H) is ret1uired

Dissolve 400 g of NaUH in about 500 ml of d~ionized distilled water in a

1-liter volumetric fldsk Then dilutti to exactly lU liter with deionized

distilled water

33 Analysis Tiie rectgtrnt needtd for analysis are as follows

3 3 1 Water Same as 312

33L Sodium Hydroxide 01 N Same as 32

33J Sodium Borohydridc (NaBH ) 5 Percent (WV) Dissolve 500 g4

of NaBH4 in dbout 5UU 1111 of ul N Na0H in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter ~ith (ll N Na0H

334 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Concentrated

3J5 Potassium Iodide (KI) 30 P~rcent (WV) Dissolve 300 g of KI

in 500 ml of deionized disti I led water in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

d i I u t e to exact Iy 1 0 l i t er v i t n cl e i on i zed d i st i 1 1 e d vate r bull

336 Sodium Hydroxide 10 N Dissolve 4000 g of Na0H in about

500 1nl of deionized distilled ~~at1r ind 1-liter volu11etric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter 1ith lteion1zed clistilled middotlater

J37 Pnenolmicrohtnalein Dissolve uos g of pnenolphthalein in 50 ml of 90 microercent ethanol dnd ~0 ml ot deionizeo distilled water

JJ8 Nitric cid (HN0 ) Concentrated3

33SJ Nitric Acid u8 rt lJi lute J~ ml of concentrated HN0 to3

exactly 1U liter with deionized distilled water

3J10 Nitric Acid 50 Percent (VV) Add 5U ml concentrated HN01 to J

50 111 rJe ion middoti z~ct di st i I ed Wd t er

JJ11 Stock Arsenic Standard l m~ lsml lJissolve l]203 g of

microrimdr_y standard tdrc2de Asi in 2(l r11 of 01 N NaOH lh~utralize with3

concentrdted HN0 bull Dilute to LJ 1ite~middot 11i~th deionized distilhd ~later 3

JJlc Arsenic Workiny Solution LJ microg AsmL Jmiddotipet exactly 10 ril

of stock As standard into an JCid-ceaned dppropriately l1bel~d 1-liter

volumetric flask containing about gt00 ml of deionized distil1ec1 Jater and 5 ml

of concentrated HN0 bull L)ilute to exKtly lU liter vlitt1 dioniZed distilled3


3313 Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrated

3314 Air Suitable quality for atomic absorption analysis

3315 Acetylene Suitab~ quality for atomic ctbsormicrotion analysis

JJ16 Filter )aper fi1ters What1an No 41 or ~4uival(~nt

4 Procedure

41 Sampling ~ecctuse of tne c0111plexity of this 1nethod testers

must be trained and experienced with the test procedures in order to obtain

reliable results

411 Pretest Preparation Fol low the general procedure given in

Method S section 411 except the fi middot1 ter n(~ed not be weighed

4ol2 Preliminary Oetermindtions Fol low the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 Section 412 except sekct tne nozzle size to maintain

isokinetic sampling rates oelm- 28 liters1~in (1U cfrn)

4L3 Premicroarcttion of Collecti(rn Train Follow the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 section 41J except prepdre the impingers as follows

Place 150 ml of deionized distilled water in each of the first two

impmiddotinyers dnd 2UU 111I of tu )Hrcent 1Ui in ttl tt11rd fourr11 dlld fifth

immicroin~Jers lJeiyl1 ctrKI rmiddotbull~tllrd tilt J1~1_111t tgtI ~dtll IIqi11HJlf dr1d liquid lrmiddotinst_rmiddot

ct_gtmicroroximately 200 to JUU y ut iJreveiyhe i silica ycl from its container to the

sixth impinger Set up the train dS shilWn in Figure lUo-1

414 Leak-Check Procedures Fol low the l~ak-ch~ck procedures given

in Mf~thod ~ SE~ctiuns 41-Ll (Pret~st I 1~dk-Cneck) 11ll2 (Ledk-Ct1ecks

Uurrny Sa111ple Kun) drld 414J (Post-TSt Leak-UleCk)

415 Jrsenic Trctin Umicroeration Follm the general procedure given


in [middot1lt~ttrnd () sectic n 1L lJ i~xcei1t 111ainta1n d tllllfH~rdture of 110deg to 135degc

UJo0 to nsdegF) aruunli UH tilter and 1Hintain isokinetic sctmpling flo~ rates

oelov 2J litersmin (lO cfii) 1middotor ectcn run record tile data ret1uired on c1

datd sheet suct1 as the une shown in FiltJure 108-2

416 Ldlculcttion tgtf Percent lsokinetic --c1me cts Method 5 section

4 lb

42 Satple Recovery tieyin proJer cleanup procedure as soon as

the probe is removed from tle sta k at the 2nd of the sampling period

Al low tt1e probe to cool wt1en it cdn be safely handled wipe off al 1

external particulate matter near che tip ot the probe nozzle and place a cap

over it to microrevent loosing er gaining microarticulate matter Do not cap off the

probe tip tightly while the sammicroliny train is cooling because a vacuum would

form in t11e f i I ter ho Ider

~efore moving the sampling train to the cleanumicro site remove the

probe from the sample train wipe off the silicone grease and cap the open

outlet of the probe Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be

present Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter inlet where the probe

was fastened and cap it R~move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and

cap the impinger If a flexible line is used between the first impinger and

the filter t1older disconnect tt1e line at tne filter holder and let any

condensed water or liquid drain into the immicroingers After wiping off the

si I icone yrease Cdfl off tht~ filter t10lder outlet and impinger inlet Use

either ground-ylass middotstomicromicroers plastic caps or serum caps to close these


Trdnsfer tne probe rnd fi lter-impi11ger ass~mbly to a cleanup area

tnat is c I ean and protected from tt1e wind su tnat the chances of contaminating

or I o s i n g the s a n p 1 e i s mi n i li zed bull

Inspect the train before and durin~ disassembly and note any abnormal

con d i t i on s bull Treat t he s dinp I -~ as t o l l ows

4Ll Container Nu~ (Filter) Cdretul ly remove the filter from

the filter nolder and microlace it in its identified petri dish container Use a

pair of tweezers andor cledil disposable surgical gloves to handle tile filter

lf it is necessary to fold tmiddot1e filter fold the particulate cake inside the

fold Carefully transfer to U1e petri ctist1 ctny microarticulate 111atter andor

f i 1 t er f i oe rs that adhere to the tTI t l ho l de r ya s k et by us i n g a dry Ny 1 on

bristle orush andor a snarmicro-edyed bid te Sectl the container

Mention of trade names or microeci fie pmiddotmiddotoctucb does not consitute endorsement

by the Environmentctl Prottbull(~tion Ayen y r-5

42a2 Contdiner No 2 (Probe) fdKiny care that dust on the outside

of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample

yuctntitatively recover microarticuldte matter or any condensate from the probe

nozzle microrobe fitting probe liner and franc half of the filter holder by

vctsl1in~ tt1ese co111microonents witn Ul N NdJH ctnc1 microlctciny tr1e WdSh in a plastic

storage container Measure Jid tCOtd tu U~ nearest 1il u~ tlital volume of

solution in Container No 2 Perform tne rinjiny with 01 N NaUH as follows

Cctrefully remove the probe nozzle aid rinse the inside surface with

Ul N NaOH from a HaS~l bottle~ Brust1 wit11 a Nylon bristle brush and rinse

until the rinse st10ws no visible particles after vmich mallt~ a final rinse of

the inside surface

~rush and rinse the inside oarts of the Swayelok fitting with Ul N

NaUH in a similar way unti1 no visioe parti les remain

Rinse the proble l~11er -iitr iJl N NaOH While squir-ting lll N NaOH

into tl1e upper end of the prnbe tilt and rotate the probe so that all inside

surfctces will be i-ettecl wiU the rinse solution Let the Ul N NaOH drain

from tt1e lower end into tl1e sample container The tester 1ilay use a funnel

(glass or polyethylene) to aid in transferri 19 the liquid washes to the

container Fo1 low tt1e ~Msh witt1 d probe bru )11 Holding the probe in an

inclined position insert 01 NNaUH into the upper end as the microrobe brush is

being moved with a twistiny action through tie probe Hold the sample

container underneath the Iower end of tr1e pr1gtbe and cat01 any liquid and

particulate matter brushed from the probe lun the vash tt1rough the microrobe

three times or more unti I no visible particuiate matter is carried out with

the rinse or until none rernians in the probe liner on visual inspection With

stainless steel or metal probes run the bruh through in the above prescribed

manner at least six times since metal probes have smal1 crevice in which

particulate matter can be entrapped Rinse 1he brush -Ii th O 1 N Na UH and

4uantitcttively collect these washings in the sami)le container After the

brushing make a final rinse of the prone as described above

It is recommended that tvJO peoJle clean the probe to minimize sample

losses 15etween sampling runs keep brJst1es clean dnd protected from


After en s u r i n~ t tId t a I l _j oi rt t s t1 d v e been wi pe d c l e rn of s i I i er n e

~rease brush and rinse witt Ul NN NaOH the inside ut tt1e front half of ttw

fi I ter 11older l)rustl dnd rinse l~dCII surface tt1re~ ti111es 1ff 111ore if needed co


remove visibl~ particulate Mr1ke a findl rinsebull of the brush and filter

holder Carefully brush dnd rinse out the gla~s cyclone also (if

dpplicdble) fter rJll washin1s and particulate matter have been collected in

the sample container tiy~1ten 1he lid so that liquid will not leak out when it

is shipped to the lijbOrdtory Mark the height 1gtf the fluid level to determine

whether leakage occurs during transport Label the container to clearly

identify its contents

Rinse the glassware a final time with deionized distilled water to

remove residual NaOH before reasseMbling Do not save the rinse water

423 Container No 3 Silica Gel) Note the color of the

indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and

make a notation of its condition Transfer the silica gel from the sixth

impinger to i~s original containl~r and seal The tester may use as aids a

funnel to pour tl1e si I icd gel anc1 a rubber pol iceman to remove the si 1ica gel

from the impinger It is not necessary to remove the small amount of

particles tnat mdy adhere to the impinyer wall and are difficult to remove

Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations do not use

any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel If d balance is

available in the field the tester may follow the procedure for Container No

3 in section 45 (Analysis)

424 Container No 4 (Arsenic Sample) Clean each of the first two

impingers and connecting glassware in the following manner

1 Wipe the impinger bal I joints free of silicone grease and cap

the joints

2 Weigh the impinger and liquid to within~ 05 g Record in

the log the weight of liquid along with a notation of any color or film

observed in the impinger catch The weight of i~uid is needed along with the

silica gel data to calculafe the stack gas moisture content

3 Kotate and-agitate each i1npinger using the impinger contents

as a rinse solution

4 Trc1nsfer the liquid to Container No 4 Remove the outlet

ball-joint cap dna drain the contents through this opening Do not separate

the impinger parts (inner and outer tubes) while transferring their contents

to the cylinder

5 (Ncte In steps 1 and 6 bel0w measure and record the total

amount of 01 N NatH used for rining) Pour approximately 30 ml of 01 NaOH



i nto ea ct1 of t tie f i r s t t vJO i 111 pi nge r s and d gi t a t e the i mp i n g e r s bull l) r a i n t he O bull 1

N NaUH through the outlt~t Mm of eacn impinger into Container No 4 Repeat

tnis omicroeration c1 seund time inspect tl1e impingers for ltlny abnorrndl


6 lipe the bdl I joints of the ulasswdre conn2ct-jng the impingers

and the Dack half ot the filter holder free of silicone grease and rinse each

piece of glasstJdrr~ twice 11itn 01 N NaUH trdnsfer U1is rrnse into Container

No~ 4~ (lJo not ~_nse or brus1 ttw glaltf---itted filter su ) Mark the

heignt of tne fluid l~vel tu determine whether leakaye occurs during

transmicroorto Lctbel the container to clearly identify its contents

42 5 Container No 5 (SO Irnpinyer Sample) Because of the large L

quantity of liquid involved the tester may micro1ace the solutions from the

tt1ird fourtr1 dnd fifU1 i11microin9ers in separate containers However the

tester may recomoi ne the1n at tile ti 1ile of ana Iys is in order to reduce the

number of analyses reyuired Ch~cn the impingers according to the six-step

procedure described under Contain~r No 4 using deionized distilled water

instead Ul N NaOH as the rinsing liquid

4L6 Blanks Sdve a purtion of Ute 01 NaOH used tor cleanup as a

bldnk Take 200 ml of this solution directly from the wasn bottle beinlJ used

and pldce it in a plastic Sdmple contctiner labeled NaOH blank Also sdve

samples of tl1e ltieiunized distilled later an 10 percent H o and place in2 2

semicroctrate containers labeled 1 H 0 blank 11 and H u blank 11 respectively2 2 2

4J Arsenic Sammicrole Prepartion

4J1 Container No 1 (Filter) ~ldce the filter and loose

1-3articulate mdtter in a 150-ml beaker Also add the filtered material from

Container No L (see section 433) Add 5U ml of 01 N NaOH Then stir and

warm on a hot pl ate at ow heat ( do not boi I ) for about 15 min Filter the

solution through the Watman No 41 filter pdmicroer Wash with hot water and

catct1 the filtrate in a clean 150-ml beaker Boi I tt1e filtrate and evaporate

to dryness bull Coo I add 5 mi uf gt u p e r v~ 11 t Hru rn d U1 en wa rm and st i r Al Iow3

to cool~ Transfer to a 50-m volumetric flask dilute to volume with

deionized distil led wdter and tnigt wel I

if tl1ere are ltlny solids retained o_y rn~ tilter place the filter in a

PA~R acid di~estion bo11b dnd ddd ( 1~il tgtdCh t 1 r concentrated HNU and HF acids3

ied tne Dornb ctnd nt~dt it in dn 01n at 1sul for S hours


~e11ove ht Lrn111b fro1il tht over dnd dl low it to cool l_Juantltatively

transfer the content of ttH~ oomb to a 50-inl microolypropylene volumetric flask dnd

1J i u I ce to exltlc t l l)J ml vii t_t1 dei lt1ni zelt dist i 11 l~d Wdter

t_J~ Lu11tJifllr No 4 (Arseric Inmicroinyer Sdmmicrole)

~ote Prior to dnalysis check th1 liquid level in Containers NO 2

anu NU 4 confirm as to wt1ether or nlt t l edkaye occurred during trdnsmicroort on

the analysis sheet If a noticedble dmounc of leakage occurred either void

the Sdmple or take steps sLbject to the amicroproval of the Administrator to

ddjust U1e final results

rransfor the conterts ot Container No 4 to a 500-rnl volumetric flask

and dilute to exactly 500 ml with deionized distill~d water Pipet 50 ml of

tile solution into a 150-ml t1eaker Add 10 rnl of concentrated HN0 bring to a3

boil and evaporate to dryn1~ss Allow to cool add 5 ml of 50 percent HN03

and then -ldrm dnd stir Al ow the solution to cool transfer to a 50-ml

volumetric flask dilute to volum8 wit1 dionized distilled water and mix well

4J3 Container N(~ (Probe ~~ash) See note in 432 above

Filter (usiny Whatman No 4) the cont~nts of Container No 2 into a 200-ml

volumetric flask Combine Lhe filtereJ material with the contents of

Container No 1 (Filter)

Uilute the tiltrdt to eltdctl12001111 with dionized distilled water

Tt1en pipet 50 ml into a 15ol-ml b~dker Add 10 ml of concentrated HN03


to a boil dnd evamicroorc1te to dryness 11 ow to coo 1 add 5 ml of 50 percent

HNU and then warm and stir Al I m-1 tt1e so I ut ion to cool transfer to a3

5U--ml I volumetric flak di lute tJ volJme witl1 deionized distilled water and

mix well

434 Filter l3ldnk lJetermi11e a ti Her blank using two filters from

e d c n I o t of f i 1 t e rs u s ed i n t he s mmicro I i 11 g t r a i n bull Cut each filter into strips

and tredt eacr1 filter individual IJ as direct~d in section 431 beginning

wi tt1 tt1e sentence 11 Add 50 1 I of J 1 N Na UH 11

4J5 ul N l~aUH and ~Jater 1-3anks Treat semicroarately 50 ml of 01 N

NaOH and 50 ml deionized distilleJ watr as directed under section 432

bey i n n i n y Ii th t tle sentence 11 Pi p~ t 5 0 mI o t t 11 e so middot1 uti on i n to a 1 S 0-m1


4 4 Spectrophotometer Prepc1 ration Turn on the power set tt1e

vavelengtn slit width and larnp current anu ddjust the background corrector

d s instructed oy the 1ndnufacturer s mdrua I fur the particular atomic



absorption spectrophotometer djust tl~e bLrner and f1arne characteristic as


4a5 Analysis

45l Arsenic Oetermination Prepare standard solutions as directed

under section 51 and measure their absorbances against 08 N HNU bull Then3

determine the absorbances of the t lter blank and each sample using U8 N HN0

as a reference If the sample concentration falls outside the range of tne

calibration curve make an apmicror-oprictte dilution Hith 08 N Hf~O~ so that the )

final concentratmiddotion falls within the range of ttle curve Determine the As

concentration in tt1e filter blank (ie tl1e average of the tvrn blank values

from each lot) Next using the appropriate standard curve determine the As

concentration in each sample fraction

4~~-11 Arsenic DeterminaLion at Low Concentration~ The lower limit

of fla1~ie -atomic absorption spectrophotometry is 10 microg Asm1 If the As

concentration is a lower levt~middot1 use the vapor generator vl1ich is available as

an accessory component Fo 11011-1 the manufacturers instructions in the use of

such equipment Place a sample containing between O and 5 microg of As in the

reaction tube and dilute to 15 ml with deionized distilled water Since there

is some tri a I and error i nvo I ved in this procedure it 1ay be necessary to

screen the samples by conventional atomic absorption until an approximate

concentration is determined After determining the approximate concentration

adjust the volume of the sample accordingly Pipet 15 ml of concentrated HCl

into each tube Add 1 ml of JO percent KI olution Place the reaction tube 0into a U C water bath for 5 min Cool to room temperatun~ Connect the

reaction tube to the vapor yenerdtor assembly When the instrument response

has returned to baseline inject 50 ml of 5 percent NaBH and integrate the4

resulting spectrophotometer siynal over a JU-second time period

4512 Mandatory Check for Matrix Effects on the Arsenic Results

Since the dnalysis for As by at~nic absorption is sensitive to the chemical

composition and to the physical pro~erties (viscosity pH) of the sample

(matrix effects) check (mandatory) at least one sample from each source

using the Method of Additions

Tt1ree acceptable Method Jf Additic)ns procedures are described in

the 61 Genera1 Procedure Section of the P~rkin Elmer Corpordtion Manual

(Ci tat i on 2 i n sect i on 7 ) 1 f tt)e 1es ult s o t t 11e Me trl o d o t Add i t i o II s

procedure on tne source Sd1nple do rwt alt_Jrmiddotee t(J within 5 micro~rcent of tt1e Vdlue


obtctiried oy me routrne dto1nic absorption arictlysis men reanlyze all Sdmpmiddotles

from me source usinq tt12 Method of Additions procedure

1LgtL Co11L1iner 1fo 5 (So lmpi11yer Sample) Observe tne level of2

li4uid in Cuntdiner No 5 and confirm whether any sample was lost during

st1ippiny 1~ote ctny loss of liquid on the dnalytical data sheet If a

noticeable amount of ledkage occurred either void the sample or use methods

s u b j e ct to t he ct ppr o v a I of tt1e Adm i n i st rat o r to adj ust the f i n a 1 res u l t s bull

Transfer the contents of the container(s) No 5 to 1-liter volumetric

flask and dilute to exactly 10 liter witt1 deionized distilled water Pipet

10 ml of tnis solution into a 250-ml trlenmeyer flask and add two to four

drops of phenolphthalein inclicator 1itrate the sample to a faint pink

endpoint using l N NaUH Repeat and verage the titration volumes Run a

blank witn each series of Sdmples

4~J Contdiner lio J (Sili(d Gel) The tester may conduct this

step in the field Weigh the spent silica ~1el or silica gemiddot1 plus impinger)

to tne nedrest 05 y record tnis wei~iht

5 Calibration

Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations

51 Standard Solutions Pipet 1 3 5 8 and 10 ml of the 10-mg

Asml stock solution into s1microarate 101-rnl volumetric flasks each containing 5

ml of concentrated HN0 bull Dilute to tle mark with deioniized distilled ~~ater3

If tr1e lo~~-level procedure is used piJet 1 2 3 and 5 ml of 10 microg Asml

standard solution into the separate fl1sks Then treat them in the same

manner as tile Sdmple (section 434)

Check these absorbances frequ~ntly dgainst U8 N HN0 (reagent blank)3

during the ctnalysis to insure that base-line drift has not occurred Prepare

a standard curve of dbsorbance versus concentration (Note For instruments

equipped with direct concentration readout devices preparation of a standard

curve will not be necessary) In dll cases fol low calibration and

operational procedur~s in tne mandacturers instruction manual

~2 Sampliny Train Calibration Calibrate the sampling train

components accordinSJ to the indicated sections of Method 5 Probe Nozzle

(section ~ l) Pi tot ruoe Ass~1nbl) (section )2) Metering System (section

~J) Probe Heater (section ~-4) Temperature Gauges (section 55) Leak Check

of Metering System (section 56) and Harometer (section 57)


5aJ N Sodium Hydroxide Solution Standardize the NaOH titrant

against 25 ml off standard 10 N Hlso4

6 Caiculations

61 Nomenclature

t$ ~ater in tt1e 9as stream proportion by vo 1ume 0 ws C Concentrathrn uf A as redd fro11 the stdndard curve microgmla s CSUc = Concentration of so

2 perc~nt 01 volume

C Arsenic concentr-1tion in stack ~1as dry basmiddotis converted to s standdrd cor1ditims Jdsc1 (goscf)

i- = Arsenic mdSS emision rate yhr a F d = Di I ut ion factor ( equa Is 1 if th1 sample has not been

di I uted)

I Percent of isokinetic sampling

Mbi Total mass of al I six impingers and contents before

samp l i ng 9

Total mass of al I six impingers dnd contents after

samp l i ng g

M = Total mass of As collected in a specific part of the n

sampling train ig

= Mass of su collected in the sammicroling train g2

= Total mass of A collected in tlw sampling train microgs

= Norma Ii ty of Na OH t itrcrnt me4m I bull

T = Absolute average dry yas m~ter t(mperature (see FigureIll

108-2) degK (degK)

Va = Volume of sample aliquJt titrated riL

V Volume of gas sample a measured Dy the dry gas meterm


V = Volume of gas sample a~ measured by the dry gas meterm(std)

correlated to standard conditions scm(scf)

V Total vo I ume of sol ut iJn in whi u the so is containedsoln 2


v = Volume of so col lectei in the sampling train dscm(dscf)502 2

Vt = Volume of NaUH t trant usec for the sample (average of

repmiddot1 i cate ti trdt 1 ons) ml

Vtb = Volu1ie of NaUH titrant used for the blank ml

Vtot = Volume of gas sanpled _orrected middoto standard conditions

d scm ( d s cf )


V -= Vo I u111 e o t -vJ at er vd microo r cu I I 1 ~ c t l~ d i n t tl e =gt ct rn p I i nltJ tr d i n -I ( =gt td )

corn~ctl~LI to st1ndarltj cont1itions middotscm(scf)

i1H Averdye microressur differential ctcross tr1e orifice rneter (set

Fi yure 1 U o-2 ) 1m HzL) ( i n bull HzU ) bull

b~ Cdl(_ulctte the vol ime of so ycts collected by the sampling2


Eq 108-1


5K = lcUJ x 10- m311e4 for metric units1 3K1

= 4248 x 10-4 ft rndq for English units

6J Calculate the sulfur dioxide concentration in tne stack gas

(dry basis adjusted to standard conditions) lt1s follm-Js

CSU2 = x lUO Eq 108-2


t- V02

64 Calculdte the 1nass of sulfur dioxide collected by the sampling


Eq 108 3

~ here

65 Averctye dry Yd s 1eter t2111perdtures ( T ) and averageIll

pressure dromicro (~H) See ddtct sheet (Fiyure 108-2)




by using Eq

Ory Gas Volume Us i n g dct ta fr om th i s test ca I cu l ate V~ ( t d ) 1 5

5-1 of Method 5 If necesary adjust the volume for leakages

C- 3

Then add v J bull5 2

Eq 108-4

67 Volume of water v~porQ

Eq 108-5


K_) = 0001334 m 3g fo1 metric u11its bullmiddot -~

= 0047Jl2 fty foi Engl~~ urits

68 Moisture content

EL 1U8-6


+ Vw(stc1)middot

6 bull 9


Amount Of


train as

As CO I l eCt ed bull

the amourit of


As col iectld in each part of sampl iny

Eq 108-7

6Y2 Calculate the total

train as fol lows

amount of As c1llected in the sampling


M ( t i It e r s ) + Mn ( p rO be ) middot fvl 11 ( i rn fJ rn g e r s ) t

1( t i I t ~ r DI an k ) - 1n ( Nd l H ) - 1 (H~ O ) Eq 108-8

6lU C11lculdte the As conceritrdtiuri in the stack gas (dry basis

ddjusted to stdnddrd conditions) as follows

Eq 108-9

611 Pollutant Mass Kat~ CalculJte the As mass emission rate

using the following equation

= C Eq 108-10ssd

The volumetric flow rate Qsd should be calculated as indicated in

Method l

6 bull 12 1so k i net i c Vd r i at i on bull Us i n g data fr om th i s test ca Ic u l ate 1

use tq S-ti of r~ettoct S exc 1~pt suost itute Vtot for Vm( std)

6lJ Acceptable ~t~sults Same as Metnod 5 section 612

7 tiibliogramicrohy

1 Same as Citations 1 througn 9 of section 7 of Method 5

2 Perkin El1ner Corpcration Analytical Methods for Atomic

1-bsormicrotion Spectrophotometry Non-1alk Connecticut

September 1976

3 Annual Book of AST11 Stdndarctbull Part 31 Water Atmospheric

Analysis American Society for T~sting and 1-1aterials Philadelphia PA

1974 micromicro 40-4~



~f-~__d_y_ e s f o r Pr o c e s s i ng a n d An a l y s i s of PA H i n

Co~e Oven Emissions from Kaiser Steel

Global Geochemistry Corporation

10 Samples expected

l 1 Connective tubes between section welded to oven port cover and remainder of sampling system - These are to be stainless steel tubing disconnected and capped off for each sample They will be about 10-15 long

1 2 Impingers in series first two water-filled third dry - The center tubes will be removed and wrapped in clean foil and the impingers stoppered as is for shipping One set for each sample Protect from light during shipping

20 Extraction -procedure

Sample fractions are to be covered with foil or in opaque containers with inert gas flush during storage in freezer Solvents used in extraction will be BampJ glass distilled pesticide grade low residue) Working bench area will be screened with amber plastic and light bulbs

2 l Connective tubes will be rinsed with dichloromethane by partial filling capping tilting several times and draining into a beaker This will be repeated until the washings are colorless but at least three times

22 Impinger contents will be transferred to a separatory funnel The impingers and center tubes will be rinsed inlo the funnel using a measured amount of dichloroshymethane in portions The funnel is shaken well and the extract drawn The rinsing and shaking is repeated with two more portions of solvent The extracts and washshyings are combined over Na 2 S0 4 bull

A separate portion of the water used for impingers is extracted in the same way

For each liter of water 100 ml dichloromethane will be used per extraction ie 300 ml total

Internal standard is added to the combined exshytracts at this p0int





Concentration of extracts

Bulk solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator in a water bath at not over 40deg stopp~ng short of dryness The res~dual volume should be just less than the f i n a l v o l ti 11 e o wl1 i ch the s o l uti on i s to be d i l u t e d (accurately) The object is a final solution with roughly five mgml solids concentration in dichloromethane After the vol w1 e ~ s made up to the mar k i n a vol umet r i c flask an aliquot is removed and evaporated on a tared disk in a nitrogen stream and weighed to determine yields The remaining solution is stored in a ial or ampoule sealed with a Teflon-lined septum A split for SAI QA may be made at this point (see Section 43 also)

Gravity column c1eanup chromatogram

4 1 Into a 10 min 1 d column with co2rse sinter and Teflon stopcoc~ 6 g 120 mesh silica gel (activated at 120deg) 1s sluiry packed in pentane cooling the column by evaporation from a tissue wrapped around it and wet with acetone) This minimizes vapor gaps in the column A cap of 3g sodium sulshyfate is added to the top The column must not dry out before the chromatogram is complete

42 A sample of the extract concentrate is taken This is to be based on experience of expected PAH conshytents but initially would be 5-10 mg This is exchanged with pentane by adding 10 ml portions of pentane and evaporating over about 100 mg silica to small volume Three to five portions of pentane are used The final residue is rinsed onto the column with pentane

4 3 The chromatogram is developed with four solvent steps

l 25 ml pentane 2 l 0 ml 2 0 ~~ dichloromethane in pentane

II II ii II3 l 0 ml 50 u II II4 l 0 ml 5 0 ~~ methanol

The column volume is approximately 8 cc This is allowed for while collecting fractions During the first chromatogram the graduated cylinder collector is observed for visible solvent changes and a more precise estimate of the column volume

T h e f o u r f r a c t i o n ~ a r e e v a p o r a t e d i n a n 1 t r o g e n stream at not oveimiddot 40 to l 0 ml then stored under nitrogen in the freezer The principal constituents


of the fractions will be

l Aliphatics 2 Lower molecular weight PAH

11 113 Higher 11

4 Polar materials

Fractions 2 and 3 are to be analyzed by HPLC the others retained for future interest or in case of an incomplete or defective separation Splits for SAI QA may also be made from these fractions

50 HPLC Analysis

5 l The column is a reverse phase partition column C18 bonded to microparticle silica 4 x 250 mm The solvent system is a gradient from 6040 acetonitrile water to 100 acetonitrile initial slope setting l 5min The flow rate is one mlmin the injecshytion sample volume one to ten microl depending on conshycentration Detectors are UV absorbance and fluorescence in series The absorbance is set routinely at 296 nm but may be varied in certain instances to aid in identification of peaks The fluorescence filtars are narrow pass excitation at 360 nm and cut-off emission above ~10 nm Both d e t e c to rs a re rec o rd e d s i 1i ul ta n e o u s l y

52 Reference calibration is based initially on indishyvidual chromatograms of single compounds and roushytinely interspersed chromatograms of multicomponent reference mixtures The proposed calibration stanshydards are the following at minimum

Phenathrene Pyrene Chrysene Perylene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo (ghi)pcrylene I n d e n o ( l 2 ~ c d ) p y r e n e Coronene

The internal standards (added in Section 22) are 910-Dimethylanthracene

9-Phenylanthracene 9 10-Diphenylanthracene

60 Peak Identification

Significant peaks not recognizable as present in the reference standard will be investigated by alternate methods for identification


6 bull I Stopped-flow examination of UV absorbance for maxima

by manual wavelength varmiddotiation allows checking against known reference spectra (published or measured) This is usually sufficient confirm a component already suspected to be present

62 Collection of the fraction contairino the unknown peak allows later determination o~ t~e full absorbance andor the fluorescence spectrum for comparison with reference compounds

63 If not already run on GCMS the sample can be sent to SAI for that purpose possibly allowing the comshyponent to be identified Since the HPLC elution order is not the same as the GC retention sequence it may be necessary in affibiguous cases to collect the HPLC fraction and run it separately by GCMS

The~e may be numerous minor constituents not identified The decision on how many of these to track down and identify will be made in consultation with CARB adv~sors a~d with SAI since at some point the returns ute not worth further expense

_64 IdeAtified peaks are quantified by comparing their areas to the areas of the known concentrations of reference compounds A recovery factor based on the added internal standard nearest in elution order to the sample component is then applied the amount of internal standard originally added to the sample is divided by the amount found in the HPLC analysis This ratio is the multiplier used to correct for losses in concentration and chromatography steps

70 Quality Assurance

71 Transmittal of sample ~plits to SAI provides for external QA This should be done with 15 (or one in seven) of all samples

72 Blank water extracts are carried through the same analytical procedure (10 of total)

73 The cleanup and HPLC analysis are duplicated on 15 (or one in seven) of all extracts

74 The multicomponent reference is run first every day then elution volumes and peak area for each comshyponent are plotted on a control chdrt to pinpoint developing problems At least evetmiddoty tenth chromato-gram will be this standard It wi 11 also be rerun after any service on the instrument~ such as a column change



Gas chromatograph 1mass spcmiddotctromlt~try protocols used by SAI Trace

Organic Chemistry Laborator1

Aliquots of sampl=s received from Global Geochemistry Corporation

were analyzed by combined c11s chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS)

Liquid extracts were spiked with an internal standard compound (deuteriumshy

labeled phenanthrene) priot to analysis by gas chromatography mass spectroshy

metrymiddot A Finnigan model 4( 21 Quadrupole GCMS system including an Incas data

system was used for all analysis Liquid samples (1 microliter) were injected

into a 30-miter x 025-mm ID SE-54 fused silica open tubular 9as chromatoshy

graphy column (JampW Scientific) A programmed GC oven rate of a 4 minute hold

at 30degc followed by a 40degCmin temerature increase to 160degc and a s0 cmin

temperature increase to 270degc was used for sample analysis The detector

system was a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the electron ionization

mode at 70eV The quadrupole mass filter was scanned from 35 to 475 atomic

mass units in 095 seconds A hold time of 005 seconds was used to stabilize

the electronics prior tote next scan Data were continuously acquired using

a Finnigan Incas Data system which writes time intensity mass spectral data

to a magnetic disc The mass spectrometer was operated under computer control

during acquisition Figures 33-7 through 33-9 show the total ionization

chromatograms for each of the three samples that were analyzed

Following analyses the data files were searched for priority

pollutant polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) In addition to the

quantitative data reduction used for priority pollutant PNAs a survey analysis

was performed on all significant GC peaks (ie signal to noise of greater

than 101) The survey analysis was based upon a computerized library search of

individual background subtracted peak maxima scans for qualifying GC peaks

The library used for qualitative identification AJas a combined NIHEPA

National Bureau of Standards library 1hich contains approximately 26000


Tables 33-11 through 3-13 present the results of this survey analysis As expected a series of al~yl Slbstituted PNAs were observed in addition to heterocyc l i c compounds con ta i ni n~ nitrogen iind sulfur moieties Further

investigation of the mass spectre of the nitrogen substituted identifications

confirmed the presence of benzonitrile isoquinoline andor quinoline acridine

carbazole and alkyl substibted ~yridines Ion specific searches for N-nitroso

substituted amines were neg1tive



Detailed Fiber and Mass Concentration Data - Johns Manville



lt QJ ()

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(lJ __c r-- (Y)

-- 0tj-M r- rQ bullbullbullbull

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Ii II 11 11 lo II 11

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SI I HMllLfc J H 1 I OBr I lll-H ANI) NS~ coHcrrrllliTJ ON CUfllllTI VImiddot SIJMMIIY

TIITIL JnI~ SfiNtlEO TOTtl Ill- or FI ITETI TOTI Illlt ~111-11 11 ltllOT FIIACT I Ori 1111 OF ~middotWI MUllllNJbull lOTI 01IIMImiddot 01- JII TOTI FI lilmiddott~ UgtIJH nD

= t nwo 00 so MI CllONH = t I 1JOO SO (M = II 900 SO CM t bull (0000 l1T~

I I JO SO CM 70000 CUil JC Ml-TEHS

= ~lt O V l lWfl~

Manville D-2 Baghouse

723 347 -633


FI 111-11 COllflT ltFIIWll-

ITllClmiddotrir r lllrf


) ( I f S bull1 bullbull

I 0

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1110 000~~

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AIt lbullI rt 1bulli I~ (Sil MIC) STIgt 1gt1-V

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-_ 0- _


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~ _

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- l

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TOTL iHf- SCNNFD lOTiL Illmiddot OF FILTFTI TOJI Ill- JSlllmiddot~ll I I OIIOT FlltCT [ ON 1111middot OImiddot ~1-M iIHlllllJNE TO 1 1 I ()lIJMImiddot ()I t I H TOTI V 1111-11~ COUNTED

= 1080000 SQ MI~RlozNS = 11 900 SQ CM = 1 l bull )00 SO CM = 1 00000 liHlS

11 IH) so CM 2G70000 CUBIC METfiHS

1 ) fi FI JllIIS

Man vi l1 e D-2 Baghouse

723 0 347 -633


F 11l-ll f()llrlr ( I 1IFH-- l 17 G o 00 00 00 19fi

llmiddot1tur1T TOlfL FI nrrns ll9 71bull4frac34 10 2Glti7 0000frac14 0000~ 00007 100000frac14

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t 11ll0 r+Olt J 427H-H)5

1 bull ioonr+o G OltOGIbull HH

0 00001~+00 000001+00

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0 00001~+00 D o)OOE-HgtO

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I 7G2H+07 lt ll20(ilbullgtHH

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-o G f Oil 0 (UOO () (l()(J()

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I 1 middotl 1 II I I G7lt l 47H

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0 bull1ltHi 0 ~~+lbull

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2 JOB w i0lt11

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00000 00000 00000 () ()0()()


0()(100 00000 00000 00000 0 ()()()()

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II II II II II 11 11



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lt C

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_ -

~ ~f ~


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- -


- L~ - -==-r- ~-- - Ldeg = - ~--= 1 middot-- rshy

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__ _ - -----shy--- -shy- --- ----__ - --- - ___ _ ------

c---shy____ __----- _ - - ~-- --_ - - - --- - ---- ---

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____ _0) C 0- - - ---------- -- -- ----------

_____ ------shy-- - - ------- - - _ -- - - - -- --_ - - -----

__ ____ ___

---------shy_ - -middot _------__ _ __ - -- --- -shy

- -- - -------middot- - - - -- - - - -middot----shy-- - - ------- - - - -

- -- ----- - --------- - --- - - --- ---- - - - -middot------


c------c----shyc----shy------- -- _ --------- bull--o o o i- - ----shy- ___- - - - -- - -- __

coooo __ __ _ --_ - - -____ _ - - - ---_ -- -- -- -------- -- --

----------- ------ --- ---------_____ _-- - - ------- - ------------

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~ 2 ~-r--=-- r-----

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-__ - lt - gt

_ -~~~ --=---=-_

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---shy------- - - - --~ ~-= = ------_ _ - _

0 oo ----- _____ _ - - II -- - _ - _ _

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- - - r- - 1 ~ -l =- ~ l ~l - -- =

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middot7 bullmiddot -shy~ middotmiddot middotmiddot z bull

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- - - ---- - - ---- -shy-- ---- -- - -- - - - ------ -- - - - -- - - --- - - - -


r- --

~ ~ ~ -- -- --3 middot1 =-- bull - L L -

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- - - - -- - - -I

- ---

II II II II 1 11 11

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_ gt ==lt~~gt z

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-- 3 C J gt 3 =- a

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- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -L - - - - - -----


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_-- _ ~lt

II II II 11 1 11

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- J


r 11----- ~ = = - ~ -l -- ~ = ~- - - - -middot= sect 1 - - -- -0 - JI 1---

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~ c-


pound2~~=middot---1- ~ bull-- l r _ -L~

~~ -- --J

gt- --0

---~-____ ----_____ = = ~ ooo

------___ - - ___ - ~ ---____ __

----~ _ _ ~ _

------ _ __ ~-----_~_ - -shy_ _ _ ------__ ___

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-- l~ L bull ~

gg~ -~~---middot~ ~ middot~ ~ ~ l -~~ ~ ~J L~

- ---




_ z s - -- - shyz=~ =sect ~ = ~~~~s C lt -

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f- -

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-- -

- -

-a a C

--- bullr-3

bullr- C gt 3 s 0 rou




lt =- -- ~ t- L =---~ ---

7deg ~ ~ l~ r~ - - --=shy1 =- =- --- -=-

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-~lt_- --

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- - - - --- - - - - --- - - - -- - - - ----~-- - ~ - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -

- - - -- - - - -- - - - -------- - -- --- - - ----------middot-- - - - --- - - - -

-------- - - - -- - -_ middot- -- -- - - - -- - - - -- - -------middot--- -- - - -- -- - -

- -- -- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - --- - - -- - - - -- -- - -----middot-- - - - -- - - - -~lt C




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o-middot-o--y --

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Tl fL P1 Sl~JNNFD Tl lI ltl- OF 1bullrn~n H 11I HF ~IJlbullI) lll 1 ll(IT 1-ILCTON IL CW ~U-1 HErlllllNE

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ant()Oo cun1r NETEns = 7 0 I l lWllS

Manville (upwind)


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00001+oo 0001101-1-00

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= 1 ~~3000 00 SO NI CllONS = l 1 lt)00 ~O CM = 1 l bull 900 O CM = 1 00000 lllI~

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-1middotbullgtH7 o oomiddot~ I [)117~

Manville (upvJi nd)


00 90

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MPteorolo(1y Summary Data for Study Sites


) ) )




Weather Bureau

Site Johns Manville-Stockton



Dail y_verage

Wind Speed (mph)

Direction (Percent)















































G) I



---------------- -------------------

Period 1969-197 3 Meteorology Site RSR

Sourece Whittier Station SCAQMD Average Wind Direction X

-- bull-------==--Start C I _ c _ I ~ltC11 l1-1 l1111-1Time

-12~ ___ _ ~l -----middot middotmiddot- -middot-- 4~ 1 4-I Rh f1h --- --middot -------

1 7 c- ~ 4 l 1 1 l c c 1 7 1R hq t q 4() lR

00 7 f- ~ ~ 1

__7 1---~ bull 2 ______ l__bull 7 ___ _ 401 11h hh ~ ~ -1 l lt 1 bull 7 ________ _)02

a~ ~f- lR O

2 I S 1n

~~ q 4 1R ~~ 34 0 ~S03 Q ~A q S S 6 44 11 Aq

____ 7 _ (J__pound_ 1 n 1 A ~ L ~ 1 a 4 ~04 01- 4r _____~---- 1_q______ 1_ -i -7 ______70 ___-_l __ _

____s_~ __ _3_ __ __ _7____1_ _______ c ____ _____ _S ____ -~bull05 no 44 )1 ~ SP 41 47 AS

-R 7 7 1 bullq 1A ~1-- S 9 4n06 J_4c An 4n 34 71 48 17 7S

07 O bull 0 3 bull 7 e i bull J ~ 3 e ) 2middot 3 4 e 7 ___ l micro 2 __ _ _ __l_Ln___________R 1 52______~_5_i _______ 8 c 7 J

_J 1 bull _____ h ~---- ___i_]___1 bull Z ______~_5 _______ ) 9 _r --~bull-5_____ ~_3 ____08 )c7 __JAq 9A 10 ]17 i7 f-S A4

11-n 11R Al f-i3 7) 1 4n i09 )A4 1A l~A 142 ]70 77 4R 70

_LI__l_ ___l 4 bull P 7 bull P A R l n A 4 R 1 n 4 4 ___ 7 A ___ _RA____ 1 A 1A 8 1 SL__ 1 R 5 1 ~ 3 _1] ________ 111~____JJ__) 1 ~---~-~ 4 9 1 ----1___11

A0 1A4 JR 17 lAR A 41 4C 174 A ll~ JnR ll7 9 5 R12

24c 4n~ l9l ~o 11n sg 40 3g __ ) bull 2 C () bull 9 14 ---~--~f 3 1 bull s bull 413

____ 7 4 _____) 4 c _ ___ 1 _ 7 ~ s____ L-i_ __ _ c 7 c ~ o 1_ __middot _____ 1__i-______ l 7 1 c _l___L3__ 1 bull 2 l bull q 714

77 ~ll 1Ac Rt 1 Al 4g lR iin 104 1 177 144 ~n 13 115 c 7 4 7 1 A 1 c c VH~ Q4 5 i 1 9 1

16 _ 1 ~-- bullcmiddot ___ ___ J_ 5 _ 1___ _10__ _ _ ____LS_ ~-- __Lo__i s p ~ 4 1 3 5 1R 2 _ --- __ __S ______2 __ -- --- 3-~ 1-- --- --- __ L3~ 6 7 ____ _7

17 l _ bull ~ 11 e3 ____ __]__]__ ] 5 __2 _________ 2_l__c_-_______ 8_ 1 4 bull 2 L_l_ __ _ _L~ 1 middotn 1 ) l R 5 A R ~ c

18 14 R1 ~~ 15 ~7 R4 4 lA~ llh 77 l~R 15n lA 59 ~0

19 L bull pound_________ _7_ 2__ ___2_E_ A A _2l-_l fL 4 3 e 7 J Q

1 Ji RI _ J_ ________ O _1-f l 4 ___ 4~------ __ 3] __

20 l l 7 5 2__ 3 e ____ 5 7 -- 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 ___ 2- 7 2 3 ____ C7 ______ -_ _____________ 10Q ii Q)44n middot----

21 u1 40 A1 ~4 lR5 5 1 bull

1~h si -- ) 1 1 11n n 41 22 _ q_J--- ______ A____ 1-- J_R ql____A_ P 1 q s

17 c3 ____ l ______ _________JY~ __ 7q ________ lbull4 __________ 4U ______

23 ___7 ~ _A _i_ _ _2 ________ ~ _middotL ___ __1--__1 ______ L~ g _ _ 7 ______ l n ___ _

1176 n



Site RSRMeteoro logPeriod _1969-=1_92]__

Average Wind Oirection_X__

PIIJ t t lt Cr ~Start Time ----

Pl 1_ 1~ 7 () 10s0~---- ---------- ll-i ________ 1n1 1 Jn f- l (- Q 1O 1 114 12 c Abull i ~ol R100 llS P2 171 ~41 2P QO P7 llS

7A 1nA 117 s A01 7 _1=--------------------------LS_0_ ---------------middot__s___~ 7 1 11 l_O l_Al (tr1 p~ 1-7 ql OJ

----- --------- - ---- ---- -- middot-middot --- ---- -- ----middot-- ----middot ----~ 7 c ~ bull n 1 1 2 l 9 -s 1 -i s s ~ c c__ bull A____02 1 1 2 1 r n 1 c 0 r-- l ~ 1 o 1 0 1 t 1 o c- ----~--- -Pl Ol OP lA2 11A 61 c 0 ~ cq03 l 5 4 l 4 4 1 i r 7 -i r) c q 1 deg 1n

qA RO 107 ~_12_7 SA c 7 A04 _l _ s_ _________l 7 l RA____ 7 ______l _o 4 __ l nn_________ 0 _7________ R_l __ o ~ _____ J(__7 11__r ___ _t-__ o ____ ln ___ h_ ______ An____ c-_n __05 ]lA 140 170 7cA __2n1 qc- 7q 1n1

06 RS q_1 lO~A lAwn 12S S9 49 AJ l2R l2R 144 lQO Jq2 114 llS R7

07 R bull 0 Re() q () Ll_3__ ___lJ Q 7 e ] 7 e c e 4

1_ ls 70 R________ 1(1__5 --- ____l~middotA l_J0_____ ll ~- ____ J_Z_ __ 08 7 1 _Lo ___ Si ___ f-~5 __ ____ q1____ A__A _____ 7bull~------~_r ______ _

0 q J A t __ _plusmn2___ l O A A P 12 Q

09 A2 22 G6 41 A7 s1 s1 R0 71 21 23 2q A7 AA f-l lll

10 44 11 ibull4- lR ~z 41 1q 7n 4q 17 lA lA --~-1__ 1q P _1_n7 ___

11 ~ bull 1 ___ 1 bull 1 l bull () ~ ~--1____ ~ q 2 4 l _middot2_____ pound_____7___ _ 41 10 8 0 lf- l() 17 01

12 2S A 5 1 2 22 19 J s7 21 11 7 2A 25 ~l 1n1q

13 ___JJ l 7 4 6 l - A 1 6 0 f- l q _----- _- o 12 ____l 7 1 7 -1____l_l_ _ ---middot

14 J__4_ A bull 7 1_~ l ~l__1____~ _____7_Q_------middot- c__ -- -middot -

--~ l l l 1 c l ] 7 c 1 l

15 J2 2 7 g l 4 11 lA 7 1 li A R 10 20 27 -=tn OR

16 a 4 s ~---- _J_ bull 1 it 7 _J _e_9____~ L _ 1 7 _______ll____ 7 _l middot- - 1deg 21 I= l_ ________ 9~-- ---

17 J bull J_ 7 4 l_ 2_ _ l 2 1 3 ___ c -- - f-_L___ 3 1 q 1q 4 --~~R____l____ ____c_c_____J~l~Z--

18 O middot 1 1 12 1s 4 - ~ () 14 1n 42 12 ~4 71 84 c~ 60 179

19 - 2____b__ __2D_______ ___2_____1-----~ --5__ _ 5 2 3 e 4 4___ l Q n _ 4A _____ 4_q__________50_______ lltbull __ 121 _____31 ______ _ _10 1 12

20 7 0 3 0 -- -middot 3 7 _ 7 1 7 5 __ 5 0 A 5 7 6 --- 5 i 1-- 0 R __l SL -- 1 r p P -- - 1 1 --- -- 1 c 7

21 14 41 51 g_7 04 55 7s q_7 7R Al 122 17A 17R q4 llq lc

22 -~--8__ c n 7 A 11 _n_ ~ c A 7 -2___~~--q 1 _______ l_nR ___ 17______ 7)1 _l__A ____ f-J_7 _ 1_ ]~(

23 c 6 _A _7 ----- 7 Q _ -- __ l l 0 J1 bull _ middot--S 4 ___ ----- 7_ f- --- P l

lAA4 1 911

R t bull I

--- -------

Meteorology Site RSRPeriod 1969-1973

Average Wind Speed XSource Whittier Station SCAQMD

( (~ c II lt II ~ hlltlStart Time

___L_~ 41 rnl~ ~l_ ---~-- --~h_______----middot bull9 bull f- c 1 l bull r 3 00 )

l l c Sl 7 J 8 ~Q AR 4() 4R _ _ _s_________ ~ A ~ 1 2R01 -------

l 1 i _f- _micro middoti 79_ LC 4i A1 bull 4 bull c + ~1 ] 1~ 1n02

Qf--- Lf- 1A Q r (- c r middotn SA 7 4 9 R 7 lR 11 403

a 1h Q S 5 4 4g 11 A9

P __ 3 bull 7 ___2__Y e ] 2 e ( e A 2 e 404 Rf- ------~_5____ 2L _____ _l_t_____~_7__ _3J _________4)____ SL_

bull 7 bull 7_ ________ 2____7______ 2 _1 _____ el_______ L ~ ________2 bull 2 2 bull 2 __05 ____1_n_o 44 31 c cq bull LJ 47

c 2c 7 lR 1 O 406 11 c A 0 4 n 3 4 7 l 4 R ~ 7 7 5

___ ___~ c Z bull A ~R_ ---2_h 2 bull bull 4 e R bull C07 l_ H l_ ri ------- R1 --- c ----------- AQ _middotbull 4_p____ r 7 ___1[_2_ _r--_______ _ A____________ )_3-____ _____ __t 9 ______ ~_____ _3 __ --~___()_______ __I__08 C7 lR9 9A 1n~ ll7 S AS 84 ~Q 33 11 11 1n R 3A 3309 7RJ 1R lA 14-1 17fI 77 4R 7(_

---~- L~ 1 7 -~ 1 7 4 1 l 1 9 S 3 9 C) 4 9 A ~ 9 q10 __ 7 c _ ___ _ 2 RA l A ____J__6_R 1 C 4 7 P C 1 rq I

11 -~L f _ __ -~-- 5 _J__ __4_-_c1 ______4__]____4_ bull 5 c___h ___~_a_J 1Rn ~r- 1 1A 17~ JRR AZ 41 45

sn ss s1 6~ cR 5 c~ s912 46 4n3 91 30 170 sg 4n ~~


5 a _e_______6__Q____ ~_f-__-----6___R f- e C 6 e 7 6 e 1 t__5_j13 7 l _ -i 4 _r _ _____ 13 _ __252_____ -2l3___5 7 3_5_______3_Q_j

1_ __ f-_ 7 ______ __~_E_ ____ L5 _____7 __3__ ___J_ 1_____J__ 5 ________ O_14 _2_c 7 --- ~ l ~--- l A i R t ~ r- 1 LL q J

15 ~c A7 7L 77 7S AP ~q A c7 47 1Al ~t 1nR q3 ~~ Jq

_ ____ Cl ________ 6___ l___ 6 bull 7______]__5 ___ 6 e q 7 e J Abull 2 8 316 2 3 5 19 2 15 6 ---- __ 24-4 --- ---- 3 lt5 _________ l3C _ ____fJ __ ]]__ ~ _ 5 6 ____ s bull3 6 2 __ 5 B ______ 5 Y ___ 7 3 7 _7 ___ _17

__ 1 c ______1 ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~n 13 c 6 P ~ 5 4~q L9 ~ cn 4A ~n ~-4 4118 lP~ llA 77 11A 1cn l~A SQ Q

-----~~a-R___-=4bull2_1 e __ middot-middot middot bulls __ - __ IL 9 1 ~_1_ ___3 7 40__19 1 ~~- gt q6_ (- l Q 144 43 _37 _ A f ---middot ~ bull r bull q ~ 9 IL ~ 1 _0 -~ bull 1 A 3420 l r -- I- I q4 l qo l c c 0

-- -- -- --- - middot-middotmiddot middot----middot - --middot-middot middotmiddot- --middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--middotmiddot

~ bull l =I ~ ~ bull f 7 bull i 1 1S21 l L7 C c~ c 1- 1 Sl l ~()

22 _-~ bull--~middot-_____ z_ __g______2 _____2_ 1 __ ------ 4 h

1 1 c3 3~ --~3 __ 113_ 79 l4

) bull f-- q ~23 2-~

lRgt 11gt 11 75 39 4 5 3 7 1


Period 1969-1973 Meteorology Site RSR

Source Whittier Station SCAQt10 Average Wind Speed

-middot- -------------- -middot----- ---- ----middot-middotmiddotmiddot-middot - ~bullI= r I i- C ci

Start Time -middotmiddotmiddotmiddot

qq lll lA ]h nl 1() Cj 1n1 l -in middot-

~ 7i 2g~ 08 R q 13 2 r00 11c 12 - 170 241 21 q () t---7 1 lS 2 -middot__ -- bull 1 oe 1 ----- _ 2 _ C)_ --- _ 7 R r1

401 121 lQ lRl SO 217 R7 n-- ---- ----- ----middot-- - --- --- - -------- - -- ltJ ---

02 _-7_ 5_ -middotmiddot ____ -~_7___ ---~_ middot--~- 7 7 2_________ 2 _7 --l -i -i l sn l i i~____l_tl_ l u 1 n l H_L____q_c _

bull A 2~ 27 27 27 2A 2~4 _103 15 t 14~ lAs 211 zns 91 q2 102 2 1 1 G___ 2 bull R 2 h bull 7 ____J 2~----7___4-----04 1 1 S _______ 171 ____lPn ____ 27~ __ 1_()4 ____ 1_00_____ 07________ 8J_

-~-~-------~~A _q ___ R_ 7 ____ _7 __ _l_ 1

05 1 3 A l 4 deg 1 7 C c P 1 () ___ q c ____ 7 q 1 0 l 27 27 30 2A 28 29 2~S 2406 12R 12A 144 100 lql 114 115 R7 2~A 2QR ~~~ 3~0 Q 29 ~O 907 l 1 c 7 deg ~rn 1os __1_ c __ _ __U-52____ l 1 A _l q _

08 2 bull 0 2 bull 7 l bull 4 3 bull -~ ___ _2-_L -- -- 3 bull 1 l bull (l 2-~2-q q ~~ ~ AA lOA A R ]O

09 34 14 ~~P ~g ~9 29 3A 31 71 21 23 79 A7 f--A 63 113

10 3q 39 A0 SO 46 34 40 3S 4 9 1 7 1 A __LR_ __h____ l R 4 R 1 n 7

11 4S 45 A4 s9 s1 l l 7 1 _2_ 41 10 R 20 lA Q 17 OJ

12 4~1 4R AR 61 6A S6 ~5 4 21 11 7 g 2A S ~3 101

13 4c cl 00 74 7 A c R _4 4 q t 9 ]

-i o l 2 R l 7 _l_l __ ~ 2 1 l 3 _ 14 _ i____l A bull A A bull ~-- __ A bull4 R 1 7 bull l t 9 Ci A

1deg 11 IS 2l 17 zc 114 15 A7 70 oo A~O 7l ~9 49 ~7

1 ii A R l O 2 n 7 --~ () Q P 16 ____5__0 1 A 6 A 3 A f-- __5__2__ 4 5 c bull R

__ _17 ____ J l ___________ 7________ 1 o______ 1_0 __________ 7L_____ 4____lt1_8__ 17 _ l __ ----~-l- ___ -~ _ 4 4 _ 4_11 A_______ 4___L 4 middot n 1 _g__

32 lA 10 4 l9 cc 11

18 2~1 2A is 47 ~s r- ~s 40 4~ ~2 ~4 73 R4 cc h9 12g

19 7 l ~3--~- __2__A______ _R _ _ 2 1 7 41-- 4P io __1~_____ 12 01 1_n4 _____ l7_ __

20 bull bull 4 bull 0 bull 1 bull ~ bull r 7 bull R___ _ __ bull 4

Sc t- 0 0 7 l c 7 1 c 1______ 0 ~ 1 1 1 c 7

21 S 2A q 11 1 n 77 8 31 7R Pl 1 17A 177 Qh llR 1~c

22 1 in 3~ a 1Q 7 7 7 q 1 l q l 7 7 7 4 ___ l _P J H 7 _1_ 2 2 ---- _1 _Q__

23 2f S ___ _Q____ 1() __ -_~_R 2Y ____2___A A

l AA2 2001 7 11

-------------- -middot-middotmiddot----


Si te f~a 1 i er Steel Period 1978-1979

MeteorologySource SCAQMD


N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSvJ SW WSW w lmW NW mJDaill Averaoe

Wind Speed 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (mph)

Direction (PPrrPnt) 10 8 2 ~ ~ 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 10 10 10 11J

-7) I


Two years data provided Approximately 16000 hourly speed and direction averages not computerized therefore results estimated


1971-1974Period Site Allied

r-ieteoro 1 ogySource lenno~ StatiQ SCAQMD

Average Wind Speed X

Average ~ind Direction

DirectionStart Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s s )iJ SU ~JSvJ tmiddotJ WNW Nt~ WNW

00 23 24 22 23 26 27 38 26 2l 2 4 72S 32 ) 37 33 2 9

01 24 24 2ol 2LJ 2Ll 26 24 22 21 26 25 34 J~ 33 3 0 2 3

02 24 23 21 23 23 26 22 24 24 23 24 34 34 33 2 S 2 9

03 26 22 21 24 22 26 20 l 9 24 22 22 32 33 35 28 25 -

04 28 22 20 24 22 23 2o0 25 22 22 24 28 35 32 31 23

05 23 25 21 23 24 24 21 23 L r)

bull q 22 23 30 37 31 31 27 -

06 24 26 25 26 26 27 2 5 25 24 26 25 33 ~ 3 32 37 30 ~-

~07 29 30 26 28 29 30 28 C) 28 30 30 33 L~ 0 38 40 33 ---~~--- __ _

08 37 31 30 3 J 3 1 3 l 29 31 30 33 35 39 45 39 46 62

09 46 34 30 34 34 36 3 1 35 35 39 42 46 48 48 53 60

JO 45 32 34 32 35 36 40 36 37 44 51 56 56 50 59 75

11 45 36 37 33 35 39 45 42 37 50 57 64 64 58 61 56

12 38 27 45 35 31 38 47 42 4C 55 61 69 71 62 70 95

J3 36 34 52 38 36 36 49 40 4CJ 48 65 71 77 66 86 105

14 50 28 52 43 54 48 55 43 5 1 56 59 72 80 69 92 60

15 54 ND 60 36 50 50 48 49 30 60 63 70 78 68 86 60

16 70 45 45 27 48 50 53 48 3F 47 54 66 73 60 89 60

17 65 NO 58 1 6 50 30 35 5 1 3 1 40 47 61 67 52 69 47

18 80 43 42 37 22 44 33 29 2C 35 43 54 60 48 52 64

-19 54 28 33 32 1 9 26 32 36 2C 33 37 49 52 48 51 39

20 36 21 24 27 22 26 26 34 2 middot 29 33 45 48 40 55 46

I21 40 25 26 22 23 29 26 28 2 o 28 30 40 44 40 47 45

22 35 22 21 24 22 2B 2ll 25 2 ( 25 7 38 4 1 43 36 39

23 2 J)36 25 22 24 22 27 23 __ 2 11 24 27 33 40 39 37 28

35 26 2 r_ 26 27 29 30 30 28 31 40 57 60 44 43 36


Period 1971-1974

Lennox StationSource Meteorology Site A11 i ed

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction X

middot Sta rt Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction----SSE s SSvJ SvJ ~JSvJ w WNW N~ WNW

00 27 71 85 80 92 51 32 29 44 76 68 80 119 60 58 28

01 22 71 95 92 108 60 21 37 i 4 G7 63 62 96 6 1 66 33

02 21 84 95 93 125 62 34 47 42 53 56 52 84 57 66 29

25 66 108 97 129 73 47 41 49 44 48 4 1 84 67 55 2503

24 64 108 109 143 76 55 37 46 44 43 48 61 59 59 2404

22 62 97 115 164 73 55 45 41 38 47 39 60 57 57 2705

18 76 79 126 181 79 46 38 44 43 43 37 58 44 62 2806

18 65 91 129 159 88 50 44 50 43 42 51 70 30 49 2107

1 5 61 94 116 144 80 65 55 59 34 48 72 94 23 26 1308

14 40 69 74 108 63 55 62 71 44 67 119 147 33 24 1109

1 6 26 46 44 66 56 50 57 50 33 80 217 197 30 23 910

9 14 32 25 37 27 38 41 41 23 88 3L3 251 33 22 611

13 7 1 9 1 4 20 17 27 25 23 21 105 346 307 34 20 212

6 5 12 8 11 9 1 5 1 2 13 26 93 392 348 34 15 213

3 4 9 5 7 7 11 9 10 22 61 412 392 34 14 114

4 ND 2 5 9 5 1 2 9 3 20 57 410 416 34 13 115

5 2 2 5 7 3 1 2 8 5 23 44 390 438 44 11 216

6 ND 4 4 5 5 9 7 11 19 55 372 435 50 15 317

9 2 4 2 10 5 1 2 9 10 28 60 346 420 49 29 618

11 3 9 9 6 14 11 14 31 60 73 282 368 50 42 1619

74 239 305 60 36 2220 20 1 7 1 5 1 2 23 16 I 3 1 9 51 76

99 169 234 54 42 2321 20 22 26 29 50 28 26 22 69 87

79 144 175 45 47 2722 24 42 53 40 59 40 34 34 62 98

gtl 68 98 149 48 52 2223 59 86 59 84 40 37 ~o 65 80 t

65 197 221 45 38 161 6 36 52 54 73 41 32 30 39 46


Period 1962-1974

Source Long Beach SCAOMD Meteorology Site Stauffer

Average Wind Speed Average Ji nd Direction X



SSE s SStJ SW 1JSJ i im~ NW WN~

00 78 77 89 11 5 l l 46 35 52 38 1 5 1 3 21 59 129 73 48 ---- ___ __ --bull---middot-middotmiddotmiddot-

01 71 86 96 128 122 45 45 43 38 1 7 1 3 19 49 11 5 60 53

02 82 86 109 132 116 58 4 1 38 31 20 13 15 51 107 50 51

03 80 101 114 13 5 122 59 33 38 34 1 5 11 20 44 92 50 46

_ 04 85 103 11 9 129 122 64 43 35 31 14 13 20 402 86 44 49

05 95 102 111 134 13 2 59 bull 2 35 32 13 1 3 1 7 38 89 45 44 -

06 91 105 112 132 131 59 4 l 37 27 14 1 3 14 38 87 55 42

07 77 96 104 123 13 7 70 43 44 40 1 7 1 6 18 43 77 49 42

08 60 76 83 103 13 l 63 60 61 68 33 20 24 53 86 42 37

09 44 50 57 7 3 11 3 65 5-1 75 11 3 59 39 36 74 80 38 31

_ 10 38 28 33 46 84 54 4 3 77 165 lC6 48 41 80 83 40 29

11 23 15 1 7 LO 51 37 4Z 71 212 14 4 68 55 95 86 38 1 7

12 15 8 11 1 7 31 28 31 57 235 lE6 74 63 114 10 7 32 1 2

13 10 4 8 11 1 8 1 7 23 43 237 168 73 56 142 147 34 8

14 7 6 6 10 18 13 14 34 203 142 56 51 179 211 41 9

1 )15 5 3 3 9 14 10 33 15 0 10 3 48 47 223 274 58 7

16 6 2 4 7 1 5 9 1 30 108 75 30 46 243 338 70 7

17 6 3 6 10 14 10 10 26 77 49 23 39 247 378 92 10

18 1 2 6 8 1 3 l 6 11 15 26 57 33 1 7 32 230 396 10 7 21

19 21 16 18 22 8 1 5 1t) 31 47 24 14 30 182 368 128 39

20 33 32 35 44 37 1 9 2 1 37 38 21 14 30 138 320 128 52

21 50 39 -------middotmiddot ----- --53

- ___ _

hR fi fi --middot middot- --- ---- --middot-

~ I 1 () 35 l 6 1 bull IJ ) 10 ) 24G - - -- - - - middot-- --- -------- middot---middotmiddot----- -middot---- - -l l S 6 )

22 64 52 66 90 86 3 ~ 3 l 46 36 1 7 1 5 26 [3 6 18 1 99 67

23 70 67 81 104 10 1 40 3 ~) 45 41 1 3 11 27 70 144 e2 65

47 48 56 70 76 38 3-1 44 87 54 28 32 11 0 176 66 35



StaufferPeriod 1962-1974 Site

Source Long Beach Meteorology

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction


-ta rt rime N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction SSE s SSH SvJ ~JS-J w WNW NW WNW

00 26 25 23 24 26 30 43 38 35 32 38 29 37 30 25 27

28 24 23 23 24 31 39 38 38 29 29 31 37 29 25 2501

28 26 24 24 25 31 38 35 35 33 31 27 35 29 25 2502

28 27 23 23 25 32 35 37 33 35 28 28 34 29 25 2703

29 27 23 23 26 30 35 37 32 35 22 27 33 28 29 2804

29 26 24 23 27 30 36 34 33 35 26 27 32 30 28 2505

30 26 25 24 27 32 35 35 37 32 33 26 30 32 26 2706

29 28 27 27 28 33 40 38 33 35 41 33 35 33 29 2707

32 30 28 30 31 34 39 38 37 37 35 30 34 37 35 2908

30 32 28 32 33 36 18 43 ~-3 43 J8 32 39 4 1 39 2909

30 32 33 37 36 39 43 46 48 48 42 44 45 46 40 3410

33 33 34 40 42 43 50 49 52 53 53 46 54 52 49 3211

36 35 43 54 53 55 58 52 57 58 57 56 63 63 58 4212

65 75 75 72 4013 40 43 45 58 63 69 61 56 58 60 61

68 88 81 84 5514 42 39 44 62 67 75 61 59 60 59 63

73 89 85 91 5615 50 52 55 70 67 8 1 64 61 58 57 ~-j 8

69 87 81 84 6616 49 44 54 71 66 73 66 58 56 54 57

63 80 73 71 5017 45 58 37 60 60 60 58 52 54 49 47

47 69 62 55 4318 30 28 37 40 48 53 49 51 49 45 39

40 59 52 45 3419 24 24 28 34 33 4B 45 44 41 39 -6

37 51 43 39 29 middot~o 20 20 21 26 29 43 36 41 43 37 31

35 44 37 31 2721 24 2 1 21 24 27 35 4 1 42 4 1 38 28

22 34 41 33 29 2522 22 22 23 27 34 39 42 41 33 30

34 39 31 26 27-~ 1 24 22 23 22 26 32 40 39 37 36 ~8

47 63 54 4428 27 25 27 30 37 42 44 50 51 47 29


Period 1956-1974 Site DOW and DUPONT MeteorologySource DOW



Daily Average

ind Speed (mph) ~8 52 38 47 25 25 35 37 37 47 50 75 9 10 77 77

Direction (Percent) 8 25 13 15 25 26 76 36 20 25 6 10 16 188 128 65

G) I

I---- N


H 1

-- - -

- - - -

---- -

Western Plant Area - Kaiser Steel Fontana



I IT I - - - - - - - - - - --+ - - - -- - - - --- - - middot- - + - - - - - t- - - - - middot- - - -middot

Slrf I I I I

- I FO TJ1 middot I F---- ----------~-_1---------A_V__ I I


j I I I

I 1a ST I II fOIIO 11T I

l I

- - - - - - -- - - - - + -


-----+-middot BLvb


bullco- - - - -R-oute- - -+-






-~ I


AV gt

0 ~ 0 3 z 0 I-I- -middot -- + -middot -- middotmiddotmiddoto IJ



gt lt(

A 100


z 4 z -lt co

A r 6 SF






Cu CA ffl Q f ( J_rHTRAM-~~-LAV_----w_=H_I_TrNT=-li-----1-

- - - -- - ------- ~1__---------r-- ___ s_ --l- -- ----I I I




---------+ -r----- ------- + I


ST 4TH ST_)___ JI ~-----____ ----- ---- - i----~--rt -

I I -1 I bull I I bull






- I_

II ~ - - - -- - - - - - + -----------t----


I ~ I



1 I


I -1



Eastern Plant Area - Kai~er Steel Fontana

ow FS

bull o z 0 ~ J ~



--- A(llIIN



middotI ~ I



--- --t-t---1




+i I I I

gt gt I

~ I

- --~ + - - ci - - - - gt

- - - -- - --- - -- -





middotmiddot------- +--bull I



I - - - - middot+

~ - --+ I I I




Offsite Storage Tanks - Stauffer Chemical Co San Pedro

bull~~ - ~ - ~ te-e_- fl_ bull lt) -iTCRrJ

bull-1- 6bull ~~----Ro i I Pt 5 bull lit~ I I A i~ v I -Jbulltf- ~-l~ dL

tf~l ~ - I _f) 1

ti_LJ ~~J (wt raquomiddot-C ~~lt ___ f_~gt

middot l~ 71 ~ I ~~ c Qj ~(gt l~ HI h-fS ~~c~ ~J(


IT ~ bull1middot~_l -( c-~zmiddot _

I 0 --~ tl)V- ~shy

~ ftrtlI_bullbull-

middot~ _bullff~~gt_~

i~Y1 f~2~

~ g

~i1 ~--

c I ~ q



~ -~_x I I -~--middot ~Imiddotmiddotmiddot~1

- - -t- -shy

l i





bulltor~ r0 t~~-~ I middot~ I

~- - I r I

4 ltAry4


I middot p


cij4A~---- Y t-gt lti


-- --- -





bull11middot1 -~JP4s--- f51 bullgt~~~~~--~~or(~tQy_-bull--middoti bull bull(l ~ --~- middot- -_ _-~


Y4I C O CipI I ---I HARJU I 1 I


Main Plant Site - Stauffer Chemical Co Carson



I bull

~JAoElM t _J1lfH ~~DRIOC JI IH




~ LN 1~~1-bullil L bullU _ -__i( LN

~rJ~ ~ ~~o~~bulli--=~_ l~~Jt~t1 uiCA)C ampbull ~bullbullLit l

IOAI I _bull~r J~t~-~ lN r~rJLbull u~~~~~~ u~__a-ampMII WL 1(11

l ~ -------7--y I deg

f t




I ----- +--

I I ~

I f~


~s~-- middot ~~~ lII ~t--~ -- ~




Plant Site - Allied Chemical El Segundo

middot bull__- --__ - gt J -middotmiddotrt --_ middott 11 ~ - ir-l~ tt I - ~1~_I~ t tmiddot j I

MAFltu~ Lo o -- -middot-z 1 ~ - middotmiddotbulla- J ti - l-J~ i - __ IJ

1 bullmiddot- --middot--r - -~- lgtJ~middot ----~til1~ middoto ~-- bull l f rt1 I - -r 1 _ t fj ---ltf - i ti)- --r ~ middot r ~ -

i I



8Lyen[j middot- l

( --middot I ( =-~ middot--~~-~ -)- --- -- J)L~ middot -middotfrac14tr __ ~ r d1J~

~~ 5 iOAkO Cl( )y Jv -=l~ i middotmiddot- - - I -

1 I I -_~---bull1fJ--------middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--____ 1

-~ middot

bullmiddot -- _middotimiddot~_ i_~- I---~~~-~ (1=-middot t-===tr-1middotmiddot-~-ltt ~~ --Jltgt middotmiddot~~ ~if-- --middot )middot ltfi~ - idegI-- f~ Q)lT-~ _lt l middot XV~1~ middot -~~ ~ --~

I I t

Vl)-l-QOJ d J u

sectJ~ BLVDII EJ SEi~D~ 1 nu tmiddot-middotmiddot-middot J _

tl~ r-middotn ----i J middot--1_ ___ ~1-1

A f gtiff_ ffmiddotc YYt)II ~ r bull Ja------ ijlttQ~QW~

___ ~Q -~imiddotbull1 ~H fl(--middot

-lt) bullbull

1 middot

middot--middot middot-- _

middotmiddot_ u - -_-~~middot_1r

~-- ~ _

~ -middotmiddot bullY

j ~ ~ L ~ ll c_l

~ pf-

111-r ~ (i middot) ~

bI middot_FT )-I Imiddot ~middotmiddot () --

I filfltf) J ~3 ilj-t ~ C _G~ llli_A T1 AN B~ACI


603 middot Alondro Pork

l U (

Goll Coorll

~ htyen 1~J-(_

d n t U Wik c rr 1 i t_y of Indus try



Plant Site - Dow ch em i cal US A Pittsburg

I bullbull middot1 Sfl Wi - bull AUIIUlllJLII+

BELMOr r l -- -- 7iSHOfgt ITHACA lN I




72copy~~~~-0AYTON l

I I+

__ middot

1- - -~ middot


- ----------

Plrint lite - ilu rnnt Antioch

) j



Plant Site - Johns rlanville ctockton

a a



51 )I 51 07




lhe microldrrt fluriti1~s tuC after tne microrimar y reactions by separation and digt ti l I dt i ur1 fgtr-ocJuLL 1 s ctured ctncl umiddot 2d ctS foed for VCM production All

sourclS agre~ tl1dt c1ission of EDC is (f concern in its productionstorage

process stages ctnJ O little importance in VCM production steps (J~B 1980)

At the timt of plant inspection some storage of EOC existed at three

ledsed storage tanks located at tne Port of Los lngeles 1-iaterial has not

been 1-Jithdravm from these tanks during the 1dst year and there had been

discussion to consolidate materictl into a single tank

All microrocess components handling EDC storage are now tied to a closed

ventilation incineration syste11 It is expected that virtually all

chlorinated hydrocarbons includiny EDC will be etfectively destroyed since the

system must demonstrdte VCM concentrations are reduced below 1 ppm Firebox

tempera tu re is aoodegF and residence ti me greater than 1 5 seconds under

heaviest flow conditions Note that by way of comparison combustion perforshy

mance datct for PC8s are 99995 destruction at 1832degF and 1 second residence

time and 9Y9Y9YY4 at 2 seconds dnd 2372degF (N Flynn SAi Personal


Fugitive emissions from valves and flanges are monitored by the

plant according to the requirements of SCAQMD Rule 4661 Pumps and

compressor follow ~ule 466 Emission and control requirements for vinyl

chloride are specified by ~ules 1005 and 10051 EOC concentrations in

wastewater are monitored several times daily in tne primary EDC steam stripper

stream and once daily in the composite plant outflow stream Daily water

disct1arge limits are 2~ ppm wit11 typical montt1ly averages being in the 8 ppm

vicinity The discharge limit is ~mbodied in the discharge permit (number

5061) vJith tt1e Los Angeles County ~anitation District

Tnere are a number of points at which tt1e rnc can be released to the

dtmospnere and they are similar for both dir~ct chlorination and oxychlorinashy

tion These include the following along with their emissions factors for direct chlorination

A chlorinator vent 2xliJ- 5 IOdSS per unit mass EDC produced

I) I ight end column vent -52x lt)

C dist i I I at i un column vent lXlU-5

u storage tank breatning 7xlu- 5


E storaye tankworkiny loss 27x 0-u 5F fugitiv~ emission bxll -

-JLi ildSteJdter l gtX] U

Em~ssion factors are si~~lJ fer oxychlorination processes

Enlission factor vau-5 (~1rbulle Tdilt2~ frcn tne literature (JR13 198U) and

assume 9b iciency for incineration (A-E) It is also assumed above that

EIJC emissions to water are Lf~ uf ~rihsion to citir ard that in wastewater

treatment 100 of EOC discharged tc1 vater is rel easl~d to a i 1middot ~ These emission

factors 1bull1e1middote used to prioritize r-2ieaies iJut were cldrly uude approximations

to tre planL l)ecause of thlt ncine-xt~on system it was anticipated that

fdctors A-E would be ri2dtKcdft 1-middotactor - 1nii~t1t be reduced since a monitoring

program had been in force al20st o~e y2ar Factor G and the off site storage

tanks~ vni~cn are not tied into lt1n ircinerator system rniyht -iominate emissions

Emissmiddotion limits and concomitant regulations embodied in Rule l00S of

the SC-l)MU have necessitctted tlw incinera-cion system Ninety gas chronatograph

probes are located throughout t11e plant including the stack of the primary

incinerator Con cent rations of vc1v1 are reported es sent id I I y be I ow tt1e r~yu la -

tory limit of 10 ppm and in fact below the limit of detection somewhat less

tl1an 01 micropra


Tne objective of tt1e proyram is to determine a pl ant emissions for

EOC It is not accemicrotabl~ to dtmiddotvelop sucll informatmiddot1on basect upon published

indlllstry Jide esti11dtes of plant control efficiencivs Fortunately it was

possible to desiyn a monitoring and calculational progra1n to determine EUC

emissions for tne site and not ctbsorb a disproportionate share of program


Hie re are tnre~ modes ot re I ease from tt12 micro Iant dnd d fourt11


bull Post-Process 1nci11er-dtion

Processes A-E of ecc ion lll 1 dre a 11 1ented into the pl ant

incinerdtio11 syste11 rt1e conceritrcttion of VCfmiddotl contir1uously iectsured in till=

stctck cts SJdS output remicroresents d rectsondble UjJper li11it to diJply tor EDC

con cent rat i ons s i nce i ts ef f i c i ency of i nc i nera t i on 1s d t 1 east c l1 u a I to tr1 at


ot VCibulll Tlerefore knowledge of the system dirflow rnd VCM concentrcttion are

tt1e necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the bounds of EDC

reledse fhe pldnt expn~sse I wi 11 inyne~)s to provide tnese data in order to

support the calculations

bull Fugitive Emisions - Valves Flanges Seals and Other Sources

Fugitive emission from the valves pumps and flanges can be

determined more precisely tnan was anticipated since Stauffer has completed a

comprehensive leak inventory of all such components in compliance with Rule

466 466 1 and 1005 The Inventory delineates all leaks uncovered by their

three man crew throughout tne year and indicates the screening level in ppmv

and component identity In consultation with Stauffer we will be able to

identify the total number of components associated with EDC handling systems

( 700) the distribution ot substance composition streams the distribution

and incidence of leaks by hardware component type and leak rate We will

utilize this information to provide historical data to compliment our Foxboro

OVA sampling at the site dased upon this monitoring we predict an EDC mass

emission rate for the fugitive releases The plant has agreed to provide the

necessary information We propose to meet witt plant personnel prior to the

start of monitoring and finlize the sdmpliny strategy to accomplish 100

coverage of the lines of hiuhest EDC composition The sampling approach and

calculation of mass emission are described in Section 72

bull ~~as tewater

From examination of the emission factors derived from published

literature (see Section 10~) it is clear that EDC release from wastewater to

air is potentially several 11rders of magnitude higher than any other plant

source l1ased upon microl ant ml~a sured concentrcJ ti ons of 8 ppm EDC in water a more

realistic emission factor wgtuld b 24xlo-4 1-iassunit mass EOC produced

Clearly this could still be the dominant source Furthermore the release

point would be expected to middotgte locctted between the plant and the sanitary

district treatment site whi1 his~ kmfrom the plant at 24501 S Figueroa We

believe it is necessary to ndemicroendently confirm the average 24 hour EDC

concentration in the dischar-qe valer by obt1ininy the refrigerated composite

sample We t1ave identified ttie I 1nes of int~rest and received agrt~ement to

sample and analyze for EDC in the stream ~e propose to draw a duplicate

sample from the compositor nd ani1lyze for its rnc content This will be


compared with Stauffers para11eI tnalysis It is not reliable to obtain

direct readings of EDC by survey instrument in the air above the water flow since concentrations at crny single point will be i 1 the near dmbient range

Emissions will be cc1lcJLtecl 1_sing the plants vulumetric daily flm

and ass~m~ng that complete degass40~ of the effluent will eventually occur

This assumption is based umicroon the relative volatility uf EDC and tne distances

involved However it should be noted that no direct experimental or

monitoring data is available with which to confirn this Th2 composition of

the discharge stream is unknomiddotwn since it merges into a larqe multisource flow

Conversation with the LA County Sanitation l)istrict (J f1ilne) reveals the

stream to be both exposed and covered Vents exist where me measurements

could De made to assess gross leaka~e at key points

We will obtain samp1es of several plant process discharge streams in

40 ml bottles witn no head space Transit time fr0m sample collection to

analysis will be minimized and wi l I not exceed 24 nours This time frame is

conservat i v e al though ED C i s a v o l ct ti l e mater i al ar1 ct vJi 11 undergo

concentration degradation and outgdssing lnalysi) will b(~ performed in tt1e

SAI Trace Environmental Chemistry Laborcttory utilizing pur 1Je and trap analysis

FID gas chromatography A trial a11alysmiddotis was conducted and the EOC

characteristic peak was distinctive down to the ppb level Therefore the

analysis should easily confirm concentrations in t1e 8 ppm range

Offsite Storage ranks

Three EOC leased storage tanks are located offsite at the Port

of Los Angeles and are owned by annther firm Annual emissions from the tanks

were very roughly estimated based un AP-42 JRB 1980) as 44 kkgyear

based on preliminary estimates of stored quantites

Considering tne magnitude of this source these storage tanks must

be investigated We will gather information about their configuration and

control i n order to ca I cu l ate their e111 i s s i on s bull


lU3 UEfERM I NAmiddot 10~~ OF MISS IONS

1031 Incinerator

Vinyl chl 11ride co11centration is monitored dt approximately 90

locations throughoul the pl trlt (Lanyner 19Bl) including the incinerator

output Conc~ntrations are reported by Stauffer dS less than 0l ppm at a

flow rate between 10000 ant 12000 SCFM Although no direct monitoring of

EDC is conducted it is posible to conservatively bound the concentration of

EDC at U 1 pp111 Tl1at conce 1ltrat ion is a suitable ci10i ce s i nee it represents a

conservative bound on tile VCM levels measured near the stack output

Furthermore the molar volume will be taken as 224 L rather than the higher

value it would nave because of the sl i~thtly elevated temperature at the

detector location

Using 12000 SCFM one has thE annual emission of EDC as 12 x 103

SCFM x 283 LSCF x 526x105 minyr x lmole x 97gmole x 10-7vv 224L

Therefore incinerator emissions of EOG are thought to be bounded by 773 kg or

170 1byear

10J2 Fugitive Emissions

Seven hundred (7UlJ) sources were surveyed comprising nearly 100 of

EDC service All accessibl~ plant areas with streams containing greater than

1 EUC were screened except for a small number of devices located in areas

11lere active maintenance was being condJCted It is believed unnecessary to

p2rf-gtrm any emission factor adjustment since it is estimated that gredter than

95 of the requisite components were screened

Three leaks above an arbitrary OVA reading threshold of 20 ppm were

detected Table 103-1 sumnarizes thei~ screening valves calculation

parameters and mass emission numbers fhe upper bound leak rate was

determined to be close to twice the nominal leak rate which accounted for the

response fltlctor of amicroproximamiddotely 05 by Radirn for TLV detection of EDC

( 13 rown 1980) bull

Stauffer found and reported approximately 10 leaks in the EDC

service during 9 months previous to the pLrnt testing Assuming no111inal leak


) )

Table 103-1


OVA SAI Actual Upper Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rate Bound Location (ppm) Rae tor (ppm) a b Se I Re Function lbyr lbyr

Gate Valve Unit P1559A

Valve Heavy Ends Column Unit 14439

Compressor Seal EDC Storage Unit Tl062

I-- w co

300 11 273 -035 096 0 17 153 D 6

11 I500 114 439 II 241 C 1

r III II II o-is lUI bull2000 vl 1 1818 A 9~

All emissions 100 EDC (12-Dichloroethane)


values in the nei~hborhood of 2000 lbs~ total could be emitted annually

Therefore it appears ttiat major reductions in the mass emissions were achieved

by the company run inspection prugram and the fugitive emission source has now

become of seconqary importance as a fraction of total plant emissions

lUJJ Wastewater Discharge

Wastewater samples were collected in duplicate from four sites

within the plant for determination of ethylene dichloride (EDC) concentration

The samples were collected in EPP standard 40 ml VOA vials on July 1 1981

Analyses were performed using standard purge and trap techniques coupled with flame ionization detection gas chromatography The results are given in the

table below

Sample description EDC conc~ntration range (microJml)

EDC concentration average ( 1-19ml)

Approximate fl ow ( gpm)

PVC Interceptor Box 82 - 108 95 200

EDC Stripper number Chlorination area C1404


011 - 014 012 25

Final collection site for pH adjustmentP663 349 - 3B2 366 350

Final discharge site sanitary sewer 6 - 254 158 500

The water in the PVC lnterc1~ptor ~ox was warm and represents washings from the

PVC reactor which travels t 1J the Interceptor Box in a concrete drainage ditch

Water from the EDC ctripper was vPry t10t and because of its heat was difficult to collect The ~1eat ot trie wat11 r may in pdrt account for tne

relatively low concentratio11 of ElC here as the EDC would out-gas from the hot

~vater more readily The fir1ctl collection site tor pH adjustment is a large

concrete container middotvith mixers in it located just prior to the final discharge

site Water at the final dischdrg~ site is being constantly aerated due to

the speed that it flows thru~yn the concrete drainage trough This aeration

could account for tne relatively large range in the rnc conotent found here

The average EDC concentraticmiddot1 at tne final discharge site is middotbelow the daily

discharye requirement of 25 19ml EDC


Plant oersonnel indicdted monthly iverage readings are typically on

the order of 8 ppm but daily averages can re 1ch greater than 20 microgml In

addition LA County Sanitation Uistrict staff (J Milne 1981) indicated that

an on-site impoundment pond can become laden with EOC during certain abnormal

operating periods and discharge Vdriances arl requested by Stauffer This

mi 9t1t Jccur on the order of O1c0 aCii ecH c1 1d t1erefore is no-c expected to

signifcantly impact averag~ cnnJJI discharg ~ values lt s not expected at

this t1ime tEit evaporative eriss uns from this pond are significant except

infrequently during upset conditions and spi 11 control operations Program

staff ~~ 1er2 una111Jare of any periods ~h 1~n EDC cimtent in the ponds could be

appreciable and therefore no sampling was performed

Utilizing the average uf the two final discharge concentration

1readinJs (158 micrograrnsm~ 1 and 1G 1Ji gpm fl)W one has 34600 lbyear of EDC

released into the sanitary sEwer For the pJrposes of calculating population

exposures from plant releases it will be assJmed that the EDC is locally

emitted from the wastewater streams Tl1ere ire no monitoring data available

with which to develop a more accurate release profile

However emissions of me fron the plant wastewater discharge can be

calculated according to the method of Mcmiddotckay (197S) as modified by Dilling

(1977) It should be noted that this mLst be considered an estimate since

conditions of fl ow and the presence of other substances will influence

emission rates

Using Uilling (1977) for non~erated flow first recalculate

Henry 1 s law constant (dimensionless-my of chmiddot~mical per liter of air divided by

mg of chemical per liter of water) dS

1604 P M 1 Wl

TS l



H Henrys law constant dimensionlessl

Pi tile compounds pur1~ componen- vapor pressure in mm Hg at T

Mwi the 11olecular weiglt

T tile absol ~te temperature of he wastewater in K

Si tt1e compounds ~uluhility in myliter at T

Then for UJC

(l6u4)(7~)(9Y)H = = U0447 with 1


LIii bullul1Jl)i I 1 1y 1 middot UL i11 wt1Ler yiven -1L L0degC is 8u4JU UHI tile vapl)r pressure

1 4 psi ( 7 2mm) at 7 0 degF bull

Tl1e overall liquid mass-transfer coefficient Kil is given by Dilling (1975)


(2211)(06) in mhr

-f-0-4~ (M _) 12+ 100 Wl-H-



Then from Mackay the percent desorption is given by

c 1 = exp (-Kil tL) where

c 0

c = the concentrd ti on at time t of EOC 1

co = tile initial concentration

L = the Ii quid depth (Ill)

t = tt1e retention time (in hr) of the liquid in the wastewater


Retention time is bc1s~d 11pon a flow velocity range of 3 ftsec as estimated by

the Los Angeles County Sdnitatii)middot1 Dibulltrict (1J Milne) over a middotdistance of

ctmicroprox i 1nate I y S km to the Joi n_t Wdter Po 11 ut ion Contra l Pl ant Sewer fl ow

depth throughout the entire route have been estimated by J Milne as typically

1 foot 030m) to the Davison Pump Plant and 3 feet (09m) to the Joint

Tredtment Plant distances assumed to bt~ 1 mile and 2 miles respectively

Trdnsit tiine l)eco111es between 05 tnd LU hours sequentially Then computing

the net emission reduction as the product of each leg

Therefore 26 of the EOC i erni t ted bdween the pl ant and the Joint Water

Pollution Control Plant Rtgtsfdence ti111e and conditions at the plant account


for additional releases and residudl content is forther emitted between the

plant cnd the ocean discharge poiiit ~-Herever the flow is r2tained aerated

or shallow emissions will be accentuated

Offsite Storage Tank Emissions

There are three storage tanks leased by Stauffer for EDC storage

1ocated at 22nd and Gaffey Sts ~ bull San Pedro These tan ks a ~e used for long

term storage rather than providing feed on a routine basis Therefore

breathing loss rather than v1orkir 1J lass is )f concern An tanks are white

two being 67 ft in diameter while t~2 third is 57 ft All are 40 ft 3 inches

high and have capacities of e~thi l0~10000 (2) or 840000 gallons The

tanks are cone roof type and are not tied into vapor recovery systems The

South Coast Air Quality r1dna~J~ment u~ str4 ct has based their estimate of

emissions on the specification of 12 foot vapor level Using the AP-42

formula for breathing loss with the vapor pressure of EDC at 20degc and an

average diurnal temperature variation of 26degF one hds for each of the two

larger tanks

l) 173 H bull51 T bull 5 LlI = (619 x 10-S) M( _P_ tH F CKcp 147-P

68 173 51 5 = (619 X 10-S) (9119~ 116 bull (67) ( I 5) (26) (1) (1)

14 7-1 16)

Thus for the two larger tanks LB= 472 lbday

For the third tank 0=57 and = 178 lbdayL8 The total emissions become 23724 lbyear ~ince he plant is in the process

of shutdown it is not clear what the liquid levels currently are Note that

if the material in the three tanks were combined into one totamiddot1 -~1nissions

would be reduced markedly Exposure to a population from this site was

determined separately since it is lbullgtcated over six miles fron tl1e plant





A major program goal wa~ to compare emissions from the various

sources and identify and rank any 11 tlot spots in California where the general

population was exposed to elevated concentrations of carcinogens A simple

Gaussian dispersion model was therefore used to obtain order-of-magnitude estimates of exposure of the genermiddotal population surrounding each source

Since this was essentially a screening study use of more sophisticated models

was not appropriate

It cannot be emphcsized too stronyly tnat most California residents

are exposed to emissions of hazardous substances from a variety of natural and

rnanmade sources Urban dwellers dre typically exposed to greater concentrashy

tions than rural residents however all are subjected to so called 11 background 11 levels from multiple sources In order to place stationary

source exposures in perspective the typical ambient levels of each substance

were identified from the literature and compdred with the concentrations due

to the emissions from each ~lant Exposures were thus expressed both as

absolute quantities and as increments above background

Comparison of plants presents a further difficulty in that various

substances are being consict~red No attempt was made to evaluate the relative

importance of exposure to two different substances such as chloroform versus carbon tetrachloride other than by ambient concentration


1121 Meteorologicdl Llata

The dispersion model to be descritgted in Section 113 required input

of annual average wind speed and frequency of occurrence of wind from each

compass direction These data were obtained for most of the sites from the

South Codst Air wuality Management District (SCAQMD) In other cases (Kaiser

Jotms-Manvi l le l)ow and OuPlt)nt) only clai ly cJVerage wind speed and frequency

data were available In al I cases we used data from the meteorological

station nearest the modeled e11issrnn source Table 112-1 summarizes the



Observation Site Data Period of Pldnt (Distdnce Source Observation Remarks

from Plant)

A11 i ed Che11 i Ca 1 Lennox SCA~MD 1Y71-1974 Averaged hourly readings available ~ 1 Segundo (3 111iles)

S ff~r-- Uemical Long l3each SCA()MD 1962-1974 Averaged hourmiddoty leadir19s avai1able offsite Carson (3 miles) storage tanks appruxi1ntL~ly 5 miies from

rneteoro middot1 ogy s I te


-~ Dow Pittsburg Pittsbury lJOVJ 1955-1974 Daily and averacied Ninnd rrJse on1y--no hourly-~

Uu~ont Antiocn (lt5 miles to data uVdilable Antioch)

r~d i ser Stee 1 Fontdnct SCAQMD 1978-1979 Two years of hourlydaily data printout made r - i -- lt3 1niles available (33000 entries) daily averages

estimated as only practical alternative -middot bullA

Jon 1 s 1middot1 an I i 1 l e Stockton NOAA 1941-1970 No hourly data estiamtes based on monthly S-cJc~ton (1 mile) prevalence of directions and speed

R~R City uf Whittier SCAQMD 1969-1973 Averaged hourly readings available lnuustry (4 miles)

1neteoroloyical data 1iase for eden site Wind speed and 1tJind direction

freljuency dcttd us~lti 1r1 Ull~ model are provided in Apmicroendix Li

11LL Populdtion Ddtct

In oroer to assess popu Idt i 011 exposure in tile same way for a 11 the

sources we defined d lLJ-s4u1re mi le impact area arround each ~ant This

size WdS cnosen since it was found in most cdses to include all distances at

whicn incremental ground lev~I concentrations due to plant emissions would

exceed genera I urban ambient Ieve 1s for the microo 11 utant in question In most

cases the plant was placed ltlt the center of the impact area Where winds

were predominantly from one sector or a few adjacent sectors or where an

unpopulated area (ey the Pacific Ucectn) adjoined one side of a plant the

impact drea was defined to li~ imm~didtely downwind of the site

Once the impact areas were defined we obtained Thomas 8rothers maps

of all census tracts within them These maps are provided in Appendix H

Census tract populations were obtained from the 1980 US Census The

population of each tract was assumed to lie dt tne centroid except when tne

tract was large and most of the population was concentrated away from the

centroid in the latter case the best-defined population center was used

fadial and angular distances from the sources to the population centers were

tr1en determined


ln urder tu estiindt~ pomicroulcttiun expusures in the census tracts

surrounding each source a simple Gaussian dispersion model was used Use of

a 1nore sopnisticdtect 111odel ~-1as inamicroproJridte yiven the uncertainty in our

emission rate estir~1ates It is questionable v1hether any real gain in accuracy

would nave resulted

ne -Jell-knovm Gaussian oispersion formula is (Porter 1976)

C = 106 Q

iTUOCT z y


C 9rounct leve1 concentration in (i-igm3)

emission rate (gs)

u average vJi nd speed at the microl1ys i ca I stack nei ght (ms) 0 standard deviation of the vertical concentration distribution z



a standard deviatinn d the noriz1intal conentration _y


H effective stack height (m)

y is the crosswind distance froin the plume centerline to the

receptor point (m)

This e4udtion was assumed to microrov1de no 11r1y average ground level concentrashy

tions (Kanzie1~i 1982) Tle vaiues for the standard demiddot-riations o and 0 are y z functions of the downwind distance x

b iJ dX (113-2)

l d

0 ex (113-3)y

where a b c and d dre constants that fit the function to the empirical

curves presented in Turner (t97C) he v~middotJnd -peed at physical stack height is

given by the equation

u (113-4)


u wind speed at physical stack height (ms)

llJ = measured wind speed (ms)0

h physical stack neight (m)s h the hei gtlt at which tile known wind speed was measured (m) and


p an empirical constant which varit~s with stability class

Lacking data on the heights at which the all known wind speeds were measured

we followed common practice and assumed a value of 10 m for h bull0

Tridl calculations showed the valu~ of tne plume rise for all the

sources except RSR Johns-Manville and the Kdser final cooler cooling tower

to be negligible (ie less than one meter) Plumbull rise formulas developed by

Christiansen (1975) and cited by Porter (1971gt) wer- used for the exceptions

The rise WdS assumed to be momentum-dominated for ltSK Johns-Manville and

Kaiser cooliny tower and bouyrncy-dominated for tne Kaiser coke ovens

As was discussed above the radial and angular distances from a

source to each surroundinlJ census tract were dett~r1ined Wind direction and

See llu s se 1ltJ 7J


smicroe~d data meanwt1ile ~ere obtained for eacr1 of the 16 111ajor compass points

To cr1lculdte tile conu~ntrat1on at a giv n microoirt it was first necessary to

d(termine the co1JpdSS s~ctor in Jhic11 Li1e microui11t ldy Fiyure 113-1 gives an

LXdinmicro le for a census tract at r k1~ from a source and at JU degrees from a

reference ctngle ~~t1ich we defined as north (U deyrees) As seen in the

fi9ure this ~oint lil~S in a sector bouided b the NNE (ZL5 deqrees) and NE

( 1i~ de~JretS) rn111microdss dir1~ct1ons lt1e Cttlculc11ion WdS microertormed once t1)r every

11our of the day since annually averctged values of hourly wind smicroeed were

available The followiny schedule of hourly stability clas was determined to

De cons i stent w i th t ne re I d ti on sh i micros s u mrna r i z ( d by Turner ( 1 7) y i v en the

observed distribution of wind speeds at our meteorologoical measurement

stations The schedule vas m1Jdified slightly at the suggestion of the ARl3

(Ranzieri 198l)

Hour Class Hour Class

0 F 13 B 1 F ltl 8 2 F 11) 8 J F l ~ 13 4 F 1 8 5 F 1 ~ IJN 6 F l J UN 7 DU 20 F 8 d 21 F 9 13 22 8 10 13 iJ 8 11 t1 12 13

Using the aoove equations and adj us tnents the concentration at the

point of interest was then cal cu I at~d as the sum of the concentrations

resulting from plumes naviny middot~ne boimdiny compass directions as centerlines

if the anyular distance to th~ point was conuruent with a compass direction

then only one calculcttion was necessary Let C(Y 1ti) and C(U ti) be the2

concentrations calculctted at 1our i for co111pibull)s directions Y and Y 1 2

resmicroectively 1s d1cusseltJ in Section 11L 1ur 111eteoroloyicdl ddtd in most

cases inc I uded t tie f reyuency ot wind direction for each hour of the day Let

f(Y 1

ti) and f(Q t) oe tne microrobctDilities ot occurrence of wind in the2




Figure 113-1 Determination of Compass Position of Census Tract Centroid


directions Y dnd w2

resp1bullctive1y at hour i rt1en the expected value of the1 cunce11Lrit1rgtrI it UH point iri questiun tt iiour I is

C(t) = f(G t )C(G t) + f(IJ t )C(q1 t) (113-5)

l 1 l 1 1 2 1 l 1

nw average dnnua I exposure wa then ca I cul ated as the average exposure on

this composite day

23 C = (124) E C(ti)


The model was programmed in Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II

microcomputer having 48 K bytes of random access memory and a disk storage

capability The program which is included as Appendix I was compiled with

an Un-Line Systems Inc Expediter II BASIC compiler in order to decrease

running time


1141 Modeling Kesults

Using the modeling parameters listed in Table 114-1 tne

incremental pop~lation exposure due to each of the stationary sources was

computed Tables 114-2 through 114-12 show the modeled annual average

incremental exposure for each census tract Jround each plant Census tract

numbers appear on tne maps in Appendix H) The cumulative population column

specifies the total population exposed to all concentrations equal to or

greater than the corresponding source weighted concentration entry of the

table Figures 114-1 through 114-11 illustrate the cumulative population

exposure versus incremental concentration above ambient background concentrashy

tions Table 114-lJ lists rangemiddot of typicJI urban ambient concentrations for

eacn substance fhese gtJere used middoto assess tne incremental contribution of the

plant emissions Table 114-14 s 1 1mmarizes the incremental population exposure

due to each source These were bctsed upon annuc1l averaye source strengths and

do not reflect transients in emisions or worst case meteorolgoical

conditions Note thdt no attempt was made to assess the potential health

effects or risks to the public dut to the resultant combined exposure


) )

Table 114-1




Initial Source Height(m)

18 3

Plume Rise Domination


Exit Velocity (ms)

17 8

Exit Terngerature

( K) -


11 Stack 11

Radius (m)


Emission Rate (gs)

_LJ 5 bull i x l O ( Jls)

Kaiser -el Cormicro - Coke G-=-nS

- Cuul 11~ 0v1cr










~ - CJ38

012 125 Je23

(PAH) (benzene) (benzene)

IO h 11 S ibullI r l l 2 30 Momentum 11 9 NNa 043 28 x -~ 1

10 - tasbestos)

f- u 0

Dov Chc1--11 31 10 NCb NC NC ~~A 1JJ8 cet)

- 047 (rerc amp carbon

Al l i ed Cr--~11 i cal 10 NC NC NC NC 0-00047 (chloroform) 0053 - U084 (carbon tet) u0L6 - u044 (combin~d)

Uumicroont 10 NC NC NC NC 0024 - 0031 (carbon tet)

Stctuffer _1~1nicctl - Unsitc - ilks - UtiSl l-= -- alKS






U50 U34



arlN = Not ~ecessary for calculation of plume rise

b NC = Pl -1 bull -2 r i s e nut ca 1cul ated bull

ctffectiv2 radius assumed e 4ual to that of a circle having the same horizontal area as the source

Tao l e l l middoti - c



Concentration ourcc- 1~2n SUS Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs ~ei ghted fJopu Idt ion Persons Tract trniss~on Kate Concentration Exposed

( microy rn ) (ng1) LO~ iii g n

4Ub80 0578 UU6o U2~ J532 117268 40740 l)6 0082 035 1533 113736 4069U U6 OOol U3gt 6369 112203 4U67U UIU~ OlHJJ 036 707~ 105834 407 lUl uno UUd4 lJJl 4J~l 98755 4U7~U Ll oLJ UOY U4~ ~44l 943Y8 408601 08ltJ iJ097 u 4~ 7099 889~6 4Ud40l U83c J u~rn 04l 3531 81857 408~Ul 0873 )bull lU 04S 2472 78326 4073U U3 )11 04~ 7au 75854 4U7 l Uc 0965 1111 U49 4547 68634 4UIU U 1103 I l] uS6 8158 64087 4U8llJ2 1110 L 13 U56 2112 55929 407 o 1113 13 u56 8893 53817 4076 lo55 ( bull 2L U94 6267 44 Y24 4072 l87J ia U95 61 38657 4340 l101 U l 5 11 Y 168 32462 4Uo3Ul 215U (1 c5 11 3809 23L94 408502 ll23 ll26 11 6496 19485 4UtU UL 307~ I bull Jb lb 33~6 12 98Y 4083UJ 314~ I J] 16 3893 Y633 4084Ul J984 u47 20 574U 5740


Table d4-3



Census Tract

200 280 230 240 310 220 250

Concentration lor 1 gs 1n-1 ss ~on Rate (micro~1m ) Coo 1 Coke Tower Jven

0162 0162 0721 o 779 u 921 U957 1292 1678 1 496 1 626 L433 1997 2 483 3~155

Wemiddoti gli ~fd Con cent rat middot101

middot~ng ~)

lJ 73 3~J 42 63 6 ~ ) 7 l


Ctnsus Tract PopLil at ion

39423 4404 5698 6058 4890 5773 5945

umulative Persons Exposed

72196 32768 28364 22666

166608 11718 5945



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(micro sim ) (ngm)

20 U162 19 39428 72196 28 o 779 93 4404 32768 23 0957 llS 5698 28364 31 1626 1 4890 226b6 24 1678 201 6058 17776 22 1997 240 5773 11718 25 3155 379 5945 5945




Concentration Soure- Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Wei g11ted Population Persons Tract Emi ss 10n ate Conce~tration Exposed

(microgm) (pgm)

5103 240 230 280

0559 1038 1076 2150

16 29 30 60

~ 435 4909 3816 1747

15907 10472 5563 1747



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(microgm) (ngm) Low High

Dow Pittsburg (carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene)

30600 1511 945 1335 7817 20309 313102 1550 978 1372 1696 12492 30500 1920 1211 1692 5241 10796 307201 2207 1393 2030 2986 5555 307202 2241 1410 2068 2569 2569

DuPont Antioch (carbon tetrachloride)

3020U 2471 590 77 o 7098 7098


Tdble 114-7


Census Tract

650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 01 6205~01 6020oc 6040U 62lJSU2 62Olt3O 602503 6025 01 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 62090l 62U40 602402 6022 0 620901 602301 62010 62000 602302 620302 620303 62020 620301



Concentration S0urc_- CLnsus Tract for 1 ys Wei ghtecl Pcpulation Emission Rate Co11C1cnrt ion (microgm3) ( n-~rr

j )

l 1l 4 6 6276 L6~6 c() 4859

L634 J0780

1650 8 5065 pLb76 ) 6181

J042 r 5716 lUBIJ ~ cWH

(JLYJi 7 0 2 108 lU 6667 2~1~U lU 7074 2~224 10 4612 2 339 11 5886 2359 11 5754 2422 11 7430 2785 13 4983 2816 13 6561 3102 15 5564 3425 16 7453 3~b30 17 3142 4361 ~u 383S 4473 21 52 4 677 2L 4662 6 036 28 2651 6833 32 5494 7 835 37 7482 8899 4l 5210

11547 54 3352 21 15J lt99 6546 22574 106 4250 24521 11j 1185 43 056 202 4044

Cumulative Persons Exposed

161278 155Ul)2 150143 147065 142000 135319 lJO lUJ 1U 21U 120133 113466 106392 101780 95894 90184 82710 77727 71 166 65602 58149 55007 51172 45876 41214 38563 33069 25587 19377 16025 9479 5229 4044


Table 114-J


Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 9s Emi ss ~on ate (microgm )

Weighted Conce~tration (ngm)

Population Persons Exposed

Low High

650002 1174 62 ~9 6276 161278 603702 1626 86 140 4859 155002 600502 1634 87 140 3078 150143 6041 0 1650 87 140 5065 147065 603701 1676 89 140 6181 142000 620501 1842 98 160 5716 135819 602002 1889 100 160 2893 130103 604UO 1932 100 160 7077 127210 620502 2108 110 180 6667 120133 62080 21ltJO 120 180 7074 113466 602503 2224 120 190 4612 106392 602501 2339 120 200 5886 101780 60380 2359 120 200 5754 95894 602101 2422 130 200 7430 90184 602502 2785 150 230 4983 82710 602102 2816 150 240 6561 77727 60390 3102 160 260 5564 71166 602401 3425 180 290 7453 65602 6209 02 3 630 190 300 3142 58149 62040 4 361 230 370 3835 55007 602402 4 47 3 240 380 5296 51172 60220 4677 250 390 4662 45876 620901 6036 320 510 2651 41214 602301 6833 360 570 5494 38563 62010 7835 420 660 7482 33069 62000 8899 470 750 6210 25587 602302 11~47 610 970 3352 19377 620302 21 153 1100 1800 6546 16025 620303 22574 1200 1900 4250 9479 62020 24521 1300 2100 1185 5229 620301 43056 pound 300 3600 4044 4044


Census Tract

650002 6037 Ol 60050 60410 60370i 620501 602002 60400

620502 6108U 602503 6025Ul 6038U 6021 Ul

-602502 602LU2 6039U 602401 620902 6204l) 602402 60220 620901 6Uc3Ul 62010 6200 0 602302 620302 620303 62020 6203Ul

Tdhl J_4-9



(Six montnsy~ar Jsswnea for each feedstocK)

--middot- -middotmiddot-- -middot-- middot------~----

Cori(Entat ion ~o~ r-ct- Census Tract Cumulative for 1 95 Weighted Population Persons Erniss~on Rate Concentration Exposed ( ) ) ) ~ I Ill g 1) )

LO~ Hi 91

1174 Jl 52 6276 161278 L6l6 4Z 72 4859 155002 1634 42 72 3 l078 150143

7-1650 43 ) 5065 147065 1676 ltt4 74 6181 142000 L842 48 81 5716 135819 1 889 L~9 83 2893 130103 L932 so 85 7077 127210 2108 S5 93 6667 12013] 2190 51 7074 113466 2224 58 9B 4612 106392 2339 61 100 5886 101780 2359 61 100 5754 95894 2422 (gt3 llU 74JO 90184 l785 2 120 4983 82710 2816 J 120 6561 77727 3102 n 140 5564 71166 3425 d9 150 7453 65602 3630 1J4 160 3142 58149 4 361 110 190 3835 55007 4473 120 200 5296 51172 4677 lcU no 4662 45876 6036 lbO 270 2651 41214 6833 uo 300 S494 38563 l835 2UO 350 7482 33069 8899 20 390 6210 25587

11 547 300 510 3352 19377 21153 5SO 930 6546 16025 22574 590 990 4250 9479 24 521 640 1100 1135 5229 43U56 l20Ll 1900 4044 4044


Tdble ll4-10



Sou rec- Census Tract Cumulative Census Weighted Population PersonsaTract Concentration Exposed


650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 U 1 620501 602002 60400 620502 62080 602503 6025Ul 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 620902 62040 602402 6022U 6209Ul 602301 62010 6200U 602302 620302 6203UJ 6202U 6203Ul

26 3G 41 37 37 4J 47 4J 49 49 S l Sl 5( 60 6 1 7U 68 75 80

10U 100 11 U 130 150 17U 1~u 250 45L 47C ~o u 91U

a Assuming lU gs emission rate frgtm 0000 to

6276 161278 4859 155002 3078 150143 5065 147065 6181 142000 5716 135819 2893 130103 7077 127210 6667 120133 7074 113466 4612 106392 5886 101780 5754 95894 7430 90184 4983 82710 6561 77727 5564 71166 7453 65602 3142 58149 38J5 55007 5296 51172 4662 45876 2651 41214 5494 38563 7482 33069 6210 25587 3352 19377 6546 16025 425iJ 9479 l185 5229 4044 4044

0600 hours



Tab h 1 L 4- 1 _


Census Triict

57240 54400 5438 01 5727 o 5726 ~ 0 57230 5725 0 543901 5437 03 5438 02 5433 03 5439 02 543702


Concetratiun for 1 gs Emission Kate

L801 2190 5tJ48 5 069 5944 6674 7892

11917 14197 14687 17 27 3 1Y230 20801 23220

Suurcc- ClrlSUS Tract Cumulative v1ei 11irted P( pu lat ion Persons Conce5trat1on Exposed ( igm )

----- -~---middot----middotmiddot--middotmiddot

U90 1153 58821 11 6085 57688 L h 3683 51583 ) L (~ 44~9 47900 3G 4068 43401 JJ 5764 39333 J 9 2892 33569 60 3732 30677 71 3295 26945 7 3 6153 23650 3 6 6578 17497 9 6 3329 10919

ll O 4683 7590 LoO 2907 2907


Tabl~ 114-12



Concentration Sou re(~ - Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Weighted l)opu lat ion Persons Tract Emission fate Conceqtration Exposed


29610 2966 0 29650 29620 29640 60990 29710 29670 29740 29680 ~9 0 2973U 2975 2976 29720

1926 3921 4497 4561 4709 7657 8404 9887

14249 17235 28211 39992 44669

402159 408785

Otgt5 1 J

l~1 lb 16 26 29 34 48 59 96

14U 150

1400 140U

1029 4043 3171 5518 6143 1988 6079 1949 3989 3311 6043 2587 3303 4960 6760

60873 59844 55801 52630 47112 40969 38981 32902 30953 26964 23653 17610 15023 11720 6760



) ) ) ) ) gt

1 middot-middot -bull middot1i_1

11El _

0 --1


10 ~3middot X

Ul U) middot=10(l) bull _j

0 0C 0

+-gt middotr-

r-1ro ~ I -+-I- CCi

u C




11 E1~ u

11u micro

t ~1-bulli 1~C1J ~J -


middot1 U~perVJ micro

4 ~1~0 I+- ii u ~()

(1) 0middot0 Q

w X

~ibull1 C i~ I I L bull

I 0 i bullimiddot-- l-micro bull middotbulltmiddotLi I

(1j middot-~middot ~ower -I bull bull I W ltbull~bull11oJ-c1 I I I bull II lt I 1 ~1 ~=middotbullt_I ~0

I i I0 0 0 i ~~ ~J- _ ou--u~~ i Fbull 4 1~~ gbull~ bull=bull _=bull -bull~ bulli __~ f-i - _ _t--bull~ _1

C 1 ~ bull-J -11 I U _bull~1 Ill bullbull ~ _ ti- r-

Incremental Concentration (ngm3) Figure 114-1 Cumulative Population Exposure to Arsenic from RSR Secondary

Lead Smelter City of Industry (Curves Correspond to Upperand Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

I 7 ~~ ~~MllOlllU~PiiCi(iauQi~~~~~~M~9il~1~

l l



bull tbull

II bulli


j- I~ ~1bullJ________ _______bullr--5L-oamp~gtbullbullbullmiddot-__~---_____________

M 0 -4 X-VI VI (lJ



C 0 +J ro S-+- C (lJ u C

71 0-Jbullbull

F--middot F1bull~s

~ 1-1 _


~ __ u 0)__

O ~ middot1 lA I~ middot-y irbull ro +J V)



+-1 =0~-OJ )

0 0 X


middotbull 11 shyC 0 a +J ra


0 0

l ~J0


~ middot _~~

(1 J ~ -+-+-t-+-t-+--+-+-middot+-1 l1 ~ 4


I ___~ ____ l

-t-middotmiddott--middottu-1--plusmn-+middot-+-+-bull-i--bull-+ - t 111 1~~

Incremental Concentration (microgm3) Figure 114-2 Cumulative Population Exposure to Benzene From Cooling Tower and

Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana

) )

- 0 1_____~----_________~~-ll-1~-fgt4rtclftl-ti~ -LLlbullgtsS

~~i middot-middot M

a -l

gtlt i--i rmiddot~

I t_1 L

Vl V)

CJ _j

~ C l=bull icJ C 0 -micro ro ~ micro C C)

~ [1~ u C C u

-0 u 0) ltlJ 4 lf-bull~ IN micro middot r

micro V)

micro middot


middot3 ti~middot-0 ltlJ middot~bull~ middot1Vl 0 0 l gtlt

w middot ~~1 C ~ bullt1

-C 1 micro bull ~t

- ~

10bullibull bull middotmiddot bull middott ~ c 0

L1 J bullbullfbullbullibullbullltJ ~ J -1L+abull ~bull~~--~sectio-i ~~bullbullbullbull ~~_~ l 1bull~t-j-4Y ) bullbullo ~ _~ bullbulllta-J tbull-1_f - ~l~middot bullf middotCbullbull--~bull -~ Tbull

~ 1~0 ~~~ ~~~ 4~0 Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 114-3 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana


0 -I X-V) V) a _J

s 0

C 0 micro co s micro C a u

l ~


1 --

J- t_bulli

_ C

uw m 0

1 -0 a bullbull micro

microdeg ()

0 micro tbullmiddot C QJ V)




middot4middot~middot C 0 micro rt1

-- - 0 ~ 0


n __ _______bull~ -______ --al_ - ~_

I bull

I I - bull

middot 1


l i l ~l

~ 0 I 1

Li bull I t_~I

i bull -1 _1-J

0fmiddotbullmiddot-middot+-middott-t-r+-t-+-+middotr+-t--+-1--t+ t f-t-J-t--r-+tmiddotmiddot~~bull+-t--1~~bull-+-1 Id middot t 4 E1 (

I ncrementa 1 Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 11 4-4 Cumulative Population Exposure to Asbestos From Johns-Manville Plant Stockton



--~ ~w t _ ---~- ----------~ --____~-=~ M


bull I bull I I I I ii i Q t I i E e- I Ii tl I I I 6 I a I I J I f t t bull I G fl I

a I e 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iii bull bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull bull bull bull 1 1i bull bull 1 1 bull a bull 1 1 r ~ middot u ~ ~ I0

+H~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~-rmiddot-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~~-~t~~~~~-~J C

~1_ c bull 1 t~ bullbull bullabmiddot 11 l bullmiddot II bullbull C- I u~

0 rl

gtlt I I I- 20 () ()

CJ -1 ~_J

J Cbull s

I If I I I I0

C bull I Ii I I I I I I I I0 1E

bull-+l I t I I ro s Lower+l

I I I G I iii I bull

() 14 I I IC

u I0 I I II Iu


1-_~I fi

CJ ~ I-- (j) CJ I G I I p +l

ro +-l I I I1~3~V)

0 +) UDf)Pr u I I 11 I I


Vi I 0 I I It- I a X

0 ~

w I I I I bull

Lower C 0


- 4+)


J Q_

0 bull1

ij a 3- ti I

D d I I I I

I I I bull

II B I t

i ] i amp I

1 ei ~ amp 3 ii


e ft a a I bull G

I I I bull I

I I bull I I t If



I I I-_L~ lI I I f


- I I

j I I II I -

lI ImiddotbullII

l I

l Li

Incremental Concentration gm3)

Figure 114-5 Cumulative Population Exposure to Perchloroethylene and Carbon Tetrachloride From Dow Pittsburg (Solid Lines) and to Carbon Tetrachloride From DuPont Antioch (Xs) Results For Upper Lower Bounds on Emission Estimates Are Shown

__~IUlllWIMWMW ~-a~9a_Q~ 41 ~1bull11 -~Ga1r-uJ1 _a11~--WIIIIIA1IMlilClll-l~maaiampNldmiddot1 middot=0~

M 1E1 13 _0 -I

X-V) Q)


140 _J

~ 0

C - middot1 ~2 ~3~~

+- ro

+- ~

C OJ 1E10u1--

0) C 0(J1 u

a f~1 1Q) +-


ro middot-middot +- V1

0 ~ cE1 O QJ V)

0 I0 4~1X


C 0 +- 2pound1 __ I bull amp I Il0 -- 0 0

0 I ~-~~-lJ___ _~-1lltll-1o

0frac14middotbull+-+~-t--t-+-+~-- I =-+-4 =f-~bull-+--T+-+-1-~~-bullc~

l1 ~i0 8~1 1~E~ 1tE1 2E11d middot 11 ~ E0 10euro1 1-40 1Ea1 22pound1

Incremental Concentratio (ngm3) Figure 114-6 Cumulative Population Exposure to Chloroform From Allied Chemical

El Segundo

) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ~

1 1_bull01)

M 0 160-i X-


V) Q)


s l -- 0 C fC 0


ro s


l ~1 ~1+-gt f---1 C m QJ OI u

C 0


u (1 QJ +J ro


E ~Vi

0 +J





4 ~ju~bull bullQ X

w C 0

+-gt middot le~ro ~1

-~ 0 0

~~~Bt~-lraquoaJC~~~~~Jgt-bull~liiilldll-titi~ ~~~__qi~iSlitUJ_iJ~~~~~t-iMllltl-W~G~ili-l~~bull~t-~aa_=~s

bull1 i


l 1 i

i ~



l i

l_ Upper~r i

middot middotmiddot t-t-~ lL Io ~- a I I a--i-_-~-

Lower bull bull Lbull

i~ t~1_+ ia-~__c111J(~IJ- __middotbull--4IJ1-bull)l1Kila-- l-111- 1~M-~tMildbullri~-t_t 11to Ibull -i rmiddot ~ _

1i-1 - middotbullth~middot t =lttF--i-+-middotr+-r+middot~middoti-middot-~-4-4middoti t -~--is -~middot-rmiddotibull--+ u ~~ i--t4~ t-bull~~311 li-i1middoti- C - JJ _ CL

-- I 1 t middot1 c7 Ibull ) ~ I-middot bulli C bull 1-_ 11 11gt1l11 ~bull -a bull-bullbull t a- II bullbullbull bullI lt_I Iii _- I

Incremehtal Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-7 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo (Curves Corresond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

--- I


16 0amp (V)

0 ~


14~11l 1l QJ _J


1 middot-0

c t1middotmiddotmiddot 0

micro ro

_ c micro ~ 1euro1pound1

0- QJ u-J c 0 u O =-middot ~-= QJ

c_1 micro ro +- V)

0 micro ~ t1 O QJ 1l 0 a 40gtlt w c 0


ro --


20middot l ---a I ~ I a 0


pound1r-t k

Figure 114-8


a I __ I wi~ i awLi--~~ 2 I I

1--+ I ~--if bull =~~--bullJ-+--f-1-----middot+--+middot-middot--r9c- 1 c- J

bull _ bull -~

Incremental Concentration (microgm 3)

Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride and Chlorofonn From Allied Chemical El Segundo Assumingsix-months Operation With Each Feedstock (Curves Correspond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

) ) )) )

1 3 0+--- a- - ---- __________--= ~

M 1 E ~1F40 gtlt




s 0

0-~ C 1 ~2 t1

+-l rj

shy+-gt C Q)

u 1 ~1 ~1 I- C

degco u 0


+-l QJ middot=a~(Cl

+J middot- -0 +-gt 6t1-0 Q) Vl l I bull0 C

w X 4 ~1 ~C 0

t l--+)


20 Il 0 0 a

r--1 plusmn-middot--4-bull+ bullJ - ~-1


bull 17 - ta_



I mvn


-~ bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull l ~-


i u---J--bull-+ i i--+ --4--+-imf-bullbullQ~-+-+-+~bullbull-4 171 i R = Fi middot1 1bull1 r1__ bullltaa ~a

Incre0ental Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-9 Cumualtive Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo During Offloading From Midnight to 6 am middot-middotmiddot------middot--middot

--bull ft ampLA 1111-~lliaIN_WPl1A 1JIU_Mt91 MJ1WWlaquoPI-W1111~ --------__----Et1

M gt~middotI

0 -I


~ t~ bullM

V) middot-middot ~ V)


f 0

0 -

C -4 0middot~middotmicro re f micro C a u

10 Cdeg u 0 3 0middotmiddotmiddotbull~ -0 a

+-gt ro

+J V)

+-gt 0

2E1-0 QJ V)

0 a X


C 0 1pound1--middot+-gt ro

-- Q_ 0 0


~ -~middot bull I -bull-_ bull I

middot lbullgtbull___I I

frac14 llk I

I bull



-1_ I

Ibull II__ JI


(1 f---1-+ bull-r_--f bull middot~-bull +-- bull i -bull 1 -1-+--+bull-+-t-+bull--t1 ~ _ 4middot 6 E 1t1 1middot2

1 3 5 I middot~ _ 11

Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 11 4-10 Cumu1ative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Plant Carson

_~ ~ t M

C X E k1~


- c- 1-1 ~ C middot-middot -_J

I--- -J 4t1middotbullmiddotmiddota


-+-shy --middot liiit1J

r ~


t-1 _ V

0 -+-1

middotr -bull ~1



+- bull1 ~1 atr l -=

~~lll(k~IHmiddot~~-Wa~middot~nL1middot~~~ta KF u n P middot~dE-tveRS ~-tl~~~-u-~~~tmiddot_-~~~~liil-~-~~~ tc r

I bull

bull -r~l-yen--~1l~a l fl __ A4o bullbull bullbullbull ~ 111bull--middotbull

lil---111 1n1 i1--1u -i- -tmiddot11i-bull J--14-bullbullbulllM ~

1 ~ l1

~ t

~ C ~

i31-~~middot-~--~~~-~-middot-~-~~-~~~-~--~~~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~--l 11 2~1 4~1 Ea 8(3 1J11~1 1~r1 14(middot)

Incremental Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 114-11 Cumulative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Off-Site Storage Tanks

Table 114-13


Substance Ambient Reference Concentration Environment


Cad11i um


= ~ 11 1 ~ Ui ch l or i de _ -J _


Carbon Tetrachloride


4-6 nym 3 3

20-YO ngm

33 ng111 lt04 ngm 3

20U-57UU fiber~m 3

20-100 f i bersm

Ji jJjJO

trace 008 011 05lppb

O 1 pmicrob [J iJ~ micromicrob

188 ppb 08 ppb 0 7 pmicrob (ave)

U11 pmicrob

U 13 ppb 595 ppb 022 ppb (ave)

0175 pmicrob (ave)

07 ppb ltO 04 ppb

1 25 ppb 36

General urban Heavy industrial

Typical urban Remote areas

Typical urban Desert

uu111111yuel CA

8 NJ industrial sites Oakland Upland Los Angeles

Urban background rurdl backgrouna CA


8 industrial sites NJ Tuscdloosa AL 3~2rage) Riverside CA

rural background

Los Angeles average Torrance CA Southern California

60 readings) Riverside CA

Los Angeles average Rural background Russe11 1977 Los Angeles averageRiverside CA

Braman 1976 National Research Council 1976

EPA 1977 EPA 1977

Murchi o 1978 Murchi o 1978

tsarber 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Pellizzari 1979

Barber 1977 Holzer 1977

l3arber 1977 Grimrud 1975 Russell lJ77 Pel 1 i zzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Singh 1982

Barber 1977 Russell 1977 Gri mrud 1975 Barber 1977 Pell i zzari 1977

Simmonds 1974 Singh 1982

Barber 197 7 Barber 1977 Grimrud 1975

Sinvnonds 1974 Singh 1982

) ) )



Substance Probient Environment Reference Concentration



-J )

Sen zo (ct) py rene

jjen zo (e) py rene

ben z(ct) a 11 ( nr ii cen e


lndeno 123-cd~pyrene

L 1 ppb 06-34 ppb

42 ppb 16-60 ppb 02-1J ppb 13 ppb 48 ppb 67 ppb 55 ppb 63 ppb 82 ppb 39 pJb

3031-L1 ~gm 046 ng111

090 ngm 3

305-c8 n~111 018 ngm

06U ngin 3

134 nginJ

8 NJ industrial sites 28 samples in industrial areas with benzene consumption facilities Torrance CA Tuscaloosa AL National Forest 1000 sarip Ies-Torontt) Azusa CA El Monte CA Long Beach CA Upland CA Los Angeles CA Riverside CA

Los Angeles 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angel es 1976

Los Ang2l2s 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Pellizzari 1977

RTI 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Ho1 zer 1977 Pilar 1973 EPs 1980a EPA i980a EPA 1980a EPA 1980a Calvert 1976 Singh 1982

Colucci 1971 Gordcrn 1 197(i

Gordon 1976

_ 0 111 CC i 1~ 7 1 Gordon~ 1976

Go r cl on 197 6

Gordon 1976

middot1 ab1e 11 4-14


Site Substance Typical Urban Population Exposed to Background Level 100 50

Increment Over Background

Al lied+




Du Pont





Kaiser Kaiser



Chloroform 01 - 07 ppb (gt497 ngm3) 0 0 Carbon Tetrachloride 015 ppb (942ngm3) lt4044 25587 -


Perchloroethylene 07 ppb (4830 ngm 3) 0 0

Carbon Tetrachloride OlS ppb (942 ngm3) 10796 - 20309


Carbon Tetrachloride 01~ ppb (942 ngm 3) 0 0

Asbestos 1000 fibersm 3

( 313 ngm 3) 0 0

Benzene lOppt) 32500 ngm 3) PAH 5 compounds 35 ngrn3 72196 72196

Cadmium 3 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm 3 0 0

3Ethylene Uichloride 051 ppb (2100 ngm ) 92552 117532

bull Assumes all year operation on either feedstock If plant operates 50 on each feed the population exposed to greater than 50 increment over background goes to 16025 - 19377 and 4044 - 16025 for 100

Ambient concentrations of benzene vdry over one order of magnitude in the literature and therefore make tnis calculation questionable For Kaiser therefore the carcinogenic PAH assessment was used to evaluate incremental population exposure above background

+ The partition of emissions from Oow are 78 carbon tetrachloride and 22 perchloroethylene by weight


1142 Comparison of Incremental and l3ackground Concentratiors

Those sites whicn elevate background concentrations greater than SO~~

to surrounding pomicrouldtion are discussed below

1142 l Stauffer Cnernical

The Stauffer ct1emmiddoticdl ~ant 110s tvJo prinlt ipct1 SOLHCes uf EOC

emissicnsj the off-site storage tanks and the waste water dscharge stream

Ea cn con t r i h u V s about ~qua l 1 _y middott o U1e microon1 l a t i on ex 11o s u re f bull] ure s J s s ho vm i n

Taoles lL3--11 and 1L4-1L Th2 arrbient measurments by Pel~ 1 zzciri (1979) of J

2100 ng1~ 1s tne tos Ange 1es bc1ck9n1nc1 1as used as triie typ-i ca 1 tirban

background Pellizzari notes t11at Uhan readings generally rerici~n under 2SOO

nym3 ir1tri e pmiddotant proximity ccncentrn1011 ravlmiddot been observed as high as

700~000 f)(m 1

Other ambient ~ata noted l)y Plmiddot I 1 i zzari are Birmingham A1 abama

205-400 Phoenix Arizona 157-i870 1Jcbullminguez Calitornia 1Lii814 Calvert

City Kentucky 6600 The latter two are associated wi t11 EOC pl ants Data

taken in senFice s~ations ano lrctffic areas ir various cities range from -~

300-3640 ngm~ As previous~J mentioned the Stauffer plant is discontinuing

operations These two sources should be examined as part of any possible

start--up permitting activity

11422 Kaiser Steel Corporation

The Kaiser steel plant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)

emissions cffmiddotise from the coke oven omicroerations Comfdrison of the cumulative

population exposure Figure 114-3 and Table 114-4 with the specified

background levels for urban areas illustrates the breadth of the exposure

distribution The five known PAH carcinogens that were isolated in the coke

oven emissions were quantified in tile ambient air of Los Angeles by Gordon


Benzo[a~pyrene 046 ngm J

t3enzo~e]pyrene osio Benzaanthracene U lo

Chrysene U60

lndeno Cl23-cd~pyrene 134

Althouyn these concentrations ctr~ low co1npared with 1 number of other cities

cited in the literature and repres2nt a very I imited data base tt1e predicted

concentrations from the Kaiser plant ~enerally exceed these levels by d


significant margin ie greater t11an 30000 are predict2d to be exposed to

4redter than l()-lt t 1tbull 1111tlit~nt background of 3j nqm 3 It ic 1 iklly tlat

lHrllerte exmicroo~urt 11 Ilie drld dre also 11evatPd ovr r11nbient I1owever since

backyround concer1tr1tions of t)enzlmiddotne show large variation no population

calculation was specified

11 4 bull 2 bull 3 Dmv

Carl1on tetrdcnloride releases from Dow constitute approximately 78

of tl1e total CT plus perc emissions in Table 114-6 and were found to elevate

urban background concentrations greater than 50 in five census tracts Emissions are predominately from storage and check tank working and brething remiddot1 eases

1142~4 Allied Chemical

The Al lied plant was modeled several ways since the plant can

operrttt~ wiUl chlorotor111 dr cc1rbon tetrctlt hloridt fo(~d The c1bull-i pr~middot11ntlid in

ldlgtlt~o ll4- drld llil-B represent dflrlUil 01Hrdtion with eitt1er teed Partial

yedr operation with each feed can be scaled from the individual annual modes

and is presented for equal hltllf year operation in Table 114-9 As with the

Du Pont plant carbon tetrachloride emissions arise from feed tank working

loss fable 114-10 illustrates peak exposures predicted to arise during an

off loading cycle As expected concentrations in that six hour period far

~xceed annual average values Insufficient data were available to contrast

levels with backyround transient concentrations




Alternative control approacnes for the most significant emission

sources dinmig ~he various pl1ants n ees fitie(J n the follo11 ric suJsections

EmpiiasVi nas Deen placed in dedlinq ~riU1 Uiose sources of 91reatest absolute

inaynHud2 (lbyr) and those const1 ut 0ing trie largest increm121middot1t middot] bulli~he

bdc kgrnund con cent ration of Hie em~ tted subs tcince i~o ctt tention Wi 11 be ~i ven

to the s~iondc1tY sources witt1middotn cK1 microant or to trlL case of J011ns-Manvi I le

since -UH imiddotajor source is less tran LOO 1byr and is not microrejicted to raise

bctckgro 1wd exposure levels to the ~~ntr21 population Furt12rmore a11

emission sources dt Kaiser Ste 1 1iC(1 v1 1~n directly dedlt -1ith in this

program r1re elltlteci ro t11e cc1lt1bull ovcmiddotr nperatmiddotions These faci 1ities are to be

closed du1rm and all primary reel 11i~ oH~rdtions discontinmiddot 2d Kaiser

forecasters have predicted further deterioration of the plant economics and

the phased closure has been accelerdted for primary steel making operations

Note that this closure is essentially irreversible cince differential

exmicroansion and contraction of the coke oven structur1 occurs in the cooliny

process and it would be improbable that ovens could be reheated without

extensive reuuildiny at major expense


At c1ll four sites emissions from storage tanks constitute either the

primary or near dominant (Stauffer) source of carcinogen release andor

genero1i iJOpulation exposure Curreritly the tanks of interest at each site are

permitted by the local Air Quality IJistricts hJwever they do not require

emission ontrol systems for vdrious reasons Tl1e estimated releases grounds

for exemption and other pertinent information are given in Table 121-1

In order to amicromicroreciate tth~ practicdl dlternatives for emission

controls the provisions of SCAWMU Rile 463 ar~ listed below which specify the

acceptable alternatives for tdnks r4uirin9 controls ie tanks 11aving

capacities greater than 39630 yal with suostances of true vapor pressure


Table 121-1


Stduffer Uff-Site Tanks (J) (Sdn Pedro)

Allied (El Seyunrlo) - KdJ

1bulllctLer1 d I reld iturctjc

-J -J

Dow (Pittsbury)-Product Check Tanks (4)

Uow - microroduct sturag~

DuPont (Antioch) - Raw Materidl Feed Stordge

Approx Capacity~

6lUS x 1g (c) 84 X 10 (1)


18000 each

70000L) 3UUOUO

30000 working 42636 liquid full



Ethylene Uichloride

Carbon Tetrctci1 I Jr i J1

Perchloreshythylene and Carbon Tetrashychloride

CT perc

Carbon Tetracr1 l ori de


Emission Mode

Tank breattli ng

Tank v10rk i ng Tank breatttiny

PERC-~JOrk i ng PERC-b r2a t ~ i ng CT-working CT-breattling

Tank breathing Tank breatt1i ng

Tank workin9 Tank breathing

Vamicroor Pressure

014 at 70 F psi

1 63 psi at 68 F

16d psi at 68 F(CT) UJ9 psi at 68 F(perc)

168 i)Si dt 68 F

Grounds for Exemption

Exempt from control re4uirements to SCAQNJ Rule 463 since vapor microressur-2 dues nut iXC~ec

l~ io at sturdJ~ conditions

txe11pt TlJil fule -+b3 since tank capaL ~J ~ s u~der 39630 gal (lSO 11 )

Exempt from Regulation Rule v~~vu u~~~~~shytank capacity is under 39630 ga 1 andor substances are not classified as organic 1i4uicts

Exempt f ro1n Ru l ~ 85300 because subsLctnce is not classified as dn organic li4uid accordin to Regulation-Rule 8120

exceeding l~ microsi at storage conditions

~ floating roof tanks

~ fixed roof tanks with an internal floating type cover

bull a vapor recovery system with vapor collection and retllrn (or disposal) proce5sinJ lXctbullerlin~ 95 efficiency

ln a cllemicai plant a typical vapor recovery systein (KR Evans

SCAQMU) migm consist of a collection inanifold to d recovery system (suctl as a

vapor sphere) to a compression syst2m dnd subsequently to absorption and

recovery systems The absorpt~on st~n c~nsisting possibly of (rubber

stripper or activated carbon

In dealing with speciti( carcinogenic substances such as vinyl

chloride hiyhly efficient vapor control system perf0rmance has sometimes been

stipulated necessitating incineration systems

Fer th~ cases of corccrn realistic alternltltives are as follows

Stauffer Off-Site TanKs - Tnere are a number of options which can 1~arkedly 3

reduce ei1issicns from these tanks from th~ calculaL~d value of over 20 x 10

lbyr One alternative is to consolidat~ the material in tne three tanks

One of the large tdnks can contain the currently stured material and reduce 3emissions to apmicroroximately 13 0 x 10 lbyr Anotl1er alternative is to

transfer dll E0C to a single floating root tank Various types of such tanks

exist dlld are reviewed in the EPA report Lrganic Cht~mical Manufacturing Volume

J Storage Fugitive dnd Secondary Sources EPA-450J-80-025 eg internal and

external floating roofs and a variety of seal desiyn configurcttions Generalshy

ly such designs would be expected to reduce emissions to the order of

one-fourth to one-fifth the current level Cost of 1nstalliny ct contact

single seal internal floating roof wds estimated by BB Lumquist Pentrex

for EPA as $27770 in 1Y8U dollars for 7U ft diameter tdnk Cost to build an

external floating roof tank was estimated by G Stilt of Pittsburg Oes Moines

for EPA as ~14UUUO for D=67 H=4Uft Anottler com111on approach is to utilize

cdroon ctdsorption This works we11 witn nonpolar hydrocarbons dS VvC is

removed from the vapor phase A basic syte111 consists ot tvo carbon beds and

a regeneration system Regeneration is typically performed with steam or

vacuum Figure 121-1 illustrattS rhe systems (Basd2kis 1~110) Steam raises

tne VOC vctpor microressure The resulting sti~am-VOC mixture is condensed and


AC-TJA~D CA-e0-l


LOW- ffiESiJ~C ~T~H----




COOLIN(a - --------




Fi l 1 1 middot gure middot - Activated-c arbon Adsorption System


rout2d to c ~epordtor decanted and returned to storage In vacuum regenerashy

tion VOC vapor is desorbed by pu1 ling a vact1um on the carbon bed then condens-

ed a1d returned System efficiency ~ ~ est ii1a ted at 96 f(duc middot i m from fixed

roof levels (EPA 4503-80-025)

H~fri 9ctated vent concicr1sers dre une of the most cu1mon emission

reduction prJcesses -for conttol ~ ng hx2-d-- storage tai vUC Figure

12 1-- 2 i l 1ust rates a u n i t ( Er i scmiddot n 19HU ) eff i c i en cy of middot middot~ ~ c middotlt middotmiddot _y i s rate ct

bet1Jee~middoti 60-90 for the vapor pressure range of concern For such a large tank

the capital costs would be high ~igure 121-3 illustrat~s EPA estimates

(EPA l ~~SOb) for the condenser section Condenser sys tern a ea mu l d be in

excess of 1000 ftL

It should be noted t -at Jtc1 uf fer Uiemi cc1 l has arH1ounced the c 1 osu re

of its VCPVC plart PrevfoJsly tt12) had planned to purge tlle off-site tanks

of EUC Since any future po~sible micro1ant stdrt-umicro will necessitate a compreshy

hensive SCAQMD review this ltoument can assist in evaluating proposed control


Allied and DuPont Feed Tanks - In bott1 of these cases the nore significant

quantity of emissions arise from tank workinltJ ie during the off-loading

activity rather than tank breathing Contnl ~easures taken for working

emissions are thus of primary concern Ther~fore no detailed discussion will

be provided on the alternatives for control gtf bredthiny emissions Additionshy

ally both tanks are in the range of 20U00 gallons which is a capacity where

floating roof tanks are almost nonexistent Out of 670 floating roof tanks

surveyd by EPA less then 15 were smaller than 30000 gallons in capacity

Therefore the utilization of any floating roof concept and seal combination

will not be considered

Commmerc i a11 y it is estimated by Ou Pont that carbon tetrachloride

feed costs approximately $017lb (E Taylor personal communication)

Ttierefore less than i2500 is lost to l)uPont annud l ly as a result of working

l eve l em i s s fo ns and 1es s fr om Al l i ed bull Thus i t is u n l i kel y that any

appreciable economic incentive exists to dev1~lop ci vapor recovery system

However a Cdndidate system could be pattern~d after the chloroform

feed-storage unit currently at Allied This is a dedicated vapor balance

system Chloroform is off-lndded from tank cars and stored in a closed

unvented tdnk As the 5tordye tank is filled the c1ir spdce d1spldced is fed














Figure 121-2 Refrigerated Vent Condenser System



iOOOO ----------

-Cl c -0 ~

J~ -C~)O i-r tmiddot~ I

g middots_ I J () 11

-~- l 2 lt1


en b)



a I E OJ u copy 0

10 1-___________J___________________________ 10000

10 100 1000

Condenser System Area ( Ft2


Figure 121-3 Installed Capital Cost vs Condenser Area for Various Materials of Cunstruction for a Complete Condenser Section


back to the tank car Also in this case the storage tank is not vented in its

normal breathing mode and is part of a closed feed system to the reactor

Vapor recovery system alternatives which are particularly effective

in loading and handling include r~frigeration adsorption andor absorption

Control efficienci~- 1re est1mateJ in the rlt1nge of 90-95 (EPA 1980b) and of

course depend on the speci tic su1)Stance and equipment used Carbon adsorpshy

tion systems were discussed above The smallest capacity carbon adsorptionmiddot

system priced by EPA (EPA 1980b) has 2 vertical beds of carbon (900 lbs - 4ft

diameter by 3 ft depth) witl1 an ilstalled cctpital cost of $135000 based on

December 1979 dollars

Dow Tanks - Dow has two pair of p~oduct check tanks which alternately are

filled dnd off-loaded Emhsions from th~sl tanks were calculated based upon

operating cycle (3 day fi 11) satubull-dtion vapor pressure and physicdl

chardcteristics Direct hec1d-spa1e testing was planned however it could not

be accomodated because of r 1stri c ed access due to unscheduled mai ntendnce on

the field test day

Dow has indicated that chey are studying the option of installing a

vapor controlrecovery systt~m in 1hese and their largerproduct storage tanks

The extent of their engi neri ng ind assessment work is unknown as are their

current plans It may be possibk to incorporate a vapor balance design into

the system whereby the disp1aced apor is trdnsferred to another process point

within tl1e system Alterna1ively a vapor r1middotcovery system such as carbon

adsmiddotorption is fedsible Hot-1ever since emissions for t11e check tanks are

primarily due to working loss tht~ use of a conservation vent or an adjustment

of its operational differential p~essure would be ineffective for tr1e

reduction of the bulk of such emissions Furthermore since check tank size

is re1at i ve 1y sma 11 no cons i derctt I on was given to conversion to a fl oat i ng

roof configuration for those tanks Conversion would be possible for

the large storage tanks


Emissions of me throug11 ~-a~)te-1dter discharge are the largest single

source identified at the plctnt sites The discharge limit was set at 25 ppm

by the Los Angeles County Sc1nitation iistrict and was estdblished with the

occupational limit in mind of 50 ppm JVer an 8 hour work shift dt the District


tredtrient center~ T11ere hctd been suine di~cuss1on between pdrti~s of possibly

raisiny tne discharge limit since it is felt by Stauffer that dilution of the

stream is sufficient to d 11 ow it Itmiddot shou Id he noted t10-1ever tna NIUSH has

recommended the permissible exposure limit be reduced to 5 ppm averaged over a

work period of 10 nours microer ddy 40 ours per Ieek witt1 a cei l iny level of 15

pmicroin dVeraged over a 15-mi nute microet~ v(J

It is not certain at 1~hrt rdte me 1rill be reledscd from the

wastewater stream At the microlant discharge points wastewater is both hot and

aerated thus favoring release~ No measurements have been ta~en downstream of

the plant after considerable dilut1on has occured The distance to the water

treatment pa11t is approximately 5 kin at 1i1ic~1 point anerobic diyestion is

conducted lt is presumed that a11 ELlC will be released before final ocean

di scnar~Ji

A possible emi ss i D~ cont ro process for nmiddotduct ion of the EDC in the

effluent is by ~recess adjust~Pnts or additio~s For example process

modifications to the EUC stripping stage coula dramatically reduce discharge

lev~ls A control alternative is the use of octivdted carnon or XA0-2 resin

to recover EOC in tne discharge stream Tests of Gulf South Researd1

Institute on XA0-2 and activated carbon (Coco 1980) show high recovery yields

for nonpolar organic carcinogens unaer a range of concentrations Viable

suggested alternatives oy Srnitn included regeneration of Ue trapping

materials dnu even consideration of burning tt1e concentrate carbon media (at

greater than 1000 pmicrom)

Control approaches to reduce emissions from so called secondary

sources in general and waste water emissions in particular fa 11 into four

categories - waste source control resour(e recovery alternative disposal and

add-on controls Alternative control pro(~esses which were considered but

appear to be inappropriate to this case i11clude chtmiddotmica means eg

neutralization precipitation coagulatior1 and chemical oxidation thermal

destruction of tne unconcentrated ~dste s1ream is ii1practical biological

treatment eg aerdtion and biomass-wasteater contcct ~ienerally relates to

the treatment of soluole degrddable organics in the concentration range

bet~~een U01 and l~~ terminal storagt eg lanctfilliny urface impoundment

and deep well injection dre either indppl 1cable or 1mmicroractical Therefore in

summary the poss i b I e contra l approac ties fur this ca e inc 1ude the improvement



of semicrodration efficiencies in steam stripmicroing tl1e internal recycle of ~aste

stredms ctnd the ddsorption b activdted carbon The design configuration

~fficiency and cost )bviously depend upon numerous microlarit specific factors and

their determination vJOuld rec-Jire detailed analyses

n1e ~~dsrewctter systbull-m of a model cl1emical production plant based

upon the average properties uf a composite of 30 chemicals was evaluated for

EPA by IT Enviroscience (EPA 1980b) Included prominantly among the 30 was

tUC with the hignest uncontrolled secondary emission wastewater release rate

ie ~ percent of tt1e production and 34 perc~nt of the emission Cost and

impact analyses were evaluated for alternative control systems to reduce

secondary voe emissions from wastewater Four systems were considered a

carbon adsorption system (eAS) for recovery of the voe from the wastewater a

cover to reduce secondary VOC emissions from the wastewater clarifier a cover

for the clarifier plus a carbon desorption system and a cover for the

clarifier plus ct eAS system usinu a fume incinerator The scale of the model

system was greatly in excess of the Stauffer plant thus further making

detailed comparison i mpract i cal bull However emission reduction factors ~-1ere 6diven as ~9 and cost effectiveness per 10 g reduction genera1middot1y ranged

between $450 to 1733 These factors would likely grossly underestimate the

system cost if scaled down to the range of the Stauffer plant ie the order

of 34600 lb annual discharge

The alternative approaches of improved steam stripping efficiency

and internal recycling of the stripper iischarge stream with a reduction in

makeup re4uirements could decreas~ net ~DC wastewater content release


Given our findiny of low (16 kgyr) ~missions of arsenic from the

reverberatory furndce at RSR it middotJOuld ippear that the arsenic content of themiddot

lead feedstock is low andor that the microants system for reducing lead

emissions is dlso quite effective for arsenic ~SR it will be recalled from

Section 32 uses a quenchinu cnariber ctnd Dayiwuse filters to remove

pctrticuldte matter and a carbonate scruooer to remove sulfur dioxide

There are no federal new source microertormance standards for lead

eini ssions per se t10wever the Standdrds of Pbullrformance for Secondary Lead

SmeHers (40 CFR 6Ull2) limit total particuLte emission from a blast furnace


or reverberatory furnace to SU mgm 3 According to Augenstein et al (1978)

who reviewed the techno1ogy for control ing lead ~missions from ttwse sources

baghouse filters or wet scrubbers are yenerally used to contro1 particulate

emissions When fabric filters are used to control blast furnace emissions

they are nurma11y preceded by an afterburner which inciner~tes hydrocarbons

that bull~GU Id otnerwi se b 1 ind t ne f o1 ur-i c After-burners a re nor necessary for

reverb2middotmiddotatcry furnace emiss-ion smiddotnce the excess air and temperature are

usually sufficient to oxidize tn2 hydrocarbons

According to Augenstein et ali 11 sr1aker--type baghouse filters are

the 1nost effective means of controlling ead fume emissions from secondary

furnace opErations 11 Collection etficiencies can exceed 99 oercent One

advantage to this control approact is that l~ad oxide dust can be recovered

easily cmd recycled in the smeller Flue gases must be coated to below 300 degF

for dacro~ bags and to below ~00 degF for fiberglass bags (Hi~h et al 1977)

Although wet scrubbers are effecti1e under some circumstances in

controlling lead emissions it is more difficult to recover the lead oxide for

recycling In addition sulfur dioxide presi~nt in the flue gases becomes

oxidized to sulfuric acid and can cause corr1sion problems For this reason

sodium carbonate or other basic reagents ar~ added to the scrubber solution

Although it concerns a yold smelter an approach described by

Marchant dnd Meek (1980) provides an exampli~ of an arsenic control

alternative which might be apmicrolicatgtle to secmdary lead smelters At the

Campbe1 1 Red lake Gold Smelter in Balmerton Ontarion Canada Smelter gases

are first passed throuyh a hot electrostatic precipitator (ESP) The ESP is

heated so that the arsenic (which is principally in the form of As ) remains2o3 gaseous and is not yet collected This exclusion of arsenic allo~~s the ESP to

recover particulate gold rnore easily The ESP exhaust is then quenched with

ambient air to condense the arsenic trioxide Baghouse filters then remove

the arsenic along with other particulate matter


Given the imminent and irreversibli~ cessdtion of coking activities

at Ka 15 er Stee 1 Corpora t i on a rev I e~ o r t e c Imo 1 o gi es for ( on t r o 1 l i ng

~missions from the coke ovens rnd he Clt1ke byproduct recovimiddotry pldnt WdS not

deemed to be necessary Tnis is t1e only primary steel mill in California



Al lf~n Jr Ll~ llJBU1 J 111odel to 1middotstimite hi1drdous (bullmissions from coke oven Juurs pr~pdrelt1 DY 1-kSecircn Tr1dnye7nrffut fur U~ Environmental Protection Agency Uffi ce of Air ~ua 1i ty and Standards fltesearch Tri ang I e Park Nortn Cdrolina KTl17362-UL

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Anon 1978 11 Coke quench-tower emissions tests 11 Environ Sci Tech 12(10) llL2-1123

Augenstein ur1 T Cornin et al 1978 Con_trol techniques for lead air emissions prepared by PEDCU Envircnmental Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-4502-77-012-B ( NT IS P88U-197551)

jarber WC 1977 Interim air pcllution a~sessment for eight t1igh-volume industrial organic chemicals 11 US Environin~ntal Protection Agency memorandum to Air and Hazardous Materials Uivision Kegions I III-X and to Uirector Environmental middotPrograms Uivision Region II

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Simmonds PG et amiddot1 1974 Distribution of atmospheric halocarbons in the air over Los Angeles basin Atmos Envir Vol 8 pp 209-216

Singh HB LJ Salas and RE Stiles Distribution of Selected Gaseous Oryanic Mutagens and Suspected Carcinoyens in Ambient Air in Proceedings Annual Meeting Air Pollution Controrl Association 82-651 June 20-25 1982 New Url eans

Smith WM 1979 Evaluation of cok oven emissions in Yearbook of the American Iron and Steel Institute pp 163-179

SRI International 1980 Asessment oi human exposures to atmospheric benzene SJ Mara and SS Lee finai report to US Environmental Protection Agency EPA-4503-78-031

Taback HJ 1978 Control uf Hydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources in the California South Codst Air Basir Prepared by KVB Inc for the Cal1fornid Air Resources Bod-rdmiddotKVB No 5804-714


Trenholm J-f dnd LL )eek 1Y78 11 Assessment of t1azardous organic emissions fror1 slot type coke oven Datteries unpublished paper US Environmental l)rotection Ayency Ernssion Standdrds and Engineeriny Jivision

Turner U~ J970 Workbook of atmusphe~ic dispersion estiimiddot1Jt2s IJS Environmental Protection Agency k~sedrch Tri1ngle Park North Carolina

US Bureau of Mines lYl f-inercls yearbook 197U Vol 11 p 4~3

Van Os dE I l U bull iJ bull lL Ma rs l and et ct 1Y7~1 o En i r onmt~ nta I a s s es smen t of co k e Dy-product recovery plants prepareu by ReseMcn Trictngle lnstitute for US Environmental Protection AgerKy 11cJustrial Environ11ental R~search Laboratory Kesearcll Tri2n~e Idrk NorU1 Caroline EPA-6U02-7J-Ul6 (NTfS PB 293-278)

Westbrool( C W 1979a Level l ass~ssment of uncontrolled sinter plant emissions Prepared by fesearch Triangle Institute for US Environmenta1 Protection Agcncy Industria1 tnvirnnmental fltesearc-1 Laboratory kesearch Trianyle Park North Carolind EPA-bOU2-7Y-112

Westbroollt C~~ 197ltJb Level l css~ssment of uncontro1led l)-BOP emissions Prepared by Researcn Triangle institute for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Hesearch Laboratory Research Triangle Park ~Orth Carolina EPA-6002-79-190

Wetherold rLb LP Provost and CD S111ith 198U Assessment of atmospneric emissions from microetroleu111 refinin~ Volume 3 Appendix l3 Radian Corp Fina Report to US tnv i ron111enta I Protection Agency EPA-600 2-80-07 5c

Ziskind RA OF S1ilith JL Hdhn etnd G Smicroivey (1980) Determinants of Cancer and Carctiovasculdr Uisease Mortality in Asbestos Mining counties of California SAi Report 068-dl-514 l May



Rapid Screening and Identification of Airborne Carcinogens of Greatest Concern in California

Lawrence W Margler Michael B Rogozen Richard A Ziskind and Robert Reynolds Science Applications Inc Los Angeles California

This paper describes a method for establishing a priority list of airborne carcinogens within a

state jurisdiction In this case it was necessary to identify from among hundreds of potential

candidates the live to ten materials of greatest potential concern In California as airborne


Because no previous Inventory of carcinogens In California existed published lists rankings

and assessments of national scope were used to Identify candidates By systematic manipulation

and comparison of these data sources 47 materials of some notoriety were chosen for closer

scrutiny This selection was pared to 22 candidates largely by eliminating those which had

very little production and use In California (Substances primarily used as pesticides were

excluded from the scope of this study) The remc1ining candidates were then ranked by additive

and multiplicative algorithms and by a panel of experts The results of these rankings were

combined to produce a single selection of 11 priority candidates In alphabetical order they

mo arsonlc nsbestos bon1ono cadm111m cuhon totrchlorlde chlorol 11rm othylono dllromlde

ethylene dichloride N-nllrosoamlncs perchloroethylene and polycyclk aromatic hydroiarbons

In continuing studies a baseline emissions inventory Is being prepared and a source testing

program is being designed

In recent years concern has grown over su~pected arcinug-ens New Jersey seshythe possibility that certain materials lected ten volatile organic compounds released to the atmosphere through inshy and five htbullavy metals to be examined dustrial and commercial activity may be further and is currently measuring responsible for a significant portion of ambient atmospheric concentrations of the incidence of cancer in the general these substances in a variety of areas In population This concern is manifested the second year of the study the state at the federal level in the National h1s incre1sed the volatile organics Emissiltm Standards for Hazardous Air stt1died to 20 and begun measuring Pollutants (NESHAP) which limit heavier orianics associated with parshyemissions of the known carcinogens asshy ticulatcs2 In California a very different bestos beryllium and vinyl chloride 1 approach-was taken

Only a few states including New Jersey and California have begun efshy Overview of Californias Approach forts to identify airborne carcinogens of concern to the general public for the The California Air Resources Board purpose of setting state emission regushy (( ARB) is sponsoring a three-stage lations for these substances After reshy st 11d~bull of airbornC rmissions of carcinoshyviewing national use data for known and g1middot11s from anthropogenic atlivities The

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

first stage which is the subject of this paper was to identify roughly five to ten materials which of the hundreds of known or suspected airborne carcinoshygens are most likely to be of greatest concern to Californias general populashytion Also of interest were those which in order to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations might be transshyferred from the workplace air to the outside atmosphere The second stage which is now underway includes pinshypointing of emission sources for each of the carcinogens of importance quantishyfiltation of emissions nnd design of source-testing methods A subsequent stage will consist of source testing and measuring public exposures to those substances for which data are unavailshyable The basis for regulatory action if appropriate will include the results of this program and other related reshysearch

Screening of Candidate Carcinogens

The National Institute for Occupashytional Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists 1905 chemicals which have reported neoplastigenic or carcinogenic effects and 510 which have otherwise received attention for their neoplastigenic poshytential1 The need to select five to ten materials from such a large number of potential candidates dictated that we devise a way to rapidly eliminate from further consideration the vast majority of the substances Given the paucity of published data on most of the candidate substances the screening method was designed to make best use of readilymiddot

C1111yrich1 19i9-Air Pullulion Control A~~ociatlon


A- I

----- ---- ----- ---------------------available information The screening process was as follows (1) eight comshyplications of known and suspected carshycinogens were reviewed and those subshystances which were not used in Califorshynia were highly unstable in air or were very doubtfully carcinogenic were eliminated (2) after more detailed inshyformation was obtained for the reshymaining 25 substances candidates were rated by two different analytical methshyods (3) an expert panel was convened to review dossiers on the candidates and to independeitly nmk them (-i) from the eight to deven substances ranked highest by all three approaches eleven were selected for the emission identifishycation and source-testing design stages of the CAHB effort

lnitiI $cre~ng ot Potential Candidate Carcingtgens

65 compnunds middotwe ire selected from 642 industrial ur~nnic air pollutants comshypiled by MrTRE Corporation for the US Envircmnental Protection Agency (USEPA) in U1at study pollutants were scored by multiplying four explicshyitly defined rating factors annual US production fraction of production lost to the environment volaflity and toxshyicity To adapt this york to our pmpose we first selected the 114 substances listed as being carcinogeni 1~ or neoplasshytigenic Then the scores of each of these compounds under the criteria annual US production fraction of producshytion lost volatility and carcinogeshynicity were multiplied together Seshylected for further consideration were those substances which had a product score above 50 Another 15 substances listed as being carcinogenic but lacking information for one of the other rating factors were also selected This list of 65 was then compar~d with seven other lists of corcinogeris1

-middot 11 Materials comshy

mon to the reduced MITRE list and at least one of the other lists were chosen for further consideration Added as candidates were those suhstances which are regulated as occupational carcino-

gens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and certain inorganic carcinogens Finally substances were added which in our judgment should be investigated but had been eliminated at this point Exshyamples of these are bis(chloromethyl)shyether epichlorohydrin and hydrazine

Next the refined list which now contained 47 substances or chemical groups was pared further hy another rapid screening process Eliminated

were all candidates (1) whose production andor use in California was very low (under 10~ lbyr) and wns not thought likely to pose a risk to a localized popushylation (2) which are very unstable in 1ir or CH whilh should not on t lw hnsis of CUtrltbullnL cidlnre liebull considtbullnmiddotd r11rci-


Tahllt I Suh tances n-iewed in letail

Candidate Substances

Arsenic Inorganic lead Ashestos Alkyl lead Benzene Maieic anhydride

Cadmium Nickel Carbon tetrachloride Nitrosamines Chloroform Pcrchloroethylene Chromium Phernl 14-Dioxane Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Epichlorohydrin Propylene oxide Ethylen~ di bromide Trichloroethylcne Ethylimiddoti~ dichloride Vinyl cLlorid-e

Rejected Subslnnces

Proviionolly Rcjertc Sulstcinces

Aciryltbull11 itrile Formidehvde Vinyid e-ne-chbride

Occupatonally ControUibulld Ccroeinnens

2-Acet21niinofluorine 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Benzidine Ethyleneimine 4-Biph~nylzbullntne (-aminodiphenyl) 44 -Me_hyene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) Bi (chtfon~ethyl)ither Cnlorirrethbull1l m~middotthyl tmiddotthmiddotr a-Nnphthvamintbull 3-Nnphthylamine Udrumnchlnrnproprne (I 1BCP) 4-Nitr0iphenyi ir-Dichlorbullbull)middot)_~i-i-tiim 3-Propiolactone

Other Rejected Substances

eelamide Diphenylamine Aniline Hydrazines Auramine lsonicotinic acid hydrazide B~ryllium Nitrobenzene Did11middotl sutfa1c [ imeilhyl sulfate

nogenic The result of the initial the rating under that criterion and the screening was a list of 22 candidate mashy corresponding criterion weight The terials which is presented in Table I overall rating for pollutant i is then the

sum of the scores under all the crishyteriaRanking Candidates by AddiUve ancll

Mulllpllcatlve AigorUhms The additive approach has several virtues the main one being that it forces

Many screening or ranking systems the user to make all assumptions exshyfaH into one oft wo cat~middotgories additive plicit In the process of setting up such and multiplicative Some systems are a a ranking system new insights into the combination of the two while others problem under consideration may be combine nn ol1jective appronc 11 with g1ined Once the system is set up it is suhjlctive cvnluition of the remiddot ults 1l rdatively easy to use Where data for The L2 substances surviving th1middot initial scoring pollutants are unavailable arshyscreening were ranked independtmiddotntly by tificial scales can be constructed to the tvo approaches If the same subshy quantify subjective factors Finally the stance rated high~middot under both systems sensitivity of the results to the systems its importance to California was judged subjective aspects may be measured For to be more likely than if it had scored example one can determine the effect of highly in only one method changing criteria weights upon the final

Additive Approach In the additive pollutant ranking Similarly an appreshyapproach the user identifies one or more ciation may be gained of the significance criteria and rates each alternatiw subshy of the range of uncertainty for a particshystance against each criterion while sishy ular required data element by varying _ multaneously deciding the relative imshy rating factor values portance of the criteria Eq (1) shows its A fundamental problem with the apshymathematical formulation proach is that there is no logical basis for

adding the individual scores assignedRating for pollutant i = f W1 R11 under the criteria other than the asshy

rbullI sumption that this simulates or even

(1) improves upon the users thought proshyEach criterion or rating factor (1 ) is crss A major operational problem is assined a value for each pollutant and that of weighting the criteria A common each rating factor is weighted (b W1 ) practice is to give all critNia equal -icnrding to its importance reht veto wltgtight hut that is in itstbulllf a st1Ubullm1middotnl lhe otlwr rritnia llw sc11rtbull for 1111 aLnut the 1rcl11tive importance of Ow 1n1 1 undmiddotr nitn1 n j is the prod11middott of n1ttria

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



Multiplicative Approach In the multiplicative approach the rating for each alternative is the product of the rat ihgs under each criterion

Hating for pollutant i --- 11Ill

UJ (~) Jbull I

A multiplicative approach can have ~omc altlvrntnges over additive onrs First in some cases the ratings can be physical parameters such as concenshytrations or volatilities there is then no need to weight the criteria and hence less controversy over subjective judgshyments Second multiplication generally provides a wider range of scores than does addition allowing clearer disshycrimination among alternatives Finally this approach provides results which are more intuitively acceptable As an exshyample of this last point suppose that exposure and harmfulness levels for candidate substance are each converted to values on aO to IO scale and that a certain substance is both extremely toxic and extremely rare An additive approach would give the compound a rating ofO + 10 = 10 which is equivalent to that of a moderately prevalent subshystance (rated say at 5) which is modshyerately harmful (rated also at =-) A multiplicative approach on the other hand would rate the first substance at 0 and the second at 25

Criteria The six criteria used in the additive and multiplicative ranking procedures are defined in Table 11 Asshysignment of values to the Rij was based upon data gathered from published litshyerature personal communications and panel discussion and has been fully documented 13

Because the purpose of this exercise was to determine the relative imporshytance of the suspected candidate carshycinogens R 1 was scaled to the most heavily used candidate substance benshyzene whose annual production and use in California is nearly 109 lb Materials with a use under 105 lbyr would be rated zero for R 1 and rejected Howevshyerbefore rejecting a substance by this criterion we considered whether its emissions could in particular circumshystances result in high exposures to a Joshycalized population

R2 takes into account the fact that the chemical industry is in continual change Substances of concern today may be phased out while the use of others may rise dramatically increasing their imshyporta nee asmiddot poll utan ts Information on developments which could likely result in a change in the growth rate was facshytored into the choice of a value for R2- As an example asbestos consumption in California has been stable in recent years However the pending phaseout of asbestos in motor vehicle friction materials will hasten the decline in asshybestos consumption hence we assigned a value of 1 for R2bull

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

Ideally one cou1 1 use pouu1c11u

sion as a criterion However in this case emissions were to l e estimated in detail only for the five t1 ten carcinogens fishynally ~elected Thmiddotrtfor(bull a 11w1st1n of tt II iim pol cint ial vus 1~1middotd 1atbulld llpon

knowledge of the s11bstances manufacshyture and USP for R The higlwst rating went to substanc middots which are v idely used especially in consumer products A slightly lower rating went to subshystances which an~ routinely emitted from industrial processes during proshyduction and use Some materials are employed in such a way that emissions are quite low even though tight emission control may not be required by law Materials in this cntegory were assigned a value of two for H3bull Substances which under federal or st ate regulations may not be discharged to the exterior envishyronment but which could be dischJrged by accident received the lowest rating

Each candidate was evaluated (n the basis of its 1ropen-ity to decompbullgtSe in ambient air Materials with half-lives greater than eight hours were considered moderately to highly stable and rated five for R4 bull Low to moderate stability was assigned to substances with halfshylives between zero and eight hours Compounds known to exist in air for only a few minutes would be rated zero

Ta hie II Dcfinitinns of the criteria used

R1 Prbullbullsent use in California

100 of max (109 lbyr) 5 10 1)f max (108 lbyr) 4

1 of max (107 lbvr) 3 01 of max (106 lbyr) 2

001 of max (105 lbyr) l lt001 of max (lt105 lbyr) O

R2 Growth in California use

+ 20 5 +Oolti to +20 4 Positive growth to 0 3 Stahle or unknown 2 DPcline 1 B1middotin~ phased out 0

R Emision potential

Widespread use in ltonsumer products 5 R1middotlatively p1or con rot over emissions 4 Rdatively good control over emissions 2 Tihtly c1int rolled 1

R4 8tabilit~- in ambient Air4 tvlnderale t1 high st 1bility (l 1 middot2 gt 8 hr) 5 Lw to modmiddotrate s1 bility (t1 l -0-8 hr) 3 Unstahle(t2~febull minutes) 0

R Dispcision Potential

Emitted lar~ely as apor or iine 5 particulnte

Emit led largely as rnarse particulate

Rlt Evidence f Carcinu~enici ty

Known or suspected human carcinogen 5 Known mammalian carcinogtmiddotn 4 ~usptctcd 111ammalan carcino~en or 3

known m mmalin muta~tmiddotn Ames ltmiddotst p sitive 2 Prpoundgtcursor 01 co-car inogen

a t11 is the half-liftmiddot


tion state or anion associations may change in the atmosphere metals do not degrade and were considered stable Asbestos is likewise itahlc Many of the clcc-ompo~ilion rtbullnctions oi orinnic molecules are mediated by light Such substances if released at night would have several hours to disperse in the surrounding area

A rapid way of assessing the relative potential of different substances to spread from a release point is to note their physical state under normal amshybient conditions Accordingly we scored materials emitted as vapors or fine particulates the highest for R5 and coarse particulates the lowest Intershymediate values are possible for varying amounts of fine and coarse particulate emissions from the same source or from different sources

There is as yet no widely agreed upon measure of the relative potenciemiddots of carcinogens although some ranking systems have been proposed14 Extrapshyolating data from in vitro techniques such as the Ames bacterial mutagenicity test and from laboratory animal studies to humans is problematic Therefore a less quantitative measure of the carcishynogenic potential of each candidate substance was used The candidates receiving the highest scores for Rs would be those for which there is strong evishydence of carcinogenesis in humans Exshyamples are asbestos which is implicated in mesothelioma vinyl chloride which has been identified as the agent of liver cancer in exposed workers and bisshy(chloroinethyl)ether shown by epideshymiological studies to cause lung cancer in resin workers The next highest rated substances are those for which human carcinogenicity is unknown but which have produced cancer in one or more mammalian species in laboratory tests Next are those which have not been shown to be carcinogens but which have proven to be mutagenic in test animals Substances for which the only knowlshyedge of carcinogenic potential is a posishytive Ames test (producing mutations in histidine-requiring strains of Salmoshynella) are rated 2 Finally substances which are implicated only as precursors or co-carcinogens would be rated lowest

Substances unequivocally associated with carcinogenesis were considered as carcinogens in this study Conditions of emission and exposure including the presence of co-carcinogens were facshytored into the evaluation of each candishydate where possible Carcinogenic subshystances derived from the metabolism of a precursor were considered as carcinoshygens However ubiquitous substances which have been hypothesized to be precursors (eg secondary amines nishytrous acid and nitric oxide which combine under certain circumstances to


form N-nitrosoamines) were not conshysidered because of uncertainties in the importance of their link to the carcinoshygenic compound and the practical conshysiderations demanded by the scope of the study

It was beyond the scope of this study to jud~e the validity and interpietation of the experimental ad epidemiological evidence upon which the carcinogenicity of candidate substances has been esshytablished We accepted the conclusions about carcinogenicity drawn by the Inshyternational Agency for Research on Cancer or the National Cancer Institute and did not consider dosage or route of administratioll of tested substances However considerations of test validity did enter into the subjective evaluation by the panel of experts

Weight lr1 the sdditive ranking scheme each rating criterion is weighted according to its limportance relative to the other criteria Little precedent exists for assigning these weights In our judgment and as generally agreed by the panel of experts (see below) R 1 RJ and R6 are more important than the other criteria Evidence of carcinogeshynicity was considered to be the most important criterion of aB so W 15 was assigned a valtze of 3 W 1 aid W 3 were set at 2 and W W-i and W5 were set at 1 In order to discern the potential senshysitivity of the rankings to the weight assignments the candidates were also ranked using equaily weighted crishyteria

Ranking Candidates by Panel o~ Experts

Anine-member panel of experienced governmental industrial and academic scientists whose disciplines include~ -organic and physical chemistry indusshytrial hygiene toxicology epidemiology and iegulatory control of toxic sub~ stances was convened to provide addishytional data for our ranking algorithms

to discuss our candidate --ubstanc -sand rejections to suggest pos-ibie ne suushystances for consiceration and Lt rank the candidates indepen11mtly ( f our own ranking Tvo v-ee ilts he fore the meeting pa-d uember-s were jven one-to three-page dossiers on eac I canshydidaie substance

At th~ start of the meeting- before any group discussion the pand was asked to rate each candidate suhtance with a score from Oto 5 Next cmiddotach candidate was discussed at length e provided ~n ovrview and summarized critical issues identifi2d up to that Pbullgtnnt Through materials brought to thtmiddot meetin and their persoril experience panel memshyber Veimiddote able to provide much useful information on the candidates and adshyditional insight in to our ~a ting criteria

At the encl of the two-d1y sc~sion the pa-iel ugain -ated the cai 1didates

Flnal SelediDn

Tabe III show- the highest-scoring substance a~ det(rraine1 by the 1ddishytive and mlltiplictive approaches and by th~ panel in ~e additive approach 21 single r1nking as obuined by avershyaging the two ran kings resulting from using equal and uneguai weights The ran kings ltif most candidi tes were unafshyfected hut carbo11 tetralt hloride chloshyroform chromium and inorganic lead changed more tban thmiddotee positions_ Because uncertainties in the data base predude imputing signifiance to small differences in the Lnal ordering the lists in Table III are prtmiddotsented in alphabetishycal order However it is of interest to point out that benzene consistently ranked hihest

Becausimiddot some cindidates had equal rating scores we ltould nut choose exshyactly ten candidat ~s from the additive and multiplicative rankings Instead the

top nine and eleven were selected from the two exercises respectively We also considered the ten substances scored highest hy the panel at the end of the session The final consensus selection cornsistt-d of the 11 candidate substances appearing on at least two of the three lisL- For the substances included in the cun~ensus ranking a baseline emissions inventory is being conducted and a source testing program is being deshysigned

1ejected Substances

Some comments about certain subshySiF1ces not appearing on the final list are in order inasmuch as they include known carcinogens and compounds which hae received considerable atshyllttion in recent years as occupational c11c111ogens

rouisionally Rejected Substances Appended to the consensus ranking (T1ble III) were vinyl chloride gasoline and engine exhausts tobacco smoke and pesticides No further action by the CRB is recommended at this time for vinyl chloride because it is already subject tu the USEPA emissions stanshydard a CARB ambient air quality strndard and an OSHA standard

Gasoline and tobacco smoke were appcndlmiddotd to this list because each ocshycurs very widely and contains several of the candidate substances reviewed in this study some of which are in the final listing For example gasoline contains benzene ethylene dibromide ethylene dilmiddothloride and alkyl lead compounds the last three being in leaded grades only Both gasoline and diesel combusshytion products include PAHs Tobacco smoke contains among other neoplasshytigenic substances nitrosamines PAHs nickel arsenic cadmium and other heavv metals Manv individuals are inshyvolu~tarily and i~ many situations

Table HI Hi~hest ranked candidates from each rnnkin~ methodbull

Highly ranked but no inventory

l I ighesl consensus recommended Additive Multiplicativ(~ Pan I of eqwrts rnnkmg at this time

Asbestos Benzene

Cadmium Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichlori-rJe

Nitroi1omi111es Perlth loroet hylene Pol~middotcyclic arnmatic hydrocarbons


Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chl11roform Chromium Ethylene dichlornle

Nit rosamimbulls Perchloroet hvle111middot


Ars nic Ash middotstos

Beniene Car1n

h trnchloride Chi roform

Eth- lene Diliromidf Eth lene Dirhloride Nitros11nintmiddot~

Per hloroel hlfne PAii

Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chloroform Ethylene dihromide Eth~middotlcnf dichloride

Nit rosamintmiddots Perch lornPl hy (- n(bull lAH

Vinyl chloride bull Gasoline and engine

exhausts Tobacco smoke Pesticides

1156 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association


lirtualy unavoidably exposed to t11-k1ltco smoke Because the sources of gasoline its combustion products and tobacco smoke emissions are well known no specific action was recomshymended for these materials during the tbullmissions innnlory and -ource testing design stages of the present study It was considered importint ho-vemiddoter to draw attrntion to the general publics exposhysure tot hrse substances PrsticidltS are listed for the same reason thou~h ad(bullmiddot tailed examination of pesticides w1s beyond the scope of this study Many pesticides are widely used and some of them are known to be carcinogenic

Other Rejected Substances Acryshylonitrile and vinylidene chloride were placed in a provisionally rejected group because of the panels suspicion that imports of these compounds to Cnlifornia from Japan may be appreshyciable yet are hard to substantiate Should such imports be verified in the future these two compounds would take on greater importance Formaldehyde was also provisionally rejected because the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is not carcinogenic and that bisshy(chloromethyl)ether is not formed from formaldehyde in appreciable quintities in industrial environments 15 The ocshycupationally controlled carcinogens ethyleneimine and beta-propiolactone were rejected in part because of their reactivity in air At the time of this study DBCP a pesticide was no longer heing middotproduced in California and was therefore rejected from further considshyeration

Occupational Regulations and Community Exposure

A question of interest to the CARB was whether the regulation of acknowlshyedged occupational carcinogens adshyverselv affects the ambient air outside the v~rkplace Our general findings can be illustrated by the example of asshybestos

Asbestos is a very widely used mateshyrial for which no ambient air standard exists Concentrations in the workplace are limited to an eight-hour timtmiddotshyweighted average concentration of two fiberscm=1 of air and a ceiling concenshytration of ten fihcrscm 1bull In meeting this standard exhausting air containin~ asshybestos to the ambient air is not reshystricted except by the USEPAs reshyquirement that there shall he no visible emissions containing asbestos piut ides from s11eh foci lit i1bulls (bullxd11din~ hrak(bull shops 1 Considning that undc-r certain conditions 101 asbestos fiherscm1 could ht Pmitted without being visihl( 11 this standard mamiddot allow considerable asshybestos emissicns It is unlikely however that emissions would actually approach these levels First since the OSHA standard cannot generally be achieved

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

by ventilation n ine the generation or asbestos partid in the workplace must be greatly reltlu ed Second the air is usually filtered 11gt prevent recirculation of asbestos to 1 workplace Asbestos waste must bed 1sposed of in sealed imshypermeable bag~ or containers Thus under current onupational regulations the amhient air 1enerally appCars to be afford(bulld greatn protection than it would without s11ch regulations 1


The screenin and ranilting methodshyology presented in this paper proved to be a feasible approach to establishing a priority list of Jirborne carcinc)gens in California We ftel that it is an efficient means of focu~ing further efforts on emissi()ns inventories source testing and ambient measurement for it not only identifie all the carcinogens of potential concern but it also permits the state regulatory agency to direct its reshysearch resourCtmiddots toward those subshystances of partilmiddotular interest within its jurisdiction

References l National Elllission Standards for Hazshy

ardous Air P llutants A Compilation as of April 1 19 3 PEDCO Environmenshytal Inc for US Environmental Proshytection Ag1middotncy EPA3401-78008 (NTIS No I B 288 205) 19i6

S Gray Ne Jersey Department of Enshyvironmental l 1rotection Trenton NJ private com111unication 1979

1 H E Chrislllsen E J Fairchild and R J Lewis Sr middotmiddotSuspected Carcinogens A Suhfile of th1middot NIOSH Regii-try of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 2nd Ed National Institute for Occupational Safety and HPalth NIOSH i7-149

4 B 8 Fuller J Hushon 1 Kornreich R Ouellette L Thomas and P Valker Scoring of rganic air pollut1nts for US Environrnental Protection Agency Mitre Corpt ration T1middotchnical Report MTR-6248 I 9i6

S F R Lozan11 Toxicants Selected for Priority En- 1ronmental Assessment corresponde11ce with EPA Region VI Administrat r 19i7

1gt Survey of inyl Chloride Levels in the Vicinity of Keysor-Century Saugus California US Environmental Proshytection AJet middoty National Enforcement lnvestiiatim Center Denn-rand San Francisco E A-n02-77-017a 19i8

0 Bardin l middotstimon~middot in Hearings on Helationshi1 Bet wfen Cancer and the Environmei 1 US llltuse of Hepreshysentatives bull th Congress 2nd Session Committee (In Interstate and Foreicn Commerce ~crial No 94-141 1976 pp 7~i0

middot T H Ma11middoth Carcinogens in the workplace lwrE to start d1middotaning up Sc-imiddotrmmiddot l17 1-1110) lfi8 (197)

I CH ar1111 Classif1r11t1on of the Exshyposure Haza d Prtbullstgtnled Ii~middot Thirt~middot-Six Clwmirals 011 I llixllmmiddots lternorandum from Clllm1middot I Offi(middote of thtgt Assmmiddotiate lgt1rector for 1 middotarcinoltnesis Division of Cancer Cau~ l and Prevention lo SushyJwrmiddoti-or~middot ( 0 Auditor Gtmiddotneral Acshycounting Oft lmiddote19ii1

I0 Chemicals ith Sufficient Evidence of ( arcinogenit ty in Experimental Ani-


ma1s Jnlernauona1 Agency 1or 1c-curcn on Cancer IAHC Working Group Reshyport Lyon France 1978

11 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes for 1977 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1977

12 M H Rogozen D 1 Hausknecht and R A Zisk ind 1976 A Methodology for Ranking Trace Elements in Fossil Fuels According to Their Potential Health Impact by Science Applications Inc for Electric Power Research Institute 1976

1t L Margler R Ziskind M Rogozen and M Axelrod An Inventory of Carcinoshygenic Substances Released into the Amshybient Air of California Vol I Final Reshyport Screening and Identification of Carcinogens of Greatest Concern by Science Applications Inc for California Air Resources Board 1979

14 T H Maugh Estimating potency of carcinogens is an inexact science Science 202 (4363) 38(1978)

15 C C Yao and G C Miller Research Study on ais(Chloromethyl)Ether Forshymation and Detection in Selected Work Environments by the Bendix Corposhyration for National Institute for Occushypational Safety and Health Cincinnati Ohio Contract No 210-75-0056 1979

16 Occupational Cancer Control Unit Calshyifornia Department of Industrial Relashytions Los Angeles California private communications with staff members 19i9

This paper was developed while Dr Margler was a Staff SriPntist in the Energy-Environment Systems Division of Science Applications Inc (SAIi 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1205 Los Angeles CA 90067 and Mr Reynolds was a Project Manager with the California Air Reshysources Board Sacramento CA 95812 Dr ltar~ler is currently emshyployed as DirEgtrtnr of Bnvironmental Scitbulllltcs for WinzlN nnd Kelly Conshysultini EnintNi t1 Third Stretbullt EurekH CA 9gtgt01 and Mr Heynolds is Air Pollution Control Diretbulltor for the Lake County Air Pollution Conshytrol District 55 N Forhes Street Lakeport CA 95-13 Dr Rogozpn is a Staff Scientist and Dr Ziskind is Deputy Manager of the Energy-Enshyvironment Systems Division of SAi


Appendix f~

_l)ispobullition of Miscellaneous Sites

Gould Inc Ver_n)_~ St~condary Lead S~_n_elter

The emissions of arsenic from the four large secondary lead smelt~rs

in Cali forni) J1~1 ~ bull~tiilnted in the program This estimate was based upon a

uniform fugitive emission f1cJr nt WPll supported by measurement inforriation

Therefore source monitoring was r2cq11)nded 1nd Gould Inc Vernon being

~he largest was singled out It was however proposed to monitor both Gouli

and RSR Corp (Quemetco) in the City of Industry since analysis of the plants

revealed significant differences in plant equipment and engineering The

latter being more typical of 1 nodern facility

As a r2sult Jf pr-~-middott -iiscussions and plant inspections we became

aware that Gould was actively in the process 1)f constructing a new facility

which would completely replace the existing one We have monitored progress

on the new site and concluded it would he inappropriate to utilize program

resources to conduct field tests at Gould ~rr1issi 1rns from the new Gould

faci 1ity wi 11 be bas~rl 11p11) test results from RSR

PG ampE - Pittsburg PG ampE - Salinas a~d So Cal Edison - Long Beach Oil Fuel Power Plants

It was app ro p ri ate tJ cons i dP r the (~mission of arsenic from power

plants during the initial study stage inc~ imiddotrace quantities in the fuel oil

are known to be ernitted Because of the population distribution in tile

vicinity of three plants and some 11realistically conservative estimat2s of

erlissiJn c-1ctors tht~ facilities appearc~d among the top seventeen stationary

sources of potential c1Jn-r-n HovJ~ver as a result of a reexamination of

emission data it was concluded that an error ~dj ~een made in the material

balance of arsenic - resulting in tn emission factor equivalent of a 300

release ~io lit~rature was found to justify 1reater than a 30 transfer

function Thus we estimated at the outside th~ emission factor should be

reduced from 013 lb per 1000 lb to approximately 0013 lb and resulting

ars9nic 2missions for the entire state w~r~ cJ11servatively estimated to be

1760 lbs (from 17600) divided amongst 311 the states power plants Clearly

then the four secondary lPad smelters estimat~ of S9410 lbs of arsenic(


emissions per year makes consideration of poer pl int ernissio1s if ffsenic a

very low priority

In a literdture review by SAI - Methodokgy __f_or Ranking Trace

Elements in Fossil Fuels Accordi~9__t_~_their Potential Health Iripact (Roqozen

1976) - emissions estimates f0r 15 trac~ substances were researched for c11l

and fuel oil pomiddot1er plant c 1J1v---r-sion Source content combustion pr-)~~

transfer functions and contrcl methodology were co1~idered to develop e~ission

factors The output to input ~atio computed and utilized n -~i-i~ study for

arsenic was 002 to 03 (ie tra1sfer function betw~en 2 11d JO~) reflecti~q

the wide variety of fuels processses and controls nationwiJe The upper end

reflecti1g both high arsenic coals and poor e11iss10n contro 1 devices Clearly

neither of those conditions accurtely apply to th2 thr~~ si~~~ r1nrl thus

substantiate the rlecision not to perform emissions neasur-i-~n~s

Calaveras Asbestos Company - Copperopo l middotis Asbestos Mini n(i and Mi 11 i nq

In the past (late sixties and early seventies) ~h2 ~3laveras

Asbestos Company came under heavy criti-is1 1fter imiddot1sp~ction rieasurements

revealed serious problems However significant reduction of e1nissi0ns have

occured prompted by NESHAP regulation and occupcttional standards SAI

inspected the site in f)~c~1b-2r 1979 under an EPA contract An missions

inventory was published under that work (Ztskind 1980) and the bottom line

conclusion is that currently no significant ernissioi1 are gteing released as a

r~sult of hl-isting which would reach the publ le i 1le 0pen pit is some 900

feet deep with blasting at the bottom 0ver 80 percent of emissions in the

CARB Emission Inventory System were attributej to pit blasting In fact at

its current depth blasted 1aterial does not reach the mine surface with tile

explosive implacement used Additionally the site is more remote than might

be realized The ~ituation is vastly different today than in the past and

currently attention should be paid to the issues of occupational exposure and

breakdown of ventilation syste111 controls in t1e inilling operationsmiddot He

recorrrnended that no furtw~ corsideration be Jiven to this site for the

purposes of tl1is w)JJil ie identification )f silt~middot1ificant releases vhich

might he responsible for causi1J middot1 fmiddot middotgtbullgt middot 1= 1(11 1bull11 tinn Pxposure


Vctri0J5 Refineries

It was est=tblished early in the anrilysis prmiddotJr111 V1at gtenzene

emissions from refinery operations coulrl in th~ 1guregate constitute a

significrnt source Since there ilre a large rrnrnber 0f refineri~s in

California (46 in Los Angeles County itself -it t(~ i 1~ middot)f r-1ltariination) with a

wide variety of types sizes ages etc their eva l uat 11) 1 i =r~sent -3~ i)7

monumental task It was noted immediately t 13t ~~it hi n the total scope of the

study the design and conduct )f c r~f i r1~ y testing program which would develop

a complete benzene emissions in1~ntory for 01e site was impractical let alone

to d1aracteri ze emissions fro111 three ie those listed among the 17 rnost

s i g n if i ca n t potent i a l st a t i on a r y sou r c e em it 1-_ l rs bull

The three refineries were singled out for special attention in the

previol1s phase ~ecause they uriiquely had components which process materials

containing 10 or more per~nt hy middot1-bulli1 11t )-~112~ne (46 FR 1165 Jan 5 1981 pg

1491 ) Est i mates by E P A ( F e d bull r l Rr-~ g i s t ~ r 1q81 ) i n d i cate that 90 p e r cent o r

more of the total benzene fu 1Jitive emissions arise from such components

Therefore attention is appropriately focused on the three henzene production

consumption refineries Chevron (Richmond) Arco (Crson) and Chevron (El

Segundo) SAI staff considered the possibliJ )f -1 testing program at one of

these refineries and cone l url 1middotd it would not 1)e cost-effect i v2 for o number of


California is a minor producer and consumer of benzene with

approximately 15 of the 114 hill ion pounds produced and

consumed nation1lly in 1977 This can 1)e riY1pared with the fact

that California has approximately 10 of th~ ~ations population

Benzene exposur~ to the generil nJmiddot1lation has been partitioned

among the various sources Aproximately 90 of exposure is

estimated (SRI 1978) to be caused hy gasoline distribution

activities and 1ehiclEmiddot emissions in 1 ir~an areas with nearly all

of the balance )Y benene hrndl ing operations (refineries and

chemical plants) In the case middotlf California this percent1g~ Jill

be even JT1ore di middotpruJor-tionate b~cause of its greater s1are of the

population and ~esser share of the henzene ha~dling Furthermore

since the three refin 1bullry cites ire heavily urbanized no new rural

population cegmmiddotnt is beinq exposed


Californias most heavily urbanized Air Quality Management

Di st r i cts have a l ready adopted t en zen e f ugit i v e em i s s i on

staridards comparable and vith S( 1ine features VJr stringent than

the proposed national (bullmission lttandarrl (4f-i FR 1165 Jan 5

1981) Thus the concmiddotlusion rleri1ed above (Le refinery emissions

are secondary cause of exposure to the urb~n microopu~ation) is

further reinforced since H is irojected that re1eases from

components in benzene service (gt10 benzene) will be reduced by

73 by the proposed F~deral Standards T~~ ~istrict rules (eg

South Coast Air Quality Management District 456 and 4fi6l) are

not restricted to berz~ne per senor to only components in

benzene service The rjLs 1lso i-lclude flanges in addition to

the components ca i led uut in the propose nat i 01a l standard

The EPA estimated that if the proposed emission standard were adopted the

1~aximum annual benzene concertr0Vioi1 -~01middot 1 plant would be 36 ppb at a

distance of 0 1 kilomeL~~ avay Cor1paring this ground level concentration

with the general urban background i1 California of 19 ppb shows the latt2r t1

dominate In recognition of the secondary im0ortance of these thr~~ i~~s i~

was decided to utilize program resources to d~velop field data at other sites

1111here little emissions informati1)i1 1as cll-1aila1)le



US tn v 1 ronrnen ta I Protection Agency

middotJc k



1 Applicaoil ity and Principle

11 Apmicroli1ability This rnetnod amicropliltS to tt1e determination of

i nor~an i c d rsen i c ( s) e1n is sions trom non f errou Sm(~ I ters dnd other sources as

smicroecified in the reuulations

12 Principle Particulate and gaseous As emissions are withdrawn

isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass mat filter and in

water The collected As is ther1 analyzed by means of atomic aosorption


2 Apparatus

21 Sa111pliny Train A schematic of tt1e sampling train is shown in

fiyure 421 it is similar to tt1e Method 5 train of 40 CRF 60 Appendix A

Tne sampliny trdin consists of tt1e followiny components

Note H1i s and a11 subse~uent nferences to ottler methods refer to the Methods in 40 CFflt 60 Appendix I


211 Probe Nozzle Probe Liner Pitot Tube~ Differential Pressure

Gauge Filter Holder Filter Heating System r-1etering System Barometer and

Gas Density Determination Equimicroinent Same as Method 5 sections 211 to

216 and 218 to 2110 iespective1y

212 lmpinyers Six fr1pingers connected in sermiddoties llith leak-free

ground-glass fittings or any sim lar leak-free non-contam~1ating fittings

For the firstj third fourth fifth 31d sixth impingers ~~e the

Greenb~rg-Smith design modifiec bY replacing the tip with a i_3-cm-ID (05

in) glass tube extending to about 13 cm (05 in) from the bottom of the

flaskR for the second impinger use the Greenburg-Smith design with the

standard tip~ The tester may us1bull modifications (eg flexible connections

between the impingers materials other than glass or flexible vacuum lines to

connect the filter holder to the condenser) subject to the approval of the


P1ace a thermometer camicroable of measuring temperature to within 1degc (2degF) at the outlet of the sixth impi~ger for monitoring purposes

22 Sample Recovery The following items are needed

221 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes Petri Dishes Graduated

Cylinder andor Balance Plastic Storage Containers Rubber Policeman and

Funnel Same as Method 5 sect inns 221 r1nd 221 to 22g r1~spectivemiddot1y

l2c ~dlh lottl~~- l)olVbullU1ylene (2)

223 Sarnmicrole Storage Containi~rs Chemically resistant polyethylene

or polypropylene for glassware WdShes 500- or 1OOO-ml

23 Ana1ysis The following equipment is needed

231 Spectrophotometer Equipped with an electrodeless discharge

lamp and a background corrector to measure absorbance at 1937 nm For

measuring samples naving less thM 10 119 Asml use a vapor generator


232 Recorder To match the output of the spectrophotometer

233 oeakers 15O-ml

234 Volumetric Flasks Glass 50- 100- 200- 500- and 1OOO-ml

and po Iymicroromicroy 1ene 5O-m l bull

235 Lrlcbulln1t11y1lr Fl1bulllimiddot 11() ml

cJb l-3a1ance To 11H~ds11re wilhin 1S ltJ

237 Volurietric Pimicroetbull 1- 2- J- 5- 8- and 10-ml

238 PARR Acid Digestion rlonb


2JltJ Uven

L 3 lU Hot PI t t~

Unless otnerwise specified us~ ACS redgent grdde (or equivdlent)

c11em1cals tt1rouyr1out

J bull l Sd 111 p I i rt y bull Tl1 e rmiddot i ~ a yen t middot) u s e d i n s a in p I i ny are a s fa l 1ows

J bull 1 1 r i It e r s Si I i ca lie l Cr u s n ed Ic e and Stopco c k Grea s e bull Same

as rmiddotlethod 5 sections J11 J12 314 J15 respectively

J12 Water Ueionized distilled to meet ASTM Specification

u ll9J-74 Type 3 When i1igh concentrc1tions of organic matter are not

expected to be present the analyst may omit the KMn0 test for oxidizable4

organic matter

J13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o~) 10 Percent (WV) Dilute 294 ml of

30 microercent H2o2 to 1 liter with deionized distilled water

32 Sample Recovery 01 rl sodium hydroxide (Na0H) is ret1uired

Dissolve 400 g of NaUH in about 500 ml of d~ionized distilled water in a

1-liter volumetric fldsk Then dilutti to exactly lU liter with deionized

distilled water

33 Analysis Tiie rectgtrnt needtd for analysis are as follows

3 3 1 Water Same as 312

33L Sodium Hydroxide 01 N Same as 32

33J Sodium Borohydridc (NaBH ) 5 Percent (WV) Dissolve 500 g4

of NaBH4 in dbout 5UU 1111 of ul N Na0H in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter ~ith (ll N Na0H

334 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Concentrated

3J5 Potassium Iodide (KI) 30 P~rcent (WV) Dissolve 300 g of KI

in 500 ml of deionized disti I led water in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

d i I u t e to exact Iy 1 0 l i t er v i t n cl e i on i zed d i st i 1 1 e d vate r bull

336 Sodium Hydroxide 10 N Dissolve 4000 g of Na0H in about

500 1nl of deionized distilled ~~at1r ind 1-liter volu11etric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter 1ith lteion1zed clistilled middotlater

J37 Pnenolmicrohtnalein Dissolve uos g of pnenolphthalein in 50 ml of 90 microercent ethanol dnd ~0 ml ot deionizeo distilled water

JJ8 Nitric cid (HN0 ) Concentrated3

33SJ Nitric Acid u8 rt lJi lute J~ ml of concentrated HN0 to3

exactly 1U liter with deionized distilled water

3J10 Nitric Acid 50 Percent (VV) Add 5U ml concentrated HN01 to J

50 111 rJe ion middoti z~ct di st i I ed Wd t er

JJ11 Stock Arsenic Standard l m~ lsml lJissolve l]203 g of

microrimdr_y standard tdrc2de Asi in 2(l r11 of 01 N NaOH lh~utralize with3

concentrdted HN0 bull Dilute to LJ 1ite~middot 11i~th deionized distilhd ~later 3

JJlc Arsenic Workiny Solution LJ microg AsmL Jmiddotipet exactly 10 ril

of stock As standard into an JCid-ceaned dppropriately l1bel~d 1-liter

volumetric flask containing about gt00 ml of deionized distil1ec1 Jater and 5 ml

of concentrated HN0 bull L)ilute to exKtly lU liter vlitt1 dioniZed distilled3


3313 Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrated

3314 Air Suitable quality for atomic absorption analysis

3315 Acetylene Suitab~ quality for atomic ctbsormicrotion analysis

JJ16 Filter )aper fi1ters What1an No 41 or ~4uival(~nt

4 Procedure

41 Sampling ~ecctuse of tne c0111plexity of this 1nethod testers

must be trained and experienced with the test procedures in order to obtain

reliable results

411 Pretest Preparation Fol low the general procedure given in

Method S section 411 except the fi middot1 ter n(~ed not be weighed

4ol2 Preliminary Oetermindtions Fol low the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 Section 412 except sekct tne nozzle size to maintain

isokinetic sampling rates oelm- 28 liters1~in (1U cfrn)

4L3 Premicroarcttion of Collecti(rn Train Follow the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 section 41J except prepdre the impingers as follows

Place 150 ml of deionized distilled water in each of the first two

impmiddotinyers dnd 2UU 111I of tu )Hrcent 1Ui in ttl tt11rd fourr11 dlld fifth

immicroin~Jers lJeiyl1 ctrKI rmiddotbull~tllrd tilt J1~1_111t tgtI ~dtll IIqi11HJlf dr1d liquid lrmiddotinst_rmiddot

ct_gtmicroroximately 200 to JUU y ut iJreveiyhe i silica ycl from its container to the

sixth impinger Set up the train dS shilWn in Figure lUo-1

414 Leak-Check Procedures Fol low the l~ak-ch~ck procedures given

in Mf~thod ~ SE~ctiuns 41-Ll (Pret~st I 1~dk-Cneck) 11ll2 (Ledk-Ct1ecks

Uurrny Sa111ple Kun) drld 414J (Post-TSt Leak-UleCk)

415 Jrsenic Trctin Umicroeration Follm the general procedure given


in [middot1lt~ttrnd () sectic n 1L lJ i~xcei1t 111ainta1n d tllllfH~rdture of 110deg to 135degc

UJo0 to nsdegF) aruunli UH tilter and 1Hintain isokinetic sctmpling flo~ rates

oelov 2J litersmin (lO cfii) 1middotor ectcn run record tile data ret1uired on c1

datd sheet suct1 as the une shown in FiltJure 108-2

416 Ldlculcttion tgtf Percent lsokinetic --c1me cts Method 5 section

4 lb

42 Satple Recovery tieyin proJer cleanup procedure as soon as

the probe is removed from tle sta k at the 2nd of the sampling period

Al low tt1e probe to cool wt1en it cdn be safely handled wipe off al 1

external particulate matter near che tip ot the probe nozzle and place a cap

over it to microrevent loosing er gaining microarticulate matter Do not cap off the

probe tip tightly while the sammicroliny train is cooling because a vacuum would

form in t11e f i I ter ho Ider

~efore moving the sampling train to the cleanumicro site remove the

probe from the sample train wipe off the silicone grease and cap the open

outlet of the probe Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be

present Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter inlet where the probe

was fastened and cap it R~move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and

cap the impinger If a flexible line is used between the first impinger and

the filter t1older disconnect tt1e line at tne filter holder and let any

condensed water or liquid drain into the immicroingers After wiping off the

si I icone yrease Cdfl off tht~ filter t10lder outlet and impinger inlet Use

either ground-ylass middotstomicromicroers plastic caps or serum caps to close these


Trdnsfer tne probe rnd fi lter-impi11ger ass~mbly to a cleanup area

tnat is c I ean and protected from tt1e wind su tnat the chances of contaminating

or I o s i n g the s a n p 1 e i s mi n i li zed bull

Inspect the train before and durin~ disassembly and note any abnormal

con d i t i on s bull Treat t he s dinp I -~ as t o l l ows

4Ll Container Nu~ (Filter) Cdretul ly remove the filter from

the filter nolder and microlace it in its identified petri dish container Use a

pair of tweezers andor cledil disposable surgical gloves to handle tile filter

lf it is necessary to fold tmiddot1e filter fold the particulate cake inside the

fold Carefully transfer to U1e petri ctist1 ctny microarticulate 111atter andor

f i 1 t er f i oe rs that adhere to the tTI t l ho l de r ya s k et by us i n g a dry Ny 1 on

bristle orush andor a snarmicro-edyed bid te Sectl the container

Mention of trade names or microeci fie pmiddotmiddotoctucb does not consitute endorsement

by the Environmentctl Prottbull(~tion Ayen y r-5

42a2 Contdiner No 2 (Probe) fdKiny care that dust on the outside

of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample

yuctntitatively recover microarticuldte matter or any condensate from the probe

nozzle microrobe fitting probe liner and franc half of the filter holder by

vctsl1in~ tt1ese co111microonents witn Ul N NdJH ctnc1 microlctciny tr1e WdSh in a plastic

storage container Measure Jid tCOtd tu U~ nearest 1il u~ tlital volume of

solution in Container No 2 Perform tne rinjiny with 01 N NaUH as follows

Cctrefully remove the probe nozzle aid rinse the inside surface with

Ul N NaOH from a HaS~l bottle~ Brust1 wit11 a Nylon bristle brush and rinse

until the rinse st10ws no visible particles after vmich mallt~ a final rinse of

the inside surface

~rush and rinse the inside oarts of the Swayelok fitting with Ul N

NaUH in a similar way unti1 no visioe parti les remain

Rinse the proble l~11er -iitr iJl N NaOH While squir-ting lll N NaOH

into tl1e upper end of the prnbe tilt and rotate the probe so that all inside

surfctces will be i-ettecl wiU the rinse solution Let the Ul N NaOH drain

from tt1e lower end into tl1e sample container The tester 1ilay use a funnel

(glass or polyethylene) to aid in transferri 19 the liquid washes to the

container Fo1 low tt1e ~Msh witt1 d probe bru )11 Holding the probe in an

inclined position insert 01 NNaUH into the upper end as the microrobe brush is

being moved with a twistiny action through tie probe Hold the sample

container underneath the Iower end of tr1e pr1gtbe and cat01 any liquid and

particulate matter brushed from the probe lun the vash tt1rough the microrobe

three times or more unti I no visible particuiate matter is carried out with

the rinse or until none rernians in the probe liner on visual inspection With

stainless steel or metal probes run the bruh through in the above prescribed

manner at least six times since metal probes have smal1 crevice in which

particulate matter can be entrapped Rinse 1he brush -Ii th O 1 N Na UH and

4uantitcttively collect these washings in the sami)le container After the

brushing make a final rinse of the prone as described above

It is recommended that tvJO peoJle clean the probe to minimize sample

losses 15etween sampling runs keep brJst1es clean dnd protected from


After en s u r i n~ t tId t a I l _j oi rt t s t1 d v e been wi pe d c l e rn of s i I i er n e

~rease brush and rinse witt Ul NN NaOH the inside ut tt1e front half of ttw

fi I ter 11older l)rustl dnd rinse l~dCII surface tt1re~ ti111es 1ff 111ore if needed co


remove visibl~ particulate Mr1ke a findl rinsebull of the brush and filter

holder Carefully brush dnd rinse out the gla~s cyclone also (if

dpplicdble) fter rJll washin1s and particulate matter have been collected in

the sample container tiy~1ten 1he lid so that liquid will not leak out when it

is shipped to the lijbOrdtory Mark the height 1gtf the fluid level to determine

whether leakage occurs during transport Label the container to clearly

identify its contents

Rinse the glassware a final time with deionized distilled water to

remove residual NaOH before reasseMbling Do not save the rinse water

423 Container No 3 Silica Gel) Note the color of the

indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and

make a notation of its condition Transfer the silica gel from the sixth

impinger to i~s original containl~r and seal The tester may use as aids a

funnel to pour tl1e si I icd gel anc1 a rubber pol iceman to remove the si 1ica gel

from the impinger It is not necessary to remove the small amount of

particles tnat mdy adhere to the impinyer wall and are difficult to remove

Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations do not use

any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel If d balance is

available in the field the tester may follow the procedure for Container No

3 in section 45 (Analysis)

424 Container No 4 (Arsenic Sample) Clean each of the first two

impingers and connecting glassware in the following manner

1 Wipe the impinger bal I joints free of silicone grease and cap

the joints

2 Weigh the impinger and liquid to within~ 05 g Record in

the log the weight of liquid along with a notation of any color or film

observed in the impinger catch The weight of i~uid is needed along with the

silica gel data to calculafe the stack gas moisture content

3 Kotate and-agitate each i1npinger using the impinger contents

as a rinse solution

4 Trc1nsfer the liquid to Container No 4 Remove the outlet

ball-joint cap dna drain the contents through this opening Do not separate

the impinger parts (inner and outer tubes) while transferring their contents

to the cylinder

5 (Ncte In steps 1 and 6 bel0w measure and record the total

amount of 01 N NatH used for rining) Pour approximately 30 ml of 01 NaOH



i nto ea ct1 of t tie f i r s t t vJO i 111 pi nge r s and d gi t a t e the i mp i n g e r s bull l) r a i n t he O bull 1

N NaUH through the outlt~t Mm of eacn impinger into Container No 4 Repeat

tnis omicroeration c1 seund time inspect tl1e impingers for ltlny abnorrndl


6 lipe the bdl I joints of the ulasswdre conn2ct-jng the impingers

and the Dack half ot the filter holder free of silicone grease and rinse each

piece of glasstJdrr~ twice 11itn 01 N NaUH trdnsfer U1is rrnse into Container

No~ 4~ (lJo not ~_nse or brus1 ttw glaltf---itted filter su ) Mark the

heignt of tne fluid l~vel tu determine whether leakaye occurs during

transmicroorto Lctbel the container to clearly identify its contents

42 5 Container No 5 (SO Irnpinyer Sample) Because of the large L

quantity of liquid involved the tester may micro1ace the solutions from the

tt1ird fourtr1 dnd fifU1 i11microin9ers in separate containers However the

tester may recomoi ne the1n at tile ti 1ile of ana Iys is in order to reduce the

number of analyses reyuired Ch~cn the impingers according to the six-step

procedure described under Contain~r No 4 using deionized distilled water

instead Ul N NaOH as the rinsing liquid

4L6 Blanks Sdve a purtion of Ute 01 NaOH used tor cleanup as a

bldnk Take 200 ml of this solution directly from the wasn bottle beinlJ used

and pldce it in a plastic Sdmple contctiner labeled NaOH blank Also sdve

samples of tl1e ltieiunized distilled later an 10 percent H o and place in2 2

semicroctrate containers labeled 1 H 0 blank 11 and H u blank 11 respectively2 2 2

4J Arsenic Sammicrole Prepartion

4J1 Container No 1 (Filter) ~ldce the filter and loose

1-3articulate mdtter in a 150-ml beaker Also add the filtered material from

Container No L (see section 433) Add 5U ml of 01 N NaOH Then stir and

warm on a hot pl ate at ow heat ( do not boi I ) for about 15 min Filter the

solution through the Watman No 41 filter pdmicroer Wash with hot water and

catct1 the filtrate in a clean 150-ml beaker Boi I tt1e filtrate and evaporate

to dryness bull Coo I add 5 mi uf gt u p e r v~ 11 t Hru rn d U1 en wa rm and st i r Al Iow3

to cool~ Transfer to a 50-m volumetric flask dilute to volume with

deionized distil led wdter and tnigt wel I

if tl1ere are ltlny solids retained o_y rn~ tilter place the filter in a

PA~R acid di~estion bo11b dnd ddd ( 1~il tgtdCh t 1 r concentrated HNU and HF acids3

ied tne Dornb ctnd nt~dt it in dn 01n at 1sul for S hours


~e11ove ht Lrn111b fro1il tht over dnd dl low it to cool l_Juantltatively

transfer the content of ttH~ oomb to a 50-inl microolypropylene volumetric flask dnd

1J i u I ce to exltlc t l l)J ml vii t_t1 dei lt1ni zelt dist i 11 l~d Wdter

t_J~ Lu11tJifllr No 4 (Arseric Inmicroinyer Sdmmicrole)

~ote Prior to dnalysis check th1 liquid level in Containers NO 2

anu NU 4 confirm as to wt1ether or nlt t l edkaye occurred during trdnsmicroort on

the analysis sheet If a noticedble dmounc of leakage occurred either void

the Sdmple or take steps sLbject to the amicroproval of the Administrator to

ddjust U1e final results

rransfor the conterts ot Container No 4 to a 500-rnl volumetric flask

and dilute to exactly 500 ml with deionized distill~d water Pipet 50 ml of

tile solution into a 150-ml t1eaker Add 10 rnl of concentrated HN0 bring to a3

boil and evaporate to dryn1~ss Allow to cool add 5 ml of 50 percent HN03

and then -ldrm dnd stir Al ow the solution to cool transfer to a 50-ml

volumetric flask dilute to volum8 wit1 dionized distilled water and mix well

4J3 Container N(~ (Probe ~~ash) See note in 432 above

Filter (usiny Whatman No 4) the cont~nts of Container No 2 into a 200-ml

volumetric flask Combine Lhe filtereJ material with the contents of

Container No 1 (Filter)

Uilute the tiltrdt to eltdctl12001111 with dionized distilled water

Tt1en pipet 50 ml into a 15ol-ml b~dker Add 10 ml of concentrated HN03


to a boil dnd evamicroorc1te to dryness 11 ow to coo 1 add 5 ml of 50 percent

HNU and then warm and stir Al I m-1 tt1e so I ut ion to cool transfer to a3

5U--ml I volumetric flak di lute tJ volJme witl1 deionized distilled water and

mix well

434 Filter l3ldnk lJetermi11e a ti Her blank using two filters from

e d c n I o t of f i 1 t e rs u s ed i n t he s mmicro I i 11 g t r a i n bull Cut each filter into strips

and tredt eacr1 filter individual IJ as direct~d in section 431 beginning

wi tt1 tt1e sentence 11 Add 50 1 I of J 1 N Na UH 11

4J5 ul N l~aUH and ~Jater 1-3anks Treat semicroarately 50 ml of 01 N

NaOH and 50 ml deionized distilleJ watr as directed under section 432

bey i n n i n y Ii th t tle sentence 11 Pi p~ t 5 0 mI o t t 11 e so middot1 uti on i n to a 1 S 0-m1


4 4 Spectrophotometer Prepc1 ration Turn on the power set tt1e

vavelengtn slit width and larnp current anu ddjust the background corrector

d s instructed oy the 1ndnufacturer s mdrua I fur the particular atomic



absorption spectrophotometer djust tl~e bLrner and f1arne characteristic as


4a5 Analysis

45l Arsenic Oetermination Prepare standard solutions as directed

under section 51 and measure their absorbances against 08 N HNU bull Then3

determine the absorbances of the t lter blank and each sample using U8 N HN0

as a reference If the sample concentration falls outside the range of tne

calibration curve make an apmicror-oprictte dilution Hith 08 N Hf~O~ so that the )

final concentratmiddotion falls within the range of ttle curve Determine the As

concentration in tt1e filter blank (ie tl1e average of the tvrn blank values

from each lot) Next using the appropriate standard curve determine the As

concentration in each sample fraction

4~~-11 Arsenic DeterminaLion at Low Concentration~ The lower limit

of fla1~ie -atomic absorption spectrophotometry is 10 microg Asm1 If the As

concentration is a lower levt~middot1 use the vapor generator vl1ich is available as

an accessory component Fo 11011-1 the manufacturers instructions in the use of

such equipment Place a sample containing between O and 5 microg of As in the

reaction tube and dilute to 15 ml with deionized distilled water Since there

is some tri a I and error i nvo I ved in this procedure it 1ay be necessary to

screen the samples by conventional atomic absorption until an approximate

concentration is determined After determining the approximate concentration

adjust the volume of the sample accordingly Pipet 15 ml of concentrated HCl

into each tube Add 1 ml of JO percent KI olution Place the reaction tube 0into a U C water bath for 5 min Cool to room temperatun~ Connect the

reaction tube to the vapor yenerdtor assembly When the instrument response

has returned to baseline inject 50 ml of 5 percent NaBH and integrate the4

resulting spectrophotometer siynal over a JU-second time period

4512 Mandatory Check for Matrix Effects on the Arsenic Results

Since the dnalysis for As by at~nic absorption is sensitive to the chemical

composition and to the physical pro~erties (viscosity pH) of the sample

(matrix effects) check (mandatory) at least one sample from each source

using the Method of Additions

Tt1ree acceptable Method Jf Additic)ns procedures are described in

the 61 Genera1 Procedure Section of the P~rkin Elmer Corpordtion Manual

(Ci tat i on 2 i n sect i on 7 ) 1 f tt)e 1es ult s o t t 11e Me trl o d o t Add i t i o II s

procedure on tne source Sd1nple do rwt alt_Jrmiddotee t(J within 5 micro~rcent of tt1e Vdlue


obtctiried oy me routrne dto1nic absorption arictlysis men reanlyze all Sdmpmiddotles

from me source usinq tt12 Method of Additions procedure

1LgtL Co11L1iner 1fo 5 (So lmpi11yer Sample) Observe tne level of2

li4uid in Cuntdiner No 5 and confirm whether any sample was lost during

st1ippiny 1~ote ctny loss of liquid on the dnalytical data sheet If a

noticeable amount of ledkage occurred either void the sample or use methods

s u b j e ct to t he ct ppr o v a I of tt1e Adm i n i st rat o r to adj ust the f i n a 1 res u l t s bull

Transfer the contents of the container(s) No 5 to 1-liter volumetric

flask and dilute to exactly 10 liter witt1 deionized distilled water Pipet

10 ml of tnis solution into a 250-ml trlenmeyer flask and add two to four

drops of phenolphthalein inclicator 1itrate the sample to a faint pink

endpoint using l N NaUH Repeat and verage the titration volumes Run a

blank witn each series of Sdmples

4~J Contdiner lio J (Sili(d Gel) The tester may conduct this

step in the field Weigh the spent silica ~1el or silica gemiddot1 plus impinger)

to tne nedrest 05 y record tnis wei~iht

5 Calibration

Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations

51 Standard Solutions Pipet 1 3 5 8 and 10 ml of the 10-mg

Asml stock solution into s1microarate 101-rnl volumetric flasks each containing 5

ml of concentrated HN0 bull Dilute to tle mark with deioniized distilled ~~ater3

If tr1e lo~~-level procedure is used piJet 1 2 3 and 5 ml of 10 microg Asml

standard solution into the separate fl1sks Then treat them in the same

manner as tile Sdmple (section 434)

Check these absorbances frequ~ntly dgainst U8 N HN0 (reagent blank)3

during the ctnalysis to insure that base-line drift has not occurred Prepare

a standard curve of dbsorbance versus concentration (Note For instruments

equipped with direct concentration readout devices preparation of a standard

curve will not be necessary) In dll cases fol low calibration and

operational procedur~s in tne mandacturers instruction manual

~2 Sampliny Train Calibration Calibrate the sampling train

components accordinSJ to the indicated sections of Method 5 Probe Nozzle

(section ~ l) Pi tot ruoe Ass~1nbl) (section )2) Metering System (section

~J) Probe Heater (section ~-4) Temperature Gauges (section 55) Leak Check

of Metering System (section 56) and Harometer (section 57)


5aJ N Sodium Hydroxide Solution Standardize the NaOH titrant

against 25 ml off standard 10 N Hlso4

6 Caiculations

61 Nomenclature

t$ ~ater in tt1e 9as stream proportion by vo 1ume 0 ws C Concentrathrn uf A as redd fro11 the stdndard curve microgmla s CSUc = Concentration of so

2 perc~nt 01 volume

C Arsenic concentr-1tion in stack ~1as dry basmiddotis converted to s standdrd cor1ditims Jdsc1 (goscf)

i- = Arsenic mdSS emision rate yhr a F d = Di I ut ion factor ( equa Is 1 if th1 sample has not been

di I uted)

I Percent of isokinetic sampling

Mbi Total mass of al I six impingers and contents before

samp l i ng 9

Total mass of al I six impingers dnd contents after

samp l i ng g

M = Total mass of As collected in a specific part of the n

sampling train ig

= Mass of su collected in the sammicroling train g2

= Total mass of A collected in tlw sampling train microgs

= Norma Ii ty of Na OH t itrcrnt me4m I bull

T = Absolute average dry yas m~ter t(mperature (see FigureIll

108-2) degK (degK)

Va = Volume of sample aliquJt titrated riL

V Volume of gas sample a measured Dy the dry gas meterm


V = Volume of gas sample a~ measured by the dry gas meterm(std)

correlated to standard conditions scm(scf)

V Total vo I ume of sol ut iJn in whi u the so is containedsoln 2


v = Volume of so col lectei in the sampling train dscm(dscf)502 2

Vt = Volume of NaUH t trant usec for the sample (average of

repmiddot1 i cate ti trdt 1 ons) ml

Vtb = Volu1ie of NaUH titrant used for the blank ml

Vtot = Volume of gas sanpled _orrected middoto standard conditions

d scm ( d s cf )


V -= Vo I u111 e o t -vJ at er vd microo r cu I I 1 ~ c t l~ d i n t tl e =gt ct rn p I i nltJ tr d i n -I ( =gt td )

corn~ctl~LI to st1ndarltj cont1itions middotscm(scf)

i1H Averdye microressur differential ctcross tr1e orifice rneter (set

Fi yure 1 U o-2 ) 1m HzL) ( i n bull HzU ) bull

b~ Cdl(_ulctte the vol ime of so ycts collected by the sampling2


Eq 108-1


5K = lcUJ x 10- m311e4 for metric units1 3K1

= 4248 x 10-4 ft rndq for English units

6J Calculate the sulfur dioxide concentration in tne stack gas

(dry basis adjusted to standard conditions) lt1s follm-Js

CSU2 = x lUO Eq 108-2


t- V02

64 Calculdte the 1nass of sulfur dioxide collected by the sampling


Eq 108 3

~ here

65 Averctye dry Yd s 1eter t2111perdtures ( T ) and averageIll

pressure dromicro (~H) See ddtct sheet (Fiyure 108-2)




by using Eq

Ory Gas Volume Us i n g dct ta fr om th i s test ca I cu l ate V~ ( t d ) 1 5

5-1 of Method 5 If necesary adjust the volume for leakages

C- 3

Then add v J bull5 2

Eq 108-4

67 Volume of water v~porQ

Eq 108-5


K_) = 0001334 m 3g fo1 metric u11its bullmiddot -~

= 0047Jl2 fty foi Engl~~ urits

68 Moisture content

EL 1U8-6


+ Vw(stc1)middot

6 bull 9


Amount Of


train as

As CO I l eCt ed bull

the amourit of


As col iectld in each part of sampl iny

Eq 108-7

6Y2 Calculate the total

train as fol lows

amount of As c1llected in the sampling


M ( t i It e r s ) + Mn ( p rO be ) middot fvl 11 ( i rn fJ rn g e r s ) t

1( t i I t ~ r DI an k ) - 1n ( Nd l H ) - 1 (H~ O ) Eq 108-8

6lU C11lculdte the As conceritrdtiuri in the stack gas (dry basis

ddjusted to stdnddrd conditions) as follows

Eq 108-9

611 Pollutant Mass Kat~ CalculJte the As mass emission rate

using the following equation

= C Eq 108-10ssd

The volumetric flow rate Qsd should be calculated as indicated in

Method l

6 bull 12 1so k i net i c Vd r i at i on bull Us i n g data fr om th i s test ca Ic u l ate 1

use tq S-ti of r~ettoct S exc 1~pt suost itute Vtot for Vm( std)

6lJ Acceptable ~t~sults Same as Metnod 5 section 612

7 tiibliogramicrohy

1 Same as Citations 1 througn 9 of section 7 of Method 5

2 Perkin El1ner Corpcration Analytical Methods for Atomic

1-bsormicrotion Spectrophotometry Non-1alk Connecticut

September 1976

3 Annual Book of AST11 Stdndarctbull Part 31 Water Atmospheric

Analysis American Society for T~sting and 1-1aterials Philadelphia PA

1974 micromicro 40-4~



~f-~__d_y_ e s f o r Pr o c e s s i ng a n d An a l y s i s of PA H i n

Co~e Oven Emissions from Kaiser Steel

Global Geochemistry Corporation

10 Samples expected

l 1 Connective tubes between section welded to oven port cover and remainder of sampling system - These are to be stainless steel tubing disconnected and capped off for each sample They will be about 10-15 long

1 2 Impingers in series first two water-filled third dry - The center tubes will be removed and wrapped in clean foil and the impingers stoppered as is for shipping One set for each sample Protect from light during shipping

20 Extraction -procedure

Sample fractions are to be covered with foil or in opaque containers with inert gas flush during storage in freezer Solvents used in extraction will be BampJ glass distilled pesticide grade low residue) Working bench area will be screened with amber plastic and light bulbs

2 l Connective tubes will be rinsed with dichloromethane by partial filling capping tilting several times and draining into a beaker This will be repeated until the washings are colorless but at least three times

22 Impinger contents will be transferred to a separatory funnel The impingers and center tubes will be rinsed inlo the funnel using a measured amount of dichloroshymethane in portions The funnel is shaken well and the extract drawn The rinsing and shaking is repeated with two more portions of solvent The extracts and washshyings are combined over Na 2 S0 4 bull

A separate portion of the water used for impingers is extracted in the same way

For each liter of water 100 ml dichloromethane will be used per extraction ie 300 ml total

Internal standard is added to the combined exshytracts at this p0int





Concentration of extracts

Bulk solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator in a water bath at not over 40deg stopp~ng short of dryness The res~dual volume should be just less than the f i n a l v o l ti 11 e o wl1 i ch the s o l uti on i s to be d i l u t e d (accurately) The object is a final solution with roughly five mgml solids concentration in dichloromethane After the vol w1 e ~ s made up to the mar k i n a vol umet r i c flask an aliquot is removed and evaporated on a tared disk in a nitrogen stream and weighed to determine yields The remaining solution is stored in a ial or ampoule sealed with a Teflon-lined septum A split for SAI QA may be made at this point (see Section 43 also)

Gravity column c1eanup chromatogram

4 1 Into a 10 min 1 d column with co2rse sinter and Teflon stopcoc~ 6 g 120 mesh silica gel (activated at 120deg) 1s sluiry packed in pentane cooling the column by evaporation from a tissue wrapped around it and wet with acetone) This minimizes vapor gaps in the column A cap of 3g sodium sulshyfate is added to the top The column must not dry out before the chromatogram is complete

42 A sample of the extract concentrate is taken This is to be based on experience of expected PAH conshytents but initially would be 5-10 mg This is exchanged with pentane by adding 10 ml portions of pentane and evaporating over about 100 mg silica to small volume Three to five portions of pentane are used The final residue is rinsed onto the column with pentane

4 3 The chromatogram is developed with four solvent steps

l 25 ml pentane 2 l 0 ml 2 0 ~~ dichloromethane in pentane

II II ii II3 l 0 ml 50 u II II4 l 0 ml 5 0 ~~ methanol

The column volume is approximately 8 cc This is allowed for while collecting fractions During the first chromatogram the graduated cylinder collector is observed for visible solvent changes and a more precise estimate of the column volume

T h e f o u r f r a c t i o n ~ a r e e v a p o r a t e d i n a n 1 t r o g e n stream at not oveimiddot 40 to l 0 ml then stored under nitrogen in the freezer The principal constituents


of the fractions will be

l Aliphatics 2 Lower molecular weight PAH

11 113 Higher 11

4 Polar materials

Fractions 2 and 3 are to be analyzed by HPLC the others retained for future interest or in case of an incomplete or defective separation Splits for SAI QA may also be made from these fractions

50 HPLC Analysis

5 l The column is a reverse phase partition column C18 bonded to microparticle silica 4 x 250 mm The solvent system is a gradient from 6040 acetonitrile water to 100 acetonitrile initial slope setting l 5min The flow rate is one mlmin the injecshytion sample volume one to ten microl depending on conshycentration Detectors are UV absorbance and fluorescence in series The absorbance is set routinely at 296 nm but may be varied in certain instances to aid in identification of peaks The fluorescence filtars are narrow pass excitation at 360 nm and cut-off emission above ~10 nm Both d e t e c to rs a re rec o rd e d s i 1i ul ta n e o u s l y

52 Reference calibration is based initially on indishyvidual chromatograms of single compounds and roushytinely interspersed chromatograms of multicomponent reference mixtures The proposed calibration stanshydards are the following at minimum

Phenathrene Pyrene Chrysene Perylene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo (ghi)pcrylene I n d e n o ( l 2 ~ c d ) p y r e n e Coronene

The internal standards (added in Section 22) are 910-Dimethylanthracene

9-Phenylanthracene 9 10-Diphenylanthracene

60 Peak Identification

Significant peaks not recognizable as present in the reference standard will be investigated by alternate methods for identification


6 bull I Stopped-flow examination of UV absorbance for maxima

by manual wavelength varmiddotiation allows checking against known reference spectra (published or measured) This is usually sufficient confirm a component already suspected to be present

62 Collection of the fraction contairino the unknown peak allows later determination o~ t~e full absorbance andor the fluorescence spectrum for comparison with reference compounds

63 If not already run on GCMS the sample can be sent to SAI for that purpose possibly allowing the comshyponent to be identified Since the HPLC elution order is not the same as the GC retention sequence it may be necessary in affibiguous cases to collect the HPLC fraction and run it separately by GCMS

The~e may be numerous minor constituents not identified The decision on how many of these to track down and identify will be made in consultation with CARB adv~sors a~d with SAI since at some point the returns ute not worth further expense

_64 IdeAtified peaks are quantified by comparing their areas to the areas of the known concentrations of reference compounds A recovery factor based on the added internal standard nearest in elution order to the sample component is then applied the amount of internal standard originally added to the sample is divided by the amount found in the HPLC analysis This ratio is the multiplier used to correct for losses in concentration and chromatography steps

70 Quality Assurance

71 Transmittal of sample ~plits to SAI provides for external QA This should be done with 15 (or one in seven) of all samples

72 Blank water extracts are carried through the same analytical procedure (10 of total)

73 The cleanup and HPLC analysis are duplicated on 15 (or one in seven) of all extracts

74 The multicomponent reference is run first every day then elution volumes and peak area for each comshyponent are plotted on a control chdrt to pinpoint developing problems At least evetmiddoty tenth chromato-gram will be this standard It wi 11 also be rerun after any service on the instrument~ such as a column change



Gas chromatograph 1mass spcmiddotctromlt~try protocols used by SAI Trace

Organic Chemistry Laborator1

Aliquots of sampl=s received from Global Geochemistry Corporation

were analyzed by combined c11s chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS)

Liquid extracts were spiked with an internal standard compound (deuteriumshy

labeled phenanthrene) priot to analysis by gas chromatography mass spectroshy

metrymiddot A Finnigan model 4( 21 Quadrupole GCMS system including an Incas data

system was used for all analysis Liquid samples (1 microliter) were injected

into a 30-miter x 025-mm ID SE-54 fused silica open tubular 9as chromatoshy

graphy column (JampW Scientific) A programmed GC oven rate of a 4 minute hold

at 30degc followed by a 40degCmin temerature increase to 160degc and a s0 cmin

temperature increase to 270degc was used for sample analysis The detector

system was a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the electron ionization

mode at 70eV The quadrupole mass filter was scanned from 35 to 475 atomic

mass units in 095 seconds A hold time of 005 seconds was used to stabilize

the electronics prior tote next scan Data were continuously acquired using

a Finnigan Incas Data system which writes time intensity mass spectral data

to a magnetic disc The mass spectrometer was operated under computer control

during acquisition Figures 33-7 through 33-9 show the total ionization

chromatograms for each of the three samples that were analyzed

Following analyses the data files were searched for priority

pollutant polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) In addition to the

quantitative data reduction used for priority pollutant PNAs a survey analysis

was performed on all significant GC peaks (ie signal to noise of greater

than 101) The survey analysis was based upon a computerized library search of

individual background subtracted peak maxima scans for qualifying GC peaks

The library used for qualitative identification AJas a combined NIHEPA

National Bureau of Standards library 1hich contains approximately 26000


Tables 33-11 through 3-13 present the results of this survey analysis As expected a series of al~yl Slbstituted PNAs were observed in addition to heterocyc l i c compounds con ta i ni n~ nitrogen iind sulfur moieties Further

investigation of the mass spectre of the nitrogen substituted identifications

confirmed the presence of benzonitrile isoquinoline andor quinoline acridine

carbazole and alkyl substibted ~yridines Ion specific searches for N-nitroso

substituted amines were neg1tive



Detailed Fiber and Mass Concentration Data - Johns Manville



lt QJ ()

J 0

(lJ __c r-- (Y)

-- 0tj-M r- rQ bullbullbullbull

middot1- c) CJIO

gtmiddot CNltS rel I c-=cltv-l

N --_ r--

+ +



- -- + +


Ii II 11 11 lo II 11

_ amp z

E2 ~~~~~yen_ ~~~ti~~


~~~~j~j ~~~~~~ -----~-2 = ~ ______ _--- middot---~ ___ - - - - _ ~


_middot l



ti lt ~~ - --- -


~~ - J -

_ ___

- =- = l 7 = T -- ~ 1C I-- lc L ~ -- J

=-- -i l L - [- - =-- -= f- - =-- -l J middot - -=-

i-- L =-- - ~ ~ L ~ ~ =--shy r---- --

- 7 l -=----7- -- - - - -- =-- - - ~ =-- - 1- -~- l

g~~~~ r_-middot~ ~-i [-- L ~ L Ldeg

middot--~ l - --------=-- r- L r- r-

~~~ =-- -- r- = - -r---

a- - - - - _ - -I~=-- L -- l 7 -~--

gtZlt _

- _(_ -lt lt =- = ZJZ~


__ _

~ -- __ middot- -~ ~~~ = L ~f~ Z ~ C

middot -

__ ~ lt lt =- _~~ijE

gt = z lt gt



SI I HMllLfc J H 1 I OBr I lll-H ANI) NS~ coHcrrrllliTJ ON CUfllllTI VImiddot SIJMMIIY

TIITIL JnI~ SfiNtlEO TOTtl Ill- or FI ITETI TOTI Illlt ~111-11 11 ltllOT FIIACT I Ori 1111 OF ~middotWI MUllllNJbull lOTI 01IIMImiddot 01- JII TOTI FI lilmiddott~ UgtIJH nD

= t nwo 00 so MI CllONH = t I 1JOO SO (M = II 900 SO CM t bull (0000 l1T~

I I JO SO CM 70000 CUil JC Ml-TEHS

= ~lt O V l lWfl~

Manville D-2 Baghouse

723 347 -633


FI 111-11 COllflT ltFIIWll-

ITllClmiddotrir r lllrf


) ( I f S bull1 bullbull

I 0

l ~-Irbullmiddot


fl JI)(~


0 OUU~~


0 OflO


1110 000~~

FI IWII ( ()[IClmiddotNTHT I ON ltI- I mn ll11 ~41 GI OF FI LTEH) (FIBlmiddotn~ ll-11 CIJB f-11bullTl-H OF IH)

I (2fi71bull+0G (aG(l-+05

( gt027 F+04 OfmiddotHH


OOOOOF+00 o uuoul~middotH)O

0 O(OOE+OO o 0000I+oo

J bull f 1)07 E+O( fi r71HE+OG



TcfLI ~~lllllmiddotCE 1lllmiddot lt~O Ctl lFII ~~O UI OF FIiTEi) t q UI 11-11 Cll II fllmiddotTlbullll OF J I H)

I 590)1+07 6 t 90llbull-HH

( HMOE+O 2 40411bull-1 o

0 OIHHlF+OO o 00001+oo

0 OUO(I 1 00 OOOOOJi+00

() 10110~ Ji)

OOOOOE+OO 1 lHHllJ i 00

0 00001middotgt1 00

M ~~~ middotor-ic Irrrn TI or

( PGRAMS 1bull111 ~c UI OF F J LTEH) (PGRAMS 1111 UJI illI Lil ()j Ill)

IUitTII Ml-Ml ltMI tJIOfl~~) ~Tlgt lgtEV

Ml- H Lot c1middoton nr COlmiddotF I II

I) I MWTEll Ml-N ltMI c11or1~~) STI) tHV

MEtl IOC cImiddotor1 r1N CCWF V11

AIt lbullI rt 1bulli I~ (Sil MIC) STIgt 1gt1-V

Ml- N 101 c1-ori r1u COlbulltmiddot V1ll

I 0 I ~if1+07 bull tJf I (11bull-HH

r 1gta 1 1) bull 2 (10()

0 lt700 l 1Hi4~ 2G44

() ~( 1 027B

- l bull 6 I 1bull1middot 0 J l)J 09J~fgt

1a 1071 1~ 09rn

0 2(jlt)fi l ~HVil 4040fi

~ HltF+O~ U (H~61bull+o I

o rooo 0()()00

-0GJOB 0 (000 0 (000

OOfiOO 00000

- )()57

OOGOO 00000

0 0 1)02 00000

- I J 0 0 0 1W 00000

00000 0 ()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 0 (WHO 00000

0()000 0()()()()

0 ()()()) 00000 00000

00000 00000 0000() 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 (WOO 00000 ()0000

( ~1701 l B bullJl~H 0 lt~( I BIJI ~ ~i Ill

o~-~ 0 ~j

- I ult-fc 0 I Hbull)I o bull)abullgt~

12 (1 41 17bullgt7

0 1 l I H) 4 ltmiddotI 1


MFiN ~Tl) 111-V ru-1N 10C Ct-OM MN COE- Vtll

2lHH7 gt HUB

-2 7m 0 060 1)

( IJl)()C)

0 001 00000

-ltj 74a 1gt 0001~ 00000

00000 0()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

ooono 0 1)000 00000 00000 0 ltWOO

2 7 0 1J lJ I J J

-2J+H () ()~(

B 77gtB

lt ~



J c

~ lf



(]j (fJ

J I 0

a1 c r--- l)-- Clltr (Y) r- ro C)(V) gt deg CN C1 (0 I ~ C M

N --- r--

w J

s rJ gt-





~ - -lt-[-bull

0- ~ l L L l~ -18~~

L a- - ~ I-

-I - ---


-- -- -- - - ~l

-1_ - - --

--~--- [-middot-~--- t-- -- [- -_ 3J ~I r-

z g ---



l l c +-shyc

~ Ci - - I

-1--r-middot~- ~

L l- L ~






-= -- - - ---- - _

middot= - middot-= l J l~ - ~ ~ L - ~ L ~ [--






- I

==== lt _ --middot --~ 7 _

- ~~- _

z ~ ~ =lt ~~~ti3


gt =2 lt_

2 z _ lt=lt i~iS

-- z ~ lt


~lt~ =--~~~sect~ _ -- -middotImiddot_

L -_ -


(lJ II) I

~ Or--M

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MPteorolo(1y Summary Data for Study Sites


) ) )




Weather Bureau

Site Johns Manville-Stockton



Dail y_verage

Wind Speed (mph)

Direction (Percent)















































G) I



---------------- -------------------

Period 1969-197 3 Meteorology Site RSR

Sourece Whittier Station SCAQMD Average Wind Direction X

-- bull-------==--Start C I _ c _ I ~ltC11 l1-1 l1111-1Time

-12~ ___ _ ~l -----middot middotmiddot- -middot-- 4~ 1 4-I Rh f1h --- --middot -------

1 7 c- ~ 4 l 1 1 l c c 1 7 1R hq t q 4() lR

00 7 f- ~ ~ 1

__7 1---~ bull 2 ______ l__bull 7 ___ _ 401 11h hh ~ ~ -1 l lt 1 bull 7 ________ _)02

a~ ~f- lR O

2 I S 1n

~~ q 4 1R ~~ 34 0 ~S03 Q ~A q S S 6 44 11 Aq

____ 7 _ (J__pound_ 1 n 1 A ~ L ~ 1 a 4 ~04 01- 4r _____~---- 1_q______ 1_ -i -7 ______70 ___-_l __ _

____s_~ __ _3_ __ __ _7____1_ _______ c ____ _____ _S ____ -~bull05 no 44 )1 ~ SP 41 47 AS

-R 7 7 1 bullq 1A ~1-- S 9 4n06 J_4c An 4n 34 71 48 17 7S

07 O bull 0 3 bull 7 e i bull J ~ 3 e ) 2middot 3 4 e 7 ___ l micro 2 __ _ _ __l_Ln___________R 1 52______~_5_i _______ 8 c 7 J

_J 1 bull _____ h ~---- ___i_]___1 bull Z ______~_5 _______ ) 9 _r --~bull-5_____ ~_3 ____08 )c7 __JAq 9A 10 ]17 i7 f-S A4

11-n 11R Al f-i3 7) 1 4n i09 )A4 1A l~A 142 ]70 77 4R 70

_LI__l_ ___l 4 bull P 7 bull P A R l n A 4 R 1 n 4 4 ___ 7 A ___ _RA____ 1 A 1A 8 1 SL__ 1 R 5 1 ~ 3 _1] ________ 111~____JJ__) 1 ~---~-~ 4 9 1 ----1___11

A0 1A4 JR 17 lAR A 41 4C 174 A ll~ JnR ll7 9 5 R12

24c 4n~ l9l ~o 11n sg 40 3g __ ) bull 2 C () bull 9 14 ---~--~f 3 1 bull s bull 413

____ 7 4 _____) 4 c _ ___ 1 _ 7 ~ s____ L-i_ __ _ c 7 c ~ o 1_ __middot _____ 1__i-______ l 7 1 c _l___L3__ 1 bull 2 l bull q 714

77 ~ll 1Ac Rt 1 Al 4g lR iin 104 1 177 144 ~n 13 115 c 7 4 7 1 A 1 c c VH~ Q4 5 i 1 9 1

16 _ 1 ~-- bullcmiddot ___ ___ J_ 5 _ 1___ _10__ _ _ ____LS_ ~-- __Lo__i s p ~ 4 1 3 5 1R 2 _ --- __ __S ______2 __ -- --- 3-~ 1-- --- --- __ L3~ 6 7 ____ _7

17 l _ bull ~ 11 e3 ____ __]__]__ ] 5 __2 _________ 2_l__c_-_______ 8_ 1 4 bull 2 L_l_ __ _ _L~ 1 middotn 1 ) l R 5 A R ~ c

18 14 R1 ~~ 15 ~7 R4 4 lA~ llh 77 l~R 15n lA 59 ~0

19 L bull pound_________ _7_ 2__ ___2_E_ A A _2l-_l fL 4 3 e 7 J Q

1 Ji RI _ J_ ________ O _1-f l 4 ___ 4~------ __ 3] __

20 l l 7 5 2__ 3 e ____ 5 7 -- 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 ___ 2- 7 2 3 ____ C7 ______ -_ _____________ 10Q ii Q)44n middot----

21 u1 40 A1 ~4 lR5 5 1 bull

1~h si -- ) 1 1 11n n 41 22 _ q_J--- ______ A____ 1-- J_R ql____A_ P 1 q s

17 c3 ____ l ______ _________JY~ __ 7q ________ lbull4 __________ 4U ______

23 ___7 ~ _A _i_ _ _2 ________ ~ _middotL ___ __1--__1 ______ L~ g _ _ 7 ______ l n ___ _

1176 n



Site RSRMeteoro logPeriod _1969-=1_92]__

Average Wind Oirection_X__

PIIJ t t lt Cr ~Start Time ----

Pl 1_ 1~ 7 () 10s0~---- ---------- ll-i ________ 1n1 1 Jn f- l (- Q 1O 1 114 12 c Abull i ~ol R100 llS P2 171 ~41 2P QO P7 llS

7A 1nA 117 s A01 7 _1=--------------------------LS_0_ ---------------middot__s___~ 7 1 11 l_O l_Al (tr1 p~ 1-7 ql OJ

----- --------- - ---- ---- -- middot-middot --- ---- -- ----middot-- ----middot ----~ 7 c ~ bull n 1 1 2 l 9 -s 1 -i s s ~ c c__ bull A____02 1 1 2 1 r n 1 c 0 r-- l ~ 1 o 1 0 1 t 1 o c- ----~--- -Pl Ol OP lA2 11A 61 c 0 ~ cq03 l 5 4 l 4 4 1 i r 7 -i r) c q 1 deg 1n

qA RO 107 ~_12_7 SA c 7 A04 _l _ s_ _________l 7 l RA____ 7 ______l _o 4 __ l nn_________ 0 _7________ R_l __ o ~ _____ J(__7 11__r ___ _t-__ o ____ ln ___ h_ ______ An____ c-_n __05 ]lA 140 170 7cA __2n1 qc- 7q 1n1

06 RS q_1 lO~A lAwn 12S S9 49 AJ l2R l2R 144 lQO Jq2 114 llS R7

07 R bull 0 Re() q () Ll_3__ ___lJ Q 7 e ] 7 e c e 4

1_ ls 70 R________ 1(1__5 --- ____l~middotA l_J0_____ ll ~- ____ J_Z_ __ 08 7 1 _Lo ___ Si ___ f-~5 __ ____ q1____ A__A _____ 7bull~------~_r ______ _

0 q J A t __ _plusmn2___ l O A A P 12 Q

09 A2 22 G6 41 A7 s1 s1 R0 71 21 23 2q A7 AA f-l lll

10 44 11 ibull4- lR ~z 41 1q 7n 4q 17 lA lA --~-1__ 1q P _1_n7 ___

11 ~ bull 1 ___ 1 bull 1 l bull () ~ ~--1____ ~ q 2 4 l _middot2_____ pound_____7___ _ 41 10 8 0 lf- l() 17 01

12 2S A 5 1 2 22 19 J s7 21 11 7 2A 25 ~l 1n1q

13 ___JJ l 7 4 6 l - A 1 6 0 f- l q _----- _- o 12 ____l 7 1 7 -1____l_l_ _ ---middot

14 J__4_ A bull 7 1_~ l ~l__1____~ _____7_Q_------middot- c__ -- -middot -

--~ l l l 1 c l ] 7 c 1 l

15 J2 2 7 g l 4 11 lA 7 1 li A R 10 20 27 -=tn OR

16 a 4 s ~---- _J_ bull 1 it 7 _J _e_9____~ L _ 1 7 _______ll____ 7 _l middot- - 1deg 21 I= l_ ________ 9~-- ---

17 J bull J_ 7 4 l_ 2_ _ l 2 1 3 ___ c -- - f-_L___ 3 1 q 1q 4 --~~R____l____ ____c_c_____J~l~Z--

18 O middot 1 1 12 1s 4 - ~ () 14 1n 42 12 ~4 71 84 c~ 60 179

19 - 2____b__ __2D_______ ___2_____1-----~ --5__ _ 5 2 3 e 4 4___ l Q n _ 4A _____ 4_q__________50_______ lltbull __ 121 _____31 ______ _ _10 1 12

20 7 0 3 0 -- -middot 3 7 _ 7 1 7 5 __ 5 0 A 5 7 6 --- 5 i 1-- 0 R __l SL -- 1 r p P -- - 1 1 --- -- 1 c 7

21 14 41 51 g_7 04 55 7s q_7 7R Al 122 17A 17R q4 llq lc

22 -~--8__ c n 7 A 11 _n_ ~ c A 7 -2___~~--q 1 _______ l_nR ___ 17______ 7)1 _l__A ____ f-J_7 _ 1_ ]~(

23 c 6 _A _7 ----- 7 Q _ -- __ l l 0 J1 bull _ middot--S 4 ___ ----- 7_ f- --- P l

lAA4 1 911

R t bull I

--- -------

Meteorology Site RSRPeriod 1969-1973

Average Wind Speed XSource Whittier Station SCAQMD

( (~ c II lt II ~ hlltlStart Time

___L_~ 41 rnl~ ~l_ ---~-- --~h_______----middot bull9 bull f- c 1 l bull r 3 00 )

l l c Sl 7 J 8 ~Q AR 4() 4R _ _ _s_________ ~ A ~ 1 2R01 -------

l 1 i _f- _micro middoti 79_ LC 4i A1 bull 4 bull c + ~1 ] 1~ 1n02

Qf--- Lf- 1A Q r (- c r middotn SA 7 4 9 R 7 lR 11 403

a 1h Q S 5 4 4g 11 A9

P __ 3 bull 7 ___2__Y e ] 2 e ( e A 2 e 404 Rf- ------~_5____ 2L _____ _l_t_____~_7__ _3J _________4)____ SL_

bull 7 bull 7_ ________ 2____7______ 2 _1 _____ el_______ L ~ ________2 bull 2 2 bull 2 __05 ____1_n_o 44 31 c cq bull LJ 47

c 2c 7 lR 1 O 406 11 c A 0 4 n 3 4 7 l 4 R ~ 7 7 5

___ ___~ c Z bull A ~R_ ---2_h 2 bull bull 4 e R bull C07 l_ H l_ ri ------- R1 --- c ----------- AQ _middotbull 4_p____ r 7 ___1[_2_ _r--_______ _ A____________ )_3-____ _____ __t 9 ______ ~_____ _3 __ --~___()_______ __I__08 C7 lR9 9A 1n~ ll7 S AS 84 ~Q 33 11 11 1n R 3A 3309 7RJ 1R lA 14-1 17fI 77 4R 7(_

---~- L~ 1 7 -~ 1 7 4 1 l 1 9 S 3 9 C) 4 9 A ~ 9 q10 __ 7 c _ ___ _ 2 RA l A ____J__6_R 1 C 4 7 P C 1 rq I

11 -~L f _ __ -~-- 5 _J__ __4_-_c1 ______4__]____4_ bull 5 c___h ___~_a_J 1Rn ~r- 1 1A 17~ JRR AZ 41 45

sn ss s1 6~ cR 5 c~ s912 46 4n3 91 30 170 sg 4n ~~


5 a _e_______6__Q____ ~_f-__-----6___R f- e C 6 e 7 6 e 1 t__5_j13 7 l _ -i 4 _r _ _____ 13 _ __252_____ -2l3___5 7 3_5_______3_Q_j

1_ __ f-_ 7 ______ __~_E_ ____ L5 _____7 __3__ ___J_ 1_____J__ 5 ________ O_14 _2_c 7 --- ~ l ~--- l A i R t ~ r- 1 LL q J

15 ~c A7 7L 77 7S AP ~q A c7 47 1Al ~t 1nR q3 ~~ Jq

_ ____ Cl ________ 6___ l___ 6 bull 7______]__5 ___ 6 e q 7 e J Abull 2 8 316 2 3 5 19 2 15 6 ---- __ 24-4 --- ---- 3 lt5 _________ l3C _ ____fJ __ ]]__ ~ _ 5 6 ____ s bull3 6 2 __ 5 B ______ 5 Y ___ 7 3 7 _7 ___ _17

__ 1 c ______1 ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~n 13 c 6 P ~ 5 4~q L9 ~ cn 4A ~n ~-4 4118 lP~ llA 77 11A 1cn l~A SQ Q

-----~~a-R___-=4bull2_1 e __ middot-middot middot bulls __ - __ IL 9 1 ~_1_ ___3 7 40__19 1 ~~- gt q6_ (- l Q 144 43 _37 _ A f ---middot ~ bull r bull q ~ 9 IL ~ 1 _0 -~ bull 1 A 3420 l r -- I- I q4 l qo l c c 0

-- -- -- --- - middot-middotmiddot middot----middot - --middot-middot middotmiddot- --middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--middotmiddot

~ bull l =I ~ ~ bull f 7 bull i 1 1S21 l L7 C c~ c 1- 1 Sl l ~()

22 _-~ bull--~middot-_____ z_ __g______2 _____2_ 1 __ ------ 4 h

1 1 c3 3~ --~3 __ 113_ 79 l4

) bull f-- q ~23 2-~

lRgt 11gt 11 75 39 4 5 3 7 1


Period 1969-1973 Meteorology Site RSR

Source Whittier Station SCAQt10 Average Wind Speed

-middot- -------------- -middot----- ---- ----middot-middotmiddotmiddot-middot - ~bullI= r I i- C ci

Start Time -middotmiddotmiddotmiddot

qq lll lA ]h nl 1() Cj 1n1 l -in middot-

~ 7i 2g~ 08 R q 13 2 r00 11c 12 - 170 241 21 q () t---7 1 lS 2 -middot__ -- bull 1 oe 1 ----- _ 2 _ C)_ --- _ 7 R r1

401 121 lQ lRl SO 217 R7 n-- ---- ----- ----middot-- - --- --- - -------- - -- ltJ ---

02 _-7_ 5_ -middotmiddot ____ -~_7___ ---~_ middot--~- 7 7 2_________ 2 _7 --l -i -i l sn l i i~____l_tl_ l u 1 n l H_L____q_c _

bull A 2~ 27 27 27 2A 2~4 _103 15 t 14~ lAs 211 zns 91 q2 102 2 1 1 G___ 2 bull R 2 h bull 7 ____J 2~----7___4-----04 1 1 S _______ 171 ____lPn ____ 27~ __ 1_()4 ____ 1_00_____ 07________ 8J_

-~-~-------~~A _q ___ R_ 7 ____ _7 __ _l_ 1

05 1 3 A l 4 deg 1 7 C c P 1 () ___ q c ____ 7 q 1 0 l 27 27 30 2A 28 29 2~S 2406 12R 12A 144 100 lql 114 115 R7 2~A 2QR ~~~ 3~0 Q 29 ~O 907 l 1 c 7 deg ~rn 1os __1_ c __ _ __U-52____ l 1 A _l q _

08 2 bull 0 2 bull 7 l bull 4 3 bull -~ ___ _2-_L -- -- 3 bull 1 l bull (l 2-~2-q q ~~ ~ AA lOA A R ]O

09 34 14 ~~P ~g ~9 29 3A 31 71 21 23 79 A7 f--A 63 113

10 3q 39 A0 SO 46 34 40 3S 4 9 1 7 1 A __LR_ __h____ l R 4 R 1 n 7

11 4S 45 A4 s9 s1 l l 7 1 _2_ 41 10 R 20 lA Q 17 OJ

12 4~1 4R AR 61 6A S6 ~5 4 21 11 7 g 2A S ~3 101

13 4c cl 00 74 7 A c R _4 4 q t 9 ]

-i o l 2 R l 7 _l_l __ ~ 2 1 l 3 _ 14 _ i____l A bull A A bull ~-- __ A bull4 R 1 7 bull l t 9 Ci A

1deg 11 IS 2l 17 zc 114 15 A7 70 oo A~O 7l ~9 49 ~7

1 ii A R l O 2 n 7 --~ () Q P 16 ____5__0 1 A 6 A 3 A f-- __5__2__ 4 5 c bull R

__ _17 ____ J l ___________ 7________ 1 o______ 1_0 __________ 7L_____ 4____lt1_8__ 17 _ l __ ----~-l- ___ -~ _ 4 4 _ 4_11 A_______ 4___L 4 middot n 1 _g__

32 lA 10 4 l9 cc 11

18 2~1 2A is 47 ~s r- ~s 40 4~ ~2 ~4 73 R4 cc h9 12g

19 7 l ~3--~- __2__A______ _R _ _ 2 1 7 41-- 4P io __1~_____ 12 01 1_n4 _____ l7_ __

20 bull bull 4 bull 0 bull 1 bull ~ bull r 7 bull R___ _ __ bull 4

Sc t- 0 0 7 l c 7 1 c 1______ 0 ~ 1 1 1 c 7

21 S 2A q 11 1 n 77 8 31 7R Pl 1 17A 177 Qh llR 1~c

22 1 in 3~ a 1Q 7 7 7 q 1 l q l 7 7 7 4 ___ l _P J H 7 _1_ 2 2 ---- _1 _Q__

23 2f S ___ _Q____ 1() __ -_~_R 2Y ____2___A A

l AA2 2001 7 11

-------------- -middot-middotmiddot----


Si te f~a 1 i er Steel Period 1978-1979

MeteorologySource SCAQMD


N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSvJ SW WSW w lmW NW mJDaill Averaoe

Wind Speed 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (mph)

Direction (PPrrPnt) 10 8 2 ~ ~ 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 10 10 10 11J

-7) I


Two years data provided Approximately 16000 hourly speed and direction averages not computerized therefore results estimated


1971-1974Period Site Allied

r-ieteoro 1 ogySource lenno~ StatiQ SCAQMD

Average Wind Speed X

Average ~ind Direction

DirectionStart Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s s )iJ SU ~JSvJ tmiddotJ WNW Nt~ WNW

00 23 24 22 23 26 27 38 26 2l 2 4 72S 32 ) 37 33 2 9

01 24 24 2ol 2LJ 2Ll 26 24 22 21 26 25 34 J~ 33 3 0 2 3

02 24 23 21 23 23 26 22 24 24 23 24 34 34 33 2 S 2 9

03 26 22 21 24 22 26 20 l 9 24 22 22 32 33 35 28 25 -

04 28 22 20 24 22 23 2o0 25 22 22 24 28 35 32 31 23

05 23 25 21 23 24 24 21 23 L r)

bull q 22 23 30 37 31 31 27 -

06 24 26 25 26 26 27 2 5 25 24 26 25 33 ~ 3 32 37 30 ~-

~07 29 30 26 28 29 30 28 C) 28 30 30 33 L~ 0 38 40 33 ---~~--- __ _

08 37 31 30 3 J 3 1 3 l 29 31 30 33 35 39 45 39 46 62

09 46 34 30 34 34 36 3 1 35 35 39 42 46 48 48 53 60

JO 45 32 34 32 35 36 40 36 37 44 51 56 56 50 59 75

11 45 36 37 33 35 39 45 42 37 50 57 64 64 58 61 56

12 38 27 45 35 31 38 47 42 4C 55 61 69 71 62 70 95

J3 36 34 52 38 36 36 49 40 4CJ 48 65 71 77 66 86 105

14 50 28 52 43 54 48 55 43 5 1 56 59 72 80 69 92 60

15 54 ND 60 36 50 50 48 49 30 60 63 70 78 68 86 60

16 70 45 45 27 48 50 53 48 3F 47 54 66 73 60 89 60

17 65 NO 58 1 6 50 30 35 5 1 3 1 40 47 61 67 52 69 47

18 80 43 42 37 22 44 33 29 2C 35 43 54 60 48 52 64

-19 54 28 33 32 1 9 26 32 36 2C 33 37 49 52 48 51 39

20 36 21 24 27 22 26 26 34 2 middot 29 33 45 48 40 55 46

I21 40 25 26 22 23 29 26 28 2 o 28 30 40 44 40 47 45

22 35 22 21 24 22 2B 2ll 25 2 ( 25 7 38 4 1 43 36 39

23 2 J)36 25 22 24 22 27 23 __ 2 11 24 27 33 40 39 37 28

35 26 2 r_ 26 27 29 30 30 28 31 40 57 60 44 43 36


Period 1971-1974

Lennox StationSource Meteorology Site A11 i ed

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction X

middot Sta rt Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction----SSE s SSvJ SvJ ~JSvJ w WNW N~ WNW

00 27 71 85 80 92 51 32 29 44 76 68 80 119 60 58 28

01 22 71 95 92 108 60 21 37 i 4 G7 63 62 96 6 1 66 33

02 21 84 95 93 125 62 34 47 42 53 56 52 84 57 66 29

25 66 108 97 129 73 47 41 49 44 48 4 1 84 67 55 2503

24 64 108 109 143 76 55 37 46 44 43 48 61 59 59 2404

22 62 97 115 164 73 55 45 41 38 47 39 60 57 57 2705

18 76 79 126 181 79 46 38 44 43 43 37 58 44 62 2806

18 65 91 129 159 88 50 44 50 43 42 51 70 30 49 2107

1 5 61 94 116 144 80 65 55 59 34 48 72 94 23 26 1308

14 40 69 74 108 63 55 62 71 44 67 119 147 33 24 1109

1 6 26 46 44 66 56 50 57 50 33 80 217 197 30 23 910

9 14 32 25 37 27 38 41 41 23 88 3L3 251 33 22 611

13 7 1 9 1 4 20 17 27 25 23 21 105 346 307 34 20 212

6 5 12 8 11 9 1 5 1 2 13 26 93 392 348 34 15 213

3 4 9 5 7 7 11 9 10 22 61 412 392 34 14 114

4 ND 2 5 9 5 1 2 9 3 20 57 410 416 34 13 115

5 2 2 5 7 3 1 2 8 5 23 44 390 438 44 11 216

6 ND 4 4 5 5 9 7 11 19 55 372 435 50 15 317

9 2 4 2 10 5 1 2 9 10 28 60 346 420 49 29 618

11 3 9 9 6 14 11 14 31 60 73 282 368 50 42 1619

74 239 305 60 36 2220 20 1 7 1 5 1 2 23 16 I 3 1 9 51 76

99 169 234 54 42 2321 20 22 26 29 50 28 26 22 69 87

79 144 175 45 47 2722 24 42 53 40 59 40 34 34 62 98

gtl 68 98 149 48 52 2223 59 86 59 84 40 37 ~o 65 80 t

65 197 221 45 38 161 6 36 52 54 73 41 32 30 39 46


Period 1962-1974

Source Long Beach SCAOMD Meteorology Site Stauffer

Average Wind Speed Average Ji nd Direction X



SSE s SStJ SW 1JSJ i im~ NW WN~

00 78 77 89 11 5 l l 46 35 52 38 1 5 1 3 21 59 129 73 48 ---- ___ __ --bull---middot-middotmiddotmiddot-

01 71 86 96 128 122 45 45 43 38 1 7 1 3 19 49 11 5 60 53

02 82 86 109 132 116 58 4 1 38 31 20 13 15 51 107 50 51

03 80 101 114 13 5 122 59 33 38 34 1 5 11 20 44 92 50 46

_ 04 85 103 11 9 129 122 64 43 35 31 14 13 20 402 86 44 49

05 95 102 111 134 13 2 59 bull 2 35 32 13 1 3 1 7 38 89 45 44 -

06 91 105 112 132 131 59 4 l 37 27 14 1 3 14 38 87 55 42

07 77 96 104 123 13 7 70 43 44 40 1 7 1 6 18 43 77 49 42

08 60 76 83 103 13 l 63 60 61 68 33 20 24 53 86 42 37

09 44 50 57 7 3 11 3 65 5-1 75 11 3 59 39 36 74 80 38 31

_ 10 38 28 33 46 84 54 4 3 77 165 lC6 48 41 80 83 40 29

11 23 15 1 7 LO 51 37 4Z 71 212 14 4 68 55 95 86 38 1 7

12 15 8 11 1 7 31 28 31 57 235 lE6 74 63 114 10 7 32 1 2

13 10 4 8 11 1 8 1 7 23 43 237 168 73 56 142 147 34 8

14 7 6 6 10 18 13 14 34 203 142 56 51 179 211 41 9

1 )15 5 3 3 9 14 10 33 15 0 10 3 48 47 223 274 58 7

16 6 2 4 7 1 5 9 1 30 108 75 30 46 243 338 70 7

17 6 3 6 10 14 10 10 26 77 49 23 39 247 378 92 10

18 1 2 6 8 1 3 l 6 11 15 26 57 33 1 7 32 230 396 10 7 21

19 21 16 18 22 8 1 5 1t) 31 47 24 14 30 182 368 128 39

20 33 32 35 44 37 1 9 2 1 37 38 21 14 30 138 320 128 52

21 50 39 -------middotmiddot ----- --53

- ___ _

hR fi fi --middot middot- --- ---- --middot-

~ I 1 () 35 l 6 1 bull IJ ) 10 ) 24G - - -- - - - middot-- --- -------- middot---middotmiddot----- -middot---- - -l l S 6 )

22 64 52 66 90 86 3 ~ 3 l 46 36 1 7 1 5 26 [3 6 18 1 99 67

23 70 67 81 104 10 1 40 3 ~) 45 41 1 3 11 27 70 144 e2 65

47 48 56 70 76 38 3-1 44 87 54 28 32 11 0 176 66 35



StaufferPeriod 1962-1974 Site

Source Long Beach Meteorology

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction


-ta rt rime N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction SSE s SSH SvJ ~JS-J w WNW NW WNW

00 26 25 23 24 26 30 43 38 35 32 38 29 37 30 25 27

28 24 23 23 24 31 39 38 38 29 29 31 37 29 25 2501

28 26 24 24 25 31 38 35 35 33 31 27 35 29 25 2502

28 27 23 23 25 32 35 37 33 35 28 28 34 29 25 2703

29 27 23 23 26 30 35 37 32 35 22 27 33 28 29 2804

29 26 24 23 27 30 36 34 33 35 26 27 32 30 28 2505

30 26 25 24 27 32 35 35 37 32 33 26 30 32 26 2706

29 28 27 27 28 33 40 38 33 35 41 33 35 33 29 2707

32 30 28 30 31 34 39 38 37 37 35 30 34 37 35 2908

30 32 28 32 33 36 18 43 ~-3 43 J8 32 39 4 1 39 2909

30 32 33 37 36 39 43 46 48 48 42 44 45 46 40 3410

33 33 34 40 42 43 50 49 52 53 53 46 54 52 49 3211

36 35 43 54 53 55 58 52 57 58 57 56 63 63 58 4212

65 75 75 72 4013 40 43 45 58 63 69 61 56 58 60 61

68 88 81 84 5514 42 39 44 62 67 75 61 59 60 59 63

73 89 85 91 5615 50 52 55 70 67 8 1 64 61 58 57 ~-j 8

69 87 81 84 6616 49 44 54 71 66 73 66 58 56 54 57

63 80 73 71 5017 45 58 37 60 60 60 58 52 54 49 47

47 69 62 55 4318 30 28 37 40 48 53 49 51 49 45 39

40 59 52 45 3419 24 24 28 34 33 4B 45 44 41 39 -6

37 51 43 39 29 middot~o 20 20 21 26 29 43 36 41 43 37 31

35 44 37 31 2721 24 2 1 21 24 27 35 4 1 42 4 1 38 28

22 34 41 33 29 2522 22 22 23 27 34 39 42 41 33 30

34 39 31 26 27-~ 1 24 22 23 22 26 32 40 39 37 36 ~8

47 63 54 4428 27 25 27 30 37 42 44 50 51 47 29


Period 1956-1974 Site DOW and DUPONT MeteorologySource DOW



Daily Average

ind Speed (mph) ~8 52 38 47 25 25 35 37 37 47 50 75 9 10 77 77

Direction (Percent) 8 25 13 15 25 26 76 36 20 25 6 10 16 188 128 65

G) I

I---- N


H 1

-- - -

- - - -

---- -

Western Plant Area - Kaiser Steel Fontana



I IT I - - - - - - - - - - --+ - - - -- - - - --- - - middot- - + - - - - - t- - - - - middot- - - -middot

Slrf I I I I

- I FO TJ1 middot I F---- ----------~-_1---------A_V__ I I


j I I I

I 1a ST I II fOIIO 11T I

l I

- - - - - - -- - - - - + -


-----+-middot BLvb


bullco- - - - -R-oute- - -+-






-~ I


AV gt

0 ~ 0 3 z 0 I-I- -middot -- + -middot -- middotmiddotmiddoto IJ



gt lt(

A 100


z 4 z -lt co

A r 6 SF






Cu CA ffl Q f ( J_rHTRAM-~~-LAV_----w_=H_I_TrNT=-li-----1-

- - - -- - ------- ~1__---------r-- ___ s_ --l- -- ----I I I




---------+ -r----- ------- + I


ST 4TH ST_)___ JI ~-----____ ----- ---- - i----~--rt -

I I -1 I bull I I bull






- I_

II ~ - - - -- - - - - - + -----------t----


I ~ I



1 I


I -1



Eastern Plant Area - Kai~er Steel Fontana

ow FS

bull o z 0 ~ J ~



--- A(llIIN



middotI ~ I



--- --t-t---1




+i I I I

gt gt I

~ I

- --~ + - - ci - - - - gt

- - - -- - --- - -- -





middotmiddot------- +--bull I



I - - - - middot+

~ - --+ I I I




Offsite Storage Tanks - Stauffer Chemical Co San Pedro

bull~~ - ~ - ~ te-e_- fl_ bull lt) -iTCRrJ

bull-1- 6bull ~~----Ro i I Pt 5 bull lit~ I I A i~ v I -Jbulltf- ~-l~ dL

tf~l ~ - I _f) 1

ti_LJ ~~J (wt raquomiddot-C ~~lt ___ f_~gt

middot l~ 71 ~ I ~~ c Qj ~(gt l~ HI h-fS ~~c~ ~J(


IT ~ bull1middot~_l -( c-~zmiddot _

I 0 --~ tl)V- ~shy

~ ftrtlI_bullbull-

middot~ _bullff~~gt_~

i~Y1 f~2~

~ g

~i1 ~--

c I ~ q



~ -~_x I I -~--middot ~Imiddotmiddotmiddot~1

- - -t- -shy

l i





bulltor~ r0 t~~-~ I middot~ I

~- - I r I

4 ltAry4


I middot p


cij4A~---- Y t-gt lti


-- --- -





bull11middot1 -~JP4s--- f51 bullgt~~~~~--~~or(~tQy_-bull--middoti bull bull(l ~ --~- middot- -_ _-~


Y4I C O CipI I ---I HARJU I 1 I


Main Plant Site - Stauffer Chemical Co Carson



I bull

~JAoElM t _J1lfH ~~DRIOC JI IH




~ LN 1~~1-bullil L bullU _ -__i( LN

~rJ~ ~ ~~o~~bulli--=~_ l~~Jt~t1 uiCA)C ampbull ~bullbullLit l

IOAI I _bull~r J~t~-~ lN r~rJLbull u~~~~~~ u~__a-ampMII WL 1(11

l ~ -------7--y I deg

f t




I ----- +--

I I ~

I f~


~s~-- middot ~~~ lII ~t--~ -- ~




Plant Site - Allied Chemical El Segundo

middot bull__- --__ - gt J -middotmiddotrt --_ middott 11 ~ - ir-l~ tt I - ~1~_I~ t tmiddot j I

MAFltu~ Lo o -- -middot-z 1 ~ - middotmiddotbulla- J ti - l-J~ i - __ IJ

1 bullmiddot- --middot--r - -~- lgtJ~middot ----~til1~ middoto ~-- bull l f rt1 I - -r 1 _ t fj ---ltf - i ti)- --r ~ middot r ~ -

i I



8Lyen[j middot- l

( --middot I ( =-~ middot--~~-~ -)- --- -- J)L~ middot -middotfrac14tr __ ~ r d1J~

~~ 5 iOAkO Cl( )y Jv -=l~ i middotmiddot- - - I -

1 I I -_~---bull1fJ--------middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--____ 1

-~ middot

bullmiddot -- _middotimiddot~_ i_~- I---~~~-~ (1=-middot t-===tr-1middotmiddot-~-ltt ~~ --Jltgt middotmiddot~~ ~if-- --middot )middot ltfi~ - idegI-- f~ Q)lT-~ _lt l middot XV~1~ middot -~~ ~ --~

I I t

Vl)-l-QOJ d J u

sectJ~ BLVDII EJ SEi~D~ 1 nu tmiddot-middotmiddot-middot J _

tl~ r-middotn ----i J middot--1_ ___ ~1-1

A f gtiff_ ffmiddotc YYt)II ~ r bull Ja------ ijlttQ~QW~

___ ~Q -~imiddotbull1 ~H fl(--middot

-lt) bullbull

1 middot

middot--middot middot-- _

middotmiddot_ u - -_-~~middot_1r

~-- ~ _

~ -middotmiddot bullY

j ~ ~ L ~ ll c_l

~ pf-

111-r ~ (i middot) ~

bI middot_FT )-I Imiddot ~middotmiddot () --

I filfltf) J ~3 ilj-t ~ C _G~ llli_A T1 AN B~ACI


603 middot Alondro Pork

l U (

Goll Coorll

~ htyen 1~J-(_

d n t U Wik c rr 1 i t_y of Indus try



Plant Site - Dow ch em i cal US A Pittsburg

I bullbull middot1 Sfl Wi - bull AUIIUlllJLII+

BELMOr r l -- -- 7iSHOfgt ITHACA lN I




72copy~~~~-0AYTON l

I I+

__ middot

1- - -~ middot


- ----------

Plrint lite - ilu rnnt Antioch

) j



Plant Site - Johns rlanville ctockton

a a



51 )I 51 07




E storaye tankworkiny loss 27x 0-u 5F fugitiv~ emission bxll -

-JLi ildSteJdter l gtX] U

Em~ssion factors are si~~lJ fer oxychlorination processes

Enlission factor vau-5 (~1rbulle Tdilt2~ frcn tne literature (JR13 198U) and

assume 9b iciency for incineration (A-E) It is also assumed above that

EIJC emissions to water are Lf~ uf ~rihsion to citir ard that in wastewater

treatment 100 of EOC discharged tc1 vater is rel easl~d to a i 1middot ~ These emission

factors 1bull1e1middote used to prioritize r-2ieaies iJut were cldrly uude approximations

to tre planL l)ecause of thlt ncine-xt~on system it was anticipated that

fdctors A-E would be ri2dtKcdft 1-middotactor - 1nii~t1t be reduced since a monitoring

program had been in force al20st o~e y2ar Factor G and the off site storage

tanks~ vni~cn are not tied into lt1n ircinerator system rniyht -iominate emissions

Emissmiddotion limits and concomitant regulations embodied in Rule l00S of

the SC-l)MU have necessitctted tlw incinera-cion system Ninety gas chronatograph

probes are located throughout t11e plant including the stack of the primary

incinerator Con cent rations of vc1v1 are reported es sent id I I y be I ow tt1e r~yu la -

tory limit of 10 ppm and in fact below the limit of detection somewhat less

tl1an 01 micropra


Tne objective of tt1e proyram is to determine a pl ant emissions for

EOC It is not accemicrotabl~ to dtmiddotvelop sucll informatmiddot1on basect upon published

indlllstry Jide esti11dtes of plant control efficiencivs Fortunately it was

possible to desiyn a monitoring and calculational progra1n to determine EUC

emissions for tne site and not ctbsorb a disproportionate share of program


Hie re are tnre~ modes ot re I ease from tt12 micro Iant dnd d fourt11


bull Post-Process 1nci11er-dtion

Processes A-E of ecc ion lll 1 dre a 11 1ented into the pl ant

incinerdtio11 syste11 rt1e conceritrcttion of VCfmiddotl contir1uously iectsured in till=

stctck cts SJdS output remicroresents d rectsondble UjJper li11it to diJply tor EDC

con cent rat i ons s i nce i ts ef f i c i ency of i nc i nera t i on 1s d t 1 east c l1 u a I to tr1 at


ot VCibulll Tlerefore knowledge of the system dirflow rnd VCM concentrcttion are

tt1e necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the bounds of EDC

reledse fhe pldnt expn~sse I wi 11 inyne~)s to provide tnese data in order to

support the calculations

bull Fugitive Emisions - Valves Flanges Seals and Other Sources

Fugitive emission from the valves pumps and flanges can be

determined more precisely tnan was anticipated since Stauffer has completed a

comprehensive leak inventory of all such components in compliance with Rule

466 466 1 and 1005 The Inventory delineates all leaks uncovered by their

three man crew throughout tne year and indicates the screening level in ppmv

and component identity In consultation with Stauffer we will be able to

identify the total number of components associated with EDC handling systems

( 700) the distribution ot substance composition streams the distribution

and incidence of leaks by hardware component type and leak rate We will

utilize this information to provide historical data to compliment our Foxboro

OVA sampling at the site dased upon this monitoring we predict an EDC mass

emission rate for the fugitive releases The plant has agreed to provide the

necessary information We propose to meet witt plant personnel prior to the

start of monitoring and finlize the sdmpliny strategy to accomplish 100

coverage of the lines of hiuhest EDC composition The sampling approach and

calculation of mass emission are described in Section 72

bull ~~as tewater

From examination of the emission factors derived from published

literature (see Section 10~) it is clear that EDC release from wastewater to

air is potentially several 11rders of magnitude higher than any other plant

source l1ased upon microl ant ml~a sured concentrcJ ti ons of 8 ppm EDC in water a more

realistic emission factor wgtuld b 24xlo-4 1-iassunit mass EOC produced

Clearly this could still be the dominant source Furthermore the release

point would be expected to middotgte locctted between the plant and the sanitary

district treatment site whi1 his~ kmfrom the plant at 24501 S Figueroa We

believe it is necessary to ndemicroendently confirm the average 24 hour EDC

concentration in the dischar-qe valer by obt1ininy the refrigerated composite

sample We t1ave identified ttie I 1nes of int~rest and received agrt~ement to

sample and analyze for EDC in the stream ~e propose to draw a duplicate

sample from the compositor nd ani1lyze for its rnc content This will be


compared with Stauffers para11eI tnalysis It is not reliable to obtain

direct readings of EDC by survey instrument in the air above the water flow since concentrations at crny single point will be i 1 the near dmbient range

Emissions will be cc1lcJLtecl 1_sing the plants vulumetric daily flm

and ass~m~ng that complete degass40~ of the effluent will eventually occur

This assumption is based umicroon the relative volatility uf EDC and tne distances

involved However it should be noted that no direct experimental or

monitoring data is available with which to confirn this Th2 composition of

the discharge stream is unknomiddotwn since it merges into a larqe multisource flow

Conversation with the LA County Sanitation l)istrict (J f1ilne) reveals the

stream to be both exposed and covered Vents exist where me measurements

could De made to assess gross leaka~e at key points

We will obtain samp1es of several plant process discharge streams in

40 ml bottles witn no head space Transit time fr0m sample collection to

analysis will be minimized and wi l I not exceed 24 nours This time frame is

conservat i v e al though ED C i s a v o l ct ti l e mater i al ar1 ct vJi 11 undergo

concentration degradation and outgdssing lnalysi) will b(~ performed in tt1e

SAI Trace Environmental Chemistry Laborcttory utilizing pur 1Je and trap analysis

FID gas chromatography A trial a11alysmiddotis was conducted and the EOC

characteristic peak was distinctive down to the ppb level Therefore the

analysis should easily confirm concentrations in t1e 8 ppm range

Offsite Storage ranks

Three EOC leased storage tanks are located offsite at the Port

of Los Angeles and are owned by annther firm Annual emissions from the tanks

were very roughly estimated based un AP-42 JRB 1980) as 44 kkgyear

based on preliminary estimates of stored quantites

Considering tne magnitude of this source these storage tanks must

be investigated We will gather information about their configuration and

control i n order to ca I cu l ate their e111 i s s i on s bull


lU3 UEfERM I NAmiddot 10~~ OF MISS IONS

1031 Incinerator

Vinyl chl 11ride co11centration is monitored dt approximately 90

locations throughoul the pl trlt (Lanyner 19Bl) including the incinerator

output Conc~ntrations are reported by Stauffer dS less than 0l ppm at a

flow rate between 10000 ant 12000 SCFM Although no direct monitoring of

EDC is conducted it is posible to conservatively bound the concentration of

EDC at U 1 pp111 Tl1at conce 1ltrat ion is a suitable ci10i ce s i nee it represents a

conservative bound on tile VCM levels measured near the stack output

Furthermore the molar volume will be taken as 224 L rather than the higher

value it would nave because of the sl i~thtly elevated temperature at the

detector location

Using 12000 SCFM one has thE annual emission of EDC as 12 x 103

SCFM x 283 LSCF x 526x105 minyr x lmole x 97gmole x 10-7vv 224L

Therefore incinerator emissions of EOG are thought to be bounded by 773 kg or

170 1byear

10J2 Fugitive Emissions

Seven hundred (7UlJ) sources were surveyed comprising nearly 100 of

EDC service All accessibl~ plant areas with streams containing greater than

1 EUC were screened except for a small number of devices located in areas

11lere active maintenance was being condJCted It is believed unnecessary to

p2rf-gtrm any emission factor adjustment since it is estimated that gredter than

95 of the requisite components were screened

Three leaks above an arbitrary OVA reading threshold of 20 ppm were

detected Table 103-1 sumnarizes thei~ screening valves calculation

parameters and mass emission numbers fhe upper bound leak rate was

determined to be close to twice the nominal leak rate which accounted for the

response fltlctor of amicroproximamiddotely 05 by Radirn for TLV detection of EDC

( 13 rown 1980) bull

Stauffer found and reported approximately 10 leaks in the EDC

service during 9 months previous to the pLrnt testing Assuming no111inal leak


) )

Table 103-1


OVA SAI Actual Upper Device Response Response Cone Source Leak Rate Bound Location (ppm) Rae tor (ppm) a b Se I Re Function lbyr lbyr

Gate Valve Unit P1559A

Valve Heavy Ends Column Unit 14439

Compressor Seal EDC Storage Unit Tl062

I-- w co

300 11 273 -035 096 0 17 153 D 6

11 I500 114 439 II 241 C 1

r III II II o-is lUI bull2000 vl 1 1818 A 9~

All emissions 100 EDC (12-Dichloroethane)


values in the nei~hborhood of 2000 lbs~ total could be emitted annually

Therefore it appears ttiat major reductions in the mass emissions were achieved

by the company run inspection prugram and the fugitive emission source has now

become of seconqary importance as a fraction of total plant emissions

lUJJ Wastewater Discharge

Wastewater samples were collected in duplicate from four sites

within the plant for determination of ethylene dichloride (EDC) concentration

The samples were collected in EPP standard 40 ml VOA vials on July 1 1981

Analyses were performed using standard purge and trap techniques coupled with flame ionization detection gas chromatography The results are given in the

table below

Sample description EDC conc~ntration range (microJml)

EDC concentration average ( 1-19ml)

Approximate fl ow ( gpm)

PVC Interceptor Box 82 - 108 95 200

EDC Stripper number Chlorination area C1404


011 - 014 012 25

Final collection site for pH adjustmentP663 349 - 3B2 366 350

Final discharge site sanitary sewer 6 - 254 158 500

The water in the PVC lnterc1~ptor ~ox was warm and represents washings from the

PVC reactor which travels t 1J the Interceptor Box in a concrete drainage ditch

Water from the EDC ctripper was vPry t10t and because of its heat was difficult to collect The ~1eat ot trie wat11 r may in pdrt account for tne

relatively low concentratio11 of ElC here as the EDC would out-gas from the hot

~vater more readily The fir1ctl collection site tor pH adjustment is a large

concrete container middotvith mixers in it located just prior to the final discharge

site Water at the final dischdrg~ site is being constantly aerated due to

the speed that it flows thru~yn the concrete drainage trough This aeration

could account for tne relatively large range in the rnc conotent found here

The average EDC concentraticmiddot1 at tne final discharge site is middotbelow the daily

discharye requirement of 25 19ml EDC


Plant oersonnel indicdted monthly iverage readings are typically on

the order of 8 ppm but daily averages can re 1ch greater than 20 microgml In

addition LA County Sanitation Uistrict staff (J Milne 1981) indicated that

an on-site impoundment pond can become laden with EOC during certain abnormal

operating periods and discharge Vdriances arl requested by Stauffer This

mi 9t1t Jccur on the order of O1c0 aCii ecH c1 1d t1erefore is no-c expected to

signifcantly impact averag~ cnnJJI discharg ~ values lt s not expected at

this t1ime tEit evaporative eriss uns from this pond are significant except

infrequently during upset conditions and spi 11 control operations Program

staff ~~ 1er2 una111Jare of any periods ~h 1~n EDC cimtent in the ponds could be

appreciable and therefore no sampling was performed

Utilizing the average uf the two final discharge concentration

1readinJs (158 micrograrnsm~ 1 and 1G 1Ji gpm fl)W one has 34600 lbyear of EDC

released into the sanitary sEwer For the pJrposes of calculating population

exposures from plant releases it will be assJmed that the EDC is locally

emitted from the wastewater streams Tl1ere ire no monitoring data available

with which to develop a more accurate release profile

However emissions of me fron the plant wastewater discharge can be

calculated according to the method of Mcmiddotckay (197S) as modified by Dilling

(1977) It should be noted that this mLst be considered an estimate since

conditions of fl ow and the presence of other substances will influence

emission rates

Using Uilling (1977) for non~erated flow first recalculate

Henry 1 s law constant (dimensionless-my of chmiddot~mical per liter of air divided by

mg of chemical per liter of water) dS

1604 P M 1 Wl

TS l



H Henrys law constant dimensionlessl

Pi tile compounds pur1~ componen- vapor pressure in mm Hg at T

Mwi the 11olecular weiglt

T tile absol ~te temperature of he wastewater in K

Si tt1e compounds ~uluhility in myliter at T

Then for UJC

(l6u4)(7~)(9Y)H = = U0447 with 1


LIii bullul1Jl)i I 1 1y 1 middot UL i11 wt1Ler yiven -1L L0degC is 8u4JU UHI tile vapl)r pressure

1 4 psi ( 7 2mm) at 7 0 degF bull

Tl1e overall liquid mass-transfer coefficient Kil is given by Dilling (1975)


(2211)(06) in mhr

-f-0-4~ (M _) 12+ 100 Wl-H-



Then from Mackay the percent desorption is given by

c 1 = exp (-Kil tL) where

c 0

c = the concentrd ti on at time t of EOC 1

co = tile initial concentration

L = the Ii quid depth (Ill)

t = tt1e retention time (in hr) of the liquid in the wastewater


Retention time is bc1s~d 11pon a flow velocity range of 3 ftsec as estimated by

the Los Angeles County Sdnitatii)middot1 Dibulltrict (1J Milne) over a middotdistance of

ctmicroprox i 1nate I y S km to the Joi n_t Wdter Po 11 ut ion Contra l Pl ant Sewer fl ow

depth throughout the entire route have been estimated by J Milne as typically

1 foot 030m) to the Davison Pump Plant and 3 feet (09m) to the Joint

Tredtment Plant distances assumed to bt~ 1 mile and 2 miles respectively

Trdnsit tiine l)eco111es between 05 tnd LU hours sequentially Then computing

the net emission reduction as the product of each leg

Therefore 26 of the EOC i erni t ted bdween the pl ant and the Joint Water

Pollution Control Plant Rtgtsfdence ti111e and conditions at the plant account


for additional releases and residudl content is forther emitted between the

plant cnd the ocean discharge poiiit ~-Herever the flow is r2tained aerated

or shallow emissions will be accentuated

Offsite Storage Tank Emissions

There are three storage tanks leased by Stauffer for EDC storage

1ocated at 22nd and Gaffey Sts ~ bull San Pedro These tan ks a ~e used for long

term storage rather than providing feed on a routine basis Therefore

breathing loss rather than v1orkir 1J lass is )f concern An tanks are white

two being 67 ft in diameter while t~2 third is 57 ft All are 40 ft 3 inches

high and have capacities of e~thi l0~10000 (2) or 840000 gallons The

tanks are cone roof type and are not tied into vapor recovery systems The

South Coast Air Quality r1dna~J~ment u~ str4 ct has based their estimate of

emissions on the specification of 12 foot vapor level Using the AP-42

formula for breathing loss with the vapor pressure of EDC at 20degc and an

average diurnal temperature variation of 26degF one hds for each of the two

larger tanks

l) 173 H bull51 T bull 5 LlI = (619 x 10-S) M( _P_ tH F CKcp 147-P

68 173 51 5 = (619 X 10-S) (9119~ 116 bull (67) ( I 5) (26) (1) (1)

14 7-1 16)

Thus for the two larger tanks LB= 472 lbday

For the third tank 0=57 and = 178 lbdayL8 The total emissions become 23724 lbyear ~ince he plant is in the process

of shutdown it is not clear what the liquid levels currently are Note that

if the material in the three tanks were combined into one totamiddot1 -~1nissions

would be reduced markedly Exposure to a population from this site was

determined separately since it is lbullgtcated over six miles fron tl1e plant





A major program goal wa~ to compare emissions from the various

sources and identify and rank any 11 tlot spots in California where the general

population was exposed to elevated concentrations of carcinogens A simple

Gaussian dispersion model was therefore used to obtain order-of-magnitude estimates of exposure of the genermiddotal population surrounding each source

Since this was essentially a screening study use of more sophisticated models

was not appropriate

It cannot be emphcsized too stronyly tnat most California residents

are exposed to emissions of hazardous substances from a variety of natural and

rnanmade sources Urban dwellers dre typically exposed to greater concentrashy

tions than rural residents however all are subjected to so called 11 background 11 levels from multiple sources In order to place stationary

source exposures in perspective the typical ambient levels of each substance

were identified from the literature and compdred with the concentrations due

to the emissions from each ~lant Exposures were thus expressed both as

absolute quantities and as increments above background

Comparison of plants presents a further difficulty in that various

substances are being consict~red No attempt was made to evaluate the relative

importance of exposure to two different substances such as chloroform versus carbon tetrachloride other than by ambient concentration


1121 Meteorologicdl Llata

The dispersion model to be descritgted in Section 113 required input

of annual average wind speed and frequency of occurrence of wind from each

compass direction These data were obtained for most of the sites from the

South Codst Air wuality Management District (SCAQMD) In other cases (Kaiser

Jotms-Manvi l le l)ow and OuPlt)nt) only clai ly cJVerage wind speed and frequency

data were available In al I cases we used data from the meteorological

station nearest the modeled e11issrnn source Table 112-1 summarizes the



Observation Site Data Period of Pldnt (Distdnce Source Observation Remarks

from Plant)

A11 i ed Che11 i Ca 1 Lennox SCA~MD 1Y71-1974 Averaged hourly readings available ~ 1 Segundo (3 111iles)

S ff~r-- Uemical Long l3each SCA()MD 1962-1974 Averaged hourmiddoty leadir19s avai1able offsite Carson (3 miles) storage tanks appruxi1ntL~ly 5 miies from

rneteoro middot1 ogy s I te


-~ Dow Pittsburg Pittsbury lJOVJ 1955-1974 Daily and averacied Ninnd rrJse on1y--no hourly-~

Uu~ont Antiocn (lt5 miles to data uVdilable Antioch)

r~d i ser Stee 1 Fontdnct SCAQMD 1978-1979 Two years of hourlydaily data printout made r - i -- lt3 1niles available (33000 entries) daily averages

estimated as only practical alternative -middot bullA

Jon 1 s 1middot1 an I i 1 l e Stockton NOAA 1941-1970 No hourly data estiamtes based on monthly S-cJc~ton (1 mile) prevalence of directions and speed

R~R City uf Whittier SCAQMD 1969-1973 Averaged hourly readings available lnuustry (4 miles)

1neteoroloyical data 1iase for eden site Wind speed and 1tJind direction

freljuency dcttd us~lti 1r1 Ull~ model are provided in Apmicroendix Li

11LL Populdtion Ddtct

In oroer to assess popu Idt i 011 exposure in tile same way for a 11 the

sources we defined d lLJ-s4u1re mi le impact area arround each ~ant This

size WdS cnosen since it was found in most cdses to include all distances at

whicn incremental ground lev~I concentrations due to plant emissions would

exceed genera I urban ambient Ieve 1s for the microo 11 utant in question In most

cases the plant was placed ltlt the center of the impact area Where winds

were predominantly from one sector or a few adjacent sectors or where an

unpopulated area (ey the Pacific Ucectn) adjoined one side of a plant the

impact drea was defined to li~ imm~didtely downwind of the site

Once the impact areas were defined we obtained Thomas 8rothers maps

of all census tracts within them These maps are provided in Appendix H

Census tract populations were obtained from the 1980 US Census The

population of each tract was assumed to lie dt tne centroid except when tne

tract was large and most of the population was concentrated away from the

centroid in the latter case the best-defined population center was used

fadial and angular distances from the sources to the population centers were

tr1en determined


ln urder tu estiindt~ pomicroulcttiun expusures in the census tracts

surrounding each source a simple Gaussian dispersion model was used Use of

a 1nore sopnisticdtect 111odel ~-1as inamicroproJridte yiven the uncertainty in our

emission rate estir~1ates It is questionable v1hether any real gain in accuracy

would nave resulted

ne -Jell-knovm Gaussian oispersion formula is (Porter 1976)

C = 106 Q

iTUOCT z y


C 9rounct leve1 concentration in (i-igm3)

emission rate (gs)

u average vJi nd speed at the microl1ys i ca I stack nei ght (ms) 0 standard deviation of the vertical concentration distribution z



a standard deviatinn d the noriz1intal conentration _y


H effective stack height (m)

y is the crosswind distance froin the plume centerline to the

receptor point (m)

This e4udtion was assumed to microrov1de no 11r1y average ground level concentrashy

tions (Kanzie1~i 1982) Tle vaiues for the standard demiddot-riations o and 0 are y z functions of the downwind distance x

b iJ dX (113-2)

l d

0 ex (113-3)y

where a b c and d dre constants that fit the function to the empirical

curves presented in Turner (t97C) he v~middotJnd -peed at physical stack height is

given by the equation

u (113-4)


u wind speed at physical stack height (ms)

llJ = measured wind speed (ms)0

h physical stack neight (m)s h the hei gtlt at which tile known wind speed was measured (m) and


p an empirical constant which varit~s with stability class

Lacking data on the heights at which the all known wind speeds were measured

we followed common practice and assumed a value of 10 m for h bull0

Tridl calculations showed the valu~ of tne plume rise for all the

sources except RSR Johns-Manville and the Kdser final cooler cooling tower

to be negligible (ie less than one meter) Plumbull rise formulas developed by

Christiansen (1975) and cited by Porter (1971gt) wer- used for the exceptions

The rise WdS assumed to be momentum-dominated for ltSK Johns-Manville and

Kaiser cooliny tower and bouyrncy-dominated for tne Kaiser coke ovens

As was discussed above the radial and angular distances from a

source to each surroundinlJ census tract were dett~r1ined Wind direction and

See llu s se 1ltJ 7J


smicroe~d data meanwt1ile ~ere obtained for eacr1 of the 16 111ajor compass points

To cr1lculdte tile conu~ntrat1on at a giv n microoirt it was first necessary to

d(termine the co1JpdSS s~ctor in Jhic11 Li1e microui11t ldy Fiyure 113-1 gives an

LXdinmicro le for a census tract at r k1~ from a source and at JU degrees from a

reference ctngle ~~t1ich we defined as north (U deyrees) As seen in the

fi9ure this ~oint lil~S in a sector bouided b the NNE (ZL5 deqrees) and NE

( 1i~ de~JretS) rn111microdss dir1~ct1ons lt1e Cttlculc11ion WdS microertormed once t1)r every

11our of the day since annually averctged values of hourly wind smicroeed were

available The followiny schedule of hourly stability clas was determined to

De cons i stent w i th t ne re I d ti on sh i micros s u mrna r i z ( d by Turner ( 1 7) y i v en the

observed distribution of wind speeds at our meteorologoical measurement

stations The schedule vas m1Jdified slightly at the suggestion of the ARl3

(Ranzieri 198l)

Hour Class Hour Class

0 F 13 B 1 F ltl 8 2 F 11) 8 J F l ~ 13 4 F 1 8 5 F 1 ~ IJN 6 F l J UN 7 DU 20 F 8 d 21 F 9 13 22 8 10 13 iJ 8 11 t1 12 13

Using the aoove equations and adj us tnents the concentration at the

point of interest was then cal cu I at~d as the sum of the concentrations

resulting from plumes naviny middot~ne boimdiny compass directions as centerlines

if the anyular distance to th~ point was conuruent with a compass direction

then only one calculcttion was necessary Let C(Y 1ti) and C(U ti) be the2

concentrations calculctted at 1our i for co111pibull)s directions Y and Y 1 2

resmicroectively 1s d1cusseltJ in Section 11L 1ur 111eteoroloyicdl ddtd in most

cases inc I uded t tie f reyuency ot wind direction for each hour of the day Let

f(Y 1

ti) and f(Q t) oe tne microrobctDilities ot occurrence of wind in the2




Figure 113-1 Determination of Compass Position of Census Tract Centroid


directions Y dnd w2

resp1bullctive1y at hour i rt1en the expected value of the1 cunce11Lrit1rgtrI it UH point iri questiun tt iiour I is

C(t) = f(G t )C(G t) + f(IJ t )C(q1 t) (113-5)

l 1 l 1 1 2 1 l 1

nw average dnnua I exposure wa then ca I cul ated as the average exposure on

this composite day

23 C = (124) E C(ti)


The model was programmed in Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II

microcomputer having 48 K bytes of random access memory and a disk storage

capability The program which is included as Appendix I was compiled with

an Un-Line Systems Inc Expediter II BASIC compiler in order to decrease

running time


1141 Modeling Kesults

Using the modeling parameters listed in Table 114-1 tne

incremental pop~lation exposure due to each of the stationary sources was

computed Tables 114-2 through 114-12 show the modeled annual average

incremental exposure for each census tract Jround each plant Census tract

numbers appear on tne maps in Appendix H) The cumulative population column

specifies the total population exposed to all concentrations equal to or

greater than the corresponding source weighted concentration entry of the

table Figures 114-1 through 114-11 illustrate the cumulative population

exposure versus incremental concentration above ambient background concentrashy

tions Table 114-lJ lists rangemiddot of typicJI urban ambient concentrations for

eacn substance fhese gtJere used middoto assess tne incremental contribution of the

plant emissions Table 114-14 s 1 1mmarizes the incremental population exposure

due to each source These were bctsed upon annuc1l averaye source strengths and

do not reflect transients in emisions or worst case meteorolgoical

conditions Note thdt no attempt was made to assess the potential health

effects or risks to the public dut to the resultant combined exposure


) )

Table 114-1




Initial Source Height(m)

18 3

Plume Rise Domination


Exit Velocity (ms)

17 8

Exit Terngerature

( K) -


11 Stack 11

Radius (m)


Emission Rate (gs)

_LJ 5 bull i x l O ( Jls)

Kaiser -el Cormicro - Coke G-=-nS

- Cuul 11~ 0v1cr










~ - CJ38

012 125 Je23

(PAH) (benzene) (benzene)

IO h 11 S ibullI r l l 2 30 Momentum 11 9 NNa 043 28 x -~ 1

10 - tasbestos)

f- u 0

Dov Chc1--11 31 10 NCb NC NC ~~A 1JJ8 cet)

- 047 (rerc amp carbon

Al l i ed Cr--~11 i cal 10 NC NC NC NC 0-00047 (chloroform) 0053 - U084 (carbon tet) u0L6 - u044 (combin~d)

Uumicroont 10 NC NC NC NC 0024 - 0031 (carbon tet)

Stctuffer _1~1nicctl - Unsitc - ilks - UtiSl l-= -- alKS






U50 U34



arlN = Not ~ecessary for calculation of plume rise

b NC = Pl -1 bull -2 r i s e nut ca 1cul ated bull

ctffectiv2 radius assumed e 4ual to that of a circle having the same horizontal area as the source

Tao l e l l middoti - c



Concentration ourcc- 1~2n SUS Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs ~ei ghted fJopu Idt ion Persons Tract trniss~on Kate Concentration Exposed

( microy rn ) (ng1) LO~ iii g n

4Ub80 0578 UU6o U2~ J532 117268 40740 l)6 0082 035 1533 113736 4069U U6 OOol U3gt 6369 112203 4U67U UIU~ OlHJJ 036 707~ 105834 407 lUl uno UUd4 lJJl 4J~l 98755 4U7~U Ll oLJ UOY U4~ ~44l 943Y8 408601 08ltJ iJ097 u 4~ 7099 889~6 4Ud40l U83c J u~rn 04l 3531 81857 408~Ul 0873 )bull lU 04S 2472 78326 4073U U3 )11 04~ 7au 75854 4U7 l Uc 0965 1111 U49 4547 68634 4UIU U 1103 I l] uS6 8158 64087 4U8llJ2 1110 L 13 U56 2112 55929 407 o 1113 13 u56 8893 53817 4076 lo55 ( bull 2L U94 6267 44 Y24 4072 l87J ia U95 61 38657 4340 l101 U l 5 11 Y 168 32462 4Uo3Ul 215U (1 c5 11 3809 23L94 408502 ll23 ll26 11 6496 19485 4UtU UL 307~ I bull Jb lb 33~6 12 98Y 4083UJ 314~ I J] 16 3893 Y633 4084Ul J984 u47 20 574U 5740


Table d4-3



Census Tract

200 280 230 240 310 220 250

Concentration lor 1 gs 1n-1 ss ~on Rate (micro~1m ) Coo 1 Coke Tower Jven

0162 0162 0721 o 779 u 921 U957 1292 1678 1 496 1 626 L433 1997 2 483 3~155

Wemiddoti gli ~fd Con cent rat middot101

middot~ng ~)

lJ 73 3~J 42 63 6 ~ ) 7 l


Ctnsus Tract PopLil at ion

39423 4404 5698 6058 4890 5773 5945

umulative Persons Exposed

72196 32768 28364 22666

166608 11718 5945



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(micro sim ) (ngm)

20 U162 19 39428 72196 28 o 779 93 4404 32768 23 0957 llS 5698 28364 31 1626 1 4890 226b6 24 1678 201 6058 17776 22 1997 240 5773 11718 25 3155 379 5945 5945




Concentration Soure- Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Wei g11ted Population Persons Tract Emi ss 10n ate Conce~tration Exposed

(microgm) (pgm)

5103 240 230 280

0559 1038 1076 2150

16 29 30 60

~ 435 4909 3816 1747

15907 10472 5563 1747



Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 gs Emi ss ~on Kate

Weighted Conce~tration

Population Persons Exposed

(microgm) (ngm) Low High

Dow Pittsburg (carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene)

30600 1511 945 1335 7817 20309 313102 1550 978 1372 1696 12492 30500 1920 1211 1692 5241 10796 307201 2207 1393 2030 2986 5555 307202 2241 1410 2068 2569 2569

DuPont Antioch (carbon tetrachloride)

3020U 2471 590 77 o 7098 7098


Tdble 114-7


Census Tract

650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 01 6205~01 6020oc 6040U 62lJSU2 62Olt3O 602503 6025 01 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 62090l 62U40 602402 6022 0 620901 602301 62010 62000 602302 620302 620303 62020 620301



Concentration S0urc_- CLnsus Tract for 1 ys Wei ghtecl Pcpulation Emission Rate Co11C1cnrt ion (microgm3) ( n-~rr

j )

l 1l 4 6 6276 L6~6 c() 4859

L634 J0780

1650 8 5065 pLb76 ) 6181

J042 r 5716 lUBIJ ~ cWH

(JLYJi 7 0 2 108 lU 6667 2~1~U lU 7074 2~224 10 4612 2 339 11 5886 2359 11 5754 2422 11 7430 2785 13 4983 2816 13 6561 3102 15 5564 3425 16 7453 3~b30 17 3142 4361 ~u 383S 4473 21 52 4 677 2L 4662 6 036 28 2651 6833 32 5494 7 835 37 7482 8899 4l 5210

11547 54 3352 21 15J lt99 6546 22574 106 4250 24521 11j 1185 43 056 202 4044

Cumulative Persons Exposed

161278 155Ul)2 150143 147065 142000 135319 lJO lUJ 1U 21U 120133 113466 106392 101780 95894 90184 82710 77727 71 166 65602 58149 55007 51172 45876 41214 38563 33069 25587 19377 16025 9479 5229 4044


Table 114-J


Concentration Source- Census Tract Cumulative Census Tract

for 1 9s Emi ss ~on ate (microgm )

Weighted Conce~tration (ngm)

Population Persons Exposed

Low High

650002 1174 62 ~9 6276 161278 603702 1626 86 140 4859 155002 600502 1634 87 140 3078 150143 6041 0 1650 87 140 5065 147065 603701 1676 89 140 6181 142000 620501 1842 98 160 5716 135819 602002 1889 100 160 2893 130103 604UO 1932 100 160 7077 127210 620502 2108 110 180 6667 120133 62080 21ltJO 120 180 7074 113466 602503 2224 120 190 4612 106392 602501 2339 120 200 5886 101780 60380 2359 120 200 5754 95894 602101 2422 130 200 7430 90184 602502 2785 150 230 4983 82710 602102 2816 150 240 6561 77727 60390 3102 160 260 5564 71166 602401 3425 180 290 7453 65602 6209 02 3 630 190 300 3142 58149 62040 4 361 230 370 3835 55007 602402 4 47 3 240 380 5296 51172 60220 4677 250 390 4662 45876 620901 6036 320 510 2651 41214 602301 6833 360 570 5494 38563 62010 7835 420 660 7482 33069 62000 8899 470 750 6210 25587 602302 11~47 610 970 3352 19377 620302 21 153 1100 1800 6546 16025 620303 22574 1200 1900 4250 9479 62020 24521 1300 2100 1185 5229 620301 43056 pound 300 3600 4044 4044


Census Tract

650002 6037 Ol 60050 60410 60370i 620501 602002 60400

620502 6108U 602503 6025Ul 6038U 6021 Ul

-602502 602LU2 6039U 602401 620902 6204l) 602402 60220 620901 6Uc3Ul 62010 6200 0 602302 620302 620303 62020 6203Ul

Tdhl J_4-9



(Six montnsy~ar Jsswnea for each feedstocK)

--middot- -middotmiddot-- -middot-- middot------~----

Cori(Entat ion ~o~ r-ct- Census Tract Cumulative for 1 95 Weighted Population Persons Erniss~on Rate Concentration Exposed ( ) ) ) ~ I Ill g 1) )

LO~ Hi 91

1174 Jl 52 6276 161278 L6l6 4Z 72 4859 155002 1634 42 72 3 l078 150143

7-1650 43 ) 5065 147065 1676 ltt4 74 6181 142000 L842 48 81 5716 135819 1 889 L~9 83 2893 130103 L932 so 85 7077 127210 2108 S5 93 6667 12013] 2190 51 7074 113466 2224 58 9B 4612 106392 2339 61 100 5886 101780 2359 61 100 5754 95894 2422 (gt3 llU 74JO 90184 l785 2 120 4983 82710 2816 J 120 6561 77727 3102 n 140 5564 71166 3425 d9 150 7453 65602 3630 1J4 160 3142 58149 4 361 110 190 3835 55007 4473 120 200 5296 51172 4677 lcU no 4662 45876 6036 lbO 270 2651 41214 6833 uo 300 S494 38563 l835 2UO 350 7482 33069 8899 20 390 6210 25587

11 547 300 510 3352 19377 21153 5SO 930 6546 16025 22574 590 990 4250 9479 24 521 640 1100 1135 5229 43U56 l20Ll 1900 4044 4044


Tdble ll4-10



Sou rec- Census Tract Cumulative Census Weighted Population PersonsaTract Concentration Exposed


650002 603702 600502 60410 6037 U 1 620501 602002 60400 620502 62080 602503 6025Ul 60380 602101 602502 602102 60390 602401 620902 62040 602402 6022U 6209Ul 602301 62010 6200U 602302 620302 6203UJ 6202U 6203Ul

26 3G 41 37 37 4J 47 4J 49 49 S l Sl 5( 60 6 1 7U 68 75 80

10U 100 11 U 130 150 17U 1~u 250 45L 47C ~o u 91U

a Assuming lU gs emission rate frgtm 0000 to

6276 161278 4859 155002 3078 150143 5065 147065 6181 142000 5716 135819 2893 130103 7077 127210 6667 120133 7074 113466 4612 106392 5886 101780 5754 95894 7430 90184 4983 82710 6561 77727 5564 71166 7453 65602 3142 58149 38J5 55007 5296 51172 4662 45876 2651 41214 5494 38563 7482 33069 6210 25587 3352 19377 6546 16025 425iJ 9479 l185 5229 4044 4044

0600 hours



Tab h 1 L 4- 1 _


Census Triict

57240 54400 5438 01 5727 o 5726 ~ 0 57230 5725 0 543901 5437 03 5438 02 5433 03 5439 02 543702


Concetratiun for 1 gs Emission Kate

L801 2190 5tJ48 5 069 5944 6674 7892

11917 14197 14687 17 27 3 1Y230 20801 23220

Suurcc- ClrlSUS Tract Cumulative v1ei 11irted P( pu lat ion Persons Conce5trat1on Exposed ( igm )

----- -~---middot----middotmiddot--middotmiddot

U90 1153 58821 11 6085 57688 L h 3683 51583 ) L (~ 44~9 47900 3G 4068 43401 JJ 5764 39333 J 9 2892 33569 60 3732 30677 71 3295 26945 7 3 6153 23650 3 6 6578 17497 9 6 3329 10919

ll O 4683 7590 LoO 2907 2907


Tabl~ 114-12



Concentration Sou re(~ - Census Tract Cumulative Census for 1 gs Weighted l)opu lat ion Persons Tract Emission fate Conceqtration Exposed


29610 2966 0 29650 29620 29640 60990 29710 29670 29740 29680 ~9 0 2973U 2975 2976 29720

1926 3921 4497 4561 4709 7657 8404 9887

14249 17235 28211 39992 44669

402159 408785

Otgt5 1 J

l~1 lb 16 26 29 34 48 59 96

14U 150

1400 140U

1029 4043 3171 5518 6143 1988 6079 1949 3989 3311 6043 2587 3303 4960 6760

60873 59844 55801 52630 47112 40969 38981 32902 30953 26964 23653 17610 15023 11720 6760



) ) ) ) ) gt

1 middot-middot -bull middot1i_1

11El _

0 --1


10 ~3middot X

Ul U) middot=10(l) bull _j

0 0C 0

+-gt middotr-

r-1ro ~ I -+-I- CCi

u C




11 E1~ u

11u micro

t ~1-bulli 1~C1J ~J -


middot1 U~perVJ micro

4 ~1~0 I+- ii u ~()

(1) 0middot0 Q

w X

~ibull1 C i~ I I L bull

I 0 i bullimiddot-- l-micro bull middotbulltmiddotLi I

(1j middot-~middot ~ower -I bull bull I W ltbull~bull11oJ-c1 I I I bull II lt I 1 ~1 ~=middotbullt_I ~0

I i I0 0 0 i ~~ ~J- _ ou--u~~ i Fbull 4 1~~ gbull~ bull=bull _=bull -bull~ bulli __~ f-i - _ _t--bull~ _1

C 1 ~ bull-J -11 I U _bull~1 Ill bullbull ~ _ ti- r-

Incremental Concentration (ngm3) Figure 114-1 Cumulative Population Exposure to Arsenic from RSR Secondary

Lead Smelter City of Industry (Curves Correspond to Upperand Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

I 7 ~~ ~~MllOlllU~PiiCi(iauQi~~~~~~M~9il~1~

l l



bull tbull

II bulli


j- I~ ~1bullJ________ _______bullr--5L-oamp~gtbullbullbullmiddot-__~---_____________

M 0 -4 X-VI VI (lJ



C 0 +J ro S-+- C (lJ u C

71 0-Jbullbull

F--middot F1bull~s

~ 1-1 _


~ __ u 0)__

O ~ middot1 lA I~ middot-y irbull ro +J V)



+-1 =0~-OJ )

0 0 X


middotbull 11 shyC 0 a +J ra


0 0

l ~J0


~ middot _~~

(1 J ~ -+-+-t-+-t-+--+-+-middot+-1 l1 ~ 4


I ___~ ____ l

-t-middotmiddott--middottu-1--plusmn-+middot-+-+-bull-i--bull-+ - t 111 1~~

Incremental Concentration (microgm3) Figure 114-2 Cumulative Population Exposure to Benzene From Cooling Tower and

Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana

) )

- 0 1_____~----_________~~-ll-1~-fgt4rtclftl-ti~ -LLlbullgtsS

~~i middot-middot M

a -l

gtlt i--i rmiddot~

I t_1 L

Vl V)

CJ _j

~ C l=bull icJ C 0 -micro ro ~ micro C C)

~ [1~ u C C u

-0 u 0) ltlJ 4 lf-bull~ IN micro middot r

micro V)

micro middot


middot3 ti~middot-0 ltlJ middot~bull~ middot1Vl 0 0 l gtlt

w middot ~~1 C ~ bullt1

-C 1 micro bull ~t

- ~

10bullibull bull middotmiddot bull middott ~ c 0

L1 J bullbullfbullbullibullbullltJ ~ J -1L+abull ~bull~~--~sectio-i ~~bullbullbullbull ~~_~ l 1bull~t-j-4Y ) bullbullo ~ _~ bullbulllta-J tbull-1_f - ~l~middot bullf middotCbullbull--~bull -~ Tbull

~ 1~0 ~~~ ~~~ 4~0 Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 114-3 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Coke Ovens at Kaiser Steel Corporation Steel Mill Fontana


0 -I X-V) V) a _J

s 0

C 0 micro co s micro C a u

l ~


1 --

J- t_bulli

_ C

uw m 0

1 -0 a bullbull micro

microdeg ()

0 micro tbullmiddot C QJ V)




middot4middot~middot C 0 micro rt1

-- - 0 ~ 0


n __ _______bull~ -______ --al_ - ~_

I bull

I I - bull

middot 1


l i l ~l

~ 0 I 1

Li bull I t_~I

i bull -1 _1-J

0fmiddotbullmiddot-middot+-middott-t-r+-t-+-+middotr+-t--+-1--t+ t f-t-J-t--r-+tmiddotmiddot~~bull+-t--1~~bull-+-1 Id middot t 4 E1 (

I ncrementa 1 Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 11 4-4 Cumulative Population Exposure to Asbestos From Johns-Manville Plant Stockton



--~ ~w t _ ---~- ----------~ --____~-=~ M


bull I bull I I I I ii i Q t I i E e- I Ii tl I I I 6 I a I I J I f t t bull I G fl I

a I e 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iii bull bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull 1 1 bull bull bull bull 1 1i bull bull 1 1 bull a bull 1 1 r ~ middot u ~ ~ I0

+H~ ~ ~~~~-~~~~-rmiddot-~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~~-~t~~~~~-~J C

~1_ c bull 1 t~ bullbull bullabmiddot 11 l bullmiddot II bullbull C- I u~

0 rl

gtlt I I I- 20 () ()

CJ -1 ~_J

J Cbull s

I If I I I I0

C bull I Ii I I I I I I I I0 1E

bull-+l I t I I ro s Lower+l

I I I G I iii I bull

() 14 I I IC

u I0 I I II Iu


1-_~I fi

CJ ~ I-- (j) CJ I G I I p +l

ro +-l I I I1~3~V)

0 +) UDf)Pr u I I 11 I I


Vi I 0 I I It- I a X

0 ~

w I I I I bull

Lower C 0


- 4+)


J Q_

0 bull1

ij a 3- ti I

D d I I I I

I I I bull

II B I t

i ] i amp I

1 ei ~ amp 3 ii


e ft a a I bull G

I I I bull I

I I bull I I t If



I I I-_L~ lI I I f


- I I

j I I II I -

lI ImiddotbullII

l I

l Li

Incremental Concentration gm3)

Figure 114-5 Cumulative Population Exposure to Perchloroethylene and Carbon Tetrachloride From Dow Pittsburg (Solid Lines) and to Carbon Tetrachloride From DuPont Antioch (Xs) Results For Upper Lower Bounds on Emission Estimates Are Shown

__~IUlllWIMWMW ~-a~9a_Q~ 41 ~1bull11 -~Ga1r-uJ1 _a11~--WIIIIIA1IMlilClll-l~maaiampNldmiddot1 middot=0~

M 1E1 13 _0 -I

X-V) Q)


140 _J

~ 0

C - middot1 ~2 ~3~~

+- ro

+- ~

C OJ 1E10u1--

0) C 0(J1 u

a f~1 1Q) +-


ro middot-middot +- V1

0 ~ cE1 O QJ V)

0 I0 4~1X


C 0 +- 2pound1 __ I bull amp I Il0 -- 0 0

0 I ~-~~-lJ___ _~-1lltll-1o

0frac14middotbull+-+~-t--t-+-+~-- I =-+-4 =f-~bull-+--T+-+-1-~~-bullc~

l1 ~i0 8~1 1~E~ 1tE1 2E11d middot 11 ~ E0 10euro1 1-40 1Ea1 22pound1

Incremental Concentratio (ngm3) Figure 114-6 Cumulative Population Exposure to Chloroform From Allied Chemical

El Segundo

) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ~

1 1_bull01)

M 0 160-i X-


V) Q)


s l -- 0 C fC 0


ro s


l ~1 ~1+-gt f---1 C m QJ OI u

C 0


u (1 QJ +J ro


E ~Vi

0 +J





4 ~ju~bull bullQ X

w C 0

+-gt middot le~ro ~1

-~ 0 0

~~~Bt~-lraquoaJC~~~~~Jgt-bull~liiilldll-titi~ ~~~__qi~iSlitUJ_iJ~~~~~t-iMllltl-W~G~ili-l~~bull~t-~aa_=~s

bull1 i


l 1 i

i ~



l i

l_ Upper~r i

middot middotmiddot t-t-~ lL Io ~- a I I a--i-_-~-

Lower bull bull Lbull

i~ t~1_+ ia-~__c111J(~IJ- __middotbull--4IJ1-bull)l1Kila-- l-111- 1~M-~tMildbullri~-t_t 11to Ibull -i rmiddot ~ _

1i-1 - middotbullth~middot t =lttF--i-+-middotr+-r+middot~middoti-middot-~-4-4middoti t -~--is -~middot-rmiddotibull--+ u ~~ i--t4~ t-bull~~311 li-i1middoti- C - JJ _ CL

-- I 1 t middot1 c7 Ibull ) ~ I-middot bulli C bull 1-_ 11 11gt1l11 ~bull -a bull-bullbull t a- II bullbullbull bullI lt_I Iii _- I

Incremehtal Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-7 Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo (Curves Corresond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

--- I


16 0amp (V)

0 ~


14~11l 1l QJ _J


1 middot-0

c t1middotmiddotmiddot 0

micro ro

_ c micro ~ 1euro1pound1

0- QJ u-J c 0 u O =-middot ~-= QJ

c_1 micro ro +- V)

0 micro ~ t1 O QJ 1l 0 a 40gtlt w c 0


ro --


20middot l ---a I ~ I a 0


pound1r-t k

Figure 114-8


a I __ I wi~ i awLi--~~ 2 I I

1--+ I ~--if bull =~~--bullJ-+--f-1-----middot+--+middot-middot--r9c- 1 c- J

bull _ bull -~

Incremental Concentration (microgm 3)

Cumulative Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride and Chlorofonn From Allied Chemical El Segundo Assumingsix-months Operation With Each Feedstock (Curves Correspond to Upper and Lower Bounds on Emission Rate Estimate)

) ) )) )

1 3 0+--- a- - ---- __________--= ~

M 1 E ~1F40 gtlt




s 0

0-~ C 1 ~2 t1

+-l rj

shy+-gt C Q)

u 1 ~1 ~1 I- C

degco u 0


+-l QJ middot=a~(Cl

+J middot- -0 +-gt 6t1-0 Q) Vl l I bull0 C

w X 4 ~1 ~C 0

t l--+)


20 Il 0 0 a

r--1 plusmn-middot--4-bull+ bullJ - ~-1


bull 17 - ta_



I mvn


-~ bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull l ~-


i u---J--bull-+ i i--+ --4--+-imf-bullbullQ~-+-+-+~bullbull-4 171 i R = Fi middot1 1bull1 r1__ bullltaa ~a

Incre0ental Concentration (microgm 3)

Figure 114-9 Cumualtive Population Exposure to Carbon Tetrachloride From Allied Chemical El Segundo During Offloading From Midnight to 6 am middot-middotmiddot------middot--middot

--bull ft ampLA 1111-~lliaIN_WPl1A 1JIU_Mt91 MJ1WWlaquoPI-W1111~ --------__----Et1

M gt~middotI

0 -I


~ t~ bullM

V) middot-middot ~ V)


f 0

0 -

C -4 0middot~middotmicro re f micro C a u

10 Cdeg u 0 3 0middotmiddotmiddotbull~ -0 a

+-gt ro

+J V)

+-gt 0

2E1-0 QJ V)

0 a X


C 0 1pound1--middot+-gt ro

-- Q_ 0 0


~ -~middot bull I -bull-_ bull I

middot lbullgtbull___I I

frac14 llk I

I bull



-1_ I

Ibull II__ JI


(1 f---1-+ bull-r_--f bull middot~-bull +-- bull i -bull 1 -1-+--+bull-+-t-+bull--t1 ~ _ 4middot 6 E 1t1 1middot2

1 3 5 I middot~ _ 11

Incremental Concentration (ngm3)

Figure 11 4-10 Cumu1ative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Plant Carson

_~ ~ t M

C X E k1~


- c- 1-1 ~ C middot-middot -_J

I--- -J 4t1middotbullmiddotmiddota


-+-shy --middot liiit1J

r ~


t-1 _ V

0 -+-1

middotr -bull ~1



+- bull1 ~1 atr l -=

~~lll(k~IHmiddot~~-Wa~middot~nL1middot~~~ta KF u n P middot~dE-tveRS ~-tl~~~-u-~~~tmiddot_-~~~~liil-~-~~~ tc r

I bull

bull -r~l-yen--~1l~a l fl __ A4o bullbull bullbullbull ~ 111bull--middotbull

lil---111 1n1 i1--1u -i- -tmiddot11i-bull J--14-bullbullbulllM ~

1 ~ l1

~ t

~ C ~

i31-~~middot-~--~~~-~-middot-~-~~-~~~-~--~~~--~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~--l 11 2~1 4~1 Ea 8(3 1J11~1 1~r1 14(middot)

Incremental Concentration (~gm3)

Figure 114-11 Cumulative Population Exposure to Ethylene Dichloride From Stauffer Off-Site Storage Tanks

Table 114-13


Substance Ambient Reference Concentration Environment


Cad11i um


= ~ 11 1 ~ Ui ch l or i de _ -J _


Carbon Tetrachloride


4-6 nym 3 3

20-YO ngm

33 ng111 lt04 ngm 3

20U-57UU fiber~m 3

20-100 f i bersm

Ji jJjJO

trace 008 011 05lppb

O 1 pmicrob [J iJ~ micromicrob

188 ppb 08 ppb 0 7 pmicrob (ave)

U11 pmicrob

U 13 ppb 595 ppb 022 ppb (ave)

0175 pmicrob (ave)

07 ppb ltO 04 ppb

1 25 ppb 36

General urban Heavy industrial

Typical urban Remote areas

Typical urban Desert

uu111111yuel CA

8 NJ industrial sites Oakland Upland Los Angeles

Urban background rurdl backgrouna CA


8 industrial sites NJ Tuscdloosa AL 3~2rage) Riverside CA

rural background

Los Angeles average Torrance CA Southern California

60 readings) Riverside CA

Los Angeles average Rural background Russe11 1977 Los Angeles averageRiverside CA

Braman 1976 National Research Council 1976

EPA 1977 EPA 1977

Murchi o 1978 Murchi o 1978

tsarber 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Pellizzari 1979

Barber 1977 Holzer 1977

l3arber 1977 Grimrud 1975 Russell lJ77 Pel 1 i zzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Singh 1982

Barber 1977 Russell 1977 Gri mrud 1975 Barber 1977 Pell i zzari 1977

Simmonds 1974 Singh 1982

Barber 197 7 Barber 1977 Grimrud 1975

Sinvnonds 1974 Singh 1982

) ) )



Substance Probient Environment Reference Concentration



-J )

Sen zo (ct) py rene

jjen zo (e) py rene

ben z(ct) a 11 ( nr ii cen e


lndeno 123-cd~pyrene

L 1 ppb 06-34 ppb

42 ppb 16-60 ppb 02-1J ppb 13 ppb 48 ppb 67 ppb 55 ppb 63 ppb 82 ppb 39 pJb

3031-L1 ~gm 046 ng111

090 ngm 3

305-c8 n~111 018 ngm

06U ngin 3

134 nginJ

8 NJ industrial sites 28 samples in industrial areas with benzene consumption facilities Torrance CA Tuscaloosa AL National Forest 1000 sarip Ies-Torontt) Azusa CA El Monte CA Long Beach CA Upland CA Los Angeles CA Riverside CA

Los Angeles 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angel es 1976

Los Ang2l2s 1971 Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Los Angeles 1976

Pellizzari 1977

RTI 1977 Pellizzari 1977 Holzer 1977 Ho1 zer 1977 Pilar 1973 EPs 1980a EPA i980a EPA 1980a EPA 1980a Calvert 1976 Singh 1982

Colucci 1971 Gordcrn 1 197(i

Gordon 1976

_ 0 111 CC i 1~ 7 1 Gordon~ 1976

Go r cl on 197 6

Gordon 1976

middot1 ab1e 11 4-14


Site Substance Typical Urban Population Exposed to Background Level 100 50

Increment Over Background

Al lied+




Du Pont





Kaiser Kaiser



Chloroform 01 - 07 ppb (gt497 ngm3) 0 0 Carbon Tetrachloride 015 ppb (942ngm3) lt4044 25587 -


Perchloroethylene 07 ppb (4830 ngm 3) 0 0

Carbon Tetrachloride OlS ppb (942 ngm3) 10796 - 20309


Carbon Tetrachloride 01~ ppb (942 ngm 3) 0 0

Asbestos 1000 fibersm 3

( 313 ngm 3) 0 0

Benzene lOppt) 32500 ngm 3) PAH 5 compounds 35 ngrn3 72196 72196

Cadmium 3 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm3 0 0

Arsenic 4 ngm 3 0 0

3Ethylene Uichloride 051 ppb (2100 ngm ) 92552 117532

bull Assumes all year operation on either feedstock If plant operates 50 on each feed the population exposed to greater than 50 increment over background goes to 16025 - 19377 and 4044 - 16025 for 100

Ambient concentrations of benzene vdry over one order of magnitude in the literature and therefore make tnis calculation questionable For Kaiser therefore the carcinogenic PAH assessment was used to evaluate incremental population exposure above background

+ The partition of emissions from Oow are 78 carbon tetrachloride and 22 perchloroethylene by weight


1142 Comparison of Incremental and l3ackground Concentratiors

Those sites whicn elevate background concentrations greater than SO~~

to surrounding pomicrouldtion are discussed below

1142 l Stauffer Cnernical

The Stauffer ct1emmiddoticdl ~ant 110s tvJo prinlt ipct1 SOLHCes uf EOC

emissicnsj the off-site storage tanks and the waste water dscharge stream

Ea cn con t r i h u V s about ~qua l 1 _y middott o U1e microon1 l a t i on ex 11o s u re f bull] ure s J s s ho vm i n

Taoles lL3--11 and 1L4-1L Th2 arrbient measurments by Pel~ 1 zzciri (1979) of J

2100 ng1~ 1s tne tos Ange 1es bc1ck9n1nc1 1as used as triie typ-i ca 1 tirban

background Pellizzari notes t11at Uhan readings generally rerici~n under 2SOO

nym3 ir1tri e pmiddotant proximity ccncentrn1011 ravlmiddot been observed as high as

700~000 f)(m 1

Other ambient ~ata noted l)y Plmiddot I 1 i zzari are Birmingham A1 abama

205-400 Phoenix Arizona 157-i870 1Jcbullminguez Calitornia 1Lii814 Calvert

City Kentucky 6600 The latter two are associated wi t11 EOC pl ants Data

taken in senFice s~ations ano lrctffic areas ir various cities range from -~

300-3640 ngm~ As previous~J mentioned the Stauffer plant is discontinuing

operations These two sources should be examined as part of any possible

start--up permitting activity

11422 Kaiser Steel Corporation

The Kaiser steel plant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)

emissions cffmiddotise from the coke oven omicroerations Comfdrison of the cumulative

population exposure Figure 114-3 and Table 114-4 with the specified

background levels for urban areas illustrates the breadth of the exposure

distribution The five known PAH carcinogens that were isolated in the coke

oven emissions were quantified in tile ambient air of Los Angeles by Gordon


Benzo[a~pyrene 046 ngm J

t3enzo~e]pyrene osio Benzaanthracene U lo

Chrysene U60

lndeno Cl23-cd~pyrene 134

Althouyn these concentrations ctr~ low co1npared with 1 number of other cities

cited in the literature and repres2nt a very I imited data base tt1e predicted

concentrations from the Kaiser plant ~enerally exceed these levels by d


significant margin ie greater t11an 30000 are predict2d to be exposed to

4redter than l()-lt t 1tbull 1111tlit~nt background of 3j nqm 3 It ic 1 iklly tlat

lHrllerte exmicroo~urt 11 Ilie drld dre also 11evatPd ovr r11nbient I1owever since

backyround concer1tr1tions of t)enzlmiddotne show large variation no population

calculation was specified

11 4 bull 2 bull 3 Dmv

Carl1on tetrdcnloride releases from Dow constitute approximately 78

of tl1e total CT plus perc emissions in Table 114-6 and were found to elevate

urban background concentrations greater than 50 in five census tracts Emissions are predominately from storage and check tank working and brething remiddot1 eases

1142~4 Allied Chemical

The Al lied plant was modeled several ways since the plant can

operrttt~ wiUl chlorotor111 dr cc1rbon tetrctlt hloridt fo(~d The c1bull-i pr~middot11ntlid in

ldlgtlt~o ll4- drld llil-B represent dflrlUil 01Hrdtion with eitt1er teed Partial

yedr operation with each feed can be scaled from the individual annual modes

and is presented for equal hltllf year operation in Table 114-9 As with the

Du Pont plant carbon tetrachloride emissions arise from feed tank working

loss fable 114-10 illustrates peak exposures predicted to arise during an

off loading cycle As expected concentrations in that six hour period far

~xceed annual average values Insufficient data were available to contrast

levels with backyround transient concentrations




Alternative control approacnes for the most significant emission

sources dinmig ~he various pl1ants n ees fitie(J n the follo11 ric suJsections

EmpiiasVi nas Deen placed in dedlinq ~riU1 Uiose sources of 91reatest absolute

inaynHud2 (lbyr) and those const1 ut 0ing trie largest increm121middot1t middot] bulli~he

bdc kgrnund con cent ration of Hie em~ tted subs tcince i~o ctt tention Wi 11 be ~i ven

to the s~iondc1tY sources witt1middotn cK1 microant or to trlL case of J011ns-Manvi I le

since -UH imiddotajor source is less tran LOO 1byr and is not microrejicted to raise

bctckgro 1wd exposure levels to the ~~ntr21 population Furt12rmore a11

emission sources dt Kaiser Ste 1 1iC(1 v1 1~n directly dedlt -1ith in this

program r1re elltlteci ro t11e cc1lt1bull ovcmiddotr nperatmiddotions These faci 1ities are to be

closed du1rm and all primary reel 11i~ oH~rdtions discontinmiddot 2d Kaiser

forecasters have predicted further deterioration of the plant economics and

the phased closure has been accelerdted for primary steel making operations

Note that this closure is essentially irreversible cince differential

exmicroansion and contraction of the coke oven structur1 occurs in the cooliny

process and it would be improbable that ovens could be reheated without

extensive reuuildiny at major expense


At c1ll four sites emissions from storage tanks constitute either the

primary or near dominant (Stauffer) source of carcinogen release andor

genero1i iJOpulation exposure Curreritly the tanks of interest at each site are

permitted by the local Air Quality IJistricts hJwever they do not require

emission ontrol systems for vdrious reasons Tl1e estimated releases grounds

for exemption and other pertinent information are given in Table 121-1

In order to amicromicroreciate tth~ practicdl dlternatives for emission

controls the provisions of SCAWMU Rile 463 ar~ listed below which specify the

acceptable alternatives for tdnks r4uirin9 controls ie tanks 11aving

capacities greater than 39630 yal with suostances of true vapor pressure


Table 121-1


Stduffer Uff-Site Tanks (J) (Sdn Pedro)

Allied (El Seyunrlo) - KdJ

1bulllctLer1 d I reld iturctjc

-J -J

Dow (Pittsbury)-Product Check Tanks (4)

Uow - microroduct sturag~

DuPont (Antioch) - Raw Materidl Feed Stordge

Approx Capacity~

6lUS x 1g (c) 84 X 10 (1)


18000 each

70000L) 3UUOUO

30000 working 42636 liquid full



Ethylene Uichloride

Carbon Tetrctci1 I Jr i J1

Perchloreshythylene and Carbon Tetrashychloride

CT perc

Carbon Tetracr1 l ori de


Emission Mode

Tank breattli ng

Tank v10rk i ng Tank breatttiny

PERC-~JOrk i ng PERC-b r2a t ~ i ng CT-working CT-breattling

Tank breathing Tank breatt1i ng

Tank workin9 Tank breathing

Vamicroor Pressure

014 at 70 F psi

1 63 psi at 68 F

16d psi at 68 F(CT) UJ9 psi at 68 F(perc)

168 i)Si dt 68 F

Grounds for Exemption

Exempt from control re4uirements to SCAQNJ Rule 463 since vapor microressur-2 dues nut iXC~ec

l~ io at sturdJ~ conditions

txe11pt TlJil fule -+b3 since tank capaL ~J ~ s u~der 39630 gal (lSO 11 )

Exempt from Regulation Rule v~~vu u~~~~~shytank capacity is under 39630 ga 1 andor substances are not classified as organic 1i4uicts

Exempt f ro1n Ru l ~ 85300 because subsLctnce is not classified as dn organic li4uid accordin to Regulation-Rule 8120

exceeding l~ microsi at storage conditions

~ floating roof tanks

~ fixed roof tanks with an internal floating type cover

bull a vapor recovery system with vapor collection and retllrn (or disposal) proce5sinJ lXctbullerlin~ 95 efficiency

ln a cllemicai plant a typical vapor recovery systein (KR Evans

SCAQMU) migm consist of a collection inanifold to d recovery system (suctl as a

vapor sphere) to a compression syst2m dnd subsequently to absorption and

recovery systems The absorpt~on st~n c~nsisting possibly of (rubber

stripper or activated carbon

In dealing with speciti( carcinogenic substances such as vinyl

chloride hiyhly efficient vapor control system perf0rmance has sometimes been

stipulated necessitating incineration systems

Fer th~ cases of corccrn realistic alternltltives are as follows

Stauffer Off-Site TanKs - Tnere are a number of options which can 1~arkedly 3

reduce ei1issicns from these tanks from th~ calculaL~d value of over 20 x 10

lbyr One alternative is to consolidat~ the material in tne three tanks

One of the large tdnks can contain the currently stured material and reduce 3emissions to apmicroroximately 13 0 x 10 lbyr Anotl1er alternative is to

transfer dll E0C to a single floating root tank Various types of such tanks

exist dlld are reviewed in the EPA report Lrganic Cht~mical Manufacturing Volume

J Storage Fugitive dnd Secondary Sources EPA-450J-80-025 eg internal and

external floating roofs and a variety of seal desiyn configurcttions Generalshy

ly such designs would be expected to reduce emissions to the order of

one-fourth to one-fifth the current level Cost of 1nstalliny ct contact

single seal internal floating roof wds estimated by BB Lumquist Pentrex

for EPA as $27770 in 1Y8U dollars for 7U ft diameter tdnk Cost to build an

external floating roof tank was estimated by G Stilt of Pittsburg Oes Moines

for EPA as ~14UUUO for D=67 H=4Uft Anottler com111on approach is to utilize

cdroon ctdsorption This works we11 witn nonpolar hydrocarbons dS VvC is

removed from the vapor phase A basic syte111 consists ot tvo carbon beds and

a regeneration system Regeneration is typically performed with steam or

vacuum Figure 121-1 illustrattS rhe systems (Basd2kis 1~110) Steam raises

tne VOC vctpor microressure The resulting sti~am-VOC mixture is condensed and


AC-TJA~D CA-e0-l


LOW- ffiESiJ~C ~T~H----




COOLIN(a - --------




Fi l 1 1 middot gure middot - Activated-c arbon Adsorption System


rout2d to c ~epordtor decanted and returned to storage In vacuum regenerashy

tion VOC vapor is desorbed by pu1 ling a vact1um on the carbon bed then condens-

ed a1d returned System efficiency ~ ~ est ii1a ted at 96 f(duc middot i m from fixed

roof levels (EPA 4503-80-025)

H~fri 9ctated vent concicr1sers dre une of the most cu1mon emission

reduction prJcesses -for conttol ~ ng hx2-d-- storage tai vUC Figure

12 1-- 2 i l 1ust rates a u n i t ( Er i scmiddot n 19HU ) eff i c i en cy of middot middot~ ~ c middotlt middotmiddot _y i s rate ct

bet1Jee~middoti 60-90 for the vapor pressure range of concern For such a large tank

the capital costs would be high ~igure 121-3 illustrat~s EPA estimates

(EPA l ~~SOb) for the condenser section Condenser sys tern a ea mu l d be in

excess of 1000 ftL

It should be noted t -at Jtc1 uf fer Uiemi cc1 l has arH1ounced the c 1 osu re

of its VCPVC plart PrevfoJsly tt12) had planned to purge tlle off-site tanks

of EUC Since any future po~sible micro1ant stdrt-umicro will necessitate a compreshy

hensive SCAQMD review this ltoument can assist in evaluating proposed control


Allied and DuPont Feed Tanks - In bott1 of these cases the nore significant

quantity of emissions arise from tank workinltJ ie during the off-loading

activity rather than tank breathing Contnl ~easures taken for working

emissions are thus of primary concern Ther~fore no detailed discussion will

be provided on the alternatives for control gtf bredthiny emissions Additionshy

ally both tanks are in the range of 20U00 gallons which is a capacity where

floating roof tanks are almost nonexistent Out of 670 floating roof tanks

surveyd by EPA less then 15 were smaller than 30000 gallons in capacity

Therefore the utilization of any floating roof concept and seal combination

will not be considered

Commmerc i a11 y it is estimated by Ou Pont that carbon tetrachloride

feed costs approximately $017lb (E Taylor personal communication)

Ttierefore less than i2500 is lost to l)uPont annud l ly as a result of working

l eve l em i s s fo ns and 1es s fr om Al l i ed bull Thus i t is u n l i kel y that any

appreciable economic incentive exists to dev1~lop ci vapor recovery system

However a Cdndidate system could be pattern~d after the chloroform

feed-storage unit currently at Allied This is a dedicated vapor balance

system Chloroform is off-lndded from tank cars and stored in a closed

unvented tdnk As the 5tordye tank is filled the c1ir spdce d1spldced is fed














Figure 121-2 Refrigerated Vent Condenser System



iOOOO ----------

-Cl c -0 ~

J~ -C~)O i-r tmiddot~ I

g middots_ I J () 11

-~- l 2 lt1


en b)



a I E OJ u copy 0

10 1-___________J___________________________ 10000

10 100 1000

Condenser System Area ( Ft2


Figure 121-3 Installed Capital Cost vs Condenser Area for Various Materials of Cunstruction for a Complete Condenser Section


back to the tank car Also in this case the storage tank is not vented in its

normal breathing mode and is part of a closed feed system to the reactor

Vapor recovery system alternatives which are particularly effective

in loading and handling include r~frigeration adsorption andor absorption

Control efficienci~- 1re est1mateJ in the rlt1nge of 90-95 (EPA 1980b) and of

course depend on the speci tic su1)Stance and equipment used Carbon adsorpshy

tion systems were discussed above The smallest capacity carbon adsorptionmiddot

system priced by EPA (EPA 1980b) has 2 vertical beds of carbon (900 lbs - 4ft

diameter by 3 ft depth) witl1 an ilstalled cctpital cost of $135000 based on

December 1979 dollars

Dow Tanks - Dow has two pair of p~oduct check tanks which alternately are

filled dnd off-loaded Emhsions from th~sl tanks were calculated based upon

operating cycle (3 day fi 11) satubull-dtion vapor pressure and physicdl

chardcteristics Direct hec1d-spa1e testing was planned however it could not

be accomodated because of r 1stri c ed access due to unscheduled mai ntendnce on

the field test day

Dow has indicated that chey are studying the option of installing a

vapor controlrecovery systt~m in 1hese and their largerproduct storage tanks

The extent of their engi neri ng ind assessment work is unknown as are their

current plans It may be possibk to incorporate a vapor balance design into

the system whereby the disp1aced apor is trdnsferred to another process point

within tl1e system Alterna1ively a vapor r1middotcovery system such as carbon

adsmiddotorption is fedsible Hot-1ever since emissions for t11e check tanks are

primarily due to working loss tht~ use of a conservation vent or an adjustment

of its operational differential p~essure would be ineffective for tr1e

reduction of the bulk of such emissions Furthermore since check tank size

is re1at i ve 1y sma 11 no cons i derctt I on was given to conversion to a fl oat i ng

roof configuration for those tanks Conversion would be possible for

the large storage tanks


Emissions of me throug11 ~-a~)te-1dter discharge are the largest single

source identified at the plctnt sites The discharge limit was set at 25 ppm

by the Los Angeles County Sc1nitation iistrict and was estdblished with the

occupational limit in mind of 50 ppm JVer an 8 hour work shift dt the District


tredtrient center~ T11ere hctd been suine di~cuss1on between pdrti~s of possibly

raisiny tne discharge limit since it is felt by Stauffer that dilution of the

stream is sufficient to d 11 ow it Itmiddot shou Id he noted t10-1ever tna NIUSH has

recommended the permissible exposure limit be reduced to 5 ppm averaged over a

work period of 10 nours microer ddy 40 ours per Ieek witt1 a cei l iny level of 15

pmicroin dVeraged over a 15-mi nute microet~ v(J

It is not certain at 1~hrt rdte me 1rill be reledscd from the

wastewater stream At the microlant discharge points wastewater is both hot and

aerated thus favoring release~ No measurements have been ta~en downstream of

the plant after considerable dilut1on has occured The distance to the water

treatment pa11t is approximately 5 kin at 1i1ic~1 point anerobic diyestion is

conducted lt is presumed that a11 ELlC will be released before final ocean

di scnar~Ji

A possible emi ss i D~ cont ro process for nmiddotduct ion of the EDC in the

effluent is by ~recess adjust~Pnts or additio~s For example process

modifications to the EUC stripping stage coula dramatically reduce discharge

lev~ls A control alternative is the use of octivdted carnon or XA0-2 resin

to recover EOC in tne discharge stream Tests of Gulf South Researd1

Institute on XA0-2 and activated carbon (Coco 1980) show high recovery yields

for nonpolar organic carcinogens unaer a range of concentrations Viable

suggested alternatives oy Srnitn included regeneration of Ue trapping

materials dnu even consideration of burning tt1e concentrate carbon media (at

greater than 1000 pmicrom)

Control approaches to reduce emissions from so called secondary

sources in general and waste water emissions in particular fa 11 into four

categories - waste source control resour(e recovery alternative disposal and

add-on controls Alternative control pro(~esses which were considered but

appear to be inappropriate to this case i11clude chtmiddotmica means eg

neutralization precipitation coagulatior1 and chemical oxidation thermal

destruction of tne unconcentrated ~dste s1ream is ii1practical biological

treatment eg aerdtion and biomass-wasteater contcct ~ienerally relates to

the treatment of soluole degrddable organics in the concentration range

bet~~een U01 and l~~ terminal storagt eg lanctfilliny urface impoundment

and deep well injection dre either indppl 1cable or 1mmicroractical Therefore in

summary the poss i b I e contra l approac ties fur this ca e inc 1ude the improvement



of semicrodration efficiencies in steam stripmicroing tl1e internal recycle of ~aste

stredms ctnd the ddsorption b activdted carbon The design configuration

~fficiency and cost )bviously depend upon numerous microlarit specific factors and

their determination vJOuld rec-Jire detailed analyses

n1e ~~dsrewctter systbull-m of a model cl1emical production plant based

upon the average properties uf a composite of 30 chemicals was evaluated for

EPA by IT Enviroscience (EPA 1980b) Included prominantly among the 30 was

tUC with the hignest uncontrolled secondary emission wastewater release rate

ie ~ percent of tt1e production and 34 perc~nt of the emission Cost and

impact analyses were evaluated for alternative control systems to reduce

secondary voe emissions from wastewater Four systems were considered a

carbon adsorption system (eAS) for recovery of the voe from the wastewater a

cover to reduce secondary VOC emissions from the wastewater clarifier a cover

for the clarifier plus a carbon desorption system and a cover for the

clarifier plus ct eAS system usinu a fume incinerator The scale of the model

system was greatly in excess of the Stauffer plant thus further making

detailed comparison i mpract i cal bull However emission reduction factors ~-1ere 6diven as ~9 and cost effectiveness per 10 g reduction genera1middot1y ranged

between $450 to 1733 These factors would likely grossly underestimate the

system cost if scaled down to the range of the Stauffer plant ie the order

of 34600 lb annual discharge

The alternative approaches of improved steam stripping efficiency

and internal recycling of the stripper iischarge stream with a reduction in

makeup re4uirements could decreas~ net ~DC wastewater content release


Given our findiny of low (16 kgyr) ~missions of arsenic from the

reverberatory furndce at RSR it middotJOuld ippear that the arsenic content of themiddot

lead feedstock is low andor that the microants system for reducing lead

emissions is dlso quite effective for arsenic ~SR it will be recalled from

Section 32 uses a quenchinu cnariber ctnd Dayiwuse filters to remove

pctrticuldte matter and a carbonate scruooer to remove sulfur dioxide

There are no federal new source microertormance standards for lead

eini ssions per se t10wever the Standdrds of Pbullrformance for Secondary Lead

SmeHers (40 CFR 6Ull2) limit total particuLte emission from a blast furnace


or reverberatory furnace to SU mgm 3 According to Augenstein et al (1978)

who reviewed the techno1ogy for control ing lead ~missions from ttwse sources

baghouse filters or wet scrubbers are yenerally used to contro1 particulate

emissions When fabric filters are used to control blast furnace emissions

they are nurma11y preceded by an afterburner which inciner~tes hydrocarbons

that bull~GU Id otnerwi se b 1 ind t ne f o1 ur-i c After-burners a re nor necessary for

reverb2middotmiddotatcry furnace emiss-ion smiddotnce the excess air and temperature are

usually sufficient to oxidize tn2 hydrocarbons

According to Augenstein et ali 11 sr1aker--type baghouse filters are

the 1nost effective means of controlling ead fume emissions from secondary

furnace opErations 11 Collection etficiencies can exceed 99 oercent One

advantage to this control approact is that l~ad oxide dust can be recovered

easily cmd recycled in the smeller Flue gases must be coated to below 300 degF

for dacro~ bags and to below ~00 degF for fiberglass bags (Hi~h et al 1977)

Although wet scrubbers are effecti1e under some circumstances in

controlling lead emissions it is more difficult to recover the lead oxide for

recycling In addition sulfur dioxide presi~nt in the flue gases becomes

oxidized to sulfuric acid and can cause corr1sion problems For this reason

sodium carbonate or other basic reagents ar~ added to the scrubber solution

Although it concerns a yold smelter an approach described by

Marchant dnd Meek (1980) provides an exampli~ of an arsenic control

alternative which might be apmicrolicatgtle to secmdary lead smelters At the

Campbe1 1 Red lake Gold Smelter in Balmerton Ontarion Canada Smelter gases

are first passed throuyh a hot electrostatic precipitator (ESP) The ESP is

heated so that the arsenic (which is principally in the form of As ) remains2o3 gaseous and is not yet collected This exclusion of arsenic allo~~s the ESP to

recover particulate gold rnore easily The ESP exhaust is then quenched with

ambient air to condense the arsenic trioxide Baghouse filters then remove

the arsenic along with other particulate matter


Given the imminent and irreversibli~ cessdtion of coking activities

at Ka 15 er Stee 1 Corpora t i on a rev I e~ o r t e c Imo 1 o gi es for ( on t r o 1 l i ng

~missions from the coke ovens rnd he Clt1ke byproduct recovimiddotry pldnt WdS not

deemed to be necessary Tnis is t1e only primary steel mill in California



Al lf~n Jr Ll~ llJBU1 J 111odel to 1middotstimite hi1drdous (bullmissions from coke oven Juurs pr~pdrelt1 DY 1-kSecircn Tr1dnye7nrffut fur U~ Environmental Protection Agency Uffi ce of Air ~ua 1i ty and Standards fltesearch Tri ang I e Park Nortn Cdrolina KTl17362-UL

Jl len Jr CC 1~8Ub tstination of chdr in(i emissions for by-product coke oven microrepared by fltesedrch Tr1anglt Insc1tute for US nvironmental Protection 1-yency Uf f ice of Air l)ua l i ty and Standards Ke search Triangle Park North Cdrolina RTI17362-0

Allen Jr CC 198Uc 11 Environmeritdl c1ssess1ent of coke by-product recovery plants Proceedings First Symposium on Iron c1nd Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Ctncayo Illrno1s--Tin1ctober - 1 November 1979 EPA-600-9-80-012 pp 7~-dd

Anon 1978 11 Coke quench-tower emissions tests 11 Environ Sci Tech 12(10) llL2-1123

Augenstein ur1 T Cornin et al 1978 Con_trol techniques for lead air emissions prepared by PEDCU Envircnmental Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-4502-77-012-B ( NT IS P88U-197551)

jarber WC 1977 Interim air pcllution a~sessment for eight t1igh-volume industrial organic chemicals 11 US Environin~ntal Protection Agency memorandum to Air and Hazardous Materials Uivision Kegions I III-X and to Uirector Environmental middotPrograms Uivision Region II

t3drrett KE WL Margard et al 1977 Sampling and analysis of coke-oven door emissions Prepared by ~dttelle-Columbus Laboratories for US Env 1 ronmenta I Protection Agen y Industri a I Environmental Research Laboratory Research Triangle Park North Carolina EPA-b002-77-213

t3 a r ret t flt bull r bull and P bull K bull ~~ebb 1Y78 bull 11 E f f e ct i venes s of a wet el e ct r o stat i c precipitator for controlling PUM emissions from coke oven door leakage Presented at 71st Meetiny of the Air Pollution Control Association Houston Texas 25-29 June 1978

l3asdekis HS 1980 Carbon Adsorption Control Uevice Evaluation IT Enviroscience Inc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

8ee fltW et al 1974 Coke oven charging emission control test program Vol I c1nd II US Environmental Protection Jgency EPA-6502-74-062

~eimer RG 1978 Air pollution emission test Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from coke oven effluents Prepared by TRW Uefense and Smicrodce Systems Groumicro for US tnvirorunental Protection Agency Office of Air wuality Planning and Standards Kes~arch Triangle Park North Carolina EMB Kemicroort 8-CKU-12


Braman RS 1976 Application of the arsine evolution methods to environmental analyses presented at the International Conference on Environmental Arsenic Ft Lauderdale Florida 5-8 October

Bratina J E 1979 11 Fabric filter applications on coke oven pushing operations J Air Poll Cont Assoc 29(9) lll6-920

tiuonicore AJ 1980 Environmental assessment of coke quench towers in proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abltlternent Technology Chicago~ Uirnois JO October - f N~vernber 1979 EPA-6009-~1b-62~ pp 112-142

t3usse A D and dR Zimmerrao1 1973 User 1 s guide for tdegh~ Climatological Uisper~ion Model US Environmental Protection Agency Resea~ch Triangle Park Nortl Carolina) EPA-R4--73~0024

California Air Resources 8oard 1976 Coke oven emissions miscellaneous emissions and their control at Kaiser Steel Corporations Fontana Steel making facihty Enforcement l3ranch) S2crcmento California L amp E-76-11

Calvert~ CA 1976 Envir __ Sci_ i( __ Technol 10256

Coco L~i 2t aL~ 1979~ 11 02c10pmert of trec1tment and control technology for 11refractory pet rochemi co was tt=1s r middotl 1d l Report Gu 1f South Research In st it ute

to U S tnv i ronmenta l Protection Agency EPA-ti002- 79-080

Colucci~ LM and CR Begemi 1971 Palynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and other pollutants in Los Angeles air In Proceedings of the International Clean Jir Congress Vol 2 Academic Press pp 28-35

Cooper JA and JG Watson Jr 1980 Receptor oriented methods of air partkulate source apportionment 11 J Air Pollution Control Assoc 30(10) 1116-1125

Coutant R W JS McNulty and RD Grammar 1975 Final report on determi 11at ion of trace elements in a combustion sys tern Prepared by Batte11 e Columbus Laboratories for the Electric Power Research Institute EPRI 122-1

11 11Dilling W 1977 lnterphase transfer processes Envir Sci TechnoL 11 4 pp 405-409

Oow1irgl) MP JO Jeffry and AH Laube 1978 11 Reduction of quench tower emissions Presented at the 71st Air Pollution Conotrol Association Conference Houston Texas 25-30 June APCA No 78-92

EPA 1977 Multimedia Levels Cadmium Environmental Protection Agency 5606-77-032 September 1977

EPA 1980a Review of Criteria for Vapor Phase Hydrocarbons 11 US Environmental Protection Agency ~eport 6008-80-045

EPA 1980b Organic Chemical Manufacturing Volume J Storage Fugitive and Secondary Source EPA report 450J-80-025

EPA 1981 Compilation of Air Pol lutdnt Emission Fdctors (Including Suppleshyments 1-7) Third Edition Suppl1111ent 12 Utfice of ir l)uality Planning dnd Stdndlt1rds AP-42-ED-3-Supp I - lt


Erikson Uli 1~80 11 Control Uevice Evaluation Condensdtion 11 IT Envioscience lnc report in prepdration for US Environmental Protection Agency ESEU

lrtel liL 197Y Quench tower particuldte emissions J Air Poll Cont Assoc 2Y(9) 913-916

Ev a n s K bull P bull 1981 Pe r son a l Commun i cat i on v i th R bull Zi s k i n d bull

Goodwin DR 1980 11 Air pollution emissions standards in Proceedings First Symposium on Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology Chicago 11 lrno1s 30 October - 1 November 1979 EPA-6009-80-012 pp 37-45

Gordon GE 10 Receptor Models Environ Sci Tech 14(7)792-800

Gordon KJ 1976 11 lJistribution of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons throuyhout Los Angeles Envir Sci Technol 370-373

Great Lakes Cdrbon Corporation 1977 Study of coke side coke-oven emissions~ Vol 1 Source testing of a stationary coke side enclosure EPA-340l-77-014A

lirimsrud EP and HA Rasmussen 1975 Atmos Envir Y 1010

Hartnan MW 1~80 Source test c1t US Steel Clairton Coke Ovens Clairton P~nnsylvania Prepared by rRW Environmental Engrneerrny D1v1s1on for US lnv1ronrnental Protection Agency Emissions Standards and Engineering l)ivision Research Trianyle Pdrk North Carolina EM~ Report 78-CKU-13

Hendriks Ilt V et a I 1Y7Y Urgani c air emissions from coke quench towers 11

Presented at 2nd Arrnual M(etiny ot the ir IJol lution Control Associdtiont Cir1cinndti Utlio June 1~7lJ l-dmicroer NU 9-391

Higt1 MU ME Lukey dnd TA Li Puma llJ77 Inspection manual for secondary lead smelters premicrolt1red b Enyineeriny Science lnc for US lnvironmentdl Protection Ayency Office 0f ~nforc~nent EPA-3401-77-001

Holzer G et al 197 11 Collection amp analyses of trace organic emissions from natura I sources 11 Journal of Cnromatogra flhY 142 pp 755-764

JKt 1~80 11 Materials ljaldnce l2-Uichloroett1ane Level l-Preliminary 11

Science Applications lnc Final lemicroort to US Environmental Protection Agency tPA-560lJ-80-UU2

J bull Mi l n e l lJ 81 Person a I Cornm un i cat i on wi t t1 bull Zi ski nd bull

Kemner WF 1979 Cost tffectiven2ss model for pollution control at coking facilities Premicroarect oy PEDCo Environmental lnc for US Environmental Protection Agency Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Research Tridnyle Park Nortll Carolind EPA-GU02-7l-1U5 (NTS PB 8U-118706)

Kessler T AG Sharkey Jr and kA Friedel 1973 Analysis of trace ele111ents in coal by smicroark-source mass spectrometry US 8ureau of Mines Report ot I n v es t 1 gd t 1on s No bull 77 14 bull


Kolak NP J Hyde and R Forrest~r 19 1 9 Particulate source contributions in tt1e Niltlgara Frontierffi Prepared t)_y Nr2bulll York State IJepartrnent of Env i ronm~ntc i Con serv d ti on for US En vi r inment ct l Protect ion Agency Region 11 EPA-9024-79-006

Mackay U and PJ Leinonen llt175 Hate of Evamicroordcion of low - solubility contaminants from vJater bodies to c1tmospmre 11 Envir Sci Tecnnol 9 13 pp 1178-libU

Magee tiv HJ Hctll and GM Vc~rlt_a Jr 1973 Potential Doimiddotiutants in fossi1 f1Jel Prepared by ESSO fbullt~scarcr middotnd Engineeriny Co tor US Enviromihm~ct Protection Agency Ufl-R2-7 --2l1~L (NTIS Pt3 as u~9)

Marcriant middotG0H ard RL Meek 1~gu Eva uation of technology for control of arsenic tmissfons at the CdlmpJel Hd Lakmiddot G~ld Smelter prepared for the US

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Margler L$ HA Ziskind M8 lcgozen (Ind M Axelrod 1979 11 An inventory of care i nog)n i c substances re i ea sect into ne ambient air of California Vol une I - Scn~enin~ and id2nt~fication o-f r~1rci1ogens of greatest concern Science J- pp 1i ca middott~ L J s In c bull Fi nd l kcmicro~ rt ~ i I - U 6 C) - U- 5 0 4 to U1 e Ca I i ~- o r n i a Ai r kesources 130ard

Milne J 198L Persond1 C~mmunicdtmiddotion middot1itt1 R Ziskind

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Oliver JF and JT Lane 1979 11 Control of visible emissions at CFampl 1 s coke plant-Pueblo Colorado J Air PolL Cont Assoc 29(9) 920-925

Pe I I i z z a r i E bull 0 bull anct J bull E bull l$ u n c h 1s 19 1 nbi en t ai r ca r c i n o gen i c v a po r s Improved samplin~ and analysis tectrnology EPA Contract 68-02-2764

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Porter RA 1976 Uismicroersion ~yuation s lucions Dy calculator I guide for air pollution engineers ctnd sci12nthts S cond edition rexas Air Control tioard ~MT1S P~ 262 lJ~)


fdn1-i1Jri lJ8l fgtersont1I Coinmuni dtion v1ith M~ Royozen

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Rogozen MB DF Hausknecht and RA Ziskind 1976 Methodology for ranking elements in fossil fuels according to their potential health impact Science Applications Inc Final Report 260-77-539 to the Electric Power ~esearch Institute

Russel 1 JW and LA Shadoff The sdmpl ing and determination of halocarbons in ambient air usin~ ~rncentration on porous polymers

Siebert PC CA Craig and Eb Coffey 1978 Prelimary assessment of the sources control and population to airoorne polycyclic organic matter as indicated by benzo(d)pyrene Prepare( by lnergy and Environmental Analyses Inc for US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Resedrch Triangle Park North Carolina

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Singh HB LJ Salas and RE Stiles Distribution of Selected Gaseous Oryanic Mutagens and Suspected Carcinoyens in Ambient Air in Proceedings Annual Meeting Air Pollution Controrl Association 82-651 June 20-25 1982 New Url eans

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Trenholm J-f dnd LL )eek 1Y78 11 Assessment of t1azardous organic emissions fror1 slot type coke oven Datteries unpublished paper US Environmental l)rotection Ayency Ernssion Standdrds and Engineeriny Jivision

Turner U~ J970 Workbook of atmusphe~ic dispersion estiimiddot1Jt2s IJS Environmental Protection Agency k~sedrch Tri1ngle Park North Carolina

US Bureau of Mines lYl f-inercls yearbook 197U Vol 11 p 4~3

Van Os dE I l U bull iJ bull lL Ma rs l and et ct 1Y7~1 o En i r onmt~ nta I a s s es smen t of co k e Dy-product recovery plants prepareu by ReseMcn Trictngle lnstitute for US Environmental Protection AgerKy 11cJustrial Environ11ental R~search Laboratory Kesearcll Tri2n~e Idrk NorU1 Caroline EPA-6U02-7J-Ul6 (NTfS PB 293-278)

Westbrool( C W 1979a Level l ass~ssment of uncontrolled sinter plant emissions Prepared by fesearch Triangle Institute for US Environmenta1 Protection Agcncy Industria1 tnvirnnmental fltesearc-1 Laboratory kesearch Trianyle Park North Carolind EPA-bOU2-7Y-112

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Wetherold rLb LP Provost and CD S111ith 198U Assessment of atmospneric emissions from microetroleu111 refinin~ Volume 3 Appendix l3 Radian Corp Fina Report to US tnv i ron111enta I Protection Agency EPA-600 2-80-07 5c

Ziskind RA OF S1ilith JL Hdhn etnd G Smicroivey (1980) Determinants of Cancer and Carctiovasculdr Uisease Mortality in Asbestos Mining counties of California SAi Report 068-dl-514 l May



Rapid Screening and Identification of Airborne Carcinogens of Greatest Concern in California

Lawrence W Margler Michael B Rogozen Richard A Ziskind and Robert Reynolds Science Applications Inc Los Angeles California

This paper describes a method for establishing a priority list of airborne carcinogens within a

state jurisdiction In this case it was necessary to identify from among hundreds of potential

candidates the live to ten materials of greatest potential concern In California as airborne


Because no previous Inventory of carcinogens In California existed published lists rankings

and assessments of national scope were used to Identify candidates By systematic manipulation

and comparison of these data sources 47 materials of some notoriety were chosen for closer

scrutiny This selection was pared to 22 candidates largely by eliminating those which had

very little production and use In California (Substances primarily used as pesticides were

excluded from the scope of this study) The remc1ining candidates were then ranked by additive

and multiplicative algorithms and by a panel of experts The results of these rankings were

combined to produce a single selection of 11 priority candidates In alphabetical order they

mo arsonlc nsbestos bon1ono cadm111m cuhon totrchlorlde chlorol 11rm othylono dllromlde

ethylene dichloride N-nllrosoamlncs perchloroethylene and polycyclk aromatic hydroiarbons

In continuing studies a baseline emissions inventory Is being prepared and a source testing

program is being designed

In recent years concern has grown over su~pected arcinug-ens New Jersey seshythe possibility that certain materials lected ten volatile organic compounds released to the atmosphere through inshy and five htbullavy metals to be examined dustrial and commercial activity may be further and is currently measuring responsible for a significant portion of ambient atmospheric concentrations of the incidence of cancer in the general these substances in a variety of areas In population This concern is manifested the second year of the study the state at the federal level in the National h1s incre1sed the volatile organics Emissiltm Standards for Hazardous Air stt1died to 20 and begun measuring Pollutants (NESHAP) which limit heavier orianics associated with parshyemissions of the known carcinogens asshy ticulatcs2 In California a very different bestos beryllium and vinyl chloride 1 approach-was taken

Only a few states including New Jersey and California have begun efshy Overview of Californias Approach forts to identify airborne carcinogens of concern to the general public for the The California Air Resources Board purpose of setting state emission regushy (( ARB) is sponsoring a three-stage lations for these substances After reshy st 11d~bull of airbornC rmissions of carcinoshyviewing national use data for known and g1middot11s from anthropogenic atlivities The

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

first stage which is the subject of this paper was to identify roughly five to ten materials which of the hundreds of known or suspected airborne carcinoshygens are most likely to be of greatest concern to Californias general populashytion Also of interest were those which in order to satisfy occupational health and safety regulations might be transshyferred from the workplace air to the outside atmosphere The second stage which is now underway includes pinshypointing of emission sources for each of the carcinogens of importance quantishyfiltation of emissions nnd design of source-testing methods A subsequent stage will consist of source testing and measuring public exposures to those substances for which data are unavailshyable The basis for regulatory action if appropriate will include the results of this program and other related reshysearch

Screening of Candidate Carcinogens

The National Institute for Occupashytional Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists 1905 chemicals which have reported neoplastigenic or carcinogenic effects and 510 which have otherwise received attention for their neoplastigenic poshytential1 The need to select five to ten materials from such a large number of potential candidates dictated that we devise a way to rapidly eliminate from further consideration the vast majority of the substances Given the paucity of published data on most of the candidate substances the screening method was designed to make best use of readilymiddot

C1111yrich1 19i9-Air Pullulion Control A~~ociatlon


A- I

----- ---- ----- ---------------------available information The screening process was as follows (1) eight comshyplications of known and suspected carshycinogens were reviewed and those subshystances which were not used in Califorshynia were highly unstable in air or were very doubtfully carcinogenic were eliminated (2) after more detailed inshyformation was obtained for the reshymaining 25 substances candidates were rated by two different analytical methshyods (3) an expert panel was convened to review dossiers on the candidates and to independeitly nmk them (-i) from the eight to deven substances ranked highest by all three approaches eleven were selected for the emission identifishycation and source-testing design stages of the CAHB effort

lnitiI $cre~ng ot Potential Candidate Carcingtgens

65 compnunds middotwe ire selected from 642 industrial ur~nnic air pollutants comshypiled by MrTRE Corporation for the US Envircmnental Protection Agency (USEPA) in U1at study pollutants were scored by multiplying four explicshyitly defined rating factors annual US production fraction of production lost to the environment volaflity and toxshyicity To adapt this york to our pmpose we first selected the 114 substances listed as being carcinogeni 1~ or neoplasshytigenic Then the scores of each of these compounds under the criteria annual US production fraction of producshytion lost volatility and carcinogeshynicity were multiplied together Seshylected for further consideration were those substances which had a product score above 50 Another 15 substances listed as being carcinogenic but lacking information for one of the other rating factors were also selected This list of 65 was then compar~d with seven other lists of corcinogeris1

-middot 11 Materials comshy

mon to the reduced MITRE list and at least one of the other lists were chosen for further consideration Added as candidates were those suhstances which are regulated as occupational carcino-

gens by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and certain inorganic carcinogens Finally substances were added which in our judgment should be investigated but had been eliminated at this point Exshyamples of these are bis(chloromethyl)shyether epichlorohydrin and hydrazine

Next the refined list which now contained 47 substances or chemical groups was pared further hy another rapid screening process Eliminated

were all candidates (1) whose production andor use in California was very low (under 10~ lbyr) and wns not thought likely to pose a risk to a localized popushylation (2) which are very unstable in 1ir or CH whilh should not on t lw hnsis of CUtrltbullnL cidlnre liebull considtbullnmiddotd r11rci-


Tahllt I Suh tances n-iewed in letail

Candidate Substances

Arsenic Inorganic lead Ashestos Alkyl lead Benzene Maieic anhydride

Cadmium Nickel Carbon tetrachloride Nitrosamines Chloroform Pcrchloroethylene Chromium Phernl 14-Dioxane Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Epichlorohydrin Propylene oxide Ethylen~ di bromide Trichloroethylcne Ethylimiddoti~ dichloride Vinyl cLlorid-e

Rejected Subslnnces

Proviionolly Rcjertc Sulstcinces

Aciryltbull11 itrile Formidehvde Vinyid e-ne-chbride

Occupatonally ControUibulld Ccroeinnens

2-Acet21niinofluorine 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Benzidine Ethyleneimine 4-Biph~nylzbullntne (-aminodiphenyl) 44 -Me_hyene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) Bi (chtfon~ethyl)ither Cnlorirrethbull1l m~middotthyl tmiddotthmiddotr a-Nnphthvamintbull 3-Nnphthylamine Udrumnchlnrnproprne (I 1BCP) 4-Nitr0iphenyi ir-Dichlorbullbull)middot)_~i-i-tiim 3-Propiolactone

Other Rejected Substances

eelamide Diphenylamine Aniline Hydrazines Auramine lsonicotinic acid hydrazide B~ryllium Nitrobenzene Did11middotl sutfa1c [ imeilhyl sulfate

nogenic The result of the initial the rating under that criterion and the screening was a list of 22 candidate mashy corresponding criterion weight The terials which is presented in Table I overall rating for pollutant i is then the

sum of the scores under all the crishyteriaRanking Candidates by AddiUve ancll

Mulllpllcatlve AigorUhms The additive approach has several virtues the main one being that it forces

Many screening or ranking systems the user to make all assumptions exshyfaH into one oft wo cat~middotgories additive plicit In the process of setting up such and multiplicative Some systems are a a ranking system new insights into the combination of the two while others problem under consideration may be combine nn ol1jective appronc 11 with g1ined Once the system is set up it is suhjlctive cvnluition of the remiddot ults 1l rdatively easy to use Where data for The L2 substances surviving th1middot initial scoring pollutants are unavailable arshyscreening were ranked independtmiddotntly by tificial scales can be constructed to the tvo approaches If the same subshy quantify subjective factors Finally the stance rated high~middot under both systems sensitivity of the results to the systems its importance to California was judged subjective aspects may be measured For to be more likely than if it had scored example one can determine the effect of highly in only one method changing criteria weights upon the final

Additive Approach In the additive pollutant ranking Similarly an appreshyapproach the user identifies one or more ciation may be gained of the significance criteria and rates each alternatiw subshy of the range of uncertainty for a particshystance against each criterion while sishy ular required data element by varying _ multaneously deciding the relative imshy rating factor values portance of the criteria Eq (1) shows its A fundamental problem with the apshymathematical formulation proach is that there is no logical basis for

adding the individual scores assignedRating for pollutant i = f W1 R11 under the criteria other than the asshy

rbullI sumption that this simulates or even

(1) improves upon the users thought proshyEach criterion or rating factor (1 ) is crss A major operational problem is assined a value for each pollutant and that of weighting the criteria A common each rating factor is weighted (b W1 ) practice is to give all critNia equal -icnrding to its importance reht veto wltgtight hut that is in itstbulllf a st1Ubullm1middotnl lhe otlwr rritnia llw sc11rtbull for 1111 aLnut the 1rcl11tive importance of Ow 1n1 1 undmiddotr nitn1 n j is the prod11middott of n1ttria

Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association



Multiplicative Approach In the multiplicative approach the rating for each alternative is the product of the rat ihgs under each criterion

Hating for pollutant i --- 11Ill

UJ (~) Jbull I

A multiplicative approach can have ~omc altlvrntnges over additive onrs First in some cases the ratings can be physical parameters such as concenshytrations or volatilities there is then no need to weight the criteria and hence less controversy over subjective judgshyments Second multiplication generally provides a wider range of scores than does addition allowing clearer disshycrimination among alternatives Finally this approach provides results which are more intuitively acceptable As an exshyample of this last point suppose that exposure and harmfulness levels for candidate substance are each converted to values on aO to IO scale and that a certain substance is both extremely toxic and extremely rare An additive approach would give the compound a rating ofO + 10 = 10 which is equivalent to that of a moderately prevalent subshystance (rated say at 5) which is modshyerately harmful (rated also at =-) A multiplicative approach on the other hand would rate the first substance at 0 and the second at 25

Criteria The six criteria used in the additive and multiplicative ranking procedures are defined in Table 11 Asshysignment of values to the Rij was based upon data gathered from published litshyerature personal communications and panel discussion and has been fully documented 13

Because the purpose of this exercise was to determine the relative imporshytance of the suspected candidate carshycinogens R 1 was scaled to the most heavily used candidate substance benshyzene whose annual production and use in California is nearly 109 lb Materials with a use under 105 lbyr would be rated zero for R 1 and rejected Howevshyerbefore rejecting a substance by this criterion we considered whether its emissions could in particular circumshystances result in high exposures to a Joshycalized population

R2 takes into account the fact that the chemical industry is in continual change Substances of concern today may be phased out while the use of others may rise dramatically increasing their imshyporta nee asmiddot poll utan ts Information on developments which could likely result in a change in the growth rate was facshytored into the choice of a value for R2- As an example asbestos consumption in California has been stable in recent years However the pending phaseout of asbestos in motor vehicle friction materials will hasten the decline in asshybestos consumption hence we assigned a value of 1 for R2bull

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

Ideally one cou1 1 use pouu1c11u

sion as a criterion However in this case emissions were to l e estimated in detail only for the five t1 ten carcinogens fishynally ~elected Thmiddotrtfor(bull a 11w1st1n of tt II iim pol cint ial vus 1~1middotd 1atbulld llpon

knowledge of the s11bstances manufacshyture and USP for R The higlwst rating went to substanc middots which are v idely used especially in consumer products A slightly lower rating went to subshystances which an~ routinely emitted from industrial processes during proshyduction and use Some materials are employed in such a way that emissions are quite low even though tight emission control may not be required by law Materials in this cntegory were assigned a value of two for H3bull Substances which under federal or st ate regulations may not be discharged to the exterior envishyronment but which could be dischJrged by accident received the lowest rating

Each candidate was evaluated (n the basis of its 1ropen-ity to decompbullgtSe in ambient air Materials with half-lives greater than eight hours were considered moderately to highly stable and rated five for R4 bull Low to moderate stability was assigned to substances with halfshylives between zero and eight hours Compounds known to exist in air for only a few minutes would be rated zero

Ta hie II Dcfinitinns of the criteria used

R1 Prbullbullsent use in California

100 of max (109 lbyr) 5 10 1)f max (108 lbyr) 4

1 of max (107 lbvr) 3 01 of max (106 lbyr) 2

001 of max (105 lbyr) l lt001 of max (lt105 lbyr) O

R2 Growth in California use

+ 20 5 +Oolti to +20 4 Positive growth to 0 3 Stahle or unknown 2 DPcline 1 B1middotin~ phased out 0

R Emision potential

Widespread use in ltonsumer products 5 R1middotlatively p1or con rot over emissions 4 Rdatively good control over emissions 2 Tihtly c1int rolled 1

R4 8tabilit~- in ambient Air4 tvlnderale t1 high st 1bility (l 1 middot2 gt 8 hr) 5 Lw to modmiddotrate s1 bility (t1 l -0-8 hr) 3 Unstahle(t2~febull minutes) 0

R Dispcision Potential

Emitted lar~ely as apor or iine 5 particulnte

Emit led largely as rnarse particulate

Rlt Evidence f Carcinu~enici ty

Known or suspected human carcinogen 5 Known mammalian carcinogtmiddotn 4 ~usptctcd 111ammalan carcino~en or 3

known m mmalin muta~tmiddotn Ames ltmiddotst p sitive 2 Prpoundgtcursor 01 co-car inogen

a t11 is the half-liftmiddot


tion state or anion associations may change in the atmosphere metals do not degrade and were considered stable Asbestos is likewise itahlc Many of the clcc-ompo~ilion rtbullnctions oi orinnic molecules are mediated by light Such substances if released at night would have several hours to disperse in the surrounding area

A rapid way of assessing the relative potential of different substances to spread from a release point is to note their physical state under normal amshybient conditions Accordingly we scored materials emitted as vapors or fine particulates the highest for R5 and coarse particulates the lowest Intershymediate values are possible for varying amounts of fine and coarse particulate emissions from the same source or from different sources

There is as yet no widely agreed upon measure of the relative potenciemiddots of carcinogens although some ranking systems have been proposed14 Extrapshyolating data from in vitro techniques such as the Ames bacterial mutagenicity test and from laboratory animal studies to humans is problematic Therefore a less quantitative measure of the carcishynogenic potential of each candidate substance was used The candidates receiving the highest scores for Rs would be those for which there is strong evishydence of carcinogenesis in humans Exshyamples are asbestos which is implicated in mesothelioma vinyl chloride which has been identified as the agent of liver cancer in exposed workers and bisshy(chloroinethyl)ether shown by epideshymiological studies to cause lung cancer in resin workers The next highest rated substances are those for which human carcinogenicity is unknown but which have produced cancer in one or more mammalian species in laboratory tests Next are those which have not been shown to be carcinogens but which have proven to be mutagenic in test animals Substances for which the only knowlshyedge of carcinogenic potential is a posishytive Ames test (producing mutations in histidine-requiring strains of Salmoshynella) are rated 2 Finally substances which are implicated only as precursors or co-carcinogens would be rated lowest

Substances unequivocally associated with carcinogenesis were considered as carcinogens in this study Conditions of emission and exposure including the presence of co-carcinogens were facshytored into the evaluation of each candishydate where possible Carcinogenic subshystances derived from the metabolism of a precursor were considered as carcinoshygens However ubiquitous substances which have been hypothesized to be precursors (eg secondary amines nishytrous acid and nitric oxide which combine under certain circumstances to


form N-nitrosoamines) were not conshysidered because of uncertainties in the importance of their link to the carcinoshygenic compound and the practical conshysiderations demanded by the scope of the study

It was beyond the scope of this study to jud~e the validity and interpietation of the experimental ad epidemiological evidence upon which the carcinogenicity of candidate substances has been esshytablished We accepted the conclusions about carcinogenicity drawn by the Inshyternational Agency for Research on Cancer or the National Cancer Institute and did not consider dosage or route of administratioll of tested substances However considerations of test validity did enter into the subjective evaluation by the panel of experts

Weight lr1 the sdditive ranking scheme each rating criterion is weighted according to its limportance relative to the other criteria Little precedent exists for assigning these weights In our judgment and as generally agreed by the panel of experts (see below) R 1 RJ and R6 are more important than the other criteria Evidence of carcinogeshynicity was considered to be the most important criterion of aB so W 15 was assigned a valtze of 3 W 1 aid W 3 were set at 2 and W W-i and W5 were set at 1 In order to discern the potential senshysitivity of the rankings to the weight assignments the candidates were also ranked using equaily weighted crishyteria

Ranking Candidates by Panel o~ Experts

Anine-member panel of experienced governmental industrial and academic scientists whose disciplines include~ -organic and physical chemistry indusshytrial hygiene toxicology epidemiology and iegulatory control of toxic sub~ stances was convened to provide addishytional data for our ranking algorithms

to discuss our candidate --ubstanc -sand rejections to suggest pos-ibie ne suushystances for consiceration and Lt rank the candidates indepen11mtly ( f our own ranking Tvo v-ee ilts he fore the meeting pa-d uember-s were jven one-to three-page dossiers on eac I canshydidaie substance

At th~ start of the meeting- before any group discussion the pand was asked to rate each candidate suhtance with a score from Oto 5 Next cmiddotach candidate was discussed at length e provided ~n ovrview and summarized critical issues identifi2d up to that Pbullgtnnt Through materials brought to thtmiddot meetin and their persoril experience panel memshyber Veimiddote able to provide much useful information on the candidates and adshyditional insight in to our ~a ting criteria

At the encl of the two-d1y sc~sion the pa-iel ugain -ated the cai 1didates

Flnal SelediDn

Tabe III show- the highest-scoring substance a~ det(rraine1 by the 1ddishytive and mlltiplictive approaches and by th~ panel in ~e additive approach 21 single r1nking as obuined by avershyaging the two ran kings resulting from using equal and uneguai weights The ran kings ltif most candidi tes were unafshyfected hut carbo11 tetralt hloride chloshyroform chromium and inorganic lead changed more tban thmiddotee positions_ Because uncertainties in the data base predude imputing signifiance to small differences in the Lnal ordering the lists in Table III are prtmiddotsented in alphabetishycal order However it is of interest to point out that benzene consistently ranked hihest

Becausimiddot some cindidates had equal rating scores we ltould nut choose exshyactly ten candidat ~s from the additive and multiplicative rankings Instead the

top nine and eleven were selected from the two exercises respectively We also considered the ten substances scored highest hy the panel at the end of the session The final consensus selection cornsistt-d of the 11 candidate substances appearing on at least two of the three lisL- For the substances included in the cun~ensus ranking a baseline emissions inventory is being conducted and a source testing program is being deshysigned

1ejected Substances

Some comments about certain subshySiF1ces not appearing on the final list are in order inasmuch as they include known carcinogens and compounds which hae received considerable atshyllttion in recent years as occupational c11c111ogens

rouisionally Rejected Substances Appended to the consensus ranking (T1ble III) were vinyl chloride gasoline and engine exhausts tobacco smoke and pesticides No further action by the CRB is recommended at this time for vinyl chloride because it is already subject tu the USEPA emissions stanshydard a CARB ambient air quality strndard and an OSHA standard

Gasoline and tobacco smoke were appcndlmiddotd to this list because each ocshycurs very widely and contains several of the candidate substances reviewed in this study some of which are in the final listing For example gasoline contains benzene ethylene dibromide ethylene dilmiddothloride and alkyl lead compounds the last three being in leaded grades only Both gasoline and diesel combusshytion products include PAHs Tobacco smoke contains among other neoplasshytigenic substances nitrosamines PAHs nickel arsenic cadmium and other heavv metals Manv individuals are inshyvolu~tarily and i~ many situations

Table HI Hi~hest ranked candidates from each rnnkin~ methodbull

Highly ranked but no inventory

l I ighesl consensus recommended Additive Multiplicativ(~ Pan I of eqwrts rnnkmg at this time

Asbestos Benzene

Cadmium Ethylene dibromide

Ethylene dichlori-rJe

Nitroi1omi111es Perlth loroet hylene Pol~middotcyclic arnmatic hydrocarbons


Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chl11roform Chromium Ethylene dichlornle

Nit rosamimbulls Perchloroet hvle111middot


Ars nic Ash middotstos

Beniene Car1n

h trnchloride Chi roform

Eth- lene Diliromidf Eth lene Dirhloride Nitros11nintmiddot~

Per hloroel hlfne PAii

Arsenic Asbestos

Benzene Cadmium

Carbon tetrachloride

Chloroform Ethylene dihromide Eth~middotlcnf dichloride

Nit rosamintmiddots Perch lornPl hy (- n(bull lAH

Vinyl chloride bull Gasoline and engine

exhausts Tobacco smoke Pesticides

1156 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association


lirtualy unavoidably exposed to t11-k1ltco smoke Because the sources of gasoline its combustion products and tobacco smoke emissions are well known no specific action was recomshymended for these materials during the tbullmissions innnlory and -ource testing design stages of the present study It was considered importint ho-vemiddoter to draw attrntion to the general publics exposhysure tot hrse substances PrsticidltS are listed for the same reason thou~h ad(bullmiddot tailed examination of pesticides w1s beyond the scope of this study Many pesticides are widely used and some of them are known to be carcinogenic

Other Rejected Substances Acryshylonitrile and vinylidene chloride were placed in a provisionally rejected group because of the panels suspicion that imports of these compounds to Cnlifornia from Japan may be appreshyciable yet are hard to substantiate Should such imports be verified in the future these two compounds would take on greater importance Formaldehyde was also provisionally rejected because the preponderance of evidence indicates that it is not carcinogenic and that bisshy(chloromethyl)ether is not formed from formaldehyde in appreciable quintities in industrial environments 15 The ocshycupationally controlled carcinogens ethyleneimine and beta-propiolactone were rejected in part because of their reactivity in air At the time of this study DBCP a pesticide was no longer heing middotproduced in California and was therefore rejected from further considshyeration

Occupational Regulations and Community Exposure

A question of interest to the CARB was whether the regulation of acknowlshyedged occupational carcinogens adshyverselv affects the ambient air outside the v~rkplace Our general findings can be illustrated by the example of asshybestos

Asbestos is a very widely used mateshyrial for which no ambient air standard exists Concentrations in the workplace are limited to an eight-hour timtmiddotshyweighted average concentration of two fiberscm=1 of air and a ceiling concenshytration of ten fihcrscm 1bull In meeting this standard exhausting air containin~ asshybestos to the ambient air is not reshystricted except by the USEPAs reshyquirement that there shall he no visible emissions containing asbestos piut ides from s11eh foci lit i1bulls (bullxd11din~ hrak(bull shops 1 Considning that undc-r certain conditions 101 asbestos fiherscm1 could ht Pmitted without being visihl( 11 this standard mamiddot allow considerable asshybestos emissicns It is unlikely however that emissions would actually approach these levels First since the OSHA standard cannot generally be achieved

November 1979 Volume 29 No 11

by ventilation n ine the generation or asbestos partid in the workplace must be greatly reltlu ed Second the air is usually filtered 11gt prevent recirculation of asbestos to 1 workplace Asbestos waste must bed 1sposed of in sealed imshypermeable bag~ or containers Thus under current onupational regulations the amhient air 1enerally appCars to be afford(bulld greatn protection than it would without s11ch regulations 1


The screenin and ranilting methodshyology presented in this paper proved to be a feasible approach to establishing a priority list of Jirborne carcinc)gens in California We ftel that it is an efficient means of focu~ing further efforts on emissi()ns inventories source testing and ambient measurement for it not only identifie all the carcinogens of potential concern but it also permits the state regulatory agency to direct its reshysearch resourCtmiddots toward those subshystances of partilmiddotular interest within its jurisdiction

References l National Elllission Standards for Hazshy

ardous Air P llutants A Compilation as of April 1 19 3 PEDCO Environmenshytal Inc for US Environmental Proshytection Ag1middotncy EPA3401-78008 (NTIS No I B 288 205) 19i6

S Gray Ne Jersey Department of Enshyvironmental l 1rotection Trenton NJ private com111unication 1979

1 H E Chrislllsen E J Fairchild and R J Lewis Sr middotmiddotSuspected Carcinogens A Suhfile of th1middot NIOSH Regii-try of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 2nd Ed National Institute for Occupational Safety and HPalth NIOSH i7-149

4 B 8 Fuller J Hushon 1 Kornreich R Ouellette L Thomas and P Valker Scoring of rganic air pollut1nts for US Environrnental Protection Agency Mitre Corpt ration T1middotchnical Report MTR-6248 I 9i6

S F R Lozan11 Toxicants Selected for Priority En- 1ronmental Assessment corresponde11ce with EPA Region VI Administrat r 19i7

1gt Survey of inyl Chloride Levels in the Vicinity of Keysor-Century Saugus California US Environmental Proshytection AJet middoty National Enforcement lnvestiiatim Center Denn-rand San Francisco E A-n02-77-017a 19i8

0 Bardin l middotstimon~middot in Hearings on Helationshi1 Bet wfen Cancer and the Environmei 1 US llltuse of Hepreshysentatives bull th Congress 2nd Session Committee (In Interstate and Foreicn Commerce ~crial No 94-141 1976 pp 7~i0

middot T H Ma11middoth Carcinogens in the workplace lwrE to start d1middotaning up Sc-imiddotrmmiddot l17 1-1110) lfi8 (197)

I CH ar1111 Classif1r11t1on of the Exshyposure Haza d Prtbullstgtnled Ii~middot Thirt~middot-Six Clwmirals 011 I llixllmmiddots lternorandum from Clllm1middot I Offi(middote of thtgt Assmmiddotiate lgt1rector for 1 middotarcinoltnesis Division of Cancer Cau~ l and Prevention lo SushyJwrmiddoti-or~middot ( 0 Auditor Gtmiddotneral Acshycounting Oft lmiddote19ii1

I0 Chemicals ith Sufficient Evidence of ( arcinogenit ty in Experimental Ani-


ma1s Jnlernauona1 Agency 1or 1c-curcn on Cancer IAHC Working Group Reshyport Lyon France 1978

11 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Changes for 1977 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 1977

12 M H Rogozen D 1 Hausknecht and R A Zisk ind 1976 A Methodology for Ranking Trace Elements in Fossil Fuels According to Their Potential Health Impact by Science Applications Inc for Electric Power Research Institute 1976

1t L Margler R Ziskind M Rogozen and M Axelrod An Inventory of Carcinoshygenic Substances Released into the Amshybient Air of California Vol I Final Reshyport Screening and Identification of Carcinogens of Greatest Concern by Science Applications Inc for California Air Resources Board 1979

14 T H Maugh Estimating potency of carcinogens is an inexact science Science 202 (4363) 38(1978)

15 C C Yao and G C Miller Research Study on ais(Chloromethyl)Ether Forshymation and Detection in Selected Work Environments by the Bendix Corposhyration for National Institute for Occushypational Safety and Health Cincinnati Ohio Contract No 210-75-0056 1979

16 Occupational Cancer Control Unit Calshyifornia Department of Industrial Relashytions Los Angeles California private communications with staff members 19i9

This paper was developed while Dr Margler was a Staff SriPntist in the Energy-Environment Systems Division of Science Applications Inc (SAIi 1801 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1205 Los Angeles CA 90067 and Mr Reynolds was a Project Manager with the California Air Reshysources Board Sacramento CA 95812 Dr ltar~ler is currently emshyployed as DirEgtrtnr of Bnvironmental Scitbulllltcs for WinzlN nnd Kelly Conshysultini EnintNi t1 Third Stretbullt EurekH CA 9gtgt01 and Mr Heynolds is Air Pollution Control Diretbulltor for the Lake County Air Pollution Conshytrol District 55 N Forhes Street Lakeport CA 95-13 Dr Rogozpn is a Staff Scientist and Dr Ziskind is Deputy Manager of the Energy-Enshyvironment Systems Division of SAi


Appendix f~

_l)ispobullition of Miscellaneous Sites

Gould Inc Ver_n)_~ St~condary Lead S~_n_elter

The emissions of arsenic from the four large secondary lead smelt~rs

in Cali forni) J1~1 ~ bull~tiilnted in the program This estimate was based upon a

uniform fugitive emission f1cJr nt WPll supported by measurement inforriation

Therefore source monitoring was r2cq11)nded 1nd Gould Inc Vernon being

~he largest was singled out It was however proposed to monitor both Gouli

and RSR Corp (Quemetco) in the City of Industry since analysis of the plants

revealed significant differences in plant equipment and engineering The

latter being more typical of 1 nodern facility

As a r2sult Jf pr-~-middott -iiscussions and plant inspections we became

aware that Gould was actively in the process 1)f constructing a new facility

which would completely replace the existing one We have monitored progress

on the new site and concluded it would he inappropriate to utilize program

resources to conduct field tests at Gould ~rr1issi 1rns from the new Gould

faci 1ity wi 11 be bas~rl 11p11) test results from RSR

PG ampE - Pittsburg PG ampE - Salinas a~d So Cal Edison - Long Beach Oil Fuel Power Plants

It was app ro p ri ate tJ cons i dP r the (~mission of arsenic from power

plants during the initial study stage inc~ imiddotrace quantities in the fuel oil

are known to be ernitted Because of the population distribution in tile

vicinity of three plants and some 11realistically conservative estimat2s of

erlissiJn c-1ctors tht~ facilities appearc~d among the top seventeen stationary

sources of potential c1Jn-r-n HovJ~ver as a result of a reexamination of

emission data it was concluded that an error ~dj ~een made in the material

balance of arsenic - resulting in tn emission factor equivalent of a 300

release ~io lit~rature was found to justify 1reater than a 30 transfer

function Thus we estimated at the outside th~ emission factor should be

reduced from 013 lb per 1000 lb to approximately 0013 lb and resulting

ars9nic 2missions for the entire state w~r~ cJ11servatively estimated to be

1760 lbs (from 17600) divided amongst 311 the states power plants Clearly

then the four secondary lPad smelters estimat~ of S9410 lbs of arsenic(


emissions per year makes consideration of poer pl int ernissio1s if ffsenic a

very low priority

In a literdture review by SAI - Methodokgy __f_or Ranking Trace

Elements in Fossil Fuels Accordi~9__t_~_their Potential Health Iripact (Roqozen

1976) - emissions estimates f0r 15 trac~ substances were researched for c11l

and fuel oil pomiddot1er plant c 1J1v---r-sion Source content combustion pr-)~~

transfer functions and contrcl methodology were co1~idered to develop e~ission

factors The output to input ~atio computed and utilized n -~i-i~ study for

arsenic was 002 to 03 (ie tra1sfer function betw~en 2 11d JO~) reflecti~q

the wide variety of fuels processses and controls nationwiJe The upper end

reflecti1g both high arsenic coals and poor e11iss10n contro 1 devices Clearly

neither of those conditions accurtely apply to th2 thr~~ si~~~ r1nrl thus

substantiate the rlecision not to perform emissions neasur-i-~n~s

Calaveras Asbestos Company - Copperopo l middotis Asbestos Mini n(i and Mi 11 i nq

In the past (late sixties and early seventies) ~h2 ~3laveras

Asbestos Company came under heavy criti-is1 1fter imiddot1sp~ction rieasurements

revealed serious problems However significant reduction of e1nissi0ns have

occured prompted by NESHAP regulation and occupcttional standards SAI

inspected the site in f)~c~1b-2r 1979 under an EPA contract An missions

inventory was published under that work (Ztskind 1980) and the bottom line

conclusion is that currently no significant ernissioi1 are gteing released as a

r~sult of hl-isting which would reach the publ le i 1le 0pen pit is some 900

feet deep with blasting at the bottom 0ver 80 percent of emissions in the

CARB Emission Inventory System were attributej to pit blasting In fact at

its current depth blasted 1aterial does not reach the mine surface with tile

explosive implacement used Additionally the site is more remote than might

be realized The ~ituation is vastly different today than in the past and

currently attention should be paid to the issues of occupational exposure and

breakdown of ventilation syste111 controls in t1e inilling operationsmiddot He

recorrrnended that no furtw~ corsideration be Jiven to this site for the

purposes of tl1is w)JJil ie identification )f silt~middot1ificant releases vhich

might he responsible for causi1J middot1 fmiddot middotgtbullgt middot 1= 1(11 1bull11 tinn Pxposure


Vctri0J5 Refineries

It was est=tblished early in the anrilysis prmiddotJr111 V1at gtenzene

emissions from refinery operations coulrl in th~ 1guregate constitute a

significrnt source Since there ilre a large rrnrnber 0f refineri~s in

California (46 in Los Angeles County itself -it t(~ i 1~ middot)f r-1ltariination) with a

wide variety of types sizes ages etc their eva l uat 11) 1 i =r~sent -3~ i)7

monumental task It was noted immediately t 13t ~~it hi n the total scope of the

study the design and conduct )f c r~f i r1~ y testing program which would develop

a complete benzene emissions in1~ntory for 01e site was impractical let alone

to d1aracteri ze emissions fro111 three ie those listed among the 17 rnost

s i g n if i ca n t potent i a l st a t i on a r y sou r c e em it 1-_ l rs bull

The three refineries were singled out for special attention in the

previol1s phase ~ecause they uriiquely had components which process materials

containing 10 or more per~nt hy middot1-bulli1 11t )-~112~ne (46 FR 1165 Jan 5 1981 pg

1491 ) Est i mates by E P A ( F e d bull r l Rr-~ g i s t ~ r 1q81 ) i n d i cate that 90 p e r cent o r

more of the total benzene fu 1Jitive emissions arise from such components

Therefore attention is appropriately focused on the three henzene production

consumption refineries Chevron (Richmond) Arco (Crson) and Chevron (El

Segundo) SAI staff considered the possibliJ )f -1 testing program at one of

these refineries and cone l url 1middotd it would not 1)e cost-effect i v2 for o number of


California is a minor producer and consumer of benzene with

approximately 15 of the 114 hill ion pounds produced and

consumed nation1lly in 1977 This can 1)e riY1pared with the fact

that California has approximately 10 of th~ ~ations population

Benzene exposur~ to the generil nJmiddot1lation has been partitioned

among the various sources Aproximately 90 of exposure is

estimated (SRI 1978) to be caused hy gasoline distribution

activities and 1ehiclEmiddot emissions in 1 ir~an areas with nearly all

of the balance )Y benene hrndl ing operations (refineries and

chemical plants) In the case middotlf California this percent1g~ Jill

be even JT1ore di middotpruJor-tionate b~cause of its greater s1are of the

population and ~esser share of the henzene ha~dling Furthermore

since the three refin 1bullry cites ire heavily urbanized no new rural

population cegmmiddotnt is beinq exposed


Californias most heavily urbanized Air Quality Management

Di st r i cts have a l ready adopted t en zen e f ugit i v e em i s s i on

staridards comparable and vith S( 1ine features VJr stringent than

the proposed national (bullmission lttandarrl (4f-i FR 1165 Jan 5

1981) Thus the concmiddotlusion rleri1ed above (Le refinery emissions

are secondary cause of exposure to the urb~n microopu~ation) is

further reinforced since H is irojected that re1eases from

components in benzene service (gt10 benzene) will be reduced by

73 by the proposed F~deral Standards T~~ ~istrict rules (eg

South Coast Air Quality Management District 456 and 4fi6l) are

not restricted to berz~ne per senor to only components in

benzene service The rjLs 1lso i-lclude flanges in addition to

the components ca i led uut in the propose nat i 01a l standard

The EPA estimated that if the proposed emission standard were adopted the

1~aximum annual benzene concertr0Vioi1 -~01middot 1 plant would be 36 ppb at a

distance of 0 1 kilomeL~~ avay Cor1paring this ground level concentration

with the general urban background i1 California of 19 ppb shows the latt2r t1

dominate In recognition of the secondary im0ortance of these thr~~ i~~s i~

was decided to utilize program resources to d~velop field data at other sites

1111here little emissions informati1)i1 1as cll-1aila1)le



US tn v 1 ronrnen ta I Protection Agency

middotJc k



1 Applicaoil ity and Principle

11 Apmicroli1ability This rnetnod amicropliltS to tt1e determination of

i nor~an i c d rsen i c ( s) e1n is sions trom non f errou Sm(~ I ters dnd other sources as

smicroecified in the reuulations

12 Principle Particulate and gaseous As emissions are withdrawn

isokinetically from the source and collected on a glass mat filter and in

water The collected As is ther1 analyzed by means of atomic aosorption


2 Apparatus

21 Sa111pliny Train A schematic of tt1e sampling train is shown in

fiyure 421 it is similar to tt1e Method 5 train of 40 CRF 60 Appendix A

Tne sampliny trdin consists of tt1e followiny components

Note H1i s and a11 subse~uent nferences to ottler methods refer to the Methods in 40 CFflt 60 Appendix I


211 Probe Nozzle Probe Liner Pitot Tube~ Differential Pressure

Gauge Filter Holder Filter Heating System r-1etering System Barometer and

Gas Density Determination Equimicroinent Same as Method 5 sections 211 to

216 and 218 to 2110 iespective1y

212 lmpinyers Six fr1pingers connected in sermiddoties llith leak-free

ground-glass fittings or any sim lar leak-free non-contam~1ating fittings

For the firstj third fourth fifth 31d sixth impingers ~~e the

Greenb~rg-Smith design modifiec bY replacing the tip with a i_3-cm-ID (05

in) glass tube extending to about 13 cm (05 in) from the bottom of the

flaskR for the second impinger use the Greenburg-Smith design with the

standard tip~ The tester may us1bull modifications (eg flexible connections

between the impingers materials other than glass or flexible vacuum lines to

connect the filter holder to the condenser) subject to the approval of the


P1ace a thermometer camicroable of measuring temperature to within 1degc (2degF) at the outlet of the sixth impi~ger for monitoring purposes

22 Sample Recovery The following items are needed

221 Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes Petri Dishes Graduated

Cylinder andor Balance Plastic Storage Containers Rubber Policeman and

Funnel Same as Method 5 sect inns 221 r1nd 221 to 22g r1~spectivemiddot1y

l2c ~dlh lottl~~- l)olVbullU1ylene (2)

223 Sarnmicrole Storage Containi~rs Chemically resistant polyethylene

or polypropylene for glassware WdShes 500- or 1OOO-ml

23 Ana1ysis The following equipment is needed

231 Spectrophotometer Equipped with an electrodeless discharge

lamp and a background corrector to measure absorbance at 1937 nm For

measuring samples naving less thM 10 119 Asml use a vapor generator


232 Recorder To match the output of the spectrophotometer

233 oeakers 15O-ml

234 Volumetric Flasks Glass 50- 100- 200- 500- and 1OOO-ml

and po Iymicroromicroy 1ene 5O-m l bull

235 Lrlcbulln1t11y1lr Fl1bulllimiddot 11() ml

cJb l-3a1ance To 11H~ds11re wilhin 1S ltJ

237 Volurietric Pimicroetbull 1- 2- J- 5- 8- and 10-ml

238 PARR Acid Digestion rlonb


2JltJ Uven

L 3 lU Hot PI t t~

Unless otnerwise specified us~ ACS redgent grdde (or equivdlent)

c11em1cals tt1rouyr1out

J bull l Sd 111 p I i rt y bull Tl1 e rmiddot i ~ a yen t middot) u s e d i n s a in p I i ny are a s fa l 1ows

J bull 1 1 r i It e r s Si I i ca lie l Cr u s n ed Ic e and Stopco c k Grea s e bull Same

as rmiddotlethod 5 sections J11 J12 314 J15 respectively

J12 Water Ueionized distilled to meet ASTM Specification

u ll9J-74 Type 3 When i1igh concentrc1tions of organic matter are not

expected to be present the analyst may omit the KMn0 test for oxidizable4

organic matter

J13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2o~) 10 Percent (WV) Dilute 294 ml of

30 microercent H2o2 to 1 liter with deionized distilled water

32 Sample Recovery 01 rl sodium hydroxide (Na0H) is ret1uired

Dissolve 400 g of NaUH in about 500 ml of d~ionized distilled water in a

1-liter volumetric fldsk Then dilutti to exactly lU liter with deionized

distilled water

33 Analysis Tiie rectgtrnt needtd for analysis are as follows

3 3 1 Water Same as 312

33L Sodium Hydroxide 01 N Same as 32

33J Sodium Borohydridc (NaBH ) 5 Percent (WV) Dissolve 500 g4

of NaBH4 in dbout 5UU 1111 of ul N Na0H in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter ~ith (ll N Na0H

334 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Concentrated

3J5 Potassium Iodide (KI) 30 P~rcent (WV) Dissolve 300 g of KI

in 500 ml of deionized disti I led water in a 1-liter volumetric flask Then

d i I u t e to exact Iy 1 0 l i t er v i t n cl e i on i zed d i st i 1 1 e d vate r bull

336 Sodium Hydroxide 10 N Dissolve 4000 g of Na0H in about

500 1nl of deionized distilled ~~at1r ind 1-liter volu11etric flask Then

dilute to exactly 10 liter 1ith lteion1zed clistilled middotlater

J37 Pnenolmicrohtnalein Dissolve uos g of pnenolphthalein in 50 ml of 90 microercent ethanol dnd ~0 ml ot deionizeo distilled water

JJ8 Nitric cid (HN0 ) Concentrated3

33SJ Nitric Acid u8 rt lJi lute J~ ml of concentrated HN0 to3

exactly 1U liter with deionized distilled water

3J10 Nitric Acid 50 Percent (VV) Add 5U ml concentrated HN01 to J

50 111 rJe ion middoti z~ct di st i I ed Wd t er

JJ11 Stock Arsenic Standard l m~ lsml lJissolve l]203 g of

microrimdr_y standard tdrc2de Asi in 2(l r11 of 01 N NaOH lh~utralize with3

concentrdted HN0 bull Dilute to LJ 1ite~middot 11i~th deionized distilhd ~later 3

JJlc Arsenic Workiny Solution LJ microg AsmL Jmiddotipet exactly 10 ril

of stock As standard into an JCid-ceaned dppropriately l1bel~d 1-liter

volumetric flask containing about gt00 ml of deionized distil1ec1 Jater and 5 ml

of concentrated HN0 bull L)ilute to exKtly lU liter vlitt1 dioniZed distilled3


3313 Hydrofluoric Acid Concentrated

3314 Air Suitable quality for atomic absorption analysis

3315 Acetylene Suitab~ quality for atomic ctbsormicrotion analysis

JJ16 Filter )aper fi1ters What1an No 41 or ~4uival(~nt

4 Procedure

41 Sampling ~ecctuse of tne c0111plexity of this 1nethod testers

must be trained and experienced with the test procedures in order to obtain

reliable results

411 Pretest Preparation Fol low the general procedure given in

Method S section 411 except the fi middot1 ter n(~ed not be weighed

4ol2 Preliminary Oetermindtions Fol low the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 Section 412 except sekct tne nozzle size to maintain

isokinetic sampling rates oelm- 28 liters1~in (1U cfrn)

4L3 Premicroarcttion of Collecti(rn Train Follow the general procedure

given in Metnod 5 section 41J except prepdre the impingers as follows

Place 150 ml of deionized distilled water in each of the first two

impmiddotinyers dnd 2UU 111I of tu )Hrcent 1Ui in ttl tt11rd fourr11 dlld fifth

immicroin~Jers lJeiyl1 ctrKI rmiddotbull~tllrd tilt J1~1_111t tgtI ~dtll IIqi11HJlf dr1d liquid lrmiddotinst_rmiddot

ct_gtmicroroximately 200 to JUU y ut iJreveiyhe i silica ycl from its container to the

sixth impinger Set up the train dS shilWn in Figure lUo-1

414 Leak-Check Procedures Fol low the l~ak-ch~ck procedures given

in Mf~thod ~ SE~ctiuns 41-Ll (Pret~st I 1~dk-Cneck) 11ll2 (Ledk-Ct1ecks

Uurrny Sa111ple Kun) drld 414J (Post-TSt Leak-UleCk)

415 Jrsenic Trctin Umicroeration Follm the general procedure given


in [middot1lt~ttrnd () sectic n 1L lJ i~xcei1t 111ainta1n d tllllfH~rdture of 110deg to 135degc

UJo0 to nsdegF) aruunli UH tilter and 1Hintain isokinetic sctmpling flo~ rates

oelov 2J litersmin (lO cfii) 1middotor ectcn run record tile data ret1uired on c1

datd sheet suct1 as the une shown in FiltJure 108-2

416 Ldlculcttion tgtf Percent lsokinetic --c1me cts Method 5 section

4 lb

42 Satple Recovery tieyin proJer cleanup procedure as soon as

the probe is removed from tle sta k at the 2nd of the sampling period

Al low tt1e probe to cool wt1en it cdn be safely handled wipe off al 1

external particulate matter near che tip ot the probe nozzle and place a cap

over it to microrevent loosing er gaining microarticulate matter Do not cap off the

probe tip tightly while the sammicroliny train is cooling because a vacuum would

form in t11e f i I ter ho Ider

~efore moving the sampling train to the cleanumicro site remove the

probe from the sample train wipe off the silicone grease and cap the open

outlet of the probe Be careful not to lose any condensate that might be

present Wipe off the silicone grease from the filter inlet where the probe

was fastened and cap it R~move the umbilical cord from the last impinger and

cap the impinger If a flexible line is used between the first impinger and

the filter t1older disconnect tt1e line at tne filter holder and let any

condensed water or liquid drain into the immicroingers After wiping off the

si I icone yrease Cdfl off tht~ filter t10lder outlet and impinger inlet Use

either ground-ylass middotstomicromicroers plastic caps or serum caps to close these


Trdnsfer tne probe rnd fi lter-impi11ger ass~mbly to a cleanup area

tnat is c I ean and protected from tt1e wind su tnat the chances of contaminating

or I o s i n g the s a n p 1 e i s mi n i li zed bull

Inspect the train before and durin~ disassembly and note any abnormal

con d i t i on s bull Treat t he s dinp I -~ as t o l l ows

4Ll Container Nu~ (Filter) Cdretul ly remove the filter from

the filter nolder and microlace it in its identified petri dish container Use a

pair of tweezers andor cledil disposable surgical gloves to handle tile filter

lf it is necessary to fold tmiddot1e filter fold the particulate cake inside the

fold Carefully transfer to U1e petri ctist1 ctny microarticulate 111atter andor

f i 1 t er f i oe rs that adhere to the tTI t l ho l de r ya s k et by us i n g a dry Ny 1 on

bristle orush andor a snarmicro-edyed bid te Sectl the container

Mention of trade names or microeci fie pmiddotmiddotoctucb does not consitute endorsement

by the Environmentctl Prottbull(~tion Ayen y r-5

42a2 Contdiner No 2 (Probe) fdKiny care that dust on the outside

of the probe or other exterior surfaces does not get into the sample

yuctntitatively recover microarticuldte matter or any condensate from the probe

nozzle microrobe fitting probe liner and franc half of the filter holder by

vctsl1in~ tt1ese co111microonents witn Ul N NdJH ctnc1 microlctciny tr1e WdSh in a plastic

storage container Measure Jid tCOtd tu U~ nearest 1il u~ tlital volume of

solution in Container No 2 Perform tne rinjiny with 01 N NaUH as follows

Cctrefully remove the probe nozzle aid rinse the inside surface with

Ul N NaOH from a HaS~l bottle~ Brust1 wit11 a Nylon bristle brush and rinse

until the rinse st10ws no visible particles after vmich mallt~ a final rinse of

the inside surface

~rush and rinse the inside oarts of the Swayelok fitting with Ul N

NaUH in a similar way unti1 no visioe parti les remain

Rinse the proble l~11er -iitr iJl N NaOH While squir-ting lll N NaOH

into tl1e upper end of the prnbe tilt and rotate the probe so that all inside

surfctces will be i-ettecl wiU the rinse solution Let the Ul N NaOH drain

from tt1e lower end into tl1e sample container The tester 1ilay use a funnel

(glass or polyethylene) to aid in transferri 19 the liquid washes to the

container Fo1 low tt1e ~Msh witt1 d probe bru )11 Holding the probe in an

inclined position insert 01 NNaUH into the upper end as the microrobe brush is

being moved with a twistiny action through tie probe Hold the sample

container underneath the Iower end of tr1e pr1gtbe and cat01 any liquid and

particulate matter brushed from the probe lun the vash tt1rough the microrobe

three times or more unti I no visible particuiate matter is carried out with

the rinse or until none rernians in the probe liner on visual inspection With

stainless steel or metal probes run the bruh through in the above prescribed

manner at least six times since metal probes have smal1 crevice in which

particulate matter can be entrapped Rinse 1he brush -Ii th O 1 N Na UH and

4uantitcttively collect these washings in the sami)le container After the

brushing make a final rinse of the prone as described above

It is recommended that tvJO peoJle clean the probe to minimize sample

losses 15etween sampling runs keep brJst1es clean dnd protected from


After en s u r i n~ t tId t a I l _j oi rt t s t1 d v e been wi pe d c l e rn of s i I i er n e

~rease brush and rinse witt Ul NN NaOH the inside ut tt1e front half of ttw

fi I ter 11older l)rustl dnd rinse l~dCII surface tt1re~ ti111es 1ff 111ore if needed co


remove visibl~ particulate Mr1ke a findl rinsebull of the brush and filter

holder Carefully brush dnd rinse out the gla~s cyclone also (if

dpplicdble) fter rJll washin1s and particulate matter have been collected in

the sample container tiy~1ten 1he lid so that liquid will not leak out when it

is shipped to the lijbOrdtory Mark the height 1gtf the fluid level to determine

whether leakage occurs during transport Label the container to clearly

identify its contents

Rinse the glassware a final time with deionized distilled water to

remove residual NaOH before reasseMbling Do not save the rinse water

423 Container No 3 Silica Gel) Note the color of the

indicating silica gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and

make a notation of its condition Transfer the silica gel from the sixth

impinger to i~s original containl~r and seal The tester may use as aids a

funnel to pour tl1e si I icd gel anc1 a rubber pol iceman to remove the si 1ica gel

from the impinger It is not necessary to remove the small amount of

particles tnat mdy adhere to the impinyer wall and are difficult to remove

Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations do not use

any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel If d balance is

available in the field the tester may follow the procedure for Container No

3 in section 45 (Analysis)

424 Container No 4 (Arsenic Sample) Clean each of the first two

impingers and connecting glassware in the following manner

1 Wipe the impinger bal I joints free of silicone grease and cap

the joints

2 Weigh the impinger and liquid to within~ 05 g Record in

the log the weight of liquid along with a notation of any color or film

observed in the impinger catch The weight of i~uid is needed along with the

silica gel data to calculafe the stack gas moisture content

3 Kotate and-agitate each i1npinger using the impinger contents

as a rinse solution

4 Trc1nsfer the liquid to Container No 4 Remove the outlet

ball-joint cap dna drain the contents through this opening Do not separate

the impinger parts (inner and outer tubes) while transferring their contents

to the cylinder

5 (Ncte In steps 1 and 6 bel0w measure and record the total

amount of 01 N NatH used for rining) Pour approximately 30 ml of 01 NaOH



i nto ea ct1 of t tie f i r s t t vJO i 111 pi nge r s and d gi t a t e the i mp i n g e r s bull l) r a i n t he O bull 1

N NaUH through the outlt~t Mm of eacn impinger into Container No 4 Repeat

tnis omicroeration c1 seund time inspect tl1e impingers for ltlny abnorrndl


6 lipe the bdl I joints of the ulasswdre conn2ct-jng the impingers

and the Dack half ot the filter holder free of silicone grease and rinse each

piece of glasstJdrr~ twice 11itn 01 N NaUH trdnsfer U1is rrnse into Container

No~ 4~ (lJo not ~_nse or brus1 ttw glaltf---itted filter su ) Mark the

heignt of tne fluid l~vel tu determine whether leakaye occurs during

transmicroorto Lctbel the container to clearly identify its contents

42 5 Container No 5 (SO Irnpinyer Sample) Because of the large L

quantity of liquid involved the tester may micro1ace the solutions from the

tt1ird fourtr1 dnd fifU1 i11microin9ers in separate containers However the

tester may recomoi ne the1n at tile ti 1ile of ana Iys is in order to reduce the

number of analyses reyuired Ch~cn the impingers according to the six-step

procedure described under Contain~r No 4 using deionized distilled water

instead Ul N NaOH as the rinsing liquid

4L6 Blanks Sdve a purtion of Ute 01 NaOH used tor cleanup as a

bldnk Take 200 ml of this solution directly from the wasn bottle beinlJ used

and pldce it in a plastic Sdmple contctiner labeled NaOH blank Also sdve

samples of tl1e ltieiunized distilled later an 10 percent H o and place in2 2

semicroctrate containers labeled 1 H 0 blank 11 and H u blank 11 respectively2 2 2

4J Arsenic Sammicrole Prepartion

4J1 Container No 1 (Filter) ~ldce the filter and loose

1-3articulate mdtter in a 150-ml beaker Also add the filtered material from

Container No L (see section 433) Add 5U ml of 01 N NaOH Then stir and

warm on a hot pl ate at ow heat ( do not boi I ) for about 15 min Filter the

solution through the Watman No 41 filter pdmicroer Wash with hot water and

catct1 the filtrate in a clean 150-ml beaker Boi I tt1e filtrate and evaporate

to dryness bull Coo I add 5 mi uf gt u p e r v~ 11 t Hru rn d U1 en wa rm and st i r Al Iow3

to cool~ Transfer to a 50-m volumetric flask dilute to volume with

deionized distil led wdter and tnigt wel I

if tl1ere are ltlny solids retained o_y rn~ tilter place the filter in a

PA~R acid di~estion bo11b dnd ddd ( 1~il tgtdCh t 1 r concentrated HNU and HF acids3

ied tne Dornb ctnd nt~dt it in dn 01n at 1sul for S hours


~e11ove ht Lrn111b fro1il tht over dnd dl low it to cool l_Juantltatively

transfer the content of ttH~ oomb to a 50-inl microolypropylene volumetric flask dnd

1J i u I ce to exltlc t l l)J ml vii t_t1 dei lt1ni zelt dist i 11 l~d Wdter

t_J~ Lu11tJifllr No 4 (Arseric Inmicroinyer Sdmmicrole)

~ote Prior to dnalysis check th1 liquid level in Containers NO 2

anu NU 4 confirm as to wt1ether or nlt t l edkaye occurred during trdnsmicroort on

the analysis sheet If a noticedble dmounc of leakage occurred either void

the Sdmple or take steps sLbject to the amicroproval of the Administrator to

ddjust U1e final results

rransfor the conterts ot Container No 4 to a 500-rnl volumetric flask

and dilute to exactly 500 ml with deionized distill~d water Pipet 50 ml of

tile solution into a 150-ml t1eaker Add 10 rnl of concentrated HN0 bring to a3

boil and evaporate to dryn1~ss Allow to cool add 5 ml of 50 percent HN03

and then -ldrm dnd stir Al ow the solution to cool transfer to a 50-ml

volumetric flask dilute to volum8 wit1 dionized distilled water and mix well

4J3 Container N(~ (Probe ~~ash) See note in 432 above

Filter (usiny Whatman No 4) the cont~nts of Container No 2 into a 200-ml

volumetric flask Combine Lhe filtereJ material with the contents of

Container No 1 (Filter)

Uilute the tiltrdt to eltdctl12001111 with dionized distilled water

Tt1en pipet 50 ml into a 15ol-ml b~dker Add 10 ml of concentrated HN03


to a boil dnd evamicroorc1te to dryness 11 ow to coo 1 add 5 ml of 50 percent

HNU and then warm and stir Al I m-1 tt1e so I ut ion to cool transfer to a3

5U--ml I volumetric flak di lute tJ volJme witl1 deionized distilled water and

mix well

434 Filter l3ldnk lJetermi11e a ti Her blank using two filters from

e d c n I o t of f i 1 t e rs u s ed i n t he s mmicro I i 11 g t r a i n bull Cut each filter into strips

and tredt eacr1 filter individual IJ as direct~d in section 431 beginning

wi tt1 tt1e sentence 11 Add 50 1 I of J 1 N Na UH 11

4J5 ul N l~aUH and ~Jater 1-3anks Treat semicroarately 50 ml of 01 N

NaOH and 50 ml deionized distilleJ watr as directed under section 432

bey i n n i n y Ii th t tle sentence 11 Pi p~ t 5 0 mI o t t 11 e so middot1 uti on i n to a 1 S 0-m1


4 4 Spectrophotometer Prepc1 ration Turn on the power set tt1e

vavelengtn slit width and larnp current anu ddjust the background corrector

d s instructed oy the 1ndnufacturer s mdrua I fur the particular atomic



absorption spectrophotometer djust tl~e bLrner and f1arne characteristic as


4a5 Analysis

45l Arsenic Oetermination Prepare standard solutions as directed

under section 51 and measure their absorbances against 08 N HNU bull Then3

determine the absorbances of the t lter blank and each sample using U8 N HN0

as a reference If the sample concentration falls outside the range of tne

calibration curve make an apmicror-oprictte dilution Hith 08 N Hf~O~ so that the )

final concentratmiddotion falls within the range of ttle curve Determine the As

concentration in tt1e filter blank (ie tl1e average of the tvrn blank values

from each lot) Next using the appropriate standard curve determine the As

concentration in each sample fraction

4~~-11 Arsenic DeterminaLion at Low Concentration~ The lower limit

of fla1~ie -atomic absorption spectrophotometry is 10 microg Asm1 If the As

concentration is a lower levt~middot1 use the vapor generator vl1ich is available as

an accessory component Fo 11011-1 the manufacturers instructions in the use of

such equipment Place a sample containing between O and 5 microg of As in the

reaction tube and dilute to 15 ml with deionized distilled water Since there

is some tri a I and error i nvo I ved in this procedure it 1ay be necessary to

screen the samples by conventional atomic absorption until an approximate

concentration is determined After determining the approximate concentration

adjust the volume of the sample accordingly Pipet 15 ml of concentrated HCl

into each tube Add 1 ml of JO percent KI olution Place the reaction tube 0into a U C water bath for 5 min Cool to room temperatun~ Connect the

reaction tube to the vapor yenerdtor assembly When the instrument response

has returned to baseline inject 50 ml of 5 percent NaBH and integrate the4

resulting spectrophotometer siynal over a JU-second time period

4512 Mandatory Check for Matrix Effects on the Arsenic Results

Since the dnalysis for As by at~nic absorption is sensitive to the chemical

composition and to the physical pro~erties (viscosity pH) of the sample

(matrix effects) check (mandatory) at least one sample from each source

using the Method of Additions

Tt1ree acceptable Method Jf Additic)ns procedures are described in

the 61 Genera1 Procedure Section of the P~rkin Elmer Corpordtion Manual

(Ci tat i on 2 i n sect i on 7 ) 1 f tt)e 1es ult s o t t 11e Me trl o d o t Add i t i o II s

procedure on tne source Sd1nple do rwt alt_Jrmiddotee t(J within 5 micro~rcent of tt1e Vdlue


obtctiried oy me routrne dto1nic absorption arictlysis men reanlyze all Sdmpmiddotles

from me source usinq tt12 Method of Additions procedure

1LgtL Co11L1iner 1fo 5 (So lmpi11yer Sample) Observe tne level of2

li4uid in Cuntdiner No 5 and confirm whether any sample was lost during

st1ippiny 1~ote ctny loss of liquid on the dnalytical data sheet If a

noticeable amount of ledkage occurred either void the sample or use methods

s u b j e ct to t he ct ppr o v a I of tt1e Adm i n i st rat o r to adj ust the f i n a 1 res u l t s bull

Transfer the contents of the container(s) No 5 to 1-liter volumetric

flask and dilute to exactly 10 liter witt1 deionized distilled water Pipet

10 ml of tnis solution into a 250-ml trlenmeyer flask and add two to four

drops of phenolphthalein inclicator 1itrate the sample to a faint pink

endpoint using l N NaUH Repeat and verage the titration volumes Run a

blank witn each series of Sdmples

4~J Contdiner lio J (Sili(d Gel) The tester may conduct this

step in the field Weigh the spent silica ~1el or silica gemiddot1 plus impinger)

to tne nedrest 05 y record tnis wei~iht

5 Calibration

Maintain a laboratory log of all calibrations

51 Standard Solutions Pipet 1 3 5 8 and 10 ml of the 10-mg

Asml stock solution into s1microarate 101-rnl volumetric flasks each containing 5

ml of concentrated HN0 bull Dilute to tle mark with deioniized distilled ~~ater3

If tr1e lo~~-level procedure is used piJet 1 2 3 and 5 ml of 10 microg Asml

standard solution into the separate fl1sks Then treat them in the same

manner as tile Sdmple (section 434)

Check these absorbances frequ~ntly dgainst U8 N HN0 (reagent blank)3

during the ctnalysis to insure that base-line drift has not occurred Prepare

a standard curve of dbsorbance versus concentration (Note For instruments

equipped with direct concentration readout devices preparation of a standard

curve will not be necessary) In dll cases fol low calibration and

operational procedur~s in tne mandacturers instruction manual

~2 Sampliny Train Calibration Calibrate the sampling train

components accordinSJ to the indicated sections of Method 5 Probe Nozzle

(section ~ l) Pi tot ruoe Ass~1nbl) (section )2) Metering System (section

~J) Probe Heater (section ~-4) Temperature Gauges (section 55) Leak Check

of Metering System (section 56) and Harometer (section 57)


5aJ N Sodium Hydroxide Solution Standardize the NaOH titrant

against 25 ml off standard 10 N Hlso4

6 Caiculations

61 Nomenclature

t$ ~ater in tt1e 9as stream proportion by vo 1ume 0 ws C Concentrathrn uf A as redd fro11 the stdndard curve microgmla s CSUc = Concentration of so

2 perc~nt 01 volume

C Arsenic concentr-1tion in stack ~1as dry basmiddotis converted to s standdrd cor1ditims Jdsc1 (goscf)

i- = Arsenic mdSS emision rate yhr a F d = Di I ut ion factor ( equa Is 1 if th1 sample has not been

di I uted)

I Percent of isokinetic sampling

Mbi Total mass of al I six impingers and contents before

samp l i ng 9

Total mass of al I six impingers dnd contents after

samp l i ng g

M = Total mass of As collected in a specific part of the n

sampling train ig

= Mass of su collected in the sammicroling train g2

= Total mass of A collected in tlw sampling train microgs

= Norma Ii ty of Na OH t itrcrnt me4m I bull

T = Absolute average dry yas m~ter t(mperature (see FigureIll

108-2) degK (degK)

Va = Volume of sample aliquJt titrated riL

V Volume of gas sample a measured Dy the dry gas meterm


V = Volume of gas sample a~ measured by the dry gas meterm(std)

correlated to standard conditions scm(scf)

V Total vo I ume of sol ut iJn in whi u the so is containedsoln 2


v = Volume of so col lectei in the sampling train dscm(dscf)502 2

Vt = Volume of NaUH t trant usec for the sample (average of

repmiddot1 i cate ti trdt 1 ons) ml

Vtb = Volu1ie of NaUH titrant used for the blank ml

Vtot = Volume of gas sanpled _orrected middoto standard conditions

d scm ( d s cf )


V -= Vo I u111 e o t -vJ at er vd microo r cu I I 1 ~ c t l~ d i n t tl e =gt ct rn p I i nltJ tr d i n -I ( =gt td )

corn~ctl~LI to st1ndarltj cont1itions middotscm(scf)

i1H Averdye microressur differential ctcross tr1e orifice rneter (set

Fi yure 1 U o-2 ) 1m HzL) ( i n bull HzU ) bull

b~ Cdl(_ulctte the vol ime of so ycts collected by the sampling2


Eq 108-1


5K = lcUJ x 10- m311e4 for metric units1 3K1

= 4248 x 10-4 ft rndq for English units

6J Calculate the sulfur dioxide concentration in tne stack gas

(dry basis adjusted to standard conditions) lt1s follm-Js

CSU2 = x lUO Eq 108-2


t- V02

64 Calculdte the 1nass of sulfur dioxide collected by the sampling


Eq 108 3

~ here

65 Averctye dry Yd s 1eter t2111perdtures ( T ) and averageIll

pressure dromicro (~H) See ddtct sheet (Fiyure 108-2)




by using Eq

Ory Gas Volume Us i n g dct ta fr om th i s test ca I cu l ate V~ ( t d ) 1 5

5-1 of Method 5 If necesary adjust the volume for leakages

C- 3

Then add v J bull5 2

Eq 108-4

67 Volume of water v~porQ

Eq 108-5


K_) = 0001334 m 3g fo1 metric u11its bullmiddot -~

= 0047Jl2 fty foi Engl~~ urits

68 Moisture content

EL 1U8-6


+ Vw(stc1)middot

6 bull 9


Amount Of


train as

As CO I l eCt ed bull

the amourit of


As col iectld in each part of sampl iny

Eq 108-7

6Y2 Calculate the total

train as fol lows

amount of As c1llected in the sampling


M ( t i It e r s ) + Mn ( p rO be ) middot fvl 11 ( i rn fJ rn g e r s ) t

1( t i I t ~ r DI an k ) - 1n ( Nd l H ) - 1 (H~ O ) Eq 108-8

6lU C11lculdte the As conceritrdtiuri in the stack gas (dry basis

ddjusted to stdnddrd conditions) as follows

Eq 108-9

611 Pollutant Mass Kat~ CalculJte the As mass emission rate

using the following equation

= C Eq 108-10ssd

The volumetric flow rate Qsd should be calculated as indicated in

Method l

6 bull 12 1so k i net i c Vd r i at i on bull Us i n g data fr om th i s test ca Ic u l ate 1

use tq S-ti of r~ettoct S exc 1~pt suost itute Vtot for Vm( std)

6lJ Acceptable ~t~sults Same as Metnod 5 section 612

7 tiibliogramicrohy

1 Same as Citations 1 througn 9 of section 7 of Method 5

2 Perkin El1ner Corpcration Analytical Methods for Atomic

1-bsormicrotion Spectrophotometry Non-1alk Connecticut

September 1976

3 Annual Book of AST11 Stdndarctbull Part 31 Water Atmospheric

Analysis American Society for T~sting and 1-1aterials Philadelphia PA

1974 micromicro 40-4~



~f-~__d_y_ e s f o r Pr o c e s s i ng a n d An a l y s i s of PA H i n

Co~e Oven Emissions from Kaiser Steel

Global Geochemistry Corporation

10 Samples expected

l 1 Connective tubes between section welded to oven port cover and remainder of sampling system - These are to be stainless steel tubing disconnected and capped off for each sample They will be about 10-15 long

1 2 Impingers in series first two water-filled third dry - The center tubes will be removed and wrapped in clean foil and the impingers stoppered as is for shipping One set for each sample Protect from light during shipping

20 Extraction -procedure

Sample fractions are to be covered with foil or in opaque containers with inert gas flush during storage in freezer Solvents used in extraction will be BampJ glass distilled pesticide grade low residue) Working bench area will be screened with amber plastic and light bulbs

2 l Connective tubes will be rinsed with dichloromethane by partial filling capping tilting several times and draining into a beaker This will be repeated until the washings are colorless but at least three times

22 Impinger contents will be transferred to a separatory funnel The impingers and center tubes will be rinsed inlo the funnel using a measured amount of dichloroshymethane in portions The funnel is shaken well and the extract drawn The rinsing and shaking is repeated with two more portions of solvent The extracts and washshyings are combined over Na 2 S0 4 bull

A separate portion of the water used for impingers is extracted in the same way

For each liter of water 100 ml dichloromethane will be used per extraction ie 300 ml total

Internal standard is added to the combined exshytracts at this p0int





Concentration of extracts

Bulk solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator in a water bath at not over 40deg stopp~ng short of dryness The res~dual volume should be just less than the f i n a l v o l ti 11 e o wl1 i ch the s o l uti on i s to be d i l u t e d (accurately) The object is a final solution with roughly five mgml solids concentration in dichloromethane After the vol w1 e ~ s made up to the mar k i n a vol umet r i c flask an aliquot is removed and evaporated on a tared disk in a nitrogen stream and weighed to determine yields The remaining solution is stored in a ial or ampoule sealed with a Teflon-lined septum A split for SAI QA may be made at this point (see Section 43 also)

Gravity column c1eanup chromatogram

4 1 Into a 10 min 1 d column with co2rse sinter and Teflon stopcoc~ 6 g 120 mesh silica gel (activated at 120deg) 1s sluiry packed in pentane cooling the column by evaporation from a tissue wrapped around it and wet with acetone) This minimizes vapor gaps in the column A cap of 3g sodium sulshyfate is added to the top The column must not dry out before the chromatogram is complete

42 A sample of the extract concentrate is taken This is to be based on experience of expected PAH conshytents but initially would be 5-10 mg This is exchanged with pentane by adding 10 ml portions of pentane and evaporating over about 100 mg silica to small volume Three to five portions of pentane are used The final residue is rinsed onto the column with pentane

4 3 The chromatogram is developed with four solvent steps

l 25 ml pentane 2 l 0 ml 2 0 ~~ dichloromethane in pentane

II II ii II3 l 0 ml 50 u II II4 l 0 ml 5 0 ~~ methanol

The column volume is approximately 8 cc This is allowed for while collecting fractions During the first chromatogram the graduated cylinder collector is observed for visible solvent changes and a more precise estimate of the column volume

T h e f o u r f r a c t i o n ~ a r e e v a p o r a t e d i n a n 1 t r o g e n stream at not oveimiddot 40 to l 0 ml then stored under nitrogen in the freezer The principal constituents


of the fractions will be

l Aliphatics 2 Lower molecular weight PAH

11 113 Higher 11

4 Polar materials

Fractions 2 and 3 are to be analyzed by HPLC the others retained for future interest or in case of an incomplete or defective separation Splits for SAI QA may also be made from these fractions

50 HPLC Analysis

5 l The column is a reverse phase partition column C18 bonded to microparticle silica 4 x 250 mm The solvent system is a gradient from 6040 acetonitrile water to 100 acetonitrile initial slope setting l 5min The flow rate is one mlmin the injecshytion sample volume one to ten microl depending on conshycentration Detectors are UV absorbance and fluorescence in series The absorbance is set routinely at 296 nm but may be varied in certain instances to aid in identification of peaks The fluorescence filtars are narrow pass excitation at 360 nm and cut-off emission above ~10 nm Both d e t e c to rs a re rec o rd e d s i 1i ul ta n e o u s l y

52 Reference calibration is based initially on indishyvidual chromatograms of single compounds and roushytinely interspersed chromatograms of multicomponent reference mixtures The proposed calibration stanshydards are the following at minimum

Phenathrene Pyrene Chrysene Perylene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo (ghi)pcrylene I n d e n o ( l 2 ~ c d ) p y r e n e Coronene

The internal standards (added in Section 22) are 910-Dimethylanthracene

9-Phenylanthracene 9 10-Diphenylanthracene

60 Peak Identification

Significant peaks not recognizable as present in the reference standard will be investigated by alternate methods for identification


6 bull I Stopped-flow examination of UV absorbance for maxima

by manual wavelength varmiddotiation allows checking against known reference spectra (published or measured) This is usually sufficient confirm a component already suspected to be present

62 Collection of the fraction contairino the unknown peak allows later determination o~ t~e full absorbance andor the fluorescence spectrum for comparison with reference compounds

63 If not already run on GCMS the sample can be sent to SAI for that purpose possibly allowing the comshyponent to be identified Since the HPLC elution order is not the same as the GC retention sequence it may be necessary in affibiguous cases to collect the HPLC fraction and run it separately by GCMS

The~e may be numerous minor constituents not identified The decision on how many of these to track down and identify will be made in consultation with CARB adv~sors a~d with SAI since at some point the returns ute not worth further expense

_64 IdeAtified peaks are quantified by comparing their areas to the areas of the known concentrations of reference compounds A recovery factor based on the added internal standard nearest in elution order to the sample component is then applied the amount of internal standard originally added to the sample is divided by the amount found in the HPLC analysis This ratio is the multiplier used to correct for losses in concentration and chromatography steps

70 Quality Assurance

71 Transmittal of sample ~plits to SAI provides for external QA This should be done with 15 (or one in seven) of all samples

72 Blank water extracts are carried through the same analytical procedure (10 of total)

73 The cleanup and HPLC analysis are duplicated on 15 (or one in seven) of all extracts

74 The multicomponent reference is run first every day then elution volumes and peak area for each comshyponent are plotted on a control chdrt to pinpoint developing problems At least evetmiddoty tenth chromato-gram will be this standard It wi 11 also be rerun after any service on the instrument~ such as a column change



Gas chromatograph 1mass spcmiddotctromlt~try protocols used by SAI Trace

Organic Chemistry Laborator1

Aliquots of sampl=s received from Global Geochemistry Corporation

were analyzed by combined c11s chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS)

Liquid extracts were spiked with an internal standard compound (deuteriumshy

labeled phenanthrene) priot to analysis by gas chromatography mass spectroshy

metrymiddot A Finnigan model 4( 21 Quadrupole GCMS system including an Incas data

system was used for all analysis Liquid samples (1 microliter) were injected

into a 30-miter x 025-mm ID SE-54 fused silica open tubular 9as chromatoshy

graphy column (JampW Scientific) A programmed GC oven rate of a 4 minute hold

at 30degc followed by a 40degCmin temerature increase to 160degc and a s0 cmin

temperature increase to 270degc was used for sample analysis The detector

system was a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the electron ionization

mode at 70eV The quadrupole mass filter was scanned from 35 to 475 atomic

mass units in 095 seconds A hold time of 005 seconds was used to stabilize

the electronics prior tote next scan Data were continuously acquired using

a Finnigan Incas Data system which writes time intensity mass spectral data

to a magnetic disc The mass spectrometer was operated under computer control

during acquisition Figures 33-7 through 33-9 show the total ionization

chromatograms for each of the three samples that were analyzed

Following analyses the data files were searched for priority

pollutant polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) In addition to the

quantitative data reduction used for priority pollutant PNAs a survey analysis

was performed on all significant GC peaks (ie signal to noise of greater

than 101) The survey analysis was based upon a computerized library search of

individual background subtracted peak maxima scans for qualifying GC peaks

The library used for qualitative identification AJas a combined NIHEPA

National Bureau of Standards library 1hich contains approximately 26000


Tables 33-11 through 3-13 present the results of this survey analysis As expected a series of al~yl Slbstituted PNAs were observed in addition to heterocyc l i c compounds con ta i ni n~ nitrogen iind sulfur moieties Further

investigation of the mass spectre of the nitrogen substituted identifications

confirmed the presence of benzonitrile isoquinoline andor quinoline acridine

carbazole and alkyl substibted ~yridines Ion specific searches for N-nitroso

substituted amines were neg1tive



Detailed Fiber and Mass Concentration Data - Johns Manville



lt QJ ()

J 0

(lJ __c r-- (Y)

-- 0tj-M r- rQ bullbullbullbull

middot1- c) CJIO

gtmiddot CNltS rel I c-=cltv-l

N --_ r--

+ +



- -- + +


Ii II 11 11 lo II 11

_ amp z

E2 ~~~~~yen_ ~~~ti~~


~~~~j~j ~~~~~~ -----~-2 = ~ ______ _--- middot---~ ___ - - - - _ ~


_middot l



ti lt ~~ - --- -


~~ - J -

_ ___

- =- = l 7 = T -- ~ 1C I-- lc L ~ -- J

=-- -i l L - [- - =-- -= f- - =-- -l J middot - -=-

i-- L =-- - ~ ~ L ~ ~ =--shy r---- --

- 7 l -=----7- -- - - - -- =-- - - ~ =-- - 1- -~- l

g~~~~ r_-middot~ ~-i [-- L ~ L Ldeg

middot--~ l - --------=-- r- L r- r-

~~~ =-- -- r- = - -r---

a- - - - - _ - -I~=-- L -- l 7 -~--

gtZlt _

- _(_ -lt lt =- = ZJZ~


__ _

~ -- __ middot- -~ ~~~ = L ~f~ Z ~ C

middot -

__ ~ lt lt =- _~~ijE

gt = z lt gt



SI I HMllLfc J H 1 I OBr I lll-H ANI) NS~ coHcrrrllliTJ ON CUfllllTI VImiddot SIJMMIIY

TIITIL JnI~ SfiNtlEO TOTtl Ill- or FI ITETI TOTI Illlt ~111-11 11 ltllOT FIIACT I Ori 1111 OF ~middotWI MUllllNJbull lOTI 01IIMImiddot 01- JII TOTI FI lilmiddott~ UgtIJH nD

= t nwo 00 so MI CllONH = t I 1JOO SO (M = II 900 SO CM t bull (0000 l1T~

I I JO SO CM 70000 CUil JC Ml-TEHS

= ~lt O V l lWfl~

Manville D-2 Baghouse

723 347 -633


FI 111-11 COllflT ltFIIWll-

ITllClmiddotrir r lllrf


) ( I f S bull1 bullbull

I 0

l ~-Irbullmiddot


fl JI)(~


0 OUU~~


0 OflO


1110 000~~

FI IWII ( ()[IClmiddotNTHT I ON ltI- I mn ll11 ~41 GI OF FI LTEH) (FIBlmiddotn~ ll-11 CIJB f-11bullTl-H OF IH)

I (2fi71bull+0G (aG(l-+05

( gt027 F+04 OfmiddotHH


OOOOOF+00 o uuoul~middotH)O

0 O(OOE+OO o 0000I+oo

J bull f 1)07 E+O( fi r71HE+OG



TcfLI ~~lllllmiddotCE 1lllmiddot lt~O Ctl lFII ~~O UI OF FIiTEi) t q UI 11-11 Cll II fllmiddotTlbullll OF J I H)

I 590)1+07 6 t 90llbull-HH

( HMOE+O 2 40411bull-1 o

0 OIHHlF+OO o 00001+oo

0 OUO(I 1 00 OOOOOJi+00

() 10110~ Ji)

OOOOOE+OO 1 lHHllJ i 00

0 00001middotgt1 00

M ~~~ middotor-ic Irrrn TI or

( PGRAMS 1bull111 ~c UI OF F J LTEH) (PGRAMS 1111 UJI illI Lil ()j Ill)

IUitTII Ml-Ml ltMI tJIOfl~~) ~Tlgt lgtEV

Ml- H Lot c1middoton nr COlmiddotF I II

I) I MWTEll Ml-N ltMI c11or1~~) STI) tHV

MEtl IOC cImiddotor1 r1N CCWF V11

AIt lbullI rt 1bulli I~ (Sil MIC) STIgt 1gt1-V

Ml- N 101 c1-ori r1u COlbulltmiddot V1ll

I 0 I ~if1+07 bull tJf I (11bull-HH

r 1gta 1 1) bull 2 (10()

0 lt700 l 1Hi4~ 2G44

() ~( 1 027B

- l bull 6 I 1bull1middot 0 J l)J 09J~fgt

1a 1071 1~ 09rn

0 2(jlt)fi l ~HVil 4040fi

~ HltF+O~ U (H~61bull+o I

o rooo 0()()00

-0GJOB 0 (000 0 (000

OOfiOO 00000

- )()57

OOGOO 00000

0 0 1)02 00000

- I J 0 0 0 1W 00000

00000 0 ()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 0 (WHO 00000

0()000 0()()()()

0 ()()()) 00000 00000

00000 00000 0000() 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 (WOO 00000 ()0000

( ~1701 l B bullJl~H 0 lt~( I BIJI ~ ~i Ill

o~-~ 0 ~j

- I ult-fc 0 I Hbull)I o bull)abullgt~

12 (1 41 17bullgt7

0 1 l I H) 4 ltmiddotI 1


MFiN ~Tl) 111-V ru-1N 10C Ct-OM MN COE- Vtll

2lHH7 gt HUB

-2 7m 0 060 1)

( IJl)()C)

0 001 00000

-ltj 74a 1gt 0001~ 00000

00000 0()000 00000 00000 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

ooono 0 1)000 00000 00000 0 ltWOO

2 7 0 1J lJ I J J

-2J+H () ()~(

B 77gtB

lt ~



J c

~ lf



(]j (fJ

J I 0

a1 c r--- l)-- Clltr (Y) r- ro C)(V) gt deg CN C1 (0 I ~ C M

N --- r--

w J

s rJ gt-





~ - -lt-[-bull

0- ~ l L L l~ -18~~

L a- - ~ I-

-I - ---


-- -- -- - - ~l

-1_ - - --

--~--- [-middot-~--- t-- -- [- -_ 3J ~I r-

z g ---



l l c +-shyc

~ Ci - - I

-1--r-middot~- ~

L l- L ~






-= -- - - ---- - _

middot= - middot-= l J l~ - ~ ~ L - ~ L ~ [--






- I

==== lt _ --middot --~ 7 _

- ~~- _

z ~ ~ =lt ~~~ti3


gt =2 lt_

2 z _ lt=lt i~iS

-- z ~ lt


~lt~ =--~~~sect~ _ -- -middotImiddot_

L -_ -


(lJ II) I

~ Or--M

ltlJCsr-M ~ O) bullbullbullbull ~ lCMIO bull- ci gt (= N lC I M ~ 0 N



---r--co - - ~l r-j = ~i

~~ 2-

88 rJ--_-ltI -

lt ~lt


Cl J ~ _ e-l ~~

- ~ middot~ e-- l ~ l~ [- - ~ -~=----~

_ L



-o-~shyc L~ ~ - 0 - Ll-C d o~-

11middot II 11 11 II II II

-_ 0- _


-- lt== ~~ ltZ z-== -~~=E~8C~l~-=rI - lt ~ fJ

ltZ lt---=lt===~~~- _ ltltlt=gt ~~=~~~~~ -

~ ~ lt -=z~ z _ -shy middot--z =-

-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot middot-middot -----

r bull bull _

- _ - ~-middot __ _

~ _

middot- - --- middotmiddot


- l

~=~r -~= ==

lt =~~~ti



TOTL iHf- SCNNFD lOTiL Illmiddot OF FILTFTI TOJI Ill- JSlllmiddot~ll I I OIIOT FlltCT [ ON 1111middot OImiddot ~1-M iIHlllllJNE TO 1 1 I ()lIJMImiddot ()I t I H TOTI V 1111-11~ COUNTED

= 1080000 SQ MI~RlozNS = 11 900 SQ CM = 1 l bull )00 SO CM = 1 00000 liHlS

11 IH) so CM 2G70000 CUBIC METfiHS

1 ) fi FI JllIIS

Man vi l1 e D-2 Baghouse

723 0 347 -633


F 11l-ll f()llrlr ( I 1IFH-- l 17 G o 00 00 00 19fi

llmiddot1tur1T TOlfL FI nrrns ll9 71bull4frac34 10 2Glti7 0000frac14 0000~ 00007 100000frac14

middot 11111 corwirrrniTI ON ( I- I I I It~ n11 ~q Ct-I OF FI LTEil) ( 1 I IWII ll11 CIII 111-Ttbulln 01 I ll)

t 11ll0 r+Olt J 427H-H)5

1 bull ioonr+o G OltOGIbull HH

0 00001~+00 000001+00

OOOOOE+OO 0 000lt lbullHJO

0 00001~+00 D o)OOE-HgtO

I 2MWTbull+Ofi 4 1)HOlbullgtHHgt


I en

Tii I ~lllll11middot Illmiddot ( q Ul I lmiddot11 q en OF FI LTF11) (SO UI lFll Clll WllbullIl rn Ill)

bull11u f j j luii ( PGP1MS 1111 ~q ClI OF FI J11-ll) (PGRAt1S 1bull111 CIJI fllmiddotTlmiddotll (JI Ill)

I 7G2H+07 lt ll20(ilbullgtHH

9 0 1441middot+()( a G07 ltgt1bullgt1 O (

l 1 1Hi11--HM 1tllH (H

~ W77 lmiddot+O I I (rilbull-H)I

OOOOOE+OO o 00001+oo

ooooor+oo 0 OOO(H-f-00


0 ()()()()11-()()

0 0000 Ibull 00

IYIH11 ~111 ltMI 1t111i- gt STI) IWV

fl Imiddot H I l H CLllil rlH COIT 1ll

1 I ( 1 f(J

7 B~G I 11 fit middotHO 1 l(I ri

0 (000 oouoo

-o G f Oil 0 (UOO () (l()(J()

00000 00000 00000 00000 (l 0000

00000 00000 OOllOU 00000 00()00

00000 0IJOOO 00()00 0 () ()(JI)

0 ())1)0

10 (400 1 7 211))

I 1 middotl 1 II I I G7lt l 47H

ll 1 iWTI II lt n 1 1 111 1i ~

Ml-1fl ~ ~T 1 p I v rWff rn Clmiddot111 MN CIJlmiddotT ill

0 bull1ltHi 0 ~~+lbull

- f f Hl 1 oIOltil f bull ~ f17

0 I 2iO o o~o

- ~ (l ) ) bull)

o I 2~i 0 2middot1-7

00000 00000 uouoo U0000 00000

00000 00000 oowo 00000 00000

00000 00000 0 it)C ouooo 0 (POO

0 1 ~0(d 0 41 1middot~

- i ~ltltG 0 201 II I ~Ill 0

111 (~I MIC)

~11bulli Ii Sfll IWV ~11-dl I OI Cl-Otl MN lttllmiddotT II

2 JOB w i0lt11

f H17 ll2G7 (1 bull IJ7~~

o~lti11 0 OG( 1J

-I llt70 0 ~jJJJ 0 lmiddotIBI

00000 00000 00000 () ()0()()


0()(100 00000 00000 00000 0 ()()()()

ouooo 00000 0 (J()()()

00000 00000

20 111 tfi 17 211middot1middot

l CJ 1gtii -i ~ 1) iO 1 ltJ17

VOi i 1m (Clill MIC)

rllHl ~rn Ill- ~w rl lOC c1or1 tlN co1middot1 Vill

bulli 1ltJ~ 7ll7lt0

-f ~)1 1)

0 7middot17 I) 71 I(

00077 0 002)

-4 )i J 00071 Oi()OO

0 (1((1()

00000 (l ()()(10

0 OOt)O 00000

00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

OODOO 00000 00000 00000 OOllOO

1 Ill (i

7 () ~) i

-J ~bull17lt 11)7()

I (i 1gtbull111(1

--- ~-Jshyr-- ~~ -shy - -- =--- -JL- ~ ~

- middot~ I ~ J ~ ~



=-c i


lt rr

lt Cf

Q) Vl I i or---

Q) r-~

-- ttl M bull- i gt (2 SN ttl I M ~ ON


M (I)







g --

- ~ -+ -+ c

C co

_ co


------___ --0 = - - - --- - - ------------ - _ _

-__ - -- _

- - -- -____ - - - - -_-~--oo

-c~oo--_ - --- -_ - _ - - - - - _ --- _ _ -~ -_ -- - -_

~oo-- - - - - -------------------------- - _ _ _


-- ~

middot1- ~- L -t -

rJ~ t c z r






0-l - c- [ o middotl L T ~-~ -~ -o---l

~ - J - I_



II II II II II 11 11



c=~lt ~~

~~ -~ = - -lt ~ l -middotmiddot - -~ f I

-~~ _ -lt middot- -shy

middotmiddot middot~middot J ~~


-=~ 2 -- - -- ~

V) V) - ~ ~ -ltClt a a ltc- 0 0 ___ -- _

gt =~ lt--2gt

l bull --


C _


Vl ~

QJ 0 _coo

~ ----

C)QV) ltCl

cJ 0r) c

ltc gt C rd



ltrf N



z -

0 J gtshyc [3

1 -middot -- -~ ~ -~ = -- middot = r -bullbullJ - - middot

--~-] ~---middot =-- - ~ -- L middot~ -


C 1- -1--rJ

-1 lt

z -_-~ ~middot =~- - l----_I - - - -__

E l C ~

L ~ L shy= l middot~ =

l- [

c- I~ l-- -Ci

=- -=-- -c-~

z l- t

+ r_ L

L- g~~~~ l middot 7 l--_ - _bull --

i- l middot -=-- middot - ~ - 7 =-~ r- ~ ~ r-- -1 =

11 ii H 1G H h 11


z -- - - - -gt- lt

bull- ~ - - -- ___ gt z lt igt

-- _ L- -

ltlt-~ - =-=- middot- Z

z z~_

~ -s ~~ Z middot1 Z

z lt=-lt =~


z ~_ ~-=


~~~~~~ ----~ ~ lt == ~ ~~

z s~~ ~ -( lt

middot tmiddot_ 0 (_r_ (


------------~lt-_ --- ( l --- c______



L- L cc + + - -- ~-- ~]

c-r- - ~TC- - L~ ~ - J





lt rr

QJ l)

i Ot

QJ o 0 -- 0)0 M -- ro bullbull - m NM gt CN0 lO I

E 0 M N -


2 ( c C rz lt I

z C z

z ~ ~ ~


0 lZ


e 0


c e



~ - -_ - -__ _

-- -shy-----shy~ - - - --------shy- - -- - _

0_ ---shy _ - ____ _- - - - - C - - - - 0--

------ ~-shy-----______---- ---~---- _ -middot - _----shy--~_ __

- - - - - __ -- __ - - - - -- - - - ------- -----_ --------

--~--_ _ ~ _ ~----- - __------_ _ _ o-=

- - _ _ _ - _ - - - - ------shy- -- -------shy- - ---~__

0 _ ---shy

o~eoo - - - - -__ _ -----~__ _ ~_ ---- - ~ _ -middot _


c - =gtshyz Clt

00 ~ 5 c

c lt



t~ 0

g C

middot- _

C _---shy

- -__ - - -_

-----_ _ _ ~----____

- -_ - - shy

-----__ 000 - - - -__ -_ -----___

~~ c

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lt C

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MPteorolo(1y Summary Data for Study Sites


) ) )




Weather Bureau

Site Johns Manville-Stockton



Dail y_verage

Wind Speed (mph)

Direction (Percent)















































G) I



---------------- -------------------

Period 1969-197 3 Meteorology Site RSR

Sourece Whittier Station SCAQMD Average Wind Direction X

-- bull-------==--Start C I _ c _ I ~ltC11 l1-1 l1111-1Time

-12~ ___ _ ~l -----middot middotmiddot- -middot-- 4~ 1 4-I Rh f1h --- --middot -------

1 7 c- ~ 4 l 1 1 l c c 1 7 1R hq t q 4() lR

00 7 f- ~ ~ 1

__7 1---~ bull 2 ______ l__bull 7 ___ _ 401 11h hh ~ ~ -1 l lt 1 bull 7 ________ _)02

a~ ~f- lR O

2 I S 1n

~~ q 4 1R ~~ 34 0 ~S03 Q ~A q S S 6 44 11 Aq

____ 7 _ (J__pound_ 1 n 1 A ~ L ~ 1 a 4 ~04 01- 4r _____~---- 1_q______ 1_ -i -7 ______70 ___-_l __ _

____s_~ __ _3_ __ __ _7____1_ _______ c ____ _____ _S ____ -~bull05 no 44 )1 ~ SP 41 47 AS

-R 7 7 1 bullq 1A ~1-- S 9 4n06 J_4c An 4n 34 71 48 17 7S

07 O bull 0 3 bull 7 e i bull J ~ 3 e ) 2middot 3 4 e 7 ___ l micro 2 __ _ _ __l_Ln___________R 1 52______~_5_i _______ 8 c 7 J

_J 1 bull _____ h ~---- ___i_]___1 bull Z ______~_5 _______ ) 9 _r --~bull-5_____ ~_3 ____08 )c7 __JAq 9A 10 ]17 i7 f-S A4

11-n 11R Al f-i3 7) 1 4n i09 )A4 1A l~A 142 ]70 77 4R 70

_LI__l_ ___l 4 bull P 7 bull P A R l n A 4 R 1 n 4 4 ___ 7 A ___ _RA____ 1 A 1A 8 1 SL__ 1 R 5 1 ~ 3 _1] ________ 111~____JJ__) 1 ~---~-~ 4 9 1 ----1___11

A0 1A4 JR 17 lAR A 41 4C 174 A ll~ JnR ll7 9 5 R12

24c 4n~ l9l ~o 11n sg 40 3g __ ) bull 2 C () bull 9 14 ---~--~f 3 1 bull s bull 413

____ 7 4 _____) 4 c _ ___ 1 _ 7 ~ s____ L-i_ __ _ c 7 c ~ o 1_ __middot _____ 1__i-______ l 7 1 c _l___L3__ 1 bull 2 l bull q 714

77 ~ll 1Ac Rt 1 Al 4g lR iin 104 1 177 144 ~n 13 115 c 7 4 7 1 A 1 c c VH~ Q4 5 i 1 9 1

16 _ 1 ~-- bullcmiddot ___ ___ J_ 5 _ 1___ _10__ _ _ ____LS_ ~-- __Lo__i s p ~ 4 1 3 5 1R 2 _ --- __ __S ______2 __ -- --- 3-~ 1-- --- --- __ L3~ 6 7 ____ _7

17 l _ bull ~ 11 e3 ____ __]__]__ ] 5 __2 _________ 2_l__c_-_______ 8_ 1 4 bull 2 L_l_ __ _ _L~ 1 middotn 1 ) l R 5 A R ~ c

18 14 R1 ~~ 15 ~7 R4 4 lA~ llh 77 l~R 15n lA 59 ~0

19 L bull pound_________ _7_ 2__ ___2_E_ A A _2l-_l fL 4 3 e 7 J Q

1 Ji RI _ J_ ________ O _1-f l 4 ___ 4~------ __ 3] __

20 l l 7 5 2__ 3 e ____ 5 7 -- 1 ~ 5 ~ 9 ___ 2- 7 2 3 ____ C7 ______ -_ _____________ 10Q ii Q)44n middot----

21 u1 40 A1 ~4 lR5 5 1 bull

1~h si -- ) 1 1 11n n 41 22 _ q_J--- ______ A____ 1-- J_R ql____A_ P 1 q s

17 c3 ____ l ______ _________JY~ __ 7q ________ lbull4 __________ 4U ______

23 ___7 ~ _A _i_ _ _2 ________ ~ _middotL ___ __1--__1 ______ L~ g _ _ 7 ______ l n ___ _

1176 n



Site RSRMeteoro logPeriod _1969-=1_92]__

Average Wind Oirection_X__

PIIJ t t lt Cr ~Start Time ----

Pl 1_ 1~ 7 () 10s0~---- ---------- ll-i ________ 1n1 1 Jn f- l (- Q 1O 1 114 12 c Abull i ~ol R100 llS P2 171 ~41 2P QO P7 llS

7A 1nA 117 s A01 7 _1=--------------------------LS_0_ ---------------middot__s___~ 7 1 11 l_O l_Al (tr1 p~ 1-7 ql OJ

----- --------- - ---- ---- -- middot-middot --- ---- -- ----middot-- ----middot ----~ 7 c ~ bull n 1 1 2 l 9 -s 1 -i s s ~ c c__ bull A____02 1 1 2 1 r n 1 c 0 r-- l ~ 1 o 1 0 1 t 1 o c- ----~--- -Pl Ol OP lA2 11A 61 c 0 ~ cq03 l 5 4 l 4 4 1 i r 7 -i r) c q 1 deg 1n

qA RO 107 ~_12_7 SA c 7 A04 _l _ s_ _________l 7 l RA____ 7 ______l _o 4 __ l nn_________ 0 _7________ R_l __ o ~ _____ J(__7 11__r ___ _t-__ o ____ ln ___ h_ ______ An____ c-_n __05 ]lA 140 170 7cA __2n1 qc- 7q 1n1

06 RS q_1 lO~A lAwn 12S S9 49 AJ l2R l2R 144 lQO Jq2 114 llS R7

07 R bull 0 Re() q () Ll_3__ ___lJ Q 7 e ] 7 e c e 4

1_ ls 70 R________ 1(1__5 --- ____l~middotA l_J0_____ ll ~- ____ J_Z_ __ 08 7 1 _Lo ___ Si ___ f-~5 __ ____ q1____ A__A _____ 7bull~------~_r ______ _

0 q J A t __ _plusmn2___ l O A A P 12 Q

09 A2 22 G6 41 A7 s1 s1 R0 71 21 23 2q A7 AA f-l lll

10 44 11 ibull4- lR ~z 41 1q 7n 4q 17 lA lA --~-1__ 1q P _1_n7 ___

11 ~ bull 1 ___ 1 bull 1 l bull () ~ ~--1____ ~ q 2 4 l _middot2_____ pound_____7___ _ 41 10 8 0 lf- l() 17 01

12 2S A 5 1 2 22 19 J s7 21 11 7 2A 25 ~l 1n1q

13 ___JJ l 7 4 6 l - A 1 6 0 f- l q _----- _- o 12 ____l 7 1 7 -1____l_l_ _ ---middot

14 J__4_ A bull 7 1_~ l ~l__1____~ _____7_Q_------middot- c__ -- -middot -

--~ l l l 1 c l ] 7 c 1 l

15 J2 2 7 g l 4 11 lA 7 1 li A R 10 20 27 -=tn OR

16 a 4 s ~---- _J_ bull 1 it 7 _J _e_9____~ L _ 1 7 _______ll____ 7 _l middot- - 1deg 21 I= l_ ________ 9~-- ---

17 J bull J_ 7 4 l_ 2_ _ l 2 1 3 ___ c -- - f-_L___ 3 1 q 1q 4 --~~R____l____ ____c_c_____J~l~Z--

18 O middot 1 1 12 1s 4 - ~ () 14 1n 42 12 ~4 71 84 c~ 60 179

19 - 2____b__ __2D_______ ___2_____1-----~ --5__ _ 5 2 3 e 4 4___ l Q n _ 4A _____ 4_q__________50_______ lltbull __ 121 _____31 ______ _ _10 1 12

20 7 0 3 0 -- -middot 3 7 _ 7 1 7 5 __ 5 0 A 5 7 6 --- 5 i 1-- 0 R __l SL -- 1 r p P -- - 1 1 --- -- 1 c 7

21 14 41 51 g_7 04 55 7s q_7 7R Al 122 17A 17R q4 llq lc

22 -~--8__ c n 7 A 11 _n_ ~ c A 7 -2___~~--q 1 _______ l_nR ___ 17______ 7)1 _l__A ____ f-J_7 _ 1_ ]~(

23 c 6 _A _7 ----- 7 Q _ -- __ l l 0 J1 bull _ middot--S 4 ___ ----- 7_ f- --- P l

lAA4 1 911

R t bull I

--- -------

Meteorology Site RSRPeriod 1969-1973

Average Wind Speed XSource Whittier Station SCAQMD

( (~ c II lt II ~ hlltlStart Time

___L_~ 41 rnl~ ~l_ ---~-- --~h_______----middot bull9 bull f- c 1 l bull r 3 00 )

l l c Sl 7 J 8 ~Q AR 4() 4R _ _ _s_________ ~ A ~ 1 2R01 -------

l 1 i _f- _micro middoti 79_ LC 4i A1 bull 4 bull c + ~1 ] 1~ 1n02

Qf--- Lf- 1A Q r (- c r middotn SA 7 4 9 R 7 lR 11 403

a 1h Q S 5 4 4g 11 A9

P __ 3 bull 7 ___2__Y e ] 2 e ( e A 2 e 404 Rf- ------~_5____ 2L _____ _l_t_____~_7__ _3J _________4)____ SL_

bull 7 bull 7_ ________ 2____7______ 2 _1 _____ el_______ L ~ ________2 bull 2 2 bull 2 __05 ____1_n_o 44 31 c cq bull LJ 47

c 2c 7 lR 1 O 406 11 c A 0 4 n 3 4 7 l 4 R ~ 7 7 5

___ ___~ c Z bull A ~R_ ---2_h 2 bull bull 4 e R bull C07 l_ H l_ ri ------- R1 --- c ----------- AQ _middotbull 4_p____ r 7 ___1[_2_ _r--_______ _ A____________ )_3-____ _____ __t 9 ______ ~_____ _3 __ --~___()_______ __I__08 C7 lR9 9A 1n~ ll7 S AS 84 ~Q 33 11 11 1n R 3A 3309 7RJ 1R lA 14-1 17fI 77 4R 7(_

---~- L~ 1 7 -~ 1 7 4 1 l 1 9 S 3 9 C) 4 9 A ~ 9 q10 __ 7 c _ ___ _ 2 RA l A ____J__6_R 1 C 4 7 P C 1 rq I

11 -~L f _ __ -~-- 5 _J__ __4_-_c1 ______4__]____4_ bull 5 c___h ___~_a_J 1Rn ~r- 1 1A 17~ JRR AZ 41 45

sn ss s1 6~ cR 5 c~ s912 46 4n3 91 30 170 sg 4n ~~


5 a _e_______6__Q____ ~_f-__-----6___R f- e C 6 e 7 6 e 1 t__5_j13 7 l _ -i 4 _r _ _____ 13 _ __252_____ -2l3___5 7 3_5_______3_Q_j

1_ __ f-_ 7 ______ __~_E_ ____ L5 _____7 __3__ ___J_ 1_____J__ 5 ________ O_14 _2_c 7 --- ~ l ~--- l A i R t ~ r- 1 LL q J

15 ~c A7 7L 77 7S AP ~q A c7 47 1Al ~t 1nR q3 ~~ Jq

_ ____ Cl ________ 6___ l___ 6 bull 7______]__5 ___ 6 e q 7 e J Abull 2 8 316 2 3 5 19 2 15 6 ---- __ 24-4 --- ---- 3 lt5 _________ l3C _ ____fJ __ ]]__ ~ _ 5 6 ____ s bull3 6 2 __ 5 B ______ 5 Y ___ 7 3 7 _7 ___ _17

__ 1 c ______1 ~ ~ 1 0 ~ ~n 13 c 6 P ~ 5 4~q L9 ~ cn 4A ~n ~-4 4118 lP~ llA 77 11A 1cn l~A SQ Q

-----~~a-R___-=4bull2_1 e __ middot-middot middot bulls __ - __ IL 9 1 ~_1_ ___3 7 40__19 1 ~~- gt q6_ (- l Q 144 43 _37 _ A f ---middot ~ bull r bull q ~ 9 IL ~ 1 _0 -~ bull 1 A 3420 l r -- I- I q4 l qo l c c 0

-- -- -- --- - middot-middotmiddot middot----middot - --middot-middot middotmiddot- --middotmiddotmiddotmiddot--middotmiddot

~ bull l =I ~ ~ bull f 7 bull i 1 1S21 l L7 C c~ c 1- 1 Sl l ~()

22 _-~ bull--~middot-_____ z_ __g______2 _____2_ 1 __ ------ 4 h

1 1 c3 3~ --~3 __ 113_ 79 l4

) bull f-- q ~23 2-~

lRgt 11gt 11 75 39 4 5 3 7 1


Period 1969-1973 Meteorology Site RSR

Source Whittier Station SCAQt10 Average Wind Speed

-middot- -------------- -middot----- ---- ----middot-middotmiddotmiddot-middot - ~bullI= r I i- C ci

Start Time -middotmiddotmiddotmiddot

qq lll lA ]h nl 1() Cj 1n1 l -in middot-

~ 7i 2g~ 08 R q 13 2 r00 11c 12 - 170 241 21 q () t---7 1 lS 2 -middot__ -- bull 1 oe 1 ----- _ 2 _ C)_ --- _ 7 R r1

401 121 lQ lRl SO 217 R7 n-- ---- ----- ----middot-- - --- --- - -------- - -- ltJ ---

02 _-7_ 5_ -middotmiddot ____ -~_7___ ---~_ middot--~- 7 7 2_________ 2 _7 --l -i -i l sn l i i~____l_tl_ l u 1 n l H_L____q_c _

bull A 2~ 27 27 27 2A 2~4 _103 15 t 14~ lAs 211 zns 91 q2 102 2 1 1 G___ 2 bull R 2 h bull 7 ____J 2~----7___4-----04 1 1 S _______ 171 ____lPn ____ 27~ __ 1_()4 ____ 1_00_____ 07________ 8J_

-~-~-------~~A _q ___ R_ 7 ____ _7 __ _l_ 1

05 1 3 A l 4 deg 1 7 C c P 1 () ___ q c ____ 7 q 1 0 l 27 27 30 2A 28 29 2~S 2406 12R 12A 144 100 lql 114 115 R7 2~A 2QR ~~~ 3~0 Q 29 ~O 907 l 1 c 7 deg ~rn 1os __1_ c __ _ __U-52____ l 1 A _l q _

08 2 bull 0 2 bull 7 l bull 4 3 bull -~ ___ _2-_L -- -- 3 bull 1 l bull (l 2-~2-q q ~~ ~ AA lOA A R ]O

09 34 14 ~~P ~g ~9 29 3A 31 71 21 23 79 A7 f--A 63 113

10 3q 39 A0 SO 46 34 40 3S 4 9 1 7 1 A __LR_ __h____ l R 4 R 1 n 7

11 4S 45 A4 s9 s1 l l 7 1 _2_ 41 10 R 20 lA Q 17 OJ

12 4~1 4R AR 61 6A S6 ~5 4 21 11 7 g 2A S ~3 101

13 4c cl 00 74 7 A c R _4 4 q t 9 ]

-i o l 2 R l 7 _l_l __ ~ 2 1 l 3 _ 14 _ i____l A bull A A bull ~-- __ A bull4 R 1 7 bull l t 9 Ci A

1deg 11 IS 2l 17 zc 114 15 A7 70 oo A~O 7l ~9 49 ~7

1 ii A R l O 2 n 7 --~ () Q P 16 ____5__0 1 A 6 A 3 A f-- __5__2__ 4 5 c bull R

__ _17 ____ J l ___________ 7________ 1 o______ 1_0 __________ 7L_____ 4____lt1_8__ 17 _ l __ ----~-l- ___ -~ _ 4 4 _ 4_11 A_______ 4___L 4 middot n 1 _g__

32 lA 10 4 l9 cc 11

18 2~1 2A is 47 ~s r- ~s 40 4~ ~2 ~4 73 R4 cc h9 12g

19 7 l ~3--~- __2__A______ _R _ _ 2 1 7 41-- 4P io __1~_____ 12 01 1_n4 _____ l7_ __

20 bull bull 4 bull 0 bull 1 bull ~ bull r 7 bull R___ _ __ bull 4

Sc t- 0 0 7 l c 7 1 c 1______ 0 ~ 1 1 1 c 7

21 S 2A q 11 1 n 77 8 31 7R Pl 1 17A 177 Qh llR 1~c

22 1 in 3~ a 1Q 7 7 7 q 1 l q l 7 7 7 4 ___ l _P J H 7 _1_ 2 2 ---- _1 _Q__

23 2f S ___ _Q____ 1() __ -_~_R 2Y ____2___A A

l AA2 2001 7 11

-------------- -middot-middotmiddot----


Si te f~a 1 i er Steel Period 1978-1979

MeteorologySource SCAQMD


N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s SSvJ SW WSW w lmW NW mJDaill Averaoe

Wind Speed 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (mph)

Direction (PPrrPnt) 10 8 2 ~ ~ 2 2 2 2 8 10 10 10 10 10 11J

-7) I


Two years data provided Approximately 16000 hourly speed and direction averages not computerized therefore results estimated


1971-1974Period Site Allied

r-ieteoro 1 ogySource lenno~ StatiQ SCAQMD

Average Wind Speed X

Average ~ind Direction

DirectionStart Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE s s )iJ SU ~JSvJ tmiddotJ WNW Nt~ WNW

00 23 24 22 23 26 27 38 26 2l 2 4 72S 32 ) 37 33 2 9

01 24 24 2ol 2LJ 2Ll 26 24 22 21 26 25 34 J~ 33 3 0 2 3

02 24 23 21 23 23 26 22 24 24 23 24 34 34 33 2 S 2 9

03 26 22 21 24 22 26 20 l 9 24 22 22 32 33 35 28 25 -

04 28 22 20 24 22 23 2o0 25 22 22 24 28 35 32 31 23

05 23 25 21 23 24 24 21 23 L r)

bull q 22 23 30 37 31 31 27 -

06 24 26 25 26 26 27 2 5 25 24 26 25 33 ~ 3 32 37 30 ~-

~07 29 30 26 28 29 30 28 C) 28 30 30 33 L~ 0 38 40 33 ---~~--- __ _

08 37 31 30 3 J 3 1 3 l 29 31 30 33 35 39 45 39 46 62

09 46 34 30 34 34 36 3 1 35 35 39 42 46 48 48 53 60

JO 45 32 34 32 35 36 40 36 37 44 51 56 56 50 59 75

11 45 36 37 33 35 39 45 42 37 50 57 64 64 58 61 56

12 38 27 45 35 31 38 47 42 4C 55 61 69 71 62 70 95

J3 36 34 52 38 36 36 49 40 4CJ 48 65 71 77 66 86 105

14 50 28 52 43 54 48 55 43 5 1 56 59 72 80 69 92 60

15 54 ND 60 36 50 50 48 49 30 60 63 70 78 68 86 60

16 70 45 45 27 48 50 53 48 3F 47 54 66 73 60 89 60

17 65 NO 58 1 6 50 30 35 5 1 3 1 40 47 61 67 52 69 47

18 80 43 42 37 22 44 33 29 2C 35 43 54 60 48 52 64

-19 54 28 33 32 1 9 26 32 36 2C 33 37 49 52 48 51 39

20 36 21 24 27 22 26 26 34 2 middot 29 33 45 48 40 55 46

I21 40 25 26 22 23 29 26 28 2 o 28 30 40 44 40 47 45

22 35 22 21 24 22 2B 2ll 25 2 ( 25 7 38 4 1 43 36 39

23 2 J)36 25 22 24 22 27 23 __ 2 11 24 27 33 40 39 37 28

35 26 2 r_ 26 27 29 30 30 28 31 40 57 60 44 43 36


Period 1971-1974

Lennox StationSource Meteorology Site A11 i ed

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction X

middot Sta rt Time N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction----SSE s SSvJ SvJ ~JSvJ w WNW N~ WNW

00 27 71 85 80 92 51 32 29 44 76 68 80 119 60 58 28

01 22 71 95 92 108 60 21 37 i 4 G7 63 62 96 6 1 66 33

02 21 84 95 93 125 62 34 47 42 53 56 52 84 57 66 29

25 66 108 97 129 73 47 41 49 44 48 4 1 84 67 55 2503

24 64 108 109 143 76 55 37 46 44 43 48 61 59 59 2404

22 62 97 115 164 73 55 45 41 38 47 39 60 57 57 2705

18 76 79 126 181 79 46 38 44 43 43 37 58 44 62 2806

18 65 91 129 159 88 50 44 50 43 42 51 70 30 49 2107

1 5 61 94 116 144 80 65 55 59 34 48 72 94 23 26 1308

14 40 69 74 108 63 55 62 71 44 67 119 147 33 24 1109

1 6 26 46 44 66 56 50 57 50 33 80 217 197 30 23 910

9 14 32 25 37 27 38 41 41 23 88 3L3 251 33 22 611

13 7 1 9 1 4 20 17 27 25 23 21 105 346 307 34 20 212

6 5 12 8 11 9 1 5 1 2 13 26 93 392 348 34 15 213

3 4 9 5 7 7 11 9 10 22 61 412 392 34 14 114

4 ND 2 5 9 5 1 2 9 3 20 57 410 416 34 13 115

5 2 2 5 7 3 1 2 8 5 23 44 390 438 44 11 216

6 ND 4 4 5 5 9 7 11 19 55 372 435 50 15 317

9 2 4 2 10 5 1 2 9 10 28 60 346 420 49 29 618

11 3 9 9 6 14 11 14 31 60 73 282 368 50 42 1619

74 239 305 60 36 2220 20 1 7 1 5 1 2 23 16 I 3 1 9 51 76

99 169 234 54 42 2321 20 22 26 29 50 28 26 22 69 87

79 144 175 45 47 2722 24 42 53 40 59 40 34 34 62 98

gtl 68 98 149 48 52 2223 59 86 59 84 40 37 ~o 65 80 t

65 197 221 45 38 161 6 36 52 54 73 41 32 30 39 46


Period 1962-1974

Source Long Beach SCAOMD Meteorology Site Stauffer

Average Wind Speed Average Ji nd Direction X



SSE s SStJ SW 1JSJ i im~ NW WN~

00 78 77 89 11 5 l l 46 35 52 38 1 5 1 3 21 59 129 73 48 ---- ___ __ --bull---middot-middotmiddotmiddot-

01 71 86 96 128 122 45 45 43 38 1 7 1 3 19 49 11 5 60 53

02 82 86 109 132 116 58 4 1 38 31 20 13 15 51 107 50 51

03 80 101 114 13 5 122 59 33 38 34 1 5 11 20 44 92 50 46

_ 04 85 103 11 9 129 122 64 43 35 31 14 13 20 402 86 44 49

05 95 102 111 134 13 2 59 bull 2 35 32 13 1 3 1 7 38 89 45 44 -

06 91 105 112 132 131 59 4 l 37 27 14 1 3 14 38 87 55 42

07 77 96 104 123 13 7 70 43 44 40 1 7 1 6 18 43 77 49 42

08 60 76 83 103 13 l 63 60 61 68 33 20 24 53 86 42 37

09 44 50 57 7 3 11 3 65 5-1 75 11 3 59 39 36 74 80 38 31

_ 10 38 28 33 46 84 54 4 3 77 165 lC6 48 41 80 83 40 29

11 23 15 1 7 LO 51 37 4Z 71 212 14 4 68 55 95 86 38 1 7

12 15 8 11 1 7 31 28 31 57 235 lE6 74 63 114 10 7 32 1 2

13 10 4 8 11 1 8 1 7 23 43 237 168 73 56 142 147 34 8

14 7 6 6 10 18 13 14 34 203 142 56 51 179 211 41 9

1 )15 5 3 3 9 14 10 33 15 0 10 3 48 47 223 274 58 7

16 6 2 4 7 1 5 9 1 30 108 75 30 46 243 338 70 7

17 6 3 6 10 14 10 10 26 77 49 23 39 247 378 92 10

18 1 2 6 8 1 3 l 6 11 15 26 57 33 1 7 32 230 396 10 7 21

19 21 16 18 22 8 1 5 1t) 31 47 24 14 30 182 368 128 39

20 33 32 35 44 37 1 9 2 1 37 38 21 14 30 138 320 128 52

21 50 39 -------middotmiddot ----- --53

- ___ _

hR fi fi --middot middot- --- ---- --middot-

~ I 1 () 35 l 6 1 bull IJ ) 10 ) 24G - - -- - - - middot-- --- -------- middot---middotmiddot----- -middot---- - -l l S 6 )

22 64 52 66 90 86 3 ~ 3 l 46 36 1 7 1 5 26 [3 6 18 1 99 67

23 70 67 81 104 10 1 40 3 ~) 45 41 1 3 11 27 70 144 e2 65

47 48 56 70 76 38 3-1 44 87 54 28 32 11 0 176 66 35



StaufferPeriod 1962-1974 Site

Source Long Beach Meteorology

Average Wind Speed Average Wind Direction


-ta rt rime N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE

Direction SSE s SSH SvJ ~JS-J w WNW NW WNW

00 26 25 23 24 26 30 43 38 35 32 38 29 37 30 25 27

28 24 23 23 24 31 39 38 38 29 29 31 37 29 25 2501

28 26 24 24 25 31 38 35 35 33 31 27 35 29 25 2502

28 27 23 23 25 32 35 37 33 35 28 28 34 29 25 2703

29 27 23 23 26 30 35 37 32 35 22 27 33 28 29 2804

29 26 24 23 27 30 36 34 33 35 26 27 32 30 28 2505

30 26 25 24 27 32 35 35 37 32 33 26 30 32 26 2706

29 28 27 27 28 33 40 38 33 35 41 33 35 33 29 2707

32 30 28 30 31 34 39 38 37 37 35 30 34 37 35 2908

30 32 28 32 33 36 18 43 ~-3 43 J8 32 39 4 1 39 2909

30 32 33 37 36 39 43 46 48 48 42 44 45 46 40 3410

33 33 34 40 42 43 50 49 52 53 53 46 54 52 49 3211

36 35 43 54 53 55 58 52 57 58 57 56 63 63 58 4212

65 75 75 72 4013 40 43 45 58 63 69 61 56 58 60 61

68 88 81 84 5514 42 39 44 62 67 75 61 59 60 59 63

73 89 85 91 5615 50 52 55 70 67 8 1 64 61 58 57 ~-j 8

69 87 81 84 6616 49 44 54 71 66 73 66 58 56 54 57

63 80 73 71 5017 45 58 37 60 60 60 58 52 54 49 47

47 69 62 55 4318 30 28 37 40 48 53 49 51 49 45 39

40 59 52 45 3419 24 24 28 34 33 4B 45 44 41 39 -6

37 51 43 39 29 middot~o 20 20 21 26 29 43 36 41 43 37 31

35 44 37 31 2721 24 2 1 21 24 27 35 4 1 42 4 1 38 28

22 34 41 33 29 2522 22 22 23 27 34 39 42 41 33 30

34 39 31 26 27-~ 1 24 22 23 22 26 32 40 39 37 36 ~8

47 63 54 4428 27 25 27 30 37 42 44 50 51 47 29


Period 1956-1974 Site DOW and DUPONT MeteorologySource DOW



Daily Average

ind Speed (mph) ~8 52 38 47 25 25 35 37 37 47 50 75 9 10 77 77

Direction (Percent) 8 25 13 15 25 26 76 36 20 25 6 10 16 188 128 65

G) I

I---- N


H 1

-- - -

- - - -

---- -

Western Plant Area - Kaiser Steel Fontana



I IT I - - - - - - - - - - --+ - - - -- - - - --- - - middot- - + - - - - - t- - - - - middot- - - -middot

Slrf I I I I

- I FO TJ1 middot I F---- ----------~-_1---------A_V__ I I


j I I I

I 1a ST I II fOIIO 11T I

l I

- - - - - - -- - - - - + -


-----+-middot BLvb


bullco- - - - -R-oute- - -+-






-~ I


AV gt

0 ~ 0 3 z 0 I-I- -middot -- + -middot -- middotmiddotmiddoto IJ



gt lt(

A 100


z 4 z -lt co

A r 6 SF






Cu CA ffl Q f ( J_rHTRAM-~~-LAV_----w_=H_I_TrNT=-li-----1-

- - - -- - ------- ~1__---------r-- ___ s_ --l- -- ----I I I




---------+ -r----- ------- + I


ST 4TH ST_)___ JI ~-----____ ----- ---- - i----~--rt -

I I -1 I bull I I bull






- I_

II ~ - - - -- - - - - - + -----------t----


I ~ I



1 I


I -1



Eastern Plant Area - Kai~er Steel Fontana

ow FS

bull o z 0 ~ J ~



--- A(llIIN



middotI ~ I



--- --t-t---1




+i I I I

gt gt I

~ I

- --~ + - - ci - - - - gt

- - - -- - --- - -- -





middotmiddot------- +--bull I



I - - - - middot+

~ - --+ I I I




Offsite Storage Tanks - Stauffer Chemical Co San Pedro

bull~~ - ~ - ~ te-e_- fl_ bull lt) -iTCRrJ

bull-1- 6bull ~~----Ro i I Pt 5 bull lit~ I I A i~ v I -Jbulltf- ~-l~ dL

tf~l ~ - I _f) 1

ti_LJ ~~J (wt raquomiddot-C ~~lt ___ f_~gt

middot l~ 71 ~ I ~~ c Qj ~(gt l~ HI h-fS ~~c~ ~J(


IT ~ bull1middot~_l -( c-~zmiddot _

I 0 --~ tl)V- ~shy

~ ftrtlI_bullbull-

middot~ _bullff~~gt_~

i~Y1 f~2~

~ g

~i1 ~--

c I ~ q



~ -~_x I I -~--middot ~Imiddotmiddotmiddot~1

- - -t- -shy

l i





bulltor~ r0 t~~-~ I middot~ I

~- - I r I

4 ltAry4


I middot p


cij4A~---- Y t-gt lti


-- --- -





bull11middot1 -~JP4s--- f51 bullgt~~~~~--~~or(~tQy_-bull--middoti bull bull(l ~ --~- middot- -_ _-~


Y4I C O CipI I ---I HARJU I 1 I


Main Plant Site - Stauffer Chemical Co Carson



I bull

~JAoElM t _J1lfH ~~DRIOC JI IH




~ LN 1~~1-bullil L bullU _ -__i( LN

~rJ~ ~ ~~o~~bulli--=~_ l~~Jt~t1 uiCA)C ampbull ~bullbullLit l

IOAI I _bull~r J~t~-~ lN r~rJLbull u~~~~~~ u~__a-ampMII WL 1(11

l ~ -------7--y I deg

f t




I ----- +--

I I ~

I f~


~s~-- middot ~~~ lII ~t--~ -- ~




Plant Site - Allied Chemical El Segundo

middot bull__- --__ - gt J -middotmiddotrt --_ middott 11 ~ - ir-l~ tt I - ~1~_I~ t tmiddot j I

MAFltu~ Lo o -- -middot-z 1 ~ - middotmiddotbulla- J ti - l-J~ i - __ IJ

1 bullmiddot- --middot--r - -~- lgtJ~middot ----~til1~ middoto ~-- bull l f rt1 I - -r 1 _ t fj ---ltf - i ti)- --r ~ middot r ~ -

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