south asia training 2009 austrade presentation

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  • 8/8/2019 South Asia Training 2009 Austrade Presentation


    Opportunities in Corporate Training South Asia

    Workshop for opportunities for Trainers and Consultants

    13th October 2009

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    The Market: India


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    The Market: India

    How attractive is the market?

    Economic Outlook for India (2009-10)

    Growth rate between 6-7% Strong economic fundamentals

    Well regulated banking system

    Bulk of the investments in India are financed by

    domestic savings (35% of GDP)

    Domestic consumption growth is non-leveraged

    India to record the highest inflow of remittances

    more than US$ 45 billion

    Rural demand is robust due to good agriculture

    performance in the last 4 years Government is taking adequate fiscal and

    monetary steps to get the economy back on track

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    & SOCIAL





    The Market: India

    How attractive is the market?

    Large and growing

    Domestic market

    300-million strong

    consuming class and

    growing at 6% p.a.

    Among largest pool

    of English Speaking


    Low Labour Cost

    Low inflation rate

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    The Market: IndiaHow attractive is the market?

    Vocational Education in India - Education with Occupational emphasis

    Current skill development programs offered under various government schemes

    Only 2% of Indian population hasundergone skill training, one of thelowest in the world

    Ministry of HRD

    Ministry of Labour &Employment

    Ministry of Women &

    Child Development

    Ministry of Agriculture

    Ministry of micro, small& medium enterprise


    4 million

    Skill Developmenttarget (2022)

    500 million

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    The Market: India

    How attractive is the Corporate training market?

    Industry is huge but largely fragmented

    Dominated by Individuals and private consultants Corporate training industry size estimated to be A$ 2.5 billion

    Traditional Indian companies training expenditure: 0.5% - 2.0% of

    the turnover (Progressive companies: around 4%)

    Companies outsource 50% of their training needs

    Large presence of MNCs in the country

    Hybrid delivery models becoming popular VSAT/e-learning/Online


    The fast growing economy has skill gaps

    (Source: Mafoi Consultants)

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    The Market: India

    How attractive is the Corporate training market?

    Retail, 50%







    Large players

    Middle Segment



    Demand Supply

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    The Market: India

    Where are the opportunities?

    Retail/ Fast Moving Consumer Goods

    A booming sector in India

    Only 5-6 % of industry is organized Education system does not address industry needs


    Still a key sector

    Rural penetration driving training

    Technology a key enabler


    Growth Rate: approximately 8%

    Shortage of skilled employees; High attrition levels

    Training Areas (business etiquettes, communication, people management,business insights, succession planning & resource development)

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    The Market: India

    Where are the opportunities?


    Growing at about 16% p.a.

    Second fastest growing automobile market in the world 10 million employees

    Unorganized sector - 67% ; Organized sector - 33%

    Toyota has recently opened Toyota Technical Training Institute (TTTI)near Bangalore


    One of the fastest growing sectors at 20%-30% p.a.

    The requirement for mobile analysts, software engineers, and hardwareengineers for mobile handsets has increased sharply

    Training market estimated to be A$ 100 million

    Many top players are investing in training and development

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    The Market: India

    Where are the opportunities?

    Information Technology

    2.3 million jobs by 2010

    HBR says there is a direct link between training investment of thecompanies and the market capitalization.

    3-5% of revenue set aside for training programs

    Technical training and managerial skills development

    Accenture, Infosys, Microsoft, TCS have their own training centers

    Information Technology Enabled Services

    Growing at 14%

    Communication Skills Essential

    Training has become a major tool to retain employees Constant change in processes and technologies mean constant need for

    training the employees

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  • 8/8/2019 South Asia Training 2009 Austrade Presentation


    The Market: India

    What are the challenges?

    Geography Scattered opportunity pockets


    Lack of Transparency

    Long gestation period

    Relationship driven market

    Industry marked by slowdown (GDP growth rate down from 9% tounder 6%)

    Patience with dedicated investment of time, money & energy

    Culture and Language (Even though English widely used in business)

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  • 8/8/2019 South Asia Training 2009 Austrade Presentation


    The Market: Sri Lanka

    How attractive is the market?

    GDP growth rate: 6% (2008)

    93% of the population is literate

    Service sector is the largest component of GDP at around 60% Work force accounts for 35% of the total population

    English is widely spoken in the country, main language used in business

    How attractive is the Corporate training market?

    Public & private sector companies are active in initiating & meeting training needs

    Leading industry associations, training agencies, consultants & professionals takepart in delivering training

    Training as a medium to reorient, improve, expand the knowledge of workforce

    Delivery: Through in-house trainers, through training agencies, consultants The cost of training for supervisory and middle level executives/staff - between LkrRs. 10,000 30,000 per day/per event

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    The Market: Sri Lanka

    Where are the opportunities?

    Textile & Garments

    Hospitality Hotel, Tourism, Food and beverage

    ICT / IT

    BPO/Call Centre

    Finance & Insurance


    Office Management / Human Resources

    What are the challenges?

    Market demands degree of customisation - training courses need to be designed/

    tailor made to suit the individual companies

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    The Market: Pakistan



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    How attractive is the market?

    The 26th largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity

    47th largest in absolute dollar terms

    Main sectors: textiles, chemicals, food processing, agriculture Pakistan Economy ranked top in South Asia for ease of Doing Business

    Training and advisory businesses are rising because of large-scale restructuring of public &private enterprises

    How attractive is the Corporate training market?

    3% of corporate budget allocated to training, development and restructuring of organisation

    Majority of the training are currently delivered by local companies

    A level of individual development, cultural issues

    MNCs & foreign presence in consumer, pharmaceutical, energy, oil & gas sectors

    Favourable public sector policies and government funding available

    Cost conscious market

    The Market: Pakistan

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    The Market: Pakistan

    Where are the opportunities?


    Financial Planning andManagement

    Project Management

    Corporate Governance

    Customer Relationships

    Risk Management

    Leadership andDevelopment

    Human ResourceManagement

    Occupational Health andSafety

    Train the Trainers (teachers

    training, mentor, coach) Information Management


    Information Communication &Telecommunication (ICT)

    Energy, Mineral, Oil & Gas

    Financial & Services

    Pharmaceuticals & Agribusiness

    Small and Medium Enterprises & SocialSector

    Public and Civil Administrations

    What are the challenges?

    Strong education links to UK & USA

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    The Market: Bangladesh


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    The Market: Bangladesh

    How attractive is the market?

    Extremely attractive. Growing professionalism

    Steady GDP growth of 6 percent

    Scarcity of managers with the required professional skills

    Low inflation rate

    Import based economy US$10 billion+

    Australian goods and services highly valued

    No import restrictions Less competition from local supplies

    Liberal investment policies

    Stable economy and politics

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    The Market: BangladeshHow attractive is the Corporate training market?

    The size of the training market is huge.

    Estimated amount for training & development per year is about Taka 200 crore(US $ 300million)

    Almost all sectors of the economy (public & private) have general and specifictraining needs

    Existence of large non-governmental organisation requires formal as well as nonformal training

    Cost conscious market

    Quality training is required

    All training has to be market driven

    Most funds generated from own sources and from governmental agencies anddonor agencies

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    The Market: Bangladesh

    Where are the opportunities?

    Public sector

    AgricultureHealth (nursing,

    paramedics, labtechnicians)

    Port management

    Transport (Railway,Roads and highways)

    Water Management

    Private sector

    Financial servicesHealth


    Tourism & Hospitality


    Building & Construction

    Electrical & ElectronicsHospital management


    AgricultureWater Management

    Rural development



    Soft Skills /Nontechnical

    Leadership courses, communication, stress management, time management,business English, decision making, delegation, change management, empowerment

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    The Market: Bangladesh

    What are the challenges?

    Identification of sectors where immediate assistance in the form of training or

    seminars are required and a subsequent follow up made

    Identification of opportunities in the medium and long term

    Identifying the subject matter experts in the country who can deliver marketdriven solutions

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    The Markets: India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh

    Engagement models/ Entry strategies/ Business tips

    Long term relationship driven approach

    - Direct user/customer

    - Joint ventures/ partnerships

    - Reseller / distributor models- Franchise

    - Representative Office

    - Wholly owned subsidiary -


    - Onshore, offshore, Hybrid models, Train the trainer

    - Vocational training (PPP model)

    - Employability training (campuses)

    Unique point of differentiation

    - Leading edge content

    - Professional promotional collateral and website

    - Strong track record and testimonials

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  • 8/8/2019 South Asia Training 2009 Austrade Presentation


    The Markets: India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh

    Engagement models/ Entry strategies/ Business tips

    Majority of South Asia markets are price sensitive

    Finding the key decision maker building rapport & relationship building

    Maintaining your pipeline of potential customers

    Protect your intellectual property as appropriate

    Government linked projects can be risky long lead time, cancellation due tochange in Governments, receivable delays

    Stay focused & strategic in export development 1 OR 2 markets at a time

    Build a brand right price Build scale, scope and depth

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    Austrade Initiatives: Past, Present and Future

    Inaugural HR-Corporate Training mission to India (May 09)

    Clients on the mission

    AAMC Pty LtdClients on the mission

    o AAMC Training Group

    o Asia PacificInternational College

    o DeakinPrime

    o Dta Worldwide

    o Dynamiq Pty. Ltd.

    o EPSI Learning

    o Excelerator Pty. Ltd

    o Facilities ManagementTraining Partners PtyLtd

    o Hyco Pty Ltdo Sunshine Coast

    Institute of TAFE

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    Austrade Initiatives: Past, Present and Future

    Links & Relationships

    Australia New Zealand Business Association in India (ANZBAI)

    Relationship with associations

    - National Human Resource Network (NHRD)

    - National Institute of personnel Management (NIPM)

    - Indian Management Association (IMA)

    - The Institute of Management Consultants of India (IMCI)

    - Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

    Relationship with Partners/local firms

    - Mafoi, Everonn, Franklin Covey

    Doing Business with Australia Seminars in tier 2 & 3 cities

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    Austrade Initiatives: Past, Present and Future

    PR/ Media Support

    Customised solutions to suit your

    needs Market research & information

    partner search & businessmatching


    Support to Australian industryassociations via market visits

    Forthcoming mission to India 19-24 April 2010

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    Success Stories & testimonials

    Australian training companies in India & growing

    Corporate Training Mission to India

    40% clients achieved success in the market -

    AAMC Training Group, Sunshine Coast TAFE, dtaWORLDWIDE, Fmedge


    HR Workbench



    Deakin Prime



    AAMC Training Group

    Accord Consulting




    BTS Australia

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    Success stories & testimonials

    Indian customers promotingAustralian companies

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  • 8/8/2019 South Asia Training 2009 Austrade Presentation


    Key contacts in AustraliaNSW

    Vivien Lim

    Senior Export Advisor

    T: 02 9390 2329

    [email protected]

    QLDVince Kelly

    Senior Export Advisor

    T: 07 3364 7705

    [email protected]

    SALinda Marchesan

    Export Advisor

    T: 08 8202 7809

    [email protected]

    VICGreen Yang

    Senior Export Advisor

    T: 03 9648 3261

    [email protected]


    Chris Horsburgh

    Senior Export Advisor

    T: 02 6201 7572

    [email protected]

    NTBernadette Eggington

    Export Advisor

    T: 08 8982 4505

    [email protected]

    WAMadeleine Stringer

    Senior Export Advisor

    T: 08 9261 7943

    [email protected]

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    Offshore key contacts

    IndiaVijay Subramanian

    Business Development Manager

    T: +91 44 4297 0003

    [email protected]

    PakistanAzhar Shah

    Business Development Manager

    T: +92 51 8355 373

    [email protected]

    BangladeshMostafizur Rahman

    Business Development Manager

    T: +880 2 88 13101

    [email protected]

    Sri LankaDavid Samuel

    Business Development Manager

    T: +94 11 246 3253

    [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 South Asia Training 2009 Austrade Presentation


    The way forward

    South Asia the Next Big Region

    Are you ready?