south carolina leader.(charleston, s.c.) 1865-12-16. · 2011. 5. 4. · john henwood...

Special Items. i colored population of Fairfax Cfoun- "fl* 10 . 3 OOO, all of whom are seU-sup- P°rtin5' - .toeing consented, the House reso- Tbe &-ßtjß* a committee to- sit-in Charles- jtiîipnf^d tothe Freedmen's Bureau was ion «jj* fTre was a large meeting of freedmen at ir Hamilton, near Foi tress Monroe, Tuesday Gen. Miles and Major De Costa coun- eZ i^lustry and self-reliance. Dr J. W. C. Pennington had an adopted native of Hartford, who enlisted in the20th J% 'P Hnd through his good character and \ rose to the position of hospital steward %ch he filled very acceptably. Rum-* no* sa?s that ^om Clarke, late of the ,riîîsred Herald, instead of making "negro hoes" Winsiead is going South this winter to see ne- -roes hoe. The Colorado returns insure the election of #jmn for Governor and Chillicott for Con« ¿i. WISTE* DAVIS.-This gentleman, of the vate of M ur y land has written a very positive "t:er in favor ot admitting the freedmen of the south to the suffrage. He denounces the policy 0f reconstruction as ..hanful intermeddling," j i ¿nd» authority for interference of Congiess * h suffrage in the South in the constitutional of **a republican form of government" tech State. He puts the objection to an un« ?cuni suffrage of the South in this shape: - "Congress is asked to guaranty as republican ?r¿^Hpodsms as these:-In North Carolina rt] OOO citizens ostracise 331.000. In Virginia ..^ U(jQ nnz'ns osrracine 533.000 citizen:«. In Vuoama 596.000 citizens ostracise 437,000 chu .ns In Georgia 591,000 citizen» ostracise «- OOO citions' ^n louisiana 357.000 citizens "* *ftClse 350.000 citizens. In Mississippi 353.- 000 ebúva* ostracise 435.000eÍ!ÍZrns. In South Carolin* 2*1.000 cuizens ostracise 411,000 citi- zens. _. The friends of negro -suffrage in Washington are bos*. They have organized a national con- vcrïrion, sr.d its agents and committees are at work. The entire city has b^en canvassed for >orrant facts bearing on the question of im- [p«!»I suffrage. Petitions have been circulated lin evt-ry ward, and already thousands of colored jpeopie have attached their names to a petition 0 Congress asking for the ballot. Ren.-X. A. M. Dudley, hailing from Rox- ury. in this State, a zephyry newspaper-man 1 this city in the olden time*?, but a Demo- crat c military sycophant m modern c nes, has tn playing the part of a small tyrant as [»uptmttendeat ol the sub-district of Mtmphi*. uD&rthe Freedmen's Bureau, tn issuing ordets [forbidding the negroes leaving the plantations [to viiit cities or towns for amusement, and fer- rymen to furnish them transportation across th» river unless they have a ".pass" or certificate from their white employer. It is a "pity such fellow* as Dud'leV cogitan't have a "pass" 'from the national service they cKsjrrace.-«Boston Commonwealth, COLORED DELEGATES.-Frederick douglass tor the colored people ot New York, and Geo. M. Downing for those of New England, hâve been appointed to represent the interests of their mee at Washington, during the present j ie>sion of Congress. Both are able and elo- quent advocates of the rights of man. LOOSENESS.-Th i N. Y. Herald says thftt Gen. Kraut was received at the depot in Charleston with rounds of enthusiastic cheering," and.that a '* torchlight procession " paid their compliments t*> bira in the evening. This is the Herald's tylc. When the General stepped from the cars t a cheer was given, and the procession carried io torches. 1 AM A NEGRO."-The late Capt. H. Ford Pelusa, formerly of the " State of Illinois, has pe honor of being the first colored soldier in the ar»'}'. having enlisted when the war broke out. in a:: Illinois Regiment, and lerved honorary in \> campaign at Fort Donelson and Vicksburg '.ring iiuhe trenches before the city for forty days was a man of very fair complexion and pos- ressed a noble mind, and was there mustered out >* promotion. General Thomas told him that «e was to be promoted, and that he i the General] eld h\s papers. But before he could give them e must answer this question: u Are you a negro or a white man?*' I At first he gave an evasive answe~, and <aid General you can't go behind my muster roll " Thc general told him he must have a positive swer. lie then replied, " General, I ani a negro ! arid would not deny my race for all the commis- ons in thc army." Gew. Tilomas thou replied, "Mr. Doug ass. you wno: be promoted." He then left the Army of the Mississippi, and ame to Kansas, and received a commission as aprain of the 1st Colored Battery, in which ca- pacity he served until mustered out. MARRIED. In OM Bethel Church in this city, Dec. Hth bj Ker. " W\ Lewi*, Mr. Alfred Provoll to Miss Dianna bin In Memoriam.% Âhonvrwv8!î0rt ^B?*SÄ»- Maria Vettori, wife i Anthony Weston, m tur 63rd year of her age. As lor Make?« Sn ' *r> *Lead? to ****** herself ro Ht^h^SlS^ her w her ,aKt moments. bon. and i t S, °^ thf !| of imita- n the tigS "i the íírí Is í01"»?^- For precious ! Sh« was on. «f th » ,S ath of his M"lte- hri»Zn* o? our div ?TU^l^Ttíá' devoted' ?ove,and wmîng?o rid î?h1rwb!e in,her Iabor* of |>CK.r whenever found Vt ^ *Bd PUF8e' God's friction to her, that it of mat antis Motion to her, that it hin f a s^urce of great satis father co «her tc «h?"*? S that Omnipotent ul, and ÄedSblÄ'S & "^jewels, use- >een to aer as a nato"of 2 rv f9??y' Their ,ove has «k^i?8 r?oae^-is dust » I Vor her tW ^ 8he hath «nished 1 Her life £ briSh? h°?C rtny futüre- And cannot ¿a¿ ^ vithout il ««V Knocks at°Lr ¿oor with «S! 0mÍí0lí8 Koa« corning hour 1 *ho KNOW8 Vhat the Neiled in thick darkum bringa for ns? 1 LAWRENCE & FAULKKÈR; GEXËRAt PfiODü?E STORE, 180 King Street, (Below Horlhack Ailey,) Charleston* S o . 3m Nov ^ 5 NEW ADTERTISMENgg Grand Celebration IV " Of HONOR OF THE Èmàneipàtioii Prodamaiiori or PRESIDENT LINCOLN; , Which will take place in this City on Ine 1st of January, iô6è. The Committee of Arrangements, harte? been duly appointed, respectfully inform the pnblic that Eman- cipation Day will be celebrated with thc old fashion- ed barbacue, and that they respectfully beg the aid of the pnblic in contributing their mites to the canoe of Freedom, that they may make the day a glorious one it bein*? the first celebrated in Charleston. This Com- mittee is therefore fully authorised to make the ne- cessary collection throughout the city. The public are requested not to pay their subscriptions to any person or persons except the Committee, whose names will be found on the lut. N B-AU Male Societies, Companies, Clubs, or or- ganized bodies ;*also the Battalion of Home Guards Masonic and other Lodges, and Fire Companies, are requested to appoint committees from their respect- ive bodies, in the following manner-From all Socie ties, or, rather, Bodies, over one hundred strong, 4 members ; all over fifty, 3 members ; all over twenty- five. Sf members. These Committees will report to the Chairman of Committee of Arrangements at Union League Hall, King Street, on Monday, be- tween thc hours of i> and 2 o'clock in the morning, and between 3 and 9 in the afternoon, to arrange for the coming celebration. The Pastors of all Churches of Colored Congrega- tions are respectfully requested to take up a collec- tion in their churches, and hand the same over to a member of the Committee who will be appointed to wait upon and receive the same. All Societies, Companies, Clubs, or organized bodies are requested to take up a collection from their mern . hers, and hand thc same over to the Chairman. AH the Ladies' Societies and Associations are re: spectrally informed that anything in the shape of contributions to aid the celebration will be happily receired by the Committee. The Committee beg to inform the ladies generally that they would be extremely happy to have their assignee in making Wreaths. Banners, et *. The Committee is well aware that they cannot get along without the ladies, except in the procession. Any information can be obtained by calling on the Chairman at Union League Hall, on Moudav, during the day or evening, or by calling on Mr. James Price at hi* residence, Radcliff Street, three doors east of Coming Street ; or to Mr. John Brown, Coming St., near Warren St. JAMES HAINE, Chairman. SAMUEL BINO, JAMES T. CARROL. ABE. WILLIAMS, CHARLES WIILLIAMSON, JAMBS PRICE, THEODORE SAXTON, D. D. Mc ALPIN, JOHN BROWN; ISAAC REED, HENRV BEDFORD, T. MACANTS, WM. WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN MONCRIEF, -JOHNSON, CHAS. BENTHAM, HENRT BUTLER. ALEX. WILLIAMS, Secretary. The public may find it to their advantage to call at our Store, in getting up their christmas, supplies ss we have Fresh Supplies of Cake Prints Fire Works, etc.. etc., which we offer as low as can be had in the city. RANSIER & FARRAR. The Great Family Newspaper. SOW IS TEE HIE TO SUBSCRIBE. THE N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE ft printed on a large double-medium sheet, making eight pages of six columns each. It contains all the important Editorials published in the DAILT THI RUSE, except those, of merely local interest ; also Literary and Scientific Intelligence ; Reviews of the most interesting and important New Books ; thc Let ter» from our large corps of correspondents ; the tatest news by Telegraph from Washington and all other platts Of the country a Summary of all impor- tant VnteRrgènce in this city and elsewhere ; a Synop sis of the proceedings of Congress and State Legisla- ture when in session ; Exclusive Reports of the pro- ceedings of the Farmers' Club of the American institute 5 Talk«* about Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agricultural information essential to country residents; Stock, Financial. Cattle, Dry Goods, and General Market Reports, making it, both for variety wtfd compkreriess, altogether, the most valuabîe, in- teresting, and instructive WEEKLY NEWSPAPER published in the WOTW._ The Füll Reports of the American Institute Farm- ers' Club, and the "various Agricultural Reports, in each number,ure richly worth a year's Subscription. Read-what a subscriber in St. Louis says : ST. Lons-, Mr)/, July 18, 1865. The Editor of the Tribune. DEAR SIR: I have had it ifl contemplation for some time to write and tell you the pleasure I get from tile weekiy perusal of the proceedings of the Farm era' Club; first I will teii you how recently^ I became aware of its existence-. About the st of September, 1M'»3, I noticed "Ru advertisement, and a cut of The Tribune Strawberries, and immediately subscribed for The Weekly t ribune, in which 1 found the proceed- ings of your Club. I have read them constantly, uutil they have become to me a necessity, and I look for Monday red titter day in my caleudar, and was 1 to be confined to one agricultural paper alone, should prefer The TriPuCe to auytfcthg I liaVe yet s«-en. Yours. JOHN HENWOOD Another subscriber writes: I neglected (forgot) to re;.ew my subscription to The Tribune, until so lute that I missed the first July No. Cau you help me to it ? Portions of the Farmei s' Club reports in that number, particularly, I wish to preserve. In fact, that feature o fthe paper constitutes one 'of the main r aadhs fthy 1 take it. And 1 have no doubt that it receives a goodly share of its patron- al from persons who wish it well, but wouid not otherwise bring themselves to the subscribing point. Yours truly O. A. ALLX AN uta.. Waynes ville; ill., July 25. TERMS Mail subscribers, single copy, 1 year-52 numbers... $ 2 00 Mail subscribers, Clubs of five. 9 00 ten copies, addressed to names of subscribers .... 17 00 Twenty copies, addressed to names of subscribers... 34 00 Ten copies, to oue address.: 16 00 I Twenty copies, to one address.30 00 Au extra copy will be sent for each club of ten: THE NEW -YORfc SEMIWEEKLY fRîfcfeÈ in publisnvd every TUESDAY and FKIDAY, and con- tains all the Editorial articles, not merely local in character; Litertlry Reviews and Art Criticisms; Letters from our lar^e corps of Foreign and nomestic Correspondent; Special and Associated Press Tele- graphic Dispatches ; a careful and complete Süminarv Of {foreign and Domestic News ; Exclusive Reports of the 1 roceedings of the Farmers' club of the Amer leau Institute ; Talki about Fruit; and other HortisWl tura a tut Agricultural Intimation ; Stock, Fiuancial Cattle, Dry Good* and General Market Reports, which are published in TUE DAILY T RI li UNE THF SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE also gives in the course of a year, I rt KEE or FOUR ot the BEST AND LATEST POPULAR . NOVELS by living authors. The cost of these alone, if bcueht m book torm, would be from six to eight dollars If purchased ," the ENGLISH MAGAZINES from which they are caretully selected, the cost would be three or four times that sum. Nowhere else can so much current intelligence and permanent literary matter be ^*?^iheil>*rat^*,nthe^Ii ifÊ&LYTKl- ' 1 hose who believe in the principles and ap- prove of the charact » of THE TRIBUNE can increase its power and influence byjoiuing with their neigh- bors in torming clubs to subscribe for THU SEMI- VJ EEKLY Edition. It will in that way be supplied to them at the lowest price for which such a paoer can be printed. *^ TERMS. Mail subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year-104 nuinbers...$4 00 do. '¿copies;do. do..:. 700 do. 5 copies, or over, for each copy 3 00 Persons remitting for 10 copies $30*, will receive an extra copy for 6 months: Persons remitting for 15 copies $45, will receive an extra copy for one year; THE NEW-YOBK DAILY TRIBUNE is published every morning and evening (Sundays excepted) át ¿10 per year ; $5 for six months. Terms cash in advance. Drafts on New York, or Post-Oflüce orders, parable to the TRIBUSE, being safer, are preferable to any mode of remittance. Address _TH A TRIBUNE, New tork. TORE-WORKS, TOYS AND SEGARS. Get your Fireworks, Toys, Segars and Tobacco' At B. DOSCHER, Bec. 16,2wll 535 King Street. ~ NEW IDEA. Toe neatest and most compact article for Smokers' Th Jv* nVJy Ploted little gem .of a Pipe called vi i? We*' for 8ale bjr H. CARRUTH & CO.i Ao, vi llanover street. <H8 tf LEAVITT SEWING MACHINE COMPANY MATCFACTOUES8 OF lÄPROrs» SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES-, Originally Established tn 1853'. Get tke Bett-The Best ia tito Cheapen The Stück viii not Rip or Ravel, and is alike on both, sides. STRIIGHT NBEDLB. WOKKISO TERTICILLT. These machines- are manufactured by authority of a license from JÜLIAS HOWE, Jr., (and others) tba original invenios wf Sewing Machines, and embody all the essential,principles of his invention, to which are added aeveraj valuable improvements, important to the perfection of Sewing Machines, secured exclu siveîy to thiB Company by ample patents. THE FAMILY MACHINE ls superior, in all the qualities of a practically useful domestic machine, to any others yet presented to the public, lt is simple and durable in»construction, working without noise, or fatigue to the operator; using, with equal facility, sift; cottoa, (©raimen thread, in all varieties ot family sewing, from the lightest muslin to the heaviest cloth. They are made in. every Tariejy of finish, te. .meet the wants and tastes of all. T;he faithful friend of the hard-working seamstress j-tfce elegant, useful ornament ol the lady's boudoir, and the one indis- pensable thing to A well-kept house. ^ THE MANUFACTURING MACHINE, For Tailors, Coach and Harness Makers, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Rubber Goods, fcc., kc., performs more and better work than any other. Especial attention is called to recent IMPROVE MKSTS in the machines, particularly importaut in the mann fact ure of Boots and Shoes ; among which is the fact that a smaller needle can be used that by any other, the value of which will at once be appreciated. Particular attention has been devoted to this branch of manufacture, and, it is conceded, with unrivalled success, especially for Shoe Binding, and Fine Stitch- ing on Patent Leather. The Compauy Hatter themselves that the result of twelve years'experience in the manufacture of Sew log ."o.achines enables them to present a machine pos- sessing all the qualities of a first-class machine, to greater extent than any other in the world. Information iu regard to the machines can be had by applyiug to T. HURLEY, CHARLESTON, S. C CEO. L. STEARNS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OT Patent IMPROVED LEAD PIÎ^Ë Pure Block Tin Pipe and Sheet Leak, ALSO, DEALERS IX PIC AND BAR LEAD; COPPER AND IRON PUMPS; HYDRAULIC RAMS, &C Î29 Mük Street, g^ggj BOSTON JEWELS; EMBLEMS, BADGES* ETC. THF ATTENTION OF fm Masons, Masonic Lodges; Chapters; Conn cils, Encampments, etc.', is called to our large and and carefully assorted stock of ali MASONIC GröÖDS: REGALIAS, JEWELS, EMBLEMS, ETC i Constantly on hand, or made to order at the shortest no tice, and in the best manner. CURTIS & WOODBURY, 32 COURT STREET, BOSTON 32 1 dh _ NOTICE. Just the thing for a Holiday Present Oar splendid Picture, entitled TRIAL AND SENTENCE OF CHRIST, Is now ready for delivery. The picture represents our Saviour in Court, with acircie of jurors,around him, at tim head of which is Pontius Pilate, pronouncing the death sentence, while the molí .outside is crying out. "Crucify him! crucify him! Let his blood he upon us and our'Children!" PRICE mi\ $2,(W A COPY, sent on receipt of price; J. H. CASS & SON^ PUBLISHERS, 648 Washington and 126 Federal Sfreefe, idh BOSTON, tr Fairbanks & Beard, WHOLESALE DEALERS -IN- ALE* PORTER CIDER, Mineral Water and S^oda. SOLE AGENTS FOR MILES'S CROTON ALE. 3m oc3» Steam Job Printers, at the old established J. H. & F. F.'FARWELL PRINTING ESTAÈLISHM ENT, ílavé ufíbtíualled facilities for furnishing POLITICAL Posters and Handbills Their wood cuts embrace ma^y appropriate designs fbr the present campaign, with excëïlènt boftraits of the i*i- val candidates. . . By aid of their steam presses they are prepared, to ex- execute all orders entrusted to them with the greatest promptness and despatch; whilst their prices will be found as moderate as the times will admit. Order by mail, telegraph or express meet with prompt attention. Farwell & M^Grlenen, 112 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON. dh Removal ! Removal ! WILLIAM B; MAY; STOCK BftOKER: Has R&nored from No. 9 State Street, -Ttf-= 7 Congress street and 2 Congress square.' BOSTON. Government Securities of all Descriptions BOUGHT ANT) SOLD; All kinds of Stocks Bought and SoMT AT THEÖROKER8' BOARD. gyOrders by mafl promptly attended to. 1 Ci ?-i Dr. Mattison's Sure Remédiés SPECIAL' MALAbîÈ!?. O* Sent by Express everywhere, in eioseîy sealed pack' iges secure from observation,'on receipt of tne price by nail. ¡Er Circulars, giving full information, with undoubt- ed testimonials ; also a Pamphlet on Special Maladies int free, by eoclosùig one stamp, directed to DR. MATTI- ¡ON, PROVIDENCE, H: t D273B A GRAND CONCERT iHSTRbliERTAL AND VOCAL MUSIC; AT ZION CHURCH« ON - Monday Evening. Bec- 18tL18Ô5, Al Hi o clocfe. . FOR TEE BESETfT OF THE J18SI0I ptóETrEMAff CflüRCfi. Mr. Robert Lord'» celebrated Band will take a prom- inent part io-the performaBca Mrs. T. W. Cordozo will preside at the Piano. Solos, Duet«, etc., will be produced. The Band and Piano will perform several exquisite pieces together. Some of the best known Choruses, Quartets, -Du- ets, Solos, etc, will be suDg by some of our best per formers^ accompanied by. the piano.1 If it should rain, it will go on the next fair even- TICKETS . , TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. To îbe h*4 ajt the Store.of )¿t T;- Gordoxo, corner of Elizabeth and Henrietta Sti.j Mr. R. Howard, 100 Çalhanh St.; Mr. Morrison, 41 Charlotte St.; Mr. P. Thorne, 7 Heprietta St.; Mr. P. Ppinsett, 147 Com- ing, Sjt.; F. J. Adams : and at the door*. Class.No. 1 (Miss Weston's) of Normal School, con- sisting of eighty misses', will perform several choice pieces. , A second Gratti.Concert wm be giren by the .same instrumental performers, with some variations, in behalf of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Jst of Janna ry jj 866. __Dec 9 vr-iO Spark's, Reddy, &¿ Co. R O O E R © , (East end of Calhoun St.) BEG leave to inform tbeir friends that they have on hand a supply of Groceries to meei the requirements of their country customers and friends generally, and will bs happy to receive their patro- nage. ** Give us a call ; and we will sell you articles in our line cheap as can be obtained at any other place. Charleston, S. C., Nov. 24, 1865. tf-9. M R. AND MRS. MORRISON'S SCHOOL (or Men and Women is open from 3 o'clock till 5, p.m., and to 9$ in the evening,at the Normal School, St. Phillip's Sreet. School books furnished. Terms moderate. Nov. ll-tf-G MUSIC AND DANCING. JOHN T;-HOPKINS, ?. \ p A Colored Professor. CHARLESTON, Oct." 21. lm 3 WANTED.-An elderly Woman, to cook (qr twp,.persons. One who has no encumbrance of family preferred. Apply at No. 86 Mattet St" . * ' Nov 25 tf 8 A SPLENDID ÄSSOÖTMENT Ot A CROCKERY for sale cheap at Nov. S5-8 CA RDOZO'S ^TORE^ gi)AA REWARD -The subscriber will pay çJ^wv/V thc above reward to any one who will bring to him, or to this office, his grandchild, of about Ave years' of age. His father's name was Jacob Mc- Kenzie, and his mother's name was Salina, (by the child called Nena.) The mother was formerly held by Jacob Barrett, of Linton, Ca., and hired to Dr. Carr, of Washington co.. Ga. Soon after General Sherman's army entered Savannah, the mother and child started for the same place. At Wlnsboro the mother was taken sick, and placed the child in charge of a gentleman who had but one leg, an4 wjio pro- mised to take the child to vSavanpajh .for he,r." The gentleman's name is unknown \ but if tlie facts stated shall be sufficient tb idefatify the child, the kindness bf the olie..wlio¡néstores him will ever be remembered in additiom to trie above reward being paid. ISAAC WILLIAMS, Nov. 28-tf 9 50 Wolf St., Charleston, S.'C. Mechanics' Association. ARegular Weekly Meeting of tri is Associa- tion at Bonum Hall, john St., every Wednesday ev-enirffc at seven o'clock. Per order. i tJNOÍC P- DESVfiRNEY, Prcs't.' JAS. MIDDLETON,,Secretary. , Officers df the Mechanic Association-» Je-hnC -P. Desverneys, President. Abraham Simmons^ Vice Presiden Nathaniel Hill, Treasurer; Abraham Middleton, Secretary. ,, Standing Committee- Committee on Charity- Peter H. Gregorie, Ch'rm'n; J. H. Barron; Joseph Green* Wi B. Chase* Cummings Ball, Robert Vesey," W. B. Thorn, Robert Wells, B.H.Williams, J. B. Moultrie, Alexander Williams, Robert Wells, Stewards. B. C. Parsons, j Richard Montgomery, Samuel Porcher, I Samuel Fraser, Nov. 4, lt-5 AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. Old Ryes Made New, without SPECTACLES, DOC- TOR, OR MEDICINE. Pamphlet mailed free On re- ceipt of ten cents. Address E. B. FOOTE, M.D., No. U30 Broadway, New York. Nov', ll', 2m^-6 KEROSENE OIL; One dollar and hf- teen 3èhts by the gallon, at Nov. 251 GAKDOZO'S CHEAP GRuCERY. ft Ô TJic E: . Application will be made at the next session of the Legislature for an Act to Incorporate thc,,UNITED FIRE COMPANY OF COLORED MfcN of the city of Charleston, S. C. St Oct 21-3 MÜS: T. W- CORDOZO "D espectfuliy announces to her friends that she is prepared tb give LESSONS ON THE PIANO FORTE At Reasonable Ratés. Residence - Charlotte St., one door cast of Alex ander Street. Nov. 18-3m-7. WI G G & CO., RESTAURANT, No. 55 Market Street. Charleston, S. C., Where the'Public will always lind on hand, or got up'to order, every variety of Dishes * át tHe srfdrteêt notice. A: IfcWfÖb. I A. B*. Wibo. tfc^-Give us à Call; and you will find out Terms mod- érale.-Cg ..._3mOct21 3 CHEAP AS ELSEWHERE; F#R SÜE, ?. ^ 4t Oak and Pine Wood; ALSO, GRAVEL ANS BRICK.' Äpp" * hs: B. tit*** Factor. root of Laurens Street. { 1 m-4 . FAJRcniLcr Wi^iaT, Information Wanted Àùy dne having information concerning the where- abouts of Charles Henry, Willi» and Josephus Willis, children of Cue and parolina TffiUi»» formerly with Capt. Edward Tabb, on North River, Mathews Coun- ty, Virginia, will receive the thanks of.the distress^ father and mother by addressing CAROLINE WIL- LIS, corner of Broad and Meeting Streets, Charles- ton, S. C.. . Oct. 2$, 1865. tf-4 I. BARTLETT PATTEN, Druggist and Apothecary 27 Harrisdä Avenue; oc9 _ eborac* ÉteS *t.h*io' -_i TO CURE RHETTMAMSM:-Add to one half nlnt c* ^Çf.£r awine-alas* full of,M. T. B. TALBOT'S MED- ICATED, PDiEAfPLE CIDER» and take every Steen nlnutes. Apply .hot, wet flannels to the parts affected ind a sure cure- wüLfoliow in a short tune. For sale everjn*here. . M_ B. T. BABBITT, Sole Agent, 4, «S, «K, S7, «8,70,72 arv! 74 Washington Str«-tVew Y*rk PERRY DIVIS' VEGETABLE VlfE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION of the public to this long teated and un- rivalled FAMILY MEDICINE. The Painkiller is a purely vegetable compound, and while it is a most efficient remedy, for pain, it is a perfectly safe medicine even in the most unskilful hand&- " jPOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, or any other form of bowel disease in children or adults j it is an almost certain cure, and has without doubt been more successful in curing the various kinds of * \ :s '. À tl ...ft ri,Q.,L..É,ft A. :.. than any ether known remedy,.or even the most skil- ful physician'.,, in India» Africa', and China, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent, . ... Paid Hiller is considered* by the natives, as well as European re- sident» in those climates, A SURE REMEDY. As a Tonic ipr the Stomach, it is unrivalled. A few doses will relieve severe cases of INDIG-ESTION, and it is often a perfect cure for .Dyspepsia in its most AggrayatedTorms. Its tonic an,d stimu- lating properties, arousing the system to vigorous action, render it a most effectual cure for COLDS AND COUGHS, when used according to directions. For external application, it is'unsurpassed by any medical preparation known. RHEUMATISM, and Neuralgic Affections, are quickly relieved and often cured by it. Any Soreness in thc Muscles or Joints can be relieved by its application, lt cures instantly the most violent Toothache. , , It sñouhí always bb kept near at hand, to be used in cases of severe ._" BURNS OR SCALDá. If .applied immediately, according to directions, it will give instant relief, and prevent blistering. Nov. 18 3 rn-7 MUMM* OF THE MUSEUM LETTER FROM MR. BARNUM. NEW YORK, July 14; 1865. Messrs. Herring Co. &ENTIJE¿ÍE^-TJiough t|ie destruction of the Ame- rican Museum proved, a ßeriuus loss to myself and the publier J am happy tp.verify the old adage, that, " It's an ill wind that bloWs nobody good," and"con- scquently, congratulate you that your well.known safes have again demonstrated their superior fire- proof qualities in an ordeal of unusual severity. The safe you made for me some time ago was in the office of the Museum, on the second floor, back part of the building, and in the hottest of the fire. After twenty-four hours of trial it WHS found among the debris, and on opening it this day has yielded up its contents in very good order-books, papers,poli- cies of iosurance, bank bills, all in condition for im- mediate use, and a noble commentary on the trust- worthiness of Herring's Fire Proof Safes. Trulv yours, Pi T. BARNUM. HERRING'S PATENT cMxSÎPION SAFES. ? ».«?>. Tlie most reliable protection from fire n&v known, Herring & Co.'s Patent Bankers' Safes, with Her- ring A Floyd's Patent Crystalized Iron, the best se- curity against a burglar's drill ever manufactured. HERRING & CO., No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray St., New York. FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING & CO., Chicago. Cmos NOT 4-5 THE AMERICAN LAND COMPANY AND AGENCY, Wo. 57 Broadway, New'York,, Otters its Agency to owners of land of every descrip- tion, especially in th.e; Sour bern States, and to North- ern and .European .capitalists, emigration societies and .conductors af. emigration, and to individuals, (fawners,,.mechanics and others^ desirous of trans- ferring their l&bor.and skill to the South. It designs to aid, theouglu tiiê means offered by.a central office in New York, and its branches elsewhere, i" he great work of the social and economical reor- ganization of the South, by bringing together the Owner» of plantations and farmsr-seeking pnrchasf rs and industrial development on the one band, with those who command the capital and labor and skill on the other hand. It will devote itself to the work of accumulating and methodising information ajad stat- istics, useful for those who may, on grounds' ofpecu- niary profit, of business enterprise, of patriotism or philanthropy, desire to contribute« through .the reor- ganization of indiiétry; to tlic material means by which the South can be restored, its. peopje of every condition made prosperous men and good citizens ; and its communities brought to take their share in promoting the welfare of the whol*1 country. , ., The company proposes to interest the enterprise and money of the country in the opportunities and means for their useful and profitable employment, afforded by the broad lands of the South now open for the first time to free labor, but whose owners and occupiers ure suffering from the wast« of war: It invites the attention of the public; and is prepared to enter immediately on the transaction Of business. The officers are : - JOHN A. ANDREW. President, 1 ^ FRANK E. H O WJk, Vice-president and | «f General Agent North, > s LOQKE.W. WINCHESTER, Treasurer, I § GEORGE CABOT WARD! I 2 ÀLFJKED GA IT HE lt, J * M. N. WISEWELL, General Agent South. J' o --- ;.. K . OFFICE^ ROOMS^D; AND ja, . ... 57 Broadway, New Übfí. Dct. 21-3t 3 ROBERT STEVENS, FAMILY GROCERY, 444 King Street, Wishes to call tho attention of the public to his fine »tock of goods. They Hill always rind a large a«sort- nent on hand, which will be sold reasonable «t my other house in the city. Give u\. <t call, and see the (tuck- Prompt attention paid to all. -i Oct. 14. tf. T. W. CARDOZO St CO., Cheap I^ariiily Grdfceries, COR>V¿R HENRIETTA' A^ii Etizißirrii' Srs., Wholcsaia and Üetaií. r. W; C. has" ein jiand a XuII supply of Choicest Gro- :eries at reasonable rjtfes. Our f%ilitiesfor purchas- ng goods direct from New "i ork will enable us to sell is cheap as the wholesale houses iii the city. Orders rom the country and city filled prorpptlyv Several crates of carefully scíected--¿YockervJ.AnÍl xroceries, have just arrived per steamers Granada 0L Quaker City. All cheap fdr cash. 3 tao's._ Oct.' 11.' Êânsier aúdPFarrar. ±60 King St; 3ljddrs above John. AVE Constantly on hand a fine assortment #f Groceries and Fancy goods. From us the pub ic can be supplied with the choicest teas, aupar, can raits, butter,, lard and flour of thc very best quali-Í les, also meats in pickle from the Northern Markets I >y weekly steamers. Here can also be lound the cele »rated Trenton - Cracker«,-Hi quantities to suit pur* mapers. All those, who are fond of getting up nice ! larties will do well to give us a call before purchas- ng elsewhere. t I ». B.Our prices areas Reasonable as any in thc Vity. Ó'HEA¿ & #EIÍWIC¿7 ^aetor* and Cbmmtesion erch'ants. Hviog erected a Press on DcreePs Wharf ínear N. Ï. Depot,) weare prepared"to Bale, rebále and Pick roken and damaged Cottons. Ali cottons received flit he attended to with despatch. Wc trust, from long experience, to give general atisfaction. S.O'HEAR c C. FENWICK, ,11ART.ESTO!*, S. C.: Oct., 7th, 1«55. îlàwtttorne & Loudon, PLUMBERS: AND DEALEás IN . ' PLUMBER'S KÀTEHÏÀLS, NOS. 10 à 12 PROVINCE STREET, - door from School street. Apposite New City BOSTON. SOBXBT HAWTHOÄXS, ***** LOUDON (Late of Lockwood, Lomb and Co.. . 1 db H. W. HARBINGTOET & CO. Job and Card Printers NO. HS WASHINGTON STBEET. .CUP STAIKS,) H. W. HARRINGTON^ JOHN. W. HILL. .v BOSTON. nST » - DEALERS I N SOUTHERN A*I> WESTERy FLOUR. An assortment of the very best brands constantly on hand. ^ 4X) Long Wharf, 40 K-srwr; Ï dli Marshall & Blane-fiard, .. »f » » - ? IMPOBTERS AX'S DSÀiEÂS ÎN Wines, Spirits & Cigars; 234 State St. and 33 Commerce St., (FORMERLY LONG WHARF,) Oet91y _BOSTON. ~~ DR. LISTER, Oaly Astrologer and Botanic Physician Jua the State, 25 ¿«well.street', $ostf!í >íass.. x Ternis ;-Orâï» a.tew ques- tions answered^ 50 cts.; a Reading through Life S1.00; a, written nativity.two years to come, $L00; a itali nativity, ladie*$3,00; gents, $5,00; a .minute, written nativity-all brough life, ladies $5,00 gents $10,001 Time of birth ne- cessary! oct16 610 -K-n-r-. 1 ?' .??-~ To thc Colored Peopk of South Carolina. ATTENTION" TO A LIL. i GILBERT WALKER is prepared to receive and sell all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and Buy and Ship ^oods of all descriptions to any part of this State with promptness and despatch. Adrdess GILBERT WALKER« Charleslon P. X). . Refers to Charles Wilder and Israel Smith, Colum- bia, Si Ci * Oct. 28-4 CHARLESTON, 3. C., Saturday, Dec. 9, 1865. WILLIAM D. PARK; NO. 7 CENTRAL COURT, (Xear Summer street, rear of Jordan. Marsh & Co next door to Andrew's Hall.) octa BOSTON. K P* P# LOGAN, DEALER Wines; Liquors and Cigars. Lots of Choice. Old Bourbon, Rye and Mo- nongahela Whiskey constantly on,hand.. CORNER OF DOVER STREET A.\D HAfíMl l?Ett£ B0ST0Í '. ZIT Dealers-and families residing at the South End: will do well to call aud examine our stoctbefore purchas- ing elsewhere. novl3îf DANIEL JOHNSON & CO., DEALERS IN Oak & Hemlock ^ole LeátíiéiV FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, WAX, KIP, SPLIT LEATHER ^ No. 98 Milk Street, BOSTON. DÉÑTÁL ÑÜfiCE. ST)W iVthetirne for those who are wearing Artificial- teeth on Gold pr Silver, which they cannot use, to ex- change them for a set they can usc, oh the VULCJOÎITÏJ BASE. Teeth Extrarted by the KrritOUS OXIDK, EÍEKH or CHLOROFORM positively without pain Also, Teeth filled, cleaned and repaired iii the best manner. - E. H, DANIELS, No. 19 Tremont Row, Boston, ldh H. GÁRRUTH & CO., IMPOKTER8 AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN All Descriptions of Manufactured T o t> a <3 co 5 Cigars, , PIPES, Etc., NO. 46 HÀN0VER STREET; Sign, of the Indian Queen^ .. - -y American Honre. \ oct91y BOSTON. DR. HUNTER'S SURE REMEDY FOR A SPECIAL-' M A LAD Y .--Sen t by express or mail everywhere, hr cloely sealed packages, secure from observation, on re-" ceipt of the price by mail. Price $2.00 per bottle. Ad- dress DK. HUNTER, Box 3521. Roston Post Oflicc. d£> St. Charles . Exchange, 19 CONGRESS STREET. ., OYSTERS! S H £ DI AC AHp MIRIMICHI,' From Shediac & Mirimichi rivers, in NEW 13 KU NS WICK. t^-XAK-AS-r-SAK-TOK.Woburk;(:OX-T-K:E-TOKI-- and Rigoletto, from UH: Coa^t of Labrador. These Oys- ters are caught hy the Indians now residents of thar country^t p. noa¿- the-,mouth of îhe>se>veriU rivers emp- tying into ho A.laáitic, from which ]>lace they-arc trans-* [>orted and planted hi our waters, pnwdticiKg a*«k grover/ the finest and best flavored Oyster ever, known, not ex-* cepîing the fanhms Providence»'River. These Ovstora are ou sale by MR. BLISS, at the 3 St. Charles, 19 Congress Street. WILfcARD & SMALLEY. (Late.Of U. S. Navy.) BaiiKîfig & Confection Offices/ 2Q Staate St.,'. New York,*^ Bounties, Commutation of Rations for Prisoner ' * War, and for Soldiers on furlough. :<. J *i ÏTilc«Î.oaey' Hountfes, and Pensions se*ur«d and para. ' Pay, Accounts, and Allotments cashed No- tary Public and Commissioner .of-D&ds. -c. Certificates of Non-indebtcdnes^ procured KT AH- Government Ctfíffc proínpfly .ad^r«ted.- CcHumujiicattoná by mail will receive iinniadjate at- HENÉt PFÀfP & CO., Brewers ol' Lager Bçeï%* OFFÍCÉ NO. 1 FRANKLIN ST., COR. WAS^lNToW ST., BOSTON. r T . I>ager IR IibLs., Halves, Quarters and Sixths bbl* * ilso, m Quait, Pint,^nd Half-pint bottles, for Ho- ami Family..^?, delivered at any part of rh¿ ;ity, tree oi .expense. Orders left as- à'oove will bc' punctually attended to HENRY PFAFF St GO:,. ldh ^' Franklin St. eoraer Waehxngtin's^

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Page 1: South Carolina leader.(Charleston, S.C.) 1865-12-16. · 2011. 5. 4. · JOHN HENWOOD Anothersubscriber writes: I neglected (forgot) to re;.ew my subscription to TheTribune, until

Special Items.i colored population of Fairfax Cfoun-

"fl* 10. ;« 3 OOO, all of whom are seU-sup-

P°rtin5'- .toeing consented, the House reso-

Tbe &-ßtjß* a committee to- sit-in Charles-jtiîipnf^d tothe Freedmen's Bureau wasion «jj*fTre was a large meeting of freedmen at

ir Hamilton, near Foi tress Monroe, TuesdayGen. Miles and Major De Costa coun-

eZ i^lustry and self-reliance.

Dr J. W. C. Pennington had an adoptednative of Hartford, who enlisted in the20th

J% 'P Hnd through his good character and\ rose to the position of hospital steward%ch he filled very acceptably.Rum-* no* sa?s that ^om Clarke, late of the

,riîîsred Herald, instead of making "negro hoes"Winsiead is going South this winter to see ne-

-roes hoe.

The Colorado returns insure the election of#jmn for Governor and Chillicott for Con«

¿i. WISTE* DAVIS.-This gentleman, of the

vate of M ury land has written a very positive"t:er in favor ot admitting the freedmen of the

south to the suffrage. He denounces the policy0f reconstruction as ..hanful intermeddling,"j i ¿nd» authority for interference of Congiess* h suffrage in the South in the constitutional of **a republican form of government"tech State. He puts the objection to an un«

?cuni suffrage of the South in this shape:-"Congress is asked to guaranty as republican?r¿^Hpodsms as these:-In North Carolina

rt] OOO citizens ostracise 331.000. In Virginia..^ U(jQ nnz'ns osrracine 533.000 citizen:«. InVuoama 596.000 citizens ostracise 437,000 chu

.ns In Georgia 591,000 citizen» ostracise«- OOO citions' ^n louisiana 357.000 citizens

"* *ftClse 350.000 citizens. In Mississippi 353.-000 ebúva* ostracise 435.000eÍ!ÍZrns. In SouthCarolin* 2*1.000 cuizens ostracise 411,000 citi-zens. _.

The friends of negro -suffrage in Washingtonare bos*. They have organized a national con-

vcrïrion, sr.d its agents and committees are at

work. The entire city has b^en canvassed for>orrant facts bearing on the question of im-

[p«!»I suffrage. Petitions have been circulatedlin evt-ry ward, and already thousands of colored

jpeopie have attached their names to a petition0 Congress asking for the ballot.

Ren.-X. A. M. Dudley, hailing from Rox-ury. in this State, a zephyry newspaper-man1 this city in the olden time*?, but a Demo-

crat c military sycophant m modern c nes, hastn playing the part of a small tyrant as

[»uptmttendeat ol the sub-district of Mtmphi*.uD&rthe Freedmen's Bureau, tn issuing ordets[forbidding the negroes leaving the plantations[to viiit cities or towns for amusement, and fer-rymen to furnish them transportation acrossth» river unless they have a ".pass" or certificatefrom their white employer. It is a "pity suchfellow* as Dud'leV cogitan't have a "pass" 'fromthe national service they cKsjrrace.-«BostonCommonwealth,

COLORED DELEGATES.-Frederick douglasstor the colored people ot New York, and Geo.

M. Downing for those of New England, hâvebeen appointed to represent the interests oftheir mee at Washington, during the present jie>sion of Congress. Both are able and elo-

quent advocates of the rights of man.

LOOSENESS.-Th i N. Y. Herald says thftt Gen.Kraut was received at the depot in Charleston

with rounds of enthusiastic cheering," and.thata '* torchlight procession " paid their complimentst*> bira in the evening. This is the Herald'stylc. When the General stepped from the cars

t a cheer was given, and the procession carriedio torches.

1 AM A NEGRO."-The late Capt. H. Ford

Pelusa, formerly of the " State of Illinois, has

pe honor of being the first colored soldier in thear»'}'. having enlisted when the war broke out. ina:: Illinois Regiment, and lerved honorary in\> campaign at Fort Donelson and Vicksburg'.ring iiuhe trenches before the city for forty days

was a man of very fair complexion and pos-ressed a noble mind, and was there mustered out

>* promotion. General Thomas told him that«e was to be promoted, and that he i the General]eld h\s papers. But before he could give theme must answer this question:u Are you a negro or a white man?*'

I At first he gave an evasive answe~, and <aidGeneral you can't go behind my muster roll "Thc general told him he must have a positiveswer.

lie then replied, " General, I ani a negro ! aridwould not deny my race for all the commis-ons in thc army."Gew. Tilomas thou replied, "Mr. Doug ass. youwno: be promoted."He then left the Army of the Mississippi, and

ame to Kansas, and received a commission asaprain of the 1st Colored Battery, in which ca-pacity he served until mustered out.

MARRIED.In OM Bethel Church in this city, Dec. Hth bj Ker." W\ Lewi*, Mr. Alfred Provoll to Miss Dianna bin

In Memoriam.%Âhonvrwv8!î0rt ^B?*SÄ»- Maria Vettori, wifei Anthony Weston, m tur 63rd year of her age. As

lor Make?« Sn ' *r> *Lead? to ****** herself roHt^h^SlS^ her w her ,aKt moments.

bon. and i t S, °^ thf !| of imita-n the tigS "i the íírí Is í01"»?^- For precious! Sh« was on. «f th »

,S ath of his M"lte-hri»Zn* o? our div ?TU^l^Ttíá' devoted'?ove,and wmîng?o rid î?h1rwb!e in,her Iabor* of|>CK.r whenever found Vt wí ^ *Bd PUF8e' God'sfriction to her, that it ,í ofmat antisMotion to her, that it hin f a s^urce of great satisfather co «her tc «h?"*?S that Omnipotentul, andÄedSblÄ'S& "^jewels, use->een to aer as a nato"of2 rv f9??y' Their ,ove has

«k^i?8 r?oae^-is dust »

I Vor hertW ^ 8he hath «nished1 Her life £ briSh?h°?C rtny futüre-And cannot ¿a¿^ vithout il ««VKnocks at°Lr ¿oor with «S! 0mÍí0lí8 Koa«

corning hour 1 *ho KNOW8 Vhat theNeiled in thick darkum bringa for ns? 1

LAWRENCE & FAULKKÈR;GEXËRAt PfiODü?E STORE,180 King Street,(Below Horlhack Ailey,)Charleston* S o .

3m Nov^ 5 ^»

NEW ADTERTISMENggGrand Celebration

IV "


Èmàneipàtioii Prodamaiiorior PRESIDENT LINCOLN; ,

Which will take place in this City on Ine 1stof January, iô6è.

The Committee of Arrangements, harte? been dulyappointed, respectfully inform the pnblic that Eman-cipation Day will be celebrated with thc old fashion-ed barbacue, and that they respectfully beg the aid ofthe pnblic in contributing their mites to the canoe ofFreedom, that they may make the day a glorious oneit bein*? the first celebrated in Charleston. This Com-mittee is therefore fully authorised to make the ne-cessary collection throughout the city. The publicare requested not to pay their subscriptions to anyperson or persons except the Committee, whosenames will be found on the lut.N B-AU Male Societies, Companies, Clubs, or or-

ganized bodies ;*also the Battalion of Home GuardsMasonic and other Lodges, and Fire Companies, arerequested to appoint committees from their respect-ive bodies, in the following manner-From all Societies, or, rather, Bodies, over one hundred strong, 4members ; all over fifty, 3 members ; all over twenty-five. Sf members. These Committees will report tothe Chairman of Committee of Arrangements atUnion League Hall, King Street, on Monday, be-tween thc hours of i> and 2 o'clock in the morning,and between 3 and 9 in the afternoon, to arrange forthe coming celebration.The Pastors of all Churches of Colored Congrega-

tions are respectfully requested to take up a collec-tion in their churches, and hand the same over to amember of the Committee who will be appointed towait upon and receive the same.

All Societies, Companies, Clubs, or organized bodiesare requested to take up a collection from their mern .

hers, and hand thc same over to the Chairman.AH the Ladies' Societies and Associations are re:

spectrally informed that anything in the shape ofcontributions to aid the celebration will be happilyreceired by the Committee.The Committee beg to inform the ladies generally

that they would be extremely happy to have theirassignee in making Wreaths. Banners, et *.The Committee is well aware that they cannot get

along without the ladies, except in the procession.Any information can be obtained by calling on theChairman at Union League Hall, on Moudav, duringthe day or evening, or by calling on Mr. James Priceat hi* residence, Radcliff Street, three doors east ofComing Street ; or to Mr. John Brown, Coming St.,near Warren St.


ALEX. WILLIAMS, Secretary.

The public may find it to their advantage tocall at our Store, in getting up their christmas,

supplies ss we have Fresh Supplies of Cake PrintsFire Works, etc.. etc., which we offer as low as canbe had in the city.


The Great Family Newspaper.SOW IS TEE HIE TO SUBSCRIBE.

THEN. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNEft printed on a large double-medium sheet, makingeight pages of six columns each. It contains all theimportant Editorials published in the DAILT THIRUSE, except those, of merely local interest ; alsoLiterary and Scientific Intelligence ; Reviews of themost interesting and important New Books ; thc Letter» from our large corps of correspondents ; thetatest news by Telegraph from Washington and allother platts Of the country a Summary of all impor-tant VnteRrgènce in this city and elsewhere ; a Synopsis of the proceedings of Congress and State Legisla-ture when in session ; Exclusive Reports of the pro-ceedings of the Farmers' Club of the Americaninstitute 5 Talk«* about Fruit, and other Horticulturaland Agricultural information essential to countryresidents; Stock, Financial. Cattle, Dry Goods, andGeneral Market Reports, making it, both for varietywtfd compkreriess, altogether, the most valuabîe, in-teresting, and instructive WEEKLY NEWSPAPERpublished in the WOTW._The Füll Reports of the American Institute Farm-

ers' Club, and the "various Agricultural Reports, ineach number,ure richly worth a year's Subscription.Read-what a subscriber in St. Louis says :

ST. Lons-, Mr)/, July 18, 1865.The Editor of the Tribune.DEAR SIR: I have had it ifl contemplation for some

time to write and tell you the pleasure I get fromtile weekiy perusal of the proceedings of the Farmera' Club; first I will teii you how recently^ I becameaware of its existence-. About the st of September,1M'»3, I noticed "Ru advertisement, and a cut of TheTribune Strawberries, and immediately subscribed forThe Weekly t ribune, in which 1 found the proceed-ings ofyour Club. I have read them constantly, uutilthey have become to me a necessity, and I look forMonday red titter day in my caleudar, and was 1 to beconfined to oneagricultural paper alone, should preferThe TriPuCe to auytfcthg I liaVe yet s«-en. Yours.

JOHN HENWOODAnother subscriber writes:I neglected (forgot) to re;.ew my subscription to

The Tribune, until so lute that I missed the first JulyNo. Cau you help me to it ? Portions of the Farmei s'Club reports in that number, particularly, I wish topreserve. In fact, that feature o fthe paper constitutesone 'of the main r aadhs fthy 1 take it. And 1 haveno doubt that it receives a goodly share of its patron-al from persons who wish it well, but wouid nototherwise bring themselves to the subscribing point.

Yours truly O. A. ALLX AN uta..Waynes ville; ill., July 25.

TERMSMail subscribers, single copy, 1 year-52 numbers... $ 2 00Mail subscribers, Clubs of five. 9 00ten copies, addressed to names of subscribers .... 17 00Twenty copies, addressed to names of subscribers... 34 00Ten copies, to oue address.: 16 00

I Twenty copies, to one address.30 00Au extra copy will be sent for each club of ten:

THE NEW -YORfc SEMIWEEKLY fRîfcfeÈin publisnvd every TUESDAY and FKIDAY, and con-tains all the Editorial articles, not merely local incharacter; Litertlry Reviews and Art Criticisms;Letters from our lar^e corps of Foreign and nomesticCorrespondent; Special and Associated Press Tele-graphic Dispatches ; a careful and complete SüminarvOf {foreign and Domestic News ; Exclusive Reportsof the 1 roceedings of the Farmers' club of the Amerleau Institute ; Talki about Fruit; and other HortisWltura a tut Agricultural Intimation ; Stock, FiuancialCattle, Dry Good* and General Market Reports, whichare published in TUE DAILY T RI liUNE THFSEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE also gives in the course ofa year, I rt KEE or FOUR ot the


by living authors. The cost of these alone, if bcuehtm book torm, would be from six to eight dollars Ifpurchased ," the ENGLISH MAGAZINES from whichthey are caretully selected, the cost would be threeor four times that sum. Nowhere else can so muchcurrent intelligence and permanent literary matter be^*?^iheil>*rat^*,nthe^Ii ifÊ&LYTKl-' 1 hose who believe in the principles and ap-prove of the charact » of THE TRIBUNE can increaseits power and influence byjoiuing with their neigh-bors in torming clubs to subscribe for THU SEMI-VJ EEKLY Edition. It will in that way be supplied tothem at the lowest price for which such a paoer canbe printed. *^

TERMS.Mail subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year-104 nuinbers...$4 00do. '¿copies;do. do..:. 700do. 5 copies, or over, for each copy 3 00Persons remitting for 10 copies $30*, will receive anextra copy for 6 months:Persons remitting for 15 copies $45, will receive anextra copy for one year;

THE NEW-YOBK DAILY TRIBUNE is publishedevery morning and evening (Sundays excepted) át ¿10per year ; $5 for six months.Terms cash in advance.Drafts on New York, or Post-Oflüce orders, parableto the TRIBUSE, being safer, are preferable to anymode of remittance. Address

_THA TRIBUNE, New tork.TORE-WORKS, TOYS AND SEGARS.Get your Fireworks, Toys, Segars and Tobacco'

At B. DOSCHER,Bec. 16,2wll 535 King Street.~

NEW IDEA.Toe neatest and most compact article for Smokers'

ThJv* nVJy Ploted little gem .of a Pipe calledvi a« i? We*' for 8ale bjr H. CARRUTH & CO.iAo, vi llanover street. <H8 tf



Originally Established tn 1853'.

Get tke Bett-The Best ia tito Cheapen

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These machines- are manufactured by authority ofa license from JÜLIAS HOWE, Jr., (and others) tbaoriginal invenios wf Sewing Machines, and embodyall the essential,principles of his invention, to whichare added aeveraj valuable improvements, importantto the perfection of Sewing Machines, secured exclusiveîy to thiB Company by ample patents.

THE FAMILY MACHINEls superior, in all the qualities of a practically usefuldomestic machine, to any others yet presented tothe public, lt is simple and durable in»construction,working without noise, or fatigue to the operator;using, with equal facility, sift; cottoa, (©raimenthread, in all varieties ot family sewing, from thelightest muslin to the heaviest cloth.They are made in. every Tariejy of finish, te. .meet

the wants and tastes of all. T;he faithful friend ofthe hard-working seamstress j-tfce elegant, usefulornament ol the lady's boudoir, and the one indis-pensable thing to A well-kept house.


THE MANUFACTURING MACHINE,For Tailors, Coach and Harness Makers, Boot andShoe Manufacturers, Rubber Goods, fcc., kc., performsmore and better work than any other.Especial attention is called to recent IMPROVE

MKSTS in the machines, particularly importaut in themann fact ure of Boots and Shoes ; among which is thefact that a smaller needle can be used that by anyother, the value of which will at once be appreciated.Particular attention has been devoted to this branchof manufacture, and, it is conceded, with unrivalledsuccess, especially for Shoe Binding, and Fine Stitch-ing on Patent Leather.The Compauy Hatter themselves that the result of

twelve years'experience in the manufacture of Sewlog ."o.achines enables them to present a machine pos-sessing all the qualities of a first-class machine, togreater extent than any other in the world.Information iu regard to the machines can be had

by applyiug toT. HURLEY,




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Masons, Masonic Lodges; Chapters; Conncils, Encampments, etc.',

is called

to our large and and carefully assorted stock of ali



Constantly on hand, or made to order at the shortest no

tice, and in the best manner.


1 dh_

NOTICE.Just the thing for a Holiday Present

Oar splendid Picture, entitled

TRIAL AND SENTENCE OF CHRIST,Is now ready for delivery. The picture represents ourSaviour in Court, with acircie of jurors,around him, attim head of which is Pontius Pilate, pronouncing thedeath sentence, while the molí .outside is crying out."Crucify him! crucify him! Let his blood he upon us

and our'Children!"PRICE mi\ $2,(W A COPY,

sent on receipt of price;


648 Washington and 126 Federal Sfreefe,idh BOSTON, tr



ALE* PORTER CIDER,Mineral Waterand S^oda.



Steam Job Printers,at the old established


ESTAÈLISHM ENT,ílavé ufíbtíualled facilities for furnishing

POLITICALPosters and HandbillsTheir wood cuts embrace ma^y appropriate designs fbr

the present campaign, with excëïlènt boftraits of the i*i-val candidates. . .

By aid of their steam presses they are prepared, to ex-execute all orders entrusted to them with the greatestpromptness and despatch; whilst their prices will befound as moderate as the times will admit.Order by mail, telegraph or express meet with prompt


Farwell & M^Grlenen,112 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON. dh

Removal ! Removal !WILLIAM B; MAY;

STOCK BftOKER:Has R&nored from No. 9 State Street,

-Ttf-=7 Congress street and 2 Congress square.'

BOSTON.Government Securities of all Descriptions

BOUGHT ANT) SOLD;All kinds of Stocks Bought and SoMT

AT THEÖROKER8' BOARD.gyOrders by mafl promptly attended to. 1 Ci


Dr. Mattison's Sure Remédiés

SPECIAL' MALAbîÈ!?.O*Sent by Express everywhere, in eioseîy sealed pack'

iges securefrom observation,'on receipt of tne price bynail. ¡Er Circulars, giving full information, with undoubt-ed testimonials ; also a Pamphlet on Special Maladiesint free, by eoclosùig one stamp, directed to DR. MATTI-¡ON, PROVIDENCE, H: t D273B



ON -

Monday Evening. Bec- 18tL18Ô5,Al Hi o clocfe. .


Mr. Robert Lord'» celebrated Band will take a prom-inent part io-the performaBca Mrs. T. W. Cordozowill preside at the Piano. Solos, Duet«, etc., will beproduced.The Band and Piano will perform several exquisite

pieces together.Some of the best known Choruses, Quartets, -Du-

ets, Solos, etc, will be suDg by some of our bestperformers^accompanied by. the piano.1If it should rain, it will go on the next fair even-

TICKETS . , TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.To îbe h*4 ajt the Store.of )¿t T;- Gordoxo, cornerof Elizabeth and Henrietta Sti.j Mr. R. Howard,100 Çalhanh St.; Mr. Morrison, 41 Charlotte St.; Mr.P. Thorne, 7 Heprietta St.; Mr. P. Ppinsett, 147 Com-ing, Sjt.; F. J. Adams : and at the door*.Class.No. 1 (Miss Weston's) of Normal School, con-

sisting of eighty misses', will perform several choicepieces., A second Gratti.Concert wm be giren by the .sameinstrumental performers, with some variations, inbehalf of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Jst ofJannaryjj866. __Dec 9 vr-iO

Spark's, Reddy, &¿ Co.R O O E R © ,

(East end of Calhoun St.)

BEG leave to inform tbeir friends that theyhave on hand a supply of Groceries to meei the

requirements of their country customers and friendsgenerally, and will bs happy to receive their patro-nage. **

Give us a call ; and we will sell you articles in ourline cheap as can be obtained at any other place.Charleston, S. C., Nov. 24, 1865. tf-9.

MR. AND MRS. MORRISON'S SCHOOL(or Men and Women is open from 3 o'clock

till 5, p.m., and to 9$ in the evening,at the NormalSchool, St. Phillip's Sreet. School books furnished.Terms moderate. Nov. ll-tf-G


JOHN T;-HOPKINS,?. \ p A Colored Professor.

CHARLESTON, Oct." 21. lm 3

WANTED.-An elderly Woman, to (qr twp,.persons. One who has no

encumbrance of family preferred. Apply at No. 86Mattet St" .

* ' Nov 25 tf 8

A SPLENDID ÄSSOÖTMENT OtA CROCKERY for sale cheap atNov. S5-8 CARDOZO'S ^TORE^gi)AA REWARD -The subscriber will payçJ^wv/V thc above reward to any one who willbring to him, or to this office, his grandchild, of aboutAve years' of age. His father's name was Jacob Mc-Kenzie, and his mother's name was Salina, (by thechild called Nena.) The mother was formerly held byJacob Barrett, of Linton, Ca., and hired to Dr.Carr, of Washington co.. Ga. Soon after GeneralSherman's army entered Savannah, the mother andchild started for the same place. At Wlnsboro themother was taken sick, and placed the child in chargeof a gentleman who had but one leg, an4 wjio pro-mised to take the child to vSavanpajh .for he,r." Thegentleman's name is unknown \ but if tlie facts statedshall be sufficient tb idefatify the child, the kindnessbf the olie..wlio¡néstores him will ever be rememberedin additiom to trie above reward being paid.

ISAAC WILLIAMS,Nov. 28-tf 9 50 Wolf St., Charleston, S.'C.

Mechanics' Association.

ARegular Weekly Meeting of tri is Associa-tion at Bonum Hall, john St.,

every Wednesday ev-enirffc at seven o'clock.Per order. i tJNOÍC P- DESVfiRNEY, Prcs't.'

JAS. MIDDLETON,,Secretary. ,

Officers df the Mechanic Association-»Je-hnC -P. Desverneys, President.Abraham Simmons^ Vice PresidenNathaniel Hill, Treasurer;Abraham Middleton, Secretary. ,,

Standing Committee- Committee on Charity-Peter H. Gregorie, Ch'rm'n; J. H. Barron;Joseph Green* Wi B. Chase*Cummings Ball, Robert Vesey,"W. B. Thorn, Robert Wells,

B.H.Williams,J. B. Moultrie,Alexander Williams,Robert Wells,

Stewards.B. C. Parsons, j Richard Montgomery,Samuel Porcher, I Samuel Fraser,Nov. 4, lt-5


TOR, OR MEDICINE. Pamphlet mailed free On re-

ceipt of ten cents. Address E. B. FOOTE, M.D.,No. U30 Broadway, New York.

Nov', ll', 2m^-6

KEROSENE OIL; One dollar and hf-teen 3èhts by the gallon, at


ft Ô TJic E:. Application will be made at the next session of theLegislature for an Act to Incorporate thc,,UNITEDFIRE COMPANY OF COLORED MfcN of the cityof Charleston, S. C. St Oct 21-3

MÜS: T. W- CORDOZO"D espectfuliy announces to her friends that she is


At Reasonable Ratés.

Residence - Charlotte St., one door cast of Alexander Street. Nov. 18-3m-7.


No. 55 Market Street.

Charleston, S. C.,Where the'Public will always lind on hand, or

got up'to order, every variety of Dishes* át tHe srfdrteêt notice.

A: IfcWfÖb. I A. B*. Wibo.tfc^-Give us à Call; and you will find out Terms mod-érale.-Cg ..._3mOct21 3


Oak and Pine Wood;ALSO,

GRAVEL ANS BRICK.'Äpp" * hs: B. tit***


root of Laurens Street. { 1 m-4. FAJRcniLcr Wi^iaT,

Information WantedÀùy dne having information concerning the where-

abouts of Charles Henry, Willi» and Josephus Willis,children of Cue and parolina TffiUi»» formerly withCapt. Edward Tabb, on North River, Mathews Coun-ty, Virginia, will receive the thanks of.the distress^father and mother by addressing CAROLINE WIL-LIS, corner of Broad and Meeting Streets, Charles-ton, S. C... Oct. 2$, 1865. tf-4

I. BARTLETT PATTEN,Druggist and Apothecary

27 Harrisdä Avenue;oc9

_ eborac* ÉteS *t.h*io'-_i

TO CURE RHETTMAMSM:-Add to one half nlnt c*^Çf.£r awine-alas* full of,M. T. B. TALBOT'SMED-ICATED, PDiEAfPLE CIDER» and take every Steennlnutes. Apply .hot, wet flannels to the parts affectedind a sure cure- wüLfoliow in a short tune.For sale everjn*here.. M_

B. T. BABBITT, Sole Agent,4, «S, «K, S7, «8,70,72 arv! 74 Washington Str«-tVew Y*rk


VlfE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTIONof the public to this long teated and un-


The Painkiller is a purely vegetable compound, and

while it is a most efficient remedy, for pain, it is a

perfectly safe medicine even in the most unskilfulhand&- "

jPOR SUMMER COMPLAINT,or any other form of bowel disease in children or

adults j it is an almost certain cure, and has withoutdoubt been more successful in curing the various

kinds of *\ :s '. À tl

...ft ri,Q.,L..É,ft A. :..

than any ether known remedy,.or even the most skil-ful physician'.,, in India» Africa', and China, wherethis dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent,

. ... Paid Hilleris considered* by the natives, as well as European re-

sident» in those climates,A SURE REMEDY.

As a Tonic ipr the Stomach, it is unrivalled. Afew doses will relieve severe cases of

INDIG-ESTION,and it is often a perfect cure for

.Dyspepsiain its most AggrayatedTorms. Its tonic an,d stimu-lating properties, arousing the system to vigorousaction, render it a most effectual cure for

COLDS AND COUGHS,when used according to directions.For external application, it is'unsurpassed by any

medical preparation known.RHEUMATISM,

and Neuralgic Affections, are quickly relieved andoften cured by it. Any Soreness in thc Muscles or

Joints can be relieved by its application, lt cures

instantly the most violent

Toothache., ,

It sñouhí always bb kept near at hand, to be usedin cases of severe ._"

BURNS OR SCALDá.If .applied immediately, according to directions, itwill give instant relief, and prevent blistering.Nov. 18 3 rn-7


NEW YORK, July 14; 1865.Messrs. Herring S¡ Co.&ENTIJE¿ÍE^-TJiough t|ie destruction of the Ame-

rican Museum proved, a ßeriuus loss to myself andthe publier J am happy tp.verify the old adage, that," It's an ill wind that bloWs nobody good," and"con-scquently, congratulate you that your well.knownsafes have again demonstrated their superior fire-proof qualities in an ordeal of unusual severity.The safe you made for me some time ago was in the

office of the Museum, on the second floor, back partof the building, and in the hottest of the fire.After twenty-four hours of trial it WHS found among

the debris, and on opening it this day has yielded upits contents in very good order-books, papers,poli-cies of iosurance, bank bills, all in condition for im-mediate use, and a noble commentary on the trust-worthiness of Herring's Fire Proof Safes.

Trulv yours,Pi T. BARNUM.


Tlie most reliable protection from fire n&v known,Herring & Co.'s Patent Bankers' Safes, with Her-

ring A Floyd's Patent Crystalized Iron, the best se-

curity against a burglar's drill ever manufactured.HERRING & CO.,

No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray St., New York.FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia.

HERRING & CO., Chicago.Cmos NOT 4-5


Wo. 57 Broadway, New'York,,Otters its Agency to owners of land of every descrip-tion, especially in th.e; Sour bern States, and to North-ern and .European .capitalists, emigration societiesand .conductors af. emigration, and to individuals,(fawners,,.mechanics and others^ desirous of trans-ferring their l&bor.and skill to the South.

It designs to aid, theouglu tiiê means offered by.acentral office in New York, and its branches elsewhere,i" he great work of the social and economical reor-ganization of the South, by bringing together theOwner» of plantations and farmsr-seeking pnrchasf rsand industrial development on the one band, withthose who command the capital and labor and skill onthe other hand. It will devote itself to the work ofaccumulating and methodising information ajad stat-istics, useful for those who may, on grounds' ofpecu-niary profit, of business enterprise, of patriotism orphilanthropy, desire to contribute« through .the reor-ganization of indiiétry; to tlic material means bywhich the South can be restored, its. peopje of everycondition made prosperous men and good citizens ;and its communities brought to take their share inpromoting the welfare of the whol*1 country. , .,

The company proposes to interest the enterprise andmoney of the country in the opportunities and meansfor their useful and profitable employment, affordedby the broad lands of the South now open for the firsttime to free labor, but whose owners and occupiersure suffering from the wast« of war:It invites the attention of the public; and is prepared

to enter immediately on the transaction Of business.The officers are : -

JOHN A. ANDREW. President, 1 ^

FRANK E. HO WJk, Vice-president and | «fGeneral Agent North, > s


M. N. WISEWELL, General Agent South.J' o --- ;..


. ... 57 Broadway, New Übfí.Dct. 21-3t 3


444 King Street,Wishes to call tho attention of the public to his fine»tock of goods. They Hill always rind a large a«sort-nent on hand, which will be sold a« reasonable a» «tmy other house in the city. Give u\. <t call, and see the(tuck- Prompt attention paid to all.

-i Oct. 14. tf.

T. W. CARDOZO St CO.,Cheap I^ariiily Grdfceries,

COR>V¿R HENRIETTA' A^ii Etizißirrii' Srs.,Wholcsaia and Üetaií.

r. W; C. has" ein jiand a XuII supply of Choicest Gro-:eries at reasonable rjtfes. Our f%ilitiesfor purchas-ng goods direct from New "i ork will enable us to sellis cheap as the wholesale houses iii the city. Ordersrom the country and city filled prorpptlyvSeveral crates of carefully scíected--¿YockervJ.AnÍlxroceries, have just arrived per steamers Granada0L Quaker City. All cheap fdr cash.

3 tao's._ Oct.' 11.'

Êânsier aúdPFarrar.±60 King St; 3ljddrs above

John.AVE Constantly on hand a fine assortment #fGroceries and Fancy goods. From us the pubic can be supplied with the choicest teas, aupar, can

raits, butter,, lard and flour of thc very best quali-Íles, also meats in pickle from the Northern Markets I>y weekly steamers. Here can also be lound the cele»rated Trenton - Cracker«,-Hi quantities to suit pur*mapers. All those, who are fond of getting up nice !larties will do well to give us a call before purchas-ng elsewhere.


». B.Our prices areas Reasonable as any in thcVity.

Ó'HEA¿ & #EIÍWIC¿7^aetor* and Cbmmtesion erch'ants.Hviog erected a Press on DcreePs Wharf ínear N.Ï. Depot,) weare prepared"to Bale, rebále and Pickroken and damaged Cottons. Ali cottons receivedflit he attended to with despatch.Wc trust, from long experience, to give generalatisfaction.S.O'HEAR

c C. FENWICK,,11ART.ESTO!*, S. C.: Oct., 7th, 1«55.

îlàwtttorne & Loudon,PLUMBERS:




tá door from School street. Apposite New City HÙ

BOSTON.SOBXBT HAWTHOÄXS, ***** LOUDON(Late of Lockwood, Lomb and Co.. . 1 db


Job and Card PrintersNO. HS WASHINGTON STBEET.




FLOUR.An assortment of the very best brands constantly on


4X) Long Wharf, 40K-srwr;

Ï dli

Marshall & Blane-fiard,.. » f » » - ?


Wines, Spirits & Cigars;234 State St. and 33 Commerce St.,


DR. LISTER,Oaly Astrologer and Botanic Physician Jua the State, 25

¿«well.street', $ostf!í >íass.. x Ternis ;-Orâï» a.tew ques-tions answered^ 50 cts.; a Reading through Life S1.00; a,written nativity.two years to come, $L00; a itali nativity,ladie*$3,00; gents, $5,00; a .minute, written nativity-allbrough life, ladies $5,00 gents $10,001 Time of birth ne-

cessary! oct16 610-K-n-r-. 1 ?' .??-~

To thc Colored Peopk of South Carolina.

ATTENTION" TO ALIL. iGILBERT WALKER is prepared to receive

and sell all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE,and Buy and Ship ^oods of all descriptions to anypart of this State with promptness and despatch.

Adrdess GILBERT WALKER«Charleslon P. X). .

Refers to Charles Wilder and Israel Smith, Colum-bia, Si Ci *Oct. 28-4

CHARLESTON, 3. C.,Saturday, Dec. 9, 1865.


(Xear Summer street, rear of Jordan. Marsh & Conext door to Andrew's Hall.)

octa BOSTON. K


Wines; Liquors and Cigars.Lots of Choice. Old Bourbon, Rye and Mo-

nongahela Whiskey constantly on,hand..CORNER OF DOVER STREET A.\D HAfíMl l?Ett£ B0ST0Í


ZIT Dealers-and families residing at the South End:will do well to call aud examine our stoctbefore purchas-ing elsewhere. novl3îf


Oak & Hemlock ^ole LeátíiéiVFRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS,

WAX, KIP, SPLIT LEATHER ^No. 98 Milk Street,


DÉÑTÁL ÑÜfiCE.ST)W iVthetirne for those who are wearing Artificial-

teeth on Gold pr Silver, which they cannot use, to ex-change them for a set they can usc, oh the VULCJOÎITÏJBASE. Teeth Extrarted by the KrritOUS OXIDK, EÍEKHor CHLOROFORM positively without pain Also, Teethfilled, cleaned and repaired iii the best manner.

- E. H, DANIELS,No. 19 Tremont Row, Boston,



All Descriptions of Manufactured

T o t> a <3 co 5 Cigars,, PIPES, Etc.,

NO. 46 HÀN0VER STREET;Sign, of the Indian Queen^ ..

- -y


MALADY.--Sen t by express or mail everywhere, hrcloely sealed packages, secure from observation, on re-"ceipt of the price by mail. Price $2.00 per bottle. Ad-dress DK. HUNTER, Box 3521. Roston Post Oflicc. d£>

St. Charles.Exchange,


S H £ DI AC AHp MIRIMICHI,'From Shediac & Mirimichi rivers, in


t^-XAK-AS-r-SAK-TOK.Woburk;(:OX-T-K:E-TOKI--and Rigoletto, from UH: Coa^t of Labrador. These Oys-ters are caught hy the Indians now residents of tharcountry^t p. noa¿- the-,mouth of îhe>se>veriU rivers emp-tying into ho A.laáitic, from which ]>lace they-arc trans-*[>orted and planted hi our waters, pnwdticiKg a*«k grover/the finest and best flavored Oyster ever, known, not ex-*cepîing the fanhms Providence»'River. These Ovstoraare ou sale by MR. BLISS, at the 3

St. Charles, 19 Congress Street.

WILfcARD & SMALLEY.(Late.Of U. S. Navy.)

BaiiKîfig & Confection Offices/2Q Staate St.,'.New York,*^Bounties, Commutation of Rations for Prisoner


War, and for Soldiers on furlough. :<. J *iÏTilc«Î.oaey' Hountfes, and Pensions se*ur«d and

para. ' Pay, Accounts, and Allotments cashed No-tary Public and Commissioner .of-D&ds. -c.Certificates of Non-indebtcdnes^ procuredKT AH- Government Ctfíffc proínpfly .ad^r«ted.-CcHumujiicattoná by mail will receive iinniadjate at-

HENÉt PFÀfP & CO.,Brewers ol' Lager Bçeï%*OFFÍCÉ NO. 1 FRANKLIN ST., COR. WAS^lNToW



I>ager IR IibLs., Halves, Quarters and Sixths bbl* *

ilso, m Quait, Pint,^nd Half-pint bottles, for Ho-ami Family..^?, delivered at any part of rh¿;ity, tree oi .expense. Orders left as- à'oove will bc'punctually attended to

HENRY PFAFF St GO:,.ldh ^' Franklin St. eoraer Waehxngtin's^