south lake grads miss green. are amazing! they are learning even before birth. a child’s first...

Early Learning and Development… IT MATTERS! South Lake GRADS Miss Green

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Early Learning and Development…IT MATTERS!

South Lake GRADS

Miss Green


They are learning even before birth.

A child’s first year is crucial for building the brain.

Their interactions with parents, childcare professionals, caregivers, teachers, and other caring adults play a key role in brain development.

The early years of a child’s life…

The early years of a child’s life…

In the years from birth to 3rd grade, children gain physical and social skills, and develop emotionally and cognitively.

Nurturing the whole child during this time is essential in preparing them for the challenges they will face in the 21st century.

Early Learning is about the whole child.

Sets the foundation.

Developing babies and toddlers become aware of and then make sense of the world.

It is during this time that we can maximize each child's learning potential.

Birth through 3rd grade…

Is the time for caregivers, (all) to observe and track each child’s development closely.

Each child develops at their own pace

It is important to talk about the developmental milestones at every visit.Any delays and what to expect next

Birth through 3rd grade…cont.

How Children Learn

Families are a child’s first, most important and life-ling teachers.

They are responsible for them 24 hours a day, no matter what, until the children grow up.

Family and community traditions, languages, and activities are the foundation for children's learning and development.

Children build their identities from the people, communities and places in their lives.

Learning Starts with families and communities

Children learn through…Relationships


Active exploration

Nurturing relationships help children become secure, confident, and communicative people.

They play to express their zest for living

Learning through hands on interaction they use all their senses, creativity and imagination.

Children's unique gifts and abilities…Each child has

strengths and talents, as well as areas where they will need extra support

They learn and grow at their own speed.

Some will have health care needs, disabilities, or delays that may effect how they learn and grow.

It is important to support children where they are and help them in the next areas of development.

Children learn best when they are healthy, safe, and free of hunger.WIC, food banks, school lunch programs.

Pregnancy visits and Well-child visits

Every day, balances nutrition, adequate sleep, and physical activity help children grow and set the stage for healthy habits and learning.

Safe environments for life and play. Adults for help.

Learning and Basic Needs

Build on prior learning and development

They learn in the same way that they build a tower of blocks, it will stand as long as it has a sturdy base.

The steps in growth and learning may span several ages as they build up.

Learning and development

Growth and development in one area influences and/or depends on other areas.

No one area of development is more important than another.

A child’s physical and cognitive development reinforce each other.

Learning is interrelated.

Many children learn two or more languages at the same time. “dual language learners”

Children who learn two or more languages benefit by:Having a higher level of thinking and reasoning,

better problem solving, and listening skills

They may also experience “silent periods” because they are absorbing the sounds and words of multiple languages.

Bilingual children

Provide books, pictures, and labels that reflect language.

Use pictures, gestures, and props as needed.

Encourage families to share language, culture, songs or stories.Explain the differences between home and care


Childcare centers that honor language,

Executive FunctionA skill that acts like an airport’s air traffic controller who manages the arrivals and departures of dozens of airplanes on several runways.

Executive Function involves:Working memory

Inhibitory control (effortful)

Mental flexibility

• hold and manipulate info in our heads, over short periods of time

• filter thoughts and impulses to resist temptations & distractions

• adjust to changes, demands, priorities, or perspectives

Developing executive function:Encouraging your child

to try different ways to do things

Playing hide and search

Games that require “rules”

Asking what they are doing, feeling, and why

Sharing your own feelings and doings.

Involving your child in cultural activities

Talking with your child in multiple languages

Problem solving with them in daily activities

Non- judgmental questionsWhat else could you

do? What do think is best?

Helps children learn to:Reason logicallyExercise judgmentControl impulsesPlanIdentify goals and work to achieve themUnderstand what is happening and how to

make adjustments.

Developing executive function: cont.

Improves school readinessBetter attention and social skills.

Low skills predict delinquency, drug dependence and criminal behavior

It CAN be strengthened if you WORK at it!

Why is EF important?

Does it create a sense of belonging? (names, alike faces, cultures, family)

Safe and organized, inviting and engaging?

Give the child opportunities to explore, wonder, and try new things? (inspire curiosity, take initiative)

Appropriate for the age and stage of child?

Physically active play? Different things to hear, feel, indoors and outside?

Questions to consider about the learning environment:

We will be answering these five questions?1. What has your child done that has surprised you with

a new ability, skill, or understanding?

2. How does your child go about trying something new?

3. What does your child really enjoy doing?

4. How does your child respond to new situations or challenges?

5. Who among your family and friends does your child enjoy spending time with? What are some of the things that person does with or teaches your child?

Early Learning age sections