southeastern sd commercial corridor urban design guide

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  • 7/28/2019 Southeastern Sd Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide


    , -..!.- -.-....,

    UrbanRedevelopment Design Concepts &Guidelines

    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

  • 7/28/2019 Southeastern Sd Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide


    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guid

    Southeastern San DiegoCommercial CorridorUrban Design GuideRedevelopment Design Concepts & Guidelines Town Center at Euclid Avenue and Market Street Euclid Avenue Commercial Corridor Euclid Avenue and Imperial Avenue Commercial Center Market Street Industrial Corr idor Encanto Village at Imperial Avenue Mount Hope Commercial CorridorPrepared for:

    Southeastern Economic Development CorporationPrepared by:Roesling Nakamura Architects, Inc.

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    AcknowledgmentsThe Southeastern San Diego Commercial Corridor Urban DesignGuide was prepared by Roesling Nakamura Architects, Inc. (RNP),located in San Diego.These services were provided for the Southeastern EconomicDevelopment Corporation (SEDC) as part of the CommercialRehabilitation program for Southeastern San Diego.Principal-in-Charge:Project Team:

    Ralph J. Roesling, FAIARick Espana, Jennifer Custodio,Jamie Ho, Joe Mansfield, RicardoBalvaneda

    SEDC and the project team would like to extend their special thanks to thefollowing organizations fortheircooperation and valuable input in producingthis document:4th District Council Office of George Stevens, Diamond BusinessImprovement District, Central Imperial Project Area Committee, SutterAssets, Jacobs Foundation, Fehlman LaBarre Architects, Frisco WhiteArchitects, City of San Diego Planning and Development Review,Metropolitan Transit Development Board, and SDG&E.

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    Commercial Corr idor Urban Design Guid

    Table of Contents1 Introduction and Goals1.0 Project Purpose ..................................................................... 11.1 Planning Study Areas ............................................................ 11.2 Design Guide Goals and Objectives ..................................... 11.3 About the Guide .................................................................... 11.4 Making it Work ....................................................................... 12 Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines2.0 Introduction ............................................................................22.1 Principal Commercial Concepts for the Euclid AvenueCommercial Corridor and Adjacent Areas ............................. 22.2 Town Center at Euclid Avenue and Market Street ................ 22.3 Euclid Avenue Commercial Corridor ..................................... 22.4 Commercial Center at Euclid Avenue and

    Imperial Avenue .................................................................. 2-2.5 Market Street Commercial Industrial Corridor ..................... 2-2.6 Encanto Village at Imperial Avenue .................................... 2-2.7 Mount Hope Commercial Corridor ....................................... 2-3 DeSign Criteria and Guidelines3.0 Purpose and Intent ................................................................ 33.1 Applicable Areas ...................................................................33.2 Land Use ............................................................................... 33.3 Architectural Character .......................................................... 33.4 Landscaping ........................................................................3-13.5 Circulation and Parking ....................................................... 3-3.6 Property Maintenance ......................................................... 3-3.7 Commercial Signage ........................................................... 3-3.8 Site Furnishings ................................................................... 3-3.9 Lighting and Utilities ............................................................ 3-

    T able of Conte

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    4 Resource Guide4.0 Introduction ............................................................................4-14.1 Southeastern Economic Development Corporation ..............4-14.2 4th District Council Office of George Stevens ....................... 4-24.3 Diamond Business Improvement District .............................. 4-34.4 Central Imperial Project Area Committee .............................. 4-34.5 City of San Diego Planning Development Review ................ 4-44.6 City of San Diego Neighborhood Code Compliance ............. 4-44.7 City of San Diego Storefront Improvement Program ............. 4-54.8 San Diego Police Department Community Relations ............ 4-54.9 Market Creek Plaza / Jacobs Foundation ............................. 4-64.10 San Diego Gas and Electric .................................................. 4-64.11 Metropolitan Transit Development Board .............................. 4-64.12 Sources of Assistance ........................................................... 4-7

  • 7/28/2019 Southeastern Sd Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide


    WilsonJones Quick Reference Index System 1991 Wilson Jones Company

  • 7/28/2019 Southeastern Sd Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide


    Section 1The project goal is to

    enhance the character ofthe area's retail and

    commercial services toachieve the community s

    vision for vitalcommercial districts.

    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Introduction and Goals1.0 IntroductionThe Southeastern Economic Development Corporation's CommerciaCorridor Urban Design Guide is a document for redeveloping specificcommercial corridors and nodes within the Central Imperial and MountHope Redevelopment Project Areas of Southeastern San Diego.These commercial corridors and nodes were identified early by theSoutheastern Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and RoeslingNakamura Architects, Inc. (RNP) as strategic "seed" areas that, whenguidelines were properly applied, would spark commercial redevelopmentthroughout the commercial and industrial zones.As part of the commercial redevelopment project, the Commercial CorridoUrban Design Guide provides property and business owners a planningand design framework, in the form of design concepts and regulatoryguidelines, to ensure that future development and improvements willconform to high standards of design excellence. In addition, the Guide isdesigned to: Assist in enhancing the community's unique identity. Help the community understand its environmental assets and designopportunities. Visually enhance existing retail and commercial zones specif ied in the

    study area. Enhance and preserve the community's historic and cultural heritage.Urban design guidelines are not distinct from planning - they are a furtherstep that adds refinement, focus, detail and direction to community plansthat are already established.The Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide supports redevelopmentconcepts that were developed through a series of community workshopsheld by SEDC and co-sponsored by local community and businessgroups such as the Diamond Business Improvement District (BID), andCentral Imperial Project Area Committee (PAC). In addition to thecommunity workshops, the guidelines consider and incorporate data frompast studies, reports and City of San Diego planning documents.

    1 -1 Introduction and Goals

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    Vicinity Map

    1.1 Planning Study Areas

    There are six commercial study areas that the design concepts andguidelines address. Three are commercial corridors and three arecommercial nodes or centers that have been identified by SEDC forcommercial redevelopment. (See Figure 1.1)These study areas are:Commercial corridors

    Euclid Avenue commercial corridor from Martin Luther King, Jr.Freeway 94 to Imperial Avenue. Market Street commercial industrial corridor between 47th and54th Streets. Mount Hope commercial corridor along Market Street fromInterstate 805 west to 41 st Street.

    Introduction and Goals 1-2

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    Planning Study Areas

    Chollas Creek.:::..eStudy Areas1. The commercial intersection node of EuclidAvenue and Market Street. /2. Euclid Avenue commercial co rrid or 'fromMartin Luther King, Jr. Freeway 94 to ImperialAvenue.3. The commercial intersection node at EuclidAvenue and Imperial Avenue.4. The Market Street commercial industrial

    corridor between 47th and 54th Streets.5. The ImperialAvenue commercial corridor atEncanto Village (from 61 st to 69th Streets).6. Mount Hope commercial corridor alongMarket Street from Interstate 805 west to

    41 st Street.

    - -- --- ' --- -IMPERIAL AVENUE

    Commercial Corridor Urban Desr Community Gateway

    '- - Trolley Corridor


    DIAMOND DISTR1-3 Introduction

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Commercial nodes The commercial intersection node of Euclid Avenue and Market

    Street. The commercial intersection node at Euclid Avenue and ImperialAvenue. The Imperial Avenue commercial node at Encanto Village (from

    61 st to 69th Streets).The guidelines are intended to be applied to existing commerciabusinesses, future commercial development and public right-of-wayinfrastructure and are specifically tailored for the individual commerciaredevelopment mission of the community and physical settings oSoutheastern San Diego.1.2 Design Guide Goals & ObjectivesGoals and objectives have been developed from analysis of past reportsand studies, plus a review of existing conditions and meetings withcommunity members. The goals are summarized as follows:1. Enhance community pride

    A. Establish a community center that promotes a unique, yet integraand positive identity for the Diamond Business ImprovemenDistrict as part of the City of San Diego (See Map on Page 1-7)2. Encourage economic development

    A. Develop economic attractions that bring the greater communityas well as tourists, into the area.B. Provide a wide range of community services.C. Produce redevelopment concepts that encourage daytime andnighttime pedestrian activity.D. Develop commercial themes that improve economic developmenfor each of the six project areas.

    3. Increase mass-transit usage to the areasA. Produce redevelopment concepts near trolley stations.

    1-5 Introduction and Goals

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    B. Provide clear signage that directs visitors to areas of interest.c. Allow trolley stations to serve as activity generators where people

    can interact and socialize.D. Promote area uses and pedestrian access that encourage trolleyridership for employees of local businesses.

    4. Preserve the existing community fabricA. Incorporate existing community strengths and opportunities todefine concepts.

    5. Effectively communicate, motivate and educate the community aboutdesign goals and guidelinesA. Develop a poster that reaches out and effectively communicatesthe visions, design guidelines and resources to the local businesscommunity.

    1.3 About the GuideThe Guide is divided into four sections. Introduction & Goals, Section 1provides a brief background of the study, the purpose of the project, andoutlines the study areas within Southeastern San Diego.Goals and objectives are clearly outlined, having been establishedthrough the collaboration of local organizations and the community.Redevelopment Concepts & Guidelines, Section 2, delineates specificdesign concepts for each commercial corridor and node as well as anoverall community center design direction. The concepts and guidelinesare conveyed through the use of graphics and text to assist the communityin understanding the design approach and direction for the designatedredevelopment nodes and corridors.The Design Criteria provided in Section 3 are more specific in nature.Design guidelines are to be applied to the overall commercialredevelopment district and provide a framework that ensures futuredevelopment and improvements will conform to high standards ofcommercial environmental design excellence.And finally, the Resource Guide is provided to assist property ownersand business owners with contacts for further redevelopment assistance.

    Introduction and Goals 1-6

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    1.4 Making it WorkTo assist in the implementation of the guidelines, the handbook includea poster that summarizes the concepts and corresponding guidelines. will serve to educate the community about its own assets and strengthwhich help define the community's unique identity.In addition, the poster outlines each team member's role in reachingredevelopment goals. Members include SEDC, the local businescommunity represented by the Diamond BID, the Central Imperial PACthe City of San Diego, local agencies, community planning groups, andresidents of Southeastern San Diego.

    Diamond Business Improvement District

    1-7 Introduction and Goa

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    Introduction and Goals 1-8

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    WilsonJones Quick Reference Index System 1991 Wilson Jones Company

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    Section 2

    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Redevelopment Conceptsand Guidelines2.0 IntroductionThe commercial redevelopment concepts and guidelineswere developedthrough a series of design workshops sponsored by SEDC, the DiamondBID and the Central Imperial PAC. In addition to the workshops, theconcepts presented here incorporate data from previous studies, reports,and City of San Diego planning documents that apply to the project area(see Appendix for a complete list).The concepts and guidelines presented in this section produce a frameworkof ideas, visions and goals for the individual commercial nodes andcorridors. Both area design concepts and guidelines are outlined in thissection. General design guidelines are found in Section 3, Design Criteriaand Guidelines.The concepts and guidelines are expressed in both written and graphicformats. Both should be used as a guide in the redevelopment of thecommercial property within the corridors and nodes.Diagrams throughout this section graphically describe concepts for eachof the corresponding areas. Figures 2.1 through 2.6 illustrate in moredetail each of the area nodes and corridors with graphic examples of thedesign objectives and guidelines.2.1 Principal Commercial Concepts for the

    Euclid Avenue Commercial Corridorand AdjacentAreasThe area known as the Euclid Commercial Corridor, from the MartinLuther King Jr. Freeway Route 94 to Imperial Avenue, serves as the mainnorth-south commercial corridor within this region. The corr idor linksseveral major land-uses within the area such as commercial, office,residential and industrial.Because of the corridor's commercial importance, project concepts focuson four subareas: the intersection at Market Street and Euclid Avenuethe intersection of Imperial Avenue and Euclid Avenue, the EuclidCorridor from the Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway Route 94 to ImperiaAvenue, and the Market Street Commercial Industrial Corridor between47th Street and 54th Street.

    2-1 Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    The individual areas of the Euclid Corridor are explained in furtherdetail under Sections 2.2 through 2.4. Concepts and Guidelinesfor the Encanto Village at Imperial Avenue and Mount HopeCommercial Corridor are addressed in Sections 2.6 and 2.7respectively.Principal design concepts for the Euclid Avenue commercialcorridor region address the area's rural history, Chollas Creek,and the development of public plazas.Rural HistoryThere are several elements within the area to remind us about theregion's rural history. These elements include the open naturalland tracts, Chollas Creek, topography north of the project sites,and the open space north of Market Street and west of EuclidAvenue.These agrarian elements still have a large presence within theurban grid. The rural history of the region should not be forgotten.Where possible, new development should respect, retain, enhanceand use these features as design inspiration.Chollas CreekAs an element of the region's rural history, Chollas Creek is partof a system of natural drainage channels that traversesSoutheastern San Diego. Although the system has been modifiedover the years by urban development, the section that crossesEuclid Avenue represents an important design opportunity for theimmediate area.The Proposed Chollas Creek Enhancement Program outlines theconcept of creating a regional linear park that blends the naturaland built environments. The creek as well as its open space isacknowledged as a positive and unique design feature that addsto the community's overall identity. New development andredevelopment activities should participate in the restoration ofthe creek where possible, as well as incorporating the creek'sstreambed as a design opportunity.Where Euclid Avenue crosses Chollas Creek, an implied"Commercial Gateway" should be established. A gateway at thislocation would assist in creating awareness of the creek as well asenhance the local community as a rural enclave within the City ofSan Diego. The gateway should be subtle so as not to direct

    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-2


    Topographyinterruptsrural Qridl....

    Agrarian expression over ruralgrid (hedges of trees) Rustic structures


    CREEK Emphasize creek as naturalboundary feature

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    Express cultures oruniversal pattern

    PLAZAAS IDENTITY ELEMENT Plaza as space definition and

    community resource Plaza as part of sidewalkexperience

    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    attention away from the creek, but should be visible enough toannounce an entry point into the commercial district and the towncenter. (See sketch).A similar gateway element could be established where MarkeStreet crosses Chollas Creek west of Euclid.Plazas as the Town Center Identity ElementPlazas serve in defining open space, establishing spaces as parof a sidewalk experience, and act as a community resource,allowing a community or groups to share acommon space forinteraction. The future MarketCreekPlaza, tobe located nearthesouthwest intersection of Market Street and Euclid Avenueutilizes the Plaza concept to define open spaces as well as thecultural themes present in the community.The Plaza theme should continue beyond Market Creek Plazaand be developed to establish a central community public plazathat defines the region's "Town Center". This plaza should beincorporated within the Euclid Avenue Trolley transit stop tocreate a public space that serves as the central l ink to all areasof interest within the community. In addition, the space shouldcontain wayfinding and community informational elements tosupport and enhance the community's cultural identity. (Seesketch and Figure 2.1).

    2-3 Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation


    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-4

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    MARKET ST.Community Center

    CULTURAL NEXUSCultural Centers connected byurban design elements andwayfinding elements

    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    2.2 Town Center at Euclid Avenue and Market Street2.2.1 ConceptAt the Euclid trolley station, a Community Town Center should beestablished. The center should serve as the central node thaestablishes wayfinding links to all major points of commercial andcultural interest in the immediate area.To build upon the area's unique assets such as the TubmanChavez Community Center, theMalcolm XLibrary , the ElementaryInstitute of Science and the future MarketCreekPlaza, the designof the center should express a "multi-cultural educational" themeA central "plaza" should orient and educate visitors about thearea's unique assets, the community, its history and locaattractions.A "nexus" which represents a connection or union of wayfindingand urban design elements would link the cultural centers andlocal area attractions. (See Figure 2.1).2.2.2 Concept Objectives Emphasize the Euclid Avenue/Market Street node as an

    important transit node and gateway nto the community. Reinforce the node as the Community Town Center. Unify the appearance of the intersection corners withlandscaping and enhanced paving. Create a seamless connection of landscaping betweenproperties. Retain and enhance natural features. Promote pedestrian safety through the use of enhancedpaving. Enhance streetscape image through the use of landscapedmedians, enhanced paving at the intersection, andlandscaping. Add wayfinding elements that educate and direct pedestrians

    to area points of interest.

    2-5 Redevelopment Concepts and Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    2.2.3 Concept GuidelinesOpen Space and LandscapingA community plaza near the trolley station will establish the "heart"of the community. The plaza shall consist of enhanced pavedsurfacing, information/wayfinding signage, shade structures,seating areas, and landscaping.Directional signage shall be provided at key wayfinding pointsfrom the trolley station to points of interest. Signage shallincorporate the design theme and materials expressed in Figure2.1.The intersection shall be landscaped to create a unifiedappearance. Pedestrian crossing zones shall consist of enhancedpaved materials and shall incorporate patterns that are consistentwith the overall design theme found in the immediate area.Landscaping shall be approved by SEDC and reviewed by localcommunity planning groups and the respective Project AreaCommittee.Landscape medians along the Euclid corridor shall be incorporatedinto the site to deter illegal pedestrian street crossing, provide aunified landscape theme, and promote safety from streetautomobile traffic.Landscape medians will consist of low wall planters made ofpoured-in-place concrete with a sandblasted finish. Refer toFigure 2.3 Street Section B.Public art shall be incorporated into the public plaza to express thelocation as the "Cultural Center" of the community. The art shallbe approved by SEDC and local community planning groups.l '

    TRANSIT STOP Emphasize special place Linear wayfinding elementsintersects node Wayfinding elements greetpassengers at stop Sense of arrival Plaza acts as orientation


    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines

    Trolley stop


    Linear Track


  • 7/28/2019 Southeastern Sd Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide


    Town Center at Euclid & MarketCD Reconfigured trolley plaza allows access

    to trolley cars from either side

    Monument sign and plaza orient andinfonn visitors about the community

    Town Center PlanNOT TO SCALE




    D o


    Overhead shadestructure directspedestrians to and fromEuclid Avenueo Pocket plaza createsceremonial gateway intotown center

    Wayfinding signinfonns pedestriansabout amenities alongMarket Street

    Market Creek kioskinfonns visitors aboutthe commercial andcultural centers

    Community Plaza at Town Center

    Steel Frame

    Stone Veneer -----Ai.,

    Directional Kios k



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 2 ~ - 7 7 - - - - - - R i i e e d d l E e ; v e v e l o p m e n t Concepts a

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    2.3 Euclid Avenue Commercial Corridor


    Corridor gateway

    Cultural towncenter

    ~ Secondaryo o ~ pedestrianpaths

    WALKING PROMENADE Make a comfortable walkingexperience between points of

    interest and along Euclid Ave. Primary pedestrian path focuseson commercial west-side. Primary path gets pedestrian tocross street at designatedpoints. Secondary pedestrian pathsemphasize linkages to adjacentuses.

    2.3.1 ConceptThe design concept for the Euclid Avenue commercial corridor isto strengthen the corridor's image as a "grand" boulevard whichis "formal" in design compared to Market Street. (See Figure 2.2).The corridor should provide a safe and attractive night and daypedestrian experience and should focus on establishing a strongwalking link between Imperial Avenue and Market Street.Gateways at the crossing of Euclid Ave. and Chollas Creek in thenorth and near St. Rita's church at the south should help establishentries into the district. (See sketch).2.3.2 Concept Objectives Create guidelines that establish strong commercial links andpromote pedestrian day and nighttime activities along EuclidAvenue. Promote the use of formal street tree landscaping thaaddresses the scale and hierarchy of the street as the majoeast-west link of the area. Emphasize residential links with landscaping. Landscaping at medians and sidewalks should slow downtraffic and create a uniform street appearance. Encourage consistency for building facades and signage.2.3.3 Concept GuidelinesOpen Space and LandscapingPedestrian crossing zones shall consist of enhanced pavedmaterials and shall incorporate patterns that are consistent withthe overall design theme found in the immediatearea. Landscapingshall be approved by SEDC and local community planning groupsLandscape medians along Euclid corridor shall be composed otwo types: 1} at areas of illegal crOSSing potential, median wiconsist of lowwall planters made of poured-in-place concrete wita sandblasted finish. 2} in other areas, medians shall be raised

    2-9 Redevelopment Concepts and Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    concrete with enhanced colored paving with landscaping inintermittent areas. (See Figure 2.2).Designated areas for the placement of public art are encouragedalong the corridor. The art shall be approved by SEDC and localcommunity planning groups.Street furnishings shall reinforce the design theme established inthe Town Center.New pedestrian-oriented lighting along the corridor shallincorporate structural elements to support a banner program.Exposed retaining walls should be treated with an anti-graffitiapplication, painted an approved color or covered by landscaping.Where possible, exposed retaining walls should be replaced bylandscaped, terraced low walls. (See Figure 2.2).Architectural Character & SignageA uniform street setback shall be reinforced by building facades,low walls, fencing and/or landscaping. (See Euclid Avenue StreetSection drawing for dimensions on Figure 2.2).Facade enhancements should help establish business identityand incorporate colors and materials that support the overalldesign concept. They shall be approved by SEDC and reviewedby local community planning groups and the respective projectarea committee.Commercial signage shall comply with the criteria containedwithin the city-wide sign regulations, Chapter X, Article 1, Division11 of the Municipal Code. Commercial sign age shall consist oftwo types: 1) building facade signage viewable from the publicright-of-way and 2) low-scale, pedestrian-oriented signage thatsupports the overall concept theme. (See MuniCipal Code)Building entries should have adequate exterior lighting and areencouraged to incorporate entry-defining elements such asoverhead trellises and awnings.

    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-10

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    Euclid Ave. Commercial CorridorGuideline Add street furnishings that reinforce

    theme found in the town center Provid e lighting that promotes

    nighttime use of corridor

    Guideline Objectives: " Promo te pedestrian activity

    between intersection nodes Reinforce linear corridor withformal landscaping Landscaping at medians andsidewalks should slow down

    traffic and create a uniform streetappearance

    Guideline Objectives: Encourage consistency for

    building facadesand signage

    Commer cial development shouldreinforce pedestrian activity

    Site Plano 80 160

    m 7 6

    Perspective up EuclidA


    Street Section ANOT TO SCALE

    10' l t90'


    Commercial RehabilitationStandards:1. Facade enhancements and

    new storefront windows act asbusiness identity2. Shade avvnings define entry3. Terraced landscaping replacesretaining '-Valls4. New exterior lighting promotessafety5. Screened utility boxes and trashbins6. Durable signage along sidewalkedge relates to building scale7. Vine-covered trellis screens

    define residential entries andcreate serrri-private spaces



    RedevelopmentConcepts a

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    UNIFIED INTERSECTION Intersection corners are unified by

    creating a "formal" open space withpedestrian mini-plazas that servecommercial buildings.

    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Commercial Center at EuclidAvenueand ImperialAvenue2.4.1 ConceptThe Commercial Center at Euclid Avenue and Imperial Avenueserves as the southern terminusof the Euclid Avenue commercialcorridor. The intersection should be seen as a pedestrianfriendly community node that provides commercial se rvices thatdiffer from the Euclid and Market node. Uses include retailbusiness and restaurants. The plaza at the southwest corner ofthe intersection should be enhanced as an open space amenityserving the local businesses.Landscaping and street reconfiguration should unify theintersection corners, help establish a safe pedestrian crossingzone and create a formal open space that serves as the terminuspoint for the southern end of the Euclid Avenue commercialdistrict.2.4.2 Concept Objectives Create a consistent building setback, massing and signageprogram for intersection. Improve the pedestrian crossing at intersection. Unify the appearance of the intersection to assist in creatinga "commercial center". Create an open space public plaza at the southwesterncorner of the intersection. Provide uniform guidelines forbuilding setbacks, appearance,signage and landscaping. Enhance facades with new storefronts, awnings and exteriorlighting. Reinforce urban street edges with building forms by providing

    attractive, accessible and safe parking areas at the rear ofbuildings.

    2-13 Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    2.4.3 Concept GuidelinesOpen Space and LandscapingPedestrian crossing zones shall consist of enhanced pavedmaterials and incorporate patterns that are consistent with theoverall design theme found in the Town Center. Landscapingshall be approved by SEDC and local community planning groups.Landscape medians south of Imperial along the Euclid corridorshall replace the existing chain-link fencing and be composed ofpoured-in-place concrete planters with a sandblasted finishedand integral colored textured paving.Designated areas for the placement of public art are encouragedwithin the publ ic open space. The art shall be approved by SEDCand reviewed by local community planning groups and therespective project area committee.Street furnishings shall reinforce the design theme established inthe Town Center.The southwest open space shall be developed as a landscapedrestaurant plaza amenity with a water fountain, shade devices,landscaping and seating to support surrounding businesses.Architectural Character & SignageA uniform street setback shall be reinforced by building facades,low walls, fencing and/or andscaping. (See section for dimensionson Figure 2.3).Facade enhancements should help establish business identityand incorporate colors and materials that support the overalldesign concept and shall be approved by SEDC and reviewed bylocal community planning groups and the respective project areacommittee.Commercial signage shall comply with the criteria containedwithin the city-wide sign regulations, Chapter X, Article 1, Division11 of the Municipal Code. Commercial signage shall consist oftwo types: 1) building facade signage viewable from the publicright-of-way and 2) low-scale, pedestrian-oriented signage thatsupports the overall concept theme. (See Municipal Code).Building entries should have adequate exterior lighting and areencouraged to incorporate entry-defining elements such asoverhead trellises and awnings.

    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-14

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    2.5 Market Street Commercial Industrial Corridor2.5.1 ConceptThe Market Street Commercial Industrial Corridor extends from47th street at the west end to 54th Street at the east. The conceptis to enhance the area as a commercial industrial park that hasfeatures and amenities unique from any other industrial park inSan Diego. This unique identity is partly attributed to: its close proximity to the Town Center at Market Street and

    Euclid Avenue. close proximity to the cultural learning centers of the MalcolmX Library, the Elementary Institute of Science, and the TubmanChavez Community Center that share the corridor. the natural open space beauty north of the project site. its retained rural feel.This corridor has the potential to create a partnership between thecultural learning centers and local commercial businesses. Apartnership can be achieved by: Creating a walking environment that produces a seamlessexperience of cultural/learning centers and commercialbusinesses. Both groups emphasizing protection of open space as aunique amenity. Trolley corridor announcing both learning centers andcommercial businesses through landscaping. Wayfinding elements listing both uses.2.5.2 Concept Objectives Enhance the business park theme to become a showcase

    model for a transit-oriented redevelopment environment forSan Diego. Retain and utilize the open space areasas site amenities andattractions.

    Develop a pedestrian-friendly environment. Retain a rural feeling with its sense of open space. Develop pedestrian and bicycle paths along the street. Plant natural indigenous and durable landscaping along streetedges.

    2-17 Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    Create a pleasant and unique sense of arrival and identityalong the trolley line corridor. Direct the trolley corridorto become a green space by promotingbuilding and site improvements. Develop pedestrian "nature" walkway along northern edge ofMarket Street.2.5.3 Design GuidelinesOpen Space and LandscapingPedestrian paths on both sides of Market Street shall consist ofwell-lighted and safe concrete surfacing. Landscaping shall beapproved by SEDC and reviewed by local community planninggroups and the respective project area committee.Pedestrian paths on the south side of Market Street shall beformal l inear paths of no less than 8'-0" in width and shall be lit atnighttime with pedestrian-scaled lamps. (See Figure 2.4).Pedestrian paths on the north side of Market Street shall beinformal meandering paths that support the natural open spacetheme proposed. Lighting shall consist of light bollards. (SeeFigure 2.4).

    Cultural/Learning activities

    Strong link to transitcenter and town ~

    PARTNERSHIP BETWEENLEARNING CENTERS ANDCOMMERCIAL BUSINESSES Walking environment creates aseamless experience of cultural/learning centers and commercialbusinesses. 80th groups emphasize protectionof open space as a unique amenity. Trolley corridor announces bothlearning centers and commercialbusinesses through landscaping.

    Safe and accessiblepedestrian zone hasstrong link to town


    Uniform buildingsetbacks"Green" linear trolleycorridor announcesarrival

    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-18

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Landscape medians along Market Streetbetween 47th Street and54th Street shallbe composed of poured-in-place-concrete planterswith a sandblasted finish and integrally-colored textured surfacepaving.Designated areas for the placement of public art are encouragedwithin the public open space. The ar t shall be approved by SEDCand reviewed by local community planning groups and therespective project area committee.Street furnishings shall reinforce the design theme established inthe Town Center.Trolley CorridorTo establish a "green zone" along the trolley corridor, rear privateproperty lots should screen parking and open spaces withlandscaping, vine-covered trellis carports, vine-covered fencingand/or low walls that establish property setbacks.Views to rear building signage should be allowed.All general design guidelines found in Section 3 that apply tobuilding maintenance, trash enclosures, graffiti, and storage shalapply to rear lots of properties along the corridor.Architectural Character & SignageFacade enhancements should help establish business identityand incorporate colors and materials that support the overaldesign concept and shall be approved by SEDC and reviewed bylocal community planning groups and the respective project areacommittee.Commercial signage along the Market Street Commercial IndustriaCorridor shall comply with the criteria contained within the citywide sign regulations, Chapter X, Article 1, Division 11 of theMunicipal Code. (See Municipal Code).Commercial signage shall consist of two types: 1) building facadesignage viewable from the publ ic right-of-way and t rol ley corridorand 2) low-scale, pedestrian-oriented signage that supports theopen space concept theme.Building entries should have adequate exterior lighting and areencouraged to incorporate entry-defining elements such aoverhead trellises and awnings.

    2-19 Redevelopment Concepts and Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation


    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-20

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    Market Street Commercial Industrial Corridor

    ~ . ~Perspective looking west on Market St. &54th

    Guideline Objectives: Retain and enhance rural/ope nspace feeling Add street landscape medians

    and site furnishings

    8'-0" 12'-0" 24'-0" 6'0 24'-0"Street Sectiono 10 20 40

    Guideline Objectives: Develop safe well-l ightedpedestrian and bicycle paths Locate utilities underground

    IIYour Name, Inc. W I


    IB I

    .! -..= : - ' - ~ . l jr = - . ~ F =o ._--{) o------'l~ L:- ; - - . - j

    Partial Site Plan

    (/I-. - , .

    o 100 200 400Guideline Objectives: Provide uniform guidelines forbuilding setbacks, appearance,

    signage and landscaping


    Guideline Objectives: Screening from trolley Parking Rear lot landscaping

    65'-0" 25'-0" MIN. 'r




    Redevelopment Concepts an

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    2.6 Encanto Village at Imperial Avenue2.6.1 ConceptThe area known as Encanto Village, which encompasses theImperial Avenue commercial corridor between 615t and 69thStreets, should focus itself on becoming a unique pedestrianoriented commercial and residential enclave within the entireavenue corridor.The unique features that define the "Encanto Village" are its lowscale street-front, and older commercial buildings that feature a"historic" identity. This environment along with the nearby EncantoTrolley Station is conducive to a pedestrian-oriented entertainmenttheme of restaurants, clubs and shops.To increase density and promote day and nighttime uses,multifamily or work/live residential development along with safeand ample parking areas should be encouraged as infill projectsbetween the existing buildings.2.6.2 Concept Objectives Strengthen pedestrian crossings from Akins Street. Unify building edges along the southern street edge of ImperiaAvenue. Create safe parking opportunities along Imperial Avenue. Develop signage standards. Prescribe building setbacks and height limits. Promote "Village Entertainment District" dest inat ion. Allow mixed commercial and residential use.2.6.3 Concept GuidelinesOpen Space and LandscapingThe pedestrian zone along the south side of Imperial Avenue shalbe strengthened by enhancing the off-street parking zones thaseparate the street from the sidewalk.Setbacks shall be maintained and strengthened with buildingfacades, low walls, and landscaping (See Figure 2.5).

    2-23 Redevelopment Concepts and Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    Slow down traffic along corridor and encourage off-street parkingby defining parking zonesProvide attractive and safe parking areas (40-60 vehicles) onopen space lots.Trolley CorridorEstablish a "green zone" along the trolley corridor by continuingplant-covered fencing where applicable.All general design guidelines found in Section 3 regarding buildingmaintenance, trash enclosures, graffiti, and storage shall apply tocommercial and private properties along the corridor.

    Strengthen connections toresidential neighborhood

    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-24

    parking lots

    Uniformbuildingsetbackand signag

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Architectural Character & SignagePromote in-fill developments that increase density and reinforcea pedestrian-oriented destination "theme" node.Infill development and renovation of existing buildings shal l respecthe historic character, setback, building materials, colors, scaleand size of existing structures between 61 st and 69th Streets.All new development and redevelopment activities shall beapproved by SEDC and reviewed by local community planninggroups and the respective project area committee.Facade enhancements should help establish business identityand incorporate colors and materials that support the overaldesign concept and be approved by SEDC and reviewed by locacommunity planning groups and the respective project areacommittee. (See Figure 2.5).Where feasible, raised planters should be incorporated along thepedestrian zone on storefront or window edges. (See Figure 2.5)Commercial signage along the Imperial Avenue Corridor shalcomply with the criteria contained within the city-wide signregulations, Chapter X, Article 1, Division 11 of the MunicipaCode. (See Municipal Code).Commercial signage shall consist of two types: 1) building facadesignage viewable from the public right-of-way and trolley corridorsand 2) low-scale, pedestrian-oriented signage that supports theopen space concept theme. (See Figure 2.5).Building entries should have adequate exterior lighting and areencouraged to incorporate entry-defining elements such aoverhead trellises and awnings.

    2-25 Redevelopment Concepts and Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation


    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-26

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    .- .Imperial Avenue Partial Plano 10 20 40

    Perspective near 63rd and Imperial

    Guideline Objectives: Slow down traffic along corridor andencourage off-street parking by defining

    parking zones Provide attractive and safe parking

    areas/lots (40-60 vehicles)

    Guideline Objectives: Promote in-fil l development s thatincrease density and reinforce a

    destination "t heme" node

    1 2

    L 24'-0"

    .- .


    Guideli ne Objectives: Provide a consistent building ITIassing,

    setback and signage progr am -for 63rdthrough 69th St.

    Commercial Rehabilitation Sta1. Refinish exterior facades

    to original condition2. Optional side porch3. Add planters along public spac4. Sidewalk oriented signage and5.f.wnings define p e d e s t r i ~ spa

    1\. ri"V(6.New storefront j. '; :fl, I J

    if 4' oJ( 6'-0" '( 10'_0" " 24'-0" 'I],Partial Street Section near 63rd and ImperialNOT TO SCALE




    RedevelopmentConcepts and

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    2.7 Mount Hope Commercial Corridor2.7.1 ConceptThis Market Street corridor bounded by 41 st Street and Interstate805 serves as the eastern commercial gateway into the MounHope area. The concept is to build upon the area's existing lowscale commercial theme through creating a traditional "mainstreef' identity. The "main streef' identity is partly defined by lowscale commercial buildings along the street corr idor with links tothe residential neighborhoods directly beyond the buildings.This identity is enhanced by creating pedestrian-friendly zonesalong building storefronts, adding safe parking areas in back ocommercial businesses, and providing formal landscaped medianswith that helps slows automobile traffic along the five block zone(See sketch on Pg. 2-30).2.7.2 Concept Objectives Create a Market Street "East Gateway" off Interstate 805. Create a low-scale, pedestrian-friendly commerciaenvironment. Provide uniform guidelines for building set backs and privateproperty landscaping. Provide uniform guidelines for building setbacks, appearancesignage and landscaping. Enhance facades with new storefronts, awnings and exteriolighting.2.7.3 Concept GuidelinesOpen Space and LandscapingA "Gateway" median off of 1-805 should be enhanced to establisha gateway identity, slow traffic, and create more landscapingsurface area.Slow down traffic along the corridor with the use of landscapemedians and encourage off-street parking by defining parkingzones.Reinforce urban street edges with building forms by providinattractive, accessible and safe parking areas at the rear obuildings.Provide landscape treatments at side streets to enhanceconnections to residential neighborhoods.

    2-29 Redevelopment Concepts and Guideline

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    Pedestrian zone

    Residential Residential Residential


    1 t r . C = - ~ c : : I J I ; : : : : . c : : : a c=sw:::s-=at=l-=ac:::L1:!:I~ i " " . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Parking zone II Residential -'i1 Residential JlJ.....--_R_e_s_id_e_nt_ia_I__ ---'

    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines


    Architectural Character & SignagePromote in-fill developments that increase densi ty and reinforcea pedestrian-oriented destination "theme".Setbacks shall be maintained and strengthened with buildingfacades, low walls, and landscaping (See Figure 2.6).Infill development and renovation of existing buildings shall respectthe street character, setback, building materials, colors, scale andsize of existing structures between 41st and Interstate 805.All new development and redevelopment activities must beapproved by SEDC and reviewed by local community planninggroups and the respective project area committee.


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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Facade enhancements should help establish business identityand incorporate colors and materials that support the overaldesign concept and should be approved by SEDC and reviewedby local community planning groups and the respective projecarea committee. (See Figure 2.6).Building openings, such as windows, storefronts, and exteriolighting shall be placed along side facades to promote safety andaccessibility off side streets where applicable.Commercial signage along the Mount Hope Commercial Corridoshall comply with the criteria contained within the city-wide signregulations, Chapter X, Article 1, Division 11 of the MunicipaCode. (See Municipal Code).Commercial signage shall consist of two types: 1) building facadesignage viewable from the public right-of-way and 2) low-scalepedestrian-oriented signage that supports the concept theme(See Figure 2.6).

    2-31 Redevelopment Concepts and Guideline

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    Redevelopment Concepts and Guidelines 2-32

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    Mount Hope Commercial CorridorCommercial Rehabilitation Standards:1. Renovate, add, or repaint shade structures/awnings2. Update commercial signage and exterior lighting3. Facade enhancements and new storefront windows4. Add planter low walls and landscaping to help define

    sidewalk edges5. Create uses to promote outdoor commercial activity6. Encourage the use of banners to promote community identity

    Perspective of Toyne & MarketGuideline Objectives: Provide side-street buildingopenings and lighting to

    promote safety Provide landscape treatme ntsat side streets to enhance

    connections to residentialneighborhoods

    Market Street Section

    Guideline Objectives: Develop safe well-lightedpedestrian paths Locate utilities underground Create "gateway" medianoff 1-805


    7. Screened utility boxes and trash bins from street

    Guideline Objectives:.. Provide uniform guidelines for

    building setbacks, appearance,signage and landscaping

    ., Enhance facades with newstorefronts, awnings and exteriorlighting

    Guideline Objectives: Reinforce urban street edges with building forms

    by providing attractive, accessible and safeparking areas at rear of buildings



    CONCEPTDESIGN GUIDEURedevelopment Concepts a

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    WilsonJones QuickReference Index System 1991 Wilson Jones Company

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    Section 3

    Commercial Corridor Urban Des ign Guid

    Design Criteria and Guidelines3.0 Purpose and IntentThe Design Criteria and Guidelines provide planning anddesign standardthat ensure commercial redevelopment and improvements conform to high level of commercial environmental design excellence.This section presents design criteria and guidelines that are specific inature. The guidelines provide commercial property and businessownerdirection and assistance in reaching "design standard goals".Design criteria and guidelines are unlike the redevelopment conceptpresented in Section 2. Instead, they are applied throughout thredevelopment Project Areas district, unless otherwise noted. Thdesign criteria and guidelines are developed for property and businesowners to help them meet design requirements that create vital and activcommercial districts.This section is divided into seven design subsections: Land UseArchitectural Character, Landscaping, Circulation and Parking, PropertMaintenance, Signage, Site Furnishings, and Lighting and Utilities.3.1 Applicable AreasApplicable areas for the regulatory guidelines are within the SEDCRedevelopment Project Areas and include the three commercial nodeand three commercial corridors outlined below:

    Commercial Nodes Town Center at Euclid Avenue and Market Street. Euclid Avenue and Imperial Avenue Commercial Center. Encanto Village at Imperial Avenue (includes corridor from61st Street to 69th Street).Commercial Corridors Euclid Avenue Commercial Corridor between Martin LutheKing, Jr. Freeway 94 and Imperial Avenue. Market Street Commercial Industrial Corridor from 47th Streeto 54th Street. Mount Hope Commercial Corridor along Market Street betweeInterstate 805 and 41st Street.

    3-1 Design Criteria & Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    3.1.1 Applicable StandardsThe following standards and recommendations were applied indeveloping the design criteria and guidelines and should beconsulted fo r additional information: The City o f San Diego ZoningOrdinance, Applicable Zoning Maps supplied by the City of SanDiego Planning Department, Southeast San Diego Planned DistrictOrdinance and the Market Street Corridor Urban Design Study(see Section 4 "Resource Guide" for a complete list).The design criteria and guidelines are intended to be applied toexisting commercial businesses, future commercial developmentand public right-of-way infrastructure. The guidelines arespecifically tailored for the individual commercial redevelopmentmission of the community and physical settings of SoutheasternSan Diego.

    Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-2

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    . . and Use3.2.1 General ObjectivesUses permitted within the redevelopment districts are governedby the underlying commercial and industrial zone regulations.However, all proposed uses are subject to approval by SEDC andthe City of San Diego Planning Department.The intent of the land use criteria guidelines is to achieve vitalcommercial districts that: Conform to the Land Use Plan described by th e City of SanDiego. Provide maximum employment opportunities for localresidents. Provide uses that accommodate the redevelopment conceptsor themes per area (See Sections 2.1 to 2.7). Provide land uses that reduce or minimize energy consumption. Provide uses that accommodate the scale and commercialactivity proposed per individual commercial area (See Sections

    2.1 to 2.7).3.2.1 Design Criteria & GuidelinesLand use guidelines are provided in graphic format to ensure thataccepted redevelopment goals are met through the various usesof commercial property. Figures 3.1 and 3.2 graphically displaythe land use guidelines.No building or improvement shall be erected, constructed,established, altered or enlarged except where designated.Residential use is not permitted in the commercial zones exceptwhere designated.Mixed use development of commercial and residential uses shallbe permitted except in areas designated 1-1 (Light Industrial) andCT-2 (Commercial Center), and OS-P (Open-Space / Park). Theresidential development must conform with criteriaof the referencedresidential zone of the planned district and with the scale andcharacter proposed under Section 2 "Concepts".

    3-3 Design Criteria & Guidelines

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    outheastern Economic Development Corporation


    SF-SOOO Single Family ResidentialSF-6000 Single Family Residential

    - . : . ~ - SF-40,OOO Single Family Residential' '--+-+-:- '-- '~ - - - l . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . : . _ ~

    ~ MF-1S00 Multiple Family Residential- MF-3OOO Multiple Family Residential11111111 CSF-1 Commercial Strip Development(Automobile Oriented)~ CSF-2 Commercial Strip Development(Automobile Oriented)- CSF-3 Commercial Strip Development(Automobile Oriented)CSR-3 Commercial Strip Development(Pedestrian Oriented)- CT-2 Commercial Center1-1 Light Industrial- 1-2 Office/Industrial ParkOS-P Open Space-Park

    Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-4

    - - ~ - - ; - - , - : - - - - - - - - , - ~ ,



  • 7/28/2019 Southeastern Sd Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide



    SF-5000 Single Family ResidentialSF-6000 Single Family ResidentialSF-40,OOO Single Family Residential~ MF-1500 Multiple Family Residential- MF-3000 Multiple Family Residential11111111 CSF-1 Commercial Strip Development(Automobile Oriented)~ CSF-2 Commercial Strip Development(Automobile Oriented)- CSF-3 Commercial Strip Development(Automobile Oriented)CSR-3 Commercial Strip Development(Pedestrian Oriented)- CT-2 Commercial Center1-1 Light Industrial- 1-2 Office/Industrial ParkOS-P Open Space-Park


    Urban Design Guideline

    _Qr - r - 1 . . . . . . . , . ~ f - - ~ - - l :-. - -!-- - --



    I --



    Design Criteria & Guideline

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    Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-6

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Ell Architectural Character Guidelines3.3.1 General Objectives Create appropriate and consistent architectural responses tosite and climate. Develop commercial architectural character that is consistentwith the area themes and that promotes safe and attractive dayand nighttime uses. Develop consistent and straight forward detailing that minimizesmaintenance. Develop a consistent set of guidel ines for self-he lp efforts that

    coordinate with public improvements. Develop a consistent approach to commercial propertyredevelopment. Use exterior materials, colors, and textures that relate to thenatural environment as well as minimize the time and cost omaintenance.3.3.2 Design Criteria & GuidelinesGeneral Use building massing to develop a strong and consistent spatiadefinition of the street as an outdoor space. Recognize the importance of spaces between buildings asopportunities to develop places for outdoor activities and tocreate a sense of transition between indoors and outdoorsOutdoor spaces can be developed by incorporating courtyardsterraces, arcades, colonnades, and low walls, and by usingvegetation as a space-defining element.BuildingScale - Euclid Commercial Corridor andCommercialCenteat Euclid and Imperial Structures containing commercial uses will often require loadingplatforms. Such vehicular-scaled platforms must be screenedfrom public view, and should not be located between the streeand front of any structure. Office facilities, ei ther free standingor related to manufacturing uses, should be designated toaddress the street frontage at a pedestrian scale.

    3-7 Design Criteria & Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    Building Scale - Market Street Commercial Industrial Corridor Buildings along this commercial/industrial corridor should

    address the street frontage as a pedestrian-scaledenvironment. Structures containing manufacturing uses willoften require loading platforms and/or large vehicular entriesinto the structures. Such vehicular scaled entries and platformsshould be screened from public view, and should not belocated between the street and front of any structure.Building Scale - Encanto Vii/age at Imperial A venue Buildings along the Imperial Avenue corridor between 63rdand 69th Streets should be low-scale, 1 to 2-story structures,built up to the pUblic-right-of-way property line. To increase

    area density, work/live development should be encouraged.Exterior Architecture Building exteriors and character shall support the designconcepts per area outlined in Section 2. Building exteriors shall promote day and nighttime commercialuses through ample exterior lighting, adequate public access,and exterior openings where possible. These openings wouldbe glass and aluminum storefronts, windows and publicaccess entries along public right-of-ways. Exterior fixed security bars at windows and building openings,which are visible from the public right-of way, are not permittedand should be replaced with interior security screens or barswith controlled emergency release systems.Materials & Colors - Buildings & Site Furnishings Colors, textures, and materials should be simple in form andable to withstand both weather and physical exposure. Exterior finishes should be continuously maintained and befree of excessive peeling paint, debris and graffiti. Exterior paint finishes shall conform to the individual areacolor schedules that are displayed at SEDC and the City ofSan Diego's Neighborhood Code Compliance Department. Materials that contain integral colors and texture, such asstucco, precast concrete, concrete masonry, brick, and splitfaced block are encouraged. The buildings should haveexterior wall materials in a variety of colors, materials and

    texture.Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-8

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    Design to maximize natural ventilation

    Shade screens minimize buildingheat gain

    Sun screen overhangs

    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Climate Consideration Natural ventilation is preferable to mechanical systems. Use

    sun shading devices and recessed openings to reduce heatgain of interior spaces. (See sketch) Natural ventilation should also be achieved by incorporatingoperable windows that allow natural airflow through interiospaces. (See sketch) Natural illumination is preferable to electrical systems. Use oclerestory windows, skylights, and light-fins that reflect lighinto interior spaces is preferable to using electrical fixtures.(See sketch) South-facing windows, a positive source for passive hea

    gain, should be placed in a manner to allow a deep penetrationof sun in the winter and provide complete shade in thesummer. Calculated overhangs should be used to allow sun into spacesin the winter and provide shade in the summer.Building Entries Entries should be well defined and emphasized with accencolors, awnings, or overhead trellises. Entries should be human in scale, well lighted and inviting to

    pedestrians. Building entries shall conform with all City of San DiegoMunicipal Building Codes, the Americans with Disabilities Ac(ADA), Title 24, the Uniform Building Code (UBC), and alother applicable codes and regulations.Roof-Mounted Equipment No commercial signage should be mounted on any roof. Roof-mounted equipment should be screened or recessedwithin the roof structure. If screening is not possible, equipment should be treated as adesign element. Equipment should be painted per the coloschedule.

    3-9 Design Criteria & Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    . andscaping Guidelines3.4.1 General ObjectivesLandscaping Guidelines are provided to: Create appropriate and consistent landscaping responses tosite and climate. Develop commercial landscape character that is consistentwith the area themes and promotes safe and attractive dayand nighttime uses. Develop a consistent set of guidelines for self-help efforts thatcoordinate with public improvements. Develop a plant pallette that creates a seamless connectionto adjoining properties. Use exterior materials, colors, and textures that relate to thenatural environment as well as minimize the time and cost ofmaintenance.3.4.2 Design Criteria & GuidelinesPerthe Southeastern San Diego Planned District Ordinance, priorto the use and occupancy of any premises, the property shall belandscaped in accordance with the requirements of the City-WideLandscape Regulations contained in ChapterX, Article 1 Division7 of the Municipal Code.Please refer to the approved planting lists in Figures 3.3 and 3.4Accent TreesAccent tree plantings highlighting selected intersections andopen spaces shall be incorporated to strengthen communityidentity, provide directional cues for visitors, and define openspace for commercial use where applicable. Accent trees shall beselected from the area approved planting lists described inFigures 3.3 and 3.4.Open Space and Recreation Areas Overhead utilities shall be located underground. Peripheraland under-utilized areas shall be planted with droughttolerant shade trees, mass trees, and some large shrubs.These areas shall be irrigated by automatic drip or bubbler

    Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-10

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    systems and will be mulched with chipped prunings ocommercial materials to conserve water and control weeds.Screening Visual screening of utility boxes and undesirable views shalbe accomplished by the use of large shrubs and small treesSee Section 3.9.2 for SDG&E utility box screening restrictionsPrototypical Commercial LandscapingProperty and commercial business owners may selectplants fromthe approved plant list (see Figures 3.3 through 3.4).3.4.3 Design GuidelinesTown Center at Euclid Avenue & Market StreetLandscaping at the Market Street and Euclid Avenue TownCenter shall conform to the approved plant list (see Figures 3.3through 3.4) and be arranged to promote the intersect ion as thecommunity's town center.Euclid Avenue Commercial CorridorLandscaping along the Euclid Avenue Commercial Corridor shastrengthen the corridor as the community's primary north-southpedestrian and vehicular commercial link. The landscapeguidelines shall conform to the following criteria: Establish a major shaded pedestrian pathway along the wesside of Euclid Avenue by incorporating a two-row, low scalelinear street tree plan (see Figure 2.2). Provide visual enhancements as well as vehicular safety byconstructing landscape street medians of enhanced-concretepaving with raised planters. Median landscaping shall consisof low-scale shrubs with street trees centered within themedian's width that do not block motorist views to oncoming

    traffic (see Figure 2.2).Market Street Commercial Industrial Corr idorThe landscaping along the Market Street Industrial Corridor shacomplement the natural open spaces that define the area as a'rural enclave of the community. Landscaping along the street edge of Market Street shall noblock views to canyon landscape, but shall complement it with

    3-11 Design Criteria & Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    low-scale, drought tolerant, low maintenance, native planting.Site entries are the exception to this guideline and shouldincorporate taller landscape elements such as Palm Treesand shrubs to identify primary vehicular and pedestrianentrances.

    To create a positive sense of arrival to the Town Center andto promote the area's rural-identity to trolley users, landscapescreening devices such as overhead trellis shade structures,trees, and grass berms shall be placed to enhance and screenviews to the rear of industrial lots and buildings (See Figure2.4).

    Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-12

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    Planting Concepts:1 F,> -_._--- . r-'-- U

    Approved Plants for Euclid Avenueand Marke t StreetCorridors and NodesProposed tree types:(Botanical, Common Name)Callistemon viminalis, Weeping Bottle BrushEucalyptus ficifolia, Red Flowering GumEriobotrya deflexa, Bronze LoquatGeijera parviflora, Australian WillowGolden Rain TreeGold Medallion TreeJacaranda mimosifolia, JacarandaKoelreuteria bipinnata, Chinese Flame TreePinus canariensis, Canary Island PinePlatanus acerifolia, London Plane TreePodocarpus Gracilior, Fern PinePurple Leaf Flowering TreeQueen Palm

    uercus agrifolia, Live Oakashington robusta, Mexican Fan Palm

    [ni J

    Create landscape plazas thatcreate a visual diagonal link fromthe Elementary Institute of Scienceto the future Market Creek Plaza.

    Plant accent trees along trolleytracks to create a sense of entry tothe Euclid trolley station arrival fortrolley riders.Create a "Green" linear trolleycorridor with taller tree plantingto announce arrival into thecommunity.Formal streetscape landscaping is recommended for theEuclid Avenue Corridor. Planincludes a new landscapedmedian and pedestrian-scaledstreet trees along street edge(See Euclid Avenue streetsection).

    Guideline Objectives: Retain and enhance rural/open

    space feeling Add street landscape medians

    and site furnishings

    Guideline Objectives: Develo p safe well-lighted

    pedestrian and hicycle paUlS Locale utilities underground

    18'Eulcid Avenue Street Section

    Guideline Objectives: Provide unifonn guidelines for

    building setbacks. appearance,signage and landscaping


    I Your Name, Inc. @) I

    t,J'] 24'-0"Market Street Partial Street Section

    #j 'J10'90'

    Guideline Objectives: Screening from trolley Parking Rear lot landscaping


    Urban DeSign G




  • 7/28/2019 Southeastern Sd Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide


    Planting Concepts

    Approved Plants forEncanto VillageTree Types:(Botanical, Common Name)Brahea armata, Mexican Blue PalmEucalyptus ficifolia, Red Flowering GumGeijera parviflora, Australian WillowGold Medallion TreeJacaranda mimosifolia, JacarandaKoelreuteria bipinnata, Chinese Flame TreeQuercus agrifolia, Live OakRaywood AshTipuana tipu, Tipu TreeWashington robusta, Mexican Fan Palm


    . ,- . _. - -- -.- . - -- - .Storefront planters and seat wall planters areencouraged along public spaces and sidewalkedges (See Figure 2.6).

    ' - --_ New street median and landscaping(See figure 2.6)

    L -

    Storefront planters areencouraged alon g publicspaces (See Figure 2.5).' - - -_ Retain existing medianlandscaping.

    Use low sh ubs and/orlandscaping elementsnot to exceed 4'-0" inheight to screen trolleytracks from publicright-of-ways.


    Urban Desig n G

    Approved Plants forMount HopeCommercial CorridorTree Types:(Botanical, Common Name)Gold Medallion TreeKoelreuteria bipinnata, Chinese FlameMediterranean Fan PalmPinus canariensis, Canary Island PinePodocarpus gracilior, Fern PineSwan Hill, FruitlessOliveTabebuia impetiginosa, Pink Trumpet





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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Em Circulation and Parking Guidelines3.5.1 Guideline Objectives Accommodate primary and secondary vehicles. Increase safety and use of parking lots. Visually enhance the property and adjacent uses. Conform to high design standards found in major commercialdevelopments. Reinforce setback edges where parking lots are open tostreets. Increase the safety of the pedestrians from street traffic byseparating the pedestrian and traffic zones with a combinationof parkways, street trees, lamps and on-street parking zones. Develop off-street parking areas for vehicles that cannot beaccommodated on driveways and allow only short-term visitorparking on the street.3.5.2 Design Criteria & GuidelinesStreet Character and Vehicular Circulation

    Design site access pOints and develop efficient circulationsystems that minimize the impact to available open space.Establish a circulation system that minimizes pedestrian andvehicular conflicts. Where feasible, separate pedestrianwalkways from roadways and service areas.

    All public-right-of-way sidewalks and pedestrian paths shallbe concrete construction and shall meet ADA and UBCstandards. Bicycle paths shall be integral with streets andshall be delineated by paint striping, painted bicycle pathlogos, and bicycle lane signage.Street CrossingsSpecial enhanced street crossings are required atthe intersectionsof Market Street and Euclid Avenue, and Euclid Avenue andImperial Avenue. At these crossings, primary pedestrian routescross primaryvehicular routes and should be enhanced to highlight

    ADA compliant pedestrian ramps

    the crosswalks for motorists as well as identify the commercial Enhanced paving and crosswalksatand cultural centers of the community. major intersections

    3-1 7 Design Criteria & Guidelines

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    Low walls or shrub landscapingstrengthens urban edges along parkinglots while maintaining views fromsidewalks.

    42" min. Sidewalk48" min.

    \ ~ . c .\ymbOI

    rn08" min. 108" min.Handicapped parking stall configurationand dimensions

    Design Criteria & Guidelines

    Crosswalks atthese intersections shall be constructed of specialtypaving surrounded by concrete bands. Crosswalks at otherlocations shall not be highlighted. (See sketch)Parking AreasAll parking areas will be maintained in a weed-free and debris-freecondition and will be subject to the following criteria: Parking areas shall comply with all applicable current City of SanDiego, State of California, and Federal codes. All parking lot landscape plantings shall be maintained per theCriteria Guidelines listed in the Property Maintenance found inthe next section of this document. Increase safety and use of parking lots by adding lighting,landscaping, and pedestrian paths inside the lots where possible(See sketch and Lighting Regulatory Guidelines under Section

    3.9). All individual parking stalls shall be striped per code and shallincorporate wheel stops (See sketch for dimensions). Where possible, designate parking with gO-degree stalls andaisles wide enough for two-way traffic (See sketch on oppositepage). All parking lots shall be continuously maintained or repaired. To provide direct sunlight relief and to reduce glare, providelandscaping throughout parking lots with trees and low shrubs. Where bollards are required to protect buildings from vehiculardamage, make bollards impact resistant, and night lighted orreflective. Make repairs to existing paving, curbs and gutters to conform tothe standards of new construction. Provide handicapped stalls to meet the State of California andFederal requirements. All handicapped parking stalls shall be striped per State andFederal access codes and shall incorporate wheel stops (Seesketch for dimensions).


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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    v II I

    Standard90 degree parking lot configuration and dimensions

    Parking along sides and rear of buildings maintains urban edges

    Street and parking lot lighting3-19 Design Criteria & Guidelines

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    III Property Maintenance3.6.1 General ObjectivesRoutine building and landscape maintenance of individual lots willbe the responsibility of each property owner and shall conform tothe criteria guidelines listed below.If a property owner fails to maintain privately-owned buildings andlandscaping in a satisfactory manner, the City of San Diego'sNeighborhood Code Compliance Department will notify the ownerby site visit and/or certified mail of the conditions requiringcorrection. Property owners shall be given a reasonable amountoftime, determined by the Department, to correct any maintenancedeficiencies, unless an agreement to extend the period, for suchcause as fire or other disaster, is made by the property owner.3.6.2 Design Criteria &GuidelinesLandscape MaintenanceAll planted areas will be maintained in a weed-free and debris-freecondition and will be subject to the following criteria: Lawn and ground cover areas will be kept trimmed and/or

    mowed regularly. All plantings will be maintained in a healthy and growingcondition by regular watering, fertilization, cultivation, andpruning. Damaged or diseased plants will be replaced or repairedwithin (30) thirty days of notification by the City. Irrigation systemswill be maintained in proper working conditionand checked, cleaned, and adjusted regularly. Pruning will be done regularly, at the appropriate times of the

    year, in order to promote trunk caliper, desired form and healthof plants and to prevent excessive wind damage. Tree stakes, guys, and ties will be checked and adjustedregularly to avoid trunk girdling and abrasions. All unplanted landscape improvements, i.e. benches, planterwalls, etc., shall be continuously maintained, repaired orreplaced.

    Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-20

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guid

    Vehicles parked on landscaping are a citable offense. Removal of required landscaping is a citable offense.Site Maintenance - Fences, Gates and WallsWalls, fences and gates shall be maintained and shall be free ofdeterioration in a weed-free and debris-free condit ion. Walls,fences and gates will be subject to the following criteria: All fence and wall materials are subject to approval. As aguideline, all materials should be chosen to be architecturallycompatible with the building's exterior. Barbed wire fencingand chain-link fencing are not permitted in any area visiblefrom the public right-of-way. Retaining walls over 2 feet in height with a slope backfill or 3feet high with level backfill and fence exceeding 6 feet in heightrequires a building permit (Development Services Department). Low walls and fencing are allowed and encouraged along thecommercial property lines to establish and strengthen anurban edge along commercial retail corridors. Low walls andfencing if applied, shall provided public access and shall notblock visual access to buildings beyond.Building MaintenanceBuilding conditions and appearance shall be maintained in goodcondition and will be subject to the following criteria: All building additions, improvements, and independentstructures shall have a valid building permit for constructionissued by the City of San Diego Building Department.Structures or additions without a permit shal l not be occupieduntil a valid permit is issued and inspected by a City of SanDiego Building Inspector. Exterior building elevations shall be clean and free of graffiti. Exterior building damage shall be repaired within (3) three

    months from notification by the City. Structurally damaged buildings shall be repaired within areasonable amount of time of notification by the City. Building signage, including addresses, shal l be clear fromvisual obstructions and debris (See Signage RegulatoryGuidelines).

    3-21 Design Criteria & Guideline

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    outheastern Economic Development Corporation

    All exterior building lighting fixtures shall be maintained inproper working order to illuminate a safe, significant portion ofthe pedestrian entry access and building address. Buildinglighting is recommended to prevent any "dark" recesses alongthe public-right-of-way (See Section 3.9 Lighting and Utilities).

    Trash Trash containers, dumpsters, bins and enclosures shall belocated away from public view where feasible. Where trashcontainers, dumpsters, bins and enclosures are visible from ornear the public right-of-way, they shall be screened by a solidwall, fence or landscaped element with a minimum height ofone (1) foot higher than any container to be screened. Trash receptacles at private property shall not be visible fromthe public-right-of-way except on days of collection. Trash receptacles are required at all significant public openspace and recreation areas. Trash receptacles in public spaces shall be manufacturedprecast concrete with integral color and sandblasted finish tomatch neighborhood wall and signage treatment. Receptacles in public spaces shall conform to the City of SanDiego's Consultants Guide to Park Design, Rights-ot-Way

    and Open Space Landscaping.GraffitiSEDC currently has a zero-tolerance policy against graffitiapplications throughout Southeastern San Diego. The policyenforces same-day removal of graffiti on both public right-of-waylocations and private property. Per the SEDC zero-tolerance policy, graffiti shall be removedthrough the use of anti-graffiti applications or by reapplying theexisting exterior finish overthe graffiti. Reapplications of paintcolor must match the existing building color.Outdoor Storage No material, equipment, supplies, or products shall be storedor permitted to remain on the property outside a permanentstructure. Outdoor storage of merchandise, material or equipment shallbe subject to all municipal codes and planned districtordinances. This provides that:

    Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-22

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    The storage area shall be completely screened or enclosed bysolid fences, walls or buildings not less than six (6) feet tall. There shall be no outdoor storage of merchandise, materials,equipment or other goods of a height greater than that of anyenclosed wall, or buildings. Outdoorstorage shall not be placedon any publ ic right-of way.Inoperable Vehicles A maximum of two inoperable vehicles may be stored onprivate property if they are fully, legally screened from thepublic r ight-of-way in an area not exceeding 400 square feet.


    Commercial Corridor Urban DeSign Guide

    Design Criteria & Guideline

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    _ Commercial Signage4.3.1 General ObjectivesThe signage program forthe commercial redevelopment area hasbeen designed to: Provide appropriate and consistent signage for identity,orientation, and safety. Enhance the overall community visual environmental theme. Clearly communicate required directional information. Provide durable and low-maintenance construction. Coordinate with the design of the adjacent architecture. Meet the requirements of all applicable City of San Diegosignage regulations.3.7.2 Design Criteria & GuidelinesGeneral Guidelines Commercial signage shall comply with the criteria containedwithin the city-wide sign regulations, Chapter X, Article 1,Division 11 of the Municipal Code. Commercial signage shall consist of two types: 1) buildingfacade signage viewable from the public right-of-way and; 2)low-scale pedestrian-oriented signage that supports eacharea's overall pedestrian and automobile concept theme.One sign per type is allowed at each individual business. Anycommercial signage, both permanent and temporary thatexceeds this allowance without City/SEDC consent shall bedeemed excessive and shall be removed by the business orproperty owner within (3) working days of the notice. All signs, including temporary signs, require a permit and mustbe approved by SEDC prior to installation. Approval of

    temporary signs shall include the period of time for which theywill be permitted. Unless otherwise approved by SEDC, onlyone building-mounted sign and one ground-mounted signidentifying the occupant, nature of business and or productsor services shall be permitted for each occupant. (See OtherSigns for exceptions). The only other allowed signs will bedirectional signs or temporary signs.

    Design Criteria & Guidelines 3-24

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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guide

    Banners, pennants, flags are only permitted for a grandopening of a new business (maximum 60 days). A-Frame signs are not permitted. All building signage, including property addresses, shall bevisible from the public right-of-way and shall be clear fromvisual obstructions and debris. All signs must be either attached to the building or groundmounted and adhere to all San Diego Municipal Code, Division

    11 regulations for on-premise signs plus the followingguidelines:Building-Mounted Signs Shall be installed so as to be parallel to and contiguous withbuilding walls in a manner proportionate to the wall on whichthey are mounted. Letters, symbols, or logos may be painted or integrally colored. Letters, symbols, or logos should be securely fastened to thebuildings no less than one and one half inches from thebuilding face to provide for sufficient drainage and to preventstaining of the building face, but no further than 6 inches fromthe building face. A maximum 3 foot square logo may be incorporated with the

    building-mounted sign.Commercial Center Signs Signage within a shopping center shall be coordinatedthroughout the commercial development. A comprehensivesign program detailing types, sizes, locations and quantitiesshall be submitted for approval.Ground Mounted Signs on Industrial Lots along Market Street Shall not be closer than 10 feetfrom any property line and shallnot be located within the street right-of-way. Shall not be closer than 3 feet from a driveway or parking area.

    Shall not exceed 4 feet in height from the ground surface onwhich it is mounted.Shall be a precast concrete sign with an anti-graff iti applicationapplied to the surface.

    3-25 Design Criteria & Guidelines

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    Southeastern Economic Development Corporation

    Design Criteria & Guidelines

    Specific Area SignsMarket Street Commercial Industrial Corridor from 47th Street to54th StreetFor the industrial buildings within the Market Street CommercialIndustrial Corridor from 47th Street to 54th Street, a secondarybuilding-mounted sign is allowed and encouraged to be placed onthe rear building facade - viewable from the trolley corridor. Thesame regulatory criteria listed above shall apply to the size andlocation dimensions. The signage shall not exceed the size of theoriginal signage mounted on the front building facade .

    .I Commercial signage......._ ...... [ viewable by trolley users

    f - - - ----Building signage and view corridors in back of industrial lots along trolleyline


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    Commercial Corridor Urban Design Guid

    Encanto Village at Imperial Avenue between 61st to 69th StreetsForthe commercial buildings within the Encanto Village at ImperialAvenue between 61 st and 69th Streets a secondary "pedestrianoriented" building-mounted sign is allowed and the followingregulations shall apply: Sign age shall be installed so as to be