southern seminary viewbook 2012-2013

2012-2013 Viewbook

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Southern Seminary Viewbook 2012-2013.


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2012-2013 Viewbook

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Pastoring, teaching, counseling, aPologeticsPg. 18__

BiBlical worshiP, Family disciPleshiP, Pastoral leadershiPPg. 22__

missions, evangelism, church PlantingPg. 26__

Foundations For worldview and ministryPg. 32


sBts online apply now tuition rates

Pg.30 Pg.34 Pg.38

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R. Albert Mohler Jr.President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

In 1 Timothy 6, Paul describes how

Timothy is to “fight the good fight of

the faith.” Now we live in an age that

wants to deny in many cases that there

is a fight at all.

For instance, one major Protestant

denomination voted to take the hymn

“Onward Christian Soldiers” out of its

hymnal, saying that a hymn like that just

does not belong any longer in Christian

worship – we are to be a people of peace.

We are to be a people who pray for

peace, work for peace, strive for peace

and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ,

the Prince of Peace. But the New Testa-

ment is very clear that we have been

called to a certain warfare. As politically

incorrect as that might be, it’s hard to

deny that is what we face.

In most ages the church has faced sig-

nificant challenges. In the letter Paul

writes to Timothy, he discusses the great

challenges to the integrity of the Chris-

tian gospel and the vitality of the Chris-

tian church. He warns Timothy that as

a young minister of the gospel he is to

be on guard, first of all to guard himself

and then he is also to guard the gospel of

the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to guard the

deposit that has been entrusted to him.

You do not have to use that kind of

language unless there is a danger that

the gospel will be compromised, unless

there is a danger that the gospel will

be subverted, unless we are actually in

a spiritual warfare in which there will

be many who by their own testimony,

their own lifestyle and their own sin will

bring disrepute upon the people of God.

If the church of the Lord Jesus Christ

is not faithfully taught and faithfully led

then we will face the reality that Paul

warned Timothy of here, a church that is

not ready to fight the good fight of faith.

The task right now of standing true to the gospel of Jesus

Christ, for the faith once for all delivered to the saints,

requires a moral and theological stamina and biblical

conviction that used to be required of theologians, church

leaders, academics and others debating the issues on the

frontlines. Now it’s at the level of the local church and every

local community. The reality is that the church of the Lord

Jesus Christ faces a spiritual warfare and a theological

struggle that is virtually unprecedented.

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The Great Commission points to faith

in Christ and the forgiveness of sins

as the vehicle for cosmic restoration and

the salvation of the world. Those recon-

ciled to God through Christ are receiving

more than personal freedom from guilt

– they are becoming “sons of God” who

share with Jesus in an inheritance that

includes the entire created order (Ps 89;

Rom 4:13, 8:15-17; Gal 3:27-4:7).

The Great Commission is a theology of

cosmic warfare – a theology centering on

the unveiling of the long-hidden mystery

of Christ and his church. It means the

overthrow of the ancient powers that have

long held the creation captive through

sin and death. It means the triumph of a

resurrected Messiah over every principal-

ity and power hostile to the reign of the

Creator. It means that God is keeping his

promises to his anointed King.

It means war.

In the end, demonic powers don’t trem-

ble before denominational programs or

bureaucratic public relations campaigns.

What they fear is something more an-

cient, more mysterious and more per-

sonal. What they fear is not a program,

but a person – with a name, an author-

ity and an inheritance. Since the church

bears the Spirit of the Anointed One (1

Pet 4:14), the satanic powers lash out

violently against it (John 15:25-16:11).

Their question to the missionary ad-

vance of the church is the same question

they once voiced to the church’s King

in his hometown synagogue: “Have you

come to destroy us?” When the church is

faithful to the commission of its Warrior-

King, the answer is heard by an expectant

creation even when it is not voiced – ”The

God of peace will soon crush Satan under

your feet” (Rom 16:20). And that is what

Jesus would call “good news.”

Let your affections be broken for the

lost. And let’s join with our God in plead-

ing with sinners to be reconciled to God’s

Kingdom through the shed blood and the

empty tomb of Jesus. Let’s join in the

unseen battle with our tears, our feet,

our voices and our hearts.

Theology doesn’t just think. Theology walks. Theology weeps.

Theology bleeds. “Theology” means a word about God.

Scripture tells us that the definitive Logos about our Theos

is not a systematic theology text or a Hebrew grammar, as

important as these are. He is not a “what,” but a “Who.” He is

our brother, and our Lord. He cries for sinners, loves them,

warns them of the wrath to come, and promises them the

ends of the universe if they turn to him.

Russell D. MooreDean of The School of Theology and

Senior Vice President for Academic Administration

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Education: Double master’s in theolo-gy and philosophy from Talbot Theo-logical Seminary, Ph.D. in progress from Southern Seminary.

Why he takes the gospel seriously: Sean is the son of well known apolo-gist Josh McDow-ell, but even so, as a college student he experienced a crisis of faith that led him on a pilgrimage to find the truth. Josh Mc-Dowell encouraged his son to wrestle with the faith and test it against oth-ers. Like his dad, Sean McDowell could not escape

the first-century man from Galilee who was more than a carpenter.

“While there is much compel-ling evidence for Christianity, I just couldn’t explain away Jesus of Nazareth,” Sean McDowell said. “His public minis-try was only three years. He never wrote a book. He had no political or military power. And he had little money. And yet he turned the world upside down through his teach-ings.”

Why he chose SBTS: “I love apologetics and

SBTS offers the best Ph.D. program in apologetics and worldview studies that was conducive to my schedule,” he said. “The flexible-schedule was a huge part of the draw for me. Many of my former pro-fessors also spoke highly of SBTS as well as the gradu-ates I met. I would like to continue what I am doing (speaking, writ-ing, teaching), but expand to teaching on the college level as well. I’m also hoping a Ph.D. will open some more doors for public debates.”


Sean McDowellApologist and SBTS Ph.D. candidate

As head of the Bi-ble department at Capistrano Valley California Chris-tian Schools, each week Sean McDow-ell instructs high school students in philosophy, theol-ogy and apologet-ics. In addition to his full-time teach-ing career, Mc-Dowell travels and debates skeptics, writes on Christian apologetics and has a speaking ministry.

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What do Puritan John Owen, pas-tor John Piper and theologian Wayne Grudem have in common with hip-hop music? This trio of theologi-cal heavyweights inspired Marcus Gray, also known as Christian rap-per FLAME, to write and record a Grammy-nomi-nated album that communicates gos-pel truths through hip-hop tunes. Gray is a Boyce

College graduate and a current South-ern Seminary School of Theology student who has broken into the world of big-time rap. Gray’s 2009 Grammy nod

came after the re-lease of Our World Redeemed, the artist’s third album, which took the the-ology of Owen, Piper and Grudem and translated it into a musical study of redemption. Gray’s sixth’s album, ap-propriately titled The 6th, was re-leased on his own label, Clear Sight Music, in March 2012, and immedi-ately went to the top of the iTunes hip-hop/rap downloads. As a young-teen in

St. Louis, Mo., Gray was caught up in the hip-hop culture of gangs and drugs. Through a series of tragic events and the Christian example of his grandmother, Christ eventually grabbed Gray’s attention. Gray understood the gospel and turned to Christ at age 16. Shortly af-terwards he started writing lyrics and music as devotion-als to God. Though he had no plans to become a record-ing artist, Gray began to realize the potential power of the medium for ministry. To-day, Gray uses the

medium of hip-hop not only to minister to the hurting and build up the body of Christ, but to tell the story of the Savior to a hurting world.

Phillip Bethancourt has worked for Southern Seminary since 2006. He began as a student research intern for Russell D. Moore, senior vice presi-dent for academic administration and dean of the School of Theology, and since has served in strategic roles across the academic program as he fur-thered his theologi-cal education.Bethancourt’s

academic career

started at Texas A&M University, where he earned the B.B.A. and M.S. in finance. He then matriculated to Southern Seminary where he earned the M.Div. and Ph.D. In 2011, Bethancourt joined the School of Theology faculty as assitant professor of Christian theol-ogy and accepted the role of associate vice president for enrollment manage-ment at Southern. In addition

to teaching, in his current role Bethancourt har-nesses both his business and theo-logical training to develop strategic initiatives that offer students of Southern Seminary and Boyce College the oppor-tunity to maximize their education – both financially and academically. Bethancourt’s busi-ness-minded work and his love for the gospel enable him to lead a team that de-velops programming to enhance student enrollment and student life, creates new course oppor-tunities and offers academic counseling and support.

Marcus GraySBTS student

cl assroom theology insPires concert lyrics

Phillip R. Bethancourt SBTS graduate

where theology and Business meet

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Education: M.Div. from the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism

Your first visit to NYC: April 2004 to propose to my wife, who was working with a North American Mission Board (NAMB) church plant in New Brunswick, N.J. The impact the city had on me was immediate, progressive and continues today. I was immediately overwhelmed and

yet energized by the city’s size.

How is the evan-gelical church on the advance in NYC?: Forty per-cent of the evan-gelical churches that exist in city-center Man-hattan have been planted since Sept. 11, 2001. When I really take time to think about all God is doing here, it is quite exhilarating.

What’s it like to raise chidren in NYC?: We love how globally minded

the city is and how it shapes our kids. They interact with friends from all over the world. Our kids will all probably be more cultured at age six than we were at 18. There are many unique things for kids to do in New York City. Living in small spaces causes you to be very close as a family.

Freddy T. WyattSBTS graduate

In 2008, Freddy Wyatt, a SBTS M.Div. graduate, became lead pas-tor of The Gallery Church in New York City. That fall, Wyatt moved his wife, Susan, and toddler, Jack, into their small Man-hattan apartment – one month later, the Wyatts wel-comed twins, Elliot and Lillie. Minister-ing to New York’s 22 million people has stretched the Wyatts’ faith like never before. God continues to provide for every need of their fam-ily, and their love for New York City and New Yorkers continually grows.

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Alison is a South-ern Seminary student presently serving the people groups of the Pa-cific Rim through her work with the International Mis-sion Board. The Billy Graham

School’s balance of theology and Great Commission courses was what attracted Alison to the school. The Gra-ham School’s “2+2” program allows Alison the oppor-tunity to share the gospel across the Pacific Rim while also finishing her degree.

On the mission field, Alison works in an area with 52 unreached people groups, each of which has a differ-ent language. Thir-ty-seven of those people groups are completely unen-gaged, she says, which means there is no living witness among them. Alison has drawn on her course work and preparation that she received from the Billy Graham School to build relationships with the people of the Pacific Rim.“Various courses

have had excellent requirements of Scripture memori-zation, sharing the gospel, etc.,” she said. “I had finished about half of my degree when we left the States and have continued my studies online. I can honestly say that the single most encouraging thing for me, while being overseas, has been my continued studies.”

A three-time gradu-ate of Southern Seminary and current New Tes-tament professor at Campbellsville University, Jarvis Williams has drawn on his education and experience behind the pulpit to publish academic work about Pauline literature, Christ’s atoning death, sal-vation and histori-cal and exegetical studies. Williams, a Red

Fox, Ky., native, completed his un-dergraduate work

at Boyce College then transitioned to Southern Seminary where he received the M.Div., Th.M. and Ph.D. Williams’ Th.M.

and Ph.D. programs were centered on study of the New Testament and his book, One New Man: The Cross and Racial Recon-ciliation in Pauline Theology, argues that sin is the fundamental reason humans need to be reconciled first to God and second to one another, that Jesus is God’s provision for racial reconciliation, and that Jesus actually accomplished both the vertical and horizontal recon-ciliation of those for whom he died. Therefore, the only way to reconcile sinners to God and to one another is to proclaim the gospel to all peoples so that they would repent and believe the gospel and be saved.

Alison*SBTS student

reaching the nations with BiBlical Focus

Jarvis J. WilliamsSBTS graduate

serious aBout nt theology

“I can honestly say that the single most encouraging thing for me, while being overseas, has been my continued studies.” Alison

Alison’s service to the IMB prohibits us from revealing her identity.*

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Thomas R. Schreiner is the James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and associ-ate dean of Scripture and interpretation. Schreiner is also the preaching pastor of Clifton Baptist Church.  

Schreiner earned the B.S. from Western Oregon Uni-versity, the M.Div. and Th.M. from Western Seminary and the Ph.D. from Fuller Theo-logical Seminary.

Prior to joining the South-ern Seminary faculty, Sch-reiner held teaching posts at Bethel Theological Seminary, Azusa Pacific University and Fuller Theological Seminary.

Schreiner has published numerous books, including: Interpreting the Pauline Let-ters (Baker, 1990), The Law and Its Fulfillment: A Pau-line Theology of Law (Baker, 1993), Romans. The Baker Exegetical Commentary Series on the New Testament (Baker, 1998), The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theol-ogy of Perseverance and As-surance,  co-authored with Ardel Caneday (InterVarsity, 2001), Paul  Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology (InterVarsity, 2001) and 1 and 2 Peter and Jude.  New American Commentary Series (Broadman & Holman, 2003).

Timothy Paul Jones has authored or coauthored more than a dozen books, including the bestselling The Da Vinci Codebreaker, with James L. Garlow (Bethany House Publications, 2006), Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus (InterVarsity Press, 2007), Conspiracies and the Cross (Frontline Books, 2008), Christian History Made Easy (Rose Publishing, 2009) and Trained in the Fear of God (Kregel, 2011).

Jones has been the re-cipient of the Baker Book House Award in Theological Studies, the North American Professors of Christian Edu-cation Scholastic Recogni-tion Award and the 2009 Retailers’ Choice Award from Christian Retailing. While serving as senior pas-tor of First Baptist Church of Rolling Hills in Tulsa, Okla., Jones taught bibli-cal languages at Oklahoma Baptist University’s Minis-try Training Institute and served as adjunct professor of Greek at Midwestern Bap-tist Theological Seminary.

At Southern, Jones serves as professor of leadership and church ministry and associate vice president for online education.

Southern Seminary named Joe Crider as senior associ-ate dean and professor of music and worship leader-ship in the School of Church Ministries, Summer 2011.

Crider came to Southern Seminary with more than 20 years of vocational ministry experience and 10 years of teaching experience. Prior to joining Southern Seminary’s faculty, Crider was associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and professor of music and humanities at Liberty University and min-ister of music and worship at First Baptist Church of Roanoke, Va.

Crider earned the B.A. and M.A. from Bowling Green State University and the D.A. from the University of Northern Colorado. Crider’s wife, Amy, is involved in Seminary Wives Institute, the school’s program for student-wives that trains women in topics ranging from Baptist beliefs and surveys of the Old and the New Testament, to public speaking and hospitality in ministry.


thomas r. schreiner


timothy Paul Jones


Joseph r. crider


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James M. Hamilton Jr., is associate professor of biblical theology. Hamilton joined Southern’s teaching faculty in 2008, after serv-ing as assistant professor of biblical studies at South-western Baptist Theological Seminary from 2003 to 2008. Hamilton also serves as pas-tor of preaching at Kenwood Baptist Church. Prior to his coming to Louisville, he pastored the Baptist Church of the Redeemer in Houston. He actively participates in regional conferences for 9Marks Ministries. 

Hamilton earned the B.A. from the University of Arkansas, the Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary and the Ph.D. from Southern Seminary.

Hamilton’s published works include: God’s In-dwelling Presence: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testa-ments, NAC Studies in Bible and Theology, (Broadman & Holman, 2006) and God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theol-ogy (Crossway, 2010) and Revelation: The Sprit Speaks to the Churches (Preach the Word commentary series, Crossway, 2012).

Southern Seminary named Zane Pratt as dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism, August 2011.

Pratt came to the deanship from serving overseas as an IMB missionary from 1991 to 2011. He oversaw mis-sions work across Central Asia from 2001 to 2011. In addition to his role as dean, Pratt serves as associate professor of missions.

“I am absolutely thrilled with the appointment of Zane Pratt as dean of the Billy Graham School of Mis-sions and Evangelism,” said R. Albert Mohler Jr., presi-dent of Southern Seminary. “Zane is one of the world’s premier missiologists and most effective missionar-ies. His missions leadership has been stellar, and his experience leading a mis-sionary movement in one of the world’s most challenging regions is invaluable.”

Pratt earned his bach-elor’s degree from Duke University in Durham, N.C., and the M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Prior to moving overseas, Pratt was a church planter in Massachusetts as well as an officer in the U.S. Army Reserve.


James m. hamilton Jr.


Zane Pratt






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School of Theology

T he School of Theology is the oldest and central school of

Southern Seminary. It is devoted to training pastors, coun-

selors and leaders within the church. The School of Theology

faculty is devoted to help equip you to stand and walk in a

manner worthy of Jesus’ name. As a theology student, by com-

mencement day you will know the intricacies of the 66 books that

comprise the Word of God and you will have confidence to teach

it, preach it, counsel from it, evangelize with it and defend it.

The School of Theology is comprised of four divisions:

Scripture & InterpretationLed by a group of men devoted to teaching you how to under-

stand the content of the Old and New Testaments, how to read

the Bible in the original Greek and Hebrew, and how to prop-

erly interpret the Scriptures and teach their meaning to a local

church congregation.

Theology and TraditionThese professors will guide you on how to take all of the data

from the Scriptures and fit it together into a systematic theology.

These faculty members will also instruct you on church history

and our church fathers, and how the people of God have faced

the schemes of Satan.

we are serious about theology

The School of Theology trains preachers and teachers, pastors and missionaries, theologians and apologists, counselors and evangelists – all to the end of advancing the kingdom, that Christ may be glorified in the nations.

The School of Theology has as its central focus the glory of God and the preparation of his servants. Our faculty will pour their lives into you, shaping you and forming you into the kind of leader that the world needs.

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Worldview & CultureThis emphasis will teach you how to defend the faith against objections and

answer big questions like, “Why does God allow evil to exist?” and “Why does

God allow suffering in the world?” Courses will address issues such as: “How

as a Christian, do I behave and live and engage with issues on a personal, social

and political level with regard to theology?”

Ministry & ProclamationThese professors will teach you how to preach; specifically, you will learn how

to take biblical data, church history and systematic theology and apply that

toward preaching. The faculty will lead you through how to interpret and apply

the text to various situations, counsel with a biblical understanding of reality

and answer questions about what it means to have a biblical spirituality and

teach you how to safeguard yourself with personal spiritual disciplines.

Master of ArtsThe M.A. is offered in two concentrations: theological studies and biblical

counseling. The purpose of this degree is to provide biblical, theological, histori-

cal and practical biblical counseling training for laypersons that desire to be

better equipped for service in the local church. More information is available


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Master of Arts

Biblical Counseling

Theological Studies

Master of Divinity

Biblical Counseling

Biblical Spirituality

Biblical &

Theological Studies

Christian Ministry

Pastoral Studies

Worldview & Apologetics

Advanced Master of Divinity

Doctor of Ministry

Applied Theology

Biblical Counseling* Biblical Spirituality*

Expository Preaching

Master of Theology &

Doctor of Philosophy

Biblical Counseling

Biblical Spirituality Biblical Studies Christianity & the Arts*

Christian Apologetics*

& Worldview Studies

Christian Ethics

Christian Philosophy

Christian Preaching

Church History &

Historical Theology

New Testament

Old Testament

Pastoral Theology

Systematic Theology

*Modular Format

Master of DivinityThe M.Div. is the foundational gradu-

ate degree track across the entire South-

ern Seminary academic program. The six

School of Theology M.Div. concentrations

provide students comprehensive knowledge

in biblical and theological studies needed

for effective ministry. The available M.Div.

concentrations are: Christian ministry,

pastoral studies, biblical and theological

studies, biblical counseling, worldview and

apologetics and biblical spirituality. The

School of Theology website offers detailed

vocational objectives and course require-

ments for each of the M.Div. concentrations:

Master of TheologyThe Th.M. is a one-year program offering

participants the opportunity to gain greater

mastery in an area of study than normally

possible at the M.Div. level. Th.M course-

work consists of advanced masters electives

and doctoral seminars. The Th.M. may be

pursued in any of the School of Theology’s

four major divisions. Additionally, Th.M.

students select a major focus within their

area of study, such as New Testament within

the Scripture and interpretation division, or

Christian preaching within the ministry and

proclamation division.

Th.M. coursework can be completed in a

modular format, meaning relocating to the

main Southern Seminary campus in Louis-

ville isn’t necessary. Questions on modular

programming can be answered by the Center

for Student Success:

Doctor of MinistryThe D.Min. is an advanced professional

doctoral degree offered in four concentra-

tions: applied theology, biblical counsel-

ing, biblical spirituality and expository


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preaching. The D.Min. equips persons who

are committed to a Christian vocation for

a high level of excellence in the practice of

ministry. D.Min. students are expected to

pursue their degree concurrently with full-

time vocational involvement in ministry.

Doctor of PhilosophyThe Ph.D. gives students of superior

ability the opportunity to prepare them-

selves for effective Christian leadership,

especially behind the pulpit or classroom

lectern. Ph.D. students are expected to en-

gage in full-time study until their thesis

or dissertation proposal is submitted and

approved. Like the Th.M. program format,

the Ph.D. may be pursued in any of the

School of Theology’s four major divisions

and students select a major focus within

their area of study, such as New Testa-

ment within the Scripture and interpre-

tation division. Program specifics and

polices can be viewed at

D.Min and Ph.D. coursework can be

completed in a modular format, meaning

relocating to the main Southern Semi-

nary campus in Louisville isn’t necessary.

Questions on modular programming can

be answered by the Center for Student


apply now at

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we are serious about church ministries

The School of Church Ministries equips leaders for real-life ministry. For those whom God has called to his ministry, we provide theologically rich, vocationally tested training in biblical worship, family discipleship and pastoral leadership.

The School of Church Ministries trains men and women for leadership roles within church administration. We prepare students to disciple children, youth, college students and families to be conformed to the image of Christ.

School of

Church Ministries

The School of Church Ministries is devoted to training those

in the associate pastor positions within the local church -

worship leaders, executive pastors, youth ministers, children’s

ministers - all toward the goal of disciple making within the church.

In the School of Church Ministries, we combine theology and

missiology and add specialized training to ministries specific to

the local church. As a student in the School of Church Ministries

you will be taught theology, church history, discipleship and

specialized skills to reach the people of the local church.

We’ve built our programs on three pillars: biblical worship,

family discipleship and pastoral leadership.

Biblical WorshipOur biblical worship programming centers around more than

fleeting spiritual experiences and focuses, rather, on the charac-

ter of God. Faculty members in the worship leadership program

cultivate the knowledge and skills their students need to disciple

people through worship, guiding worshipers toward the glory

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of God and the gospel of Jesus. You will be

trained not simply as a musical performer

but also as a skilled teacher of God’s Word.

Family DiscipleshipWith the aid of our faculty, Southern Semi-

nary has become the leading institution in

reshaping the field of family ministry. Our

family discipleship professors are eager

to prepare you for a fruitful ministry as a

children’s ministry director, student or col-

legiate pastor, women’s leader or Christian


Pastoral LeadershipPastors must be skilled leaders and teach-

ers. Students preparing for pastoral minis-

try within the School of Church Ministries

receive extensive preparation in pastoral

leadership. Our professors are more than

instructors, they are experienced church

ministers. Under their leadership, you will

learn to deal constructively with church

conflict and organizational transition while

also training to serve as a skilled teacher

of God’s Word.

Diploma & Master of ArtsThe diploma and M.A. are designed

for laypersons that desire to be better

equipped for service in the local church.

Master of DivinityThe M.Div. is the foundational graduate de-

gree track across the entire Southern Semi-

nary academic program. The eight School

of Church Ministries M.Div. concentrations

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Church Ministries

Worship Leadership

Master of Arts

Students can choose

to focus in one of the

following areas:

Children’s & Family


Christian Education

College Ministry

Discipleship &

Family Ministry*


Worship Leadership*

Youth & Family


Master of Divinity

Children’s & Family


Church Ministries

College Ministry

Discipleship &

Family Ministry*


Worship Leadership*

Youth & Family


Advanced Master

of Divinity

Master of Church


Master of

Theology & Doctor

of Philosophy

Christian Worship

Family Ministry

Higher Education


Doctor of Education

Doctor of



Biblical Counseling

Christian Worship

Evangelism &

Church Growth

Family Ministry


Missions Leadership

Doctor of Ministry

Christian Worship

Family Ministry


DEGREESprovide students comprehensive

knowledge in biblical worship, fam-

ily discipleship and pastoral leader-

ship needed for effective ministry.

Master of Theology & Doctor of PhilosophyThe Th.M. and Ph.D. programs of-

fer students an opportunity to gain

greater mastery in an area of study.

The programs acquaint students

with the resources and research

methods of a major area of study

and offer a focused time of study

for further reflection in preparation

for ministry.

Doctor of Education The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) is a

60-hour degree that has been care-

fully designed to develop skills in

scholarship, service and problem-

solving in the context of coordinated

learning communities. This design

has been structured around a “sig-

nature pedagogy” that sets the Ed.D.

apart from other doctoral degrees

at The Southern Baptist Theological


Doctor of Ministry

The D.Min. will equip persons who

are committed to a Christian voca-

tion for a high level of excellence in

the practice of ministry. The D.Min.

will present you with leading-edge

research and the opportunity to gain

mastery on many subjects, including:

leadership skills, problem solving

and current trends in education.

*These degrees allow students to choose an additional emphasis as a minor. For specific degree programs, please visit

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we are serious about missions and evangelism

The Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism has a biblical sense of urgency for the Great Commission and trains men and women who are giving their lives to evangelism, missions and church planting.



Under the leadership of Dean Zane Pratt,

the Billy Graham School is devoted to

training up missionaries, church planters,

pastors and those who are called to take

the gospel to North America and around

the world.

There are two primary divisions within the

Billy Graham School: missions and evan-


The missiology faculty is passionate about

reaching and teaching the people groups

of the world. They are training men and

women to share the gospel, win people for

Christ and establish churches that are able

to disciple and reproduce.

Our evangelism faculty gives students a

biblical understanding of evangelism and a

firm foundational knowledge of apologetics

for a postmodern world.

Master of ArtsThe M.A. is offered in three concentrations:

theological studies in lay leadership, theo-

logical studies in intercultural leadership*

*Admission to this program is restricted to those who are under appointment by the International Mission Board, the North American Mission Board or other approved Great Commission groups and are currently serving on the field.

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In the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism, our programs combine the best theological thinking with excellent practical training, all aimed toward fulfilling the Great Commission to the glory of God.

and missiology. The purpose of this degree is to provide bibli-

cal, theological, historical and practical biblical training for

laypersons and missionaries that desire to be better equipped

for service in the local church or desire to live and work in an

intercultural setting.

Master of DivinityThe 11 Billy Graham School M.Div. concentrations provide

students comprehensive knowledge in biblical and theologi-

cal studies needed for effective ministry. The available M.Div.

concentrations are: applied apologetics, church planting, city-

reaching, Great Commission ministries, international church

planting, international missions, Islamic studies, itinerant

evangelism, missions and Bible translation, North American

missions and pastoral studies.

The Billy Graham School website offers detailed vocational

objectives and course requirements for each M.Div. concentra-


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Master of Theology, Doctor of Ministry & Doctor of Philosophy The Th.M. is a one-year program offering

participants the opportunity to gain greater

mastery in an area of study than normally

possible at the M.Div. level. The D.Min. is a

professional doctoral degree that enables

students to study with a cohort of other

pastors, church staffers and missionar-

ies who want to become better ministry

practitioners. The Th.M. may be pursued

in any of the Billy Graham School’s major

concentrations: applied apologetics, black

church studies, Christian missions, evange-

lism and church growth and world religions.

The D.Min. may be pursued in: black church

leadership, global missions, evangelism and

church growth, city-reaching and Korean

Church Leadership.

The Billy Graham School Ph.D. equips

students for seminary-level teach-

ing and effective ministry service. Pro-

gram tracks and course requirements

vary. More information available is at

Th.M., D.Min. and Ph.D. coursework can

be completed in a modular format so that

relocating to the main Southern Seminary

campus in Louisville isn’t necessary. Ques-

tions on modular programming can be an-

swered by the Center for Student Success:

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Theological Studies

Master of Arts


Theological Studies -

Lay Leadership

Theological Studies -

Intercultural Leadership

Master of Divinity

Applied Apologetics

Church Planting


Great Commission Ministries

International Church Planting

International Missions

Islamic Studies

Itinerant Evangelism

Missions & Bible Translation

North American Missions

Pastoral Studies

Advanced Master of Divinity

Doctor of Ministry

Black Church Leadership


Evangelism & Church Growth

Global Missions

Korean Church Leadership

Doctor of Missiology

Master of Theology &

Doctor of Philosophy

Applied Apologetics

Black Church Studies

Christian Missions

Evangelism & Church Growth

World Religions

Doctor of Missiology The D.Miss. is uniquely designed for those

with practical field experience, such as

missionaries who are interested in being better

equipped to take the gospel to the ends of the

earth. The D.Miss. is an advanced professional

research degree that requires 48 credit-hours

of on-campus study, culminating with a field

research project that addresses a missiological

issue in the students particular missionary

context. More information is available at

apply now at


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When family, ministry and work commitments make it

difficult to relocate to Louisville, another option for

ministry training is Southern Seminary’s online programming.

Nearly all of the core requirements for the M.Div. are offered

online as well as a wide variety of electives. Students cannot

complete an entire M.Div. online, however our accreditation

standards and academic policies allow for up to two-thirds

(59 hours) of online-credit to apply toward the M.Div. You may

earn up to half of other master’s degrees online.  

Conversely, one-third of the M.Div. and half of other mas-

ter’s degrees must be earned in residence – on the SBTS main

campus. The seminary offers intensive courses in winter and

summer terms, frequently referred to as “D” or “J-terms”, to

help students obtain their residency hours.

To enroll in online courses, the only requirement is to be

accepted as a student at Southern Seminary. Contact the Office

of Admissions to obtain admissions information, admissions@ or 1-800-626-5525, x 4200. Once you are approved

through the admissions process, you will receive an acceptance

letter containing your student ID, student email address and

other information necessary to register for online courses.

The Center for Student Success at Southern Seminary can

provide you with answers concerning your degree plan, course

substitutions and requirements for graduation as well as

general academic advising. They may be reached by email at

[email protected] or by phone at 1-800-626-5525 or

(502) 897-4680.

“I had finished about half of my degree when we left the States and have continued my studies online. I can honestly say that the single most encouraging thing for me, while being overseas, has been my continued studies.” -Alison, Billy Graham School student and IMB missionary.

Southern Online

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Even if you are unable to relocate to Louisville, there is still a way to earn the theological education you desire. Southern Seminary has established a network of extension education centers across the South, Midwest and Northeast. Each week, our faculty members travel to our extension centers to bring our extension students the same caliber of theological instruction that is delivered on the main campus.

Extension Education

Northwest Arkansas Boston, Massachusetts Chicago, Illinois Columbia, Maryland East Tennessee (Knoxville Area) Jackson, Tennessee New York City, New York Washington, D.C.

Extension Centers

Extension center students can also take

advantage of online course as well as

summer and winter intensive courses at

the main campus in Louisville. Questions

can be directed to the Extension Centers

Office at 1-800-626-5525, x 4390 or

[email protected]

In 2011, Southern Seminary announced a

major new initiative in the Nashville area.

Two faculty members from the main campus

in Louisville relocated to Nashville to grow

the Nashville extension center into a fully

operational campus. The location of this new

campus allows students to commute in for

weekly classes from a region that reaches

down into northern Alabama, northeastern

Mississippi and throughout much of Tennessee.

More information and a full listing of course

offerings is available at

“I used to view extension center education as a last resort alternative to learning at our primary campus. Having now experienced both, in Louisville and in Nashville, I can assure others that is not true. The residential faculty in Nashville are world-class scholars, taking first rate theological training far beyond the borders of the bluegrass.” —Devin Maddox, M.Div., School of Theology, Winter 2012

Southern Seminary Nashville

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Whether you are called to serve in North Carolina or North

Africa, behind a pulpit or in a public school, Boyce College has

an undergraduate degree program to suit your needs. Each of

our undergraduate academic programs are designed to produce

graduates who are serious about the gospel, competent to engage

the culture and faithful to serve the church in various ways.

Seminary TrackStarting in the 2012-13 academic year, Boyce College will launch

a program ideal for students serious about gospel ministry: the

bachelor of arts in biblical and theological studies, seminary track.

Students who enter this program can potentially earn both an

undergraduate degree from Boyce College and the master of

divinity from Southern Seminary in just five years.

Worldview Studies CertificateThe Boyce College Worldview Studies Certificate is an intensive

one-year program designed to establish a biblical worldview

in first-time collegiate students who desire to pursue addi-

tional studies in the university setting. Students will be chal-

lenged spiritually as study under the direction of our theol-

ogy faculty and they’ll grow personally as they take part in

Boyce student life activities. More information is available at

Boyce OnlineBoyce College offers online educational opportunities for those

who are not able to move to our Louisville campus. You can obtain

a fully accredited Bachelor of Arts in B.T.S. or Associate of Arts

degree entirely online.

apply now at

“We hold the education of the ministry a matter of the first importance to the churches of Christ.” — James P. Boyce

Boyce College

we are serious about theological Foundations

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Bachelor of Arts

Biblical and Theological Studies

Christian Worldview and Apologetics

Expository Preaching and Pastoral


Bachelor of Science in

Biblical Studies

Church Ministry

Biblical Counceling


Worship and Pastoral Studies

Worship and Music Studies

Youth Ministry*

Bachelor of Science

Elementary Education


Associate of Arts

Biblical and Theological Studies*

Worldview Studies Certificate



For more information about these programs and to apply online see or contact our Office of Admissions at

1-800-626-5525 (x4617) or [email protected]

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apply todayOnce you’ve said “yes” to Southern Semi-nary, our admissions staff will walk with-you the rest of the way. We are here to help you through the application process and assist with any questions you might have. All application materials are available online at and

visit todayA campus visit to Southern Seminary is one of the best steps you can take to clarify your thinking and discover whether this is the right place for you. When you visit, you’ll be welcomed by a member of our admissions staff who can answer questions about our degree programs, employment opportunities, financial assistance and student life. You’ll also get an opportunity to interact with students and faculty, sit in on class discussions and take a tour of our 84-acre campus.Schedule a visit of Southern Seminary today at

Preview dayCan you see yourself at Southern Seminary? We invite you to check out Southern Preview Day and find out. Our upcoming Preview will allow you all the conveniences of a personal campus visit, interaction with faculty and admissionsstaff and many wonderful

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application deadlines

Diploma &

masters degrees:

Fall Semester – July 15

January Term – Dec 1

Spring Semester – Dec 1

Summer Term – May 1



doctoral degrees:

January Term – Oct 15

Summer Term – March 15



doctoral degrees:

Master of Theology (Th.M.)

Spring Semester - Dec 1

Fall Semester - July 15

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

& Doctor of Education

Spring Semester - Aug 1

Fall Semester - Jan 15

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Financial Aid

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Masters level tuition per credit hour

SBC students ...................................................$230

Non-SBC students ...........................................$460

Doctoral degree programs

Master of Theology

Per hour- SBC Student ....................................$299

Per hour- Non-SBC Student ............................$598

Doctor of Ministry ($1,000 down, balance due equally over 36 months)

Program cost- SBC Student ........................... $10,448

Program cost- Non-SBC Student ..................$13,650

Doctor of Educational Ministry ($1,000 down, balance due equally over 48 months)

Program Cost- SBC Student ...........................$11,235

Program Cost- Non-SBC Student ...................$14,490

Doctor of Philosophy ($1,000 down, balance due equally over 48 months)

Program Cost- SBC Student ..........................$26,250

Program Cost- Non-SBC Student ................. $46,620

Doctor of Missiology ($1,000 down, balance due equally over 36 months)

Program Cost- SBC Student ..........................$19,163

Program Cost- Non-SBC Student ................. $33,600

Doctor of Education($1,000 down, balance due equally over 36 months)

Program Cost- SBC Student ..........................$15,645

Program Cost- Non-SBC Student ................. $26,145

Student Enrollment Fee:

On-Campus Student: $235 per semester, $40 for winter/summer terms

Internet or Extension Center Student: $40 per semester

Internet Course Fee: $250 per course in addition to hourly fee for SBTS courses.Additional charges may apply for specialty courses. Please see current fee schedule for a list of fees by course number.

Books: Estimate $125 per class



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Tuition: ($230 x 9 credit hours) $2,070

Fees: ($235) $235

Books: ($125 x 3) $375

SBTS Scholarship (~$500) ($500)

Total per semester = $2,180

Total per year: = $4,360











Foster Apt. Fuller Apt.

$650 $645



$640 $625

First Floor Large Unit

Second/Third Floor Standard Unit

Grinstead Apt. Springdale Apt.

$725 $725



$875 $675

One-Bedroom First Floor

Two-Bedroom Second/Third Floor

Sbts Dormitories


– $100

– $450

SBTS Room & Board

Sampey Discount

Multi-Occupancy Discount

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• General Scholarship• Rice-Judson Scholarship• Missions Grant

Eligibility Requirements1. Students must be enrolled full-time (8+ credit hours)

in a master’s level program. Doctoral students are

not eligible for institutional scholarships.

2. Students must be taking courses at the Louisville

campus. Online and extension center students are

not eligible to apply.

3. Students must be admitted into a degree program.

4. Students must maintain good academic standing

for eligibility.

How to Apply1. Complete the Financial Aid Profile


• Click on the academic year in which you will

enroll at SBTS.

• Select “Sign Up” under “Not a Member Yet?”

• Create a username and password.

• Reference your most current tax return to com-

plete the application.

• Pay $25 fee to submit the Financial Aid Profile

(eligible students will receive a $25 credit on

their tuition account to offset cost).

2. Submit all supporting documents (for Rice-Judson

Scholarhip) by the financial aid deadline.

Deadlines• Continuing Students – June 1 of each year

• Students entering Fall semester – August 1 of each year

• Students entering Spring semester – January 1 of each year

Scholarship opportunities

Southern Grant:Students enrolled in six or more on-campus credit hours during the summer or winter term are eligible to receive a $150 Southern Grant. No application necessary. Grant applied at end of term.

Spouse and Children’s Grant Program:Spouses or dependents of full-time students may be eligible for a 50% tuition grant. Qualifying students must apply midway through the semester by submitting the spouse/dependent form to the Accounting Office.


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Outside financial assistance

Outside ScholarshipsThe E-Campus scholarship search generates a list

of scholarships for which you are eligible based

on demographic information.

• E-Campus can be found at

• Log into E-Campus, click on Help Desk icon, click on

Financial Aid icon, click on Scholarship Search icon

Outside Web-based Scholarship Searches

• FastWeb:

• Next Student:

• Scholarsite:

• Sallie Mae Scholarship Search:

Private Student LoansSmart Option Student Loan with Sallie Mae or

5th/3rd Bank

• / 1-800-695-3317

• / 1-800-222-7192

KY Advantage Loan or KY Advantage Parent Loan

• / 1-800-988-6333

SBTS Short Term Loan

• Payment due within 6 months

• Maximum of $2,000

• Apply at the Financial Aid Office (Norton 154)

• First semester students are not eligible

Veterans BenefitsSBTS is an accredited institution recognized by

the Department of Veterans Affairs. SBTS accepts

the following VA Benefits:

• GI Bill- Please contact the VA Regional Office to determine

eligibility (1-888-442-4551,

• Vocational Rehabilitation

• Tuition Assistance

Our Financial Aid Office is committed to making your theological education affordable. We desire that each student called to pursue ministry training be able to do so regardless of financial means.

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louisville slugger Baseball Bat

Andrew “Bud” Hillerich made the first

Louisville Slugger baseball bat in his

father’s Louisville woodworking shop in

1884. The brand name “Louisville Slugger”

was first used in 1893.

Frederick law olmsted

Louisville’s nationally acclaimed parks

system includes parks and parkways de-

signed by famed architect Frederick Law

Olmsted, who also designed Central Park

in New York City.

cheeseburgerThe cheeseburger originated at Kaelin’s

Restaurant on Newburg Road. In 1934,

Margaret Kaelin’s husband asked her

to put a slice of American cheese on his

hamburger and the legend was born.

1778George Rogers Clark founded Louisville

in 1788, naming it after King Louis XVI

of France.

churchill downsSince 1875, Churchill Downs has been

the home of the Kentucky Derby, the first

leg of the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred

horse racing.

6,000 acresLouisville owns the nation’s largest urban

municipal forest – the 6,000 acre Jeffer-

son Memorial Forest in south Louisville.

muhammad aliMuhammad Ali, world-recognized Lou-

isvillian and Kentucky’s Athlete of the

Century, was a three-time heavyweight

boxing champion.

we love louisville


Centrally located, Louisville is within a day’s drive of more than half of the United States’ population. There’s plenty to do as well – museums, a zoo, minor league and semi-professional sports teams and many beautiful parks. A city that is ever-growing in size, business and culture.

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apply now at