southern telegraph. (rodney, miss.) 1837-11-28 [p ].€¦ · vis 15 uoo os. nlsharron,mmiison at...

VIS 15 UOO OS. nlSharron,MmIison NOTICE. IP.o k. At Prirntc Sale. THE subscriber ofTer SKVEN IIUN rnitriV omme manufacturers at the North. jLL " PtWriber !akcS ,h's wolI 't inform tho mernlnnts nnd traders of Kndnoy, Grand Gulf, and all contiguou.. p.aces, that ho has brottght out a general assortment of MEN'S HOOTS, SHOES feimOGAXS, si BOYS 4r YOUUS' Do. 'J i 'ii is ll AND SEVENTY ACRES OF LAND, more or less, at private sale, situ- - nrA ! .1 r li fi'ii. i f n "i ic uuii mns, six mues irom It is (ho tract upon which he now lives; 370 Acres of which havo been clear e, and are now in cultivation. There are a Hue Dwelling House, Gin, Mill, and out- buildings, all in good order, upon the planta- tion. ,The hntlis plentifully timbered, and well watered in everv dircc:ion. Ho oJfers fr cash, his present Crop of Corn, which is abundant for tho whole fhrcn lha Ijc advantageously employed upon the larm. A Is.', a part or the wholo ofihc STOCK, FARMING UTENSILS, Sec. Thc genuine Colton Soed of the Gulf Hills have always been held in the highest estimation. In consequence of frauds up- on tho mark of the seed it has, of late, been decried in many placesits superiority is, nevertheless, certain , ... For terms, enquire of tho Editor , of the Rodney Standard, or of 'the undersigned upon his farm. Tho overseer will shew the place in case of thc absence of the owner. ANDREW "MONTGOMERY. November 11, 1837 1-- tf 0C7The Natchez Weekly Courier wil' publish the above until otherwise ordered, forward account to this oflbe. STATE OR MISSISSIPPI, Jcilcrson Couutj. Circuit CourtJune Term. 1837. ComutouAYarrrcn&McCall.) Attachment vs. for William Ncwbakcr. ,0J5 27. 0 tr inc Airacnmcut m this case having been returned duly executed, and thc defendant iv..,- - ,,xueu loan near ana give special ban piea.l herein It is ordered by the Court, unicss ino siui tietemlant tlo annear lit rrnilK undersigned hit j ut received, nnd is now opening a general assortment of New uood, - Groceries. Consisting of the best pelrction of 1m ported Spirits, nnd wines of all Kinds. Browa and Loaf Sugar, Salt, Coflc-c- &.np, tannics, preserved Fruits, Pickles. iveicnups, cv:c. sa p d l e r y . Gentlemen's, Ladies', II and Unco Saddles fit an qialr.scs, Bridles, Martin!-- , f CLOTraWG;:; Of lijvt ju ility, coni.(inir nf ir ntiotnrn,i. D.csf, nnd over Cunts;, Paula-loon- -, Slc, 13EAVER HATS SHOES, Riissctt, Hnurnnv, Gentlemen's Ladies' i51oc.-,o- f nil iiualilitiPuuip&c. LOT OF llAGGIXG AND ROPE, HARDWARE & DRY GOODS, general supply of such articles as arc wanim-- to nuke my former stock complete of which he otters low for rash. J. U, EVANS. Ro lncy, Nov. 21, 18.37 i- -:f. I'roclncc &. Groceries. Till undersigned having entered into ctvpartnnr.-hi- p under the firm of RONE &. AIcGlNLKY.for.thc purpose of conducting a Produce House,' i - this nlice, ' have n'ircliascfl t . in wot! vn establishment formerly occupied bv eore Overakcr, on Commerce-.-?- ! reel. where they will keep on hand a constant supp'v of AM) P RO DU C E, ilio best the mnrket uf New Orleans and Cincinnati will furnish. They hope ly their undivided attention to business, to receive share ofpubhc patron ise. G. V. RONE, JOHN MeGlNLEY. Rodney, Nov 21, l:i7 2-- tf 07Any consi-ramont- s to us on commis- sion or otherwise, will receive our strict attention. 15. &, McG. JTlSS O h UTION. THE hip heretofore cxistin-- j between Knight iy Medley, is this day dis- solved by mutual consent. Persons hav- ing claims nainst said (inn will present them to J. M. Knight, as he al,nc is charged with the settlement of the transac- tions of the late firm. Those indebted to firm will also make settlement with J. Knight, he bcini; authorized to receipt and settle the same. J. T. MEDLEY, J. M. KNIGHT. Rodney, Nov. 10, 1S37 2-- tf : A d v e r 1 i s c lai c n t. BEG Icavcvto infirm thc old friends and customers of iho late firm of Knight &. MedJcy, nnd the public general- ly, that I have purchased the entire inter- est of JT: Medley in said concern, and continuing thc mercantile business their old stand. 1 have on b;uid a well selected and jrencral assortment of (GOODS, embracing almost every variety and style, on or ueioro mo urst ttay ot thc ncxM,)nr. nnd two vn.irs. rr,.. ihn d;vs nf .!. vnr,ctv ot LA 1)1 US' MISSES' nnd CHILDREN'S SHOES, miinhlo fr me present and approaciun-- r seasons, which are now about bein-- r s,ndrd at N.tche., oiuiuno win rcmiin several weeks for tho purpose (.faccomm idatin ail w ho nny be m want cflhe above named articles, at' fair prices. STEPHEN OLIVER. 'an Rodney, November 1NIJ7. l-.- w . fr5"Tho cditi.rnf ih,- - Grand Gulf Adver- tiser will plense give this an insertion, and lorwnraiho bill to Mr. E. E. Archer of v icksburg, hr payment. AnmyisTiUToivs notice. THE Ulldersi'rneib ru! 4. Uouldcn. , deceavnil will ..... '. .....t Count of the Cc .:.! at the ixovninber form r K.. v. .v.,,.. t iiiuiiiu V'Min of Jcflerson county, for settlement and al- - I i 1 1 r If 4 111 A irtrm October 2 1, 1837. 35-3- w To Planters. A N OVERSEER wants immediate cm-O- L ployment. Annlv to Thomas A. Compfon, at his Store in Rodney'. dinner X l, 17. 3.)-- tf. and GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, 35, Cami-Stkki:- t, NE W ORLEANS. Refer to Alessrs. Gasquet, P.irisli cc C .) Slocumb,Rirh irds&.CoA N.Orlcans Turner fc. WnoilruiT, ) November 11, 1837 m FOR SALE, o A SUP E III O R D R A Y. or Applv at Iho store of ui.u . STUART SA1ITII. nerc t Rodney, Nov 14 l-- tf n him, Trili! nn.lnr.mnn.1 i- - n.. fun n . . m. u m m v'l IIV A I 1 ' I 11 I l M I I w ff 111.- -. I of OLD TYPE, which hnwill .lisnosA nr "3 ..i ... . l ot u .U...4U. r..v.-w- . A T V Tf SCCT T TT Tr November I f !R:t7 Ulw six WANTED ON HIRE, all FAITHFUL, trust' house Servant, A 1. 1 e i i i I'JC (- -: i i:i i ii (ii iiikimr iwnin rwi.- - inrr washing and ironing: for whose services a liberal monthly compensation will be paid in cash. Apply at thc Commercial Rank of Rodney. April 25, 1837. 11-- tf GRlFFLNCr, CAROTIIERS iSc Co. WE just received a lot or RAGGING & ROPE. TT ALo a lot of supe rior PLOUGHS, which thev offer low. at January 10, 1837 47-t- f llcxandcr MS. Wilson, to HAS on h:md, a fine lot of KEN- TUCKY BAGGING, SCOTCH BAG GING, and BALE ROPE. ALSO,' KENTUCKY JEANS AND LINSEYS. Also direct from New Orleans, A general assortment of GP.0C3P.X3S, consisting in part of Sugar, TT Coffee, Salt, Rice, Soap, Can- - dies, Alspice, Pepper, a few kegs of Honey the Dew Tobacco, &c. &c. t he ALSO JUST RKCEIVED,' 20 b. Rcctif ictl Whiskey. d All the above articles will be sold low fori cash, or on reasonable time to good and to punctual customers. liodncy, Juiy ioj. 21-- tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TT ETTERS of Administration bavin been granted to ths undersigned by the Hon. the Probate Court of Jeflbrson County at the last September . Term . r on tho ii Paintr nf JfimT?s . Watson, ttierctoro an I !... ico-- y - f .i . - . I vim. loot, til mis vOiiti, JIVC I i t. .i .... i . i i i i . I .u.-ia- . ouii anu picao nerein, juogmcnt n- - il ny ueiauit, will bo rendered against and the estate attached be sold. tl . " is lurtiicr onicrcd. . that a cony - ot order, with a specification of tho cause action and the amount of claim due the i.,;.,,;ir r i..r....i. . i - ....1.1: muui uwiiiu.nn, mj jMitMin;u nir weens successively m me "oo.unern Tidegraph," published at Rodney, and that further proceedings herein bo stayed Ss.until thc next term of this Court. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 2nd Novem ber, 1837. JAS. J. COLLIER, CPk, By C.T. Milks, D.GYk. November 14, 1837 w ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. r, :ef. .1 r. K. . In ll III PLT f. ntl'lilli" ! frtorcor, on tin XTCOMKUY.".- " :i-- -t - 1 "7 ....tll.'lvi ill l IIi il V. J t .V' 1 ISO Sacks of Salt n;!rf",, ",.-.,licri"- - 4 . CTiw A- - Stock, cn,Cr.. th Mr. Patrick K. on , . r ..? atco i ,1M: v,,," ',......,! I. vMe.ssrs. "t d a I. out four containing about fifty acrks, a h i cleared, and the i ....1 imilirred. 1 here Va!tTCU auu all Jrr) ACRKS OF LAND V w!i!i has boon cloaiel :'.DJn-i- n .fine order fr crop-- ; -- r of which is unexpired. :aR0-vnX- , acomlorta he. iiob'sH, a,1(l alJ;i force, Uiinu.c a.,.,,, iLesui,!, if required, too .L 1,1 :n ',KS. IIOHS, & HORN-- : ;u LIKELY y EC KOKS. o purchase will do well io is uctcr- - of MAS W. BECK, AtiV. priv?c .R:do of tlie above ,,t;-rfrt- ('f which due a ,,.) he will proceed to sell -- nrciiii.-of, ii the first Moa- - i ncx Tcnns will be made ,Vf'l a. T. V. B. Til A TO US' SALE JA' to nn order of the Pro-u- rt of Jefferson county, the c!l at pultlic auction, on IVrcmhcr next, at the late liricl Osiri'fi, dee'd, all the :v f .said deceased, con- - said h XF-fiR- SLAVES, AI. haul of Hows Tireniy- - fur had ofShccjf22 head j Cattle t J ohc of Vicn'ZO head of K-- SOO BARRELS OF ARMING UTENSILS, FUIiMTURR, &c. &,c. I Vclvc months will he iriven giving bond and approved EDWARD FORMAN, Administrator, at MARY OSTEEN, Administratrix. , 1837 3-t- d yOTICE. 2 of the Trustees of Town- - WofRanse 1, East of the West of Perl River, at hol Pnnse it was pt tho debtors of the Town- - one fifth of their several I'C nllnwed to renew the five nwnfhs at the rate of annum, bv rrivin the same oriiief?, wliere required. nllaropiyablR at the B-uik- - ' o IVink of Rod- - In Biie 2 1 7th of December, anient and Treasurer of pointed a committee to ar- - cor. A P. JONES, Agent; 1S37. 'ICE. 1 mv accounts of 1830 in ( C. Davenport Esq., for pmcnf, nil persons owing N fn Iiirn nncl make somo "zemcnts. Mv accounts can Lcm innnveninco to! 'l tlicm and I hope they ' fjrthcr delav. or in self c co7npCNcn to resort to collpc'ing thom. MAN G. COMPTON. PM837 3- -tf UTOWS NOTICE. administrator noon tho ,,,!ru, deceased, will nro- - ' n of said !cCni'.;er Term r.f thn Prn. rson County for final ct- - Tn"e R HUBBARD, Adm'r. iM7. 3-- te. NOTICE. minio'M'rt. l.nnn ili- - Alnchc'.j , deceased, will Fr,f f the administration of ef cmlier Term uC the crson county, for final I HUBBARD, Im'r. t, flc asunerinr hit nFK 4 w wa AND ROPE. P LINSEYS, fu low r.. r cash, or to I mY virtiio of an order of tho Homrahle thoProb-it- o Court of the Clail-orn- e county made on Mond y tho 21th day of lni list, j win ei at public sale on SATURDAY Oih Div of JANUARY ne.xf,fl833A at the court ho:Mn Hnor in Port Gibson, tho following tiacts of land nituatcd in Claiborne county, of the following des cription to wit: A TRACT OF LAND situated on the waters of the Main Bivou I ierrc between Port Gibson and Bniinsbiirx?. now in the possession of Mrs, E- - Harmon, containing TIIUEE HUNDRED ARPENTS. Also a tract i f land containing THREE HUNDRED $ TWENTY Acres, on the waters of Rig JJlaek River on i 15io:i known as "Gnu's JJ,ivoi," one mile an I a h tif Sviuth ofa pluce known as -- H infs G.n" A Tmet of LAND on James Creek leeded by H.H irmon, Tax collector, to T. AlcDon ild 14th M .v, 1813. and re-deed- ed y M i D nil I to Hum J on the eaincdav. said tenet contains ' ONE 1WND RED ACRES c ALSO s A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINIFG 1(3 ACRES, siuatcdon the he id of "Widows Creek" bc- - m in ihc South Eist corner of thc Kira McCull tract. ALSO On MONDAY, m day of JANUARY next, at too court house door in thc town of layette, in Jellerson coontv, A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 210 ARPENTS, ituated in said county, on the waters of j C-dc- Creek," distant about one mile from Fayette, confirmed to the legal represent- - loves 01 onnsu .ii lira.von, by thc board ot Commissioners, on the 13th May, 1803. i:.h Il .mnn .I k,..-- ! nn l nr .hr.x t.i he soW by said court, on the ground, that it ..v , intomt .r Loir nnd representatives of said Hirm -- n. rrr-;- ,i r b u c,.i,h,n AM,t: KA till! UKj nHU Ull (ft fl bUlli Ul . ' ' ... ' i.f ...ire r.isf.r ir oorc i ispm mv no nnVs e - j,HvabIc m thc Planters Rank at Port Gib sollf With good and suincient security to be the administrator, SHEM THOMPSON, admV. "do bonis nou" of ilezzkiah Harmon, de ceased. O -- t. 31 8t 07" Ths Port Gion Southernor nnd Rvl- - noy Telegraph, will inserr tho almvo until the day of sale, and send their accounts to me. SHEM THOMPSON. N O T 1 CE . jpURSUANT to an order of thc Hon. thc Probate Court of Jeflerson County, to us granted, on the, 4th Monday of May I837,wcwill expose to the highest bidder, tho following LOT OP. PARCEL OF GROUND, being the real estate of Duncan Mc Liurin of the Homochitto, bounded East by Daniel K. Wilkinson, South by Richard Thames, North by Daniel Bokcr. - Sale to take place at tho Court House in Fay ettc, on the first div of January 1838; on a credit ot one and two years. PETER Mc LAURIN, Adm'r, REBECCA Mc LAURIN, Adm'x. Oct. 31. 37 Ot STATE OF xVIISSISSIPPI ,) - Jkffbuson County. ) Circuit Court June Term 1837. John D. James ) vs. Attachment for $S000 PatK. Norris. ) THE Attachment in this case having been returned duly executed, and the de . . . . j i r ! r: i 1 lenoamiaumg io appear ana give special or ijicuu uureiii, u is urutsiuu, wy uic 1 . i-- k t. n i r .i r . ni iecemoer lerin ioi,in una yum., rive special bail and plead herein, judge mcnt final by default, will be rendered against him and thc estate attached be sold. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order with a specification of the cause ofaction and amount of claim due from i i . . i. l.l.l.J c c... .. eienua,u o in, . e puoum.uu .r UirnL e in iIia Sniillinrn Telecrranh. Dlibllsh- - r ed at Rodney, nnd that all proceed;ng here in be staved until tho next term ot mis Court. liven unded my hand nnd seal JAS. J. COLLIER, Clk. Bv C T MILliS, D C. Wilcox, Att'v for PlfiT.-O- ct; 31 30 4t $ J1D0 Meward,. TS TTTvT A TTT A T from thc sub- - ir scriber, living on Walnut Bayou, twelve miles : above Vicksburg, some . time the hist of May a negro boy named - . ,T o' ill ". Said bov is 18 or 20 years old, black nomnlcxioti. nbosit 5 feet 8 or 10 inches hi-'h- . his v;ce is rather fine f ra man of his size and age, and very sietwer maae.- - Tho above reward wilr be given to any delivering said negro to me or cm M finin-- r him in any jail to that 1 can get him a-'a- ana all crr..c9 pnm. , , WILLIAM NEVILLS. II A-if- . S. 1837. 31-3- m " ; n. . ..w Alomnhis . llnmifrcr. -- - , Grand Gul i.. - l.)nair Tolmmnli nnd Natch llUrcnlJ'Cli iiu.iuv-- T ' -- y f.iiirier will nleiso pu-Jis- h thn Above ! r moll flirwnnl ... their accounts fur I ltlI.U co,Ieclion4 VYuHtsburg Register - Noncn. TH15 trndersigned, ndminisrrsfor cf thj r.::f8ftf David HawK, dec-u- , :vrm fz.a ,:.i-nin- i far final settlement nn .. i...nnvi rVovnmber" term 111 ctl thc Proba o Cxirt of Jefit-rsm- n county, p. ;v. f i UATUER Y. ETTERSof Administration on the es- - !cc'd. to wit: Four hundred acres (be thc tatc of Gabriel O.stcen, sen., deceased, same more or less,) lying, and being situa-wer- c granted to the subscribers by the Hon- - ted in Jefferson County, on the middle fork THE unfersiffned is authorird t"en- - gage and obbligato himself to deliver at thit1 place or anv other on h River 3000 Rarcls or Forlc, Per mi wishing to in;r;c would lo well to rail. J. U. EVANS. R Klny, O -- t. 2 1, 1&37. 35-- 0t REMOVAL. "TX7"OE and DAVENPORT, hivo re-l- l inovedtothestoreonCOALMERCIAL ROW, recently occupied by John A. W.n. kins, where they will continue to keep on hand, every variety cf GOODS adipted'to ihc season and market; and h'o their fn'en Is will tut forget to call and see them as they ure detcrmincl to sell low. Rodney, Sept 23, 1837 3i.ff NEW GOODS. THE subscriber has just received, and in now opening, at the stand, formerly occupied y jj. lanipnell, Iviq. a large, and splendid STOCK OF GOO II S nfisiiii!; of almost every variety of articles litable tn this market," nn 1 to'the prescu season, all of which will besoM.atthc ino reduced prices, for cash, or to punctual per sons, on a credit until the 1st ofJau'v. Hc invito his old customers, and thc public gen- erally, to call and examine them. LEVI C. HARRIS. Rodney Sop!. 23d. IS37. 31 Old MAULEll S PLOUGHS and a. Otf l- -t of NEGRO-HEA- D TO3ACCO. ist received and for sale bv HENDERSON &. HILL. Ro-lncy- , March 23, 1S:J7. 7-- :r WAS COMAirrPED, TO the j ill of Jefferson county, a Ncgn Alan, about 5 foot 11 inches high, very Mack, nnd god look- ing, wilh a high, prominent fore- head had on when taken, a pair f dirk casinct pants, an.l m-ihi- ir --c- ip, calls himself G EO RG E, and says he belongs to HtTiry Dent, tif Li. ALSO A NcgTo Alan "named SAAI, square built, 5 feet 10 inches high, copper complexion has two scars over the right eye, one over thc left, and one on the upper lip looking, and quite intelligent says he belongs to Thomas Hall, of Jeffer- son county. HENRY TERRYLL, Sept 23, lS37-31- tf Jailor. OAKLAND COLLEGE. A MEI7TING ofihe B-wr- d ofTmstcea 1- - of Oakland College, was called on th lG:hof September 1837, in consequence of tho death .f the Rev'd. O. S. Hinckley, Professor of Languages, which occurred in thc city of Natchez, on the 13ih inst. Tle vacancy in the faculty, occasioned by tlw death of Mr. Hinckley, was filled by a tcm-pom- y appointment, until a permanent ap- pointment can be made. THOMAS FREELAND. Sep. 23d. 31 Sec'y. of the Board NEW BOOKS? NEW STATIONARY.' NEW FANCY GOODS! WHOLESALE A.YD RETAIL. THE undersigned respectfully informs friends and thc public that he hn-- r rcturncd from thc North and is now receiv- ing and opening a fresh supply of the abovo articles, which he offers for sale at his usual ow prices. E. B. HIGGINS, Bookseller and Stationer, Main, near Washington-st- . 07"Tho Jackson Mississippuo, Clinb-n- . Ravmond, Manchester, Rodney and Grand Gulf papers will please give the above three insertions and send their bills for payment. Vicksburg, Oct 9, 353 E. B. II. To Flantcrs. ALTHOUGH our warehouse in Natchez is open, we have established, for thc conve nience of the planters, a temporary counting room at the new house belonging to Mr. Thomas G. Ellis, near the Whito Horse Ta vern, on thc 2nd creek road. We will als: supply bagging, rope, or such other articles as are required, by having tune gtrvn to send to town for them and we will receive nnd forward to Natchez any Cotton which thc planters do not wish to haul there. Those from the Pine Ridge and Wash ington Roads, buvinj business with us, cln go through by Mr-.Bingnnr- Austin Wil liams1 and John Koutlrs; ami those front thc old court-hous- e mad ran tome in by the late Robert Moore's place, and through by Col. A. L. Bingaman's those persons hav ing kuldly given their permissn-- a that purpose. W. &, R. FEIUUOAY & Co. October 21, 1837 t S5tw IA D t A XT Ml I. I O J V XA I Mm m Sj. -- THE tindorsigned are authnnzcTJ to pur' chase Cotton of good quality, fmcn the plan ters or Adams, Jefferson and Wilkinson counties, on account of the Agricultural Bank of Mississippi. "Those planters dis- posed to soil will oblige us by addressing usr through the Post OuV,of if they stnd won!, In uo so ,to our counting rotmi at Mr T. 11. Eilis'i house, near tho While Ilorse Tavern, on Second creek. nad. Upon the receipt of a statement of the number T B4 s, and when nnd where deliverable, wc will CtTSd and have it examined and weighed at once The Bmk will take Cotton iu payment of notes discounted. . WM . &, RO. FERRIDA Y & Co. 0C7"Auy cotnmtinicatioa left at Facvek & Faoxswoktu's, Rodney, will be attend- ed to. Natchez, October 24, 1837. 2 TO THE PUBLIC; r TTOTiCn is hereby given, t ell per-(- J sons cmasing at the Ferry cpoMto -- txfney, to make payment at tie time cf r:r crossj; ncd hereafter thcra rhall ho ' co crcJU wfclavtr cSa-we- ! Car ferrwgo. r.lAUY TULU3. Jary 21, 1SC3. 0tf Very ramiyof cLArina.' hand and fc cala at Clua orable Probate Court of Jefferson county, thc October Term, 1837. Notice is there- - lore, hereby given, to all persons haviug claims against said estate to present them the subscribers legally authenticated within the time prescribed by law, or the J same will be barred. .... EDWARD FORMAN, MARY OSTEEN, Administrator Si, Administratrix. November 14, 1837. 1-- NOTICE. ETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned Executor of j Estate of RUSH NUTT, deceased, af snecial Term of the Probate Court of --TnfE.rsnn cniinlv. lipid on S itnrdav the 9th "-- " Jf . . I ay of September, 1837,--Noti- ce is hereby on t. nrii-n- i Initnhti-- .l to said ltatC adapted to the market nnd season, viz: CI ;) ri VI 0 ij ill it 1 ' It 't ' s 1 v. .1 Staple and fancy Goods, Ltnseys and Jeans, Kerseys, Ready-mad- e Clothing, Hats, BOO'lS and SHOES. HARD & Q UEENS W ARE, AND CUTLERY, Together "with a supply of W i n cs & Lit uors. addition to the above articles, I expect from New Orleans, a lot of Grocerics,which make immediate payments, and those Court, that unless the said defendant do ap-iv;n- ir nl:i,W,to orient them, d.ilv au- - pear here on or before the first day of the WH mnko t,,e Assortment complete. persons indebted to said Estate are respect- - Russell, under the namoof Sm illey &, Rus-full- v requested to come forward and make sell, has this dy been diss dved by mutual settlement immediately; an 1 those having Consent,and the said Smalley stands charge ..0 ..r- - . ' thentieated, within tho time prescribed by law. HALLER NUTT, Executor. Sept. 11, 1837. 31-Gmf- s. DISSOLUTION. I FIT! HE Partnership heretofore existing be- - II . ci..n... i a t iwcen dinner oinaney anu a l. i with thc settlement of thc business of thc establishment.. ABNER SMALLEY. A. L. RUSSKLL. Waterproof, La. July 1,1827 22-t- f ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rrrPnqnf Aflmmitration hnvintrbccn Mj toil tr" Ti iindprsiirncd .... by the "l IllilV.-- ! ' ..' - - i . r. . . . f . -- ... jTonora, rrobate ijouri oi uam.s womiuv h Soptembcr'Term 1837, of said Curt, . p tlto (,f SAMUEL A. MASON, dec'd.A-Noti- re is hereby given, to all per- - ;l,,Ktod tn said Estate, to come tr- - want and tnaKC . paymcni wuiiooi nun,, those having claims against it are hereby I tn nrps-i- t tlmm. within the time V'ill.i1l w w- - 7 . . a . ft ft. prescrbed bv law, or tboy will be barred. MARY A. MASON. A bnr'x. LEVI C. HARRIS, Adm'r. a 1 Ofi 31 -- tit oepiemucr Tho Natchez C)uricr nnd J urnal, willgivo the above six :mcrtions and for account here for; seUlemenf. FOR SALE. THE subscriber will sell on liberal terms, hl8 COTTON PLANTATION, .. M n , King four and a hall miles irom K xincy on ihn roan leaoiny1 iinu-oozi- , Four- - Hundred andFire Acres of Land-t- wo hundred nnd scven'y-fiv- o ar in cultiva-tln- n. n rood Mill .nnd .Gin. D veliing House, w--- r fT-ihin- s anu other out nouses, rcr- - r rw mtrfh-- i ar ri pons wisnins 1 i " ' . " j l m anxious to sell, and cvc a I have also a g k! COTTON SUED, with a good STORAGE ROOM attached. All Cotton or Storage entrusted to my care, will be promptly attended to. J. M. KNIGHT. November 21, 1S37. 2-- tI RUNAWAY IN JAIL. WAS committed to the jail of this county on the 5th instant, A MULATTO BOY, NAM 1CD . J0H2T, about 22 years of age, and says he belongs to Thomas Grafton, livn'r in Madison county, Mississippi Tlio owner is requested to comply with the law, and take him away. HENRY TERRELL, Jail lor. Jefferson county, May 10, 1837 14 Natchez! ; THE subscribers have in store, and for sale on commission, 1200 pieces Kentucky Bagging 1000 Coils " Bale Rope, 1000 lbs. Kentucky & English Twine 150 pieces S-ot- ch Baggtn j, Kentucky Jeans, Tnscys,Sc Woollen Socks. Also A few of the celebrated Gill Stands, made by Bates, Hyde &. Co. itrilffnivaier. Massacbiiselts. Orders fronV our friends for nny of the above mentioned articles, will be forwarded delay, at tlio lowest market prices. WATT, BURKE &. Co. Natchez, October 31, 1837 30--4t NT OT I C E I T. nersons mdebteu io uiu n .'.' .. c. .Allien nnd Allison & Snvder, are requested to call aini: cVU 7 t nail notes with the subscrt authorized to settle them lonc her, as I am Ss! will W kept at the e claims will present therri within tho lime prescribed bv law dnlv authenticated. NATIPL A.WATSON, Adm'r. rw.W31.1837. 30 Gt. COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. TfTE undnrsigncd Commissioners np- - nnintnrl ........ bv the Probate Court . . of . Jcilcrson . - J - t ' . . 1 i ,na orr;iint 1 county, io receive uim iiima,.i.um3 ..-- --t the estate of David N. Williams deceased, reported insolvent, will meet tor that pur- - pose on the fourth Saturday m each m0.01'1' fur six months successively, uj no. oabiu. JO. DUNBAR, JAMES WOOD, Comm'rs. ROB. Y. WOOD, March 7. 1S37. 4-- lf f niAKEN up, by John Woodlm ec, is an JLL Estray, in JcfTersjn coun- ty, Mississippi, A BLACK HORSE, with both hind feet white, nbn t '""' - bi'di. and .niiii years old. No marks or brands peireiva- - Idp Va iiM by james ahiwh muu U. Evans at $02 50-00- U on the yd day oi May, 1837. .flT TT TTTlTf"" TVT Ranger of Jefferson County May 0,1837. 13;tf COMMERCIAL BANK OF RODNEY, j Sr.iTF.5iiiKit 13tii, 1837. t i This Institution will advance, Thirty five ldlars per Bile, on good, Merchantable weighing lbsdeliverablc in Rod- - Colbr 400 nev and uni j ci n mo movi u uosu-- r ' Bv order of 0o Bwrd, .rood bargain. Apply to ( JOHN D. JAAIES. ; Oct. 31. 1837. 30tf fmy WherNin November 14, 1S37 . . 318 jau. gwyi n. 2 If

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Page 1: Southern telegraph. (Rodney, Miss.) 1837-11-28 [p ].€¦ · VIS 15 UOO OS. nlSharron,MmIison At Prirntc Sale. NOTICE. IP.o k. rnitriV THE subscriber ofTer SKVEN IIUN omme manufacturers

VIS 15 UOO OS.nlSharron,MmIison

NOTICE. IP.o k.At Prirntc Sale.THE subscriber ofTer SKVEN IIUNrnitriV omme manufacturers at the North.

jLL " PtWriber !akcS ,h's wolI 'tinform tho mernlnnts nnd traders ofKndnoy, Grand Gulf, and all contiguou..p.aces, that ho has brottght out a generalassortment ofMEN'S HOOTS, SHOES feimOGAXS,si



i 'ii is ll AND SEVENTY ACRES OFLAND, more or less, at private sale, situ- -nrA ! .1 r li fi'ii. i f n"i ic uuii mns, six mues irom

It is (ho tract upon which he nowlives; 370 Acres ofwhich havo been cleare, and are now in cultivation. There area Hue Dwelling House, Gin, Mill, and out-buildings, all in good order, upon the planta-tion. ,The hntlis plentifully timbered, andwell watered in everv dircc:ion.

Ho oJfers fr cash, his presentCrop of Corn,

which is abundant for tho whole fhrcn lhaIjc advantageously employed upon the

larm.A Is.', a part

or the wholoofihcSTOCK,


Thc genuine Colton Soed of the GulfHills have always been held in the highestestimation. In consequence of frauds up-on tho mark of the seed it has, of late, beendecried in many placesits superiority is,nevertheless, certain , ...

For terms, enquire of tho Editor , of theRodney Standard, or of 'the undersignedupon his farm. Tho overseer will shew theplace in case of thc absence of the owner.

ANDREW "MONTGOMERY.November 11, 1837 1-- tf

0C7The Natchez Weekly Courier wil'publish the above until otherwise ordered,

forward account to this oflbe.


Circuit CourtJune Term. 1837.ComutouAYarrrcn&McCall.) Attachment

vs. forWilliam Ncwbakcr. ,0J5 27.

0 tr

inc Airacnmcut m this case having beenreturned duly executed, and thc defendant

iv..,- - ,,xueu loannear ana give special banpiea.l herein It is ordered by the Court,

unicss ino siui tietemlant tlo annearlit

rrnilK undersigned hit j ut received, nndis now opening a general assortment of

New uood, -

Groceries.Consisting of the best pelrction of 1m

ported Spirits, nnd wines of all Kinds.Browa and Loaf Sugar, Salt, Coflc-c-

&.np, tannics, preserved Fruits, Pickles.iveicnups, cv:c.

s a p d l e r y .Gentlemen's, Ladies', II and Unco

Saddles fit an qialr.scs, Bridles,!--

, f

CLOTraWG;:;Of lijvt ju ility, coni.(inir nf ir ntiotnrn,i.

D.csf, nnd over Cunts;, Paula-loon- -,


SHOES,Riissctt, Hnurnnv, Gentlemen's

Ladies' i51oc.-,o-f nil iiualilitiPuuip&c.


general supply of such articles as arcwanim-- to nuke my former stock complete

of which he otters low for rash.J. U, EVANS.

Ro lncy, Nov. 21, 18.37 i- -:f.

I'roclncc &. Groceries.Till undersigned having entered into

ctvpartnnr.-hi- p under the firm of RONE &.AIcGlNLKY.for.thc purpose ofconducting a

Produce House,'i -

this nlice,' have n'ircliascfl t. in wot!vn establishment formerly occupied bv

eore Overakcr, on Commerce-.-?- ! reel.where they will keep on hand a constant

supp'v of


ilio best the mnrket uf New Orleans andCincinnati will furnish. They hope ly theirundivided attention to business, to receive

share ofpubhc patron ise.G. V. RONE,JOHN MeGlNLEY.

Rodney, Nov 21, l:i7 2-- tf

07Any consi-ramont- s to us on commis-sion or otherwise, will receive our strictattention. 15. &, McG.

JTlSS O h UTION.THE hip heretofore cxistin-- j

between Knight iy Medley, is this day dis-

solved by mutual consent. Persons hav-ing claims nainst said (inn will presentthem to J. M. Knight, as he al,nc ischarged with the settlement of the transac-tions of the late firm. Those indebted to

firm will also make settlement with J.Knight, he bcini; authorized to receiptand settle the same.


Rodney, Nov. 10, 1S37 2-- tf

: A d v e r 1 i s c lai c n t.BEG Icavcvto infirm thc old friends

and customers of iho late firm ofKnight &. MedJcy, nnd the public general-ly, that I have purchased the entire inter-est of JT: Medley in said concern, and

continuing thc mercantile businesstheir old stand. 1 have on b;uid a well

selected and jrencral assortment of

(GOODS,embracing almost every variety and style,

on or ueioro mo urst ttay ot thc ncxM,)nr. nnd two vn.irs. rr,.. ihn d;vs nf .!.

vnr,ctv ot LA 1)1 US' MISSES'nnd CHILDREN'S SHOES, miinhlo frme present and approaciun-- r seasons, whichare now about bein-- r s,ndrd at N.tche.,oiuiuno win rcmiin several weeks for tho

purpose (.faccomm idatin ail w ho nny bem want cflhe above named articles, at' fairprices. STEPHEN OLIVER. 'an

Rodney, November 1NIJ7. l-.- w

. fr5"Tho cditi.rnf ih,- - Grand Gulf Adver-tiser will plense give this an insertion, andlorwnraiho bill to Mr. E. E. Archer ofv icksburg, hr payment.

AnmyisTiUToivs notice.THE Ulldersi'rneib ru!

4. Uouldcn., deceavnil will..... '. .....tCount of the Cc .:.!at the ixovninber form r K..v. .v.,,.. t iiiuiiiu V'Minof Jcflerson county, for settlement and al- -I i 1 1 r If 4 111 A irtrm

October 2 1, 1837. 35-3- w

To Planters.A N OVERSEER wants immediate cm-O- L

ployment. Annlv to Thomas A.Compfon, at his Store in Rodney'.

dinner X l, 17. 3.)-- tf.


WARDING MERCHANTS,35, Cami-Stkki:- t,

NE W ORLEANS.Refer toAlessrs. Gasquet, P.irisli cc C .)

Slocumb,Rirh irds&.CoA N.OrlcansTurner fc. WnoilruiT, )

November 11, 1837 m



Applv at Iho store of ui.u.


Rodney, Nov 14 l-- tf


Trili! nn.lnr.mnn.1 i- - n.. fun n . .m. u m m v'l IIV A I 1 ' I 1 1 I l M I I w ff 111.- -. I

of OLD TYPE, which hnwill .lisnosA nr "3..i... . l ot

u .U...4U. r..v.-w- .

A T V Tf SCCT T TT TrNovember I f !R:t7 Ulw six

WANTED ON HIRE, allFAITHFUL, trust' house Servant,A 1. 1 e i i i I'JC

(- -: i i:i i ii (ii iiikimr iwnin rwi.- - inrrwashing and ironing: for whose services aliberal monthly compensation will be paidin cash. Apply at thc Commercial Rankof Rodney.

April 25, 1837. 11-- tf

GRlFFLNCr, CAROTIIERS iSc Co.WE just received a lot or

RAGGING & ROPE. TTALo a lot of supe


which thev offer low. atJanuary 10, 1837 47-t- f

llcxandcr MS. Wilson, toHAS on h:md, a fine lot of KEN-



Also direct from New Orleans,A general assortment of

GP.0C3P.X3S,consisting in part of Sugar, TT

Coffee, Salt, Rice, Soap, Can- -

dies, Alspice, Pepper, a few kegs of Honey theDew Tobacco, &c. &c. t he


20 b. Rcctif ictl Whiskey. d

All the above articles will be sold low foricash, or on reasonable time to good and to

punctual customers.liodncy, Juiy ioj. 21-- tf


been granted to ths undersigned bythe Hon. the Probate Court of JeflbrsonCounty at the last September

.Term. r

on thoiiPaintr nf JfimT?s . Watson, ttierctoro an

I !... ico-- y - f .i . - . I

vim. loot, til mis vOiiti, JIVC I

i t. .i .... i . i i i i . I.u.-ia- . ouii anu picao nerein, juogmcnt n- -

il ny ueiauit, will bo rendered againstand the estate attached be . " is lurtiicr onicrcd.. that a cony

- otorder, with a specification of tho cause

action and the amount of claim due thei.,;.,,;ir r i..r....i. . i - ....1.1:muui uwiiiu.nn, mj jMitMin;u nir

weens successively m me "oo.unernTidegraph," published at Rodney, and that

further proceedings herein bo stayedSs.until thc next term of this Court.

Given under my hand andseal of office, this 2nd November, 1837.

JAS. J. COLLIER, CPk,By C.T. Milks, D.GYk.

November 14, 1837 w


r, :ef.

.1 r. K.

. In ll III PLT f.ntl'lilli" !

frtorcor, on tin".- " :i-- -t

- 1 "7

....tll.'lviill l I I i il V. Jt.V' 1

ISO Sacks of Saltn;!rf",,",.-.,licri"-

- 4 .

CTiw A-- Stock,

cn,Cr.. th Mr. Patrick K.on , .

r ..? atco i ,1M: v,,,"',......,! I. vMe.ssrs.

"t d a I.out fourcontaining about

fifty acrks,a

h i cleared, and thei ....1 imilirred. 1 here

Va!tTCU auu all


V w!i!i has boon cloaiel:'.DJn-i- n .fine order fr crop-- ;

-- r of which is unexpired.:aR0-vnX- , acomlorta

he. iiob'sH, a,1(l

alJ;i force, Uiinu.c a.,.,,,iLesui,!, if required, too.L 1,1 :n',KS. IIOHS, & HORN-- : ;u


o purchase will do wellio is uctcr- -

ofMAS W. BECK, AtiV.

priv?c .R:do of tlie above,,t;-rfrt- ('f which due a,,.) he will proceed to sell-- nrciiii.-of, ii the first Moa- -


ncx Tcnns will be made,Vf'l a. T. V. B.

Til A TO US' SALEJA' to nn order of the Pro-u- rt

of Jefferson county, thec!l at pultlic auction, on

IVrcmhcr next, at the lateliricl Osiri'fi, dee'd, all the:v f .said deceased, con- -

saidh XF-fiR- SLAVES,AI.

haul of Hows Tireniy--fur

had ofShccjf22 headj Cattle t J ohc of

Vicn'ZO head ofK--

SOO BARRELS OFARMING UTENSILS,FUIiMTURR, &c. &,c. IVclvc months will he iriven

giving bond and approved

EDWARD FORMAN,Administrator, at

MARY OSTEEN,Administratrix.

, 1837 3-t- d

yOTICE.2 of the Trustees of Town- -WofRanse 1, East of theWest of Perl River, athol Pnnse it was

pt tho debtors of the Town- -

one fifth of their severalI'C nllnwed to renew the

five nwnfhs at the rate ofannum, bv rrivin the sameoriiief?, wliere required.nllaropiyablR at the B-uik- -

' o IVink of Rod- - InBiie 2 1 7th of December,anient and Treasurer ofpointed a committee to ar- -

cor.A P. JONES, Agent;1S37.

'ICE.1 mv accounts of 1830 in( C. Davenport Esq., forpmcnf, nil persons owingN fn Iiirn nncl make somo"zemcnts. Mv accountscan Lcm innnveninco to!'l tlicm and I hope they' fjrthcr delav. or in selfc co7npCNcn to resort tocollpc'ing thom.MAN G. COMPTON.

PM837 3- -tf

UTOWS administrator noon tho,,,!ru, deceased, will nro- -' n of said

!cCni'.;er Term r.f thn Prn.rson County for final ct- -

Tn"eR HUBBARD, Adm'r.iM7. 3-- te.


minio'M'rt. l.nnn ili- -

Alnchc'.j , deceased, willFr,f f the administration of

ef cmlier Term uC thecrson county, for final


t,flc asunerinr hit nFK

4 w wa

AND ROPE.P LINSEYS,fu low r.. r cash, or to I

mY virtiio of an order of tho HomrahlethoProb-it- o Court of the Clail-orn- e

county made on Mond y tho 21th day oflni list, j win ei at public sale onSATURDAY Oih Div of JANUARY

ne.xf,fl833A at the court ho:Mn Hnor in PortGibson, tho following tiacts of land nituatcdin Claiborne county, of the following description to wit:

A TRACT OF LANDsituated on the waters of the Main BivouI ierrc between Port Gibson and Bniinsbiirx?.now in the possession of Mrs, E- - Harmon,containing

TIIUEE HUNDRED ARPENTS.Also a tract i f land containing

THREE HUNDRED $ TWENTYAcres, on the waters of Rig JJlaek River oni 15io:i known as "Gnu's JJ,ivoi," onemile an I a h tif Sviuth ofa pluce known as

-- H infs G.n"A Tmet of LAND on James Creek

leeded by H.H irmon, Tax collector, to T.AlcDon ild 14th M .v, 1813. and re-deed- ed

y M i D nil I to Hum J on the eaincdav.said tenet contains '



siuatcdon the he id of "Widows Creek" bc- -m in ihc South Eist corner of thc KiraMcCull tract.

ALSOOn MONDAY, m day of JANUARYnext, at too court house door in thc town oflayette, in Jellerson coontv,


ituated in said county, on the waters of jC-dc- Creek," distant about one mile from

Fayette, confirmed to the legal represent- -

loves 01 onnsu .ii lira.von, by thc board otCommissioners, on the 13th May, 1803.

i:.h Il .mnn .I k,..--! nn l nr .hr.x t.ihe soW by said court, on the ground, that it..v , intomt .r Loir nndrepresentatives of said Hirm -- n.

rrr-;- ,i r b u c,.i,h,n AM,t:KA till! UKj nHU Ull (ft fl bUlli Ul

. ' ' ... 'i.f ...ire r.isf.r ir oorc i ispm mv no nnVse -

j,HvabIc m thc Planters Rank at Port Gibsollf With good and suincient security to the administrator,

SHEM THOMPSON, admV."do bonis nou" of ilezzkiah Harmon, deceased.

O -- t. 31 8t07"Ths Port Gion Southernor nnd Rvl- -

noy Telegraph, will inserr tho almvo untilthe day ofsale,and send their accounts to me.


N O T 1 C E .jpURSUANT to an order of thc Hon. thc

Probate Court of Jeflerson County, tous granted, on the, 4th Monday of MayI837,wcwill expose to the highest bidder,tho following

LOT OP. PARCEL OF GROUND,being the real estate of Duncan Mc Liurin

of the Homochitto, bounded East by DanielK. Wilkinson, South by Richard Thames,North by Daniel Bokcr. -

Sale to take place at tho Court House inFayettc, on the first div of January 1838;on a credit ot one and two years.


Oct. 31. 37 Ot

STATE OF xVIISSISSIPPI ,)- Jkffbuson County. )

Circuit Court June Term 1837.John D. James )

vs. Attachment for $S000PatK. Norris. )THE Attachment in this case having

been returned duly executed, and the de. . . .j i r ! r: i 1lenoamiaumg io appear ana give special

or ijicuu uureiii, u is urutsiuu, wy uic

1 . i-- k t. n i r .i r .ni iecemoer lerin ioi,in una yum.,rive special bail and plead herein, judgemcnt final by default, will be renderedagainst him and thc estate attached be sold.

And it is further ordered, that a copy ofthis order with a specification of the causeofaction and amount of claim due fromi i . . i. l.l.l.J c c.....eienua,u o in, . e puoum.uu .r

UirnL e in iIia Sniillinrn Telecrranh. Dlibllsh- -red at Rodney, nnd that all proceed;ng herein be staved until tho next term ot mis

Court.liven unded my hand nnd seal


Wilcox, Att'v for PlfiT.-O- ct; 31 30 4t

$ J1D0 Meward,.TS TTTvT A TTT A T from thc sub- -

ir scriber, living on Walnut Bayou,twelve miles : above Vicksburg,some . time the hist of May anegro boy named -

. ,T o' ill ".

Said bov is 18 or 20 years old, blacknomnlcxioti. nbosit 5 feet 8 or 10 incheshi-'h- . his v;ce is rather fine f ra man of his

size and age, and very sietwer maae.- -

Tho above reward wilr be given to anydelivering said negro to me or cm

Mfinin-- r him in any jail to that 1 can get hima-'a- ana all crr..c9 pnm.

, , WILLIAM NEVILLS.II A-if- . S. 1837. 31-3- m


; n.. ..w Alomnhis. llnmifrcr.-- - , Grand Guli.. - l.)nair Tolmmnli nnd NatchllUrcnlJ'Cli iiu.iuv-- T '

--y f.iiirier will nleiso pu-Jis- h thn Above! r moll flirwnnl... their accounts fur

I ltlI.Uco,Ieclion4 VYuHtsburg Register

- Noncn.TH15 trndersigned, ndminisrrsfor cf thj

r.::f8ftf David HawK, dec-u-, :vrm fz.a,:.i-nin- i far final settlement nn

.. i...nnvi rVovnmber" term 111 ctlthc Proba o Cxirt of Jefit-rsm- n county,

p. ;v. fiUATUER Y.

ETTERSof Administration on the es- - !cc'd. to wit: Four hundred acres (be thctatc of Gabriel O.stcen, sen., deceased, same more or less,) lying, and being situa-wer- c

granted to the subscribers by the Hon- - ted in Jefferson County, on the middle fork

THE unfersiffned is authorird t"en--gage and obbligato himself to deliver at thit1place or anv other on h River

3000 Rarcls or Forlc,Per mi wishing to in;r;c would lo well

to rail. J. U. EVANS.R Klny, O -- t. 2 1, 1&37. 35-- 0t

REMOVAL."TX7"OE and DAVENPORT, hivo re-l- l

inovedtothestoreonCOALMERCIALROW, recently occupied by John A. W.n.kins, where they will continue to keep onhand, every variety cf

GOODSadipted'to ihc season and market; and h'otheir fn'en Is will tut forget to call and seethem as they ure detcrmincl to sell low.

Rodney, Sept 23, 1837 3i.ffNEW GOODS.

THE subscriber has just received, and innow opening, at the stand, formerly occupied

y jj. lanipnell, Iviq. a large, and splendidSTOCK OF GOO II S

nfisiiii!; of almost every variety of articleslitable tn this market," nn 1 to'the prescu

season, all of which will besoM.atthc inoreduced prices, for cash, or to punctual persons, on a credit until the 1st ofJau'v. Hcinvito his old customers, and thc public gen-erally, to call and examine them.

LEVI C. HARRIS.Rodney Sop!. 23d. IS37. 31

Old MAULEll S PLOUGHS and a.Otf l- -t ofNEGRO-HEA- D TO3ACCO.

ist received and for sale bvHENDERSON &. HILL.

Ro-lncy- , March 23, 1S:J7. 7--:r

WAS COMAirrPED,TO the j ill of Jefferson county, a Ncgn

Alan, about 5 foot 11 incheshigh, very Mack, nnd god look-ing, wilh a high, prominent fore-head had on when taken, a pairf dirk casinct pants, an.l m-ihi- ir

--c- ip, calls himself G E O RG E,and says he belongs to HtTiry Dent, tif Li.

ALSO A NcgTo Alan "named SAAI,square built, 5 feet 10 inches high, coppercomplexion has two scars over the righteye, one over thc left, and one on the upperlip looking, and quite intelligentsays he belongs to Thomas Hall, of Jeffer-son county. HENRY TERRYLL,

Sept 23, lS37-31- tf Jailor.


A MEI7TING ofihe B-wr- d ofTmstcea1- - of Oakland College, was called on th

lG:hof September 1837, in consequenceof tho death .f the Rev'd. O. S. Hinckley,Professor of Languages, which occurred inthc city of Natchez, on the 13ih inst. Tlevacancy in the faculty, occasioned by tlwdeath of Mr. Hinckley, was filled by a tcm-pom- y

appointment, until a permanent ap-pointment can be made.

THOMAS FREELAND.Sep. 23d. 31 Sec'y. of the Board



THE undersigned respectfully informsfriends and thc public that he hn-- r

rcturncd from thc North and is now receiv-ing and opening a fresh supply of the abovoarticles, which he offers for sale at his usualow prices. E. B. HIGGINS,

Bookseller and Stationer,Main, near Washington-st- .

07"Tho Jackson Mississippuo, Clinb-n- .

Ravmond, Manchester, Rodney and GrandGulf papers will please give the above threeinsertions and send their bills for payment.

Vicksburg, Oct 9, 353 E. B. II.

To Flantcrs.ALTHOUGH our warehouse in Natchez

is open, we have established, for thc convenience of the planters, a temporary countingroom at the new house belonging to Mr.Thomas G. Ellis, near the Whito Horse Tavern, on thc 2nd creek road. We will als:supply bagging, rope, or such other articlesas are required, by having tune gtrvn tosend to town for them and we will receivennd forward to Natchez any Cotton whichthc planters do not wish to haul there.

Those from the Pine Ridge and Washington Roads, buvinj business with us, clngo through by Mr-.Bingnnr- Austin Williams1 and John Koutlrs; ami those frontthc old court-hous- e mad ran tome in by thelate Robert Moore's place, and through byCol. A. L. Bingaman's those persons having kuldly given their permissn-- a thatpurpose. W. &, R. FEIUUOAY & Co.

October 21, 1837 t S5tw

IA D t A XT Ml I. I OJ V XA I Mm m Sj.--THE tindorsigned are authnnzcTJ to pur'

chase Cotton of good quality, fmcn the planters or Adams, Jefferson and Wilkinsoncounties, on account of the AgriculturalBank ofMississippi. "Those planters dis-

posed to soil will oblige us by addressing usrthrough the Post OuV,of if they stnd won!,In uo so ,to our counting rotmi at Mr T. 11.Eilis'i house, near tho While Ilorse Tavern,on Second creek. nad. Upon the receiptof a statement of the number T B4 s, andwhen nnd where deliverable, wc will CtTSdand have it examined and weighed at onceThe Bmk will take Cotton iu payment ofnotes discounted. .

WM . &, RO. FERRIDAY & Co.0C7"Auy cotnmtinicatioa left at Facvek

& Faoxswoktu's, Rodney, will be attend-ed to.

Natchez, October 24, 1837. 2

TO THE PUBLIC; rTTOTiCn is hereby given, t ell per-(-J

sons cmasing at the Ferry cpoMto --

txfney, to make payment at tie time cfr:r crossj; ncd hereafter thcra rhall ho

'co crcJU wfclavtr cSa-we- ! Car ferrwgo.r.lAUY TULU3.

Jary 21, 1SC3. 0tfVery ramiyof cLArina.'

hand and fc cala at Clua

orable Probate Court of Jefferson county,thc October Term, 1837. Notice is there- -

lore, hereby given, to all persons haviugclaims against said estate to present them

the subscribers legally authenticatedwithin the time prescribed by law, or the J

same will be barred..... EDWARD FORMAN,

MARY OSTEEN,Administrator Si, Administratrix.

November 14, 1837. 1--

NOTICE.ETTERS testamentary having beengranted to the undersigned Executor of j

Estate of RUSH NUTT, deceased, afsnecial Term of the Probate Court of

--TnfE.rsnn cniinlv. lipid on S itnrdav the 9th"--" Jf . . I

ay ofSeptember, 1837,--Noti- ce is herebyon t. nrii-n-i Initnhti-- .l to said ltatC

adapted to the market nnd season, viz:











't '





Staple and fancy Goods,Ltnseys and Jeans,Kerseys, Ready-mad- e Clothing,

Hats,BOO'lS and SHOES.


Together "with a supply ofW i n c s & Lit uors.

addition to the above articles, I expectfrom New Orleans, a lot of Grocerics,which

make immediate payments, and those Court, that unless the said defendant do ap-iv;n- ir

nl:i,W,to orient them, d.ilv au- - pear here on or before the first day of the

WH mnko t,,e Assortment complete.

persons indebted to said Estate are respect- - Russell, under the namoof Sm illey &, Rus-full- v

requested to come forward and make sell, has this dy been diss dved by mutualsettlement immediately; an 1 those having Consent,and the said Smalley stands charge

..0 ..r- -. '

thentieated, within tho time prescribed bylaw.


Sept. 11, 1837. 31-Gmf- s.


FIT! HE Partnership heretofore existing be--II . ci..n... i a tiwcen dinner oinaney anu a l. i

with thc settlement of thc business of thcestablishment.. ABNER SMALLEY.

A. L. RUSSKLL.Waterproof, La. July 1,1827 22-t- f


rrrPnqnf Aflmmitration hnvintrbccnMj toil tr" Ti iindprsiirncd.... by the

"l IllilV.-- ! ' ..' -- i . r. . . . f . -- ...jTonora, rrobate ijouri oi uam.s womiuv

h Soptembcr'Term 1837, ofsaid Curt,. p tlto (,f SAMUEL A. MASON,

dec'd.A-Noti- re is hereby given, to all per- -

;l,,Ktod tn said Estate, to come tr- -

want and tnaKC . paymcni wuiiooi nun,,those having claims against it are hereby

I tn nrps-i- t tlmm. within the timeV'ill.i1l w w- - 7 . . a . ft ft.

prescrbed bv law, or tboy will be barred.MARY A. MASON. A bnr'x.LEVI C. HARRIS, Adm'r.

a 1 Ofi 31 --titoepiemucrTho Natchez C)uricr nnd J urnal,

willgivo the above six :mcrtions and for

account here for; seUlemenf.

FOR SALE.THE subscriber will sell on liberal terms,


.. M n ,King four and a hall miles irom K xincy onihn roan leaoiny1 iinu-oozi-


Four- - Hundred andFire Acres of Land-t-wo

hundred nnd scven'y-fiv- o ar in cultiva-tln- n.

n rood Mill .nnd .Gin. D veliing House,w--- r fT-ihin- s anu other out nouses, rcr--

r rw mtrfh-- i ar r ipons wisnins 1 i " ' ." j

l m anxious to sell, and cvc a

I have also a g k! COTTON SUED,with a good STORAGE ROOM attached.All Cotton or Storage entrusted to my care,will be promptly attended to.

J. M. KNIGHT.November 21, 1S37. 2-- tI

RUNAWAY IN JAIL.WAS committed to the jail of this

county on the 5th instant,A MULATTO BOY,


J0H2T,about 22 years of age, and sayshe belongs to Thomas Grafton,

livn'r in Madison county, Mississippi

Tlio owner is requested to comply with

the law, and take him away.HENRY TERRELL, Jaillor.

Jefferson county, May 10, 1837 14

Natchez! ;

THE subscribers have in store, and for

sale on commission,1200 pieces Kentucky Bagging1000 Coils " Bale Rope,1000 lbs. Kentucky & English Twine

150 pieces S-ot-ch Baggtn j,

Kentucky Jeans, Tnscys,Sc Woollen Socks.

Also A few of the celebrated GillStands, made by Bates, Hyde &. Co.itrilffnivaier. Massacbiiselts.

Orders fronV our friends for nny of the

above mentioned articles, will be forwardeddelay, at tlio lowest market prices.

WATT, BURKE &. Co.Natchez, October 31, 1837 30--4t

NT OT I C EI T. nersons mdebteu io uiu

n .'.' .. c. .Allien nnd Allison &

Snvder, are requested to call aini: cVU

7 t nail notes with the subscrtauthorized to settle themloncher, as I am

Ss! will W kept at the e

claims will present therri within tho limeprescribed bv law dnlv authenticated.



TfTE undnrsigncd Commissioners np--

nnintnrl........ bv the Probate Court. .of.

Jcilcrson.- J - t' . . 1 i ,na orr;iint 1

county, io receive uim iiima,.i.um3 ..-- --t

the estate of David N. Williams deceased,reported insolvent, will meet tor that pur- -

pose on the fourth Saturday m each m0.01'1'

fur six months successively, uj no. oabiu.JO. DUNBAR,JAMES WOOD, Comm'rs.ROB. Y. WOOD,

March 7. 1S37. 4-- lf

fniAKEN up, by John Woodlm ec, is anJLL Estray, in JcfTersjn coun-

ty, Mississippi,A BLACK HORSE,

with both hind feet white, nbn t'""' - bi'di. and .niiii

years old. No marks or brands peireiva- -

Idp Va iiM by james ahiwh muu

U. Evans at $02 50-00- U on the yd day oi

May, 1837. .flT TT TTTlTf"" TVT

Ranger of Jefferson CountyMay 0,1837. 13;tf

COMMERCIAL BANK OF RODNEY, jSr.iTF.5iiiKit 13tii, 1837.


i This Institution will advance, Thirty five

ldlars per Bile, on good, Merchantableweighing lbsdeliverablc in Rod--

Colbr 400nev and uni j ci n mo movi u uosu-- r

' Bv order of 0o Bwrd,.rood bargain. Apply to (

JOHN D. JAAIES.; Oct. 31. 1837. 30tffmy WherNin

November 14, 1S37 . .318 jau. gwyi n.

2 If