space-time codes and signal processing for slow fading … · 802.16.3 july 2000 space-time codes...

802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 8) Document Number: IEEE 802.16.3p-00/11 Date Submitted: 2000-07-07 Source: Roger Hammons Voice: +1 301 428 2784 Hughes Network Systems Fax: +1 301 428 2750 11717 Exploration Lane mailto: [email protected] Germantown, MD 20876 USA V enue: IEEE 802.16.3 Session #8 Base Document: The presentation provides an overview of recent advances in space-time codes and signal processing. Since space-time techniques have potentially large benefits for MMDS systems, it is recommended that 802.16.3 investigate their applications in the new standard under development. Purpose: Discussion N o t i ce : This do cument has been prepared to assist IEEE 80 2.16. It is offered as a basis for discu ssio n an d is not b in ding on the co ntributing individual(s) or organ ization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further stu dy. The con trib utor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withd raw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incor porate text contained in this co ntribution, an d an y m odification s thereof, in the creatio n o f an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may inclu de portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also ack nowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. IEEE 802.16 Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802.16 Patent Policy and Procedures (Version 1.0) < ipr /patents/policy.html >, including the statement “IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, if there is technical justification in the opinion of the standards-developing committee and provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder that it will license applicants under reasonable terms and conditions for the purpose of implementing the standard.” Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and incr ease th e likelih ood that the draft pub lication will be approved fo r p ublication . Please no tify the Chair <m ailto:r.b.mar ks@ ieee .org > as early as possible, in written or electr onic form, o f an y p atents (granted or und er app lication) that may cov er techno logy that is un der consid eration b y o r has been approved by IEEE 802.16. The Chair will d isclose this notification via the IEEE 802.16 web site < ipr /patents/letters >.

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Page 1: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels

IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 8)D ocument Number :

IEEE 802.16.3p-00/11D ate Submitted:


Roger Hammons Voice: +1 301 428 2784Hughes Network Systems Fax: +1 301 428 275011717 Exploration Lane mailto: [email protected], MD 20876 USA

V enue: IEEE 802.16.3 Session #8Base Document : The presentation provides an overview of recent advances in space-time codes and signal processing. Sincespace-time techniques have potentially large benefits for MMDS systems, it is recommended that 802.16.3invest igate their applications in the new standard under development.

Purpose: DiscussionN otice :

This do cument h a s been prepared to ass i st IEEE 80 2.16. I t is off er e d a s a bas is for discu ss io n an d is n ot b in ding on the co ntributing individual(s) or organ ization(s) .

The mater ial in th is d ocument is sub jec t to chan ge in for m a n d c o nten t after further s tu dy. Th e con tr ib utor(s) reserv e(s) the right to add , amend or withd raw material

contained herein.

Release :The contributor g rants a f ree, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incor porate text contained in th is co ntribution, an d an y m odification s thereof, in the creatio n o f an

IEEE Stand ar ds pu blication; to cop yright in th e IEEE’s name any IEEE S tan dards p ublication even thou gh it may inc lu de portions o f th is contribution; and at the

IEEE’s so le discretion to p e rmit others to rep rodu ce in wh ole or in part th e resul t in g IEEE Standards publicatio n. The contributo r a lso ack now l ed ges and accepts

that this con trib ution may b e made pu blic by IEEE 802.16 .

IEEE 802.16 P a te n t Po l icy :The contributor i s fami l ia r wi th th e IEEE 802 .1 6 Pa ten t Po l icy and Procedures (V e rs io n 1 .0 ) < http://ieee80 2.o rg/16/ipr/patents/p olicy .html> , including the statement

“IEEE standard s may in clu de th e kn own u se of patent(s) , including patent ap plicat ions , if th e re is technical ju stification in the o pinion of the standards-dev elo ping

commit tee and pr ovided the I E E E receives assur ance fr om th e patent holder that i t wil l l icense applicants und er r easonab le terms and cond itions for the p urpo se of

implementing th e s t an dard.”

Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent in formation that migh t be relevant to the standard i s e s sential to redu ce the possibility fo r d e lay s in the

develop m e nt pr ocess a n d incr ease t h e l ikelih ood that the draft pub lication will be approved fo r p ublication . Please no tify the Chair <m ailto:r.b.mar [email protected]> as

early as possible, in w ritten or electr onic f orm, o f an y p atents (granted or und er app l ication) that m a y c o v er techno logy that i s un der consid eration b y o r has been

appr oved by IEEE 802.16 . The Chair will d isc lose this notificatio n v ia the IEEE 8 02.16 w eb s i te< http :// /1 6/ipr/patents/letters> .

Page 2: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Space-Time Codes and Signal ProcessingSpace-Time Codes and Signal Processingfor Slow Fading Channelsfor Slow Fading Channels

A. Roger Hammons Jr. and Hesham El Gamal

Hughes Network SystemsGermantown, Maryland USA

Page 3: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Space-Time Modems Exploit “Hidden”Capacity of the Multipath Channel

• Space-time codes: Lt > Lr. Seek diversity through code design.• BLAST: Lr = Lt. Seek high throughput through signal processing.• Hybrid schemes: Also possible.



SpatialFormatter ...

Ant 1

Ant 2

Ant Lt( )c u c c cL= =G 1 2; ; ;Κ






Space-Time Encoder

InfoSink ...





uest Space-TimeDecoder








Space-Time Codeword

Page 4: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Space-Time Technology:Code Design and Signal Processing

AT&T Research has popularized“Space-Time Channel Codes”

(Tarokh, Seshadri, Calderbank)

Lucent has popularized“Layered Space-Time Architecture”

or “BLAST” (Foschini, Gans)• Primary objective: Increased diversity• Method: Channel coding performed

across antennas as well as time

• Primary objective: Increased throughput• Method: Independent spatial channels via

interference avoidance and cancellation

We investigated synergistic approaches that advance the state of the art in both space-time codes and space-time modems.

Page 5: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Design Criteria for Space-Time Codes

Pairwise error probability for Rayleigh fading channel:

( )PE



c e→ ≤

−η4 0

where ( ) ( )( )( )

r f f



= − ←

= ←


rank of baseband difference

geometric mean of eigenvalues

c e

η λ λ λ1 21Λ /

• Rank Criterion : Maximize diversity advantage r over alldistinct code word pairs c and e.

• Product Distance Criterion : Maximize coding advantageη over all distinct code word pairs c and e.

Design Criteria [Fitz (Ohio State Univ.), Tarokh (AT&T)]

Page 6: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Space-Time Modulation Format Gives3GPP “Open Loop” Transmit Diversity

N_pilot N_data

Slot 1

N_pilot N_data

S1 S2

-S2* S1 *

QPSK Space-TimeFormatter

No DiversityData Pattern

Ant #1

Ant #2

QPSK Space-TimeFormatter




DiversityAntenna Pilot



Pilot Symbols

Channelization spreading code









Simplified Block Diagrams of 3GPP Transmitter with “Space-Time TransmitDiversity” (STTD)

Alamouti space-time

“block code”

Page 7: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Handcrafted Trellis Codes AchievingFull Spatial Diversity are Known

Tarokh-Seshadri-Calderbank (TSC) 4-State Trellis Code for QPSK Modulation

00 01 02 03

10 11 12 13

20 21 22 23

30 31 32 33






+= −−




Binary Formulation




Z4 Formulation

Achieves maximum 2-level spatial diversity.

Page 8: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Handcrafted Trellis Codes AchievingFull Spatial Diversity are Known

00 01 02 03

20 21 22 23

22 23 20 21

12 13 10 11

10 11 12 13

30 31 32 33

32 33 30 31

02 03 00 01

Tarokh-Seshadri-Calderbank (TSC) 8-State Trellis Code for QPSK Modulation












Binary Formulation

Z4 Formulation

Achieves maximum 2-level spatial diversity.


zk−2Dzk D


Page 9: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

9802.16.3 July 2000

Binary Criteria Identify Full-DiversitySpace-Time Codes

• BPSK Binary Rank Criterion: Let C be a linear space-timecode with . Suppose that every non-zero binary code word ismatrix of full rank over the binary field F. Then, for BPSK transmission,the space-time code C satisfies the space-time rank criterion and achievesfull spatial diversity L.

• QPSK Binary Rank Criterion: Let C be a linear space-timecode over with . Suppose that, for every non-zero binary codeword , the row-based indicant or the column-based indicanthas full rank L over F. Then, for QPSK transmission, the space-time codeC satisfies the space-time rank criterion and achieves full spatial diversity L.

• Extensions to Higher-Order Modulation: Use multi-levelconstruction and apply binary rank criteria to the design of the constituentcodes at each level.

nL×Ln ≥ C∈c


Ln ≥C∈c )(cΞ )(cΨ

Page 10: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Concatenations of space-time codessatisfying binary rank criterion formfull-diversity space-time codes .

“Stacking” Constructions Yield NewFull-Diversity Space-Time Codes








)( 1cT

)( 2cT

)( LcT






transformationof full-rank

Full-Diversity Space-Time Code

Full-Diversity Space-Time Code

Transformation TheoremStacking Construction





)(1 xT

)(2 xT



C satisfies BPSK binary rank criterioniff is non-singular unless .

LLTaTaTaT +++= Λ2211

021 ==== Laaa Λ

Multi-Stacking Construction



Page 11: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Convolutional Codes with Optimal dfree

Yield Full-Diversity Space-Time CodesConnection PolynomialsL ν freed

2 2 5, 7 53 64, 74 64 46, 72 75 65, 57 86 554, 744 107 712, 476 108 561, 753 12

3 3 54, 64, 74 104 52, 66, 76 125 47, 53, 75 136 554, 624, 764 157 452, 662, 756 168 557, 663, 711 18

4 4 52, 56, 66, 76 165 53, 67, 71, 75 187 472, 572, 626, 736 228 463, 535, 733, 745 24

5 5 75, 71, 73, 65, 57 227 536, 466, 646, 562, 736 28

“Natural” space-time code associatedwith rate 1/L convolutional code:Multiplex L output coded bits in space(among antennas) rather than time.

Practical examples of our generalspace-time “Stacking Constructions.”



g1 (D)

gL-1 (D)


)(0 ty

)(1 ty

)(1 tyL−



Convolutional Encoder


Page 12: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Performance of BPSK Space-TimeCodes with 4 Transmit Antennas

4 Transmit Antennas




0 2 4 6 8 10

SNR (dB)



• Optimal dfree code is 3 dB better than the delay diversity scheme.• Optimal dfree code is 1 dB better than Fitz-Grimm zeroes symmetry code.

Optimal dfree (K=6)

Zeroes symmetry (K=6)

Delay diversity

Page 13: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Performance of BPSK Space-TimeCodes with 5 Transmit Antennas

SNR (dB)

5 Transmit Antennas




0 2 4 6 8 10



Optimal dfree (K=6)

Zeroes symmetry (K=6)

Delay diversity

• Optimal dfree code is 3 dB better than the delay diversity scheme.• Optimal dfree code is 2 dB better than Fitz-Grimm zeroes symmetry code.

Page 14: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Performance of QPSK Space-TimeCodes in Quasi-Static Fading Channels

QPSK, 2 Tx., 2 Rx.




6 7 8 9 10 11

SNR (dB)



New Code (16 state)

Tarokh's Code (16 state)

Page 15: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Performance of 8-PSK Space-TimeCodes in Quasi-Static Fading Channels

8-PSK, 2 Tx., 2 Rx.




9 10 11 12 13 14

SNR (dB)



New Code ( 8 state)

Tarokh's Code ( 8 state)

Page 16: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Stacking Construction YieldsNew Codes for Space-Time Appliques





10 15 20 25 30 35




ed B

it E


r R


L=2, Alamouti, QPSKOrthogonal Design

L=3, Tarokh, 16-QAMOrthogonal Design

L=3, Hammons-El Gamal,QPSK 3x3 Stacking Construction

2 bps/Hz

Page 17: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Foschini Showed that Outage CapacityIncreases Linearly When Lr Equals Lt

16 QAM 3 MHz5 xmt/5 rcv


30 Mbps = 3 . 5 . 4 . 1/2

Bit Rate = Bandwidth . Number of antennas . Bit rate/antenna . Coding rate

Page 18: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Layered Space-Time Architectures

Definition: A layer is anassignment of space-timetransmission resources to acomponent channelencoder in which at mostone antenna is availableeach transmitted symbolinterval.

Properties:• No spatial interference

within a layer.• Decoding is performed

layer by layer.• Conventional channel

codes can be used.

One code word per diagonal layer







Diagonal Layering







One code word per horizontal layerHorizontal Layering

Page 19: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Lucent’s BLAST TechnologySp







1. Subtract interferencefrom previously decoded layers

2. Project away from interferencefrom undecoded layers

Two steps to decode a given layer :

Potential Limitations of BLAST Signal Processing• Requires equal number of transmit and receive antennas• Spatial diversity varies within a code word• Errors can propagate both spatially and temporally• Limited ability to interleave for temporal diversity• Loss in throughput due to diagonal layering

One code wordper diagonal layer

Page 20: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Hughes Offers ThreadedSpace-Time Architecture

Characteristics of Threaded Space-Time Architecture• Generalized layering exploits spatial and temporal diversity • Threaded space-time channel codes ensure full-diversity• Receiver uses new, efficient, multi-user detection techniques

– Soft-decision feedback reduces spatial error propagation.– Iterative MMSE processing results in a symmetrical performance.







One code word per “thread”Threaded Layering

Thread = Layer whose temporal span is maximal for each antenna

Page 21: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Iterative MMSE Space-Time Receiver


MatchedFilter Bank




Deinter-leaver 1

SISODecoder 1

Interleaver 1


Deinter-leaver n

SISODecoder n

Interleaver n




• Iterative multi-user detection (MUD) is one key to threaded space-time architecture.• Threaded channel codes, based on space-time principles, are optimized for MUD.

Page 22: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Threaded Space-Time Code Designfor Quasi-static Fading Channels

Theorem (Threaded Stacking Construction):Let L be a layer of spatial span n. Given binary matrices of dimension ,let C be the binary code of dimension k consisting of all code words ,where denotes an arbitrary k-tuple of information bits. Let fL denote the spatial modulatorhaving the property that the modulated symbols are transmitted in the symbol intervalsof L that are assigned to antenna j.

Then, as the space-time code in a communication system with n transmit antennas and m receiveantennas, the space-time code C consisting of C and fL achieves spatial diversity dm in a quasi-static fading channel if and only if d is the largest integer such that have theproperty that

nMMM ,,, 21 Κ λ×k( ) nxxxxg MMM ||| 21 Λ=

x( )jxMµ

nMMM ,,, 21 Κ

[ ] .over rank of is












Page 23: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Threaded-STC Yields Bigger Bang thanthe BLAST Technology

At 1% FER, advantage is more than 3 dB.

BPSK, 2bits/sec/HZ, 4 Tx., 4 Rx.





0 2 4 6 8

SNR (dB)



Threaded S-T Modem

Blast Modem

Page 24: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000

Threaded Space-Time OutperformsAT&T’s Group Suppression Approach

At 1% FER, advantage is more than 4 dB.

QPSK, 4bits/sec/hz, 4Tx., 4Rx.





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

SNR (dB)



HNS S-T Modem

AT&T S-T Modem

Page 25: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000


• MMDS must contend with slow fadingchannels

• Space-time technology offers potentiallylarge gains in this environment

• 802.16.3 should be aggressive in study andadoption of best space-time solutions

Page 26: Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading … · 802.16.3 July 2000 Space-Time Codes and Signal Processing for Slow Fading Channels A. Roger Hammons Jr . and Hesham El

802.16.3 July 2000


Journal Papers• Hammons and El Gamal, “On the theory of space-time codes for PSK constellations,” IEEE

Transactions on Information Theory, March 2000.• El Gamal and Hammons, “A new approach to layered space-time signal processing and code

design,” accepted for publication (pending revision) in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.Conference Papers• Hammons and El Gamal, “Space-Time Codes: New Design Criteria and General Constructions

(Invited Paper),'' Sixth Annual Workshop on Smart Antennas in Wireless Mobile Communications,Stanford University, 1999.

• El Gamal and Hammons, “On the Design of Space-Time Codes,'' In Proceedings of the IEEE 1999Information Theory Workshop, Metsovo, Greece.

• El Gamal and Hammons, “Binary Design Criteria for Space-Time Codes,'' In Proceedings of Thirty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, University ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1999.

• El Gamal and Hammons, “A New Space-Time Architecture and Signal Processing,''In Proceedingsof Thirty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1999.

• El Gamal and Hammons, “Space-Time Coding for the Block Fading Channel,'‘ In Proceedings ofCISS'2000, Princeton University.

• Hammons and El Gamal, “Further Results in the Algebraic Design of Space-Time Codes,'' InProceedings of IEEE 2000 International Symposium on Information Theory, Sorrento, Italy.