spanish-american war imperialism: the forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial...


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Page 1: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 2: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Spanish-American War


•The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”.•Establishing economic Establishing economic and political and political domination. .

Page 3: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Social Darwinist ThinkingSocial Darwinist Thinking Social Darwinist ThinkingSocial Darwinist Thinking

Anglo-Saxonism: A term used to argue that English-speaking nation's had superior character, ideas, & system of government, and were destined to dominate the planet. (MANIFEST DESTINY)

Page 4: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Religious/Missionary Religious/Missionary InterestsInterests

Religious/Missionary Religious/Missionary InterestsInterests

American Missionaries

in China, 1905

American Missionaries

in China, 1905

Page 5: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing


Who: Spain vs. America

•Where: Philippines, Cuba (Spain’s Colonies)

• In the 1800s, the USA wanted to increase its influence in Latin America by increasing the sale of American Products in the region.

• Americans wanted Europeans to realize that the USA was the dominant power in the region.

Page 6: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

• What: United States invested around 50 million into Cuba’s railroads, mines, & sugar plantations.

Page 7: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Sinking of the MAINE in Havana HarborWhatWhat::

•USS Maine explodes in Havana, Cuba USS Maine explodes in Havana, Cuba •Most Americans believe it was Spain’s Most Americans believe it was Spain’s fault fault How did it lead to warHow did it lead to war::

•““Spark” that started the war in Spark” that started the war in 18981898

Page 8: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Remember the MaineRemember the Maineand to Hell with Spain!and to Hell with Spain!Remember the MaineRemember the Maineand to Hell with Spain!and to Hell with Spain!

Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

Page 9: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

““Yellow Journalism”Yellow Journalism”““Yellow Journalism”Yellow Journalism”

Joseph PulitzerJoseph Pulitzer

William Randolph HearstWilliam Randolph Hearst

Page 10: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

• Leading naval planner

• Writer of the famous book, The Influence of Sea power upon History (1890)

• He argued that “the key to imperial power was control of the seas.”

Page 11: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 12: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Treaty of Paris 1898 ENDED THE WAR IN 1898

United States emerged as a world power

Cuba gained independence from Spain

U.S. got possession of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico

Page 13: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Platt Amendment Platt Amendment ((19031903))

1.1. Cuba was not to enter into any Cuba was not to enter into any agreements with foreign powers that agreements with foreign powers that would endanger its independence.would endanger its independence.

2. 2. The U.S. could intervene in Cuban The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary to maintain an affairs if necessary to maintain an efficient, independent govt.efficient, independent govt.

Cuban Independence?Cuban Independence?Cuban Independence?Cuban Independence?

Page 14: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

The Boxer Rebellion: The Boxer Rebellion: 19001900

The Boxer Rebellion: The Boxer Rebellion: 19001900

Page 15: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing


• Greatly reduce travel times for trading and Greatly reduce travel times for trading and military ships by providing a short cut military ships by providing a short cut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

• The construction of the Panama Canal The construction of the Panama Canal involved overcoming geographic obstacles involved overcoming geographic obstacles such as such as rocky & unstable terrainrocky & unstable terrain & & mosquito-infested swampsmosquito-infested swamps..

“The shortcut”

Page 16: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

1. The American battleship Maine blew up in a Havana harbor in 1898, started the war.

2. Initiated U.S. propaganda “Remember the Maine” inspiring support for U.S. revenge on Spain.

3. War ends in 1898, United States became a WORLD POWER!

4. EXPANDED to new overseas territory

5. Panama Canal was created.

Page 17: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 18: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 19: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 20: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 21: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Who? : Spain vs. America

Where? : Philippines, Cuba (Spain’s Colonies)

In the 1800s, the USA wanted to increase its influence in Latin AmericaIn the 1800s, the USA wanted to increase its influence in Latin America by by increasing the sale of American Products in the regionincreasing the sale of American Products in the region. . Americans wantedAmericans wanted Europeans to realize that theEuropeans to realize that the USA was the dominant power in the region.USA was the dominant power in the region.

Page 22: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

IMPERIALISMIMPERIALISM – – The economic and political domination of a strong nation over The economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nationsother weaker nationsPROTECTORATEPROTECTORATE – – The imperial power allows the local rulers to stay The imperial power allows the local rulers to stay in control and protects them against rebellions & invasion. Usually, the local in control and protects them against rebellions & invasion. Usually, the local ruler had to accept advice form the Europeans on how to govern their countryruler had to accept advice form the Europeans on how to govern their countryYELLOW JOURNALISMYELLOW JOURNALISM – is the sensational, biased, and often false reporting – is the sensational, biased, and often false reporting that is written to attract readers and sell newspapers or magazinesthat is written to attract readers and sell newspapers or magazinesPLATT AMENDMENTPLATT AMENDMENT - document specifying, conditions to Cuba - document specifying, conditions to Cuba by the USAby the USA when it was preparing a new constitution for their countrywhen it was preparing a new constitution for their countrySPHERE OF INFLUENCESPHERE OF INFLUENCE – section of a country where one foreign nation – section of a country where one foreign nation enjoyed special rights and powersenjoyed special rights and powersROUGH RIDERSROUGH RIDERS – volunteer cavalry regiment from the American West, Teddy – volunteer cavalry regiment from the American West, Teddy Roosevelt is 2nd in CommandRoosevelt is 2nd in Command

Page 23: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Latin America – American intervention was advocated in the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. President TAFT promoted “dollar diplomacy” as favorable for mutual economic developmentPuerto Rico – annexed as an “unincorporated territory”Anglo-Saxonism & Manifest Destiny – the idea that the English – speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and systems of government, and were destined to dominate the planet. Many Americans believed it had been the nation’s destiny to expand west to the Pacific Ocean and now to expand overseas & spread its civilization to other people.

Page 24: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

1. Protection of American business interests in Cuba

2. American support for Cuban rebels’ independence from Spain

3. Rising tensions as a result of “The Maine” in Havana Harbor

4. Exaggerated news reports of events

Page 25: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 26: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 27: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 28: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing


1.1.San Juan Hill, San Juan Hill, CubaCuba1. Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough

Riders led a charge up “Kettle Hill” and defeated the Spanish army.

2.2.Manila Bay, Manila Bay, PhilippinesPhilippines1.1. Navy Admiral Dewey Navy Admiral Dewey raided raided

the Spanishthe Spanish fleet harbored in Manila Bay and captured the entire Spanish fleet.

2.2.Spain Spain surrenderedsurrendered.

Page 29: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Roosevelt grabbed national attention by advocating war with Spain in 1898His volunteer cavalry brigade, the Rough Riders, won public acclaim for its role in the battle at San Juan Hill in CubaRoosevelt returned a hero and was soon elected governor of NY and later McKinley’s vice-president

Page 30: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

•San Juan Hill

•Brothers helped but did not get any love

Page 31: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 32: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

President McKinley & Secretary of State John Hay supported an OPEN DOOR OPEN DOOR POLICYPOLICY in ChinaChina.

They believed all countries should be all countries should be allowed to trade with Chinaallowed to trade with China. Hay sent notes to countries with leaseholds in China asking to keep ports open to all nations. Hay expected all powers would abide by this plan & it was a way to protect U.S. it was a way to protect U.S. interest in China while providing = interest in China while providing = trading rights for all countriestrading rights for all countries

Page 33: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

In addition.....In addition.....TAFTTAFT continued Roosevelt’s policies. He believed that if American business leaders if American business leaders supported Latin America & Asian supported Latin America & Asian development, everyone would benefit.development, everyone would benefit. His policy came to be called DOLLAR DOLLAR DIPLOMACY.DIPLOMACY.

Page 34: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

CONCLUSION…•US defeats Spain & becomes a world power

• Teddy Roosevelt elected Vice President in 1900 and becomes President in 1901 when McKinley is shot

•US must decide what to do about Spain’s former colonies (Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba)

•Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine makes/confirms USA as a World Powermakes/confirms USA as a World Power

Page 35: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

How was your thanksgiving and what are you thankful for?

Page 36: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 37: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

CHINACHINA - THE BOXER REBELLION,- THE BOXER REBELLION, secretly supported by the government, secretly supported by the government, sought to expel, (get rid of) foreigners. sought to expel, (get rid of) foreigners. Secretary Hay proposed an OPEN Secretary Hay proposed an OPEN DOOR POLICY with this country’s DOOR POLICY with this country’s leaseholders in order to keepleaseholders in order to keep the ports the ports open to American to American trade.CUBACUBA – – “Remember the Maine”“Remember the Maine” was was the cry of the Rough Riders who the cry of the Rough Riders who overcame the Spanish defenders on overcame the Spanish defenders on San Juan Hill. Under the terms of the San Juan Hill. Under the terms of the Platt Amendment, Cuba became an Platt Amendment, Cuba became an American protectorate until the American protectorate until the amendment was repealed in 1934amendment was repealed in 1934

Page 38: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

Write a 1 page to 1 ½ pages about America. (ON YOUR SHEET OF PAPER)In your paper write: (Use photos and your notes to help jog your memory) 1.How did we get started, how was our economy, and why*** like Jamestown, 1st cash crop, etc***2.Talk about major wars, events and the affects it had on groupies of people *** like Native Americans and African Americans***3. Talk about America after the changes.** like the economic change (progressive era)***4. Answer why do you think people call Americans greedy?Why do you think people call America “White America” or “It Is a whites mans world”

Page 39: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

“Yellow Journalism”

““You furnish the You furnish the pictures, I’ll pictures, I’ll

furnish the war”furnish the war” William Randolph Hearst

Page 40: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing

“Yellow Journalists”

What: Newspaper created highly exaggerated stories

Why: Make more $ if they keep you scared and interested

How did it lead to war: Made Americans want war! HATE Spain or at least dislike Spain

Page 41: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 42: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 43: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing
Page 44: Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Establishing economic and political. Establishing