spanish invade peru

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/27/2019 Spanish Invade Peru


    Deep in the andes mountains inwestern south america...

    Lived the incacivilization...

    Where Theyherded lamasand tended totheir

    crops. but atthe time, theywere in atwoyear

    civil war...

    While in the mean time thespanish were planning theirattack on the incas...

  • 7/27/2019 Spanish Invade Peru


    On Incan territory, atahualpa, a harshbut prudent king ruled the land...

    meet francisco pizarro whom led theSpaniards through south america toIncan land...

    Three times before, the spaniards had visitedperu to become familiar with the land and decide

    whether to conquest it or not...

  • 7/27/2019 Spanish Invade Peru


    The battle of caxamalcatook place...

    The Incas worshiped the sun god, andwould not convert to christianity

    The incas threw the bible down to theground... they would not betray theirgod for the Spaniards religion...

    even with the odds of 100,000 vs. less than200, not a single spaniard died in this battle..

  • 7/27/2019 Spanish Invade Peru


    180 Men from spainattacked on the incas...

    they came on 37horses...

    the Spaniardsweaponry was morevaluable andthreatening

    the spaniards had yet moreadvantage because theincas had been infectedwith smallpox disease...

    atahualpa was strangled by the spaniards in theend and the spaniards went on to win the rest ofincan territory...

  • 7/27/2019 Spanish Invade Peru
