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SPANNING BACKUP for Salesforce Admin Guide

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SPANNING BACKUP for Salesforce

Admin Guide

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Spanning Backup for Salesforce Admin Guide

Table of Contents

Welcome 3

About this guide 3 Who was the guide written for? 3 What’s in this guide 3

Administration 4

Managing Automated Backup Schedule 4 Managing Payments and Subscriptions 5 Notification Settings 6 Dashboard Configuration Settings 8 API Usage 9

Restoring Object Data 10

Field Level Restore 10 Page Restore Button 10 Universal Restore Button 11 Same-Org Restore 12 Cross-Org Restore 21

Metadata 27

Restoring Metadata 27 Same-Org Metadata Comparison 31 Cross-Org Metadata Comparison 36

Exporting Data 37

Backup Status Reporting 38

On-Demand Backups 41

Application Activity Reporting 42

Downloading Activity History and Settings History 43

Helpful Resources 45

Knowledge Base 45 Email Support 45 Privacy 45 Security 45

About Spanning 45

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Welcome About this guide

Thanks for selecting Spanning Backup for Salesforce! At Spanning our mission is to ensure your organization’s data is well protected and always available for rapid restore, keeping your business operational and your employees productive. We empower end users to correct their own mistakes, and give application administrators, IT leadership and audit teams the confidence and proof that your data is appropriately backed up, safe and ready for recovery. Spanning strives to build real relationships with our customers and deliver exceptional service. If you ever have a question or need additional assistance please contact us at [email protected] or search our Knowledge Base at You can access the Spanning Backup for Salesforce Installation Guide here. Who was the guide written for?

This guide was written for individuals who administer Spanning Backup for Salesforce. What’s in this guide

This guide contains the information on how to use Spanning to restore data and metadata, export data from Spanning, and manage Spanning Backup for Salesforce. It’s divided into functional parts intended to support you as you manage your environment.

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Administration Managing Automated Backup Schedule

You can set a time to start the once-daily automated scheduled backups from the “Settings” page on Spanning Backup for Salesforce app. Automated Backups run at noon GMT by default. You can view a graphical chart of the time it took for your previous eight backups to complete, to help you make a data-driven decision when setting a customized time for your scheduled backup. To set the time for scheduled backup, follow the steps below: 1. Click "Settings" in the Spanning Backup app. 2. Under "Backup Schedule" click the "Set Backup Time" button.

3. Toggle "User Scheduled Backups" to ON, and set the time in your local time zone when you would like your Automated Backups to start.

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4. Click "Save". Your scheduled backups will begin within an hour of the time you set. Note: If you keep modifying the scheduled backup time, it might lead to an automated backup not running once within 24 hours. For example, if you have set a scheduled backup time to be 9 AM, and then 8 AM before the scheduled automated backup is about to run you change the time to 7 AM, the scheduled backup will not run for that day - it would not run until 7 AM the next day. Managing Payments and Subscriptions

To review, manage, and update your payments and subscriptions, go to “Settings” on the Spanning Backup for Salesforce app. You will then see your Account information and Payment details.

There are two options for payment: 1. Credit Card: If you’re set up for credit card billing, you can click the “Change Card” button to update and save the credit card used for your Spanning Backup purchases and renewals. 2. Invoice: If you need any assistance or want to switch to credit card billing, you can email [email protected].

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Other Options: 1. Transaction History: Click “View Receipts” in the Payment section to find links to all of your detailed purchase receipts for Spanning Backup.

2. Additional Receipt Information: If your organization requires additional information to be added to a receipt, such as a VAT number or billing address, you can add this information by clicking on “View Receipts” in the Payment section and then clicking “Edit Receipt Info (VAT, etc.)” This information is added to all receipts, so it only has to be done once. 3. Subscription Period: In the Account section on the Settings page, you can see how much longer you have until it’s time to renew your subscription. 4. Auto-renew: In the Account section on the Settings page, you can select whether or not your Spanning Backup subscription to automatically renew during your renewal period. This will prevent the account from accidentally expiring and putting your data at risk. Notification Settings

Based on your preferences, you can set up email notifications or Chatter notifications to monitor activities performed using Spanning Backup for Salesforce.

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Status Notification Emails: Spanning allows you to select daily or weekly emails for status notifications. To enable status notification emails, please follow these steps: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account. 2. Click Settings in the navigation. 3. In the Notification section, click the Edit Settings button. 4. Add the email address of the admin user or email distribution list in the domain that you would like to receive status notification emails. 5. Select the frequency of email notifications to Daily or Weekly. 6. Click OK.

Billing Notification Emails: Spanning will send out emails related to payments and renewals at the email address of your choosing. To prevent the account from accidentally expiring and putting your data at risk because of delays with payments and renewals, Spanning recommends adding an email address of a distribution list in the domain for billing notifications. To change email addresses for billing notification emails, please follow these steps:

1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account. 2. Click Settings in the navigation. 3. In the Notification section, click the Edit Settings button.

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4. Add the email address of the email distribution list or admin user in the domain that you would like to receive billing notification emails. 5. Click OK. Chatter Posts: Spanning can post status of your backups, restores and exports directly to Chatter. To enable Spanning to post to your Chatter feed, please follow these steps:

1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account. 2. Click Settings in the navigation. 3. In the Notification section, click the Edit Settings button. 4. Check the “Post Spanning Backup Events to Chatter” option. 5. Select whether you would like the Chatter posts to show up in “My Chatter Feed” or a specific Chatter Group. 6. Click OK.

Dashboard Configuration Settings

You can customize the Spanning Dashboard and Status emails to view backup details of the four Object types that are most important to you. To change the Object types being displayed, please follow these steps: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account. 2. Click Settings in the navigation. 3. In the Dashboard Configuration section, click the Edit Settings button. 4. Select the Object type from the dropdown based on your preferences. 5. Click OK.

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API Usage

When installing Spanning Backup for Salesforce, your instance is automatically set up with a limit of 15% of your allotted Salesforce API calls per day, to ensure that Spanning Backup does not exhaust the API call limit for your instance. You can increase or decrease the API calls limit in your Spanning dashboard. Spanning can back up between 200-1000 records in your account per API call (depending on how many fields are in each record), with the exception of Attachments, as we are only able to back up one attachment per API call. We recommend editing the Spanning API call limit accordingly, so that Spanning can back up all of the data in your account in a timely manner without exhausting all the API calls in your Salesforce instance. In order to help determine the correct number of API calls for your instance, you can first check the number of available API calls in your Salesforce instance as per the steps mentioned in “Configuring your API usage” section above. Additionally, you can investigate how many total attachments are in your instance by following the steps below: 1. Log into your Salesforce account as the admin user. 2. Click the Setup button in the upper-right corner of the screen. 3. Click the “Data Management” button in the left-panel navigation pane (if you are on Salesforce Lightning Experience, click “Data” button in the left-panel navigation pane). 4. Select the “Storage Usage” option from the sub-menu. 5. Here, in the “Current File Storage Usage” sub-heading, you will see the number of Attachments (see screenshot below):

It is important to remember that the initial backup of your Salesforce data takes the longest to complete, as we are backing up all of the data in your account. After the initial backup completes, all of your subsequent daily backups will complete much faster, as we will only be backing up new and changed data. Please note that if the Spanning API limit is set too low, then it may take many days for the backups to complete, as the API limit will be reached before the backups complete. You can always update the number of API calls that Spanning uses. After your initial backup completes, you can recalibrate this number to not use as many API calls. To change the number of API calls that Spanning uses, click

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“Change API Limit” on the Spanning Dashboard and set a new value. To review the number of API calls made in each of the previous 8 days, click on the “History” tab and review the graph.

Restoring Object Data Once your initial backup is complete, you’ll be able to use the restore and export functions in Spanning. The amount of time it takes to complete your first backup will vary according to how much data you have in Salesforce that is being backed up. When information is lost, your end users and administrators can quickly find and restore data from any point-in-time. The speed, accuracy and user experience for restoring data are key to keeping your organization moving forward and reducing business continuity risk. Field Level Restore

To restore previous versions of individual Objects directly back into Salesforce, follow these steps: Page Restore Button

You can use the Page Restore Button to initiate field-level compare and restore of Salesforce record data directly from the individual record page. 1. Click the “Restore” button from any record page.

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2. Select the backup version and individual fields you would like to restore and click confirm.

3. Review your pending changes and when ready, click the “Restore” button.

4. After the restore completes, the desired data will be restored into your Salesforce instance. Universal Restore Button

You can use the Universal Restore Button (URB) from any page with editable (restorable) data. To use this Universal Restore Button, click the blue “Spanning Restore” button from the left-side

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navigation menu (as shown in the screenshot below), and then follow the same steps as above to complete a restore. This button will recognize which record page you are on, and show you the restorable data for that Object type. If the “Spanning Restore” Universal Restore Button is grey (not clickable), then there is no data available to restore on that particular page.

Please note: Field Level Restore is currently only available for Salesforce Classic (Aloha) Experience. Same-Org Restore

Spanning Backup bulk restore for same-org allows admins to undo a delete or update in bulk quickly, easily, and automatically from a specified point-in-time. When using the bulk restore feature to restore updated or deleted items (whether currently in the recycle bin or permanently deleted), the user can restore all items in an Object type at once, and choose whether or not to restore the related "child-grandchild" items (master-detail relationships) when restoring the deleted "parent" item. Restore recently updated and deleted records 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account. 2. Click the "Restore" button on the main dashboard.

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3. Select “Object” as the type of data you want to restore.

4. Select the restore destination as “This Org” and click “Next”.

5. Select the Object Type that you want to restore.

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6. Select the desired date range, and whether you want to display items that were updated, deleted, or both.

7. Select the items that you would like to restore. You can select as many items as you like to be included in the restore action. Additionally, you can preview the item by clicking the "Preview" button before you restore the data. When ready, click Next.

8. Choose whether or not to include child objects in the restore.

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9. If you would like to restore specific fields for updated records instead of restoring all fields, check the “Restore specific fields of updated records” option. Then, select the Object Type and fields that you want to restore.

10. If you would like to overwrite any of the values of desired fields during the restore, check the "Overwrite field values" option. Select the fields that you want to overwrite and then input the values you want inserted. Alternatively, you can choose “Saved Preset” if you would like to reuse saved overwrite values. Click here to learn more about saving overwrite values to reuse them for future restores. When ready, click Next.

11. Confirm the pending changes. When ready, click Restore.

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The selected data will then be restored into your Salesforce instance. Restore by importing CSV file If you have run a process in your Salesforce environment that has updated the records for many fields in error, and you know exactly which records were affected and what you need to restore, you can upload a CSV of the IDs of the affected Salesforce records spanning multiple Object Types to Spanning and perform a bulk restore for all of the desired records. Here is a quick demo video showing how to recover in case of a data disaster scenario by importing a CSV file using Spanning. To restore by importing a CSV file, please follow the steps below: 1. Prepare your CSV file to match the screenshot below. The CSV should begin with a header of "Id" (no quotes). Next, list all of the Salesforce IDs that you will want to restore. The IDs can be of records of any Object Type. All Salesforce IDs to be loaded in should be 15 or 18 characters long. The maximum file size allowed is 100MB.

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2. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account. 3. Click the "Restore" button from the dashboard.

4. Select “Object” as the type of data you want to restore.

5. Select “This org” as destination. When ready, click "Next."

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6. Select the "Upload List" tab.

7. Select the "Upload CSV" button to upload the CSV file from your computer. Also, select the backup date that you want to restore from.

8. Verify your CSV file. You will be notified via email and Chatter when the verification is completed.

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9. After the CSV file has been verified, select the “CSV Verification” button from the dashboard. You can also click on the link provided on the email and Chatter notification to continue the restore process.

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10. Confirm that all of the correct records have been selected, and then click “Next.”

11. Determine if related child records should be restored for deleted records.

12. If you would like to restore specific fields for updated records instead of restoring all fields, check the “Restore specific fields of updated records” option. Then, select the Object Type and fields that you want to restore.

13. If you would like to overwrite any of the values of desired fields during the restore, check the “Overwrite field values” option. Select the fields that you want to overwrite and then input the values you want inserted. Alternatively, you can choose “Saved Preset” if you would like to reuse

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saved overwrite values. Click here to learn more about saving overwrite values to reuse them for future restores. When ready, click “Next.”

14. Confirm your restore.

Your selected data will then be restored into your active Salesforce account. Cross-Org Restore

If you would like to restore data from one Salesforce instance to another instance and you know exactly which records you need to restore, you can upload a CSV of the IDs of the Salesforce records for any Object Type to Spanning and perform a cross-org restore for all of the desired records. You can restore data from any instance where Spanning is installed to another production, developer or sandbox instance.

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Here is a demo video showing how to quickly populate sandboxes with records from multiple object types in a single restore process using Spanning. To do this, please follow the steps below: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce Account. 2. Click the “Restore” button from the dashboard.

3. Select “Object” as the type of data you want to restore.

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4. Select “Different org” as destination. When ready, click "Next."

5. Click Authorize Org to authorize Spanning Backup to restore your data into the desired org. When prompted, enter the login credentials for your destination org. 6. Ensure that your destination org is properly configured to receive the restored data by confirming all of the listed settings. Once all settings are confirmed, check the box for "I have completed the steps listed above," and then click “Next.”

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7. Click the "Upload CSV" button.

8. Upload a CSV containing all of the 15 or 18 digit object IDs that you want to restore. The column header for the CSV should be "id" with all of the desired IDs listed below. The IDs can be of any Object Type. The maximum file size allowed for the CSV is 100MB. An example CSV is shown below:

9. Select the date from which you want to restore and then click "Verify." You can either wait while the verification is running, or choose to go back to the Spanning Dashboard. You will also be notified by email and Chatter when the verification is complete.

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10. If you returned to the Spanning Dashboard, you can click the "CSV Verification" link from the recent activity page on the dashboard once the verification is completed.

11. Confirm that the uploaded data is correct. When ready, click “Next.”

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12. Choose whether or not to include children in the restore process.

13. If you would like to overwrite any of the values of desired fields during the restore, check the “Overwrite field values” option. Select the fields that you want to overwrite and then input the values you want inserted. Alternatively, you can choose “Saved Preset” if you would like to reuse saved overwrite values. Click here to learn more about saving overwrite values to reuse them for future restores. When ready, click “Next.”

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14. Confirm the restore action by clicking “Restore.”

15. When the restore has completed, you will be able to view the restore summary by clicking on the "Cross-Org Restore” link in the Recent Activity section of the dashboard.

Metadata Restoring Metadata

Spanning Backup for Salesforce offers metadata restore of specific metadata types, making it easy to restore metadata directly in Spanning Backup. The following metadata types are restorable

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directly in Spanning Backup for Salesforce:

• Dashboards • Email • Layouts • Objects • Permission Sets • Profiles • Reports • Roles • Triggers • Workflows

To restore other metadata types, you'll need to export them out of Spanning Backup, then use the IDE client application to import them into Salesforce. To restore metadata into the same Salesforce org: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account as the System Administrator. 2. Click the "Restore" tab at the top. 3. Select "Metadata" and "This Org" then click the "Next" button.

4. Select the date of the metadata backup that you're wanting to restore from. You do this by using the calendar date selector towards the top of the page. 5. Choose the metadata items you want to restore by expanding the displayed metadata types and then selecting the individual items. If you'd like, you can preview these items by hovering the cursor over an item, then clicking on the "Preview" button that appears.

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6. Once you've selected all the items you want to restore, click "Next." 7. Confirm all the changes on the confirmation screen, then click "Restore."

When the restore completes, you can view the restore results by clicking the metadata restore line item in the Recent Activity panel on your Spanning Dashboard page. You will also be notified via email and Chatter (if enabled) when the restore is complete. To restore metadata into a different Salesforce org: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account as the System Administrator. 2. Click the "Restore" tab at the top. 3. Select "Metadata" and "Different Org," then click the authorize link for the Salesforce org you

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want to restore to.

4. Enter the Salesforce login credentials for the target (destination) org where you want to restore the metadata. 5. Click "Allow" when prompted. 6. Click "Next." 7. Select the date of the metadata backup that you're wanting to restore from. You do this by using the calendar date selector towards the top of the page. 8. Choose the metadata items you want to restore by expanding the displayed metadata types and then selecting the individual items. If you'd like, you can preview these items by hovering the cursor over an item, then clicking on the "Preview" button that appears.

9. Once you've selected all the items you want to restore, click "Next."

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10. Confirm all the changes on the confirmation screen, then click "Restore."

When the restore completes, you can view the restore results by clicking the metadata restore line item in the Recent Activity panel on your Spanning Dashboard page. You will also be notified via email and Chatter (if enabled) when the restore is complete. Comparing Metadata You can compare metadata between any point-in-time backup and the backup or live data from the same org, or the live data from a different Salesforce org. Same-org Metadata Comparison

To initiate a metadata comparison between a point-in-time backup from one org to a different point-in-time backup in the same org, or to live (current) metadata in the same org, please follow these steps: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce Account as the admin user. 2. Click the Metadata tab. 3. Select the first backup batch that you want to compare.

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4. Select “This Org.” 5. Select “Current Components” if you want to compare the metadata from the selected backup batch with the current metadata in your live Salesforce org. Select “Another Backup Batch” if you would like to compare the metadata from the selected batch with the metadata from a different backup batch. Please note that if you compare two different backup batches, the first backup batch that you select must be earlier than the second backup batch.

6. Click “Next” and select the components to compare. If you would like to compare metadata types that are restorable, click on the checkbox for “Show only restorable metadata”.

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7. When ready, click “Compare.” Spanning will run the metadata comparison process and notify you via email and Chatter when the process is complete and results are ready for you to view.

8. Click “Metadata Compare” from the Recent Activity section of the dashboard or from the email or Chatter notification once the metadata comparison process is complete to view the comparison results.

9. All of the components of metadata from both versions are displayed in alphabetical order. Click the down arrow next to the name of the specific piece of metadata you are interested in to display all pieces of backed up metadata from both orgs. Metadata items in grey are the same from both orgs, metadata items in yellow alerts you that the two files of metadata are different, and red means that a specific metadata file only exists in one of the compared versions.

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10. Click any specific file of metadata to see more details about the comparison between two versions of metadata.

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11. If you want to see the specific file of metadata in its entirety, click the “Export” button to export that metadata to your local computer. 12. If you would like to restore metadata from the comparison results, hit the “Continue to restore” button on the top right. 13. Select the metadata items you would like to restore back into the same-org.

14. Confirm the changes and click “Restore”.

Note: You can only restore specific metadata types directly from Spanning. For non-restorable metadata types, you can export the items from Spanning and use tools like IDE to restore them back into Salesforce.

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Cross-org Metadata Comparison To initiate a metadata comparison between a point-in-time backup from one org to the live data in a different Salesforce org, please follow these steps: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce Account as the admin user. 2. Click the Metadata tab. 3. Select the backup that you want to compare.

4. Select “Different Org,” and then authorize either a production, development, or sandbox org to compare against.

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5. Follow steps 6 - 14 above. Note: Spanning does not need to be installed in the cross-org to perform metadata comparison.

Exporting Data To export your backed up data out of Spanning to a CSV file, please follow these steps: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account. 2. Click on any of the four Object types on the main dashboard to be taken to the Object list.

3. Select the backup date from the date picker.

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4. Select all of the Object types from the Records tab and Metadata Components in the Metadata tab that you want to export, and then click the “Selected” option under “Export” button in the upper-right corner of the page. You can click “All Records and Metadata” under “export” button to export all data. If you would like to export all records, click “Records Only” and if you would like to export all metadata, click “Metadata Only” under “export” button.

5. When your data has finished compiling, you will receive an email informing you that your selected data is available to download. Spanning will also post to Chatter when the exported data is ready to be downloaded. Follow the link in the email or Chatter - or optionally click the Export line item in your Recent Activity feed on your main Spanning Dashboard - to download your data.

Backup Status Reporting As an administrator, you can view the status of your org’s backups at a glance, and from there, you can drill down to find if there were any problems with your backups, so you can quickly resolve them before they impact future restore attempts. You can also view the number of records that are updated, deleted, and newly created for each of the backups. Application: To monitor the status of your daily backups from Spanning, simply log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account, and review the main dashboard.

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1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, the overall status of the selected backup is displayed. If your backup shows “100% protected,” then all of your Salesforce data was backed up successfully. If any number less than 100% is displayed, you can click on the “Backup Details” button to learn more about any errors that may have occurred with your backup. 2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, the backup details for the default four Object types are displayed. For each Object type, the number of records that have been updated, newly created, and deleted are displayed. By default these four Object types are Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and Opportunities, but they can be changed by following the instructions in the “Dashboard Configuration Settings” section. 3. Clicking on the icon next to “Backup History,” you will be able to view the time it took to complete your automated and on-demand backups. 4. Directly below is the Backup History ribbon, which displays the backup history for the past 12 backups in colored dots. Green means 100% successful and Grey means there were errors. You can select any of these dots, which represent a particular day's backup, to learn more about that day's backups. 5. Clicking any of the dots shows the details for that particular backup including the number of records and metadata components that were created, modified, and deleted. Clicking on the updated and deleted record count for an Object type will initiate the restore flow in case you would like to restore data. You can select any Object type and metadata component and click selected under “export” button on the top right to download the data, or you can click “All Records and Metadata” under “export” button to export all data. If you would like to export all records, click “Records Only” and if you would like to export all metadata, click “Metadata Only” under “export” button.

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6. Clicking on the graph icon next to the counts shows a historical view of the number of records that were updated, deleted, created and undeleted for the past eight backups. You can also extend the graph to view the changes for one entire month.

7. In the bottom-left corner of the screen, the API call usage is displayed. You can also edit the number of API calls Spanning uses each day by clicking the “Change API Limit” button. The backup status is also available via Chatter posts to your Salesforce account and status notification emails.

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On-Demand Backups

In addition to the daily automated backups Spanning runs to protect your data, an on-demand backup can be initiated whenever you like. To perform an on-demand backup, please follow the steps below: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account. 2. Click the “Backup Now” button from the main dashboard.

3. The backup progress bar will appear at the top of the screen.

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Application Activity Reporting Spanning offers an immutable Activity History and Settings History (audit log). To see reporting of administrator and end user activities in Spanning Backup for Salesforce, click on the “All Activity” button on Spanning Dashboard under “Recent Activity.”

You’ll see a list of backup, restore and export activities that have taken place in Spanning Backup. You’ll be given information about: 1. What was done. 2. Who did it. 3. When it happened. Click on any entry to see additional details. You can also click on the “Settings History” tab and see the settings modified by the administrator.

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Downloading Activity History and Settings History

If you need to filter the history of your Spanning Backup for Salesforce activity and settings, you can do so by downloading a CSV of this history. The activity history and settings history CSV will list all completed operations from the time Spanning Backup was installed. Admins can use this CSV to filter operations by a particular user, a particular date range, and / or a specific operation type. To download this CSV, follow these steps: 1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce Account. 2. In Recent Activity feed of the dashboard, click the “All Activity” button.

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3. Select either the Activity History or Settings History tab, and then click the "Download List" button.

4. Your CSV file will then begin downloading. You can open this CSV file in any spreadsheet program.

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Helpful Resources Knowledge Base

Easily search through a number of articles in our Knowledge Base to find information on the most common user questions. Email Support

If you can’t find the answer to your question or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at [email protected]. Privacy

Spanning takes privacy seriously. Read our Privacy Policy. Security

Spanning Backup employs multiple layers of operation and physical security to ensure the integrity and safety of your data. Read how we protect your data.

About Spanning Spanning Cloud Apps is the leading provider of backup and recovery for SaaS applications, protecting more than 8,000 organizations from data loss due to user error, malicious activity and more. We are the only global provider of powerful, enterprise-class data protection for Microsoft Office 365, G Suite, and Salesforce. With data centers located in North America, the EU, and Australia, Spanning is the most trusted cloud-to-cloud backup provider with millions of users around the world.