special education proportionate set-aside requirements october 2014

Special Education Proportionate Set- Aside Requirements October 2014

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Page 1: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Special EducationProportionate Set-Aside


Special EducationProportionate Set-Aside


October 2014October 2014

Page 2: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014


• Each local education agency (LEA) must spend a proportionate amount of its Sections 611 and 619 allocations on providing special education and related services (including direct services) to parentally-placed private school children with disabilities; including home-schooled children.

• Each local education agency (LEA) must spend a proportionate amount of its Sections 611 and 619 allocations on providing special education and related services (including direct services) to parentally-placed private school children with disabilities; including home-schooled children.


Page 3: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Proportionate Set-Aside (PSA)Proportionate Set-Aside (PSA)Proportionate Set-Aside (PSA)Proportionate Set-Aside (PSA)

• § 300.132 (a) “… To the extent consistent with § 300.132 (a) “… To the extent consistent with the number and location of children with the number and location of children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private, including religious, elementary schools private, including religious, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school and secondary schools located in the school district served by the LEA, provision is made for district served by the LEA, provision is made for the participation of those children in the program the participation of those children in the program assisted or carried out under Part B of the Act by assisted or carried out under Part B of the Act by providing them with special education and providing them with special education and related services, including direct services related services, including direct services determined in accordance with § 300.137....” determined in accordance with § 300.137....”

• § 300.132 (a) “… To the extent consistent with § 300.132 (a) “… To the extent consistent with the number and location of children with the number and location of children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private, including religious, elementary schools private, including religious, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school and secondary schools located in the school district served by the LEA, provision is made for district served by the LEA, provision is made for the participation of those children in the program the participation of those children in the program assisted or carried out under Part B of the Act by assisted or carried out under Part B of the Act by providing them with special education and providing them with special education and related services, including direct services related services, including direct services determined in accordance with § 300.137....” determined in accordance with § 300.137....”


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Record Keeping Record Keeping Record Keeping Record Keeping

• § 300.132 (c) “….Each LEA must maintain in § 300.132 (c) “….Each LEA must maintain in its records and provide to the SEA, the its records and provide to the SEA, the following information….”following information….”• The number of children evaluated;The number of children evaluated;• The number of children determined to be children The number of children determined to be children

with disabilities; andwith disabilities; and• The number of children served.The number of children served.

• § 300.132 (c) “….Each LEA must maintain in § 300.132 (c) “….Each LEA must maintain in its records and provide to the SEA, the its records and provide to the SEA, the following information….”following information….”• The number of children evaluated;The number of children evaluated;• The number of children determined to be children The number of children determined to be children

with disabilities; andwith disabilities; and• The number of children served.The number of children served.


Page 5: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Allowable PSA UsesAllowable PSA UsesAllowable PSA UsesAllowable PSA Uses

• Proportionate share costs are not limited to direct Proportionate share costs are not limited to direct services but can include consultative services, services but can include consultative services, equipment or materials for eligible parentally-equipment or materials for eligible parentally-placed students with disabilities, or training for placed students with disabilities, or training for private school teachers and other private school private school teachers and other private school personnel. personnel.

• LEAs are prohibited from using the set-aside LEAs are prohibited from using the set-aside amount for administrative costs, the costs of amount for administrative costs, the costs of child find and the evaluation process of child find and the evaluation process of parentally-placed private school students. parentally-placed private school students.

• Proportionate share costs are not limited to direct Proportionate share costs are not limited to direct services but can include consultative services, services but can include consultative services, equipment or materials for eligible parentally-equipment or materials for eligible parentally-placed students with disabilities, or training for placed students with disabilities, or training for private school teachers and other private school private school teachers and other private school personnel. personnel.

• LEAs are prohibited from using the set-aside LEAs are prohibited from using the set-aside amount for administrative costs, the costs of amount for administrative costs, the costs of child find and the evaluation process of child find and the evaluation process of parentally-placed private school students. parentally-placed private school students.


Page 6: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Proportionate Set Aside (PSA)Proportionate Set Aside (PSA)Proportionate Set Aside (PSA)Proportionate Set Aside (PSA)

• Each local education agency (LEA) must spend a proportionate amount of its Sections 611 and 619 allocations on providing special education and related services (including direct services) to parentally-placed private school children with disabilities. Section 300.133 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) specifies a formula that an LEA is required to use to determine the proportionate amount the LEA is to make available or spend to meet the requirements of § 300.132(a).

• The Calculation is defined under Appendix B to Part 300 – Proportionate Share Calculation

• Funds must be Set-Aside during the Grant Period• Additional Guidance is Available

• Each local education agency (LEA) must spend a proportionate amount of its Sections 611 and 619 allocations on providing special education and related services (including direct services) to parentally-placed private school children with disabilities. Section 300.133 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) specifies a formula that an LEA is required to use to determine the proportionate amount the LEA is to make available or spend to meet the requirements of § 300.132(a).

• The Calculation is defined under Appendix B to Part 300 – Proportionate Share Calculation

• Funds must be Set-Aside during the Grant Period• Additional Guidance is Available


Page 7: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

PSA WorksheetPSA WorksheetPSA WorksheetPSA Worksheet


Page 8: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Accessing SSWSAccessing SSWSAccessing SSWSAccessing SSWS


Page 9: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

User NameUser NameUser NameUser Name


Contact the division’s SSWS Administrator if you do not have a SSWS log-in ID.

Page 10: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

User PasswordUser PasswordUser PasswordUser Password


Enter User’s Password to Gain Access

Page 11: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Display of User’s ApplicationsDisplay of User’s ApplicationsDisplay of User’s ApplicationsDisplay of User’s Applications


Page 12: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Initial PSA ScreenInitial PSA ScreenInitial PSA ScreenInitial PSA Screen


Menu Options Available

Page 13: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

PSA WorksheetPSA WorksheetPSA WorksheetPSA Worksheet


The Worksheet is composed of lines 1 to 7. Lines 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 are auto-filled and only lines 3 and 5 are open for entries.

Page 14: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Line 1-Auto-PopulatedLine 1-Auto-PopulatedLine 1-Auto-PopulatedLine 1-Auto-Populated• The number of eligible students will be automatically populated

from the system using the auto-generated December 1 child count submission when the collection window is open.

• In the example above, line 1 indicates 1,532 students. This number exclude private school and home-schooled children eligible and served.

• Eligible students are students who have been evaluated and determined eligible for special education and related services by the division.

• Served students are students who are receiving special education and related services within the division.

• Note: The number of eligible students cannot be changed since it was submitted with the division’s December 1, 2013 child count, duly certified by the division’s superintendent and reported to the U.S. Department of Education (USED).

• The number can be entered when the collection window is closed and the division is using the worksheet as a calculator.

• The number of eligible students will be automatically populated from the system using the auto-generated December 1 child count submission when the collection window is open.

• In the example above, line 1 indicates 1,532 students. This number exclude private school and home-schooled children eligible and served.

• Eligible students are students who have been evaluated and determined eligible for special education and related services by the division.

• Served students are students who are receiving special education and related services within the division.

• Note: The number of eligible students cannot be changed since it was submitted with the division’s December 1, 2013 child count, duly certified by the division’s superintendent and reported to the U.S. Department of Education (USED).

• The number can be entered when the collection window is closed and the division is using the worksheet as a calculator.


Page 15: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Line 2-Auto-PopulatedLine 2-Auto-PopulatedLine 2-Auto-PopulatedLine 2-Auto-Populated• In the example provided, line 2 indicate 50 students,

representing the number of parentally-placed eligible students that was reported in the LEA’s December 1, 2013 child count submission.

• This represents the number of children with disabilities parentally-placed in private school or home schooled in the LEA after conducting a thorough and complete child-find process and ensuring that the count was performed on any date between October 1 and December 1 of the preceding year.

• Note: The number of parentally-placed eligible children with disabilities in private schools cannot be changed since it was submitted with the division’s December 1, 2013 child count, duly certified by the division’s superintendent and reported to the U.S. Department of Education (USED).

• The number can only be entered when the collection window is closed and the division is using the worksheet as a calculator.

• In the example provided, line 2 indicate 50 students, representing the number of parentally-placed eligible students that was reported in the LEA’s December 1, 2013 child count submission.

• This represents the number of children with disabilities parentally-placed in private school or home schooled in the LEA after conducting a thorough and complete child-find process and ensuring that the count was performed on any date between October 1 and December 1 of the preceding year.

• Note: The number of parentally-placed eligible children with disabilities in private schools cannot be changed since it was submitted with the division’s December 1, 2013 child count, duly certified by the division’s superintendent and reported to the U.S. Department of Education (USED).

• The number can only be entered when the collection window is closed and the division is using the worksheet as a calculator.


Page 16: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Line 3-User EntersLine 3-User EntersLine 3-User EntersLine 3-User Enters

• This number represents students identified during the child-find process as being eligible for services, but was not receiving service due to various reasons (i.e., parent has opted not to accept services).

• The LEA must enter the number of parentally-placed eligible children with disabilities previously receiving service, but have left the division; including home-schooled students.

• A count of 2 students is used in the example. The LEA would enter “0” if no students were identified as being eligible and not being served.

• The LEA is required to set-aside a proportionate amount for the student for future use, if necessary. The division should not include students that are receiving services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

• This number represents students identified during the child-find process as being eligible for services, but was not receiving service due to various reasons (i.e., parent has opted not to accept services).

• The LEA must enter the number of parentally-placed eligible children with disabilities previously receiving service, but have left the division; including home-schooled students.

• A count of 2 students is used in the example. The LEA would enter “0” if no students were identified as being eligible and not being served.

• The LEA is required to set-aside a proportionate amount for the student for future use, if necessary. The division should not include students that are receiving services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP).


Page 17: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Line 4-Auto-CalculatedLine 4-Auto-CalculatedLine 4-Auto-CalculatedLine 4-Auto-Calculated

• Lines 1, 2 and 3 are automatically added to generate this number.

• This number represents the total number of eligible students with disabilities, including public, private and home schooled students with disabilities.

• Based on the illustration, line 4 shows a total of 1,584 students (sum of lines 1, 2 and 3).

• Lines 1, 2 and 3 are automatically added to generate this number.

• This number represents the total number of eligible students with disabilities, including public, private and home schooled students with disabilities.

• Based on the illustration, line 4 shows a total of 1,584 students (sum of lines 1, 2 and 3).


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Line 5-User EntersLine 5-User EntersLine 5-User EntersLine 5-User Enters

• This amount should represent the total of the 611-school age allocation and the 619-preschool allocation.

• The LEA should enter the total FFY2014-2016 Part B Allocation on line 5.

• In the illustration provided, line 5 indicates $1,940,170 as the total Part B allocated amount.

• This amount should represent the total of the 611-school age allocation and the 619-preschool allocation.

• The LEA should enter the total FFY2014-2016 Part B Allocation on line 5.

• In the illustration provided, line 5 indicates $1,940,170 as the total Part B allocated amount.


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Line 6-Auto-CalculatedLine 6-Auto-CalculatedLine 6-Auto-CalculatedLine 6-Auto-Calculated

• This amount is automatically generated in the system (line 5 divided by line 4).

• This represents the average proportionate amount that should be allocated or set-aside for each eligible student.

• In the illustration, line 6 shows that $1,224.8548 should be set-aside for each student.

• This amount is automatically generated in the system (line 5 divided by line 4).

• This represents the average proportionate amount that should be allocated or set-aside for each eligible student.

• In the illustration, line 6 shows that $1,224.8548 should be set-aside for each student.


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Line 7-Auto-CalculatedLine 7-Auto-CalculatedLine 7-Auto-CalculatedLine 7-Auto-Calculated

• This amount is automatically generated in the system (line 6 multiplied by the total of lines 2 and 3).

• This represents the total proportionate amount that should be allocated or set-aside for all eligible students.

• In the illustration, line 7 shows that $63,692.45 should be set-aside for all eligible students with disabilities.

• This amount is automatically generated in the system (line 6 multiplied by the total of lines 2 and 3).

• This represents the total proportionate amount that should be allocated or set-aside for all eligible students.

• In the illustration, line 7 shows that $63,692.45 should be set-aside for all eligible students with disabilities.


Page 21: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Completed WorksheetCompleted WorksheetCompleted WorksheetCompleted Worksheet


Submit by October 27,


Page 22: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Menu OptionsMenu OptionsMenu OptionsMenu Options

• Two Menu Options are Available:• Worksheet – This is the page on which the user

will enter the information to determine the division’s proportionate share. All fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required.

• Reports – The Verification Report will open when this menu option is selected. The division’s Verification Report is generated upon completion and submission of the worksheet.

• If the collection window is closed, the application can be used as a calculator only.

• Two Menu Options are Available:• Worksheet – This is the page on which the user

will enter the information to determine the division’s proportionate share. All fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required.

• Reports – The Verification Report will open when this menu option is selected. The division’s Verification Report is generated upon completion and submission of the worksheet.

• If the collection window is closed, the application can be used as a calculator only.


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Reports OptionReports OptionReports OptionReports Option

• Once the worksheet is submitted, the collection window will automatically close and lock. The worksheet will display as a read only file and no edits can be made unless the division contacts the VDOE to reopen the collection window.

• Once submitted the LEA must print the verification report.

• Once the worksheet is submitted, the collection window will automatically close and lock. The worksheet will display as a read only file and no edits can be made unless the division contacts the VDOE to reopen the collection window.

• Once submitted the LEA must print the verification report.


Page 24: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Verification ReportVerification ReportVerification ReportVerification Report

• The Verification Report for the current year (2014-2015) and previous years can be viewed by selecting the ‘Reports’ option on the left side of the PSA application screen.

• This report must be printed and signed by the Superintendent or Superintendent’s Designee.

• The signed copy should be sent to VDOE by fax at (804) 371-8796 or SSWS Drop-box to Tracie L. Coleman or Emilia Boothe.

• The original copy must be retained by the LEA for audit purposes.

• The Verification Report for the current year (2014-2015) and previous years can be viewed by selecting the ‘Reports’ option on the left side of the PSA application screen.

• This report must be printed and signed by the Superintendent or Superintendent’s Designee.

• The signed copy should be sent to VDOE by fax at (804) 371-8796 or SSWS Drop-box to Tracie L. Coleman or Emilia Boothe.

• The original copy must be retained by the LEA for audit purposes.


Page 25: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Important PSA RemindersImportant PSA RemindersImportant PSA RemindersImportant PSA Reminders• PSA funds must be set-aside annually.• Any funds not spent or obligated by June 30, 2015, for

special education and related services (including direct services), must be carried forward for one additional year (i.e., July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016).

• Any unspent funds after the one year carry-over period can be used on other special education and related services.

• Amounts spent to meet the PSA requirement should be appropriately noted in OMEGA during the reimbursement process by selecting the appropriate dropdown option.

• The FFY2013 (i.e., 2013-2015) award should reflect a balance available if all PSA funds were not spent . If not, the division should make this correction as soon as possible.

• PSA funds must be set-aside annually.• Any funds not spent or obligated by June 30, 2015, for

special education and related services (including direct services), must be carried forward for one additional year (i.e., July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016).

• Any unspent funds after the one year carry-over period can be used on other special education and related services.

• Amounts spent to meet the PSA requirement should be appropriately noted in OMEGA during the reimbursement process by selecting the appropriate dropdown option.

• The FFY2013 (i.e., 2013-2015) award should reflect a balance available if all PSA funds were not spent . If not, the division should make this correction as soon as possible.


Page 26: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Key PointsKey PointsKey PointsKey Points

• The calculated PSA amount will be the division’s set-aside amount for the FFY2014 award.

• The annual plan does not need to be revised to agree with the newly calculated PSA amount.

• LEAs should track the services provided, the costs incurred, the number of children evaluated, the number of children determined to be children with disabilities and the number of children served.

• The calculated PSA amount will be the division’s set-aside amount for the FFY2014 award.

• The annual plan does not need to be revised to agree with the newly calculated PSA amount.

• LEAs should track the services provided, the costs incurred, the number of children evaluated, the number of children determined to be children with disabilities and the number of children served.


Page 27: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Important Grant RemindersImportant Grant RemindersImportant Grant RemindersImportant Grant Reminders• Ensure procurement mechanisms conform to

Federal and State laws and standards.• LEAs must document time & effort in

accordance with OMB Circular A-87 for employees funded from federal grant sources.

• LEAs must maintain financial & programmatic records as required by Federal & State law.

• General Rule – Sole Use of property purchased with Part B funds.

• LEAs must maintain a physical inventory of property purchased with Part B funds (Ipads, computers, etc.,).

• Ensure procurement mechanisms conform to Federal and State laws and standards.

• LEAs must document time & effort in accordance with OMB Circular A-87 for employees funded from federal grant sources.

• LEAs must maintain financial & programmatic records as required by Federal & State law.

• General Rule – Sole Use of property purchased with Part B funds.

• LEAs must maintain a physical inventory of property purchased with Part B funds (Ipads, computers, etc.,).


Page 28: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014

Collection WindowCollection WindowCollection WindowCollection Window

• Opened October 6, 2014• Closes October 27, 2014• Divisions not submitting the Speced-PSA

calculation will be contacted individually and will be required to follow a protocol to reopen the collection window.

• This protocol will be shared with those specific school divisions.

• Opened October 6, 2014• Closes October 27, 2014• Divisions not submitting the Speced-PSA

calculation will be contacted individually and will be required to follow a protocol to reopen the collection window.

• This protocol will be shared with those specific school divisions.


Page 29: Special Education Proportionate Set-Aside Requirements October 2014


SESS Budget & Finance Staff Members’SESS Budget & Finance Staff Members’Contact InformationContact Information

SESS Budget & Finance Staff Members’SESS Budget & Finance Staff Members’Contact InformationContact Information

• Pat Brooks – 804-786-9153• [email protected]

• Emily Boothe – 804-225-2701• [email protected]

• Tracie Coleman – 804-225-2704• [email protected]

• Sherry Hubbard – 804-225-2339• [email protected]

• Website: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/special_ed/grants_funding/index.shtml

• Pat Brooks – 804-786-9153• [email protected]

• Emily Boothe – 804-225-2701• [email protected]

• Tracie Coleman – 804-225-2704• [email protected]

• Sherry Hubbard – 804-225-2339• [email protected]

• Website: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/special_ed/grants_funding/index.shtml

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