special report 5 sacred keys - shakti priestess · 2015-07-31 · namaste goddess, !ank you for...

5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER These sacred keys on power, beauty, intuition and manifesting magic in your life are designed to shift you into your Goddess Power!

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Page 1: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER



These sacred keys on power, beauty, intuition and manifesting magic in your life are designed to shift you into your Goddess Power!

Page 2: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER. !e purpose of this report is to provide you with the support you need to discover and awaken your inner power. In 2011 I came to live in Ibiza , a small Mediterranean island off the coast of Spain. I had just separated with my husband and had come to rejuvenate and reinvent myself. My time in Ibiza was magical. It was an island of light and this itself was magical. Within three years I had created a dance school called Sacred Dance Ibiza and a mentorship program, Shakti Priestess. I came to Ibiza divorced, without a home, broken, with no hope for the future.

!e spirit and healing power of the island cleansed me. She breathed life back into my bones… regenerated me. Now I share this ancient feminine path to awaken other women to their inner power. Shakti Power.

Your life is a powerful journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, discovering your soul power, learning to see clearly and listening to the voice of your heart, taking courageous risks and #ying into the unknown. You have the power to shape your life story into a magni$cent tapestry of beauty, wisdom, power, joy, and love. !is report will help awaken you to the to the woman you are meant to become and the Goddess you already are. Love & blessings,

Page 3: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

When you practice intuition, you discover new ways to a%une to yourself, your creativity and to inner peace. You learn of the transforming and healing nature of intuition and how to apply this in your own life.


!e most important thing in life is to learn how to offer love and to receive it.

!e way of intuition is an inner path; it is a path of dreaming our world into creation. We become the container, the vessel, the feminine principal, the grail continuously opening our hearts and allowing.

We can recognize this when we are called in a very deep way to places or experiences. Intuition guides you on the path of the transforming, healing and life affirming ways of listening, hearing, allowing, receiving, trusting and surrendering Intuition teaches you her ancient aspects, dreaming our creativity into being and #owing with the cycles of the Moon and our bodies.

Page 4: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

10 Steps To Reach Inner Peace

1.  Have nothing unresolved versus just be $nished. 2.  Surrender, accept what is versus resisting, $ghting. 3.  Take full responsibility for how you react to others. 4.  Become aware/sensitive to feelings versus be blind,

ignorant. 5.  Tell the entire truth versus edit, censor, lie or

translate. 6.  Distinguish between self versus mind, ego, needs,

past experiences. 7.  Immediately catch yourself when triggered by

adrenaline. 8.  Recognize and inquire into why your cage gets

ra%led. 9.  Reprioritize peace to be ahead of performance.


Inner peace is an inner calmness, a freedom from environmental hooks, an absence of disturbances or adrenaline, an inner knowing, a connection with one’s spirit.

When experiencing inner peace, a person is • Unhookable externally by circumstances • Fully present and able to be with everyone, always • Extremely gentle • Accepting of all, including all of oneself

What happens until a person gets here • Easily disturbed by events, problems or others • Creates problems, crises and disturbances for themselves • Can’t relax, chill out or fully enjoy themselves • Busyness, franticness, rush, obsession, preoccupation

Page 5: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

Personal power is your ability to open to the fullness of your power. It means living your life with integrity, knowing you have the power to manifest your dreams.

Whatever you do is more than enough and you are loveable and worthy just as you are. In challenging situations, you are relaxed and focused on positive outcomes and at peace with yourself. You can harness your personal power wherever you are. Just say yes.

I can. I will. I do. Watch me.


You have the mental and physical power to make decisions, speak your truth, take action, stand up for what you believe in, be a leader, believe in your worthiness and deservedness to receive all your heart’s desires. Exercise this power by talking about your strengths, interests and desires. Ask people for help. Offer your time to volunteer and learn a new skill.

Also, remind yourself of your strengths. Write down all of the goals you've already achieved this year. Character traits you love about yourself. What your friends love most about you. Read this list over and over. !ey key here is to believe in yourself and go a(er your dreams!

Page 6: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

10 Steps For Vitality & Wellness

1.  Develop a healthy morning routine versus rushing. 2.  Shi( your day to be like you’re on vacation. 3.  Start using food for sustenance versus pleasure,

reward. 4.  Move your body aerobically several times per week. 5.  Identify and stop all behaviors, which cost you

wellness. 6.  Develop a reserve of energy. 7.  Get all parts of your body $xed, if broken or

blocked. 8.  Communicate until you feel clear. 9.  Discover and saturate yourself with what nurtures

you. 10.  Clean up every closet, room, physical space so it’s



Wellness is the basis for consistent creation, a%raction and love. Ge%ing well and raising your standards of what wellness means to you requires a dedication to being your best.

When experiencing wellness, a person is • Active, has plenty of energy • Emotionally and physical available to others • A%ractive because they are responsible and can share energy • Able to enjoy more of what they are doing; they feel good

What happens until a person arrives • Tired, lackluster • Toxic to others, consuming the space • At the affect of entropy • Not creating or expressing oneself fully

Page 7: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

Get clear on your expectations. What are your daily expectations? When you get up in the morning, what do you expect of the day ahead? For example, exciting, boring, challenging, happy, stressful.)

What are your expectations of your life? For example, adventurous, routine, hard, ful$lling.)

Now -- inject a rush of excitement and passion when you feel into the possibilities of the picture you've just created. !is is a picture of your life this year!


Create. Creation requires clarity.

You can manifest anything by ge%ing clear. Clarity cuts through confusion like a sword cuts through fog. And do you know what brings the most clarity? Desire. Pure desire. Without fear or limitation.

Get clear on your perceptions. How do you describe your perception of yourself? Use descriptive phrases or adjectives to indicate how you feel about yourself. For example: strong, weak. powerful, beautiful, magical.

Get clear on your imagery. How do you imagine or picture yourself? Use descriptive adjectives to describe your image. For example: a%ractive, stylish, elegant, bohemian, wild.

Page 8: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

10 Steps To Increase Inner Power

1.  Raise personal standards to re#ect higher self-worth. 2.  Empower others directly: recycling their power by

listening. 3.  Start being for others/results versus being about

them. 4.  Go for the quality versus quantity of what you

produce. 5.  Get the phrasing you need to express yourself fully. 6.  Have things be acceptable or unacceptable versus

forever gray. 7.  Initiate everything; wait for and follow no one. 8.  Take many, many risks and experiment as much as

possible. 9.  Get to work, maintain momentum, be dedicated. 10.  Read those books which inform and educate you



A powerful person has resources and knows how to use them: including people, skills, information, abilities and focuses which in#uence one’s environment and results.

When experiencing personal power, a person • Is able to accomplish a lot with li%le suffering • Is able to create by using available resources • Is results-oriented but process sensitive • Is always at cause, not at effect; uses whatever power one has

What happens until a person gets here • Weakness, at-the-affect of circumstances and life • Inconsistent performance due to moods, energy • Frustrated at length of time is takes to accomplish goals • Controlling, pushy, too results-oriented

Page 9: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

Even if you can’t see it, trust it to bring joy, understanding, and ful$llment to your life no ma%er what the present circumstances appear to be.

Remember, “Believe in magic and you cannot help but see it. Expect the unexpected and prepare to be amazed.”


When coincidences and synchronistic events appears, it’s a sign of magic. Coincidence and Divine synchronicity bring surprising elements together. !is magic reminds you that on the path to wholeness, all things become possible. Ask your Goddess Self to help you be aware of synchronicity in your life and to see how the Universe works anonymously on your path. If you feel hopeless or lost, you may need reminding that this kind of magic occurs in your life daily.

Magic is also your skill to practice “alchemy”. Changing one form to another form. Transforming depression into expression of life. Transforming deep loss and regret into life lessons and joy. Shape-shi(ing your career into your spiritual mission and life path. Expanding friends and networks into a uni$ed community.

Page 10: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

10 Steps To Balance Well

1.  Start creating choice versus compromising. 2.  Integrate all parts of your life versus

compartmentalize activities. 3.  Find out and $x what is causing the imbalance or

problems. 4.  Be very selective re: who, what, how comes into

your space. 5.  Underpromise versus over-promise; don’t stress self. 6.  Identify your values and re-orient goals around

them. 7.  Understand balance versus juggle, manage or

control. 8.  Give self permission to eliminate all that causes

unbalance. 9.  Have no hidden costs that drag you down at work. 10.  Recognize/eliminate adrenaline triggers before they

run you.


Magic happens when you are in balance. Balance is a natural state that occurs when integrity is present. Balance is a barometer of this integrity. Balance is a life full of what is important to you.

When experiencing natural balance, one is • Resilient because of a strong foundation • Consistently performing yet not at an emotional cost • Enjoying the space created with balance • Sharing their gi(s, nothing is being used

What happens until a person gets here • Mood swings, up and down, volatile, manic/depressed • Deliberately stresses self, pushes, never enough • Can’t get present, can’t $nd home or self in the swirl • Full of reasons, excuses and shoulds

Page 11: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

When you channel pleasure, sensuality and joy through relaxation like a bubble bath, inspirational reading, witnessing a sunset, listening to music, practicing yoga, cooking a warm meal, writing in your journal, creating a Goddess altar, pu%ing fresh #owers in a vase, you a%ract and magnetize to yourself anything you want. Why? You are on a high vibration and this vibration radiates outward and pulls people, places and things to you. Sacred Feminine Power is magnetic. You don’t have to overwork and chase the external world.

You’ll receive ideas and opportunities. You’ll become a muse and artist who knows the joy of creation and creating.

Joy is power. Sensuality is power. Pleasure is power. !ey all lead to creativity.


One of the ways to wholeness for you lies in connecting with what brings you pleasure and in experiencing pleasure. Have you been taught that pleasure is forbidden? Do you feel guilty when you are self-loving, self-nurturing and care for yourself ?Are you so busy ful$lling your commitments that pleasure is at the bo%om of your list?

Time to change all that. Pleasure relieves stress and relaxes and rejuvenates you. Pleasure is the body’s way of expressing health, sensuality and joy. Pleasure is the oil that keeps you lubricated and lush.

Don’t wait for others to ful$ll this need. Plan to give yourself pleasure daily and you’ll $nd satisfaction dancing in your life.

Page 12: SPECIAL REPORT 5 SACRED KEYS - Shakti Priestess · 2015-07-31 · Namaste Goddess, !ank you for claiming your complimentary special report, 5 SACRED KEYS TO OWN YOUR FEMININE POWER

10 Steps To Be Happy And Joyful

1.  Figure out what does make you consistently happy. 2.  Get your needs met so you can afford your wants. 3.  Stop doing what you should do; do what you need/

want to. 4.  Restore your integrity to be at 100%. 5.  Eliminate every single toleration and source of

suffering. 6.  Experience the difference between thoughts/

feelings. 7.  Become truly sel$sh versus egotistical. 8.  Take what you need to be your best. 9.  Become internally generative versus externally

motivated. 10.  Start creating a project that makes you feel very, very



Happiness and joy come from having who and what you want. Happiness and joy are not mysteries; you can create these by being very, very self-loving and by listening to your inner guide versus society, culture, or being controlled by consequences.

When experiencing joy, a person • Feels grati$ed and wants more of this • Is doing exactly what he/she wants • Is pleasure-oriented and is willing to have more • Is able to contribute well to others

What happens until a person gets here • Experiences sadness and unhappiness • Can’t $gure out how to be happy; happiness and joy is elusive • Stuck, miserable in the present; no way out • Doesn’t even know what will make them truly happy