specialty in automobile uniforms and send new fashion...

J- ih J 1 J UfJ f I j t H I J 1 ti fIDIII 1 r t n T f 1 p I J k 1 M p sux i tfthtAy sprrEB L1905 k < clothes mon left thu sUition Brl Whentho dotoctlven broto Int o thaDliwjr flat tliby found tho i sitting at a tublo pub but tit the noxt room thteo little JJmsergfil wero o nlono with Urn crime all MIIO Is your baby naked A man came took las night said Dlnser Isnt tha uo JRer JV Yes ulr came tho volco of a child from the next room The detectives elsn1 halo whole to tha station Later In tuq tenement wai held as a witness The little Dinner girls are A 9 and H- nta Tt a ttia flinv Vlfirl Krot well coached In their parts Thoy alltoU tho serscnnt story about a mm coming for The older ones it off without li hitch but Lar bara the rHt edod Inspector Flood anti Capt Ward took woman Into captains of floo and her for two For a long tune nho hold to her story of a Mho 1roko- Ho did ltl illod my baby with his fisto- nhf wild her story out of her Jlo had objected to baby beUMso it wa and was not Ho had come home In n black humor And had threatened to hurt It She had tried to tako the and ho had It and beaten it until it She jjtw certain that ho used no hut fists Afterward that into the noxt room be rats she couldnt hoar to see tho baby hurt When were certain childwas load nho took it to sink washed off tho und dressed it In clean clolhcw 1 lien they Htnrtocl ofT wound the corner of street Into Eleventh avenue to find a pace to hide It They to streot before found Bt 404 a doorway that looked dark and se- cret They crept In laid the body wrapped In newspapers the cellar door went to bcd Ihls waq of Dlnsers state- ment WhiCh is a confession The child was naughty was always lost nlsht with a little aboard I signed the some line ago and had drinking until yesterday when I camo home told that Gertrndo had been naughty Bo I hit her on oa punishment 1 to hurt tier her I went to bed after that This was about 10 niclock I think In the Aggie woke mo and told me that Gertrude was drad washed he body and dressed it In clothes Then we wrapped It In now and started to take fathers On thin we paw the doorway and de ddod to leave it His time does not agree fire OrtoapftatruidniBhtandit oVIouk atthe door to proj about the treatmentottuo child Furl Coroner RcTiolnr v list Before the van identified bob up against a fashion That would for the on iesoft flesh of the caused wail i Further Dliisers spat- tered with blood There was blood on skirt of the ftenaude woman hikt that mIght easily have whoa the its death After Ms sweating photogrdphera- asked him to stand for a Certainly he said and arranged his photograph greatest composure zcno HOLDS fpiroiMv Her rcreanm Attract Neighbors Who Cbate highwayman Into Wood MONTCLAIR N J Sept 4 Rofie Murphy a servant who was on her way home from a visit to friends in New York last night was held up nt Clairmontand Midland this place by a negro who a box He grabbed ans hands and demanded her money Sho screamed for help and several of her responded The negro fled and pursued escaped in a of woodland RUSH FOR HOME COXTfUES Centrals Labor Day Traffic Reported f to De Heavleit In Years The incoming passenger traffic on the New York Central yesterday was said last night the heaviest In years All trains were run in two the most of them carried It was estimated by Station Master Odell that nearly 200000 had entered the city through the Grand Control Station during the day The baggage room to overflowing with baggage and the con was trunks tlonal police Kelly got a dozen extra from and East Sixtyseventh street stations the Labor outings together with the crowd of the regular summer vacations the was hurt but late in theaftornoon when ambulance arrived to take Sarah Booker 90 oH of 03 Third avenue from incoming train She had as was boarding the train In Chicago and spralnedher ankl- et J LITTLES AXIVERSARXfC- ctCrJBtf tilt F tlcth Labor Day In nil Home Town Alwrls N V grossman J J Uttl sof New Yorkcelft- sheretojflftlIeentertatnedBisfjop PotTor and the townsmen to help him obUjrve with a dinner and other fee tiitle his golden jubilee of beginning work Little was elected to s- In 1891 bbU his fellow townsfolk are justly proud d hun At the time of the placarded with a roTalr on WEB givpn to hlm on a visit h jxild to his home Later Mr LUtle was three times eloctfert the Board Educatlon in Now York city Bishop Potter and others The i handsomely bound and the of tsv3Bv blank In which each fluent had to make msautogrnph Mr the many on the of this anniversary- Colllslojijyn Wllllamsbnrg nrldge Sends Hospital Hortfl rfuledr An adUmobilo crossing the Williams burs b to Brooklyn yesterday frigh- tened ajbortio to a wagon lAiKaw bf 205 Canal street and it ran away Near the Brookly tower the wagon collided with a truck Lang aged 22 of 1638 Lexington avenue Manhattan who was runaway and fourteenyear were thrown autiL and he sustained internal Injuries and the boy suffered from ntuslonfl and shock to the Willlamsburg runaway with that its loreifga1 were broken It shot bUr and mnn tim Pro I k rod th3 old dc die Iho the Ill d b troublty for my 6 I homo not ben me cut She thee w flo hOI thir opinion that ha pie toe cub leo the cuts Oi 0 1j shoo wl bah r n Rome wlt te avenue jump neIghbor trot walt son cure so to abut bl cue Con r bh i hil etc n euven a The s w t SV T O hare old of 287 av burl wo Lnl remove I fore I i t I3ukr1dg 1 I c I 4 l f V I 4h t 17 j c i i A 0 l ifull- I I ff l All f r ic i piece- meal F I I y I she said i elm kitchen i I t 2 7 tl 4 I 1 ice sutcetanco making came i one c I I 1 1 I r rithi tlut tenants In tie t p nil M nc Joha Lraham hpd the row on he was riler000 I says i uno r cnIl I I and the face tim nails i rough I 1 d Diner su a cooT i i 4 t 1 Z t j r I t C c in- coming 1 r was filled i I l I rush became toward evening I that Station Marter Odell applied otthe OrandCentrs I for addi- i L J 1 I c some L j ic an- a I r i Spt 4rEorrner S ton 4 i c I 4 I 1L I lt i a were J with was toM pencil bookst- f y F 1 s r ii Et oI j Samuel Fdraztl t I c 2 ir t I It Jt c < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¼ Bacon is A 1 Its a flavor delicate pecu- liar delicious It makes an appetite and satisfies it tastes good all the year round fieechNut Sliced Beef and BeechNut Conserves hive the natural flavor Thats what ffrXot Packing Company CANAJOHARIE N Y JCVP IS YELLOW FEVER CASES Kirt rlKht New Patients Five Deaths Federal Quarantine Favored NEW OmEANfl Sept 4 Tho feature todays fever developments was the jump in the number of new cases The Marina Hospital Service reported up to 0 oclock today fiftyeight now cases and five deaths The popular theory IB that the arrest and Imprisonment on Saturday a local to report cues other physicians heretofore con in their reports Immediately U hand In all suspicious COMB Compared with the same date In 1878 the figures are Insignificant On Sept 4 1878 there were 212 new oases and seventy two deaths or nearly four times the num of new case today and over fourteen times the number of The of cases reported to 4219 In 1878 and of deaths 202 against 1241 in 1878 Following the pronouncement of Gov Jellu of Alabama of quarantines the indorsement of the Association has given added and the newspapers of State are practically a on proposition entirely overboard the at Interference with State taking without the enlight- ened view expressed by thoughtful men In South The campaign of education continues and a lectures were delivered yesterday While the New Orleans public never been noted for attention to lectures it U attending the talks every one now knows the mosquIto is not children disputed an for instance how a or the female It seems to be the general opinion that vhllo the screening the lest root Ion of fumigation ire excellent precautionary measures greatest the prompt rosning the patient who o fever U not believed It will be possIble to reduce perceptibly the number if mosquitoes roYt JOIN corroV GROWERS England Manufacturers Say Nolle of Meeting Was Too Mass Sept 4 The otton Manufacturers Association has de Idedthatit is impracticable to dele to a meeting of growers and manu aoturers Ashsville N C Sept 0 It teen to consider a stable price or at this meaK The board of governor of the New England association decided that there i Insufficient time to arrange for delegates o go to Ashevllle Secretary J E Wood If the executive committee of the South irn Cotton Association believes bat can be served joint with of the Manu aoturers association we would that a later date be arranged and meeting be held in New or Washington order to make the meeting thoroughly time iven to enable the International Federa On receipt of an Invitation from Growers Association oard of will be glad to cooperate appointing delegates COP WAS RUBBERING Picked Out a Lawyeri OhlnMe Client With Keeping Gambling Howe LI Foy proprietors of a Chinese estaurant at SOI Henderson street Jersey which was raided on Sunday night ere held in the First Criminal Court for iOO ban each for the Grand Jury yesterday- or maintaining a resort for gambling Jach of the eleven celestials who were ound gambling In the place was fined Ho Lawyer Patrick J Dooley counsel for he defendants asked Policeman Langan rho secured the evidence against the place p point out the proprietor and the cop arnan do you know he is one of the men iquired Because I was in a laundry you drew up an agreement for this to pay ISO a was the aid Thats what I was remarked the cop 110 VOLTS Victim Was Rain Soaked and Fell With Chandelier He Seized When Shocked James McCullum 25 years old a driver Roe ft of Newark was HUed nrly in Thomas Walsh at 22 Plane street Newark while iirjilng on an incandescent light which was out of order and would not re pond to the main switch It was after midnight and Walsh lit his for uslness McCullum climbed on a radiator n tinker the light and a shock which threw to the He could not have received more than Iff volts but htashoefl and were rain He died in an ambu once on the way to the St Michaels Roe ital When the shock e seized a chandelier and clung to It until fell with him to the floor Post oraoe Clrrkf In Con ventlon CEDAR la hundred leegate representing nearly every State rers present today at the sixth annual onventton of post The CBfliona will continue The session was to of welcome with a by btmlness will be consideration of ilan to introduce a attire Into the association Uilstant Tax Collector of Pialnfleld Kllli himself PbaJNPiBLb N J Sept 4 David member of one of Plain fields drallle ooTnrjutted suicide at his house shooting himself ln the mouth e had long in Ill health He wa Oyears old end was assistant city tax His wife and one son survive I rt FlgtJttng Part of Her Crew Die Red D Line steamship t Maraoalbo- t yesterday was forced to leav a fire and two oilers all SpanIards at Cure weitabbed one fatally p niardwei rat fOr q e h Nut SUe i Bech NUt mcans- t B and of of physl move her death tot to lhg mosquIto or the the L New Sot BOST pop t Grower a In ton of of t our by Cared City I on a Ho when man r1ber KILLED for Cover rive te with ot It 4Two t otc clerk devote add Q I Pop rim i t- r t t1 t r I 1 t t 4 a food L r 7 summary control and t live does biting t- It send fates has suggest Cotton Spinners Europe have the hand S Then you must have been the aloon naked I The I best Dan ¬ > CLOUDBURST TBESTAfE GREAT DAMAGE IN TIlE VNADILL AND VALLEYS Two Lives Lott Many Bridges Destroy RaIlroad Tramo penriedA Ontario and Weiteri Coal Train THe Engineer Drowned UTIOA 4 A record breaking f H water was experienced throughout central New York yesterday last night and today In some sections of a wide territonr grea damage done The severs damage to life and property is over a long strip of country twenty or thirty miles ii width and reaching from Norwich Sherburne on the west eastwardly over the Unadlllix Valley doing great harm ii New Berlin and Edmeston striking a score of small villages and sweeping on to Coopers town and 8chuyler Two lives known to have been lost In this terriflo cloudburst Railroad lines have been washed away telegraph telephone wires thrown hlghwayi destroyed so badly that Followed houses and barns torn from their foundations and carried with the torrents farms of crops that for the harvest and trees uprooted- It is most difficult to secure Ind full reports Neither the telegraph nor telephone wires are In working order to a large number of places Mall 1s out p the question for several day The in the Chenango Valley the Unadllli Valley and the trolley line to Cooperstowi ire not in condition to be operated today sad possibly for several days- A northbound freight train on the Ontario ind Western Railroad went down with he roadbed at Woods Corners about and a half north of Norwich about oclock last evening There were two mpines hauling the train made up In part if coal cars Engineer Norton of Norwich was drowned in the Chenango Riveraftei lumping from his engine Engineer Al ert Borden of Norwich was seriously In ured and will probably die Fireman rank Ferris of Norwich on Engineer iordens engine the fireman on Engineer Nortons engine and Brakeman Winfield Jolton of Norwich were injured but will eoover About WO feet in nil of the On and Western Railroad track was cashed out The damage to the Lackawanna railroad sill probably be the largest in Its history UtIca was built Praotl entire road between North Brook bId and Norwich has affected and it- s reported that there are from twelve to Ifteen separate washouts The Chenango River runs alongside the tracks at many and the large volume of water worked the roadbed until it slipped away fhe tracks in many places are still tonight In the village of New Berlin a house occu- lted by Mrs J M Deering was washed town through the main street and Mrs eeiing was drowned Dozens of houses nd barns were toppled from their founds ions and in many Instances floated a con iderable distance away During the service In the New Berlin resbyterian Church lost night the water ame up so suddenly that the worshIpers ould not leave the building and remained hers until after daylight with the pastor fhey were taken out on a raft and on the Unadllli has out t may be a week before the road is again tinning The road is completely tied up Che loss will be 10000 Last night was a night of terror to the residents of Sherburne The reservoir and did an immense amount of and at the same time the river rose Between the flood tumbling down the hills and the menacing lacking up from the rapidly rising sat night was one which will never be brgotten by those who were in the village Tie damage done is at a rough estimate laced at 46000 Warning of the bursting- if the reservoir had been telephoned to village and Lou of life was thus averted The village of Edmeston was swept end barns carried away in the In the of Schuyler Lake hurch boils were rung to warn sleeping esldents of their peril Many miles of track and roadbed on the railroad between Mohawk away and traffic rill be interrupted for a week The damage i the Sauquoc valley will be upward of 00000 while the total damage to railroads- nd other property In the strip of territory etween Utica and Norwich will exceed 100000 The cloudburst swept down upon Schuyler ake near Richfield Springs at midnight erklmer Creek overflowed its boundaries nd flooded the village to the depth of three- r four feet The lower story of the Bullion totel was completely submerged and the in rates would have been drowned had the dls overy of the flood been delayed a few mb lents longer When the door of the hotel rag opened the water poured into the house- D volumes The streets aye filled with the rreckags of trees and driftwood Damage at Cooperstown will reach aev ral thousand dollars The reservoir at herburne burst under the terrific pressure wept away fields of vegetables bridges nd roads and Mt the village without a rater supply The cloudburst is one of he most costly and damaging In the history- f the and Ontario and West m railroads Water to the depth pfthree is flowing o er the between and Norwich on both railroads the work of repair has to halt until he flood subsides The Chenango River is at Its highest In fifty years and still rising at New The flood surpassed the one of hree years ago doing great damage to treets and buildings A large derrick boats and drilling ap laratus used in making soundings for the State barge canal and which in the Mohawk River at Hunter were away the water early Is a wash on the West Shore Railroad between lion and Mohawk and traffic on the road 9 suspended Through trains on that road ire usingthe New York Central track be wean Utica and the detour at Hoffmann FORT Sept4 A socalled country south of Plain morning caused to the extent of many thousands of lollara Otsquago Creek ordinarily an signlflcant stream suddenly became a ody water of dangerous proportions ti banks were overflowed for miles several ridges were destroyed and many were ladly damaged washed- ut a few buildings were demolished and arrled away orchards vere uprooted ad greet damage was done to growing rops of grain yards and gardens Worts of nearly every description was brought to the Mohawk Valley by Otnquago reek and was jammed into the opening ndertb bottom of the Erie Canal which Brmit creek to reach th Mohawk tnr i Thta cioeed t wit r to rla M UP II E ant and anti dow be dow damage sic ben pits under- water Ever culver burt from water the hOI big electro rig and fet and pint propose For cared out PIN Y faring For of i of1 b JQ has been moot accurate rail- roads a- nile nib and raoks I highwaye were the J her ° > > For distinct character and quality and unique fashion d ign the UNOX HATSlea- d in quality and finish All the correct shapes and shades A encle In all principal cities in the world storm which prevailed In this region Saturday morning noon washed away an abutment of a large bridge which crossed the Sawklll Creek- at Sawklll the end of the bridge failing into the stream Several small bridges crossing the Esopus In the Catskills were also washed away as were several hundred feet of the 20 Inch main leading from the reservoir of the Kingston City Water Works at Woodstock to this city WORKHOUSE AS A SANCTUARY Offlclali Refuted to Let Warrant B Served on a NonSupport Prisoner Magistrate Barlow in the Essex Market police court yesterday took issue with th authorities of Blackwells Island about i construction of the law The controversy arose over the ease o Max Friedenbaum who was commute to the workhouse on July 29 in default o a bond to pay 13 a week to his wife Rebeoa of 89 Attorney street On Aug 8 another woman claimed to be Friedenbaums wife and Magistrate Moss issued a for Friedenbaums arrest on a charge bigamy The warrant was given to Office Foley to serve Magistrate Barlow was informed early yesterday that Frieden baums friends had learned of the warrant on the bigamy charge and had hastened to furnish bill for him on the nonsupport charge in order to get him away from the 4 orkhouse The bond was accepted Jays ago and the discharge was sent to the Island Policeman Foley was sent to the work- house early yesterday morning and ao Sergt Ivory of Essex Market court squad he was that reason why was not Foley said that they would not let serve warrant that inassmuo is there were no policemen or peace officers connected with was at liberty to leave at will Magistrate Barlow hurried to and had an with some workhouse offV who said that no one there had serve a warrant The Magistrate that citizen hail a in a felony case Island officials not to allow Friedenbaum to escape IFOWEV TAKES AS BURGLARS husband or One Also Arrested Charged With LootIng an East Side House The police of the East Fiftyfirst street station last night arrested Charles Whalen 213 East Thirtyseventh street Emma wife and Evelyn McCarthy 20 years of the some address on a charge of burglary John Kelly of 704 Third avenue 3 the complainant Kellys house was entered on Aug M when his family was way and was looted of almost everything that was of any value Therobbery was traded to Whalen and two the arrest two of Frank McCarthy and Charles Taylor who were caught into avenue house when the two pile mere were in court the womn and her companion visited them detectives to the East rooms about thirty tickets and some of the clothing that stolen from Kelly TilE FIGHT THE FIFTH Net Say Prenderfait is Attacking Whove a Right to The action of Joseph F Prondorgast Tammany leader of the Filth llstrict In applying to the Supreme Court o strike from the list of enrolled rotors of the district about 900 names roused a great deal of indignation men who are supporting George S Neil who backed by William Astor Ihanler is to oust the leadership of the district- It is asserted by leaders of the Wllliar- tistor Ghanler that s seeking to have stricken from the rolls he men who are known to be election because he fears ho result of the primary election he orders which rendergast come for y the Supreme Court the ONeil men prove that the allegations ol Prendergast are baseless JOHN X CARLISLE WISm- ocratlo CommItteeman Primaries In Jefferson WATBRTOWN N Y Sept 4 In the irimaries just held in this county Demo ratio State John N arlisle against whom every effort was Ireoted last to turn him down won as there is hardly an antiCarlisle mar named as a delegate to either the ir county conventions In this man was This means that Carlisle and his will have the naming of candidates Thursday There i no snow for a Democrat at the election except in the Assembly dis rict Hookerism ino Reward for the DeWItt Jewels Former Corporation Counsel William DeWitt of Brooklyn has a of 500 and no the restoration to Mrs De of the four diamond valued at which disappeared from her trunk t the j I on SO So far the detectives been unable to get clue either U Newark Gets Halt a Foot of Rain From morning until 3 ocloc yesterday nearly six inches rain fell In Newark In four t r the precipitation was 283 inches JACCARDSW- e draw on the whole world for noveltici and tell them in an establishment different too 00 FIFTH AV be won by our prices but you will not bo to buy 10 fiiit u MERHODJACCARD t KING CO from today Iron of the the was he sick In the him bum he chi to an to an the of old the women a and house They found- In halens pawn IN Men oil the among the name In We- n Crt the out one le ned Frt l C ole for Wit the or the thief S tray of I day AT tat j I fly real warrant several dis- charged because was animated re- plied his street was Assembly has prom say Committeeman Assembly re- ward have missing tinge > < = RAID A SURPRISE TO POLICE EUXAnETII TALEXT HELPS CLOS- fSIKAK EASY IN ILAIXriKLD Hotel of John J Ooff Entered by Conn oilmen Tyler and hillock Who Kncv the Kind of Ring to His and Pro prlctor and Sixteen Patrons PMINFIRLP N 1 Sept William H Tylor and William Starr Bullock former chairman of the Police Board kayo the local police department a surprise last night when they made a raId on speak easy conducted by John J Gaff al his hotel In West Front street Goff patrons of the place wore caught The former waiving examination wa held for the Grand Jury whIle only the names of the patrons were taken will be called later as witnesses The two Councilmen who say that Mr Goff has had the protection of the police have been working up the case for weeks and it was planned to make last night They previously Justice Kelly of Elizabeth and ob a warrant Accompanied by the and Constable Terry also of Eliza- beth the party drove in carriages to the hotel On the way met Patrolman and Tyler asked him U go Mr Bullock gave the special of ring to entrance to Mr Goff answered the boll The rest the was close behind him and as soot room where the proprietor and sixteen patrons were cards officials immediately demanded the name and the proprietor was arraigned and given a chance- to He to action of the Mr Bullock seized bottles and whisky tasting 6f each to sure he real Thin be used as evidence- Mr Bullock said that it was use less to ask the to make the a Andrew local boss and did not hesitate to that he sure that Mr ColT was receiving the protec of the Tyler a New York lawyer ha had fee here to 1000 of an ordinance restricting the loon area to the business of town of this district and has twice failed to get a license Mr Bulloc- ks now a to the Coun il and is opposed by the Republican KILlED BEFORE MOTHERS EYES Toddles After Marbles bi Front a Trolley Car PHILADELPHIA Sept 4 Toddling the street after hum marbles Joseph Fisher a was run down by a Snyder avenue trolley car In front of his home 483 North Fourth treet at 1130 oclock this morning The wheel were stopped just in time to pro vent cutting two He died In on the way to the Childrens Hospital Mrs mother of the boy was a witness of the accident and fa She tad been leaning out of the front window- of her home talking to a neighbor and watching the One of his and the little fellow an after it right in front of the car MVRDEREI FOR HER MOEY l a i t j Who Drew Cain from Hank Dcadln Her Home NEKttiH Wls Sept 4 Mrs Michael 70 years old was found lying pool of blood at the foot of the stairs her home this morning Her skull was fractured and the police believe sho was murdered A few ago Mrs Sexton took a considerable sum money from bank and this is missing When neigh discDvered the womans body am searched the rooms the had been ransacked Lightning Strikes Schooner Killing One Man BILOXI Miss Sept 4 Elca Lescarcde killed and Diamond Seymour Ihoupe Peter Nick Chelores and Constantine Pendela all Greeks and reel dents of New Orleans were badly shocked lightning today The men were on the schooner was on the being repaired when the bolt struck rigging ORITVARY Cal William Finlay Anderson formerly well known newspaper man died yesterday t his home 272 Manhattan avenue after t three weeks Illness with kidney trouble Anderson was born In Ireland sIxty seven years ago and came to this country nine years later He Was War correspondent the New York Herald luring the civil and In this capacity attracted aLien or Gen placed him on his Asilstont At lose of the war he took chaw of the Wash Ington bureau of the Hfrald while In that was one of the pallbearers on the of Lincoln house on street where It was taken from Fords Cheater to the White House Two Anderson was sent to London arranged LIvin r tonk search expedition was one of the or anizers of the Press and a member the executive committee for twelve years wife survives him General Robert McCulloch died in Boonvllle yesterday He wax born in Albemarle In 1MO went to Missouri settling In Clarks Fork Township Cooper He served In erate army commanding the Second Cavalry Regiment len Sterling participated In all the battles Inci to South Later he was Hoods In the fortytwo days fighting with Sherman Three children survive him Miss Nettie McCulloch Boonvllle Mrs IcCmlocb Helens Mon Charles llathanrny Vebh who was well hers among Insurance men on iundar at his summer home In or Locks Conn Ho was KI years old For many y ars Webb1 was goods Later he went Into the ranre iiielness and was at the time of his death president of the National Accident Society it 320 Broadway He was a member tho Sow Founders and Patriots socIeties the Merchants tnlon League clubs the Sons of the lon and the Society of Colonial Wars Charles Francis a member of of C M Co upholsterers at his home U44 Brooklyn Mr Abbott vaa if school of the Atlantic Avenue of the Avenue Congregational and was well known work for ten he was a member of the Twentv second Regiment and one daughter survIve him funeral will be afternoon at 2 oclock from the Kastnor wIts of Theodore Kaitner and daughterinlaw of Brewer Franz Kast npr morning In Newark In- n had been III several months had an operation last week at t She was 0 rid and survived her husband three ions and three daughters Ransom M of iartford died suddenly yesterday- n he en a rip with the Putnam Phalanx of which Was a member Mr Fitzgerald had oll ctor since 1898 was a wholesale dealer His death was duo to apoplexy He was S7 years old J Flab a wellknown Republican term was a member of the fultonvlUe Masons B a wholesale glass and china merchant Is at Jean street Brooklyn in h year and They the rid tie Van Dreg of pry was the eve Grad mae polo rid not tM city police felt ton polo the In the and the Mr Is outside ma- chine of out Into I the Old Wean In a of tire Pet the a Col for war lon the city Tenth ell C I the Herald and I of Mo count count Pre Prlc arm re and Lee known diP and Abbot Chapel the louse In n and I b Cnn he o Fonda of the of Mo haw die Sunday nl or fever it t Sr bad held office ot Her 1076 wu I 8 Masnlo It Meta old one O t- ea Y t raJQul PenDYlva I I un OIu1 t a sixteen several appeared and as all into controlled the State adoption Goff ChIld street Sexton bets house was as re- moval itt anley Ills WillIams Dallaq exa ten a mer- chant the firm tomorr- ow same Hastnpr dIed f and town to was unmarried Fish for s Eli prominent order eaves a Charles 70 the e f ¬ > ¬ < ¬ ¬ < The Pullman of AiitomoMes WORTH CONSIDERING Let us show you whit the Rainier tour 1Y Ingover rough roads this season equipped Ralnlers are i all that can for Immediate These are now on the floor ready Inspection 3MO with full equipment Guaranteed free of repairs THE RAINIER COMPANY S l oom r ienro Telephone tool Columb MARVELOUS VALUE Are those suits and we have on 20 Embracing the materials such as Specialty In automobile coats uniforms and liveries n Can we new samples fashion review blank and tape free ARNHEIM Broadway overcoat salo sold medium and wales blues blacks and r send our Gasoline Can cars have dane ce for for one year and COn I at olives meas- uring OORHAHI FLORENTINE BUILDING Handsome New Structure on Fifth Avenue to Do Opened to the Public Today For the fifth time the Gorham Company- has moved its headquarters The new building Is an eight story structure at Fifth avenue and Thirtysixth street The archi- tects were McKim Mead 4 The building will be opened to the The structure appears lower than It really is This effect has been gained by the hori- zontal division of tho facade into three parts an arcaded first story a plain stretch- of masonry only with rows of un- ornamented windows and crowning the whole a colonnaded loggia topped by a overhanging pornlce The ety affected by thearchitect tr t ment of the Renaissance This character is marked in the lower story which on U dividod into by round maBflive loniocolumnsof polished granite- In the spandrels between these arcbesare- basreliefs emblematic of Art and Industry from the chisel of Andrew OConnor A frieze fashioned at the Gorham foundry is let into the tone andrunsaround the building above the lirsfstory The wide cornice of Florentine character is of copper picked out with color and glided In phoes The showroom occupies the entire first floor The domed and elabor- ately decorated ceiling Is supported by eight columns Around this are showcases of carved mahogany Up cases of the same wood are around the walls The rails and and the doors golden hued bronze cast and fin ished at Bronze Foundry The are finished in leather with fig- ures in brass after an idea from an old Spanish trunk- r The also devoted of the third to the eccles- iastical art department On the fourth Is the ofthe firm wtyle the fifth is to administrative purr The eighth are said and stained glass win dow departments The of the basement occupied by the of the storage department- The building is one first in the city to be entirely constructed of Quanta a of formed by overlapping tiles on iron columns cost of the structure was It has taken over two years to build It The as well as one on Broadway at Nineteenth street which was the of the Gorham com for and also the extensive at Providence K I were planned and carried to suc Edward Holbrook the president of the company FAKE COP SHOOTS A WOMAN Turns When Challenged by Sergeant and Fires Crowd CniCAtio Sept Mrs Anna Hopkins Is in a serious condition at St Lukes floe pital a victim of a peculiar shooting wit- nessed today by thousands of spectators who were waiting for the Labor Day parade William precipitated a of bullets in Mrs s back Laska was roughly by the crowd Laska was seen a policemans and club and revolver are with those asked Seller Laska turned and without struck the buckle on his suspender and the melle several were fired Laska one of which struck Irs Hopkins PVXCTURFn MRSHIP FALLS Crowd Stands from Under but Aeronaut Hamilton Unhurt PATKBSOV N J Sept 4 Prof Hamilton undertook to give an exhibition this after noon in Arrow His program was to circle Fairyland an amusement resort near Paterson then to sail to and return at an Fairyland- Hamilton had just to when one of the rear wheels operat- ing the machine broke and the the bag puncturing it The spectators as the airship came managed to at a point where no corns to any He was uninjured He says he another attempt a day or DRAIN RESERVOIR TO FIND BODY Supposed SuicIde Note Saying He Had Oone Into the Citys Water Supply WtMlAMHPOrT Pa Sept 4 Because Samuel Robbins of Altoona i thought to have drowned himself In the reservoir that the with water the reser- voir I drained- A found on the bank reading I am tired of my existence on Have drowned myself this A M home to In Altoona I in with my clothes on Farewell mother dear SAMUEL ROBBINS The reservoir 1s twenty feet deep and covers seven acres take two days to empty it SILVBR PLATE THAT WEARS Al the Reception the silverware mutt be correct SpooniForki Kmv etc Umpe4 meet requirement elaborate function r JnkbuVing Bo n Boa etc tilt for thp odi of t- ry v w W- it mOt stir n wet gorham derive devote poe vmg vault dome conceive Ito hl at a one handle bet a a shot at him glance Land the lather ben and the t thor Left big thl I BRO o i free arches from bronze the fIring and word fired Tue bullet airship Paterson 15000 people were space was above p I I L MP47 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Morgans Ginger Ale and Club Soda ACKNOWLEDGED DETHiaHEST AXVAnD Order your desist or direct Toni SU th Street N Y phone Ettabllshed I860 EXPECTED TODAY And the Police Are Wondering If Hell Aol In BUrglary Cases Police Commissioner MoAdoo Is due at Headquarters today after a months vaca spent for the most part at Magnolia moro than one precinct com- mander s wondering what to The menmost worried are those in precincts been active and every made by1 headquar- ters in those districts to make arrests or do something to show activity The police are ready enough with reasons One Is order to formthree squadrons of mounted great numbers of men were taken from the various precinct houses The men oay that their are now so that are thorn thoroughly Another matter which will come the Commlnsloners attention Is the ap- pointment of a Deputy Commissioner to of It is as- sumed that the new man will have charge of police trials Serious charges are now a men The most important case Is that against Detectives Krecht extorting money from Julie of 187 avenue and of arresting her without justifi- cation The police hope to be able to clean up the their hope on the Elmer 1 number of for various and pieces of jewelry were found- on him further ex- amination until Thursday and it Li that haw wet irPourel so thnt be can KNOCKS COP Hut He to His Prisoner Are Nabbed Also Mike Bentz a husky housesraith of 239 East Thirtyninth street got into a fight with several other men at Dry Dock and Twelfth street last evening and a fine old roughhouse was in progress when Police- man McOrath of the Union Market station ran and arrested McCJnuh started for the station with his prisoner but had not gone ten feet when was attacked two men who after knocking him down hustled Bentz into the hallway at 708 East Twelfth street As as he could McQrath scrambled to his feet and ran after Bentz whom he overtook- at the third floor A attacked the officer on the but his own until a beer glass him on the head McOrath fell backward downstairs but dragged Bentz with him Two other policemen then and clubbed off Thomas- J Ryan of 233 St Anns avenue and Ben of 438 avenue were pointed out by men who had from him and arrested At the station house they were up on a charge of interfering with an officer Bentz was held on a of intoxication- and fighting in the streets MAKES FINEST HIGH BALL BUSINESS NOTICES Mn WtMUwl toothlm lyrm In ebllUrta- eelUaiY settee bt turn reduces laatmmttlcm cures wind coUc dUrrhat 2t billie Information The Phone Co 1 S4tb it DIED ABnOTT On Monday Sept 41905Ch rlf Fronds Abbott son or Robert and Ellra Abbott In the nth rear of his sac Notice of funeral hereafter BARKEROn Sunday Sept S 1908 at Moid Antoinette New York city Emma Agusi dearly beloved mother of Usbeth nnle Scott and Ethel Irvine Barker Funeral private Interment at Greenwood Cen story BtJCHANANpn Sept J 05 at her resldnr Montreal Canada Mart Ellen widow of ib- latelWllllam Outer Buchanan aced 80 yearf- CHAPMANOn Sept at Greenland N It Rev J A N Chapman D D formerly of the New York Methodist Conference Funeral services will be held on Wednesday Sept A al 2 P M Greenland X II- OREENE On Sunday Sept S at her rrildnv 47 New Lawn av Arlington N J M7 beloved daughter of A and tbe late William Greene Relative and friends ate renpectfuUy lnvtti1 to attend funeral services on Tuesilay stud noon Sept I onarrival of J30 train i n Chambers It New York and Greenwood 1 i Railroad Interment private RHINES On Monday Sept 4 IBOSEIIcn linuc s wife of laaao Olrott Rhine Funeral from her residence 49 Went Sit t na Thursday Sept 7 at 10 oclock A M WEBB At Windsor Locks Sunday SPPI 8 Hathaway his slimy tairt Funeral private Pleat omit flowers WHITNEYVAt New S 1905 Step5c- Wbltn 7 lab his ate rnneral simile will b held at Trtnltr nmrf tNew the u lut l- l oclock KtnTJciaU newer tt rom JOHN MORa AN West MIl MAD ton expect who burglar th- aI pot 4 1 of the or rte hope I tub 1 GANG AIl lap Bent gag stall ave Pleat M u uuuuu uuuu ai a DEF West Mare > 2 J MInnIe Mall Cnn Cat Ran i J Philadelphia yesterday years When IT that by here 1 SOWN THE JQllN s1 pain TUE WADE TO IEAR Means Ear I a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ < < I POJiP PI- Am P mll- ot fear aM- jurl a tel teI- ucl con T of but the the hon ifUI t i t a T I pletgt yet ant bw IJ B th- is Scd 1 Isdi PtPt hiUi StIi di tic qtcc Zn lbpc dr hi- re Isdi lbci Pt 19 0LI 5tu TIdi 01U a 1- ax 11te ii be- lii pa- lb soBc gil- lie mlha 1k- Co tb tb- ho ml- cx flu he- as de- ha rio ap- Pa cc irs Va- in thu Inc ha- ho by- thu pit ho- he kn 00- 1al Ii fee wr inc tol- ru tin J 0 mlmr itt do- iii of- ba tlume him thi- ex a

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Page 1: Specialty In automobile uniforms and send new fashion …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1905-09-05/ed...Further Dliisers spat-tered with blood There was blood on skirt



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J k 1 Mp sux i tfthtAy sprrEB L1905 k<

clothes mon left thu sUition Brl

Whentho dotoctlven broto Int o thaDliwjrflat tliby found tho i

sitting at a tublo pub but titthe noxt room thteo little JJmsergfilwero onlono with Urn crime all

MIIO Is your baby nakedA man came took las

night said Dlnser Isnt tha uo JRerJV

Yes ulr came tho volco of a child fromthe next room

The detectives elsn1halo whole to tha stationLater In tuq tenement waiheld as a witness

The little Dinner girls are A 9 and H-

nta Tt a ttia flinv Vlfirl Krotwell coached In their parts Thoy alltoUtho serscnnt story about a mmcoming for The olderones it off without li hitch but Larbara the rHt edod

Inspector Flood anti Capt Ward tookwoman Into captains of

floo and her for twoFor a long tune nho hold to her storyof a Mho 1roko-

Ho did ltl illod my baby with his fisto-

nhf wildher story out of her

Jlo had objected tobaby beUMso it wa and wasnot Ho had come home In n blackhumor And had threatened to hurt It Shehad tried to tako the and hohad It and beaten it until it

She jjtw certain that ho used nohut fists Afterward

that into the noxt room berats she couldnt hoar to see tho babyhurt When were certainchildwas load nho took it tosink washed off tho und dressed it Inclean clolhcw

1 lien they Htnrtocl ofT wound the cornerof street Into Eleventh avenueto find a pace to hide It They to

streot before foundBt 404 a doorway that looked dark and se-

cretThey crept In laid the body wrapped In

newspapers the cellar door wentto bcd

Ihls waq of Dlnsers state-ment WhiCh is a confession

The child was naughty was always

lost nlsht with a little aboard I signedthe some line ago and had

drinking until yesterday when Icamo home

told that Gertrndo had beennaughty Bo I hit her on

oa punishment 1to hurt tier her I went tobed after that This was about 10 niclockI think In the Aggie woke moand told me that Gertrude was dradwashed he body and dressed it Inclothes Then we wrapped It In now

and started to take fathersOn thin we paw the doorway and deddod to leave it

His time does not agree

fire OrtoapftatruidniBhtanditoVIouk atthedoor to proj about the treatmentottuochild

Furl Coroner RcTiolnrv list Before

the van identified

bob upagainst a fashion That would

for the on iesoft flesh ofthe

causedwail i

Further Dliisers spat-tered with blood There was blood onskirt of the ftenaude woman hikt that mIghteasily have whoa the

its deathAfter Ms

sweating photogrdphera-asked him to stand for a

Certainly he said and arranged hisphotograph greatest


zcno HOLDS fpiroiMvHer rcreanm Attract Neighbors Who Cbate

highwayman Into WoodMONTCLAIR N J Sept 4 Rofie Murphy

a servant who was on her way home froma visit to friends in New York last nightwas held up nt Clairmontand Midland

this place by a negro whoa box He grabbed

ans hands and demanded her moneySho screamed for help and several of her

responded The negro fled andpursued escaped in a

of woodland

RUSH FOR HOME COXTfUESCentrals Labor Day Traffic Reported

f to De Heavleit In YearsThe incoming passenger traffic on the

New York Central yesterday was saidlast night the heaviest In years All

trains were run in twothe most of them carried Itwas estimated by Station Master Odellthat nearly 200000 had entered the citythrough the Grand Control Station duringthe day The baggage room tooverflowing with baggage and the con

was trunks

tlonal police Kelly got adozen extra fromand East Sixtyseventh street stations

the Laboroutings together with the crowd of

the regular summervacations the washurt but latein theaftornoon whenambulance arrived to take Sarah Booker90 oH of 03 Third avenue fromincoming train She hadas was boarding the train In Chicagoand spralnedher ankl-


ctCrJBtf tilt F tlcth Labor Day In nilHome Town Alwrls N V

grossman J J Uttl sof New Yorkcelft-

sheretojflftlIeentertatnedBisfjop PotTorand the townsmen to helphim obUjrve with a dinner and other feetiitle his golden jubilee of beginningwork Little was elected to s-

In 1891 bbU his fellow townsfolk are justlyproud d hun At the time ofthe placarded witha roTalr on WEB givpn to hlm on avisit h jxild to his home Later Mr LUtlewas three times eloctfert theBoard Educatlon in Now York city

Bishop Potter and others Thei handsomely bound and

the of tsv3Bvblank In which each fluent had tomake msautogrnph Mr the

manyon the of this anniversary-

Colllslojijyn Wllllamsbnrg nrldge SendsHospital Hortfl rfuledr

An adUmobilo crossing the Williams

burs b to Brooklyn yesterday frigh-

tened ajbortio to awagon lAiKaw bf 205

Canal street and it ran away Near theBrookly tower the wagon collided with atruck Lang aged 22 of 1638

Lexington avenue Manhattan who wasrunaway and fourteenyear

were thrown autiLand he sustained

internal Injuries and the boy sufferedfrom ntuslonfl and shock

to the Willlamsburg

runawaywith that its loreifga1 werebroken It shot











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r rithi tlut tenants In tiet p nil M nc Joha Lraham hpd the row on he

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l I rush became toward eveningI that Station Marter Odell applied

otthe OrandCentrs I for addi-iLJ1 I


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Bacon is

A 1

Its a flavor

delicate pecu-

liar delicious It makes

an appetite and satisfies

it tastes good all the yearround

fieechNut Sliced Beef andBeechNut Conserves hive thenatural flavor Thats what

ffrXot Packing Company



Kirt rlKht New Patients Five DeathsFederal Quarantine Favored

NEW OmEANfl Sept 4 Tho featuretodays fever developments was the jumpin the number of new cases The MarinaHospital Service reported up to 0 oclocktoday fiftyeight now cases and five deathsThe popular theory IB that thearrest and Imprisonment on Saturdaya local to report cues

other physicians heretofore conin their reports Immediately U

hand In all suspicious COMBCompared with the same date In 1878

the figures are Insignificant On Sept 41878 there were 212 new oases and seventytwo deaths or nearly four times the num

of new case today and over fourteentimes the number of Theof cases reported to4219 In 1878 and of deaths 202 against 1241in 1878

Following the pronouncement of Gov Jelluof Alabamaof quarantines the indorsement of the

Association has given addedand the newspapers of State

are practically a on propositionentirely overboard theat Interference with State

taking without the enlight-ened view expressed by thoughtful men In

SouthThe campaign of education continues

and a lectures were deliveredyesterday While the New Orleans public

never been noted for attention tolectures it U attending the talks

every one now knows themosquIto is not

children disputedan for instance how a

or the femaleIt seems to be the general opinion that

vhllo the screening thelest root Ion of fumigationire excellent precautionary measures

greatest the promptrosning the patient whoo fever

U not believed It will bepossIble to reduce perceptibly the numberif mosquitoes


England Manufacturers Say Nolleof Meeting Was Too

Mass Sept 4 Theotton Manufacturers Association has deIdedthatit is impracticable to dele

to a meeting of growers and manuaoturers Ashsville N C Sept 0 Itteen to consider a stable priceor at this meaKThe board of governor of the New

England association decided that there i

Insufficient time to arrange for delegateso go to Ashevllle Secretary J E Wood

If the executive committee of the Southirn Cotton Association believesbat can be servedjoint with of the Manuaoturers association we wouldthat a later date be arranged andmeeting be held in New or Washington

order to make the meeting thoroughlytime

iven to enable the International Federa

On receipt of an Invitation fromGrowers Association

oard of will be glad to cooperateappointing delegates


Picked Out a Lawyeri OhlnMe ClientWith Keeping Gambling Howe

LI Foy proprietors of a Chineseestaurant at SOI Henderson street Jersey

which was raided on Sunday nightere held in the First Criminal Court for

iOO ban each for the Grand Jury yesterday-or maintaining a resort for gamblingJach of the eleven celestials who were

ound gambling In the place was fined HoLawyer Patrick J Dooley counsel for

he defendants asked Policeman Langanrho secured the evidence against the placep point out the proprietor and the cop

arnando you know he is one of the men

iquiredBecause I was in a laundry

you drew up an agreement for thisto pay ISO a was the

aidThats what I was remarked the cop


Victim Was Rain Soaked and Fell WithChandelier He Seized When ShockedJames McCullum 25 years old a driver

Roe ft of Newark was HUednrly in Thomas Walsh

at 22 Plane street Newark whileiirjilng on an incandescent light which was

out of order and would not repond to the main switch It was aftermidnight and Walsh lit his foruslness McCullum climbed on a radiatorn tinker the light and a shockwhich threw to the

He could not have received more thanIff volts but htashoefl and were

rain He died in an ambuonce on the way to the St Michaels Roeital When the shocke seized a chandelier and clung to It until

fell with him to the floor

Post oraoe Clrrkf In Con ventlonCEDAR la hundred

leegate representing nearly every Staterers present today at the sixth annualonventton of post TheCBfliona will continueThe session was to

of welcome with a by

btmlness will be consideration ofilan to introduce aattire Into the association

Uilstant Tax Collector of Pialnfleld Klllihimself

PbaJNPiBLb N J Sept 4 Davidmember of one of Plain fields

drallle ooTnrjutted suicide at his houseshooting himself ln the mouth

e had long in Ill health He waOyears old end was assistant city tax

His wife and one son survive

I rt FlgtJttng Part of Her Crew

Die Red D Line steamshipt

Maraoalbo-t yesterday was forced to leav a fire

and two oilers all SpanIards at Cure

weitabbed one fatallyp niardwei rat fOr


h NutSUe


Bech NUt mcans-tB





herdeath tot

to lhg

mosquIto or the






Grower a


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on aHo




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Cotton Spinners Europe have




Then you must have beenthe



I The

I best






Two Lives Lott Many Bridges DestroyRaIlroad Tramo penriedA

Ontario and WeiteriCoal Train THe Engineer Drowned

UTIOA 4 A record breaking f H

water was experienced throughout centralNew York yesterday last night and todayIn some sections of a wide territonr greadamage done The seversdamage to life and property is over a longstrip of country twenty or thirty miles iiwidth and reaching from NorwichSherburne on the west eastwardly overthe Unadlllix Valley doing great harm iiNew Berlin and Edmeston striking a scoreof small villages and sweeping on to Cooperstown and 8chuyler

Two lives known to have been lostIn this terriflo cloudburst Railroad lineshave been washed away telegraphtelephone wires thrown hlghwayidestroyed so badly thatFollowed houses and barns torn from theirfoundations and carried with thetorrents farmsof crops that for the harvestand trees uprooted-

It is most difficult to secureInd full reports Neither the telegraphnor telephone wires are In working orderto a large number of places Mall 1s out pthe question for several day The

in the Chenango Valley the UnadllliValley and the trolley line to Cooperstowi

ire not in condition to be operated todaysad possibly for several days-

A northbound freight train on the Ontarioind Western Railroad went down withhe roadbed at Woods Corners about

and a half north of Norwich aboutoclock last evening There were two

mpines hauling the train made up In partif coal cars Engineer Norton of Norwichwas drowned in the Chenango Riverafteilumping from his engine Engineer Al

ert Borden of Norwich was seriously In

ured and will probably die Firemanrank Ferris of Norwich on Engineer

iordens engine the fireman on EngineerNortons engine and Brakeman WinfieldJolton of Norwich were injured but will

eoover About WO feet in nil of the Onand Western Railroad track was

cashed outThe damage to the Lackawanna railroad

sill probably be the largest in Its historyUtIca was built Praotlentire road between North Brook

bId and Norwich has affected and it-

s reported that there are from twelve toIfteen separate washouts The ChenangoRiver runs alongside the tracks at many

and the large volume of water workedthe roadbed until it slipped away

fhe tracks in many places are stilltonight

In the village of New Berlin a house occu-lted by Mrs J M Deering was washedtown through the main street and Mrseeiing was drowned Dozens of housesnd barns were toppled from their foundsions and in many Instances floated a coniderable distance away

During the service In the New Berlinresbyterian Church lost night the water

ame up so suddenly that the worshIpersould not leave the building and remainedhers until after daylight with the pastorfhey were taken out on a raft

and on the Unadlllihas out

t may be a week before the road is againtinning The road is completely tied upChe loss will be 10000

Last night was a night of terror to theresidents of Sherburne The reservoir

and did an immense amount ofand at the same time the river

rose Between the flood tumbling downthe hills and the menacing

lacking up from the rapidly risingsat night was one which will never bebrgotten by those who were in the villageTie damage done is at a rough estimatelaced at 46000 Warning of the bursting-if the reservoir had been telephoned to

village and Lou of life was thus avertedThe village of Edmeston was swept

end barns carried away in theIn the of Schuyler Lake

hurch boils were rung to warn sleepingesldents of their peril

Many miles of track and roadbed on therailroad between Mohawk

away and trafficrill be interrupted for a week The damagei the Sauquoc valley will be upward of00000 while the total damage to railroads-nd other property In the strip of territoryetween Utica and Norwich will exceed100000The cloudburst swept down upon Schuyler

ake near Richfield Springs at midnighterklmer Creek overflowed its boundariesnd flooded the village to the depth of three-r four feet The lower story of the Bulliontotel was completely submerged and the inrates would have been drowned had the dlsovery of the flood been delayed a few mblents longer When the door of the hotelrag opened the water poured into the house-D volumes The streets aye filled with therreckags of trees and driftwoodDamage at Cooperstown will reach aev

ral thousand dollars The reservoir atherburne burst under the terrific pressure

wept away fields of vegetables bridgesnd roads and Mt the village without arater supply The cloudburst is one ofhe most costly and damaging In the history-f the and Ontario and Westm railroads Water to the depth pfthree

is flowing o er the betweenand Norwich on both railroads

the work of repair has to halt untilhe flood subsides

The Chenango River is at Its highestIn fifty years and still rising at New

The flood surpassed the one ofhree years ago doing great damage totreets and buildings

A large derrick boats and drilling aplaratus used in making soundings for the

State barge canal and whichin the Mohawk River at

Hunter were away thewater early Is a wash

on the West Shore Railroad betweenlion and Mohawk and traffic on the road9 suspended Through trains on that roadire usingthe New York Central track bewean Utica and the detour at Hoffmann

FORT Sept4 A socalledcountry south of

Plain morning causedto the extent of many thousands of

lollara Otsquago Creek ordinarily ansignlflcant stream suddenly became aody water of dangerous proportionsti banks were overflowed for miles severalridges were destroyed and many wereladly damaged washed-ut a few buildings were demolished andarrled away orchards vere uprootedad greet damage was done to growingrops of grain yards and gardensWorts of nearly every description wasbrought to the Mohawk Valley by Otnquagoreek and was jammed into the openingndertb bottom of the Erie Canal whichBrmit creek to reach th Mohawktnr i Thta cioeed t wit r to rla M






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Ever culver


from water


hOI big

electro rig





For caredout




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has been moot










highwaye were






For distinct character and quality

and unique fashion d ign the


d in quality and finish All the

correct shapes and shades

A encle In all principal cities in the world

storm which prevailed In this regionSaturday morning noonwashed away an abutment of a largebridge which crossed the Sawklll Creek-

at Sawklll the end of the bridge failinginto the stream Several small bridgescrossing the Esopus In the Catskills werealso washed away as were several hundredfeet of the 20 Inch main leading from thereservoir of the Kingston City Water Worksat Woodstock to this city


Offlclali Refuted to Let Warrant BServed on a NonSupport Prisoner

Magistrate Barlow in the Essex Marketpolice court yesterday took issue with thauthorities of Blackwells Island about i

construction of the lawThe controversy arose over the ease o

Max Friedenbaum who was commuteto the workhouse on July 29 in default oa bond to pay 13 a week to his wife Rebeoaof 89 Attorney street On Aug 8 anotherwoman claimed to be Friedenbaumswife and Magistrate Moss issued afor Friedenbaums arrest on a chargebigamy The warrant was given to OfficeFoley to serve Magistrate Barlow wasinformed early yesterday that Friedenbaums friends had learned of the warranton the bigamy charge and had hastenedto furnish bill for him on the nonsupportcharge in order to get him away from the

4 orkhouse The bond was acceptedJays ago and the discharge was sent to the

IslandPoliceman Foley was sent to the work-

house early yesterday morning and aoSergt Ivory of

Essex Market court squad he was thatreason why was not

Foley said that they would not letserve warrant that inassmuois there were no policemen or peace officers

connected withwas at liberty to leave at will

Magistrate Barlowhurried to and had an

with some workhouse offV

who said that no one there hadserve a warrant The Magistrate

that citizen hail ain a felony case Island

officials not to allow Friedenbaum to escape


husband or One Also Arrested ChargedWith LootIng an East Side House

The police of the East Fiftyfirst streetstation last night arrested Charles Whalen

213 East Thirtyseventh street Emmawife and Evelyn McCarthy 20 yearsof the some address on a charge of

burglary John Kelly of 704 Third avenue3 the complainant Kellys house was

entered on Aug M when his family wasway and was looted of almost everythingthat was of any value

Therobbery was traded to Whalen andtwo the arrest two

of Frank McCarthy and CharlesTaylor who were caught into

avenue house when the two pilemere were in court thewomn and her companion visited them

detectives to the East

rooms about thirtytickets and some of the clothing thatstolen from Kelly

TilE FIGHT THE FIFTHNet Say Prenderfait is Attacking

Whove a Right toThe action of Joseph F Prondorgast

Tammany leader of the Filthllstrict In applying to the Supreme Courto strike from the list of enrolledrotors of the district about 900 namesroused a great deal of indignation

men who are supporting George SNeil who backed by William Astor

Ihanler is to oustthe leadership of the district-

It is asserted by leaders of the Wllliar-tistor Ghanler thats seeking to have stricken from the rollshe men who are known to be

election because he fearsho result of the primary electionhe orders whichrendergast come fory the Supreme Court the ONeil men

prove that the allegations olPrendergast are baseless


ocratlo CommItteemanPrimaries In Jefferson

WATBRTOWN N Y Sept 4 In theirimaries just held in this county Demoratio State John Narlisle against whom every effort was

Ireoted last to turn him down wonas there is hardly an antiCarlisle mar

named as a delegate to either their county conventions In this

man was This meansthat Carlisle and his will have thenaming of candidates Thursday Therei no snow for a Democrat at the electionexcept in the Assembly disrict Hookerism

ino Reward for the DeWItt JewelsFormer Corporation Counsel William

DeWitt of Brooklyn has aof 500 and no

the restoration to Mrs De of thefour diamond valued at which

disappeared from her trunkt thej I on SO So far the detectives

been unable to get clue either U

Newark Gets Halt a Foot of RainFrom morning until 3 ocloc

yesterday nearly six inchesrain fell In Newark In four t r

the precipitation was 283 inches

JACCARDSW-e draw on the whole worldfor noveltici and tell themin an establishment

different too

00 FIFTH AVbe won by our prices butyou will not bo tobuy 10 fiiit u






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havemissing tinge






Hotel of John J Ooff Entered by Connoilmen Tyler and hillock Who Kncvthe Kind of Ring to His and Proprlctor and Sixteen Patrons

PMINFIRLP N 1 SeptWilliam H Tylor and William Starr Bullock

former chairman of the Police Boardkayo the local police department a surpriselast night when they made a raId onspeak easy conducted by John J Gaff al

his hotel In West Front street Goffpatrons of the place wore caught

The former waiving examination waheld for the Grand Jury whIle only thenames of the patrons were takenwill be called later as witnesses

The two Councilmen who say that MrGoff has had the protection of the policehave been working up the case forweeks and it was planned to make

last night They previouslyJustice Kelly of Elizabeth and oba warrant Accompanied by theand Constable Terry also of Eliza-

beth the party drove in carriages to thehotel

On the way met Patrolmanand Tyler asked him U go

Mr Bullock gave the specialof ring to entrance toMr Goff answered the boll The restthe was close behind him and as soot

room where the proprietor and sixteenpatrons were cards

officials immediately demandedthe name and theproprietor was arraigned and given a chance-to He to actionof the Mr Bullock seizedbottles and whisky tasting 6f eachto sure he real Thin

be used as evidence-Mr Bullock said that it was use

less to ask the to make the aAndrew local boss

and did not hesitate to that hesure that Mr ColT was receiving the protec

of theTyler a New York lawyer ha

had fee here to 1000

of an ordinance restricting theloon area to the business of town

of this district and hastwice failed to get a license Mr Bulloc-ks now a to the Coun

il and is opposed by the Republican


Toddles After Marbles bi Fronta Trolley Car

PHILADELPHIA Sept 4 Toddlingthe street after hum marbles Joseph

Fisher awas run down by a Snyder avenue trolleycar In front of his home 483 North Fourthtreet at 1130 oclock this morning Thewheel were stopped just in time to pro

vent cutting two He died Inon the way to the Childrens

HospitalMrs mother of the boy was a

witness of the accident and fa Shetad been leaning out of the front window-of her home talking to a neighbor andwatching the One of his

and the little fellowan after it right in front of the car


Who Drew Cain from HankDcadln Her Home

NEKttiH Wls Sept 4 Mrs Michael70 years old was found lying

pool of blood at the foot of the stairsher home this morning Her skull was

fractured and the police believe sho wasmurdered A few ago Mrs Sextontook a considerable sum money from

bank and this is missing When neighdiscDvered the womans body am

searched the rooms thehad been ransacked

Lightning Strikes Schooner Killing OneMan

BILOXI Miss Sept 4 Elca Lescarcdekilled and Diamond Seymour

Ihoupe Peter Nick Chelores andConstantine Pendela all Greeks and reeldents of New Orleans were badly shocked

lightning today The men were on theschooner was on the

being repaired when the bolt struckrigging


Cal William Finlay Anderson formerlywell known newspaper man died yesterday

t his home 272 Manhattan avenue after t

three weeks Illness with kidney troubleAnderson was born In Ireland sIxty

seven years ago and came to this countrynine years later He Was War correspondent

the New York Herald luring the civiland In this capacity attracted aLienor Gen placed him on his

Asilstont Atlose of the war he took chaw of the WashIngton bureau of the Hfrald while In that

was one of the pallbearers on theof Lincoln house onstreet where It was taken from Fords

Cheater to the White House TwoAnderson was sent to London

arranged LIvin r tonksearch expedition was one of the or

anizers of the Press and a memberthe executive committee for twelve years

wife survives himGeneral Robert McCulloch died in Boonvllle

yesterday He wax born in AlbemarleIn 1MO went to Missouri

settling In Clarks Fork TownshipCooper He served Inerate army commanding the Second CavalryRegiment len Sterling

participated In all the battles Incito South Later

he was Hoods In the fortytwodays fighting with Sherman

Three children survive himMiss Nettie McCulloch Boonvllle Mrs

IcCmlocb Helens MonCharles llathanrny Vebh who was well

hers among Insurance men oniundar at his summer home In orLocks Conn Ho was KI years old Formany y ars Webb1 was goods

Later he went Into the ranreiiielness and was at the time of his deathpresident of the National Accident Societyit 320 Broadway He was a member tho

Sow Founders and PatriotssocIeties the Merchants tnlon League

clubs the Sons of thelon and the Society of Colonial Wars

Charles Francis a member ofof C M Co upholsterers

at his home U44Brooklyn Mr Abbott vaaif school of the Atlantic Avenue

of the Avenue Congregationaland was well known work

for ten he was a member of the Twentvsecond Regiment and one daughtersurvIve him funeral will be

afternoon at 2 oclock from theKastnor wIts of Theodore Kaitner

and daughterinlaw of Brewer Franz Kastnpr morning In Newark In-

n had been III several monthshad an operation last week at

t She was 0rid and survived her husband threeions and three daughters

Ransom M ofiartford died suddenly yesterday-n he en arip with the Putnam Phalanx of whichWas a member Mr Fitzgerald hadoll ctor since 1898 was a wholesale

dealer His death was duo toapoplexy He was S7 years old

J Flab a wellknown Republican

term was a member of thefultonvlUe MasonsB a wholesale glass and

china merchant Is atJean street Brooklyn in h year







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The Pullman of AiitomoMes

WORTH CONSIDERINGLet us show you whit the Rainier

tour1Y Ingover rough roads this season

equipped Ralnlers arei all that can for Immediate

These are now on the floor

ready Inspection 3MO with full equipment Guaranteed free of repairs

THE RAINIER COMPANYS l oom r ienro Telephone tool Columb

MARVELOUS VALUEAre those suits and we have on

20 Embracing the materials such as

Specialty In automobile coats uniforms and liveriesn

Can we new samples fashion reviewblank and tape free



sold medium and wales blues blacks andr

send our


cars have dane ce

forfor one year

and COn I





Handsome New Structure on Fifth Avenueto Do Opened to the Public Today

For the fifth time the Gorham Company-

has moved its headquarters The newbuilding Is an eight story structure at Fifthavenue and Thirtysixth street The archi-

tects were McKim Mead 4 Thebuilding will be opened to the

The structure appears lower than It reallyis This effect has been gained by the hori-

zontal division of tho facade into threeparts an arcaded first story a plain stretch-

of masonry only with rows of un-

ornamented windows and crowning thewhole a colonnaded loggia topped by a

overhanging pornlce The etyaffected by thearchitect tr tment of the Renaissance

This character is marked in the lowerstory which on U dividod into

by roundmaBflive loniocolumnsof polished granite-

In the spandrels between these arcbesare-basreliefs emblematic of Art and Industry

from the chisel of Andrew OConnor A

frieze fashioned at the Gorhamfoundry is let into the tone

andrunsaround the building above thelirsfstory The wide cornice of Florentinecharacter is of copper picked out with color

and glided In phoesThe showroom occupies the

entire first floor The domed and elabor-ately decorated ceiling Is supported byeight columns Around this areshowcases of carved mahogany Up

cases of the same wood arearound the walls The rails and

and the doorsgolden hued bronze cast and fin

ished at Bronze FoundryThe are finished in leather with fig-

ures in brass after an idea froman old Spanish trunk-r The also devoted

of the third to the eccles-iastical art department On the fourthIs the ofthe firm wtylethe fifth is to administrative purr

The eighth aresaid

and stained glass window departments The ofthe basement occupied by theof the storage department-

The building is one first in the cityto be entirely constructed of Quanta

a of formedby overlapping tiles on ironcolumns cost of the structure was

It has taken over two yearsto build It The as well asone on Broadway at Nineteenth streetwhich was the of the Gorham com

for and also theextensive at Providence K I were

planned and carried to sucEdward Holbrook

the president of the company


Turns When Challenged by Sergeant andFires Crowd

CniCAtio Sept Mrs Anna HopkinsIs in a serious condition at St Lukes floepital a victim of a peculiar shooting wit-

nessed today by thousands of spectatorswho were waiting for the Labor Day parade

William precipitated aof bullets in Mrs s backLaska was roughly by the crowd

Laska was seen apolicemans and club and revolver

are with thoseasked Seller Laska turned and without

struck the buckle on his suspender and

the melle several werefired Laska one of which struck IrsHopkins


Crowd Stands from Under but AeronautHamilton Unhurt

PATKBSOV N J Sept 4 Prof Hamiltonundertook to give an exhibition this afternoon in Arrow His programwas to circle Fairyland an amusementresort near Paterson then to sail to

and return at an

Fairyland-Hamilton had just to

when one of the rear wheels operat-ing the machine broke and the

the bag puncturing itThe spectators as the airship

came managed toat a point where no cornsto any He was uninjured Hesays he another attempt a dayor


Supposed SuicIde Note Saying He HadOone Into the Citys Water Supply

WtMlAMHPOrT Pa Sept 4 BecauseSamuel Robbins of Altoona i thought tohave drowned himself In the reservoirthat the with water the reser-voir I drained-

A found on the bank readingI am tired of my existence on

Have drowned myself this A M hometo In Altoona I in with myclothes on Farewell mother dear

SAMUEL ROBBINSThe reservoir 1s twenty feet deep and

covers seven acres take two daysto empty it


Al the Receptionthe silverware mutt be correctSpooniForki Kmv etc Umpe4

meet requirementelaborate function

rJnkbuVing Bo n Boaetc tilt for thp odi of t-

ry v w



stirn wetgorham







hl at a one


a a shot at him




latherbenand the






BROo i


arches from



fIring and

word fired Tue bullet


Paterson15000 people were

space was above


L MP471















Morgans Ginger Aleand Club Soda

ACKNOWLEDGED DETHiaHEST AXVAnDOrder your desist or direct Toni

SU th Street N Y phoneEttabllshed I860


And the Police Are Wondering If HellAol In BUrglary Cases

Police Commissioner MoAdoo Is due atHeadquarters today after a months vaca

spent for the most part at Magnoliamoro than one precinct com-

mander s wondering what toThe menmost worried are those in

precincts been activeand every made by1 headquar-ters in those districts to make arrests or dosomething to show activity The police areready enough with reasons One Is

order to formthree squadrons of mountedgreat numbers of men were taken

from the various precinct houses The menoay that their are now so that

are thorn thoroughlyAnother matter which will come

the Commlnsloners attention Is the ap-pointment of a Deputy Commissioner to

of It is as-

sumed that the new man will have charge ofpolice trials Serious charges are now

a men The mostimportant case Is that against Detectives

Krecht extortingmoney from Julie of 187

avenue and of arresting her without justifi-cation

The police hope to be able to clean up thetheir hope on the

Elmer 1

number of for variousand pieces of jewelry were found-

on him further ex-

amination until Thursday and it Li

thathaw wet irPourel so thnt be can


Hut He to His PrisonerAre Nabbed Also

Mike Bentz a husky housesraith of 239

East Thirtyninth street got into a fightwith several other men at Dry Dock andTwelfth street last evening and a fine oldroughhouse was in progress when Police-man McOrath of the Union Market stationran and arrested McCJnuhstarted for the station with hisprisoner but had not gone ten feet when

was attacked two men who afterknocking him down hustled Bentz into thehallway at 708 East Twelfth street As

as he could McQrath scrambled to hisfeet and ran after Bentz whom he overtook-at the third floor

A attacked the officer on thebut his own until a beer glasshim on the head McOrath fell backwarddownstairs but dragged Bentz with himTwo other policemen then andclubbed off Thomas-J Ryan of 233 St Anns avenue and Ben

of 438 avenue werepointed out by men who had

from him and arrestedAt the station house they were upon a charge of interfering with an officerBentz was held on a of intoxication-and fighting in the streets




Mn WtMUwl toothlm lyrm In ebllUrta-eelUaiY settee bt turn reduces laatmmttlcm

cures wind coUc dUrrhat 2t billie

Information The Phone Co1 S4tb it

DIEDABnOTT On Monday Sept 41905Ch rlf Fronds

Abbott son or Robert and Ellra Abbott Inthe nth rear of his sac

Notice of funeral hereafterBARKEROn Sunday Sept S 1908 at Moid

Antoinette New York city Emma Agusidearly beloved mother of Usbeth nnle

Scott and Ethel Irvine BarkerFuneral private Interment at Greenwood Cen

storyBtJCHANANpn Sept J 05 at her resldnr

Montreal Canada Mart Ellen widow of ib-

latelWllllam Outer Buchanan aced 80 yearf-

CHAPMANOn Sept at Greenland N ItRev J A N Chapman D D formerly ofthe New York Methodist Conference

Funeral services will be held on WednesdaySept A al 2 P M Greenland X II-

OREENE On Sunday Sept S at her rrildnv47 New Lawn av Arlington N J M7

beloved daughter of A

and tbe late William GreeneRelative and friends ate renpectfuUy lnvtti1

to attend funeral services on Tuesilay studnoon Sept I onarrival of J30 train i n

Chambers It New York and Greenwood 1 iRailroad Interment private

RHINES On Monday Sept 4 IBOSEIIcn linuc swife of laaao Olrott Rhine

Funeral from her residence 49 Went Sit t na

Thursday Sept 7 at 10 oclock A M

WEBB At Windsor Locks Sunday SPPI

8 Hathaway his slimy tairt

Funeral private Pleat omit flowersWHITNEYVAt New S 1905 Step5c-

Wbltn 7 lab his aternneral simile will b held at Trtnltr nmrftNew the u lut l-

l oclock KtnTJciaU newer tt


West MIl





pot 4


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tub 1GANG AIl



gag stall


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J MInnIe Mall



Philadelphia yesterdayyears When


that by

here 1SOWN


JQllN s1



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