specif,const & qc works .pdf

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  • 8/10/2019 Specif,Const & QC Works .pdf


    Specifications, Construction Procedures

    and Quality Control Works


    Road Construction

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    Material Specification

    Soil which is free from vegetable and deleterious material can

    be used.Liquid Limit .. 45

    Plasticity Index .. 18

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    Layer Specification

    Degree of Compaction ..... 90% (Mod.)

    Moisture content of soil before rolling . OMC 2%

    Camber and Level

    - Deviation under 10 straight edge applied both

    parallel and right angle to the centre line

    the road . > 9.5mm (3/8")

    - Level of the top most compacted surface . > Specified Level

    . < Specified Level

    - 12.5mm (1/2")


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    Degree of Compaction

    Degree of Compaction =( % ) Max: Dry Density obtained at Lab:

    Dry Density achieved at Field x100




    = dry density

    = bulk density

    = moisture content

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    Compaction Test at Lab ( Modified )

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    Construction Technique1. Remove top soil average 6" depth including clearing grass ,

    shrub, tree, stumps, down timber, rubbish and objectionable


    2. Spread soils in layers

    3. Each loose layer thickness . 9"

    4. Break lumps and clods of soils into smaller particles.

    5. Add or reduce water so that moisture content = OMC(Mod.) 2%


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    Construction Technique (cont:)6. Compact using heavy compaction equipment to obtain the

    required Degree of Compaction.

    7. Measure density and moisture content.8. Measure camber and level.

    9. Compacted layer which does not conform with layer specification

    shall be dug out, adjusted and re-compacted to conform.


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    Material Specification

    Borrow soil shall be used.

    Liquid Limit .. 40

    Plasticity Index .. 14

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    Layer Specification

    Degree of Compaction ..... 95% (Mod.)Soaked CBR .. design CBR

    Moisture content of soil before rolling . OMC 1%

    Camber and Level

    - Deviation under 10 straight edge applied both

    parallel and right angle to the centre line

    the road . > 9.5 mm (3/8")

    - Level of the top most compacted surface . > Specified Level

    . < Specified Level

    - 12.5 mm (1/2")


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    Construction Technique

    1. Spread and compact soils in layers.2. Each loose layer thickness N.G.T. 9".

    3. Break lumps and clods of soil into smaller particles.

    4. Add or reduce water so that moisture content = OMC( Mod.) 1%

    5. Compact using heavy compaction equipment to obtain required


    6. Measure density and moisture content.

    7. Measure camber and level.

    8. Subgrade which does not conform with the layer specification shall

    be dug out, adjusted and re-compactde to conform.


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    Quality Control

    Measurement of Density and Moisture content

    - Frequency of Measurement 1/93 m 2 (1/1000 ft 2 )

    Measurement of Camber and Level

    - Frequency of Measurement ... 1/30 m (1/100ft)Measurement of Thickness

    - Frequency of Measurement ... 1/30 m (1/100 ft)

    In consultation with the Quality Control Engineer frequencyof measurement may be changed depending on the quality and

    uniformity of the construction.


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    Tests for Measuring Degree of Compaction

    Core Cutter Method

    - for fine grained soils free from stones.

    Sand Replacement Method (Sand Cone)

    - for fine, medium and coarse grained soil

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    Core Cutter Test (Density) Sand Cone Test (Density)

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    Notes- v rf;ab ;rS borrow soil , lv dkv Qi f wmajcrS 30 t jyi fb u frS, l&rn f/-wHwm;t prSv rf;wmzu fo dkYwzgv Hkt wGi f; ajrrwl;&/- v rf;wmab ;wzu fwcsu frSp t v , fydki f;o dkYa&TUv sm; u m;v rf;v m;&m

    t wdki f;ci f;Mu dwf wn faq mu f&rn f/- v rf;wm (Embankment ) av smapmi f;rsm;u dkrBu dwfEdki fv Qi fwn faq mu fpOf

    v rf;wmt u s, fx u f 2 ab ;u dkwdk; wn faq mu fNyD;rSjyefckwfjzwf&rn f/

    - Abutment ESi fhu yfv su f Roller 0i fMu dwf&efcu fcJao mt u s, fwGi f Sand +Gravel t o kH;jyK t v Tmv dku f hand compactor o kH; ci f;Mu dwf&rn f/

    Embankment and Subgrade

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    Notes (cont:)

    - v rf;wmab ;&Sdt jri fhq Hk; a&wu fEdki fao mt jri fhx u ft en f;q Hk; 3 jri fhNyD;wn faq mu f&rn f/

    - t v Tmv dku f (wpfv Tmv Qi fo wfrSwft x lx u frydkb Jo wfrSwfo dyfo n f;rI&at mi f ci f;Mu dwf wn faq mu f&o n f/

    8 ~ 10 ton Roller o kH;v Qi f 9" t yGt x l jzefUMu dwf&ef/20 ~ 30 ton Compactor o kH;v Qi f 12" t yGt x ljzefUMu dwf&ef/

    Embankment and Subgrade

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    Layer SpecificationSoaked CBR of compacted layer 30%

    Degree of compaction 98% ( Modified )Moisture content of compacted material omc(Mod.) 1%Compacted thickness:-- Average compacted thickness Design thickness

    - Compacted thickness at any point < Design Thickness- 12.5 mm (1/2)

    Camber and level- Deviation under 10 ft straight edge applied both parallel and at

    right angled to the centre line of the road > 6.5 mm (1/4)- Level of the top most compacted surface . > Specified level. < Specified level

    - 6.5 mm (1/4)

    Granular Sub-base Course

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    Construction Technique

    1. Mix granular material at mixing yard.2. Spread granular material on accepted sub-base.

    3. Check camber.

    4. Compact thoroughly with 8 to 10-ton smooth wheeled roller,

    vibration rollers & tyred rollers.

    5. Measure degree of compaction of the compacted layer.

    6. Measure compacted thickness.

    7. Measure camber and level. Compacted layer which does notconform to the layer specification shall be dug out, adjusted and

    re-compacted to conform.

    Granular Sub-base Course

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    Crushed Rock Sub-base Course

    Material Specification

    Crushed rock shall be used.

    Material shall lie within the following grading : -


    Size % Passing4.00" 10

    3.50" 90 - 1002.50" 25 - 601.50" 0 - 150.75" 0 - 5

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    Material Specification (cont:)


    Size % Passing3/8" 100

    3/16" 85 - 1000.006" 10 - 30

    Los Angles Abrasion . 50 %

    Crushing Value .. 40 %

    Flakiness Index .. 40 %


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    Layer Specification

    CBR 30 % ~ 40 %

    Compacted thickness

    - Average compacted thickness < Design thickness

    - Compacted thickness at any point ...< Design Thickness

    -12.5mm (1/2)

    Camber and level

    - Deviation under 10 ft straight edge applied both parallel and at

    right angled to the centre line of the road . > 9.5 mm (3/8)

    - Level of the top most compacted surface . > Specified level

    . < Specified level

    -12.5 mm (1/2)


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    Material Specification

    Crushed rock shall be used as base material. Grading and physical properties of coarse aggregate shall be as follows:-

    Size % Passing3.0" 1002.5" 90 - 1002.0" 35 701.5" 0 15

    0.75" 0 - 5

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    Base Material Specification (cont: )

    Specific Gravity = 2.5 - 3.0Los-Angeles Abrasion Value........... 40%

    Crushing Value ......... 30%

    Absorption ........... 2%

    Flakiness Index ........ 30%Properties of stone screening shall be as follows:

    Size % Passing

    3/8" 100

    3/16" 85 - 100

    0.006" 10 - 30

    It shall be clean and free from clay or vegetable matter and

    Plasticity Index ..... 6%

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    Construction Technique

    1. Spread material in layers. Each compacted layer shall not exceed

    twice the maximum size of the coarse aggregate.

    2. Check camber and level and make adjustment.

    3. Compact thoroughly with 8 to 10-ton smooth wheeled roller.

    4. Measure CBR and density of the compacted layer.

    5. Measure compacted thickness.

    6. Measure camber and level. Compacted layer which does notconform to the layer specification shall be dug out, adjusted and


    Sub-base and Base

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    Quality Control

    Measurement of C.B.R

    - Frequency of Measurement 1/93 m 2 (1/1000 ft 2 )

    Measurement of compacted thickness

    - Frequency of Measurement ... 1/30 m (1/100 ft)Measurement of Camber and Level

    - Frequency of Measurement ... 1/30 m (1/100 ft)

    In consultation with the Quality Control Engineer frequency

    of measurement may be changed depending on the quality and

    uniformity of the construction.

    Sub-base and base

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    California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

    The percentage of California Bearing Ratio can be calculated by,

    Load on test specimen(at the same penetration)

    Load on standard crushed rock(at the same penetration)

    CBR % = X 100

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    - t o kH;jyKao mv rf;ci f;ypn f;o n f Sub-base / Base wGi ft o kH;jyK&ef o i fhawmf ao mt &n ft ao G;&Sd&rn f/- t v Tmwpfv Tm\ t x lo n f t o kH;jyKao mcGJau smu ft Mu D;q kH;t G, f\ 2q x u

    rx lo i fhyg/

    - cGJau smu frsm;o wfrSwf&G, faphpkH (well graded) yg&rn f/- Base v Tmwn faq mu f&mwGi f cGJau smu fv Tmab ;o dkYa&TUx Gu fjci f;r&Sdap&ef t rmcHv rf;ykcHk;t m; wNydKi feu f u yfci f;NyD; , i f;v rf;ycHk;t ygt 0i f basecGJau smu fv Tmt m; v rf;\ v m;&mt wdki f;Bu dwf&rn f/

    - Base ci f;NyD; u m;rsm;ay;jzwfygu riding comfort t wGu f o Jyg;yg;ci f;cJhv Qi f surface course rwi fci fao csmo Jrsm;v SJx kwfNyD;rSsurface course wi f&rn f/Interlooking au mi f;ap&efjzpfo n f/

    Sub-base and Base

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    Prime Coat Material Specification

    Either slow curing or medium curing cut-back bitumen shall be used.

    Preparation of materials.

    Medium curing cut-back

    - 55% to 65% of 80-100 penetration grade bitumen and- 35% to 45% of the mixture of 3 parts kerosene and one part



    Slow curing cutback - 50% to 60% of 80-100 penetration grade bitumen and

    - 40% to 50% of diesel

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    Construction Technique (cont: )

    4. Never allow the traffic during the curing period.

    5. If bitumen has not been completely absorbed by the base

    course within 24 hours after the priming, light sand blinding

    shall be applied.

    6. Sweep all loose excess sand.

    Prime Coat

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    Construction Technique

    1. Prior to application of bitumen loose dirt and other objectionable

    materials shall be removed from the surface by means of broom.

    2. Bitumen shall be sprayed uniformly at the specified spraying

    temperature.3. Immediately following the spraying of bitumen and while it is still

    warm the chipping for the first dressing shall be spread uniformly

    at the specified rate.

    Double Bituminous Surface Treatment(D.B.S.T)

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    Construction Technique (cont: )5. Spray bitumen for the second dressing as mentioned in

    paragraph 2.

    6. Spread chipping for the second dressing as mentioned in

    paragraph 3.7. Roll as mentioned in paragraph 4.

    8. The pavement may be opened to traffic as soon as the dressing has

    cured sufficiently to prevent the chipping from being picked up by

    the wheel of the vehicles passing over it.

    Double Bituminous Surface Treatment(D.B.S.T)

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    Quality Control

    Measurement of spraying temperature and rate :-

    - Frequency of Measurement = Every furlong (Max.)

    Measurement of spreading rate of chipping :-

    - Frequency of Measurement = Every 1/2 furlong (max.)

    Double Bituminous Surface Treatment(D.B.S.T)

    In consultation with the Quality Control Engineer frequency

    of measurement may be changed depending on the qualityand uniformity of the construction.

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    Semi-grout Penetration Macadam (cont: ) Material Specification (cont: )

    Specific Gravity 2.5 - 3.0Silt and Clay Content 2.0%

    Los Angles Abrasion Value 40.0%

    Crushing Value 30.0%

    Absorption 2.0%Flakiness Index 30.0%


    - 80/100 pen. grade bitumen shall be used.

    - Rate of spray = 0.50 - 0.56 ( 0.6 ) gal./sq.yd. (1st. application)- Rate of spray = 0.22 - 0.3 ( 0.22 ) gal./sq.yd.( 2nd. application)

    - Spraying Temperature = 165 C to 175 C

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    Layer Specification

    Grading and amount of coarse aggregate, keystone and chippingshall conform to material specification.

    Compacted thickness- Average compacted thickness Design thickness

    - Compacted thickness at any point Design Thickness- 6.7 mm (1/4)

    Camber and level- Deviation under 10 ft straight edge applied both parallel and at

    right angled to the centre line of the road 1/8 "- Level of the top most compacted surface . > Specified level

    . < Specified level- 9.5 mm (3/8)

    Semi-grout Penetration Macadam (cont: )

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    Construction Technique

    1. Spread coarse aggregate. Measured camber & level.

    2. Compact with 8-10 tons smooth wheeled roller.

    3. Spray bitumen uniformly.

    - Spraying temperature = 300 Deg.F - 350 Deg.F.

    - Spraying Rate = 0.50- 0.56 gal./sq.yd.

    4. Spreading and rolling of key stone.

    - The keystone shall preferably be applied immediately after

    spraying bitumen in a number of application, the first being just

    sufficient to prevent the roller wheel sticking.

    Semi-grout Penetration Macadam

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    Construction Technique (cont: )

    - Then as rolling continues, further keystones shall be spread until

    all the voids in coarse aggregate layer have been filled without

    having any loose key stone on the surface of the coarse aggregate


    - Rolling shall continue until key stones are thoroughly embedded

    into the voids of coarse aggregate layer and until there is little

    or no movement under the roller.

    5. Broom excess Keystone. Check camber & level.

    6. Spray bitumen for seal coat.

    - Spraying Rate = 0.22 - 0.3 gal./sq.yd.

    Semi-grout Penetration Macadam

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    Construction Technique (cont: )7. Spread chipping and roll with pneumatic tyred roller immediately

    after the application of bitumen.

    - Approximate spreading rate = 120 sq.yd./ton.

    - Rolling shall continue until the chippings are firmly embedded in the bituminous material.

    8. Broom excess chipping. Measure camber and level.

    Surface course which does not conform to the specification shall

    be dug out, replaced and constructed to conform.

    Semi-grout Penetration Macadam

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    Quality Control

    Measurement of grading of coarse aggregate, keystone and

    chipping .

    - Frequency of measurement = 1/200 m (1/furl).

    Measurement of bitumen spraying rate and temperature- Frequency of measurement = 1/200 m (1/furl).

    Measurement of compacted thickness, camber and level .

    - frequency of measurement = 1/30 m (1/100 ft).

    In consultation with the Quality Control Engineerfrequency of measurement may be changed depending on the

    quality and uniformity of the construction.

    Semi-grout Penetration Macadam

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    Layer Specification (cont: )

    Camber and level

    - Deviation under 10 ft straight edge applied both parallel and at

    right angled to the centre line of the road 6.5 mm (1/4)- Level of the top most compacted surface . > Specified level

    . < Specified level

    - 19 mm (3/4)

    Hard Shoulder

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    * f Gi f f f hf & f Gi f&Sd& fh

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    t em*wfwGi fwn faq mufrn hfu w&mv rf;wGi f&Sd&rn fhv rf;ci f;ypn f;t rsdK;t pm;rsm;ESi fhv rf;v Tm\ pHcsdefpHnTef;rsm;

    t v Tm t o kH;jyKv rf;ci f;ypn f; v rf;v Tm\ pHcsdefpHnTef;v rf;wmEmbankment

    -v rf;ab ;ajr (o kdU) o , f, lajr- Liquid Limit 45- Plasticity Index 18

    - o dyfo n f;rSkt q i fh (DOC) 90 %(Modified)

    v rf;at mu fcHajrSubgrade

    -o wfrSwf t i ft m; (CBR) &Sdao majr- Liquid Limit 40- Plasticity Index 14

    -o dyfo n f ;rSkt q i fh(DOC) 95 %(Modified)

    ' k- t ajccHv TmSub-base Course

    - *0H(o dkU) au smu fa&majr (Granular)- cGJau smu f (Crushed Rock)- x kH; (o dkU)b dv yf ajrjzi fht m;jzn hfjyKjyi f (stabilization)

    x m;ao majrMu D; (o kdU) au smu fa&majr

    - *0H? au smu fa&majr (Soaked CBR 25 %)- cGJau smu f (CBR 30 % ~ 40 %)- Stabilization (UCS = 0.75 ~ 1.5 Mpa)

    t ajccHv TmBase Course

    - Well Graded Crushed Rock -x Hk; (o kdU) b dv yfajr (o kdU)u w&mjzi fht m;jzn hf jyKjyi f

    (stabilization) x m;ao mau smu fa&majr (o kdU) cGJau smu f

    - Crushed Rock (CBR 80 %)- Stabilization (UCS = 1.5 ~ 3.0 Mpa)

    rsu feSmjyi fv TmSurface Course

    -u w&mu Gefu &pf Asphalt Concrete (cGJau smu f? u w&m)--DBST (for low volume traffic)

    - AC {Marshall Stability = 3.5 kN(790 psi)~ 9.0 kN (2025 psi), Flow 2 mmAir Voids = 3 ~ 5 %}

    - DBST { Grading of aggregates, BitumenTemperature and Rate of spray ]

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    0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10

    p e r c e n

    t a g e p a s s i n g

    ( % )

    partical size (mm)

    Grading Curve of Type I

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    Construction Procedures (cont:)

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    6. Compaction should be performed using a 8 to 10 ton smooth-wheeled roller with vibration and 8 to 15 ton pneumatic-tyred roller or an

    equivalent vibratory roller.7. All rolling shall be longitudinal progressing gradually from the outside

    towards the center with each succeeding pass uniformly overlapping the previous pass.

    8. After the primary compaction, the surface is generally shaped to the proper cross section by a grader.

    9. Compaction should be repeated until required compaction degree and proper grain interlock are achieved. Final rolling is done by a pneumatictired or smooth wheel rollers.

    10. Measure CBR and density of the compacted layer. Level and camber should also be measured.

    11. In case they do not satisfy the required specification, such layer should be dug out, regulated and compacted again.

    Construction Procedures (cont:)

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    jzefUci f;jyD;cGJau smufrsm;t m;a&jzef;aeykH

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    Tandem Roller jzi fhci f;MudwfaeykH

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    Tired Roller jzi fhci f;MudwfaeykH

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    wnfaqmufjyD;ao m Well Graded Base Course