spellbound by the music

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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  • 8/4/2019 Spellbound by the music


    Have you ever wondered why some peoplenever seem to believe you or understand what you

    say? Even thought you shower them with evi-

    dences about what you are saying; they just don't

    seem to get it, or simply don't want to hear it!

    There are psychological ways to dumb down

    people using their own motivations against them

    by lowering morality and make them valuing

    futile behaviours. There are also the use TV

    flicker rates to mimic brainwaves and subliminal

    messages to make people more susceptible.

    Chemical and pharmacological substances will

    also contribute to this state of confusion. But there

    is a much more sinister and deadly way: The

    spiritual way

    The real reason for this dumbing down is quite

    simple, and yet YOU will probably not believe it...

    People are Spellbound! If you listen to the radio or

    watch TV, spells are being cast upon you in the

    music and through the images projected. Those

    who control the Medias are practicing wiccans

    under demonic possession and they include spells

    in all their works.

    Now why would you believe this? Well, you only

    have to listen to those who make the music and

    films themselves. They don't even hide their

    allegiance to Lucifer and they often declare it

    publicly. They will wear satanic symbols and use

    Masonic signs to relate to each other.

    They often enter a trance state under which

    demons give them the music to write. This becomes the hits we hear all over the radio and

    concerts. Musicians and actors call this the

    "Muse". They tell us it is like something is taking

    control of their body during a performance on

    stage or in front of cameras.

    I strongly recommend that you watch the docu-

    mentaries "They sold their souls for Rock and

    Roll" and "Hollywood unmasked". In these

    presentations you will discover the close link

    between the stars and the occult. They really sold

    their souls to the devil to gain fame and fortune.

    Many of them are disciples of Aleister Crowley

    and are in close relation to members of the satanic

    church of Anton LaVay.

    Why is all this important? Because demons use

    those people to cast spells on an unsuspecting

    audience; rendering them like walking zombies,

    unable to understand what is really going on.

    The dark powers have put their poison in an

    appealing wrapping so that it will even infiltrate

    true Bible believing churches.

    Rat poison is made of 99.995% good ingredients

    and only 0.005% poison; however it is enough to

    cause dreadful harm to those who consume it, just

    like music and films cause harm to those listening

    to them.

    You can do your own research to find out that all

    of this is going on. Some of these top people have

    come out of high circles of influence to reveal thesinister plans the evil forces have for us.

    John Todd is one of those who worked for them.

    He was at the top of the music industry and on the

    committee of 13. He tells us that only selected

    people can have hits on the radio. They must be

    initiated into the practice of witchcraft. And all

    their songs must be written in witch language in

    order to cast spells on people. Also they take every

    master disk, just before replication to the public,

    and they perform a satanic ritual asking demons to

    follow each copies of the music they will create

    with this master. Can you imagine the number of

    demons attached to an album collection in some-

    one's house!

    People will try everything to deny this is true.

    Some will attack one point or one person in

    particular. Then they will discard the whole thing

    as a hoax. But it is very real and you should

    investigate it yourself.

    Is there a way to break away and get out of this

    evil matrix? I know only one: Jesus Christ. He is

    the one who can overpower demons and their

    abilities to cast spells. In fact spells cannot be cast

    effectively on Christians unless they open the door

    themselves to be influenced by listening to music

    or watching films. The Bible tells us that we are at

    war with an unseen world.

  • 8/4/2019 Spellbound by the music


    Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh

    and blood, but against principalities, against

    powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this

    world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    The effective answer to overcome all this is to

    become a born again Christian and to stop listen-

    ing to unholy music or films. Don't be fooled: You

    are either with God and Jesus Christ or you areworking for Satan. There is no middle ground.

    Matthew 12:30 He that is not with me is against

    me; and he that gathers not with me scatters


    Don't forget that we are constantly immersed in a

    world dominated by satanic music. Can you

    imagine if we could withdraw this subtle and powerful weapon from Satan's arsenal? But it

    won't happen; because even World War III de-

    scribed in Revelation 9:13-21 will not turn people

    away from their enchantments.

    Revelation 9:21 Neither repented they of their

    murders, nor of their sorceries , nor of their

    fornication, nor of their thefts.

    Finally I must insist on the fact that the great

    majority of people will do ANYTHING to deny or

    ignore that these things are going on right now.

    The mountain of evidences are right there, avail-

    able to everybody, but most won't research it for

    WHATEVER reasons they can imagine. I can

    understand this; because if they found out that all

    this is true, they would not be able to say: "I didn't

    know". That way they can just ignore the problemand go on with doing what they like without their

    conscience interfering.

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