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Speso Spendere Aprire Aperto Bevuto Bere Chiudere Chiuso LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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Speso Spendere

Aprire Aperto

Bevuto Bere

Chiudere Chiuso

LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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Corso Correre

Decidere Deciso

Detto Dire

Essere Stato

LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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Fatto Fare

Leggere Letto

Messo Mettere

Morire Morto

LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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Nato Nascere

Offrire Offerto

Perso Perdere

Prendere Preso

LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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Risposto Rispondere

Scrivere Scritto

Visto Vedere

Venire Venuto

LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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Vissuto Vivere

Dipingere Dipinto

Chiesto Chiedere

Scendere Sceso

LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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Acceso Accendere

Conoscere Conosciuto

Cotto Cuocere

Piangere Pianto

LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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Promesso Promettere

Rimanere Rimasto

Vinto Vincere

Ridere Riso

LC Italian – Passato Prossimo- Irregular Past

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And notNeanche

Sia…. Sia…. Both to… and


Instead Invece

Quindi So

LC Italian – Conjunctions

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Therefore Dunque

Insomma By the way/ well/ in short

Therefore/ so Pertanto

Non solo… but also….

Not only… but also….

LC Italian – Conjunctions

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because Siccome

Considerato che… Considered


Given that…Dato che…

Prima di…. (+verb in the infinitive)


LC Italian – Conjunctions

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Before Primache…

(+ conjugated verb)

Appena… As soon as

Even if…Anche se…

Benché Although

LC Italian – Conjunctions

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Do you (sing) know by any


Sa per caso

Candidatura Application

I would like to apply

Vorrei candidarmi

Mi piacerebbe

I would like

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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I would likeDesidererei

Amerei I would love

I’m availableSono


Penso che io meriti

I think that I deserve

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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In the hope of receiving your

(sing.) reply

Nella Speranza di ricevere una Sua


Mi suggerirebbe

Could you (sing.) suggest me

Could you (sing.) recommend me

Mi raccomanderebbe

È possibile suggerirmi

Would it be possible to suggest me

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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Would you mind

Le/ Vi dispiacerebbe

Noi preferiremmo

We would prefer

Would you (pl) be so kind

Sareste così genitli

Sareste capaci di darmi

Would you (pl) be able to give me

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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Email destination:


Oggetto Email subject

Reply to meRispondimi

Per piacere Please

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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Regarding this

A tal proposito

A tal riguardoRegarding


I write you (pl) this letter of complaint regarding

Vi scrivo questa lettera di reclamo riguardo

Nella seguente lettera

In the following letter

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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It caused numerous problems

Ha causato numerosi problemi

Estremamente spiacevoli

Extremely unfortunate

What will be the solutions

Quali saranno le soluzioni

Vorrei sapere perché

I would like to know why

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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I am not at all satisfied

Non sono soddisfatto/a per


Sarebbe idealeIt would be


My work references

Le mie riferenze di lavoro

Gestione Management

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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Company/ agency


Ex- datore Old employer

I possess a diploma

Possiedo un diploma

Le mie mansioni

My duties

LC Italian– Formal Letter Vocabulary

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My skills

Le mie competenze

Ho un’ottima conosenza di…

I have an excellent knowledge of…

I thank you warmly

Vi ringrazio calorosamente

L’ospitalità Hospitality

LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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I liked Mi è piacuta

(+ feminine singular words)

Mi è piacuto (+ masculine singular

words)I liked

I thank you (pl) from my heart

Vi ringrazio di cuore

Datore di lavoro


LC Italian – Formal Letter Vocabulary

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In front ofDavanti a

Di fronte a In front of

Beside Accanto a

Intorno a Around

LC Italian – Expressions of Place

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Close/ near toVicino a

Fiano a Beside

The end ofFino a

A destra diOn the right


LC Italian – Expressions of Place

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On the left ofA sinistra di

Fuori di Outside of

Far fromLontano da

Fuori da Outside

LC Italian – Expressions of Place

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Behind Dietro

Su On top of

On top ofSopra

Tra Between

LC Italian – Expressions of Place

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Between Fra

Dentro Inside

Along Lungo

Sotto Under

LC Italian – Expressions of Place

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Firstly Prima di tutto

All’ inizioIn the


In the beginning

In principio

Non dimenticherò mai quella gioranta

I will never forget this day

LC Italian – Guided Composition Connectors

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Then Poi

Inseguito Next/then

After Dopo

Quindi So

LC Italian – Guided Composition Connectors

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Then Allora

In breve tempoIn a short time/


As fast as I could

Così velocemente come potessi

In un batter d’occhio

In the blink of an eye

LC Italian – Guided Composition Connectors

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Immediately after

Immediatamente dopo

Alla fine In the end

Finally Infine

Fortunatamente Fortunately

LC Italian – Guided Composition Connectors

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I was having a lovely day

Stavo passando una bella giornata

Come normalmente

As per usual

As usualCome di solito

Presto Quickly

LC Italian – Guided Composition Connectors

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Listen to what

happened to me

Senti quello che mi è successo

È meglio iniziare dal principio

Its best to start at the beginning

And that’s not all!

E non è finita!

Adesso arriva il meglio

Now, here’s the best part

LC Italian – Guided Composition Connectors

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But Però

Comunque However

SuddenlyAll’ improvviso

Al tempo stesso

At the same time

LC Italian – Guided Composition Connectors