spis tre ści -...

Wydzial Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Lódzki. Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie) Spis treści Syllabus ............................................................................................................................... 3 Algorithms and data structures ....................................................................................... 3 Artificial Inteligence ....................................................................................................... 5 Basic calculus.................................................................................................................. 6 Computational complexity .............................................................................................. 8 Computer networks ......................................................................................................... 9 Computer control and robotics...................................................................................... 10 Computer graphics ........................................................................................................ 12 Computer systems architecture ..................................................................................... 13 Concepts of modern measurements .............................................................................. 15 Contemporary Physical Measurements......................................................................... 17 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................ 18 Databases ...................................................................................................................... 19 Digital Electronics ........................................................................................................ 21 Digital Signal Processing’s .......................................................................................... 22 Discrete mathematics .................................................................................................... 23 Elaboration methods of measurement data ................................................................... 24 Embedded system ......................................................................................................... 25 Hybrid and post-relational databases ............................................................................ 27 Internet applications ...................................................................................................... 29 Interfacing computers with peripherials ....................................................................... 30 Introduction to modern electronics ............................................................................... 32 Intoduction to programming ......................................................................................... 33 Introduction to nanotechnology .................................................................................... 34 Introduction to Quantum Computers ............................................................................ 35 Introduction to Unix/Linux operation system ............................................................... 36 IT in medicine ............................................................................................................... 37 JAVA – language basics ............................................................................................... 38 Linear Algebra and analitical geometry........................................................................ 39 Logic and set theory ...................................................................................................... 41 Mathematical analysis I ................................................................................................ 42 Mathematical analysis II ............................................................................................... 43 Modeling and simulations ............................................................................................. 44 Modern physics ............................................................................................................. 45 MS Office...................................................................................................................... 47 Numerical methods ....................................................................................................... 48 Php ................................................................................................................................ 49 Probabilistic methods and statistics .............................................................................. 50 Protection of computer data .......................................................................................... 52

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Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)

Spis treści

Syllabus ............................................................................................................................... 3

Algorithms and data structures ....................................................................................... 3

Artificial Inteligence ....................................................................................................... 5

Basic calculus.................................................................................................................. 6

Computational complexity .............................................................................................. 8

Computer networks ......................................................................................................... 9

Computer control and robotics...................................................................................... 10

Computer graphics ........................................................................................................ 12

Computer systems architecture ..................................................................................... 13

Concepts of modern measurements .............................................................................. 15

Contemporary Physical Measurements......................................................................... 17

Data Analysis ................................................................................................................ 18

Databases ...................................................................................................................... 19

Digital Electronics ........................................................................................................ 21

Digital Signal Processing’s .......................................................................................... 22

Discrete mathematics .................................................................................................... 23

Elaboration methods of measurement data ................................................................... 24

Embedded system ......................................................................................................... 25

Hybrid and post-relational databases ............................................................................ 27

Internet applications ...................................................................................................... 29

Interfacing computers with peripherials ....................................................................... 30

Introduction to modern electronics ............................................................................... 32

Intoduction to programming ......................................................................................... 33

Introduction to nanotechnology .................................................................................... 34

Introduction to Quantum Computers ............................................................................ 35

Introduction to Unix/Linux operation system ............................................................... 36

IT in medicine ............................................................................................................... 37

JAVA – language basics ............................................................................................... 38

Linear Algebra and analitical geometry ........................................................................ 39

Logic and set theory ...................................................................................................... 41

Mathematical analysis I ................................................................................................ 42

Mathematical analysis II ............................................................................................... 43

Modeling and simulations ............................................................................................. 44

Modern physics ............................................................................................................. 45

MS Office...................................................................................................................... 47

Numerical methods ....................................................................................................... 48

Php ................................................................................................................................ 49

Probabilistic methods and statistics .............................................................................. 50

Protection of computer data .......................................................................................... 52

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Physics I ........................................................................................................................ 53

Physics II ....................................................................................................................... 54

Programming I, language C++ ...................................................................................... 55

Programming II, C++ .................................................................................................... 57

Programming II, Windows API .................................................................................... 58

Programming Languages and Paradigms...................................................................... 59

Project ........................................................................................................................... 61

Rule-based expert systems ............................................................................................ 65

Object oriented programming ....................................................................................... 67

Operating systems ......................................................................................................... 68

Software engineering .................................................................................................... 69

System administration Windows/Linux ....................................................................... 70

Websites Design............................................................................................................ 72

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Algorithms and data structures

Course unit code, title

ISL3AG Algorithms and data structures

Name of the lecturer T.Gwizdałła

Year, semester year II, semester winter

# of hours, format 30h lecture, 30h pracownia komputerowa

Credit points 7 (E)

Language Polish

Prerequisites Introduction to programming

Basics of Informatics

Course contents 1. Introduction - The notions: algorithm, data structure – definitions and their criteria - Calculational complexity and sensitivity, time and memory complexity - Asymptotic notations - The notions related to the creation and description of algorithms (greed, iteration, recurrence), “divide and conquer” method, dynamic programming, heuristics - The methods of analysis of complexity (recurrent, amortized cost) 2. Basic data structures - List and its forms (stack, queue) - Hash tables, One-key tables (dictionaries) - Tree and its forms (Heap, BST tree, Balanced BST trees) 3. Graphs - Definition, properties, methods of implementation. - Searching algorithms (wisth-first and breadth-first), Minimum spanning tree, path search - Euler cycles and paths; Hamilton cycle as an example of NP-hard problem,.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


4. Sorting algorithms - Greedy sorting with O(n^2) complexity - Recurrent sorting in lin-log time - Possibilities and conditions of sorting with linear complexity. 5. String matching - Algorithms: greedy, Karp-Rabin, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer-Moore - The importance of preprocessing 6. Arithmetic algorithms - Euclidean algorithm - The notion of infix – Reverse Polish Notation - Prime numbers.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

The aim of the lecture is to present the basic problems of algorithmics and show their relations to the given data structures for which they can be implemented. Special attention is put on the theoretical basics of algorithms creation as well as on showing the difference between the formal and implementation issues. Each of analyzed algorithms is studied from the point of view of complexity and some special cases characterized with specifically low or high efficiency are presented.

Teaching methods

The lecture is supported with computer presentations.

Assessment methods :

The evaluation will be performed on the basis of individual solution of one of problems proposed by lecturer. Final exam will be a written test..

Recommended reading :

1. 1. T.H.Cormen, C.E.Leiserson, R.L.Rivest Introduction to Algoritms, McGraw-Hill

2. 2. D.E.Knuth The Art of Computer Programming, Addison-Wesley

3. 3. A.V.Aho, J.E.Hopcroft, J.D.Ullman Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison-Wesley.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Artificial Inteligence

Course unit code, title

Artificial Inteligence

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year III, semester summer

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 15h laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z*)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Discrete mathematics, Basics of Informatics, Linear Algebra

Course contents History of AI Knowledge representation and conclusion making Fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Logic. Applications of fuzzy logic. Fuzzy controlers Neural networks.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Introduction to Basics of Artificial Inteligence

Metody nauczania

Lecture with computer laboratory

Assessment methods

Written test

Recommended reading

Basic literature: 1. L.Rutkowski, Metody i Techniki Sztucznej Inteligencji, PWN, 2005 Complementary literature: 1. S.J.Russel and P.Norvig, Artificial Intelligence. A Modern

Approach, Prentice Hall, 1995 2. F.M.McNeill and E.Thro, Fuzzy logic. A practical approach, AP

Professional, 1994 3. Obszerny zbiór odnośników w Languageu angielskim na stronie


Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Basic calculus

Course unit code, title :

ILO1RM Basic calculus

Name of the lecturer : J. Bauer, A. Kijanka-Dec

Year, semester: year I, semester Winter

# of hours, format:

30h, konwersatorium

Credit points: 1 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:


Course contents: 1. Number sets, operations on nubmers. Algebraic transformations. 2. Equations, inequalities with one variable. Simultaneous linear equations, module, equations and inequalities with modules. Quadratic equation, polynomials. 3. Trigonometric functions, elementar functions

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Recollection of basic calculus.

Teaching methods:

Calculus classes

Assessment methods :


Recommended reading :

1. M. Grabowski, Analiza matematyczna, Powtórzenie, ćwiczenia i zbiór zadań, WNT, Warszawa 1997.

2. W. Krysicki, L. Włodarski, Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach, cz. I, PWN, 1998.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Course unit code, title :

ILO2RM Basic calculus

Name of the lecturer : J. Bauer, A. Kijanka-Dec

Year, semester: year I, semester summer

# of hours, format:

30h, konwersatorium

Credit points: 1 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Bsic calculus semester I, Mathematical analysis I

Course contents: 1. Function limits, derivattives of function, Taylor series. Local extemas and function properties. 2. Integral calculus. Inpropriate integrals. Implementations of integraf calulus in geometry and physic. 3. Multivariables functions. Partial derivatives.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Using basic mathematical methods in solving problems.

Teaching methods:

Calculus classes

Assessment methods :


Recommended reading :

1. M. Grabowski, Analiza matematyczna, Powtórzenie, ćwiczenia i zbiór zadań, WNT, Warszawa 1997.

2. W. Krysicki, L. Włodarski, Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach, cz. I i II, PWN, 1998.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Computational complexity

Course unit code, title

Computational complexity

Name of the lecturer

Z. Stawska

Year, semester year III, semester winter

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 30h konwersatorium

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish, English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Mathematical logic and set theory, Discrete mathematics, Algorithms and data structures

Course contents Turing machine models, computability and undecidability, relations between complexity classes, P versus NP problem, NP-completeness, parallel computing, randomized computing, cryptography, polynomial hierarchy, log space and polynomial space.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Study of the structures of computational problems in which problems are related and classified according to their complexity, i.e. degree of difficulty to solve the problems in terms of the amount of computing resources such as running time or memory space requirement.

Teaching methods

Lecture, Computer laboratory

Assessment methods


Recommended reading

1. Ch. H. Papadimitriou: Złożoność obliczeniowa, WNT, Warszawa 2002.

2. A.V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft, J. D. Ullman: Projektowanie i analiza algorytmów, Helion, Gliwice 2003.

3. M. Ben-Ari: Logika matematyczna w informatyce, WNT, Warszawa 2005.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Computer networks

Course unit code, title

Computer networks

Name of the lecturer

P. Milczarski

Year, semester year III, semester winter

# of hours, format 30h lecture, 30h computer laboratory

Credit points 6 (E)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne


Course contents Introduction: history, Basic definitions, hardware, protocols Physical layer a) theory (theorems: Fourier, Nyquist, Shannon) b) medium of transmission c) wireless transmission d) satelites and cellurar phones Data layer a) Packet and frames, terror corrections b) ETHERNET c) Bridges, hubs, switches, routers, gates Network layer a) routing b) Network layer in internet c) IP protocols; adresses, datagrams, encapsuling; NAT d) ISMP, ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP, mobile IP e) Ipv6 Transport layer a) Theory b) UDP c) TCP d) UDP i TCP w in WiFi Application layer a) DNS b) E-mail; formats; MIME c) SMTP, POP3, IMAP; WebMail WWW

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


a) architecture; client -server; URL b) HTML; XML, XSL; XHTML; dynamical documents c) HTTP d) WAP e) multimedia (digital radio, internet radio, voice over IP Security in networks a) requirements b) privacy; c) simmetric and assimetric cryptography d) digital sign

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Basic knowledge about hardware and computer networks.

Teaching methods

Lecture and computer laboratory

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Recommended reading

1. D.E. Comer, „Sieci komputerowe TCP/IP”; 2. V.G. Olifer, N.A. Olifer, „Computer Networks”; 3. B.Anderson, M. Minasi, “MasteringTM Local Area Networks” 4. Wybrane kursy internetowe, np.


Computer control and robotics

Course unit code, title

Computer control and robotics

Name of the lecturer J.Baczyński

Year, semester III year, semester summer

# of hours, format 15 lecture, 30 computer laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Linear algebra, Mathematical analysis, Physics (kinematics of a point, dynamics of a particle, Electricity). Electronics (analog and digital circuits)

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Course contents Basic concepts in automatics: signals, objects, process, mathematical modelling, control theory. Positive and negative feedback. Classification of elements and systems for automatic control. Control theory, mathematical description. Linear and nonlinear, analog and discrete systems. Digital control - basis and methods. Real-time systems. Digital controllers and algorithms of digital control. Exemplarily selected standards for data transmission: RS-232, RS-458, wireless connections. Practical applications of automatic systems: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), monitoring and visualization of systems controlled by PLCs. Computer control systems. The most often used sensors employed in automatic systems: position sensors, velocity sensors, acceleration sensors, mass sensors, force sensors, torque sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors. Analog-to-digital and Digital-to-Analog converters. The most employed servo elements in automatic systems: servomechanisms, DC motors, AC motors, step motors, linear actuators. Computerized Numerical Controlled (CNC) machines. Remote control systems. Main structural elements of the robot – master manipulator, slave manipulator, control system. Robot and Teleoperator modes. Manipulator kinematics. Description of a point in different coordinate systems and movement transformation. Rotary matrices. Roll, pitch and yaw angles. Forward and Inverse kinematics. Manipulator dynamics. Planning methods for motion trajectory of manipulators. Control systems, sensors and actuators. Methods and programming languages for motion control of robots. Haptics - element of telepresence systems.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

The purpose of the course is to present and explain rules of mathematical description of automatics systems. Review of components and techniques of data exchange used in automatics systems. Also, the aim of the course is to acquaint students with basis of robotics, especially with theoretical aspects of kinematics and dynamics of robots.

Assessment methods

Lecture course and laboratory exercises.

Teaching methods Weighted mean of all grades received for of all the pre-lab assignments, laboratory reports, quizzes, and homework.

Recommended reading

1. Podstawy automatyki, GESSING R. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej 2001.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


2. Podstawy teorii sterowania, Kaczorek T., Dzieliński A., Dąbrowski W., W-NT 2006.

3. Podstawy miernictwa, Piotrowski Janusz, W-NT 2002. 4. Regulatory i układy regulacji, KUŹNIK J. Wydawnictwo

Politechniki Śląskiej 2006. 5. Podstawy robotyki. Teoria i elementy manipulatorów i robotów.

Praca zbiorowa. W-NT 1999. 6. Robotyka kurs podstawowy, Edward Jezierski, skrypt Politechniki

Łódzkiej, 2002. 7. Dynamika Robotów, Edward Jezierski, W N-T 2006.

Computer graphics

Course unit code, title :

Computer graphics

Name of the lecturer : P. Kobierski

Year, semester: year III, semester winter

# of hours, format: 15h lecture, 30h pracownia

Credit points: 4 (E)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Knowledge about „Programowanie C++” and „Programowanie Windows API”

Course contents: 1. Fundamentals of 3D graphics programming 2. OpenGL library, O/S, developing environments 3. Coordinates and Transformation Matrices. 4. Basic transformation. 5. Drawing basic geometric objects. 6. Triangles properties. 7. Coloring. 8. Depth buffer, perspective. 9. Material properties. 10. Lighting and shadowing. 11.Raster graphics. Bitmaps and Pixmaps 12. Texture mapping. 13. Surface modeling 14. Selection and feedback 15. Direct3D library

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Advanced graphics programming skills, using OpenGL library

Teaching methods:

Visual techniques are used during the lecture

Assessment methods :

Oral exam

Recommended reading :

1. R.S.Wright jr, M.Sweet, OpenGL. Księga eksperta, Helion, 2007 2. M. DeLoura, Perełki programowania gier. Vademecum

profesjonalisty. Helion, 2002 3. B.M.T. de Sousa, Programowanie gier. Kompendium, Helion,

2003 4. David M. Bourg, Fizyka dla programistów gier, Helion, 2003

Computer systems architecture

Course unit code, title :

Computer systems architecture

Name of the lecturer :

A. Kryś

Year, semester: year I, semester summer

# of hours, format: 30h lecture, 15h konwersatorium

Credit points: 3 (Z*)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Podstawy Informatyki

Course contents: Architecture of computer PC type. Von Neumann model, Memory structure. Logical gates. Boole algebra. Data types and operations, representation of negative numbers. Processor architecture, - registry, - adressing, - Basic commands in machine code, Hardware elements. - mainboard, - hard drive,

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


- graphic card, - In/out: serial port ,pararell port, USB, Fire Wire, - sound cards, - RAM, - other memory types, -monitors, -printers, scaners, -modems - keyboard, pointer, mouse … Basics of computer network: - Network types, Arcitectures: RISK i CISK, Operating systems. BIOS. Multiprocessor architecture, alternative architectures

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Basic knowledge about computer architecture, roles of operating systems, numbers representations etc.

Teaching methods:

Lecture and computer laboratory

Assessment methods :


Recommended reading :

1. Organizacja i architektura systemu komputerowego - Projektowanie systemu a jego wydajność, Wiliam Stallings Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne Wydanie I 2000

2. Architektura komputerów, Janusz Biernata 3. Anatomia PC. „Architektura komputerów zgodnych z IBM PC,

Piotr Metzger, Wydawnictwo Helion, 2003 4. Architektura komputerów, Morris M. Mano, WNT,

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Concepts of modern measurements

Course unit code, title :

Concepts of modern measurements

Name of the lecturer : T. Dzikowski

Year, semester: year I, semester summer

# of hours, format:

30h laboratory

Credit points: 2 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Fizyka I

Course contents: 1. Analog and digital meters – kinds, differences, properties. The direct measurements of: resistance, capacity, frequency, temperature, voltage and intensity direct current as well as alternating current, power and phase angle. 2. The compensation and bridge methods of measurement of different electric quantities. (Bridges: Wheatstone, Anderson’s and others). 3. Oscilloscope as basic measuring instrument in electrical engineering and electronics. Calibration and the direct measurements of: voltage, intensity current, time, frequency. 4. Oscilloscope methods of measurements: resistance, capacity, inductance, phase shift, active power, frequency (the Lissajous curves, epicycloids, hypocycloids). The measurements of magnetic quantities. 5. Testing of the RL, RC, RLC circuit – in series and parallel. DeYear, semesteration of the transfer band of circuit, resonance frequency, quality factor or attenuation coefficient. 6. Half-wave and full-wave rectifiers, without and with filters reducing the pulsation coefficient. Differentiating and integrating circuits. 7. Measurement of the static characteristics of semi-conductive elements: diodes and transistors by oscilloscope methods. Thermistors (NTC, PTC, CTR) and their characteristics. 8. Analysis of the logical circuits. 9. Assembly and testing signal cables which are used for the sending of information: stand of straight and trough, concentric cable.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


10. Measurements of power taken through driver of the computer external memories. The temperature measurements of the processor working with and without ventilator.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

The introduction of the students with bases of metrology, mastery of basic notions and the principles of electric metrology. Knowledge of the devices, which are used to measure electric quantities. The practical use of such devices. The practice of independence during measurements of the basic electric quantities and data analysis. Preparation of the students for making reports from the taken data as well as drawing and formulating conclusions.

Teaching methods:

Every laboratory begin with hour-long introducing lecture. Next the students independently make chosen earlier exercises and prepare the reports.

Assessment methods :

Obtain the positive evaluation of nine exercises from ten executed.

Recommended reading :

1. Sydenham P.H., Podręcznik metrologii, t.1 Podstawy teoretyczne, WKŁ, Warszawa 1988 2. Sydenham P.H., Podręcznik metrologii, t.2 Podstawy praktyczne, WKŁ, Warszawa 1990 3. Rydzewski J., Pomiary oscyloskopowe, WNT, Warszawa 1994 4. Krakowski M., Elektrotechnika teoretyczna, PWN, Warszawa 1995

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Contemporary Physical Measurements

Course unit code, title

Contemporary Physical Measurements

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year III, semester summer

# of hours, format 45h pracownia fizyczna

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Physics I, Physics II, Physics III, Physics IV, Principles of Electronics

Course contents Students perform 3 physical experiments, which show the important physical phenomena (e.g. investigation of the light interference, deYear, semesteration of the crystal structure by means of the Roentgen rays diffraction, investigation of semiconductors, Franck-Hertz experiment, modelling of the electrostatic fields) or evaluate basic physical constants (e.g. measurement of the light velocity, deYear, semesteration of the ratio e/m). In the experiments the contemporary digital measurement instruments are used (digital multimetres, digital oscilloscopes, digital signal generators, digital cameras). These instruments are equipped with interfaces for computer data acquisition. Some of experimental sets contain the AD/DA interfaces and are computer supported.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

– understanding of the physical phenomena and laws, – knowledge of contemporary experimental techniques – knowledge of the experimental data analysis – searching of the scientific information – writing reports describing the experiment and its results

Teaching methods

individual work with the students

Assessment methods

The note of each experiment consists of: – activity of the student during experimental work – report describing the experiment and its results Final semester note is the mean value from the notes of 3 experiments

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Recommended reading

1. Pracownia fizyczna dla zaawansowanych, wyd. III popr., Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 1994 2. Jay Orear, Fizyka, t. I i II, Wydawnictwo Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa 1994 3. David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker, Podstawy fizyki, t. I-V, PWN Warszawa 2003 4. Dodatkową literaturę specjalistyczną związaną z wykonywanym ćwiczeniem zaleca indywidualnie nauczyciel prowadzący zajęcia.

Data Analysis

Course unit code, title

IMM243 Data analysis

Name of the lecturer T.Wibig

Year, semester year VI, semester winter

# of hours, format 30h lecture, 30 computer laboratory

Credit points 6 (E)

Language Polish

Prerequisites Elaboration methods of measurement data

Course contents Probability: definitions for one and more variables, correlations. Elements of probability theory: Probability ditribution functions: Bernoullie, binomial, geometric, Poisson, uniform, triangular, exponential, normal, Maxwell, gamma, chi^2, t-Student’s; Regression analysis:linear regression Estimation theory Hypothesis testing: test chi^2, Kolmogorov test, Smirnov test. Monte-Carlo methods in data analysis Wavelets analysis. Bayes analysis.

Teaching methods

Lecture and computer laboratory

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Familiarize students with methods used in data analysis.

Assessment methods

Written and oral exam.

Recommended reading

Secific literature will be given lectures.


Course unit code, title


Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year II, semester summer

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 30h computer laboratory

Credit points 6 (E)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Algebra liniowa z geometrią analityczną

Course contents Database concepts the evolution of database technology database models (hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented) database life cycle (logical design, database creation, data entry, data maintenance, information retrieval) Database design (conceptual design, physical design) Database integrity and security Entity-Relationship (ER) Model The Relational Algebra (set operators, selection, projection) Relational database management logical and physical data representation database schema database administration – Enterprise Manager user interface - SQLDeveloper Tables and views

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


table (column/field/attribute, row/record/tuple, primary key field, foreign key) relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many) joins (inner, outer, left, right, self) data normalization, normal forms Basic operations on relations (insert, delete, update) Modification of relation (alter) An introduction to SQL commands and clauses queries and sub-queries (nested queries) in SQL An introduction to PL/SQL (block structure, procedure, function, anonymous block) PL/SQL vs Java and C++ Data types in Oracle SQL standard types LOB (BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB) user defined (object) types Cursors Triggers Connection with database (ODBC, JDBC) Developing of database applications (Eclipse , NetBeans , Oracle JDeveloper ) Oracle database data visualization (JFreeChart ) Some others relational, hybrid and post-relational systems (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Caché)

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Understand key concepts of database development, usage and administration, with help of online contact with Oracle 11 database (mainly HR schema).

Teaching methods

Lecture with multimedia presentation. Practical laboratory.

Assessment methods

computer test

Recommended reading

H.Garcia-Molina, J.D.Ullman, J.Widom, Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2002 Prentice Hall (Polish Edition: Systemy baz danych: Pełny lecture, WNT 2006) http://www.eclipse.org http://www.netbeans.org/downloads/ http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/index.html D.Marx, M.D.Martin, Visualize Your Oracle Database Data with JFreeChart, http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/marx-jchart.html http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Digital Electronics

Course unit code, title

Digital Electronics

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year II, semester summer

# of hours, format 45h laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Lectures and labolatory of Introduction to Modern Electronics

Course contents Bascic logic functions. Boolean algebra nad simplification of logic equations. Demorgan’s theorem. TTL NAND/NOR gates- definitions and operation. The “EXCLUSIVE-OR” and its applications. Full-adder and fill-subtractor. Bistable or flip-flop (FF). Binary conters and the binary number system. Divided-by-N counters and decade conters. Shift registers and ring counters. Decoding and encoding. Random-access memories RAM. Digital-to analog (D/A) and analog-to digital conversion. Pulse forming and shaping; the Schmitt trigger.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Knowledge of basic concepts and digital electronics units.

Teaching methods

Laboratory, solving of practical problem. assessment: oral test before and during laboratory and final report.

Assessment methods

Students' performance is evaluated at the end of each computer lab.

Recommended reading

1. W. Pieńkos „Cyfrowe układy scalone" 2. Józef Kalita „Podstawy elektroniki cyfrowej” 3. Barry Wilkinson „Układy cyfrowe”. 4. Pasierbiński, Rusek „Elementy i układy elektroniczne w pytaniach

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


i odpowiedziach”. 5. P.Gorecki „układy cyfrowe pierwsze kyeari” Complementary literature: 1. W. Traczyk „Układy cyfrowe. Podstawy teoretyczne i metody

syntezy” 2. J.Pasierbiński, P.Zbyszewski „Układy programowalne w praktyce”

Digital Signal Processing’s

Course unit code, title :

Digital Signal Processing’s

Name of the lecturer : S. Pawłowski

Year, semester: year III, semester winter

# of hours, format: 45h pracownia

Credit points: 3 (Z)

Language: Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Lectures and labolatory of Introduction to Modern Electronics, Digital Electronics and Embeded Systems.

Course contents: The Breadth and Depth of DSP. Signals and Systems. Convolusion. Discrete Fourier Transform DFT. Fast Fourier Transform FFT. Introduction to Digital Filters. Finite Impulse Response Filters. Infinite Impulse Response Filters. Advanced Sampling Techniques and Signal Avaraging. Digital Signal Processing Tricks. Gettting Started with DSPs. Use Digital Processing in detection of weak signals.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Knowledge of basic concepts,theory as well as practical aspects DSP.

Teaching methods: 15 h - lecture from multimedia devices 30 h - laboratory: the issues of a digital signal processing, analog versus digital filters, real time spectrum analyser, programing DSP.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Assessment methods :

oral test before and during laboratory and final report.

Recommended reading :

1. Steven W. Smith „Cyfrowe przetwarzanie sygnałów”. Praktyczny poradnik dla inżyniera i naukowca.

2. Dag Stroneby „Cyfrowe przetwarzanie sygnałów”. 3. Richard G. Lyons “Wprowadzenie do cyfrowego przetwarzania


Discrete mathematics

Course unit code, title

ISL2MD Discrete mathematics

Name of the lecturer J.Rembieliński, M.Skulimowski

Year, semester year I, semester summer

# of hours, format lecture 30h, konwersatorium 30h

Credit points licencjat 6 (E), inżynierskie 5 (Z*)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Algebra liniowa z geometrią analityczną Podstawy informatyki

Course contents (1) Elements of mathematical logic (1.1) Propositional calculus and tautologies (2) Mathematical induction and recurence (3) Ordered Sets (4) Combinatorics : (4.1) Functions and relations, permutations, Stirling numbers. On-off rule. Set partitions. Sets with repetitions. (4.2) Trees and graphs. Minimum spanning trees. (4.3) Generating functions. Polynomial algebras and their implementations in solving difference equations i ich zastosowanie do wyznaczania rozwiązań liniowych równań różnicowych.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Introduction to discrete mathematics and applications in informatics.

Teaching methods

Lecture and calculus classes

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Assessment methods

Written exam

Recommended reading

1. Witold Lipski i Wiktor Marek, Analiza kombinatoryczna , PWN, Warszawa 1986.

2. Kenneth A. Ross i Charles R. B. Wright, Matematyka dyskretna , PWN, Warszawa 2003.

Elaboration methods of measurement data

Course unit code, title :

ZSO1MO Elaboration methods of measurement data

Name of the lecturer :

U. Olejniczak

Year, semester: year I, semester winter

# of hours, format: 15 h lecture, 15 h konwersatorium

Credit points: 2 (Z)


Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:


Course contents: 1. Introduction - physical quantities’ units; - experimental errors (uncertainties): systematic, maximum, statistical; absolute and relative; - notation rules for measurement results. 2. Methods of experimental errors deYear, semesteration - measurement of one quantity (function of one variable): • indirect measurement: deYear, semesteration of maximum error; • repeatable measurement (all the measurements equally precise) direct and indirect: mean value, standard error; • multiple measurement (with various precision): weight of measurement, weighted mean, standard error of weighted mean; - deYear, semesteration of compound quantity (function of more than one variable): maximum error and standard error of compound quantity. 3. Visualization and analysis of physical quantities’ relationship - graphical presentation of experimental results and errors; - linearisation of non-linear functions. 4. Probability distribution of random variable

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


- discrete and continuous distributions; - probability density function, probability mass function, cumulative distribution function; - expected value, variance, standard deviation. 5. Discrete probability distributions: Bernoulli distribution, discrete uniform distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution. 6. Continuous probability distribution: continuous uniform distribution, triangular, Gaussian, Student’s t-distribution, 2 distribution. 7. Confidence intervals. 8. Statistical hypothesis testing: Pearson's chi-square test (2). 9. Linear regression: least square method.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Development of experimental results elaboration and presentation – introduction to the exercises in physical laboratories

Teaching methods: Lecture with assistance of computer and projector; exercises: solving the problems by students, preceded by introduction and solving the examples by lecturer

Assessment methods :

Assessment of exercises analysis and solving in classes; written evaluation test

Recommended reading :

1. J. L. Kacperski: Opracowanie danych pomiarowych 2. G. L. Squires: Praktyczna fizyka 3. H. Szydłowski: Teoria pomiarów 4. H. Hofmokl, A. Zawadzki: Pracownia fizyczna

Embedded system

Course unit code, title :

Embedded system

Name of the lecturer : W. Kozłowski

Year, semester: year II, semester summer

# of hours, format: 15h lecture, 30h laboratory komputerowe

Credit points: 6 (E)

Language: Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Operation system, basic programming, basic informatics, basic knowledge of measurement, architecture of computer, basic

knowledge of electronics, digital electronics

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Course contents: 1) Introduction to microprocessors Familiarization with compiler for AVR microcontroller Emulator software-hardware Equipment for programming microcontroller 2) The application of Timer0 - timepiece to generate fixed time frames 3) Operating of LED display 4) Operating of alphanumerical LCD display 5) Operating of keyboards and buttons 6) Examples of clocks based on Timer 1 meter as well as examples of the real time clock ( RTC) using the asynchronic work of Timer2 meter 7) 12 V Direct current engine speed regulation (servo-mechanism) 8) Transmitting and receiving signals in infrared 9) Interface RS232 10) Bus I2C 11) Bus 1-Wire 12) Operating of microcontroller built-in A/C converter 13) Operating of microcontroller built-in analogue comparator 14) Communication between the micro controller and the A/C converter using SPI interface

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Transition from theory to practice – students will have to prepare a basic embedded system based on the education kit for microcontroller AVR device. Introduction to basic inbuilt computer programming tools (Embedded system) Preparing all the essential documentation of the exercise lab. Familiarization with measuring devices used in microprocessing and using them in practice while preparing the exercise lab (oscilloscope, digital measuring devices, Logic Analyzer).

Teaching methods: The lecture covers issues connected with microprocessor programming. All programs are presented using computers and other multimedia aids. Classes are based on practical application of starter kits for AVR micro controllers and measuring devices (oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer etc.)

Assessment methods :

Knowledge of material conveyed during lectures Knowledge of practical programming elements conveyed during classes A written exam will be conducted. Basic/ minimal requirements for practical classes : Being able to perform correctly all tasks ( each task is marked on the basis of reports)

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Recommended reading :

The Basic literature: 1. J. Doliński, Mikyearontrolery AVR w praktyce. 2. T. Starecki. Mikyearontrolery 8051 w praktyce. 3. P. Gałka, P. Gałka, Podstawy programowania mikyearontrolera

8051. 4. M. Wiązania Programowanie mikyearontrolerów AVR w

Languageu Bascom Contemplary literature: 1. Z. Hajduk, Mikyearontrolery w systemach zdalnego sterowania 2. Elektronika praktyczna – czasopismo 3. Elektronika dla Wszystkich - czasopismo

Hybrid and post-relational databases

Course unit code, title

Hybrid and post-relational databases

Name of the lecturer A.Wronka

Year, semester year III, semester winter

Czas 15h lecture, 30h pracownia informatyczna

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne


Course contents 1. Introduction: Historical trait; explanation of the most import conceptions and contemporary trends for databases progress; Object and post-relational databases. 2. Preface to object and object-relational (hybrid) Database Management Systems (DBMS). 3. I. Object DBMS. II. Object-relational (hybrid) DBMS. Standards and systems – advantages and shortcomings. III. Post-relational extensions of relational DBMS. 4. PostgreSQL as an example of post-relational database (application examples). 5. Objects extensions in Oracle – hybrid database (application examples). 6. Application of SQL objects components and 4GL languages (PL/SQL and PL/PGSQL) to Oracle and PostgreSQL systems. 7. Cache as post-relational database system (application examples). 8. Designing of object-relation oriented database system -

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


application of UML and ERD extended model. 9. Internet and post-relational technologies for DBMS. 10. Data Warehousing. 11. Designing of Data Warehousing. 12. OLAP technology and data mining.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Presentation of key questions for „Hybrid and post-relational databases” topic and for hybrid and post-relational databases creation. Presentation of key questions for „Hybrid and post-relational databases” topic and for hybrid and post-relational databases creation.

Teaching methods

Lecture in connection with multimedia presentation. Exercises to the lecture on starting, commenting and analyzing of hybrid and post-relational databases fragments on Oracle and PostgreSQL systems (MS Windows and Linux).

Assessment methods

Mark credit on the base of multiple-choice examination or hybrid and post-relational database project.

Recommended reading

Base literature: 1. Paul Beynon-Davies. Systemy baz danych. 2. Kevin Loney. Oracle Database 10g. Kompendium administatora. 3. Richard Stones, Neil Matthew Od podstaw bazy danych i PostgreSQL. Complementary literature: 1. Jeff Perkins PostgreSQL. 2. Jan L. Harrington. Obiektowe bazy danych dla każdego. 3. C. J. Date. Wprowadzenie do systemów baz danych. 4. System pomocy Oracle 10g. 5. Dokumentacja PostgreSQL www.postgresql.org.pl

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Internet applications

Course unit code, title

ILO3AP Internet applications

Name of the lecturer J.L.Kacperski

Year, semester year II, semester winter

Czas 45h computer laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish (optionally English) Prerequisites Languagei programowania I, II

Course contents Web application Web programming and markup languages Three layer document structure (the separation of concerns) content layer - XHTML presentation layer – CSS behavior layer - JavaScript CSS styles inline embedded external JavaScript inclusion embedding js file Web specific constraints Internet inhomogeneity different protocols and formats high performance safety cooperation with other web software The KISS principle in web design Web graphics Flash SVG Visitors and feed readers Web 2.0 Rich Internet applications Adobe Flash Adobe Flex

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Server-side programming IIS –ASP and Apache-MySQL –php (WAMP) Database-Driven Web Sites

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

The aim of this course is to give a short introduction to web application programming online, illustrated by examples

Teaching methods:

computer test

Assessment methods :

Do dyspozycji jest 75p za rozwiązanie testów komputerowych, pula 15p (pomniejszana w wypadku nieobecności na zajęciach), oraz 10p przyznawanych, za jakość zbudowanej strony webowej i zadania praktyczne (analiza i modyfikacja wskazanego fragmentu kodu, instalacja i skonfigurowanie serwera, etc.) Uzyskane punkty odpowiadają ocenom wg. ustalonego schematu

Recommended reading :

Kevin Yank, Simply JavaScript: The Three Layers of the Web, http://www.sitepoint.com/article/simply-javascript/ Tim O’Reilly, What is Web 2.0, http://oreilly.com/web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html Kevin Yank, Build Your Own Database Driven Web Site Using PHP & MySQL, Fourth Edition, http://www.sitepoint.com/article/php-mysql-tutorial/

Interfacing computers with peripherials

Course unit code, title

Interfacing computers with peripherials

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year III, semester winter

# of hours, format licencjat 30h computer laboratory

inżynierskie 45h computer laboratory

Credit points 3(Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne


Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Course contents The von Neumann architecture of computers. Computers, microprocessors, micro controllers. Three states and open collector circuits. Data transfer bus communication – bus signals, address space, address decoders. Data transfer over a computer bus – hardware and data transfer protocol. Examples displaying the parallel data transfer – ISA bus, parallel port (Centronics), GPIB (IEEE488). Application examples of serial communication - RS-232, USB, I2C bus, „1-Wire®” protocol. Wireless interfacing of peripherals to computer systems. Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-digital conversion methods. Architecture of computer control and measurement systems. Examples of: - Measurement devices placed on PC cards. - Autonomous systems – workstation, - Modular electronic systems controlled by computers in “on-line” mode.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

The purpose of the course is to present and explain the general rules and techniques of interfacing of various external devices to computer systems. Also, the aim of the course is to acquaint students with computer methods employed for controlling measurement processes.

Teaching methods

Lecture course and laboratory exercises.

Assessment methods

Weighted mean of all grades received for of all the pre-lab assignments, laboratory reports, quizzes, and homework.

Recommended reading

1. The Art. of Electronics, Paul Horowitz – Harward University. 2. Specifications of technical standards, manufacturer datasheets summarizing the performance and other characteristics of a components, internet resources.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Introduction to modern electronics

Course unit code, title :

ISL3PE Introduction to modern electronics

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year II, semester winter

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 30h pracownia

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne


Course contents 1. Analogue and digital Oscilloscopes 2. RC circuits 3. Transistors, OC,OE, OB. 4. Pentode amplifierfs 5. Circuits TTL definition, basic gates 6. Circuit y MOS (CMOS), definition, basic gates 7. Interface TTL/MOS(CMOS) 8. Differential and operational amplifier 9. Direct current stabilizers 10. Impulse direct current stabilizers. 11. Timers 74121, 74123, 555 12. Converters A/C i C/A

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Students should obtaib basic knowlegde of modern electronics.

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

Students' performance is evaluated at the end of each computer lab.

Recommended reading

1. A.Golde „Układy tranzystorowe”. WKŁ. 2. K. Hennel „Lampy elektronowe”. WKŁ. 3. M. Nadachowski, Z.Kulka „Analogowe układy scalone”. WKŁ. 4. J.Pieńkos,J.Turczyński „Układy scalone TTL w systemach

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


cyfrowych”. WKŁ.

Intoduction to programming

Course unit code, title :

ISL1PP, ISL2PP Intoduction to programming

Name of the lecturer : Ś.Sobieski

Year, semester: year I, semester summer i winter

# of hours, format: 15h lecture, 60h computer laboratory

Credit points: 2 (Z) w winterm, 5 (E) w summerm

Language: Polish

Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Znajomość obsługi komputera na poziomie podstawowym, m.in. obsługa aplikacji wielookienkowych w systemie ‘Windows’, zapis /

odczyt dokumentów na dysk / z dysku Znajomość matematyki i fizyki w zakresie licealnym

Course contents: 1. Programing techniques (procedural, structural, object oriented, functional programming)

2. Compilation, linking, development envoroments 3. Modularisation, prossesor directives 4. Data types, definition and declaration 5. Expressions and operations, operators 6. Control structures 7. Object, pointer, refference 8. Function, procedure 9. Classes and Structures 10. Constructor, destructor 11. Dynamical memory allocation

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Basic notions in programming

Teaching methods Lecture and computer laboratory

Assessment methods :

Written exam

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Recommended reading :

1. B.Stroustrup, Language C++ 2. J.Liberty, C++ dla każdego

Introduction to nanotechnology

Course unit code, title

Introduction to nanotechnology

Name of the lecturer Z.Klusek

Year, semester year III, semester summer

# of hours, format 30h lecture

Credit points 2 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Physics I,II Modern physics

Course contents The scale of natural things – nano The scale of things created by people The idea of nanotechnology - Feynman, Taniguchi, Drexler Nanomachines, assemblers, replicators Nanotechnology – hardcore and pragmatic definition Foundation of quantum mechanics Tunneling effect, scanning tunneling microscope, STM software Semiconductors electronics – limitation, transistor, microprocessor Quantum electronics, quantum dots, quantum wires, quantum wells Molecular electronics as a electronics of XXI age Carbon nanomaterials – nanotubes, fullerenes and graphene Nanomanipulation on surfaces Molecular memory, carbon nanotube transistor Surface nanomodification Nanomodyfikacje powierzchni, construction of nanostructures The role of software in nanotechnology

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

The goal of the lecture is to introduce the basics ideas of nanotechnology and its physical principles. The applications nanotechnology mainly in electronics will be discussed.

Assessment methods


Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Recommended reading

Basic literature: 1. Nanotechnologie, pod redakcją R.W. Kelsall, I.W. Hamley, M. Geoghege, PWN 2008 2. G. Timp, (Ed.), Nanotechnology, Springer-Verlag, New-York, 1999. 3. R. Saito, G. Dresselhaus, M.S. Dresselhaus, Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Imperial College Press 1998. 4. The book of transparences presented during lectures Additional literature: 1. Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology, edited by W.A. Goddart III, D.W. Brenner, S.E. Lyshevski, G.J. Iafrat, CRC Press 2003 2. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, Editor E. Bhushan, Springer 2004

Introduction to Quantum Computers

Course unit code, title

Introduction to Quantum Computers

Name of the lecturer Z.Walczak, K.Smoliński

Year, semester year III, semester summer

# of hours, format 30h lecture

Credit points 2 (Z)

Language Polish, English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne


Course contents Classical bit One- and two-bit logical gates. Classical logical circuits. Reversible computations. Classical reversible logical gates (Fredkin gate & Toffoli gate). Quantum bit (qubit). Quantum mechanics of qubits (states, evolution, measurement). Quantum NOT gate & square root of NOT. Quantum Fredkin & Toffoli gates. Quantum circuits.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Quantum controlled NOT gate CNOT. Quantum SWAP gate. No cloning problem for qubits No erasure problem for qubits LOCC operations (quantum local operations & classical communications). Bell states (maximally entangled two-qubit states). Circuit generating Bell states. Superdense coding. Quantum teleportation Quantum parallelism – algorithms of Deutsch & Deutsch-Jozsa. Quantum cryptography.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Presentations of foundations of quantum information theory

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

Oral Exam

Recommended reading

1. M. A. Nielsen, I. L. Chuang, Quantum computation and quantum information, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

2. N. D. Mermin, Quantum computer science, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Introduction to Unix/Linux operation system

Course unit code, title :

ILO2UL Introduction to Unix/Linux operation system

Name of the lecturer :


Year, semester: year I, semester summer

# of hours, format: 15h lecturey 30h computer laboratory

Credit points: 3 (Z)

Language: Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:


Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Course contents: - structure of UNIX/Linux operation system - file system and system resources - shells and basic commands; environment varibles - working with XWindow; KDE & Gnome GUI environments - editors and text przetwarzanie, regular experssions - shell scirpts

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Getting familiar with UNIX/Linux for users, who have yet not opportunity to work with computer under those operation systems

Teaching methods: lecture, computer laboratory

Assessment methods :

for lecture: written test; for lab: practice

Recommended reading :

1. M. Welsh, M. K. Dalheimer, L. Kaufman, Linux, O'Reilly 1999. 2. B.Schroeder, Linux. Receptury, O'Reilly 2005.

IT in medicine

Course unit code, title :

IT in medicine

Name of the lecturer :


Year, semester: year III, semester winter

# of hours, format: 30h lecture

Credit points: 2 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Databases, computer networks, introduction to programming.

Course contents: Medical data – aquisition, transmition and storage. Standards and norms of medical data. Informatic systems for Hospitals and ambulatories – functions, modules, architecture, security. Computer controlling in medicine aparature. Computer suport for decision making in medicine. Analogical systems (banking, transport …)

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Basic knowledge about modern computer methods in medicine as ex ample of applied informatics.

Teaching methods:


Assessment methods :


Recommended reading :

1. Robert Rudowski, Informatyka medyczna, PWN, Warszawa, 2003.

2. Ewa Piętka, Zintegrowany system informatyczny w pracy szpitala, PWN, Warszawa, 2004.

3. Ball, M.J., Simborg, D.W., Albright, J.W., Douglas, J.V., Systemy zarządzania informacją w opiece zdrowotnej, Springer PWN, Warszawa, 1997.

4. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Elsevier.

JAVA – language basics

Course unit code, title

JAVA – language basics

Name of the lecturer K.Podlaski

Year, semester year III, semester winter

# of hours, format licencjat 30h computer laboratory

inżynierskie 45h computer laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish/English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Programowanie I, II w Languageu C++

Course contents Lectures gives mostly description of Language based on examples. In 15h of lecture one can find selected topics: Introduction into Java Standard Edition: • Development Einviroment, Classes, • Interfaces, Inheritance In Java • Input-Output operations • Multithreading • Containers In Java • Graphic User Interface in Java Java Micro Edition

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


• Basics of JavaME Laboratory extercises are focused on solving given problems using Java for example: • developing class structure • using net connections • creation of graphic user interface • creation of applets for web pages • writing easy programs for cellar telephones

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Main target is to show on examples Power and possibilities of Java.

Teaching methods

Lecture about basic properties of language equipped with examples. Laboratory extercises are mosty for solitary solving given problems.

Assessment methods

Labolatory note based on program written by student. Lecture ends with test based on properties of Java.

Recommended reading

1. Bruce Eckel, Thinking In Java (5 edition) 2. Barry Boone, Java dla programistów C++

Linear Algebra and analitical geometry

Course unit code, title :

ISL1AL Linear Algebra and analitical geometry

Name of the lecturer : G.Wiatrowski

Year, semester: year I, semester winter

# of hours, format: 30h lecture, 30h konwersatorium

Credit points: 5 (E)

Language: Polish/English

Prerequisites: Not required

Course contents: 1. Basic algebraic structures – groups (group of square symmetries), fields (field of complex numbers), rings (rings of numbers and polynomials, modular arithmetic), vector spaces and subspaces. 2. Matrices– types and properties (D), construction of orthogonal matrix, similar matrices, trace, vector product– matrix representation.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


3. DeYear, semesterants – properties (D), Cauchy theorem, constructions of inverse matrix (Gauss method), Laplace theorem, rank - properties, application of deYear, semesterants – volume and surface. 4. General systems of linear equations (matrix equations) – Kramer theorem (D), Kronecker-Capelli theorem, reduced system – solutions of homogeneous and non-homogeneous systems of linear equations (subspaces), application of Gauss algorithms. 5. Equation of hiper-surface in Rn – general and parametric. 6. Vector spaces – linear combination of vectors, systems of linear independent/dependent vectors, dimension, basis i generators. 7. Euclidian spaces – scalar product, subspace generated by vectors, orthogonal basis i orthogonalisation, Schwarz inequality (D), general Pitagoras theorem (D), projection of vector onto the subspace. 8. Linear transformations –matrix representation, combination, inverse transformation.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Ability of applying the basis algebraic notions and algorithms, the knowledge of properties and methods of linear algebra with applications to analytical geometry

Teaching methods: Lecture supplied with audiovisual methods of presentation with a large number of exercises and examples as well as problems to be solved by students themselves . Practices fulfill the above lecture program illustrating given problems, methods and algorithms.

Assessment methods :

Final examination: oral form (possible „0” term while practice finished with min 4.5)

Recommended reading :

1. T. Jurlewiczowa, Z. Skoczylas, Algebra liniowa, cz. 1 i 2, GiS, Wrocław 2000 2. W. Janowski, Matematyka, T.1, PWN 3. A. Mostowski, M. Stark, Algebra liniowa, Biblioteka Matematyczna 19, PWN 4. I. M. Gel’fand, Lectures on linear Algebra, Interscience Publishers, INC., New York

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Logic and set theory

Course unit code, title :

ILO1LT Logika i teoria mnogości

Name of the lecturer : M. Raniszewski

Year, semester: year I, semester winter

# of hours, format: 15h lecture, 15h konwersatorium

Credit points: 2 (Z*)

Language: Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:


Course contents: 1. Propositional calculus (functors, rules of propositional calculus, mathematical reasoning, square of opposition

2. Sets algebra(union, intersection, complement, empty set) 3. Predicates of one variable, quantification 4. Cartesian product, relations, functions as relations, transitive

relations, relacje równoważności, equivalence relation 5. Cardinality, properties of countable sets, uncountable sets 6. Union and intersections of sets

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Knowledge about basic properties of sets and mathematical logic. Implications in applied informatics.

Teaching methods Lecture and calculus classes

Assessment methods :

Written exam

Recommended reading :

Rasiowa H. - „Wstęp do matematyki współczesnej” Kuratowski K., Mostowski A. - „Teoria mnogości” Wojciechowska A. - „Elementy logiki i teorii mnogości” Marek W., Onyszkiewicz J. - „Elementy logiki i teorii mnogości w zadaniach”

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Mathematical analysis I

Course unit code, title :

ISL1AM Mathematical analysis I

Name of the lecturer :


Year, semester: year I, semester winter

# of hours, format: 30h lecture, 30h ćwiczenia

Credit points: 6 (E)

Language: Polish

Prerequisites: none

Course contents: Sequence, function limits, continuity, series, function series, convergence tests, differential calculus of one variable function, differential calculus in higher dimensions, Taylor series, extrema, Riemann integrals, Fourier series

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Knowledge how to count basic derivatives and integrals of one real variable functions.

Teaching methods Lecture and calculus classes

Assessment methods :

Oral exam

Recommended reading :

1. K. Kuratowski, Rachunek różniczkowy i całkoswy 2. F. Leja, Rachunek różniczkowy i całkowy 3. R. Rudnicki, Lecturey z analizy matematycznej 4. W. Rudin, Podstawy analizy matematycznej

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Mathematical analysis II

Course unit code, title :

ISL2AM Mathematical analysis II

Name of the lecturer :


Year, semester: year I, semester summer

# of hours, format: 30h lecture, 30h ćwiczenia, 15h computer laboratory

Credit points: 7 (E)

Language: Polish

Prerequisites: Analiza matematyczna I

Course contents: Limits and continuity of many variables, directional derivative, partial derivative, gradient, exact differential, extrema of funcions of many variables, local and global extrema, implicit functions, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, introduction to differential equations Computer laboratory: Using mathematical software ie. Mathematica.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Basics of differentia and integral calculus for functionf os many variables.

Teaching methods Lecture, calculus classes, computer laboratory

Assessment methods :

Oral exam

Recommended reading :

1. K. Kuratowski, Rachunek różniczkowy i całkowy 2. F. Leja, Rachunek różniczkowy i całkowy 3. R. Rudnicki, Lecturey z analizy matematycznej 4. W. Rudin, Podstawy analizy matematycznej

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Modeling and simulations

Course unit code, title

Modeling and simulations

Name of the lecturer A.Kryś

Year, semester year III, semester winter

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 30h computer laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Metody probabilistyczne i statystyka

Course contents 1. Modelling as mathematical representation of real word 2. Simullations – numerical experiment 3. Main simulation methods:

a. Quantile function b. Monte-Carlo

4. Random numbers using quantile function: exponential, others 5. Losowanie metodą Monte Carlo (eliminacji) z różnych rozkładów 6. Randomized algoritms from normal distribution 7. Randomized algoritms from distributions: Poissons and binomial 8. Transition form real to Numeri experiment. 9. Algorithms of pseudorandom number generation 10. Testing random number genrators 11. Algorithms of basic games 12. Cellular automaton 13. Modelling algorithms used in physics.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Introduce simmulation and modeling methods used in informatics, physics and technology.

Metody/Assessment methods

Lecture and computer laboratory

Recommended reading

Base literature: 1. praca zbiorowa, "Numerical Recipes", dostępna także w

internecie, 2. Korn G. A., Korn T. M., "Matematyka dla pracowników

naukowych i inżynierów", T. I / II

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Complementary literature: A. Stasiewicz, "C++ Builder Symulacje komputerowe", Helion, 1. Iwo Białynicki-Birula, "Modelowanie rzeczywistości", Prószyński i

s-ka, 2. strony internetowe wskazane na lecturezie i ćwiczeniach. 3. Knuth, Sztuka programowania

Modern physics

Course unit code, title

ILO3FW Modern physics

Name of the lecturer

Anna Urbaniak-Kucharczyk

Year, semester year II, semester winter

# of hours, format 30h lecture, 30h konwersatorium

Credit points 4 (Z*)

Language Polish/English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Physics I, II, Mathematical analysis, Linear algebra

Course contents Electromagnetic waves. Maxwell equations, Speed of light. Michelson-Morley experiment. Moving light sources - Doppler effect. Lorentz transformations. Relativistic mechanics. Energy momentum transformations. Diffractions and interferencje of light. Young experiment. Coherence. Diffraction greting. Electrons and quanta. Fotoelectric effect. Clasical and quantum theory. Compton effect. Röntgena radiation (properties, spectrum,interaction with matter). Atom structure (Rutherford experiment, Bohm atom). Energy levels. Hydrogen spectrum. Material waves. De Broglie hypothesis. Elements of quantum physics. Postulates. Schrödinger equation. Interpretation of wave function. Particle in potential well, Tunelling .

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Knowledge about modern phisics and its implications on computer architecture.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Teaching methods Lecture with calculus classes

Assessment methods


Recommended reading

D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker – “Podstawy Fizyki”

Course unit code, title

Modern physics

Name of the lecturer Anna Urbaniak-Kucharczyk

Year, semester year II, semester summer

# of hours, format 30h lecture, 30h konwersatorium

Credit points 4 (Z)

Language Polish/English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Fizyka współczesna (1)

Course contents Atom in quantum mechanics. Quantum numbers. Pauli rule. Periodic table. Lasers. Solid state physics. Chemical bonds: Ionic bonds, covalent bonds, Van der Waals bonds, metalic bonds. Crystals. Crystalic structures. X-Ray scattering techniques. Basic properties of solids. Oscillations, Specific heat capacity. Electric,heat conduction in metals. Fermi energy. Electronic band structure. Magnetism. Superconductivity. Thin layers. Surface physics. Nanotechnology and spintronics. Elements of nuclear physic. Atomic Nucleus. Izotops. Nucleus bond energy . Radiation. Decays (α, β). Radioactive decay. Nuclear reactions. Chain reactions. Nuclear power stations, Nuclear fusion. Radiation interaction. Ionization. Compton scattering. Pair creations. Neutron scattering. Informatics in physical sciences. Computer simulations. Monte Carlo methods. Genetic algoritms.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Basic knowlege about atom physics, solid state physics and nuclear pphisics. Connections between micro and macro words.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Teaching methods Lectures, calculus lessons

Assessment methods


Recommended reading

1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker – “Podstawy Fizyki” 2. J. Ginter - "Wstęp do fizyki atomu, cząsteczki i ciała stałego”

MS Office

Course unit code, title

MS Office

Name of the lecturer G. Wieczorek

Year, semester year I, semester winter

# of hours, format 30h computer laboratory

Credit points 2 (Z)

Language Polish/English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne


Course contents General information on MS Office suite. Email clients MS Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird – account configuration and basic functions. Access database - database creation, querents, forms, reports. Basic SQL instructions. Power Point – slides preparation and presentation. Raster (Gimp) and vector (Open Office Draw) graphics software – types of files, file types range of use, application's basic functions. DTP software (Scribus). Internet office software (online and offline) (Zoho, Google Apps, ThinkFree Office). Visual Basic in MS Office – increasing application's build-in functions, user functions, macros.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Study of selected office applications, interaction between applications components in Windows environment.

Teaching methods

Active participation in course, tests.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Numerical methods

Course unit code, title

Numerical methods

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year II, semester summer

# of hours, format licencjat 15h lecture,15h computer laboratory

inżynierskie 15h lecture,30h computer laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Analiza Matematyczna, Algebra liniowa z geometrią

Course contents Types and propagation of errors in numerical calculations; interpolation methods; theory of approximation; equation solving; numerical integration; solving of sets of linear equations; differential equation solving.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Practical knowlegde on numerical recpes. Usage of them for solving paricular numerical problems.

Teaching methods

Assessment methods

written and oral examination

Recommended reading

J. i M. Jankowscy Przegląd metod numerycznych cz I; M. Dryja, J. i M. Jankowscy Przegląd metod numerycznych cz II;

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)



Course unit code, title :


Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year II, semester summer

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 30h pracownia

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Introduction to programming

Course contents PHP language: data types, variables, operators, statements, functions, operations on strings and arrays. HTML and PHP together HTML forms in PHP Session and Cookiem management PHP and MySQL database

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Basic notions of Dinami Web pages created in PHP.

Teaching methods

Lecture and computer laboratory

Assessment methods

Students should create small Web project

Recommended reading

Base literature: 1. Podręcznik PHP: http://www.php.net/manual/pl/ 2. Tim Converse, Joyce Park, Clark Morgan "PHP5 i MySQL. Biblia" Complementary literature: 1. Kevin Yank "PHP i MySQL. Witryna WWW oparta na bazie


Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Probabilistic methods and statistics

Course unit code, title

ISL3MP Probabilistic methods and statistics

Name of the lecturer Adam Jóźwik

Year, semester II year, semester winter

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 15h konwersatoria, 15 computer laboratory

Credit points 5 (E)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

General knowledge of mathematical analysis

Course contents 1. Combinatorics: permutations, variations, combinations (with and without repetitions). 2. Idea of probability. Random events. Operations with events. Different approaches to the definition of probability. 3. An axiomatic construction of a probability theory. Properties of the probability function delivered from axiomatic approach. 4. Conditional probability and dependence of random events. 5. Formula of total probability. Bayes’ theorem. 6. Elementary concepts in statistics (population, sample set, distribution) and some measures for distribution description (central tendency measures, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis, concentration). 7. Random discrete and continuous variable, probability distribution, probability density function, cumulative probability and its properties). 8. Bernoulli distribution, normal distribution, approximation of binomial distribution by Gauss distribution. 9. Standardization of continuous variable in case of normal distribution. 10. Estimation of feature distribution parameters (mean value, proportion of distinguished elements). 11. Confidence intervals for mean value and for proportion. 12. Hypothesis verification (comparison of two means and two proportions, analysis of variance). 13. Correlation and regression. Significance of Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression parameters. 14. General knowledge of nonparametric tests (Mann-Whitney,

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon, Sign test, Friedman anova, chi-square).

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

To get basic knowledge of probability and statistics to be able to perform simple data analysis comprising parameters estimation, hypothesis verification, dependence between two quantitative, two qualitative and mixed types of variables using experimental data sets.

Teaching methods

Lecture on probability theory and statistics complemented with illustrating examples.

Assessment methods

Two exams carried out on the paper and solving some computational tasks with the use of the statistical packet.

Recommended reading

Basic literature: 1. W. Krysicki, J. Bartos, W. Dyczka, K. Królikowska, M. Wasilewski, „Probability calculus and mathematical statistics in problems” part I (in polish) PWN, Warszawa 2003. 2. B. Pułaska-Turyna, „Selected questions of statistics”, WSBFiZ (in polish), Warszawa, Warszawa 2002. 3. J. Podgórski, „Statistics for high schools”, PWE (in polish), Warszawa 2001. Complementary literature: 1. M. Fisz, „ Probability calculus and mathematical statistics”, PWN (in polish), Warszawa 1969. 2. W. Feller, „Introduction to probability calculus”, book I, PWN (in polish), Warszawa 1980. 3. J.Jóźwiak, J. Podgórski, Statystyka od podstaw, PWE, Warszawa 1992. 1. 4. M. Dobosz, „Statistical analysis of examination outcomes” ,

Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT (in polish), Warszawa 2001.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Protection of computer data

Course unit code, title

Protection of computer data

Name of the lecturer J.Czerbniak

Year, semester year III, semester summer

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 15h computer laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z*)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Operating systems, mathematic, programming

Course contents Concepts, authentication, confidentiality, integrity, access control, availability The objectives of the fraud, active and passive attacks. Model for data protection Symmetric and asymmetric encryption Hash function Public key infrastructure , digital signature Security in wireless networks Backup strategies.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with modern methods of servants to protect the privacy of electronic data, user authentication systems, secure data against unauthorized modifications and other applications of this type, based on cryptographic techniques. Importance of such a method reveals to be particularly sharp in the era of the emergence of global computer networks, where operating systems are not already covered by security.

Teaching methods

The lecture illustrated with classic examples of presentations and web

Assessment methods

Written exam (optional oral, dyslexia, change of assessment)

Recommended reading

1. Kryptografia: teoria i praktyka zabezpieczania systemów komputerowych, Mirosław Kutyłowski, Willy-B. Strothmann, Wydawnictwo READ ME & Lupus 2. Ochrona danych w sieci i intersieci, William Stallings.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne 3. Kryptografia w praktyce, Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier

Physics I

Course unit code, title :

ISL1FI Physics I

Name of the lecturer : I.Zasada

Year, semester: year I, semester winter

# of hours, format: 30h lecture, 30h konwersatorium

Credit points: 4 (Z*)

Language: Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:


Course contents: Introduction: what physics is, mathematic, metric systems (SI) Mechanics: Kinematics – one and higher dimensional, rigid body kinematics. Dynamics – Newton’s laws of motion, inertial systems. Work and energy – work, power, kinetic energy, potential energy and other energy types, energy conservation, energy and mass. Elasticity- Hooke’s law. Oscillations – harmonic oscylator. Waves – mechanical waves, acustic vawes, Doppler effect. Gravitation force. Hydrostatics, Hydromechanics – Archimeses law, Pascal law, liquid dynamics, Bernoulie Law. Electricity and magnetism Electrostatics–Coulomb’s Lawa, elektrostatic field, electrostatic potential. Electric current – Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, basic circuits electric current in electrolytes and gases. Magnetic field – magnetic force, Lorentz force, magnetic field from currents (Biot – Savart’s law, Amper’s law). Electromagnetic induction –Faraday’s law, Lenz rule, self induction, LC circuits, transformators, Maxwell equations, sinusoidal current, LRC circuits,

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Basics of phisics and its connection and applications in informatics

Teaching methods: Lectures with calculus classes

Assessment methods :

Oral exam

Recommended reading :

1. R. Resnick, D.Holliday, Fizyka, tomy 1 i 2; 2. J. Orear, Fizyka, tomy 1 i 2; 3. B. Jaworski, A Dietlaf, L. Miłkowska, G. Siergiejew, Kurs Fizyki,

tomy 1, 2,3.

Physics II

Course unit code, title :

ISL2FI Physics II

Name of the lecturer :


Year, semester: year I, semester summer

# of hours, format: 30h lecture, 30h konwersatorium

Credit points: 4 (Z*)

Language: Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Physics I

Course contents: Heat Molecular physics – temperature, heat, heat transport, kinetic gass theory, Maxwell velocity, Brown movements, ideal gas, Van der Waals equation. Phase transitions – melting, evaporation, freezing, condensation. Termodynamics – thermodynamical law, heat engines (Carnot cycle), entropy. Optics Geometrical optics – relfection, refraction, mirrors, lens, optical equpments Electromagnetic waves – electromagnetic radiation, energy of electromagnetic wave, polarisation Wave optics – interference, colors, diffraction Introduction to quantum

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Basics of phisics and its connection and applications in informatics

Teaching methods: Lectures with calculus classes

Assessment methods :

Oral exam

Recommended reading :

1. R. Resnick, D.Holliday, Fizyka, tomy 1 i 2; 2. J. Orear, Fizyka, tomy 1 i 2; 3. B. Jaworski, A Dietlaf, L. Miłkowska, G. Siergiejew, Kurs Fizyki,

tomy 1, 2,3.

Programming I, language C++

Course unit code, title :

ISL3PR Programming I, language C++

Name of the lecturer : J. Malinowski

Year, semester: year II, semester winter

# of hours, format:

30h lecture,30h laboratory

Credit points: 6 (E)

Language Polish / English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Basic Programming, Mathematical Analysis, Algebra.

Course contents: 1. Function definition, its arguments. 2. Default parameters of the function. 3. Overloading of function. 4. Recurrence. 5. Input/Output files on hard disc; 6. Object, pointer, reference; (a.o. function arguments). 7. Arrays; pointer arithmetic. 8. Multidimensional arrays. 9. Dynamic structures; ‘new’ and ‘delete’ operators; heap and list. 10. Structures, classes, objects.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


11. Constructors, copy constructor; assignment operator; destructor. 12. Class inheritance (inheritance forms); correct inheritance; incidental effects in inheritance. 13. Polymorphism (virtuality). 14. Abstract classes. 15. Pointers and references; virtual function calling. 16. Multiinheritance. 17. Overloading of operators; copy constructor and assignment operator once again. 18. Friendly functions and classes. 19. Exceptions maintenance. 20. Unions – examples and pitfalls. 21. Introduction to random-number generators. 22. Rules for programmers: – constructing class headers, protections and comments; rules of method implementation, rules of connecting code from several files to one program; – program documentation; comments of methods. 23. Standard libraries.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

The student is supposed to learn: – C and C++ languages, structural and object oriented programming; – principles of class design using inheritance and polymorphism; – skill of building dynamic structures (one- and multidimension matrices, heap and lists); – correct principles of constructing algorithms, modular programming and program documentation (e.g. self-documenting programs).

Teaching methods:

Lecture: The lecture is using audio-visual media and a computer with compiler; each subject is illustrated with an example program; students receive example programs and problems to solve. Laboratory: Design of class for choosing problems (from algebra, physics etc) and simple numerical methods; analysis of access to data in classes; coding and the implementation of methods; running of programs, debugging

Assessment methods :

Exam requirements: Two-part exam, written and oral. Knowledge of the C and C++ semantic and syntax (from lecture and laboratory), skills of designing, writing and analysing object-oriented programs.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Minimal requirements in laboratories: Skills of class design and its inheritance; good skills of algorithmizing problems, correct construction of multi-modular program projects. Passed tests and colloquia in laboratory.

Recommended reading :

1. B.Stroustrup - Language C++, WN-T Warszawa 1997; The C++ programming language

2. S. B. Lipman – C++ Primer, wyd. AT&T Bell Lab., 1989 3. Microsoft Visual C++ on-line help 4. J. Grębosz – Symfonia C++, wyd. Oficyna Kallimach, 1994 (i

późniejsze wyd.) 5. T. Swan - Mastering Borland C++, SAMS Indiana, USA (lub inne

pozycje tego autora) 6. N. Wirth – Algorytmy + struktury danych = programy, WN-T

Warszawa 1989 7. P. Demidowicz, I. A. Maron - Metody Numeryczne, PWN

Warszawa 1965 8. R. Zieliński - Generatory liczb losowych.

Programming II, C++

Course unit code, title :

Programming II, C++

Name of the lecturer :

P. Kobierski

Year, semester: year II, semester summer

# of hours, format: 15h lecture, 15h pracownia

Credit points: 2 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Podstawy Informatyki, Podstawy programowania. Programowanie I. Language C++

Course contents: 1. Possible meaning and usage of static keyword 2. Possible meaning and usage of const keyword 3. Casting. Aspects of type conversion. 4. Function and class templates. 5. Virtual methods. Multiply and virtual inheritance.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


6. Dynamic and static binding. 7. Class and objects relations.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Advanced object programming skills.

Teaching methods:

Visual techniques are used during the lecture

Assessment methods :

Writing exam.

Recommended reading :

1. B.Stroustrup – Language C++ WNT Warszawa 1997. 2. B.Eckel, Thinking in C++, ISBN: 83-7197-709-3

Programming II, Windows API

Course unit code, title :

Programming II, Windows API

Name of the lecturer : P. Kobierski

Year, semester: year II, semester summer

# of hours, format:

15h lecture, 15h pracownia

Credit points: 4 (E)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:

Programowanie I, Language C++”

Course contents:

1. WinMain function 2. Windows and message queue. 3. Text displaying. 4. Basic graphics elements. 5. Keyboard events. 6. Mouse events. 7. Timer event. 8. Control elements. 9. Menu and other resources. 10. Dialog windows.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Introduction to Windows API programming.

Teaching methods:

Visual techniques are used during the lecture.

Assessment methods : Writing exam.

Recommended reading : 1. Charles Petzold, Programming Windows, Microsoft Press 1998

Programming Languages and Paradigms

Course unit code, title

Programming Languages and Paradigms

Name of the lecturer J.Malinowski

Year, semester year II, semester summer

# of hours, format 30h lecture, 15h konwersatorium

Credit points 3 (Z*)

Language Polish / English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Basic Programming, Programming I, Logic.

Course contents History of programming languages and programming paradigms. General concepts: syntax and semantics of languages, types of variables, transfer of parameters to subprograms, abstract data types, overloading names and polymorphism. Imperative programming: Definition and example of Turing machines; variables, block structures, static and dynamic connection, organisation of subprograms?, allocation of memory on the heap and stack. Examples in Fortran, C, Pascal and Ada. Functional programming: functions as programming model; coordinating types, recursion (recurrence).

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Examples in Algol, C, Pascal and Logo. Object oriented programming: class as abstract data types, inheritance, polymorphism (dynamic linking), templates and generalisation generalised? classes. Examples in C++, Java, Ada and Turbo Pascal v.7.0. Programming in logic: predicate calculating in Prolog, resolutions, lists. Abstract machines (LISPM, JVM, WAM). Compilation problems: – lexical analysis; – syntax analysis; – context analysis; – code generation; – problems regarding execution time; – realization of procedure calling (function calling) and methods in objects; – memory management.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Students should learn the paradigms of programming in high-level languages. The four most important paradigms of current programming are described: imperative, functional, object-oriented programming as well as programming in logic. The lecture gives a wide overview of programming. In particular, it presents other languages apart from C++. It gives an understanding of the most important topics in programming, i.e. the design, implementation, testing and debugging. Moreover, it allows to understand and assess the suitability of different languages for solving different types of problems.

Metody Lecture: Using the audio-visual media, computer with compilers for demonstrate of subjects example and problems to solve by students; students receive the problems to solve. Laboratory: Discussion style; program examples written in Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, Ada, C, C++ and Prolog.

Assessment methods

Minimal requirements: Pass tests during lectures and laboratories.

Recommended reading

1. B.W.Kernighan, D.M.Ritchie – Language C; Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa 1987

2. B. Stroustrup - Language C++, WN-T Warszawa 1997; The C++ programming language

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


3. Bruce Eckel. Thinking in C++ (dostępne w Internecie) 4. A.N.Habermann, D.E.Perry – Ada dla zaawansowanych;

Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa 1989 5. J.Bańkowski, K.Fiałkowski, Z.Odrowąż-Sypniewski –

Programowanie w Languageu Fortran; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1981

6. S.Paszkowski – Algol 60; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1973

7. S.Waligórski – Programowanie w Languageu Logo; Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa 1990

8. F. Kluźniak, S. Szpakowicz – Prolog, Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 1983

9. E.Hajnicz – Reprezentacja logiczna wiedzy zmieniającej się w czasie, Warszawa 1996.

10. R. Szebesta – Concepts of Programming Languages, Addison Wesley, 2005

11. P. Van Roy, S. Haridi – Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming, MIT Press, 2004

12. R. Bird – Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell, Prentice Hall, 1988

13. M. Abadi, L. Ardelli – A Theory of Objects, Springer, 1996.


Course unit code, title


Name of the lecturer K.Podlaski

Year, semester year III, semester summer

# of hours, format licencjat 30h computer laboratory

inżynierskie 60h computer laboratory

Credit points 8 (Z)

Language Polish/English Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Podstawy Programowania, Programowanie I,II (C++), Java – podstawy Languagea

Course contents Student will have to finish one medium size programming project in choosed language (C++, Java, Php or other). Topics of projects will be choosen from wilde area of applied informatics i.e (simulations

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


and games, artificial intelligence, specific web pages).

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Aim of this lesson is to give students knowledge about how problems raise during progects, and how to solve them.

Teaching methods

Students will work independently, mosty in homes with consulting hours with teacher. Student shoud present program anfd documentation of the Project. Time spent by student on one project should be not less then 100 hours (all development process).

Assessment methods

Evaluation of presented program and documentation

Recommended reading

Literature will depend on specific Project and will be given at the begining of classes

Course unit code, title


Name of the lecturer W. Kozłowski

Year, semester year III, semester summer

# of hours, format 60 computer laboratory

Credit points 8

Language Polish

Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Embedded system, basics of computer science and programming. Basic knowledge of measurement for B.S engineering studies recommended. Architecture of computer programming, basic knowledge of electronics, digital electronics ( recommended)

Course contents

Topics of the projects: (examples of the topics based on simple microcontrollers) Universal cryptographic lock Talking thermometer Temperature regulation programmator DS1821 MIN-MAX thermometer Battery Powered watch with calendar Intelligent bike’s rear light with stop signal Two-point thermometer Column thermometer

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Electronic business card Microprocessor timer Sub miniature alarm control station Microprocessor light control Programmed watch with LCD display Remote control light regulator

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Students will have to prepare a microprocessor device based on the microcontroller of their choice. Introduction to basic inbuilt computer programming tools (microprocessor systems) Preparing all the essential documentation of the project Familiarization with measuring devices used in micro processing and using them in practice while preparing the project (oscilloscope, digital measuring devices, Logic Analyzer).

Teaching methods

1. The course is held in "Didactics Lab Microprocessors" 2. Group division into sub-groups ( depending on the number of students) – each group will have a separate working space 3. The classes’ emphasis is both on the practical side and the didactics connected with the microprocessor systems 4. Each of the above mentioned groups ( during their first class) will get a task which will involve building a microprocessor device : - During the classes there will be a graphic description of the device (using a specialist program) - The execution of the task will also include the hardware and the software - Each group will be assigned a different project 5. The work on hardware will include : - Introduction to a complete, working device based on a microprocessor , - Introduction to an integrated programming packet EDwin, Eagle) used to build Professional electronic systems - Introduction to computer’s ( EDwin, Eagle) idealogical outline – of the chosen project and graphic project of the outline - Designing ( EDwin, Eagle) printed slab/plate - Preparation of the written description of the device - Preparation of the documentation of the device 6. Work on the system programming includes: - Getting to know how a complete, working device based on microprocessors works - Preparation of the program that could operate the microprocessor in order to prepare the device from the project - The program can be written either in the language of the assembler of a certain microprocessor or in the language of a higher level eg. BASCOM ( using the correct version for the microprocessor) - Introduction to a compilation program

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


7. Integrating of the hardware and the software groups : - Construction of the printed slab/plate and shopping for parts - Construction of the electronic device - Preliminary start-up of the constructed device - Microprocessor programming - debugging of the logical error deletion of the device using the Logic tester, or Logic Analyzer. 8. Preparation of the final documentation of the built device : - Detection and correction of errors - Description of the device’s hardware - Description of the programming

Assessment methods

Requirements needed to pass the class: - 100% participation( In case of illness or other unexpected events classes will have to be retaken at a later time) - Construction of the working device - Description of how the device works ( electron system and the programming) - Presentation of the device in EDwin or Eagle

- Presentation of the computer program in original and resultant

Recommended reading

1. J. Doliński, Mikyearontrolery AVR w praktyce. 2. Z. Hajduk, Mikyearontrolery w systemach zdalnego sterowania. 3. T. Starecki. Mikyearontrolery 8051 w praktyce. 4. P. Gałka, P. Gałka, Podstawy programowania mikyearontrolera

8051. 5. M. Wiązania, Programowanie mikyearontrolerów AVR w

Languageu BASCOM

6. Czasopisma (dostępne na pracowni): 7. Elektronika Praktyczna 8. Elektronika dla Wszystkich

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Rule-based expert systems

Course unit code, title

Rule-based expert systems

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year III, semester summer

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 30h pracownia komputerowa

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne


Course contents Expert system features branches of AI empirical knowledge, heuristics, rules-of-thumb non-algorithmic expertise human expert(s) behavior emulation Some applications of ES diagnostics, configuration, identification, planning, RTS monitoring,… Year, semesterology data representation knowledge representation (natural and software, semantic gap) knowledge engineering knowledge base, factual and heuristic knowledge, facts and rules inference engine rule-based or if-then expert systems Methods of reasoning forward chaining (data-rules-conclusion, data driven method, deduction) backward chaining (abduction) Uncertainty in expert systems uncertainty factors fuzzy logic Bayes theorem

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Dempster-Shafer theory Expert system/AI and conventional languages C++, VBA, … CLIPS Prolog Expert system shells CLIPS JESS

- Programming in COOL

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

The aim of this course is introduce the basics of the design and development of an ES

Teaching methods

Assessment methods

computer test

Recommended reading

http://www.wtec.org/loyola/kb/c1_s1.htm http://www.scribd.com/doc/23181/CLIPS-reference-manual-beginner http://www.jessrules.com/

Assessment methods

Written examination (oral examination optionally, dyslexia, change of assessment)

Recommended reading

1. Application's Help file and online documentation. 2. “Ćwiczenia z MS Access”

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Object oriented programming

Course unit code, title

Object oriented programming

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year II, semester summer

# of hours, format 45h computer laboratory

Credit points 3 (Z)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Introduction to programming, Programming I

Course contents Introduction to Standard Template Library in C++ Vectors, sets, maps, iterators. Basic Design Patterns: Creational, Structural, Behavioral and their representations in C++.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Gain knowledge about design patterns and their implementations.

Metody Writing programs in C++ solving Niven problems.

Assessment methods

Students have to create program using selected patterns,

Recommended reading

E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides: Inżynieria oprogramowania: Wzorce projektowe C. G. Lasater: Design Patterns.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Operating systems

Course unit code, title :

ISL1FO Operating systems

Name of the lecturer :


Year, semester: year I, semester winter

# of hours, format: 30h lecture, 30h laboratory komputerowe

Credit points: 5 (E)

Language: Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:


Course contents: Definition and principles of operations of operating systems, boot, I/O interrupt , DMA. Installations many operating systems. Memory hierarchy, memory protection, operating system modes. Management of operative memory and I/O system. System functions, system programs. Processes, tasks planning, communication between processes, threads. Remote procedures. Allocation, planning of CPU time, concurrency and scheduling, selection of algorithm. Service activity of critical section (semaphore), Synchronization of process (problem of producer -consumer, readers -writers, five philosophers). Deadlocks Storage resource management in multitasking systems Disk file system.

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

Theoretical and practical acquainted with the basic concepts of operating systems needed to understand the functioning of computers based on popular systems such as Windows and Linux.

Teaching methods: The lecture illustrated with classic examples of presentations and web

Assessment methods :

Written exam (optional oral, dyslexia, change of assessment)

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Recommended reading :

1. Podstawy systemów operacyjnych. Abracham Silberschantz, Peter B. Galwin (ISBN 83-204-2768-1)

2. Poznaj Linux Bill Ball (ISBN 83-7158-163-7) 3. A.Silberschatz, J.L. Peterson, G. Gagne, Podstawy systemów

operacyjnych. WNT, Warszawa 2005. 4. G. Nutt, Operating Systems. A Modern Perspective. wydanie 2,

Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2002. 5. W. Stallings, Systemy operacyjne. Robomatic, Wrocław 2004. 6. A.S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems. wydanie 2,

Prentice-Hall Inc., 2001. 7. A.Sobaniec, System operacyjny Linux — przewodnik

użytkownika. Nakom, Poznań 2002. 8. J. Marczyński, UNIX użytkowanie i administrowanie. wydanie 2,

Helion, Gliwice 2000

Software engineering

Course unit code, title

Software engineering

Name of the lecturer A.Kryś

Year, semester year III, semester winter

# of hours, format 15h lecture, 15h pracownia

Credit points 4 (E)

Language Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne

Introduction to programming, Programming I, II

Course contents Models of software development process. Development cycle, - strategy, - requirements analysis - design, - implementation, - deployment and maintenance, - deocumenting, - testing, - quality control, Introduction to project management.

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

Students should understand stages of software development.

Metody/Assessment methods

Written exam

Recommended reading

Base literature: 1. Jaszkiewicz A., Inżynieria Oprogramowania, wyd. Helion,., Complementary literature: 1. Subieta K. Wprowadzenie do inżynierii oprogramowania, wyd.

PJWSTK, "Inżynieria oprogramowania w projekcie informatycznym", pod red. J. Górskiego.

System administration Windows/Linux

Course unit code, title

ISL3PE System administration Windows/Linux

Name of the lecturer


Year, semester year II, semester winter

# of hours, format 30h lecture, 30h computer laboratory

Credit points 4 (Z*)

Language Polish

Prerequisites Operating systems

Course contents Administration basics (Windows / Linux) nstallation of the systems, configuring hardware and software support Management of workstations and servers, monitoring. Automating administrative tasks Administration and directory services (service Active Directory) User accounts and groups - management and development Administration data on Windows / Linux Managing file systems and disks Managing files and folders Data sharing Backup and Recovery Corrective mechanisms of systems Base network administration MS Windows / Linux ( TCP/IP , DHCP

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


WINS DNS) Remote administration Administering network printers and print services

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the fundamental issues of administration operating system installed on separate computers connected in a local area network, and acquainted with the basic principles of administration servers. DeYear, semesteration concerning Windows and Linux are currently available on the market version / distribution of these operating systems.

Teaching methods

The lecture illustrated with classic examples of presentations and web

Assessment methods

Written exam (optional oral, dyslexia, change of assessment)

Recommended reading

1. J. Marczyński, UNIX użytkowanie i administrowanie. wydanie 2, Helion, Gliwice 2000

2. M. Pelc, Linux praktyka administracji, wydawnictwo NAKOM, Poznań 2005

3. Scott Muller Rozbudowa i naprawa systemu Windows Helion Gliwice 2006

Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki.

Sylabusy do zajęć na kierunku Informatyka Stosowana (studia licencjackie i inżynierskie)


Websites Design

Course unit code, title :

ILO2PW Websites Design

Name of the lecturer :


Year, semester: year I, semester summer

# of hours, format: 15 lecture, 30h computer laboratory

Credit points: 3 (Z)

Language: Polish Przedmioty wprowadzające, wymagania wstępne:


Course contents: The structure of an HTML document 2. Basic elements (text, lists, links, tables, frames) 3. Web graphics 4. Forms, simple scripts for form processing 5. Cascading Style Sheets 6. Web standards (XHTML, DTDs, ...)

Objectives of the course and learning outcomes:

basic introduction to web technologies

Teaching methods: Lecture, computer laboratory

Assessment methods :

Students' performance is evaluated at the end of each computer lab.

Recommended reading :

1. http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning 2. http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/#tutorials 3. Bryan Pfaffenberger, Steven M. Schafer, Chuck White, Bill

Karow "HTML, XHTML i CSS. Biblia" 4. Dave Shea, Molly E. Holzschlag "Zen stosowania CSS. Źródło

oświecenia dla projektantów stron WWW"