sponsorship for athletes overview


Upload: vickie-saunders

Post on 13-Nov-2014




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An overview of our proven approach to sponsorship. Athletes of all levels and in all sports can engage valuable sponsorship....it's about what you can OFFER in return!



2. ABUNDANCE OF SPONSORSHIP AVAILABLE TO YOU THERE IS AN 3. SPONSORSHIP IS NOT GETTING FREEBIES! JUST FOR ELITE ATHLETES A DONATION! DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN 4. SPONSORSHIP IS AVAILABLE TO ATHLETES OF ALL LEVELS IN ALL SPORTS A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP GAME CHANGING ABUNDANT! 5. COMPANYS SPONSORATHLETES WHY Increased brand awareness and loyalty Increased sales and traffic Community and Public Relations Product testing and development 6. BENEFITS SPONSORED ATHLETE OF BEING Covers costs Frees up timeReduces stress Products and Services A THE Participate fully 7. BENEFITS SPONSORED ATHLETE OF BEING Career after sport Professional skills and knowledge Communication and Negotiation Network A THE UNEXPECTED Team Audience Credibility More sponsors 8. SPONSORSHIPBASED RELATIONSHIP PHASE 1 OBTAIN Identify Strategy Engage PHASE 2 MAINTAIN Active Deliver PHASE 3 RETAIN Review Feedback Develop Gratitude 9. PHASE 1 OBTAIN IDENTIFY STRATEGY RESEARCH PLAN COMMUNICATE 10. TO START HOW 11. MIND MAPPING BEGIN WITH 12. SPONSOR BENEFITSBENEFIT YOU TOO 13. PHASE 2 MAINTAIN ACTIVE ORGANISED DELIVERING 14. STRATEGIC MEDIAIS GOLD 15. LINDA, 50+ Accountant & Fitness Enthusiast LOCAL RADIO Topic - Great places to walk in local area LOCAL NEWSPAPER - Article on benefits of staying fit 50+ - Event listing for GO Festival ABC NATIONAL RADIO Topic Benefits of Staying Fit over 50 WORKING WOMEN MAG Article on running a small business and fitness balance WOMANS DAY Article on life changing decision at 40 GO FESTIVAL Ambassador at booth TOTAL AUDIENCE 515,000 ALL CONTENT CAN BE CAPTURED AND RESHARED THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA AS PDFs, PODCASTS and WEBLINKS Advertise in. Exhibiting at. Sponsored by. 16. PHASE 3 RETAIN REVIEW DEVELOP FEEDBACK PLAN GRATITUDE 17. CONSULTANCY RESOURCES BOOK SPONSORSHIP FOR ATHLETES SEMINARS PRE-FLIGHT SPONSORSHIP WORKSHOP TAILORED SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME AND Please visit our website to find out about our www.thesponsorshipconsultants.com.au 18. TAKE ACTIONNOW BOOK A discovery session or Pre-Flight workshop! ENGAGE MEDIA www.sourcebottle.com.au VISION Write down your dreams