sports halls - design and layouts 2012

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  • 7/28/2019 Sports Halls - Design and Layouts 2012


    February Revision 005 Sport England 2012

    DesignGuidance Note

    Updated & Combined Guidance

    Sports HallsDesign & Layouts

    Creating sporting opportunities in every community

  • 7/28/2019 Sports Halls - Design and Layouts 2012


    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 1 Sport England 2012


    Sport England believes that good acilities areundamental to developing sporting opportunitiesor everyone, rom the youngest beginner to theinternational class athlete. The buildings whetherlarge or small can encourage civic pride andassist the process o revitalising deprivedneighbourhoods. Facilities that are well designedbuilt to last and well maintained are a pleasure touse and give an ample return on the time andmoney invested in their construction and day today use.

    Good design needs to be based on a soundunderstanding o such issues as the current trends

    and practices within individual sports, the widerleisure industry and the lessons to be learnt rompreviously built schemes.

    Good design needs to be embraced within theearliest vision statement or a particular projectand enshrined in the initial brieing stage throughto the inal detailed speciications and operationalarrangements.

    Sport England design guidance notes aim topromote a greater general understanding o overall

    design concepts, an appreciation o technicalissues and the critical actors that need to beconsidered in reaching the appropriate solution ora particular project. They also advise where urtherinormation, advice and expertise may be oundand point to benchmark examples.

    Increase awareness ogood design in sportsacilities

    Help key buildingproessions, clients,user representatives

    and other stakeholdersto ollow best practice

    Encourage welldesigned sportsacilities that meet the

    needs o sports and area pleasure to use.

    Sport Englands designguidance notes aim to:

    To be read inconjunction with

    separate Sport Englandpublication Developingthe Right Sports Hall.

    This interim update aligns with the new SportEngland publication Developing the Right SportsHall and the Sports Data Sheets.

    Later in 2012, Sport England will be rehosting aully updated revision o Sports Halls Design andLayouts design guidance note to encompass the

    latest round o developments and initiativescurrently under discussion.

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 2 Sport England 2012


    1.0 Introduction 3


    National statistics and trends

    Current challenges

    Levels o play

    Adjustments o space requirements

    Modular approach to hall sizes

    Speciications or multi-sport halls

    Range o sports and local needs


    2.0 Site selection and planning 10

    Active design objectives


    External planning

    External appearance

    3.0 Scale o acility 13

    4.0 Hall and centre planning 16

    Main Entrance

    Reception area and oce accommodation

    Social and viewing areas

    Spectator seating / viewing

    Changing capacity

    Changing areas

    Clothes storage lockers


    Equipment store

    Mat store

    Special events

    Toilet accommodation

    First aid room / physiotherapy room

    Cleaners store

    Sta acilities

    Secondary areas

    o Fitness equipment room

    o Ancillary halls

    5.0 Detailed design o the sports hall 26

    General design

    Access to and rom the sports hall


    Sports foor

    Internal walls

    Exterior acades



    6.0 Environmental & sustainability issues 32

    Energy eciency

    Overall heating and ventilation requirements

    Choice o systems

    Comparison o heating / ventilation systems

    Articial lighting



    Reverberation times

    Sound insulation

    7.0 External sports acilities 37

    Appendix 1 38

    Standard multi-sport halls

    o Four-court hall

    o Five-court hall

    o Six-court hall

    o Larger hall congurations

    Appendix 2 43

    Court dimensions

    o Badmintono Basketball

    o Cricket practice / Indoor cricket

    o Five-a-side

    o Futsal

    o Handball

    o (Indoor) Hockey

    o Korball

    o Netball

    o Volleyball

  • 7/28/2019 Sports Halls - Design and Layouts 2012


    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 3 Sport England 2012


    This guidance note covers the design and planningo multi sports and specialist sports halls and theirattendant accommodation. These halls can be inthe orm o a single stand alone building withminimum support accommodation or as acomponent within a larger centre.

    The building type can be traced back to thebeginning o the last century. Some early examplesbeing simple sports barns on school sites thatgave basic weather projection to outdoor playingareas. Others were part o larger community sports

    centres that were developed rom the 1970s.Various development projects and programmes 1in the 1980s saw the evolution o standard compactand cost eective designs. Further developmentwork by Sport England led to the Optimum sportshall concept as an economically sustainable o thepeg design package 2 or the new millennium.

    Various built examples around the country providean excellent range o benchmarks or welldesigned, eicient and attractive centres that usegood quality materials and achieve a high degreeo customer appeal.

    1.0 Introduction

    National statistics and trends

    It is estimated3 that there are over 4,500 multi-sporthalls in England. This represents approximately2.7million m2 o loor space and the vast majority(83%) are small halls with 3-4 badminton courts.Almost hal o the halls are operated on a pay andplay basis (44%), whilst the remainder are splitbetween membership / club and private use.

    Nearly all sports halls in England were built in thesecond hal o the twentieth century with one thirdbeing built since 1996 and hal since 1986.

    During the period 1940s 1960s almost all newsports hall were built by the education sector. Inthe 1970s, Local Authority reorganisation triggereda signiicant increase o provision with a peak o453 new sports halls being built between 1971 and1975. From the mid 80s the number o localauthority sports halls declined whilst the numbero education sports halls increased up until the mid1990s. Since then this trend has been reversedwith an increase in the number o Local Authorityhalls and a decline in education owned hallsdespite the Building Schools or the Future (BSF)programme being an important contributor.

    There has been a steady trend or the educationsector to outsource the management o their sportshalls as shown by the distribution diagram below:

    Current challenges

    With the potential or many secondary schools to

    have their physical education (PE) and sportsprovision updated, it is important to ullyunderstand the value that lexible multi-sportindoor sports halls can oer. Stakeholders shouldbe challenged to consider the uture o teaching,learning and community participation and help toinspire uture acility development 4.

    This should include strategic planning or school andcommunity sports acilities, and appropriate designspeciication or buildings and outside areas.

    The investment in PE and school sport has neverbeen so good; yet many o the various capital andrevenue programmes supporting their

    development are developed in isolation.

    There are signiicant variations and imbalances inthe provision o sports halls within England and theextent that they meet local needs. For example,London, that has some 12.5% o the population oEngland, has 4% ewer sport halls than theaverage or the rest o the country.

    SeeActive Places data base or the situation in aparticular location.

    Technical Unit or Sport Development Project at Tamworthollowed by the Sport England Standard Approach to SportsHalls (SASH) design and building programme.

    2 Later updated to the Optimum Package.3

    Active Places Data (January 2011) halls with 3 or morebadminton courts.

    England: Sports halls by management provider

    Well designed SPORTSHALLS can accommodatean extensive range oschool PE and sportsactivities that can benetthe whole community.

    4For the key design issues in designing or sport on school sites:


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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 4 Sport England 2012

    Acoustic dividing screen integrated into the design

    International This category relates to the lowest

    level o International play 7.

    Premier This category relates to a Premier /National League Club competing in

    regional or inter county competitions.

    Club This category relates to a localclub competing in District andCounty League competitions.

    Community This category relates to school andcommunity use where there is noormal competitive structure / nospeciic need or space or oicialsor spectator accommodation.

    6See Appendix 4 o Sport England publication Developingthe Right Sports Hall or more inormation.

    7For higher levels o international competition, such as majorchampionships, the relevant NGB should be consulted at avery early stage as the requirements vary considerably.

    Levels o play

    The space requirements in sports halls should relateto the level o play categories or the particularactivities. Generally, the higher the level o play, themore space that is required or the saety zones andother margins around the playing area. For manycompetition events, an extra zone is also requiredor team benches and oicials tables. An additionalsecurity zone between teams and spectators mayalso be required or major events. Adding thesemargins around the playing area produces thecritical overall space i.e. the minimum sae areaor a particular level o play.

    For some sports such as Badminton 5, Volleyball

    and trampoline the clear internal height above thecourt to any downward projection such as lightittings, roo mounted equipment and tracking ornetting is also important.

    Levels o play can be generally categorised asInternational, Premier, Club and Community 6 andan overview o what can be accommodated invarious sizes o hall is shown on page 6.

    See separate SportEngland publications:

    Developing the RightSports Hall

    Comparative Sizes oSports Pitches and Courts.

    5See Sport England design guidance note Badminton.

    Adjustments o space requirements

    Adjustments to the nominal sizes o sports hallsmay also be required or a number o business andprograming reasons. In addition, there may be arange o technical issues in the detailed design andconstruction processes. These might include:

    Space or division nets / screens / barriers

    Space or addional viewing / spectators /oicials

    Adjustment in position o court line marking toavoid conlicts

    Structural grid requirements

    Mechanical and electrical installations

    The support o ixed sports equipment onthe walls and roo

    Location o light ittings in relationship to thecourt markings.

    Early consideration o such actors will help toensure a well integrated design solution and help

    to avoid compromise to the minimum saetyrequirements and the successul operation o thesports hall.

    However, it should be noted that other categoriesand terms are used by a number o SportsGoverning Bodies and sports promoters or

    particular events and programmes. For example:Top divisions

    Local league

    Lower divisions

    Sports Governing Bodies also have their ownspeciications and classiication system or sportacilities.

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 5 Sport England 2012

    8In the past, Building Bulletin 98 reerred to a minimum size

    o 18 x 33 x 7.6m. This size is now considered by SportEngland and the NGBs to be unsuitable as it does not allowthe recommended court sizes and limits teaching / coachingand lexibility o use.

    Modular approach to hall sizes

    Badminton is oten the sport which has the mostinluence over the design o sports halls. It isrequently a popular activity and has a convenientspace requirement or adopting a modularapproach to the sizing o halls. It can also inluencea number o building elements such as the roostructure, lighting, background colours and airvelocities. These issues are discussed in moredetail in Sections 5 and 6.

    A single badminton court space is regarded as thesmallest practical multi-sport space. See SportEngland design guidance note Community andVillage Halls.

    The number o Badminton courtsis used as an easy reerence orthe size o a sports hall.

    (i.e. 4 or 12 court hall)See table on page 7 or nominalhall sizes and the range o sportsthat can be accommodated.

    Two or three badminton court halls are also seen

    as valuable acilities, but a our court conigurationis required or many sports that need to be playedalong the length o the space. However additionallength and width is likely to be required to obtainthe best value or money.

    For school projects aminimum size o 34.5 x 20.0x 7.5 m is recommended8.

    Speciications or multi-sport halls

    A hall based on a 4 badminton court module canbe successully designed to accommodate arange o sports, but careul attention should begiven to the proposed level o play category oreach sport, the critical dimensions or the principalplaying area and run o spaces and the choiceo sports loor.

    The Sport England publication Developing theRight Sports Hall sets out a 7 step process thatincludes decisions about establishing which sportsare considered as priority and secondary withina hall. In multi-sports projects, the individual spatialrequirements o sports such as netball, handball,hockey and korball that exceed the minimumrequirements or 4 badminton courts are critical -extra space will be required both on the width andthe length.

    This has led to the updated 4 court hall modulewith nominal dimensions o 34.5 x 20.0 x 7.5 mand a larger 5 court hall module with nominaldimensions o 40.6 x 21.35 x 7.5 m being theminimum sizes or multi-sport projects, dependingon the range o sports to be accommodated. Seethe table on page 7 or the sports, level o playcategories and court numbers that can beaccommodated within a range o typical nominalhall sizes based on these modules.

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 6 Sport England 2012

    Acoustic dividing screen at the centre point o a 6-court hall on a school site allows the space to be divided into two teaching spaces

    The updated sizes or the4 and 5 badminton courtmodules give advantagesor the individual sportswhich include:


    2 training courts that can be separatedby netting

    Space on side or oicials tables orcentral court


    Space or saety zones to NGBsstandards

    Space on side or oicials tables


    Space or increased size o court andsaety zones (but still less than NGB

    recommendation unless the width isincreased to 21.35 m)


    Additional length or court (1m short)*


    Additional length or bowlers run upend


    Added general lexibility or teachingnets.

    See pages 38 - 41 or details.

    *i Handball is a priority then additional lengthwould be recommended.

    Modular sports hall approach









    40.0m20.0m 60.0m

    42.7m 64.05m21.35m







    The 4 and 5 court hallsprovide additional spaceor teaching school PE

    and coaching

    (particularly when the hall is

    sub-divided into two sections).

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 7 Sport England 2012

    Overview o numbers o courts* / levels o play or nominal hall sizes

    Sport andlevel o play category** 4






































    Badminton(with 1 dividing net per 4 or 5 court module)

    International 1 42+3 42 82 8 12 12 1 Excludes ocials zone.2 Requires a clear height o 9.0 m.3 It is assumed that division nets are excluded.

    Premier 1 42 52 82 10 12 15

    Club 1 4 5 8 10 12 15

    Community 1 4 5 8 10 12 15

    BasketballInternational - - 1 1 2 2

    Premier - - 1 1 2 2

    Club 1 1 2 2 3 3

    Community 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Excludes team / oicials zone.

    Reduced court size 5 2 2 4 4 6 6 5 Excludes team / ocials zone.

    Cricket practice / Indoor cricket

    Community 6 4 4 8 8 12 126 Includes allowance or a central 3.4 m wide (minimum) clear zone or

    basketball goals within each 4 or 5 court module.

    GymnasticsInternational - - - O P P

    The new hall sizes provide more space or all the gymnasticsdisciplines.

    Premier P P 1 1/2P 1/3P 1/3P

    Club P 1 1 1/2P 1/3P 1/3P

    Community 1 1 2 2 3 3

    Five-a-side ootball / FutsalInternational - - P P 1 1

    The new hall sizes provide more space or Five-a-side ootball /Futsal.

    Premier P P 1 1 3 3

    Club 1 1 2 2 3 3

    Community 1 1 2 2 3 3


    International - - - 1 1 1

    The new hall sizes provide more space or Handball.Premier - 1 1 2 1 3

    Club - 1 1 2 1 3

    Community 1 1 2 2 3 3

    Indoor hockey

    International - - - 1 1 1

    The new hall sizes provide more space or Indoor Hockey.Premier - P P 1 1 1

    Club - P P 1 1 1

    Community 1 Unihoc 1 Unihoc 1 Unihoc 2 1 2

    KorballInternational - - - - 1 1

    The new hall sizes provide more space or Korball.Premier - - 1 1 1 2

    Club - - 1 1 1 2

    Community 1 1 2 2 3 3


    International 7 / 8 0 0 1 1 1 1

    7A practice area will be required close to the international competition court.8For International and Super League consult with England Netballon space required or tv equipment and anticipated club specicspectator requirements.

    Premier 0 19 1 29 1 310

    9The hall / module width needs to be increased to 23.35 m to allow ora 2.0 m wide team / ocials zone which cannot be accommodated inthe standard size hall.

    10Excludes team / ocials zone which must be accommodated

    by increasing the hall size and/or by sharing team/ocial zonesbetween multiple courts.11Where netball is not the primary sport, by agreement, England Netball

    will allow club netball to be played in this size hall, with reduced run-os and no team and ocial zones.

    Club 111 19 210 29 311 310

    Community 1 1 2 2 3 3

    Sports hall athletics

    International - - - P 1P 1P

    The new hall sizes provide more space or all the athleticsdisciplines.

    Premier P P 2P 2P 3P 3P

    Club P P 2P 2P 3P 3P

    Community P P 2P 2P 3P 3P


    International 0 0 1 1 2 2

    Premier 1 1 2 2 3 3

    Club 1 1 2 2 3 3

    Community 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Excludes team / oicials zone.

    Training courts 4 2P 2P 4P 4P 6P 6P 4 Excludes team / oicials zone.

    General notes:

    Unless noted otherwise all sizes include or team / oicialszones but DO NOT include or any spectator provision.

    The number o courts noted or each hall size does not take intoaccount the additional option o inclusion o Show Court overlays.

    Indicative court numbers are an update of the previous revision and should be checked against the space requirements for the individual sports to be accommodated.

    See Appendix 4 of Developing the Right Sports Hall for guidance on the level of play category for each sport.

    P = Below space standard for competition play recommended by the governing body, but suitable for practice and training.


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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 8 Sport England 2012

    Decisions on the size othe sports hall and support

    accommodation should bebased on:

    All sports hall projects shoulduse the 7 step process to

    develop the project brie.

    Range o sports and local need

    The local need or each sports hall project, or bothnew and reurbishment schemes, may varyconsiderably and needs to be established beoreany designs are developed. Sport England and theNGBs have worked together to produce a standardmethodology or all sports hall projects to enablea clear vision and project brie to be established.Detailed guidance on the methodology and whocan help is available in Sport Englands publicationDeveloping the Right Sports Hall. A summary othe 7 steps in the methodology is set out below.

    Most popular sports hall activities taken rom a Surveyo Sports Halls and Swimming Pools in England - SportEngland (1999)

    Other activities that can be accommodated insports halls include:



    Children play




    Indoor gol


    Roller hockey


    Activity Hall visits (%)

    Badminton 24.4

    Keep it / aerobics / step / yoga 23.6

    Indoor ive-a-side ootball / Futsal 18.3

    Martial arts 6.3

    Carpet / mat / short bowls 6.1

    Gymnastics 3.6

    Basketball 2.3

    Netball 2.1

    Table tennis 1.9

    Dance 1.8

    Trampolining 1.8

    Indoor hockey 1.6

    Tennis / short tennis 1.5

    Roller skating / roller blading 1.2

    Indoor cricket 1.0

    Multi-sports session 0.7

    Racquetball 0.6

    Volleyball 0.6

    Others 0.6















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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 9 Sport England 2012

    Imaginative design can invite attention and ocus to thebuilding entrance


    Sports halls are open or long hours, seven days aweek and take heavy wear as a result. It is thereoreimportant to design durable and high qualitybuildings with good, attractive and easilymaintained inishes.

    For overall participation igures see Active People

    Survey download (or Sport By Sport Fact Sheet)available rom the Sport England website.

    With careul management and use o division curtains anumber o activities can be programmed simultaneously

  • 7/28/2019 Sports Halls - Design and Layouts 2012


    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 10 Sport England 2012

    2.0 Site selection and planning

    Active design objectives

    Plans or the location o new sports halls shouldconsider the objectives set out in the SportEngland publication Active Design 9. It containsguidance and inormation on how sport andopportunities or people to be physically active canbe integrated into planning and developmentprojects. The range o physical and managementmeasures to promote active design objectivesinclude:

    Improved accessibility

    Enhanced amenity

    Increased awareness.

    Key issues in the site selection process will include:

    The opportunities or co-location with othercommunity ocus points in order to share carparking, access and reception acilities

    The prioritisation o pedestrian, cycle andpublic transport routes

    The prominence o the location and

    opportunities or visual communication /signage to encourage use o the acility.

    9 See Sport England publication Active Design.


    The shape and contours o the available site willobviously inluence the siting o the sports hall andany important ancillary acilities, such as artiicialgrass pitches (AGP) or a group o tennis courts.However, in most instances the proximity o anexisting access road and/or the necessary mainservices will be the main actor aecting itslocation, i unnecessary and expensive sitedevelopment costs are to be avoided. It is essentialthat the site provides:

    Suicient space or the proposed acility aswell as space or uture expansion

    Adequate car parking provision, including thepotential or overspill parking

    Access or service and emergency vehicles.

    External planning

    Provision should be made or:

    Car and coach parking closely related to themain entrance

    Disabled parking bays with ramped curbs

    Drop o point adjacent to the entrance

    Appropriate bench seating along pathways.

    The entrance should be easy to access, eel sae to all users and be an attractive part o the public realm

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 11 Sport England 2012

    Access and adequate turning provision orservice vehicles

    Secure cycle standing located within sight othe oice or reception

    Ramps, i there are changes in ground level,and additional handrailing

    Well-lit car parks and ootpaths or sae accessater dark

    Pedestrian routes planned away rom areas opotential concealment.

    The location o the building on the site shouldallow space or uture expansion when the

    opportunity exists. The popularity o speciicsports and the need or social accommodationmay change over the lie o the building and pastexperience shows that sports dimensional andsaety requirements can increase along with userexpectations or better equipped and morecomortable support accommodation.

    A planting scheme can assist in linking the sportshall building to its surroundings and particularly inurban projects can help to create a morewelcoming entrance. Suitably selected shrubplanting will provide a barrier to the building aceand help to deter vandalism and give more privacy

    to glazed accommodation. All new planting willneed initial barrier protection.

    See Sport England design guidance note CarParking and Landscape Design.

    Key design eatures:

    Clearly identiied entrance

    Well articulated structure

    Prominent signage

    Crisp detailing

    High quality roo and wallcladding.

    External appearance

    Sports halls oten use industrial buildingcomponents and, unless careully designed, can alltoo easily look just like another actory orwarehouse, an impression that should be avoided.

    By necessity they are large buildings with ewwindows and require considerable skill in theselection o materials, use o colour and thegeneral design so that they look attractive andinviting by day and night.

    In some locations such as on existing school andcollege sites, it may be appropriate to use brickcladding, but this can oten lead to a heavy andoppressive character.

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 12 Sport England 2012

    Set down point


    School Entrance


    Potential futureexpansion

    Main entrance givenvisual emphasis andprotection by canopy

    Well lit car parkwith simple

    vehicle circulation Coachparking



    Assistance dog

    rest areaSeat

    Articial Pitch

    Exit for use at

    peak times

    Bus stop

    Bus stop


    Optimum / block plan

    Prominentlypositioned sign

    indicating name

    of centre,

    facilities provided

    and other


    Main entrance

    visible from main

    road / site


    Low planting

    allowing car

    parking to be

    clearly visible

    Clear direct


    footpaths with

    clearly dened


    points wherevehicle and


    routes intersect


    Exit for use at

    peak times

    Notional site layout

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 13 Sport England 2012

    3.0 Scale o acility

    The scale o the acility and supportaccommodation will depend upon the size o thesports hall and the extent o other activities to beincluded as part o the acility. For instance sportshalls may be combined with swimming pools, icerinks, etc. as part o a larger sports and leisureacility.

    Each project will have its own requirements, butevery reestanding sports hall should have:

    Foyer and reception

    Rereshment area

    Changing and toilet accommodation

    Facilities or disabled people

    Oice accommodation

    Integral equipment storage

    Hall viewing with seating

    Provision or irst aid

    Plant room

    Cleaners store.

    This is oten expanded to include the ollowingmodel range o accommodation whichcomplements sports halls o all sizes:

    Crche 10

    Pram store

    Club meeting room

    Fitness and exercise studio/areas

    Multi-purpose secondary hall


    Physiotherapy treatment room

    Licensed lounge

    All-weather external playing area.

    Sports halls should be planned to provide:

    A simple, economical and spacious circulationsystem that is clearly intelligible to the userand permits easy supervision

    The elimination o long, narrow corridors thatmight conuse visitors and impart aninstitutional image

    Sae and secure access achieved by designand not by reliance on a closed circuittelevision system (CCTV).

    The circulation pattern should enorce a sequentialprogression through the building:

    The entrance oyer and reception

    Linked to a social rereshment area

    Leading on to changing and toilets

    Leading to activity spaces.

    The need to backtrack should be avoided exceptwhere a conscious decision has been made torearrange accommodation or a speciic purpose,such as grouping glazed activity space around thesocial hub o a centre to allow spectator viewing.

    Servicing and plant room access should be remoterom the main entrance or arranged on an adjoiningelevation with an internal service route direct tokitchen store or bar cellar or into anyaccommodation that needs to be provisioned orsocial unctions. Plant rooms should be located asclose as possible to the most heavily servicedspaces, usually the changing rooms or the deepend o a pool in a wet and dry centre. First aidrooms must have direct or easy access to thebuilding exterior and an ambulance bay should beprovided, remote rom the main entrance.

    10 Crches national standards or under 8s day care andchildminding, Surestart DE and DWP.

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 14 Sport England 2012

    Note: All dimensions are in millimetres

    Main and learner pools, an eight court hall andother accommodation planned off a mezzanine

    circulation spine

    Block plans illustrating different scales and mixesof accommodation

    Six court hall with fitnessand dance studios

    Four court hallwithminimumancillaryaccommodation

    Minimum corridor width of

    1500 in non-sportschair areas

    In Sportschair areas maintain

    a minimum preferred clear width

    of 2500 to allow two sports

    chairs to pass

    Doors that need to swing

    out into main corridors

    should be 'protected' by

    being set into a recess






    Splayed walls at changes

    in direction will benet

    wheelchair users and

    visually impaired people

    Minimum 870 effective clear width

    Minimum 1200 effective clear width

    1500 turning circle

    to be maintained

    throughout the facility






    Where space is tight the circulation

    can be reduced to 2000 with 2500

    passing places at max 5m apart

    Key Dimensions


    Radiator, hose reels and

    so on set into recesses to

    maintain corridor width

    Doors across corridors must have viewing panels

    Where double doors of unequal wid th are used,

    the wider doors should all be on the same side of the

    corridor and meet the minimum clear wid th requirement


    5000 max 2500

    Where the unobstructed width of a corridor is less than1.8m, they must have passing places at least 1.8m long

    and with an unobstructed width of at least 1.8m to

    allow wheelchair users to pass each other

    Internal circulation diagram

    25 m pool, our court hall with social areas andsecondary sports space on two levels

    All levels must be capable o beingaccessed by users with disabilitiesvia a lit as even the smallest sportshall with a minimum amount osupport accommodation will havea loor area o at least 700m2.Larger centres will require 2 lits.

    Sports wheelchairs require widerdoors, careul consideration isneeded during the design stage toallow sports chairs to access allappropriate areas o the building,including changing rooms, toiletsand social areas.

    See Sport England design guidance

    note Accessible Sports Facilities.

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 15 Sport England 2012

    A 34.5 x 20.0 m sports hall with a typical range o accommodation. Alternatively, the club-meeting room space could bedeveloped as a crche, sot play or exercise studio

    Sports hall






    Natural lighting to

    ancillary areas



    Sports hall



    34.5 x 20m

    Changing for 30

    Changing for16

    Changing for16

    Changing for 30




    chair store




    (&FirstAid) Plant



    Store OfceOfce



    0 10m5

    (& First Aid)

    See pages 38-39 for arange of court layouts

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    Sports Halls DesignGuidance Note

    February Revision 005 16 Sport England 2012

    4.0 Hall and centre planning

    Main entrance

    The design o the entrance should be warm andwelcoming. The entrance oyer is the hub o thebuilding and should have suicient space andvolume or people to circulate, view notices or waitor riends in comortable surroundings. Design toprovide:

    Views towards the sport hall and other mainelements o the building

    Convenient and secure store or pushchairsoverlooked rom reception

    Draught lobby to the main entrance doors

    Automatic operation o the main doors whichis particularly helpul to wheelchair users andpeople with young children

    Space or the inclusion o security barriers.

    The management strategy will dictate oyerplanning. Options or oyer design include:

    reception close to the point o entry withsuicient space or queuing

    an inormal hotel type arrangement.

    The irst has the advantage o close control overthose entering the centre, the second provides ora more relaxed and welcoming style o operation.In either case the oyer and its associated spaces,

    which can include seating, viewing andrereshment areas, should be designed to be asopen and transparent as possible. Natural lighting,most probably rom a roo source, will help createa pleasant atmosphere. The volume o the entranceis important in creating a comortable arrivalspace. A higher ceiling can also help relate to thelarger volume o the sports hall.

    In dual-use centres it is preerable to separate themain community entrance rom the schoolentrance, so that one is approached directly romthe main car park, and the other directly rom theschool premises. This can reduce excessive usageo the entrance and social areas and minimisewear and tear on speciied inishes.

    Reception and oice accommodation

    The reception desk should:

    Be prominently sited

    Be o an open design with a dropped level orwheelchair users and children, but with

    sensitively designed security eatures asappropriate

    Incorporate storage or lost property and itemsor sale or hire

    Make provision or the monitoring o ire andsecurity systems

    Allow or the integration o CCTV, PA and otheressential equipment (retroitting such equipmentwhen space is tight can be diicult).

    Only in dual-use schemes where club programming

    predominates is it appropriate or the openreception counter to be replaced with a glazedscreen and counter to the sta oice.

    Dual use projects can haveimplications or the overallbuilding specication.

    Check requirements or:

    Heating and ventilation strategy

    Escape routes

    Examination requirements


    Public entertainment.

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    Reception and social areasshould be designed orlexibility to allow or dierent

    management styles andchanging local circumstances.

    The reception desk and oice accommodationshould be closely linked. An island receptioncounter may be used or larger centres to controlsports hall, pool, ice rink or spectator access.Isolated reception counters should be providedwith an integral secure cash oice.

    Whenever possible oices should be located onan external wall or day lighting and views over the

    approach to the building.

    A small school / community sports hall might havea minimum administration area consisting o anoice or one person with some storage.

    Generally, a our-court hall would have a managersoice with meeting space and a general oice,unless some administrative unctions take placeo-site.

    Larger centres may include a separate cateringmanagers oice, other specialist accommodationsuch as a rest room and male and emale stachanging.

    Open reception desk with lower height sections orwheelchair users and children

    Reception area and ofce accommodation

    ColumnSaeguard lowheadroom


    Dened space or waiting

    and manoeuvring in ronto lit 1500 x 1500mmminimum

    Recess eatures suchas vending machinesand radiators

    Telephone recesslocated away romnoisy areas

    Logicalunobstructedroutes; clearsignage

    Low counter reception adequate space in rontand behind with inductionloop or sta and visitors

    Flush and rm mattingto entire lobby

    Lighting levelsin lobby providea transitionbetween insideand outside

    Brackets or columns tocanopies or lights kept

    clear o circulation routes

    Obvious entrance withclear views in helps


    Seating areas shouldincorporate loose seats

    with armrests

    Waiting area well litwith a quietenvironment balancebetween acousticallyhard and sot areas

    Seating area withindened area andlocated o the main

    circulation route toavoid visually impairedpeople colliding withurniture. In additionprovide integratedspaces or wheelchairusers

    Where they areunavoidable, obstaclesshould be highlightedusing colour and lightingto assist way nding andto minimise the risk oaccidental collision

    Protect door swings

    Locate visual and tactileinormation in obvious

    and convenient positions

    Consider assistancedog rest area

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    Social and viewing areas

    Where possible sports halls should be capable obeing viewed rom social accommodation andevery hall with public use, including those onschool sites, should have some social andrereshment accommodation. The simplest answeris to extend the oyer to include a seating areaoverlooking the hall through saety glazing ittedwith blinds or a curtain to avoid distractingbadminton players or other user groups. Two orthree vending machines with adjacent storage areoten suicient or small halls but an alternative isto extend the reception counter or sta to servedrinks and snacks.

    I a cae area is included it should be:

    Located in or close to the entrance oyer toenhance the welcoming ambience and toenable the centre to beneit rom customersecondary spend

    Designed to ensure that standards o decormatch successul high street equivalents.

    In large centres social and viewing areas can begrouped together and may include:

    A bar and lounge

    Viewing into the hall and other areas.

    Where it is not possible to accommodate theseacilities at ground loor level, the social areasshould be visible rom the oyer and linked to itwith a prominent staircase set in a generous well.It is important that this relationship is emphasisedand that the social content is not tucked away ina remote corner o the building. Supportaccommodation will include:

    Storage and servery areas serviced rom anearby vehicle delivery point

    Proper reuse storage and containment withdirect access

    I there is a licensed area separate cellaragewill be needed and a physical orm osegregation may be required.

    Viewing o sports halls and other activity areasprovides added interest to the social content andassists in breaking down the cellular characteristicscommon to many older sports buildings. Thesebeneits have to be reconciled with the privacyneeds o some occupants so open galleries shouldbe capable o being shut o and glazed screensmust be itted with curtains or blinds.

    Viewing o sports halls andother activity areas providesadded interest and shouldbe designed to benet allusers - see AccessibleSports Facilities design

    guidance note.

    Check with operators thatthere is adequate spaceor vending machines (anduture expansion).

    Views rom entrance / reception o climbing wall andother sports activity spaces beyond

    A well urnished and suitably equipped rereshmentsarea: an attractive image or the leisure environment

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    Spectator seating / viewing

    In larger halls, bleacher seating can be integratedinto the wall and linked up to a irst loor accessroute. In smaller halls smaller temporary seatingunits may be kept in the sports hall store. In allcases, the space requirements need to be

    considered in relationship to the court markings.

    single sex activities such as keep it oraerobics

    For small itness equipment rooms changingspaces are oten provided or each item oequipment (based on 5 m2 o loor area) but orlarger acilities this can be discounted by25-30%

    Aerobics studios and other ancillary hallsrequire one space per 5-10 m2 and anallowance or overlap11

    Squash courts require our spaces per court

    The need to accommodate varying ratios o

    males/emales with buer or individualchanging units as required

    Changing areas need to be ully accessible ordisabled users

    Ideally, provide a proportion o cubicles ormale and emale customers who may preerprivacy

    Have entrances that screen o views romcirculation areas eg. privacy screening orlobbies.

    The design should allow a minimum o 1.6 m2 per

    person with a 0.5 m bench run or an accessibleopen group changing area and shower areas.More space will be required where cubicles areprovided or where dedicated disabled provision isincorporated in the general area.

    See Sport England design guidance noteAccessible Sports Facilities.

    I there is enough capacity the internal changingcan also serve external pitches with an artiicialplaying surace, subject to a suitable access routewith hard paving and entrance matting. However,grass pitches must have separate provision with

    direct access to and rom the ield and bootcleaning acilities.

    See Sport England design guidance note Pavilionsand Clubhouses.

    Management eedbackshows that split school andcommunity changing workswell, subject to supervision

    and programming.

    Changing capacity

    Changing capacity should be provided to copewith the normal maximum occupancy level andpattern o use. Calculations should take intoaccount:

    The number o badminton courts (4 players) x2 or changeover. This number can be

    exceeded where there is school use and aneed to provide or two or more classes. Extrachanging spaces will also be required or

    Bleacher seating integrated into the side wall and accessgallery above

    11See Sport England design guidance note Fitness andExercise Studios.

    Screen panels itted to irst loor viewing to give privacy

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    Clothes storage lockers

    The decision on the location o lockers is otendependant on the local situation and user proile.Lockers in the main corridor can be easilysupervised by sta and might help to deter

    vandalism, whilst lockers in the changing room aremore convenient or users. In many centres amixture o both are provided.

    Allow 2.5 times the assessed occupancylevels or changing

    Locate lockers in changing rooms to oermaximum convenience or users

    Typically, manuacturers supply locker unitsthat are 0.5 m deep, 0.3 m wide and arrangedin 1.8 m high columns. These can containeither two individual hal height lockers or a

    single ull height locker. There should be aproportion o both to suit the likely use o thecentre. Some should be wider (say 0.4 m x1.8 m) to accommodate larger sports bags,childrens buggies and mobility aids 12.

    Behind bench lockers save space but areinconvenient at times o peak use.


    Allow one shower point to every six changingspaces. Provide a separate dry o area andinclude a proportion o cubicle showers 13.

    Customer eedback conirmsthat underloor heating is likedor changing areas.

    Changing areas

    Changing areas oten attract criticism in acilitiesthat would otherwise be well received.

    Always use high quality, robust and easilycleaned materials to give an immediate andlasting impression o hygiene and cleanliness

    Ceramic tiles need to be used on all wallsuraces in showers and changing rooms, withslip-resistant ceramic tiles on the loors

    Whenever possible changing areas should beequipped with high ceilings and roolighting.Note that clerestory windows and suspended

    ceilings are vulnerable to vandalism.








    Note: a 600mm

    bench depth is

    required for












    Vanity area with appropri-

    ately located fittings to give

    access for wheelchair users







    1500 minclear






    1500 minclear

    Door size in accordance with

    Table 5 of Accessibile Sports

    Facilities DGN


    A range of locker sizes

    must be provided to

    accomodate aids

    Folding changingbench with curtain

    1900 min




    By providing a dropdown seat with the

    appropriate fixed rails,the main shower areacan be made more accessible. All shower

    areas should incorporate these facilities

    1000 min

    clear (int)



    1500 minclear






    clear (int)

    clear (int)



    1500 minclear

    1000 min





    1000 minclear



    Changing rooms and showers: some key minimumdimensions

    Note: All dimensions are in millimetres

    13 Above the BS 6465-1 recommendations.

    12 See Sport England design guidance note AccessibleSports Facilities and

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    Hardwood (lightcoloured) or solid

    grade laminate

    slatted bench.

    Wall-supportedheat source,protectedbeneath bench

    Cast aluminiumor galvanisedsteel bracket



    Floor channels with bucket gullies and lit-o grilles giveeective drainage in shower and other wet areas. Theyrequire regular cleaning

    Strong colours add to a bright and clean appearance

    An arrangement o similar capacity incorporating lockable buer rooms orlexibility. Generally, this is the more economical approach in terms o overallloor area and is more easily supervised.

    Individual units allocated as required to provide flexibility. Each unit can incorporate toilets i the centres main acilitiesare not adjacent.

    Cantilevered benching and wall-hung heating source allow loorsuraces to be easily cleaned

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    Shower outlets should be at 0.75 m centreswith 0.45-0.5 m between end ittings and sidewalls. Fittings carried around an internal cornershould be to an increased space standard toallow or wheelchair access.

    Showers on opposing walls should be spaced2.5 m apart to permit a central circulation routeand will require a separate dry o area to one end.

    See separate guidance note Accessible SportsFacilities or space requirements or showering.

    Equipment store

    Adequate storage space o suitable proportions,

    sited in the correct location, is essential or theeicient operation o multi-sports halls.

    A total o 12.5% o the hall loor area is requiredas a minimum or sports equipment. Communityuse school halls and large events halls mayrequire more or urniture and specialised ittings

    Locate storage on the long side o our courthalls or, where this cannot be achieved, splitstores into two areas according to the patterno hall use

    In larger halls locate storage where it can

    eiciently serve subdivided play areas

    Stores should have easy access rom the hallwith wide door openings and at least 2.5 m clearheight to allow or storing small trampolines

    Up-and-over, sliding, olding and side-hungdoors can be considered but must be detailedto resist impact damage and to be ree romprojections that can injure users upon impact

    Wide-lea, side-hung panels usually require asteel rame

    A store depth o 5.0 m is preerred or end-onstorage o goals but excessive depth restrictsentry and increases handling diiculty

    A separate racked store may be required orroller skate hire. It should be located next tothe sports hall entrance

    Provision or loor socket type posts orbadminton / netball / volleyball to be storedvertically (i this type o post system is used).

    The location o the equipment store should allow easyaccess to various subdivisions o the hall

    Access doors to the store should be wide to allow easyaccess

    Mat storage

    Mats can be a potential ire risk and considerationshould be given to a separate one-hour ire-ratedenclosure vented to the external air and equippedwith a smoke detection system. Early discussionswith the ire oicer are advisable. Maximum usecan be made o the available space by storing themats on a purpose-made trolley, which can bepulled out or sae and easy access. Mats usuallymeasure 2.0 x 1.0 m.

    Shelving and wall xingsshould be considered to help

    use the ull volume oequipment storage areas.







    Allow ample space in the equipment store or all theactivities that are likely to occur in the sports hall

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    located in wall recesses so as to retain a lushrebound surace.

    For larger halls a suitable adjustment should bemade or the additional number o courts and theproposed programme o activities.

    Toilet accommodation

    Toilets can be planned to share a common accesslobby with changing rooms. This is an economical,proven arrangement that concentrates servicesand aords convenient access to sports, socialand oice areas.

    Special events

    Extra large external doors will be required oradditional large items o sports equipment, and

    mobile seating and so on or competitions andexhibitions. Bleacher old-out seating should beconsidered or halls with six or more courts,

    Typical schedule o loose equipment or a our-court hall(dependant on sport priorities or the particular project)

    Accessible changing and toilet provision or sports halls

    Badminton 4 sets o posts, 4 nets,

    2 spare nets

    Basketball Scoring equipment

    Oicials table / chairs

    Team benches

    Portable baskets (i no ixed


    Bowls 4 short mat carpets, rolled,

    each 1.83 long x up to 0.5 m


    Cricket Roll out mats (to ECB

    standards or the particular

    sports hall)

    Five-a-side 1 pair portable goals with

    ootball / anchor points, each

    Futsal 3.66 / 4.99 x 1.20 m

    Handball 1 pair goals, each 3 x 2 m

    Hockey 1 pair goals, each 3 x 2m

    Gymnastics * Range o apparatus with

    anchorage points andfloor mats

    Judo/karate Mats, each 2 x 1m (ull 14 x 14 m

    matted area with an 8 x 8 m

    combat area requires 98 mats)

    Netball 1 pair adjustable posts, each

    3.05 m high

    Table tennis 6 tables, olded, each 1.855 x

    1.830 x 0.65 m, nets and


    Team benches 2

    Trampoline * 2 olding trampolines, each

    4.60 / 5.20 m x 2.75 / 3.05 m x

    2.25 / 2.00 m high when olded

    Volleyball Posts*and nets / oicials table /chairs



    Accessible changing provision

    Unisex accessible changing room with WC 2 2*

    In addition, provide an accessible changingcubicle within the main changing area

    m l

    Changing room large enough or wheelchair teams l l

    In addition, provide a unisex Changing Placeschanging room

    m l

    Accessible toilet provision

    Dedicated unisex Accessible WC compartmenton each loor (in addition to any provision withinunisex accessible changing above)*

    2 2*

    Provide a minimum o one cubicle each withinthe general male and emale toilets suitable

    or an ambulant disabled person

    l l

    In addition, provide an accessible WCcompartment located within the Sports ChairZone to serve people using large sports chairs

    m m

    Changing Places provision: include as indicatedunder Accessible Changing Provision above

    Key: lRequired mRecommendedNotes:

    See Accessible Sports Facilities or details o the layoutsor the above acilities.

    * The above igures are the minimum and should beincreased i necessary to relect the anticipated amount ouse and the relationship to the individual acilities. Unisex

    accessible changing acilites must be located whereverthere is general changing provision.

    The total toilet provision should be calculated onthe likely maximum occupancy o the building inaccordance with BS 6465-1: 2006.


    * Floor socket required



    One WC, one washbasin,

    one urinal per 15-20 usersOne WC per 7-10 users,

    one washbasin per 15 users.

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    As a minimum there should be at least one unisexaccessible toilet at locations where there is publictoilet provision. See BS 8300. It is unreasonableto expect disabled users to travel urther thanother members o the public. Where single sexchanging acilities are provided, an additionalunisex accessible toilet easily accessed rom themain circulation area should be provided, therebyenabling a disabled user to be assisted by peopleo either sex. Additionally, disabled users needscan be met within the general changing areas byprovision o:

    Open bench changing or double sized cubicles

    Showers itted with old down seats.

    See Sport England design guidance noteAccessible Sports Facilities.

    Cleaners store

    Even in a small hall separate provision or thestorage o cleaning equipment and materials must

    be made. Locate the store close to the changingaccommodation and include a Belast sink.

    Sta acilities

    BS 6465 recommends separate sta acilities orschool situations. The Workplace (health, saetyand welare) regulations 1992 require that thereshould be a suitable seating area or use duringbreaks. It needs to be clean and located whereood cannot get contaminated.

    Larger centres require more dispersedaccommodation which can include separate

    toilets or sta.

    Stretcher trolley/couch

    Full height



    Direct access to

    emergency vehicle

    1100 clear min


    600 clear access zonearound trolley/ bed

    Accessible toilet

    2200 x 1500 min

    Wheelchair turning

    zone 1500 min

    1000 min Fridge

    Sink, drainer, base

    unit and locakble

    wall cupboards


    Desk & Phone


    First aid or a medium sized centre. Small centres canincorporate irst aid within a sta area subject tosuicient space being available

    Note: All dimensions are in millimetres

    Independent panelling systems protect pipework and simpliysurace cleaning

    First aid / physiotherapy room

    The most basic provision is shared use with anoice or sta restroom containing a sink orwashbasin , a secure irst aid cabinet and accessor a stretcher. A clear space o 2.0 x 1.6 m isrecommended as a minimum. A supply o drinking

    water should be available and there should be anadjacent WC compartment with a hand basin.

    Based on the provision or school table 7 in BS 6465-1:2006

    Where a dedicated irst aid room is to be provided,an increase in dimensions may accommodate aphysio treatment room, and/or a drug testingacility.

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    Larger centres might devote considerably morespace to itness training, oten combined with anexercise studio, integral oice / reception, cubiclechanging, sauna, spa pool and lounge. Separateguidance notes deal with these subjects in moredetail.

    See Sport England Fitness and Exercise Spacesdesign guidance note.

    Fitness rooms beneit enormously rom havingwindows or roo-lights but or ground loorlocations it is advisable to provide externalscreening or privacy. These spaces also beneitrom increased volume. Mechanical ventilation orair-conditioning is always required. Glazed panels

    to social or circulation space help to open up andpromote these activities but all glazing, externaland internal, must be itted with blinds or curtains.

    Ancillary halls

    Ancillary halls can range upwards rom a size o10.0 x 10.0 x 3.5 m high or a range o physical andsocial activities. These may be o lowerspeciication than the main hall, and be suitableor activities such as training, practice, exhibitionsand wet weather social events that require lessheight than the main sports hall. The potential orsocial use will be enhanced by ease o servicing

    which can result in adjoining catering or bar space.Equipment storage should be a minimum o 10%o the hall area.

    Dance and exercise studios all within this categorywith minimum recommended dimensions o 15.0x 12.0-15.0 x 4.5 m high. Windows should be athigh level and admit only north light. Flexible useo space can be achieved by including two or moresquash courts with sliding division walls.

    Fitness equipment room should be bright and attractive.The internal design can oten be enhanced with the use onatural lighting and careully considered external views.

    Secondary areas

    Valuablecomplementaryacilities include:

    Ancillary halls



    Martial Arts


    Fitness equipment areas

    Fitness equipment room

    A itness equipment area can be a valuablecomplementary space to a sports hall. It allows arange o general itness and conditioning activitiesto take place on a more casual basis than the mainsports activities that are usual on a programmedbasis or the sports hall. It allows users to increasetheir own personal strength and itness and toobtain increased attainment in their chosen sport.

    The minimum practical loor area is 25.0 m2 and80.0-100.0 m2 is the norm or small sports centres,with a preerred ceiling height o 3.5-4.0 m.

    Secondary halls have similar looring requirements tomain halls and beneit rom increased height. Naturallighting contributes to the success o these spaces butmust be able to be blacked out.

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    5.0 Detailed design o the sports hall

    General design

    The hall is a unctional space with stipulated courtand saety margin dimensions and withunobstructed clear height requirements.

    Suraces should be lush and o consistentcolour. Applied design eatures should beavoided. A successul interior should rely on acareul selection o materials, colours andlighting.

    Natural lighting invariably contributes to thehalls ambience but a suitable system will be

    expensive and diicult to reconcile with sportslighting requirements, particularly those obadminton. See Section 6 or more details.

    Access to and rom the Sports Hall

    The number, width, height and location o accessdoors to the sports hall will depend on the overallbuilding layout, the ire strategy, proposals or thedelivery o large equipment, and the requiredevacuation time. Sports hall access doors shouldopen outwards to avoid creating a hazard to theusers within. Additional doors may be required togive direct access to sections o the hall that can

    be divided into separate sections.


    Columns and beams should be laid out so thatthey run between the badminton courts inorder to avoid conlict with the overhead lightittings and the hanging o division netting.See recommendations or badmintonand the Sport England design guidance noteBadminton.

    Columns can be wholly or partly withinexternal walls or outside the building envelope.

    They should never project into the hall.

    Additional structure may be required tosupport speciic items o ixed equipmentsuch as basket ball goals.

    Purlins should be avoided when possible inavour o a structural deck spanning betweenthe main beams. When Z-purlins are used theymust be painted white to blend with the roodecking.

    Sports loor

    A specialist sports loor is the critical element inproviding a comortable and sae place in which toplay sport. Halls may also be used or some non

    sports purposes but the primary unction o saetyrequirements should not be compromised.

    A range o materials can provide good multi-sportsloors including various timbers such as beech,maple or oak, either solid or veneer, and variouscomposition and synthetic materials. Key requiredeatures can be summarised as ollows:

    The sports loor should conorm with theappropriate perormance standards or thepriority range o sports to be accommodated(or example an area elastic loor complyingwith BSEN 14904 or a speciic NationalGoverning Body standard).

    The structural loading must accommodatespecial eatures such as bleacher seating orroller skating.

    The positions o ixed and portable sportsequipment and their loor sockets should beintegrated into the design.

    The loor colour should be considered in orderto create an integrated design with wallrelectance and lighting scheme. (The wallsshould have a 40-50% light relectance).

    Mats should be provided or sports that cannot

    be accommodated on the chosen sports loor(Note that cricket mats can only be eectiveor speciic loors. See ECB perormancespeciication).

    Court marking lines are painted on most sportsloors. PVC tape is not usually used, except ortemporary courts, whilst inlaid lines are an option or

    Recommended court marking line colours & widths

    Sport Line colour Width

    Hockey Blue or Other 50mm

    Netball Red 50mm

    Volleyball Green or Other 50mm

    Five-a-side ootball Other 80mm

    Basketball Black 50mm

    Tennis Yellow 50mm


    Short TennisWhite 40mm

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    Tracking to run beneath

    structure and other xtures

    Lighting to BSEN

    12193: 2007

    Space for air ducts - heating

    ducts to be away from netting

    Space for

    basketball ttings.

    Basketball net inlowered postition


    Alternative volleyball post

    socket ttings with

    reduced depth requirements

    are provided by somemanufacturers for retrotting

    or situations where thickening

    of the slab is not feasible.

    Cricket net bags above

    5-a-side line

    Thickening of

    oor slab at

    socket locations

    Cleats forspotting rig

    above 2m



    Clear height

    (7.5m - 9.0m) to

    lowest projection

    in roof

    Heating and

    lighting above

    track for netting


    Sports oor to

    BSEN 14904:2006



    in oor

    Volleyball Post


    Typical coordination issues

    A combined elastic floor, walls o the right reflectance value and compact fluorescent lights between badminton courtsprovide an excellent sports hall environment.

    a limited number o sports loor products. Mostsports require white lines or major competitionsalthough yellow is used or handball and sometimeshockey and basketball. For multi-sports halls a

    range o colours is required to avoid conusion.

    See Sport England design guidance note Floors forIndoor Sports.

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    14 For cricket a lighter coloured end wall (reflectance value>0.7) will be required behind the bowler end and additionallighting for cricket nets. See ECB recommendation for cluband school cricket. BSF Cricket Data Sheet England andWales Cricket Board (ECB).

    See Sport England Badminton design guidance note forrequirements for badminton in dedicated and multi-usesports centres.

    Typical sports hall wall colours rom the ICI Dulux Range.

    For dedicated badminton centres, colours withlower light relectance values (LRV) are preerred,whilst in constrast or a multi sports hall, a higherLRV will help give a greater spread o light withinthe space. Where cricket nets are installed lightercoloured end walls or curtains are preerred to helpplayers see the cricket ball.

    See Sport England design guidance noteBadminton and TS3 - Indoor sports halls withcricket provisions available rom the ECB website.

    Internal walls

    The internal walls should be lush-aced andimpact resistant. Options include:


    air aced brick

    painted block work

    rameless or lush-ramed glazed panels.

    Whatever material is selected, it is preerrable i itruns ull height and with a consistent colour ashorizontal changes in material cause visual

    obstruction to badminton players and can result ina stepped back surace.

    A diaphragm wall construction can be used inall masonry solutions.

    The relectance value should be generallyaround 40-50% to give suicient contrast to awhite shuttlecock but not so dark as to result inan oppressive interior14. See Section 5, page 26.

    The wall colour should contrast with the loorand be uniorm across the wall plane.

    Include a 0.15 m skirting designed or easyreplacement i roller skating will take place inthe hall.

    Doors and door rames should be lush withthe internal suraces, and should openoutwards away rom the sports hall. Escapedoors require panelling above and below thecrash bar (See diagrams on p29.)

    Flush glazed panel and access door to give viewing romthe locker area into the sports hall

    Standard proprietary flush door with a flush viewingpanel, opening outwards away rom the sports hall

    Flush doors, especiallythose with panic bolt

    mechanisms, are otendicult to get right andconsideration should

    be given to using metalrames and procuring as

    a single source supply

    item (like an engineeredwindow).

    Colour Code *

    Blue 86 BG 43/321

    Green 30 GG 40/290

    Blue green 53 GG 50/360

    87 GG 51/291

    10 GG 48/366


    * ICI colour code (Dulux) where the central numberrepresents the surace relectance. i.e. 86 BG 43/321 is acolour with a 43 % light relectance value (LRV).

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    Sports hall walls should be detailed or saety and withouthazardous projections. Flush suraces should extend to2.0 m minimum, preerably to 2.7 m above floor.

    Store doors should be flush detailed, and unless they canonly be opened by operators and otherwise kept locked,they should not open out into the sports hall Doors mayneed to perorm as rebound panels and thereore theirconstruction needs to be robust and sae or users. Netbags should have no projecting fttings/eatures thatcould create a hazard and be high enough to notcompromise the fve-a-side rebound zone (1.21 m).

    External escape doors must be panelled out to line throughwith the wall surace. The lower section can then orm parto the fve-a-side ootball rebound zone (1.21m high alongwalls) and a flush acing is essential or overall saety.

    Internal doors must be panelled out to line through withthe wall surace, including vision panels which musthave suitable impact resistance as part o the reboundzone.


    Note on adjacent

    diagram regardingmodifying standardproprietary doors






    Rebound panelsush with

    surrounding wallface

    All edges of the

    recess should beradiused to minimise

    risk of impact injury

    Recessed panicbolt bar set at

    height to conformto Building RegsPart M, British

    Standards andAccessible Sports


    Flush secondary glazingwith suitable impact

    resistance rating (to actas a rebound panel) andpositioning to conform to

    Building Regs Part M,British Standards and

    Accessible Sports

    Facilities requirementsincluding minimum

    zones of visibility


    Modifying a standardproprietary door (asindicated) can be a cost

    effective alternative to aspecialist manufacturer

    supplied door (see

    example shown on page28). However, issues

    such as the addedweight of construction /

    certication using thisapproach must becarefully considered.

    Rebound panelsush withsurrounding wall


    Door openings

    should bedesigned for

    the movementof the largestpieces of


    Vision panelsupplied with


    door to meetgeneral re




    Note: All dimensions are in millimetres

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    Climbing walls should not be located in asports hall. For saety and operational reasonsthey require a separate dedicated space.

    Exterior acades

    When selecting materials or exterior acadesconsider the ollowing points:

    Successul external claddings can includecolour-coated steel. Where proiled metal isused this looks better when run horizontally.

    Cedar boarding can be appropriate as it ischeaper than metal cladding and i properlyspeciied requires minimal maintenance.

    Metal cladding used above brickwork at alower level invariably gives a very industrialappearance and should be avoided.

    External windows and door rames must be inpowder-coated aluminium or galvanised steel,

    PVCu or hardwood.


    The roo soit and structure should:

    Be uniorm, preerably white with more than90% relectance value

    Make provision or acoustic absorbency.Reverberation time should not exceed twoseconds at mid-requency 15

    15See later section on acoustics

    Wall colour should have a reflectance value o around50%. Only halls specialising in table tennis or dedicatedbadminton centres will beneft rom a darkerbackground.

    The roo decking should span the main beamsto achieve minimum visual obstruction

    Where unavoidable, internal linings orsuspended ceilings must be impact-resistant

    Suspended ceilings are generallyinappropriate or sports halls. Mill-inishstanding seam aluminium roo inish is likelyto provide the best value or money or mostsports buildings and can be curved, avoidinginterruption o the ridge.

    Where the location demands a slate or tile roothe better quality pressed steel sheet productscan provide a convincing appearance or

    buildings o this scale without the weight penaltyo the genuine product.


    Early consultation isrecommended withspecialist equipmentcompanies to ensurecoordination o clear

    heights, court markings,foor ttings and saety


    The hall should be equipped with a range o ixedequipment depending on the chosen prioritysports. Typically this might be:

    Wall- or roo structure -mounted basketballgoals with additional practice goals ixeddirectly to the wall

    Roo structure-mounted spotting rig orgymnastic (wall itting to be above 2.0 m high)and tracked division netting

    Cricket nets

    Floor and possibly wall sockets with lushitted cover plates will be required or speciicitems o equipment

    Pulley-mounted net bags.

    Care should be taken to ensure that there are nodimensional conlicts with the court markings and

    the saety requirements.

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    Skate store


    to slow skatersBoot




    Sports hall

    Demountable 1.2m

    high barrier

    Ramped thresholds

    See Sport England publication Developing the Right Sports Hallor sports activities and business plan considerationswhen developing a project brie. Roller skating might be popular or some sports halls but requires an appropriatespeciication or the loor, skirtings, music equipment and storage.

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    6.0 Environmental and

    sustainability issuesHeating, lighting and ventilation services canaccount or a signiicant proportion o constructioncosts. It has been estimated that energy canaccount or between 24-30% o the overalloperating cost o a dry sports acility. It is oten thenext largest item to sta cost. The ull environmentalimpact o a sports hall building through its lie cycleshould be careully considered and it isrecommended that the BREEAM assessmentmethod be considered 16.

    Energy eiciency

    Installations should be designed or simplicity andserviceability to achieve the required environmentalconditions and energy saving criteria. Goodinsulation and air sealing o the building envelopeshould be achieved together with careul selectionand operation o the optimum temperature andventilation rates or the occupied space.

    Simple energy conservation techniques, such asheat recovery and eicient thermal and timecontrols will also be beneicial. The way sports hallsare used make them particularly suitable oroccupancy sensors or presence detectors to

    automatically control heating, lighting and/orventilation systems, in order to avoid wasteulconditioning o spaces when they are unoccupied.Unlike other building types, sports halls generallyneed to exclude solar penetration and are less ableto beneit rom solar gain as a contributor to energyeiciency.

    Overall heating and ventilation requirements

    The heating and ventilation o a sports hall will berequired throughout the year.

    The main active sports are likely to be badminton,

    basketball, and ive-a-side ootball / utsal and aheating system that gives an overall minimumtemperature range o 12 to 16 C will satisy mostusers. However, temperatures o up to 20 C maybe required or less physically intensive sportssuch as short-mat bowls and or other sports,coaching and training where participants may bestatic or periods o time. In practice,sports hallsmay oten require low levels o heating but dobeneit rom systems that have ast response timesin order to be adaptable to the needs o dierentuser groups.

    Subject to the introduction o adequate resh air tomeet the requirements o occupants (minimum20%), the air in the sports hall can be re-circulatedin order to minimise the energy needed to heat upthe incoming air. Such a system can have automaticcontrols and carbon dioxide or other types odetectors to achieve acceptable air quality.

    The resh air requirement will generally depend onthe number o occupants, unless dependant onthe cooling needs. The CIBSE Guide does notdeine a value or sporting activities but a value o8-12 l/s o resh air per person is appropriate inmost circumstances. A ventilation rate o approx1.5 air changes per hour is adequate or most 4court sports halls o between 7.0-8.0 m highassuming heat gain or large occupancies are notan issue and that there is good air distribution.

    Air velocities should generally be kept below 0.1m/s with the sports activity volume. This isparticularly important or badminton where the

    light o the shuttle cocks is likely to be up to6.0-7.0 m over the court.

    In the interests o sustainability, considerationshould be given to providing separate controls orheating and ventilation so that the space can bemaintained at a comortable temperature ready oruse, and the ventilation is linked to occupancy andair quality. Such an approach can provide resh airat the required rate and save on an power andheating energy.

    Common complaints insports hall H & V systems:

    Overheated / stuy in warmsummer periods (openingthe escape doors canexacerbate the problem)

    Too cold / draughty in winter

    Smells rom the heatingsystems when started upater being dormant in thesummer (school sites).16 The Building Research Establishment Environmental

    Assessment Method (BREEAM) includes leisure buildings.

    The use o presencedetectors and temperaturesensors should beconsidered or all systems.

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    Choice o systems

    The ollowing systems are oten seen as the mostappropriate or sports halls:

    Radiant heating ceiling panels with a separateventilation system

    Combined ducted warm air and ventilationdelivering through air handling units (AHU).

    A ducted warm air system has generally been seenas the preerred method o integrating heating andventilation. It can give a good degree o control oair quality throughout the year and achieve gooddistribution and eiciency.

    In some instances an convectors and unit heaterswith outside air provision can provide a limitedamount o ventilation, but this is generally not verysubstantial or eective.

    High-level extract ans in the roo or walls togetherwith appropriate means o outside air supply canoten be used as a separate ventilationsystem andcan be eective, subject to air velocities notaecting shuttlecocks and large volumes o coldair causing high heating loads or discomort. Thenoise caused by wind acting on the externaldamper can also be an issue.

    Natural ventilation systems such as ventilationtowers that utilise wind energy can also beconsidered. However, these will need some ormo supplementary system to deal with warmwindless days and some means o tempering thecold incoming air during cold winter periods. Therisk o unwanted air movements needs also to beconsidered. Some natural ventilation productsutilise solar panels to activate an auxiliaryventilation an on warm windless days.

    Where the hall is part o a larger centre, the choiceo system may be inluenced by the needs o otherareas. Even in the smallest project there are likely

    Natural ventilation towers in roo to give controlledventilation and compensate or the heat loads rom

    occupants, artiicial lighting and solar gain, and anti-glareroo-lights to supplement the artiicial lighting

    to be changing rooms and entrances that will needto be heated and ventilated and might beintegrated with the hall system and give scope orshared uel source and plant room space.

    See Sport England design guidance note Floorsfor indoor Sports or concerns about potentialproblems with the thermal stability andperormance o loors with under loor heatingsystems. The coordination o the exact locationso loor sockets or sports equipments needs tobe considered. Oten loor sockets are installed

    ater the building construction is completed andunder loor heating system may limit uturelexibility. The response time o under loor heatingsystems to cope with varying programme needsmay also be a consideration.

    Light fttings suspended rom main beams located

    between the badminton courts. Additional lighting orcricket nets. Clear height requirement taken to thelowest point. Drop down basket ball nets to old up tomaintain clear height requirements

    See Sport England design guidance note Floors forIndoor Sports.

    The type o heating systemshould be identied early tocoordinate with the clear

    height / space requirementand xing o sports

    equipment (See diagram onpage 27). Examples are:

    Radiant heating systems shouldnot be too close to netting

    Air distribution ducts shouldnot impact upon clear heightsand sports use within the hall

    Floor socket conlicts withunder loor heating (including

    uture installations).

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    Artiicial lighting

    Adequate artiicial lighting is an essential elemento the sports hall and should be integrated into thedesign rom the outset, rather than be added inlater.

    The sporting activities oten demand critical visualtasks, with ast moving objects and players. It isimportant that the whole volume o the space isconsidered and that the quality o illumination isconsidered along with the colour and texture omaterials. See Section 5 page 26 or relectancelevels o walls, loors and ceilings.

    A good lighting system should provide adequateluminance, suitable brightness, contrast, uniormityo light distribution and satisactory control oglare. It will also have a major inluence on theoverall ambiance o the hall.

    Uniormity ratio (Emin/Eave) the ratio ominimum to average illuminance over theplaying area

    Colour rendering (Ra) an indication o thequality /distortion when compared to naturallight.

    It is vitally important thatthe roo / ceiling enclosure,

    lighting system and thelayout o the courtmarkings in a hall aredesigned together.

    For 34.5 x 20 m and 40.6x 21.35 m sports halls:

    A 500 lux lighting systemthat caters well or

    Badminton, with courtsrunning across the hall, willbe adequate or mostsports that are played alongthe length o the hall.

    However a switchable system

    should be considered:

    to improve the suitability orbadminton, basketball andvolleyball

    to increase to 750 lux averageand uniormity min / averageo 0.8 over cricket nets.

    See separate Sport England guidance or variationsbetween technical advice (such as BSEN12193:2007 and CIBSE LG4) and requirements oNational Governing Bodies or the priority sports ina particular project.


    Any proposed use o daylight in a sports hall needsvery careul consideration. There are likely to betechnical issues that need to be weighed againstthe perceived beneits. These include:

    Controlling glare

    Stable and uniorm levels o lighting

    Heat gain

    Local cooling.

    The capital cost o incorporating daylight can be2-3 times that o a plain wall or roo, andmaintenance costs are likely to be increased. The

    Many sports halls have to cater or a range oactivities and some simultaneously where thesports hall can be divided into sections. There mayalso be a need to achieve adequate visualconditions or spectators. Non-sporting use mayalso be a requirement, or example on a school sitethe hall may be used or examinations and schoolplays. Where substantial variations in luminanceare required, additional switching o supplementarylighting could be considered.

    It is generally recommended that or multi sportshalls, the lighting design is based on the

    requirements o the priority activities, whilstensuring that, as ar as practicable, all otherpotential activities are catered or. In most situationsin England a lighting design that caters well orbadminton, with courts running across the hall willbe more than adequate or the sports that areplayed along the length o the hall. However acommon enhancement is to provide an additionallighting system or cricket that can be controlledseparately.

    The key issues or lighting design can besummarised as:

    Illumination value ( Eave) minimum maintainedaverage. The system should be designed with ahigher initial value and or planned replacemento lamps when output alls below the Eave level

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    Light fttings suspended rom main beams locatedbetween the badminton courts. Additional lighting orcricket nets.

    inclusion o daylight is diicult to justiy solely oneconomic grounds and amenity beneits