sports in great britain and russia. the british like sport very much. they are fond of all kinds of...

Sports in Great Britain and Russia Margarita Kapustina 10B

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Page 1: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Sports in Great Britain and Russia

Margarita Kapustina 10B

Page 2: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Sports in Great Britain and RussiaThe British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain and then spread throughout the world. Sports became popular long ago. In the 19-th century sport was organised at public schools so that young people could develop their physical abilities. But shortly afterwards the idea was borrowed by businessmen who started to organise football and other sports for their workers. From the 1960s commercial companies began to sponsor different British sports and activities. The national British sports are: football, golf, cricket, tennis, racing, darts. Like everyone else the British adore football. Moreover, the Englishmen invented it.

Page 3: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Many sports are popular in Russia. There are many stadiums and public sports facilities here. Numerous national and international matches and competitions are regularly held in our country. They attract large numbers of fans. Most of the important games are shown on TV. Football is believed to be Russia's favourite sport in summer, while many young people play ice hockey in winter. Our country has been successful in different sports, especially in ice hockey. During the Olympic Games the Russian athletes prove the reputation of Russia as world's leading nation in sports. The national team of Russia has many times won the World Hockey Championships.In Russia much attention is paid to organised sports and this shouldn't overshadow the many sporting activities which are part of daily Russian life. School children spend their free time playing football, basketball and other sports. In winter many Russians go in for skiing and skating. There are many skating rinks in the cities.

Page 4: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

-Football, ice hockey and volleyball are sure to be the most popular games in Russia. A lot of fans go to the stadium to support their teams. When it is not possible to go to the stadium to support the favourite team people can watch competitions on TV. Television has made sports available to all. The emphasis on sports is evident in evening news programmes.

Page 5: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Today sport becomes more and more professional. But it is possible to show high results only at a certain age. Many sportsmen have to terminate their professional career in their thirties. At present professional athletes are concerned with getting a good education that will allow them to find good jobs when their playing days are over.

Page 6: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


Page 7: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain
Page 8: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


Page 9: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Lat's take Football for example. It is the most popular team game in Britain. It is played in most of the schools, and there are thousands of amatur teams for young man in all parts of the country. But for most of the public, football is a professionals games which is watched on saturday afternoons at the stadiym.

Professional football is big business. Every larg town has one or more professional clubs.

Lat's take Football for example. It is the most popular team game in Britain. It is played in most of the schools, and there are thousands of amatur teams for young man in all parts of the country. But for most of the public, football is a professionals games which is watched on saturday afternoons at the stadiym.

Professional football is big business. Every larg town has one or more professional clubs.

Page 10: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

- There are many good football teams in Russia. Moscow "Spartak" is the strongest and the most popular team in Russia. Thousands of "Spartak" supporters go to the stadium to see their team play. As for me, I prefer another Moscow team, "Locomotive." There are good players in "Loco" and this team has a great potential. I am sure that soon "Loco" will take the place of "Spartak" as the nation's champion.

Page 11: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Downhill skiing

Page 12: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


Page 13: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


Golf is Scotland's chief contribution to British sport. It is worth noting here an interesting feature of sporting life in Britain, namely, its frequently close connections with social class of the players or spectators except where a game may be said to be a "national" sport. This is the case with cricket in England which is played and watched by all classes. This is true of golf, which is everywhere in the British Isles a middle-class activity. Rugby Union. the amateur variety of Rugby football, is the Welsh national sport played by all sections of society whereas, elsewhere, it too is a game for the middle classes. Association football is a working-class sport as are boxing, wrestling, snooker, darts, and dog-racing. As far as fishing is concerned it is a sport where what is caught determines the class of a fisherman.

Page 14: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


Page 15: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


Page 16: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Ice hockey is America's favourite winter game. It is very fast. It can be dangerous and its players wear helmets too.

Page 17: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


Page 18: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


Page 19: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Basketball was invented in the United States. A schoolteacher designed the rules for a game that his students could play indoors. There are only five players in a basketball team. Usually basketball players are very tall and they show that basketball can be exciting.

Page 20: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

Professional sport


1. professional sport educates a strong will, discipline, ability to overcome difficulties

2. it gives a chance to acquire a lot of friends

3. helps to increase self – esteem and self confidence

4. professional sport is a possibility to become famous

1. professional sport often makes athletes selfish and too ambitious

2. athletes are forced to keep a diet

3. athletes have no possibility to make a decision of their own

4. professional sport is associated with hard work

Page 21: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain

5. sport is always fun and excitement

6. it gives a chance to see the whole world

7. helps athletes earn a lot of money

8. professional sport develops the feeling of patriotism

5. athletes are forced to sacrifice a lot of things(like doing other sports, for example)

6. professional sport is associated with injuries and tiredness

7. often athletes don’t have a profession and are forced to retire young

8. professional sport is often unfair

Page 22: Sports in Great Britain and Russia. The British like sport very much. They are fond of all kinds of sports. Many sports were invented in Great Britain


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