spring 2014 kappa psi sep 'insert' newsletter

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Southeast Province Triannual Newsletter Spring 2014 Volume 3 Legislative Days Page 13 Spring Conclave Page 4 Angels and Demons Page 15 New Chapter Charters Page 18

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Articles include 1) Introduction of the new 2014-2015 SEP Executive Committee 2) Legislative Days 3) Angels & Demons by Marvin Smith 4) Kappa Psi History Quiz 5) Chapter Reports


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Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc.Southeast ProvinceTriannual Newsletter

Spring 2014Volume 3

Legislative DaysPage 13

INSERTSpring Conclave

Page 4

Angels and DemonsPage 15

New Chapter ChartersPage 18

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Word from the Satrap 3









2014 Graduates

Chapter Reports

New Chapter Charters

Angels and Demons

Legislative Days

Introduction of Officers

Spring Conclave Recap

Photo Credit for Legislative Days and Spring Conclave: Epsilon Mu and Mark MarcojosOther photos provided by respective individuals and chapters.

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My Brothers, I am excited to have this opportunity to reach out to the Brothers I serve as the Southeast Province Satrap. For those who don’t know me, I have served our fraternity through my chapter but also as Province 4 assistant web-master and more recently the Southeast Province Vice Satrap under the leadership of Leah Sautman. In my time of Brotherhood, I have had the opportunity to witness many changes within the fraternity as my chapter repre-sented a new age of growth for the Fraternity and Province. With the recent chartering of Zeta Gamma and Zeta Delta, and with potential charterings in the future we are in a unique state of growth and maintenance. My goal as Satrap is to serve you, the Brothers of the Southeast Province, by focusing on the development of our newest chapters while supplying all resources necessary to assist our older chapters with continued growth. I am very lucky to report with the appointment of brothers to the committees of the Province, we have a hundred hands ready to fulfill this task. As I write this, I would like to give congratulations to those brothers who recently graduated and are starting the next chapter of their life. Whether it be as a resident, inpatient, or community pharmacist; these brothers deserve recognition of the culmination of years of hard work. I implore you, the newest Graduate Brothers, to find a way to incorporate fellowship and service to our fraternity into your new life. I assure you that even as a resident, it will be well worth the time.

KARL HEALYSoutheast Province Satrap

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As the weather began to warm in late February, the Brothers of Iota were putting the last minute touches on what would turn out to be one of the most memorable conclaves yet. Friday evening, Brothers from all over the Southeast Province flew straight into the danger zone to our meet and greet at one of Charleston’s trendiest spots, The Alley. The night continued with an evening social at Mad River Grille with a few stragglers still pouring into the city. Everyone had a great time catching up and sharing ideas for what would shape up to be a long and productive meeting the next day.

Saturday began with heads butting and tempers flaring, but at the end of the day we are all Brothers and celebrated with dinner aboard the USS Yorktown, Charleston’s very own aircraft carrier. The speaker and the highlight of the weekend, was South Carolina School of Pharmacy’s very own Dr. Joseph DiPiro. His hope filled message stirred excitement in the room as he explained his take on the exciting time we are living in for pharmacy. With healthcare rapidly changing, pharmacist are seizing opportunities and most would say are benefitting from all of the change. He closed his speech with the same excitement and hope that he began it with and the room seemed quite receptive to what he had to say. Finally, the night ended with the Top Gun themed party at Trio, one of Charleston’s newest and most exclusive nightclubs. I, along with a number of other Brothers, was very impressed with how everyone really went “all out” with their costumes for this party.

While conclave had its ups and downs, overall it was a great success as business was handled and new friendships were struck. Iota would like to thank all of the Brothers that made it out. We know we are the furthest (but hopefully the most fun) Chapter for most Chapters to travel to. We appreciate all the help, support and positive feedback we received and look forward to making the next Conclave in Charleston bigger and better. ❧

by Zachary Temple

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While originally born in Ogden, Utah; I have lived in Florida from the age 6. My time at the University of Florida Orlando Campus was highlighted by leadership positions in APhA-ASP and as the founding Regent of the Epsilon Mu chapter of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, INC. While serving my chapter as a collegiate, I was put in contact with many of the leaders of Province 4 and they gave rise to my desire to serve our fraternity for the rest of my life. After graduation, I began a PGY-1 residency at the Lee Memori-al Health System in Fort Myers, FL. While in residency, I have focused on developing greater clinical knowledge and experience as an inpatient phar-macist. I have had the great opportunity of learning from leaders in pharma-cy from John Armitstead, Suzanne Turner, Sandy Estrada, Connie Hogrefe, Tina Gegeckas and many others. After completion of my residency, I look forward to becoming an emergency medicine pharmacist at the HealthPark Medical Center in Fort Myers, Florida. Karl Healy - Satrap

Brothers,I am honored that you elected me to serve as Vice Satrap for the best Province in all the land, SEP! Currently, I am transitioning from Iota life to being a part of Charles-ton Grad. Recent life highlights would include my crazy Indian/Fusion wedding in December, graduating in May [Dr. Swat will suffice ;-) ], and getting ready for fatherhood. I’m currently working as a pharmacist for Wal-Mart in North Augusta, SC. Having been a Brother since 2010, I’ve learned from many amazing Brothers in our great Fraternity and have had the opportunity to mentor younger Brothers along the way. My words of wisdom focus on leadership: “ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” — John Quincy AdamsI look forward to serving you on this e-board and hope to meet many of you in the coming months!Fraternally,Brother Swat

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I am honored to be serving as your Province Chaplain for the next year. For those of you that don’t know me, I am in my last year at South University, and will be graduating this June. I was initiated with the Theta class of Delta Omega in January of 2012. I served as my Chapter’s Secretary, Philanthropy Chair and Scholarship Chair. I also had the privilege of attending the chartering of 4 Chapters over the last 2 years. The chartering of these Chapters sparked my passion for the Ritual, which I hope to share with you all in this upcoming year. Thank you again for allowing me to serve as Chaplain, and I look forward to meeting and working with you all!

Fraternally,Amanda Brown

Brothers of the Southeast Province,

I would like to start off by thanking each and every one of you for giving me this opportunity to serve the Province this year as the Province Treasurer. For any of the newer Brothers that I may not have had the personal opportunity to introduce myself to, my name is Travis Ireland and I am currently a member of the Savannah Graduate Chapter. I was initiated into the Zeta class of Delta Omega in 2009 and still stay very involved in the Collegiate Chapter, serving as a Pledge Master and a member of the Advisory Committee. I truly look forward to serving the Province and am always a phone call/text away if I can be of any assistance to any of you, newly to crossover or extremely old like Brother Marv, so please do not hesitate to reach out if I can do anything for you all. Fraternally yours,Travis Ireland, PharmD

Greetings my fellow Brothers of the Southeast Province,

It is with great pleasure that I write to you as your Province Secretary, a position I am very excited and honored to serve in. To tell you a little about myself: I am recently graduated from Palm Beach Atlantic University, where I was initiated into the Delta Upsilon chapter in December of 2010. I will be com-pleting a PGY1 Residency at McLeod Regional Medical Center in South Carolina as well as continuing to work for CVS. I have had the privilege to serve as Secretary and Regent for my chapter as well as the chair of the Professional Development Committee for the Southeast Province. This year, I will work diligently to increase communication across our Province and with outside Provinces. I am open to any ideas you may have or to answer any questions so please feel free to contact me at any time at [email protected]. I would like to leave you with one last thought from John Maxwell which states, “A leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” Always remember to keep your passion for Kappa Psi strong!Thank you, Sam Schmidt

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Hello Brothers of Southeast Province,

I am truly honored for the opportunity to serve our great Province as your Parliamentarian. For the few of you who don’t know me, I was initiated in Fall 2011, and I am the current Re-gent of Iota Chapter at MUSC in Charleston. I’m currently on my 4th year APPE Rotations. There has been an exponential amount of growth in the Southeast Province since its incep-tion, and I believe our inaugural Province Officers were vital to our success. I am confident that our newly elected E-Board is committed to our continued progress as the BEST Province in Kappa Psi! I look forward to serving each of you as Parliamentarian of Southeast Prov-ince! Always PTBYB!

Fraternally,Dave Cook

To the Brothers of the Southeast Province,

Thank you for electing me as your new Province Historian. I am honored to be able to serve another term on the Executive Committee as well as the Brothers that embody this Province! A little bit about myself, I am a Brother of Epsilon Mu - Gamma class; initiated on 11/11/11. I am also the Immediate-Past Regent of Epsilon Mu and your previous Province Newsletter Editor. I am currently a P4 at UF COP Orlando campus. My career interest currently floats in the air between hospital and retail (so specific right?), hopefully at the end of rotations I will be able to find something I love!

Fraternally,Timmy Do

Brothers of the Southeast Province,

I am so excited to serve you all as the Webmaster on this years E-board! Thank you all for allowing me this honor and the chance to be a part of something bigger. I am currently a P4 at Palm Beach Atlantic University, Gregory School of Pharmacy. I am also the Immediate Past Vice Regent of Delta Upsilon. I am originally from Maryland and decided to venture down the east coast for pharmacy school. I believe it was the best decision I made because it enabled me to meet all of you! When I first moved to Florida, I knew no one, but then I met the Brothers of Kappa Psi on my campus and they immediately treated me like family and made me feel welcomed. From the moment I stepped into the room on bid day, I knew Kappa Psi would impact my life for the better. I am looking forward to what this year has for us and to creating new memories at the next assembly! For all of you that want to be leaders in Kappa Psi or any other organization I leave you with this quote from John Quincy Adams: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

Fraternally,Sarah Mak

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Greetings Brothers of the Southeast Province,It is my esteemed pleasure to serve you as the Newsletter Editor. As a newly initiated member of our great fraternity, I am excited to hit the ground running. After my initiation in the Fall of 2013 through the Dynamic Delta Iota Chapter, I knew that it would be my dream to hold a position that would help promote the Southeast Province and the national organization. I am currently a third professional year student at Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences where I hold positions as Delta Iota’s Chaplain and Parliamentarian. I also serve as the Student Council President for the College of Pharmacy. I look forward to meeting more of the brothers of this great province and learning more from each of you through our various assemblies and conclaves. Fraternally,Harrison Beasley

Dearest Southeast Province Brothers,

I am greatly humbled by the opportunity to serve all of you! Kappa Psi means the world to me and it is always an honor to give back to such great Brothers. I am currently a 4th year student at LECOM and super excited to be spending 6 of my 9 month rotations at Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL. I was initiated in 2012 as part of the Epsilon Eta – Delta class and since then I have served the Chapter as Historian and most recently as Regent. I was Southeast Province’s Philanthropy Chair and I’m currently the National Philanthropy Chair as well (clearly, I love philanthropy!). My dedication to SEP and better yet Kappa Psi at large is unfathomable. I am grateful to be a part of the continual growth of our Province and to learn along the way. Please feel free to contact me for anything at all! I’ll be glad to help! I can’t wait to see all of you at the next Conclave, which Epsilon Eta Brothers are utterly stoked to be planning!Yours Fraternally,Bella Mogaka


It is a true honor to serve as your Assistant Webmaster; a position I will not take lightly as I hope to help progress our Southeast Province into the future. Many of you may not know me at the time of writing this; however, I look forward to changing that and meeting many of you in the upcoming years. As of now, I am a 2nd year pharmacy student and a Brother of Epsilon Mu. Beyond my studies, I am highly involved in various organizations around campus and co-founded an inter-professional coalition with UCF’s Medical School and UF’s College of Pharmacy in Orlando, Florida. Upon graduation in 2017, I plan to enroll in UF’s College of Law with a long-term goal of being a PharmD/JD professional with a large emphasis on representing the Pharmacy profession. Pledging Kappa Psi was one of the best life decisions I’ve made. Brothers, you are my family and thank you for your trust, support and guidance.Fraternally,Daniel ‘Autobahn’ Morley

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To the Brothers of the Southeast Province,I am Ashton T. Cobb, a current 4th year just starting my APPE in May 2014. For those who do and do not know me I joined the bond of brotherhood at the DYNAMIC Delta Iota Chapter in the Fall of 2011 with my class the Smooth Krimminals. Since being in this Fraternity I have made life-long friendships, been mentored by amazing brothers and exposed to a plethora of pharmacy career opportunities. At my home chapter I have served in both the Vice-Regent and Regent roles upholding the cornerstones of our great fraternity. Not only have I provided leadership to my Chapter but to the profession of pharmacy within other organization involvement affiliated with Florida A&M. I am humbly honored to serve the Province as the Alternative GCC Delegate and represent us all at the next upcoming GCC. I look forward to working with the new Southeast E-board and meeting new brothers. With that being said don’t be a stranger if you ever see me!Peace & LoveBrother Ashton T. Cobb

Hello my Brothers, It is with great honor that I serve as your SEP GCC Delegate and will ensure to honor the position I was elected into! I was initiated 11/4/2006 to the Delta Upsilon Chapter and currently in the Orlando Grad Chapter. I have held several positions ranging from Treasurer to Regent at the collegiate and grad level. I have been in a variety of Chapter, Province and National Committees and currently serve as one of the GCDs for Zeta Gamma. I currently reside in the Jacksonville area where I am an Ambulatory Care Clinic Pharmacist at UF Health Jacksonville. I look forward to an amazing upcoming year and the new adventures SEP will be partaking in. My words of wisdom: “Know your limitations and then defy them!” Fraternally, Jenny Carrillo

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Brothers of Southeast Province,

Greetings! I am thrilled to be spending the next two years with you as your Province Supervisor. I will do my best to help you any way that I can. I am a 2004 initiate of the Beta Kappa Chapter at the University of Pittsburgh. Currently, I am a member of the Pittsburgh Graduate Chapter, a GCD for Beta Kappa and the Immediate Past Satrap of Mountain East Province. This is my 8th year as a Province Officer; I served as the Province II Satrap and as the first Mountain East Satrap. When learning about my first appointment as a Supervisor, I was excited that I could share my experiences with each of you and that I would be traveling to a Province that was well organized and had excellent graduate involvement (traveling to warm weather was good too)! I practice pharmacy in the community setting as a pharmacy manager and as a clinical pharmacist with a central focus of diabetic care. I look forward to continuing to work with each of you. Always remember, “One for all, and All for One.”

Fraternally,Chris Miller

Hello Brothers of Southeast Province!

I am very excited to be spending the next two years in the Southeast Province serving as your Assistant Supervisor. I am a 2011 initiate and founding brother of Epsilon Xi at Pacific University. I am currently the Northwest Province GCC Delegate and a member of the Portland Graduate and Kansas City Graduate Chapters. I have served as Epsilon Xi’s Regent and NWP Secretary/Treasurer. This is my first appointment to a supervisor position and I know it will be a great opportunity to work with many strong chapters and brothers. I am currently completing a PGY1 Residency at Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. In July I will start my PGY2 Residency in Corporate Pharmacy Leadership with HealthTrust in Nashville, Tennessee. I am here to help out in any way I can and look forward to working with everyone!

Fraternally,Nicolle Rychlick

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The profession of pharmacy is greatly respected and is ever-changing. As such, it takes a dedicated group of emerging student pharmacists partnering with state organizations to see that the practice of pharmacy continues to head in the right direction. One initiative that makes sure this happens is the annual Pharmacy Legislative Days.

Each year, hundreds of student pharmacists from Florida’s schools of pharmacy and representatives from the Florida Pharmacy Association and the Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists descend on the State Capital in Tallahassee, Florida. During this event, held March 10-11, 2014, attendees were encouraged to speak with legislators concerning varying issues as they pertain to the practice of pharmacy. A few of the topics of focus this year were the proposed increase in the number of technicians a pharmacist could supervise from 3 to 6 or more and the issue of pharmacists being granted provider status.

Along with meeting with legislators, student pharmacists participated in a health fair also held in the Capital Building. The fair, that was open to the public, was a great way to help the community as a whole see that pharmacy is a profession that is comprised of very capable and knowledgeable healthcare professionals. Stations were set up in the rotunda of the Capital with tables dedicated to bone density, BMI, spirometry, blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol screenings.

As leaders of our profession, it is extremely important for the brothers of Kappa Psi to remain vigilant in the fight for the progression of the practice of pharmacy. I am sure that next year’s Legislative Days will offer another opportunity to do our part in making sure that we are the strong advocates for the change we want to see. ❧

by Harrison J. Beasley

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One of the reasons I joined Freemasonry is because I was always deeply interested in symbology and the manner in which the antient societies (no I didn’t spell “antient” wrong) sought to pass down knowledge from the learned of their age to the “educated” of the next age. They rarely ever just gave out all of their sacred information. Rather they sought to encase it in symbols and stories, which the simple and foolish describe as myths or legends. But the truly wise always understood that anything so important as knowledge had to be shrouded to some degree, for it to be effectively accessed only by those worthy.

In his 2000 book, “Angels and Demons,” Dan Brown uses intrigue and symbology heavily in his book’s plot. As we learn in the final pages, there really isn’t much separating the higher (or “angelic”) essence of man, from the evil (or “demonic”) side of his dual nature.

In the end, even the best angel among us can turn out to be the worst demon. What separates the “Angels” from the “Demons” rarely ever depends on circumstance, but almost always, hinges on one’s convictions. It has been and will always be the choices we make that define us.

So where am I going with this?

At our chapters, I see several GCDs who, having been faced with the responsibilities and duties to represent the higher nature of our Fraternity, have instead become full-fledged demons on these campuses. Don’t get me wrong, they fill out all the right forms, show up to the meetings, and even make contributions to planning and events. On the surface, just like the camerlengo in Brown’s novel, they appear to be angelic, but in the end, they do more damage to the psyche and growth of the Collegiate Brothers. So much so, that it would be better that the chapter had no GCD.

The first duty of any GCD has to be to protect the Fraternity as a whole. That’s why we refer to them as Deputies of the Grand Council. Like every other Brother, they have taken the oath to uphold our rules and observe our traditions. They pledged that they will remain loyal to Kappa Psi as long as they live, and as GCDs they should be committed to being the “true and proper evidence” of being a “Brother for Life.” But sadly, so many of our GCDs fall short of this, particularly those on the faculty of our colleges. Like the last king of Babylon, the writing now appears on the wall for them (stating that they have “been weighed in the balances and found to

by Dr. Marvin R. Smith

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So now that I’ve waxed poetically enough, you’re probably asking “What the hell is this crazy guy saying?” I’m saying that if you’re a GCD and you’re not a member of the related Graduate Chapter, you’re telling the students by your example that this Fraternity only matters on the campus. If you never come to Province Conclaves or GCC’s, then you’re telling them that the extended Fraternity family is meaningless. If you’re too good, or too busy or too important to come to the social events (formal and informal), it tells them that their responsibilities to represent Kappa Psi do not extend into those areas of their lives. And if you’re more concerned about the non-Kappa Psi boyfriend/girlfriend being comfortable at another school, then you are about making your own Kappa Psi students better Brothers, then you’re damn sure telling them that this Kappa Psi family is not going to be permanent and they can disregard it. When you tell the students to ignore alumni who have given 100 times more than you ever have, even though you’ve been in the Fraternity three times longer than they have, you’re saying to them that their Fraternity work has no value once they leave campus. And when you allow your chapters to become, so open, so easy and so laid back about who they let in, even if it’s under the guise of “being inclusive”, then you show them that you believe that Brotherhood can be cheaply obtained and, even more cheaply, given away.

If you’re guilty of this and more, I have news for you. You’re no angel, instead you’re the biggest demon to the detriment of the higher nature of your chapter, this province and to Kappa Psi as a whole. I said it and the small-minded, petty and thin-skinned among you will hate me for it.

But this isn’t about me. It’s about the students on your campus. The students whose mess we do our best to try to fix your mess at chapter visits, conclaves, conference calls and emails. Those students who inevitably look up to you because they see you as the Graduate standard, the epitome of what it should mean when they hear the words “Kappa Psi for Life!” These are the students who come under your care, bright-eyed, intense, and ready to walk off the cliff ’s edge for Kappa Psi but somehow leave not even caring about their own chapter Brothers. How does this happen? How do you let it happen under your watch? They’re not just “some students” in an organization that you have responsibility for they’re your Brothers. They’re family. So why do you treat them as transient guests, being housed reluctantly until you can get them to depart? As the “advisor” how can even begin to give your chapters advice on Fraternity issues, elections and initiatives, when you have no clue of what is actually happening in our Province, or at the international level? So many of our chapters have “blind demons” leading student Brothers who are also but justifiably blind to the truth themselves.

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Nobody is perfect, and I have made a ton of mistakes in how I may have dealt with Brothers. But whatever I did, whethere it was a good or bad result, I was confident that my intent was always for the good of that Brother and the Fraternity. If I had to make a choice between one or the other, I always sought to choose Kappa Psi first. What I’ve witnessed in the past two years from some of those who have the most sacred mantle of responsibility at our chapters has been the work of fraternal demons versus anything that could be described as angelic. And because of that we have lost entire generations of Brothers at these chapters, and now stand at the precipice of losing the entire chapter itself. The status quo will simply not suffice anymore!

I will end this column in the manner in which it began. The question of one’s nature, whether to be an angel or a demon, is as it has always been, a matter of choice. You can do better, and it begins with acknowledging that you aren’t the angel you pretend to be. Then determine in your heart that you will lead by example; that you will fulfill the responsibilities of Brotherhood first, and not just the tasks of the faculty advisor. Purpose within your heart that you will take the role of advisor seriously and, to this end, equip yourself with the knowledge and experience that is truly needed to perform this role properly. If you need help, don’t be too proud to ask for it. Every single chapter has at least 2-3 experienced alumni Brothers that can help, and other solid GCDs will assist as well. Even the International GCD Committee will assist in training and experience.

So what will your answer be? Will you choose light over darkness? High ideals over mediocrity? Intensity instead of passiveness? Will you be the angel, bearing the needed light to your chapter, or the demon, allowing and empowering the darkness to overtake our beloved Order? This is no made-for-Hollywood movie. It doesn’t always just work out in the end, and don’t think that because you see yourself as the “star” that you’ll survive to the closing credits. Everything depends on your choice, it always has. ❧

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University of Florida - Jacksonville

A potent group of Brothers has just emerged in the South. With the chartering of the fourth University of Florida - College of Pharmacy in Jacksonville, the Alpha class of Zeta Gamma has risen. Although this group of Brothers is small in number, they plan on having a great impact on the brotherhood under the influence of their pledge masters, Brothers Jennifer Carrillo and Brian Hoag.

Zeta Gamma was chartered February 8, 2014. We would like to thank all the Brothers who participated in the process of our chartering, as many of them have influenced us in this Chapter. Zeta Gamma was well represented as a few of our Brothers had the privilege of attending their first Southeast Province conclave where the Brothers in our Province welcomed us with open arms.

Picture 1: Zeta Gamma brothers attending the Southeast Province Conclave

Picture 2: Brothers who attended Zeta Gamma’s chartering Feb. 8th

Picture 3: The potent Zeta Gamma Alpha class with our Pledge Masters Jennifer Carrillo and Brian Hoag

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University of South Florida

When final exams began approaching in the fall of 2012 at the University of South Florida College of Pharmacy, many students were occupied with studying lectures, notes, and textbooks. For a few others, their trains of thought were elsewhere. The idea of a Chapter of Kappa Psi crossed their minds, and the desire for this dream to become a reality sparked the fire of chartering a Chapter that would later be known as Zeta Delta. As spring of 2013 approached, the students began petition the university to allow the development of a Kappa Psi Chapter. Shortly after, they began developing local ordinances along with fundraising and volunteering as an interest group. After several months of preliminary measures, 22 students officially became pledges of the Kappa Psi Colony at USF under the guidance of Pledge Masters Karl Healy, Christine Heng, Amanda Merino, Ketan Patel, and Marvin Smith. The 22 pledges lessened to 19 pledges that held strong over the months to follow. These months consisted of learning and understanding the history of Kappa Psi, meeting Brothers from across the nation, and strengthening their bond as a family. After four and a half months, on March 15, 2014, the Zeta Delta Chapter was born as the 19 pledges were welcomed into the Kappa Psi family as Brothers.

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GAMMA SIGMAUniversity of Florida - Gainesville

Per our tradition in Gainesville, the Brothers of Gamma Sigma got to share a little love at our annual Valentine’s Day Social, benefitting Relay for Life. Our annual efforts go towards helping the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. To kick off our Relay for Life season, ΓΣ held a series of fundraisers leading up to Valentine’s Day. We joined forces with FSHP to bring a little joy by delivering flowers and personalized Valentines to all those we care about most. Then on February 14, dressed to the T and ready to impress, we ventured into a night filled with passion and philanthropy. We held our annual social at 101 Downtown and collected donations throughout the night. Seldom come opportunities to help others while dancing the night away. Cancer, unfortunately, is one thing most of us will encounter in one form or another. As future pharmacists, we are honored to be able to help cancer patients in so many ways. We have taken on the task of rebuilding our once great College of Pharmacy Relay team and we’re off to a great start. We have raised $1907 and sit in sixth place out of 94 teams at UF.

On February 15, 2014, ΓΣ held a ceremony to celebrate and honor a UF College of Pharmacy faculty member, Dr. W. Thomas Smith, receiving the Kappa Psi Robert A. Magarian Order of the Silver Mortar award for 25 years of brotherhood.

It was February 1989 when Gamma Pi inducted Dr. Smith into their St. Louis Chapter. Little did they or he know what types of contributions were in store for Kappa Psi at that time.

Dr. Smith’s involvement in and love for Kappa Psi took little time to blossom once he was a Brother. By taking action locally he was first voted Regent of Gamma Pi. From there, he was able to collaborate within his province.

Since graduating from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in 1994 with a Pharm.D., Dr. Smith has made ample noteworthy accomplishments. He went on to receive his J.D. from St. Louis University School of Law in 2005 with a certificate in Health Law, built and managed a master of science in pharmacy program at UF with numerous programs available, and accepted a position on the council for the American Bar Association’s Health Law division, just to name a few. Within the fraternity, he has already received the Grand Council Certificate of Excellence award.

Dr. Smith’s overwhelming accomplishments and ability to continuously expand the boundaries of pharmacy as a profession have proven how, 25 years later, a pharmacist may still exemplify the virtues of Kappa Psi.

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DELTA IOTAFlorida A&M University

This past semester was one full of excitement for the dynamic Brothers of the Delta Iota Chapter. For the first time in two years, the Chapter had new initiates to contribute to the continued legacy of dynamic brotherhood. We participated in numerous health fairs and initiatives, performing blood glucose and blood pressure screenings as well as participating in a diabetes walk alongside our Grand Council Deputy, Dr. Otis Kirksey. We hosted our annual Men’s and Women’s Health Seminar, featuring guest speakers including professors within FAMU’s College of Pharmacy as well as our Dean. We built camaraderie with fellow Southeast Province Brothers by attending and participating in the Spring Conclave.

We hosted the 2014 Men’s and Women’s Health Seminar on February 7, 2014. The beginning of the event consisted of a health fair promoting a healthy lifestyle with the help of organizations and businesses. The organizations represented included a local gym, HIV awareness movements, ASP/SNPhA’s Operation Immunization, and a representative from NewLeaf, an organic supermarket. The second part of the event, and main focus of the seminar, was a presentation and open discussion of diseases that specifically affect the college population with major emphasis on HIV/AIDS, prostate & breast cancer, obesity, and mental health. With the help of experts on the subjects and the collaboration of the Brothers, the health seminar served as a cornerstone for health initiatives COPPS.

The biggest accomplishment of our semester, however, would have to be our 39th annual Scarlet & Cadet Gray Ball, which took place in April. This was the first year where tickets were completely sold out and the night was truly a special experience for all those in attendance. It was great to see all the hard work and planning that we put into the event yield such unprecedented success. In May, we celebrated the end of such an amazing school year by watching 6 of our chapter Brothers receive their PharmDs. As we, new initiates prepare to take the reins of the Chapter, we are excited and ready to further contribute to truly making Kappa Psi the best that it can be.

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DELTA RHONova Southeastern University

It has been business as usual for the Delta Rho Chapter. We are back into school mode full swing from a very relaxing and much needed winter break. Since starting the semester, we have elected a new Regent, Brother Daniele Lerch and we are all very confident that she will do a great job as our Regent. We are also happy to have initiated 26 new Brothers into the Fraternity and look forward to their contribution.

The Delta Rho Chapter prides itself on community involvement and raising money for charity. We recently participated in Habitat for Humanity where we helped with one of the restoration projects in the Sunrise, Florida area. We worked with a few members of the Habitat for Humanity staff and regular volunteers to de-shingle and re-felt a roof, as well as paint the interior walls of the house. It was a great experience and we truly learned the meaning of hard work outside the life of normal pharmacy students.

The next order of business for the Delta Rho Chapter will be preparing for out biggest charity event, dance marathon. This year we have joined forces with some of the undergraduate organizations in effort to make this the biggest dance marathon yet.

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DELTA UPSILONPalm Beach Atlantic University

We are pleased to announce the crossing of our Mu pledge class. Congratulations to our 12 new Brothers and welcome to the family!

The spring semester has been filled with fellowship. Through movie nights, study hours, indoor trampoline, laser tag and our road trip to Charleston, SC for the Spring Province Assembly, our Chapter has grown even closer.

We are excited for the events to come in the next few months: our annual Golf Tournament and Graduate Dinner, as well as American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and the Special Olympics Summer Games. We are also very proud of several Brothers who served on Medical Mission Trips in May.

Nikki ChilsonDelta Upsilon Chapter Historian Picture 1: Welcome to the Mu Class of the Delta Upsilon Chapter! (Pictured: Beshoi Wahba, Kristy Contreras, Ashley Ewart, Brent Bandhan, Kurt Pessa, Chip Wight, Sophie Luinord, Angel Campeau, Larnie Sylvain, David Dakwa, Kylene Hill and Sarah Watchek)

Picture 2: Delta Upsilon Brothers stop for a photo op during the formal evening at the Province Assembly in Charleston, SC.

Picture 3: Delta Upsilon Brothers, friends and family enjoy some down time at an indoor trampoline and laser tag center.

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DELTA OMEGASouth University

Delta Omega joined forces with nurses and doctors from The Children’s Hospital at Memorial along with Jower’s Chapel and other kind volunteers and donors. Together we hosted a Christmas event for children with cancer and blood diseases on December 12, 2013. The event included making gingerbread houses, decorating cookies, karaoke, a photo booth, and much more. Delta Omega Brothers Andrew, Tiffany, Jessica and volunteers from the church ran the photo booth. We had a lot of fun dressing up the kids and their families for some fabulous pictures. Brother Charity helped them to decorate and add these photos to a scrapbook page. These scrapbook pages are going to be combined into one scrapbook which is going to be given to the hospital for the patients to look at. Thanks to a generous discount from Toys ‘R Us, Santa stopped by and passed out $900 worth of toys to approximately 400 children. They were very thrilled with the presents, saying that our gifts were “awesome!” The party was a very moving event with doctors, nurses, families, and patients sharing their stories of battles with these diseases. It was a wonderful night filled with plenty of singing, laughter, and eating that Delta Omega was very grateful to be a part of.

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EPSILON ETALECOM School of Pharmacy

It was an amazing and busy Fall Semester for Epsilon Eta in beautiful Bradenton, FL. Our fall grind kept us to the traditions of years past and excitedly beginning new pursuits. In December, our philanthropic focus was on HIV/AIDS Awareness Month and we debuted a poster and slide show, which included facts about the disease state and ways for students and faculty to help and get involved. To support our troops and the American Red Cross, we penned over 200 Christmas and holiday cards to be delivered to our brave armed forces overseas. To spread even more holiday cheer we coordinated a campus Salvation Army Christmas Angels adoption program where 30 underprivileged children were “adopted” and Brothers bought rocking giraffes, roller blades and Barbie houses to fulfill Christmas wish lists.

After a long and much needed winter break, Brothers returned to campus ready to focus on Glaucoma awareness month, which was another great opportunity to educate other students and our faculty through our outreach efforts on campus. January was also an exciting start to our pledging season as we pinned our pledges on January 17th. Brothers and pledges from several Chapters all over Florida were also able to gather and learn at the Young Pharmacist Leadership conference sponsored by the Florida Pharmacist Association in Orlando, FL on January 11th. February’s philanthropic campaigns aligned with Valentines and Singles Awareness day as we raised awareness about cardiovascular disease for American Heart Month. Our Chapter had a strong showing for Script Your Future events. On February 1st, at the Grand Ovation at Lakewood Ranch Main Street in Sarasota, FL. Brothers, Epsilon Eta pledges and Zeta Delta pledges discussed medication adherence with patients and over 150 SYF cards were distributed. We also taught kids how to properly wash their hands and played the interactive “Meds or Candy” game to educate parents how easily medications can be confused as candy by children. On February 22nd, in combination with our campus chapters of Habitat for Humanity and AMCP, we participated in another SYF medication adherence event at the Kobernick-Anchin Pavillion in Sarasota, FL.

The Brothers of Epsilon Eta finished up the month of February on an extremely high note surrounded by our Brothers in Charleston, SC. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Iota Chapter for an amazing and reinvigorating experience. We would also like to congratulate all the new officers of the Southeast Province including our very own Regent Bella Mogaka who will now serve as the Assistant Newsletter Editor.

On March 1st, we will participate in our 5th annual Brother/pledge Football game. We are also greatly looking forward to Legislative days in Tallahassee and APhA Annual in Orlando, FL during the month of March. In the days ahead, we will stay busy planning for the Fall Southeast Province Conclave and we invite all Brothers to save these dates, September 5-7, 2014! We know after such an amazing Assembly in Charleston, SC, we have big shoes to fill; but we hope everyone will have as much fun building Brotherly bonds. We look forward to sharing Bradenton/Sarasota with all of you and see you soon!

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EPSILON MUUniversity of Florida - Orlando

Spring semester continues to roll on as Epsilon Mu rolls in new officers to head the Chapter as well as represent at the Province level. Congratulations Brother Karl Healy, Brother Timmy Do, and Brother Daniel Morley and the other Brothers on the new Southeast Province Executive Board (pictured above)! Epsilon Mu would like to extend a BIG thank you to Iota Chapter for hosting a wonderful conclave and offering a great experience on the USS Yorktown with keynote speaker Dr. Joseph DiPiro.

Brother bonds were strengthened at our annual 3PD sendoff, where Brothers enjoyed a potluck and games such as catch phrase. There was also a surprise baby shower thrown for Brother Emily Hill, who is expecting sometime in late May. As Brothers take the time to strengthen the bonds within the Fraternity, Epsilon Mu also strives to give back to campus and the community. Epsilon Mu organized for 3 food trucks to come to UF Orlando campus where food sources are scarce. These food trucks not only fed the campus, but faculty, the researchers and medical buildings nearby.

Brother bonds were strengthened at our annual 3PD sendoff, where brothers enjoyed a potluck and games such as catch phrase. There was also a surprise baby shower thrown for Brother Emily Hill, who is expecting sometime in late May. As Brothers take the time to strengthen the bonds within the fraternity, Epsilon Mu also strives to give back to campus and the community. Epsilon Mu organized for 3 food trucks to come to UF Orlando campus where food sources are scarce. These food trucks not only feed the campus, but faculty, the researchers and medical buildings nearby.

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EPSILON SIGMAUniversity of Florida - St. Petersburg

In the spirit of being a relatively new Chapter, at Epsilon Sigma our goal is to write our own history by making meaningful memories that will last a lifetime. Over the last several months our Brothers have been diligently working to achieve this goal.

We are excited that our family has near doubled in size with the addition of our Gamma class. Each and every one of them has made a wonderful addition to our family and we are excited about the things we can expect from them in the future. In honor of our Gamma class crossing, a banquet was held at Vincenzo’s Grill in St. Petersburg, Florida. This gave us a chance to make memories with our newest family members that we will forever be able to look back and smile upon.If you recall from the last edition, our Gamma Class undertook a project called Toys for Tots in an attempt to make the Christmas season a meaningful experience for less fortunate children by providing them with toys previously collected from our campus. All students on our campus were encouraged to donate a toy. As a result, we were able to collect one hundred and twenty-eight toys with forty-two percent of the toys donated by the first year pharmacy students. As their prize, the donation was made in the name of the graduating class of 2017. Not only were we able to help make a child’s Christmas better, we were also able to reflect on the true meaning of what it means to strive for and maintain high ideals in every task.

Epsilon Sigma would like to take a moment to thank the Iota Chapter for hosting the Southeast Province Spring Conclave. You all were wonderful hosts and your city is beautiful and full of rich history. The meeting was a success because of all of your hard work and dedication to making it run smoothly.

As we look forward to moving into the spring we are excited to partake in the Great Strides 2014 Walk happening on April 12th. The fundraised money will become instrumental in changing the lives of many patients suffering from Cystic Fibrosis. The contribution will facilitate research and support care programs provided by this organization.

This spring also brings a bittersweet time for us, while we are thrilled to celebrate our second anniversary as a Chapter we are also sad that we must send off our 3PD Brothers on their rotations. We know they will gain extremely useful hands-on knowledge in their journey to becoming pharmacists and are excited to see where life will take them in the next year. We will be holding a farewell dinner in their honor at the same time as celebrating our hard work and achievements as a Chapter as our second year comes to a conclusion.

Happy two-year anniversary Brothers of Epsilon Sigma! Let’s make our coming years just as memorable!

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C h a r l e s t o nThe Charleston Graduate Chapter has had an exciting year thus far. We would first like to welcome both Justin Davis and Travis Combs to the Chapter. Both Brothers were officers as collegiates and we look forward to their valuable insight. We started the year off with six Brothers attending the Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership. Additionally, several collegiate Brothers received sponsorships from Graduate Brothers. The Charleston Graduate Chapter also had a strong showing at the Southeast Province Spring Conclave. Brothers started off with a meet and greet at The Alley, a boutique bowling alley in Downtown Charleston and then transitioned to Brother Marvin Smith’s birthday party with guest DJ, Brother Jonathan Hamrick. Everyone had a great night and woke up to a delicious southern breakfast of shrimp and grits. Later that night, Brothers were also treated to dinner on the USS Yorktown with keynote speaker, Dr. Joseph DiPiro. Overall, we had a great time with all our Brothers and look forward to a continued strong showing at Southeast Province Fall Conclave.

N . F l o r i d a ( J a c k s o n v i l l e / Ta l l a h a s s e e )Over recent months Brothers of the North Florida Graduate Chapter donated their time, money, and knowledge to children at a local YMCA. The brother presented about why going to college can be beneficial as well as the many career opportunities being an pharmacist has to offer lead by Brothers Wale Alayoku and Kevin Bryant. Also, the Brothers of North Florida Graduate lead by Brother Torrin Goodrum donated an Epson Wi-Fi projector to the Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences and scholarships to brothers graduating from COPPS to cover the cost of the board licensing exams.

We also donated funds to help the local college brothers attend the Southeastern Province Spring Conclave in Charleston, South Carolina where the college brothers informed us of all the people they met as well as knowledge and inspiration they gain from attending the conclave. North Florida Graduate is fortunate to have great brothers, committee chairs, and officers keeping the chapter on course like our committee heads and officers Dr. Wale Alayoku, Dr. Kevin Bryant, Dr. Marshal St. Louis, Dr. Herbert Peeples, Dr. Joseph Shoyoe, Dr. Ibukun Adetula, Dr. Torrin Goodrum, Dr. Robinson Glevis, and Dr. Stanley Kotei who constantly push their committees to uphold their commitment to the brothers of Kappa Psi.

The Brothers of the North Florida Graduate would like to congratulate the 2014 graduates as they continue to uphold their commitments to Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. We also urge you to give back in some way to brothers who will need your wisdom in the future. We would like to acknowledge some of our chapter Brothers who have and will be getting married in the upcoming months. Brother Darren Quarrie who got married July 6, 2014 and Brother Jamal Brown who will be getting married July 26, 2014.

We look forward to the future and will continue to focus on mentoring, giving back and developing strong leaders for today and tomorrow!

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S a v a n n a hSavannah Grad has been busy with many projects over the past couple months, with many helping hands to the surrounding chapters in the area. Several Brothers took part in the chartering of Zeta Gamma, and enjoyed the festivities in Jacksonville. The Brothers of Sav Grad would also like to congratulate Brother Travis Ireland for another term on the EC of SEP. And locally we have gave a helping hand to the Brothers and Pledges of Delta Omega, and invited them over for the annual Super Bowl Party. And for any of you that missed it we would like to thank Iota Chapter for hosting a great conclave, and reception dinner aboard the USS Yorktown. We have many more works in progress so be sure to check back with us in the next edition.

O r l a n d oThe Brothers of OGSwag have been doing quite some traveling and collegiate mentoring events in the past few months. A few of us got to attend ASHP Midyear in December as it was in our back yard and were able to partake in fellowship with Brothers from around the nation. We were able to visit Atlantic and Northwest province at their conclaves. With rotations around the corner, Brother Deanna Mina presented and provided guidance to the third year Epsilon Mu Brothers on how to prepare and some very helpful tips to survive. Some of the Brothers were able to attend the chartering of the newest Chapters, Zeta Gamma and Zeta Delta, that were added to the SEP family. We just had the pleasure of returning for an amazing Spring SEP Conclave hosted by Iota in Charleston that was out of this world and we shall see some of you at upcoming conclaves!

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Ta m p aTampa Graduate Chapter situated in the heart of the Tampa Bay region was established in 2006 and we have been hard at work ever since! Here at Tampa Grad we like to work hard, but we also play just as hard. Utilizing new blood and the passions of our region the Brothers of Tampa Grad look forward to being able to work with nearby collegiate Chapters Epsilon Eta, Epsilon Sigma and newly initiated Zeta Delta to harbor both fellowship and professional ideals. Through new initiatives of combining mentoring, education and fellowship we hope to show Collegiate Brothers that Kappa Psi is for life and can extend far beyond the collegiate experience. After graduation it is hard to maintain ties, life happens! Here at Tampa Grad we hope to be able to provide that support system to make that transition from Collegiate to Grad that much easier. For more information on becoming a member of the talented Tampa Graduate Chapter contact us today at [email protected]!

S o u t h e a s t F l o r i d a / T h e B a h a m a sThe Southeast Florida and the Bahamas Graduate Chapter has been working to plan a successful year! We were proud to have a strong representation at the winter Southeast Province conclave meeting. In attendance were Brothers Daniel Welch, Amy Elhämshäry, Rick Wilhoit, Kylie Webb, Ryan Ritchie and Marvin Smith, over half of our active roster! We will be working with nearby collegiate Chapters Delta Rho and Delta Upsilon over the next couple of months to plan Chapter development and recruitment socials.

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Delta IotaVaughn Benton Brandon BrownKori Lawie Eddie Merriweather Patrick SimonMackenzie Volmy

Delta OmegaShane BentleyAmanda BrownChristopher DibbleMike FilipkowskiBen GandolfiTekia HamiltonLars HershbergerAndrew HoltLan HuynhBianca IvTanesia MaulVishal PatelRejeanne Richard Brooke SheridanVictoria Witherspoon

Delta RhoRyan BalbadarRianna BanwarieLeidy D’EliaNoor DaghistaniMarissa EgipciacoOren ElhararJenny EstrinMaylin FernandezSarah FrancisLeeron FrancoRavdeep GhataorheEthan GohariAndrew HoffmanNandita KoodieBianca LezcanoRyan LlewellynHoda MasmoueiDylan MeadCorey MooreLarisa OdesskyNelson PerezRaxana PutulyanKerry Rambaran Johanna RitchieJessica RuizSebastien Saint-PhardKat TagarasXavier ThompsonAnh TranLauren VanTreese

Epsilon EtaTijo AikaraTolulope AkinboJessica BaldwinDavid ChenKarisa Cicchella Sarah DubraRobert GarciaSamantha LeeAmy LeungJuliya MaslenikovaAmanda MerinoJared MikeJason NgoKevin OlivieriNatasha PatelChristopher PopunMichael RudenJennifer SmithJeremiah SmithDao TranMonica Yu

Epislon MuJennifer BahnmillerDarryl BalluffJacob FlanaganStephen GillMatthew Irwin Tien NguyenNam Vu Richard Waithe

Congratulations to the brothers who graduated this year:

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I hope you are enjoying this wonderful newsletter, as we have one more surprise for you: our first Kappa Psi History Quiz! The purpose of these quizzes is in the hopes of refreshing your memory or teaching you something new about our Fraternity’s rich history. The quizzes are meant to be fun! While there are a plethora of things to touch base on, I tried to choose history pearls that may be of use, ranging from dates to positions. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it! -Timmy Do, SEP Historian

1: Where was Kappa Psi Founded? a: Hillhouse Academy in New Haven, Connecticut b: Cheshire Military Academy in Cheshire, Connecticut c: Russell Military Institute in New Haven, Connecticut d: Russell Academy in Hartford, Connecticut e: None of the above

2: Which chapter is currently the oldest active chapter to date? a: Alpha b: Gamma c: Epsilon d: Mu e: Eta f: Xi g: Mu Omicron Pi

3: What significant event occurred at the 1924 Grand Council Convention? a: Kappa Psi was finally incorporated, bearing the name Kappa Psi Fraternity Incorporated. b: The decision to separate Kappa Psi Fraternity into two separate entities: medicine and pharmacy. c: Delta Omicron Alpha Medical Fraternity would merge with Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity to create a medicine and pharmacy professional fraternity. d: More than 1/3 of the fraternity’s active chapters were determined as “dormant” due to the Great Depression.

4: Match the Legends to their respected initiated chapters. Norman A. Campbell Beta Rho Dewey D. Garner Beta Epsilon Robert A. Margarian Beta Kappa

5: Match the Emeritus to their respected positions. William R. Smith Executive Director Dewey D. Garner Grand Historian Anthony Palmieri, III Grand Counselor Robert A. Magarian Editor of the Mask Richard M. Doughty Grand Ritualist Nicholas W. Fenney Grand Vice Regent

6: True or False: With the split of Kappa Psi, the Greek letters “Kappa” and “Psi” was retained for the pharmacy group while the medical organization became “Theta Kappa Psi,” which is still an active Medical Professional Fraternity today.

7: Match the events to their respected year Adoption of our Constitution 1900 First ever GCC 1904 Adoption of our Insignia 1902 1st Edition of the Mask 1905 Adoption of Scarlet & Gray 1918 1st Edition of the Agora 1916 Adoption of the Coat of Arms 1906

I hope you did well! See the answers on the next page and stay tuned for the next quiz!

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1: CCheshire is the second Chapter of Society of Kappa Psi, which was founded on November 30th, 1879, fol-lowed by Hillhouse, which was formed on October 7th, 1894. Russell Academy in Hartford Connecticut was made up.

2: DYou would think that by following the Greek Alphabet, Epsilon should be the oldest Chapter, but Mu was actually chartered on March 4th, 1907 whereas Epsilon was chartered on April 30th, 1928. Upsilon is next in line as the oldest Chapter, founded on April 16th, 1909.

3: B The decision to split was made, but it did not occur until January 15, 1925. A - Kappa Psi was actually incorporated on June 15th, 1903. C - Delta Omicron Alpha Medical Fraternity did merge with Kappa Psi, but this actually occurred on November 17th, 1917. Kappa Psi was a medicine-pharmacy Fraternity way before the merging of the two Fraternities. D - The Great Depression did not occur until the 1930s

4: Norman: Beta Epsilon Dewey & Robert: Beta Rho

5: William R. Smith: CounselorDewey D. Garner : HistorianAnthony Palmieri, III : Editor of The MaskRobert A. Magarian : Executive DirectorRichard M. Doughty: Grand RitualistNicholas W. Fenney : Editor of The Mask

6: FalseWhile all parts of the question are true, Theta Kappa Psi is no longer an active fraternity and merged with Phi Beta Pi.

7: First ever GCC : 19001st Edition of the Agora : 19021st Edition of the Mask : 1904Adoption of Scarlet & Gray: 1905Adoption of our Constitution: 1906Adoption of the Coat of Arms: 1916Adoption of our Insignia: 1918


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For we are nothing without Brotherhood!

Many of us refer to them as Province meetings, assemblies, or conclaves but we all have an understanding deep down that these gatherings are designed to strengthen our fraternal bonds. Catching up with Brothers from all over, learning new things, and igniting that well known Kappa Psi fire are just a few of the great things bundled into a single conclave. For those that have attended one or more, I am sure the feeling is mutual; and for those that have yet to attend, please do not let me rob your experience by attempting to ex-plain it. Simply avail yourself at the September 5-7, 2014 Province Assembly hosted by Epsilon Eta Broth-ers in Bradenton, FL.

We promise to serve you well, cater to your needs, and show you an awesome time! Be sure to prepare award winning Chapter Reports and get ready to enjoy the beautiful beach. The Epsilon Eta Brothers are busy planning to make sure that all Brothers create a memorable experience at this Southeast Province Conclave. Please feel free to contact [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments in general. PTBYB,Bella Mogaka

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Created by Angelica Washington