spring bird walks - a fun time for all

Spring Bird Walks, a Fun Time for All! by Ann Bugeda, Chief of Interpretive Services There are a lot of reasons to go birding…for me it’s a great excuse to get outside, take a walk and feel a connection from backyards to far away places. It’s also a great way to get to know the parks and a great way to make new friends. In my opinion, the best birders are the ones who share and teach as they move along the trail. Being an accomplished birder takes time and experience. You just can’t fake it. If you want to meet some of those excellent people, join a Lake Metroparks bird walk in any of our parks, any time of year. Beginners are always welcome. Before you go… Spend time enjoying your backyard birds. Watch your feeders…learn bird postures, silhouettes, habits, songs and calls, where they like to hide and feed. Pretty soon you will know them without having to go through a list of field marks. It’s not too hard! Now you are ready to notice birds that are new and different from the ones you have mastered. In the spring, northeast Ohio is alive with migratory birds and residents. Our lakeshore habitats are known for sheltering colorful warblers and other songbirds that return as daylight increases and the weather warms. Lake Erie Bluffs, Lakeshore Reservation and Chagrin River Park are excellent locations for a bird walk. Lake Erie Bluffs JEFF TAIPALE

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Post on 26-Jul-2016




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There are a lot of reasons to go birding…for me it’s a great excuse to get outside, take a walk and feel a connection from backyards to far away places. It’s also a great way to get to know the parks and a great way to make new friends.


Page 1: Spring Bird Walks - a Fun Time for All

Spring Bird Walks, a Fun Time for All!by Ann bugeda, Chief of Interpretive Services

there are a lot of reasons to go birding…for me it’s a great excuse to get outside, take a walk and feel a connection from backyards to far away places. It’s also a great way to get to know the parks and a great way to make new friends.

In my opinion, the best birders are the ones who share and teach as they move along the trail. being an accomplished birder takes time and experience. You just can’t fake it. If you want to meet some of those excellent people, join a Lake Metroparks bird walk in any of our parks, any time of year. beginners are always welcome.

Before you go…Spend time enjoying your backyard birds. watch your feeders…learn bird postures, silhouettes, habits, songs and calls, where they like to hide and feed. Pretty soon you will know them without having to go through a list of field marks. It’s not too hard! now you are ready to notice birds that are new and different from the ones you have mastered.

In the spring, northeast Ohio is alive with migratory birds and residents. Our lakeshore habitats are known for sheltering colorful warblers and other songbirds that return as daylight increases and the weather warms. Lake erie bluffs, Lakeshore reservation and Chagrin river Park are excellent locations for a bird walk.

Lake Erie BluffsJeFF tAIPALe

Golden-crowned kinglet

Page 2: Spring Bird Walks - a Fun Time for All


each species returns on its own timetable, so if you want to see a particular bird, a little homework will increase your chances. For example, March is great for watching waterfowl, hawks, first tree swallows and kinglets. April brings us sparrows and first warblers. then wonderful May, abundant with orioles, tanagers, more warbler diversity, plus vireos and flycatchers. by June, most are quiet, nesting and difficult to find.

What to bring…• Field guides (mobile apps are also helpful)• Binoculars• Water & snacks• A hat• Comfortable shoes• A jacket (dressing in layers is ideal)• A friend (if your buddy is a more experienced birder

than you are, even better!)• A checklist or journal for notes

try to set aside plenty of time, know the trail, walk quietly and avoid the urge to chit chat. Covering the same route regularly is a great way to become more observant and better understand how that habitat is being used.

After a few seasons, you’ll have your favorite places, favorite times of year and favorite species well documented for years of enjoyment. And while I know I need a checklist to help remember where I was and what birds I saw when, I know the thing I’ll remember most is who I was with and the fun we had.

Palm warblerbIrd PHOtOS bY COurtneY KeMPert

Golden-crowned kinglet Redhead duck Orchard oriole