spring/summer 2018 the society of anglican missionaries...

he Rev. Gregory Whitaker serves as a SAMS Mission- ary in the Anglican Church of Cambodia. The Church of Christ Our Peace is the only English-speaking congregation in the deanery. Mostly pastoring other missionaries and those working for nonprofits, Gregory feels a call to serve those who serve. He is also pleased to minister to the English-speaking Cambodians who attend the church because although English may not be their first language, it was how they came to know Christ. Since most of the congregation is working in a ministry setting, they come to the church for refreshment and community support. Community and a church family is important for those who are constantly in a field of ministry work. “They are continually pouring out, so they need to come to a place where they can be poured into, otherwise they will burn out,” explains Gregory. BY SARAH NORRIS Gregory Whitaker and his wife Heidi serve in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Along with serving as rector, Gregory is involved with discipleship of Khmer leaders and with Project Khmer Hope, the non-profit outreach of the Anglican Church. Heidi is a pediatrician, and she works in a variety of settings, including medical consulting for anti-trafficking organizations and medical education. This was true of a missionary woman who moved from China to Cambodia to be a teacher. She served in a school just north of Phnom Penh. In this area, sexual child abuse was very common. Eventually she became disheartened by the tragedy that surrounded her. Although she still had a fire for the Lord, she felt burned out from ministry. She found Church of Christ Our Peace and became a part of its community. She is now a leader on the worship team and has others she can lean on who can pray for her during times of difficulty. “I hope to encourage, support, and minister to my congregation so they can go out and then care for others whom they are called to serve. I suppose you could say it is like I am feeding the shepherds who are feeding the sheep,” says Gregory. God has been working, and the church has seen growth from 60 people to now 220 members attending on a regular basis. Gregory prays that more people who feel like they need a place of solace and family will come to rest and find refreshment. There are nine small groups, and several ways for people to connect through serving, just like the young missionary woman who found the worship team. Gregory leads communion during the service at Church of Christ Our Peace. T Feeding the Shepherds that Feed the Sheep SPRING/SUMMER 2018 MESSENGER SAMS-USA The Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders THE

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Daniel 4:3

he Rev. Gregory Whitaker serves as a SAMS Mission-ary in the Anglican Church of Cambodia. The Church of Christ Our Peace is the only English-speaking congregation in the deanery. Mostly pastoring other missionaries and those working for nonprofits, Gregory feels a call to serve those who serve. He is also pleased to minister to the English-speaking Cambodians who attend the church because although English may not be their first language, it was how they came to know Christ. Since most of the congregation is working in a ministry setting, they come to the church for refreshment and community support. Community and a church family is important for those who are constantly in a field of ministry work. “They are continually pouring out, so they need to come to a place where they can be poured into, otherwise they will burn out,” explains Gregory.


Gregory Whitaker and his wife Heidi serve in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Along with serving as rector, Gregory is involved with discipleship of Khmer leaders and with Project Khmer Hope, the non-profit outreach of the Anglican Church. Heidi is a pediatrician, and

she works in a variety of settings, including medical consulting for anti-trafficking organizations and medical education.

This was true of a missionary woman who moved from China to Cambodia to be a teacher. She served in a school just north of Phnom Penh. In this area, sexual child abuse was very common. Eventually she became disheartened by the tragedy that surrounded her. Although she still had a fire for the Lord, she felt burned out from ministry. She found Church of Christ Our Peace and became a part of its community. She is now a leader on the worship team and has others she can lean on who can pray for her during times of difficulty. “I hope to encourage, support, and minister to my congregation so they can go out and then care for others whom they are called to serve. I suppose you could say it is like I am feeding the shepherds who are feeding the sheep,” says Gregory. God has been working, and the church has seen growth from 60 people to now 220 members attending on a regular basis. Gregory prays that more people who feel like they need a place of solace and family will come to rest and find refreshment.

There are nine small groups, and several ways for people to connect through serving, just like the young missionary

woman who found the worship team.

Gregory leads communion during the service at Church of Christ Our Peace.


Feeding the Shepherds that Feed the Sheep



The Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders


akarta, the fourth most populous urban city in the world, is situated on the island of Java in the country of Indonesia, which has the largest population of Muslims in the world. It is a city and country in conflict. Imagine high-rise office buildings sharing space with shacks and shanties; with so called religious freedom, but mandatory jail time for blasphemy. It is a nation divided along ethnic, financial, and religious lines, struggling to find itself. As job seekers pour into Jakarta from surrounding islands and neighboring countries, people are faced with the chaos of the unknown. Many are in desperate need of a lighthouse to signal the way during the storm. We are experiencing a narrow window of opportunity for the Gospel to go forth in this Muslim nation. We don’t know how long we have, as we already see Christianity being targeted on a political level. However, in God’s strength, we will continue to “go forth making disciples of all nations…” and seek to share God’s light in the darkness.

Doors Open for Mission in South East AsiaDoors Open for Mission in South East Asia

Ministry in Jakarta, Indonesia

by Nanci LongSAMS Missionary

Jim leads a team in prayer as they prepare to open the new location for a children’s home.

A Lighthouse in the Darkness:

J With this being said, there is a great and immediate need for evangelism and discipleship. Our focus for ministry here is two-fold. First, we are seeking out people with whom to share Christ, and second, my husband Jim is continuing to pastor our church plant, Providence Angli-can Church, a place for spiritual growth and formation. Over the next two years, we would like to see our two newly established mission centers (lighthouses, if you will) engage in community outreach, evangelism, refugee support with language and vocational training, and multilingual Bible studies. The renovation work on these houses is almost complete and a non-profit daycare for under-served children will open first in both locations, followed by rehabilitation services for special needs students. We have seen God’s hand of provision for one of our refugee families from Iran, residing in Indonesia. They must wait indefinitely for an open country to accept them and, all the while, they are forbidden to work. They are penniless, preyed upon, and very discouraged. With the opening of our mission centers, this family is able to volunteer their time and talents, and we are legally allowed to give them a stipend in return. We are all blessed in this arrangement! We pray that God’s light will shine forth from our church and mission houses– that we may be a people that love God, each other, and all those that enter in. We pray for the financial resources to cover operational expenses for these houses. We pray that the gospel will go forth and bear much fruit and that His name will be glorified!

There are almost10 million people in Jakarta alone.

Over 83% practice Islam.

March 1-10: HONDURASLift up Amanda Scott in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, as she ministers to the children at LAMB Institute. Pray the children experience the love of Jesus through her and the other team members.

Lift up Jack Melvin in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, as he oversees diocesan building projects. Lift up Honduras as a country and all those living there, especially those whom Jack serves, living in poverty.

March 11-17: HONDURASLift up Dennie and Veronica Flowers in La Ceiba, Honduras, as they minister to students at Holy Trinity School. Pray for Dennie’s health.

Pray for Jeannie Loving in Danli, Honduras, as she helps lead community projects, and for the teams that will be coming to serve alongside her. Lift up her son John for health and healing.

March 18-24: HONDURASPray for David Ledwitz in Copan, Honduras, as he reaches out to the community through development projects.

Pray for Mike, Kim, Liliana, and Katherine Miller in El Venado, Honduras, as they raise support in order to serve the orphaned children at The Hope of Jesus Children’s Home.

March 25-31: BELIZELift up David and Mary Beth Alenskis in San Ignacio, Belize, as they reach out to the community through music and other ministries in the school and church. Pray for sustained health.

April 1-7: CHILEPray with Russ, Heidi, and Jocelyn Smith in Temuco, Chile, as they resume ministry after their home assignment for the Rural Bible Institute’s new students for 2018, and the ESI facilitators’ training this month, in preparation for launching the ministry in three more cities.

April 8-14: ECUADORPray with Roberto, Cameron, Graham, Liam, and Francis Vivanco in Quito, Ecuador, as they receive six teams over these next few months. Also pray for Roberto’s worship ministry.

.....prayer calendar continued on the next three pages

The Vivanco Family

The Smith Family

Jeannie Loving

Dennie and Veronica Flowers

The Miller Family

Jack Melvin

David and Mary Beth Alenskis

David Ledwitz

Amanda Scott

The Messenger will be moving to a bi-annual publication. You will receive your next prayer calendar September 2018. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.

SAMS-USA Prayer Calendar: March –August 2018

Only 8% of the population in Asia is Christian. Pray for more missionaries to be raised up to serve in the mission field.

Doors Open for Mission in South East AsiaDoors Open for Mission in South East Asia

April 15-21: BRAZILPray for Ron and Debby McKeon in Joao Pessoa, Brazil, as they continue to grow their discipleship ministry. Pray for an increase in their ministry support.

April 22-28: BOLIVIAPray with Rusty, Tammy, Thomas, and Madelyn Firestone, in Cochabamba, Boliva, as Tammy leads ministry at La Trinidad Church, and for Rusty as he facilitates short-term teams.

April 29-May 5: COSTA RICAPray for renewed strength for Eduardo and Hilda Monzon in San Jose, Costa Rica. Pray that the church and the diocese will continue to lift up people in the name of the Lord.

May 6-12: SOLOMON ISLANDSJoin with Jonathan, Tess, Avalyn, Cohen, Caeli, Judah, and Immanuel Hicks in praying for unity, vision, and love at Trinity School for Theology and Ministry. Pray for diligence and grace as their family lives out their calling in Malaita. May 13-19: CAMBODIA AND INDONESIAWith Gregory, Heidi, Saeeda, Ella, Aubrey, and Ivy Whitaker in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, pray for ministry team leaders for the church, and for continuing discernment for Heidi as she increases her involvement in medical work. Pray for the building project of the Anglican Church of Christ Our Peace.

Pray for James, Nanci, Anna, George, Mary, and Della Long in Jakarta, Indonesia, as they minister to members of the community through church planting in the area. Pray that the community will experience the love of Christ.

Pray for Jesse, Sarah, Clara, Adelai, and Ridley Blaine in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, as they continue to reach out to the people of Cambodia through church planting and discipleship.

May 20-26: NEW ZEALANDPray for Guy, Summer, Pirum, Quinn, and Norah Benton as they launch their new ministry in New Zealand. Pray that God would guide them as they raise up youth for service in mission.

May 27-June 2: EGYPTPray for Kerry and Cynthia Buttram in Cairo, Egypt, as they minister to a culturally diverse congregation. Give thanks for the many that have heard the Gospel. Pray for those who visit the church there.

The Hicks Family

The Whitaker Family

Kerry and Cynthia Buttram

Ron and Debby McKeon

The Firestone Family

Hilda and Eduardo Monzon

The Blaine Family

The Benton Family

The Long Family

Doors Open for Mission in South East AsiaDoors Open for Mission in South East Asia

June 3-9: MADAGASCARJoin Jacky Lowe in prayer as she prepares to serve in Madagascar, for peace and an end to world hunger – both physical and spiritual. Pray for full financial support that is needed for Jacky to do the Lord’s work.

Pray with Todd and Patsy McGregor in Toliara, Madagascar, for Assistant Bishop Samitiana, consecrated in February. Lift up his family as they join the leadership team, and pray for more humble leaders of integrity to be raised up in the Diocese.

June 10-16: SOUTH AFRICAPray for Johann and Louise Vanderbijl in Cape Town, South Africa, as they transition into a new home. Pray for their discipleship training as they head to new areas in the Province. Give thanks for their visit to the U.S. to meet their new grandchildren.

June 17-23: ZAMBIALift up April Sylvester in Ndola, Zambia, as she continues to mentor young adults. Give thanks for new supporters who have come alongside her. June 24-30: UGANDAGive thanks with Jessica Hughes in Mukono, Uganda, for the Uganda Christian University theology students who have finished their studies, and are entering the ministry field. Also pray for incoming students, that they will seek to learn with open hearts.

Pray the Holy Spirit will guide Janine LeGrand in Masindi, Uganda, as she reaches out and educates the community through a holistic health and nutrition ministry. Continue to pray for Senders to be raised up to support her.

July 1-7: UGANDAGive thanks with Mary Chowenhill in Mukono, Uganda, for a blessed visit with Senders in the U.S. and with her sister in the U.K. Pray for her continued ministry at Uganda Christian University.

July 8-14: EUROPE (Missionaries not pictured due to security reasons.)Please, pray for Stephen V in Europe, for his ongoing translation of the Book of Common Prayer, and also for an increasing number of partners for the mission in Europe. Pray for an increase in financial support.

Lift up Mark, Susan, and Ethan in Europe, as they pastor and counsel missionaries in their community and in other regions.

Give thanks with Anne in Europe, for all who attended the first continental meeting associated with her evangelism ministry. Pray for protection, strength, and provision as she travels.

July 15-21: CARIBBEANWith Cathy Donahoe in San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic, pray for wisdom with her teaching of physical therapy students and for provision of resources for a construction project.

Janine LeGrand

Louise and Johann Vanderbijl

April Sylvester Jessica Hughes

Mary Chowenhill

Todd and Patsy McGregor

Jacky Lowe

Cathy Donahoe

A door of opportunity to share the Gospel is open.

Pray more will experience the

transforming love of Christ.

Doors Open for Mission in South East AsiaDoors Open for Mission in South East Asia

July 22-28: NORTH AMERICAGive thanks with Nate, Erika, Henry, and Annie Twichell in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for a blessed first year of the AGMP Agape Year program. Pray for more participants to be prompted by the Lord to join next year’s program.

With Jack and Mary McDonald in Catawba, Virginia, pray for the international student ministry at Virginia Tech. Pray for students who have heard the Gospel, but have not yet accepted Christ.

July 29- August 4: NORTH AMERICAPray with Wayne, Nicole, Sarah Grace, and Anna Beth (Corlew) Curtis in Nashville, Tennessee, as they transition to life in the U.S. from mission in Cape Town, South Africa.

Pray for Allen, Rachel, James and John Hill in Raleigh, North Carolina, as Allen works on his PhD and for Rachel as she ministers to international families there. Pray for protection over the entire family.

August 5-11: NORTH AMERICA Lift up Juan and Maria Marentes in California, and the many ministry projects that are reaching the Hispanic popu-lation there. Pray for those whom they are reaching with the Gospel.

With Grant and Wendy LeMarquand in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pray for God’s blessing on the people and the churches of Gambella and the Horn of Africa, for the choice of a new bishop for the Horn of Africa, and for blessing on their partner churches as they travel to share with them about the church in Gambella.

August 12-18: SAMS ASSOCIATE MISSIONARIES Pray for Chuck and Beth Bradshaw (theological education in Uganda), Mike and Linda Chapman (ministry among Hispanics), David and Lucy Chaves (social ministries and discipleship in Kenya), Townsend and Dawn Cooper (health ministries with Latin Americans), Bunny Cowan (teaching ministry in Honduras), Kathy Decker (communications and short-term teams leadership in Peru), Brian and Mary Jane Dennison (educational ministry and discipleship in Uganda), John and Ninfa Dixon (Hispanic outreach on the Mexican border), Michael and Anita Dohn (health ministry in USA), Chris Feuillade (education in Chile), Tom and Maryjane Furrer (medical ministry in Nigeria).

August 19-25: SAMS ASSOCIATE MISSIONARIESPray for Doug and JoEllyn Fountain (ministry in Uganda), Margarita Grachen (children’s ministry in Honduras), Roger and Joanne Griffin (theological education in Latin America) Jason and Emily Hood (pastoral leadership in Tanzania), Mike and Betty Kaszer (short-term team ministry in Honduras), Frank and Shawnee Lyons (youth ministry), Richard and Martha Menees (ministry in Africa), Ian and Polly Montgomery (short-term ministry in Peru), Susan Morris (ministry in Uganda), John and Susan Park (short-term team coordination in Peru), Ana Reid (social ministries in Honduras), Vicki Robertson (children’s ministry in Peru), Eldon Stoffel (youth ministry in Rwanda), Maunette Tait (education in Honduras), and Kym Wyngard (McDaniel) (children’s ministry in Peru).

August 26-31: SAMS STAFFPray for SAMS home staff: Lynn Bouterse, Denise Cox, Nita Dempsey, Julie Kirik, Howard McClellan, Sarah Norris, Dana Priest, Bonnie Walker, and Stewart Wicker, as they support and encourage missionaries and the church here in the U.S. and globally.

Please focus on the following as you pray:María and Juan Marentes

The Hill Family

Grant and Wendy LeMarquand

Nicole and Wayne Curtis

Sunday: for missionary to be used to share the Gospel

Monday: for missionary’s own spiritual growth

Tuesday: for God’s blessing for the diocese and bishop

Wednesday: for missionary’s relationships with nationals

Thursday: for missionary’s health, safety and family

Friday: for outpouring of the Spirit in missionary’s church

Saturday: for God to raise up new missionaries

The Twichell Family

Jack and Mary McDonald

Doors Open for Mission in South East AsiaDoors Open for Mission in South East Asia

Mrs. Marie Alvarez-Calderon Mr. Jaime G. Alvarez-Calderon Mr. Daniel P. & Mrs. Beth Harlan Ms. Jacinta Achieng Amina Ms. Gayle Coons Ms. Bettie Bailey Bizier Ms. Gloria Reimherr Ms. Betty A. Cropper Ms. Dorothy L. Craig Ms. Betty A. Cropper The Rev. Laura & Mr. Stewart W. Wicker Mr. Richard A. Englander Mr. Stephen A. Fregeau Mrs. Patricia FregeauMrs. Betty G. & Mr. James Schaffer, Sr. Mrs. Ida Feagin Grunsky Mr. Shelton C. & Mrs. Camille J. Johnson Mr. Roger T. Johnson Mr. James, Sr. & Mrs. Betty G. Schaffer Mrs. Ann Hodges Kinnett Mrs. Judith L. Auger Mr. Jon W. Little Ms. Cynthia Faunce Ms. Doris Milloy Mrs. Valerie Parvin Mr. Thomas M. Parvin Mrs. Estelle F. Powell Mr. Raymond C. Powell Ms. Martha L. McCoy (On behalf of George W. McCoy, Jr., George W. McCoy, III, and Mary Lyons) Mrs. Elisabeth M. Priest Mr. Stewart W. & The Rev. Laura Wicker Mrs. Elisabeth M. Priest Mr. Brandon & Mrs. Bonnie Walker Mrs. Elisabeth M. Priest The Rev. Jon S. & Mrs. Dale Stasney Mrs. Elisabeth M. Priest The Rev. Jeff & Mrs. Cinde Rawn Mrs. Elisabeth M. Priest Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell Mrs. Elisabeth M. Priest Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. Charles Smith, Jr.Ms. Crystal Stamberg Ms. Carol Sylvester Mr. James, Sr. & Mrs. Betty G Schaffer, Sr. Mr. Bennett Talmadge Willis, Jr.Mr. George & Mrs. Margaret Wright Ms. Polly Wright

Ms. Kelly N. Giem Mrs. Mirella Astolfi Mr. Howard Beale Mr. Brett & Mrs. Carla Bachus Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. Jim & Mrs. Sandy Bearrows Dr. Simon H. & Mrs. Susan E. Babbs Ms. Miriam K. Berry Mr. James A. & Mrs. Nancy P. Aldrich Ms. Cathi Blair Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. Ormond & Mrs. Sarah Booth Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. James Barney & Mrs. Margaret B. ClaryMr. Robert & Mrs. Julie Riggar Miss Anna Beth & Miss Sarah Grace CurtisMr. Richard Davenport Mrs. Nancy L. Davenport Mrs. Sandra Smith Dr. Coleman & Mrs. Nancy Doggett Mrs. Sandra Smith Mrs. Annette & Mr. Brent Fleming Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. Ronnie & Mrs. Susie Fleming Mr. George A. & Mrs. Judith S. Pittman Mrs. Cheryl M. & Mr. William J. Harman, IIIMr. Sydney H. & Mrs. Laura Verinder Mrs. Cheryl M. & Mr. William J. Harman, III Mr. Steve & Mrs. Deborah Vollstedt Mr. James Ross Johnstone Ms. Diane M. Wahl Dr. Wendy Lemarquand Mrs. Sandra Smith Mrs. Ann & Mr. Balian Li Ms. Julia Dawson Ms. Jeannie Loving Mr. John E. & Mrs. Jane W. Curtis The Rev. Dr. Juan Bernardo & Mrs. Maria Isabela MarentesMrs. Frances R. Huber The Right Rev. Todd & The Rev. Patsy McGregor Mrs. Kathleen Bourgault Mr. John Melvin Dr. Simon H. & Mrs. Susan E. Babbs Ms. Jane Schaefer Ms. Ann G. Smith Miss Anne Schaffer Mr. James B. & Mrs. Margaret B. Clary Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. Craig & Mrs. Kay Enoch Mrs. Dale & The Rev. Jon S. Stasney Dr. Richard L. & Dr. Caroline K. Godine The Rev. Lowell Sykes Mr. Peter Witherell Ms. Carol Sylvester Mrs. Felice M. Hadden Ms. Shirley Sylvester Mrs. F. Jeannine Verinder Mrs. Laura Verinder Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. Greg & Mrs. Beverly WalkerThe Rev. Ronald & Mrs. Johnnie Johnson Ms. Jean Waltrip Mr. Claudio & Mrs. Olivia Middleton Mr. Kevin Wolf Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. Tony & Mrs. Phyllis WolpinkMrs. Sandra Smith Dr. Randi & Col. John I. Wood, III

Given by: In Memory of:

Given by: In Honor of:

Doors Open for Mission in South East AsiaMemorials and Honors

TEL: (724) 266-0669e-mail: [email protected]

Post Office Box 399Ambridge, PA 15003

SAMS is a non-profit voluntary missionary society dedicated toserving Jesus Christ through the Anglican church globally.Legally incorporated as South American Missionary Society.Also known as the Society for Anglican Missionaries and Senders.


PAIDPittsburgh, PAPermit No. 425



Thank you for your faithful prayers and support to your SAMS Missionaries. In order to communicate more effectively, your Society will be changing to a Bi-annual publication. Look for the next The Messenger in your mailbox on September 1st, 2018.

Visit sams-usa.org to sign up for monthly prayer and praise requests from your missionaries.

Short-Term Opportunities (up to 3 months)IT and AV Instructor

Deanery Office ManagerUniversity MinistryChildren’s Ministry

Long-Term Opportunities (1 year+)Pastors, Chaplains, and Church Planters

Project Manager for Learning CenterTeacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages

If you are interested in serving in South East Asia, contact SAMS at 724-266-0669

or email [email protected]

A Message from the Editor

Sarah NorrisSAMS-USA Writer and Communications Specialist

In Christ,

Doors Open for Mission in South East AsiaDoors Open for Mission in South East Asia