sps planning meeting 10/11/2010 · • romuald bihery – onsite supervision • cedric halbert –...

SPS LS2 Planning meeting (No.15) 09/01/19 David Mcfarlane 1 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

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Page 1: SPS planning meeting 10/11/2010 · • Romuald Bihery – Onsite supervision • Cedric Halbert – Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

SPS LS2Planning meeting (No.15)


David Mcfarlane

1EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Page 2: SPS planning meeting 10/11/2010 · • Romuald Bihery – Onsite supervision • Cedric Halbert – Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

The Coordination team

• David Mcfarlane– SPS Facility Coordinator

– Overall planning and coordination

• Julie Coupard– Deputy SPS Facility Coordinator

– Deputy overall planning and coordination

• Jonathan Pascal Meignan– Planning and coordination of the LIU beam dump installation at BA5 and

reconfiguration of BA1.

• Antonio Grande Mallavia– Planning and coordination of all beamline affected activities.

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Page 3: SPS planning meeting 10/11/2010 · • Romuald Bihery – Onsite supervision • Cedric Halbert – Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

The Coordination team

• Franck Bais– TSO

– Onsite supervision

• Romuald Bihery– Onsite supervision

• Cedric Halbert– Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2.

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EROS Team and Organization

SPSEmmanuel Paulat

[email protected]

Telephone: 00 41 75 411 38 70

Points: 3, 4, 5 and 7

Backup John Robert Etheridge

John Robert Etheridge

[email protected]

Telephone: 00 41 75 411 46 47

Points 1, 2 and 6

Backup Emmanuel Paulat

Cyrille Patrick Bedel

[email protected]

Telephone: 00 41 75 411 08 04

Back Up for John Robert Etheridge and Emmanuel Paulat

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Page 5: SPS planning meeting 10/11/2010 · • Romuald Bihery – Onsite supervision • Cedric Halbert – Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Master Schedule (Version 1.3)

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Master Schedule (Version 1.3)IST Period for SPS

EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane 6

/!\ Shutdown Period does not mean work/access possible

• Start of the cleaning campaign in July

• Global New Access System Tests

• Etc…


• 6 weeks of Individual System Tests (access restriction)

List of known tests that need to start before the IST period:

• New 200 MHz RF System from June 2020

• New Beam Dump System and reliability run to be defined

No works/installations scheduled later than June 2020

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Start of LS2

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• End of Physics – Monday the 10th December• 3 weeks of magnet tests.

• The entire SPS facility will remain closed. This includes BA1,2,3,4,5,6,7, TI2, TI8 & TAG42.

• The machine will remain in “run” mode until the magnet tests are complete. Water remains on. Power remains on. Control systems remain on. No access in the false floors of the Bas

• During this time, ONLY TE-MSC can access the SPS.



These tests will be complete by the end of the first week back after the Christmas vacation.

Access into the SPS will be granted on (Friday the 11th January 2019)Even if you think your systems are not required for these tests you MUST get the approval from Operations BEFORE you do anything.

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Start of LS2

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• Access control will remain in the CCC until the tests are complete.• Access control will only be switched over to the CSA at the end of the magnet tests.• Access will be possible into ECA5 from the 10th December. But only for pre-declared works

for the new beam dump installation.• Test de Secours will take place at 6am on the 19th December• There is no access foreseen during the 2 week XMAS vacation except:

• Safety test in the LHC machine (Test of sirens, break the glass and ODH flash).• This requires access to TI2 (via BA7) on 27th December

• Repair works on Lifts.• 26th/27th December & 3rd/4th January

• General access granted to SPS (except LSS1+ & LSS2-) – Friday the 11th January 2019


Page 9: SPS planning meeting 10/11/2010 · • Romuald Bihery – Onsite supervision • Cedric Halbert – Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

Electrical Procedures


• Mise hors tension partielle du SPS lors des YETS, EYETS et LS https://edms.cern.ch/document/2058234/0.1In work

• Demande de « SEPARATION DU RESEAU » par le Facility coordinateur https://edms.cern.ch/document/2049809/1 Released

• De-cabling – SPS5 lock-out procedure for De-Cabling during LS2https://edms.cern.ch/document/1983418/1.0 Released

• De-cabling – SPS3 lock-out procedure for De-Cabling during LS2https://edms.cern.ch/document/1991126/1.0 Released

• De-cabling – Identification, labelling and disconnection procedure for obsolete cables SPS1 and SPS3 during LS2 https://edms.cern.ch/document/2052872/1.0 Released

It is the responsibility of the Equipment owner to consign any equipment that they will be working on.Do not assume something is consigned. Check first.

EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

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• It is the responsibility of the Equipment owner to consign any equipment that they will be working on.

• Please ensure that The coordination team has a copy of all main consignations of the SPS.

• Do not assume something is consigned. Check first.

10EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

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Presentations this week

• Mise Hors Tension Partielle du SPS presentation

• Safety talk presentation

• RP Presentation.

• Transport Overview

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Note de CoupureVeuillez prendre connaissance de la note de coupure « ELECTRICITE – SPS – Bâtiments 870 (BA3) et 905 (BB3) – Réseau Pulsé 18 kV – Consignation des tableaux 18 kV pulsé du BA3-BB3 pour travaux de modification EMD3/B3 et réalimentation EMD5/B3 »

prévue du lundi 14 janvier 2019 à 8h00 au vendredi 18 janvier 2019 à 17h00


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Safety aspects for activities

Activity Group & Work site supervisor Location Status

Echelles à cables EN/EL – K. PEDRO ECA5 VIC prévue le 10/12 – Fait

Goulotte de sécurité en puits

EN/EL – G. GUTIERREZ PMA3 VIC prévue le 10/12– Fait

Equipements DI surface Fire Safety Project


BA4 – BA5 VIC prévue le 10/12– Fait

Pose Caméras BE/ICS - P. GAVIGLIO BA2 Pré-VIC prévue le 10/12 - Fait

Tuyauterie EG entre BA et BM

EN/CV – A. AMAMOU BA6 – BA4 Pré - VIC prévue le 17/12 - Fait

Station CV EN/CV – A. BROCHE BB3 VIC prévue le 08/01 - Fait

Cablage – retrait cellules et racks

EN/EL - G. GUTIERREZ BB3 VIC prévue le 09/01 - Fait

Demontage pompe TA4 EN/CV – G. PALHERO BA4 VIC prévue le 11/01

Goulotte de sécurité tunnel

EN/EL - G. GUTIERREZ BA6 VIC prévue le 14/01

09.01.2019 Emmanuel PAULAT - EN/ACE

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Activity Group & Work site supervisor Location Status

EN/EL/FC Cablingcampaign

EN/EL – T. SLETTELSTOL BA6 VIC prévue le 14/01

SprinklerFire Safety Project

BE/ICS - D. JOLIVET BA4 VIC prévue le 16/01

Consignation pour décablage

EN/EL- G. KOTSALOS BA3 VIC prévue le 21/01

Décablage EN/EL – K. PEDRO Point 5 VIC prévue le 22/01

Echafaudage CV EN/CV – A. BROCHE LSS3 VIC prévue le 23/01

VIC prévue le

VIC prévue le

VIC prévue le

09.01.2019 Emmanuel PAULAT - EN/ACE

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Lift & Monte-charge Maintenance January / February

15EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

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Campaign Code QTY






SP3CUC0-CD01 252 2827 17

SP3LIU0-CD01 69 1344 5

TOTAL SPS point 3 321 4171 23

Start + VIC: 21/01/2019;

End: 28/06/2019

All LIU cables should be disconnected and marked with purple on

both ends before the starting date.

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Campaign Code Number








SP5LIU0-CD01 280 29.7 4

SP5CUC0-CD01 644 56.2 6

TOTAL 924 85.9 10 Start + VIC: 22/01/2019;

End: 29/03/2019

All LIU cables should be disconnected and marked with purple on

both ends before the starting date.

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Procedure to request Project Online Professional Licenses

• Who? CERN users who need professional access to EN/ACE coordination schedules for CERN accelerator complex

• How? https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0005844

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How to open the SPS planning

EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane 19


Click here

* You will need the latest version of Microsoft Project installed on your computer

Page 20: SPS planning meeting 10/11/2010 · • Romuald Bihery – Onsite supervision • Cedric Halbert – Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

General Schedule2019




Beam commissioning

Hardware commissioning tests

Cold check-out

Magnet tests

Ions run





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General Schedule (Baseline)https://edms.cern.ch/document/1892837/2.1




Page 22: SPS planning meeting 10/11/2010 · • Romuald Bihery – Onsite supervision • Cedric Halbert – Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

TI12 & TI18

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• At the beginning of access into the SPS a visit will be organised to inspect the LEP injection tunnels (TI12 &TI18)

• If anyone needs to access these tunnels for any reason please let me know so that we can coordinate this.


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SPS fire safety loop

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The current proposal from EN-CV given the LS2 works schedule for the SPS involves:• SPS water loop not operational from 15/4/2019 to 30/4/2019• SPS water loop with no pressure (pumps off), water remains in the loop except for BA1• Hot-works are foreseen in BA3 and BA6• Sprinkler replacement is foreseen in BA6 at that moment• All other BAs do not foresee hot works

FB and HSE-OHS-XP strives to avoid impact in scheduled activities and to minimize compensatory measures while bearing an acceptable residual risk.

Art Arnalich and Olivier Deschamps agree that the SPS water loop is ACCEPTABLE under the following conditions:• Service down is restricted to 2 weeks (15/4/2019 to 30/4/2019)• Hot works are only carried out in BA3 and BA6.

– A visit from a HSE fire expert and FB member is mandatory before starting the hot works to validate general fire safety conditions.

– Daily clearance from “superviseur chantier” is mandatory before starting hot works.– Intensive presence of “superviseur chantier” before, during and after hot works.

• Sprinkler system is only dismantled in BA6.• In BA3 and BA6, a 10m3 water tank is installed by FB at surface level close to the access shaft.• In BA6, the conditions expressed by HSE to dismantle the sprinkler system are respected: hose layout in

the stairs, extra extinguishers, trained crews, alarm means.• In all shafts, FB tractors and trolleys with firefighting equipment are operational and located in the bottom

of the shafts.

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EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane 24

Please fill out your IMPACTs correctly!!!!!

• Correct intervention period: DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK!!!!!!!– (LS2-SPS-2018/2020)

• Do not leave proposed schedule Blank!!!!– I am not psychic!!!

• If you clone an IMPACT:– Check the dates are correct– Check the location is correct– Check the description is correct (not just the title)– Basically, CHECK EVERYTHING!!!!

• If you have already completed your IMPACT them please check that the dates in IMPACT match that of your planning and are also correct in the master schedule planning.– If they are not then please contact me so that we can rectify the problem.

• IMPACTs should be for specific tasks and not just a general IMPACT valid from the start of the shutdown until the end

• Only write an IMPACT for upcoming works (within the next couple of months)

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SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 9th January 2019

Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 9th January 2019 25

In Work / New version: 10

Under Approval: 4

New versions needed for ECR:

• SPS-LJ-EC-0014: “LSS1 vacuum layout after LS2” – C. Pasquino, D. Murteira (TE-VSC)

• SPS-LJ-EC-0015: “LSS5 Vacuum Layout after LS2” – C. Pasquino, D. Murteira (TE-VSC)

• SPS-RK-EC-0001: “Consolidation of the SPS Tune Kickers during LS2” – L. Allonneau (TE-ABT)

EDMS Number EDMS Status Title Doc type Group Authors LIU

SPS-BLM-EC-0005 In Work Installation of new BLM system in TT10 during LS2 ECR BE-BI C. Zamantzas (BE-BI) NO

SPS-BSRTA-EC-0001 In Work Installation of a BSRT tank in LSS5 of the SPS during LS2 ECR BE-BI E. Bravin (BE-BI) YES

SPS-BTVD-EC-0001 In Work Installation of BTV and line in LSS5 and ECX5 [title to be confirmed] ECR BE-BI S. Burger (BE-BI) YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0017 In Work Layout Optimisation for Machine Elements Upstream of QFA.21610 for Mitigation of Beam ECR BE-RF C. Vollinger, A. Farricker (BE-RF) YES

SPS-LO-EC-0002 In Work Proposal for SPS octupole relocation to restore the lattice symmetry ECR BE-ABP H. Bartosik (BE-ABP) YES

SPS-TMASC-EC-0001 In Work New masks for SPS during LS2 [title to be confirmed] ECR EN-STI L. S. Esposito (EN-STI) YES

SPS-U-EC-0001 In Work SPS Fire Protection: Fire dampers and ventilation related works ECR EN-CV W. Vandenbroucke (EN-CV) NO

SPS-BCT-EC-0002 Under Approval Move of 3 SPS BCTs in LSS5 during LS2 ECR BE-BI L. Jensen, P. Odier (BE-BI) YES (?)

SPS-BWSRC-EC-0001 Under Approval New Rotatable Beam Wire Scanner Installation in the SPS Ring ECR BE-BI D. Gudkov (BE-BI) YES



SPS-LJ-EC-0014 Approval Closed-New version LSS1 vacuum layout after LS2 ECR TE-VSC C. Pasquino (TE-VSC) YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0015 Approval Closed-New version LSS5 Vacuum Layout after LS2 ECR TE-VSC C. Pasquino, D. Murteira (TE-VSC) YES

SPS-RK-EC-0001 Approval Closed-New version Consolidation of the SPS Tune Kickers during LS2 ECR TE-ABT L. Allonneau (TE-ABT) NO

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Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 9th January 2019 26

Approved: 18

SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 9th January 2019

EDMS Number EDMS Status Title Doc type Group Authors LIU

SPS-BCTW-EC-0003 Approval Closed-Accepted Move of SPS wall-current monitor from LSS5 to LSS3 during LS2 ECR BE-BI L. Jensen (BE-BI) YES

SPS-BLM-EC-0003 Approval Closed-Accepted BLMs in LSS1 and LSS5 after relocation of the Beam Dump  ECR BE-BI E. Effinger (BE-BI) YES

SPS-BLM-EC-0004 Approval Closed-Accepted Reconfiguration of Beam Loss Monitoring System at LSS5 ECR BE-BI E. Effinger (BE-BI) YES

SPS-E-EC-0004 Approval Closed-Accepted Renovation of the electrical infrastructure in the BA and BB buildings: new electrical layout ECR EN-EL G. Velázquez Gutiérrez (EN-EL) NO

SPS-F-EC-0001 Approval Closed-Accepted

Upgrade of the BB3 and LSS3 cooling installation due to the RF upgrade related to the LIU

SPS project ECR EN-CV A. Broche (EN-CV) YES

SPS-FH-EC-0001 Approval Closed-Accepted SPS Fire Protection: Dry risers and sprinkler supply ECR EN-CV W. Vandenbroucke (EN-CV) NO

SPS-K-EC-0001 Approval Closed-Accepted Civil engineering in ECX5 during LS2 ECR TE-ABT E. Carlier (TE-ABT) YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0002 Approval Closed-Accepted LSS1 configuration after relocation of the SPS Beam Dumping System to LSS5 during LS2 SRR TE-ABT E. Carlier (TE-ABT) et al. YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0003 Approval Closed-Accepted LSS5 configuration after relocation of the SPS Beam Dumping System during LS2 SRR TE-ABT E. Carlier (TE-ABT) et al. YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0013 Approval Closed-Accepted New RF power feeder lines in SPS point 3 (TA3 and LSS3) for LIU-SPS ECR BE-RF S. Calvo, E. Montesinos (BE-RF) YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0018 Approval Closed-Accepted

Layout Optimisation for Machine Elements Upstream of QFA.21810, QFA.41810 and

QFA.61810 for Mitigation of Beam Impedance ECR BE-RF C. Vollinger, A. Farricker (BE-RF) YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0019 Approval Closed-Accepted BB5 Reconfiguration after Relocation of the SPS Beam Dump from SPS Point 1 to SPS Point 5 ECR TE-ABT E. Carlier (TE-ABT) YES

SPS-R-EC-0003 Approval Closed-Accepted Power converter modifications in building BA1 required by LIU-SPS ECR TE-EPC E. Coulot (TE-EPC) YES

SPS-SFD-EC-0001 Approval Closed-Accepted SPS fire safety - Fire partitions SRR SMB-SE A. Martinez (SMB-SE) NO

SPS-SF-EC-0001 Approval Closed-Accepted SPS Fire Sprinkler Protection System design and installation ECR BE-ICS A. Suwalska (BE-ICS) NO

SPS-SF-EC-0002 Approval Closed-Accepted SPS Fire Detection, Fire Protection, and Voice Alarm Systems ECR BE-ICS M. Dole (BE-ICS) NO

SPS-Y-EC-0005 Approval Closed-Accepted Installation of the New Access Point Equipment in the SPS Complex ECR BE-ICS T. Ladzinski (BE-ICS) NO

SPS-ZS-EC-0002 Approval Closed-Accepted SPS LSS6 ZSTF dismantling during LS2, keeping the facility available ECR TE-ABT B. Balhan (TE-ABT) YES

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SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 9th January 2019

Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 9th January 2019 27

Released: 18

EDMS Number EDMS Status Title Doc type Group Authors LIU

ACC-MTGBM-EC-0001 Released Consolidation of B-Train Systems ECR TE-MSC M. Buzio, J.-P. Tock (TE-MSC) NO

SPS-A-EC-0001 Released LSS3 for upgrade of the 200 MHz RF system ECR BE-RF E. Montesinos, S. Calvo (BE-RF) YES

SPS-BCTDC-EC-0001 Released Removal of BCTDC.11601 from the SPS ring during LS2 ECR BE-BI P. Odier (BE-BI) NO

SPS-B-EC-0005 Released BI systems under vacuum in LSS1 and LSS5 that will be dismantled during LS2 ECR BE-BI L. Jensen, M. Hamani (BE-BI) YES

SPS-EIOF-EC-0001 Released Distributed Optical Fibre Radiation and Temperature Sensing in the SPS Ring and TT20 ECR EN-STI D. Di Francesca, Y. Kadi (EN-STI) NO

SPS-EP-EC-0001 Released Emergency lighting system in the SPS tunnel and cable tray in SPS LSSs ECR EN-EL G. Velázquez Gutiérrez (EN-EL) NO

SPS-LJ-EC-0001 Released LSS3 for upgrade of the 200MHz RF system during LS2 SRR BE-RF E. Montesinos (BE-RF) YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0005 Released New RF power feeder lines in SPS point 3 shaft (PA3) and GT10 for LIU-SPS ECR BE-RF E. Montesinos (BE/RF) YES

SPS-LJ-EC-0016 Released

Installation of Kicker fast pulsed generators and other related equipment in SPS Point 5

during LS2 ECR TE-ABT E. Carlier (TE-ABT) YES

SPS-R-EC-0001 Released Power converter modifications in building BA5 required by LIU-SPS ECR TE-EPC E. Coulot (TE-EPC) YES

SPS-R-EC-0006 Released BA1 reconfiguration after relocation of SPS Beam Dumping System to LSS5 during LS2 ECR TE-ABT E. Carlier, L. Ducimetiere (TE-ABT) YES

SPS-TPSC4-EC-0001 Released Installation of TPSC4 the SPS tunnel during LS2 ECR TE-ABT M. Hourican (TE-ABT) YES

SPS-TPSG6-EC-0001 Released Installation of TPSG6 in the SPS LSS6 extraction channel during LS2 ECR TE-ABT B. Balhan (TE-ABT) YES

SPS-VC-EC-0004 Released Modification of 25 QD Short Straight Sections configurations ECR TE-VSC C. Pasquino (TE-VSC) YES

SPS-VC-EC-0005 Released SPS amorphous carbon coating in LS2 2019-2020 ECR TE-VSC W. Vollenberg (TE-VSC) YES

SPS-V-EC-0005 Released Modification of the SPS sectorization in long vacuum sectors (arcs) ECR TE-VSC C. Pasquino (TE-VSC) YES

SPS-VF-EC-0004 Released SPS Flange Impedance Reduction in LS2 ECR TE-VSC J. Perez Espinos (TE-VSC) YES

SPS-ZS-EC-0001 Released Instalaltion of new ZS in the SPS LS2 extraction channel during LS2 ECR TE-ABT B. Balhan (TE-ABT) YES

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SRRs and ECRs: reminder• All changes to the machine that will impact the beam shall be documented by SRRs/ECRs:

– SRR: Space Reservation Request (“light ECR”)– ECR: Engineering Change Request

• Templates available on:– https://quality.web.cern.ch/templates-requests

• To be sent to the SPS configuration manager: – [email protected] or – [email protected]

EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane 28


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Group contact persons. (1)

EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane 29

Group Contact Persons Comments


Guillaume Gros (FC-cabling)Jeremy Blanc ( FC-FO)Marcin Szewczyk (EIC)Gerardo Velazquez (projet rénovation BA3 + goulotte / éclairage sécurité)Dimitrios Katsanikos (projet rénovation BA1-2-4-6)Denis Ribiollet (OP)Davide Bozzini (coordination EL)

EN/CVBill Bannister (Water, ventilation, air, puisards)Hassane Sabri (Water, ventilation, air, puisards)Jani Lehtinen (Water, ventilation, air, puisards)

EN/STIWalter Scandale (UA9)Francesca Galluccio (UA9)Sven De Man

TE/MSCJeremie BauchePascal Catherine


Karsten Kahle (High power)Gilles Le Godec (Medium power)Loic de OliveiraAlan Troller


Anthony HarrisonJose Antonio Ferreira SomozaJarmo KortesmaaWilhelmus Vollenberg (aC coating)Viktor Badin(COLDEX)Vincent Baglin (COLDEX)

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Group contact persons. (2)

EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane 30

Group Contact Person Comments

BE/BIRaymond VenessMorad Hamani

BE/CO Mickael Azevedo

IT/CSMaryse Da CostaMarc-Antoine DenisStephano Agosta (GSM)


Didier Vaxelaire (Access)Vitor Martins De Sousa Dos Rios (Access)Tomasz Ladzinski (New access system)Denis Raffourt (Fire detection)Michael Dole (Fire Safety)Anna Suwalska (Sprinklers)Eva Sanchez-Corral Mena (Planning)

HSE/RPAngelito HerveChristophe TromelChristelle Saury


Sonia Bartolomé (E.C.R / S.R.R)Fred Galleazzi (Intergration)Scharif Mehanneche (Intergration)Daniel del Alamo (Intergration)Emmanuel Paulat (Safety)


Pascal Brunero (Handling Operations)Sylvain Fumey (Handling Operations)Bruno Feral (Crane Maintenance)Gilles Roche (Lifts Maintenance)Jean-Louis Grenard

BE/OPJames RidewoodStephane Cettour Cave

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Group contact persons. (3)

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Group Contact Person Comments


Eric Montesinos (RF upgrade)Simon RainsGino CipollaCharles Julie

SMB/SEAlejandro Martinez SellesStewart Alexander Mcilwraith (Beam Dump)


Francesco CastronuovoGael Bellotto (Kickers)Peter Burkel (Kickers)Cedric Baud (Septa)Etienne Carlier (New Beam Dump)

EN/SMMPatrick Bestmann (Survey)Camille Vendeuvre (Survey)Jerome Lendaro (BIDs controls / RADMONs)

TE/MPERichard Mompo (WIC)Ivan Romera Ramirez (BIS)


Paulo Alexandre Fonseca Da CostaDavid Joseph Rene ChameauxLaetitia LejeuneVeronique Sogno

The E-group for the SPS Planning and coordination is:SPS-Coordination-meeting (SPS Technical Coordination) [email protected]

You can add or remove your name for this E-group. Please check that the correct people from your group are on this this E-group.

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Access rights and safety equipmentEVERYONE who enters the SPS MUST have the following:

• Completed the correct courses. (sir.cern.ch)– CERN Safety Introduction.

– Electrical Safety Awareness.

– CERN – Beam Facilities.

– SPS – Machine.

– AWAKE (to access TAG41) (Required since the 1st June 2018)

– Self Rescue Mask Training. (Classroom training)

• The correct access authorisation (via EDH). CHECK YOUR ACCESS RIGHTS HAVE NOT EXPIRED!!!!– Zone Code “SPS” for access into the SPS

– Zone Code “TAG41 - AWAKE (ex-CNGS) (TAG41)” for access into the old CNGS areas

– Zone Code “SPS-KN-000” for “Autorisation conduite RTL” (Contractors must complete a training)

– Zone Code “SPS-KN-001” for “SPS Shutdown Padlock” (only used during Long Shutdowns)

• Safety shoes.

• Biocell.

• Electronic dosimetre.

• Passive dosimetre. (This requires an RP training course)

– (All contractors must have an additional company passive dosimetre!!)

• Helmet plus Light. (The light on your phone is NOT sufficient)

• A valid approved IMPACT. (with their name included on this IMPACT)

• They must know the number of this IMPACT!!!!

Please note that personnel are not allowed to work in the tunnel alone!!EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane 32

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Injectors and experimental hall

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Acknowledgements: T.Otto, M.Tavlet

RP supervised area course not valid for Controlled area

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On-line course "controlled area refresher" needed to access SPS or NA target area

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• In order to keep your access to SPS (all access points) in 2019, you must complete, preferably before the end of January 2019, the online course “Controlled area –refresher” on lms.cern.ch:

• https://lms.cern.ch/ekp/servlet/ekp?CID=EKP000040626&TX=FORMAT1

• In case you have not yet done the pre-requisites below, you will have to do these online courses first:


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Important Contacts• Useful Contact Numbers

– SPS Coordination Team (161735)• David MCFARLANE- 164247

• Jonathan Pascal Meignan – 164026

• Antonio Grande Mallavia - 162721

• Franck BAIS – 165467

– Control Room• SPS CCC – 77500

• TI CCC – 72201

• CSA - 78877

– RP• Angelito Herve – 163168

• Christophe Tromel – 163199

– Dosimétrie Service• Building 55 - 72155

– EROS Engineering Referent for Operational Safety• Emmanuel Paulat – 163870

• John Etheridge - 164647

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Who are the TSOs around the SPS?

Building number TSO Deputy TSO

814 (SPS ring & transfer

tunnels)Franck BAIS David MCFARLANE

868 (BA1 surface) Gael BELLOTTO Antoine PROST

869 (BA2 surface) Antoine PROST Gael BELLOTTO

870 (BA3 surface) Christophe RENAUD Charles JULIE

871 (BA4 surface) Loic DE OLIVEIRA Hafid KADIR

872 (BA5 surface) Frederic DALIGAULT Hafid KADIR

873 (BA6 surface) Gael BELLOTTO Antoine PROST

876 (BA7 surface) Aymeric BOUVARD Stephane Bernard REIGNIER

806 (TT10 ventilation hut) Bill BANNISTER Hassane SABRI

898 (TT20 ventilation hut) Hassane SABRI Aziz AMAMOU

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Salut David et Franck,

Le 14 janvier nous commençons l’installation du point d’accès TAG42. Cela implique que l’accès au TJ8, TI8, TT41 (partie haute), TAG42 devra se faire par le point d’accès TT40 (ECX4). La porte YDPZ02.4004=TT40 devra être ouverte (Franck pourras-tu l’ouvrir par forçage).

Le routage des impacts est-il prévu (David)? Sinon il n’y aura pas d’accès.

Franck peux-tu prévoir un étiquetage pour expliquer le chemin à suivre ? Pour éviter d’avoir des gens devant le point d’accès TAG42.


Meilleures salutations.

Didier Vaxelaire

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Useful websitesLink to SPS planning meetings on INDICO


Link to the SPS planning


Next General Planning meeting 23/01/2019


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Fire Safety

• Fire compartments

• Fires safety systems

• Manual fire fithing systems

• Automatic fixed fire fihting systems

LS2 activitiesSPS

Fire Safety Project

New PPS Project




New access systems

• New personnal access devices PAD

• New material access Devices MAD

• New emergency exite doors

EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

• New beam loss monitors

• De-cabling Project

• New UA9 cristal and goniometer pair

• New emergency lighting systems

• New safety cable tray

• Consolidation of the B-train

• WIC and BIS deployment

• Refurbishment of the lift (BA3, BA6)

• Electrical sub-station consolidation(BA1,2,4,6)

Extraction protection devices:

• Replacement of TPSC4 (LSS4)

• Replacement of TPSG6 (LSS6)

• 200 MHz RF power upgrade(LSS3, BA3, BAF3)

• 200 MHz low level RF upgrade• Consolidation of BB3 cooling plant• New modern static var compensator


Reconfiguration of LSS1 (LSS1, BA1)

- New beam loss monitors

- New upgraded scraper

- Replace one injection kicker MKP

- Reconfiguration of the enlarged

quadrupoles(11610, 11710, 11810)

• New rotational Wire

Scanners BWSRE• (LSS4, LSS5)

• Change all the electrostatic septum ZS(LSS2)

LHC injection lines TI2 and TI8 (see LHC coordination)

• New collimators TCDIs

• New beam loss monitors

• New vacuum valves

• aC coating (QF SSS, MBB 5+ 6-, LSS drifts all)

• New flanges for the impedance reduction

LIU Project

• Replacement MOPOS electronics(Sextants 1,2,3,4,5,6)

• Add a vacuum valve(sector 210)

Reconfiguration of LSS5 (ECA5, ECX5, LSS5)

• New Beam Dump• New beam loss monitors• Replace beam gas ionisation profile monitor (BGI)• Replace the synchrotron light monitor (BSRT)• New kicker magnet with vertical deflection for

dumping MKDV (and generator)• Reconfiguration of the enlarged quadrupoles

(51610, 51810)


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