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ИЗДАВАЧ: ИНСТИТУТ ЗА СТРАТЕГИЈСКА ИСТРАЖИВАЊА – ОДЕЉЕЊЕ ЗА ВОЈНУ ИСТОРИЈУ МИНИСТАРСТВА ОДБРАНЕ РЕПУБЛИКЕ СРБИЈЕ РЕДАКЦИЈСКИ ОДБОР: др Јованка Шарановић, директор ИСИ, председник; др Дмитар Тасић, научни сарадник ИСИ, уредник; др Милан Терзић, виши научни сарадник ИСИ; др Винфрид Хајнеман, пуковник, Управа за војноисторијска истраживања ОС СР Немачке; др Шаул Шај, директор Института за војноисторијска истраживања ОС Израела; проф. др Милан Ристовић, Филозофски факултет Београд, Одељење за историју; проф. др Љубодраг Димић, Филозофски факултет Београд, Одељење за историју; др Миле Бјелајац, научни саветник Института за новију историју Србије; др Драган Богетић, научни саветник Института за савремену историју; доц др Александар Животић, Филозофски факултет Београд, Одељење за историју; др Милић Милићевић, научни сарадник Историјског института; мајор др Миљан Милкић, научни сарадник ИСИ; мајор мр Далибор Денда, истраживач – сарадник ИСИ. ОДГОВОРНИ УРЕДНИК: др ДМИТАР ТАСИЋ СЕКРЕТАР РЕДАКЦИЈЕ: мајор др МИЉАН МИЛКИЋ Часопис излази два пута годишње. Година издања LХIII. Рукописи се шаљу на адресу: Институт за стратегијска истраживања – Одељење за војну историју, Незнаног јунака бр. 38 Београд. E-mail адреса: [email protected]. Телефони редакције 20-63-567 и 20-63-476; војни тел. 29-567 и 29-476. Рукописи се не враћају. Годишња претплата 1000 динара. Цена броја 600 динара. Задња страна корица: Српски коњаници у Првом балканском рату 1912. Из збирке Зорана Т. Живковића

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    , 1437. , . , , - , - , - - . , , - , , - XV .3 , . , , , , , .4 , , . , , 18. 1439. . , .5 - , - , , - . .6 , , - , . , , . , . - 27. 1441. , - . - . , XV , , 1905 ( . , ); . , , 1994 ( . , ).

    3 P. Engel, The Realm of St. Stephen, . 278-280; (. , . , . , . ), , 2002, . 138 ( ); . , ,. 239244.

    4 P. Engel, The Realm of St. Stephen, . 239, 278, 279. 5 P. Engel, The Realm of St. Stephen, . 280, 281; , . 152, 153. 6 . , , . 234, 235.

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    , . , 170.000 .7 - , , -, . - , - .8 1439. VIII .9 -, , ( ), - 1441. 1443. , .10 1443. IV - . , , , -, 200.000 . . - . - 1443. - . - . , , , - . - , , - .11 , XV , -

    7 . , , . 239251; , : F. Miklosich, Monumenta Ser-bica spectantia hriam Serbiae, Bosniae, Ragusii, Vindobonae, 1858, . 406; - . - 170.000 . . , , I, , 1952, . 364.

    8 , , , , . . , - , , . . . , , . 7072, 99101; . , - XIII XV 2', , 187/1941, . 117, 118, 178184, 196201, 206219.

    9 : . , , , 1984. 10 P. Engel, The Realm of St. Stephen, . 283, 284; . Held, Hunyadi, . 8690. 11 P. Kallimachus, De rebus gestis a Vladislao Polonorum atque Hungarorum rege li-

    bri tres, Krakw 1582, . 108; ., , . 275.

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    , . , , - -, .12

    VIII - . , . , magnifici viri domini filii nostri amantissimi ducis, , , de Kystharkan . , .13 - . , filii nostri amantissimi ducis, , -. , , -, - , -- .14

    , . 1442. , , , - , . , .15 .16 , - , 170.000 .17 1443. ,

    12 J. Dlugossii, Hisrie Polonicae Libri XII, Cracoviae, 1877, . 685, 686. , , , .

    13 L. ThallzyA. ldasy, Monumenta Hungariae Hrica XXXIII, Budapest, 1907, br. 205.

    14 . Bonfini, Rerum Ungaricarum decades, Oporin, 1565, . 459, 460. 15 . , , . 275, 276. 16 . , , , 2006, . 115. 17 . , , I-II, , 1952, . 364.

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    , -, . , - , 1455. , 1457. -. , . - , - . , XV , 25.000 .18 , , - . , , .19 - - , 12.000 .20 , , . , , -, , .21 - , , - , .22 - 155.000 -. , ,

    18 Doukas, Decline and Fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks. An Annoteted Tran-slation of Hria Turco-Byzantina, by Harry J. Magoutias, Wayne State University, Detroit, 1975, . 182.

    19 H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 269. 20 I. Katona, Epitome chronologica rerum Hungaricarum, Transsilvanicarum, et

    Illyricarum, Pars II, periodus mixta, Budae, 1796, . 306, 307. 21 . , : , , -

    , . , , 1997, . 349363. 22 Doukas, .., . 182.

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    .23 , -.24

    , , , . - -. - . , - , . 17. 1443. , , - . 1442. 1443. -. - , . , 1443. . - .25

    , , , . 1443. III, - , . - . , , . , , , II, -

    23 . , 1458. 1459. , 1459. , , 2011, . 233; . Raynaldi et J. Laderchii, Annales ecclesiastici XXVIII, ed. A. Theiner, Barri-Du-cis, 1874, . 533534.

    24 . , Rasciani regales I , e e , 1/1970, . 82.

    25 . , 1316 , , 2008, . 124, 125; F. Szakly, Pha-ses of Turco-Hungarian Warfare Before the Battle of Mohacs (13651526), Acta Orienta-lia. Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, XXXIII 1/1979, Budapest, 1979, . 8689.

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    .26 , , - , 1. 1443. . - , - .27 , , . 1442. --, , , - , . , , . , -, . - . , - . - , - .28

    *** , ,

    , - , , - , 1443. -, . . - , - III. , . 1. . , , -

    26 W. Stubbs, Germany in the Later Middle Ages, 12001500, London, 1908, . 181190.

    27 . , , 2001, . 291, 292.

    28 . , . XV , , 26/1932, , 1932, . 21, 22; H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 269271; C. Imber, ., 15-17; ., , . 278, 279.

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    -. 25.000 . - , , , , -, . , , - , - wagenburg-a ( -). , , - , - , .29 . , , .30 . - , 12.000 , , .31

    29 14.000 , 25.000 . C. Imber, .., . 167, Doukas, .., . 182. E. C. Antoche, La croisade de 1443, . 14, 15; H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 269271; C. Imber, .., . 1517; F. Pall, ., 457459; . , , . 278, 279. M. Chasin, .., . 291; - 8.000 , - . N. Iorga, Notes et extraits pour servir l'hire des croisades au XVe sicle, vol. 3, Paris, 1902, . 108, 109. 25.000, . , - , 33.000. , - , -, , 38.000 . J. Held, Hunyadi's Long Campaign, . 13. , - , 1439. -, . , , je 80.000 , - . H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 268.

    30 . , , . 279, 280; H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 270; C. Imber, .., . 16, 17. - XVI III, , Tc t-Tevrh. . , , . I, . 1, 13481520, , 1940, . 1134. Piotr Wrbel, .., . 95,96. . M. Chasin, .., . 292. 1443. . , .., . 145150.

    31 , , . I. Katona, .., . 306, 307. -

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    , - .32 ( ), - . , , 600 700 -.33 . , -, , - , , - , .34 . -, , -. , -, .35 , , , , , , , , .

    32 - Via militaris. , , , - , , , , , , . , XV , , , . 1433. , -. XII , , I 1150. . . : . , - , . 126129, 130, 131; . , -, . 8288; . , - , , 2007, . 169, 170.

    33 N. Iorga, .., . 109. 34 : I. Kolovos, A biti of year 1439 from Archives of the Monastery Xeropotamou

    (Mount Athos), , 11/2004, , 2004, . 295306; . - . , , II ( 14441446 ), , 4/1968, , 1968, . 377403.

    35 P. Kallimachus, De rebus gestis a Vladislao Polonorum atque Hungarorum rege li-bri tres, Krakw, 1582, . 114, 115.

  • 1443/1444.


    , , - , , , -, . -, , , , . - , , - .36

    ( -), , , ( ), , -. , - -, . - 3. 1443. - . , . - , .37 , 2.000 , 4.000 .38 - . - , - . . , . - . - - . . . , -

    36 . , , . 349; J. Held, Hunyadi's Long Campaign, . 14. 37 . , I-VI, , 1927, .

    234 ( : ). 38 ,

    . I. Katona, .., . 306, 307; . , - , . 279, 280; H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 269, 270. - , 1443. 1448. 1444. 1448. . F. Szakly, .., . 88.

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    , - , .39 , , . . , , - 14021413. 22. , , . .40 - , , .41 , , . - .42

    , -, , -, .43 ,

    39 H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 270; C. Imber, ., . 16; , : . , XV , , 95/1942, , 1942; B. Stoj-kovski, A kt trkver: Hunyadi Jnos s Kasztrita Gyrgy-Szkander bg trekvsei a balkni npek sszefogsra a trk elleni harcokban, Bcsorszg, 65/2012/2013, Sza-badka, 2013, . 4247.

    40 . , , . 279, 280. 41 C. Imber, .., . 48. 42 C. Imber, .., . 48, 68. 43 , . , , , -

    , , XV -. , (Gazavat- Sultan Murad bin Mehemmed Han) , . G. gos-ton., Az 1444. vi trk kvetjrs, Trtnelmi Szemle 28.2/1986, Budapest, . 261276; H. nalck, M. Ouz, Tebliler:Yeni Bulunmu bir Gazavt-I Sultn Murd, Ankara niversi-tesi Dil ve Tarih-Corafya Fakltesi, 7/1949, Ankara, 1949 , . 481495; Gazavt- Sultn Murd b. Mehemmed Hn zladi ve Varna Savalar (14431444) .zerinde Anonim Gazavtnme, (Haz. H. nalck ve M. Ouz), Ankara, 1989; H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, A Hry of the Crusades (ed. K. M. Setton) VI, University of Wi-sconsin Press 1989, . 222276. , lingua franca , ( )

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    , . - , . , , - . , . - . , , , , , . , - , , .44 , . , : . ? ?. , - , , , . , , , -, , . , . , - , - , . . , : , ()?, : , ?. , , , , . : - - . - XV , , . C. Imber, .., : E. C. Antoche, La croisade de 1443; J. Jefferson, The Holy Wars of King Wladislas and Sultan Murad. The Ot-toman-Christian conflict between 14381444, Leiden, 2012; K. ukasiewicz, Wadysaw Warneczyk, Krzyacy i Kawaler w Katarzyny, Warszawa, 2010; K. ukasiewitz, The real date of Szeged manifesto, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung. volume 60/4 (2007), Budapest, . 447454.

    44 .C. Imber, .., . 48. - - .

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    . , , , . , . - , -, , . - . . , , . , - , , . - , , - .45 -. - (Johannes Cuspinianus) De caesaribus atque impera-toribus Romanis, XVI , - , -, .46 - , , - . , - , , . , , - ,

    45 C. Imber, .., . 4851. 46 . Et licet magnam

    Serviae partem recuperasset, non tamen Georgio despoto Omnia restituit: sed multa amicis, quod sua virtute repulisset hostes, donavit. Praeterea cum Despotus medius in-ter Hungaros ac Turcos, nunc hos nunc illos fefellisset, in religione quoque neque Roma-nae ecclesiae auscultaret, neque Mahometis legem sequeretur, erat Huniadi fides Geor-gii suspecta. D. Konig, Nachrichten uber ura Brankovi in Johannes Cuspinians Werk, De caesaribus atque imperatoribus Romani, Prilozi za knjievnost, jezik, riju i folklor, 6869(1-4)/2002-2003, Beograd, 2003, . 160, 161. , . . , .., . 115, 118.

  • 1443/1444.


    , , .

    , - , .47 - -. 4. , . - . , , - . , , , . - . 1443. , - , a a . - , - .48 8.000 -, 600 700 -.49 .

    , - .50 -, - , 12. -. , , -, , , . , -

    47 C. Imber, .., . 49. 48 N. Iorga, .., . 108, 109; H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 270,

    271; . , , . 280, 281. 49 : Postquam intravim-

    nus Rassiam, venerunt ad dominum despotum ex Rassianis ultro octo milia equestrium et pedestrium; venit eciam ad eundem ex Bossina quidam vayvoda vocatus dominus Pe-trus Cohacz cum equitibus VIC vel VIIC. N. Iorga, ., . 109.

    50 . , , , 1996, . 13.

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    . , . . . - . , , - , - , . - , . .51

    , . , 24. 1443. , . - wa-genburg. . , .52 - , - . , - .53 , .

    , , - , 2. 1444. -

    51 , . 234; Doukas, .., . 182, 183; . . - . -, , . : H. Inalcik, ; C. Imber, .., . 16, 17.

    52 - . -. . , . : J. Thurczi, ., . 254; C.Imber, ., . 62.

    53 C. Imber, ., . 62.

  • 1443/1444.


    , --. , - .54 . , - - , . , - , -.55 . , . , , . -, . , .56 - . , -, , - - . -, , , - , . -, . - , - , , . - , , . , -, -, - , , - .57

    54 , . 234. 55 . , .., . 21, 22. 56 . , , , 1966,

    . 115, 116. 57 . ,., . 116; C.Imber,. ,str. 65, 66 ; ., .., . 22;

    - . C. Imber, .., . 169.

  • 1/2013


    . , , .58 , , 1330. . 4. .59 - , - . - , , , 100.000 - .60 , - . , - .61 - , , . - , - . . , - . , - -, , , . , , - 1444. III, .62 - . , -

    58 . , .., . 115. 59 . E. C. Antoche,

    La croisade de 1443, . 24. 60 J. Dlugossii, .., . 689. 61 . 62 H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 268272.

    , . , . II , - .

  • 1443/1444.


    , . , , , , - , .63 . - - .64 , .

    6. 13. 1444. , - , 25. -. , .65 , - , , 4. - .66 . - , , .67 - , , , 1444. - .68 1444. -, , , - .69 - ? -, . , - , . -, , , , 1443. . , , -

    63 C. Imber, .., . 67, 68. 64 . , .., . 115, 116. 65 . , .., . 145150. 66 signor despoti passo Sava per andar in Ungaria . , -

    , II , , 1955, . 55. 67 . , .., 116. 68 ...quando nupor sensimus ipsum illustrem dominum recuperasse bonam par-

    tem sui status . , , . 371. 69 ipsum regnum Rasciae pro maiori parte eisdem videlicet Domino Despoto et

    Lazaro restaurasset et recuperasset... G. Fejer, Genus incunabula et virtus Joanis Corvini de Hunyad Regni Hungarie Gubernatoris, argumentis criticis illustrata, Budae, 1844, . 73.

  • 1/2013


    .70 , , . . - , . , . -, . , 1444. , -, 1443. .71 , , , ? 1427. , XV , , . 1443, , .72 , - , 4. 1444. , - , .73 , 1444. , - . , , , . , - , , , ( ) , - . , - - , , , .

    70 I. Katona, .., . 306, 307. 71 . , , . I, . 1, 13481520, , 1940,

    . 1134. Piotr Wrbel, .., . 95, 96; . , .., . 145150. 72 oppositum Balvani castri rupti... N. Iorga, Notes et extraits pour servir

    l'hire des croisades au XVe sicle, vol. 3, Paris, 1902, . 142; . , , e- -, , 2010, . 50.

    73 7. 1444. , , . . , .., . 61, 62.

  • 1443/1444.


    , , - . - (/ ) ( . 1).

    . 1:

    ( . ) , ,

    . , - . .74

    74 , XV , , . , - . . J. Thurczi, Chronica Hungarorum, Augsburg, 1488, . 249.

  • 1/2013


    , , , - . . - , - , , - .75 , .76 , 22. 1444. -. , , , - , - .77 , , - -.78 , . - - 11. 1444. . . - , - .79 , . , - , 1444. , - .80

    75 J. Thurczi, ., . 249; M. Chasin, .., . 289. 76 J. Dlugossii, .., . 690. 77 . , , I, . 472474; . ,

    , . 285. 78 (Michel Beheim)

    , , -, je , - . C. Imber, .., . 171.

    79 , . 234. 80 , -

    , , , - . , -, , - . - . : . , -

  • 1443/1444.


    1444. , , .81 , 1444. - .

    , - - , - . -, - . - .82 , - , - , . - . . , , , . , a III.83 , 1444. -, , - . 1444. , , -. - ( ), - II 1451. .

    , , , - , . , II , , 1955, . 76; . , , . 124; . , , . 279;

    81 : J. Dlugossii, .., . 703; . . , .., . 377403. - 1444. .

    82 . , , . 371; . , , . 284. 83 H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, . 272; . Held, Hunyadi, . 99, 100.

  • 1/2013


    , , . - . , , - , , . . 25.000 , - 8.000 - , - . - , , -, , , ,,. , - 1443, , 1444, . , , - , , . , -, . . , (/ ) . - . .84 -

    84 , - , 1444. , 1444. - . G. goston., Az 1444. vi trk kvetjrs, Trtnelmi Szemle, 28.2 /1986, Buda-pest, . 274276; M. Chasin, .., . 301303; . M. Setton, .., . 8890. , - , - -

  • 1443/1444.


    , . , , , -. , , , wagenburg. , - - () 1689. - - 1878. . - , -, 1444. .

    Milomir Maksimovi, MA


    (Summary) In the long history of the crusades, the Long Campaign was the only holy

    war against the enemies of Christianity in which Serbs took part, and it was the only crusade which was led by a Serbian ruler. Also, it was the only crusade which had had, as one of its leaders, an Orthodox Christian monarch. Despot George (ura) Brankovi saw an opportunity for the restoration of the Ser-bian despotate in this campaign. However, it should be noted, that the idea of a crusade, under the Popes patronage, in which the Ottomans would be expelled from Europe, was present in the minds of the Serbian rulers, since the time of the tsar Stefan Duan. In the Long War, Serbs had a significant role, especially despot George. He was one of the main propagators of the war and one of its main financiers (His estimated wealth of 170 000 ducats, which he deposited in Dubrovnik, show that he was among the wealthiest monarchs of his time). He was also most experienced strategists, a highly-esteemed member of the War Council, whose opinion was always welcomed in critical situations. Historical sources call him ''pathfinder''- considering his engagement in wars of Bayazit's sons, he had excellent knowledge of paths between Belgrade and Consan-tinople,. During the campaign despot had a couple of conflicts with John Hun- , - .

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    yadi, the campaigns main strategist. The first conflict was in 1443, concerning the continuation of war operations during the cold winter, and the second one was in January of 1444, concerning the retreat of the army into Hungary. If we accept modern historical estimates, that the crusader army numbered around 25 000 warriors, and considering the claim from cardinal's letter, that 8000 Serbian cavalry and infantrymen under the despot's command were part of that army, along with despots troops that marched from Hungary, as true, then the conclusion is that the Serbs (and others under despots command) made up the third of the Christian coalition's entire force. During the war operations a sig-nificant part of the Serbian Despotate had been liberated (territory placed be-tween various cities and castles: TeoakBelgradeBovanNiPirotNovo Br-do Srebrenica). The retreat of the crusade army caused these achievements to be only temporary. Hungarian delay of new war operations and renewed Otto-man conquest of Serbian cities had forced despot George into an attempt to re-store his Despotate peacefully, through negotiations with the sultan, which, in turn, had huge consequences for the next crusader campaign, that ended with the defeat of Christian forces at Varna. It is worth mentioning that two greatest victories of Christian forces, the one at Ni and the one at Kunovica, because of which the contemporaries gained an impression of triumph over the Ottomans, were achieved on the battlefields of Serbian Despotate. The bold campaign of 14431444 was the deepest breakthrough of the Christian armies into the terri-tory of Ottoman empire, up until the Great Turkish war of 1689 and Russian-Turkish war of 1878. Even though this campaign is generally considered as un-successful by the western historians, from the Serbian perspective, it was very important in context of the restoration of the Serbian state in summer of 1444.

    01. Prednji impresum 2013Srbi i Duga Vojna

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