sri ramakrishna-katha

Sri Ramakrishna

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Sri Ramakrishna

In the spiritual firmament Sri Ramakrishna is a

waxing crescent. His message has spread across land

and sea. Romain Rolland has described him as the

fulfilment of the spiritual aspirations of the three

hundred millions of Hindus for the last two thousand

years. Mahatma Gandhi has written: "His life enables

us to see God face to face. . . . Ramakrishna was a

living embodiment of godliness." He is being

recognized as a compeer of Krishna, Buddha, and


The life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna have redirected the

thoughts of the Hindus to the spiritual ideals of their forefathers.

His was the time-honoured role of the Saviour of the Eternal

Religion of the Hindus. His teachings played an important part in

liberalizing the minds of orthodox pundits and hermits. He is the

silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. His

disciple, Swami Vivekananda, was the first Hindu missionary to

preach the message of Indian culture to the enlightened minds of

Europe and America. The full consequence of Swami Vivekānandā

work is still in the womb of the future.

The one thing necessary for God realization is

whole-hearted and whole-souled devotion to God.

It is not our business to correct the errors of other

religions. He who has created the world will correct

them in time. Our duty is in some way or other to

realize Him. God can be reached through many

paths; each of these sectarian religions points out a

path which ultimately leads to Divinity.

He is with form, yet He is formless. He is personal, yet

He is impersonal, and who can say what other aspects

He may have!

In our relation with men all that we can do is to take

heed to ourselves that we mix with good people and

avoid bad company. It is true, however, that God

resides in bad people also, yes, even in a tiger; but it

does not follow that we should embrace a tiger.

We should recognize Divinity in all, but we should

not mix with bad people or with those who do not

love God. Our relation with them must not be very

close. It is wise to avoid the company of such

people. Take refuge with the Lord. Think upon Him.

Do not let your mind be disturbed by any other


One can think on God even dwelling in the midst of

wicked people. The sages of ancient times, who lived in

forests, could meditate on God although surrounded by

tigers, bears, and other wild beasts. The nature of the

wicked is like that of a tiger or bear. They attack the

innocent and injure them. It is necessary, however, to

keep the company of holy men. Through such

association right discrimination will come.

The world may be likened to water, and the mind to milk. Pure

milk once mixed with water cannot be separated from it; but if

it is first turned into butter and then placed in water, it can

remain separate. Let the milk of your mind be turned into the

butter of Divine Love by means of religious practices in

solitude. The mind then will never get mixed with the water of

worldliness, but will rise above and remain unattached to the

world. Having attained true knowledge and devotion the mind

will stand apart from the world.

A blind man taking a bath in the holy water of the

Ganges has his sins washed off, but his blindness

continues all the same. It is the result of the actions of

his previous life. But however the body may be under

the influence of pleasure and pain, however the body

may be happy or miserable, the true devotee is all the

same rich in spirit, rich in knowledge (Jnana) and the

love of God (Bhakti).

"If you wish to catch a big fish, which lives in deep

water, you will have to make many preparations to

attract him. You must get the line, rod, hook and

float; you. must put on savory bait ; then when you

see bubbles in the water, you may know that he has

come near. Similarly, if you wish to see God, devote

yourself to the practice of true Bhakti."

Faith and devotion. One

realizes God easily through

devotion. He is grasped

through ecstasy of love.

The man who works for

others, without any selfish

motive, really does good

to himself

Selfless service is the Best self service