sri sai massages


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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“ Sacrifice is sweeter

than enjoyment.

It should become the aim

of life.”

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“Hands that help are

holier than lips that


Page 4: Sri sai massages

SADHANA“Love is God, God is Love, Where there

is Love, there God is certainly evident.

Love more and more people, love them

more and more intensely. Transform the

love into service, transform the service

into worship. That is the highest


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“Marriage is a union of body, mind and soul. Before

marriage, you have complete right over your body, but

now (after marriage) only half the body belongs to you.

The right side of the wife is the husband and the left

side of the husband is the wife. To function usefully in

life, both must be together. One is useless without the

other. The husband and wife should always eat together.

All acts of social and religious nature must be

performed together, in the presence of each other. For

instance, charity must be done together.’’

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“ There is only one religion,

The religion of Love;

There is only one caste,

The caste of humanity.

There is only one language,

The language of the heart;

There is only one God,

He is Omnipresent.’’

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“ As the carpenter shapes the wood, the

goldsmith shapes gold, so the Lord shapes in

His own way. As the fancy suits Him. He

created universe manifold, woven of space,

time and guna.’’

“ Nature is a vast mirror. You regard as real

the varied objects you see in Nature. They are

all different forms of the Divine.”

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“Sense control can guard you

against a host of evils. Man

should avoid errors and evils that

the tongue, the eye, the mind and

the hand are liable to commit.

These are known as the pancha -


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The eye has a tendency to seek

the vile and vulgar. It must be

held in check so that it may not

ruin the body as well as the mind.

The ear is ever eager for scandal

and gossip.

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The tongue is extremely dangerous

and if not in check it will

continuously pour out scandals.

When you can keep in check the

eye, the ear, the tongue, the mind

and the hand can also be used for


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OM“For the creation of this entire world,

the main roots are sounds. The Om

sound ‘OM’ is telling us that it is

identical with Brahman. The sound of

‘OM’, the ‘Pranava’ represents the

entire content of the Brahman.’’

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“The Heart is the film and the mind,

the lens. Turn the lens towards the

world, the worldly picture will fall

on the heart; turn it towards God,

and it will transmit the picture of the


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“When you live in the present you learn to

live in the presence of God, and whatever

happens you accept His will. Forget the

past, stop worrying about the future and

live now. Nothing then has real importance

because it is all just passing and you are

simply caught up in it at a given moment.’’

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“ The Earth is a great enterprise, a busy factory

where the product is LOVE. By means of

Sadhana, (spiritual practice) it is possible to

produce love and export it to millions and

millions of people in need of it. The more it is

shared the deeper it becomes, the sweeter its

taste, and the vaster the joy. By means of Love,

one can approach God and stay in His presence,

for God is Love, and when one lives in Love, He

is living in God.’’

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THE MIND“ The mind is the breeding ground of all thoughts.

It collects and treasures every impression created

by the senses and is very easily enslaved by

glamour and glitter.’’

“As is the food, so is the mind

As is the mind, so are the thoughts,

As are the thoughts, so is the conduct

As is the conduct, so is the health.’’

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Where there is faith, there is love

Where there is love, there is peace

Where there is peace, there is truth

Where there is truth, there is God

Where there is God, there is bliss.

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SAI MESSAGES“Your own illusion causes you to see the

diversity of the world. When you make an

attempt to realize and understand the real

situation, then the diverse names, forms and

figures will no longer trouble you. You will be

able to fix your attention on the divine aspect,

which is one and not many.’’

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“Without self-confidence, no

achievement is possible. If you have

confidence in your strength and skill,

you can draw upon the inner springs of

courage and raise yourselves to a

higher level of joy and peace.’’

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Always Be Careful,

Avoid Bad Company

Always Be Courteous,

Always Be Cheerful.

Always Be Charitable.

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Cardiac ailments

Hurry Worry Curry





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